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Book 3 Module 1 Europe( 教师版 )

Period 1 introduction

Word study:

1.The United Kingdom is off the northwest coast of continental Europe.

①off the coast of离⋯地不的海上

句中的 off 是介,“与⋯相离,脱离”

eg. He lives in a villagea little away off the road.他住在离大路不的村子里。

It will be a good thing when those old cars are off the roads.


②continental adj. 大的n. continent 大

2. France is Europe ’ sthird largest country and faces the United Kingdom across the

English Channel.

①Europe’s third largest country 形容的最高前加上了序数third 来修,如

eg. The second most expensive suit cost me 1000 yuan. 第二的西服花了我1000。

②face n. ;面,表面v. 面,面;朝向;正

【拓展】in (the) face of面be faced with面/面⋯⋯

make a face (= make faces) 做鬼;扮怪相face up to大胆面向

hit sb. in the face打中某人的save one ‘ s face 保全面子

lose one’ s face失面子face to face面面(做状)facetoface面面的(做定)

eg. (1)_Faced_____ _with___difficulty, we didn't give in.面困,我没有屈服。

(2)The house faces (to the) south. 房子朝南。

(3)Liu Hulan faced the enemy bravely /with courage.刘胡勇敢地面人。

(4)If anything goes wrong, it is I who will have to face the music.


3.Twenty percent of the country is covered by islands.

① Part of/half of /two thirds of /20 percent of + 可数名复数 + 复数 Part of /half

of /two thirds of /20 percent of + 不可数名 + 数

eg. Nearly 70 percent of the students wear glasses. 接近 70%的学生都戴眼。

Half of the food was wasted.一半的食物都浪了

②cover v. 覆盖cover A with B== A is covered with/by

4. range n.排;;山脉;(化等的 )幅度; (知等的 )范;区域;射程

v. 排列,使排;(植物 )分布; ( 在一定范内)化,

a wide range of 一系列⋯⋯ a full range of各种⋯⋯

in/out of the range of 在 /超出⋯⋯范out of one‘ s range某人能力达不到的

range from...to... 在⋯⋯范内,包括(由⋯⋯到⋯⋯)之的各事物

range between...and... 在⋯⋯和⋯⋯范内

eg. (1)The child was now outof her range of vision.孩子已走出了她的。

(2)There is a full range of activities for children.里有孩子提供的各种活。

(3)Estimates of the damage range between $ 1 million and $ 5 million.

估失在100 万到 500 万美元之。

(4)She has had a number of different jobs, ranging from chef to swimming instructor.


Period 2 Reading and Vocabulary&Function

Reading Part: I some phrases in the passage:

be situated(located) on/in 位于某more than 超;不

be famous for 因⋯而出名be famous as作⋯而出名be famous to⋯所熟知two-thirds 三分之

二 the second largest city 第二个最大的城市 be designed by (sb.)由⋯所 work on 从事 not⋯ until

直到⋯才⋯ because of 由于 in the 1300s 在 14 世 last for 持 of all time 一直,有史以来 such as 例

如 ever since 从那以后 II. Lauguage points:

1. Paris is the capital and largest city of France, situated on the River Seine.

situated = located adj.坐落(某)的;位于(某的)

常的构是be situated on / in/ to / located位于某;于⋯⋯地位(境遇、立 )的

【拓展】 situate v.使位于;使于situation n.建筑物等的位置;形,立,境遇

be badly/well situated 境况困 /良好

be in an embarrassing situation 境尬

the international situation 国 (国内 )形

eg. (1)The school is situated in the suburbs.所学校位于郊外。

(2)He was very badly situated.他于困境中。

(3)I am now in a difficult situation.我在境困。

2. Gaudi worked on the project from 1882 until his death in 1926.

work on (sth)“ 工作,⋯起作用”

= contribute to 从事,致力于spend time/energy on sth.

eg.他近期一直忙着写新小。He is working on his new novel in these days.

【拓展】: work at 从事于⋯致力于⋯work out做出;算出

3. Florence is an Italian city which became famous because of the Renaissance, a great

artistic movement which began in the 1300s and lasted for three hundred years.

1)“ Florence is an Italian city”是句的主要成分,其后which 引的是定从句,修

city 。从句中“ a great artistic movement... ”是 the Renaissance 的同位,个同位

中又包含一个定从句“ which began in ... years ”来修m ovement 。

2)because of “由于,因”(后接 n./doing/pron)

= thanks to, owning to ,as a result of ,due to, on account of

而 because是一个,后者接句子。

比: He was late because of the rain yesterday.He was late because it rained yesterday.

3)in the 1300s 意“在 14 世 30 年代”,注意表示“⋯⋯世⋯⋯年代” ,

要在年代后加s,似的表达有:in one’ s thirties 在某人三十多。

eg. When he was ________, he got seriously ill ______ his addiction to smoking.

A. in his twenty; because of

B. in his twenties; because

C. in his twenties; because of

4. Their work has influenced over writers ever since.

ever since“从那以后”,要和在完成或在完成行用,似的状有so far, up till now, by now, recently, lately, since last (month), in/for the past+一段,since...ago等。

eg. ① He came to England three years ago and has lived here ever since .


② I haven‘t seen hersince ten years ago.自十年前至今,我没她。
