
1Critical Thinking的翻译问题

1Critical Thinking的翻译问题

Critical Thinking的翻譯問題政府引進培育Critical thinking作為教育目標之背景一九七零年代,美國洛克斐勒基金會(Rockefeller Foundation)在一項美國生活人文研究報告中強調:教育部應訂定Critical thinking作為個人基本能力之一。

二十年後,美國總統克林頓在一九九四年簽署「美國教育法案」1,正式將Critical thinking列入全國性的教學目標。

幾年後香港也跟隨美國,在教育統籌局的課程改革短期目標中(二零零一年至二零零六年),提出優先培養學生的共通能力(即溝通能力、批判性思考能力(Critical thinking) 及創造力),並將之融入現行科目或學習領域中,以提高學生建構知識的獨立學習能力。

自此,「批判性思考」(Critical thinking) 一詞,在香港逐漸為人所熟悉。

但很可惜,本人認為由於教育當局翻譯上的謬誤,將西方提倡的Critical thinking譯為「批判性思考」,令不少學生只是按字面解釋,誤以為批評即等同思考,對很多事情還未作深入的分析,便妄下定論,對他們分辨事物的邏輯能力,帶來了負面的影響。


2「批判性思考」的學術背景何謂「批判性思考」?其實所謂「批判性思考」(Critical thinking),並非什麼東西都批評,而是懂得分辨事物的邏輯、衡量正反兩面的因素,從而作出理性客觀的分析。

我們可以看看在一九四一年最早提出Critical thinking的美國學者Edward Glaser是怎樣為「批判性思考」下定義的3:我們認為「批判性思考」必須具備以下三項特質:一、傾向以審慎的態度思慮議題和解決難題。



1Goals 2000: Educate America Act.2“香港教育制度改革建議"(二零零零年九月)3Edward M. Glaser (1941) An Experiment in the Development of Critical Thinking, Teacher’s College, Columbia University.一九九零年,一群美國學者發表一份聯合聲明,為「批判性思考」的定義達成了共識,其大致內容如下:“我們認為「批判性思考」是一種有目的、自我規範的判斷,以解讀、分析、評核、預計,和解釋一切證據上、概念上、方法學上、標準厘定上,和背景資料上的因素,從而作出客觀的判斷……一個具有批判性思考的人,習慣性地喜歡發問和探索、對事物有全面的認知、仰賴於理性的分析、持開放的態度、懂得靈活變通、作出公正的評價、坦然面對自己的主觀偏見、審慎的作出判斷、並願意從新考慮已作出的判斷、對事物有清晰的瞭解、能有條理、有先後次序地處理複雜的事物、勤懇地做足夠的資料搜集、理性地選擇判別標準、聚焦於發問與探索,而且堅持追求在情況及環境許可下最精細、最準確的結論。

critical thinking

critical thinking

Critical thinking一、分析性;策略性;全面性;独立性;正确性。





















Critical Thinking

Critical Thinking

如何理解和翻译“Critical Thinking”?我虽然以前就听说过在国外很流行的“Critical Thinking”(以下简称CT,在中国通常翻译成“批判性思维”)这套思维体系,但对此并没有深入的认识和了解,最近在接触西三一大学的“商业领导力”课程(第一门课程就是有关CT的)时,才开始认真琢磨到底什么是CT和我们该怎样很好地运用CT。


CT是1941年作为美国教育改革的一个主题由美国学者Edward Glaser提出来的,但其后由于美国出现了麦卡锡主义思潮,所以CT没有得到足够的重视。



1994年,美国总统克林顿签署“美国教育法案”,正式将critical thinking 列入全国性的教育教学目标。

1987年的“CT与教育改革国际会议”上,英国人Michael Scriven与美国人Richard Paul(当代美国CT领域的权威人士)共同发表声明,指出CT并非单一的思想方法,而是一系列思想方法的综合体,包含科学思维、数学思维、历史思维、人类学思维、经济思维、道德思维、哲学思维。




