D. 文章结尾部分以整齐的排比句罗列了斑竹村扶贫工作成功后的喜人景象,表达了对扶贫工作的赞美。
2.根据材料内容,下列说法不正确 一项是( )
2020-2021学年上海市浦东新区九年级(上)期中数学试卷 解析版
2020-2021学年上海市浦东新区九年级(上)期中数学试卷一.选择题(共6小题,每题4分,共24分)1.在△ABC中,∠C=90°,AC=3,BC=4,则tan A的值为()A.B.C.D.2.已知两个相似三角形的周长比为4:9,则它们的面积比为()A.4:9B.2:3C.8:18D.16:813.已知,下列说法中,错误的是()A.B.C.D.4.已知△ABC中,D,E分别是边BC,AC上的点,下列各式中,不能判断DE∥AB的是()A.B.C.D.5.已知点C是线段AB的中点,下列结论中,正确的是()A.B.C.D.6.一段公路路面的坡度为i=1:2.4.如果某人沿着这段公路向上行走了260m,那么此人升高了()A.50m B.100m C.150m D.200m二、填空题7.如果在某建筑物的A处测得目标B的俯角为37°,那么从目标B可以测得这个建筑物的A处的仰角为.8.如果向量与单位向量方向相反,且长度为2,那么用向量表示=9.点C是线段AB的黄金分割点(AC>BC),若AB=2cm,则AC=cm.10.如果,那么用表示.11.已知梯形的上下两底长度为4和6,将两腰延长交于一点,这个交点到两底边的距离之比是.12.已知在Rt△ABC中,∠C=90°,∠A=α,AB=m,那么边AB上的高为.13.在△ABC中,AB=5,BC=8,∠B=60°,则S△ABC=(结果保留根号)14.如图,在平行四边形ABCD中,点E在边BC上,EC=2BE,连接AE交BD于点F,若△BFE的面积为2,则△AFD的面积为.15.如图,已知AB⊥BD,ED⊥BD,C是线段BD的中点,且AC⊥CE,ED=1,BD=4,那么AB=.16.已知菱形ABCD的边长为6,对角线AC与BD相交于点O,OE⊥AB,垂足为点E,AC =4,那么sin∠AOE=.17.在平面直角坐标系xOy中,已知一次函数y=kx+b(k≠0)的图象过点P(1,1),与x 轴交于点A,与y轴交于点B,且tan∠ABO=2,那么点A的坐标是.18.如图,已知△ABC中,∠B=90°,BC=3,AB=4,D是边AB上一点,DE∥BC交AC于点E,将△ADE沿DE翻折得到△A′DE,若△A′EC是直角三角形,则AD长为.三、解答题(本大题共7题,满分78题)【请将解题过程写在答题纸的相应位置】19.(10分)计算:cos245°﹣+cot230°.20.(10分)如图,已知AD∥BE∥CF,它们依次交直线l1、l2于点A、B、C和点D、E、F.(1)如果AB=6,BC=8,DF=21,求DE的长;(2)如果DE:DF=2:5,AD=9,CF=14,求BE的长.21.(10分)如图,E是平行四边形ABCD的边BA延长线上的一点,CE交AD于点F,交BD于点G,AE:AB=1:3,设=,=.(1)用向量、分别表示下列向量:=,=,=;(2)在图中求作向量分别在、方向上的分向量.(不写作法,但要写出画图结果)22.(10分)如图,A,B两地之间有一座山,汽车原来从A地到B地须经C地沿折线A﹣C﹣B行驶,全长68km.现开通隧道后,汽车直接沿直线AB行驶.已知∠A=30°,∠B=45°,则隧道开通后,汽车从A地到B地比原来少走多少千米?(结果精确到0.1km)(参考数据:≈1.4,≈1.7)23.(12分)已知:如图,四边形ABCD是菱形,点E在边CD上,点F在BC的延长线上,CF=DE,AE的延长线与DF相交于点G.(1)求证:∠CDF=∠DAE;(2)如果DE=CE,求证:AE=3EG.24.(12分)如果,已知△ABC,A(0,﹣4),B(﹣2,0),C(4,0).(1)求sin∠BAC的值.(2)若点P在y轴上,且△POC与△AOB相似,请直接写出点P的坐标.(3)已知点M在y轴上,如果∠OMB+∠OAB=∠ACB,求点M的坐标.25.(14分)如图,已知在△ABC中,AB=AC,BC比AB大3,sin B=,点G是△ABC 的重心,AG的延长线交边BC于点D.过点G的直线分别交边AB于点P、交射线AC 于点Q.(1)求AG的长;(2)当∠APQ=90°时,直线PG与边BC相交于点M.求的值;(3)当点Q在边AC上时,设BP=x,AQ=y,求y关于x的函数解析式,并写出它的定义域.2020-2021学年上海市浦东新区九年级(上)期中数学试卷参考答案与试题解析一.选择题(共6小题,每题4分,共24分)1.在△ABC中,∠C=90°,AC=3,BC=4,则tan A的值为()A.B.C.D.【分析】锐角A的对边a与邻边b的比叫做∠A的正切,记作tan A,据此进行计算即可.【解答】解:在Rt△ABC中,∵∠C=90°,AC=3,BC=4,∴tan A==.故选:C.2.已知两个相似三角形的周长比为4:9,则它们的面积比为()A.4:9B.2:3C.8:18D.16:81【分析】根据相似三角形周长的比等于相似比、相似三角形面积的比等于相似比的平方解答即可.【解答】解:∵两个相似三角形的周长比为4:9,∴两个相似三角形的相似比为4:9,∴两个相似三角形的面积比为16:81,故选:D.3.已知,下列说法中,错误的是()A.B.C.D.【分析】根据比例的性质(合分比定理)来解答.【解答】A、如果,那么(a+b):b=(c+d):d(b、d≠0).所以由,得,故该选项正确;B、如果a:b=c:d那么(a﹣b):b=(c﹣d):d(b、d≠0).所以由,得,故该选项正确;C、由得,5a=3b,所以a≠b;又由得,ab+b=ab+a即a=b.故该选项错误;D、由得,5a=3b;又由得,5a=3b.故该选项正确;故选:C.4.已知△ABC中,D,E分别是边BC,AC上的点,下列各式中,不能判断DE∥AB的是()A.B.C.D.【分析】若使线段DE∥AB,则其对应边必成比例,进而依据对应边成比例即可判定DE ∥AB.【解答】解:如图,若使线段DE∥AB,则其对应边必成比例,即=,=,故选项A、B正确;=,即=,故选项C正确;而=,故D选项答案错误.故选:D.5.已知点C是线段AB的中点,下列结论中,正确的是()A.B.C.D.【分析】根据题意画出图形,因为点C是线段AB的中点,所以根据线段中点的定义解答.【解答】解:A、=,故本选项错误;B、=,故本选项正确;C、+=,故本选项错误;D、+=,故本选项错误.故选:B.6.一段公路路面的坡度为i=1:2.4.如果某人沿着这段公路向上行走了260m,那么此人升高了()A.50m B.100m C.150m D.200m【分析】已知了坡面长为260米,可根据坡度比设出两条直角边的长度,根据勾股定理可列方程求出坡面的铅直高度,即此人上升的最大高度.【解答】解:如图,Rt△ABC中,tan A=,AB=260米.设BC=x,则AC=2.4x,根据勾股定理,得:x2+(2.4x)2=2602,解得x=100(负值舍去).故选:B.二、填空题7.如果在某建筑物的A处测得目标B的俯角为37°,那么从目标B可以测得这个建筑物的A处的仰角为37°.【分析】根据俯角和仰角的定义和平行线的性质即可得到目标B可以测得这个建筑物的A处的仰角为37°.【解答】解:如图,∵某建筑物的A处测得目标B的俯角为37°,∴目标B可以测得这个建筑物的A处的仰角为37°,故答案为:37°8.如果向量与单位向量方向相反,且长度为2,那么用向量表示=﹣2【分析】根据向量的表示方法可直接进行解答.【解答】解:∵的长度为2,向量是单位向量,∴a=2e,∵与单位向量的方向相反,∴=﹣2.故答案为:﹣2.9.点C是线段AB的黄金分割点(AC>BC),若AB=2cm,则AC=()cm.【分析】根据黄金分割的定义得到AC=AB,把AB=2cm代入计算即可.【解答】解:∵点C是线段AB的黄金分割点(AC>BC),∴AC=AB,而AB=2cm,∴AC=×2=(﹣1)cm.故答案为(﹣1).10.如果,那么用表示=.【分析】利用加减消元的思想,消去即可解决问题.【解答】解:∵,∴3+3=6,4﹣2=6,∴3+3=4﹣2,∴=,故答案为=.11.已知梯形的上下两底长度为4和6,将两腰延长交于一点,这个交点到两底边的距离之比是2:3.【分析】首先根据题意画出图形,由题意易得△EAD∽△EBC,然后由相似三角形对应高的比等于相似比,求得答案.【解答】解:如图,梯形ABCD中,AD∥BC,AD=4,BC=6,∴△EAD∽△EBC,∵EN⊥BC,∴EN⊥AD,∴EM:EN=AD:BC=4:6=2:3,即这个交点到两底边的距离之比是:2:3.故答案为:2:3.12.已知在Rt△ABC中,∠C=90°,∠A=α,AB=m,那么边AB上的高为m sinαcosα.【分析】利用直角三角形中的余弦三角函数的定义求得AC的长度,然后利用三角形的面积公式求得AB边上的高的长度.【解答】解:根据题意,知AC=m cosα,BC=m sinα,∴AC•BC=mh,即h=m sinαcosα,故答案是:m sinαcosα.13.在△ABC中,AB=5,BC=8,∠B=60°,则S△ABC=(结果保留根号)【分析】先根据AB=5,∠B=60°,求出△ABC中BC边上的高,再根据三角形的面积公式代入计算即可.【解答】解:∵AB=5,∠B=60°,∴△ABC中,BC边上的高=sin60°×AB=×5=,∵BC=8,∴S△ABC=×8×=10;故答案为:10.14.如图,在平行四边形ABCD中,点E在边BC上,EC=2BE,连接AE交BD于点F,若△BFE的面积为2,则△AFD的面积为18.【分析】根据四边形ABCD是平行四边形得到BC∥AD,判定△ADF∽△EBF,然后用相似三角形面积的比等于相似比的平方求出△AFD的面积.【解答】解:∵ABCD是平行四边形,∴AD∥BC,AD=BC,∴△ADF∽△EBF,∵EC=2BE,∴BC=3BE,即:AD=3BE,∴S△AFD=9S△EFB=18.故答案为:18.15.如图,已知AB⊥BD,ED⊥BD,C是线段BD的中点,且AC⊥CE,ED=1,BD=4,那么AB=4.【分析】根据相似三角形的判定及已知可得到△ABC∽△CDE,利用相似三角形的对应边成比例即可求得AB的长.【解答】解:∵AB⊥BD,ED⊥BD∴∠B=∠D=90°,∠A+∠ACB=90°∵AC⊥CE,即∠ECD+∠ACB=90°∴∠A=∠ECD∴△ABC∽△CDE∴∴AB=4.16.已知菱形ABCD的边长为6,对角线AC与BD相交于点O,OE⊥AB,垂足为点E,AC =4,那么sin∠AOE=.【分析】菱形对角线互相垂直,故AC⊥BD,根据∠OAE=∠BAO,∠OEA=∠AOB可以判定△OAE∽△ABO,∴∠AOE=∠BAO,根据AO和AB的值即可求得sin∠AOE的值.【解答】解:∵菱形对角线互相垂直,∴∠OEA=∠AOB,∵∠OAE=∠BAO,∴△OAE∽△ABO,∴∠AOE=∠ABO,∵AO=AC=2,AB=6,∴sin∠AOE=sin∠ABO==.故答案为:.17.在平面直角坐标系xOy中,已知一次函数y=kx+b(k≠0)的图象过点P(1,1),与x 轴交于点A,与y轴交于点B,且tan∠ABO=2,那么点A的坐标是(﹣1,0)或(3,0).【分析】已知tan∠ABO=2就是已知一次函数的一次项系数是或﹣.根据函数经过点P,利用待定系数法即可求得函数解析式,进而可得到A的坐标.【解答】解:在Rt△AOB中,由tan∠ABO=2,可得OA=2OB,则一次函数y=kx+b中k=±.∵一次函数y=kx+b(k≠0)的图象过点P(1,1),∴当k=时,求可得b=;k=﹣时,求可得b=.即一次函数的解析式为y=x+或y=﹣x+.令y=0,则x=﹣1或3,∴点A的坐标是(﹣1,0)或(3,0).故答案为:(﹣1,0)或(3,0).18.如图,已知△ABC中,∠B=90°,BC=3,AB=4,D是边AB上一点,DE∥BC交AC于点E,将△ADE沿DE翻折得到△A′DE,若△A′EC是直角三角形,则AD长为或.【分析】先根据勾股定理得到AC=5,再根据平行线分线段成比例得到AD:AE=AB:AC=4:5,设AD=x,则AE=A′E=x,EC=5﹣x,A′B=2x﹣4,在Rt△A′BC 中,根据勾股定理得到A′C,再根据△A′EC是直角三角形,根据勾股定理得到关于x 的方程,解方程即可求解.【解答】解:在△ABC中,∠B=90°,BC=3,AB=4,∴AC=5,∵DE∥BC,∴AD:AB=AE:AC,即AD:AE=AB:AC=4:5,设AD=x,则AE=A′E=x,EC=5﹣x,A′B=2x﹣4,在Rt△A′BC中,A′C=,∵△A′EC是直角三角形,∴①当A'落在边AB上时,∠EA′C=90°,∠BA′C=∠ACB,A′B=3×tan∠ACB=,AD=;②点A在线段AB的延长线上()2+(5﹣x)2=(x)2,解得x1=4(不合题意舍去),x2=.故AD长为或.故答案为:或.三、解答题(本大题共7题,满分78题)【请将解题过程写在答题纸的相应位置】19.(10分)计算:cos245°﹣+cot230°.【分析】根据特殊角三角函数值,可得实数的运算,根据实数的运算,可得答案.【解答】解:原式=()2﹣+()2=﹣+3=.20.(10分)如图,已知AD∥BE∥CF,它们依次交直线l1、l2于点A、B、C和点D、E、F.(1)如果AB=6,BC=8,DF=21,求DE的长;(2)如果DE:DF=2:5,AD=9,CF=14,求BE的长.【分析】(1)根据三条平行线截两条直线,所得的对应线段成比例可得,再由AB=6,BC=8,DF=21即可求出DE的长.(2)过点D作DG∥AC,交BE于点H,交CF于点G,运用比例关系求出HE及HB 的长,然后即可得出BE的长.【解答】解:(1)∵AD∥BE∥CF,∴,∵AB=6,BC=8,DF=21,∴,∴DE=9.(2)过点D作DG∥AC,交BE于点H,交CF于点G,则CG=BH=AD=9,∴GF=14﹣9=5,∵HE∥GF,∴,∵DE:DF=2:5,GF=5,∴,∴HE=2,∴BE=9+2=11.21.(10分)如图,E是平行四边形ABCD的边BA延长线上的一点,CE交AD于点F,交BD于点G,AE:AB=1:3,设=,=.(1)用向量、分别表示下列向量:=,=﹣,=﹣;(2)在图中求作向量分别在、方向上的分向量.(不写作法,但要写出画图结果)【分析】(1)根据AE=BA即可求出,根据=+即可求出,先证明EG=EC,即可求出(2)首先过点G作GM∥AB,NN∥BC,根据平行四边形法则即可求得答案.【解答】解:(1)∵=,AE=BA,∴=,∵=+,EB=﹣,=,∴=﹣,∵CD∥EB,∴EG:CG=EB:CD=4:3,∴EG:EC=4:7,∴=﹣,故答案分别为,﹣,﹣.(2)点G作GM∥AB交BC于M,NN∥BC交AB于N,则向量、是向量分别在、方向上的分向量.22.(10分)如图,A,B两地之间有一座山,汽车原来从A地到B地须经C地沿折线A﹣C﹣B行驶,全长68km.现开通隧道后,汽车直接沿直线AB行驶.已知∠A=30°,∠B=45°,则隧道开通后,汽车从A地到B地比原来少走多少千米?(结果精确到0.1km)(参考数据:≈1.4,≈1.7)【分析】首先过点C作CD⊥AB,垂足为D,设CD=x,即可表示出AC,BC的长,进而求出x的值,再利用锐角三角函数关系得出AD,BD的长,即可得出答案.【解答】解:如图,过点C作CD⊥AB,垂足为D,设CD=x.在Rt△ACD中,sin∠A=,AC==2x,在Rt△BCD中,sin∠B=,BC==x,∵AC+BC=2x+x=68∴x=≈=20.在Rt△ACD中,tan∠A=,AD==20,在Rt△BCD中,tan∠B=,BD==20,AB=20+20≈54,AC+BC﹣AB=68﹣54=14.0(km).答:隧道开通后,汽车从A地到B地比原来少走14.0千米.23.(12分)已知:如图,四边形ABCD是菱形,点E在边CD上,点F在BC的延长线上,CF=DE,AE的延长线与DF相交于点G.(1)求证:∠CDF=∠DAE;(2)如果DE=CE,求证:AE=3EG.【分析】(1)由四边形ABCD是菱形,得到AD=CD,AD∥BC,根据平行线的性质得到∠ADE=∠DCF,推出△ADE≌△DCF,根据全等三角形的性质得到∠CDF=∠DAE;(2)过E作EH∥BF交DF于H,根据三角形中位线的性质得到EH=CF,推出DE =CF=CD=AD,求得EH=AD,根据相似三角形的性质即可得到结论.【解答】解:∵四边形ABCD是菱形,∴AD=CD,AD∥BC,∴∠ADE=∠DCF,在△ADE与△DCF中,,∴△ADE≌△DCF,∴∠CDF=∠DAE;(2)过E作EH∥BF交DF于H,∵DE=CE,∴EH=CF,∵△ADE≌△DCF,∴DE=CF=CD=AD,∴EH=AD,∵EH∥AD,∴△GHE∽△GDA,∴,∴AE=3EG.24.(12分)如果,已知△ABC,A(0,﹣4),B(﹣2,0),C(4,0).(1)求sin∠BAC的值.(2)若点P在y轴上,且△POC与△AOB相似,请直接写出点P的坐标.(3)已知点M在y轴上,如果∠OMB+∠OAB=∠ACB,求点M的坐标.【分析】(1)由两点距离公式可求AO=4=CO,BO=2,AB=2,BC=6,AC=4,∠BCA=45°,由直角三角形的性质可求BH的长,即可求解;(2)分两种情况讨论,由相似三角形的性质可求解;(3)取OA的中点,记为点N,证明∠OMB=∠NBA,分两种情况讨论:①当点M在点N的上方时,记为M1,因为∠BAN=∠M1AB,∠NBA=∠OM1B,所以△ABN∽△AM1B,求出AM1=10,又根据A(0,﹣4),所以M1(0,6).②当点M在点N的下方时,记为M2,点M1与点M2关于x轴对称,所以M2(0,﹣6).【解答】解:(1)∵A(0,﹣4),B(﹣2,0),C(4,0),∴AO=4=CO,BO=2,AB=2,∴BC=6,AC=4,∠BCA=45°,如图1,过点B作BH⊥AC于H,∴∠BCA=∠CBH=45°,∴BH=CH,∴BC=BH=6,∴BH=3=HC,∴sin∠BAC===;(2)∵点P在y轴上,∴∠POC=∠AOB=90°,当时,则△AOB∽△COP,∴,∴PO=2,∴点P(0,2)或(0,﹣2);当时,则△AOB∽△POC,∴,∴OP=8,∴点P(0,8)或(0,﹣8),综上所述:当点P的坐标为(0,2)或(0,﹣2)或(0,8)或(0,﹣8)时,△POC 与△AOB相似;(3)如图2:取OA的中点,记为点N,∵OA=OC=4,∠AOC=90°,∴∠ACB=45°,∵点N是OA的中点,∴ON=2,又∵OB=2,∴OB=ON,又∵∠BON=90°,∴∠ONB=45°,∴∠ACB=∠ONB,∵∠OMB+∠OAB=∠ACB,∠NBA+∠OAB=∠ONB,∴∠OMB=∠NBA;①当点M在点N的上方时,记为M1,∵∠BAN=∠M1AB,∠NBA=∠OM1B,∴△ABN∽△AM1B∴,又∵AN=2,AB=2,∴AM1=10,又∵A(0,﹣4)∴M1(0,6).②当点M在点N的下方时,记为M2,点M1与点M2关于x轴对称,∴M2(0,﹣6),综上所述,点M的坐标为(0,6)或(0,﹣6).25.(14分)如图,已知在△ABC中,AB=AC,BC比AB大3,sin B=,点G是△ABC 的重心,AG的延长线交边BC于点D.过点G的直线分别交边AB于点P、交射线AC 于点Q.(1)求AG的长;(2)当∠APQ=90°时,直线PG与边BC相交于点M.求的值;(3)当点Q在边AC上时,设BP=x,AQ=y,求y关于x的函数解析式,并写出它的定义域.【分析】(1)根据已知条件和重心的性质得出BD=DC=BC,AD⊥BC,再根据sin B ==,求出AB、BC、AD的值,从而求出AG的长;(2)根据∠GMD+∠MGD=90°和∠GMD+∠B=90°,得出∠MGD=∠B,再根据特殊角的三角函数值求出DM、CM=CD﹣DM的值,在△ABC中,根据AA求出△QCM∽△QGA,即可求出的值;(3)过点B作BE∥AD,过点C作CF∥AD,分别交直线PQ于点E、F,则BE∥AD∥CF,得出=,求出BE的值,同理可得出CF的值,最后根据BD=CD,求出EG =FG,即可得出CE+BE=2GD,从而得出求y关于x的函数解析式并得出它的定义域.【解答】解:(1)在△ABC中,∵AB=AC,点G是△ABC的重心,∴BD=DC=BC,∴AD⊥BC.在Rt△ADB中,∵sin B==,∴=.∵BC﹣AB=3,∴AB=15,BC=18.∴AD=12.∵G是△ABC的重心,∴AG=AD=8.(2)在Rt△MDG,∵∠GMD+∠MGD=90°,同理:在Rt△MPB中,∠GMD+∠B=90°,∴∠MGD=∠B.∴sin∠MGD=sin B=,在Rt△MDG中,∵DG=AD=4,∴DM=,∴CM=CD﹣DM=,在△ABC中,∵AB=AC,AD⊥BC,∴∠BAD=∠CAD.∵∠QCM=∠CDA+∠DAC=90°+∠DAC,又∵∠QGA=∠APQ+∠BAD=90°+∠BAD,∴∠QCM=∠QGA,又∵∠CQM=∠GQA,∴△QCM∽△QGA.∴==.(3)过点B作BE∥AD,过点C作CF∥AD,分别交直线PQ于点E、F,则BE∥AD∥CF.∵BE∥AD,∴=,即=,∴BE=.同理可得:=,即=,∴CF=.∵BE∥AD∥CF,BD=CD,∴EG=FG.∴CF+BE=2GD,即+=8,∴y=,(0≤x≤).。
