the cold war





下面就是小编给大家带来的小学生经典英语脑筋急转弯大全,希望大家喜欢!小学生经典英语脑筋急转弯大全(一)1. who works only one day in a year butnever gets fired?谁一年只上一天班却不会被开除?2. why does the statue of lib-erty stand in new york harbou?自由女神为何矗立在纽约港湾?3 why doi birds fly south?鸟为什么往南飞?4 when can you go as fast as aracing car?什么时候你能像跑车一样快?keys:1. santa claus. 圣诞老人.2. because it can't sit down. 因为它不能坐下.3. it's too far to walk. 走着去太远了.4. when you're in it. 当你坐在跑车里时.小学生经典英语脑筋急转弯大全(二)1. why are giraffes the cheapest to feed?为什么养长颈鹿最不花钱?2. why are dogs afraid to sunbathe?狗为什么害怕日光浴?3. why is the pig always eating?猪为什么没完没了地吃?4、why are politicians no longer concerned with snowball fights?政客们为什么不再关注打雪仗了?5、why dont women get bald as soon as men?为什么总是男人比女人先秃头?6、what can pierce ones ears without a hole?什么东西不用打洞就可以在耳朵上穿孔?7. whats the longest word in the world?世界上最长的单词是什么?8. why does time fly?时间为何飞逝?9. where can a dog get another tail?狗去哪里可以再弄到一条尾巴?keys:1. they make a little food go a long way.因为它们脖子长,一点点食物都要走很长的路才能咽下去。



冰山上的来客英语作文英文回答:The Iceberg Cometh: A Metaphorical Exploration of the Cold War。

The Cold War, a geopolitical stalemate between the United States and the Soviet Union, lasted for nearly five decades and left an enduring legacy on global politics. During this period of intense tension and rivalry, the United States and the Soviet Union engaged in a fierce arms race, ideological battles, and proxy wars around the globe.One of the most striking metaphors used to describe the Cold War is "the iceberg cometh." This metaphor suggests that the Cold War was not merely a superficial conflict but an underlying tension that had the potential to escalate into a full-blown war. The iceberg represents the latent danger that could erupt at any moment, while the waterline represents the surface tension between the two superpowers.The metaphor is apt for several reasons. First, it captures the sense of constant threat and uncertainty that characterized the Cold War. The threat of nuclear war hung over the world like the proverbial sword of Damocles, and both sides were constantly on the lookout for potential threats. The arms race fueled this tension, as each superpower sought to gain an advantage over the other.Second, the iceberg metaphor highlights the importance of ideology in the Cold War. The United States and the Soviet Union represented two opposing ideologies: capitalism and communism. Each side believed in the superiority of its own system and sought to spread its influence around the world. The ideological divide between the two superpowers made it difficult to find common ground and resolve conflicts peacefully.Third, the iceberg metaphor points to the role of third parties in the Cold War. Many countries around the world were caught in the crossfire of the conflict, as the United States and the Soviet Union sought to gain allies andexpand their influence. These countries often became battlegrounds for proxy wars, as the superpowers fought for control over strategic resources and geopolitical advantage.The Cold War ultimately ended with the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991. However, the legacy of the Cold War continues to shape global politics today. The arms race has left behind a vast arsenal of nuclear weapons, and the ideological divide between capitalism and communismpersists in many parts of the world. The metaphor of "the iceberg cometh" serves as a reminder of the dangers of unchecked rivalry and the importance of finding peaceful ways to resolve international conflicts.中文回答:冰山来客,冷战的隐喻探索。



。。。。。。 正如希腊的情形一样,如果土耳其要得到它所需的援助,就得由
美国供给它。我们是能够提供那种援助的唯一国家…… 美国外交政策的主要目标之一,就是要造成一种局势,俾使我们
和其它国家都能塑造出一种免于威胁的生活方式。在对德国和日本 作战中,这是一个基本问题。我们的胜利乃是战胜那些想把其意志 和生活方式强加在别国头上的国家。
铁幕演说("iron curtain" speech)
1946年1月,英国前任首相丘吉 尔应邀访美。3月5日,他在杜鲁 门的母校威斯敏斯特学院发表了 题为“和平砥柱”的演说。丘吉 尔在演说中公开攻击苏联“扩 张”,宣称“从波罗的海的什切 青到亚得里亚海边的里雅斯特, 一幅横贯欧洲大陆的铁幕已经降 落下来”,苏联对“铁幕”以东 的中欧、东欧国家进行日益增强 的高压控制。对苏联的扩张,不 能采取“绥靖政策”。
3我、们综能合从国这力段的历强史弱中取获决得于哪经些济启发示展?的好坏, 我们应坚持以经济建设为中心。
反对霸权主义和强权政治 维护世界和平与发展!
“战时,要保持团结并不 太难,因为有一个打败共同敌 人的目标,这一点谁都清楚。 艰难的工作在战后,那时,各 种不同的利害关系往往会使同 盟分裂。”
拥有原子弹,拥有1200多万 军队,30艘航空母舰 1000多艘其他战舰 近500个军事基地
工美业国生经产济量、占政世治界、2/3 军事外实贸力出强口大额,占成世为界资1/3 本主黄义金世储界备盟量主占。世界3/4
美国前总统胡佛说:“目前,我们,只有我们 掌握着原子弹,我们能够美把国自欲己称的霸政世策界强。加给世 界。”