CT这个概念本身经过大半个世纪的发展和实践,也在不断地充实和完善,大致有这几个很重要的概念定义和内涵:第一,1941年原创者Edward Glaser的定义。

T he ability to think critically, as conceived in this volume, involves three things: ( 1 ) an attitude of being disposed to consider in a thoughtful way the problems and subjects that come within the range of one's experiences, (2) knowledge of the methods of logical inquiry and reasoning, and (3) some skill in applying those methods. Critical thinking calls for a persistent effort to examine any belief or supposed form of knowledge in the light of the evidence that supports it and the further conclusions to which it tends.这种思考能力,包含了三个要素:1)全方位思考问题的态度,2)逻辑探究和推理论证的学问,3)运用这些方法的技巧。



CriticalThinking的翻译问题Critical Thinking 的翻译问题立法会CB(2)222/08-09(01)号文件Critical Thinking 的翻译问题政府引进培育Critical thinking 作为教育目标之背景一九七零年代,美国洛克斐勒基金会(Rockefeller Foundation)在一项美国生活人文研究报告中强调:教育部应订定Critical thinkin g 作为个人基本能力之一。

二十年后,美国总统克林顿在一九九四年签署「美国教育法案」1,正式将Critical thinking 列入全国性的教学目标。

几年后香港也跟随美国,在教育统筹局的课程改革短期目标中(二零零一年至二零零六年),提出优先培养学生的共通能力(即沟通能力、批判性思考能力 (Critical thinking) 及创造力),并将之融入现行科目或学习领域中,以提高学生建构知识的独立学习能力。

自此,「批判性思考」(Critical thinking) 一词,在香港逐渐为人所熟悉。

但很可惜,本人认为由于教育当局翻译上的谬误,将西方提倡的Critical thinking 译为「批判性思考」,令不少学生只是按字面解释,误以为批评即等同思考,对很多事情还未作深入的分析,便妄下定论,对他们分辨事物的逻辑能力,带来了负面的影响。


「批判性思考」的学术背景何谓「批判性思考」?其实所谓「批判性思考」(Critical thinkin g),并非什么东西都批评,而是懂得分辨事物的逻辑、衡量正反两面的因素,从而作出理性客观的分析。

我们可以看看在一九四一年最早提出Critical thinking 的美国学者Edward Glaser 是怎样为「批判性思考」下定义的:我们认为「批判性思考」必须具备以下三项特质:一、倾向以审慎的态度思虑议题和解决难题。

critical thinking意思

critical thinking意思

critical thinking意思Critical thinking,即批判性思维,指的是通过搜集、运用信息和经验,并且质疑、分析和判断这些信息和经验的能力,是一种高级思维能力,对人类的认识、实践和创新能力都有重要影响。

批判性思维在当今社会发展中变得越来越重要,它是解决问题,发现机会,做出决策的核心技能批判性思维是一种系统思维,它包括以下几个方面:1. 发现信息在数字时代,信息变得更加丰富和多样化。



2. 分析信息分析信息指分解并研究各个组成部分,以便更好地理解信息的真实含义。


3. 评估信息批判性思维的另一个重要方面是对信息进行评估。



4. 解决问题批判性思维能够帮助我们对问题进行更加准确、细致的分析,找到根源、关键因素,然后再采取相应的解决方案。


5. 做出决策批判性思维者需要能够在众多的选择中进行优化,从而做出正确、明智和最佳的决策。




1. 提高学术表现在学校,批判性思维能力对于考试和课业的成绩有着重要的影响。



2. 解决问题批判性思维是解决问题的核心技能。


Critical Thinking的翻译问题

Critical Thinking的翻译问题

Critical Thinking的翻译问题作者:高梦婵来源:《黑龙江教育学院学报》2016年第02期摘要:Critical Thinking(以下简称CT),既是一种高级的思维能力,又是一种极其可贵的精神特质,无论是在社会发展还是学术进步方面都有着举足轻重的地位,所以国内外教育界越来越重视学生CT技能与精神的培养和发展。



关键词:critical thinking;批判性思维;思辨能力中图分类号:H315.9 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1001-7836(2016)02-0116-03术语是指在一个专门领域中表示相对单一概念的专门用语或表达(可以是词或短语),具有专门性(或专业性)、相对单义性(或相对精确性)、系统性(并非孤立存在,术语问是彼此联系的)等特征。