上海市杨浦区2020届高三一模考试英语试题I. Listening ComprehensionSection ADirections: In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.1. A. She is going to Thailand. B. She is going on vacation.C. She likes collecting postcards.D. She has traveled all over the world. .2. A. To go out to have a cup of coffee. B. To enjoy the coffee in the office.C. To make a cup of coffee for him.D. To help him finish the program.3. A. In a civil court. B. In a cybercafé. C. At a sports club. D. At a theatre.4. A. Engineering. B. Geography. C. Math. D. Physics.5. A. 14:00. B. 17:00 C. 18:00. D: 19:00.6. A. The man will pick up Professor Rice at her office.B. The man didn’t expect his paper to be graded so soon.C. Professor Rice has given the man a very high grade.D. Professor Rice won’t see her student in her office.7. A. She had to be a liar sometimes. B. She is required to be slim.C. She had little chance for promotion.D. Her salary is not satisfactory.8 A. There was no park nearby.B. The woman hasn’t seen the film yet.C. The weather wasn’t ideal for a walk.D. It would be easier to go to the cinema.9. A. Dr. White comes from Greece.B. The woman couldn't understand Greek at all.C. The woman didn’t follow the professor’s explanation.D. Dr. White talked about the geography of Greece yesterday.10. A. It is more comfortable and convenient to take a bus.B. It is worth the money taking a plane to Vancouver.C. It is not always more expensive going by air.D. It is faster to go to Vancouver by bus.Section BDirections: In Section B, you will hear two short passages and one longer conversation, and you will be asked several questions on each of the passages and the conversation. The passages and the conversation will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard.Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage.11. A. Babies have the ability to learn before birth.B. Newborn babies are influenced by mothers’ ability.C. Newborn babies can recognize the sounds of their mother.D. Babies only want food and to be kept warm and dry.12. A. By 18 months of age. B. By 6 months of age.C. By two years of age.D. By one year of age.13. A. They can recognize the different surroundings.B. They can identify the sounds of the mother tongue.C. They can imitate the sounds of the second language.D. They can differ the sounds of two different languages.Questions 14 through 16 are based on the following passage.14. A. To form an official league team. B. To join the Organization Earth.C. To win the world championship.D. To compete with Greece’s best teams.15. A. A luxurious life is no longer a dream.B. Life in the refugee camp is at times tense.C. The players care more about their racial identity.D. There are fewer fights between people of different races.16. A. Organization Earth is composed of refugees.B. The love for the football brings the refugees together.C. Greek government provides support for football training.D. Hope Refugee United has beaten the Greece’s best team.Questions 17 through 20 are based on the following conversation.17. A. A tourist guidebook. B. An annual traveler report.C. A travelling magazine.D. An airport ranking list.18. A. 3 weeks. B. 13 days. C. 31 hours. D. 3 hours.19. A. To illustrate the poor service.B. To state the cause of the delay.C. To praise the kindness of other passengers.D. To complain about the position of the Gate.20. A. They provide useless directions and services.B. They are completely indifferent to travelers’ needs.C. They are extremely caring about passengers’ safety.D. They provide the wrong address of the nearby hospital.II. Grammar and vocabularySection ADirections: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.Surprise! A New PenguinA team of scientists in New Zealand recently came across the remains of a previously unknown species of penguin—by mistake. The discovery of the Waitaha penguin species, which has been extinct for 500 years, is exciting news for the scientific community ___21___ it gives new insight into how past extinction events can help shape the present environment.The researchers uncovered the Waitaha penguin remains while studying New Zealand’s rare yellow-eyed penguin. The team wanted to investigate the effects ___22___ humans have had on the now endangered species. They studied centuries-old bones from ___23___ they thought were yellow-eyed penguins and compared them with the bones of modern yellow-eyed penguins.Surprisingly, some of the bones were older than ___24___ (expect). Even more shockingly, the DNA in the bones indicated that they did not belong to yellow-eyed penguins. The scientists concluded that these very old bones ___25___ have belonged to a previously unknown species, which they named the Waitaha penguin.By studying the bones, scientists further concluded that the Waitaha penguin was once native ___26___ New Zealand. But after the settlement of humans on the island country, its population___27___ (wipe) out.Based on the ages of the bones of both penguin species, the team discovered a gap in time between the disappearance of the Waitaha and the arrival of the yellow-eyed penguin. The time gap indicates that the extinction of the Waitaha penguin created the opportunity for the yellow-eyed penguin population ___28___ (migrate) to New Zealand.___29___ yellow-eyed penguins thrived (兴盛)in New Zealand for many years, that species now also faces extinction. The yellow-eyed penguin today is considered one of the world’s ___30___ (rare) species of penguin, with an estimated population of 7,000 that is now the focus of an extensive conservation effort in New Zealand.『答案』21. because/since/as 22. that/ which 23. what 24. expected 25. must 26. to 27. was wiped 28. to migrate 29. Though/ Although/While 30. rarest『语篇解读』本文是一篇说明文,介绍了科学家发现了已经灭绝了500年的怀塔哈企鹅物种以及这一发现的意义。
【原创】 2020-2021学年度上学期高三年级期末考试英语科试卷(解析版)
2020-2021学年度上学期高三年级期末考试英语科试卷听力部分第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题,每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话.每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A,B,C三个选项中选择最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置.听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题.每段对话仅读一遍.1.At what time will the speakers get to the sports meeting?A.8:45.B.8:30.C.8:15.2.How will the woman get to New York?A.By car.B.By air.C.By train.3.What can we learn from the conversation?A.The man is handsome.B.The man eats a lot every day.C.The man has been exercising recently.4.Why is the woman studying English?A.It will help her with her job.B.She wants to find a better job.C.She will move to America.5.Who is the woman probably speaking to?A.A shop manager.B.A policeman.C.Her neighbor.第二节(共15小题,每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白.每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A,B,C三个选项中选择最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置.听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读每个小题,每小题5秒钟,听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间.每段对话或独白读两遍.听第6段材料,回答第6、7题.6.What does the woman think of the coming examinations?A.Very easy.B.Very difficult.C.Not too difficult.7.What has affected the woman's choice of career?A.Her family.B.Her hometown.C.Her teacher.听第7段材料,回答第8、9题.8.Who advised the woman to call the man?A.Her son.B.Her friend Susan.C.Her friend's son Bobby.9.Why does the woman contact the man?A.She wants to ask something about her son's studies.B.She wants to give some suggestions to the man.C.She wants to ask for some information on gymnastics.听第8段材料,回答第10至12题.10.What is the probable relationship between the two speakers? A.Teacher and student.B.Colleagues.C.Doctor and patient.11.What happened to Mark?A.He felt sad about David's leaving.B.He missed David's farewell party.C.He drank too much and felt unwell.12.What made Bill happy?A.His friends visited him.B.His wife had a baby.C.He attended a party.听第9段材料,回答第13至16题.13.What is wrong with the woman?A.She has got flu.B.She has sleeping problems.C.She was sick last night.14.When did Jerry eat at the new restaurant?A.Last night.B.Last week.C.Last month.15.What can we learn about the woman?A.She does not agree with the man.B.She thinks she has eaten something bad.C.She does not like the food in the restaurant.16.What is the man's opinion of this matter?A.The restaurant has a food safety problem.B.It is only a coincidence.C.The restaurant needn't be investigated.听第10段材料,回答第17至20题.17.What makes fatty meals more popular with children?A.Promotion.B.Toys.C.Discounts.18.Which of the following is recommended to overweight children?A.Apple sticks.B.Sweets.C.Fast food.19.What is the most important thing in getting children to exercise?A.Teaching them to have a strong will.B.Forcing them to exercise every day.C.Making exercise fun for them.20.How many suggestions does the woman offer?A.2.B.3.C.4.笔试部分第一部分阅读(共两节,满分50分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项.AHeld from Nov 5 to 10 in Shanghai, the third China International Import Expo (CIIE) became “a perfect platform for promoting international innovation and cooperation”, People’s Daily noted. Let’s take a look a t two of them.Portable kayakLightweight equipment is what all sport lovers desire. At the CIIE, the French sporting goods company Decathlon launched its portable kayak ITIWIT X500. According to the company, the kayak measures 380 cm in length and 65 cm in width when inflated (充气). When not in use, it can be folded up to the size of a backpack. It consists of five independent air chambers. Even if two of them don’t work, the kayak floats are enough for sports enthusiasts to return to the shore safely.Mind-reading ping-pong robotLike ping-pong but afraid of criticism from your coach? The sixth generation of the Forpheus ping-pong robot from Japanese tech company Omron may help you. The robot has a robotic arm that can imitate humans. It can actually live up to the feeling of playing against a real opponent. At the same time, it can use sensors and five cameras to work out where you are and how you’re moving. After analyzing your abilities, it can adjust its own playing level to match yours. The robot “pursues harmony of humans an d machines by patiently teaching us how to playping-pong”, noted The Verge.1. What is the function of the five independent air chambers?A. To make the kayak light.B. To make the kayak easy to be folded up.C. To make the kayak look cool.D. To make the kayak safer.2. What is the difference between the mind-reading ping-pong robot and human coaches?A. The robot doesn’t embarrass people when teaching.B. The robot fails to figure out human movement.C. The robot can’t create the feeling of a real ping-pong match.D. The robot isn’t able to match people’s different skill levels.3. What is the author’s main purpose in writing this article?A. To advertise some products shown at the CIIE.B. To introduce some products shown at the CIIE.C. To compare and analyze some products shown at the CIIE.D. To explain how to use some products shown at the CIIE.【答案】1. D 2. A 3. B【解析】这是一篇说明文。
上海市杨浦区2020-2021学年九年级下学期期中(二模)化学试题 答案和解析
14.为除去各物质中混有的少量杂质,采用方案正确的是( )
3.不属于溶液的是( )
5.下列属于复合肥料的是( )
6.俗称、名称与化学式不能表示同-种物质的是( )
∵单项式 与单项式 是同类项,那么x=4,3-y=1,
11. ;
9. .
= .
Carpooling(拼车)is another way to reduce carbon emissions(排放). Carpooling is the sharing of car journeys in order that more than one person travels in a car. It19.reduces your car’s emissions by half.
15.—Excuse me. Can I turn on the air-conditioner? It’s a bit cold inside.
A.You’re welcome.B.Not at all.
C.I don’t think so.D.Go ahead, please.
3.Sam failed in the Maths exam because he spent _____ hours doing exercises.
A.too fewB.too manyC.too littleD.too much
4.Our Physics teacher tells us that electricity flows ______ a wire into our homes.
14.Actress Brie Larson ______ new inner strength after playing the superhero filmCaptain Marvel.