美苏冷战 英文

美苏冷战 英文

Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any y friend, oppose any foe, to secure the survival and success of liberty…”
• World War II: Allies and Rivals? • New U.S. conceptions of national security
Periods of the Cold War
• 1. 1947-63 “Classic Cold War”
• Actually three phases:
Over-arching themes: U.S. rejection of isolationism Key paradigms: “Munich”, “Pearl Harbor”, “Versailles” Perception of threat from USSR-led Communism Fear of ideological and cultural penetration Zero-sum games and Falling Dominoes Containment
• Origins and Evolution of Containment – Economic – Military – NSC-68 – Korean War – Subversion and Covert Activity
• Eisenhower’s “New Look” • “Rollback” • Massive Retaliation and Asymmetric Response • Brinkmanship • Covert activity • Support for status quo in Asia, Middle East and the Americas



Charles Krauthammer an American columnist, author, political commentator
Charles Krauthammer "The Unipolar Moment"
Foreign Affairs, 1990/1991
Part II America’s evaluation of world situation
Francis Fukuyama an American political
Francis Fukuyama
"The End of History?"
The National Interest, Summer 1989
Part II America’s evaluation of world situation
neoisolationism : a retreat from global leadership
The US would distance itself politically, diplomatically, and militarily from the affairs of the great powers in Europe and Asia.
The US was capble of putting its moral principles into practice. 4. The “peace dividend” stemming from the collapse of the Cold
War could be used to ensure the continued spread of democratic institutions and to solve transnational problems.

end up 的用法

end up 的用法

end up的用法:1. The people who design America's nuclear bombs believe they helped win the Cold War. But now that the war is over, many wonder whether they'll end up out in the cold.设计美国核弹的人相信他们帮忙打赢了冷战,可是既然冷战已经结束,很多人不知道他最终会不会受到冷落。

2. If you do that, you'll end up with egg on your face.你要是做那件事,必将以耻辱告终3. "These affairs always end up the same way, " he grumbled,"everybody looking to me to tell them what to do." "Oh? I'd have thought that was just your scene! ""这些事情总是以同样的方式而告终,"他抱怨道,"大家指望我告诉他们做什么。

""哦?我还以为那正合你的口味呢!"4. Wasteful people usually end up in debt.挥霍浪费者最后往往负债。

5. You could end up running this company if you play your cards right.你要是处理得当, 到头来这个公司能归你掌管.6. If you continue to steal you'll end up in prison.你要是继续行窃终归得进监狱.7. If he carries on driving like that, he'll end up dead.他照这样开车, 早晚得死於非命.end up doing:结果是(做)……,以(做)……而告终,结果变成……,最后发展为……8. We ended up sleeping around t he floor. 我们最后都在地板上东倒西歪地睡了。

The Cold War

The Cold War

It was feld by both sides that Berlin could act as the trigger for general war between capitalist and communist countries. countries.
E.The E.The Berlin Wall Goes Up & Down(1961&1989) (1961&1989 Down(1961&1989)
is not against any country or doctrine, but against hunger, poverty, desperation, and chaos.
4. $12.5 billion of US aid to Western Europe extended to Eastern Europe & USSR.
2.In October 1962 a U.S. spy plane detected a ballistic missile on a launching site in Cuba. 3.Pres. John F. 3.Pres. Kennedy placed a naval blockade around the island, and for several days the U.S. and the Soviet Union hovered on the brink of war.

The Soviet Union, out of its own security concern and fear of capitalist encirclement, was determined to keep its hold on the Eastern European countries and to defend its sphere of influence at all costs.