Critical Thinking(由于本文讨论的就是CT的翻译问题,所以在没有得出结论之前,文中统一将Critical Thinking处理为CT),在国内通常被译为“批判性思维”或“思辨能力”,也见“反思性思维”“批评性思维”“批判性思考”“思辨性思考”等,由于当代学生被认为应该拥有批判精神、思辨能力和创新意识,教育应该着眼于学生CT技能的发展和CT精神的培育,所以如今CT在国内研究中受到越来越多的重视。



critical thinking定义

critical thinking定义

批判性思维(Critical thinking)是指对问题或情况进行分析、评估和推理的能力。



1. 分析:能够分解复杂的问题或情况,理清事物之间的关系和逻辑,并找出各个要素之间的联系。

2. 评估:能够评估信息的可靠性、有效性和相关性,识别出偏见、误导和不完整信息,并通过评估来判断事物的真实性和可信度。

3. 推理:能够通过逻辑和推理,从所掌握的信息中得出合理和可靠的结论,并进行因果关系的推断和推理。

4. 问题解决:能够通过系统性、批判性思考来解决问题,能够提出合适的假设、设计实验或行动,以找到解决方案。

5. 创新性思维:能够思考出非传统的解决方案,并提出新的观点和想法。



如何理解和翻译“Critical Thinking”?

如何理解和翻译“Critical Thinking”?

如何理解和翻译“Critical Thinking”?泛瑞翻译以前就听说过在国外很流行的“Critical Thinking”(以下简称CT,在中国通常翻译成“批判性思维”)这套思维体系,但对此并没有深入的认识和了解,最近在接触西三一大学的“商业领导力”课程(第一门课程就是有关CT的)时,才开始认真琢磨到底什么是CT和我们该怎样很好地运用CT。


CT是1941年作为美国教育改革的一个主题由美国学者Edward Glaser提出来的,但其后由于美国出现了麦卡锡主义思潮,所以CT没有得到足够的重视。



1994年,美国总统克林顿签署“美国教育法案”,正式将critical thinking列入全国性的教育教学目标。

1987年的“CT与教育改革国际会议”上,英国人Michael Scriven与美国人Richard Paul(当代美国CT领域的权威人士)共同发表声明,指出CT并非单一的思想方法,而是一系列思想方法的综合体,包含科学思维、数学思维、历史思维、人类学思维、经济思维、道德思维、哲学思维。




CT这个概念本身经过大半个世纪的发展和实践,也在不断地充实和完善,大致有这几个很重要的概念定义和内涵:第一,1941年原创者Edward Glaser的定义。

The ability to think critically, as conceived in this volume, involves three things: ( 1 ) an attitude of being disposed to consider in a thoughtful way the problems and subjects that come within the range of one's experiences, (2) knowledge of the methods of logical inquiry and reasoning, and (3) some skill in applying those methods. Critical thinking calls for a persistent effort to examine any belief or supposed form of knowledge in the light of the evidence that supports it and the further conclusions to which it tends.这种思考能力,包含了三个要素:1)全方位思考问题的态度,2)逻辑探究和推理论证的学问,3)运用这些方法的技巧。


在一个困难的问题上“摆脱困境”的一个好办法就是试着把事情颠倒过来:是X导 致了Y吗,但如果是Y导致了X呢? The “chicken and egg problem” a classic example of this.
即使这样的思考仍旧是无结果的,但是这可能会给你提供一些找到解决方案的 启示。
Question: 1. 你更喜欢哪一种方法?会试一试吗?
Hale Waihona Puke 批判性阅读 Critical Reading (CR) 找论据时
Critical thinking implies that a reader is actively and constructively engaged in the process of reading (Collins, N. D. (1993).
-What do you already know? -How do you know that? -What are you trying to prove, disprove, demonstrated, critique, etc.? -What are you overlooking? 一些最令人惊叹的解决问题的方法之所以令人惊叹, 并不是因为它们的复杂性,而是因为它们的简单性。 首先寻找简单的解决方案。
1. 认为给高年资护士休假的可以的,这是给她们作为高 年资护士的奖励。
2. 护士长决定在科室内创立一个委员会,委员会 邀请不同年资和不同层级的护士参与,经委员会 成员在一起讨论产生一年中各个重要节假日的排 班,一年中尽可能让所有员工在像春节、国庆这 样重要的节日里都可以休假,增加科室员工的幸 福感。
Critical Thinking and Critical Reading in Academic Writing

