景区标识语英文翻译失误 How to improve student’s communicative skills when traveling
”分析:这个例子中的语用失误在于将“传统古典园林”直译成了“traditional classical garden”,而没有根据实际情况选择更恰当的表达方式。
“传统古典园林”在中国文化中有着特定的含义,应该使用更贴近实际情况的表达方式,比如“traditional Chinese garden”。
”分析:这个例子中的语用失误在于使用了“please do not spit everywhere and throw trash randomly”这样生硬的表达方式。
在英文中,应该使用更礼貌和规范的表达方式,比如“Please do not spit or litter”. 这个公示牌虽然传达了一些基本规则,但缺乏对外国游客的友好度和文化背景的考虑。
合理的说法应该是“this ancient city was built in the Tang Dynasty, and it has beautiful scenery”。
- 235 -校园英语 / 语言文化研究旅游景区英文标识语失误及原因浅析赣州技师学院/王华 曾卫平【摘要】旅游标识语作为一种特定的语言形态有其独特的语言特色和文本功能。
【关键词】旅游景区 英文标识语 赣州市景区标识语是指在旅游目的地,对旅游者有指引性作用的公示性文字。
例如:“Cableway Entrance ”(索道入口)等。
景区标识语也可以提示或警告游客注意安全,例如:“Mind Your Steps ”(小心滑倒)等。
景区标识语还可以对游客的行为做出约束,例如:“No Littering ”(禁止扔垃圾)等。
例如,“禁止车辆及宠物入园”标识牌的译文是“Vahicles and Pats Prohibitcd!”。
: !:
・ 南 河 际 乐 心 英 标 语 错 进 了 类 析 提 戴国娱 中的文识的误行归分并出
燕塞湖景区的标识语 中 “ 去检票 口“ 英文是 “ i 。 mi T。 E 。 “ 。
在计算机上编程运 算解得 :
I- L H '
yx  ̄ jz
I 1 ~, ∑=
j —… 粪 募
~ ’ 在为 游 提 x 质 服务 提 秦 的 圮 旨 建 仁 外国 客 供更 K 似叫 皇岛 旅游 议, 日 训 删 刀 升 王 补叼 优 的 并 带 城
至 。… …
至此模型变成一个单 目标二次规划问题 根据运筹学的知识 蠢
[键 】 皇 英 标 语 错 分 改 建 关 词秦 岛 文 识 误析 正议
秦 皇岛是一座旅 游城市 每年接待的外国游客很多。好 的英
是 求 方 很. 以 在 机 程 。 主胖 ,I目 l 1 詈 可 解 法 多 可 接 算 编 算 ;壬 言 r屯 主、口 ;\ 以 的 有 也 直 计 上 运 雾 ,曰 。X 7 、 喜 』 又 。 Z 、、Il 巴 工 囊 】’= 下. 1 百 口 /曰 蓦
四 同一景区内的同一景点使用英文名称混乱 , 容易引起误解
燕 塞 湖 景 区 的标 识 语 中 有一 处 去 索道 “ 英 文用 了 rawa 另一处 “ op y 索道简介 “ 英文用了 “al a 还 有一处 cbe y w
旅游英语学期论文论文题目:景区标识语英文翻译失误How to improve student’s communicativeskills when traveling学生姓名谢一凡学生学号201107050201430学生班级2011-2学科专业英语学年学期2013-2014指导教师李亮老师所在学院语言文化学院2014年12月15日摘要随着对外开放的不断发展,中英双语标识语越来越广泛地显现在城市的各个角落,在中外交流中发挥着极其重要的作用。
关键词:景区,标识语,中英翻译,分析,石河子市AbstractThe world is moving forward in an inconceivable speed, and with the development of tourist industry, Chinese-English signs are widely used in every corner of all cities, and play an significant role in communications between Chinese and foreign visitors. And at present, there are still a lot of mistakes and shortcomings among some scenic areas which can dwindle the good impressions in the mind of the foreign visitors. And this paper focus on the translation mistakes of the bilingual scenic signs through the analyses of the scenic areas in Shi Hezi city and gives some suggestions.Key words: scenic areas; signs; bilingual translation; Shihezi1.IntroductionAs the vehicle of communication, public signs do matter a lot, and the translation of pubic signs can not only effect every aspect among foreign visitors, but also can stand for the figure of a city. For this reason, the veracity of the bilingual public signs play a big role in city modeling, environmental construction and economic development. And in this paper, I will analyse the mistakes of the scenic signs which I found in Shihezi city, and give a reference for standardizing the translation of scenic signs.2. The major mistakes of the bilingual scenic signsThis year, I visit the major scenic areas in Shihezi city and collected a lot of bilingual scenic signs and found