二战的危害英文作文高中英文:The harm of World War II is immeasurable. It not only caused the loss of millions of lives, but also led to widespread destruction and suffering. The war brought about immense economic and social upheaval, leaving a lasting impact on the world.During World War II, many countries were involved in fierce battles, resulting in the deaths of over 70 million people. The devastation caused by the war was catastrophic, with cities reduced to rubble and infrastructure destroyed. Families were torn apart, and countless civilians suffered from hunger, disease, and displacement.In addition to the loss of life and physical destruction, World War II also had long-term effects on global politics and diplomacy. The war led to the emergence of the United States and the Soviet Union as superpowers,and it laid the groundwork for the Cold War. The aftermathof the war also saw the establishment of the United Nations, as a means of preventing future conflicts and promoting international cooperation.The impact of World War II is still felt today, as the world continues to grapple with the legacy of the war. The lessons learned from this dark period in history have shaped international relations and influenced efforts to promote peace and security.中文:二战的危害是不可估量的。



The American policy of “containment” soon expanded into a policy known as the Truman Doctrine”
Loyalty $$
By 1950, the U.S. had given $400 million in aid to Greece and Turkey
Unit 2 – Outcome 2.3
The Cold War
Proxy Wars
The Cold War Heats Up!

Chinese Civil War

After Japan left China at the end of the War, Chinese Nationalists and Communists fought a bloody civil war Despite the U.S. sending $ billions to the Nationalists, the Communists under Mao won the war and ruled China Chiang and the Nationalists fled China to neighboring Taiwan (Formosa)



英文歌曲与文化论文Under the Shadow of the Cold War——解读Bob Dylan的歌曲“大雨将至”评《A Hard Rain's A-Gonna Fall》除了《Blowin’ in the Wind》之外,Bob Dylan在1963年发行的专辑《The Freewheelin’Bob Dylan》里,还拥有另一首著名的反战歌曲《A Hard Rain's A-Gonna Fall》,而且相比于《Blowin’ in the Wind》的引人思考,《A Hard Rain's A-Gonna Fall》这首歌曲中出现的那种神秘莫测的末世氛围,更预示着Bob Dylan创作上和结构作品时日益作品。

《A Hard Rain's A-Gonna Fall》同样被后人解读出了多种的创作动机,而其中最公认的,就是这首作品创作于上世纪六十年代初的“古巴导弹危机”。

而Bob Dylan虽然运用了这个动机作为创作主题,但却并没有把作品仅仅只是停留在批判核战争,呈现美国民众的恐慌之情的表面上。



而在音乐创作上,Bob Dylan则同样体现出一种民歌创作传统。

《A Hard Rain's A-Gonna Fall》这首作品的音乐,并非完全出自Bob Dylan之手,而是取材于一首中世幻的英国童谣,甚至就连对话体的格式,Bob Dylan也将其借鉴了过来。

而在传统民歌优美的旋律和格式,以及Bob Dylan充满着神秘诗意歌词的作用下,这首老民歌作品也很快焕发了新颜。


*来自搜狐《鲍勃-迪伦不可错过的六首经典单曲》上述评论中的错误:误认为《A Hard Rain's A-Gonna Fall》的创作动机是上世纪六十年代初的“古巴导弹危机”。

The Cold War 冷战

The Cold War 冷战

The U.S.-led campaign of capitalism
Soviet union socialist camp
European communist party Economy Marshall plan 马歇尔计划 Help each other经互会 German Piecing together the federal Bolster problem republic of Germany democracy Germany Military Established NATO Plan Warsaw Treaty 北大西洋公约组织 Organization华 沙条约组织
The Vietnam War(1955~1975)
Although the U.S.A didn’t fail in battle, it was a fatal mistake during the Cold War.
This event turned the U.S.A from a wonderful position to the opposite, and it was also American’s Waterloo.
The Afghanistan Issue(1979~1989)
Soviet Union wanted to control the Indian Ocean through holding Afghanistan for reaching the goal of taking over the world.
Cold War refers to:1947--1991 years the United States led western capitalist countries and the Soviet Union socialist countries two camps in addition to the direct engagement, in economic, political, military, diplomatic, cultural, ideological and other aspects are in a state of confrontation period.




