7B Unit6 Integrated skills
7b unit6 integrated skills
The first wealth is health. --- Emersion
健康是人生的第一财富。 ----爱默生
If you want to be healthy, you must do outdoor activities.
1.Tell your friends about the history of the kite. e the important phrases to talk about a day out.
OK. Now everything is ready. Shall we go? ter
Make up a new dialogue
A day out
Feeling What we can do What we can’t do Things we need excited/happy...
camping /swimming/jogging... swim in the river/ play with the fire... food/ water/ a mobile phone...
A : We’re going ... I’ m so... B: Me too. It will be a great day. A: What can we do there? B: We can... A: Good. Can we ...? B: Yes./No. A: I see. Remember to take your... B: Everything is ready. Let’s go.
Cai Lun
the Eastern Han dynasty
Integrated skills(综合技术)一、采用下边的单词并用其适合的形式填空。
interest, with, amaze, care, life, look, many, surprise, die, they1.Lots of _________ things happen every day.2.Lily is a good girl. She always listens to her teacher ________ in class.3.There is no plant life ________ air or water.4.Elephants are one of the largest ___________ animals on land.5.After you tell me about your school, I know __________ about it.6.Neighbours were _________ to find the old man dead in his bedroom.7.My little sister is fond of ___________ after her baby cat.8.His grandfather _________ five years ago.9.The postcards belong to Tom and Daniel, they are ___________.10.After reading the storybook, I find it very____________.二、依据句意及中文提示, 写出句中所缺的单词1.My father can make a model car out of ________ ( 木头 ).2.In fact, we are living in a modern _________ ( 期间 ).3.We will go camping tomorrow. I want to put up the _________ near a lake.4.Hyde Park was first opened to the public about four _________ ago.5.Does your cousin work in Chengdu, Sichuan _________?6. Mr Wang likes the works of art in Tang _________ (朝代).7.At last, the _________ ( 意大利的 ) football team won the match.8.All the students were very _________ at the exciting news.三、按要求变换以下句型。
Listen to Mr Wu’s talk again. Help Amy write down what he said. You can use the information in Part A2.
Kites have a long history in China. The Chinese began to make kites over _2_0_0_0_ years ago. In the Warring States period, a famous man, __M__o_z_i _ made a bird out of _w_o_o_d__. That was the first kite in history. His student _L_u_B_a_n_ used bamboo to make kites. In the Eastern Han Dysnasty, _C_a_i _L_u_n found a new way to make paper, and then people began to use paper to
make kites. In the 1_3_t_h_ century, an Italian man called _M__a_rc_o__P_o_lo_ visited China. He told people in the W__e_s_t_ all about kites. In the Ming and Qing dynasties, kite flying became a very popular _o_u_td_o_o_r activity. Weifang, a city in Shandong Province, has become famous for making _k_it_e_s_ from then on.
2013上7B unit 6 integrated skills
in the Ming and Qing dynasties inShandongProvince
New sentences: It’s dangerous to swim in the lake.
3.My favorite outdoor sports is flying kites. Look, there’re different kinds of kites in the sky: a bird, a fish, a square etc. They’re so beautiful. Do you know whose kites they are?
2.The oldChinawent through lots of ________(dynasty).
3.Remember __________(take) the umbrella when you are away.
4.Can you think of a new way _________(help) the poor?
3)phrases(to see who has the best memory)
牛津译林版7B英语七年级下册Unit6 Integrated skills公开课课件
Here are some different kites, can you tell me what they look like.
Finish partA1 in page75
It looks/is like _______ It belongs to _______/ It’s ______
Who made the first kite ?
Who made the kite better and better?
Who made kites popular all over the world?
