使用润滑油和黄油时,务必戴好保护眼镜和保护 手套等,以防润滑油落入眼中或沾在皮肤上,这 是引起发炎的原因。 另外,润滑油或黄油不能饮用,否则会引起呕吐 和腹泻。 将油放在小孩拿不到的地方。
T-8421B, 8422B, 8452B, 8722B, 8752B
本缝纫机仅限于接受过安全操作培训的人员使 用。
3. 安装方法··············································· 4
3-1. 台板加工图 ············································· 5 3-2. 安装方法 ················································ 5 3-3. 加油方法 ················································ 9 3-4. 连接线缆 ··············································· 11
如果使用带小脚轮的工作台,则应该固定小脚轮 使其不能移动。
如果缝纫机出现故障,请与购买商店或受过培训 的技术人员联系。
在开始清洁作业前,请切断电源。 如果当误按动起动开关时,缝纫机动作会导致人 员受伤。
缝纫机头倒下或竖起时,请用双手进行操作。 单手操作时因缝纫机的重量万一滑落易导致受 伤。
使用润滑油和黄油时,务必戴好保护眼镜和保护 手套等,以防润滑油落入眼中或沾在皮肤上,这 是引起发炎的原因。 另外,润滑油或黄油不能饮用,否则会引起呕吐 和腹泻。 将油放在小孩拿不到的地方。
8. 缝纫效果 ············································· 35
ELGS-TB 齿形带轴单元 操作说明说明书
因壳体的高温表面存在烫伤危险。 运行时,金属外壳部分可能升至高温。 接触外壳的金属部分可能导致烫伤。 • 不得触摸壳体的金属部分。 • 在关断电源后,令设备冷却至室温。
更新设备数据(仅通过 IO-Link) • 更新固件 • 更新参数组 • 数据备份 (Data Storage) è 指南“一体式电机 EMCS” è /sp
操作说明 8174306 2022-04c [8174314]
Festo SE & Co. KG Ruiter Straße 82 73734 Esslingen 德国 +49 711 347-0
原版操作手册的译本 © 2023 Festo SE & Co. KG 保留一切权利 IO-Link 是商标持有人在相关国家注册的商标。
2 LED 指示灯“参数” 3 LED 指示灯 C/Q 4 负载电压电源接口 [Power] 5 逻辑电压接口和数字量输入/输
出或 IO-Link [Logic] 6 按钮(右箭头) 7 按钮(Edit) 8 按钮(左箭头)
意外和未经制动的部件运动。 • 运输时将活动的部件固定。
1. 注意产品重量 è 13 技术参数。 2. 固定运输工具时,请遵守支撑间距 £ 300 mm。
移动及确定终端位置(仅当与出厂设置的参考终端位置 “Ref”不同或更 改了有效范围时需要)。成功进行参考移动后,将对驱动系统执行参考运 行。
CEABDFGHI CANbus Network Steering Control Unit Brake Valve Stabilizer Valve Fan Drive SystemOpen Loop, Load Sensing Work Circuit Closed Loop Propulsion System Manifold / Valve Block Heavy Duty MotorA B C D E F G H I J K LA B C D E F G H I JManifold / Valve Block CANbus Network Fan Drive System Piston PumpGerotor / Geroller / Piston Motor Swing Motor SwitchesWhether lifting high or low, boom lift operators have better control when Eaton is on the inside. Eaton boom lift solutions get users into position quickly with maximum stability, even when fully extended.GH IK AJ JB ED F LCTelehandlers can lift more material, more often when Eaton is built in. Eaton has the products and capabilities to provide superior control, stability, and productivity when it counts.TelehandlerBoom Lift© 2010 Eaton Corporation All Rights Reserved Printed in USADocument No. E-HYOV-MR007-E November 2010Eaton Material HandlingPlatform Spotlight: just a couple examples where we excelEatonHydraulics Group Asia Pacific Eaton Building4th Floor, No.3 Lane280 Linhong Rd. Changning District Shanghai 200335ChinaTel: (+86 21) 5200 0099Fax: (+86 21) 5200 0400EatonHydraulics Group USA 14615 Lone Oak Road Eden Prairie, MN 55344USATel: 952-937-9800Fax: 952-294-7722/hydraulicsEatonHydraulics Group Europe Route de la Longeraie 71110 Morges SwitzerlandTel: +41 (0) 21 811 4600Fax: +41 (0) 21 811 4601Eaton is in the details.Problem SolverChallengeAchieving fine operator control and stability when booms are fully extended is a challenge that all manufacturers face when designing hydraulic systems for telescopic and articulated boom applications. T hechallenge is to establish superior boom stability and control without introducing additional back pressure (parasitic losses) into the system.SolutionEaton proposed a hydraulic system featuring the counter balance valves and manifold.Why EatonEaton offered the unique combination of precision control, stability, and hydraulic system efficiency – which resulted in improved productivity for boom lift operators.and applications and expanding vehicle capability translates to improved productivity and improved user profitability. Eaton