“冷战”英文是Cold War,cold 是冷,和中文翻译是相对应的。

但是“热战”的英文kinetic war却是有一点出人意料,因为kinetic的意思是“运动的; 运动引起的”。

如果直译kinetic war是“运动战”,现在中文翻译的是“热战”。


google 解析“热战”(kinetic war): Kinetic military action is a euphemism for military action involving active warfare, including lethal force. The phrase is used to contrast between conventional military force and "soft" force, including diplomacy, sanctions and cyber warfare.动能军事行动是委婉语,涉及包括致命武力在内的积极战争。


Timothy Noah的文章“Birth of a Washington Word” (“华盛顿单词的诞生”)提到:In common usage, “kinetic” is an adjective used to describe motion, but the Washington meaning derives from its secondary definition, “active, as opposed to latent.” Dropping bombs and shooting bullets—you know, killing people—is kinetic. But the 21st-century military is exploring less violent and more high-tech means of warfare, such as mess ing electronically with the enemy’s communications equipment or wiping out its bank accounts. These are “non-kinetic.” (Why not “latent”? Maybe the Pentagon worries that would make them sound too passive or effeminate.) Asked during a January talk at National Defense University whether “the transformed military of the future will shift emphasis somewhat from kinetic systems to cyber warfare,” Donald Rumsfeld answered, “Yes!” (Rumsfeld uses the words “kinetic”and “non-kinetic” all the time.)上面中文翻译是:通常“kinetic”是形容运动的形容词,但华盛顿的含义源于其次要定义,即“主动而不是隐藏的”。



美国发起越南战争英语作文Title: The United States' Involvement in the Vietnam War。

Introduction:The Vietnam War, which lasted from 1955 to 1975, was a long and controversial conflict that pitted the communist forces of North Vietnam and their allies against the United States and South Vietnam. The United States' involvement in the war was a complex and multifaceted decision influenced by various factors, including the Cold War context, containment policy, and the domino theory. This essay aims to explore the reasons behind the United States' decision to initiate the Vietnam War.1. Cold War Context:The Cold War, a period of heightened tensions between the United States and the Soviet Union, greatly influencedAmerican foreign policy during the 1950s and 1960s. The United States saw itself as the leader of the free world, responsible for containing the spread of communism. The fear of communism and the desire to prevent the domino effect became key factors in the decision to engage in the Vietnam War. The United States believed that if South Vietnam fell to communism, it would have a domino effect, leading to the spread of communism throughout Southeast Asia.2. Containment Policy:The United States' containment policy aimed to prevent the spread of communism and maintain a balance of power in the world. The policy was based on the belief that if one country fell to communism, neighboring countries would follow suit. In this context, the United States viewed the situation in Vietnam as an opportunity to demonstrate its commitment to containing communism. By intervening in Vietnam, the United States hoped to prevent the spread of communism and protect its strategic interests in Southeast Asia.3. Domino Theory:The domino theory was a widely accepted belief among American policymakers during the Cold War era. It posited that if one country in a region came under communist control, neighboring countries would also fall like a row of dominoes. This theory greatly influenced American policymakers' perception of the Vietnam War. They feared that if South Vietnam fell to communism, it would embolden communist movements in other countries in the region, such as Laos, Cambodia, and Thailand. To prevent this perceived domino effect, the United States felt compelled to intervene militarily in Vietnam.4. Geopolitical Interests:Besides the ideological motivations, the United States also had geopolitical interests in Vietnam. Southeast Asia, with its valuable resources and strategic location, held significant importance for American policymakers. The region was seen as a gateway to the vast markets of Asiaand a crucial area for containing communism. Additionally, the United States had established military bases in the region, including the Philippines and Thailand, which further reinforced its interest in maintaining stability and preventing the spread of communism.5. Gulf of Tonkin Incident:The Gulf of Tonkin incident in August 1964 played a crucial role in escalating American involvement in Vietnam. The incident involved alleged attacks by North Vietnamese torpedo boats on American destroyers in the Gulf of Tonkin. The United States used these attacks as a justification to escalate its military presence and involvement in Vietnam. The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution, passed by the U.S. Congress, granted President Lyndon B. Johnson broad authority to take military action in Vietnam without a formal declaration of war.6. Political Considerations:Political considerations also played a significant rolein the United States' decision to initiate the Vietnam War. The fear of being perceived as weak on communism and the desire to maintain credibility as a superpower influenced American policymakers. The United States had previously supported France in its colonial war against the communist forces in Vietnam. To withdraw from Vietnam without achieving its objectives would have been seen as a defeat and a blow to its global reputation.Conclusion:The United States' decision to initiate the Vietnam War was influenced by a combination of factors, including the Cold War context, containment policy, the domino theory, geopolitical interests, the Gulf of Tonkin incident, and political considerations. While the motivations behind the war were complex, the fear of communism and the desire to contain its spread played a central role. The Vietnam War remains a contentious chapter in American history, marked by protests, loss of lives, and a reevaluation of U.S. foreign policy.。

