9806自动调速运行工具:secureCRT 6.7 作者:鲍继川程序语言:vbs 邮箱:bc5367@1.原理1,通过9806 表找到svlan,telnet进去2通过cvlan找到端口3输入带宽,激活,保存即完成2 9806.xl s文件987运行效果图4实际运行效果:5实际运行脚本###################################################################### # # # Welcome to ZTE 9806H # # # # Press Return to get started ## # # Copyright 2005-2010 , ZTE Co.,Ltd. ## # ###################################################################### Login:adminPassword:>enPlease input password: config1.1.1.1_9806(config)# show vlan 154VLANID : 154VLANName : VLAN154EncapType : allMember-limit : disableSLOT PVC Egress/UnTag PORTLIST ------------------------------------------------------------1 1 Egress 3UnTag 3------------------------------------------------------------5 Egress 1UnTag------------------------------------------------------------ interface adsl 1/ adsl profile 8M.PRF1.1.1.1_9806(cfg-if-adsl-1/3)# exit1.1.1.1_9806(config)# exit1.1.1.1_9806# save6程序代码# $language = "VBScript"# $interface = "1.0"Sub mainConst ForReading = 1, ForWriting = 2, ForAppending = 8 strx="et.exe"KillProc(strx)crt.screen.synchronous = trueDim app, wb, wsSet app = CreateObject("et.Application")Set wb = app.Workbooks.Open ("C:9806.xls",1,false) Set ws = wb.Sheets("宽带") '选择指定Sheet1iRowCount = edRange.Rows.Countapp.Visible = false'wb.Save'wb.Close'app.Quitdim svlandim cvlandim banddim profilesvlan=inputbox("请输入svlan","第一个端口值:","911")cvlan=inputbox("请输入cvlan","第二个端口值:","154")band=inputbox("请输入带宽M","带宽:","8")Select case bandcase 2 profile="E2.PRF"case 4 profile="4M.PRF"case 4.5 profile="ITV.PRF"case 6.5 profile="NEW6-5M.PRF"case 7 profile="7.PRF"case 8 Profile="8M.PRF"case 8.5 Profile="8-5.PRF"case 9 Profile="9.PRF"case else exit subend selectDim objTabFor iLoop = 1 To iRowCountexs = Trim(ws.Cells(iLoop,3)) '取Cells中的值if(exs=svlan) thenexc =Trim(ws.Cells(iLoop,4))ex=Split(exc)ic=UBound(ex)'msgbox(iLoop)select case iccase 0c=Split(ex(0),"-")if cvlan>=c(0) and cvlan<=c(1) thenre=ws.Cells(iLoop,6)'msgbox(re)Set objTab = crt.GetScriptTabobjTab.Screen.Synchronous = TrueobjTab.session.LogFileName = "log\" & Date() & "\" & ip & ".txt"objTab.session.Log(true)objTab.Session.Connect "/telnet " & reif objTab.Session.Connected=false thenexit subend ifobjTab.Screen.Send chr(13)objTab.Screen.WaitForString "Login:"objTab.Screen.Send "admin" & chr(13)objTab.Screen.WaitForString "Password:"objTab.Screen.Send "admin" & chr(13)objTab.Screen.WaitForString ">"objTab.Screen.Send "en" & chr(13)objTab.Screen.Send "admin" & chr(13)objTab.Screen.WaitForString "#"objTab.Screen.Send "config" & chr(13)objTab.Screen.WaitForString "(config)#"objTab.Screen.Send "show vlan "&cvlan&chr(13)objTab.Screen.WaitForString "(config)#"nrow=objTab.Screen.CurrentRow'msgbox(nrow)str2=objTab.Screen.Get(nrow-7,0,nrow-7,60)l=Left(Trim(str2),2)r=Right(Trim(str2),2)objTab.Screen.Send "interface adsl "&Trim(l)&"/"&Trim(r)&chr(13) objTab.Screen.WaitForString "#"objTab.Screen.Send "adsl profile "&profile&chr(13)objTab.Screen.WaitForString "#"objTab.Screen.Send "exit"&chr(13)objTab.Screen.WaitForString "#"objTab.Screen.Send "exit"&chr(13)objTab.Screen.WaitForString "#"'objTab.Screen.Send "copr r s "&chr(13)'objTab.Screen.WaitForString "#"objTab.Screen.Send "save "&chr(13)objTab.Screen.WaitForString "#", 3Call objTab.Session.Log(False)objTab.Screen.Synchronous = FalseobjTab.Session.Disconnectexit subend ifcase 1c=Split(ex(0),"-")e=Split(ex(1),"-")if (cvlan>=c(0) and cvlan<=c(1))or(cvlan>=e(0) and cvlan<=e(1)) then re=ws.Cells(iLoop,6)Set objTab = crt.GetScriptTabobjTab.Screen.Synchronous = TrueobjTab.session.LogFileName = "log\" & Date() & "\" & ip & ".txt"objTab.session.Log(true)objTab.Session.Connect "/telnet " & reif objTab.Session.Connected=false thenexit subend ifobjTab.Screen.Send chr(13)objTab.Screen.WaitForString "Login:"objTab.Screen.Send "admin" & chr(13)objTab.Screen.WaitForString "Password:"objTab.Screen.Send "admin" & chr(13)objTab.Screen.WaitForString ">="objTab.Screen.Send "en" & chr(13)objTab.Screen.Send "admin" & chr(13)objTab.Screen.WaitForString "#"objTab.Screen.Send "config" & chr(13)objTab.Screen.WaitForString "(config)#"objTab.Screen.Send "show vlan "&cvlan&chr(13)objTab.Screen.WaitForString "(config)#"nrow=objTab.Screen.CurrentRow'msgbox(nrow)str2=objTab.Screen.Get(nrow-7,0,nrow-7,60)l=Left(Trim(str2),2)r=Right(Trim(str2),2)objTab.Screen.Send "interface adsl "&Trim(l)&"/"&Trim(r)&chr(13) objTab.Screen.WaitForString "#"objTab.Screen.Send "adsl profile "&profile&chr(13)objTab.Screen.WaitForString "#"objTab.Screen.Send "exit"&chr(13)objTab.Screen.WaitForString "#"objTab.Screen.Send "exit"&chr(13)objTab.Screen.WaitForString "#"'objTab.Screen.Send "copr r s "&chr(13)'objTab.Screen.WaitForString "#"objTab.Screen.Send "save "&chr(13)objTab.Screen.WaitForString "#", 3Call objTab.Session.Log(False)objTab.Screen.Synchronous = FalseobjTab.Session.Disconnectend ifcase 2c=Split(ex(0),"-")e=Split(ex(1),"-")f=Split(ex(2),"-")if((cvlan>=c(0) and cvlan<=c(1))or(cvlan>=e(0) and cvlan<=e(1))or (cvlan>=f(0) and cvlan<=f(1))) thenre=ws.Cells(iLoop,6)Set objTab = crt.GetScriptTabobjTab.Screen.Synchronous = TrueobjTab.session.LogFileName = "log\" & Date() & "\" & ip & ".txt"objTab.session.Log(true)objTab.Session.Connect "/telnet " & reif objTab.Session.Connected=false thenexit subend ifobjTab.Screen.Send chr(13)objTab.Screen.WaitForString "Login:"objTab.Screen.Send "admin" & chr(13)objTab.Screen.WaitForString "Password:"objTab.Screen.Send "admin" & chr(13)objTab.Screen.WaitForString ">="objTab.Screen.Send "en" & chr(13)objTab.Screen.Send "admin" & chr(13)objTab.Screen.WaitForString "#"objTab.Screen.Send "config" & chr(13)objTab.Screen.WaitForString "(config)#"objTab.Screen.Send "show vlan "&cvlan&chr(13)objTab.Screen.WaitForString "(config)#"nrow=objTab.Screen.CurrentRow'msgbox(nrow)str2=objTab.Screen.Get(nrow-7,0,nrow-7,60)l=Left(Trim(str2),2)r=Right(Trim(str2),2)objTab.Screen.Send "interface adsl "&Trim(l)&"/"&Trim(r)&chr(13)objTab.Screen.WaitForString "#"objTab.Screen.Send "adsl profile "&profile&chr(13)objTab.Screen.WaitForString "#"objTab.Screen.Send "exit"&chr(13)objTab.Screen.WaitForString "#"objTab.Screen.Send "exit"&chr(13)objTab.Screen.WaitForString "#"'objTab.Screen.Send "copr r s "&chr(13)'objTab.Screen.WaitForString "#"objTab.Screen.Send "save "&chr(13)objTab.Screen.WaitForString "#", 3Call objTab.Session.Log(False)objTab.Screen.Synchronous = FalseobjTab.Session.Disconnectend ifcase 3c=Split(ex(0),"-")e=Split(ex(1),"-")f=Split(ex(2),"-")g=Split(ex(3),"-")if((cvlan>=c(0) and cvlan<=c(1))or(cvlan>=e(0) and cvlan<=e(1)) or (cvlan>=f(0) and cvlan<=f(1)) or (cvlan>=g(0) and cvlan<=g(1))) thenre=ws.Cells(iLoop,6)Set objTab = crt.GetScriptTabobjTab.Screen.Synchronous = TrueobjTab.session.LogFileName = "log\" & Date() & "\" & ip & ".txt"objTab.session.Log(true)objTab.Session.Connect "/telnet " & reif objTab.Session.Connected=false thenexit subend ifobjTab.Screen.Send chr(13)objTab.Screen.WaitForString "Login:"objTab.Screen.Send "admin" & 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Cutler-Hammer Series 9000 HVLoad 应用程序加载应用程序和选项软件说明
SERIES 9000 AF DRIVES HVLoad™ Application Loading Application and Option Software •Instruction SheetHVLoad Application Instruction SheetTable of Contents1.Introduction12.Installing the HVLoad Application13.Loading Software3 3.1HVLoad Tool Screen Definitions (3)3.2Establishing Communication (5)3.3Loading Application Software (7)3.4Loading Option software (10)4.Constructing an SVDrive Cable14 4.1Method 1 Instructions: Modifying an Existing Serial Cable (14)4.2Method 2 Instructions: Making an SVDrive Cable (14)5.Troubleshooting15 Because of the variety of uses for this equipment and because of the differences between this solid-state equipment and electromechanical equipment, the user of and those responsible for applying this equipment must satisfy themselves as to the acceptability of each application and use of the equipment. In no event will EATON Cutler-Hammer be responsible or liable for indirect or consequential damages from the use or application of this equipment.1. IntroductionThe HVLoad application is a PC tool used for loading new software into HV9000Series B drives.Three kinds of software files can be loaded by the HVLoad application:•System software (*.bin files) — used to update an HV9000 drive’s operatingsystem software•Option card software (*.bin files) — used to update option card software.