机械工程专业英语第一课机械工程专业英语概述English in Mechanical Engineering一、专业英语概述1. 什么是翻译:翻译就是将一种语言文字的意义用另一种语言文字表达出来。
机械工程英语翻译就是将机械工程学科的英语原著由原作语言(source language)用译文语言(target language)忠实、准确、严谨、通顺、完整地再现出来,使人们能够借助汉语译文准确无误地了解英语机械工程著作所阐述的工程技术内容和科学理论。
机械工程专业英语概述English in Mechanical Engineering2. 翻译例句例1. Control Center, Smoking Free.例2. The tolerance should not be so big.例3. A dog driver stop the rotation of the wheel. 例4. Connect the black pigtail with thedog-house.例5. The importance of computer in the use of manufacturing can not be overestimated. 机械工程专业英语概述English in Mechanical Engineering例1. Control Center, Smoking Free.错误译法:控制中心,吸烟自由。
例2. The tolerance should not be so big.a. 此公差不应给这么大。
(机械学)b. 忍耐力不会有这么大。
(关于人体的耐受性)c. 抗毒性不会有这么强。
(医学)例3. A dog driver stop the rotation of the wheel. 错误译法:狗驾驶员使轮子停转。
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2 学生建议和意见
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强调学生通过学习该课程所获得 的知识和技能,对未来的几个学习机械工程领域知识 的途径,如继续学习、实践项目 和职业培训。
《机械工程专业英语》 PPT课件
这个PPT课件旨在介绍《机械工程专业英语》课程的内容,包括课程目标、学 习方法、重点知识点、学习资源、考试评估、学生反馈和总结。
本节将详细介绍《机械工程专业英语》课程的目标、内容和学习方法。帮助 学生了解课程的重要性和学习的方法。
1 考试形式
说明考试的形式,如闭卷 考试、开卷考试或者实践 考核。
2 考试内容
列举考试涵盖的知识点和 要求,帮助学生有针对性 地复习。
3 考试时间
确定考试的日期和持续时 间,提醒学生合理安排学 习时间。
1 课程满意度调查
机械专业英语课件 PPT
深孔钻分为两种,即用于钻削盲孔的中心钻和套孔 钻。
另一方面,直柄钻被固定到钻夹中,同理, 钻夹以与锥柄钻相同的方式固定到主轴孔中。
Paragraph 5
1.Twist drills are usually made of high-speed steel, although carbide-tipped drills are also available. The size of twist drills used in industrial range from 0.01 up to 3.25 in. (i.e., 0.25 up to 80 mm).
钻是利用绕轴旋转的钻头在工件上生成通孔或盲 孔的加工工艺。
2.Consequently, the range of cutting from that axis of rotation is equal to the radius of required hole.
2.This type of drill may have either three or four flutes and equal number of margins, which ensure superior guidance, thus resulting in high machining accuracy.这种类型的钻具有三个或四个出屑槽以及 相同数量的刃带,这些可确保准确的导向,从而获 得较高的机加工精度。
Specialized English for ……. “机械工程专业英语”
Specialized English for Mechanical Engineering
机械工程专专业英业语 英语和普通英语的区别
一、词汇: 专业词汇是基础
二、句子: 长句多 被动语态多 后置定语多 大量的名词化结构 等等
copper 生铜
(2) dog: 狗
(机械专业) 挡块
2. 按照习惯搭配确定词义 e.g: (1) I have a short memory. 我的记忆力不好 (2) This biscuit eats short. 这种饼干吃起来松脆 (3) Indeed he has a short temper. 他确实是个急 性子
disadvantage 高速磨削不存在(知道)这个缺点。
机械工程专业英语 二、句子特点
1. 句子长(学会分解句子结构)
If a hard-grade wheel were to be used for grinding a hard material, the dull grains would not be pulled off from the bond quickly enough, thus impeding(阻 碍) the self-dressing process of the surface of the wheel and finally resulting in clogging(堵塞) of the wheel and burns on the ground surface.
