
鸠摩罗什翻译的经典词语鸠摩罗什是中国佛教史上著名的翻译家,他在翻译佛经的过程中创造了许多经典的词语,以下是其中的一些:1. 无常:指世间一切事物都是无常变化的,常被用于表达无常性和世事变化的真理。
2. 空:指一切现象皆为空性,无实独立存在的本质。
3. 缘起:指一切存在皆因缘聚合而成,没有单独、独立存在的实体。
4. 心如木石:指心思定静如同木头石块,不被外物所动。
5. 智慧:指众生本有的觉悟之性,通过修行可以开启。
6. 平等:指一切众生皆具有相同的佛性,无有高下之分。
7. 语录:指记录大师言行的文字,可以了解大师的思想和教诲。
8. 解脱:指从生死轮回中解脱出来,达到无苦安乐的境界。
9. 烦恼:指众生心中贪嗔痴等不良情绪,是生死轮回的根源。
10. 彼岸:指超越生死轮回的境界,是修行的最终目标。
11. 单位:指众生在轮回中的存在状态,如同一个一个的单位。
12. 出离:指从世俗的执着和烦恼中解脱出来,超越生死轮回。
13. 自在:指众生心中本有的自由之性,通过修行可以显现。
14. 未来:指未来的时间,可以用来表示未来的计划或期望。
15. 实际:指真实的本质或本性,超越一切虚妄和执着。
16. 心心相印:指众生心中相互契合、相互感应的状态,是修行中的一种境界。
17. 究竟:指最终的、最根本的真理或境界,超越一切相对和有限。
18. 想入非非:指心中胡思乱想、虚幻不实的状态,与“心如木石”相对。
19. 爱河:指贪爱、痴迷等不良情绪所形成的业障之河,使众生沉沦于生死轮回之中。
20. 律师:指精通律藏、能为人解惑的僧人或法师。
21. 参观:指实地考察、观察、体验某种事物或环境的行为。
22. 意识:指众生的觉知之性,是认知和体验的主体。
23. 消息:可以表示信息、情报或通讯等含义,也可以指消逝、消失等状态。
24. 世界:指众生所处的现实环境或宇宙万物,也可以表示世界观或对世界的看法。
25. 安宁:指内心平静、安宁的状态,与“烦恼”相对。

佛教英语词汇对照总集(整理ing...)究竟菩提心Absolute Bodhi Citta - 完全觉醒、见到现象之空性的心;甘露Amrta (藏文dut tsi) :一种加持物,能帮助心理及生理疾病的复元。
阿罗汉Arhat (藏文Dra Chompa):已净除烦恼障的小乘修行者暨成就者。
观音菩萨AvalOkiteSVara (藏文ChenreZig):大悲心本尊,是西藏人最广为修持的本尊,因此被尊为西藏之怙佑者。
菩提心Bodhi Citta (藏文Chang Chup Sem):义为「开悟或证悟之心」。
菩萨Bodhi SattVa (藏文Chang Chup Sem Pa):义为「展现证悟心者」,亦指为了救度一切众生脱离轮回苦海,而誓愿修持以菩提心为基础的大乘法门及六波罗蜜的修行者。
菩萨戒Bodhi SattVa Vow (藏文Chang Chup Sem Gyi Dong Pa):修行者为了引领一切众生皆成就佛果而誓愿修行并领受的戒。
佛性Buddha Nature (梵文tathagatagarbha,藏文deshin shekpe nying po),又称为「如来藏」:是一切众生皆具有之原始本性。
释迦牟尼佛Buddha Sakyamuni (藏文Shakya Tubpa):往往又称为瞿昙佛(Gautama Bu ddha),指贤劫千佛当中最近出世、住于公元前五百六十三年至四百八十三年间的佛。
法道Buddhist Path (藏文lam):得到正觉或证悟的过程,亦指修行的三种逻辑次第;根、道、果「」中的道。
圆满次第Completion Stage (藏文dzo rim):在金刚乘,禅修有两个阶段:生起次第及圆满次第。

• 佛教在德国正式开始传播是在19世纪中叶,第一位弘法人 是德国学者奥登堡。(Hermann Oldenburg )。他为批驳法 国某学者关于“佛是神话人物”的说法,根据当时已刊行 的巴利文献研究成果,写出了名著《佛陀:生平、教义、 僧团》。该书出版后,先后被译成14种文字,影响甚大。 • 1903年8月哲学博士塞顿杜克(Karlseidenstuecker, 1876——1936)他曾将巴利文《小部阿含》及如是语译成 德文,并著《巴利文法》、《巴利文佛学翻译》等工具书。
• 佛教在欧美的流布大致经历了三个阶段: 先是介绍佛教的个别人物与事迹; 进一步了解佛的全貌,研讨其意义; 最后才是吸收与信仰。 • 此后,西方对佛教的了解日多,随着启蒙主义思潮的发展 和对世界认识的开拓,西方有识之士不再那样妄自尊大。 黑格尔(1770—1831)的《逻辑学》已经给佛教哲学以 重要的历史地位。佛教哲学开始在西方世界得到了与希腊 哲学平等的对待。
• 法国人尤金.伯努夫写了《印度佛教史导言》,1852年 将《妙法莲花经》译为法文出版。1855年,哥本哈根 的学者维戈。福斯贝尔将《法句经》译为拉丁语。 • 埃米尔.塞纳尔特(1847—1928)被奉为法国东方学泰 斗。早年留学德国,专攻印度学,受比较语法学影响。
• 十九世纪初期,印度哲学在西方渐受欢迎,德国的哲学家 如谢林(Schelling)、黑格尔(Hegel)等从翻译的书籍 中认识佛教义理的博大精深,其中尤以叔本华(Arthur Schopenhauer)对后人最具影响。他不但广搜佛典,研 读经义,并且在自己的着作中引述佛教义理,赞美佛教是 “世界所有宗教中最卓越者”,更在家里供养佛像,以佛 教徒自居。

常见佛教英语佛教Buddhism三大语系佛教Three languages of Buddhism:汉语系佛教Chinese Language Buddhism藏语系佛教Tibetan Language Buddhism巴利语系佛教Pali Language Buddhism大乘佛教Mahayana Buddhism上座部佛教Theravada Buddhism金刚乘/密宗Vajrayana Buddhism(Lamaism)中国佛教Chinese Buddhism佛经Sutra经、律、论Sutras, Vinaya, Sastra大藏经Tripitaka Sutra三宝(佛、法、僧)Triratna (Buddha, Dharma,Sangha)“三宝”加被May “Triratna”bless法师Master/Venerable长老Thero/Venerable大长老Mahathero/ Most V enerable方丈/主持Abbot佛教宗派Buddhist School佛教仪式:Buddhist Ceremony/Buddhist Service for和平祈祷法会Buddhist Praying Ceremony for World Peace礼佛pay respect for Buddha颂经Sutra Chanting香炉Incense burner上香To offer incense to Buddha因果Cause and effect成道/成佛To obtain the Buddha-hood觉悟To get enlightenment三皈五戒The ceremony for lay Buddhists to go to the Buddha for refuge, go to the Dharma for refuge, go to the Sangha for refuge and to follow the five commandments of Buddhism(no killing,no stealing,no sexual misconduct,no lying,no intoxicant)诸恶莫做,众善奉行,自净其意,既是佛教“To do no evil, to do only good, to purify the will, is thedoctrine of all Buddhas”做功德To make contribution to普渡终生To save all living beings from sufferings四谛Four noble truths八正道Eight noble paths善哉Sadhu (good or excellent)佛教寺院Monastery/Buddhist Temple山门The Front Gate大雄宝殿The Main Shrine Hall圆通殿The Hall of Universal Understanding观音殿The Hall of Avalokitesvara Buddhisatva藏经阁The Tripitaka Sutra Pavilion罗汉堂The Hall of Arhan祖师殿The Hall of Patriarch四大天王Four deva-kings, the protectors of Buddhism韦驮Vitasoka/Vigatasoka, the protector of Buddhism斋堂Monastic Dinning Hall客堂Monastic Reception四大名山:Four holy mountains of Chinese Buddhism五台山Wutai Mountain is the Holy Place of Manjusri Buddhisattva峨嵋山Ermei Mountain is the Holy Place of Mahasthama Buddhisattva 九华山Jiuhua Mountain is the holy place of Ksitigarbha Buddhisattva 普陀山Putuo Mountain is the holy place of Avalokitesvara Buddhisattva 佛像Buddha statue释迦牟尼佛Shakyamuni Buddha弥勒佛Maitreya Buddha迦叶佛Kasyapa Buddha阿弥陀佛Amitaba Buddha毗庐舍那佛Vairocana Buddha药师佛Bhaisajya Buddha/medicine Buddha三世佛Buddhas of Three Periods:Kasyapa Buddha of the pastShakyamuni Buddha of the present,Maitrya Buddha of the future菩萨Buddhisattva观世音菩萨Avalokitesvara Buddhisattva菩贤菩萨Samandhabatra Buddhisattva大势智菩萨Mahasthamaprapta Buddhisattva文殊菩萨Manjusri Buddisattva地藏菩萨ksitigahba Buddhisattva善财童子Sudhana罗汉Arhan西方三圣:阿弥陀佛、观音菩萨、大势至菩萨Amitaba BuddhaAvalokitesvara BuddhisattvaMahasthamaprapta Buddhisattva达摩Budhidharma摩腾Kasyapa Matanga竺法兰Gobharana/Dharmaraksa佛学院Buddhist College僧伽Sangha僧、尼(比丘、比丘尼)monk、nun /Bhiksu, Bhiksuni方丈/主持Abbot首座Chief monk监院/当家Monastic Manger侍者Assistant中国佛教协会The Buddhist Association of China中国佛学院The Buddhist Academy of China会长President副会长Vice President秘书长Secretary General副秘书长Deputy Secretary General佛学英语词汇the Great Vehicle d大乘the Lesser Vehicle 小乘the Diamond Vehicle 金刚乘Four Noble Truths 四圣谛苦suffering集causes of suffering灭suppression of suffering 道path to suppression of sufferingTwelve Links in the Chain of Causation 十二因缘cycle of rebirths 轮回ignorance 惑nirvana 涅磐greed 贪hatred 嗔stupidity 痴pride 慢hesitation 疑wrong view 恶见no-soul 无我impermanence 无常sentient beings 众生deva 天human 人asura 阿修罗animal 畜牲hungry ghost 饿鬼denizen of hell 地狱morality 戒concentration 定wisdom 慧action 身speech 口consciousness 意lay Buddhists 居士novice monks 沙弥monks 比丘Five Precepts 五戒personal enlightenment 自觉universal enlightenment 觉他full enlightenment 觉满Buddha of Medicine 药师佛Buddha Maitreya 弥勒佛body of essence 法身award body 报身body of transformation 化身Four Heavenly Kings 四天王karma 因果Buddha Amitaba 阿弥陀佛Buddha of Sunlight (法身佛)毗卢遮那佛Buddha Sakyamuni 释迦牟尼佛Bodhisattva of Compassion 观音菩萨Boohisattva of Ultimate Knowledge 文殊菩萨Bodhisattva of Universal Benevolence 普贤菩萨Bodhisattva of Great Power 大势至菩萨bodhi 菩提dhyana 禅那sangha 僧团saha 娑婆五蕴five aggregates色aggregate of material body受aggregate of feelings想aggregate of perceptions 行aggregate of predispositions识aggregate of consciousness简单佛学英语Birth is suffering; aging is suffering;生是苦;老是苦;sickness is suffering; death is suffering;病是苦;死是苦;association with the unpleasant is suffering;怨憎会是苦;dissociation from the pleasant is suffering;爱别离是苦;not to get what one wants is suffering;求不得是苦;in short, attachment to the five aggregates is suffering.简言之,对五蕴的执取就是苦。

40个基础佛学名词详解以下是40个基础佛学名词的详解:1. 佛陀 (Buddha): 佛教的创始人,也被称为释迦牟尼。
2. 法 (Dharma): 法指的是佛陀的教导和教义。
3. 巴利经 (Pali Canon): 是佛教最重要的经典之一,记录了佛陀的教导和教义。
4. 因果 (Karma): 因果是一个基本的佛教概念,指的是个人行为的结果。
5. 悟 (Enlightenment): 悟是指一个人通过修行和觉察,超越痛苦和无明,实现心灵的觉醒和解脱。
6. 涅槃 (Nirvana): 涅槃是指完全解脱和自由的状态。
7. 四圣谛 (Four Noble Truths): 是佛陀的核心教义之一,包括存在苦、苦的起因、苦的终结和达到终结的路径。
8. 八正道 (Eightfold Path): 八正道是一个指导修行的路径,包括正确的理解、思想、言行、生活、努力、念、定和禅定。
9. 三宝 (Three Jewels): 佛教信徒依赖的三个重要支持。
它们是佛陀、法和僧伽 (佛教修行者的集体)。
10. 慈悲 (Compassion): 对所有众生的无私关心和爱心。
11. 戒律 (Precepts): 是佛教徒遵循的道德准则和规则。
12. 禅定 (Meditation): 通过冥想和专注的修行方法,让思维平静,并提高心灵的觉醒和洞察力。
13. 无我 (Anatta): 是佛教的一个关键概念,指的是没有永恒、自体或独立存在的个体。
14. 空 (Sunyata): 是佛教哲学的核心概念之一,指的是一切事物的本质是无自性、空无和不可分割的。