The cold war 冷战

The cold war 冷战

冷战时期全球形势 深蓝色:北大西洋公约组织。 正蓝色:美国的其它盟国。 浅蓝色:接受美国援助的国家。 绿色:欧洲的殖民地。 深红色:华沙条约组织。 正红色:与苏联结盟的社会主义国家。 浅红色:苏联的其它盟国。 灰色:不结盟国家。
Prologue Start: Truman Doctrine (1947) End: Soviet Union, Eastern Europe (1991.12) German unification Important sign: Iron Curtain Speech (1946.3), the Truman Doctrine (1947.3), Soviet Union (1991.12) camps 序幕 NATO : (full name: North Atlantic Treaty Organization) 开始:杜鲁门主义(1947) Time: 1949; 结束:苏联解体,东欧剧变(1991.12)德国统一 Country: United States led 12 Western countries 重要标志:铁幕演说(1946.3)、杜鲁门主义(1947.3)、苏联解体(1991.12)两大阵营 Nature: military-political group for the target: 北约的成立:(全称:北大西洋公约组织) Soviet-led socialist countries in Eastern Europe. 时间:1949年; 国家:以美国为首的12个西方国家 Features: collective defense, the United States and some Western European countries, 性质:军事政治集团针对对象:苏联为首的东欧社会主义国家。 Canada and the Soviet Union to compete together. 特点:集体防御,美国和加拿大联合西欧一些国家共同与苏联抗衡。 目的:美国加拿大和联合西欧洲一些国家共同与苏联抗衡,对苏联进行遏制。Union Objective: USA Western Europe, Canada and the United States and the Soviet 华约的成立:(全称:华沙条约组织) Soviet Union. jointly compete for containment of the 时间:1955年established: (full name: Warsaw Treaty Organization) WTO was 国家:苏联和7个东欧国家(共8国) 性质:军事政治集团针对对象:以美国为首的资本主义国家。 Time: 1955 特点:单独或集体自卫 Country: Soviet Union and seven Eastern European countries (a total of eight countries) 目的:苏联联合东欧国家成立华约,既用来同美国和西欧抗衡;也可以进一步控制东欧 Nature: military-political group for the target: the US-led capitalist countries. Features: individual or collective self-defense Objective: The Soviet Eastern European countries established joint WTO, both to compete with the United States and Western Europe; Eastern Europe can be further controlled



初二英语书籍名称单选题40题1."I am Heathcliff. He's always, always in my mind." is a quote from which book?A.Pride and PrejudiceB.Wuthering HeightsC.Jane EyreD.Great Expectations答案:B。

《Wuthering Heights》(《呼啸山庄》)的主人公是Heathcliff,这句话是书中的经典语句。

《Pride and Prejudice》是《《傲慢与偏见》,《Jane Eyre》是《《简·爱》,《Great Expectations》是《《远大前程》,这几部作品中都没有Heathcliff 这个人物。

2."It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife." comes from which novel?A.Little WomenB.David CopperfieldC.Pride and PrejudiceD.Oliver Twist答案:C。

这句话是《《Pride and Prejudice》(《傲慢与偏见》)的开篇名句。

《Little Women》是《小妇人》,《David Copperfield》是《大卫·科波菲尔》,《Oliver Twist》是《《雾都孤儿》,这几部作品中都没有这句话。

3."Reader, I married him." is the last line of which famous novel?A.Jane EyreB.Wuthering HeightsC.Gone with the WindD.The Scarlet Letter答案:A。