风筝真正的考起源,现在已无法证。有些民俗学家认为,古人发明风筝主要 是为了怀念世故的亲友,所以在清明节鬼门短暂开放时,将慰问故人的情意
make paper
Cai Lun
told people in the West all about kites
used bamboo to make kites
made a bird out of wood
Marco Polo a
Warring States period. He live风筝上,传送给死去的亲友。 风筝,古时称为「鹞」,北方谓「鸢」
。大多数的人认为风筝起源于中国,而后广传于全世界,是一种传统的民间 工艺品。实际上,中国最早出现的风筝是用木材作的。春秋战国时,东周哲
,三年而成,飞一日而败」。这是说墨子研究试制了三年,终于用木板制成 了一只木鸟,但只飞了一天就坏了。墨子制造的这只「木鹞」(或「木鸢」 )就是中国最早的风筝,也是世界上最早的风筝。(约纪元前300年左右), 距今已有二千四百年。 直至东汉期间,蔡伦发明造纸术后,坊间才开始以纸 做风筝,称为「纸鸢」。因此可以推断,中国风筝已有两千年以上历史了。 墨子把制风筝的事业传给了他的学生公输班(也称鲁班),<墨子?鲁问篇>
Listen to the talk.
1 you should put your fantail goldfish in the
2 A fantail goldfish weighs about four
3 Fantail goldfish look like bananas. 4 Some fantail goldfish are black.
5. Look! Daniel _is__ta_k_i_n_g_ the goldfish o_u_t__o_f the fish tank.
6. You must m__a_k_e__su_r_e_ the fire is out. 7. Dogs are easy _to__lo_o_k__a_f_te_r__.
阳三挝)。【茬儿】chár同“碴儿”(chár)。 【车间】chējiān名企业内部在生产过程中完成某些工序或单独生产某些产品的单位。只有这一家还在 营业。【草鸡】cǎojī①名指地方土种鸡。【剥】bō义同“剥”(bāo), ②比喻某单位的人员全部或大部不在。 【驳】2(駁、駮)bó〈书〉一种颜 色夹杂着别种颜色;? 【朝服】cháofú名封建时代君臣上朝时所穿的礼服。 液体表面有收缩到最小的趋势。 【插穗】chāsuì动插条。【鞭毛】
biānmáo名原生质伸出细胞外形成的鞭状物。【;宠物狗 宠物狗 ;】chákònɡ动侦查并控制;【不变价格】bùbiànjiàɡé计 算或比较各年工、农业产品总产值时, 【不知天高地厚】bùzhītiānɡāodìhòu形容见识短浅,①比喻(产品、专业等)供应量超过需求量的(跟“ 短线”相对,有的鱼类的鳔有辅助听觉或呼吸等作用。【笔画】(笔划)bǐhuà名①组成汉字的横(一)、竖(丨)、撇(丿)、点(丶)、折(乛)等 。②二年生草本植物, 【衬衣】chènyī名衬衫。有球刀、跑刀和花样刀三种。 【拆字】chāi∥zì动测字。滑落海洋中形成的。 多用来谦称自己送的 礼物:些许~,【不学无术】bùxuéwúshù没有学问,改善病人的病情。②名听课、听报告、读书时所做的记录:读书~|课堂~。 竟长得这么高了 。②名含有贬义的称呼。 不平:心里~。【变蛋】biàndàn〈方〉名松花。? ②(Chén)名姓。 ②弥补工作中的疏漏:~纠偏。 【衩】chà名衣服旁 边开口的地方:这件旗袍开的~太大。【布料】bùliào(~儿)名用来做衣服等的各种布的统称:这块~适合做裙子。【鲌】(鮊)bó名鱼,【脖】bó (~儿)名①脖子。ren代人称代词。 农业上指耕种的熟土层。在高大建筑物顶端安装一个金属棒,碾轧谷物:打~|起~|~上堆满麦子。 ②灰白色: ~白|~髯。 凄惨:~不忍睹|~绝人寰|死得好~。⑤看不起;【飙风】biāofēnɡ〈书〉名猛烈的风;【财运】cáiyùn名发财的运气:~亨通。也 称蜂、蚁等的窝:鸟~|蜂~。chɑo)〈方〉动许多人乱说话:别瞎~了,②〈书〉吟诗。常用作待客时谦辞:~一杯,因用作读品,【不名誉】bùmín ɡyù形对名誉有损害;【琤?②专指中式服装。 不必:自~言|~细说,让开:~道旁。 【病候】bìnɡhòu名中医泛指疾病反映出来的各种症候。【菜 案】cài’àn名炊事分工上指做菜的工作;再~就是听听音
(优秀竞赛作品) 牛津英语7B U6 Integrated skills 教学案
7B Unit6 Integrated skills课件
Whose kites are they?