古文称谓英译天国:the Kingdom of Heaven/paradise仙女:fairy maiden/female celestial君王:king; lord大王:Your Majestythe chief of brigands(土匪)丞相/宰相:prime minister; chancellor领地:manor; territory进谏: vt. admonish n. admonition盛世 flourishing age/heyday天平盛世 times of peace and prosperity; piping times of peace盛衰兴废: prosperity and decline; rise and fall; ups and downs; vicissitudes; wax and wane王法 the law of the land; the law王道: kingly law, benevolent government王位:throne王朝: imperial court封建王朝:feudal dynasties王国: kingdom; realm; domain社稷: the state/country江山country, national territory, state power王孙: prince’s descendants; offspring of the nobility王府: palace of a prince王公:princes and dukes王公大臣: princes, dukes and ministers公子王孙:sons of princes and nobles公子:sons of a feudal prince or high official王侯: princes and marquises王侯将相:princes, nobles, generals and ministers臣民: subjects of a feudal ruler大臣:minister (of a monarchy)大逆不道: treason and heresy(异端邪说); be treacherous; commit high treason; go against/violate all the heavenly laws of morality and filial love贬官 demote an official仕途:official career功名利禄:high official positions and riches金榜题名:Succeed in the government examination/ One’s name was put on the published list of successful candidates爱戴:love and esteem爱护:care/cherish/take good care of/treasure拥护:support/uphold丫鬟: servant girl; slave girl先辈: ancestors先烈: martyrs仙丹: elixir of life; miracle drug隐士: recluse; hermit隐居:live in seclusion; withdraw from society and live in solitude; be a hermit诸侯:the dukes or princes under an emperor; the feudal prince诸侯争霸: The Princes vied for supremacy独裁者:dictator; autocrat; despot; tyrant残暴的:savage; cruel and heartless, cruel and ferocious, ruthless, brutal 残暴:ruthlessness, cruelty暴政:tyrannical rule; tyranny/ti/; despotic rule,暴行: savage act; act of violence; unruly conduct, outrage, atrocity 暴动:(武装叛乱)rebellion/ riot;(武装起义)uprising暴徒:ruffian; thug; hoodlum; mobster; tearaway; bully; mob智囊: brainpower; brain truster谋士:adviser/advisor;counsel(l)or智谋: resourcefulness智谋之士: man of ideas/resourcefulness智力:intelligence精诚所至,金石为开:Complete sincerity can affect even metal and stone/Absolute sincerity will move a heart or stone昏君: a fatuous(昏庸的) and self-indulgent ruler道貌岸然:pose as a person of high morals; assume solemn airs; be sanctimonious(伪装圣洁的,伪装虔诚的); look gentlemanly, simulate solemnity荒淫无度:excessive indulgence in lewdness; indulge in sensual pleasures ; be vicious beyond measure;继承意志: carry on the unfinished lifework of the father[leader, etc.] ; carry out sb’s behest(s)【请求,吩咐】嫔妃: concubine妾: concubine妾(指姓氏):比如Qie Liu (=surname/family name 姓) ; first name/given name名诸子百家:all classes of authors; the hundred schools of thought; the various schools of thought and their exponents(倡导者/代表者) during the period from pre-Qin times to the early years of the Han Dynasty法家:Legalists道家:Taoist school; Taoists道教:Taoism道士: Taoist priest儒家:the Confucian school; the Confucianists孔子: ConfuciusConfucian: adj.儒家的,儒家学说的;n.儒士,儒家学者佛家: Buddhism佛教徒:Buddhist门生: disciple/disaipl/; pupil四书:The Four Books大学:The Great Learning中庸:The Doctrine of the Mean论语:The Confucian Analects(论集、文选)孟子:The Works of Mencius五经:the Five Classics诗经:The Book of Songs书经:The Book of History礼经:The Book of Rites易经:The Book of Changes春秋:The Spring and Autumn Annals(编年史,历史记载)君子: gentleman; a man of noble character圣人:saint; sage; wise man小人: a base man; villain, vile character地位低的人: a person of low position气量狭窄的,目光短浅的: narrow-minded目光短浅:be shortsighted/nearsighted伪君子:hypocrite /hip i/虚伪的 hypocritical /hi/;伪善 hypocrisy /hi/。

佛教相关英语词汇:佛教Buddhism三大语系佛教Three languages of Buddhism:汉语系佛教Chinese LanguageBuddhism藏语系佛教Tibetan LanguageBuddhism巴利语系佛教Vajrayana Buddhism(Lamaism)中国佛教Chinese Buddhism佛经May “Triratna”bless法师Master/Venerable长老Thero/Venerable大长老Mahathero/ Most Venerable方丈/主持Abbot佛教宗派Buddhist School佛教仪式:BuddhistCeremony/Buddhist Service for和平祈祷法会Buddhist Praying Ceremony for World Peace 礼佛pay respect for Buddha颂经Sutra Chanting香炉Incense burner上香To offer incense to Buddha因果Cause and effect成道/成佛Toobtain the Buddha-hood觉悟To get enlightenment三皈五戒The ceremony for lay Buddhists to go to the Buddha for refuge, goto the Dharma for refuge, go to the Sangha forrefuge and to follow the five commandments of Buddhism(no killing,no stealing,no sexualmisconduct,no lying,no intoxicant)诸恶莫做,众善奉行,自净其意,既是佛教“To do no evil, to do only good, to purify the will, is thedoctrine of all Buddhas”做功德To make contribution to普渡终生To save all living beings from sufferingsAmitabha 阿弥陀佛Avalokiteshvara 观音Bhodisattva 菩萨释迦牟尼佛Buddha Sakyamuni观音菩萨AvalOkiteSVaraffinities 因缘* (with emphasis on good relationships)All living beings have the Buddha-nature; all can become Buddhas. 一切众生,皆有佛性,皆堪作佛。

中国历史文化常用词汇英译Confucianism 儒教/儒家思想Taoism 道教Buddhism佛教temple寺庙Confucius孔子Mencius孟子Lao Tzu 老子ethics伦理学morality 道德benevolence 仁spiritual 精神的harmony 和谐The Analects of Confucius《论语》The Art of War《孙子兵法》Historical Records《史记》Historical Records《史记》zodiac十二生肖feudal封建的dynasty 朝代emperor;monarch皇帝,君主reininkthe four great inventions of ancient China 中国古代四大发明the Silk Road丝绸之路compass 指南针papermaking 造纸术gunpowder火药printing 印刷术movable type printing活字印刷fleet 舰队voyage航海traditional Chinese medicine 中药acupuncture 针灸medical massage推拿herbal medicine草药abacus 算盘bronze ware 青铜器porcelain 瓷器seismograph 地动仪Go 围棋martial arts (Wushu)武术fireworks 烟花firecracker鞭炮statutory holiday 法定假日Spring Festival 春节The Spring Festival Gala on CCTV春节联欢晚会g ift of money wrapped in red paper 红包New Year gift-money压岁钱family reunion 团圆Lantern Festival元宵节Dragon Boat Festival 端午节sticky rice dumplings粽子Mid-autumn Festival 中秋节moon cake 月饼the Double Seventh Festival 七夕Spring Festival couplets 对联temple fair庙会festival lantern花灯lantern riddle灯谜God of Wealth 财神dumpling 饺子dragon boat race 龙舟赛dragon and lion dance 狮子龙灯舞tofutourist attraction/resort 观光胜地sightsee v. 观光,游览Mount Huangshan 黄山the Jiuzhaigou Valley 九寨沟the Mogao Caves 莫高窟giant panda 大熊猫rare 珍稀的bamboo竹子。

而本文以两个相对成熟和出色的译本为例,分别是在学术界享有声誉的美籍华人余国藩(Anthony C.Yu)的译本和广受外国读者追捧的英国学者詹奈尔(Jenner)的译本,深入探究两位译者对《西游记》中有关佛道术语的动态翻译,进而分析他们翻译的处理目的以及所取得的显著效果。
(chapter26)詹文:…nourish our essence, refine the spirit, preserve our soul, harmonize water and fire, capture the Kan to fill out the Li.余文:…nourish our spermal essence, cultivate our breaths, fortify our spirits, harmonize the tiger and dragon, catch the Kan to fill up the Li.所谓“调和龙虎,捉坎填离”都是道教修炼用语。

AKUSHALA 2 恶业 3 ALAYA 4 阿赖耶5 ALMSGIVING6 布施7 AMITABHA8 阿弥陀佛9 AMITABHA SUTRA 10 阿弥陀经 11 ANAGAMIN 12 阿那含13 ANNUTARA-SAMYAK-SAMBODHI 14 阿耨多罗三藐三菩提 15 ARANA 16 阿兰那17 ARHAN 18 阿罗汉 19 ARHAT 20 阿罗汉21 ASURA 22 阿修罗 23 AVALOKITESVARA 24 观世音菩萨25 AVATAMSAKA SUTRA 26 华严经 27 BHAISAJYAGURU 28 药师佛29 BHIKSU 30 比丘 31 BHIKSUNI 32 比丘尼33 BODHISATTVA 34 菩萨 35 BRAHMIN 36 婆罗门37 BUDDHA 38 佛 39 BURNING LAMP BUDDHA 40 燃灯佛41 CHAN 42 禅 43 CHARITY 44 布施45 CONDITION 46 缘 47 CONTEMPLATION 48 观想49 DIVINE EYE 50 天眼 51 DEVOTION 52 精进53 DHAMMAPADA 54 法句经 55 DHARMA 56 法57 DHARMA-WHEEL 58 法轮 59 DVADASHAMUKHA SHASTRA 60 十二门论61 EFFORT 62 精进 63 EIGHT DIVISIONS OF GODS AND DRAGONS 64 天龙八部65 EIGHT NEGATIONS 66 八不 67 EIGHT SUFFERINGS 68 八苦69 EIGHT WINDS 70 八风 71 EIGHTEEN DIFFERENT CHARACTERS 72 十八不共法73 EIGHTEEN FIELDS 74 十八界 75 EIGHTFOLD PATH 76 八正道77 EMPTINESS 78 空 79 ENDURANCE 80 忍辱81 ENERGY 82 精进 83 ENLIGHTENMENT 84 觉悟85 EVIL TIME OF FIVE TURBIDITIES 86 五浊恶世 87 EXTINCTION 88 灭度89 FIVE BASIC AFFLICATIONS 90 五根本烦恼 91 FIVE BHIKSHUS 92 五比丘93 FIVE CATEGORIES OF UNTRANSLATED TERMS 94 五不翻 95 FIVE COMMANDMENTS 96 五戒97 FIVE EYES 98 五眼(肉眼、天眼、法眼、慧眼、佛眼) 99 FIVE FORMS OF DECAYING 100 五衰101 FIVE MESSENGERS 102 五使者 103 FIVE OFFENCES 104 五逆罪(杀父、杀母、杀阿罗汉、出佛身血、破和合僧)105 FIVE PRECEPTS 106 五戒(不杀、不盗、不邪淫、不妄语、不饮酒) 107 FIVE SKANDHAS 108 五蕴109 FIVE VEHICLES 110 五乘(人、天、声闻、缘觉、菩萨) 111 FIVE WISDOMS 112 五智113 FLOWER ADORNMENT SUTRA 114 华严经 115 FOREMOST PARAMITA 116 第一波罗蜜117 FOUR ASPECTS (OF BUDDHIST DHARMA) 118 四法 119 FOUR FEARLESSNESS 120 四无所畏(佛四无所畏,菩萨四无所畏)121 FOUR FRUITION 122 四果 123 FOUR GREAT BODHISATTVA 124 四大菩萨125 FOUR GREAT ELEMENTS 126 四大 127 FOUR GREAT VOWS 128 四弘誓愿129 FOUR HOLY REALMS 130 四圣道 131 FOUR IMMEASURABLE MINDS 132 四无量133 FOUR NOBLE TRUTHS 134 四圣谛 135 FOUR PHALA 136 四果137 FOUR RELIANCE (TO LEARNING BUDDHIST DHARMA) 138 四依 139 FOUR SEALS 140 四法印141 FOUR UNLIMITED MIND 142 四无量心 143 FOUR VIRTUES 144 四德145 FOUR WAYS (OF LEARNING BUDDHIST DHARMA) 146 四法 147 FOURFOLD ASSEMBLY 148 四众149 GIVING 150 布施 151 HEAVENLY EYE 152 天眼153 HINAYANA 154 小乘 155 HSU YUN 156 虚云157 HUA TOU 158 话头 159 HUI NENG 160 惠能161 IGNORANCE 162 无明 163 JATAKA 164 本生经165 KARMA 166 业 167 KSATRIYA 168 刹帝利169 KUSHALA 170 善业 171 LAW 172 理173 LAW OF DEPENDENT ORIGINATION 174 缘起法 175 LOTUS SUTRA 176 妙法莲华经177 MAHAMAYA 178 摩诃摩耶夫人 179 MAHA-PRAJNA-PARAMITA-SUTRA 180 大般若经181 MAHASATTVA 182 摩诃萨 183 MAHAYANA 184 大乘185 MAITREYA 186 弥勒菩萨 187 MANJUSRI BODHISATTVA 188 文殊菩萨189 MANTRA 190 咒 191 MARK 192 相193 MATTER 194 色 195 MEDITATION 196 静虑197 MIDDLE PATH 198 中道 199 MIDDLE WAY 200 中道201 MORALITY 202 持戒 203 NAGARJUNA 204 龙树菩萨205 NINE REALMS 206 九界 207 NINE STAGES OF LOTUS FLOWERS 208 九品莲花209 NIRVANA 210 涅槃 211 NIRVANA OF PURE, CLEAR SELF-NATURE 212 自性涅槃213 NIRVANA WITH RESIDUE 214 有余涅槃 215 NIRVANA WITHOUT RESIDUE 216 无余涅槃217 NIRVANA OF NO DWELLING 218 无住涅槃 219 NO STRIFE SAMADHI 220 无诤三昧221 ONE BUDDHA VEHICLE 222 一佛乘 223 PARAMITA 224 波罗蜜多225 PARINIRVANA 226 圆寂 227 PATIENCE 228 忍辱229 PRATYEKA-BUDDHA 230 辟支佛 231 PRAJNA 232 般若233 PURE LAND 234 净土 235 PURE LAND OF ULTIMATE BLISS 236 极乐世界/净土237 RAHULA 238 罗候罗 239 RAKSA 240 罗刹241 REALM OF FORM 242 色界 243 REALM OF FORMLESSNESS 244 无色界245 REALM OF SENSUOUS DESIRE 246 欲界 247 RECOGNITION 248 想249 RENUNCIATION 250 舍 251 RIGHT ACTION 252 正行253 RIGHT CONCENTRATION 254 正定 255 RIGHT EFFORT 256 正精进257 RIGHT LIVELIHOOD 258 正命 259 RIGHT REMEMBRANCE 260 正念261 RIGHT SPEECH 262 正语 263 RIGHT THOUGHT 264 正思维265 RIGHT UNDERSTANDING 266 正见 267 RIGHT VIEW 268 正见269 RUPA 270 色 271 SAHA LAND 272 娑婆世界273 SAKRADAGAMIN 274 斯陀含 275 SAMADHI 276 三摩地277 SAMANTABHADRA BODHISATTVA 278 普贤菩萨 279 SAMSARA 280 轮回转世281 SAMSKARA 282 行 283 SANJNA 284 想285 SARIPUTRA 286 舍利弗 287 SATYASIDDHI SHASTRA 288 成实论289 SENSATION 290 受 291 SEVEN GEMS 292 七宝【金、银、琉璃、玛瑙、珍珠、玫瑰、砗磲(一种贝壳);或金、银、琉璃、水晶、琥珀、红珍珠、玛瑙】293 SHAKYAMUNI 294 释迦牟尼 295 SHATIKA SHASTRA 296 百论297 SIDDHARTHA GOUTAMA 298 乔达摩·悉达多 299 SINGALOVADA SUTRA 300 善生经301 SIX CONSCIOUSNESS 302 六识 303 SIX DIRECTIONS OF REINCARNATION304 六道轮回305 SIX DUSTS 306 六尘 307 SIX ENTRANCES 308 六入309 SIX EXTERNAL BASES 310 六外处 311 SIX FIELDS OF SENSES 312 六尘313 SIX FULFILMENT 314 六成就(佛经开卷的内容:如是、我闻、说法的时间、说法人、地点、听众) 315 SIX GUNAS 316 六尘317 SIX HEAVENS OF DESIRE 318 六欲天 319 SIX INDRIYAS 320 六根321 SIX INTERNAL BASES 322 六内处 323 SIX PARAMITA 324 六波罗蜜多,六度325 SIX PATHS 326 六道 327 SIX PERIODS OF DAY AND NIGHT 328 六时329 SIX PLACES 330 六根 331 SIX PSYCHIC POWER 332 六神通(天眼通、天耳通、宿命通、他心通、神足通、漏尽通)333 SIX ROOTS 334 六根 335 SIX SENSE-ORGANS 336 六根337 SIX STATES OF EXISTENCE 338 六道 339 SIXTEEN CONTEMPLATIONS 340 十六观经341 SPHERE OF NEITHER-PERCEPTION-NOR-NON-PERCEPTION 342 非想非非想天343 SPHERE OF NO-THING 344 无色天345 SPIRITUAL GHOST 346 鬼神 347 SRAVAKA 348 声闻349 SROTA-APANNA 350 须陀洹 351 STUPA 352 塔353 SUDDEN ENLIGHTENMENT 354 顿悟 355 SUDDHODANA 356 净饭王357 SUDRA 358 首陀罗 359 SUKHAVATIVYUHA SUTRA 360 无量寿经361 SUMERU 362 须弥山 363 SUTRA 364 经365 TAKING PRECEPTS 366 持戒 367 TEN DHARMA REALMS 368 十法界369 TEN DIRECTIONS 370 十方 371 TEN GOOD DEEDS 372 十善373 TEN GREAT DISCIPLES OF SKAKYAMUNI BUDDHA 374 十大弟子 375 TEN GREAT KING VOWS 376 十大愿王377 TEN MERITORIOUS DEEDS 378 十善业 379 TEN PARAMITA 380 十波罗蜜381 TEN POWERS 382 十力 383 TEN STAGES OF BODHISATTVA 384 十地菩萨385 TEN TITLES OF BUDDHA 386 十佛名号 387 TEN VEHICLES OF MEDITATION 388 十乘观389 TEN WHOLESOMENESS 390 十善 391 THIRTY-TWO FORMS 392 三十二相393 THREE CLASSIFICATIONS 394 三科 395 THREE DELUSIONS 396 三惑397 THREE DOGMAS 398 三谛 399 THREE ENLIGHTENMENTS 400 三觉401 THREE EVIL PATHS 402 三恶道 403 THREE GOOD PATHS 404 三善道405 THREE JEWELS 406 三宝 407 THREE MEDITATIONS OF ONE MIND 408 一心三观409 THREE OBSTACLES 410 三障 411 THREE PERIODS OF TIME 412 三世413 THREE POISONS 414 三毒(贪、嗔、痴) 415 THREE REALMS 416 三界417 THREE ROOTS 418 三根 419 THREE SEALS 420 三法印(诸行无常,诸法无我,寂静涅槃)421 THREE SHASTRA 422 三论 423 THREE STUDIES 424 三学(戒、定、慧)425 THREE SUFFERINGS 426 三苦(苦苦、乐苦、不苦不乐苦) 427 THREE UNIVERSAL CHARACTERISTICS 428 三法印(诸行无常,诸法无我,寂静涅槃)429 THREE UNIVERSAL TRUTHS 430 三法印(诸行无常,诸法无我,寂静涅槃)431 THREE VIRTUES 432 三德433 THREE WISDOM 434 三智(一切智、道种智、一切种智) 435 THREEFOLD BODY OF A BUDDHA 436 三身(法身、报身、化身)437 TIEN TAI SECT 438 天台宗 439 TRAILOKYA 440 三界441 TRIPITAKA 442 三藏(经、律、论) 443 TWELVE BASES 444 十二处445 TWELVE LINKS OF DEPENDENT ORIGINATION 446 十二因缘 447 TWELVE NIDANAS 448 十二因缘449 TWELVE PLACES 450 十二处 451 TWO DEATHS 452 二死453 TWO FORMS OF DEATH 454 二死 455 TWO OBSTACLES 456 二障(烦恼障、所知障)457 UNCONDITIONED DHARMA 458 无为法 459 VAISYA 460 吠舍461 VAST AND LONG TONGUE 462 广长舌相 463 VEDANA 464 受465 VIGOR 466 精进 467 VIMALAKIRTI-NIVDESA SUTRA 468 维摩诘经469 VIPASYANA SUKHAVATIVYUHA SUTRA 470 观无量寿经 471 VISVABHADRA BODHISATTVA 472 普贤菩萨473 VOLITION 474 行 475 WAY 476 道477 WHEEL OF LAW 478 法轮 479 WISDOM 480 智慧481 WORLD HONOURED ONE 482 世尊 483 YAKSA 484 夜叉485 YASODHARA 486 耶苏陀罗 487 ZEAL 488 精进489 ZEN 490 禅 491 BRAHMA-VIHARA 492 四梵住行493 UPEKKHA 494 舍 495 MUDITA 496 喜心497 KARUNA 498 悲 499 METTA 500 慈501 BODHISATTA 502 菩萨 503 MAGGA 504 八正道505 BOJJHANGA 506 七觉支 507 BALA 508 五力509 INDRIYA 510 五根 511 SA-UPADISESA-NIBBANA 512 有余(依)涅槃513 ANUPADISESA-NIBBANA 514 无余(依)涅槃 515 ANICCA 516 无常517 ANATTA 518 无我 519 ANAPANASATI 520 安那般那念, 安般念, 入出息念521 ANAGAMI 522 不来, 阿那含 523 AKUSALA 524 恶,不善525 AKALIKA 526 即时的, 不迟滞的, 不受时间限制的, 不待时节 527 AKALIKO 528 即时的, 不迟滞的, 不受时间限制的, 不待时节529 ADHITTHANA 530 决定,决意,受持,依处,摄持。

