BM K2 semester
Course outlineCode: SCS295Title: Gender and CultureFaculty of Arts and BusinessSchool of Social SciencesTeaching Session: Semester 2Year: 2015Course Coordinator: Sonia TasconEmail: ***************.auTel: (07) 5456 52881. What is this course about?1.1 Course descriptionHow do we learn to become ‘proper’ women and ‘proper’ men? How does our understanding of sex, gender and sexuality impact on how we experience ourselves as men or women? This course introduces you to a sociological understanding of gender, by exploring the connections between gender, personal experience and social structures, and the changing social position of women and men in contemporary Australia. You are encouraged to examine issues related to gender such as stereotypes, media images of female and male bodies, health, sport and sexual ‘identity’ and sexual politics.1.2 Course content∙Defining gender and gender studies. Key terms and debates.∙Socio-historical context. History of gender issues. History of feminism.∙Understanding and theorising gender. Engaging with sociological perspectives and theories on gender. Engaging with multiple sociological perspectives.∙Exploring current global gender statistics and Australian based data.∙Gender across various life experiences, social arenas, and organisations (such as corporations and community organisations, states).∙Interaction of gender with other power hierarchies such as age and ethnicity.2. Unit value12 units4. Am I eligible to enrol in this course?Refer to the Coursework Programs and Awards - Academic Policy for definitions of “pre-requisites, co-requisites and anti-requisites”4.1 Enrolment restrictionsNil4.2 Pre-requisitesAny 2 courses or enrolled in AR505, AR605 or AR7074.3 Co-requisitesNil4.4 Anti-requisitesNil4.5 Specific assumed prior knowledge and skillsN/A5. How am I going to be assessed?5.1 Grading scaleStandard – High Distinction (HD), Distinction (DN), Credit (CR), Pass (PS), Fail (FL)Assessment Task 1: Take-home assignmentAssessment Task 2: In-class-group presentation analysing the impact of gender on men or women’s experiences in contemporary Australia and facilitated discussionAssessment Task 3: Major essay5.3 Additional assessment requirementsSafeAssignIn order to minimise incidents of plagiarism and collusion, this course may require that some of its assessment tasks are submitted electronically via SafeAssign. This software allows for text comparisons to be made between your submitted assessment item and all other work that SafeAssign has access to. If required, details of how to submit via SafeAssign will be provided on the Blackboard site of the course. Eligibility for Supplementary AssessmentYour eligibility for supplementary assessment in a course is dependent of the following conditions applying:a) The final mark is in the percentage range 47% to 49.4%b) The course is graded using the Standard Grading scalec) You have not failed an assessment task in the course due to academic misconduct5.4 Submission penaltiesLate submission of assessment tasks will be penalised at the following maximum rate: ∙5% (of the assessment task’s identified value) per day for the first two days from the date ident ified as the due date for the assessment task.∙10% (of the assessment task’s identified value) for the third day∙20% (of the assessment task’s identified value) for the fourth day and subsequent days up to and including seven days from the date identified as the due date for the assessment task.∙ A result of zero is awarded for an assessment task submitted after seven days from the date identified as the due date for the assessment task.Weekdays and weekends are included in the calculation of days late. To request an extension you must contact your course coordinator to negotiate an outcome.6. How is the course offered?6.1 Directed study hoursOn campus Lecture: 2 hours per weekOn campus Tutorial: 1 hour per week6.2 Teaching semester/session(s) offeredSemester 26.3 Course activities7. What resources do I need to undertake this course?7.1 Prescribed text(s)Building, Ground Floor, E Street.7.2 Required and recommended readingsLists of required and recommended readings may be found for this course on its Blackboard site. These materials/readings will assist you in preparing for tutorials and assignments, and will provide further information regarding particular aspects of your course.7.3 Specific requirementsN/A7.4 Risk managementThere is minimal health and safety risk in this course. It is your responsibility to familiarise yourself with the Health and Safety policies and procedures applicable within campus areas.8. How can I obtain help with my studies?In the first instance you should contact your tutor, then the Course Coordinator. Student Life and Learning provides additional assistance to all students through Peer Advisors and Academic Skills Advisors. You can drop in or book an appointment. To book: Tel: +61 7 5430 1226 or Email:******************************.au9. Links to relevant University policies and proceduresFor more information on Academic Learning & Teaching categories including:∙Assessment: Courses and Coursework Programs∙Review of Assessment and Final Grades∙Supplementary Assessment∙Administration of Central Examinations∙Deferred Examinations∙Student Academic Misconduct∙Students with a Faculty specific informationLocating Journal ArticlesIf you have been notified that the journal articles in this course are available on e-reserve, use the on-line library catalogue to find them. For journal articles not on e-reserve, click on the "Journals and Newspapers" link on the Library Homepage. Enter the journal title e.g. History Australia, then search for the volume and issue or keyword as needed.Assignment Cover SheetsThe Faculty of Arts and Business assignment cover sheet can be found on Blackboard or on the USC Portal at: Faculty of Arts and Business (Students) > Forms. It must be completed in full identifying student name, assignment topic, tutor and tutorial time. This must be attached securely to the front of each assessment item prior to submission. Claims of loss of assignments will not be considered unless supported by a receipt.Help: If you are experiencing problems with your studies or academic work, consult your tutor in the first instance or the Course Coordinator as quickly as possible.Difficulties: If you are experiencing difficulties relating to teaching and assessment you should approach your tutor in the first instance. If not satisfied after that you should approach in order your Course Coordinator, Program Coordinator then Head of School.General enquiries and student supportFaculty Student CentreTel: +61 7 5430 1259Fax: +61 7 5430 2859Email: ***************.au。