8.美国专利检索: 9.欧洲专利检索: 10.从ESPACENET数据库提取世界各Байду номын сангаас专利文献的方法(国知局提供): 11.欧洲专利局免费专利数据库(含欧洲各国家入口): 12.欧洲专利局专利数据高级检索(含欧洲、PCT和世界范围三个数据库): 13.欧洲专利法律状态查询: 14.PCT专利检索: 15.英国专利检索:
26. 印度专利数据库: 27.新加坡综合专利数据库(含美国、新加坡、PCT、欧洲专利、英国、中国、 加拿大、韩国、中国台湾、日本、泰国): 28.香港专利检索:Þx.html 29.澳门专利检索:
30. google专利搜索: 31.日本专利检索:
ASME-American Society of Mechanical Engineers美国机械工程师协 会 SAE-Society of Automobile Engineers美国汽车工程师协会 EI-Engineering Index工程索引 IEEE-Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (美国)电机及 电子工程师学会 IET-The Institution of Engineering and Technology英国工程技术学 会(IET)系英国电气工程师学会(IEE)和英国企业工程师学会 (IIE)于2006年初合并组建而成 NTIS-National Technical Information Service美国国家技术情报服务 局 UMI-美国UMI公司,学位论文的信息服务(ProQuest )。 ISO-International Organization for Standardization国际标准化组织。
《难加工材料磨削技术》,任敬心、康仁科等 编著,电子工业出版社,2011.1
Schedule of the Course
1. Introduction
2. Grinding Wheels--Composition and Properties
3. Grinding Geometry and Kinematics 4. Wheel Wear and Dressing 5. Grinding Mechanisms 6. Grinding Temperatures and Thermal Damage 7. Grinding deflections: grinding cycles, inaccuracies, and vibrations 8*. Some Advanced Abrasive Processes *. Two Times of Discussion
—Theory and Application of Machining with Abrasive
Hang Gao
《GRINDING TECHNOLOGY— Theory and Application of Machining with Abrasive》 by S. Malkin 《切削· 研削加工学》,臼井英治(日)
Work piece
(d) center type cylindrical grinder-- traverse grinding
Work piece wheel
(e) center type cylindrical grinder—plunge grinding
Work piece
Mechanical Efficiency is the ratio of work input to work output. It is often expressed as a percentage. The efficiency of an ideal machine is 100 % but an actual machine's efficiency will always be less than 100% because of the Second law of thermodynamics which states that the quality of energy will decay, eventually becoming heat. This means that some of the work put into the system is transformed (lost) into thermal energy (heat). In a mechanical system, friction is the most common cause of the work lost to heat.
A baseball pitcher does positive work on the ball by transferring energy into it .
Lesson 1 Basic Concepts in Mechanics 一、Background Information
Lesson 1 Basic Concepts in Mechanics One common device is an inclined plane--- in this case, a loading ramp that slopes from the ground to the
– 1. Ferrous Metals and Their Use – 2. Nonferrous Metals – 4. Castings – 5. Forging – 7. Heat Treatment – 8. Engineering Material
• PART II Mechanical Elements and Mechanisms
• ★ plain-carbon steels普通碳钢, alloy and
tool steels,合金钢、工具钢、 stainless
steels,不锈钢and cast irons铸铁
• These groups of ferrous alloys have a wide variety of characteristics and applications.
• 这些实用材料被应用于从滚珠轴承到汽车壳体 的金属板。
• The properties of these steels depend only on the percentage of carbon they contain.
• 这些钢的性质仅仅依赖于碳的含量。 11
• Low carbon steel containing from 0.02 to 0.25 percent carbon, and they are very soft and can be used for bolts and for machine parts that do not need strength.
• 低碳钢含碳量0.02-0.25%,它们很软,能 够用于螺栓和不需要强度的机械零件。
• Medium carbon steel containing from 0.25 to 0.6 percent carbon which is a better grade and stronger than low carbon steel.
机械工程专业英语教程 (第5版)课件 (32)[12页]
Centerless grinder 无心磨床
Text tour
Milling machines are among the most versatile and useful machine tools because they are capable of performing a variety of cutting operations. The first milling machine was built in 1818 by Eli Whitney. There is a large selection of milling machines available with numerous features.