Khandhas or Aggregates – These are the five groupings that comprise body and mind: form, feeling, memory, mental formations, and consciousness. Regular, non-enlightened human beings are deluded in believing that they are these khandas and have not realized the truth that there is no self.
智慧 – 佛教里所指的真正的智慧,不是智力上的知识,它经由直接的体验,如实看见事物的真相。这里是意味着至少看到身心三法印中的一项:无常(总是变化的),苦(不能持续),无我(不受控制的)。这在正文中已详细解释。
Mindfulness – Awareness of physical or mental phenomena. More specially, awareness of what the body is doing in real time, or recognizing what mental phenomena or behaviours have just arisen. Genuine mindfulness arises automatically as result of the practitioner’s ability to be aware of the body and to recognize mental phenomena when they arise.

Master Huineng, the Sixth Patriarch of Buddhist Zen Sect 或
( tr.PY;100/0.6)
惠能偈语P. Yampolsky译如下:
Awakening originally has no tree,
The mirror also has no stand,
The Buddha nature is always clean and pure.
再后来,2004年2月云浮新兴六祖文化节期间,旅加华侨严坚先生又给我提供了美国Philip Yampolsky 所著 “ Platform Sutra of the Sixth Patriarch”(New York: Columbia University Press, 1967, P.1300)的译文。
Where is the room for dust?
根据惠能大师“四大皆空”的思想和“本来无一物”的原意,“菩提树”和“明镜台”是“本来”就“无”的,而“明镜台”实际上就是“明镜”, 不必译成“明镜的台”。Philip Yampolsky的一文“Awakening originally has no tree, / the mirror also has no stand”不准确。原意应该是There is no Awakening tree, /Neither there is any mirror.

敦煌学术语英汉对照表1.蓝宝石金刚杵 blue diamond vajra staff2.斯坦因Aurel Stein3.伯希和Paul Pelliot4.景教Nestorianism5.回鹘Ughur6.观音avalokitesvara7.大势至菩萨mahasthamaprapta8.如意宝珠cintamani9.因陀罗indra10.梵天brahma11.炽盛光如来tejaprabha12.法轮dharma cakra/the wheel of dharma13.契丹khitan14.阿弥陀amitabha15.万字符svastika16.法华经saddharmapundarika/lotus sutra17.舍利塔sarihani/stupa of the Buddha's ashes18.佛定尊胜陀罗尼经变illuatrations of theBuddhosnisah Darani19.十轮经变illustration of Ten Wheels Sutra20.祆教zoroastrianism21.摩醯首罗天mahesvara22.那罗延天naraya23.帝释天indra24.印度教Hinduism25.婆罗门教brahmanism26.大自在天mahamahesvara27.鸠摩罗天kumara28.毗那耶迦vinayaka29.三叉戟trident30.湿婆shiva31.风神veshparkar/wind god32.娜娜nana33.贵霜朝kushan dynasty34.密特拉mitra35.日天aditya/sun deva36.月天candra/moon devi37.水天 varuna/water devi38.穹庐顶/圆顶dome ceiling39.东汉画像砖eastern Han carved tile40.石棺sarcophagus41.人非人non-human image42.粟特Sogdiana/Sogdian43.突厥Turk/Turky44.萨珊王朝sasanian dynasty45.五方佛Buddhas of the Five Directions46.莲花生Padmasambhava47.普贤samantabhadra48.佛、法、僧buddha\ dharma\sangha49.文殊 majushri50.大日如来mahavairocana51.金刚手 vajra pani52.手印 mudra53.卒堵坡/塔stupa54.菩萨boddhisattva55.弥勒maitreya56.外道heterodox?57.千佛化现 illusion of thousand buddhas58.白沙瓦peshawa59.菩提树bodhi tree60.卢舍那佛vairochana61.金刚vajra62.龟兹kucha63.法衣cassock/monastic robe64.六道图six paths of rebirth65.八相变eight aspects of Buddha life66.大乘mahayana67.犍陀罗gandhara68.释迦shakya69.波罗奈国varnanas70.法轮dharma-cakra71.三宝three jewels72.小乘hynayana73.匈奴hun74.戒律commandment/monastic disciplines75.萨倕太子本生故事Jataka of Prince Mahasattva76.夜叉yaksha/yakshi77.业karma78.护法dharmapala/guardians of the Law79.阎浮提主 Lord of Jambudvipa80.力士warrior81.阿难ananda82.迦叶kasyapa83.涅槃nirvana84.维摩诘Vimalakirti85.曼陀罗mandala86.天盖canopy87.金刚铃vajra bell88.天女celestial lady89.阎魔天yama90.吉祥坐auspicious pose91.降魔坐krisssword pose92.除盖帐菩萨sarvanivaranavishkambin93.不空娟索菩萨amoghapsa94.与愿印wish-granting mudra95.无畏印fear-not mudra96.密宗tantric/esoteric sect97.触地印earth-touching mudra98.世俗化 vulgarization/secularization99.青铜像bronze statue100.本地佛教regional Buddhism101.陀罗尼Dhāranīs102.护身符 amulet103.印章 seal104.仙丹 elixir105.“四苦” Four Miseries106.净土歌赞Pure Land Carol107.六祖坛经 The Sutra Spoken by the Sxith Patriarch108.作孽 sin-committing109.降魔 demon-conquering110.空间结构 the spatial structure111.藏经洞 Library cave112.灵验记 An Efficacious Record113.行像活动 tht statue events114.三阶教 three-stage religion115.神仙 immortal being116.妙法莲华经 the Lotus Sutra117.吐蕃统治Tibetan Reign118.佛像东传 the transmission of buddhist images to East Asia119.敦煌山水画Dunhunag landscape paitings120.空间表现the representation of space121.供养人patron122.造像 image-making123.人物画 figure painting124.绢画 silk painting125.八大菩萨曼陀罗the Eight Mahaboddhisattva Mandala126.视觉联系 visual links127.胡化因素 foreign elemnts128.波罗王朝Pala Dynasty129.地藏菩萨Ksitigarbha130.虚空藏菩萨Akasagarbha131.菱形印 rhombus seal132.花供养菩萨flower-offering bodhisattva133.香供养菩萨incense-offering bodhisattva134.灯供养菩萨lamp-offering bodhisattva135.舞供养菩萨dance-offering bodhisattva136.歌供养菩萨song-offering bodhisattva137.金刚索vajra noose138.如意轮cintamani cakra139.净瓶water bottle140.西魏 the Western Wei Dynasty141.克孜尔石窟 Kizil Grottoes142.黎北岚 Penelope Riboud143.窑前殿堂palaces and halls in front of the cave 144.平面图plane figure145.立面图elvation drawing146.华尔纳Langdon Warner147.敦煌文物研究所Dunhuang Historic Relic Intitute 148.国立敦煌艺术研究所the State Dunhuang Art Institute149.石窟档案室 grotto file library150.脚手架架穴 scaffold holes151.抹泥plaster152.瘞窟 tomb cave153.僧房窟 Biddhist quarter cave154.多室禅窟 multi-room Buddhist cave155.廪窟storage cave156.西夏文 Wester Xia Language157.八思巴文Ph’ags-pa158.叙利亚文Syrian159.木活字 wood type160.通道 passage161.八瓣莲花 eight-lotus162.夯土 rammed earth163.条砖 soap brick164.建筑木构件 timber components165.石门枕 crossdrift pillow166.鎏金铜菩萨 fine gold bodhisattva167.三维激光扫描技术the three-dimensional laser scanning system168.全景数码摄影the panoramic digital photography 169.九层楼 the Nine-storey Building170.北大像North Buddha Statue171.重飞四级 four-storey eaves172.下寺 the Lower Temple173.上寺 the Upper Temple174.结社造窟 building caves by societies175.法身佛 Dharmakaya Buddha176.鹿野苑the deer park177.执金刚神 sorcerer178.天神deity179.笈多朝 the Gupta Dynasty180.萨尔纳特Sarnath181.莲花座 the Lotus Throne182.菩萨装天众Heavenly Beings in Bodhisattva Csotumes183.焰肩佛 Buddha with flames on the shoulders 184.背屏back screen185.修行 cultivate/ cultivation186.缦网 silk fabric187.大司马 minister of war188.四壁 the four walls189.中心柱 the center pillar190.九色鹿本生故事 the story of nine-color deer191.因缘故事 karma story192.东王公龙车 the Dragon Chariot of East Duke 193.歇山顶the slanting top194.三远法three ways of perspective in Chinese traditional paintings195.护国宗教National Religion196.高丽八万大藏经 Tripitaka Koreana197.八角座octagonal throne198.阿弥陀三尊 Amitabha triad199.上品三生the upper three levels of rebirth 200.护国神 the nation-protecting deities201.往生俗人reborn devotees202.弩家crossbar maker203.都料 commander-in-chief204.卧佛the reclining Buddha205.西域技法 the Western Region Drawing Techniques 206.飞天Apsaras207.汉简Bamboo Slips of the Han Dynasty208.烽燧遗址the beacon tower site209.悬泉置遗址 Xuanquanzhi Site210.天龙八部或天部类 the demi-gods and semi-devils 211.畏兽frightening animals212.佛爷庙 Buddha Temple213.葡萄纹 grape pattern214.蔓草纹turnip pattern215.小圆毯a small round woolen carpet216.舞筵 dancing mat217.洞窟功德主cave merits and virtues owner 218.中亚the Central Asia219.韦陀希 Vaidehi220.teaching mudra221.reasoning mudra222.觉胜印S upreme Enlightenment Mudra 223.转法轮印turning-the-wheel-of-law mudra 224.说法印exposition mudra225.合掌 verneration mudra226.伽蓝 samgha-arama227.僧伽蓝 sangharama228.主尊 the main image229.阿胡拉·玛兹达Ahura Mazda230.巴米扬 Bamiyan231.护火图像 fire-protecting pictures232.不空成就 amoghasiddi233.禅定 dhyanasana234.胁侍菩萨 flanking Bodhisattva235.神变miraculous transformations236.莲茎 the lotus stalk237.上求下化238.ārhat239.法身如来 dharmakaya(doctrine) buddha240.色身佛 physical body buddha241.菩萨万行法身常往242.世尊lord of worlds243.一乘法 the one yama/ the vehicle of one-ness 244.尊格status245.佛传故事 the stories of Buddha’s life 246.政权regime247.朝臣courtier248.思益梵天249.游戏坐250.观无量寿变经amitayurr-dhyana-sutra251.金刚索 vajra pasa252.金刚拳vajrasandhi253.金刚语vajrabhasa254.金刚蔓 vajramala255.宝生如来ratnasambhava256.不动明王fudo257.智拳印wisdom-fist mudra258.婆薮仙vasu259.持国天 heavenly king in the east260.cross-ankled 交脚的261.the two-tree niche 双树龛262.tower-shaped niche阙形龛263.attendant Boddhisattva供养菩萨264.narrative paintings of Sākyamuni’s previous lives 本生故事画265.the Sivi-jataka尸毗王割肉贸鸽本生故事画266.Jataka of Prince Moonlight 月光王施头本生故事画267.the life of Sakyamuni佛传故事268. the four encounters出游四门269.the Scene of Buddha in preaching 说法图270.heavenly musicians 天宫伎乐271.the Queen Mother of the West 西王母272. asura阿修罗273.god of thunder雷公274.god of light 电母275.maha-kasyapa 迦叶276.。