out many problems in the translation of scenic signs.2.1 Clerical errorsWhen analyse the bilingual pubic signs, I found some clerical errors.2.1.1 Wrong capital and small letterSuch as: NO Smoking And Firing In The Tourism AreaRengong lake2.1.2 Wrong lexical collocationThere are three versions of NON-RECYCLABLE:NON-RECYCLABLE, NO-RECYCLABLE, NOT-RECYCLABLE.And obviously, the first one is right.2.2 The default of the English translationIn some scenic areas, there is not any English translation among the public signs, and some only use pinyin instead of English, which can not deliver the correct connotation to the foreign visitors.Take “West Park” as an example. I can only see Chinese and pinyin on public signs, such as,西公园:XI GONG YUAN; 动物园:DONG WU YUAN; 静心亭:JIN XIN TING; 鱼米之乡风情园:YU MI ZHI XIANG FENG QING YUAN.Some places even leave out the pinyin. And these kinds of signs can not make foreign visitors understood.2.3 Choose inappropriate words and neglect the cultural connotationThere are many differences between Chinese and English such as the associative meaning, The established conventions, the shade of meaning and semantics range. So the translator willmake some ridiculous mistakes if he only choose the word according to literal meaning. For instance, 出口:Export.And cultural factors can not be bypassed when translate the public signs or mistakes will made. And we can see different versions of “toilet” signs in Century Park. Such as Toilet, WC, Washing Room. Although these three words deliver the same meaning, in western country, they are different. WC is old and scruffy, washing room often set in the building, and in scenic areas, toilet is the best choice.2.4 Use ChinglishTranslation is a skill, an art and a creation, the translators need to be equipped with well language skills and translation skills, not only to pile the words up. However, I found a lot of mistakes in grammar and structure, and most of them are not English at all. Such as:请勿下水,注意安全。
Please do not litter.3.禁止吸烟。
No smoking.4.为确保您的安全,请遵守规定。
To ensure your safety, please follow the regulations.5.请保持安静。
Please keep quiet.6.请勿触摸展品。
Please do not touch the exhibits.7.请勿攀爬树木或其他设施。
Please do not climb trees or other facilities.8.注意保管好您的贵重物品。
Please keep your valuables safe.9.请勿擅自进入私人区域。
Please do not enter private areas without permission.10.请勿摄影。
No photography.11.请勿违规使用无人机。
Please do not use drones without permission.12.请勿喂食动物。
Please do not feed the animals.13.请尊重动植物,爱护环境。
Please respect the animals and plants, and protect the environment.14.穿高跟鞋进入部分区域需谨慎。
Please be cautious when entering certain areas wearing high heels.15.请不要随意碰动或更改展示布置。
Please do not touch or alter the exhibition layout.16.禁止带宠物入内。
No pets allowed.17.禁止骑行。
No cycling.18.请遵守交通规则,保持公共秩序。
Please abide by traffic rules and maintain public order.19.请勿在景区内乱扔烟蒂。
还有一些动物园的标语,例如禁止投喂No Feeding打印成了No feeding等[1]。
例如就标志性语言小心滑倒来说,正确的英文标语应当是Slip and fall down carefully或者Be careful not to slip and fall(注意安全,坡道路滑),但是一些景區人员直接把“Slip”“滑倒”和“carefully”“小心谨慎地”组合到一起,成为了“Slip carefully”意思是“小心谨慎地滑倒”。