FLAMMA 吉他综合效果器FX150 说明书
注意事项-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------01 性能概述-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------02 主面板说明----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------03-04 接口面板说明-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------05-06 应用场景连接说明------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------07-12 连接吉他功放后级+吉他箱体--------------------------------------------------------------------------------07 连接全频设备 - -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------08 全频+非全频设备混合连接 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------09 连接吉他音箱的INPUT - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------10 连接吉他音箱的FXLOOP------------------------------------------------------------------------------------11 四线接法 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------12 基本操作------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------13-19 开机 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------13 主界面--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------13 编辑界面-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------14 选择预置音色--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------15-17 编辑预置音色 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------18 编辑效果链顺序----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------19 预置音色保存------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------19 调音器-------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------20 LOOPER乐句循环功能--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------21-22
西门子PowerFlex 523变频器说明书
On Drive GuidePowerFlex 523 Adjustable Frequency AC Drive Parameter GroupsBasic Display b Output Freq b001 Commanded Freq b002 Output Current b003 Output Voltage b004 DC Bus Voltage b005Drive Status b006Fault 1 Code b007Fault 2 Code b008Fault 3 Code b009Process Display b010Control Source b012Contrl In Status b013Dig In Status b014Output RPM b015Output Speed b016Output Power b017Power Saved b018Elapsed Run Time b019Average Power b020Elapsed kWh b021Elapsed MWh b022Energy Saved b023Accum kWh Sav b024Accum Cost Sav b025Accum CO2 Sav b026Drive Temp b027Control Temp b028Control SW Ver b029Basic Program P Language P030 Motor NP Volts P031 Motor NP Hertz P032 Motor OL Current P033Motor NP FLA P034Motor NP Poles P035Motor NP RPM P036Voltage Class P038Torque Perf Mode P039Autotune P040Accel Time 1P041Decel Time 1P042Minimum Freq P043Maximum Freq P044Stop Mode P045Start Source 1P046Speed Reference1P047Start Source 2P048Speed Reference2P049Start Source 3P050Speed Reference3P051Average kWh Cost P052Reset To Defalts P053Terminal Blocks t DigIn TermBlk 02t062 DigIn TermBlk 03t063 2-Wire Mode t064 DigIn TermBlk 05t065DigIn TermBlk 06t066Relay Out1 Sel t076Relay Out1 Level t077Relay 1 On Time t079Relay 1 Off Time t080EM Brk Off Delay t086EM Brk On Delay t087Anlg In 0-10V Lo t091Anlg In 0-10V Hi t092Anlg In V Loss t094Anlg In4-20mA Lo t095Anlg In4-20mA Hi t096Anlg In mA Loss t097Anlg Loss Delay t098Analog In Filter t099Sleep-Wake Sel t100Sleep Level t101Sleep Time t102Wake Level t103Wake Time t104Communications C Comm Write Mode C121 RS485 Data Rate C123 RS485 Node Addr C124 Comm Loss Action C125Comm Loss Time C126RS485 Format C127Opt Data In 1C161Opt Data In 2C162Opt Data In 3C163Opt Data In 4C164Opt Data Out 1C165Opt Data Out 2C166Opt Data Out 3C167Opt Data Out 4C168MultiDrv Sel C169Drv 1 Addr C171Drv 2 Addr C172Drv 3 Addr C173Drv 4 Addr C174DSI I/O Cfg C175Advanced Display d Analog In 0-10V d360 Analog In 4-20mA d361 Elapsed Time-hr d362Elapsed Time-min d363Counter Status d364Timer Status d365Timer StatusF d366Drive Type d367Testpoint Data d368Motor OL Level d369Slip Hz Meter d375Speed Feedback d376DC Bus Ripple d380Output Powr Fctr d381Torque Current d382PID1 Fdbk Displ d383PID1 Setpnt Displ d384Fiber Status d390Advanced Program A Preset Freq 0A410 Preset Freq 1A411 Preset Freq 2A412 Preset Freq 3A413 Preset Freq 4A414 Preset Freq 5A415 Preset Freq 6A416 Preset Freq 7A417 Keypad Freq A426 MOP Freq A427 MOP Reset Sel A428 MOP Preload A429 MOP Time A430 Jog Frequency A431 Jog Accel/Decel A432 Purge Frequency A433 DC Brake Time A434DC Brake Level A435DC Brk Time@Strt A436DB Resistor Sel A437DB Threshold A438S Curve %A439PWM Frequency A440Accel Time 2A442Decel Time 2A443Accel Time 3A444Decel Time 3A445Accel Time 4A446Decel Time 4A447Skip Frequency 1A448Skip Freq Band 1A449Skip Frequency 2A450Skip Freq Band 2A451PID 1 Trim Hi A456PID 1 Trim Lo A457PID 1 Trim Sel A458PID 1 Ref Sel A459PID 1 Fdback Sel A460PID 1 Prop Gain A461PID 1 Integ Time A462PID 1 Diff Rate A463PID 1 Setpoint A464PID 1 Deadband A465PID 1 Preload A466PID 1 Invert Err A467Process Disp Lo A481Process Disp Hi A482Testpoint Sel A483Current Limit 1A484Shear Pin1 Level A486Shear Pin 1 Time A487Stall Fault Time A492Motor OL Select A493Motor OL Ret A494Drive OL Mode A495IR Voltage Drop A496Flux Current Ref A497Boost Select A530Start Boost A531Break Voltage A532Break Frequency A533Maximum Voltage A534Pulse In Scale A537Var PWM Disable A540Auto Rstrt Tries A541Auto Rstrt Delay A542Start At PowerUp A543Reverse Disable A544Flying Start En A545FlyStrt CurLimit A546Compensation A547Power Loss Mode A548Half Bus Enable A549Bus Reg Enable A550Fault Clear A551Program Lock A552Program Lock Mod A553Drv Ambient Sel A554Reset Meters A555Text Scroll A556Out Phas Loss En A557Max Traverse A567Traverse Inc A568Traverse Dec A569P Jump A570Sync Time A571Speed Ratio A572Network N This group contains parameters for the network option card that is installed.Additional parameters are listed on the next page.2 PowerFlex 523 Adjustable Frequency AC DriveAppView Parameter GroupsModifiedM This group contains parameters that have their values changed from the factory default.Fault and Diagnostic F Fault 4 Code F604Fault 5 Code F605Fault 6 Code F606Fault 7 Code F607Fault 8 Code F608Fault 9 Code F609Fault10 Code F610Fault 1 Time-hr F611Fault 2 Time-hr F612Fault 3 Time-hr F613Fault 4 Time-hr F614Fault 5 Time-hr F615Fault 1 Time-min F621Fault 2 Time-min F622Fault 3 Time-min F623Fault 4 Time-min F624Fault 5 Time-min F625Fault 1 Freq F631Fault 2 Freq F632Fault 3 Freq F633Fault 4 Freq F634Fault 5 Freq F635Fault 1 Current F641Fault 2 Current F642Fault 3 Current F643Fault 4 Current F644Fault 5 Current F645Fault 1 BusVolts F651Fault 2 BusVolts F652Fault 3 BusVolts F653Fault 4 BusVolts F654Fault 5 BusVolts F655Status @ Fault 1F661Status @ Fault 2F662Status @ Fault 3F663Status @ Fault 4F664Status @ Fault 5F665Comm Sts - DSI F681Comm Sts - Opt F682DSI I/O Act F686Drv 0 Logic Cmd F705Drv 0 Reference F706Drv 0 Logic Sts F707Drv 0 Feedback F708Drv 1 Logic Cmd F709Drv 1 Reference F710Drv 1 Logic Sts F711Drv 1 Feedback F712Drv 2 Logic Cmd F713Drv 2 Reference F714Drv 2 Logic StsF715Drv 2 Feedback F716Drv 3 Logic Cmd F717Drv 3 Reference F718Drv 3 Logic Sts F719Drv 3 Feedback F720Drv 4 Logic Cmd F721Drv 4 Reference F722Drv 4 Logic Sts F723Drv 4 Feedback F724DSI Errors F731Conveyor G1Language P030Output Freq b001Commanded Freq b002Motor NP Volts P031Motor NP Hertz P032Motor OL Current P033Motor NP FLA P034Motor NP Poles P035Autotune P040Accel Time 1P041Decel Time 1P042Minimum Freq P043Maximum Freq P044Stop Mode P045Start Source 1P046Speed Reference1P047DigIn TermBlk 02t062DigIn TermBlk 03t063Relay Out1 Sel t076Anlg In 0-10V Lo t091Anlg In 0-10V Hi t092Anlg In4-20mA Lo t095Anlg In4-20mA Hi t096Anlg In mA Loss t097Slip Hz Meter d375Preset Freq 0A410Jog Frequency A431Jog Accel/Decel A432S Curve %A439Reverse DisableA544Mixer G2Language P030Output Freq b001Commanded Freq b002Output Current b003Motor NP Volts P031Motor NP Hertz P032Motor OL Current P033Motor NP FLA P034Motor NP Poles P035Autotune P040Accel Time 1P041Decel Time 1P042Minimum Freq P043Maximum Freq P044Stop Mode P045Start Source 1P046Speed Reference1P047Relay Out1 Sel t076Anlg In 0-10V Lo t091Anlg In 0-10V Hi t092Anlg In4-20mA Lo t095Anlg In4-20mA Hi t096Anlg In mA Losst097Preset Freq 0A410Stall Fault Time A492Compressor G3Language P030Output Freq b001Commanded Freq b002Motor NP Volts P031Motor NP Hertz P032Motor OL Current P033Motor NP FLA P034Motor NP Poles P035Autotune P040Accel Time 1P041Decel Time 1P042Minimum FreqP043Maximum FreqP044Stop Mode P045Start Source 1P046Speed Reference1P047Relay Out1 Sel t076Anlg In 0-10V Lo t091Anlg In 0-10V Hi t092Anlg In4-20mA Lo t095Anlg In4-20mA Hi t096Anlg In mA Loss t097Preset Freq 0A410Auto Rstrt Tries A541Auto Rstrt Delay A542Start At PowerUp A543Reverse Disable A544Power Loss Mode A548Half Bus Enable A549Centrifugal Pump G4Language P030Output Freq b001Commanded Freq b002Motor NP Volts P031Motor NP Hertz P032Motor OL Current P033Motor NP FLA P034Motor NP Poles P035Autotune P040Accel Time 1P041Decel Time 1P042Minimum Freq P043Maximum Freq P044Stop Mode P045Start Source 1P046Speed Reference1P047Relay Out1 Sel t076Anlg In 0-10V Lo t091Anlg In 0-10V Hi t092Anlg In4-20mA Lo t095Anlg In4-20mA Hi t096Anlg In mA Loss t097Preset Freq 0A410PID 1 Trim Hi A456PID 1 Trim Lo A457PID 1 Ref Sel A459PID 1 Fdback Sel A460PID 1 Prop Gain A461PID 1 Integ Time A462PID 1 Diff Rate A463PID 1 Setpoint A464PID 1 Deadband A465PID 1 Preload A466Auto Rstrt Tries A541Auto Rstrt Delay A542Start At PowerUp A543Reverse Disable A544Blower/Fan G5Language P030Output Freq b001Commanded Freq b002Motor NP Volts P031Motor NP Hertz P032Motor OL Current P033Motor NP FLAP034Motor NP Poles P035Autotune P040Accel Time 1P041Decel Time 1P042Minimum Freq P043Maximum Freq P044Stop Mode P045Start Source 1P046Speed Reference1P047Relay Out1 Sel t076Anlg In 0-10V Lo t091Anlg In 0-10V Hi t092Anlg In4-20mA Lo t095Anlg In4-20mA Hi t096Anlg In mA Loss t097Preset Freq 0A410PID 1 Trim Hi A456PID 1 Trim Lo A457PID 1 Ref Sel A459PID 1 Fdback Sel A460PID 1 Prop Gain A461PID 1 Integ Time A462PID 1 Diff Rate A463PID 1 Setpoint A464PID 1 Deadband A465PID 1 Preload A466Auto Rstrt Tries A541Auto Rstrt Delay A542Start At PowerUp A543Reverse Disable A544Flying Start En A545Additional groups are listed on the next page.PowerFlex 523 Adjustable Frequency AC Drive 3CustomView Parameter GroupFault DescriptionsExtruder G6Language P030Output Freq b001Commanded Freq b002Output Current b003Motor NP Volts P031Motor NP Hertz P032Motor OL Current P033Motor NP FLA P034Motor NP Poles P035Autotune P040Accel Time 1P041Decel Time 1P042Minimum Freq P043Maximum Freq P044Stop Mode P045Start Source 1P046Speed Reference1P047Relay Out1 Sel t076Anlg In 0-10V Lo t091Anlg In 0-10V Hi t092Anlg In4-20mA Lo t095Anlg In4-20mA Hi t096Anlg In mA Loss t097Slip Hz Meter d375Speed Feedback d376Preset Freq 0A410Stall Fault Time A492Pulse In Scale A537Power Loss Mode A548Half Bus Enable A549Textile/Fiber G8Language P030Output Freq b001Commanded Freq b002Motor NP Volts P031Motor NP Hertz P032Motor OL Current P033Motor NP FLA P034Motor NP Poles P035Autotune P040Accel Time 1P041Decel Time 1P042Minimum Freq P043Maximum Freq P044Stop Mode P045Start Source 1P046Speed Reference1P047DigIn TermBlk 02t062DigIn TermBlk 03t063Relay Out1 Sel t076Anlg In 0-10V Lo t091Anlg In 0-10V Hi t092Anlg In4-20mA Lo t095Anlg In4-20mA Hi t096Anlg In mA Loss t097Slip Hz Meter d375Fiber Status d390Preset Freq 0A410Jog Frequency A431Jog Accel/Decel A432S Curve %A439Reverse Disable A544Power Loss Mode A548Half Bus Enable A549Bus Reg Enable A550Max Traverse A567Traverse Inc A568Traverse Dec A569P Jump A570Sync Time A571Speed Ratio A572CustomGCThis group can store up to 100 of your frequently used parameters for your application.No.Fault Type (1)Description ActionF000No Fault –No fault present.–F002Auxiliary Input 1External trip (Auxiliary) input.•Check remote wiring.•Verify communications programming for intentional fault.F003Power Loss 2Single phase operation detected with excessive load.•Monitor the incoming AC line for low voltage or line power interruption.•Check input fuses.•Reduce load.F004UnderVoltage 1DC bus voltage fell below the minimum value.Monitor the incoming AC line for low voltage or line powerinterruption.F005OverVoltage1DC bus voltage exceeded maximum value.Monitor the AC line for high line voltage or transient conditions. Busovervoltage can also be caused by motor regeneration. Extend thedecel time or install dynamic brake option.F006Motor Stalled 1Drive is unable to accelerate or decelerate motor.•Increase P041, A442, A444, A446 [Accel Time x] or reduce load so drive output current does not exceed the current set byparameter A484 [Current Limit 1] for too long.•Check for overhauling load.F007Motor Overload 1Internal electronic overload trip.•An excessive motor load exists. Reduce load so drive output current does not exceed the current set by parameterP033 [Motor OL Current].•Verify A530 [Boost Select] setting.F008Heatsink OvrTmp 1Heatsink/Power Module temperature exceeds a predefined value.•Check for blocked or dirty heat sink fins. Verify that ambienttemperature has not exceeded the rated ambient temperature.•Check fan.F009CC OvrTmp 1Control module temperature exceeds a predefined value.