hydraulic systems provide the precise control andconsistent operation required for material handling and utility work. With a broad selection of products and solutions built in, Eaton helps make you a master of your domain.Whether you work in a warehouse, a retail environment, or on a job site, Eaton provides effortless movement from the inside out. Our components provide the precise control required for the most demanding tasks in material handling and utility applications. When Eaton is on the inside, you will experience the comfort of precision and stability to get work done faster.。
WBT-851 微机备自投保护装置 技术使用说明书(WBT-851/R1版)2008.3说明书版本号:ver 1.1许继电气有限公司保留对本说明书进行修改的权利。
2目录第一篇 技术说明 (5)1 概述 (5)2 主要功能特点 (5)3 主要技术指标 (5)第二篇 功能和原理 (8)4 基本功能 (8)4.1运行方式说明 (8)4.2充放电逻辑 (9)4.3方式一:Ⅰ母失压备自投动作逻辑 (16)4.4方式二:Ⅱ母失压备自投动作逻辑 (17)4.5方式三:Ⅲ母失压备自投动作逻辑 (19)4.6方式四:Ⅳ母失压备自投动作逻辑 (21)4.7 TV断线检测 (21)4.8 断路器异常位置告警及控制回路异常告警 (22)4.9 装置故障告警 (22)4.10 遥信及遥控功能 (22)4.11 录波 (22)4.12 GPS对时 (23)4.13 打印功能 (23)4.14 通信功能 (23)4.15 装置自诊断 (23)第三篇 装置硬件 (24)5 结构与安装 (24)6插件介绍 (24)6.1 插件类型说明 (24)6.2插件配置示意图 (25)6.3部分插件功能说明 (25)7 插件的后端子说明 (27)第四篇 整定值说明 (30)8 整定值表 (30)38.2.1控制字 (30)8.2.2保护定值 (30)第五篇 使用说明 (32)9 前面板介绍 (32)10 人机界面介绍 (33)第六篇 调试说明和运行维护 (41)11 调试说明 (41)12 运行维护 (42)4第一篇 技术说明1 概述WBT-851装置采用先进的可视化逻辑配置(VLD)方法,在PC机上进行可视化的逻辑组态,通过调用功能元件库中对应的功能元件,实现各种保护逻辑,能满足各种接线方式下的备自投保护功能。
2 主要功能特点2.1 保护逻辑开发可视化VLD工具提供标准的基本元件和基本组件;保护逻辑开发过程可视化,保护源代码完全由软件机器人自动生成;杜绝了人工编程可能产生软件Bug,自动生成的代码正确率达到100%。
3.咖啡制作完成后屏幕会显示“COFFEE READY”,表示可以享用咖啡了。
!在任何一种咖啡冲泡完成后,冲泡器会自动复位,此时,禁止操作任何功能 和部件.
▼1.9 热水制作
1.按下触摸屏上的热水 按钮就可以制作热水了;
▼1.3 使用产品前准备
1.按照初次使用纲要准备好产品. 2. 以上步骤完成后,按下触摸屏上的“COLET”LOGO,产品会进行开机自检,设置为每次
开机通电时,会有一个自检循环的程序,检测各部件是否在正常位置,该过程中禁止操 作和移动部件.
3. 产品加热完成后会进行自清洗功能,结束后进入主界面(如下图) 清洗中:
2. 产品设置有随时可以中止冲泡的功能,在正常出咖啡时,按下 X 键,即可中断冲泡过程;
4.咖啡制作完成后屏幕会显示“COFFEE READY”,表示可以享用咖啡了。
▼1.7 拿铁咖啡制作 1.按下触摸屏上的拿铁咖啡按钮 ,机器开始磨豆,表示咖啡正在制作中,同时机器的奶
泡发生器处会出热奶泡,这时手不要去触碰奶泡器,因为此时奶泡器表面温度较高容易发生烫 伤事件;(注意做拿铁时需要将奶管插入到牛奶);
2.产品设置有随时可以中止奶泡的功能,在正常出奶泡时,按下黄底的 显示奶泡键为灰色时 ,表示机器中断出奶泡将要出咖啡;
3.产品设置有随时可以中止冲泡的功能,在正常出咖啡时,按下 X 键,即可中断冲泡过程; 8
如需更多支持和了解,请登陆 使用产品前请仔细阅读产品说明书
1.1.1. 1.1.2.
技术原则 ..............................................................................................4 管理原则 ..............................................................................................4
1.1.3. 配置灵活、用途广泛...........................................................................................5 1.1.4. 全面采用 JAVA/J2EE 技术开发,实现跨平台部署........................................5 1.1.5. 采用 B/S 架构 ...................................................................................................5 1.1.6. 全面支持安全连接...............................................................................................5 1.1.7. 全面支持安全连接...............................................................................................6 系统相关术语介绍 .......................................................................................................................6 系统主要功能介绍 .......................................................................................................................6 系统使用索引 ...............................................................................................................................7
TB85/TB85-BTC设置手册FCC条款依照FCC条款第15部分的规定,本装置已经通过测试并且符合Class B级数字装置的限制。
免责说明本手册内容系BIOSTAR ®知识产权,版权归BIOSTAR®所有。
The information contained in this manual is believed to be correct at the time of printing. However, Yamaha reserves the right to change or modify any of the specifications without notice or obligation to update existing units.