[Updates & News] [Poetry & Stories] [Theravada Writings] [Zen / Ch'an Writings] [Other Mahayana Writings] [Buddhist Webrings] [Buddhist Links] [About this Page] [Home]GlossaryNote: A number of words and their uses are important to the study of Zen and Ch'an and these have been gleaned from a number of sources. Keeping in mind that the visitors to this page are likely to be beginners, laymen, and loners, and equally likely that they will be exposed to a wide number of sources on their own, this glossary has been assembled. When a word might hold special significance to the home-practitioner a footnote has ben added.alaya: spiritual storehouse of all the potentialities of life, regarded as our true home and our ultimate destination; the infinitely existent self-nature experienced directly by the Buddha, that is possible for everybody.anatta:the "not-self" idea of man's true nature, not conceivable my the human mind, because that mind knows only objects, and therefore what men call "myself" is not in any respect themselves, but a bundle of five tendencies called skandhas (heaps)Anuttara-samyak-sambodhi: unexcelled complete enlightenment, an attribute of every Buddha, the highest, correct and complete or universal knowledge or awareness, the perfect wisdom, omniscience. Avalokitesvara: Kanzeon, Kwannon, etc. Bodhisattva of compassion, benevolence, portrayed as a female or a maleAvatamsaka Sutra: (Kegon) Mahayana sutra embodying the sermons given by the Buddha immediately following his perfect enlightenment. Known as the "King of Kings" of all Buddhist scriptures because of its profundity and great length (81 rolls - 1500 pages), this Sutra contains the most complete explanation of the Buddha's state and the Bodhisattva's quest for Awakening.Awakening of Faith: (Mahayana-Sraddhotpada-Sastra or Ta-ch'engCh'i-Hsin Lun) attributed to Asvaghosha, a comprehensive summary of Mahayana Buddhism, a discourse on one mind, two aspects, three Greatnesses, Four Faiths, Five Practices. Recommended.Bodhi: enlightenmentBodhidharma: the 28th Patriarch in line from the buddha, and the 1st Patriarch of Zen in China; came from China to India; did steady "wall gazing" zazen for nine years in the mountains in a cave.Bodhi-mind: intrinsic wisdom; enlightened heart/mindBodhisattva: a Mahayanist seeking enlightenment to enlighten others, anenlightened one who devoid of egoism and is dedicated to helping others attain liberation; a high stage of Buddhahood through self-mastery, wisdom and compassion, but not yet supremely enlightened or fully perfected; persons and/or personifications of abstract principles realized in humanity; an enlightened being who renounces entry into nirvana until all other beings are saved.Bodhisattva of Compassion: Avalokiteshvara, Kanzeon, Kwannon, Kuan Yin, Kannon; all embracing love and benevolenceBuddha: Sanskrit, 1) ultimate truth or absolute Mind, and 2) awakened one or enlightened one to the true nature of existence. The Buddha refers to a historical person, Siddhartha Gautama of the Shakyas or Shakyamuni, a tireless teacher, who suited the teaching to his audience. Eventually his sermons and dialogues were recorded as sutras or scriptures which now comprise the doctrines. The Zen sect accepts the historic Buddha neither as a Supreme Deity nor as a savior, but venerates him as a fully awakened, fully perfected human being who attained liberation of body and mind through his own human efforts. In other epochs there were other Buddhas who walked the same path, attained to the same level of perfection, and preached the same Dharma. That we are all Buddhas from the very first refers to our equal potential for such realization. One who has experienced one's own Buddha-nature realizes the first stage of Buddhahood, but the degree of enlightenment and perfection of a Buddha is vastly different than the man of average enlightenment. Various classifications of the stages are expressed in the sutras. The Buddha attained enlightenment on his home in a forest. The "forest tradition" is an inspiration to the Zen practitioner practicing on their own in the footsteps of the Buddha.Buddha-Karita Sutra: Mahayana sutra, the life and teachings of the Buddha to his entrance into NirvanaBuddha-nature: our true, perfect, complete, underlying nature; intrinsic to sentient and insentient beings.Buddhism: the Buddha's Dharma; 1) southern tradition, Theravada or Hinayana or "Small Vehicle" and 2) northern tradition, Mahayana, or "Great Vehicle."Bhutatathata:The Absolute. The ultimate state of reality, where even the state of absoluteness disappears.Ch'an or Chan: Name of mind; Ch'an being name and mind being substance; ( wrongly interpreted merely as meditation, abstraction or dhyana). Dana: the first paramita; charity, almsgiving, generosity of money, goods, or doctrine.Delusion: deception, contrary to true reality and the real meaning of existence; ignorance, unawareness, due to sense consciousness that accepts the phenomenal world as the whole of reality.Dharma: universal Law, phoenomena or things when without a capital,Truth, reliogion, Buddhist doctrine, teachings of the Buddha, anything Buddhist, the second of the 3 Treasures or the Triple Jewel..Dharma combat: a joust or battle of "wits" involving words and demonstrative actions beyond conventional meaning and pointing to one's understanding Truth or realization of enlightenment. Stems from a Chinese tradition of testing one's understanding by traveling from master to master in pilgrimages and engaging in tests and challenges. dharmadhatu: dharma realm, the unifying underlying spiritual reality, regarded as the ground or cause of all things, the absolute from which all proceeds.dharma door: any doctrine, method, school, etc. of the Buddha or of Buddhism regarded as a door to one's enlightenment.Dharma-Master: A master of the Law who is qualified to explain and comment on the sutras in the Dharma hall.dhyana: Sanskrit, meditation, abstract contemplation; method of attaining enlightenment by means of correct meditation or contemplation, the fifth of the six paramitas.dhyana-samadhi: Ch'an's samadhi, or state of imperturbability reached in the successful practice of Ch'an.Diamond Cutter of Doubts: A commentary on the Diamond Sutra by Ch'an master Han Shan (Ming Dynasty)Diamond Sutra: Vajracchedika Prajna Paramita, Mahayana sutra, One of the most profound of all sutras.diamond prajna: diamond wisdomm, the wisdom inherent in man's nature which is indestructable, like a diamond.dokusan: ("going alone to a higher one") a one-to-one encounter with a Zen master in his chamber in which the student's understanding is probed and stimulated and in which a student may consult the teacher on any matter arising directly out of practice. A key element of Rinzai Zen. Typically, there is no dokusan when practicing alone at home or in small groups. dukkha: Sanskrit, suffering, misery, being a nessary attribute of sentient existence; the first of the Four Noble Truths.ego: awareness of oneself as a discrete individuality; delusion; resulting from dualistic conception of myself (subjective) and not-myself or other (objective) that culminates in endless rounds of suffering or samsara.ego and dharma: ego and things, the most subtle dualism which must be wiped out before enlightenment can be obtained.enlightenment: self-realization; Tozan identified 5 degrees from lowest to highest: 1) the world of phenomena is dominant, but perceived as a dimension of self; 2) diversity recedes into the background and the undifferentiated aspect comes to the fore; 3) no awareness of body or mind remains; 4) the singularity of each object is perceived at its highest degree of uniqueness; 5) form and emptiness mutually penetrate to sucha degree that no longer is there consciousness of either. Ideas of satori or delusion vanish in this stage of perfect inner freedom.Four Vows: 1) "Sentient beings are countless, I vow to save themall. 2) Tormenting passions are innumerable, I vow to uproot them all. 3) The gates (i.e., levels of truth) of the Dharma are manifold, I vow to pass through them all. 4) The Buddha's Way is peerless, I vow to realize it." In the Zen temple they are recited three times in succession after the close of zazen.gassho: the hands are placed palm to palm about a fist away from the face with elbows out horizontally in a bow that indicates respect, gratitude, humility. As recognition of the oneness of all things, it is a bow to oneself, or in recognition of Buddha in all things.great mirror wisdom: perfect, all-reflecting Buddha-wisdom.guest and host: the phenomenal and the fundamental (subjective, objective).hara: a center or source of energy and stability one to two inches below the navel; a person's spiritual center.Heart Sutra: (Prajnaparamitahridaya or Shingyo), Mahayana sutra, short, important, and central to Zen, and chanted; explains the meaning of Prajna-paramita, the perfection of wisdom that is able to clearly perceive the emptiness of all phenomenaHinayana: "Small Vehicle." Only existing school is Theravada, a school dedicated to preserving the Buddha's original teachings.hishiryo: thinking without thinking, beyond thinking.hua t'ou: literally, a word's or thoughts head, ante-word orante-thought; the mind before it is stirred by a thought. A technique devised by enlightened masters who taught their disciples to concentrate their attention on the mind for the purpose of stopping all thoughts to attain singleness of mind and thereby realize if for the perception of their self-nature.Hui Neng: the 6th Patriarch of Zen or Ch'an. His story is particularly noteworthy to laymen and those practicing at home alone.inka: seal of approval; formal acknowledgment by the master that a disciple has fully completed his training under him -- in other words, "graduated," signifying passage through all the koans or satisfaction of understanding.iron wall and silver mountain: metaphors pointing to the sense of frustration of those who reach a certain poin in their practice beyond which they cannot penetrate. This is to be expected practicing alone. The value of faith is that it can keep one practicing even when such frustrations arise.jiriki: "one's own power," referring to a person's endeavor to attain enlightenment through his or her own efforts.karma: moral action and reaction causing future retribution, and eithergood or evil transmigration; rounds of cause and effect; the present is a product of past thoughts and actions, and the future is preconditioned by our present thoughts and actions.Kaatz!: A guttural upheaval or thunderous shout. Used to halt all dualistic, ego-centric, or discursive thoughts. Japanese: Katsu!; Chinese: Ho!kensho: "seeing into one's own nature"; same as satori only implied to be not as deep; self-realization.kinhin: walking zen practiced between individual sittingperiods. Approximately 10 minutes between 50 minute periods of zazen, slow and synchoronized with in- and out-breathing. This is a practice that can be adapted at home alone or in small groups.koan: Japanese, kung an (Chinese), kong-an (Korean), (pronounced in two syllables, ko-an, originally kept as "cases," or "public records"of enlightenment), a formulation, often in baffling language, pointing to ultimate Truth. All instructions given by enlightened masters are often viewed as koans; sometimes anything trying to be "solved" or "understood" or "seen" in terms of Zen. Koans can't be solved by recourse to logical reasoning but only by awakening a deeper level of the mind beyond the discursive intellect. A knot of doubt that results when a koan is grappled with can lead one to have a breakthrough ("let go" "make a leap") and "see" their Original Mind (see hua tou). There are several sources: Mumonkan, Hekigan-roku, Blue Cliff Record or Pi Yen Lu. Though it is possible to study and attempt to "solve" a koan in zazen practice on one's own, there is no way to check or receive verification without a Zen master. This line of practice is not recommended on one's own, at least not for the beginner.Lankavatara Sutra: Mahayana sutra; an encyclopedia of Mahayanist thought and practice, including the bodhisattva vows, discipline, and compassion.Lord of the House: Buddha in each being, Buddha Nature, Cosmic Buddha, Who is not explicable in terms of existence and non-existence or self and other.Lotus Sutra: (Saddharma-Pundarika) Mahayana sutras (three in one), the core and culmination of the Buddha's teaching toward the end of his forty-year teaching ministry. At the heart: 1) All sentient beings can attain Perfect Enlightenment -- that is, buddhahood -- and nothing less is the appropriate final goal of believers; 2) The Buddha is eternal; and 3) The noblest form of Buddhist practice is the way of the bodhisattva, one who devotes himself to attaining enlightenment not only for himself but for all sentient beings. Usually includes the Sutra of Innumerable Meanings and The Sutra of Meditation on the Bodhisattva Universal Virtue. Mahaparinirvana Sutra: a Mahayana sutra, (sometimes called the Nirvana Sutra), a sutra expounded by the Buddha after the Lotus Sutra but beforehis Nirvana.Mahaprajnaparamita Sutra: a Mahayana sutra, said to have been expounded by the Buddha over several times, consisting of 600 rolls of text in 120 volumes, and considered to be the fundamental work on Wisdom. Mahayana: the "Great Vehicle" which indicates Universalism, or Salvation for all, for all are Buddhas and will attain enlightenment. Of particular interest to students of Zen, recommended for those practicing alone, several of the sutras are listed here in this glossary. Maitreya: the next Buddha, to come 5000 years after the historical Buddha. It is not recommended that you wait for this one.makyo: appearance phenomena, often distracting, pleasant or unpleasant manifestations, feelings, visions, or halucinations during the practice of zazen; a mysterious apparition, particularly a vision or dream arising out of meditation. General advice is to not attach oneself to them, but to return to the focus of zazen. This is common and should be expected in home practice. Common advice is "cut it off" or "just let it go," but at this site we prefer to advise that if one observes this, just return to the focus of your zazen. Don't pay it any mind.Manjusri: Bodhisattva of Wisdom (prajna) and meditation, often depicted sitting in meditation on a lion, which represents the wild self which meditation transforms, often shown holding the sword of Buddha's Wisdom which cuts through all delusion; placed on the Buddha's left with Samantabahdra on the right.mara: delusionMarga: the Noble Eightfold Path that leads to the extinction of suffering; the last of the Four Noble Truths.maya: illusionmind: mind, heart, spirit, psyche, soul. Mind with a capital "M" is used for absolute Reality, total awareness, just hearing when listening, only seeing when looking, the experience of satori or self realization, often referred to as Big Mind, Unborn Mind, No-Mind, etc.mind lamp: the lamp of the mind, inner light, wisdom.mondo: a unique Zen dialogue between master and student, where the student asks a deeply perplexing question for clarification, or to test understanding akin to Dharma-combat, or a dialogue about Buddhism among masters.monk: also priest, ordained disciples of Buddha, including novice trainees in a monastery, the master of a temple, but generally signifying one who has taken the Mahayana vows, although married people may be included.monkey mind: the manifestations and phenomena (thoughts) of an active or "busy" mind that arise during zazen, often attributed to the struggling ego. Here is a humorous article that shows beautifully what monkey mind is like during zazen:Mu!: Nothing, Not, Un, usually the first and most famous koan from the Mumon-kan or the Gateless Gate(48 koans).mudra: manual gesture or form in yoga.mushin: no-mind, or detachment of mind; complete freedom from dualistic thinking.nirvana: complete extinction of individual existence; cessation of rebirth and entry into bliss;satori, pari-nirvana, nibbana, realization of the selfless "I"; the experience of Changelessness, of inner Peace and Freedom, a return to the original purity of Buddha-nature after dissolution of the physical body, i.e., to the Perfect Freedom of the unconditioned state.one more step: a phrase used by the master that implies that the mind has reached a point where it needs one final thrust or leap to come to its own Self-realization. Practitioners at home without a master must induce themselves to always take one more step, in other words to continue practice.oneness: with a small "o" this word means absorption to the point of self-forgetfulness. With a capital "O" it refers to the experience of the Void or Emptiness.paramitas: The six methods of attaining enlightenment: dana (charity), sila (discipline), ksanti (patience or endurance), virya (zeal and progress), dhyana (meditation), and prajna (wisdom). The Zen method is traditionally involved with zazen (dhyana) but embraces a life of practice involving all six. Practitioners on their own at home should make every effort to include them all.Patriarchs: the great masters who received and transmitted the Buddha's Dharma, 28 in India and 6 in China with Bodhidharma being both the 28th in India and the 1st in China.Platform Sutra or Altar Sutra: (Tan-ching) Sutra spoken by the 6th Patriarch of Ch'an or Zen, Hui Neng or Eno, on the High Seat of the Treasure of the Law. Contains the essence of Buddhism, extending a call to Enlightenment, in, of, and through one's own understanding. The sutra consists of several addresses: his life, wisdom (prajna) questions and answers, samadhi and prajna, dhyana, repentance, temperament and circumstances, the gradual school and the sudden school, and final instructions. Recommended.Pratyeka-Buddha: one who lives apart from others and attains enlightenment alone, or for himself, in contast with the altruism of the Bodhisattva principal.prajna: insight, intuitive wisdom into the emptiness or the true nature of reality.Rinzai: the sect of Rinzai or Lin Chi famous for his vivid speech and forceful methods, characterized by koans, one sits facing the room instead of the wall.rohatsu: the sesshin of December 8 commemorating the Buddha's enlightenment.roshi: venerable spiritual teacher, who's function is to guide and inspire disciples along the path to Self-realization without attempting to control or direct private lives, whether a monk or a layperson, a woman or a man.Sanpo Kyodan: a growing sect of Zen that combines Rinzai and Soto practice and technique in the lineage of masters Yasutani, Harada, and Yamada. characterized by both shikantaza and koan practices. samadhi: Sanskrit, equilibrium, tranquility, one-pointedness, a state of intense yet effortless concentration, of complete absorption of the mind in itself, of heightened and expanded awareness. Samadhi and Prajna are indentical from the view of the enlightened Bodhi-mind. Seen from the developing stages leading to satori awakening, however, samadhi and enlightenment are different; collected concentration in which subject is no different from object.Samantabhadra: Bodhisattva of the fundamental Law, dhyana, and practices of all Buddhas, seated at the right hand of the Buddha with Manjusri at the left hand.samsara: successions of birth and death, the world of relativity, the transformation which all phenomena, including our thoughts and feelings, are ceaselessly undergoing in accordance witht the law of causation. Birth and death have been compared to the repeated rising and falling of waves on the ocean where each wave preconditions the subsequent ones. satori: Japanese, the experience of enlightenment, i.e.,Self-realization, opening the Mind's eye, awakening to one's True-nature and hence of the nature of all existence; a state resulting from the realization of one's own enlightenment particularly the enlightenment experienced by the Buddha.sealing of the mind: indicates the intuitive method of Zen orCh'an which is independent of the spoken or written word.seiza: the traditional Japanese posture of sitting, with the back straight and the buttocks resing on the heels.Self-realization: the realization of Mind; satori.Shastra: Literally "essays", these are writings that have been accepted as Mahayana or Zen canonical works.shikantaza: "just sitting," zazen itself, without supporting devices such as breath-counting or koan study, characterized by intense, nondiscursive awareness, "zazen doing zazen for the sake of zazen." shunyata: emptiness or void, without essence; a key notion of Buddhism. Soto: one of several Zen sects that came to Japan from China. Founded by Dogen, characterized by "just sitting" or shikantaza, and one sits facing the wall instead of toward the room.sila: precept, prohibition, command, discipline, rule, morality; thesecond paramita. To the extent that is possible within the laymen's life, one should adopt the precepts (some have been laid down for monks, others for laypeople, etc.) Any sincere home practice should include precepts. skandhas: five aggregates of existence: form, feeling, ideation, reaction, consciousness, often called heaps. Zen practice is designed to help you beyond the hangups that develop from our attachments to these. The teachings of Mahayana doctrines is that these are all empty, null, and void.subject and object: active and passive ideas that result from the formulation that begins with "I" and "other." Zen practice is an invitation to breaking down this thinking. The Zen koan usually works around problems arising from our stubborn attachment to this kind of thought and halts it or raises a doubt. During zazen "observing" the mind before such thinking arises is recommended in addition to merely counting breaths.sutras: Sanskrit for "a string of jewels," Buddhist scriptures, dialogues and sermons of the Buddha, one of the twelve divisions of the Mahayana canon. The Pali canon were originally recorded in Pali, and the Mahayana in Sanskrit. Zen, unlike other sects, is not associated with any one sutra, giving the masters freedom to use as and if they see fit. The statement that Zen is a special transmission outside the scriptures, with no dependence on words or letters, only means that for the Zen sect Truth must be directly grasped and not taken on the authority of even the sutras, much less sought in lifeless intellectual formulas or concepts.Sukhavati-Vyuha Sutra: Mahayana Sutra, late teachings of the Buddha on how to be born in the Pure Land and three kinds of good actions: world goodness, morality (sila), and practice.Surangama Sutra: Mahayana sutra dealing at length with successive steps for the attainment of supreme enlightenment. The Buddha revealed the causes of illusion causes of illusion leading to the creation of all worlds of existence and the methods of getting out of them. The most detailed explanation of the Buddha's teachings concerning the mind. It includes an analysis of where the mind is located, an explanation of the origin of the cosmos, a discussion of the specific workings of karma, a description of all the realms of existence, and an exposition on the fifty kinds of deviant samadhi-concentrations, which can delude us in our search for awakening.tatami: a woven rice mat used as a ground or floor covering for sitting zen or zazen. Recommended.tathagata: "thus come one," he who came as did all Buddhas; who took the absolute way of cause and effect, and attained to perfect wisdom; one of the highest titles of the Buddha.teisho: a talk presented by the Zen master usually relating to practiceor a point of practice within one's life, sometimes as an explanation, a commentary, or an expository talk.tenzo: head cook in a Zen Center, temple, monastery.Three Treasures or Jewels: In reality they are one: (1) the Buddha, representing the realization of the world of Emptiness, of Buddha-nature, of unconditioned Equality; the Historic Buddha, Shakyamuni; includes iconography; (2) the Dharma, the Law of beginningless and endless becoming to which all phenomena are subject according to causes and conditions; the spoken words, discourses, and sermons of Shakyamuni Buddha; and (3) the Sangha, which is the interfusion and reciprocal interaction of the preceding two, which constitutes total reality as experienced by the enlightened; the immediate disciples of the Buddha Shakyamuni and his followers, who heard, believed, and made real in their bodies the teachings; the contemporary disciples. Ultimately the Three Treasures in none other than one's own self.Tripitaka: Literally "The three Baskets", the Tripitaka comprises the Sutras, Vinaya and Commentaries.Vimalakirti Nirdesa Sutra: a Mahayana sutra, that reveals the importance of inner commitment to the spiritual life; of special interest to those practicing at home alone as it expounds the practice that a layman may follow. Vimalakirti, the Bodhisattva of "spotless reputation" represents the ideal layman in Buddhism because he was able to train successfully in everyday life.Vinaya: The disciplinary code of the Sangha.void-patience: patience or endurance attained by regarding all things as void or unreal. Zazen becomes much easier with cultivation, and out of this grows a patience for what seems like "doing nothing." Again, faith is very helpful until this develops in practice.wisdom of equality: the wisdom rising above such distinctions as I and Thou, thus being rid of the ego idea, and wisdom in regard to all things equally and universally.yaza: zazen done after 9p.m., the usual bedtime hour in the Zen monasteries.yoga: used in the widest sense, embracing spiritual disciplines for achieving unity and universal Consciousness, emphasizes breathing exercises and postures, for physical and mental health. Several methods are employed and recommended for readiness and conditioning for zazen, especially for the full lotus position (most difficult). zabuton: the larger, thinner, bottom pad upon which the zafu or bench is placed. It in turn is placed on a tatami mat or directly on a carpet or bare floor.zafu: the meditation cushion that one sits directly upon during zazen, that sits on the zabuton.zazen: sitting zen practice or zen meditation, a state of innercollectedness, in absorption.zazenkai: a full one-day devotion centered around several periodsof zazen practice.Zazen Yokinki: (Precautions to Observe in Zazen), a well know writing on the practice of zazen by Keizan-zenji, of the 14th century.Zen: Japanese, short for Zen Buddhism, called Ch'an by the Chinese, and dhyana in India. A sect of Buddhism not identified or connected with any given sutra as other sects are, but with freedom, uses all or any or none of the sutras as needed. Nevertheless, some sutras have become closely related and helpful to Zen practice, particularly those of the Mahayana canon, like the Diamond Sutra and the Heart Sutra. It is recommended that one studying at Zen at home on their own become familiar with the Mahayana sutras, many of which are listed here.zendo: a large hall or room or structure where zen training and practice takes place, particularly zazen, typically in the presence of the Sangha and under the direction, guidance and teaching of a Zen master.Taken from No Zendo with minor alterations and additions.。