2442019年44期总第484期ENGLISH ON CAMPUS滦州市景区英文标识语误译分析及解决策略文/刘雅建 田翠芸(2)大小写不规范。
例如:“机动车禁止通行”的翻译为“Motor Vehicles is forbidden”,显然这是一个完整的句子,因此在英文当中只需要第一个单词首字母大写。
“东城门”译为“East gate”,这是一个景区的名称,应当实词首字母大写,所以应当翻译为“East Gate”。
在游客须知当中,“请自觉遵守游览秩序,注意人身安全,看好个人物品”的相应英文标识语翻译为“Please Follow The Touring Order, Watch Your Safety, AndTake Care Of Your Personal Belongings”。
例如,景区当中对于景点名称大多数没有使用冠词“The”进行特指,“夷齐桥”译为“Yiqi Bridge”,“崇贤广场”译为“Chongxian Square”,而关于“青龙河”的翻译为“The Qinglong River”,笔者认为为了同一类名称翻译的统一性,应当将冠词“The”去掉。
之前已经提过“机动车禁止通行”的翻译为“Motor Vehicles is forbidden”,这其中除了大小写不规范,还有单复数使用错误的问题,“Motor Vehicles”是复数形式,因此系动词应为“are”。
关于时态问题,在对文姬楼的介绍当中有这样一段话“建安中,随着曹操军事力量的不断强大...”,相对应的英文翻译为“In the year of Jian’an, as Cao Cao’s military strength is growing, ......”,根据中国各个朝代年限的相关资料可知,建安是东汉末年汉献帝的第三个年号,从公元196年1月至公元220年3月。
(三)确立参照性标准翻译文本 缺乏参照性标准翻译文本是导致青海省公示语英语译文良莠不 齐的一个重要原因,所以青海应该以国外公示语英文范本为指导, 尽快确立参照性翻译文本,使译者的公示语英译有经验可借鉴。 (四)应用交际翻译理论来指导公示语翻译 交际翻译理论对公示语翻译有着较强的解释力,交际翻译法 的目的是“努力使译文对目的语读者所产生的效果与原文对源语 读者所产生的效果相同”(1981/1988:22)。 公示语文本的最直接的目的是在引起读者注意的前提下,将信 息传达给读者,并给读者留下深刻的记忆,继而让读者采取行动, 按照公示语的指示和要求去做。因此,对于这种文本,译者可以采 用交际翻译的方法,以译文读者为中心,处处为译文读者考虑,使 译文符合以英语为母语的人的表达规范,让他们能够清楚、明白地 接收到公示语传递的信息,并按照公示语的要求去做。
旅游景区标识语英译错误成因探究及勘正策略发布时间:2023-01-29T03:01:36.789Z 来源:《时代教育》2022年18期作者:胡建国[导读] 在我国的一些旅游景区,标识用语英译过程中出现的不规范现象比比皆是,胡建国(安徽电子信息职业技术学院,安徽蚌埠 233000)摘要:在我国的一些旅游景区,标识用语英译过程中出现的不规范现象比比皆是,这在给国外游客带来不便的同时,也影响了该景区、该景区所在城市甚至我国的整体形象。
二、旅游景区英文标识语的重要性( 一) 规范的标识语为游客提供了方便一个景区的标识语一般分为三类,即介绍类标识,指引类标识以及限制警示类标识。
(二) 规范的标识语能促进当地旅游业的发展在我国的一些城市,特别是旅游资源丰富的城市,旅游业已经成为当地经济的支柱产业。
(三) 英文标识语的正确地道与否反映了一个城市的国际化水平英文标识语用简明扼要的文字、图片等把必要的信息传达给外国游客,这些标识不仅为他们提供了方便,也体现了景区的国际化程度,更能反映一个国家或地区把握发展机遇的眼光和能力。
关键词:标识语;英译;翻译原则中图分类号:g642 文献标识码:a 文章编号:1003-2851(2012)-12-0194-01标识语,又称公示语,是应用于社会公共场合的一种特殊语言现象,凡在公共场合张贴或印刷的,旨在为一般公众或特殊群体提供宣传和服务的语言标牌或标语都可归于标识语范畴(于伟昌,1998)。
根据《中华人民共和国国家通用语言文字法》,借鉴我国首部地方标准——北京市《公共场所双语标识英文译法》,中国人名、地名专名、公交站名中的地名专名和通名采用汉语拼音标注;地名通名通常采用英文直接翻译,如:街、大街译为street (st);小街、巷一般情况下译为alley;路译为road (rd)。
例1:三亚市一处道路指示牌上把“鹿回头公园”译成“the road turns head the park”。
“鹿回头”作为地名专名需采用汉语拼音标注,故正确的翻译应为”luhuitou park”。
例2:三亚市区一路牌把“解放路”译为“jiefang lu”。
故此处应改为“jiefang road”。
11. 我没有经验。
• 误:I have no experience.ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ• 正:I don't know much about that. • 提示:I have no experience这句话听起来 古里古怪,因为只需要说那方面我懂得不 多,或者这方面我不在行,就行了。I am not really an expert in this area。
“足下留情 春意更浓”
• 翻译为“If you don,t trample me,the spring feeling can de more intense”,同样, “don’t”写错了,而“can de”则应该是 “can be”。“我觉得这句话翻译得太复杂 了,公共场所的标语应该简洁明了,语言 越简单越好,这样很多人才能看懂,毕竟 有很多市民是不怎么精通英语的。”王娜 建议这句翻译为“if you protect me,we will be more beautiful.”简洁易懂些。
• 这一幅,“垃圾在此投放,烟头切勿投入”。译文是“The garbage throws in here. The cigarette butt throws in absolutely not to.”因为逐 字翻译,这两句话在译成英语后,都将宾语放在了主语的位置。在报 纸上,好像会看见类似的用法,作为标题。正确的应该是: “Garbage only, no for cigarette butt”)。
• 注意安全,坡道路滑”被翻译成“TO TAKE NOTICE OF SAFE THE SLPPERY ARE VERY CRAFTY”,刘老师说,这句英文翻译成中文应该 是“注意保险箱,湿滑的路是很狡猾的”,“与 原来的中文意思完全不符,会让外国人看了一头 雾水。”