•Application software (*.hex files) — used to updated or add applicationsThis manual will cover installation of the HVLoad Application and use of theHVLoad software to update option card software and download application filesto Series 9000 drives. For information on how to install system software using theHVLoad application, refer to the “HVLoad Application: Installing SystemSoftware” instruction sheet [publication number TD.08H.34.T.E].2. Installing the HVLoad Application1. In a Windows 95, Windows 98 or Windows NT operating system, click on the“Start” button.2. Click on “Run” to open the Run dialog.Figure 1: Windows Start Menu3. Insert the HVLoad installation diskette into the diskette drive.4. Type “A:\Setup” where “A” is the letter of the diskette drive.5. Click on the OK button to start the HVLoad setup program.Figure 2: Run Dialog Box6. Choose the drive letter to which you wish to install the HVLoad program.7. Click on the “Continue” button.Figure 3: HVLoad Setup Screen8. When the application has finished loading, a confirmation screen will display.Click on the OK button.Figure 4: Installation Confirmation Screen9. A window containing an icon for the HVLoad software will be displayed onyour screen.Figure 5: HvLoad Application and HVLoad Help Icons3. Loading Software3.1 HVLoad Tool Screen DefinitionsThe HVLoad icon, pictured below, is used to run the HVLoad application.Figure 6: The HVLoad Program IconFor screen definitions, see figures 2-5 below.Figure 7: Start-up ScreenCAUTION: Equipment Damage Hazard.Do not use the ”Start Loading All” button when loading onlyapplication and option software to the drive. Loading incorrectsystem software to the drive may void the drive’s warranty. Formore information on installing system software, see the “HVLoadApplication: Installing System Software” instruction sheet[publication number TD.08H.34.T.E]Figure 8: Application ScreenFigure 9: Option Programs ScreenChoose the COM portthat the SVDrive cableis plugged into.19200 baud is the recommended baud rate. Choose lower baud ratesin electrically noisy environments.Figure 10: Serial Link Setup Screen3.2 Establishing Communication CAUTION: Equipment Damage Hazard.Do not use any cable other than SVDrive cable. Using an incorrectcommunication cable may cause computer or drive failure.1. Plug the SVDrive cable into an unused serial communication port on thecomputer. Instructions for making an SVDrive cable are included in the“Constructing an SVDrive Cable” section.2. Unplug the keypad or keypad cable from the Series 9000 drive.3. Plug the SVDrive cable into the Series 9000 drive communication port thatthe keypad or keypad cable had been plugged into.4. Run the HVLoad software by clicking on the HVLoad icon.Figure 11: The HVLoad Program Icon5. Click on the “Serial Link” button.Figure 12: Serial Link Button6. Select the COM port of the computer that the SVDrive cable is plugged into.Figure 13: Serial (COM) Port Setting7. Set the baud rate to match the computer and drive specifications.Figure 14: Communication Speed SettingNote:The baud rate is selectable between 1200 baud and 115200 baud.The recommended baud rate setting is 19200; however in magneticallyclean environments, higher baud rates will be acceptable. If the “Toomany retransmissions” error is generated, lower the baud rate.8. Click on the System, Option Software, or Application button according to thetype of software you wish to load. (see instructions below)3.3 Loading Application Software1. Run the HVLoad software by clicking on the HVLoad icon.Figure 15: The HVLoad Program Icon2. Establish communication between your computer and the Series 9000 drive.For information on how to set up communications, see the section of thismanual titled ”Establishing Communication.”3. Click on the “Application” button.Figure 16: Application Button4. Click on the “Browse” button.Figure 17: Browse Button5. Find and choose the application software file (*.hex) you wish to install.6. Click the “OK” button in the find dialog.Figure 18: Browse Dialog7. Check that the file name shown in the HVLoad application is the appropriatefile.8. Apply power to the drive.9. Verify that the drive is stopped.WARNING: Personal Injury Hazard.When loading software to the drive, observe all safety precautionsrequired while the drive is running. Because the drive has powerwhile loading software, an unexpected start may occur.10. Click on the HVLoad application screen “Start” button.Figure 19: Application Screen Start ButtonCAUTION: Equipment Damage Hazard.Before clicking OK to change the application (below), be sure thatthere are no active inputs to the drive. An active input could causethe drive to start when the application changes, due to differing I/Odefinitions.11. If a special application is currently selected in the drive, the following dialogwill appear. Click on the “Yes” button to continue loading the new application.Figure 20: Application Dialog12. A status bar will be shown in the lower part of the screen, as below:Figure 21: Status of Loading Application13. When loading is finished, a confirmation screen is displayed. Click the OKbutton to exit.Figure 22: Application Loading Complete14. If any application other than Basic is needed, the drive must be set to use thedesired application by changing the drive’s Application Selection Parameter [P0.1] to the desired application number. For more information on how to change the drive’s selected application, see the application manual.3.4 Loading Option software1. Run the HVLoad software by clicking on the HVLoad icon.Figure 23: The HVLoad Program Icon2. Establish communication between your computer and the Series 9000 drive.For information on how to set up communications, see the section of thismanual titled “Establishing Communication.”3. Click on the “Option Programs” button.Figure 24: The Option Program Button4. Click on the “Browse” button to the right of the “Option Program 1” box.Figure 25: The Option Browse ButtonNote:The “Option Program 2” text box should be left blank, as it is not used.5. Find and choose the option software file (*.bin) you wish to install.6. Click the “OK” button in the find dialog.Figure 26: Browse Dialog7. Check that the file name shown in the “Option Program 1” text box is theappropriate file.8. If the option software should be loaded to an option board, check the “Loadto Option Card” box.Figure 27: The “Load To Option Card” Check Box Important:The ”Load to Option Card” check box must be checked for the software to reside on the option board. If the box is left blank, theoption software will load, but only to the drive and not to the optionboard where it is needed.9. Follow the instructions shown in the lower half of the Option Programswindow.Figure 28: Location of Loading Instruction10. Click on the “Start” button.Figure 29: Start Loading Options Button11. Follow additional instructions shown in the lower half of the Option Programswindow.Figure 30: Location of Loading Instruction12. A status bar will be shown in the lower part of the screen, as below:Figure 31: Status of Loading Option13. When loading is finished, a confirmation screen is displayed. Cycle power tothe drive, then click the OK button to complete option program installation.Figure 32: Option Loading Complete4. Constructing an SVDrive Cable4.1 Method 1 Instructions: Modifying an Existing Serial CableMaterials and Tools Needed•RS232 Straight-through 9-pin serial cable less than 10ft. long• Small wire clippersInstructionsUsing the drawing below, identify and trim the male pins numbered 1, 4, 6, 7, 8,and 9.Data is carried on pins 2, 3, and 5.Figure 33: Trimming an Existing Straight-Through Serial Cable4.2 Method 2 Instructions: Making an SVDrive CableMaterials and Tools Needed•3-wire RS-232 communication cable (shielded cable recommended);less than 10ft. long• 1 female 9-pin D-sub connector• 1 male 9-pin D-sub connector•Solder gun and solderInstructions1. Solder one wire to each end of pins 2, 3, and 5, and the shield wire to oneside of the D-sub frame.Figure 34: Making an SVDrive Cable2. Assemble the D-sub connector covers over the soldered wires.5. TroubleshootingError Message Cause/Solution“Too many retransmissions”Cause: Noise interference with communication;Solution: Set baud rate to a lower value.See the “Establishing Communication” section.“Device unavailable. Select another port.”Cause: Serial communication port selected is not a valid port or is in use by another application Solution: Close other applications that may be using the selected port to communicate or select another port to use with the drive.See the “Establishing Communication” section.“Connection to frequency converter doesn’t work”Cause: Disconnected communication cable at the computer or at the drive;Solution: Reconnect the communication cable at the drive and the computer, then restart the SVLoad application.See “Establishing Communication” section.“Too many transmission errors”Cause: Noise interference with communication; Solution: Set baud rate to a lower value.See “Establishing Communication” section.。
Blackfin Debugger Release 09.2023Blackfin DebuggerTRACE32 Online HelpTRACE32 DirectoryTRACE32 IndexTRACE32 Documents ......................................................................................................................ICD In-Circuit Debugger ................................................................................................................Processor Architecture Manuals ..............................................................................................Blackfin ....................................................................................................................................Blackfin Debugger (1)Introduction (4)Brief Overview of Documents for New Users4 Demo and Start-up Scripts5 Location of Debug Connector5Warning (5)Quick Start JTAG (6)Troubleshooting (8)SYStem.Up Errors8FAQ (8)Configuration (9)System Overview9Blackfin specific SYStem Commands (10)SYStem.CONFIG Configure debugger according to target topology10 Daisy-Chain Example13 TapStates14 SYStem.CONFIG.CORE Assign core to TRACE32 instance15 SYStem.CPU CPU type selection16 SYStem.JtagClock JTAG clock selection17 SYStem.LOCK Lock and tristate the debug port17 SYStem.MemAccess Real-time memory access (non-intrusive)18 SYStem.Mode System mode selection19 SYStem.Option.IMASKASM Interrupt disable19 SYStem.Option.IMASKHLL Interrupt disable20Breakpoints (21)Software Breakpoints21 On-chip Breakpoints21 Breakpoint in ROM21Example for Breakpoints22 Memory Classes (23)CPU specific TrOnchip Commands (24)JTAG Connector (25)Blackfin DebuggerVersion 10-Oct-2023 IntroductionThis document describes the processor specific settings and features for the Blackfin Embedded Media Processor. TRACE32-ICD supports all Blackfin devices which are equipped with the JT AG debug interface.Please keep in mind that only the Processor Architecture Manual (the document you are reading at the moment) is CPU specific, while all other parts of the online help are generic for all CPUs supported by Lauterbach. So if there are questions related to the CPU, the Processor Architecture Manual should be your first choice.If some of the described functions, options, signals or connections in this Processor Architecture Manual are only valid for a single CPU the name is added in brackets.Brief Overview of Documents for New UsersArchitecture-independent information:•“Training Basic Debugging” (training_debugger.pdf): Get familiar with the basic features of a TRACE32 debugger.