冷战 Cold War 外国学生英语作文

冷战 Cold War 外国学生英语作文

Cold WarAfter the Second World War, the USA and the USSR were the two supreme powers in the world. Hence, both these nations tried to reduce the power of the other indirectly.The competition between the two nations brought about the Cold War. America was the leader of all the Capitalist countries, and Soviet Russia was the leader of all the communist countries. Hence, both countries continued their rivalry.Long and Short Essays on Cold War for Students and Kids in EnglishLong Essay on Cold War Essay 500 Words in EnglishLong Essay on Cold War Essay is usually given to classes 7, 8, 9, and 10.Cold War was the state of mounting tension between the USA and Soviet Russia after the Second World War was over for Supremacy in the world as the Super Power. The United States of America became the representative of the capitalist countries, and the Soviet UnionRussia became the representative of communism. Hence, there was an ongoing rivalry between the two great powers. Since this rivalry did not result in a war, but only in diplomatic incidents, it is called the Cold War.Cold War is a term used to describe the tension between two parties but an absence of any quarrels. It is also used to describe the tactics nations use against each other as a diplomatic war.When Hitler invaded Russia, Roosevelt, the then President of the United States sent supplies for the troops. It could have started thedegradation of the relationship between the USA and Russia. When Stalin defeated Germany and wanted to implement communism, he was suspected, and since then, suspicion arose between the western countries and Russia. Hence, Cold Was began.The United States of America could not accept the communist ideology of Russia. On the other hand, Soviet Russia could not accept the dominance of the USA in other European countries.You can now access more Essay Writing on Cold War and many more topics.After the Second World War, Soviet Russia had manufactured much ammunition and arms. Hence, the USA saw them as a threat and created the atom bomb, hydrogen bomb and other such lethal weapons. Other European countries also participated in the rivalry with Russia, and this divided the world into two halves.Soviet Russia continued to spread communism is its mass media and wanted to spread it everywhere to encourage their labour revolution. Meanwhile, America helped the capitalists against the communists. The difference in thedoctrines led to the intensified Cold War situation.After the USA bombarded the atom bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Soviet Russia was afraid that they would face similar consequences. Hence, they increased their military and weaponry strength. It also deemed to intensify the Cold War.When veto was implemented, Soviet Russia used it to reject any statement that the USA made in the UNO council. Hence, the western countries were insulted by it. The incident led to more intensification of the Cold War.Cold War resulted in the fear and suspicion between Russia and the USA. It created tension between the nations permanently. There were several alliances solely to increase its intensity. Cold War resulted in unnecessary expenditure on military power. It created poverty and decreased the living conditions of people. It is a useless and meaningless war which divided the world in an irreparable way.Cold Was disturbed world peace. There is still suspicion among these two nations and the counties that support them. It also created a clear demarcation between the first, the second,and the third world counties. It resulted in divided humanity, and there is no perpetual peace partially for this reason.Short Essay on Cold War Essay 150 Words in EnglishShort Essay on Cold War Essay is usually given to classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.Cold War was the crisis that arose due to many diplomatic differences between the Super Powers of the World, the United States of America and Soviet Russia, after the Second World War.Cold War was an affair of the 20th century, resulting due to a series of incidents which led to their differences. Some of these incidents were the competition of the western countries to implement capitalism and Soviet Russia trying to propagate communism.The USA directed many diplomatic incidents and supported in the destruction of USSR indirectly. In return, Soviet Russia used its veto power to oppose anything said by the USA. There were many phases of the Cold War, spanning for decades.The Cold War demarked the world into three fragments- the first world countries, the second world counties, and the third world counties. It is a situation directed against humanity. It creates division and suspicion among the nations. World peace is unachievable partially due to the Cold War and its far fetching results.10 Lines on Cold War Essay in English1. Cold War is the atmosphere of suspicion and fear that arose between the USA and the Soviet Union after the Second World War.2. Cold War was the difference of opinion between the capitalism of the United States and thecommunism of the Soviet Union. 3. There was mounting tension between these nations due to suspicious activities against each other. 4. Cold War was the mutual hatred between the two nations that divided the world into fragments. 5. There was no war between them, but it has far-fetching consequences which are still prominent.6. Both nations created many societies and organizations to destroy the other.7. The cold war is a type of diplomatic warfare.8. Cold War is the enemy of world peace.9. Both counties wasted a huge amount of money to optimize their military powers. 10. Cold War has created a permanent rift in the relationship between notonly the USA and USSR but among all counties that support them.FAQ’s on Cold War EssayQuestion 1.What is Cold War?Answer:Cold War is the rivalry between the USA and the USSR to establish themselves as the superpower.Question 2.How did the Cold war originate?Answer:People find the origin of the Cold War difficult to predict. There is no unanimous answer among the scholars to this question. But it is said that when Hitler invaded Russia, Roosevelt, the then President of the United States sent supplies for the troops. It could have started the degradation of the relationship between the USA and Russia.Question 3.When did Cold War commence?Answer:Cold war continued for decades in the 20th century and are divided into different phases.Question 4.What are the results of the Cold War?Answer:It permanently destroyed the communication and friendship between not only the USA and USSR but among all counties that support them. It is a step against the unification of humanity.。





















冷战,即“The Cold War”,指1947年至1991年间,美国、北大西洋公约组织为主的资本主义阵营与苏联、华沙条约组织为主的社会主义阵营之间的政治、经济、军事斗争。

以下是我用英语编写的关于冷战的五句话,共计800字:1. "The Cold War was a period of political, economic, and military confrontation between the capitalist and socialist blocs, characterized by mutual suspicion and fear of each other's intentions."冷战是资本主义和社会主义阵营之间一段时期内的政治、经济和军事对抗,特点在于彼此相互猜疑,害怕对方的意图。

2. "From the early post-war years to the collapse of the Soviet Union, the Cold War presented a stark choice between two opposing ideologies."从战后初期一直到苏联解体,冷战让人们必须在两种对立的思想意识形态之间做出抉择。