•Check product ambient temperature.•Check for airflow obstruction.•Check for dirt or debris.•Check fan.F012HW OverCurrent 2The drive output current has exceeded the hardware current limit.Check programming. Check for excess load, improper A530 [BoostSelect] setting, DC brake volts set too high or other causes of excesscurrent.Additional faults are listed on the next page.4 PowerFlex 523 Adjustable Frequency AC DriveF013Ground Fault2 A current path to earth ground has been detected at one or more ofthe drive output terminals.Check the motor and external wiring to the drive output terminals for a grounded condition.F021Output Ph Loss1Output Phase Loss (if enabled).Configure with A557 [Output Phas Loss En].•Verify motor wiring.•Verify motor.F029Analog In Loss1An analog input is configured to fault on signal loss. A signal loss hasoccurred.Configure with t094 [Anlg In V Loss] or t097 [Anlg In mA Loss].•Check for broken/loose connections at inputs.•Check parameters.F033Auto Rstrt Tries2Drive unsuccessfully attempted to reset a fault and resume runningfor the programmed number of A541 [Auto Rstrt Tries].Correct the cause of the fault and manually clear.F038Phase U to Gnd2 A phase to ground fault has been detected between the drive andmotor in this phase.•Check the wiring between the drive and motor.•Check motor for grounded phase.•Replace drive if fault cannot be cleared.F039Phase V to Gnd F040Phase W to GndF041Phase UV Short2Excessive current has been detected between these two outputterminals.Check the motor and drive output terminal wiring for a shorted condition.Replace drive if fault cannot be cleared.F042Phase UW ShortF043Phase VW ShortF048Params Defaulted1The drive was commanded to write default values to EEPROM.•Clear the fault or cycle power to the drive.•Program the drive parameters as needed.F063SW OverCurrent1Programmed A486 [Shear Pin1 Level] has been exceeded for a timeperiod greater than the time programmed in A487 [Shear Pin 1Time].•Verify connections between motor and load.•Verify level and time requirements.F064Drive Overload2Drive overload rating has been exceeded.Reduce load or extend Accel Time.F070Power Unit2Failure has been detected in the drive power section.•Check maximum ambient temperature has not been exceeded.•Cycle power.•Replace drive if fault cannot be cleared.F071DSI Net Loss2Control over the Modbus or DSI communications link has beeninterrupted.•Cycle power.•Check communications cabling.•Check Modbus or DSI setting.•Check Modbus or DSI status.F072Opt Net Loss2Control over the network option card’s remote network has beeninterrupted.•Cycle power.•Check communications cabling.•Check network adapter setting.•Check external network status.F080Autotune Failure2The autotune function was either cancelled by the user or failed.Restart procedure.F081DSI Comm Loss2Communications between the drive and the Modbus or DSI masterdevice have been interrupted.•Cycle power.•Check communications cabling.•Check Modbus or DSI setting.•Check Modbus or DSI status.•Modify using C125 [Comm Loss Action].•Connecting I/O terminals C1 and C2 to ground may improve noise immunity.•Replace wiring, Modbus master device, or control module.F082Opt Comm Loss2Communications between the drive and the network option cardhave been interrupted.•Cycle power.•Reinstall option card in drive.•Modify using C125 [Comm Loss Action].•Replace wiring, port expander, option card, or control module.F094Function Loss2“Freeze-Fire” (Function Loss) input is inactive, input to theprogrammed terminal is open.Close input to the terminal and cycle power.F100ParameterChksum2Drive parameter non-volatile storage is corrupted.Set P053 [Reset To Defalts] to 2 “Factory Rset”.F101External Storage2External non-volatile storage has failed.Set P053 [Reset To Defalts] to 2 “Factory Rset”.F105 C Connect Err2Control module was disconnected while drive was powered.Clear fault and verify all parameter settings. Do not remove orinstall the control module while power is applied.F106Incompat C-P2The control module could not recognize the power module.•Cycle power.•Flash with newer firmware version.•Replace drive if fault cannot be cleared.F107Replaced C-P2The control module was mounted to a power module with a differentpower rating.Set P053 [Reset To Defalts] to any of the reset options.Additional faults are listed on the next page.Publication 520-DU002A-EN-E - September 2013 -Copyright © 2013 Rockwell Automation, Inc. All rights reserved.Allen-Bradley, Rockwell Automation, PowerFlex, and TechConnect are trademarks of Rockwell Automation, Inc.Trademarks not belonging to Rockwell Automation are property of their respective companies.Power, Control and Information Solutions HeadquartersAmericas: Rockwell Automation, 1201 South Second Street, Milwaukee, WI 53204-2496 USA, T el: (1) 414.382.2000, Fax: (1) 414.382.4444Europe/Middle East/Africa: Rockwell Automation NV, Pegasus Park, De Kleetlaan 12a, 1831 Diegem, Belgium, T el: (32) 2 663 0600, Fax: (32) 2663 0640Asia Pacific: Rockwell Automation, Level 14, Core F, Cyberport 3, 100 Cyberport Road, Hong Kong, T el: (852) 2887 4788, Fax: (852) 2508 1846All the recommended documentation listed in this section is available online at /literature .The following publications provide general drive information:The following publications provide specific PowerFlex 520-Series information on drive installation, features, specifications, and service:The following publications provide specific Network Communications information:F109Mismatch C-P 2The control module was mounted to a different drive type power module.Set P053 [Reset To Defalts] to any of the reset options.F110KeypadMembrane 2Keypad membrane failure / disconnected.•Cycle power.•Replace control module if fault cannot be cleared.F114uC Failure 2Microprocessor failure.•Cycle power.•Replace control module if fault cannot be cleared.F122I/O Board Fail 2Failure has been detected in the drive control and I/O section.•Cycle power.•Replace drive or control module if fault cannot be cleared.F125Flash Update Req 2The firmware in the drive is corrupt, mismatched, or incompatible with the hardware.Perform a firmware flash update operation to attempt to load a valid set of firmware.F126NonRecoverablErr2A non-recoverable firmware or hardware error was detected. The drive was automatically stopped and reset.•Clear fault or cycle power to the drive.•Replace drive or control module if fault cannot be cleared.F127DSIFlashUpdatReq 2A critical problem with the firmware was detected and the drive is running using backup firmware that only supports DSI communications.Perform a firmware flash update operation using DSI communications to attempt to load a valid set of firmware.