•“T32Start” (app_t32start.pdf): T32Start assists you in starting TRACE32 PowerView instances for different configurations of the debugger. T32Start is only available for Windows.•“General Commands” (general_ref_<x>.pdf): Alphabetic list of debug commands.Architecture-specific information:•“Processor Architecture Manuals”: These manuals describe commands that are specific for the processor architecture supported by your Debug Cable. T o access the manual for your processorarchitecture, proceed as follows:-Choose Help menu > Processor Architecture Manual.•“OS Awareness Manuals” (rtos_<os>.pdf): TRACE32 PowerView can be extended for operating system-aware debugging. The appropriate OS Awareness manual informs you how to enable theOS-aware debugging.Demo and Start-up ScriptsLauterbach provides ready-to-run start-up scripts for known Blackfin based hardware.To search for PRACTICE scripts, do one of the following in TRACE32 PowerView:•Type at the command line: WELCOME.SCRIPTS•or choose File menu > Search for Script.Y ou can now search the demo folder and its subdirectories for PRACTICE start-up scripts(*.cmm) and other demo software.Y ou can also manually navigate in the ~~/demo/blackfin/ subfolder of the system directory ofTRACE32.Location of Debug ConnectorLocate the debug connector on your target board as close as possible to the processor to minimize the capacitive influence of the trace length and cross coupling of noise onto the JT AG signals. WarningSignal LevelThe debugger output voltage follows the target voltage level. It supports a voltage range of 0.4…5.2V. ESD ProtectionNOTE:T o prevent debugger and target from damage it is recommended to connect ordisconnect the debug cable only while the target power is OFF.Recommendation for the software start:•Disconnect the debug cable from the target while the target power is off.•Connect the host system, the TRACE32 hardware and the debug cable.•Start the TRACE32 software.•Connect the debug cable to the target.•Switch the target power ON.Power down:•Switch off the target power.•Disconnect the debug cable from the target.Quick Start JTAGStarting up the debugger is done as follows:1.Select the device prompt B: for the ICD Debugger, if the device prompt is not active after the TRACE32 software was started.2.Select the CPU type to load the CPU specific settings.3.Enter debug mode:This command resets the CPU and enters debug mode. After the execution of this command access to the registers and to memory is possible. Before performing the first access to external SDRAM or FLASH the External Bus Interface Unit (EBIU) must be configured.4.The following command sequence is for the BF537 processor and configures the SDRAM controller with default values that were derived for maximum flexibility. They work for a system clock frequency between 54MHz and 133MHz.In the example a ST M29W320DB flash device is used in 16-bit mode. All four memory banks and CLKOUT are enabled.B:SYStem.CPU BF537SYStem.Up; configure SDRAM controllerData.Set 0xFFC00A1sLONG 0x0091998D Data.Set 0xFFC00A14 %WORD 0x0025Data.Set 0xFFC00A1C %WORD 0x03A0; EBIU_SDGCTL ; EBIU_SDBCTL ; EBIU_SDRRC; enable all flash memory banks and clock outData.Set 0xFFC00A00 %WORD 0x00FF; EBIU_AMGCTL; ST M29W320DB flash device in 16-bit modeFLASH.Create 1. 0x20000000--0x20003FFF 0x4000 AM29LV100 Word FLASH.Create 1. 0x20004000--0x20007FFF 0x2000 AM29LV100 Word FLASH.Create 1. 0x20008000--0x2000FFFF 0x8000 AM29LV100 Word FLASH.Create 1. 0x20010000--0x203FFFFF 0x10000 AM29LV100 Word5.Load the program.Data.LOAD.Elf demo.dxe; The file demo.dxe is in ELF format The option of the Data.LOAD command depends on the file format generated by the compiler. A detailed description of the Data.LOAD command is given in the “General Commands Reference”. The start-up sequence can be automated using the programming language PRACTICE. A typical start sequence is shown below. This sequence can be written to a PRACTICE script file (*.cmm, ASCII format) and executed with the command DO<file>.B::; Select the ICD device promptWinClear; Delete all windowsSYStem.CPU BF537; select the processorSYStem.Up; Reset the target and enter debug modeData.Load.Elf sieve.dxe; Load the applicationRegister.Set PC main; Set the PC to function mainList.Mix; Open disassembly window *) Register.view; Open register window *) PER.view; Open window with peripheral register *) Break.Set sieve; Set breakpoint to function sieveBreak.Set 0x1000 /p; Set on-chip breakpoint to address 1000; Refer to the restrictions in; On-chip Breakpoints.*) These commands open windows on the screen. The window position can be specified with the WinPOS command.TroubleshootingSYStem.Up ErrorsThe SYStem.Up command is the first command of a debug session where communication with the target is required. If you receive error messages while executing this command this may have the following reasons.All The target has no power.All There are additional loads or capacities on the JTAG lines.All The JTAG clock is too fast.FAQPlease refer to https:///kb.Configuration System OverviewBlackfin specific SYStem CommandsSYStem.CONFIG Configure debugger according to target topologyThe four parameters IRPRE, IRPOST , DRPRE, DRPOST are required to inform the debugger about the T AP controller position in the JT AG chain, if there is more than one core in the JT AG chain (e.g. ARM + DSP). The information is required before the debugger can be activated e.g. by a SYStem.Up . See Daisy-chain Example .For some CPU selections (SYStem.CPU ) the above setting might be automatically included, since the required system configuration of these CPUs is known.T riState has to be used if several debuggers (“via separate cables”) are connected to a common JT AG port at the same time in order to ensure that always only one debugger drives the signal lines. T APState and TCKLevel define the T AP state and TCK level which is selected when the debugger switches to tristate mode. Please note: nTRST must have a pull-up resistor on the target, TCK can have a pull-up or pull-down resistor, other trigger inputs need to be kept in inactive state.Format:SYStem.CONFIG <parameter> <number_or_address>SYStem.MultiCore <parameter> <number_or_address> (deprecated)<parameter>:CORE <core><parameter>:(JTAG):DRPRE <bits>DRPOST <bits>IRPRE <bits>IRPOST <bits>DAPDRPOST <bits>DAPDRPRE <bits>DAPIRPOST <bits>DAPIRPRE <bits>TAPState <state>TCKLevel <level>TriState [ON | OFF ]Slave [ON | OFF ]DEBUGPORTTYPE [JTAG | SWD ]SWDPIDLEHIGH [ON | OFF ]SWDPTargetSel <value>CORE For multicore debugging one TRACE32 PowerView GUI has to be startedper core. To bundle several cores in one processor as required by thesystem this command has to be used to define core and processorcoordinates within the system topology.Further information can be found in SYStem.CONFIG.CORE.… DRPOST <bits>Defines the TAP position in a JT AG scan chain. Number of TAPs in theJTAG chain between the TDI signal and the TAP you are describing. InBYPASS mode, each TAP contributes one data register bit. See possibleTAP types and example below.Default: 0.… DRPRE <bits>Defines the TAP position in a JT AG scan chain. Number of TAPs in theJTAG chain between the TAP you are describing and the TDO signal. InBYPASS mode, each TAP contributes one data register bit. See possibleTAP types and example below.Default: 0.… IRPOST <bits>Defines the TAP position in a JT AG scan chain. Number of InstructionRegister (IR) bits of all TAPs in the JT AG chain between TDI signal andthe TAP you are describing. See possible T AP types and example below.Default: 0.