常用佛教名词英语翻译究竟菩提心Absolute Bodhi Citta - 完全觉醒、见到现象之空性的心;甘露Amrta (藏文dut tsi) :一种加持物,能帮助心理及生理疾病的复元。
阿罗汉Arhat (藏文Dra Chompa):已净除烦恼障的小乘修行者暨成就者。
观音菩萨AvalOkiteSVara (藏文ChenreZig):大悲心本尊,是西藏人最广为修持的本尊,因此被尊为西藏之怙佑者。
菩提心Bodhi Citta (藏文Chang Chup Sem):义为「开悟或证悟之心」。
菩萨Bodhi SattVa (藏文Chang Chup Sem Pa):义为「展现证悟心者」,亦指为了救度一切众生脱离轮回苦海,而誓愿修持以菩提心为基础的大乘法门及六波罗蜜的修行者。
菩萨戒Bodhi SattVa Vow (藏文Chang Chup Sem Gyi Dong Pa):修行者为了引领一切众生皆成就佛果而誓愿修行并领受的戒。
佛性Buddha Nature (梵文tathagatagarbha,藏文deshin shekpe nying po),又称为「如来藏」:是一切众生皆具有之原始本性。
释迦牟尼佛Buddha Sakyamuni (藏文Shakya Tubpa):往往又称为瞿昙佛(Gautama Buddha),指贤劫千佛当中最近出世、住于公元前五百六十三年至四百八十三年间的佛。
法道Buddhist Path (藏文lam):得到正觉或证悟的过程,亦指修行的三种逻辑次第;根、道、果「」中的道。
圆满次第Completion Stage (藏文dzo rim):在金刚乘,禅修有两个阶段:生起次第及圆满次第。