公共场所英文错误标识语作文Public signs with English errors in public places have become a common sight in many countries. These signs often contain mistakes in grammar, spelling, or word choice, which can lead to confusion or miscommunication for English speakers. Such errors can also reflect poorly on the image of the establishment or the region as a whole. It is important for authorities to address this issue and make efforts to improve the accuracy and quality of these signs.公共场所中出现的英文错误标识已经成为许多国家普遍存在的现象。
From a linguistic perspective, the presence of English errors on public signs can be attributed to a variety of factors. One common reason is the lack of proficiency in English among those responsible for creating these signs. In some cases, individuals without proper training or expertise in the language may be tasked with producing these signs, leading to errors in grammar, spelling, or sentencestructure. Additionally, the use of online translation tools or unreliable sources for English content can also contribute to inaccuracies in public signs.从语言学的角度来看,公共标识上出现英文错误可以归因于多种因素。
李潇潇 曾 琳
伴随成都的城市国际化,越来越多的外象的“微窗口”,其英语 翻译的规范化显得十分重要。本文针对成都市旅游景点英文标识语翻译,分析其中存在的语言形式错误和语用问题,并提出规范旅 游景点英语标识牌的建议。
标识语,又名标示语、公示语,指公开和面对公众,告示、 指示、显示、警示、标示与其生活、生产、生命、生态、生业休 戚相关的文字及图形信息。标识语是一种独特的应用文体,是社 会用语的重要组成部分。它应用的范围很广,比如交通标识指示 牌、地名、商店的招牌、旅游景区的标识牌等。
景区标识语主要包括路标指示、游客须知、游览示意图、服 务承诺、服务设施介绍、景点介绍等。景区标识语对游客来说, 除了能够告知游客需提示的相关内容以外,还能通过精巧的设计 表达发布者的文化诉求。翻译贴切、运用适当的英文标识语会正 确地发挥标识语的功能和作用,也能提升景区和所在城市和地区 的形象。
旅游业是当今世界最大的文化服务产业。中国旅游业的发展 十分迅速,伴随改革开放,赴中国旅游的外国游客越来越多,据 世界旅游组织预测,到2020年,中国将成为世界第一大旅游目的 地。成都作为西部国家中心城市,也是历史文化名城,拥有大量 旅游资源,如武侯祠、杜甫草堂、大熊猫繁育基地、金沙遗址等 众多历史名胜古迹和人文景观,吸引大批外国游客纷至沓来,而 景区标识语也成为外国游客解读中国文化的“小窗口”。目前, 成都市绝大部分旅游景点的标识都加注了英文解释,其中不乏准 确、恰当、优美的翻译,但翻译中存在的问题仍有不少,有的旅 游景点误译的情况十分突出,既影响外国游客对景区标识的正确 理解,更影响成都的国际化中心城市形象。因此,提高景区标识 语的英译质量显得极为必要。
公共场所英文错误标识语作文英文回答,Public Place English Error Signage.In public places, we often come across signs that are meant to inform and guide us. However, sometimes these signs contain errors in English, which can be confusing or misleading to people who rely on them for information. In this essay, we will discuss the importance of accurate English signage in public places and suggest ways to improve the situation.Firstly, accurate English signage is crucial for ensuring the safety and well-being of the public. In places like airports, train stations, and hospitals, clear and correct signage is essential for directing people to the right locations and facilities. Errors in English signage can lead to confusion and even accidents, especially for non-native English speakers who may rely heavily on these signs for guidance.Secondly, accurate English signage reflects the professionalism and credibility of the public place. Whether it's a government office, a shopping mall, or a museum, the quality of the signage reflects the overall standard of the establishment. Errors in English signage can create a negative impression and undermine the reputation of the public place.To