3. "The ideological divide between the two camps was reflected in their respective alliances and policies, leading to a period of intense competition and mutual suspicion."两个阵营之间的意识形态分歧反映在他们各自的联盟和政策上,导致了一段时期激烈的竞争和相互猜疑。

4. "However, the Cold War also witnessed moments of cooperation and dialogue, particularly in the field of arms control and disarmament."尽管如此,冷战时期也出现了合作和对话的时刻,尤其是在军备控制和裁军领域。



二战之后世界变得样了语文英文作文回答例子1:Title: "The Transformed World Post-World War II: A Linguistic Perspective"Introduction:After the devastation of World War II, the global landscape underwent profound transformations, not only in political and economic spheres but also in the realm of language. The aftermath of the war brought about significant changes in linguistic dynamics, shaping the way people communicate and interact on an international scale. This essay explores the linguistic transformations that occurred in the post-World War II era and examines their impact on global communication.1. Rise of English as a Global Language:Following World War II, English emerged as the dominant language in international affairs, commerce, and culture. The victory of English-speaking Allied powers, coupled with the economic and cultural influence of the United States and the United Kingdom, propelled English to itsstatus as the lingua franca of the modern world. This shift facilitated global communication, breaking down barriers and fostering interconnectedness among nations.2. Language Standardization and Globalization:The post-war period witnessed a surge in globalization, leading to increased interaction between diverse linguistic communities. As a result, there was a growing need for language standardization to facilitate communication across borders. English, with its widespread usage and established norms, became the de facto standard for international communication, further solidifying its dominance in the global linguistic landscape.3. Impact on Indigenous Languages:While English gained prominence on the global stage, the proliferation of the language also posed challenges to indigenous languages worldwide. The dominance of English in education, media, and technology often marginalized native tongues, leading to language loss and endangerment. Efforts to preserve and revitalize indigenous languages became imperative in the post-World War II era to maintain linguisticdiversity and cultural heritage.4. Technological Advancements and Language Evolution:The period following World War II witnessed rapid technological advancements, particularly in communication technologies. Innovations such as the internet, telecommunications, and digital media revolutionized the way people communicate, transcending linguistic barriers and enabling instant global connectivity. These technological developments not only facilitated the spread of languages but also influenced language evolution and the emergence of new linguistic phenomena.5. Diversity and Multilingualism:Despite the dominance of English, the post-World War II era also saw a celebration of linguistic diversity and the promotion of multilingualism. International organizations such as the United Nations emphasized the importance of multilingualism in fostering global understanding and cooperation. Efforts to promote language rights and preserve linguistic heritage gained momentum, reflecting a growing awareness of the value of linguistic diversity in a globalizedworld.Conclusion:In conclusion, the post-World War II era marked a significant period of linguistic transformation, characterized by the rise of English as a global language, language standardization, technological advancements, and the promotion of linguistic diversity. While English became the predominant means of international communication, efforts to preserve indigenous languages and promote multilingualism underscored the importance of linguistic diversity in fostering global harmony and understanding. As we navigate the complexities of the modern world, acknowledging and embracing linguistic diversity remains essential in building bridges across cultures and promoting mutual respect and cooperation on a global scale.回答例子2:Title: The Transformed World After World War IIIntroduction:World War II, the deadliest conflict in human history, left an indelible mark on the world. Its aftermath reshaped theglobal landscape in profound ways, altering political, economic, and social dynamics. In this essay, we delve into the multifaceted transformations that unfolded in the wake of World War II.1. Political Realignment:The conclusion of World War II heralded a seismic shift in global politics. The defeat of Axis powers led to the rise of the United States and the Soviet Union as superpowers, initiating the Cold War. The establishment of the United Nations aimed to maintain international peace and security, laying the groundwork for diplomatic cooperation among nations. Decolonization movements gained momentum, leading to the emergence of newly independent nations across Africa, Asia, and the Caribbean.2. Economic Reconstruction:The war-ravaged economies of Europe and Asia necessitated extensive reconstruction efforts. The Marshall Plan, spearheaded by the United States, infused billions of dollars into war-torn nations, fostering economic recovery and stability. The Bretton Woods Conference established theframework for the post-war international monetary system, including the creation of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank. The rise of multinational corporations and the advent of globalization ushered in an era of interconnected economies.3. Technological Advancements:World War II propelled technological innovation on unprecedented scales. The development of radar, nuclear energy, and jet propulsion revolutionized warfare and laid the groundwork for subsequent scientific breakthroughs. The advent of the digital computer heralded the dawn of the information age, transforming communication, commerce, and everyday life. Space exploration emerged as a new frontier, culminating in the landmark achievement of the moon landing in 1969.4. Cultural and Social Shifts:The aftermath of World War II witnessed significant cultural and social transformations. The Nuremberg Trials held perpetrators of war crimes accountable, setting a precedent for international justice. The Universal Declaration of HumanRights enshrined fundamental freedoms and equality for all. The women's rights movement gained momentum, challenging traditional gender roles and advocating for gender equality in various spheres of life. The Civil Rights Movement in the United States challenged racial segregation and discrimination, paving the way for legislative reforms and social change.5. Legacy and Remembrance:The legacy of World War II continues to reverberate in the collective memory of nations and generations. Memorials, museums, and commemorative events serve as reminders of the human cost of war and the imperative of peace. Educational initiatives strive to ensure that future generations learn from the mistakes of the past and cultivate values of tolerance, compassion, and understanding. Despite the passage of time, the lessons of World War II remain pertinent in navigating contemporary challenges and shaping a more just and peaceful world.Conclusion:The world after World War II bore little resemblance to itspre-war counterpart. The geopolitical, economic, technological, cultural, and social transformations unleashed by the conflict reshaped the course of history and continue to influence the trajectory of our collective future. As we reflect on the tumultuous events of the past, let us endeavor to honor the sacrifices of those who came before us and work towards a world where peace, prosperity, and justice prevail.。