Lesson 35 Milling Machines and Grinding Machines
• Terminology
• Text tour
Horizontal milling machine
Vertical milling machine
万能分度头(见图35.3)是最常 用的铣床附件之一。它是一个能 够容易地和精确地将工件转动预 定角度的夹具。其典型用途是铣 削零件的多边形表面和加工齿轮 的轮齿。分度头也可以用在包括 钻床和磨床在内的许多其他种类 的机床上。
Grinding is one of the most widely used methods of finishing parts to extremely close tolerances and low surface roughness. There are many types of grinding machines. The two most widely used are the cylindrical and surface grinders. Other classes of grinding machines include centerless grinders,
这是一份关于《机械类专业英语》的PPT课件,涵盖了机械类专业英语的基础 知识、技能培训、实践案例和学习资料推荐。
机械类专业文档英文写作 技巧
分享撰写机械类专业文档的英文 写作技巧和注意事项。
机械类专业技术文献阅读 策略
介绍阅读机械类专业技术文献的 方法和技巧。
机械类专业领域英语口语 表达技巧
分享在机械类专业领域进行英语 口语表达的技巧和经验。
1 机械类英语在线学习 2 机械类英语词汇学习 3 机械类英语学习书籍
介绍几个优质的机械类英 语在线学习网站,提供学 习资习助手工具,帮 助提高词汇记忆。
推荐一些经典的机械类英 语学习书籍,助力学习进 步。
通过本次《机械类专业英语》PPT课件,您将了解机械类专业英语的基础知识、 技能培训、实践案例和学习资料推荐,帮助您提升在机械类专业领域中的英 语能力。
Mastering common sentence patterns and grammar is the key to accurately expressing concepts in the field of machinery.
Detailed description
There are some specific sentence patterns and grammatical structures in Mechanical English, such as passive voice and complex sentence patterns. Learners need to be familiar with these sentence patterns and grammar to ensure that they can accurately and fluently express their meaning in writing and speaking.
Course objectives and learning significanceCourse objective: By studying mechanical engineering English, students will be able to master professional English vocabulary, terminology, and expressions in the field of mechanical engineering, and improve their reading, writing, translation, and communication skills.Learning significance: Students with mechanical English proficiency can better adapt to international demands, enhance their competitiveness in the field of mechanical engineering, and also contribute to promoting technical exchange and cooperation in the field of mechanical engineering.
(1) Orthogonal plane reference system 1) The base plane Pr passes through the plane perpendicular to the cutting
speed at the selected point on the cutting edge. The base surface of the turning tool is the plane parallel to the bottom surface through the selected point of the cutting edge, and the base surface of the milling cutter and drill is the axial section of the tool.
3) The orthogonal plane Po passes through the plane selected by the cutting edge and is perpendicular to both the base plane and the cutting plane.
Orthogonal plane reference system
Basic knowledge of tool cutting
一、 The composition of the cutting part of the tool
• There are many types of tools used in metal cutting, and their shapes and uses are different. Among them, the turning tool is a basic tool that is widely used. Other tools can be regarded as the evolution or combination of turning tools. The outer turning tool is taken as an example to illustrate the basic concept of the tool composition and the geometric parameters of the cutting part of the tool.
The study of the motion of bodies under the action of forces It includes the study of forces, torque, and moments acting on bodies
First Law of Thermodynamics
The development of mechanical engineering has undergone an evolution from manual manufacturing to modern manufacturing. With the continuous progress of technology, mechanical engineering has also made new breakthroughs in both theory and practice.
Connection is the key to achieving mechanical assembly, and connection design needs to consider factors such as connection method, fasteners, and sealing.
Computer aided design
Computer aided design is an important tool in modern mechanical design, which can help designers complete design tasks quickly and accurately.
Fundamentals of Mechanical Design
斜齿轮使轴承承受径向力和轴向力。 When the thrust loads become high or are
objectionable for other reasons, it may be desirable to use double helical gears. 当轴向力过大或由于别的原因而产生不利影响时, 那就可能需要使用人字齿轮。
A pair of meshed crossed helical gears usually have the same hand; that is, a right-hand driver
goes with a right-hand driven. 一对相互啮合的交错轴斜齿轮通常具有同样的齿 向,即右旋主动齿轮跟右旋从动齿轮相啮合。
Lesson 21 Helical, Worm and Bevel Gears
? 两平行轴间的齿轮传动:
直齿圆柱齿轮:重叠系数太小,冲击大,噪音大 斜齿圆柱齿轮:重叠系数增大,但产生轴向力
பைடு நூலகம்
The helix angle is the same on each gear, but one gear must have a right-hand helix and the other a
left-hand helix.
两个齿轮的螺旋角相等,但一个齿轮必须右旋, 而另一个齿轮必须是左旋。
Mechanical Engineering English
• Mr. King: Do you have a habit of doing exercise? • Lily: Sure, we have a regulation of morning exercises,
which guarantees us a healthy body. You can meet students undertaking different kinds of exercises if you take a walk in the morning on campus. Mr. King: Would you like to comment on your instructor? Lily: He is a man of profession and responsibility. Whenever you ask him for help, he will always be there without any hesitation.
Mechanical Engineering English
The first schools in the United States to offer an engineering education were the United States Military Academy in 1817, an institution now known as Norwich University in 1819, and Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in 1825. Education in mechanical engineering has historically been based on a strong foundation in mathematics and science; this is followed by courses emphasizing the application of this knowledge and studies in the social sciences and humanities to give the engineer a broader education.