… IRPRE <bits>Defines the TAP position in a JT AG scan chain. Number of InstructionRegister (IR) bits of all TAPs in the JTAG chain between the T AP you aredescribing and the TDO signal. See possible TAP types and examplebelow.Default: 0.TAPState(default: 7 = Select-DR-Scan) This is the state of the TAP controller whenthe debugger switches to tristate mode. All states of the JTAG T APcontroller are selectable.TCKLevel (default: 0) Level of TCK signal when all debuggers are tristated. TriState(default: OFF) If several debuggers share the same debug port, thisoption is required. The debugger switches to tristate mode after eachdebug port access. Then other debuggers can access the port. JT AG:This option must be used, if the JTAG line of multiple debug boxes areconnected by a JTAG joiner adapter to access a single JTAG chain. Slave(default: OFF) If more than one debugger share the same debug port, allexcept one must have this option active.JTAG: Only one debugger - the “master” - is allowed to control the signalsnTRST and nSRST (nRESET).DEBUGPORTTYPE [JTAG | SWD]It specifies the used debug port type “JT AG”, “SWD”. It assumes the selected type is supported by the target.Default: JT AG.SWDPIdleHigh [ON | OFF]Keep SWDIO line high when idle. Only for Serialwire Debug mode. Usually the debugger will pull the SWDIO data line low, when no operation is in progress, so while the clock on the SWCLK line is stopped (kept low).Y ou can configure the debugger to pull the SWDIO data linehigh, when no operation is in progress by usingSYStem.CONFIG SWDPIdleHigh ONDefault: OFF.SWDPTargetSel<value>Device address in case of a multidrop serial wire debug port.Default: none set (any address accepted).Daisy-Chain ExampleBelow, configuration for core C.Instruction register length of •Core A: 3 bit •Core B: 5 bit •Core D: 6 bitSYStem.CONFIG.IRPRE 6.; IR Core D SYStem.CONFIG.IRPOST 8.; IR Core A + B SYStem.CONFIG.DRPRE 1.; DR Core D SYStem.CONFIG.DRPOST 2.; DR Core A + BSYStem.CONFIG.CORE 0. 1.; Target Core C is Core 0 in Chip 1Core A Core B Core CCore D TDOTDI Chip 0Chip 1TapStates0Exit2-DR1Exit1-DR2Shift-DR3Pause-DR4Select-IR-Scan5Update-DR6Capture-DR7Select-DR-Scan8Exit2-IR9Exit1-IR10Shift-IR11Pause-IR12Run-Test/Idle13Update-IR14Capture-IR15Test-Logic-ResetSYStem.CONFIG.CORE Assign core to TRACE32 instance Format:SYStem.CONFIG.CORE<core_index><chip_index>SYStem.MultiCore.CORE<core_index><chip_index> (deprecated) <chip_index>:1 (i)<core_index>:1…kDefault core_index: depends on the CPU, usually 1. for generic chipsDefault chip_index: derived from CORE= parameter of the configuration file (config.t32). The COREparameter is defined according to the start order of the GUI in T32Start with ascending values.T o provide proper interaction between different parts of the debugger, the systems topology must bemapped to the debugger’s topology model. The debugger model abstracts chips and sub cores of these chips. Every GUI must be connect to one unused core entry in the debugger topology model. Once the SYStem.CPU is selected, a generic chip or non-generic chip is created at the default chip_index.Non-generic ChipsNon-generic chips have a fixed number of sub cores, each with a fixed CPU type.Initially, all GUIs are configured with different chip_index values. Therefore, you have to assign thecore_index and the chip_index for every core. Usually, the debugger does not need further information to access cores in non-generic chips, once the setup is correct.Generic ChipsGeneric chips can accommodate an arbitrary amount of sub-cores. The debugger still needs information how to connect to the individual cores e.g. by setting the JT AG chain coordinates.Start-up ProcessThe debug system must not have an invalid state where a GUI is connected to a wrong core type of a non-generic chip, two GUIs are connected to the same coordinate or a GUI is not connected to a core. The initial state of the system is valid since every new GUI uses a new chip_index according to its CORE= parameter of the configuration file (config.t32). If the system contains fewer chips than initially assumed, the chips must be merged by calling SYStem.CONFIG.CORE.SYStem.CPU CPU type selection Format:SYStem.CPU <cpu><cpu>:BF531 | BF532 | BF533 | BF534…Default selection: BF534.Selects the CPU type.SYStem.JtagClock JT AG clock selection Format:SYStem.JtagClock [<frequency>]SYStem.BdmClock<frequency>(deprecated)Default frequency: 1MHz.Selects the JT AG port frequency (TCK). Any frequency up to 50MHz can be entered, it will be generated by the debuggers internal PLL.For CPUs which come up with very low clock speeds it might be necessary to slow down the JT AGfrequency. After initialization of the CPUs PLL the JT AG clock can be increased.SYStem.LOCK Lock and tristate the debug port Format:SYStem.LOCK [ON | OFF]Default: OFF.If the system is locked, no access to the debug port will be performed by the debugger. While locked, the debug connector of the debugger is tristated. The main intention of the SYStem.LOCK command is to give debug access to another tool.SYStem.MemAccess Real-time memory access (non-intrusive) Format:SYStem.MemAccess Denied | StopAndGo | BTCBTC“BTC” allows a non-intrusive memory access while the core is running, if aBackground T elemetry Channel (BTC) is defined in your application. Anyinformation on how to create such a channel can be found in AnalogDevices’ VisualDSP++ user’s manual. The JT AG clock speed should be asfast as possible to get good performanceDenied Real-time memory access during program execution to target is disabled.StopAndGo Temporarily halts the core(s) to perform the memory access. Each stoptakes some time depending on the speed of the JT AG port, the number ofthe assigned cores, and the operations that should be performed.SYStem.Mode System mode selectionFormat:SYStem.Mode <mode>SYStem.Attach (alias for SYStem.Mode Attach)SYStem.Down (alias for SYStem.Mode Down)SYStem.Up (alias for SYStem.Mode Up)<mode>:DownGoAttachUpDown Disables the debugger.Go Resets the target with debug mode enabled and prepares the CPU fordebug mode entry. After this command the CPU is in the system.upmode and running. Now, the processor can be stopped with the breakcommand or if a break condition occurs.Attach User program remains running (no reset) and the debug interface isinitialized.Up Resets the target and sets the CPU to debug mode. After execution ofthis command the CPU is stopped and prepared for debugging.StandBy Not supported.NoDebug Not supported.SYStem.Option.IMASKASM Interrupt disable Format:SYStem.Option.IMASKASM [ON | OFF]Mask interrupts during assembler single steps. Useful to prevent interrupt disturbance during assembler single stepping.SYStem.Option.IMASKHLL Interrupt disable Format:SYStem.Option.IMASKHLL [ON | OFF]Mask interrupts during HLL single steps. Useful to prevent interrupt disturbance during HLL single stepping.BreakpointsThere are two types of breakpoints available: software breakpoints and on-chip breakpoints. Software BreakpointsSoftware breakpoints are the default breakpoints. A special breakcode is patched to memory so it only can be used in RAM or FLASH areas.There is no restriction in the number of software breakpoints.On-chip BreakpointsThe Blackfin processor has a total of six instruction and two data on-chip breakpoints.A pair of two breakpoints may be further grouped together to form a range breakpoint. A range breakpointcan be including or excluding. In the first case the core is stopped if an address in the range is detected, in the second case the core is stopped when an address outside of the range is observed.Breakpoint in ROMWith the command MAP.BOnchip<range> it is possible to inform the debugger about ROM(FLASH,EPROM) address ranges in target. If a breakpoint is set within the specified address range the debugger uses automatically the available on-chip breakpoints.Example for BreakpointsAssume you have a target with FLASH from 0x20000000 to 0x200FFFFF and RAM from 0x0 to 0x1000000. The command to configure TRACE32 correctly for this configuration is: Map.BOnchip 0x20000000--0x200FFFFFThe following breakpoint combinations are possible.Software breakpoints:Break.Set 0x0 /Program; Software Breakpoint 1Break.Set 0x1000 /Program; Software Breakpoint 2On-chip breakpoints:Break.Set 0x20000100 /Program; On-chip Breakpoint 1Break.Set 0x2000ff00 /Program; On-chip Breakpoint 2Memory ClassesThe following memory classes are available: Memory Class DescriptionP ProgramD DataCPU specific TrOnchip CommandsThe TrOnchip command group is not available for the Blackfin debugger.JTAG ConnectorSignal Pin Pin SignalGND12EMU-N/C34GNDVDDIO56TMSN/C78TCKN/C910TRST-N/C1112TDIGND1314TDOJTAG Connector Signal Description CPU Signal TMS JTAG-TMS,TMSoutput of debuggerTDI TDI JTAG-TDI,output of debuggerTCK TCK JTAG-TCK,output of debugger/TRST /TRST JTAG-TRST,output of debuggerTDO TDO JTAG-TDO,input for debugger/EMU JTAG Emulation Flag /EMUVDDIO VDDIO This pin is used by the debugger to sense the targetI/O voltage and to set the drive levels accordingly. Ifthe sensed voltage level is too low (e.g. target has nopower) the debugger powers down its drivers toprevent the target from damage.。
NXP SCM-i.MX 6 Series Yocto Linux 用户指南说明书