(1)Type 1 = Auto-Reset/Run faults. Type 2 = Non-Resettable faults.TitlePublication Wiring and Grounding Guidelines for Pulse Width Modulated (PWM) AC Drives DRIVES-IN001 Preventive Maintenance of Industrial Control and Drive System EquipmentDRIVES-TD001 Safety Guidelines for the Application, Installation and Maintenance of Solid State Control SGI-1.1 A Global Reference Guide for Reading Schematic Diagrams 100-2.10 Guarding Against Electrostatic Damage8000-4.5.2TitlePublication PowerFlex 520-Series Adjustable Frequency AC Drive User Manual 520-UM001 PowerFlex 520-Series AC Drive Specifications 520-TD001 PowerFlex Dynamic Braking Resistor Calculator PFLEX-AT001 PowerFlex AC Drives in Common Bus ConfigurationsDRIVES-AT002TitlePublication PowerFlex 25-COMM-D DeviceNet Adapter User Manual520COM-UM002 PowerFlex 25-COMM-E2P Dual-Port EtherNet/IP Adapter User Manual 520COM-UM003 PowerFlex 25-COMM-P PROFIBUS DP Adapter520COM-UM004。
1. 骨骼健康:维生素K2与骨骼健康密切相关。
2. 凝血功能:维生素K2在凝血过程中起着重要的作用。
1. 凝血问题:维生素K2会抑制抗凝血剂华法林(warfarin)
2. 消化问题:摄入过多的维生素K2可能导致消化不适、腹泻
3. 过敏反应:个别人可能对维生素K2过敏,出现皮疹、瘙痒、
当代大学德语 第 单元课文 中文翻译
Studienweg Deutsch 3 Kursbuch Lektion 1Text 1:Erstsemester-TagebuchDer ganz normale WahnsinnSoll ich nachts um vier aufstehen, um mich für ein Seminar anzumelden? Soll ich in der Mensa die rote oder die weiße Soße nehmen? Und wo, bitte, geht's zur Party? Erstsemester Manuel steht vor den großen Fragen beim Studienstart. Hier seine ersten Eindrücke.我是否应该为了能登记上一节研讨课而要在凌晨四点就起床?在食堂吃饭时,我应该用红色的酱汁还是白色的那个?并且要在什么时候去参加派对呢?大学新生马努埃尔在学期初面对着一大堆的问题。
Montag星期一Heute ist mein erster Tag an der Uni. Heute soll es losgehen: die Jagd nach Wissen, der Kampf um gute Noten und Einladungen zu Partys.今天是我上大学的第一天。
Zum ersten Mal in der Mensa: undefinierbare rote Sauce, undefinierbare weiße Sauce, undefinierbares braunes Fleisch. Guten Appetit? Wohl eher: Nur Mut! Danach will ich mich zu einem Juraseminar anmelden. Wer zuerst kommt, mahlt zuerst. Der Anmeldetermin ist um vier, jetzt ist es halb zwei. Das reicht, denke ich.第一次来到食堂:说不清楚的红色酱汁,说不清楚的白色酱汁,说不清楚的棕色的肉。
B40I n d i c a t o r s A c c e s s o r i e s S u p p l e m e n t T a c t i l e sK e y l o c k sR o t a r i e s P u s h b u t t o n s I l l u m i n a t e d P B S l i d e sP r o g r a m m a b l eT o u c h T i l tT o g g l e sGeneral SpecificationsElectrical Capacity (Resistive Load)Power Level: 10A @ 125/250V AC for JWM & JWMW models; 10A @ 30V DC for JWMW;16A @ 125/250V AC for JWL & JWLW models; 5A @ 72V DC for telecommunication applicationsOther RatingsContact Resistance: 10 milliohms maximum for JWM & JWMW; 20 milliohms maximum for JWL & JWLWInsulation Resistance: 1,000 megohms minimum @ 500V DCDielectric Strength: 2,000V AC minimum between contacts for 1 minute minimum;4,000V AC minimum between contacts & case for 1 minute minimumMechanical Life: 25,000 operations minimum Electrical Life: 25,000 operations minimumNominal Operating Force: JWM & JWMW Single Pole 3.92N & Double Pole 7.84NJWL Single Pole 5.00N & Double Pole 10.00N; JWLW Double Pole 10.00NAngle of Throw: 26°Materials & FinishesRocker:Polyphenylene ether (UL94V-0) Contacts: JWM & JWMW: Silver alloy with silver plating Housing/Frame & Barrier: Polyamide (UL94V-0) JWL & JWLW: Silver alloy plus copper with Interior Seal for JWM & JWL:Polyphenylene sulfide (UL94V-0) silver plating Case/Base:Melamine (UL94V-0) Terminals: Brass with silver platingEnvironmental DataOperating Temperature Range: –25°C through +70°C (–13°F through +158°F) for JWM & JWL;–25°C through +85°C (–13°F through +185°F) for panel seal JWMW & JWLW modelsHumidity: 90 ~ 95% humidity for 96 hours @ 40°C (104°F)Vibration: 10 ~ 55Hz with peak-to-peak amplitude of 1.5mm traversing the frequency range & returningin 1 minute; 3 right angled directions for 2 hoursShock: 50G (490m/s 2) acceleration (tested in 6 right angled directions, with 5 shocks in each direction)Sealing: IP67 of IEC60529 standard for panel seal JWMW & JWLW models; dust resistant inner seal for othersInstallationSoldering Time & Temperature: Manual Soldering: See Profile A in Supplement section.Standards & CertificationsFlammability Standards: UL94V-0 for rocker, housing, seal & case/base of JWL, JWM, JWMW & JWLW models TV Ratings for UL & CSA: JWM (TV-5) Overload Test @ 120V AC for 50 operations:Steady State Current (rms) 7.5A; Minimum Inrush Current (peak) 111A.JWM (TV-5) Endurance Test @ 120V AC for 25,000 operations:Steady State Current (rms) 5A; Minimum Inrush Current (peak) 78A.JWL (TV-8) Overload Test @ 120V AC for 50 operations:Steady State Current (rms) 12A; Minimum Inrush Current (peak) 163A.JWL (TV-8) Endurance Test @ 120V AC for 25,000 operations:Steady State Current (rms) 8A; Minimum Inrush Current (peak) 117A.UL: File No. E44145JWM & JWMW models recognized at 10A @ 250V AC. JWMW recognized at 10A @ 30V DC. JWL & JWLW models recognized at 16A @ 250V AC; JWL at 5A @ 72V DC.Models below recognized only when ordered with marking on switch. JWMW: add “/U” to end of part number to order UL mark on switch; add “/CUL” to end of part number to order cULus mark on switch. JWL: add “/U-DC” to end of part number to request UL rating on DC rated switch.CSA: File No. 023535_0_000JWM & JWMW models certified at 10A @ 250V AC; JWL models certified at 16A @ 250V AC VDE: License No. 115674JWM models approved at steady state 5A, inrush 80A, resistive 10A, & motor load 6A all at 250V AC; JWL models approved at steady state inrush 128A, resistive 16A, & motor load 8A all at 250V AC.Note: JWM & JWL Double Pole, Single Throw models approved only with the international ON-OFF symbols on the actuator.8/3/17B41I n d i c a t o r s A c c e s s o r i e s S u p p l e m e n t T a c t i l e s K e y l o c k s R o t a r i e s P u s h b u t t o n s I l l u m i n a t e d P B S l i d e s P r o g r a m m a b l e T o g g l esT o u c hT i l t Distinctive CharacteristicsActual Size JWMIndustry’s first molded rocker with TV rating. Designed to handle large inrush current, with high electrical capacity of 10 and 16 Amps. JWM models certified for TV-5 rating and JWL models for TV-8 rating.JWMW and JWLW panel seal versions meet IP67 of IEC60529 Standards (similar to NEMA 4 and 6). Prominent external insulating barriers increase insulation resistance and dielectric strength. Uniquely constructed to break light contact welds.Increased electrical life with speciallydesigned plate to minimize contact bounce. Constructed for dust resistance with interior cover between actuator