A.findsB.had foundC.was findingD.has found
投稿邮箱:扫描,关注“文卫星数学生态课堂往期推荐阮金锋赵祥枝:数学运算素养在解析几何中的考查分析——以2021年全国新高考Ⅰ卷第21题为例刘琦琦,吴立宝,宋书宁:指向深度学习的单元教学设计——以“抛物线及其标准方程”为例何睦:“数学思考”的教学:教什么、怎么教关于开展高中数学命题-讲题比赛的通知(第一轮)赵士元:2022新高考(I)卷引发的教学思考杨利刚:解题教学中“顺势变式、即时追问”的运用与思考章金读:上海市2023届春季高考考前数学模拟试卷(解析版)廖国达:“姐妹直线”求交点轨迹,推新元韦达定理神奇章金读:2023届上海市各区高三年级一模客观题难题汇总(解析版)(暂时续完)章金读:2023届上海市各区高三年级一模客观题难题汇总(解析版)(三)章金读:2023届上海市各区高三年级一模客观题难题汇总(解析版)(二)章金读:2023届上海市各区高三年级一模客观题难题汇总(解析版)王芝平:“变化率与导数”教学设计马慧慧:近三年高考数学开放性试题分析李鸿昌:圆锥曲线中“非对称”问题的成因及破解策略王位高:二项式定理高考考法探析刘祖希:我国数学核心素养研究新进展——从“六核”观到“三会”观丁益民:用教材教:跨学科融合的数学教学安恺凯:多思维切入,多方法应用----2022年新高考Ⅱ卷第12题的11种解法王文雅张玮:射影几何背景下的解析几何肖兴佳王鑫:问题串连显结构,三线交融现本质——以《复数》的教学为例谈单元小结课马学斌:破解中考压轴题----2022年苏州市中考第26题马学斌:破解中考压轴题----2022年苏州市中考第26题马学斌:破解中考压轴题----2022年大庆市中考第28题马学斌:破解中考压轴题----2022年广西北部湾中考第25题马学斌:破解中考压轴题----2022年云南省中考第24题马学斌:破解中考压轴题----2022年宜昌市中考第24题马学斌:破解中考压轴题----2022年湘潭市中考第26题马学斌:破解中考压轴题--2022年绍兴市中考第23题马学斌:中考数学压轴题----2022年长春市中考第24题马学斌:破解中考数学压轴题---- 2022年河北省中考第25题马学斌:中考数学压轴题----2022年德阳市中考第25题马学斌:中考数学压轴题----2022年广州市中考第24题钟文体:圆锥曲线中一类线段长度最值问题闫二路:导数在解不等式中的应用——以一函数与导数综合题为例刘祖希:图说数学单元教学张国治:数列求和新视角卢恩良:再解圆锥曲线中动弦过定点问题何小亚教授:基于数学史的对数概念教学设计鲁和平:两类特殊的排列组合问题及排列组合问题的物理解法岳刚军:新课改下数学归纳法的几点应用岳刚军:例谈参数方程消参问题岳刚军:数列中an与Sn的纠缠与分离岳刚军:一题多解求同存异干志华:一类相似椭圆中的“三边相切”问题初探周威童继稀:2022年新高考Ⅰ卷导数题命题立意与变式探究吴志勇:专题复习为载体素养提升显目标---------以《构造函数求解与不等式有关的问题》的高三复习课为例岳刚军:例谈概率统计中的供求平衡问题侯典峰丁亮:一道“错题”引发的思考岳刚军:破解高考数学导数压轴题的八种方法李佳伟李燕红:一道春季高考压轴题的解法探究与推广刘铁智吕增锋:大概念引领下的“数学原理课”教学——以“两个基本计数原理”为例蔡剑锋吕增锋:数学大概念教学的实施路径——以“条件概率”为例廖明艳韦崇裕:品味一道好题,悟透思想方法文卫星:双曲线教学实录吕增锋:高中数学大概念的内涵及提取张君王奋际张斌辉:注重通法揭示本质落实素养——以2022年高考数学全国甲卷文科12题的解法研究为例邓芳锦:浅谈中学数学教学中的美学教育曹军才等:坐标方法终有时,蝴蝶万态醉题中——溯源2022年全国高考数学甲卷理科20题的几个视角孙四周:想象的分类及教学(续完)孙四周:想象的分类及教学(待续)岳刚军:极值点转化法”在导数解答题中的应用举例廖国达:如何在一轮复习中“拿下”立体几何陈宏:基础与能力并重经典与创新共存——2022年浙江省数学高考试题评析岳刚军:导数压轴题中“找零点”的“山重与水复”吕增锋:数学大概念教学与传统教学的区别——以“等差数列前n项和公式”为例罗建宇:整体观视角下高中数学教学的建构与思考——兼谈“双曲线的标准方程”的教学李昌官:为学生铺设合乎逻辑的思维阶梯吕增锋:为解题教学找“理由” ——“大概念”引领下的数学解题教学博导吴立宝等:数学单元教学内容分析框架——以圆锥曲线的方程为例杨元樺:新高考背景下提升高三数学一轮复习效果的几点探索吕增锋:大概念:数学理解与教学的基点——以“平面”一课为例侯军:奇思妙解源于通性通法——待定系数法与不等式问题的奇思妙解吕增锋:大概念:中小学教师MPCK的新来源严运华:一个不等式链串联一组新高考题张鹄:对2022年高考数学全国乙卷理科第21题的探究与思考孙四周:何谓理解以及怎样理解吕学全:解析几何中点参和线参的选择策略朱松德:“通关游戏”与解题汪留屿徐思越:基于数学抽象的章节起始课的教学研究——以“圆锥曲线与方程”为例刘刚:对一道2022年三点共线模考试题的探究徐道奎:整体观念和深度学习视角下两个计数原理的教学陈小璐:混合学习环境下的数学单元教学设计——以“解析几何中的定点问题”为例张润平:用思维导图解压轴题例谈——2023届上海市宝山区高三年级上学期期末T21张润平:2023届上海市格致中学高三年级上学期期中T21张润平:用思维导图解压轴题例谈2023届上海市松江区高三年级一模T20张润平:2023届上海市虹口区高三年级一模T21张润平:2023届上海市杨浦区高三年级一模T21张润平:2023届上海市适应性测试卷T20张润平:2022年浙江A9协作体高一期中联考抽象函数类问题(T7)张润平:2022年浙江A9协作体高一期中联考T8张润平:2022年新高考几何体体积最值类问题(新高考ⅠT8)张润平:2023届上海市松江区高三期末质量监控T21张润平:2023届上海市建平中学高三上学期期中T21张润平:2023届上海市适应性测试卷T21张润平:2022年高考几何体体积最值类问题(乙卷T9)张润平:2022年高考线面角类问题(乙卷T18)张润平:2022年高考双对称类问题(新高考I卷T12)张润平:2022年高考比赛结束论英雄类问题(乙卷T10)张润平:2022年高考函数存在双极值点类问题(乙卷T16)张润平:2021年上海夏季高考三角函数类客观题(T15)张润平:2021年上海夏季高考数列最值问题(T12)张润平:2021年上海夏季高考解析几何(T11)张润平:2022年高考线线及线面位置关系类试题(新高考Ⅰ卷T9)张润平:2022年高考平面位置关系类试题(乙卷)张润平:2022年高考(甲卷T16)解三角形类问题张润平:2022年高考(甲卷T16)解三角形类问题张润平:2021年新高考Ⅰ卷(T16)数列求和问题张润平:2022年上海模考三角函数零点个数(浦东T16)张润平:2021年高考三角函数存在性类问题(上海卷T15)张润平:2022年高考空间直线位置关系类问题(上海卷T15)张润平:2020年湖南长郡中学模考费马点类问题张润平:2020年全国I卷迭代递推摆动类求和问题张润平:2022年高考公切线类问题(甲卷文T20)张润平:2022年高考函数恒成立参数范围类问题(甲卷T21)张润平:2022年高考圆锥曲线内接四边形类问题(甲卷T20)张润平:2022年高考对抗比赛类概率统计类问题(甲卷T19)张润平:2022年高考锥体底面为直角梯形类问题(甲卷T18)张润平:2022年高考(甲卷T16)解三角形类问题张润平:2022年全国高中数学联赛一试(A卷T1)集合中所有元素之和类问题张润平:2022年全国高中数学联赛一试(A卷T1)集合中所有元素之和类问题张润平:2022年高考甲卷(T14)圆切线类问题张润平:2022年高考线面角类试题张润平:2022年高考甲卷(T12)比较大小解法集锦张润平:一组2022年高考各卷正弦曲线图象类问题张润平:用思维导图解压轴题例谈——从命题者的角度审视2022年全国甲卷(理T10)圆锥曲线离心率类问题张润平:用思维导图解压轴题例谈——从命题者的角度审视2022年新高考Ⅱ卷T12张润平:用思维导图解压轴题例谈--陈命题者角度审视2022年甲卷图象识别题张润平:用思维导图解压轴题例谈——从命题者的角度审视2021年新高考Ⅱ卷T16张润平:用思维导图解压轴题例谈——从命题者的角度审视2021年新高考Ⅱ卷T12张润平:用思维导图解压轴题例谈——从命题者的角度审视2021年新高考Ⅱ卷T11张润平:用思维导图解压轴题例谈——从命题者的角度审视2022年新高考Ⅱ卷T12。
2020-2021学年上海市杨浦区控江中学高一上学期期末数学试题一、单选题1.函数111y x =-+的值域是( ) A .(,1)-∞B .(1,)+∞C .(,1)(1,)-∞⋃+∞D .(,)-∞+∞【答案】C 【分析】由反比例函数的性质可知101x ≠+,从而推出所求函数的值域. 【详解】解:由反比例函数的性质可知:101y x =≠+,则1111y x =-≠+,故值域为()(),11,+-∞⋃∞. 故选:C.2.若,0a b c a b c >>++=,则下列各式正确的是( )A .ab bc >B .ac bc >C .a b b c >D .ab ac > 【答案】D【分析】已知a b c >>,且0a b c ++=,于是可以推出得到最大数0a >和最小数0c <,而b 为正、负、零均有可能,所以每个选项代入不同的b ,逐一验证.【详解】a b c >>且0a b c ++=.当0a ≤时,0c b a <<,则0a b c ++<,与已知条件0a b c ++=矛盾,所以必有0a >,同理可得0c <.A 项,当1a =,0b =,1c =-时,ab bc =,故A 项错误;B 项,()0ac bc c a b -=-<,即ac bc <,故B 项错误;C 项,0b =时,a b c b =,故C 项错误;D 项,()0ab ac a b c -=->,即ab ac >,故D 项正确.故选:D3.已知函数1,0()0,01,0x f x x x >⎧⎪==⎨⎪-<⎩,若2()()F x x f x =⋅,则()F x 是( )A .奇函数,在(,)-∞+∞上为严格减函数B .奇函数,在(,)-∞+∞上为严格增函数C .偶函数,在(,0)-∞上严格减,在(0,)+∞上严格增D .偶函数,在(,0)-∞上严格增,在(0,)+∞上严格减【答案】B【分析】由()()f x f x -=-可知()f x 为奇函数,利用奇偶函数的概念即可判断设2()()F x x f x =⋅的奇偶性,从而得到答案.【详解】1,01,0()0,00,0()1,01,0x x f x x x f x x x ⎧->>⎧⎪⎪-===-==-⎨⎨⎪⎪<-<⎩⎩()f x ∴为奇函数,又2()()F x x f x =⋅22()()()()()F x x f x x f x F x ∴-=-⋅-=-⋅=-()F x ∴是奇函数,可排除C,D.又222,0()()0,0,0x x F x x f x x x x ⎧>⎪=⋅==⎨⎪-<⎩()F x ∴在(,)-∞+∞上单调递增.故选:B4.设0a b c >>>,则()221121025a ac c ab a a b ++-+-取得最小值时,a 的值为( ) AB .2C .4 D.【答案】A 【分析】转化条件为原式211()(5)()ab a a b a c ab a a b =+++-+--,结合基本不等式即可得解. 【详解】()221121025a ac c ab a a b ++-+- 2211()()21025()ab a a b ab a a b a ac c ab a a b =+++----+-+- 2211()1025()ab a a b a ac c ab a a b =+++-+-+-211()(5)()ab a a b a c ab a a b =+++-+--04≥=, 当且仅当1()15ab a a b a c =⎧⎪-=⎨⎪=⎩,即a =2b =5c =时,等号成立. 故选:A.【点睛】易错点睛:利用基本不等式求最值时,要注意其必须满足的三个条件:(1) “一正”就是各项必须为正数;(2)“二定”就是要求和的最小值,必须把构成和的二项之积转化成定值;要求积的最大值,则必须把构成积的因式的和转化成定值;(3)“三相等”是利用基本不等式求最值时,必须验证等号成立的条件,若不能取等号则这个定值就不是所求的最值,这也是最容易发生错误的地方.二、填空题5.已知全集{}{}210,27U x x A x x =<≤=<<,则A =_________.【答案】[]7,10【分析】根据补集的定义写出补集即可.【详解】解:{}{}210,27U x x A x x =<≤=<<,则A ={}|710x x ≤≤.故答案为:[]7,10.6.设实数a 满足2log 4a =,则a =_________.【答案】16【分析】根据对数式与指数式的互化即可求解.【详解】因为2log 4a =,所以4216a ==,故答案为:167.已知幂函数235()(1)mm f x m x --=-的图像不经过原点,则实数m =_________.【答案】2【分析】先由幂函数的定义求出m ,再检验得解.【详解】依题意得11m -=,解得2m =.此时()771f x x x -==,其图像不经过原点,符合题意, 因此实数m 的值为2.故答案为: 28.函数2()21f x x ax =--在区间[]1,3上为严格减函数的充要条件是_________.【答案】3a ≥【分析】根据二次函数的性质,建立对称轴与所给区间的关系即可求解.【详解】因为函数2()21f x x ax =--在区间[]1,3为严格减函数,所以二次函数对称轴3x a =≥,故答案为:3a ≥9.函数22()log (1)f x x =-的定义域为_________.【答案】(1,1)-【分析】根据对数的真数大于0求解即可.【详解】()()22log 1f x x =-, 210x ∴->,解得11x -<<所以函数()()2log 1a f x x =-的定义域为()1,1-, 故答案为:()1,1-10.设函数f (x )200x x x x -≤⎧=⎨⎩,,>,若f (α)=9,则α=_____. 【答案】﹣9或3 【分析】对函数值进行分段考虑,代值计算即可求得结果.【详解】由题意可得09αα≤⎧⎨-=⎩或209αα⎧⎨=⎩>, ∴α=﹣9或α=3故答案为:﹣9或3【点睛】本题考查由分段函数的函数值求自变量,属简单题.11.若函数()(1)x f x a a =>在[]1,2-上的最大值为4,则其最小值为_________.【答案】12【分析】根据指数函数的单调性即可求解.【详解】因为函数()(1)x f x a a =>在[]1,2-单调递增,所以24a =,解得2a =,当1x =-,1min 1()(1)22f x f -=-==, 故答案为:1212.在同一平面直角坐标系中,函数()y g x =的图像与3x y =的图像关于直线y x =对称,而函数()y f x =的图像与()y g x =的图像关于y 轴对称,若()1f a =-,则a 的值是______. 【答案】13- 【分析】根据函数的对称性求出()f x 的解析式,代入a 求解即可.【详解】解:因为函数()y g x =的图像与3x y =的图像关于直线y x =对称,则()3log g x x =, 又函数()y f x =的图像与()y g x =的图像关于y 轴对称,则()3()log f x x =-,()3()log 1f a a =-=-,则13a =-. 故答案为:13- 【点睛】知识点点睛:(1)()y g x =与x y a =图像关于直线y x =对称,则()log a g x x =;(2)()y f x =与()y g x =关于y 轴对称,则()()f x g x =-;(3)()y f x =与()y g x =关于x 轴对称,则()()f x g x =-;13.如果关于x 的方程53x x a -++=有解,则实数a 的取值范围是_________.【答案】[)8,+∞【分析】根据绝对值的几何意义求得53x x -++最小值为8,即可求出实数a 的取值范围.【详解】因为53x x -++表示数轴上的x 对应点到-3和5对应点的距离之和,其最小值为8, 故当8a ≥时,关于x 的方程53x x a -++=有解,故实数a 的取值范围为[8,)+∞,故答案为:[8,)+∞.14.若定义在R 上的奇函数()f x 在(0,)+∞上是严格增函数,且(4)0f -=,则使得()0xf x >成立的x 的取值范围是_________.【答案】(,4)(4,)-∞-⋃+∞【分析】由函数的奇偶性和零点,分别求出()0f x >和()0f x <的解集,再分别讨论当0x >和0x <时()0xf x >的解集即可求出结果.【详解】解:因为()f x 为奇函数,且有(4)0f -=,则()f x 在(,0)-∞上是也严格递增,且(4)0f =,所以()0f x >的解集为:()()4,04,-+∞;()0f x <的解集为:()(),40,4-∞-,则当0x >时,()0xf x >的解为()4,+∞,当0x <时,()0xf x >的解为(),4-∞-故()0xf x >成立的x 的取值范围是()(),44,-∞-+∞. 故答案为:()(),44,-∞-+∞【点睛】思路点睛:类似求()0xf x >或求()0f x x >的解集的问题,往往是根据函数的奇偶性和单调性先求出()0f x >或()0f x <的解,再结合x 的范围进行求解.15.函数()lg(221)x x f x a -=++-的值域是R ,则实数a 的取值范围是___________.【答案】](,1-∞-【分析】函数()lg(221)x x f x a -=++-的值域为R ,即()221x x g x a -=++-能取遍一切正实数,利用均值不等式求解即可.【详解】设()221x x g x a -=++-,由()lg(221)x x f x a -=++-的值域为R ,知()221x x g x a -=++-可以取所有的正值,又()22111x x g x a a a -=++-≥-=+,当且仅当0x =时等号成立,故()g x 的值域为[1,)a ++∞,所以只需满足[)()1,0,a ++∞⊇+∞即可,即1a ≤-故答案为:](,1-∞-【点睛】关键点点睛:求出()221x x g x a -=++-的值域,由题意知()221x x g x a -=++-能取遍一切正实数,转化为()g x 的值域包含()0,∞+是解题的关键,属于中档题.16..若直角坐标平面内两点,P Q 满足条件:①,P Q 都在函数()y f x =的图象上;②,P Q 关于原点对称,则称点对(,)P Q 是函数()y f x =的一个“友好点对”(点对(,)P Q 与(,)Q P 看作同一个“友好点对”).已知函数2241,0(){2,0x x x x f x x e++<=≥,则()f x 的“友好点对”有 个. 【答案】2【详解】解:根据题意:“友好点对”,可知,只须作出函数y=2x 2+4x+1(x <0)的图象关于原点对称的图象,看它与函数y="2" /e x (x≥0)交点个数即可.如图,观察图象可得:它们的交点个数是:2.即f (x )的“友好点对”有:2个.故答案为2三、解答题17.已知函数2()21f x ax ax =++.(1)若实数1a =,请写出函数()3f x y =的单调区间(不需要过程);(2)已知函数()y f x =在区间[3,2]-上的最大值为2,求实数a 的值.【答案】(1)增区间是(1,)-+∞,减区间是(,1)-∞-;(2)18a =或1a =-. 【分析】(1)求出()f x 的单调区间,然后根据复合函数的单调性写出()3f x y =的单调区间即可;(2)根据二次函数的性质,讨论0a <,0a =,0a >不同范围下()f x 的最值,解出a .【详解】解:(1)1a =时,()221f x x x =++,在(),1-∞-上单调递减,在()1,-+∞上单调递增;则()3f x y =的单调递减区间为(),1-∞-,单调递增区间为()1,-+∞.(2)()()222111f x ax ax a x a =++=++-,对称轴为1-, 当0a <时,()f x 在1x =-处取得最大值,()112f a -=-=,解得:1a =-当0a =时,()1f x =不成立;当0a >时,()f x 在()3,1--上单调递减,在()1,2-上单调递增,且对称轴为1x =-,()max f x =()2f ()2912f a a =+-=,解得:18a =综上所述:1a =-或18a =. 【点睛】本题考查复合函数的单调性以及二次函数的最值,属于基础题.思路点睛:(1)复合函数的单调性:分别判断内层函数和外层函数的单调性,根据同增异减的原则写出单调区间即可;(2)()221f x ax ax =++的最高次项系数为a ,不一定为二次函数,需讨论a 与0的关系; 18.设函数()|2|,()2f x x a g x x =-=+.(1)当1a =时,求不等式()()f x g x ≤的解集;(2)求证:1,,222b b f f f ⎛⎫⎛⎫⎛⎫- ⎪ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭⎝⎭中至少有一个不小于12. 【答案】(1)1,33⎡⎤-⎢⎥⎣⎦;(2)证明见解析.【分析】(1)利用绝对值的意义,分类讨论,即可求不等式()()f x g x ≤的解集;(2)利用反证法证明即可.【详解】(1)当a =1时,|2x -1|≤x +2, 化简可得12122x x x ⎧≤⎪⎨⎪-≤+⎩或12212x x x ⎧<⎪⎨⎪-≤+⎩ 解得1132x -≤≤或132x <≤ 综上,不等式的解集为)1|33x x ⎧⎫-≤≤⎨⎬⎩⎭.(2)证明:假设1,,222b bf f f⎛⎫⎛⎫⎛⎫-⎪ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭⎝⎭都小于12,则1122112211122a ba ba⎧-<+<⎪⎪⎪-<-<⎨⎪⎪-<-<⎪⎩,前两式相加得-12<a<12与第三式12<a<32矛盾.因此假设不成立,故1,,222b bf f f⎛⎫⎛⎫⎛⎫-⎪ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭⎝⎭中至少有一个不小于12.【点睛】关键点点睛:证明至少、至多类命题时,考虑反证法是解题的关键,首先要根据题意恰当反设,正常推理,寻求矛盾是重点,属于中档题.19.研究表明:在一节40分钟的网课中,学生的注意力指数y与听课时间x(单位:分钟)之间的变化曲线如图所示,当[0,16]x∈时,曲线是二次函数图像的一部分;当[16,40]x∈时,曲线是函数0.880log()y x a=++图像的一部分,当学生的注意力指数不高于68时,称学生处于“欠佳听课状态”.(1)求函数()y f x=的解析式;(2)在一节40分钟的网课中,学生处于“欠佳听课状态”的时间有多长?(精确到1分钟)【答案】(1)20.81(12)84,(0,16]()4log(15)80,(16,40]x xf xx x⎧--+∈⎪=⎨⎪-+∈⎩;(2)14分钟.【分析】(1)根据题意,分别求得(0,16]x∈和(16,40]x∈上的解析式,即可求解;(2)当(0,16]x∈和(16,40]x∈时,令()68f x<,求得不等式的解集,即可求解.【详解】(1)当(0,16]x∈时,设函数2()(12)84(0)f x b x b=-+<,因为2(16)(1612)8480f b =-+=,所以14b =-,所以21()(12)844f x x =--+, 当(16,40]x ∈时,0.8()log ()80f x x a =++, 由0.8(16)log (16)8080f a =++=,解得15a =-,所以0.8()log (15)80f x x =-+, 综上,函数的解析式为20.81(12)84,(0,16]()4log (15)80,(16,40]x x f x x x ⎧--+∈⎪=⎨⎪-+∈⎩. (2)当(0,16]x ∈时,令21()(12)84684f x x =--+<,即2(12)64x ->,解得4x <或20x >(舍去),所以[0,4]x ∈,当(16,40]x ∈时,令0.8()log (15)8068f x x =-+<,得12150.829.6x -≥+≈,所以[30,40]x ∈,所以学生处于“欠佳听课状态”的时间长为40403014-+-=分钟.20.已知1()log 1a mx f x x -=-(0a >、1a ≠)是奇函数. (1)求实数m 的值;(2)判断函数()f x 在(1,)+∞上的单调性,并给出证明;(3)当(,2)x n a ∈-时,()f x 的值域是(1,)+∞,求实数a 与n 的值.【答案】(1)1m =-;(2)1a >时()f x 在(1,)+∞上严格减;01a <<时.()f x 在(1,)+∞上严格增;(3)21a n ==.【分析】(1)根据奇函数的定义可知f (﹣x )+f (x )=0,建立关于m 的等式关系,解之即可;(2)先利用函数单调性的定义研究真数的单调性,讨论a 的取值,然后根据复合函数的单调性进行判定;(3)先求函数的定义域,讨论(n ,a ﹣2)与定义域的关系,然后根据单调性建立等量关系,求出n 和a 的值.【详解】(1)∵函数()11amx f x log x -=-(a >0,a ≠1)是奇函数. ∴f (﹣x )+f (x )=0 即11log log 011aa mx mx x x +-+=---, 所以11log 011a mx mx x x +-⋅=---, 即222111m x x-=- 解得1m =±,当1m =时,1()log log (1)1a a xf x x -==--无意义,舍去. 故1m =-.(2)由(1)及题设知:()11ax f x log x +=-, 设11221111x x t x x x +-+===+---, ∴当x 1>x 2>1时,()()()211212122221111x x t t x x x x --=-=---- ∴t 1<t 2.当a >1时,log a t 1<log a t 2,即f (x 1)<f (x 2). ∴当a >1时,f (x )在(1,+∞)上是减函数. 同理当0<a <1时,f (x )在(1,+∞)上是增函数.(3)由题设知:函数f (x )的定义域为(1,+∞)∪(﹣∞,﹣1),∴①当n <a ﹣2≤﹣1时,有0<a <1.由(1)及(2)题设知:f (x )在为增函数,由其值域为(1,+∞)知11121an log n a +⎧=⎪-⎨⎪-=-⎩(无解); ②当1≤n <a ﹣2时,有a >3.由(1)及(2)题设知:f (x )在(n ,a ﹣2)为减函数,由其值域为(1,+∞)知1113a n a log a =⎧⎪-⎨=⎪-⎩得2a =+n =1.【点睛】方法点睛:利用定义法判断函数的单调性的一般步骤是:(1)在已知区间上任取21x x >;(2)作差()()21f x f x -;(3)判断()()21f x f x -的符号(往往先分解因式,再判断各因式的符号),()()210f x f x -> 可得()f x 在已知区间上是增函数,()()210f x f x -< 可得()f x 在已知区间上是减函数.21.若函数()f x 的定义域为D ,集合M D ⊆,若存在非零实数t 使得任意x M ∈都有x t D +∈,且()()f x t f x +>,则称()f x 为M 上的t -增长函数.(1)已知函数()g x x =,函数2()h x x =,判断()g x 和()h x 是否为区间[]1,0-上的32-增长函数,并说明理由;(2)已知函数()f x x =,且()f x 是区间[]4,2--上的n -增长函数,求正整数n 的最小值;(3)如果()f x 是定义域为R 的奇函数,当0x ≥时,22()f x x a a =--,且()f x 为R 上的4-增长函数,求实数a 的取值范围.【答案】(1)()g x x =是,2()h x x =不是,理由见解析;(2)9;(3)(1,1)a ∈-. 【分析】(1)利用给定定义推理判断或者反例判断而得; (2)把恒成立的不等式等价转化,再求函数最小值而得解;(3)根据题设条件,写出函数f (x )的解析式,再分段讨论求得,最后证明即为所求. 【详解】(1)g (x )定义域R ,3333[1,0],(),()()()02222x x R g x g x x x ∀∈-+∈+-=+-=>,g (x )是, 取x =-1,311(1)()1(1)224h h h -+==<=-,h (x )不是, 函数()g x x =是区间[]1,0-上的32-增长函数,函数2()h x x =不是;(2)依题意,2[4,2],()()||||20x f x n f x x n x nx n ∀∈--+>⇔+>⇔+>, 而n>0,关于x 的一次函数22nx n +是增函数,x =-4时22min (2)8nx n n n +=-, 所以n 2-8n>0得n>8,从而正整数n 的最小值为9;(3)依题意,2222222,?(),?2,?x a x a f x x a x a x a x a ⎧+≤-⎪=--<<⎨⎪-≥⎩,而,(4)()x R f x f x ∀∈+>, f (x )在区间[-a 2,a 2]上是递减的,则x ,x +4不能同在区间[-a 2,a 2]上,4>a 2-(-a 2)=2a 2, 又x ∈[-2a 2,0]时,f (x )≥0,x ∈[0,2a 2]时,f (x )≤0,若2a 2<4≤4a 2,当x =-2a 2时,x +4∈[0,2a 2],f (x +4)≤f (x )不符合要求, 所以4a 2<4,即-1<a<1.因为:当4a 2<4时,①x +4≤-a 2,f (x +4)>f (x )显然成立;②-a 2<x +4<a 2时,x <a 2-4<-3a 2,f (x +4)=-(x +4)>-a 2,f (x )=x +2a 2<-a 2,f (x +4)>f (x ); ③x +4>a 2时,f (x +4)=(x +4)-2a 2>x +2a 2≥f (x ),综上知,当-1<a<1时,()f x 为R 上的4-增长函数, 所以实数a 的取值范围是(-1,1).【点睛】(1)以函数为背景定义的创新试题,认真阅读,分析转化成常规函数解决;(2)分段函数解析式中含参数,相应区间也含有相同的这个参数,要结合函数图象综合考察,并对参数进行分类讨论.。
10.Since the story ________ in pictures, reading it together is a lot more fun than you ever imagined.