© 2017 NXP B.V.SCM-i.MX 6 Series Yocto Linux User'sGuide1. IntroductionThe NXP SCM Linux BSP (Board Support Package) leverages the existing i.MX 6 Linux BSP release L4.1.15-2.0.0. The i.MX Linux BSP is a collection of binary files, source code, and support files that can be used to create a U-Boot bootloader, a Linux kernel image, and a root file system. The Yocto Project is the framework of choice to build the images described in this document, although other methods can be also used.The purpose of this document is to explain how to build an image and install the Linux BSP using the Yocto Project build environment on the SCM-i.MX 6Dual/Quad Quick Start (QWKS) board and the SCM-i.MX 6SoloX Evaluation Board (EVB). This release supports these SCM-i.MX 6 Series boards:• Quick Start Board for SCM-i.MX 6Dual/6Quad (QWKS-SCMIMX6DQ)• Evaluation Board for SCM-i.MX 6SoloX (EVB-SCMIMX6SX)NXP Semiconductors Document Number: SCMIMX6LRNUGUser's GuideRev. L4.1.15-2.0.0-ga , 04/2017Contents1. Introduction........................................................................ 1 1.1. Supporting documents ............................................ 22. Enabling Linux OS for SCM-i.MX 6Dual/6Quad/SoloX .. 2 2.1. Host setup ............................................................... 2 2.2. Host packages ......................................................... 23.Building Linux OS for SCM i.MX platforms .................... 3 3.1. Setting up the Repo utility ...................................... 3 3.2. Installing Yocto Project layers ................................ 3 3.3. Building the Yocto image ....................................... 4 3.4. Choosing a graphical back end ............................... 4 4. Deploying the image .......................................................... 5 4.1. Flashing the SD card image .................................... 5 4.2. MFGTool (Manufacturing Tool) ............................ 6 5. Specifying displays ............................................................ 6 6. Reset and boot switch configuration .................................. 7 6.1. Boot switch settings for QWKS SCM-i.MX 6D/Q . 7 6.2. Boot switch settings for EVB SCM-i.MX 6SoloX . 8 7. SCM uboot and kernel repos .............................................. 8 8. References.......................................................................... 8 9.Revision history (9)Enabling Linux OS for SCM-i.MX 6Dual/6Quad/SoloX1.1. Supporting documentsThese documents provide additional information and can be found at the NXP webpage (L4.1.15-2.0.0_LINUX_DOCS):•i.MX Linux® Release Notes—Provides the release information.•i.MX Linux® User's Guide—Contains the information on installing the U-Boot and Linux OS and using the i.MX-specific features.•i.MX Yocto Project User's Guide—Contains the instructions for setting up and building the Linux OS in the Yocto Project.•i.MX Linux®Reference Manual—Contains the information about the Linux drivers for i.MX.•i.MX BSP Porting Guide—Contains the instructions to port the BSP to a new board.These quick start guides contain basic information about the board and its setup:•QWKS board for SCM-i.MX 6D/Q Quick Start Guide•Evaluation board for SCM-i.MX 6SoloX Quick Start Guide2. Enabling Linux OS for SCM-i.MX 6Dual/6Quad/SoloXThis section describes how to obtain the SCM-related build environment for Yocto. This assumes that you are familiar with the standard i.MX Yocto Linux OS BSP environment and build process. If you are not familiar with this process, see the NXP Yocto Project User’s Guide (available at L4.1.15-2.0.0_LINUX_DOCS).2.1. Host setupTo get the Yocto Project expected behavior on a Linux OS host machine, install the packages and utilities described below. The hard disk space required on the host machine is an important consideration. For example, when building on a machine running Ubuntu, the minimum hard disk space required is about 50 GB for the X11 backend. It is recommended that at least 120 GB is provided, which is enough to compile any backend.The minimum recommended Ubuntu version is 14.04, but the builds for dizzy work on 12.04 (or later). Earlier versions may cause the Yocto Project build setup to fail, because it requires python versions only available on Ubuntu 12.04 (or later). See the Yocto Project reference manual for more information.2.2. Host packagesThe Yocto Project build requires that the packages documented under the Yocto Project are installed for the build. Visit the Yocto Project Quick Start at /docs/current/yocto-project-qs/yocto-project-qs.html and check for the packages that must be installed on your build machine.The essential Yocto Project host packages are:$ sudo apt-get install gawk wget git-core diffstat unzip texinfo gcc-multilib build-essential chrpath socat libsdl1.2-devThe i.MX layers’ host packages for the Ubuntu 12.04 (or 14.04) host setup are:$ sudo apt-get install libsdl1.2-dev xterm sed cvs subversion coreutils texi2html docbook-utils python-pysqlite2 help2man make gcc g++ desktop-file-utils libgl1-mesa-dev libglu1-mesa-dev mercurial autoconf automake groff curl lzop asciidocThe i.MX layers’ host packages for the Ubuntu 12.04 host setup are:$ sudo apt-get install uboot-mkimageThe i.MX layers’ host packages for the Ubuntu 14.04 host s etup are:$ sudo apt-get install u-boot-toolsThe configuration tool uses the default version of grep that is on your build machine. If there is a different version of grep in your path, it may cause the builds to fail. One workaround is to rename the special versi on to something not containing “grep”.3. Building Linux OS for SCM i.MX platforms3.1. Setting up the Repo utilityRepo is a tool built on top of GIT, which makes it easier to manage projects that contain multiple repositories that do not have to be on the same server. Repo complements the layered nature of the Yocto Project very well, making it easier for customers to add their own layers to the BSP.To install the Repo utility, perform these steps:1.Create a bin folder in the home directory.$ mkdir ~/bin (this step may not be needed if the bin folder already exists)$ curl /git-repo-downloads/repo > ~/bin/repo$ chmod a+x ~/bin/repo2.Add this line to the .bashrc file to ensure that the ~/bin folder is in your PATH variable:$ export PATH=~/bin:$PATH3.2. Installing Yocto Project layersAll the SCM-related changes are collected in the new meta-nxp-imx-scm layer, which is obtained through the Repo sync pointing to the corresponding scm-imx branch.Make sure that GIT is set up properly with these commands:$ git config --global "Your Name"$ git config --global user.email "Your Email"$ git config --listThe NXP Yocto Project BSP Release directory contains the sources directory, which contains the recipes used to build, one (or more) build directories, and a set of scripts used to set up the environment. The recipes used to build the project come from both the community and NXP. The Yocto Project layers are downloaded to the sources directory. This sets up the recipes that are used to build the project. The following code snippets show how to set up the SCM L4.1.15-2.0.0_ga Yocto environment for the SCM-i.MX 6 QWKS board and the evaluation board. In this example, a directory called fsl-arm-yocto-bsp is created for the project. Any name can be used instead of this.Building Linux OS for SCM i.MX platforms3.2.1. SCM-i.MX 6D/Q quick start board$ mkdir fsl-arm-yocto-bsp$ cd fsl-arm-yocto-bsp$ repo init -u git:///imx/fsl-arm-yocto-bsp.git -b imx-4.1-krogoth -m scm-imx-4.1.15-2.0.0.xml$ repo sync3.2.2. SCM-i.MX 6SoloX evaluation board$ mkdir my-evb_6sxscm-yocto-bsp$ cd my-evb_6sxscm-yocto-bsp$ repo init -u git:///imx/fsl-arm-yocto-bsp.git -b imx-4.1-krogoth -m scm-imx-4.1.15-2.0.0.xml$ repo sync3.3. Building the Yocto imageNote that the quick start board for SCM-i.MX 6D/Q and the evaluation board for SCM-i.MX 6SoloX are commercially available with a 1 GB LPDDR2 PoP memory configuration.This release supports the imx6dqscm-1gb-qwks, imx6dqscm-1gb-qwks-rev3, and imx6sxscm-1gb-evb. Set the machine configuration in MACHINE= in the following section.3.3.1. Choosing a machineChoose the machine configuration that matches your reference board.•imx6dqscm-1gb-qwks (QWKS board for SCM-i.MX 6DQ with 1 GB LPDDR2 PoP)•imx6dqscm-1gb-qwks-rev3 (QWKS board Rev C for SCM-i.MX 6DQ with 1GB LPDDR2 PoP) •imx6sxscm-1gb-evb (EVB for SCM-i.MX 6SX with 1 GB LPDDR2 PoP)3.4. Choosing a graphical back endBefore the setup, choose a graphical back end. The default is X11.Choose one of these graphical back ends:•X11•Wayland: using the Weston compositor•XWayland•FrameBufferSpecify the machine configuration for each graphical back end.The following are examples of building the Yocto image for each back end using the QWKS board for SCM-i.MX 6D/Q and the evaluation board for SCM-i.MX 6SoloX. Do not forget to replace the machine configuration with what matches your reference board.3.4.1. X11 image on QWKS board Rev C for SCM-i.MX 6D/Q$ DISTRO=fsl-imx-x11 imx6dqscm-1gb-qwks-rev3 source fsl-setup-release.sh -b build-x11$ bitbake fsl-image-gui3.4.2. FrameBuffer image on evaluation board for SCM-i.MX 6SX$ DISTRO=fsl-imx-fb MACHINE=imx6sxscm-1gb-evb source fsl-setup-release.sh –b build-fb-evb_6sxscm$ bitbake fsl-image-qt53.4.3. XWayland image on QWKS board for SCM-i.MX 6D/Q$ DISTRO=fsl-imx-xwayland MACHINE=imx6dqscm-1gb-qwks source fsl-setup-release.sh –b build-xwayland$ bitbake fsl-image-gui3.4.4. Wayland image on QWKS board for SCM-i.MX 6D/Q$ DISTRO=fsl-imx-wayland MACHINE=imx6dqscm-1gb-qwks source fsl-setup-release.sh -b build-wayland$ bitbake fsl-image-qt5The fsl-setup-release script installs the meta-fsl-bsp-release layer and configures theDISTRO_FEATURES required to choose the graphical back end. The –b parameter specifies the build directory target. In this build directory, the conf directory that contains the local.conf file is created from the setup where the MACHINE and DISTRO_FEATURES are set. The meta-fslbsp-release layer is added into the bblayer.conf file in the conf directory under the build directory specified by the –e parameter.4. Deploying the imageAfter the build is complete, the created image resides in the <build directory>/tmp/deploy/images directory. The image is (for the most part) specific to the machine set in the environment setup. Each image build creates the U-Boot, kernel, and image type based on the IMAGE_FSTYPES defined in the machine configuration file. Most machine configurations provide the SD card image (.sdcard), ext4, and tar.bz2. The ext4 is the root file system only. The .sdcard image contains the U-Boot, kernel, and rootfs, completely set up for use on an SD card.4.1. Flashing