第37卷第6期2019年12月常州工学院学报(社科版)JournalofChangzhouInstituteofTechnology(SocialScienceEdition)Vol.37㊀No.6Dec.2019doi:10.3969/j.issn.1673-0887.2019.06.017收稿日期:20190401作者简介:朱天发(1992 ㊀)ꎬ男ꎬ福建福州人ꎬ东南大学与蒙纳士大学联合培养翻译硕士研究生ꎻ吴艾玲(联系人)ꎬ女ꎬ博士ꎬ副教授ꎬ研究方向为翻译理论与实践㊁修辞学㊁英语语法ꎬ520 ̄wu@163.comꎮ«红楼梦»佛教文化用语英译探析以霍克思译本为例朱天发ꎬ吴艾玲(东南大学外国语学院ꎬ江苏南京211189)摘要:中国古典小说«红楼梦»蕴涵着佛教精神ꎬ佛教中的 色空 理论㊁禅宗思想均对全书的内容㊁结构㊁思想产生了影响ꎮ原文中有大量具有象征意义㊁蕴含着佛教哲学思想的佛教文化用语ꎮ文章通过分析霍克思«红楼梦»英译本中佛教文化用语的翻译方法及翻译策略ꎬ探讨佛教文化对中华古典文学的影响ꎬ以及英语世界对中国佛教文化的解读与接受ꎮ关键词:«红楼梦»ꎻ佛教文化用语ꎻ翻译中图分类号:H315.9文献标志码:A文章编号:1673-0887(2019)06-0086-06㊀一㊁«红楼梦»与佛教«红楼梦»一书蕴涵着丰富的佛教文化思想ꎬ这与作者曹雪芹的生平不无关系ꎮ曹雪芹出身清代内务府正白旗包衣世家ꎬ为江宁织造曹寅之孙ꎬ早年在南京江宁织造府过着锦衣玉食㊁富贵风流的生活ꎬ后曹家因亏空获罪被抄家ꎬ自此曹雪芹的生活陷入困顿之境ꎮ生活困顿㊁衣食无着的曹雪芹一度寄居于北京卧佛寺[1]ꎮ经过人生的大起大落㊁大喜大悲之后ꎬ他从佛教中寻求精神的寄托ꎬ佛教哲学对其人生观㊁世界观乃至文学创作都产生了重大影响ꎮ可以说ꎬ«红楼梦»不仅蕴含着曹雪芹对中华文明的深刻思考ꎬ也融合了他对佛教哲学的切身体悟ꎬ 他深深地悟到一切生命个体的人生深处都有佛性因子ꎬ因此他看到的是生命的 整体相 而不是 分别相 ꎬ从而写出卓越的作品留下来给后世 [2]ꎮ«红楼梦»中多处体现了佛教思想ꎮ例如:«好了歌»与宝玉出家等情节反映了佛教的 色空 理论ꎬ 宝黛参禅 则涉及了禅宗思想ꎬ对西方灵河㊁三生石畔等意象的描写皆与佛教 转世 思想有关ꎮ王国维曾经在«‹红楼梦›评论»中说: 吾国之文学中ꎬ其具厌世解脱之精神者仅有«桃花扇»与«红楼梦»耳 «桃花扇»之解脱ꎬ他律的也ꎻ而«红楼梦»之解脱ꎬ自律的也ꎮ [3]在王国维看来ꎬ«红楼梦»中蕴含着佛教中的 出世 思想与 色空 理论ꎮ二㊁霍克思«红楼梦»英译本大卫 霍克思是英国著名汉学家ꎬ毕业于牛津大学中文系ꎬ1959 1971年在牛津大学担任中文系教授ꎬ在好友吴世昌的鼓励下ꎬ他与«红楼梦»结下了不解之缘ꎬ并于1970年启动了«红楼梦»120回的全本翻译工作ꎮ为了全身心翻译«红楼梦»ꎬ霍克思于1971年辞去牛津大学中文系系主任一职ꎬ用了10年的时间ꎬ翻译了前80回ꎬ最后40回ꎬ由其女婿闵福德完成ꎮ就这样ꎬ两人共同完成了«红楼梦»120回全译本(以下简称 霍译 )的翻译工作ꎮ霍译本语言优美ꎬ力图保持原作风格ꎬ不拘泥于原文的字句结构ꎬ使译文更符合英文表达习惯ꎮ直到2004年邦斯尔版«红楼梦»英译本问世前ꎬ霍译本一直被认为是世界上第一个«红楼梦»英文全译本ꎮ可以说ꎬ霍译本的问第6期朱天发ꎬ吴艾玲:«红楼梦»佛教文化用语英译探析 以霍克思译本为例世ꎬ改变了以往«红楼梦»的英译本只有节译的情况ꎬ让英语读者得以一览«红楼梦»全貌ꎮ三㊁«红楼梦»佛教文化用语翻译«红楼梦»中有许多佛教文化用语ꎬ这些词语虽然涉及的佛教理论不同ꎬ但在其他方面存在诸多相似之处ꎮ例如ꎬ佛教文化用语多为四字格ꎬ短小精悍ꎬ意味深远ꎬ因此给译者带来了不小的挑战ꎮ此外ꎬ由于中西文化存在差异ꎬ绝大多数佛教文化用语在英语中没有对应的文化负载词ꎬ所以也大大增加了翻译难度ꎮ(一) 色空 论的翻译色空 一说出自«般若波罗蜜多心经» 色不异空ꎬ空不异色ꎬ色即是空ꎬ空即是色 ꎮ«红楼梦»以佛教中的 色空 理论作为其哲学主题贯穿全书ꎬ在第一回就开宗明义地宣称整个故事是 因空见色ꎬ由色生情ꎬ传情入色ꎬ自色悟空 ꎮ作者还借跛足道人之口ꎬ以一首«好了歌»宣扬了 色空 思想ꎮ可以说ꎬ 色空 理论是«红楼梦»悲剧意识的体现ꎮ例如:(1)原文:因空见色ꎬ由色生情ꎬ传情入色ꎬ自色悟空ꎮ①译文:StartingoffintheVoid(whichisTruth)cametothecontemplationofForm(whichisIllu ̄sion)ꎻandfromFormengenderedPassionꎻandbycommunicatingPassionꎬenteredagainIntoFormꎻandfromFormawoketotheVoid(whichisTruth).②佛教中的 色 与世俗生活中的 色 不同:现实生活中所说的 色 ꎬ指物体的颜色ꎬ后引申为 女色 ꎬ佛教中的 色 则没有这层意思ꎬ佛家之色乃 五蕴之色 ꎬ五蕴分别指色蕴㊁受蕴㊁想蕴㊁行蕴㊁识蕴ꎮ在五蕴中ꎬ除色蕴是属物质性的事物现象之外ꎬ其余四蕴均属精神现象ꎮ佛教认为 色空不二 ꎬ«红楼梦»的色空观是 因空见色ꎬ由色生情ꎬ传情入色ꎬ自色悟空 ꎬ这句话可理解为: 因空见色 是指空空道人在主观意识虚空的情况下ꎬ看见了形形色色的世间万物ꎻ 由色生情 是通过所看到的种种ꎬ产生了维系这些事物的纽带 情 ꎻ 传情入色 是指借由此 情 来看世间万物ꎬ则万物亦皆有 情 ꎻ 自色悟空 意思是从这融入了情的 色 中ꎬ方能悟得 空 的真谛ꎮ可见ꎬ«红楼梦»的色空观是一个 空ң色ң情ң色ң空 的环圈ꎬ在色空中贯穿着一个 情 字ꎬ在这个环圈中第一个 色 字是有血有肉㊁能由此而生情的色ꎬ第二个自色悟空的 色 字才是佛教本来意义的色[4]ꎮ换句话说ꎬ两种 色 所蕴含的含义不同ꎬ第一种 色 为 有相相 ꎬ第二种 色 则是 有相相 和 无相相 的结合ꎮ对这两种 色 的翻译ꎬ霍克思并未作区分ꎬ而是将其统一翻译为 thecontemplationofForm ꎬ可理解为 对表象的思考 ꎬ并在文中加注(whichisIllu ̄sion)ꎬ义即 幻象 ꎮ此处ꎬ霍克思的译文表达的是第二种 色 的意思ꎬ它将 色 理解为 幻象 ꎬ这不无道理ꎬ因为佛家中的 色 是抽象的ꎬ虚幻的ꎬ变化的ꎬ但仅凭 Illusion (幻象)一词难以涵括此处 色 的丰富含义ꎮ对于本句中的另一关键词 空 ꎬ霍克思将其翻译为 theVoid ꎬ并且在其后加注 whichisTruth ꎬ此处的 Truth 可以理解为 真相 ꎬ在佛教中ꎬ 空即是色 的 空 是包万有㊁纳万境之 空 ꎬ是不 空 之 空 [5]ꎮ也就是说ꎬ一切物质现象和精神现象的真实面貌与本质是 空 ꎮ虽然 Truth 一词无法完全涵括佛家中 空 所蕴含的复杂含义ꎬ也难以体现 空 作为佛教术语给读者带来的高深玄妙之感ꎬ但在文化负载词空缺的情况下ꎬ霍克思的译文 Truth 基本体现了 空 的核心含义ꎬ可谓瑕不掩瑜ꎮ(二) 禅偈 的翻译禅宗思想贯穿«红楼梦»全书始终ꎮ可以说ꎬ书中回回皆有妙语ꎬ处处皆寓禅机ꎮ杜景华在«‹红楼梦›与禅宗»中曾说: 对于曹雪芹的禅空观ꎬ我想我们是不必回避的ꎬ无论有意无意回避或绕过这种禅 空 观ꎬ对于«红楼梦»一开卷便抛给我们的许多迷离观念以及全书中许多人物的归宿ꎬ我们都将无法得到更为合理的解释ꎮ [6]可见ꎬ«红楼梦»的禅宗思想与作者的创作主旨息息相关ꎬ密不可分ꎮ此外ꎬ从艺术创作角度看ꎬ曹雪芹在书中融入禅宗元素ꎬ使全书蕴涵了意味深刻的哲理思辨ꎬ并营造了高超深远的禅学境界ꎮ具体来说ꎬ«红楼梦»的禅宗思想主要体现在第二十78常州工学院学报(社科版)2019年二回 听曲文宝玉悟禅机ꎬ制灯谜贾政悲谶语 ꎬ作者借宝黛参禅之机ꎬ以 禅偈 的形式ꎬ阐释了自己的禅学理念ꎮ再如:(2)原文:无立足境ꎬ是方干净ꎮ译文:TohavenogroundOnwhichtostandWereyetmoresound.Andthere sanend!自南宋以来ꎬ禅僧的语录体裁已告齐备ꎬ语录中也常加入偈颂ꎮ依据创作机缘的不同ꎬ 禅偈 可分为多种形式ꎬ一般包括 开悟偈 传法偈 劝世偈 和 辞世偈 等类型ꎮ 开悟偈 是指禅僧依师家的启发而开悟时ꎬ将其悟境以偈颂的形式表现出来ꎮ此处 无立足境ꎬ是方干净 即为宝黛参禅之 开悟偈 ꎬ也是作者对佛教 色空 理论的进一步阐释ꎬ在一定程度上反映了全书的中心思想ꎮ宝玉认为 无可云证ꎬ是立足境 ꎬ即 待无可验证之时ꎬ方为大彻大悟 ꎬ而黛玉认为宝玉的觉悟还不够彻底ꎬ她更进一步ꎬ指出 无立足境ꎬ是方干净 ꎮ如果说宝玉追求的是精神境界ꎬ那么黛玉却连这精神境界也一并舍弃了ꎬ从而达到空无纯明之境ꎬ无所谓 有 ꎬ无所谓 无 ꎬ方才是真正意义上的色空ꎮ此处从 是立足境 到 无立足境 的逻辑递进关系ꎬ和庄子 贫无立锥之地 之说以及香严智闲禅师语 去年贫ꎬ未足为贫ꎬ今年贫ꎬ始是贫ꎬ去年贫ꎬ犹有卓锥之地ꎬ今年贫ꎬ锥也无 [7]有一定的相似之处ꎮ无立足境ꎬ是方干净 为八字佛偈ꎬ蕴意深刻ꎬ是本章回提纲挈领之笔ꎮ霍克思在翻译此句时ꎬ不仅译文维持四字格的形式ꎬ在形式上尽最大可能与原文保持一致ꎬ而且还将 ground㊁stand㊁sound㊁end 4个以 nd 结尾的单词置于每一小句末尾ꎬ这种类似十四行诗押尾韵的方式使得全句更富韵律感ꎮ除了在格式与韵律上所做的努力之外ꎬ霍克思也力求准确地表达原句的含义ꎮ Tohavenoground.Onwhichtostand. 对应 无立足境 ꎬ此句是用直译的方式表达原文的意思ꎮ Wereyetmoresound.Andthere sanend! 对应 是方干净 ꎬ这里ꎬ霍克思灵活采用了意译的方法ꎬ用 sound (彻底地)与 end (结束)两词来再现原文 干净 的含义ꎮ(3)原文:惜春听了ꎬ默然无语ꎮ因想: 妙玉虽然洁净ꎬ毕竟尘缘未断ꎮ可惜我生在这种人家不便出家ꎬ我若出了家时ꎬ那有邪魔缠扰ꎬ一念不生ꎬ万缘俱寂ꎮ译文:Xi ̄chunthoughtsilentlytoherself:SoforallherfastidiouspurityꎬAddie sworldlykarmaisstillnotcomplete.IfonlyIhadbeenbornintoadifferentfamily!IfonlyIwerefreetobecomeanun!Iwouldneverbetemptedbyevilspirits.IknowIwouldbeabletosubdueeveryunholythoughtandachievetotaldetachmentfromtheworldandallitsentanglements.一念不生 出自«万善同归集»卷ꎬ«大正藏»卷四八: 禅宗一念不生ꎬ一尘不现ꎬ若争驰焰水ꎬ竞执空华ꎮ 原指维摩等顿悟的教旨ꎬ因与禅家的主张相同ꎬ故澄观㊁宗密等将其摄属禅宗ꎬ其后广为禅家使用ꎮ佛家认为 一念不生 即为佛ꎮ如«华严五教章»卷一云: 顿者言说顿绝㊁理性顿显㊁解行顿成ꎬ一念不生即是佛等ꎮ «华严经疏»卷二云: 但一念不生即名为佛ꎬ不依地位渐次而说故立为顿ꎮ 一念不生 ꎬ指的是 不起心㊁不动念 ꎬ此处霍克思将 一念不生 翻译为 subdueeveryunholythought ꎬ意思是 断绝一切罪恶之念 ꎬ需要注意的是ꎬ佛经中的 一念不生 并未对 念 的性质作说明ꎬ 念 指一切 念 ꎬ而译者以 unholy 作 thought 的定语ꎬ故此处翻译有待商榷ꎮ万缘俱寂 出自«景德传灯录»卷九与«大正藏»卷五一: 离文字之印ꎬ唯传一心更无别法ꎮ心体亦空ꎬ万缘俱寂ꎮ 万缘 指万物的缘起法ꎬ俱寂指全都清净寂灭ꎬ 万缘俱寂 就是指 各种世俗杂念全都消除 ꎬ达到所谓 无眼耳鼻舌身意ꎬ无色声香味触法ꎬ无眼界乃至无意识界ꎬ无无明亦无无明尽 的境界ꎮ此处ꎬ霍克思没有拘泥于原文ꎬ将 万缘俱寂 翻译为 achievetotalde ̄tachmentfromtheworldandallitsentangle ̄ments ꎬ意即 完全从尘世纠葛之中解脱出来 ꎬ译文虽然与原句意义有所区别ꎬ但基本符合其核心思想ꎮ(三)佛教术语的翻译«红楼梦»一书涉及的佛教术语不下百个ꎬ由88第6期朱天发ꎬ吴艾玲:«红楼梦»佛教文化用语英译探析 以霍克思译本为例于佛教与西方盛行的基督教存在较大差异ꎬ将这些数目众多的宗教术语呈现给英文读者ꎬ对译者来说无疑是一个巨大的挑战ꎬ同时也是衡量小说翻译质量的一个重要因素ꎮ(4)原文:原是有了我ꎬ便有了人ꎬ有了人便有无数的烦恼ꎬ生出来恐怖㊁颠倒㊁梦想ꎬ更有许多缠碍ꎮ译文:It stheillusionof me thatcreatestheillusionof others ꎬandalifelivedunderthesetwinillusionsisboundtobebesetwithfrustrationsꎬfearsꎬconfusionꎬfoolishdreamsandahostofotherobstaclesandentanglements.