9. tension/compression 10.strain/microstrain 11.cross-section 12.engineering materials 13.ferrous alloy/non-ferrous alloy 14. elastic limit 15. modulus of elasticity
1 、课程性质:是一门专业特色选修课。 2 、学习任务:掌握机制专业有关的专业术 语,能够阅读、理解、并准确翻译科技
1 、课程特点:本课程是在大学英语及所学专业 课的基础上开设的,文章的专业术语多,句子长,且 多用被动语态,理解需与专业知识相结合。
8.static/dynamic force 9.approximate/approximation Language Points: 1.It is clear that 2.It is preferable to do 3.applicable/tractable
6.A particular form of elasticity which applies to a large range of engineering materials , at least over part of their load range , produces deformation which are proportional to the loads producing them.
eg. Pistons that are moving up are moving at different speeds than pistons that are moving down. 2)注意固定搭配。如:convert … into,consist of等。
机械工程专业英语Lesson 1
Text tour
The branch of scientific analysis which deals with motions, time, and forces is called mechanics and is made up of two parts, statics and dynamics. Statics deals with the analysis of stationary systems, i.e., those in which time is not a factor, and dynamics deals with systems which change with time. 对运动、时间和作用力做出科学分析的分支称为力学。 它由静力学和动力学两部分组成。静力学对静止系统进 行分析,即在其中不考虑时间这个因素,动力 学则是对随时间而变化的系统进行分析。
Harmonic gear drive 谐波齿轮传动
• 2. A complete assembly that performs a specific function in a larger machine • 传动装置:一套装置,在一个更大机器中有具体的功能
2017/1/13 《机械工程专业英语教程》 2
在分析由于外力的作用所引起物体内部的应力和应变时, 不能采用刚体假设。这时,我们认为物体能够变形。这 样的分析通常被称为弹性体分析,这时所用的假设为, 物体在作用力的范围内是弹性的。
Mechanics deals with two kinds of quantities: scalars and vectors. Scalar quantities are those with which a magnitude alone is associated. Examples of scalar quantities in mechanics are time, volume, density, speed, energy, and mass. Vector quantities, on the other hand, possess direction as well as magnitude. Examples of vectors are displacement, velocity, acceleration, force, moment, and momentum. 力学涉及到两种类型的量:标量和矢量。标量是那些只 有大小的量。在力学中标量的例子有时间,体积,密度, 速率,能量和质量。另一方面,矢量既有大小又有方向。 矢量的例子有位移,速度,加速度,力,力矩和 动量。
A device that supports, guides, and reduces the friction of
motion between fixed and moving machine parts. 轴承:在机器的固定和运动部件之间起支撑、引导和减 少运动摩擦的装置。
Lesson 1 Basic Concept in Mechanics
Terminology 术语,专有名词
Text tour
Gear 齿轮, 传动装置
1.A toothed machine part, that meshes with another toothed part to transmit motion or to change speed or direction. 齿轮:有齿的机器零件,与另一个有齿零件相啮合,从而传 递运动或者改变运动的方向或速度。
唐一平主编:《先进制造技术》北京:机械工业出 版社,2004;
王慧莉,贾卫国编《国际学术交流英语》大连:大 连理工大学出版社,2005
Lesson 1 Basic Concept in Mechanics Lesson 2 Forces and Their Effects Lesson 3 Overview of Engineering Mechanics Lesson 4 Shafts and Couplings Lesson 5 Shafts and Associated Parts Lesson 6 Belts, Clutches, Brakes, and Chains Lesson 7 Fasteners and Springs Lesson 14 Physical Properties of Materials Lesson 29 Tolerances and Surface Roughness Lesson 35 Coordinate Measuring Machine Lesson 36 Lathes
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在外圆磨床上,砂轮头转速从每分钟5500转到 6500转之间,而工件的转速在每分ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้60转到125 转之间。
Lesson 26 Grinding Machines and机械工程专业英语 Special Metal-removal Process
The depth of cut is controlled by moving the wheel head, which includes both the wheel and its drive motor. 吃刀深度靠移动磨头来控制,磨头包括砂轮及其 驱动电机。
English for Mechanical Engineering
Lesson 26 Grinding Machines and机械工程专业英语 Special Metal-removal Process
电火花加工:利用刀具电极与工件电极之间脉冲性的火花放 电,产生瞬间高温将金属蚀除。 超声波加工:利用刀具作超声振动,通过工件与刀具之间的 磨料悬浮液而进行加工,由于刀具的超声振动,使悬浮磨粒 以很大的速度、加速度和超声频打击工件,工件表面受击处 产生破碎、裂纹,脱离而成微粒----磨粒撞击和抛磨作用; 磨粒悬浮液产生液压冲击和气穴作用,使液体渗入工件裂纹 处,加强了机械破坏作用,液压冲击也使工件表面损坏而蚀 除 -----气穴作用
Coolants are provided to reduce heat distortion and to remove chips and abrasive dust.