A.tellsB.be toldC.is toldD.is telling
A.roles B.amazing C.amusing D.exploring E. influenced
But even before the birth of Tadpoles Searching for Mother, another Chinese animated feature film called Uproar in Heaven had started20.a connection between Chinesetraditional painting and animation. The two-hour- long film mixed five different colors in its21., which included the Monkey King and the Jade Emperor. It was considered an ideal combination of Disney-style films and Chinese traditional arts.
5.The earlier I leave home, ________ the journey is, because the buses aren’t so crowded.
A.easyB.easierC.the easierD.the easiest
B. “水何”两句既有大海的动静相称,又勾勒了大海的辽阔壮观。
C. “树木”四句虚写山岛与海水的景象,表现其不息的生命活力。
D. “日月”四句想象大海吞吐星辰的景象,表现诗人旷达的胸襟。
【答案】2.统一中原建功立业3. C
12. 作者说“但那时却是我的乐园”,请简要回答百草园之“乐”表现在哪三个方面?
2020-2021学年上海市杨浦区高三上学期期中数学试卷 (解析版)
2020-2021学年上海市杨浦区高三(上)期中数学试卷一、填空题(共12小题).1.(3分)函数f(x)=的定义域为.2.(3分)已知集台A=(﹣∞,a],B=[2,3],且A∩B非空,则实数a的取值范围是.3.(3分)若函数y=cos(x+φ)为奇函数,则最小的正数φ=.4.(3分)已知长方体的长、宽、高分别为3、4、12,则长方体的一条对角线长为.5.(3分)幂函数f(x)的图象过点(4,2),其反函数为f﹣1(x),则f﹣1(3)=.6.(3分)(1+x)n的二项展开式中,若第9项与第13项系数相等,则第20项为.7.(3分)已知f(x)是定义在R上的奇函数,当x<0时,f(x)=log2(2﹣x),则f (0)+f(2)=.8.(3分)用0、1、2、3、4这五个数可以组成个没有重复数字的四位奇数.(用数字作答)9.若sin(α﹣)=,则sin2α=.10.(3分)P是直角三角形ABC所在平面外一点,已知三角形的边长AB=3,BC=4,∠ABC=90°,PA=PB=PC=4,则直线PB与平面ABC所成角的余弦值为.11.(3分)函数y=f(x)的定义域D和值域A都是集合{1,2,3}的非空真子集,如果对于D内任意的x,总有x+f(x)+xf(x)的值是奇数,则满足条件的函数y=f(x)的个数是.12.(3分)若分段函数f(x)=,将函数y=|f(x)﹣f(a)|,x∈[m,n]的最大值记作Z a[m,n],那么当﹣2≤m≤2时,Z2[m,m+4]的取值范围是.二、选择题(共4小题).13.设直线a,b与平面α所成的角相等,则直线a,b的位置关系为()A.平行B.平行或异面C.平行或相交D.平行、相交或异面14.已知x,y∈R,则“x=y”是“lnx=lny”的()A.充分非必要条件B.必要非充分条件C.充要条件D.非充分非必要条件15.申辉中学从4名有数学特长的同学A、B、C、D中挑1人去参加中学生数字联赛,4名同学各自对结果估计如下,A:“参赛的是A”;B:“参赛的是B”;C:“参赛的是A或B”;D:“参赛的既不是A也不是C”,已知其中有且只有2人的估计是正确的,则去参加联赛是()A.A同学B.B同学C.C同学D.D同学16.设函数f(x)=x+lgx满足f(a)f(b)f(c)<0(a<b<c),f(x)的零点为x0,则下列选项中一定错误是()A.x0∈(a,c)B.x0∈(a,b)C.x0∈(b,c)D.x0∈(c,+∞)三、解答题:17.已知圆锥的体积为π,底面半径OA与OB互相垂直,且OA=,P是母线BS的中点.(1)求圆锥的表面积;(2)求异面直线SO与PA所成角的大小.(结果用反三角函数值表示)18.已知在△ABC中,三边a,b,c分别对应三个内角A,B,C,且=.(1)求角C的大小;(2)当△ABC外接圆半径R=1时,求△ABC面积的最大值,并判断此时△ABC的形状.19.某地区去年的水价为4.2元/立方米,年用水量为m立方米,今年计划将水价降到2.8元/立方米至4元/立方米之间,而用户期望水价为2.5元/立方米.经测算,下调水价后新增的用水量与实际水价和用户期望水价的差成反比(比例系数为0.5m),该地区的成本为2元/立方米.(1)今年水价下调后,为保证供水部门的收益不得低于去年的收益,则实际水价x最低价格为多少?(保留2为小数)(2)试问调价后,今年供水部门收益的最小值为多少?20.设函数f(x)的定义域为(0,+∞),且同时满足以下两个条件:①存在实数a>1,使得f(a)=1;②当m∈R,x>0时,有f(x m)﹣mf(x)=0恒成立.(1)函数y=lnx是否满足上述两个条件?并说明理由;(2)求证:当x,y>0时,f()=f(x)﹣f(y);(3)若当t>0时,f(t2+4)﹣f(t)≥1恒成立,求实数a的取值范围.21.函数f(x)=g(x)+h(x),其中g(x)是定义在R上的周期函数,h(x)=ax+b,a,b为常数.(1)g(x)=sin x,讨论f(x)的奇偶性,并说明理由;(2)求证:“f(x)为奇函数”的一个必要非充分条件是“f(x)的图象有异于原点的对称中心(m,n)”;(3)g(x)=sin x+cos x,|f(x)|在x∈[0,3π]上的最大值为M,求M的最小值.参考答案一、填空题(共12小题).1.(3分)函数f(x)=的定义域为(﹣∞,5].解:由题意,得5﹣x≥0,解得x≤5,故函数的定义域是(﹣∞,5],故答案为:(﹣∞,5].2.(3分)已知集台A=(﹣∞,a],B=[2,3],且A∩B非空,则实数a的取值范围是[2,+∞).解:∵A=(﹣∞,a],B=[2,3],且A∩B非空,∴a≥2,∴a的取值范围是:[2,+∞).故答案为:[2,+∞).3.(3分)若函数y=cos(x+φ)为奇函数,则最小的正数φ=.解:函数y=cos(x+φ)为奇函数,因为函数y=cos(x+)=﹣sin x是奇函数,所以φ=.故答案为:.4.(3分)已知长方体的长、宽、高分别为3、4、12,则长方体的一条对角线长为13.解:由题意,长方体的对角线长是:=13.故答案为:13.5.(3分)幂函数f(x)的图象过点(4,2),其反函数为f﹣1(x),则f﹣1(3)=9.解:令幂函数解析式为y=x a,又幂函数的图象过点(4,2),∴2=4a,∴a=∴幂函数的解析式为y=,那么f(9)=3,即原函数过(9,3),所以其反函数过(3,9)故答案为:9.6.(3分)(1+x)n的二项展开式中,若第9项与第13项系数相等,则第20项为20x19.解:展开式中第9项的系数为C,第13项的系数为C,则C,解得n=20,所以第20项为C=20x19,故答案为:20x19.7.(3分)已知f(x)是定义在R上的奇函数,当x<0时,f(x)=log2(2﹣x),则f (0)+f(2)=﹣2.解:f(x)是定义在R上的奇函数,当x<0时f(x)=log2(2﹣x),则f(0)+f(2)=0﹣f(﹣2)=﹣log2(2+2)=﹣2,故答案为:﹣2.8.(3分)用0、1、2、3、4这五个数可以组成36个没有重复数字的四位奇数.(用数字作答)解:根据题意,分3步进行分析:①、要求四位数为奇数,其末位数字为1、3,有2种情况,②、0不能在首位,则需要在剩下的3个数字中任选1个,有3种情况,③、在剩下的3个数字中任选2个,安排在其他2个数位,有A32=6种情况,则一共有2×3×6=36种情况,即有36个四位奇数,故答案为:36.9.若sin(α﹣)=,则sin2α=.解:∵已知sin(α﹣)=,则sin2α=cos(2α﹣)=cos2(α﹣)=1﹣2=1﹣2•=,故答案为:.10.(3分)P是直角三角形ABC所在平面外一点,已知三角形的边长AB=3,BC=4,∠ABC=90°,PA=PB=PC=4,则直线PB与平面ABC所成角的余弦值为.解:取AC的中点D,连接PD,BD,∵PA=PC,D是AC的中点,∴PD⊥AC,∵AB=3,BC=4,∠ABC=90°,∴AC=5,∴AD=BD=,又PA=PB=4,∴△PAD≌△PBD,∴∠PDB=∠PDA=90°,∴PD⊥BD,又AC∩BD=D,∴PD⊥平面ABC,∴∠PBD为直线PB与平面ABC所成的角,∴cos∠PBD==.故答案为:.11.(3分)函数y=f(x)的定义域D和值域A都是集合{1,2,3}的非空真子集,如果对于D内任意的x,总有x+f(x)+xf(x)的值是奇数,则满足条件的函数y=f(x)的个数是29.解:集合{1,2,3}的非空真子集有{1},{2},{3},{1,2},{1,3},{2,3}这6种,①当D={1}时,x=1,则x+f(x)+xf(x)=1+2f(1)为奇数,所以2f(1)为偶数,所以f(1)可取值集合为为{1,2,3};②当D={2}时x=2,则x+f(x)+xf(x)=2+3f(2)为奇数,所以3f(2)为奇数,所以f(2)可取值集合为为{1,3};③当D={3}时x=3,则x+f(x)+xf(x)=3+4f(3)为奇数,所以4f(3)为偶数,所以f(3)可取值集合为为{1,2,3};④当D={1,2}时x=1或x=2,则由上可知1+2f(1)为奇数且2+3f(2)为奇数,所以f(1)可取值集合为为{1,2,3}且f(2)可取值集合为为{1,3};所以共有2×3=6种情况;⑤当D={1,3}时x=1或x=3,则由上可知1+2f(1)为奇数且3+4f(3)为奇数,所以f(1)可取值集合为为{1,2,3}且f(3)可取值集合为为{1,2,3};所以共有3×3=9种情况;⑥当D={2,3}时x=2或x=3,则由上可知2+3f(2)为奇数且3+4f(3)为奇数,所以f(2)可取值集合为为{1,3}且f(3)可取值集合为为{1,2,3};所以共有2×3=6种情况;故共有3+2+3+6+9+6=29种,故答案为:29.12.(3分)若分段函数f(x)=,将函数y=|f(x)﹣f(a)|,x∈[m,n]的最大值记作Z a[m,n],那么当﹣2≤m≤2时,Z2[m,m+4]的取值范围是[4,60].解:由f(x)=,得f(2)=1,则y=|f(x)﹣f(a)|=|f(x)﹣1|,作出函数f(x)的图象如图所示:当﹣2≤m≤﹣1时,|f(x)﹣1|max=|(﹣3)﹣1|=4;当m>﹣1时,m+4>3,2m+4﹣3﹣1=2m+4﹣4>4,∴当﹣1<m≤2时,Z a[m,m+4]=2m+4﹣4,则Z2[m,m+4]的最大值为26﹣4=60.故Z2[m,m+4]的取值范围是[4,60].故答案为:[4,60].二、选择题:13.设直线a,b与平面α所成的角相等,则直线a,b的位置关系为()A.平行B.平行或异面C.平行或相交D.平行、相交或异面解:若a∥b,显然a,b与平面α所成角相等,若a,b为圆锥的两条母线所在的直线,显然a,b与圆锥底面所成的角相等,此时,a,b显然为相交直线,若a,b为异面直线,且a∥α,b∥α,显然a,b与平面α所成角相等,且均为0,故当直线a,b与平面α所成的角相等时,直线a,b可能平行,可能相交,可能异面.故选:D.14.已知x,y∈R,则“x=y”是“lnx=lny”的()A.充分非必要条件B.必要非充分条件C.充要条件D.非充分非必要条件解:∵x,y∈R,∴x=y<0时,不能推出lnx=lny,lnx=lny⇔x=y>0,故由lnx=lny,可得x=y,故x,y∈R,则“x=y”是“lnx=lny”的必要非充分条件.故选:B.15.申辉中学从4名有数学特长的同学A、B、C、D中挑1人去参加中学生数字联赛,4名同学各自对结果估计如下,A:“参赛的是A”;B:“参赛的是B”;C:“参赛的是A或B”;D:“参赛的既不是A也不是C”,已知其中有且只有2人的估计是正确的,则去参加联赛是()A.A同学B.B同学C.C同学D.D同学解:若去参加联赛是A,则A估计正确,B估计错误,C估计正确,D估计错误,符合题意,若去参加联赛是B,则A估计错误,B估计正确,C估计正确,D估计正确,不符合题意,所以去参加联赛的不是B,若去参加联赛是C,则A估计错误,B估计错误,C估计错误,D估计错误,不符合题意,所以去参加联赛的不是C,若去参加联赛是D,则A估计错误,B估计错误,C估计错误,D估计正确,不符合题意,所以去参加联赛的不是D,所以去参加联赛是A,故选:A.16.设函数f(x)=x+lgx满足f(a)f(b)f(c)<0(a<b<c),f(x)的零点为x0,则下列选项中一定错误是()A.x0∈(a,c)B.x0∈(a,b)C.x0∈(b,c)D.x0∈(c,+∞)解:函数f(x)=x+lgx的定义域为{x|x>0},函数是增函数,满足f(a)f(b)f(c)<0(a<b<c),说明f(a),f(b),f(c),有1个是负数一定是f(a),两个正数或3个负数,由函数的零点判断定理可知,函数的零点在(a,c),在(a,b),在(c,+∞),不可能在(b,c).故选:C.三、解答题:17.已知圆锥的体积为π,底面半径OA与OB互相垂直,且OA=,P是母线BS的中点.(1)求圆锥的表面积;(2)求异面直线SO与PA所成角的大小.(结果用反三角函数值表示)解:(1)∵圆锥的体积为π,OA=,∴V圆锥==π,解得OS=1,∴SB==2,∴圆锥的表面积为:S==(3+2)π.(2)∵底面半径OA与OB互相垂直,∴以O为原点,OA为x轴,OB为y轴,OS为z轴,建立空间直角坐标系,则S(0,0,1),O(0,0,0),A(,0,0),B(0,,0),P(0,,),=(0,0,﹣1),=(,﹣,﹣),设异面直线SO与PA所成角的大小为θ,则cosθ===,∴异面直线SO与PA所成角的大小为arccos.18.已知在△ABC中,三边a,b,c分别对应三个内角A,B,C,且=.(1)求角C的大小;(2)当△ABC外接圆半径R=1时,求△ABC面积的最大值,并判断此时△ABC的形状.解:(1)因为=,所以ab=(c﹣b+a)(c+b﹣a),所以a2+b2﹣c2=ab,所以cos C===,因为C∈(0,π),所以C=.(2)因为C=,△ABC外接圆半径R=1时,由正弦定理,可得c=2R sin C=,由余弦定理,得3=a2+b2﹣ab≥2ab﹣ab=ab,当且仅当a=b时等号成立,所以S△ABC=ab sin C≤=,所以△ABC面积的最大值为,此时三角形为等边三角形.19.某地区去年的水价为4.2元/立方米,年用水量为m立方米,今年计划将水价降到2.8元/立方米至4元/立方米之间,而用户期望水价为2.5元/立方米.经测算,下调水价后新增的用水量与实际水价和用户期望水价的差成反比(比例系数为0.5m),该地区的成本为2元/立方米.(1)今年水价下调后,为保证供水部门的收益不得低于去年的收益,则实际水价x最低价格为多少?(保留2为小数)(2)试问调价后,今年供水部门收益的最小值为多少?解:(1)实际水价为x元/立方米,不妨设新增的用水量为y,则y=,那么,今年供水部门的收益为W=,x∈[2.8,4],∵保证供水部门的收益不得低于去年的收益,∴≥(4.2﹣2)m,x∈[2.8,4],整理得:m(x2﹣6.2x+9.5)≥0,解得x∈[3.44,4].∴实际水价x最低价格为3.44元/立方米;(2)今年的收益为W=,x∈[2.8,4],化简得:W=mx+,x∈[2.8,4],对W求导,可得W′=m﹣,x∈[2.8,4],令W′=0,可得x=2(舍去),或x=3,∴当x=3时,今年供水部门收益取最小值为2m.20.设函数f(x)的定义域为(0,+∞),且同时满足以下两个条件:①存在实数a>1,使得f(a)=1;②当m∈R,x>0时,有f(x m)﹣mf(x)=0恒成立.(1)函数y=lnx是否满足上述两个条件?并说明理由;(2)求证:当x,y>0时,f()=f(x)﹣f(y);(3)若当t>0时,f(t2+4)﹣f(t)≥1恒成立,求实数a的取值范围.解:(1)当x=e时,f(e)=lne=1,满足条件①,∵当x>0时,f(x m)=lnx m=mlnx=mf(x),即f(x m)﹣mf(x)=0恒成立,满足条件②,综上所述函数y=lnx满足上述两个条件;证明(2)∵x,y均为正数,且0<a<1,根据指数函数性质可知,总有实数m,n使得x=a m,y=a n,于是=f()=f(a m﹣n)=(m﹣n)f(a)又f(x)﹣f(y)=f(a m)﹣f(a n)=mf(a)﹣nf(a)=(m﹣n)f(a),∴f()=f(x)﹣f(y)当t>0时,f(t2+4)﹣f(t)≥1恒成立,由存在实数a>1,使得f(a)=1;∴f(t2+4)﹣f(t)≥f(a)根据(2)结论,可得f()≥f(a)可得≥a,由=,(当且仅当t=2时,取等号)可得a≤4,即1<a≤4.∴实数a的取值范围是(1,4].21.函数f(x)=g(x)+h(x),其中g(x)是定义在R上的周期函数,h(x)=ax+b,a,b为常数.(1)g(x)=sin x,讨论f(x)的奇偶性,并说明理由;(2)求证:“f(x)为奇函数”的一个必要非充分条件是“f(x)的图象有异于原点的对称中心(m,n)”;(3)g(x)=sin x+cos x,|f(x)|在x∈[0,3π]上的最大值为M,求M的最小值.解:(1)f(x)=g(x)+h(x)=sin x+ax+b,若f(x)为奇函数,则,故b=0,a∈R,若f(x)为偶函数,则f(x)=f(﹣x)⇒2sin x+2ax=0对x∈R恒成立⇒不存在,a,b满足条件,⇒若b=0,则f(x)为奇函数,若b≠0,则f(x)为非奇非偶函数;(2)证明:若f(x)为奇函数,则f(0)=0⇒g(0)=﹣b,且f(x)+f(﹣x)=0,则g(x)+g(﹣x)=﹣2b,设g(x)的周期是T,则f(x+T)+f(﹣x+T)=2aT,故f(x)的图象有异于原点的对称中心(T,aT),必要性得证,取g(x)=sin x,h(x)=1,则f(x)=sin x+1关于(π,1)对称,但f(0)=1≠0,则f(x)不是奇函数,非充分性得证;(3)f(x)=sin x+cos x+ax+b=sin(x+)+ax+b,取a=b=0,则M=,若存在更小的M,则当x=和时,ax+b≤0,当x=时,ax+b≥0,故不存在最大值,最小值是M min=.。
2020-2021学年上海市杨浦区高三(上)期末英语试卷(一模)II. Grammar and vocabularySection ADirections: After reading the passage below fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank1.Causes of and Solutions to Frugal Fatigue(节俭疲劳症)Have you ever attempted to save money to such a degree that you are not enjoying your life anymore?If so, you could be suffering from frugal fatigue. Simply (1)________(put),frugal fatigue refers to being sick and tired of attempting to save every penny that you earn. When you are determined to prioritize your savings, it can be initially(2)________(tempt)to cut out every single luxury item from your budget. However, the problem with this strategy is that in the long run, you may experience burnout from allowing yourself no luxuries whatsoever.Frugal fatigue can be compared to extreme dieting. Someone attempting to diet in order to lose weight(3)________ decide to give up all treats such as chocolate, cakes, and alcohol,(4)________ of which presents health risks if consumed in moderation. (5)________ months of eating nothing but vegetables and snacking on fruits alone, it would be no surprise if one became fed up with dieting. What tends to happen in the cases of frugal fatigue is that the individual in question suddenly reaches a breaking point(6)________ he goes on spending spree(狂欢)to get relief. This causes them to lose all the savings that they(7)________(store)up thus far, and then they suffer from financial anxiety again. So, how does one prevent frugal fatigue?One method is to avoid adopting an all﹣or﹣nothing attitude. (8)________(plan)a careful budget that not only enables you to save money but also allows you the occasional luxury purchase. This way, you will not feel(9)________ you are robbing yourself of all treats. Another effective strategy is to establish realistic goals for saving. Try to break up your financial goals into manageable milestones. Be sure to keep very clear reasons in mind for(10)________ you are saving,whether it's for a vacation or a retirement fund.Section B Directions: Fill in each blank with a proper word chosen from the box. Each wordcan be used only once. Note that there is one word more than you need.2.Ancient Civilizations Had Game Nights Too!Morten Ramstad, a researcher at the University of Bergen, Norway, and his team spotted one of the rare objects while unearthing the remains of an Early Iron Age(400﹣300 BC)burial site in Western Norway. Burying loved ones with basic necessities like ceramic pots and clothing,to ensure their(1)_______ in the afterlife, was a fairly common tradition in ancient cultures. However, the families of some lucky individualswent a step further by(2)_______ a board game for entertainment.Though the game board was(3)_______,the archeologists,who revealed their findings on April 5,2020, managed to recover the dice(骰子)and 18 circular game pieces. Unlikethe modern﹣day cubica(立体的)dice, which are(4)_______ with a different number of dots from one to six on each face, the ancient game counter was square and had bulls﹣eye like(5)_______ which indicated zero to five on each of its four faces. The researchers suspect it may have been(6)_______ by the oldest﹣known board game﹣the "Game of Mercenaries". The two﹣person strategy game,which dates back to the 3rd century BC,was believed to be similar to modern﹣day chess. The archeologists,who also unearthed remains of pottery jars and a bronze needle at the burial site believe the game pieces indicate the dead was wealthy individual. In ancient civilizations,board games were a status symbol,signifying the owner's high social and economic(7)_______. They indicated an individual's intellectual ability and also proved he/she could afford to spend time on such activities."These are status objects