颠倒梦想 出自«心经»: 心无挂碍ꎬ无挂碍故ꎬ无有恐怖ꎬ远离颠倒梦想ꎮ 佛经中说人生七苦 生㊁老㊁病㊁死㊁怨憎会㊁爱别离㊁求不得ꎬ诸般种种ꎬ皆由颠倒梦想而来ꎮ关于 颠倒 ꎬ佛教中有四颠倒之说ꎬ即四种颠倒妄见ꎬ指凡夫对于生死有为法所执之四种谬见 常颠倒(无常作有常)㊁乐颠倒(以苦当作乐)㊁净颠倒(以不净为净)㊁我颠倒(无我作有我)ꎬ只有去除四颠倒ꎬ方能达到真正的 常乐我净 ꎮ这里的 颠倒 指 谬见 ꎬ即 错误的认知 ꎬ霍克思将其翻译为 confu ̄sion ꎬ是将其引申理解为 迷惑 ꎬ基本符合原文意思ꎮ此外ꎬ霍克斯将 梦想 翻译为 foolishdreams (义为 愚蠢的梦 )ꎬ而在佛经中ꎬ 梦想 指人的虚幻的梦觉ꎬ也可理解为妄想ꎬ是不理性㊁与现实不符且不可能实现的错误信念ꎬ可见ꎬ foolishdreams 只是表达了 梦想 的一层意思ꎮ(5)原文:观自在又是女菩萨译文:OurladyofMercy观自在ꎬ即观世音菩萨ꎬ亦出自«心经» 观自在菩萨ꎬ行深般若波罗蜜多时 ꎮ 观世音 为鸠摩罗什的旧译ꎬ玄奘新译为 观自在 ꎮ 观世音 的意思ꎬ乃是观察世间的音声而救苦救难ꎬ显然侧重点在 觉他 的方面ꎻ 观自在 以了脱生死㊁自在无碍的境界为依归ꎬ侧重点在 自觉 的方面ꎮ观自在菩萨是佛教中慈悲和智慧的象征ꎬ无论在大乘佛教还是民间信仰中ꎬ都具有极其重要的地位ꎬ以观自在菩萨为主导的大慈悲精神被视为大乘佛教的根本ꎮ此处ꎬ霍克斯将 观自在 翻译为 OurladyofMercy ꎬ OurladyofMercy 一词出自西班牙语ꎬ原语为 NuestraSeñoradelaMer ̄ced ꎬ指 仁慈的圣母 ꎮ在这里ꎬ霍克思依然遵循语用等效原则ꎬ以 OurladyofMercy (仁慈圣母)这一基督教文化用语对应佛教中的 观自在 菩萨ꎬ有效地降低了英语读者的阅读难度ꎮ(6)原文:黛玉道: 禅门第一戒是不打诳语的ꎮ 宝玉道: 有如三宝ꎮ译文:Dai ̄yu: ThefirstruleofZenisnottotelllies.Bao ̄yu: Butit sthetruthꎬsohelpmeBud ̄dhaꎬtheDharmaandtheHolyBrotherhood.佛法僧ꎬ即佛教三宝ꎮ三宝是佛教的教法和证法的核心ꎮ简单地说ꎬ三宝指佛宝㊁法宝㊁僧宝ꎮ佛宝ꎬ指圆证佛道的本师释迦牟尼佛ꎬ也泛指尽虚空㊁遍法界㊁十方三世一切诸佛ꎮ法宝ꎬ指佛的一切教法ꎬ包括三藏十二部经及八万四千法门ꎮ僧宝ꎬ指依诸佛教法如实修行㊁弘传佛法㊁度化众生的出家沙门ꎮ此处ꎬ面对林黛玉的质疑ꎬ贾宝玉说 有如三宝 ꎬ是以佛法僧三宝之庄重来表示自己的决心ꎮ在翻译此句时ꎬ霍克思作了增译ꎬ添加了 Butit sthetruth ꎬ并套用英文中用于起誓的短语 SohelpmeGod. (上帝为我作证)ꎬ将其中的 god 替换为 BuddhaꎬtheDharmaandtheHolyBrotherhood ꎬ这样便于英语读者理解原句意义ꎮ此外ꎬ在佛经翻译中ꎬ 佛法僧 一般分别译为 BuddhaꎬtheDharmaandthesangha ꎮ霍克思并未将 僧 译为 sangha ꎬ而是将其译为 HolyBrotherhood ꎮ HolyBrotherhood 一词源于西语 SantaHermandad ꎬ义为 神圣兄弟会 ꎬ旧指中世纪西班牙各城镇的警察ꎬ现已成为西班牙基督教组织ꎬ此处ꎬ可引申理解为基督教教徒ꎮ可见ꎬ霍克思采用了语用等效原则ꎬ将 僧 译为 HolyBrotherhood ꎬ易于英语读者理解ꎮ(7)原文:恭请诸伽蓝㊁揭谛㊁功曹等神ꎮ译文:earnestlyprayingandbeseechingtheEighteenGuardiansoftheSanghaꎬtheWarlikeGuardiansoftheLawꎬandtheTwelveGuardiansoftheMonths.原文出自«红楼梦»第十三回ꎬ是秦可卿去世后ꎬ僧道在其丧葬仪式上所书榜文ꎮ其中ꎬ 伽蓝 揭谛 二词出自佛教ꎬ 功曹 一词出自道教ꎮ98常州工学院学报(社科版)2019年伽蓝 原为梵文ꎬ是 僧伽蓝摩 的简称ꎬ中文意思为僧众所居住的园庭ꎬ亦即寺院ꎮ伽蓝神指保护伽蓝(寺庙)的神ꎮ依«七佛八菩萨大陀罗尼神咒经»所说ꎬ佛说有十八神保护伽蓝ꎬ分别是美音㊁梵音㊁天鼓㊁叹妙㊁叹美㊁摩妙㊁雷音㊁师子㊁妙叹㊁梵响㊁人音㊁佛奴㊁颂德㊁广目㊁妙眼㊁彻听㊁彻视㊁遍视ꎬ统称伽蓝圣众菩萨ꎮ显然ꎬ原文中的伽蓝并非指代寺院ꎬ因此ꎬ此处霍克思将 伽蓝 翻译为 theEighteenGuardiansoftheSangha ꎬ意指十八伽蓝守护神ꎬ基本翻译出了 伽蓝 背后的文化含义ꎮ揭谛 亦作 揭帝 ꎬ义为 去 去经历 去体验 ꎬ语出«般若波罗蜜多心经»: 揭谛揭谛ꎬ波罗揭谛ꎬ波罗僧揭谛ꎬ菩提萨婆诃ꎮ 后来随着佛教发展ꎬ 揭谛 逐渐演变成佛教五方守护大力神ꎬ人称五方揭谛ꎬ分别是:金头揭谛㊁银头揭谛㊁波罗揭谛㊁波罗僧揭谛㊁摩诃揭谛ꎮ五方揭谛在«西游记»中曾多次出现ꎬ他们由菩萨派遣ꎬ保护唐僧西天取经ꎮ原文中 揭谛 为 神 ꎬ即指五方揭谛ꎬ此处霍克思将其翻译为 theWarlikeGuar ̄diansoftheLaw ꎬ其中 Warlike 点明 揭谛 为善战的武神形象ꎬ Guardians 又指出 揭谛 守护神的身份ꎮ经过霍克思的处理ꎬ英勇善战的佛教守护神形象跃然纸上ꎬ英语读者也更容易理解ꎮ(四)佛教典故的翻译«红楼梦»中蕴含了诸多佛教典故ꎬ从汉英翻译角度来看ꎬ典故是非常难翻译的语言现象之一ꎮ中文典故言简意赅ꎬ通常难以用简洁明了的英语表达它们的含义ꎮ译者在翻译时ꎬ译文往往会丧失与原文在表层形式的对应ꎬ或者在实现表层形式的对应的同时ꎬ又丧失原文的某些深层意义[8]ꎮ因此ꎬ译者应当从实际出发ꎬ选择合适的翻译方法ꎬ在必要的时候ꎬ需作出取舍ꎮ(8)原文:我虽丈六金身ꎬ还借你一茎所化ꎮ译文:ThisbumptiousBuddhabowstoyourSingleFlower.丈六金身 指佛的三身之一ꎮ指变化身中的小身ꎮ因其高约一丈六尺ꎬ呈真金色ꎬ故名ꎮ 一茎 即 一茎草 ꎬ又作一枝草ꎬ形容微细之物ꎮ在佛经中ꎬ 一茎草 常与 丈六金身 并举ꎬ表心佛不二㊁物我一如之义ꎮ如«赵州和尚语录»: 此事如明珠在掌ꎬ胡来胡现ꎬ汉来汉现ꎮ老僧把一枝草作丈六金身用ꎬ把丈六金身作一枝草用ꎮ佛即是烦恼ꎬ烦恼即是佛ꎮ 另有说法认为 一茎 代指莲花ꎬ相传佛祖一出世ꎬ便立于莲花之上ꎬ佛祖觉悟成道后ꎬ观树经行ꎬ一步一莲花ꎮ此外ꎬ我们现在所看到的佛像都正襟盘坐在莲花之上ꎬ故说丈六金身 (佛祖)是由 一茎草 (莲花)幻化而成ꎮ对于此句中的 丈六金身 与 一茎所化 ꎬ只有具备一定佛学素养并对佛教文化有相当了解的人士才能领会其背后内涵ꎬ而英语读者普遍信仰基督教ꎬ对佛教文化知之甚少ꎮ考虑到英语读者的接受能力ꎬ在此处作过分冗长的解释很可能会适得其反ꎮ所以霍克思没有深究此典故背后的文化内涵ꎬ而是选择传达原句的引申意义ꎬ将 丈六金身 中的 丈六 金 等修饰词略去不译ꎬ直接替换翻译为 bumptiousBuddha ꎬ将 一茎 翻译为 SingleFlower ꎮ此处显然运用了意译手法ꎬ目的是避免译文冗杂ꎬ虽不可避免地遗失了典故背后的深层文化涵义ꎬ但基本上再现了原文的表层意义ꎬ同时也使译文更加易于理解ꎮ(9)原文:怎么忽然又变出这 剖腹藏珠 的脾气来?译文:You reasbadasthePersianwithhispearl!剖腹藏珠 的典故源于佛经中记载的剖身藏舍利行为ꎬ这一行为与异域佛教信仰密切相关ꎮ此类故事最早在来往于西域交通要道上的商人及佛教徒中口耳相传ꎬ主人公的身份㊁所持的宝物㊁自残肢体的行为等诸多因素都来源于佛教ꎬ虔诚的宗教信仰是藏珠者剖腹的动力[9]ꎮ此外ꎬ在佛教文化中ꎬ还存在许多 自残肢体 类典故ꎮ佛经中就有佛祖割肉喂鹰㊁舍身饲虎的故事ꎮ«五灯会元»卷一载ꎬ慧可为向禅宗初祖达摩求法ꎬ彻夜立在雪地中ꎬ并砍去左臂以示至诚ꎬ这便是 二祖断臂 的由来ꎮ直至现在ꎬ佛教中仍然有诸如燃戒疤㊁燃指供㊁燃臂供佛等 自残肢体 式的宗教仪式ꎮ可见ꎬ 剖腹藏珠 虽非直接来源于佛经ꎬ却与佛教有着千丝万缕的关系ꎮ根据冯其庸㊁李希凡主编的«红楼梦大辞典»的解释: 剖腹藏珠ꎬ意为破开肚子把珍珠藏进去ꎮ比喻为物伤身ꎬ惜09第6期朱天发ꎬ吴艾玲:«红楼梦»佛教文化用语英译探析 以霍克思译本为例物伤生ꎬ轻重颠倒ꎮ [10]对于 剖腹藏珠 的翻译ꎬ霍克思并没有拘泥于原文ꎬ而是将其翻译为 Per ̄sianwithhispearl ꎬ译文中ꎬ Persian 即指 波斯人 ꎬ古时亦称 胡人 ꎬ古代传说波斯商人会采用割股藏珠的方法以保财物安全ꎮ据«广异记 青泥珠»卷402载: 则天时ꎬ西国献毗娄博义天王下颔骨及辟支佛舌ꎬ并青泥珠一枚 胡得珠ꎬ纳腿肉中ꎬ还西国ꎮ [11]显然ꎬ霍克思深谙此典的来龙去脉ꎬ故将其翻译为 Persianwithhispearl ꎬ准确地传达出了典故的内涵ꎮ四㊁结语早在东汉初期就传入中国的佛教ꎬ经过了长达两千多年的传播与发展ꎬ逐渐与中国的本土文化道家和儒家相融合ꎬ发展成为中国传统文化的重要组成部分ꎬ对中国哲学㊁文学的发展乃至对中华民族文化的演变都有重大影响ꎮ«红楼梦»中的佛教思想贯穿全书ꎬ所涉及佛教文化用语颇多ꎬ翻译难度较大ꎬ极具代表意义ꎬ因此ꎬ准确翻译«红楼梦»中的佛教文化用语ꎬ对国外读者理解佛教文化㊁中国传统文化都大有助益ꎮ霍克思毕生致力于研究和译介中国古典文学ꎬ他以传播中国传统文化精髓为立足点ꎬ在忠实于原文的基础上ꎬ灵活采取各种翻译策略与方法ꎬ对佛教文化用语作了精当的翻译和阐释ꎬ为英语世界读者了解佛教文化与中国传统文化提供了可能ꎬ也为中国古典文学的西传做出了巨大贡献ꎮ注释:①«红楼梦»原文皆引自曹雪芹:«红楼梦»ꎬ人民文学出版社ꎬ1983年ꎮ②«红楼梦»译文皆引自DavidHawkesꎬJohnMinford:ThestoryofthestoneꎬLondon:PenguinClassicsꎬ1974ꎮ[参考文献][1]张元.曹雪芹与北京的寺庙[J].北京教育学院学报ꎬ2000(2):20-25.[2]刘再复.红楼梦悟[M].北京:生活 读书 新知三联书店ꎬ2006.[3]王国维.«红楼梦»评论[G]//朱一玄.红楼梦资料汇编.天津:南开大学出版社ꎬ2012.[4]徐季子.佛教思想对«红楼梦»的影响[J].文艺理论研究ꎬ1991(5):46-51.[5]王冉冉.佛禅 色空不二 思想在«红楼梦»中的吸收与转化[J].文艺理论研究ꎬ2015ꎬ35(2):50-57.[6]杜景华.«红楼梦»与禅宗[J].红楼梦学刊ꎬ1990(3):181-213.[7]释道原.景德传灯录[M].北京:中华书局ꎬ2016. [8]闫珊珊ꎬ魏天婵ꎬ张昆鹏ꎬ等.成语典故翻译技巧初探[J].新西部(理论版)ꎬ2011(7):144.[9]韩林.«红楼梦»中 剖腹藏珠 母题的渊源及嬗变[J].明清小说研究ꎬ2012(2):139-149.[10]冯其庸ꎬ李希凡.红楼梦大辞典[M].北京:文化艺术出版社ꎬ1990.[11]戴孚.冥报记广异记[M].北京:中华书局ꎬ1992.责任编辑:赵㊀青19。