冷却液用来减少热变形,并带走切屑和脱落的磨 料。
Lesson 26 Grinding Machines and机械工程专业英语 Special Metal-removal Process
Lesson 26 Grinding Machines and机械工程专业英语 Special Metal-removal Process
For example, the entire part may be dipped in the masking material and the mask removed from those areas to be etched, or a chemically resistant adhesive tape may be used to cover the areas to be protected.
三、课文分析 Random point-cutting tools include abrasives in
the shape of a wheel, bonded to a belt, a stick, or simply suspended in liquid. 随机刃切削刀具包括砂轮、砂带或砂辊或直接悬浮 在液体中的各种磨料。
Material removal from ductile materials can be accomplished by using a tool which is harder than the workpiece. 对于塑性材料的零件进行切削,要用比工件硬度 更高的刀具来完成。
Lesson 26 Grinding Machines and机械工程专业英语 Special Metal-removal Process
The first type is based on electrical phenomena and is used primarily for hard materials; the second depends upon chemical dissolution. 第一种是在电现象基础上的加工方式,主要用于 特别硬的材料;第二种是依靠化学腐蚀的加工方 式。
3 . 磨削加工可在相对短的时间内保证尺寸精度, 因为机床可实现万分之一英寸的进给量,而不是像 其他机床进给量通常是千分之一英寸。
Lesson 26 Grinding Machines and机械工程专业英语 Special Metal-removal Process
4. Extremely small and thin parts can be finished by this method, since light pressure is used and the tendency for the part to deflect away from the cutter is minimized.
例如,可以将整个零件浸入覆盖材料,然后将覆 盖层从将要被腐蚀的区域除去,也可以使用耐腐 蚀的粘贴带覆盖要保护的区域。
Lesson 26 Grinding Machines and机械工程专业英语 Special Metal-removal Process
Masking is followed by etching for a prescribed time, after which the part is rinsed in cold water, the masking removed, the part inspected, and thoroughly cleaned.
However during World War II the widespread use of materials which were as hard or harder than cutting tools created a demand for new materialremoval methods.
1. It is the most common method for cutting hardened tool steel or other heat-treated steel.
1.它是切削淬硬工具钢或其他热处理钢的最常用 的方法。
Parts are first machined in the un-heat-treated condition, and then ground to the desired dimensions and surface finish.
Lesson 26 Grinding Machines and机械工程专业英语 Special Metal-removal Process
a cylindrical grinding machine 外圆磨床 chip 切屑
the depth of cut 吃刀深度 Coolant 冷却液
Lesson 26 Grinding Machines and机械工程专业英语 Special Metal-removal Process
3. The grinding operation can assure accurate dimensions in a relatively short time, since machines are built to provide motions in increments of tenthousandths of an inch, instead of thousandths as is common in other machines.
The grinding process is of extreme importance in production work for several reasons. 磨削加工在生产工件中显得极端重要,有如下几 个原因。
Lesson 26 Grinding Machines and机械工程专业英语 Special Metal-removal Process
首先零件在热处理前进行切削加工,然后磨削到 所要求的尺寸和表面光洁度。
Lesson 26 Grinding Machines and机械工程专业英语 Special Metal-removal Process
2. It can provide surface finish to 0.5um without extreme cost.
从那以后已经研制出许多加工工艺,虽然速度较 低、成本高,但可用精确的而又重复的方式有效 地切去加工余量。
Lesson 26 Grinding Machines and机械工程专业英语 Special Metal-removal Process
There are two types of processes.
abrasive dust 磨屑
spindle 主轴 tailstock 尾座
dovetail 燕尾槽
gib 镶条
guard 防护罩 roughing 粗加工
finishing 精加工 surface finish 表面光洁度
Lesson 26 Grinding Machines and机械工程专业英语 Special Metal-removal Process
4.特别小而薄的零件可用这种方法来完成精加工, 由于施加的磨削压力很小,当砂轮离开工件后引起 的工件变形趋于极小化。