the SD card imageThe SD card image provides the full system to boot with the U-Boot and kernel. To flash the SD card image, run this command:$ sudo dd if=<image name>.sdcard of=/dev/sd<partition> bs=1M && syncFor more information about flashing, see “P reparing an SD/MMC Card to Boot” in the i.MX Linux User's Guide (document IMXLUG).Specifying displays4.2. MFGTool (Manufacturing Tool)MFGTool is one of the ways to place the image on a device. To download the manufacturing tool for the SCM-i.MX 6D/Q and for details on how to use it, download the SCM-i.MX 6 Manufacturing Toolkit for Linux 4.1.15-2.0.0 under the "Downloads" tab from /qwks-scm-imx6dq. Similarly, download the manufacturing tool for the SCM-i.MX 6SoloX evaluation board under the "Downloads" tab from /evb-scm-imx6sx.5. Specifying displaysSpecify the display information on the Linux OS boot command line. It is not dependent on the source of the Linux OS image. If nothing is specified for the display, the settings in the device tree are used. Find the specific parameters in the i.MX 6 Release Notes L4.1.15-2.0.0 (available at L4.1.15-2.0.0_LINUX_DOCS). The examples are shown in the following subsections. Interrupt the auto-boot and enter the following commands.5.1.1. Display options for QWKS board for SCM-i.MX 6D/QHDMI displayU-Boot > setenv mmcargs 'setenv bootargs console=${console},${baudrate} ${smp}root=${mmcroot} video=mxcfb0:dev=hdmi,1920x1080M@60,if=RGB24'U-Boot > run bootcmd5.1.2. Display options for EVB for SCM-i.MX 6SXNote that the SCM-i.MX 6SX EVB supports HDMI with a HDMI accessory card (MCIMXHDMICARD) that plugs into the LCD connector on the EVB.Accessory boards:•The LVDS connector pairs with the NXP MCIMX-LVDS1 LCD display board.•The LCD expansion connector (parallel, 24-bit) pairs with the NXP MCIMXHDMICARD adapter board.LVDS displayU-Boot > setenv mmcargs 'setenv bootargs console=${console},${baudrate} ${smp}root=${mmcroot} ${dmfc} video=mxcfb0:dev=ldb,1024x768M@60,if=RGB666 ldb=sep0'U-Boot > run bootcmdHDMI display (dual display for the HDMI as primary and the LVDS as secondary)U-Boot > setenv mmcargs 'setenv bootargs console=${console},${baudrate} ${smp}root=${mmcroot} video=mxcfb0:dev=hdmi,1920x1080M@60,if=RGB24video=mxcfb1:dev=ldb,LDBXGA,if=RGB666'U-Boot > run bootcmdLCD displayu-boot > setenv mmcargs 'setenv bootargs ${bootargs}root=${mmcroot} rootwait rw video=mxcfb0:dev=lcd,if=RGB565'u-boot> run bootcmd6. Reset and boot switch configuration6.1. Boot switch settings for QWKS SCM-i.MX 6D/QThere are two push-button switches on the QWKS-SCMIMX6DQ board. SW1 (SW3 for QWKS board Rev B) is the system reset that resets the PMIC. SW2 is the i.MX 6Dual/6Quad on/off button that is needed for Android.There are three boot options. The board can boot either from the internal SPI-NOR flash inside the SCM-i.MX6Dual/6Quad or from either of the two SD card slots. The following table shows the switch settings for the boot options.Table 1.Boot configuration switch settingsBoot from top SD slot (SD3)Boot from bottom SD slot (SD2)Boot from internal SPI NORDefault1.References6.2. Boot switch settings for EVB SCM-i.MX 6SoloXThis table shows the jumper configuration to boot the evaluation board from the SD card slot SD3.7. SCM uboot and kernel repositoriesThe kernel and uboot patches for both SCM-i.MX 6 QWKS board and evaluation board are integrated in specific git repositories. Below are the git repos for SCM-i.MX 6 uboot and kernel:uBoot repo: /git/cgit.cgi/imx/uboot-imx.gitSCM Branch: scm-imx_v2016.03_4.1.15_2.0.0_gakernel repo: /git/cgit.cgi/imx/linux-imx.gitSCM branch: scm-imx_4.1.15_2.0.0_ga8. References1.For details about setting up the Host and Yocto Project, see the NXP Yocto Project User’s Guide(document IMXLXYOCTOUG).2.For information about downloading images using U-Boot, see “Downloading images usingU-Boot” in the i.MX Linux User's Guide (document IMXLUG).3.For information about setting up the SD/MMC card, see “P reparing an SD/MMC card to boot” inthe i.MX Linux User's Guide (document IMXLUG).9. Revision historyDocument Number: SCMIMX6LRNUGRev. L4.1.15-2.0.0-ga04/2017How to Reach Us: Home Page: Web Support: /supportInformation in this document is provided solely to enable system and softwareimplementers to use NXP products. There are no express or implied copyright licenses granted hereunder to design or fabricate any integrated circuits based on the information in this document. NXP reserves the right to make changes without further notice to any products herein.NXP makes no warranty, representation, or guarantee regarding the suitability of its products for any particular purpose, nor does NXP assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product or circuit, and specifically disclaims any and all liability, including without limitation consequentia l or incidental damages. “Typical”parameters that may be provided in NXP data sheets and/or specifications can and do vary in different applications, and actual performance may vary over time. All operating parameters, including “typicals,” must be valida ted for each customer application by customer’s technical experts. NXP does not convey any license under its patent rights nor the rights of others. NXP sells products pursuant to standard terms and conditions of sale, which can be found at the following address: /SalesTermsandConditions .NXP, the NXP logo, NXP SECURE CONNECTIONS FOR A SMARTER WORLD, Freescale, and the Freescale logo are trademarks of NXP B.V. All other product or service names are the property of their respective owners.ARM, the ARM Powered logo, and Cortex are registered trademarks of ARM Limited (or its subsidiaries) in the EU and/or elsewhere. All rights reserved. © 2017 NXP B.V.。
)[BunnyHop]:兔子跳(当你行走时会自动跳跃)[Dolphin]:海豚(在水里自动浮着,相当于按住了空格)[FastLadder]:快速爬梯子(比一般爬梯子的速度快很多)[Flight]:飞行(可设置飞行速度,快捷键G)[Glide]:降落伞(从高空掉落变慢,和鸡的速度大致一样,落地无伤害)[HighJupm]:超级跳(跳的更高,相当于/sj 8的高度)[Jesus]:水面行走,不会掉到水下去[Jetpack]:连跳(可以连跳,N连跳,和工业的飞行背包功能一样)[Nofall]:摔落保护(掉落无伤害)[Phae]:和连跳差不多,不过掉落无伤害[Sneak]:蛇(相当于一直按着蹲)[Spider]:蜘蛛(可以爬墙,遇见墙直接爬上去)[Step]:步伐(遇到能跳上的方块自动跳跃翻过)[Timer]:加速(所有动作速度加快,包括移动,跳跃,吃东西等,与变速齿轮功能一样)【Blocks】----方块类[AutoMine]:自动破坏(此不属于作弊功能!相当于一直按住鼠标左键,可与自动行走一起使用,挖矿洞可挂机)[AutoSign]:没有字的牌子(放置牌子不会出现让你填写字的画面)[AutoT ool]:自动切换工具(比如你要挖矿就切换稿子之类的,砍树就切换到斧子,必须在快捷栏里!)[BuildRandom]:可以理解为乱放方块吧(开启后手持建筑方块会自动乱放)[FastBrek]:更快的破坏(挖东西更快)[FastPlace]:更快放置(一次放置最多5个,可以自动放置同时使用)[InstanBunker]:小屋子(可在空中放置5*5*3的空心房子,必须57个方块,周围必须有足够空间,并保证无生物)[Kaboom]:大爆炸(这可以更快比核武器如果服务器没有NoCheat +。
安国量产工具量产工具版本更新说明:=================================================================Ver 11.09.281.改善AU6987对H27UCG8T2MYR、H27UBG8T2BTR downgrade flash的支持,提高稳定性。
2.修改v11.08.26版本存在的DDR+速度优先 MP FAIL 问题。
4.修改二次回传BIN + Fix capacity 问题。
6.增加支持K9GBGD8U0M、K9LCGD8U1M、K9HDGD8U5M.、SDTNMNDHEM-032G、TC58NVG6D2HTA00.=================================================================Ver 11.08.261.增强对6D2G downgrade flash的支持,提高稳定性。
2.此版本不支持H27UCG8T2MYR/H27UBG8T2BTR 容量优先模式。
3. 增加支持HY27SG088G2B(x16)、TC58NVG5D2GTA00。
=================================================================Ver Base add support 7D7F/8D7F(x16) speed.Ver 90_02, 90_122.Add HY27SF161G2M(x16).Ver Update 87_12.Ver Add support GVX7 (87T/89L/89).Ver support new controller.2.Add support some flash, P1UAGA30AT/ 7D2F/ 7D7F /8D2F 8D7F3.Fix iStar.4.Fix some bug.====================================== ===========================Ver修改UAG8T2B*2 DUAL2.改善B74。
产品版本 V2.0
资料版本 20080630-R1.0
资料编号 sjzl20082212手册第一次发行更新说明
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第 2 章 结构和原理....................................................................................................................................2-1 2.1 功能模块 .........................................................................................................................................2-1 2.2 系统原理 .........................................................................................................................................2-2 2.3 软件结构 .........................................................................................................................................2-3 2.3.1 宽带网管子系统 ...................................................................................................................2-4 2.3.2 宽带协议子系统 ...................................................................................................................2-4 2.3.3 宽带业务子系统 ...................................................................................................................2-4 2.3.4 宽带承载子系统 ...................................................................................................................2-5 2.3.5 运行支撑子系统 ...................................................................................................................2-5 2.3.6 窄带承载子系统 ...................................................................................................................2-5 2.3.7 窄带数据库管理子系统 .......................................................................................................2-5 2.3.8 窄带协议子系统 ...................................................................................................................2-5 2.3.9 窄带业务子系统 ...................................................................................................................2-5 2.4 硬件结构 .........................................................................................................................................2-6 2.4.1 插箱 .......................................................................................................................................2-6 2.4.2 单板 .......................................................................................................................................2-7 2.4.3 背板 .....................................................................................................................................2-13 2.4.4 风扇 .....................................................................................................................................2-13 2.4.5 单板配置 .............................................................................................................................2-14