that bear witness to(8)_______ with the Roman Empire,where they liked to enjoy themselves with board games," Ramstad said. "People who played games like this were from the upper class. The game showed that they had the time, profits,and ability to think strategically."The researchers planned to put the(9)_______ game pieces in a museum as the discovery provides insights into Norway's social structure during the Early Iron Age and gives some ideas of what tabletop(10)_______ looked like during ancient times, at least for the upper class.III. Reading ComprehensionSection ADirections: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.3.Bad Dreams Are Good!Most of us dream. whether we remember them or not. What are dreams for? A handful of (1)_______ dominate. Sigmund Freud famously maintained that they reveal hidden truths and wishes. More recent research suggests that they may help us process intense emotions, or perhaps sort through and strengthen memories, or(2)_______ random neuron(神经元)activity, or prepare responses to threatening situations. Others argue that dreams have no evolutionary function, but simply(3)_______ personal concerns.Despite being largely unsupported by(4)_______, Freud's view maintains strong following around the world. Researcher found that students in the U.S., South Korea, and India were much more likely to say that dreams reveal hidden truths than to accept better (5)_______ theories. In the same study, respondents said that dreaming about a plane crash would cause them more(6)_______ than an official warning about a terrorist attack. Even if dreams can't foretell the future, they seem to(7)_______ our shared fascinations. The majority of dreams occur during REM sleep(深度睡眠)cycles, of which the average person has four or five a night.A study of Canadian university students found the most common dream topics include school, falling, being chased, and arriving too late for something. For all the commonalitiesdreams(8)_______, they vary across time and culture﹣people who grew up watching black﹣and﹣white TV are more likely to dream in black and white. A 1958 study(9)_______ that compared with Japanese people, Americans dreamed more about being locked up, losing a loved one, finding money, being(10)_______dressed or encountering a mad person. Japanese people were more likely to dream about school, trying repeatedly to do something, being paralyzed with fear, or "wild, violent beasts." If human dreams sound(11)_______, bear in mind that even negative ones can have positive effects.In a study of students taking a French medical school entrance exam, 60 percent of the dreams they had beforehand(12)_______ problem with the exam, such as being late or leaving an answer blank. But those who reported(13)_______ about the exam, even bad ones, did better on it than those who didn't. So the next time you dream about an education related experience in which you are unable to answer the questions or solve aproblem, don't(14)_______: It's probably totally meaningless. Then again, your brainmight be practicing so you'll be(15)_______ if such an event ever comes to pass.(1)A symptomsB . reviewsC . conflictsD .theories(2)A take place ofB . make peace withC . make sense ofD . come up with(3)A exemplifyB . dramatizeC . horrifyD . recognize(4)A evidenceB . informationC . qualificationD . inquiry(5)A assumedB . connectedC .confirmedD . realized(6)A curiosityB . anxietyC . fancyD . reluctance(7)A expectB .endureC . exposeD . employ(8)A exhibitB . explainC . supplyD . identify(9)A diagnosedB . dismissedC . deniedD .determined(10)A necessarilyB . independentlyC . inappropriatelyD . impersonally(11)A puzzlingB . excitingC . depressingD . amusing(12)A revealedB . guaranteedC . tracedD . involved(13)A gradesB . concernsC . dreamsD . memories(14)A hesitateB . worryC . pauseD . laugh(15)A readyB . eagerC . nervousD . curiousSection B Directions: Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A,B,C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.4. Jonas was careful about language. Not like his friend, Asher, who talked too fast, mixing up words and phrases until they were barely recognizable and often very funny.Jonas smiled, remembering the morning that Asher had dashed into the classroom, late as usual, arriving breathlessly in the middle of the chanting of the morning anthem(国歌). When the class took their seats at the conclusion of the patriotic song, Asher remained standing to make his public apology as was required."I apologize for inconveniencing my learning community." Asher ran through the standard apology phrase rapidly, still catching his breath. The Instructor and class waited patiently for his explanation."I left home at the correct time but when I was riding along near the pool, the crew was separating some salmon. I guess I just got distraught, watching them.""I apologize to my classmates, " Asher concluded. He smoothed his messy collar and sat down. "We accept your apology, Asher." The class recited the standard response in unison. Many of the students were biting their lips to keep from laughing."I accept your apology, Asher, " the Instructor said. He was smiling. "And I thankyou, because once again you have provided an opportunity for a lesson in language.'Distraught' is too strong an adjective to describe salmon viewing." He turned and wrote "distraught" on the instructional board. Beside it he wrote "distracted."Jonas, nearing his home now, smiled at the recollection.Thinking, still, as he wheeled his bike into its narrow port beside the door, he realized that frightened was the wrong word to describe his feelings, now that December was almost here. It was too strong an adjective.He had waited a long time for this special December, when the Ceremony of the Twelvewill be held and the future assignment will be announced by the Elders in the committee.Now that it was almost upon him, he wasn't frightened, but he was…eager, he decided. He was eager for it to come. And he was excited, certainly. All of the Elevens were excited about the event that would be coming so soon. But there was a little tremble of nervousness when he thought about it, about what might happen.Anxious, Jonas decided. That's what I am.(1)Asher arrived at the school________.A as soon as the students concluded the national anthemB after all the other students had taken their seatsC when the Instructor had begun the language lessonD when students had started singing the patriotic song.(2)Why did the Instructor write the word "distraught" on the board?________A To show he accepted the apology.B To explain the confusing words.C To warn students against using it.D To shame Asher for using the wrong word..(3)Jonas recalled what happened to Asher because________.A he found himself struggling to describe his feelings preciselyB he was certain that he would make the same mistake as Asher didC he was reminded to use the appropriate language for the ceremonyD he finally understood how Asher was feeling that morning.(4)The text is probably extracted from________.A science fiction novelB a journal of applied linguisticsC a documentary about campus lifeD a manual for using language correctly.(1)What does planting for Progress appeal for the struggling farmers?________A It trains farmers to research new varieties of seeds.B It uses green technology to ensure water supply.C It transforms the soil to prevent failed harvest.D It teaches farmers marketing skills to boost crop sales..(2)If Jenny would like to be updated about the work done by Practical Action, she should send her personal contact information by________.A calling 0800 389 1624 in personB visiting /thriveC emailing myprivacy@D mailing to a given address.(3)The purpose of the leaflet is to________.A encourage public donations to charityB introduce the various charity workdone C outline procedures of donating to charity D raise awareness of ending world hunger.6. Identifying the chemical makeup of pigment(色素)used in ancient documents paintings, and watercolors is critical to restoring and conserving the precious artworks. However, despite numerous efforts, scientists had been unable to determine the source of folium, popular blue dye used to color manuscripts(手稿)in Europe during the middle ages﹣from the 5th to the 15th century. Now, a team of researchers from Portugal has finally uncovered the mysterious ingredient responsible for the gorgeous blueish﹣purple color that helped bring ancient illustrations and texts to life.The research team began by ________ instructions penned by European dye makers from the 12th, 14th, and 15th centuries. They found what they were seeking in a 15th﹣century text entitled The Book on How to Make All the Color Paints for Illuminating Books. However, translating the instructions was no easy task. It was written in the now extinct Judaeo﹣Portuguese language, and though the source of the dye was traced back to aplant, no name was mentioned.However, by piecing together suggestions from the text, the scientists were able to determine that the dye was made from the bluish﹣green berries of the chrozophora tinctoria plant. After an extensive search, the team found a few varieties of the plant growing along the roadside near the town of Monsaraz in south Portugal.The detailed instructions gave the researchers critical clues﹣including the best time to pick the berries. "You need to squeeze the fruits, being careful not to break the seeds, and then to put them on linen(亚麻)." The scientist says the detail was important since broken seeds polluted the pigment producing an inferior quality ink. The dyed linen, which was left to dry, was an efficient way to store and transport the pigment during ancient times. When needed, the artist would simply cut off piece of the cloth and dip it with water to squeeze out the blue color.Once the key ingredient had been identified, the researchers began to determine the dye's molecular structure. To their surprise they found that folium was not like any other known permanent blue dyes﹣it was an entirely new class of color, one they named chrozophoridin. "Chrozophoridin was used in ancient times to make a beautiful blue dye for painting." the team wrote in the study. "Thus, we believe that this will not be our final word on this amazing plant and its story and that further discoveries will follow soon."(1)The primary purpose of the study is to________.A restore and conserve ancient precious artworksB determine the substance making up the foliumC prove the ancient dye﹣making technique was organicD identify which class of color folium belongs to.(2)The underlined phrase "poring over" in the second paragraph means________.A discussing publiclyB testing repeatedlyC passing directlyD reading carefully.(3)What can be learned about the blue dye folium?________A It was essentially an inferior type of ink.B It was the only kind made from wild berries.C It could be carried and used easily.D It was carefully squeezed from broken seeds..(4)The article is mainly about________.A how the mystery of thousand﹣year﹣old blue dye was solvedB why the researchers took the trouble to recreate the dyeC what needs to be done to make an organic dye from a plantD when and where the discovery of the dye was made.Section C Directions: Read the passage carefully. Fill in each blank with a proper sentence given in the box. Each sentence can be used only once. Note that there are two more sentences than you need.7.Managing Time with the Pomodoro TechniqueIn work,as well as in life,doing what needs to be done in order to reach our goals can be difficult.(1)________Luckily, one of the most efficient and most popular time management techniques is also one of the world's simplest﹣the Pomodoro Technique.The Pomodoro Technique was developed by Francesco Cirillo in the late 1980s.