机械工程专业英语教程 (第5版)课件 (68)[10页]

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Appendix A collection of supplementary material, usually at the end of a book • 附录:通常位于书末尾处的补充材料
Text tour
Communication of your ideas and results is a very important aspect of engineering. Many engineering students picture themselves in professional practice spending most of their time doing calculations of a nature similar to those they have done as students. Fortunately, this is seldom the case.[1]
The following suggestions are presented as a guide to technical writing and an aid in avoiding some of the most common mistakes.
1. picture这里指“构想,构思,想象”,seldom the case意为“很罕见,并不多见”。这三句可译为:拿出 你的想法和成果与别人进行交流是工程中非常重要的方 面。许多工科学生想象当他们将来从事专业技术工作时, 也会花费大量的时间进行类似于他们当学生时所作的计 算工作。幸运的是,这种现象并不多见。
下面提出的建议可以在技术写作方面帮助人们避免一些最常 见的错误。
Emphasize important information, beware of the common error of burying it under a mass of details.[3]
3. a mass of 意为“大量的”。这句可译为:对重要信息要进 行强调,谨防将其混入到大量的细节之中。
Fact vs. Opinion Separate fact from opinion. It is important for the reader to know what your contributions are, what ideas you obtained from others (the references should indicate that), and
since most Abstracts are less than 250 words.[5]
• 5. as such意为 “因而,正因为如此”。这几句可译为:摘要 应该完整、简明地将整篇报告的精华介绍出来,正因为如此, 它总是最后写成的。它应该包括对主题的简要介绍(一个句 子),对问题的陈述,着重介绍结果(如果可能的话,要定 量)和主要的结论。它必须在不引用图或表的情况下独立存 在。由于大多数摘要中的单词少于250个,采用简明、
• An Abstract must be a complete, concise distillation of the full report, and, as such, should always be written last. It should include a brief (one sentence) introduction to the subject, a statement of the problem, highlights of the results (quantitative, if possible), and major conclusions. It must stand alone without citing figures or tables. A concise, clear approach is essential,
important for the engineering student to develop his or her communication skills.[2]
2. usual form of presentation意为“常见的表现形式”, communication skill意为“沟通能力,交流能力,表达能 力”。这三句可译为:当你的设计完成之后,通常需要将 设计结果展示给你的客户、同行或者雇主。常见的表现形 式是一篇正式的技术报告。因此,对于工科学生来说,提 高其表达能力是非常重要的。
Lesson 78 How to Write a Technical Report
• Terminology
• Text tour
• Substantiate • 1. To support with proof or evidence; verify • 证实,证明 • 2. To give material form to, embody • 使具体化
When your design is done, it is usually necessary to present
the results to your client, peers, or employer. The usual form
of presentation is a formal technical report. Thus, it is very
which are opinions not substantiated by fact.[4]
4. contribution这里指“工作成果,技术成果”。这二句可译 为:要把事实与观点分开。对于读者来说,重要的是知道你 的技术成果是什么,哪些想法是你从别人那里得到的(参考 文献表明了这一点),哪些是还没有得到事实证明的观点。