想偶尔手动,但是又因为没有准心时常打不准,锵锵锵~那为什么不自己画一个准心呢?我们一起来学习下这个准心要如何画吧~首先,我们先来简单了解下,要用到的几个Api函数,吼吼SetROP2Declare Function SetROP2 Lib "gdi32" Alias "SetROP2" (ByVal hdc As 声明Long, ByVal nDrawMode As Long) As Long主要用于设定当前前景色的混合模式。
参数 1.设备场景的句柄 2.设备场景的新绘图模式返回值如执行成功,返回前一个绘图模式;零表示出错GetWindowDCDeclare Function GetWindowDC Lib "user32" Alias声明"GetWindowDC" (ByVal hwnd As Long) As Long功能获取整个窗口(包括边框、滚动条、标题栏、菜单等)的设备场景参数窗口句柄返回值设备句柄CreatePen声明Declare Function CreatePen Lib "gdi32" Alias "CreatePen" (ByVal nPenStyle As Long, ByVal nWidth As Long, ByVal crColor As Long) As Long功能用指定的样式、宽度和颜色创建一个画笔参数画笔类型返回值如函数执行成功,就返回指向新画笔的一个句柄;否则返回零SelectObject声明Declare Function SelectObject Lib "gdi32" Alias "SelectObject"(ByVal hdc As Long, ByVal hObject As Long) As Long功能每个设备场景都可能有选入其中的图形对象。
态机管理 IGMP PROXY Host 状态机管理
VLAN区分多SP,统一规划IP组播地址段 业务平台
2、组播频道内容推送到DSLAM组播 源端口
4、查询CAC,若用户权限是订购 (或预览),则复制频道内容至用 户端口 5、用户切换频道:离开请求,新 频道请求,重复步骤3~4 6、DSLAM组播查询报文,如果一定 时间内无答复,则停止复制 7、刷新订购信息和CAC 8、日志记录CDR 21
减轻单点故障影响、加快节目推送的响应速度。 18
用户1 用户2 用户3
允许 禁止 允许
禁止 允许 允许
预览 允许 允许
提供24路SHDSL用户接口,完成SHDSL业务的接入 满足ITU-T G991.2标准
提供48路POTS模拟电话用户接口,完成语音业务的接入 支持112线路测试功能
提供16路10/100BASE-T电接口,完成用户以太网业务接入 接口符合IEEE 802.3-2005的规定
0~8 kΩ ±6% & ±3 Ω
0 n~400 nF ±6% & ±2 nF 0.4 µ~10 µF ±6% & ±2 nF 0 n~400 nF ±8% & ±4 nF 0.4 µ~10 µF ±8% & ±4 nF -400~400 V ±5% & ±3.5V 0~280 Vrms ±5% & ±0.1V 可检测音频率,但不支持检测通 断比
1CONTENTSSAFETY INSTRUCTIONS ANDWARNINGS ABOUT YOUR O.S. ENGINE NOTES ON INSTALLING,COOLING-FAN AND CLUTCH NOTES ON INSTALLING THE ENGINE,NOTES ON HEATING THE GLOW PLUG INTRODUCTIONBASIC ENGINE PARTS,INSTALLATION OF THE CARBURETOR INSTALLATION OF THE ENGINE ABOUT THE PUMP SYSTEM CARE OF FUEL PUMP FUEL TANK AND PIPING BEFORE STARTING2-569111216 181920-212831FACTS ABOUT GLOWPLUG CARBURETOR CONTROLSSTARTING, RUNNING-IN ("Breaking-in")ADJUSTMENTSUBSEQUENT READJUSTMENTS CARBURETOR CLEANLINESSADJUSTMENT CHARTINSTALLATION OF THROTTLE SERVO CARE AND MAINTENANCE EXPLODED VIEW & PARTS LISTO.S. GENUINE PARTS & ACCESSORIES THREE VIEW DRAWING MEMO7813-1630103622-2424-272932-353738BDC positionRotate the crankshaft so that theconnecting rod comes to this position.7Note on installing the engineNote on heating the glow plugCooling fan cover from some helicopter models interferes the heatsink head.In this case, cut out the cover as illustrated.ExampleCut out according to the heatsink head.Heatsink head, crankcase and cover plate of the engine are treated with Alumite which does not conduct current. Therefore, when heating a glow plug, connect one lead to the glow plug and the other to the head of cover plate fitting screw.Exampleor battery integrated booster.1810 Plug wrenchUsed for tightening glowplug. The O.S. long plug wrench is available as an optional accessory.7 Fuel pumpFor filling the fuel tank one of the purpose-made manual or electric fuel pumps may be used to transfer fuel directly from your fuel container to the fuel tank.For tightening glowplugManualElectricFuel pumpsFuel Can Filter8 Fuel container filterInstall a filter on the outlet tube of your refuelling container to prevent entry of foreign matter into the fuel tank 9 Silicone tubingThis is required for the connection between the fuel tank and engine.ID 2.5mm and OD 5-5.5mm one would be suitable.Silicone tubing2x 5xL12mmSilicone T ubeJoint Nipple(Joint nipple and silicone tube are fit on the cover plate.)If the silicone tube on the cover plate is damaged, use commercially available 2mm ID and 5mm OD silicone tube by cutting to 12mm length.Checking the rotating direction of the starter cannot rotate when the engine is Started. Also, steadythe model with a foot on the landing gear skid.Connect the battery to the glowplug and start theengine by applying the starter. When started, switchoff the starter and withdraw the starting shaft aftermaking sure the rotation of the starter shaft stops.Fully pull down the throttle trim on the transmitter.25The general course of adjustment procedure is shown in the ADJUSTING CHART and is correct for a fuel containing 20% lubricant and 15-30% nitromethane.Bear in mind that fuels containing relatively large percentages of power-boosting nitromethane operate at richer mixture settings than are needed for mild fuels and will, therefore, require the High-Speed Needle Valve to be readjusted accordingly. The type and percentage of lubricant used is also a factor here, as noted later in these instructions.As a safety measure, first check the transmitter controls, including the throttle stick and trim lever positions, and hold the main rotor securely before starting the engine.This carburetor is not equipped with a throttle stop screw. Instead, idling speed is adjusted by means of the throttle trim lever on the transmitter.Warm the engine by allowing it to idle for about 30 seconds. If the engine stops, advance the throttle trim lever slightly to increase the idle rpm. Then open the throttle sufficiently to 'float' the model above the ground. lf, at this time, the engine is slow to pick up and produces an excess of exhaust smoke, the mixture is too rich. Correct this condition by turning the Mixture Control Screw clockwise 10 degrees. lf the mixture is extremely rich, engine rpm will become unstable: opening the throttle will produce a great deal of smoke and rpm may drop suddenly or the engine may stop. This condition may also be initiated by an excessively prolonged warming-up period. lf, on the other hand, the mixture is too Iean, this wiIl be indicated by a marked lack of exhaust smoke and a tendency for the engine to cut out when the throttle is opened. ln this case, turn the Mixture Control Screw counter-clockwise 10 degrees to enrich the mixture.ADJUSTMENT PROCEDURE1.26Having provisionally set the idle mixture, the next step is to adjust the mixture for hovering flight.Hover the model and actuate the throttle to observe response over the medium speed range. lf the engine smokes excessiveIy and throttle response is poor, the mixture is too rich ; in which case, land the model and turn the High-Speed Needle Valve clockwise. Do not close the High-Speed NeedIe Valve more than the recommended initial adjustment (3 to 4 clicks) at a time, keeping it a little on the rich side at this stage. lf, on the other hand, hovering is not stable and response to the throttIe is over-sensitive, or if the engine tends to overheat, this indicates that the mixture is too lean and should be corrected by turning the High-Speed Needle Valve counter-clockwise.2.After about 10 seconds of idling, open the throttle to 'float' the model. lf the transition is smooth, the idle mixture is O.K. If the symptoms of either rich or Iean running are observed, readjust the Idle Mixture Control Screw accordingly.When satisfactory hovering flight has been achieved, land the modeI again and re-check the engine's idle qualities.28CARBURETOR CLEANLINESSThe correct functioning of the carburetor depends on its small fuel orifices remaining clear.The minute particles of foreign matter that are present in any fuel can easily partially obstruct these orifices and upset mixture strength so that engine performance becomes erratic and unreliable.It is recommended that fuel is passed through a filter when the tank is filled and that a good in-line filter is installed between the fuel tank and carburetor and, furthermore, that this filter is frequently cleaned to remove dirt and lint that accumulates on the filter screen.Finally, occasionally remove the needle-valve holder from the carburetor as shown in Photo and extract any remaining foreign matter that may have lodged in the location shown in the sketch.Remove this with an 8mm spannerDirt and fbrous matter mostly accumulate hereSUBSEQUENT READJUSTMENTSOnce the engine has been run-in and the carburetor controls properly set up, it should be unnecessary to alter the mixture settings, except to make minor changes to the Main (High-Speed) Needle Valve occasionally, to take account of differences in climatic condisitions.However, as previously mentioned, the use of a different fuel, particularly one containing more, or less, nitromethane and / or a different type or proportion of lubricating oil, is likely to call for some modification to the High-Speed Needle-Valve adjustment.As a safety measure, it is advisable to increase the High-Speed Needle Valve setting by an extra half-turn counter-clockwise, prior to establishing the new setting. The same applies if the silencer type is changed. A different silencer may alter the exhaust pressure applied to the fuel feed and call for a revised Needle-Valve setting.The use of a different glowplug, or changes to the main rotor and its pitch angles may also require compensating carburetor readjustments.31CARE AND MAINTENANCEThe minute particles of foreign matter, that arepresent in any fuel may, by accumulating and partially obstructing fuel flow, cause engine performance to become erratic and unreliable.O.S. 