你在运行游戏选择“New Game”开始新游戏后,如果在每一关都找到了三个秘密地点物品,那么在过完第四关之后,也就是找到了12个秘密地点物品之后,会出现过关画面,直到最后出现“THE END”结束。

这时会出现开始游戏画面,也就是出现一本转动的书“Game”,你选择后出现“Load Game”及你的存档,你按向右方向键出现“New Game”,同时会出现五个存档,从上到下分别是第一关到第五关的存档,这第五关就是隐藏关,你选择就可以进入了。

第一关The Cold War劳拉的出场动作很酷哦——如飞将军从天而降,一个猛子扎入水中。




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• The Cold War and its events have left a significant legacy, and it is often referred to in popular culture, especially in media featuring themes of espionage and the threat of nuclear warfare.
Procedures:The most tense involve Blockade (1948–1949), The Korean War (1950–1953), The Berlin Crisis of 1961, The Vietnam War (1959–1975), The Cuban Missile Crisis (1962), (space race) The Soviet war in Afghanistan (1979–1989), The Able Archer 83 NATO exercises in November 1983.
to control and rule the whole world to maintain its high status and power in the world. 2 The strong desire for peace.
深蓝色:北大西洋公约组织。(NATO) 正蓝色:美国的其它盟国。(NATO allies) 浅蓝色:接受美国援助的国家。 (Affiliated countries of USA ) 绿色:欧洲的殖民地。(Colonies in European) 深红色:华沙条约组织。(Warsaw Treaty Organization) 正红色:与苏联结盟的社会主义国 家。(Socialist allies of Soviet Union) 浅红色:苏联的其它盟国。(Other allies of Soviet Union ) 灰色:不结盟国家。(Unallied countries)
The effects of the cold war
• • To Russia: 1 It cut military spending dramatically, meaning its dismantling left millions throughout the former Soviet Union unemployed. 2 After Russia embarked on capitalist economic reforms in the 1990s, it suffered a financial crisis and a recession (more severe than the US and Germany had experienced during the Great Depression). 3 Russian living standards have worsened overall in the post–Cold War years, although the economy has resumed growth since 1999.
Background and reasons
Procedures and steps
The effects of the cold war
Background and reasons
1 Differences in goals.(conflicts) The USA vs Soviet Union

• To the world: 1 Unipolar world is formed, with the United States the sole remaining superpower. 2 Technology is booming.(technological competition) 3 Bring people’s thoughts to power politics.(We should be fully against power politics.)
Thank you !
Three steps:
• In the mid 1950s~early1960s, both sides sought to relieve political tensions to alleviate the risk of a potential nuclear war • In the mid 1960s~late 1970s, Soviet Union lead the cold war. • In the late 1980s~early 1990s, (president Reagon)the US became stronger with high technology.
The cold war
Presentation: 周美燕 PPT:管梦霞 PPT:管梦霞 collecting:沈家伊 沈家伊, Material collecting:沈家伊,樊君兰
What is the cold war?
• The Cold War (approx. 1945–1991) is a continuing state of political and military tension between the powers of the Western world, led by the United States and its NATO allies, and the communist world, led by the Soviet Union, its satellite states and allies.