Critical thinking 批判性思维 五段式英语作文

Critical thinking 批判性思维 五段式英语作文

Rebecca 3425Thursday 8:00a.mDec 13th 2012How to improve student’ Critical thinking Critical thinking is a type of reasonable, reflective thinking that is aimed at deciding what to believe or what to do. Critical thinking is an important component of most professions. It is a part of the formal education process and is increasingly significant as students progress through university to graduate education.If we want to improve the students' ability of critical thinking, we should do the following.First, teacher should make the questions in situation to induce student to thinking. Critical thinking requires the students good at some critical problems, and rose at an appropriate time and answer the questions. Teachers should guide students to grasp these problems from different perspective and analysis to guide the students to discover problems. For example, teacher asks a question about “The price fluctuates around value”. Teacher shouldn’t give a Fixed answers at first because this question is not adventitious. He should guide the students to think independently.Second, cultivating students' critical thinking on “Analysis ofdifference”. Analysis of difference is a way of contrast learning. Students reasonable analysis in encounter problems and make appropriate treatment the problems. Teacher can through the debate competition. Through dialectical both intense debate, the student not only to prove the correctness of their views, but also refute the Opponent's views. Student can be very good to cultivate their' critical thinking and teamwork spirit in such a fierce debate.Third, strengthen students' logic training, cultivating students' critical thinking ability of dialectical analysis. Critical thinking is one of the important contents of scientific thinking. The teacher can let the students collect the words within a certain period of time and search the background and meaning for inside and outside. Student can improve the ability about logical thinking when they collecting data.In a word, if the teacher want to improve student’ability about critical thinking. They should make the questions in situation to induce student to thinking, cultivating students' critical thinking on “Analysis of difference”, strengthen students' logic training, cultivating students' critical thinking ability of dialectical analysis. It can cultivation student to get the spirit that including dare to doubt, careful demonstration and putting things into practice.。