improve the situation, public places should invest in professional translation and proofreading services to ensure that their signage is accurate and grammatically correct. Additionally, they should also consider seeking feedback from native English speakers or language experts to identify and rectify any errors in the signage.In conclusion, accurate English signage in public places is essential for safety, professionalism, and credibility. By investing in professional translation and proofreading services, public places can ensure that their signage is clear, correct, and reliable for everyone.中文回答,公共场所英文错误标识语。
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旅游英语学期论文论文题目:景区标识语英文翻译失误How to improve student’s communicativeskills when traveling学生姓名学生学号201107050201430学生班级2011-2学科专业英语学年学期2013-2014指导教师所在学院语言文化学院2014年12月15日摘要随着对外开放的不断发展,中英双语标识语越来越广泛地显现在城市的各个角落,在中外交流中发挥着极其重要的作用。
关键词:景区,标识语,中英翻译,分析,石河子市AbstractThe world is moving forward in an inconceivable speed, and with the development of tourist industry, Chinese-English signs are widely used in every corner of all cities, and play an significant role in communications between Chinese and foreign visitors. And at present, there are still a lot of mistakes and shortcomings among some scenic areas which can dwindle the good impressions in the mind of the foreign visitors. And this paper focus on the translation mistakes of the bilingual scenic signs through the analyses of the scenic areas in Shi Hezi city and gives some suggestions.Key words: scenic areas; signs; bilingual translation; Shihezi1.IntroductionAs the vehicle of communication, public signs do matter a lot, and the translation of pubic signs can not only effect every aspect among foreign visitors, but also can stand for the figure of a city. For this reason, the veracity of the bilingual public signs play a big role in city modeling, environmental construction and economic development. And in this paper, I will analyse the mistakes of the scenic signs which I found in Shihezi city, and give a reference for standardizing the translation of scenic signs.2. The major mistakes of the bilingual scenic signsThis year, I visit the major scenic areas in Shihezi city and collected a lot of bilingual scenic signs and found out many problems in the translation of scenic signs.2.1 Clerical errorsWhen analyse the bilingual pubic signs, I found some clerical errors.2.1.1 Wrong capital and small letterSuch as: NO Smoking And Firing In The Tourism AreaRengong lake2.1.2 Wrong lexical collocationThere are three versions of NON-RECYCLABLE:NON-RECYCLABLE, NO-RECYCLABLE, NOT-RECYCLABLE.And obviously, the first one is right.2.2 The default of the English translationIn some scenic areas, there is not any English translation among the public signs, and some only use pinyin instead of English, which can not deliver the correct connotation to the foreign visitors.Take “West Park” as an example. I can only see Chinese and pinyin on public signs, such