'Super-Filters' (large and small)are available, as optional extras, to deal with this problem.One of these filters, installed in the outlet tube inside your refueling container, will prevent the entry of foreign material into the fuel tank. It is also recommended that a good in-line filter be installed between the tank and carburetor.1.Finally, i nject s ome a fter-run o il i nto t he e ngine. R otatethe engine a few times by hand, to make sure that it is free, and then with an electric starter for 4 to 5 seconds to distribute the oil to all the working parts.These procedures will reduce the risk of starting difficulties and of internal corrosion after a period of storage.Do not inject after-run oil into the carburetor as this may cause the O-rings inside the carburetor to deteriorate.Note:2.3. 4.Do not forget to clean the filters regularly to removedirt and lint that accumulate on the filter screens. Also, clean the carburetor itself occasionally.At the end of each operating session, drain out anyfuel that may remain in the fuel tank. Next, energize the glowplug and try ot restart the engine to burn off any fuel that may remain inside the engine.Repeat this procedure until the engine fails to fire. Remove the glowplug and eject any remaining fuel/oil residue by rotating the engine with an electric starter for 4 to 5 seconds while the engine is still warm.THREE VIEW DRAWINGDisplacement Bore Stroke Practical R.P.M. Power output Weight SPECIFICATIONS14.95 cc (0.912 cu.in.)27.7mm (1.091 in.)24.8mm (0.976 in.)2,000-16,000 r.p.m.3.1 ps / 15,000 r.p.m.581g(20.5oz.)MEMO38。
ZXDSL9806HV2.0简明开局指南2008年3月第1章ZXDSL9806HV2.0简介1.1 槽位定义ZXDSL 9806H(V2.0)插箱由单板、背板和风扇盒组成。
1.2 单板简介单板包括主控板(SCCB)、用户板(ASTEB,ASTDE,VSTDC、ETCA、A TLC/A TLA)、电源板(PWAH,PWDH),详见下表:1.3 硬件安装注意事项机壳接地线必须安装。
不允许将V2.0里的A TLC单板插到V1.2(SCCF单板)系统里;宽带单板ASTEB可以混插于2个系统里,只是firmware的版本文件不一样,千万注意,升级的时候一定要采用申请版本包里的配套版本。
1.4 各站点信息检查与收集D:\material\9806h\voip\站点信息收集表第2章 开局步骤2.1 网元数据配置管理连接方式ZXDSL 9806H (V2.0)提供2种管理方式。
●命令行(Command Line Interface ,CLI )方式,通过超级终端登录或Telnet 登录实现。
● 统一网管方式,通过NETNUMEN N31网管平台实现。
2.1.1 统一网管物理连接通过上联设备提供的以太口或者上联的交换机提供的以太口或者主控板上带外网管接口(MGT 口,用于带外网管和设备调试)连接NETNUMEN N31网管服务器实现对网元的管理。
2.1.2 命令行方式通过SCCF 板上的本地维护串口CONSOLE 口,实现本地超级终端管理。
或者通过带外网管接口--MGT 口,通过telnet 登录实现。
2.2 命令行方式开通步骤使用随机发货的串口维护电缆连接本地维护计算机的串口和SCCF 板上的CONSOLE 口通过超级终端的方式登陆网元。
ZXDSL-9806操作指导书 2011.9.28
2.设置 PVC 属性
配置所有用户接口 PVC 的 VCI 和 VPI 属性 1) 9806(config)# interface range adsl 1/1-24 2) 9806(cfg-if-adsl-1/1-24)# atm pvc 1 vpi 8 vci 35
(进入用户板 1 槽位) (配置 1 槽位所有用户接口的 PVC 属性)
1. ADSL profile 设置
图四 ADSL profile 配置界面 AtuC:局端参数,指下行线路 AtuR:终端端参数,指上行线路 TargetSnrMGn:目标噪声裕度,环路测试设置为 60,华为老化测试设置为 120 MaxInterDelay:最大延时,默认设置为 16 FastMaxRate:Fast 模式下的最大速率 InterMaxRate:Interleve 模式下的最大速率 备注:目标噪声裕度大小和产品稳定性成正比,和环路性能成反比。所以老化测试设置数值比较高,
备注:SCCF 为上联板,ASTEC 为 ADSL2+ AnnexA 24 路线路板、 VSTDNE 为 VDSL 16 路线路板 显示版本信息 2) 9806(config)# show version
创建 VLAN 1) 9806(config)#add-vlan 100
将用户端口加入到 Vlan 中 2) 9806(config)# vlan 100 1/10 untag pvc 1
设置用户端口的默认 VLAN ID(PVID) 3) 9806(config)# interface adsl 1/10 4) 9806(cfg-if-adsl-1/10)#pvid 100 pvc 1
将上联端口加入到 Vlan 中 5) 9806(config)#vlan 100 5/1 untag
其中包括:VC32、33、36、37、38、39、43、44、45、 其中包括:VC32、33、36、37、38、39、43、44、45、46
ECHO "======>> Creating vc36,U3P2000M160,NBAP-C CREATE ( parent "ManagedElement=1,TransportNetwork=1,AtmPort=ES-2-26-ima60,VplTp=vp1,VpcTp=1" identity “vc36“ moType VclTp exception none nrOfAttributes 3 externalVci Integer 36 atmTrafficDescriptorId Ref “ManagedElement=1,TransportNetwork=1,AtmTrafficDescriptor=U3P2000M160“ userLabel String "vc36" ) //VC36定义NBAP-C,走传输 对应Ca
Aal5 TpvccTp
其中包括Aal5TpVccTp=b255ca、cb、da、db、qa、qb、 其中包括Aal5TpVccTp=b255ca、cb、da、db、qa、qb、ia
ECHO "======>> Creating VC36's Aal5TpVccTp,b255ca CREATE ( parent "ManagedElement=1,TransportNetwork=1" identity "b255ca" moType Aal5TpVccTp exception none nrOfAttributes 10 vclTpId Ref “ManagedElement=1,TransportNetwork=1,AtmPort=ES-2-26-ima60,VplTp=vp1,VpcTp=1,VclTp=vc36“ fromUserMaxSduSize Integer 2048 toUserMaxSduSize Integer 2048 processorId Ref "ManagedElement=1,Equipment=1,Subrack=ES-2,Slot=12,PlugInUnit=1" userLabel String "b255ca" continuityCheck Boolean false counterActivation Boolean false counterMode Integer 6 alarmReport Integer 2 nomPmBlkSize Integer 1024 ) //引用VC36
xyplorer使用技巧【实用版】目录1.Xshell 简介2.Xshell 的基本操作技巧3.Xshell 的高级操作技巧4.Xshell 的实用功能5.Xshell 的优点与不足正文一、Xshell 简介Xshell 是一款功能强大的 SSH 客户端,它支持 SSH1 和 SSH2 协议,可以方便地连接到远程服务器进行管理。
Xshell 不仅具有简单易用的界面,还提供了众多实用功能,如:会话管理、自动登录、远程文件编辑等,为广大用户提供了一个高效的远程管理工具。
二、Xshell 的基本操作技巧1.连接远程服务器:使用 Xshell 可以快速连接到远程服务器,用户只需输入服务器的 IP 地址或域名,然后输入用户名和密码即可。
2.终端类型选择:Xshell 支持多种终端类型,如:TTY、Xterm、VT100 等,用户可以根据自己的需求进行选择。
3.粘贴板功能:Xshell 提供了粘贴板功能,用户可以将本地文件粘贴到远程服务器上,也可以将远程服务器上的文件粘贴到本地。
4.会话管理:Xshell 可以方便地管理多个会话,用户可以同时连接到多个远程服务器,实现高效的远程管理。
三、Xshell 的高级操作技巧1.脚本编写:Xshell 支持脚本编写,用户可以通过脚本实现一些自动化的操作,如:自动登录、自动备份等。
2.远程文件编辑:Xshell 可以方便地进行远程文件编辑,用户可以直接在 Xshell 中编辑远程服务器上的文件。
3.压缩与解压缩:Xshell 支持压缩与解压缩功能,用户可以方便地将远程服务器上的文件进行压缩或解压缩。
四、Xshell 的实用功能1.自动登录:Xshell 可以实现自动登录,用户只需设置一次,以后就可以自动连接到远程服务器。
2.断点续传:Xshell 支持断点续传功能,用户可以在上次断开的地方继续传输文件。
3.文件传输监控:Xshell 可以监控文件传输过程,用户可以实时查看文件传输的进度和状态。
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单击step back可以返回到上⼀条指令(这个功能也是⼀般调试器没有的)。
选择stop on condition 可以设置条件断点:上⾯的设定当ax的值是0x0006是断下来单击run按钮可以看到断下来的时候ax值正好等于6单击vars可以查看运⾏过程中变量的变化。
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9806H宽带部分带内网管的设置创建VLAN,此处假设网管vlan 155, 用户vlan 3401-3424设置带内管理IP/掩码/manage vid9806# con add-vlan 155,3401-34249806# con ip subnet 155设置路由目的网段/掩码/网关。
9806# con ip route uplink-mode cascade master-port 5/1 (上联口模式为级联模式,哪一个口为主上联模式)9806# con vlan 155 5/1-2 tag业务VLAN的设置用户端口untag加入相关vlan,注意每用户一个vlan时要用one-to-one参数。
9806# con vlan 3401-3424 4/1-24 untag one-to-one9806# con vlan 3401-3424 5/1-2 tag9806# show vlan 34019806# show vlan 3424创建ADSL限速模板文件9806# con adsl-profile 2m //第一次输入仅仅创建,再次输入该命令可修改参数。
设置ADSL用户端口的参数设置用户端口参数,可以interface range模式批量配置9806# con interface range adsl 1/1-24 //设置ASTEB单板slot4 1到24个用户端口9806(cfg-if-range-adsl)# pvid 3901-3924 one-to-one pvc 19806(cfg-if-range-adsl)# atm pvc 1 vpi 0 vci 409806(cfg-if-range-adsl)# adsl profile 2m //线路模板文件的批量配置。
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- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
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snmp-server community allview rw
adsl-profile JTADSL12M768K.PRF
erase voip-config 清空语音
port-location access-node-id hostnaБайду номын сангаасe
port-location pppoe-plus enable
interface rang adsl 1/1-24
pppoe-plus enable
port-location format ctc-dslam
interface rang adsl 4/1-24
pppoe-plus enable
port-location format ctc-dslam
add-vlan 6,9,460-473,475-491,2305-2310,3930,3960,3999
ip host
ip modem
ip subnet 9 name "OAMSubnet"
ip subnet 3999 name "ZTESUBNET" voip
add-ipstermid tmidfix RTP/ type 2 digitlen 3
del-slctermid beginslot 1 num 48
add-slctermid beginslot 1 num 48 tmidfix A type 2 digitlen 3
no snmp-server community private
no snmp-server community public
snmp-server community IPzhwg2009WR rw
snmp-server community IPzhwg2009RO ro
adsl-profile JTADSL9M768K.PRF
add-vlan 1419-1466,3930,3960,3999 ---注意语音VLAN4000或3999
ip host
ip subnet 9 name "OAMSubnet"
port-location format ctc-dslam
interface rang adsl 2/1-24
pppoe-plus enable
port-location format ctc-dslam
interface rang adsl 3/1-24
pppoe-plus enable
int epon-olt_0/2/2
onu 2 type ZTE-9806 mac 0818.1a36.d0a2 ip-cfg static
onu 14 type ZTE-F822 mac 0818.1a11.d0fc ip-cfg static
onu 11 type ZTE-F822 mac 0818.1a2a.0498 ip-cfg static
adsl-profile JTADSL20M1024K.PRF
adsl-profile JTADSL2M512K.PRF
adsl-profile JTADSL3M512K.PRF
adsl-profile JTADSL4M512K.PRF
adsl-profile JTADSL512K.PRF
qos pvc2queue 7:1
qos pvc2queue 8:1
pvid 1419-1466 one-to-one pvc 1
pvid 3930 pvc 3
pvid 3960 pvc 4
interface gigabit-ethernet 5/1
del-slctermid beginslot 2 num 48
add-slctermid beginslot 2 num 48 tmidfix A type 2 digitlen 3 begno 48
del-slctermid beginslot 3 num 48
add-slctermid beginslot 3 num 48 tmidfix A type 2 digitlen 3 begno 96
ip route name "ZTEROUTE"
ip route name "OAMRoute"
port-location access-node-identify hostname
port-location pppoe-plus enable
cos priority 6
no rate-limit broadcast
vlan 1419-1466 1-2/1-24 untag one-to-one pvc 1
vlan 3930 1-2/1-24 untag pvc 3
vlan 3960 1-2/1-24 untag pvc 4
vlan 1419-1466 5/1-2 tag
adsl-profile JTADSL5M1024K.PRF
adsl-profile JTADSL5M512K.PRF
adsl-profile JTADSL6M512K.PRF
adsl-profile JTADSL7M512K.PRF
adsl-profile JTADSL8M640K.PRF
mod-mgcattr mgctype 2 dmlong 5
mod-mgcattr mgctype 2 dmshort 3
mod-mgcapabili matchtype 2
mod-expar parid 1 dtmfrelaymod 1
erase configuration 清空数据
switchport vlan 9,1419-1466,3930 tag vport 1
switchport vlan 3960,3999 tag vport 1
authentication enable
description $$ TCWS-GETliangzhan-onu-3.M.9806H $$
atm pvc 3 vpi 8 vci 45 common
atm pvc 4 vpi 8 vci 46 common
qos pvc2queue 1:1
qos pvc2queue 2:2
qos pvc2queue 3:3
qos pvc2queue 4:4
onu 12 type ZTE-F822 mac 0818.1a22.2cff ip-cfg static
onu 13 type ZTE-F822 mac 0818.1a22.2c45 ip-cfg static
interface epon-onu_0/2/2:2
switchport mode trunk vport 1
encrypt direction downstream enable vport 1
encrypt direction both disable vport 2
autocfg disable
pon-onu-mng epon-onu_0/2/2:2
mgmt-ip onu-ip 6 9 mgm-ip status enable
snmp-server host
snmp-server host
snmp-server host
snmp-server host
system hostname TCWS-GET-liangzhan-onu-3.M.9806H
ip modem
ip subnet 4000 name "ZTESUBNET" voip ----注意修改语音地址和 3999或4000VLAN
ip route name "ZTEROUTE"
ip route
cos priority 6
interface range adsl 1-2/1-24