(2)________Each block is known as a pomodoro, the Italian word for "tomato." Cirillo named the system after the tomato﹣shaped kitchen timer that he used to track his work time when he was studying as a university student. He developed a habit of doing short blocks of work followed by resting periods. He realized this method could help him work with time instead of struggling against it.In 2006,Cirillo published his Pomodoro Technique manual for people to download free of charge. The Pomodoro technique can be applied in almost all parts of our life. It was built around a handful of important steps. First, choose a task that you'd like to get done.(3)________What matters is that you are ready to give it your full attention.Next, set a timer for 25 minutes. Try to spend the full 25 minutes with your complete attention on the task. Then,when the timer goes off,take a five﹣minute break. Sit back,have a drink,go for a short walk,or do something else that is not work﹣related. Once you have completed four of these 30﹣minute cycles,treat yourself to a longer break that lasts 15 to 30 minutes.(4)________After trying the Pomodoro Technique, you may want to experiment a little. Some people have found that 90﹣minute blocks work best, while others might perform better with more flexible periods. It varies from person to person. Just remember, like many things in life, simpler is often better!IV. Summary Writing8. Directions: Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main points (s) of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible. What Is Zero Waste?The goal of the "zero waste" movement is to get rid of all waste from products. "Zero waste" means using every part of a product. Today, the zero waste idea can be found everywhere from food to fashion.Creating a zero waste restaurant is a challenge. It is very difficult to use every part of produce and leave nothing behind. Creating a soup from unused ingredients is a popular wayto use up extra food items. Other ways are more advanced. Some restaurants use coffee grounds(咖啡渣)to flavor dishes. Some cooks also crush shrimp shells and reuse them in sauces. While it's challenging, zero waste restaurants appear to be on the rise.In the fashion industry, zero waste isn't a new idea. But in today's world of fast fashion,zero waste is growing more popular. Usually, cutting cloth creates lots of waste. In zero waste fashion, designers try to avoid this. One way to do so is by adding these extra piecesof cloth to the final design. Another way is to design clothing without wasteful cuts.Beyond restaurants and fashion, there are many other possibilities for zero waste products. All restaurants need utensils(器皿). Bakey's is company that is developing edible(可食用的)utensils. After using them, you can eat them!Their spoons are made of flour and come in all kinds of flavors. While these spoons are not hard enough to cut meat, they are perfect for rice dishes. Meanwhile, Air New Zealand is experimenting with edible coffee cups that are made by the company Twice. They have already introduced a line of flavored cups. After you finish your coffee, you eat the cup, just like a cookie!Whether products are made to be edible or reusable, hopefully the movement will help reduce waste all over the world.V. TranslationDirections: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.72.9. 生活技能课程从教学生如何换灯泡开始。
2020-2021学年上海市杨浦区八年级(上)期中数学试卷1.若二次根式√2x−1有意义,则x的取值范围是______.2.二次根式√18、√34中与√12是同类二次根式的是______ .3.写出√x+1的一个有理化因式______ .4.方程2x2=x的根是______.5.已知正比例函数y=kx的图象经过点A(−4,3),则函数图象经过______ 象限.6.已知关于x的一元二次方程x2−x+m−1=0有两个不相等的实数根,则实数m的取值范围是______.7.如果关于x的方程x2−x+k=0(k为常数)有一个根为2,那么另一个根是______.8.已知正比例函数y=(2a−1)x,如果y的值随着x的值增大而减小,则a的取值范围是______ .9.在实数范围内因式分解:x2−x−1=______.10.如图,化简:√(a+1)2=______ .11.不等式√3x>√2x−1的解集是______ .12.若关于x的一元二次方程a(x−m)2=3的两根为12±12√3,其中a、m为两数,则a=______ ,m=______ .13.反比例函数y=kx的图象上有一点P(2,n),将点P向右平移1个单位,再向下平移1个单位得到点Q,若点Q也在该函数的图象上,则k=______.14.如果关于x的一元二次方程ax2+bx+c=0有两个实数根,且其中一个根为另一个根的2倍,则称这样的方程为“倍根方程”,若(x−2)(mx+n)=0是倍根方程,则4m2+5mn+n2的值是______ .15.下列二次根式中,属于最简二次根式的是()A. √18B. √x3C. √a2−b2D. √0.116.下列计算中正确的是()A. √3+√13=4√3 B. √4=±2C. √x2+y2=x+yD. √a3b=−a√ab(a<0)17.下列方程中是关于x的一元二次方程的是()A. (x−1)(x+3)=0B. ax2+bx+c=0(其中a、b、c是常数)C. 1x2−x2=1D. (x−3)(x−2)=x2−118.如图,点A,B在反比例函数y=1x (x>0)的图象上,点C,D在反比例函数y=kx(k>0)的图象上,AC//BD//y轴,已知点A,B的横坐标分别为1,2,△OAC与△ABD的面积之和为32,则k的值为()A. 4B. 3C. 2D. 3219.化简:23√9x+6√x4−2x√1x.20.√24×√13−2√6÷√48.21.解方程:2x(x−2)=x2−3.22.用配方法解方程:2x2−4x−1=0.(x>0)的图象23.已知:如图,点A在反比例函数y=kx上,且点A的横坐标为2,作AH垂直于x轴,垂足为点H,S△AOH=3.(1)求AH的长;(2)求k的值;(3)若M(x1,y1)、N(x2,y2)在该函数图象上,当0<x1<x2时,比较y1与y2的大小关系.24.关于x的一元二次方程mx2−(m−1)x+m=−1,其根的判别式的值为1,求m的值及方程的根.(k≠0)在25.Rt△OAB在直角坐标系内的位置如图所示,BA⊥OA,反比例函数y=kx 第一象限内的图象与AB交于点C(8,1)与OB交于点D(4,m).(1)求该反比例函数的解析式及图象为直线OB的正比例函数解析式;(2)求BC的长.26.某中学读书社对全校600名学生图书阅读量(单位:本)进行了调查,第一季度全校学生人均阅读量是6本,读书社人均阅读量是15本.读书社人均阅读量在第二季度、第三季度保持一个相同的增长率x,全校学生人均阅读量第三季度和第一季度相比,增长率也是x,已知第三季度读书社全部40名成员的阅读总量将达到第三季度全校学生阅读总量的25%,求增长率x的值.(x<0)的图象相交于点A(−1,6),与x轴交于点C,且27.如图,直线AC与函数y=kx∠ACO=45°,点D是线段AC上一点.(1)求k的值;(2)若△DOC与△OAC的面积比为2:3,求点D的坐标;(x<0)的图象(3)将OD绕点O逆时针旋转90°得到OD′,点D′恰好落在函数y=kx 上,求点D的坐标.答案和解析1.【答案】x≥12【解析】解:∵二次根式√2x−1有意义,∴2x−1≥0,解得:x≥12.故答案为:x≥12.根据二次根式中的被开方数是非负数,可得出x的取值范围.本题考查了二次根式有意义的条件,解答本题的关键是掌握:二次根式有意义,被开方数为非负数.2.【答案】√34【解析】解:∵√18=3√2,√34=√32,√12=2√3,∴与√12是同类二次根式的是√34.故答案为:√34.根据二次根式的性质,可得最简二次根式,根据被开方数相同的二次根式是同类二次根式,可得答案.本题主要考查二次根式的化简和同类二次根式的定义,关键在于进一步对二次根式进行化简,化为最简二次根式.3.【答案】√x+1(答案不唯一)【解析】解:√x+1的一个有理化因式可以为:√x+1(答案不唯一).故答案为:√x+1(答案不唯一).直接利用分母有理化因式分析得出答案.此题主要考查了分母有理化,正确掌握相关定义是解题关键.4.【答案】x1=0,x2=12【解析】解:2x2=x,2x2−x=0,x(2x−1)=0,x=0,2x−1=0,x1=0,x2=1,2故答案为:x1=0,x2=1.2移项后分解因式,即可得出两个一元一次方程,求出方程的解即可.本题考查了解一元二次方程的应用,解此题的关键是能把一元二次方程转化成一元一次方程,难度适中.5.【答案】第二、四【解析】解:∵正比例函数y=kx的图象经过点A(−4,3),∴3=−4k,<0,∴k=−34∴正比例函数y=kx的图象经过第二、四象限.故答案为:第二、四.利用一次函数图象上点的坐标特征可求出k的值,再利用正比例函数的性质即可得出正比例函数图象经过的象限.本题考查了一次函数图象上点的坐标特征以及正比例函数的性质,根据点的坐标,利用一次函数图象上点的坐标特征求出k值是解题的关键.6.【答案】m<54【解析】【分析】本题考查了根的判别式,牢记“当△>0时,方程有两个不相等的实数根”是解题的关键.由方程有两个不等的实数根结合根的判别式,即可得出关于m的一元一次不等式,解之即可得出结论.【解答】解:∵关于x的一元二次方程x2−x+m−1=0有两个不相等的实数根,∴△=(−1)2−4×1×(m−1)=5−4m>0,∴m<5.4.故答案为m<547.【答案】−1=1,【解析】解:根据题意得x1+x2=−ba令x1=2,则2+x2=,解得:x2=−1.故答案为:−1.根据已知条件“方程x2−x+k=0的一个根是2”,一元二次方程的根与系数的关系x1+x2=−b求该方程的另一个根.a本题考查的是一元二次方程的解,根据根与系数的关系可以求出方程的另一个根是解题关键.8.【答案】a<12【解析】解:∵y的值随着x的值增大而减小,∴2a−1<0,∴a<1.2.故答案为:a<12由y的值随着x的值增大而减小,利用正比例函数的性质可得出2a−1<0,解之即可得出a的取值范围.本题考查了正比例函数的性质,牢记“当k>0时,y随x的增大而增大;当k<0时,y 随x的增大而减小”是解题的关键.9.【答案】(x −1+√52)(x −1−√52)【解析】解:∵x 2−x −1=0的两根为:x =1±√52, ∴x 2−x −1=(x −1+√52)(x −1−√52). 故答案为:(x −1+√52)(x −1−√52).根据一元二次方程的解法在实数范围内分解因式即可.此题主要考查了一元二次方程的解法以及实数范围内分解因式,根据题意得出方程的根是解决问题的关键.10.【答案】−a −1【解析】解:由数轴上a 的位置可得,−2<a <−1,则a +1<0,故:√(a +1)2=−a −1.故答案:−a −1.直接利用二次根式的性质化简得出答案.此题主要考查了二次根式的性质与化简,正确化简二次根式是解题关键.11.【答案】x >√3+√2【解析】解:√3x >√2x −1,移项,得√3x −√2x >1,化系数为1,得x >√3−√2.分母有理化,得x >√3+√2.故答案是:x >√3+√2.先移项,然后化系数为1解不等式即可.本题主要考查了二次根式的应用和解一元一次不等式,基本操作方法与解一元一次方程基本相同,都有如下步骤:①去分母;②去括号;③移项;④合并同类项;⑤化系数为1.以上步骤中,只有①去分母和⑤化系数为1可能用到性质3,即可能变不等号方向,其他都不会改变不等号方向.12.【答案】4 12【解析】解:∵a(x−m)2=3,∴(x−m)2=3,a,则x−m=±√3a∴x=m±√3,a,a=4,根据题意知m=12.故答案为:4,12利用配方法求解即可.本题主要考查解一元二次方程的能力,熟练掌握解一元二次方程的几种常用方法:直接开平方法、因式分解法、公式法、配方法,结合方程的特点选择合适、简便的方法是解题的关键.13.【答案】6【解析】解:∵点P的坐标为(2,n),则点Q的坐标为(3,n−1),依题意得:k=2n=3(n−1),解得:n=3,∴k=2×3=6,故答案为:6.的图象上,即可得根据平移的特性写出点Q的坐标,由点P、Q均在反比例函数y=kx出k=2n=3(n−1),解得即可.本题考查了反比例函数图象上点的坐标特征、反比例函数系数k的几何意义,解题的关键:由P点坐标表示出Q点坐标.14.【答案】0【解析】解:∵(x−2)(mx+n)=0是倍根方程,且x1=2,x2=−nm,∴nm =−1或nm=−4,∴m+n=0,4m+n=0,∵4m2+5mn+n2=(4m+n)(m+n)=0,故答案是:0.根据(x−2)(mx+n)=0是倍根方程,且x1=2,x2=−nm 得到nm=−1,或nm=−4,从而得到m+n=0,4m+n=0,进而得到4m2+5mn+n2=(4m+n)(m+n)=0.本题考查了一元二次方程的解,根与系数的关系,根的判别式,正确的理解“倍根方程”的定义是解题的关键.15.【答案】C【解析】解:A、18=32×2,被开方数含能开得尽方的因数32,不是最简二次根式,故本选项不符合题意;B、√x3的被开方数中含分母,不是最简二次根式,故本选项不符合题意;C、√a2−b2符合最简二次根式的定义,故本选项符合题意;D、√0.1的被开方数中含分母,不是最简二次根式,故本选项不符合题意;故选:C.判定一个二次根式是不是最简二次根式的方法,就是逐个检查最简二次根式的两个条件是否同时满足,同时满足的就是最简二次根式,否则就不是.本题考查最简二次根式的定义.根据最简二次根式的定义,最简二次根式必须满足两个条件:(1)被开方数不含分母;(2)被开方数不含能开得尽方的因数或因式.16.【答案】D【解析】解:A、原式=√3+√33=4√33,所以A选项的计算错误;B、原式=2,所以B选项的计算错误;C、√x2+y2为最简二次根式,所以B选项的计算错误;D、原式=√a2⋅ab=√a2⋅√ab=−a√ab(a<0),所以D选项的计算正确.故选:D.利用二次根式的加减法对A进行判断;利用二次根式的性质对B、D进行判断;根据最简二次根式的定义对C进行判断.本题考查了二次根式的加减法:二次根式相加减,先把各个二次根式化成最简二次根式,再把被开方数相同的二次根式进行合并,合并方法为系数相加减,根式不变.17.【答案】A【解析】解:A.是一元二次方程,故本选项符合题意;B.当a=0时,不是一元二次方程,故本选项不符合题意;C.不是一元二次方程,故本选项不符合题意;D.化简后为5x=7,是一元一次方程,不是一元二次方程,故本选项不符合题意;故选:A.根据一元二次方程的定义逐个判断即可.本题考查了一元二次方程的定义,能熟记一元二次方程的定义是解此题的关键.18.【答案】B【解析】解:∵点A,B在反比例函数y=1x(x>0)的图象上,点A,B的横坐标分别为1,2,∴点A的坐标为(1,1),点B的坐标为(2,12),∵AC//BD//y轴,∴点C,D的横坐标分别为1,2,∵点C,D在反比例函数y=kx(k>0)的图象上,∴点C的坐标为(1,k),点D的坐标为(2,k2),∴AC=k−1,BD=k2−12=k−12,∴S△OAC=12(k−1)×1=k−12,S△ABD=12⋅k−12×(2−1)=k−14,∵△OAC与△ABD的面积之和为32,∴k−12+k−14=32,解得:k=3.故选:B.先求出点A,B的坐标,再根据AC//BD//y轴,确定点C,点D的坐标,求出AC,BD,最后根据,△OAC与△ABD的面积之和为32,即可解答.本题考查了反比例函数的图象与性质,解决本题的关键是求出AC,BD的长.19.【答案】解:原式=2√x+3√x−2√x=3√x.【解析】先把各根式化为最简二次根式,再合并同类项即可.本题考查的是二次根式的加减法,熟知二次根式相加减,先把各个二次根式化成最简二次根式,再把被开方数相同的二次根式进行合并,合并方法为系数相加减,根式不变是解答此题的关键.20.【答案】解:原式=√24×13−2√6÷4√3=2√2−12√6÷3=2√2−√2 2=3√22.【解析】先把√48化简,然后根据二次根式的乘除法则运算.本题考查了二次根式的混合运算:先把二次根式化为最简二次根式,然后合并同类二次根式即可.在二次根式的混合运算中,如能结合题目特点,灵活运用二次根式的性质,选择恰当的解题途径,往往能事半功倍.21.【答案】解:方程变形为:x2−4x+3=0,∴(x−1)(x−3)=0,∴x−1=0或x−3=0,∴x1=1,x2=3.【解析】先把方程变形为一般式,再把方程左边进行因式分解(x −1)(x −3)=0,方程就可化为两个一元一次方程x −1=0或x −3=0,解两个一元一次方程即可. 本题考查了运用因式分解法解一元二次方程ax 2+bx +c =0(a ≠0)的方法:先把方程化为一般式,再把方程左边进行因式分解,然后一元二次方程就可化为两个一元一次方程,解两个一元一次方程即可.22.【答案】解:2x 2−4x −1=0,2x 2−4x =1,x 2−2x =12, 配方得:x 2−2x +1=12+1,(x −1)2=32, 开方得:x −1=±√32, 解得:x 1=2+√62,x 2=2−√62.【解析】移项,系数化成1,配方,开方,即可得出两个一元一次方程,求出方程的解即可.本题考查了解一元二次方程的应用,能正确配方是解此题的关键.23.【答案】解:(1)∵点A 的横坐标为2,AH 垂直于x 轴,S △AOH =3,∴12×2×AH =3,解得AH =3;(2)∵12|k|=3, ∴k =±6,又∵k >0,∴k =6;(3)∵k >0,∴在第一象限内,y 随x 的增大而减小,又∵0<x 1<x 2,∴y 1与y 2的大小关系为:y 1>y 2.【解析】(1)依据点A的横坐标为2,AH垂直于x轴,S△AOH=3,即可得到AH的长;(2)依据反比例函数系数k的几何意义,即可得出k的值;(3)依据在第一象限内,y随x的增大而减小,即可得到y1与y2的大小关系.本题主要考查了反比例函数系数k的几何意义,在反比例函数的图象上任意一点向坐标|k|,且保持不变.轴作垂线,这一点和垂足以及坐标原点所构成的三角形的面积是1224.【答案】解:原方程化为:mx2−(m−1)x+m+1=0,由题意可知:△=(m−1)2−4m×(m+1)=1,∴m=0(舍去)或m=−2,∴原方程为:−2x2+3x−1=0,∴x=1或x=1.2【解析】根据根的判别式即可求出答案.本题考查一元二次方程,解题的关键是熟练运用一元二次方程的解法,本题属于基础题型.(k≠0)在第一象限内的图象与AB交于点C(8,1),25.【答案】解:(1)∵反比例函数y=kx∴k=8×1=8,∴反比例函数的解析式为y=8,x∵点D(4,m)反比例函数y=8上,x∴4m=8,∴m=2,∴D(4,2),设直线OB的解析式为y=ax,把D(4,2)代入得,2=4a,∴a=1,2x;∴直线OB的解析式为y=12(2)∵BA⊥OA,∴B的横坐标为8,把x=8代入y=12x得,y=12×8=4,∴B(8,4),∵C(8,1),∴BC=4−1=3.【解析】(1)根据待定系数法即可求得反比例函数和一次函数的解析式;(2)根据图象上点的坐标特征求得B的纵坐标,即可求得BC的长.本题考查了反比例函数与一次函数的交点问题,待定系数法求函数的解析式,一次函数图象上点的坐标特征,反比例函数图象上点的坐标特征,求得交点坐标是解题的关键.26.【答案】解:由题意得:第三季度读书社人均读书量为15(1+x)2本,第三季度全校学生的人均读书量为6(1+x)本,∴40×15(1+x)2=600×6(1+x)×25%.解得,∴x1=−1(舍去),x2=0.5.答:x的值为0.5.【解析】由题意得:第三季度读书社人均读书量为15(1+x)2本,第三季度全校学生的人均读书量为6(1+x)本,根据题目中的等量关系可列出一元二次方程.本题考查了一元二次方程的运应用,解答时根据阅读总量之间的关系建立方程是关键.27.【答案】解:(1)将A(−1,6)代入y=kx (x<0)得,6=k−1,∴k=−6,(2)如图1,过点D作DM⊥x轴,垂足为M,过点A 作AN⊥x轴,垂足为N,∵S△ODCS△OAC=12OC⋅DM12OC⋅AN=23∴DMAN =23,又∵点A的坐标为(−1,6),∴AN=6,∴DM=4,∵∠ACO=45°,∴设直线AC的解析式为y=−x+b,把A(−1,6)代入得,6=1+b,∴b=5,∴直线AC的解析式为y=−x+5,把y=4代入y=−x+5中,解得,x=1,∴D(1,4);(3)∵直线AC的解析式为y=−x+5,∴设D(x,−x+5)(x>0),由题意可知,D′(x−5,x),∵点D′恰好落在函数y=−6x的图象上,∴x(x−5)=−6,∴x2−5x+6=0,解得x=2或x=3,∴D(2,3)或(3,2).【解析】(1)将A(−1,6)代入y=kx(x<0)可求出k的值;(2)过点D作DM⊥x轴,垂足为M,过点A作AN⊥x轴,垂足为N,由△ODC与△OAC的面积比为2:3,可推出DMAN =23,由点A的坐标可知AN=6,进一步求出DM=4,即为点D的纵坐标,根据题意设直线AC的解析式为y=x+b,把A的坐标代入即可求得b=5,y=4代入y=−x+5中,可求出点D坐标;(3)过点D′作DH⊥x轴,垂足为H,设D(x,−x+5)(x>0),由题意可知,D′(x−5,x),将其坐标代入y=−6x得到关于x的方程内接方程即可求得.本题考查了待定系数法求解析式,三角形的面积,反比例函数的性质,旋转的性质等,解题关键是能够熟练运用反比例函数的性质.。
12.The two suspects have________ murdering a woman at a remote picnic spot.
Ink-wash animation is a17.part of it. When it first appeared in the 1960s, it was a breakthrough in the form of expression and aesthetic(美学的)conceptionቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱin animated area. Two ink-wash films called “Tadpoles Searching for Mother” and “Cowherd’s Flute,”, with Te Wei as art director and Qian Jiajun as technical director developed a high reputation both at home and abroad.
13.The two computer program________recognize your emotions based on how you type.
14.The owner of the missing vase immediately informed the police ________ they could lookfor it.