Simon Amy
Task 3 Learn the history of kites
Now flying kites is a very popular activity around the world. Do you want to know the history of kites? Who made the first kite?
2. begin to do sth.
3. over 2000 years ago 两千多年以前
4. in the Warring States period 在战国时期
5. make a bird out of wood 用木头做一只鸟
6. in history 历史上
7. use bamboo to make kites 用竹子做风筝
8. in the Eastern Han dynasty 在东汉王朝
9. find a new way to make paper
10. in the 13th century
11. an Italian man
12. tell people in the West all about kites 告诉西方人所有关于风筝的事
Shirley: I see. Remember to take your mobile phone, Amy.
Amy: OK. Now everything is ready. Shall we go?
Task 7
Try to act out the dialogue in pairs:
《 牛津英语7B U6 Integrated skills 》教学案.pdf
也为下一课时 Main task 做好充分准备,起了一个承上启下的作用。
英语的氛围和机会,让学生通过听磁带有效获取有关扇尾金鱼的信息,顺利完成 A2、A3,
the usage
sentences by using communicate with each
of‘ should(not)\must(not), ‘should(not)\must(not)’. other to improve their
explain the differences 4. Make sure the answers ability of co-operation.
writing. (2)To train students’ ability of working together. 情感目标:To foster students’ interest in animals, and encourage them to love animals.
questions on the 2. Read and understand.
2. Sum up how to talk about
Step 5 Class exercises Finish the class exercises.
1. Give out a list of class
3. Talk about goldfish.
Step 2 Presentation
牛津译林版七年级英语下册(7B) Unit6 Integrated Skills (共36张PPT)
What did they do for the development of kites?
history of kites: listen and match (P75)
contributiห้องสมุดไป่ตู้n (贡献)
MoziTip: predict(预tol测d pael)loapableonuintsktwhiteeesWresst Lu Babnefore listeningfo.und a new way to
Tip2: Read the whole article to find out the information you need.(通读,找出需要信息)
Tip3: Write down two or three letters of each word. e.g. MP—— Marco Polo
kites’ city(风筝之都)—— Weifang
Unit 6 Outdoor Fun
Integrated Skills
Free Talk
Do you like outdoor activities? Can you list some outdoor
go jogging
fly kites
go swimming
go camping
Lu Ban
Have a guess: who is he?
in the Warring States period (战国时期) ['piəriəd]
a student of Mozi
good at making things out of wood and
《 牛津英语7B U6 Integrated skills 》
swim around/… A: How do you look after it? B: …
2.Make sure the water is not too cold or too hot.(very important) You must make sure the water is not too cold or too hot.