cgp critical thinking book

cgp critical thinking book

cgp critical thinking bookCritical Thinking: Unleashing the Power of ReasonIntroduction:Critical thinking is a fundamental skill that enables individuals to analyze and evaluate information, ideas, and arguments. It involves questioning assumptions, identifying logical flaws, and making informed decisions based on evidence. This article explores the importance of critical thinking, its benefits, and how to develop this skill through the use of the Critical Thinking: Unleashing the Power of Reason book.I. Understanding Critical Thinking:Critical thinking is the ability to objectively assess information, ideas, and arguments, taking into account their validity, reliability, and relevance. It involves examining multiple perspectives, challenging assumptions, and engaging in reasoned debate. By developing critical thinking skills, individuals can make better decisions, solve problems more effectively, and communicate their ideas more persuasively.II. The Benefits of Critical Thinking:1) Enhanced Problem Solving: Critical thinking enables individuals to identify and evaluate different solutions to a problem, focusing on evidence rather than personal biases. This approach fosters creativity and innovation in finding practical and effective solutions.2) Improved Decision Making: Critical thinkers are more adept at assessing the pros and cons of different options, considering long-term consequences, and making well-informed choices. This skill is vital in personal, professional, and academic contexts.3) Effective Communication: Critical thinkers can articulate their thoughts clearly, present logical arguments, and engage in constructive dialogue with others. They can evaluate sources of information, distinguish between fact and opinion, and navigate complex topics with intellectual rigor.III. The Critical Thinking: Unleashing the Power of Reason Book:1) Overview: The book provides a comprehensive guide to developing critical thinking skills. It covers various aspects, including logical reasoning, argument analysis, evaluating evidence, and detecting fallacies. The book offers practical exercises, case studies, and real-life examples to illustrate the concepts and facilitate learning.2) Logical Reasoning: The book teaches readers how to identify and apply different types of logical reasoning, such as deduction, induction, and abduction. It explores the principles of valid and invalid reasoning, enabling individuals to separate sound arguments from flawed ones.3) Argument Analysis: This section focuses on analyzing and evaluating arguments based on their structure, relevance, and supporting evidence. Readers learn how to identify premises, conclusions, and logical connections within arguments, enabling them to assess their validity.4) Evaluating Evidence: The book emphasizes the importance of critically evaluating evidence, such as statistics, research studies, and expert testimonies. Readers learn how to assess the credibilityand reliability of sources, detect biases, and understand the limitations of different types of evidence.5) Detecting Fallacies: Fallacies are common errors in reasoning that can mislead and manipulate. The book covers various fallacies, such as ad hominem attacks, straw man arguments, and false cause fallacies. By recognizing fallacies, readers can detect weak arguments and avoid being swayed by them.IV. Developing Critical Thinking Skills:1) Practice: Critical thinking is a skill that improves with practice. Engaging in activities that require analysis, evaluation, and problem-solving can help develop this skill. The book provides numerous exercises, questions, and scenarios to actively apply critical thinking techniques.2) Engage with Diverse Perspectives: Exposing oneself to different viewpoints, cultures, and experiences stimulates critical thinking. By challenging one's own assumptions and considering alternative perspectives, individuals can broaden their understanding and sharpen their critical thinking skills.3) Foster Curiosity: Critical thinkers are curious about the world around them. They ask questions, seek new information, and explore different angles. Cultivating curiosity nurtures a lifelong commitment to learning and developing critical thinking skills.4) Reflect: Taking the time to reflect on one's own thoughts, biases, and actions is crucial for developing critical thinking. Regularly analyzing past decisions, evaluating their outcomes, and considering alternative approaches enhances self-awareness and hones critical thinking abilities.Conclusion:Critical thinking is an essential skill that equips individuals with the ability to navigate complex issues, make informed decisions, and communicate effectively. The Critical Thinking: Unleashing the Power of Reason book offers a practical guide to developing critical thinking skills through logical reasoning, argument analysis, evaluating evidence, and detecting fallacies. By practicing critical thinking, engaging with diverse perspectives, fostering curiosity,and reflecting on one's own thinking processes, individuals can unlock the power of reason and enhance their personal and professional lives.。

critical thinking的好处

critical thinking的好处

critical thinking的好处Critical thinking是指一种有目的、自省、有组织、反思、自我纠正性的思考方式。


下面我将说明critical thinking的好处,并展开讨论相关方面。

首先,critical thinking使我们更好地理解信息。




其次,critical thinking增强了我们的解决问题能力。



无论是工作上的问题,还是日常生活中的挑战,critical thinking都是一项必备的技能。

第三,critical thinking提升了我们的判断力。




critical thinking还加强了我们的逻辑思维能力。




此外,critical thinking增加了我们的创造力。



另外,critical thinking还有助于我们更好地理解他人的观点和意见。

Critical Thinking Part I批判性思维 ppt课件

Critical Thinking Part I批判性思维 ppt课件

• Vanessa
• Andy
• Michael
Pond Indian Lair Biology Creates Decide Never
• selecting the best examples;
reflective thinking focused on deciding what
• and providing evidence to illustrate your argument. p. 9 to believe or do”
300 points
Reminder: Late work WILL NOT be accepted for a grade
Without talking, you must arrange yourselves from oldest (at the front of the class) to youngest (at the back of the class). Be as precise as possible.
60 points (7 6-point assignments; 2 14-point assignments)
90 points (30points of Pop Quizzes; 2 30-point take home exams)
Final Exam 120 points (Comprehensive Final)



英国论文中CriticalThinking技巧在写作中的运用Essays, quizzes, presentations; Literature, History, Science-无论主题或要求是什么,批判性思维(Critical Thinking)都是每个人都必须拥有的最丰富人生的技能之一。

今天我们一起来了解一下批判性思维(Critical Thinking)技巧在写作中的运用。

批判性思维(Critical Thinking)技巧涉及旺盛的脑力劳动,以便对特定主题进行分析或做出判断。


批判性思维(Critical Thinking)是专业领域中至关重要的技能。






如果不是批判性思维(Critical Thinking)技能,人类就不会具有分析能力:知道如何使用工具,哪些动物和物体是威胁,等等。



但是,如果人类从一开始就胸襟开阔,批判性思维(Critical Thinking)就不会实现。





同时,思想开放还取决于批判性思维(Critical Thinking)。





批判“批判性思维”-谈谈英文criticalthinking一词的中文翻译批判“批判性思维”-谈谈英文critical thinking一词的中文翻译-宋国明我很想谈谈美国文理学院教育中一个极为重要的概念,英文叫做critical thinking,但我发现这个词已经被略懂英文的人译成“批判性思维”了,但较懂英文的人一看便知这是按照时下流行的“一对一傻译法”直译的结果。