and contact area. Terminals are molded in and epoxy sealed to lock out flux, dust, and other contaminants. Solder lug/quick connect terminals can be used with connector.Housing and case of heat resistant resin meet UL94V-0 standard.B42I n d i c a t o r s A c c e s s o r i e s S u p p l e m e n tT a c t i l e sK e y l o c k s R o t a r i e sP u s h b u t t o n sI l l u m i n a t e d P BS l i d e sP r o g r a m m a b l eT o u c hT i l t T o g g l e sTYPICAL SWITCH ORDERING EXAMPLEDESCRIPTION FOR TYPICAL ORDERING EXAMPLEJWLW21RA1ABlack HousingDPSTON-NONE-OFF CircuitBlack Rocker Cap withInternational ON-OFF Symbolsin Horizontal Orientation16A @ 125/250V ACB43I n d i c a t o r sA c c e s s o r i e s S u p p l e m e n tT a c t i l e sK e y l o c k sR o t a r i e sP u s h b u t t o n sI l l u m i n a t e d P B S l i d e s P r o g r a m m a b l e T o g g l esT o u c hT i l tM Panel Seal Power Level 10A @ 125/250V AC Power Level 10A @ 125/250V AC Power Level16A @ 125/250V ACMW LRATINGSBARRIER TYPES & COLORSBarrier type designates that either AT217 (for JWM) orAT218 (for JWL) is factory assembled.Dimensions for barriers are shown in the Accessories section.RFlange/Housing Material: PolyamideFinish: MatteBarrier Material: Polyamide Finish: MatteNo-barrier type has a flat flange which is an integral part of the switch.No BarrierBWith BarrierABlackHGrayBIvoryBarrier Colors Available:JWMW and JWLW panel seal devices have exterior seal of acrylonitrile butadiene rubber covering the flange.Panel SealPower Level16A @ 125/250V ACLWJWM JWL JWM JWLCAP COLORSCap Material: Polyphenelene Oxide Finish: MatteRocker cap is an integral part of the switch and not available separately.JWMW and JWLW available with black or red caps only.BlackIvoryRedGrayCap ColorsAvailable:ABCHB44I n d i c a t o r sA c c e s s o r i e sS u p p l e m e n tT a c t i l e sK e y l o c k sR o t a r i e sP u s h b u t t o n s I l l u m i n a t e d P BS l i d e sP r o g r a m m a b l eT o u c hT i l t T o g g l e sTERMINALSJWMWBlackIvoryABHINSCRIPTIONSInscription forHorizontal MountingDPST models without inscriptions do not have VDE approval.Inscription for Vertical MountingThe IEC symbols for On-Off are supplied with Single Throw models only.Orientation of inscription must be selected.Inscription Colors: Black ink on Ivory or Gray cap. White ink on Black or Red cap.Contact factory for other inscriptions.12No InscriptionNo CodeJWM & JWMWMaterial: Polyamide Finish: MatteColors Available:JWMW and JWLW panel seal models available with black housing only.HOUSINGGrayJWL & JWLWThk = (0.5).020.024.026Thk = (0.8) .031JWMPanel Thickness RangeWithout Barrier (JWM & JWMW):.039” ~ .157” (1.0mm ~ 4.0mm)With Barrier (JWM):.024” ~ .126” (0.6mm ~ 3.2mm)PANEL CUTOUTSSolder Lug/Quick Connect .110” (2.8mm)Solder Lug/Quick Connect .187” (4.75mm)Panel Thickness RangeWithout Barrier (JWL & JWLW):.039” ~ .157” (1.0mm ~ 4.0mm)With Barrier (JWL):.024” ~ .126” (0.6mm ~ 3.2mm)JWLWJWLB45I n d i c a t o r sA c c e s s o r i e sS u p p l e m e n t T a c t i l e sK e y l o c k sR o t a r i e s P u s h b u t t o n s I l l u m i n a t e d P B S l i d e s P r o g r a m m a b l e T o g g l esT o u c h T i l t TYPICAL SWITCH DIMENSIONS FOR JWM & JWMWJWM11RC1AJWMW22RCASingle & Double Pole With Barrier • 10 AmpSingle & Double Pole Panel Seal • No Barrier • 10 AmpJWM11BCA-HSingle & Double PoleNo Barrier • 10 AmpSingle pole double throw models do not have terminals 2a, 2, & 2b; single throw models do not have 1a & 2a.B46I n d i c a t o r sA c c e s s o r i e s S u p p l e m e n tT a c t i l e sK e y l o c k sR o t a r i e sP u s h b u t t o n sI l l u m i n a t e d P BS l i d e sP r o g r a m m a b l eT o u c hT i l tT o g g l e sTYPICAL SWITCH DIMENSIONS FOR JWL & JWLWWith Barrier • 16 AmpSingle & Double PoleJWL11BCA-HSingle pole double throw models do not have terminals 2a, 2, & 2b; single throw models do not have 1a & 2a.Panel Seal • 16 Amp • InscriptionDouble Pole Single ThrowJWLW21RA1AJWL21RC2A Single pole double throw models do not have terminals 2a, 2, & 2b; single throw models do not have 1a & 2a.No Barrier • 16 AmpSingle & Double PoleB47I n d i c a t o r s A c c e s s o r i e s S u p p l e m e n t T a c t i l e s K e y l o c k sR o t a r i e s P u s h b u t t o n s I l l u m i n a t e d P B S l i d e s P r o g r a m m a b l e T o g g l esT o u c hT i l t OPTIONAL DUST COVERTop Side BottomAssembly Instructions:1. Insert bottom of switch through the base untilthe tabs lock into place.2. Snap the switch into the panel.3. Seat the lid into the grooves of the base .Notes1. The dust cover is not for use with JWLW.2. The dust cover cannot be used with the barrier option.AT4126Dust Cover for JWL RockerWhen installed, the Dust Cover protects the switch from an environment containing small particles and dust. The switch is operable with the Dust Cover in place.Materials:Recommended Temperature Range:Lid: Clear Polyvinyl Chloride –10° ~ +70°C (+14°F ~ +158°F)Base: Black PolyamideLoses pliability below 0°C (+32°F)Recommended Panel Thickness:.031” ~ .134” (0.8mm ~ 3.4mm)LidBaseTYPICAL SWITCH DIMENSIONS FOR JWLWDouble Pole Double ThrowPanel Seal • 16 Amp • No InscriptionJWLW22RAAB48I n d i c a t o r s A c c e s s o r i e s S u p p l e m e n t T a c t i l e s K e y l o c k sR o t a r i e sP u s h b u t t o n s I l l u m i n a t e d P BS l i d e s P r o g r a m m a b l eT o u ch T i l t T o g g l e sPRECAUTIONS FOR HANDLING & STORAGE FOR JWMW/LW (PANEL SEAL TYPES)Operating Environment• Do not actuate switch if submerged in water or oil.• water may occur. In such an environment, a minimum 30° angle installation is advisable. If there is a possibility of freezing, install vertically so no moisture will be retained within switch housing.Panel Mounting• After mounting a switch, be sure there are no gaps between switch and panel. Lightly push into panel.• After installing into panel, do not apply excessive force.• After panel installation and wiring is completed, do not apply force horizontally or vertically from behind panel.corners of cutout to prevent level mounting.。
ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS – III (4:0:0)(Common to all branches)Sub code : MA0403 CIE : 50% MarksHrs/week : 04 SEE : 50% MarksSEE Hrs : 03 Total Hrs : 52 hrs Max. Marks : 100Course Outcomes:On successful completion of the course the students will be able to:1. Define a Fourier series and rewrite the periodic function of period 2l in terms of Fourierseries, half range series.2. Construct and solve homogeneous and non homogeneous partial differential equations.3. Apply half range Fourier series expansion to solve the boundary value problems on wave,heat and Laplace’s equations. Compute Fourier and Inverse Fourier transforms of functions. 4. Apply numerical techniques to solve the systems of linear algebraic equations, compute thelargest Eigen value and the corresponding Eigen vector of a matrix and estimate a real root of the given equation.5. Apply appropriate formulae for interpolation, estimate the values of the derivatives anddefinite integrals using numerical techniques.6. Compute Z- transform and inverse Z- transform of functions and select the necessarytransforms to solve difference equations.UNIT – I Fourier SeriesConvergence and divergence of infinite series of positive terms – Definition and illustrative examples. Fourier series of period 2l (SLE: Fourier series with period 2Π), Half range series, complex form of Fourier series, Practical harmonic analysis.9 hrsUNIT – II Partial Differential EquationsFormation of PDE, Solution of homogeneous and non-homogeneous PDE, Solution of homogeneous PDE by direct integration. Solution of homogeneous PDE by the method of separation of variables. Various possible solutions of one dimensional wave equation, (SLE: heat equation and two dimensional Laplace’s equation). Solution of Lagrange’s linear PDE – simple problems, D’Alembert’s solution of wave equation.9 hrsUNIT – III Application of PDE and Fourier TransformsApplication of PDE – Solution of boundary value problems associated with one dimensional wave equation, (SLE: heat equation) and two dimensional Laplace’s equation. Infinite Fourier Transforms, Fourier sine and cosine transforms,Inverse Transforms.8hrsUNIT – IV Numerical Methods – 1Numerical solution of a system of linear algebraic equations – Gauss Seidel & Relaxation iterative methods. Computation of largest eigen value and the corresponding eigen vector by Rayleigh’s power method.(SLE: Rayleigh’s inverse power method). Numerical solution of algebraic and transcendental equations - Newton Raphson and Regula falsi methods.9 hrsUNIT – V Numerical Methods - 2Finite differences – forward and backward differences, Newton’s forward interpolation formula, (SLE: Newton’s backward interpolation and Lagrange’s inverse interpolation formula). Interpolation for unequal intervals – Newton’s divided difference formula, Lagrange’s interpolation formula. Numerical differentiation associated with Newton’s forward, backward and divided difference formulae. Numerical Integration – Simpson’s 1/3rd rule, Simpson’s 3/8th rule, Weddle’s rule (All formulae without proof)9 hrsUNIT – VI Z-TransformsDifference Equations – Basic definition. Z-transforms, Definition, Standard Z-transforms, Linearity property – Damping rule, Shifting rule, Initial value theorem, Final value theorem. Inverse Z-transforms. (SLE: Inverse Z-transforms by power series method). Application of Z-transforms to solve difference equations.8 hrsText Books :1.Higher Engineering Mathematics – B.S. Grewal, 42nd edition, KhannaPublications2. Advanced Engineering Mathematics - Erwin Kreyszig, wiley publications, 10thedition.Reference Books :1.Advanced Engg. Mathematics – H. K. Dass, Chand Publications.2.Higher Engg. Mathematics – B. V. Ramanna, Tata McGraw-Hill Publications.3.Advanced Engineering Mathematics- Peter O Neil; Thomas, Broks/ Cole , 7th Edition。
BM 模块好营养应用手册说明书
深圳市易连物联网有限公司-1-修改记录文档版本作者发布日期修改说明V1.1黄炜楚2017/9/12初稿V1.2黄炜楚2019/5/20增加咖啡定时功能V1.3黄炜楚2019/5/31增加kg和斤V1.4黄炜楚2019/06/26完善咖啡定时功能V1.5黄炜楚2019/07/15修改咖啡功能指令的byte2标示V1.6梁永新2019/9/10增加单位增加异常状态报警指令V1.7梁永新2019/9/18增加APP读取设备端支持的单位的指令(为了使得APP的单位与设备上的单位保持一致,APP读取单位时,MCU需返回数据)V1.8黄炜楚2019/09/25添加单位换算方式V1.9梁永新2019/11/25增加咖啡定时功能的停止报警指令V2.0罗贤丽2020/05/04更新公司信息V2.1LYX2020/11/9支持的单位列表里增加lb单位(在发送重量信息和支持的单位、切换单位里)深圳市易连物联网有限公司-2-目录修改记录 (2)目录 (3)1概述 (4)2说明 (4)3蓝牙接口 (5)3.1蓝牙名称:SWAN (5)3.2蓝牙连接服务列表:FFB0 (5)4BM模块与MCU交互协议 (6)4.1设置指令 (6)4.1.1设置蓝牙名称 (7)4.1.2设置串口波特率 (9)4.1.3控制模块进入工作状态 (9)4.1.4控制模块进入低功耗状态 (11)4.1.5设置DID (12)4.1.6BM回复连接状态 (13)5协议透传产品介绍 (14)5.1好营养 (14)5.1.1工作模式 (14)5.1.2MCU发送重量 (15)5.1.3APP获取设备端所支持的单位 (17)5.1.4切换单位 (18)5.1.5异常报警 (18)5.1.6去皮功能 (20)5.1.7咖啡定时功能 (21)6使用/测试指导 (27)6.1测试工具 (27)6.2测试步骤 (27)7自定义说明 (27)8联系我们 (27)9附录 (27)深圳市易连物联网有限公司-3-1概述本文档适用于BM系列模块(BM02/08/15/16…)。
gridtracker 快速入门指南说明书
本文档正在不断完善,但它已经足够完整,可以让您在几分钟内学会基本操作!- Tag/N0TTL GridTracker 快速入门指南软件开发Stephen "Tag" Loomis / NØTTL&Henry "atouk" Forte / N2VFL文档编辑参与人员Andy Loomis / KEØULKarl Goetsch / KØEGMatthew Chambers / NRØQHenry / K4KPWDon / KB2YSICorey Freeman / K5GTOTed / K4KPWSteve / W7WM中文翻译Lv Meng / BD3OOX石家庄业余无线电俱乐部1目录目录1什么是 GridTracker?2下载并安装 GridTracker4设置 WSJT-X5设置 JTDX6设置 GridTracker7开始使用GridTracker9Logging 设置17 GridTracker18本地Log文件19 LotW日志记录19 QRZ .com日志记录20什么是Call Roster(呼叫名单)?21什么是 GridTracker?GridTracker的原始定义是:"GridTracker 侦听来自 WSJT-X 的数据并将其显示在地图上,同时他还会加载已有ADIF日志文件"这是从2018年2月以来,对GridTracker一直保持的描述,但是如今它已经演变为一个非常强大的业余无线电工具,而不单纯是FT8的辅助软件!GridTracker 是一个业余无线电信息仓库,并把所有信息呈现在一个易于使用的界面中,它包含了实时数据解码、多平台保存日志、现场报告、实时天气、当前太阳数据预报等诸多功能!以下我们将用GT来代表GridTracker软件。
GridTracker 的主要功能●在高度可自定义的交互式地图上对实时和历史联系人进行高级映射。
1. 基础代谢率(BMR)计算。
BMR的计算公式如下:男性,BMR = 10 ×体重(kg)+ 6.25 ×身高(cm)5 ×年龄(岁)+ 5。
女性,BMR = 10 ×体重(kg)+ 6.25 ×身高(cm)5 ×年龄(岁)161。
2. 活动水平计算。
活动系数一般分为以下几个等级:乏活动,BMR × 1.2。
轻度活动,BMR × 1.375。
中度活动,BMR × 1.55。
高度活动,BMR × 1.725。
极度活动,BMR × 1.9。
3. 蛋白质摄入计算。
4. 碳水化合物和脂肪摄入计算。
学生包 github 申请方法
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三、开始GitHub学生包申请流程1. 打开GitHub Education全球信息站:学生可以通过在浏览器中输入“education.github”来打开GitHub Education全球信息站。
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BNS2002的应用BNS2002通常通过以下步骤来应用于个体的营养评估:1. 信息收集:收集与个体的营养状况有关的基本信息,如个体的身高、体重、年龄、生活方式等。
2. 评估指标计算:根据收集到的信息,使用BNS2002提供的公式和算法计算出个体的各项评估指标。
3. 营养干预建议:通过对个体的评估指标进行分析,可以得出个体的营养状况以及可能存在的不足或风险。
4. 跟踪和评估:随着时间的推移,可以使用BNS2002来跟踪个体的营养状况的变化。
Eaton Moeller PKZ Shunt release 199340 数据手册说明书