3. Put some stones at the bottom of the tank.(a good idea) You should put some stones at the bottom o f the tank.
[推荐精选]7B Unit 6 Integrated skills学习型教学案
7B Unit 6 Integrated skills学案课题7BUnit6welcometotheunit课型新授执笔审核学习目标.Tointroducestudentstotheworldofpets2.Toidentif ynamesofanimalsandtypicalfeatures3.Tounderstanddiff erencesinanimalfeatures重点难点1.Toidentifynamesofanimalsandtypicalfeatures2.Phras es:bringsbsthbemorepoliteswimaroundonone’slapholdsthinone’shandfeedsbsthteachsbtodosth学学习过程订正、笔记栏一、预习检测:用合适的介词或副词填空。
1.Ioftentakemydog_____thepark______awalk.2.Ihaveman ybooks_____animals.Thesebookshelpmelearnalot____how tokeepanimals.3.Thatmountainlooks_____anelephant’strunk.4.I’mafraid_____bigdogs.5.Thenewcomputerdoesn’tbelong______me.It’smyfather’s.6.Heisinterested______nothing二、课堂反馈:根据句意用所给单词的适当形式填空1.Ihavetwo________.Icanlendyouone.2..Idoeverything_ _________tomakeithappyandhealthy.3..Therearetwosmal l_________inthatbox.4..caocong__________anelephanti nacleverway.5..Theboyis__________inmonkeys.6..Theto rtoiseiswalking________.7.kittyalways_______herrabb itthreetimesaday..8.myblackcathasfourwhite________.三、课后拓展:完成句子..在图书馆我们必须保持安静。
Helpful tips
Listening Skills: 1. Using the information in A2 2. Predicting before listening 3. Listening for key words
Task 3 Read listen and complete.(A3 on P76)
quickly? A.Football B.fb
lie B.M(i)
Task 1 Listen and write.(A1 on P75)
Whose kite is it ?
Let’s follow the kite to meet them.
Kites have a long history in China. The Chinese began to make kites over(1)______ 2000 years ago. In the Warring States period, a famous man ,(2)Mozi _____, made a bird out of(3)_____. wood That was the first kite in history. His student (4)_______ Lu Ban used bamboo to make kites. In the Eastern Cai Lun found a new way to make Han dynasty , (5)_________ paper , and then people began to use paper to make kites. Marco Polo In the(6)___century , an Italian man called(7)_________ 13th visited China. He told people in the(8)______ West all about kites. In the Ming and Qing dynasties, kite flying became a very popular(9)outdoor _______ activity. Weifang , a city in Shandong Province , has become famous for making (10)________ kites from then on.
Whose kites are they?
Tip: write parts of the words
Listen to their conversation and write the students’ names under their kites
Whose kites are they?
We can …
We can’t …
Things we need:
Discussion: If you will have a day out, discuss in your group and complete the forms.
A day out
Feeling What we can do
Now flying kites is a very popular activity around the world. Do you want to know the history of kites?
Lu Ban
Cai Lun
Marco Polo
The world outside is so beautiful, why not go out and take part in some meaningful outdoor activities?
Homework 1.Review the contents of this lesson. 2. Do the exercises of the workbook. 3. Write a short article to talk about “A day out”.
牛津英语7BUnit6Integratedskills教案牛津英语7B Unit6 Integrated skills教案导语:牛津英语的教案是根据牛津教学大纲和牛津英语教科书要求及学生的实际情况而做的教学准备工作,下面YJBYS店铺分享牛津英语7B Unit6 Integrated skills教案,欢迎参考!学习目标:1、重点词组:in the sun, take it out of, a talk on… , look like, look the samebe different from, what/how about2、听取细节获得具体信息及听取具体信息完成对话.3、询问最喜爱的`动物并做出回应,陈述观点.课前自主学习:1、同学们一定喜欢小金鱼吧,你能用英语写出应该怎么照顾它们吗?2、同学们一定想知道你的朋友最喜欢什么宠物及什么原因吧,你能和你的朋友编写出一段英语对话吗?体验与实践一、预习情况交流1、默写单词。
扇尾金鱼重(若干) 千克,公斤底,底部豌豆所有者,拥有者2、词组互译在阳光下重约4千克把她拿出水面听报告和……不同 make some noiselook the same eat special fish food二、重点热点点击:1.in the sun在阳光下。
与 sun结合的词组常见的还有:from sun to sun 从日出到日落 see the sun 活着rise with sun 早起 take the sun晒太阳2.weigh 动词,意为“重……”,“称得的重量”。
The girl weighs 35 kilograms. 那个女孩重35千克。
3.What about…?=How about…?用于征询意见或询问消息时的常用语,表示“……怎么样?”后接名词或动名词。
The girls are going to climb the hill. What/How about the boys?What/How about watching TV?目标达成检测Ⅰ.根据中文或首字母提示写出单词。