2023届上海市杨浦区高三上学期期中数学试题一、单选题1.设x ∈R ,则“1x <”是“31x <”的( )A .充分而不必要条件B .必要而不充分条件C .充要条件D .既不充分也不必要条件【答案】C【分析】解不等式31x <,利用集合间的关系理解充分、必要条件.【详解】设{}{}{}3|1,|1|1A x x B x x x x =<=<=<,∵A B =,则“1x <”是“31x <”的充要条件. 故选:C.2.同时掷两枚般子,向上的点数之和是6的概率是( ) A .112 B .19C .16D .536【答案】D【分析】列举法解决即可. 【详解】列表得(1,1)(1,2)(1,3)(1,4)(1,5)(1,6)(2,1)(2,2)(2,3)(2,4)(2,5)(2,6)(3,1)(3,2)(3,3)(3,4)(3,5)(3,6)(4,1)(4,2)(4,3)(4,4)(4,5)(4,6)(5,1)(5,2)(5,3)(5,4)(5,5)(5,6)(6,1)(6,2)(6,3)(6,4)(6,5)(6,6)共有36种等可能的结果,向上的点数之和是6的情况有5种, 掷两枚般子,向上的点数之和是6的概率是536, 故选:D3.已知某射击爱好者打靶成绩(单位:环)的茎叶图如图所示,其中整数部分为“茎”,小数部分为“叶”,则这组数据的标准差为(精确到0.01)( )A .0.35B .0.59C .0.40D .0.63【答案】B【分析】根据茎叶图求平均值x ,再由标准差与均值的关系求s 【详解】由茎叶图可得数据的平均数为 5.7 5.9 6.1 6.2 6.7 +++++++==,则数据的标准差为()()()()222222220. 1.411418420s -+-+-+-++++===因为144120.62020==,所以14120很接近0.6,且小于0.6,故只有B 选项满足, 故选:B4.如图所示,图中多面体是由两个底面相同的正四棱锥所拼接而成,且这六个顶点在同一个球面上.若二面角M AB C --的正切值为1,则二面角N AB C --的正切值为( )A .1B 2C .2D .22【答案】C【分析】根据正四棱锥的性质可得MN ⊥平面ABCD ,外接球的球心O 在MN 上,利用球的性质结合二面角的平面角的定义分析运算.【详解】连接,,AC BD MN ,则,,AC BD MN 交于点F ,且MN ⊥平面ABCD ,故多面体的外接球的球心O 在MN 上,取AB 的中点E ,连接,,,ME EF NF OA ,∵,,MA MB FA FB NA NB ===,且E 为AB 的中点,则,,ME AB FE AB NE AB ⊥⊥⊥, ∴二面角M AB C --的平面角为MEF ∠,二面角N AB C --的平面角为NEF ∠, 又∵二面角M AB C --的正切值为tan 1MFMEF EF∠==,即MF EF =, 不妨设1MF EF ==,则2FA = ∵222OF FA OA +=,即()22212OA OA -+=,解得32OA =, 即外接球的半径为32,则2FN =,∴二面角N AB C --的正切值tan 2NFNEF EF∠==. 故选:C.【点睛】思路点睛:①正棱锥的顶点在底面的投影为底面的中心;②球心与截面圆心的连线与该截面垂直,可以用勾股定理运算求解.二、填空题5.集合{0},{}A x x B x x a =≥=≥∣∣,若A B ⊆,则实数a 的取值范围为_________. 【答案】(,0]-∞【分析】根据子集的定义和不等式的性质,即可求得答案.【详解】∵{0},{}A x x B x x a =≥=≥∣∣,A B ⊆, ∴0a ≤,故实数a 的取值范围为(,0]-∞. 故答案为:(,0]-∞.6.函数lg(2)y x =-的定义域是______. 【答案】(,2)-∞【详解】由题设有20x ->,解得2x <,故函数的定义域为(),2∞-,填(),2∞-. 7.陈述句“1a ≥且3a ≤”的否定形式是_________. 【答案】“1a <或3a >” 【分析】根据命题的否定理解.【详解】“1a ≥且3a ≤”的否定形式是“1a <或3a >”. 故答案为:“1a <或3a >”.8.已知A 、B 是独立事件,()0.3,()0.5P A P B ==,则()P A B =_________. 【答案】320##0.15 【分析】根据独立事件的概率公式即可求解.【详解】由于A 、B 是独立事件,所以()()() A B P A P B ==⨯=, 故答案为:0.159.若圆锥的轴截面是边长为1的正三角形.则圆锥的侧面积是_________.【答案】π2【分析】根据题意可得圆锥的底面半径和母线长,进而根据圆锥侧面积公式πS rl =求得结果. 【详解】若圆锥的轴截面是边长为1的正三角形,则圆锥的底面半径12r =,母线1l =, 故圆锥的侧面积ππ2S rl ==. 故答案为:π2.10.若复数12miz i-=+(i 是虚数单位)是纯虚数,则实数m 的值为______. 【答案】2【分析】利用复数的运算法则和纯虚数的定义即可得出. 【详解】解:复数12mi z i-=+(1)(2)(2)(2)mi i i i --=+-2(21)5m m i --+=22155m m i -+=-是纯虚数, ∴2052105mm -⎧=⎪⎪⎨+⎪≠⎪⎩,解得2m =,故答案为:2.【点睛】本题主要考查复数代数形式的运算法则以及纯虚数的定义,属于基础题. 11.已知(2,1)a =,b 在a 上的投影向量为2a -,则⋅=a b _________. 【答案】10-【分析】根据投影向量可得22a b a,结合向量模长公式得模长即可求解.【详解】由(2,1)a =得=5a , b 在a 上的投影向量为22cos 22a a b a b b a,ba aaaa,所以22=10a ⋅=--a b , 故答案为:10-12.如果幂函数()y f x =的图像经过点12,2⎛⎫⎪⎝⎭,那么()y f x =单调减区间是_________.【答案】(,0)-∞和(0,)+∞【分析】根据幂函数解析式形式代入可得1=f x x,即可求单调区间.【详解】设()f x x α=,则α12=α=12,故1=f x x,因此()f x 的单调递减区间为:(,0)-∞和(0,)+∞, 故答案为:(,0)-∞和(0,)+∞13.某医院对某学校高三年级的600名学生进行身体健康调查,采用男女分层抽样法抽取一个容量为50的样本,己知女生比男生少抽了10人,则该年级的女生人数是_________. 【答案】240【分析】先求分层抽样比例,然后设元,根据题意列方程求解. 【详解】抽取比例为50160012=, 设该年级的女生人数是x ,则男生人数为600x -, 因为女生比男生少抽了10人, 所以11(600)101212x x =--, 解得240x = , 故答案为:240.14.偶函数()y f x =在区间[0)+∞,上是严格减函数,若(1)0f =.则关于x 的不等式2()1f x x ->-的解集是_________. 【答案】(1,1)-【分析】令()2()g x f x x =-,通过()y f x =的奇偶性和单调性来确定()g x 的奇偶性和单调性,再将2()1f x x ->-变形为22()(1)1f x x f ->-,得到()()1g x g >,再利用奇偶性和单调性可得答案.【详解】令()2()g x f x x =-,()y f x =在区间[0)+∞,上是严格减函数,2y x 在区间[0)+∞,上是严格增函数, ()2()g x f x x ∴=-在区间[0)+∞,上是严格减函数, 又()()()22()()g x f x x f x x g x =----==-()2()g x f x x ∴=-也是偶函数,()2()g x f x x ∴=-是定义在R 上的偶函数,由2()1f x x ->-得22()(1)1f x x f ->-,即()()1g x g >,1x ∴<,解得11x -<<故答案为:(1,1)-15.己,R a b ∈且0a ≠,则4||a b b a++-的最小值是_________. 【答案】4【分析】根据绝对值三角不等式,即可容易求得结果. 【详解】因为4||a b b a ++-44a b b a a a ≥++-=+,当且仅当()40a b b a ⎛⎫+-≥ ⎪⎝⎭时取得等号;又当0a >时,44a a +≥=;当a<0时,444a a a a ⎛⎫+=--+≤-- ⎪-⎝⎭,故44a a +≥,当且仅当2a =±时取得等号; 则4||a b b a ++-4≥,当且仅当()40,2a b b a a ⎛⎫+-≥= ⎪⎝⎭或2-时取得等号. 故答案为:4.16.已知函数sin sin 2y x x =+在(,)a a -上恰有5个零点,则实数a 的最大值为_________. 【答案】4π3##4π3 【分析】根据正弦的二倍角公式可得sin 0x =或1cos 2x =-,进而可得sin sin 2y x x =+的零点情况,结合区间(,)a a -即可确定a 的最大值.【详解】由sin sin 2y x x =+得2sin cos sin y x x x ,令2sin cos sin =0sin 2cos 10x x x x x ,解得sin 0x =或1cos 2x =-,当sin 0x =,π,Z x k k,当1cos 2x =-,2π2π3xk 或2π2π,Z 3x k k ,所以当[]2π,2πx ∈-,sin sin 2y x x =+的零点按从小到大排列有:4π2π2π4π2πππ2π3333,,,,0,,,,, 故sin sin 2y x x =+在(,)a a -上恰有5个零点,则这5个零点为2π2πππ33,,0,,, 故[]4π4πππ(,)33a a ,,⎛⎫-⊆-⊆- ⎪⎝⎭, 故a 的最大值为4π3, 故答案为:4π3三、解答题17.已知O 为坐标原点,(2,3),(4,2),(,3)OA OB OC x === (1)若A 、B 、C 三点共线,求x 的值; (2)若AB 与OC 夹角为钝角,求x 的取值范图. 【答案】(1)2 (2)3(,6)6,2⎛⎫-∞-- ⎪⎝⎭【分析】(1)根据题意结合12210a b x y x y ⇔-=∥运算求解;(2)根据向量夹角与数量积之间的关系运算求解.【详解】(1)(2,1),(4,1)AB OB OA BC OC OB x =-=-=-=-,A B C 、、三点共线,AB ∴与BC 共线,则21(4)0⨯+-=x ,解得2x =. (2)由(1)知(2,1)AB =-,AB 与OC 夹角为钝角,可得230AB OC x ⋅=-<,解得32x <, 若AB 与OC 平行,则()2310x ⨯--=,解得6x =-, 若AB 与OC 不平行,则6x ≠-,x ∴的取值范围是3(,6)6,2⎛⎫-∞-- ⎪⎝⎭. 18.已知函数2()1,(0)f x ax x a =+->(1)若关于x 的不等式()0f x <的解集为(1,)b -,求实数a 和b 的值; (2)若函数()y f x =在[3,1]--上的最大值为2,求实数a 的值.【答案】(1)212a b =⎧⎪⎨=⎪⎩(2)23a =【分析】(1)根据三个二次之间的关系理解运算; (2)根据二次函数的对称性结合分类讨论,运算求解. 【详解】(1)由已知可得210ax x +-=的两根是1-,b所以1111b a b a ⎧-+=-⎪⎪⎨⎪-⨯=-⎪⎩,解得212a b =⎧⎪⎨=⎪⎩.(2)2211()1124f x ax x a x a a ⎛⎫=+-=+-- ⎪⎝⎭的对称轴为12x a =-, 当122a-≥-,即1a 4≥时,()y f x =在3x =-时取得最大值,故(3)942f a -=-=.解得23a =,符合题意; 当122a -<-,即10a 4<<时,()y f x =在=1x -时取得最大值, 故(1)22f a -=-=.解得4a =,不符合题意,舍去; 综上所述:23a =. 19.如图,一辆汽车在水平的公路上向正西直线行驶,到A 处时测得公路北侧远处一山项D (D 在水平面上的射影为点C )在西偏北30︒的方向上,仰角为30︒,行驶1km 后到达B 处,测得山顶在西偏北45︒的方向上.(1)求此山的高度(单位km ,精确到0.01km ):(2)求汽车行驶过程中仰望山顶D 的仰角θ的最大值(精确到1︒) 【答案】(1)1.58(km) (2)49︒【分析】(1)在直角三角形中求得山高,再由三角形中已知两角一边用正弦定理即可解决; (2)当点C 到公路距离最小时,仰望山顶D 的仰角达到最大,根据直角三角形边角关系,即可求解. 【详解】(1)设此山高(km)h ,则3tan 30hAC h ==︒,在ABC 中,135453015ABC BCA ∠=︒∠=︒-︒=︒,, 根据正弦定理得sin sin AC ABABC BCA=∠∠,即31sin135sin15h =︒︒, 解得31 1.58(km)3h =+≈. 答:山的高度为1.58(km).(2)由题意可知,当点C 到公路距离最小时,仰望山顶D 的仰角达到最大. 过C 作CE AB ⊥,垂足为E ,连接DE .则,sin30,tan30DEC CE AC DC AC θ︒∠==⋅=⋅︒ 所以23tan ,493DC CE θθ==≈︒ 答:仰角θ的最大值为49︒20.如图,三棱柱111ABC A B C 中,90CAB ∠=︒,1122AB AC A B AC ====,12AA =,点M ,F 分别为BC ,11A B 的中点,点E 为AM 的中点.(1)证明:1AA BC ⊥; (2)证明://EF 平面11BCC B ;(3)求直线EF 与平面1A BC 所成角的正弦值. 【答案】(1)证明见解析 (2)证明见解析 15【分析】(1)利用等腰三角形的三线合一定理及线面垂直的判定定理,结合线面垂直的性质定理即可求解;(2)利用三角形的中位线定理及平行四边形的判定和性质,结合线面平行的判定定理即可求解; (3)根据平行线的性质及线面角的定义,再利用线面平行的判定定理及线面垂直的性质定理,结合锐角三角函数即可求解.【详解】(1)AB AC =,点M 为BC 的中点AM BC ∴⊥ 同理1A M BC ⊥,1AM A M M ⋂=,1,AM A M ⊂平面1A AM ,BC ∴⊥平面1A AM ,1AA ⊂平面1A AM 1AA BC ∴⊥(2)取BM 中点为G ,连接EG 、1B G , 则11,EG AB AB A B ∥∥,所以11EG A B ∥ 又1111122EG AB A B FB ===, 所以四边形1EGB F 为平行四边形,所以1EF B G ∥ 而1B G 在平面11BCC B 内,EF 在平面11BCC B 外, 故//EF 平面11BCC B ,(3)因为1EF B G ∥,所以只需求直线1B G 与平面1A BC 所成角θ的正弦值. 因为111,BC AA AA BB ⊥∥,所以1BC BB ⊥,因为1190,CAB AB AC A B AC ∠=︒====所以114,90,2,1BC BAC A M BG =∠=︒==因为112A B A B == 所以1B G ==需求点1B 到平面1A BC 的距离.因为11B M BC ∥,11B M 不在平面1A BC 内,BC 在平面1A BC 内, 所以11B M ∥平面1A BC ,所以只需求1M 到平面1A BC 的距离.过1M 作1A M 的垂线,垂足为H .如图所示因为BC ⊥平面11A AMM ,所以1BC M H ⊥.又因为11A M M H ⊥,1BC A M M =,所以1M H ⊥平面1A BC因为1112A M MM == 所以13M H 所以315sin 5θ= 所以直线EF 与平面1A BC 1521.已知对任意正整数n ,都存在n 次多项式函数()n y f x =,使得cos (cos )n nx f x =对一切x ∈R 恒成立.例如“22()21y f x x ==-,22cos 22cos 1(cos )x x f x =-=”(1)求(0)n f ;(2)求证:当n 为偶数时,不存在函数()n y g x =使得sin (sin )n nx g x =对一切x ∈R 恒成立;(3)求证:当n 为奇数时,存在多项式函数()n y h x =使得sin (sin )n nx h x =对一切x ∈R 恒成立,并求其最高次项系数.【答案】(1)0,4143(0)1,42,N 1,44n k k f n k k n k =++⎧⎪=-=+∈⎨⎪=+⎩或 (2)证明见解析(3)答案见解析【分析】(1)根据题意结合余弦函数理解求值;(2)根据诱导公式结合反证法证明;(3)根据三角恒等变换结合等比数列分析证明.【详解】(1)∵ππ(0)cos cos 22n n n f f ⎛⎫⎛⎫== ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭, 当41,N n k k =+∈时,()412ππππ(0)cos cos cos 0222n k f k ⎛⎫==== ⎪++⎝⎭; 当42,N n k k =+∈时,()()422π(0)cos cos πcos πcos π012n k k f ==+=-+==-; 当43,N n k k =+∈时,()π3πππ(0)cos cos cos πcos 022243π22n f k k ⎛⎫⎛⎫===+=-= ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭++; 当44,N n k k =+∈时,()()π(0)cos cos 2πcos 442012πn k k f =+===+; 故0,4143(0)1,42,N 1,44n k k f n k k n k =++⎧⎪=-=+∈⎨⎪=+⎩或. (2)n 为偶数,假设存在函数()n y g x =使得sin (sin )n nx g x =对一切x ∈R 恒成立, 将πx -带入,有(sin(π))sin (π)sin(π)sin n g x n x n nx nx -=-=-=-, 注意到(sin(π))(sin )sin n n g x g x nx -==,所以sin sin nx nx =-, 故sin 0nx =对一切x ∈R 恒成立,显然矛盾.故当n 为偶数时,不存在定义在[1,1]-上的函数()n y g x =,使得sin (sin )n nx g x =对一切x ∈R 恒成立.(3)将π2x -代入cos (cos )n nx f x =,有ππcos cos (sin )22n n n x f x f x ⎛⎫⎛⎫⎛⎫-=-= ⎪ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭⎝⎭, 记21,N n k k =+∈,则ππcos cos π22n x k nx ⎛⎫⎛⎫-=+- ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭, 当2,41,N k m n m m ==+∈时,π(sin )cos sin 2n f x nx nx ⎛⎫=-= ⎪⎝⎭, 当21,43,N k m n m m =+=+∈时,π(sin )cos πsin 2n x n f x nx ⎛⎫=+-=- ⎪⎝⎭, 即(sin ),41sin ,N (sin ),43n nf x n m nx k f x n m =+⎧=∈⎨-=+⎩. 故函数()(sin ),41,N (sin ),43n n nf x n k y h x k f x n k =+⎧==∈⎨-=+⎩,满足题意. 由cos(1)cos(1)2cos cos n x n x nx x ++-=,可知11(cos )(cos )2(cos )cos n n n f x f x f x x +-+=, 从而11()()2()n n n f x f x f x x +-+=对一切[1,1]x ∈-恒成立,设n 次多项式()n f x 最高次项系数为n a ,则12n n a a +=,数列{}n a 是以公比为2的等比数列,结合212(),()21f x x f x x ==-,可知121,2a a ==,则11122n n n a --=⨯=,故n 次多项式()n f x 最高次项系数为12n -.从而当41,N n k k =+∈时,()n h x 最高次项系数为12n -,从而当43,N n k k =+∈时,()n h x 最高次项系数为12n --.【点睛】方法点睛:①采用“切化弦”“弦化切”来减少函数的种类,做到三角函数名称的统一; ②通过三角恒等变换,化繁为简,便于化简求值;基本思路:找差异,化同名(同角),化简求值.。
2020-2021学年上海市开元学校高三英语上学期期中考试试卷及答案解析第一部分阅读(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项ANo one knows when the first printing press was invented or who invented it. but the oldest known printed text originated in China during the first millennium (千年) AD.The Diamond Sutra (《金刚经》), a Buddhist book from Dunhuang, China during the Tang Dynasty, is said to be the oldest known printed book.The Diamond Sutrawas created with a method known as block printing (雕版印刷), which used boards of hand-carved wood blocks in reverse.It was said that the moveable type was developed by Bi Sheng. He was fromYingshan,Hubei,China, living from 970 to 1051 AD. His method replaced panels of printing blocks with moveable individual Chinese characters that could be reused. The first moveable Chinese Characters were carved into clay and baked into hard blocks that were then arranged onto an iron frame that was pressed against an iron plate.The earliest mention of Bi Sheng’s printing press is in the bookDream Pool Essays, written in 1086 by Shen Kuo, who noted that his nephews came into possession of Bi Sheng’s typefaces (字体) after his death. Shen Kuo explained that Bi Sheng did not use wood because the texture is inconsistent (不一致的) and absorbs wetness too easily.By the time of the Southern Song Dynasty, which ruled from 1127 to 1279 AD, books had become popular in society and helped create a scholarly class of citizens who had the capabilities to become civil servants. Large printed book collections also became a status symbol for the wealthy class.1. When was Bi Sheng’s printing press first introduced in history?A. After Bi Sheng died and his nephews owned his typefaces.B. When books became popular in the Southern Song Dynasty.C. After the block printing was replaced by the moveable type printing.D. WhenThe Diamond Sutrawas printed into a book.2. What can we infer from the passage?A. Shen Kuo made great contributions to printing.B. The moveable type printing was invented earlier than block printing.C. Printed books were hard to get in the Song Dynasty.D. By the Southern Song Dynasty, books had helped people get to higher social positions.3. Why does the author write this passage?A. To show that Buddhism was popular in the Tang Dynasty.B. To introduce the early history of printing.C. To memorize Bi Sheng, developing the moveable type printing.D. To indicate the advantages of moveable type printing.BMark Bertram lost the tips of two fingers at work in 2018 when his hand became trapped in a fan belt. “It’s life-changing but it’s not life-ending,”he says.After two surgeries and occupational therapy, Bertram decided to ask Eric Catalano, a tattoo artist, to create fingernail tattoos. The idea made everyone in the studio laugh—until they saw the final result. “The mood changed,” Catalano recalls from his Eternal Ink Tattoo Studio in Hecker, Illinois. “Everything turned from funny to wow.”Catalano posted a photo of the tattoos, and it eventually was viewed by millions of people around the world. The viral photo pushed Catalano, 40, further into the world of paramedical tattooing. Now people who want to cover their life-altering scars come from as far away as Ireland to visit his shop.Leslie Pollan, a dog breeder, was bitten on the face by a puppy. She underwent countless surgeries but those gave her no hope. She ultimately traveled six hours for a session with Catalano. HecamouflagedPollan’s lip scar, giving her back confidence.Though he is now known for his talent with intricate fingernail, Catalano uses the techniques he picked up years ago while helping breast cancer survivors. Those tattoos are among the most common paramedical requests. His grandmother had breast cancer, and her battle with the disease is one reason Catalano is so dedicated to helping those with the diagnosis.Catalano performs up to eight reconstructive tattoos each “Wellness Wednesday”. While he charges $100 per regular tattoo, he doesn’t charge for paramedical tattoos: A GoFundMe page established last year brought in more than $16,000, allowing Catalano to donate his work.