我个人觉得这是恶译劣译,不愿意用它,但我又不能在整篇博文里不断中英夹杂地老说critical thinking critical thinking,对不对?无法可想,我只能先批判一下“批判性思维”这个翻译,说明它何以是个恶译劣译,然后才能舒舒服服的、心安理得的,用我认为较妥贴的翻译“审辩式思维”来指critical thinking。


但我们别忘了批判不是它唯一的意思,不同的含义在中文就应该有许多不同的翻译,语意才清楚,是吧?例如,critical moment是紧要关头,不是批判性关头;病人的critical condition指的是他病况危急,不是批判性病况;critical element是不可或缺的部分,不是批判性的部分;critical temperature在物理学上是临界温度,不是批判性温度;critical period在语言学上指的是关键年龄,不是批判性年龄(日本人把它译成“临界期”,依我看也够傻的);如果您还不信,我最后再举一例,critical age过去用来指妇女的更年期,不能译成批判性年纪吧?我的英文字典American Heritage Dictionary里给critical列了几个意思,专门的不说,我们这里只看最前面两个:(1)inclined to judge severely and find fault;(2)characterized by careful, exact evaluation and judgment。



•决策时间的限 制
(Evidence-based Nursing,EBN)
一、产生背景 二、概念与内涵 三、循证护理程序(实践程序) 四、循证护理举例
循 证 护 理 译 自 英ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ文 “ Evidencebased nursing” , 也 可 直 译 为 “以证据为基础的护理” 简称 EBN,是20世纪90年代受循证医学 影响而产生的护理观念。
循证护理的过程是一个动态的过程,有五部组成 明确自己需要解决的问题(循证问题) 收集并列出证据(循证支持) 评价证据 试用其中最有效的证据(循证观察) 评价应用证据后的效果(应用实证)
第一阶段 循证问题:
包括实践问题和理论问题。实践问题指由护理实 践提出的对护理行为模式的疑问。例如,静脉留置 针的封管使用肝素好还是生理盐水好,对特殊人群 的疼痛管理方法等。理论问题是指与实践有关的前 瞻性的理论发展
评判性思维(critical thinking)
是指个体在复杂的情景中,能灵活地运用已有 的知识和经验,对问题的解决方法进行选择,在 反思的基础上进行分析、推理、作出合理判断和 正确取舍的高级思维方法及形式。 从护理的角度看:评判性思维是对临床复杂的护理 问题进行有目的、有意义的自我调控性的判断、
果 三类实证-类实验性或调研性科研结果 四类实证-定性或描述性研究结果/临床经验/
(2)护理学中的证据: 最初,护理界比较重视有数据支持的定量研究的证 据,后来越来越多的人认为这种证据的解释太局限。 因为护理的对象是活生生的人,他们不仅具有生物 学的特性,还受心理因素和社会因素的影响,所以, 应该将定性研究也包括在证据之内。

critical thinking英文总结

critical thinking英文总结

critical thinking英文总结Critical thinking is a necessary skill for analyzing and evaluating information in order to make informed decisions and solve problems effectively. It involves questioning assumptions, considering alternative perspectives, and recognizing biases in order to arrive at the most logical and rational conclusion.To think critically, one must be open-minded and willing to challenge their own beliefs and opinions. This involves being able to separate facts from opinions and emotions, and not relying solely on personal anecdotes or testimonials. Instead, critical thinkers gather and evaluate evidence from multiple sources before drawing conclusions.Additionally, critical thinkers are able to identify and evaluate logical fallacies and faulty reasoning. They understand the difference between correlation and causation, and are able to recognize when arguments are based on faulty premises or invalid assumptions. They also consider the credibility and reliability of the sources of information they are using.Furthermore, critical thinking requires the ability to identify and analyze patterns and relationships. This involves being able to detect biases and hidden agendas, and to consider the broader context in which information is presented. Critical thinkers also consider the potential consequences and implications of their decisions and actions.In conclusion, critical thinking is a vital skill for navigating the complex and information-rich world we live in. It involves questioning assumptions, evaluating evidence, and recognizing biases in order to make informed decisions and solve problems effectively. By developing and practicing critical thinking skills, individuals can enhance their ability to think logically, make sound judgments, and contribute to a more rational and reasoned society.。