敦煌学术语英汉对照表1.蓝宝石金刚杵 blue diamond vajra staff2.斯坦因Aurel Stein3.伯希和Paul Pelliot4.景教Nestorianism5.回鹘Ughur6.观音avalokitesvara7.大势至菩萨mahasthamaprapta8.如意宝珠cintamani9.因陀罗indra10.梵天brahma11.炽盛光如来tejaprabha12.法轮dharma cakra/the wheel of dharma13.契丹khitan14.阿弥陀amitabha15.万字符svastika16.法华经saddharmapundarika/lotus sutra17.舍利塔sarihani/stupa of the Buddha's ashes18.佛定尊胜陀罗尼经变illuatrations of theBuddhosnisah Darani19.十轮经变illustration of Ten Wheels Sutra20.祆教zoroastrianism21.摩醯首罗天mahesvara22.那罗延天naraya23.帝释天indra24.印度教Hinduism25.婆罗门教brahmanism26.大自在天mahamahesvara27.鸠摩罗天kumara28.毗那耶迦vinayaka29.三叉戟trident30.湿婆shiva31.风神veshparkar/wind god32.娜娜nana33.贵霜朝kushan dynasty34.密特拉mitra35.日天aditya/sun deva36.月天candra/moon devi37.水天 varuna/water devi38.穹庐顶/圆顶dome ceiling39.东汉画像砖eastern Han carved tile40.石棺sarcophagus41.人非人non-human image42.粟特Sogdiana/Sogdian43.突厥Turk/Turky44.萨珊王朝sasanian dynasty45.五方佛Buddhas of the Five Directions46.莲花生Padmasambhava47.普贤samantabhadra48.佛、法、僧buddha\ dharma\sangha49.文殊 majushri50.大日如来mahavairocana51.金刚手 vajra pani52.手印 mudra53.卒堵坡/塔stupa54.菩萨boddhisattva55.弥勒maitreya56.外道heterodox?57.千佛化现 illusion of thousand buddhas58.白沙瓦peshawa59.菩提树bodhi tree60.卢舍那佛vairochana61.金刚vajra62.龟兹kucha63.法衣cassock/monastic robe64.六道图six paths of rebirth65.八相变eight aspects of Buddha life66.大乘mahayana67.犍陀罗gandhara68.释迦shakya69.波罗奈国varnanas70.法轮dharma-cakra71.三宝three jewels72.小乘hynayana73.匈奴hun74.戒律commandment/monastic disciplines75.萨倕太子本生故事Jataka of Prince Mahasattva76.夜叉yaksha/yakshi77.业karma78.护法dharmapala/guardians of the Law79.阎浮提主 Lord of Jambudvipa80.力士warrior81.阿难ananda82.迦叶kasyapa83.涅槃nirvana84.维摩诘Vimalakirti85.曼陀罗mandala86.天盖canopy87.金刚铃vajra bell88.天女celestial lady89.阎魔天yama90.吉祥坐auspicious pose91.降魔坐krisssword pose92.除盖帐菩萨sarvanivaranavishkambin93.不空娟索菩萨amoghapsa94.与愿印wish-granting mudra95.无畏印fear-not mudra96.密宗tantric/esoteric sect97.触地印earth-touching mudra98.世俗化 vulgarization/secularization99.青铜像bronze statue100.本地佛教regional Buddhism101.陀罗尼Dhāranīs102.护身符 amulet103.印章 seal104.仙丹 elixir105.“四苦” Four Miseries106.净土歌赞Pure Land Carol107.六祖坛经 The Sutra Spoken by the Sxith Patriarch108.作孽 sin-committing109.降魔 demon-conquering110.空间结构 the spatial structure111.藏经洞 Library cave112.灵验记 An Efficacious Record113.行像活动 tht statue events114.三阶教 three-stage religion115.神仙 immortal being116.妙法莲华经 the Lotus Sutra117.吐蕃统治Tibetan Reign118.佛像东传 the transmission of buddhist images to East Asia119.敦煌山水画Dunhunag landscape paitings120.空间表现the representation of space121.供养人patron122.造像 image-making123.人物画 figure painting124.绢画 silk painting125.八大菩萨曼陀罗the Eight Mahaboddhisattva Mandala126.视觉联系 visual links127.胡化因素 foreign elemnts128.波罗王朝Pala Dynasty129.地藏菩萨Ksitigarbha130.虚空藏菩萨Akasagarbha131.菱形印 rhombus seal132.花供养菩萨flower-offering bodhisattva133.香供养菩萨incense-offering bodhisattva134.灯供养菩萨lamp-offering bodhisattva135.舞供养菩萨dance-offering bodhisattva136.歌供养菩萨song-offering bodhisattva137.金刚索vajra noose138.如意轮cintamani cakra139.净瓶water bottle140.西魏 the Western Wei Dynasty141.克孜尔石窟 Kizil Grottoes142.黎北岚 Penelope Riboud143.窑前殿堂palaces and halls in front of the cave 144.平面图plane figure145.立面图elvation drawing146.华尔纳Langdon Warner147.敦煌文物研究所Dunhuang Historic Relic Intitute 148.国立敦煌艺术研究所the State Dunhuang Art Institute149.石窟档案室 grotto file library150.脚手架架穴 scaffold holes151.抹泥plaster152.瘞窟 tomb cave153.僧房窟 Biddhist quarter cave154.多室禅窟 multi-room Buddhist cave155.廪窟storage cave156.西夏文 Wester Xia Language157.八思巴文Ph’ags-pa158.叙利亚文Syrian159.木活字 wood type160.通道 passage161.八瓣莲花 eight-lotus162.夯土 rammed earth163.条砖 soap brick164.建筑木构件 timber components165.石门枕 crossdrift pillow166.鎏金铜菩萨 fine gold bodhisattva167.三维激光扫描技术the three-dimensional laser scanning system168.全景数码摄影the panoramic digital photography 169.九层楼 the Nine-storey Building170.北大像North Buddha Statue171.重飞四级 four-storey eaves172.下寺 the Lower Temple173.上寺 the Upper Temple174.结社造窟 building caves by societies175.法身佛 Dharmakaya Buddha176.鹿野苑the deer park177.执金刚神 sorcerer178.天神deity179.笈多朝 the Gupta Dynasty180.萨尔纳特Sarnath181.莲花座 the Lotus Throne182.菩萨装天众Heavenly Beings in Bodhisattva Csotumes183.焰肩佛 Buddha with flames on the shoulders 184.背屏back screen185.修行 cultivate/ cultivation186.缦网 silk fabric187.大司马 minister of war188.四壁 the four walls189.中心柱 the center pillar190.九色鹿本生故事 the story of nine-color deer191.因缘故事 karma story192.东王公龙车 the Dragon Chariot of East Duke 193.歇山顶the slanting top194.三远法three ways of perspective in Chinese traditional paintings195.护国宗教National Religion196.高丽八万大藏经 Tripitaka Koreana197.八角座octagonal throne198.阿弥陀三尊 Amitabha triad199.上品三生the upper three levels of rebirth 200.护国神 the nation-protecting deities201.往生俗人reborn devotees202.弩家crossbar maker203.都料 commander-in-chief204.卧佛the reclining Buddha205.西域技法 the Western Region Drawing Techniques 206.飞天Apsaras207.汉简Bamboo Slips of the Han Dynasty208.烽燧遗址the beacon tower site209.悬泉置遗址 Xuanquanzhi Site210.天龙八部或天部类 the demi-gods and semi-devils 211.畏兽frightening animals212.佛爷庙 Buddha Temple213.葡萄纹 grape pattern214.蔓草纹turnip pattern215.小圆毯a small round woolen carpet216.舞筵 dancing mat217.洞窟功德主cave merits and virtues owner 218.中亚the Central Asia219.韦陀希 Vaidehi220.teaching mudra221.reasoning mudra222.觉胜印S upreme Enlightenment Mudra 223.转法轮印turning-the-wheel-of-law mudra 224.说法印exposition mudra225.合掌 verneration mudra226.伽蓝 samgha-arama227.僧伽蓝 sangharama228.主尊 the main image229.阿胡拉·玛兹达Ahura Mazda230.巴米扬 Bamiyan231.护火图像 fire-protecting pictures232.不空成就 amoghasiddi233.禅定 dhyanasana234.胁侍菩萨 flanking Bodhisattva235.神变miraculous transformations236.莲茎 the lotus stalk237.上求下化238.ārhat239.法身如来 dharmakaya(doctrine) buddha240.色身佛 physical body buddha241.菩萨万行法身常往242.世尊lord of worlds243.一乘法 the one yama/ the vehicle of one-ness 244.尊格status245.佛传故事 the stories of Buddha’s life 246.政权regime247.朝臣courtier248.思益梵天249.游戏坐250.观无量寿变经amitayurr-dhyana-sutra251.金刚索 vajra pasa252.金刚拳vajrasandhi253.金刚语vajrabhasa254.金刚蔓 vajramala255.宝生如来ratnasambhava256.不动明王fudo257.智拳印wisdom-fist mudra258.婆薮仙vasu259.持国天 heavenly king in the east260.cross-ankled 交脚的261.the two-tree niche 双树龛262.tower-shaped niche阙形龛263.attendant Boddhisattva供养菩萨264.narrative paintings of Sākyamuni’s previous lives 本生故事画265.the Sivi-jataka尸毗王割肉贸鸽本生故事画266.Jataka of Prince Moonlight 月光王施头本生故事画267.the life of Sakyamuni佛传故事268. the four encounters出游四门269.the Scene of Buddha in preaching 说法图270.heavenly musicians 天宫伎乐271.the Queen Mother of the West 西王母272. asura阿修罗273.god of thunder雷公274.god of light 电母275.maha-kasyapa 迦叶276.。
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究竟菩提心Absolute Bodhi Citta - 完全觉醒、见到现象之空性的心;甘露Amrta (藏文dut tsi) :一种加持物,能帮助心理及生理疾病的复元。
阿罗汉Arhat (藏文Dra Chompa):已净除烦恼障的小乘修行者暨成就者。
观音菩萨AvalOkiteSVara (藏文ChenreZig):大悲心本尊,是西藏人最广为修持的本尊,因此被尊为西藏之怙佑者。
菩提心Bodhi Citta (藏文Chang Chup Sem):义为「开悟或证悟之心」。
菩萨Bodhi SattVa (藏文Chang Chup Sem Pa):义为「展现证悟心者」,亦指为了救度一切众生脱离轮回苦海,而誓愿修持以菩提心为基础的大乘法门及六波罗蜜的修行者。
菩萨戒Bodhi SattVa Vow (藏文Chang Chup Sem Gyi Dong Pa):修行者为了引领一切众生皆成就佛果而誓愿修行并领受的戒。
佛性Buddha Nature (梵文tathagatagarbha,藏文deshin shekpe nying po),又称为「如来藏」:是一切众生皆具有之原始本性。
释迦牟尼佛Buddha Sakyamuni (藏文Shakya Tubpa):往往又称为瞿昙佛(Gautama Buddha),指贤劫千佛当中最近出世、住于公元前五百六十三年至四百八十三年间的佛。
法道Buddhist Path (藏文lam):得到正觉或证悟的过程,亦指修行的三种逻辑次第;根、道、果「」中的道。
圆满次第Completion Stage (藏文dzo rim):在金刚乘,禅修有两个阶段:生起次第及圆满次第。
依因缘而存在Conditioned Existence (梵文SamSara,藏文Kor Wa):即轮回的现象。
勇父Daka (藏文ba wo):相对于空行母之男性,已经全然开悟而且证量很高的瑜伽士。
空行母Dakini (藏文khan dro):已经全然开悟而且证量很高的瑜伽女。
生起次第Development Stage (藏文Cherim):在金刚乘,禅修有两个阶段:生起次第及圆满次第。
法、佛法Dharma (藏文Cho):一、指真理;二、指佛陀所教导我们修正言行的方法与修持成佛的法门(即佛法)。
法性Dharmata (藏文Cho Nyi):义为「如是」、「事物之真实本性」、「事物之如如真相」。
法轮Dharma Chakra (藏文Cho Chi Khor Lo):佛陀的法教可分为三种层次:小乘、大乘及金刚乘,分别在三次转动法轮时所传授。
法界dharmadhatu(藏文Cho yings):一切现象所升起之片遍在界,无始亦无终。
法性dharmata(藏文Cho nyi):现象的真实本性,亦称为「如如自性」、「事物之真实本性」或「事物之本然自性」。
勇父Daka (藏文ba wo):相对于空行母之男性,已经全然开悟而且证量很高的瑜伽士。
空行母Dakini (藏文khan dro):已经全然开悟而且证量很高的瑜伽女。
生起次第Development Stage (藏文Cherim):在金刚乘,禅修有两个阶段:生起次第及圆满次第。
法、佛法Dharma (藏文Cho):一、指真理;二、指佛陀所教导我们修正言行的方法与修持成佛的法门(即佛法)。
法性Dharmata (藏文Cho Nyi):义为「如是」、「事物之真实本性」、「事物之如如真相」。
法轮Dharma Chakra (藏文Cho Chi Khor Lo):佛陀的法教可分为三种层次:小乘、大乘及金刚乘,分别在三次转动法轮时所传授。
法界Dharmadhatu(藏文Cho yings):一切现象所升起之片遍在界,无始亦无终。
法身dharmakaya 又称为「自性身」或「法性身」,是佛陀的全然证悟身或圆融智慧身,是超越形相的真知智慧,显现于报身及化身。
法性Dharmata(藏文Cho nyi):现象的真实本性,亦称为「如如自性」、「事物之真实本性」或「事物之本然自性」。
八有暇、八种自由Eight Freedoms (梵文Astaksana,藏文Tel Wa Gye):未生于地狱道、未生于饿鬼道、末生于畜生道、末生于长寿之道、末生于不利修持佛法之地、末生于无正法或持邪见之地、末生于无佛出世的世界、末生为心智不全之人等无暇或难以修持佛法的状况。
八知识障Eight Intellectual Complcations:没有八种知识造作就是没有始见、终见、断见、常见、去见、来见、离见及无离见。
空性Emptiness (梵文sunyata 藏文tongpanyi):佛陀在二转法轮时开示道:外在现象及内在现象或「我」的观念,皆没有真实的存在性,因此是「空性的」。
五无间、五逆Five Actions of immediate result:五种导致即身堕入无间地狱的极其严重之恶行:杀父、杀母、杀阿罗汉、出佛身血、破和合僧。
五毒Five Poisons (梵文klesas,藏文nyon mong):即烦恼障或心识障:相对于知识障。
四不共加行Four Extraordinary Founndations Orpreliminary Practices:四不共加行包括十一万一千一百一十一遍的皈依大礼拜、清净业障金刚萨心咒、献曼达及上师相应法之祈请文四种极端或四偏Four Extremes (梵文CatuSkoti,藏文mu bzhi):相信一切事物的存在性, 即常见; 相信一切事物都不存在性, 即断见; 相信事物既存在又不存在, 即常见; 相信事物超乎存在及不存在四加行Four Foundations Orpreliminary Practices (藏文Ngon dro):在金刚乘中,行者通常由四加行契入法道。
一般所谓的「四加行」包括「四共加行」(Four Ordinary Foundations Orpreliminar y Practices) 及「四不共加行」(Four Extraordinary Founndations Orpreliminary Practices)。
四无量心Four Immeasurables (藏文tsam med pa):无量有四,慈、悲、喜、舍;慈,愿一切众生具乐及乐因。
四共加行Four Ordinary Founndations Orpreliminary Practices (藏文tn mong gi ngon dro Shi):将心转向佛法的四种禅修或思惟,包括观修或反复深思「观人生难得」、「观死无常」、「观业报因果」、「观轮回过失」,以培养坚定的修道心。
四圣谛Four Noble Truths(藏文pakpay den pa Shi ):佛陀以在印度鹿野苑(撒拉那,Sarana th)开示四圣谛而开始转法轮。
转心四思惟Four Thoughts That Turn The Mind (藏文lo dok nam shi):即四加行的基础思惟。
冈波巴大师Gampopa (l079-1153 A.D):藏传佛教噶举派的主要传承持有者。
着有《解脱庄严宝论(The Jewel Ornament of Liberation)上师瑜伽Guru Yoga:四不共加行的第四加行,强?#123;对上师的虔敬心。
小乘Hinayana (藏文tek pa chung wa):字义为「较小之车乘」,指佛陀初转法轮时所传授的法教,强?#123;仔细检视自心及其迷惑。
又称为上座门徒,即上座部,之道(Theravadin path)。
饿鬼Hungry Ghosts (梵文preta,藏文yidak):永远在饥、渴之中的众生,生于轮回六道中的饿鬼道。
相互依存Interdependent Origination (藏文ten drel):相互依存的理论指出,一切现象皆是空性的,也就是说,一切事物的显现都是相互依存,互有关联,并系决于彼此,而没有任何实质的存在。
阿修罗Jealous Gods (梵文asura,藏文lha ma yin):嫉妒心极强之众生,因有染污的善业而生于上三道中的阿修罗道。
圆满智慧Jnana(藏文ye she):乃原始的明觉,也是开悟(自心本性不再受到障蔽)时所显现的智慧。
劫Kalpa (藏文yuga):数百万年之长的时间单元,是「劫拨」的简称。
业、业报因果Karma (藏文lay):字义为「行为」,亦指宇宙之因果定律:善行(善因)必导致善果,恶行(恶因)必导致恶果:善果必出自善因,恶果必出自恶因。
三身Kayas,three(藏文ku sum):佛有三身:化身、报身、法身。