Eaton 199340Eaton Moeller® series A-PKZ0 Shunt release PKZ0(4), PKE, AC, 240 V 50 Hz, Push in terminalsGeneral specificationsEaton Moeller® series PKZ Shunt release199340401508197424568 mm 91 mm 24 mm 0.132 kgRoHS conform CE MarkedProduct NameCatalog Number EANProduct Length/Depth Product Height Product Width Product Weight Compliances3 VA, Coil in a cold state and 1.0 x Us5 VA, Pull-in power, Coil in a cold state and 1.0 x Us 240 V0.7- 1.1 x Us (alternating voltage)0.7- 1.1 x Us (DC)0.7 - 1.1 x Us (AC)Motor safety switch0 V42 V0.5 W240 V20 - 1424 V250 V3 VA, Coil in a cold state and 1.0 x Us55 °C0 A480 V0 V DA-DC-00004918.pdfDA-DC-00004917.pdfDA-DC-00004887.pdfDA-DC-00004881.pdfDA-DC-00004885.pdfDA-DC-00004919.pdfDA-DC-00004916.pdfDA-DC-00004912.pdfDA-DC-00004880.pdfDA-DC-00004913.pdfDA-DC-00004889.pdfDA-DC-00004888.pdfeaton-manual-motor-starters-undervoltage-u-pkz0-accessory-dimensions.epsETN.A-PKZ0(240V50HZ)-PI.edzMotor-Protective Circuit-Breaker PKE - brochurePKE – Communication module Modbus RTUIL03407011ZIL122024ZUIL122026ZUIL03402034Za_pkz_pi.stpa_pkz_pi.dwgDA-DC-00004316.pdfVideo Motor Protective Circuit Breaker PKEPower consumption, sealing, 60 HzPower consumption, pick-up, 50 HzRated control supply voltage (Us) at AC, 50 Hz - min Operational voltageSuitable forRated control supply voltage (Us) at DC - minRated operational voltage (Ue) at AC - minPower consumptionRated control supply voltage (Us) at AC, 50 Hz - max Terminal capacity (solid/stranded AWG)Rated operational voltage (Ue) at DC - minRated operational voltage (Ue) at DC - maxPower consumption, sealing, 50 HzAmbient operating temperature - maxUndelayed short-circuit release - minRated operational voltage (Ue) at AC - maxRated control supply voltage (Us) at AC, 60 Hz - min Declarations of conformityDibujoseCAD modelFolletosInstrucciones de instalación mCAD modelReportes de certificaciones Videos de instalaciónEaton Corporation plc Eaton House30 Pembroke Road Dublin 4, Ireland © 2023 Eaton. Todos los derechos reservados. Eaton is a registered trademark.All other trademarks areproperty of their respectiveowners./socialmedia5 VA, Pull-in power, Coil in a cold state and 1.0 x Us 0 V-25 °C0 V Motor protective circuit-breaker0 APush in terminals Spring clamp connectionACPower consumption, pick-up, 60 HzRated control supply voltage (Us) at DC - max Ambient operating temperature - min Rated control supply voltage (Us) at AC, 60 Hz - max Used withNumber of contacts (normally open contacts)Undelayed short-circuit release - max Electric connection type Number of contacts (normally closed contacts)Number of contacts (change-over contacts)Voltage type。
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案例一(拼读和理解问题)学员情况:Dragon 6岁K2 学习6个月初步具备CVC单词意识看到一个可拼读单词能运用拼读技巧拼读出来但速度较慢家长情况:万女士35岁公司白领家长问题:在家带孩子读小书(说明家长重视孩子学习)孩子能拼读但不知道拼读出来是什么意思不知道故事在讲什么不能这么学需求分析:1、表象:学生不理解小书中单词的意思;无法阅读;质疑学习方法2、原因:家长对K2阶段自然拼读学习和阅读的目标不明确3、真实需求:重视学习效果;希望学生掌握意思;只会拼读不知词义的方法不够恰当话术:1、共情:肯定家长认真做家辅的行为陈述目前学生学习状况(和家长信息共享)阐述家长问题,安抚焦虑(可以说别的家长也会有这样的问题)简述主要沟通内容2、讲解儿童早期阅读的五大要素明确影响儿童早期阅读的五大要素(音素、自然拼读、词汇、理解、流利度)结合K2阶段学习内容进行解读贴合五大要素去讲,显得我们很专业,让家长更认同我们3、K2阶段的阅读理解K2阶段学生阅读前的技能准备K2阶段学生阅读中如何理解文章内容用图文结合方式进行阅读理解的原因(大图配小字)故事内容和文字建立联系,让学生在阅读中理解我们的内容K2阶段学习自然拼读的特色(在阅读的情景中学习自然拼读)和优势(会与阅读理解融合)结论:瑞思自然拼读是单纯的机械练习拼读4、阅读小书的家辅建议阅读内容的选择阅读方法的建议阅读成就感的建立和保持案例二(K1 K2衔接问题,兴趣不高了)学员情况:George 4岁半K2 学习2.5个月学习意愿没有K1高团队合作较好家长情况:李先生33岁大学教师家长问题:认为K1适合学龄前儿童效果明显;K2太难孩子兴趣低想换一家需求分析:1、表象:K2内容难,学生兴趣低;有尝试其他机构想法;学生回家输出少2、原因:不清楚学科英语对学生的益处;不清楚K2阶段的教学内容与该年龄阶段学生之间的匹配关系3、真实需求:希望学生延续对英语的兴趣并能在生活中活学活用话术:1、共情:与家长确认真实需求;理解焦虑产生共情2、兴趣没有减弱,只是表现形式出现变化讲解K1阶段对学生有兴趣的通常表现和K2阶段对学生有兴趣的通常表现(K1探索孩子有好奇心K2孩子适应环境环境是安全放松的会对内容更好奇外在表现会弱一点)3、和家长讲解我们能让学生持续感兴趣的保障教学内容丰富保障学生的兴趣课堂组织形式丰富多样保障学生的兴趣4、学科英语的优越性讲解瑞思学科英语教育理念(培养小朋友的LTP能力和素养)学科英语对学生未来的益处5、K2阶段教学内容的方式是符合该年龄段学生的各方面特点的正确学习阶段学生的教学特点基于教学特点设置的教学内容6、具体家辅建议:家辅要注意场景营造案例三(效果的问题)学员情况:Lee 5岁K2 学习4个月直招课上举手回答在引导下能参与课堂活动家长情况:梁女士33岁公司职员家长问题:回家不主动说学了什么问他他也说忘记了用课后作业去提问孩子也说不好需求分析:1、表象:学生回家不能描述学习内容;根据老师提供的方法学生也不能流畅回答2、原因:老师未能及时外化(发视频)、详细的沟通学生在课堂上的表现,包括对全英文环境的适应和教学效果3、真实需求:学习效果;能否适应环境话术:1、共情:确认目前日常沟通内容;确认教师沟通缺失;态度诚恳开展沟通2、对课堂和课程的适应从英文基础和学习能力说明学生快速适应学习环境的原因从学习特点和课程内容说明学生能够适应课程的原因3、课堂积极性视频展示展示视频夸两句4、学习成果视频对比(入学时视频与目前的对比)从语言知识、思维能力、LTP能力方面的对比进步点解读5、家辅方面的表现和具体建议肯定家长对家辅的态度综述学生近来家辅表现从家辅环境角度出发解读学生不愿回答家辅问题案例四(幼升小家长担心小学适应性问题)学员情况:Rebecca 6岁K2 学习8个月效果明显家长情况:张女士35岁老师家长问题:孩子马上小学了担心孩子精力分配不过来想等小学事情都定下来在考虑需求分析:1、表象:家长担心学生精力不够,考虑适应小学后再回瑞思学习2、原因:老师层面:未外化全面的教学效果;针对幼升小的孩子问题前置不足3、真实需求:不知瑞思教育能辅助学生更好的适应小学生活话术:1、共情换位思考,提出幼升小对学生能力要求的转变脱离了幼儿园照顾式教育,要适应小学生活是需要具备个人管理能力的,瑞思的LTP这些能力的培养对孩子更好地适应小学生活尤为重要2、从语言知识和能力两个方面分析学员情况(学拼读学阅读能力是注重培养思维和未来领导力)3、瑞思理念目标的解读:瑞思金字塔的教育目标正是关注人的性格和能力的培养。
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SJK (C) CHIH MONGUJIAN PERTENGAHAN SEMESTER 1 BAHASA MALAYSIA TAHUN TIGA (PENULISAN)MASA: SATU JAMNAMA: __________________ MARKAH: ____________Saya mempunyai ramai kawan. Kawan karib saya bernama Poh Li. Dia (1)_______________ berhampiran dengan rumah saya. Dia (2)_____________ sembilan tahun.Setiap hari, kami (3)______________ ke sekolah bersama-sama. Dia selalu membuat kerja sekolah di rumah saya. Kami juga berbincang tentang(4)____________________ yang diberikan oleh guru kelas kami. Pada waktu petang, kami (5)_______________ di taman permainan.Poh Li murid yang (6)_________________ dan (7)_________________. Dia rajin membaca buku dan membuat ulang kaji (8)___________________. Dia selalu mendapat keputusan yang cemerlang.Poh Li juga menolong orang. Apabila saya (9)________________ masalah dalam pelajaran, dia akan menolong saya. Saya berharap agar(10)_________________ kami akan berkekalan.B.Susun semula ayat-ayat berikut mengikut urutan isi yang betul. Kemudian, salimsemula ayat-ayat tersebut dalam bentuk perenggan.(15%)( ) Selepas beberapa hari, keputusan peperiksaan diumumkan.( ) Emi rajin mengulang kaji pelajaran.( ) Emi berjaya dengan cemerlang.( ) Emi murid Tahun 3 dan akan menduduki peperiksaan akhir tahun.( ) Semasa peperiksaan, Emi menjawab semua soalan denganberhati-hati._________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________C. Bina 5 ayat tentang aktiviti-aktiviti di dalam gambar. (25%)1. __________________________________________________________________________________2. __________________________________________________________________________________3. __________________________________________________________________________________4. __________________________________________________________________________________5. __________________________________________________________________________________D. Tuliskan nilai-nilai murni yang boleh kamu dapati daripada ayat-ayat berikut. (10%)1. Hashim menyerahkan dompet yang terjumpa di pertengahan jalan kepada pihak polis. ( ____________________________________ )2. Nadia suka membaca bahan bacaan untuk menambah pengetahuan.( ____________________________________ )3. Rashid menolong membalut luka budak yang terjatuh itu.( ____________________________________ )4. Penduduk-penduduk kampung itu bergotong-royong membersihkan kawasan kampung mereka. ( ____________________________________ )5. Pengawas itu melakukan segala tugas yang diberikan oleh guru dengan sempurna.( ____________________________________ )E.Tulis sebuah karangan yang tidak kurang daripada 60 patah perkataan berdasarkantajuk yang diberikan. (30%)Cita-cita saya_________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________。