“Financially, it doesn’t make sense,” Catalano says. “But every time I see emotions from my customers, I am 100 percent sure this is something that I can’t stop doing.”4. How did people in the studio react to Bertram’s idea at first?A. They took it lightly.B. They found it creative.C. They were confused.D. They were impressed.5. What does the underlined word “camouflaged” in Paragraph 4 probably mean?A. Exposed.B. Hid.C. Ignored.D. Removed.6. What does Catalano say about his work with paramedical tattoos?A. It is flexible.B. It is demanding.C. It is profitable.D. It is rewarding.7. Which of the following can best describe Catalano?A. Humorous and experienced.B. Devoted and generous.C. Cooperative and grateful.D. Professional and tolerant.CWhen you think of the icy Arctic Ocean, do you picture cold blue waters, on which float (漂浮) icebergs home to animals and fish not seen elsewhere on the planet? Think again, or rather add 300 billion pieces of plastic (塑料) to your picture. That's the amount of plastic that scientists believe is floating around the Arctic Ocean. Most of the plastic is in the area to the east of Greenland and north of Scandinavia.Where did it come from? After all, the lands near the Arctic are not really full of people. It turns out that ocean currents are carrying plastic thrown into the ocean all the way to the Arctic. An ocean current is an unending movement of sea water from one point to another. It is caused by several things including heat from the Sun, wind and movement of the Earth.Many of these plastic pieces seem to have travelled for years before reaching the Arctic. This was worked out by scientists studying the plastic problem after they observed the condition of the pieces. While much plastic floats on top of the water, a lot also may be on the sea floor.Plastic has been widely used for 60 years on Earth and our careless throwing of plastic things is slowly turning the once perfectly clean Arctic into a dangerous place. Unlike food waste and plant waste, plastic doesn't break down so easily. In fact the United States Environment Protection Organization reports that “every bit of plastic ever made still exists”.What's the effect? Seabirds, sea turtles and other ocean creatures could get hurt and die when they accidentallyswallowplastic. Plastic waste affects fishing, affecting people who earn money through fishing. Plastics can let out dangerous poisons (毒物) into the water. These may be swallowed by fish, and when these fish are caught and eaten by people or bigger animals, they could get poisoned too!8. What can we learn from the passage?A. The Arctic Ocean is heavily polluted.B. The plastic is mostlyin the area in the east of Greenland.C. An ocean current is just caused by the movement of the earth.D. Much more plastic floats on top of the water.9. Which of the following doesn't contribute to the plastic ocean?A. Humans throw away plastic things at will.B. Ocean currents carry plastic things everywhere.C. Plastic can let out harmful things into the water.D. Plastic is hard to break down.10. What does the underlined word “swallow” in the last Paragraph mean?A. Break down.B. Take in.C. Accept.D. Touch.11. What's the best title of the text?A. Are Men to Blame for Plastic Ocean?B. Arctic Ocean and Its Future!C. Is Plastic Harmful?D. Arctic Ocean or Plastic Ocean?DThe United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) included on December 17, 2020 China's Tai Chi on the Representative List of the Intangible(无形的)Cultural Heritage of Humanity. The decision was announced during the online meeting of the UNESCO Intergovernmental Committee for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage held from December 14 to19 inKingston, capital ofJamaica.“Born in the mid-17th century in a small village named Chenjiagou located in Central China's Henan province, Tai Chi is not only a kind of traditional Wushu integrated with slow movements and deep breathing, but is also deeply rooted in many areas of Chinese culture, such as medicine and philosophy,”Zhu Xianghua says, who is the son of the famous Tai Chi master Zhu Tiancai.Although it has spread to more than 150 countries and regions, attracting more than 100 million people to practice, the idea that Tai Chi is for the elderly has stopped many young people practicing the ancient Wushu. They think of it as a slow exercise, which is specially made and better suited for their grandparents. Instead, many young people are turning to the Indian practice of yoga(瑜伽)to relieve stress, which was placed on the UNESCO's List in 2019.In order to promote Tai Chi, joint efforts have been made from individuals and the Chinese government in the last decades. Xi'an Jiaotong University requires students to learn Tai Chi. Wang Yunbing, a professor in the university's sports center, stressed that Tai Chi is not only good physical exercise-researchers from the American College of Rheumatology find that it can help manage several diseases but is also conned ted to ancient Chinese eivilization. Since 2014, the World Tai Chi Championships have been held every two years by the International Wushu Federation. It provides a platform for communication and learning between the Tai Chi masters and Tai Chi lovers around the globe. In January 2020, Tai Chi became an official event in the 2026 Dakar Youth Olympic Games.12. What does Zhu Xianghua say about Tai Chi in paragraph 2?A. It originated from fast Kung Fu action.B. It was born around the 1750s in a village.C. It is related to other cultural fields ofChina.D. It integrates Chinese medicine and western philosophy.13. Why do some young people choose to practice yoga instead of Tai Chi?A. They think it easier to practice yoga to keep fit.B. The elderly stop young people practicing Tai Chi.C. They consider Tai Chi is custom-built for old people.D. Yoga was included in the world culture earlier than Tai Chi.14. What is the main purpose of the last paragraph?A. To promote contemporary Chinese civilization.B. To show many efforts made to popularize Tai Chi.C. To stress the importance of Chinese Tai Chi masters.D. To advise people to practise Tai Chi to cure diseases.15. Which of the following is the best title for the passage?A. Tai Chi Steps on the UNESCO's List.B. Tai Chi isCompeting against Yoga.C. Tai Chi Has Regained populate Globally.D. Opinions Greatly Differ on Tai Chi and Yoga.第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
2020年上海市杨浦区中考一模(上学期期末)英语试题Part 1 Listening(第一部分听力)Listening ComprehensionA. Listen and choose the right picture.A. C. D. E.E. F. G. H.1._________2._________3._________4._________5._________6._________B. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear.7. A. Red B. Blue C. Green D. Grey8. A. By bus B. By taxi C. By car D. By train9. A. Since 2011 B. Since he was 12 C. For 10 ten years D. For 19 years10. A. At the supermarket B. At the hospitalC. At the fire stationD. At the police station11. A. He fell down while hiking. B. An animal bit him.C. He had a car accident.D. He walked too much.12. A. Borrowing books. B. Placing an order.C. Applying for a job.D. Talking about grades.13. A. They will use an online map. B. They will ask the librarian.C. They will check on the Internet.D. They will look at a poster.14. A. He studied for the science test. B. His brain was badly hurt.C. His mother’s car broke down.D. He was stuck in the lift.C. Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false.(判断下列句子是否符合你听到的短文内容,符合的用“T”表示,不符合的用"F"表示)15. Harry Jackson, a builder and burger, was born in London in 1861.16. Fingerprints weren't used by the police until the beginning of the 20th century.17. In 1901, Harry broke into a house but wasn't caught in the act of stealing.18. Harry was finally caught because of the fingerprints he left on the wall.19. Harry had to spend seven years in prison for stealing a ball from a house.20. The story is mainly about how technology helped the police catch Harry Jackson.D. Listen to the passage and complete the following sentence. (听短文,完成下列内容,每空格限一词)21. The course is for teenagers who are_________working on the radio.22. The first course starts on June 25th, and the last one is on_________.23. Campers will learn how to use radio equipment and write_________for young actors.24. A singer who's just finished a_________will come to the camp.25. For anyone who books before midnight, the cost will only be_________.Part 2 Phonetics, Grammar and V ocabulary(第二部分语音、语法和词汇)Choose the best answer (选择最恰当的答案)1.Which of the following underlined parts in different in pronunciation?A. recentB. methodC. respectD. enemy【答案】A【解析】【详解】句意:下面哪个划线部分发音与其他三项不同。
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1、函数x x f -=5)(的定义域为_____;2、已知集合(]a A ,∞-=,[]2,3B =且B A ⋂非空,则实数a 的取值范围_____;3、若函数cos()y x ϕ=+为奇函数,则最小的正数=ϕ_____;4、已知长方体的长、宽、高分别为3、4、12,则长方体的一条对角线长为_____;5、幂函数)(x f 的图像过点(4,2),其反函数为)(1x f -,则)3(1-f =_____;6、()nx +1的二项展开式中,若第9项与第13项系数相等,则第20项为_____; 7、若)(x f 是定义在R 上的奇函数,当0<x 时,)2(log )(2x x f -=,则()()20f f +=_____;8、用0,1,2,3,4这五个数可以组成_____个没有重复数字的四位奇数。
(用数字作答)9、若3sin 45πα⎛⎫-=- ⎪⎝⎭,则=α2sin _____; 10、P 是直角三角形ABC 所在平面外一点,已知三角形的边长3=AB ,4=BC ,90ABC ∠=,4PA PB PC ===,则直线PB 与平面ABC 所成角的余弦值为_____;11、函数)(x f y =的定义域D 和值域A 都是集合2,3}{1,的非空真子集,如果对于D 内任意的x ,总有)()(x xf x f x ++的值是奇数,则满足条件的函数)(x f y =的个数是_____;12、若分段函数3sin20230x x x x ≤⎧⎨->⎩,将函数()()y f x f a =-,],[n m x ∈的最大值记作[,]a Z m n ,那么当22m -≤≤时,]4,[2+m m Z 的取值范围是_____;二、选择题。
13、设直线,a b 与平面α所成的角相等,则直线,a b 的位置关系为( )A 、平行B 、平行或异面C 、平行或相交D 平行、相交或异面14、已知R y x ∈,,则""y x =是“ln ln x y =”的( )A 、充分非必要条件B 、必要非充分条件C 、充要条件D 、非充分非必要条件15、申辉中学从4名有数学特长的同学A 、B 、C 、D 中挑1人去参加中学生数学联赛,4名同学各自对结果的估计如下,A :“参赛的是A”;B :“参赛的是B”;C :“参赛的是A 或B”;D :“参赛的既不是A 也不是C”;已知期中有且只有2人的估计是正确的,则取得参加联赛的是()A 、A 同学B 、B 同学C 、C 同学D 、D 同学16、设函数x x x f lg )(=满足)(0)()()(c b a c f b f a f <<<,)(x f 的零点为0x ,则下列选项中一定错误的是()A 、()c a x ,0∈B 、()0,x a b ∈C 、()0,x b c ∈D 、()0,x c ∈+∞三、解答题17. 已知圆锥的体积为π,底面半径OA 与OB 互相垂直,且OA =P 是母线BS 的中点。
(1)求圆锥的表面积(2)求异面直线SO 与PA 所成角的大小(结果用反三角函数表示)18.已知在ABC 中,三边,,a b c 分别对应三个内角,,A B C ;且a cb ac b a b -+=+- (1)求角C 的大小;(2)当在ABC 外接圆半径1R =时,求ABC 面积的最大值,并判断此时ABC 的形状。
19.某地区去年的水价为4.2元/立方米,年用水量为m 立方米,今年计划将水价降到2.8元/立方米至4元/立方米之间,而用户期望水价为2.5元/立方米,经测算,下调水价后新增的用水量与实际水价和用户期望水价的差成反比(比例系数为0.5m ),该地区的成本为2元/立方米.(1)今年水价下调后,为保证供水部门的收益不得低于去年的收益,则实际水价x 最低价格为多少?(保留2位小数)(2)试问调价后,今年供水部门收益的最小值为多少?20. 设函数()x f 的定义域为()+∞,0,且同时满足以下两个条件:①存在实数1>a ,使得()1=a f ;②当R m ∈,0>x 时,有0)()(=-x mf x f m恒成立. (1)函数x y ln =是否满足上述的两个条件,并说明理由;(2)求证:当0,>y x 时,)()()(y f x f yxf -=;(3)若当0>t 时,1)()4(2≥-+t f t f ,求实数a 的取值范围.21. 函数)()()(x h x g x f +=,其中)(x g 是定义在R 上的周期函数,b ax x h +=)(,,a b 为常数(1)()sin g x x =,讨论)(x f 的奇偶性,并说明理由;(2)求证:”)(x f 为奇函数“的一个必要非充分条件是“)(x f 的图像有异于原点的对称中心()n m ,”(3)()sin cos g x x x =+,)(x f 在[]π3,0∈x 上的最大值为M ,求M 的最小值。
16、函数x x f -=5)(的定义域为_____;【答案】 (],5-∞【解析】05≥-x ,定义域为(],5-∞;17、已知集合(]a A ,∞-=,[]2,3B =且B A ⋂非空,则实数a 的取值范围_____;【答案】 [)2,+∞【解析】由数轴可知[)2,+∞;18、若函数cos()y x ϕ=+为奇函数,则最小的正数=ϕ_____;【答案】 2π【解析】由图可知,移动2π,变为x sin 即满足题意; 19、已知长方体的长、宽、高分别为3、4、12,则长方体的一条对角线长为_____;【答案】 13【解析】体对角线公式:13d ===;20、幂函数)(x f 的图像过点(4,2),其反函数为)(1x f -,则)3(1-f =_____;【答案】 9【解析】幂函数过(4,2),x x f =)(,反函数12()f x x -=,1(3)9f -= 21、()n x +1的二项展开式中,若第9项与第13项系数相等,则第20项为_____;【答案】1920x【解析】128n 139n C C T T =⇒=,20n =,19191192020201x x C T =⨯⨯=22、若)(x f 是定义在R 上的奇函数,当0<x 时,)2(log )(2x x f -=,则()()20f f +=_____;【答案】2-【解析】R 上奇函数,0)0(=f ,2)2()2(-=--=f f ,2)2()0(-=+f f23、用0,1,2,3,4这五个数可以组成_____个没有重复数字的四位奇数。
(用数字作答)【答案】36【解析】分类讨论:不含0,12244=P ;含0,两奇两偶,1612121212=C C C C ;三偶一奇,8121212=C C C ;共有1216836++=种;24、若3sin 45πα⎛⎫-=- ⎪⎝⎭,则=α2sin _____; 【答案】257【解析】27sin 2cos 2cos 212sin 24425x πππααα⎛⎫⎛⎫⎛⎫⎛⎫=-=-=--= ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭⎝⎭⎝⎭ 25、P 是直角三角形ABC 所在平面外一点,已知三角形的边长3=AB ,4=BC ,90ABC ∠=,4PA PB PC ===,则直线PB 与平面ABC 所成角的余弦值为_____; 【答案】85【解析】由题意得,P 在底面的投影O 为ABC ∆的外心,即三条中垂线的交点,2522222=⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛+⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛=BC AB OB ,5cos 8OB PBO BP ∠==。
26、函数)(x f y =的定义域D 和值域A 都是集合2,3}{1,的非空真子集,如果对于D 内任意的x ,总有)()(x xf x f x ++的值是奇数,则满足条件的函数)(x f y =的个数是_____;【答案】29【解析】【法一】因为()()(1)(()1)1,x f x xf x x f x ++=++-所以(),f x x 中至少一个为奇数,定义域为{1,{3},{1,3}〉的都可以,有339++种;定义域为{}{}{}2,1,2,2,3的函数(2){1,3}f ∈,所以有266++种;共29种。
【法二】={2,4}D ’,则{2,3,4}A ⊂’,且A ≠∅’,’A 有6223=-种,则f 有9323=⨯+种;={2,3}D ’或{3,4},若’A 中不含3,则有3122=-种,’A 有632=⨯中,f 共有()81222=⨯+⨯种;若’A 中含有3,则’A 有两种取法,f 共有422=⨯种。
于是f 共有1248=+种。
f 一共有29129233=++++种。
27、若分段函数3sin20230x x x x ≤⎧⎨->⎩,将函数()()y f x f a =-,],[n m x ∈的最大值记作[,]a Z m n ,那么当22m -≤≤时,]4,[2+m m Z 的取值范围是_____;【答案】[]60,4【解析】数形结合,当[][]22,1,,44m Z m m ∈--+=,当](1,2,m ∈-[]](42,4244,60m Z m m ++=-∈,故范围[]60,4 三、选择题。
28、设直线,a b 与平面α所成的角相等,则直线,a b 的位置关系为( )B 、平行 B 、平行或异面C 、平行或相交D 平行、相交或异面【答案】 D【解析】线面角相同,两直线可以相交、平行、异面。
29、已知R y x ∈,,则""y x =是“ln ln x y =”的( )B 、充分非必要条件 B 、必要非充分条件C 、充要条件D 、非充分非必要条件【答案】 B【解析】若0,ln ln x y x y <=、不成立,故必要不充分条件。
30、申辉中学从4名有数学特长的同学A 、B 、C 、D 中挑1人去参加中学生数学联赛,4名同学各自对结果的估计如下,A :“参赛的是A”;B :“参赛的是B”;C :“参赛的是A 或B”;D :“参赛的既不是A 也不是C”;已知期中有且只有2人的估计是正确的,则取得参加联赛的是()B 、A 同学 B 、B 同学C 、C 同学D 、D 同学【答案】 A【解析】若A 参赛,则A 、C 估计正确,B 、D 估计不正确,选A 。
16、设函数x x x f lg )(=满足)(0)()()(c b a c f b f a f <<<,)(x f 的零点为0x ,则下列选项中一定错误的是()A 、()c a x ,0∈B 、()0,x a b ∈C 、()0,x b c ∈D 、()0,x c ∈+∞【答案】 C 【解析】两种情况:①c b a <<<<10;②10<<<<c b a 。