as,西公园:XI GONG YUAN; 动物园:DONG WU YUAN; 静心亭:JIN XIN TING; 鱼米之乡风情园:YU MI ZHI XIANG FENG QING YUAN.Some places even leave out the pinyin. And these kinds of signs can not make foreign visitors understood.2.3 Choose inappropriate words and neglect the cultural connotationThere are many differences between Chinese and English such as the associative meaning, The established conventions, the shade of meaning and semantics range. So the translator willmake some ridiculous mistakes if he only choose the word according to literal meaning. For instance, 出口:Export.And cultural factors can not be bypassed when translate the public signs or mistakes will made. And we can see different versions of “toilet” signs in Century Park. Such as Toilet, WC, Washing Room. Although these three words deliver the same meaning, in western country, they are different. WC is old and scruffy, washing room often set in the building, and in scenic areas, toilet is the best choice.2.4 Use ChinglishTranslation is a skill, an art and a creation, the translators need to be equipped with well language skills and translation skills, not only to pile the words up. However, I found a lot of mistakes in grammar and structure, and most of them are not English at all. Such as:请勿下水,注意安全。
Please do not enter the water, pay attention to your safety.And this sentence is totally illogical, and the better one is:Caution: No Swimming.3. The reflection of the translation mistakesI believe that the factors which caused these problems can be classified into the following three ways.3.1 The basic skills of translators are not solid.One of the standards to judge a good translation is that the translation should conforms to the grammar rules of the target language. And a translator must have plenty of practice before he can translate the signs precisely. But the current status is that some of the translators are so inexperienced that the mistakes can be made.3.2 The translators neglect the differences between two cultures.Language is the carrier of culture and it is full of cultural connotations, and these two things go together. If the differences between two cultures are neglected, then the translations will be illogical therefore causing misunderstandings.3.3 There are too many uneven level of translators.There are different versions in one translation because the translators are too many and they have no discussion.4. ConclusionShihezi is a sub-prefecture-level city in northern Xinjiang, it is a beautiful place, quiet, clean, and habitable place. And Shihezi has rich tourism resources, therefore the scenic signs are the tools to disseminate the scenic areas and stand for the figure of the city. So it is essential to enhance the quality of the bilingual scenic signs, and we can make full of the intellectual resources to make the scenic signs more appropriate and build a modeling figure.References[1].田盛丰.李爱中.计算机网络教学应用研究.广东教育学院学报 .1999,(2)[2].王才仁.英语教学交际论.本论文由无忧论文网 www.51lunwTourism English论文 整理提供。