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• Don’t be intimidated by those you fear or consider untruthful • Do your homework on the issue. Read, research, study and question. • Have faith in your own instincts – if you are prepared you should feel confident and have no fear.
DECISIONS – How Important Are They?
• Will the decision make a difference in an hour? • Will it make a difference in a month? • A Year? Five Years? Ten Years? A Lifetime?
• “Aha!” – is the burst of creative energy heralded by the arrival of a new, original idea. It is the sudden emergence of a new pattern, a previously undetected relationship, or an unusual combination of familiar elements, IT IS AN EXHILARATING EXPERIENCE!!
2. If I’m elected to this office, I will personally lobby for lower taxes, a new comprehensive crime bill, a $2,500 tax cut on every new home, and better education. I will personally, work to lower the unemployment rate.
Is the Information Fact or Opinion?
• If in doubt ask questions and listen for solid proof and documentation. • Listen for what is not being said. • Don’t be fooled by those you assume are trustworthy and loyal.
• Ask questions. (a) What is the whole issue, (b) What are the details and how are they being communicated, (c) Is it true? (d) What of it? • Examine all ideas, issues, and motives before coming to a conclusion.
3. This is the best college in the region. All of my friends will be attending this fall. You don’t want to be left out; you should join is too.
4. If you really listen to Senator Reid’s proposal on health care, you will see there is no way that we can have a national system. You will not be able to select your doctor, you will not be able to go to the hospital of your choice, and you will not be able to get immediate attention. His proposal is not as comprehensive as our proposal.
• Teachers want you to agree that their class is the most essential to your success. • Parents want you to accept their values and direction. • Authors want you to buy their books. • Your friends want your attention. • Broadcasters want you to spend time watching their television show.
6. Out of the 7000 people polled, 72 percent believed that there is life beyond our planet. Therefore, there must be life beyond Earth.
Fact or Opinion • Thomas Wolfe was a writer. • Clara Barton founded the Red Cross in America. • Abraham Lincoln was the best president ever. • If you break a mirror, you’ll have seven years of bad luck!
5. Self-Confident – Makes own decisions. 6. Inquisitive – Wants to know 7. Mature – Possesses wisdom born from experience. 8. Honest with self and others 9. Willing to change 10.Does not manipulate other people
• American college students spend more money on pizza than students from other countries. • There are more hotel rooms on the corner of Las Vegas Boulevard and Tropicana Avenue in Las Vegas than in the entire city of San Francisco. • “The Titanic” is one of the best movies ever made.
• A typical person sees 30,000 television commercials a year and that’s only one medium of communication. • Think of how many commercials you see when you log on to your computer. • Travel the streets of the city. • Walk through a grocery store.
Becoming a Critical Thinker • Be willing to say, “I don’t know.” • Define your terms. Make sure the words of a discussion mean the same to all involved. • Practice tolerance. Don’t be defensive but accept attitudes different from yours.
QUALITIES OF A CRITICAL THINKER 1. Truth-Seeking – In all matters 2. Open-Minded and Objective – Respects rights of others to express different ideas 3. Analytical – Recognizes statements that call for evidence – use credible sources 4. Systematic – Staying organized and focused.
5. President John F. Kennedy once said, “Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country.” This is the time to act my fellow citizens. You can give $200 to our cause and you will be fulfilling the wish of President Kennedy.
• Understand before criticizing. • Listen to understand before speaking to be understood, • Watch for hot spots. When feelings of anger or discomfort from certain topics arise, reason ceases and so does thorough thinking. • Help to be the solution, not the problem.
CRITIБайду номын сангаасAL THINKING
Thinking Outside the Box!!