This product, either alone or in combination with an amplifier and headphones or speaker/s, may be capable of producing sound levels that could cause permanent hearing loss. DO NOT operate for long periods of time at a high volume level or at a level that is uncomfortable. If you experience any hearing loss or ringing in the ears, you should consult an audiologist. IMPORTANT: The louder the sound, the shorter the time period before damage occurs.
直流可编程电子负载IT8500+系列用户手册型号:IT8511+/IT8511A+/IT8511B+/IT8512+/IT8512A+/IT8512B+/IT8512C+/IT8512H+/IT8513A+/IT8513C+/IT8514C+/IT8514B+/IT8516C+版本号:5.0声明© Itech Electronic, Co., Ltd. 2017根据国际版权法,未经Itech Electronic, Co., Ltd. 事先允许和书面同意,不得以任何形式(包括电子存储和检索或翻译为其他国家或地区语言)复制本手册中的任何内容。
手册部件号IT8500+-402008版本第5版,2017 年05月09日发布Itech Electronic, Co., Ltd.商标声明Pentium是Intel Corporation在美国的注册商标。
Microsoft、Visual Studio、Windows 和MS Windows是Microsoft Corporation 在美国和/或其他国家/地区的商标。
此外,在适用法律允许的最大范围内,ITECH 不承诺与本手册及其包含的任何信息相关的任何明示或暗含的保证,包括但不限于对适销和适用于某种特定用途的暗含保证。
ITECH 在软件和技术数据中提供本定制商业许可时遵循FAR 12.211(技术数据)和12.212(计算机软件)以及用于国防的DFARS252.227-7015(技术数据-商业制品)和DFARS 227.7202-3(商业计算机软件或计算机软件文档中的权限)。
M800-001T800 Series IIAncillary EquipmentService ManualIssue 101May 1998M800-00-1012M800-00T800Head OfficeNew ZealandTait Electronics Ltd558 Wairakei RoadP.O. Box 1645ChristchurchNew ZealandPhone: 64 3 358-3399Fax: 64 3 358-3636Radio Systems Division535 Wairakei RoadP.O. Box 1645ChristchurchNew ZealandPhone: 64 3 358-3399Fax: 64 3 358-2825AustraliaTait Electronics (Aust) Pty Ltd 186 Granite StreetGeebung Qld 4034P.O. Box 679VirginiaQueensland 4014AustraliaPhone: 61 7 3865-7799Toll Free: 1800 077-112Fax: 61 7 3865-7990CanadaTait Mobile Radio Inc.Unit 5, 158 Anderson Avenue MarkhamOntario L6E1A9CanadaPhone: 1 905 472-1100Toll Free: 1 800 890-8248 Fax: 1 905 472-5300FranceTait France Sarl2 Avenue de la Cristallerie92 316 Sèvres, CedexFrancePhone: 33 1 41 14-05-50Fax: 33 1 41 14-05-55GermanyT ait Mobilfunk GmbHWillstätterstraße 50D-90449 Nürnberg 60GermanyPhone: 49 911 96 746-0Fax: 49 911 96 746-79Hong KongTait Mobile Radio (HK) LtdRoom 703ANew East Ocean Centre9, Science Museum RoadT sim Sha Tsui EastHong KongPhone: 852 2369-3040Fax: 852 2369-3009New ZealandT ait Communications LtdUnit 4, 75 Blenheim RoadP.O. Box 1185ChristchurchPhone: 64 3 348-3301Fax: 64 3 343-0558SingaporeTait Electronics (Far East) Pte Ltd4 Leng Kee RoadSIS Building #05-11ASingapore 159088Phone: 65 471-2688Fax: 65 479-7778T aiwanTait Electronics (T aiwan) Ltd1104, No. 142 Chung Hsiao E. RdSec. 4TaipeiTaiwanPhone: 886 2 731-1290Fax: 886 2 711-6351ThailandTait Mobile Radio Ltd14/1 Suwan TowerGround FloorSoi Saladaeng 1North Sathorn RoadBangrakBangkok 10500ThailandPhone: 662 267-6290-2Fax: 662 267-6293United KingdomTait Mobile Radio LtdErmine Business ParkErmine RoadHuntingdonCambridgeshire PE18 6Y AUnited KingdomPhone: 44 1480-52255Fax: 44 1480-411996USATait Electronics (USA) Inc.9434 Old Katy RoadSuite 110HoustonTexas 77055USAPhone: 1 713 984-8684Toll Free: 1 800 222-1255Fax: 1 713 468-6944M800-003About This ManualScope This manual contains general, technical and servicing informa-tion on T800 Series II ancillary equipment.FormatWe have published this manual in a ring binder so that "revision packages" containing additional information pertaining to new issues of PCBs, or to additional ancillary equipment, can be added as required.Revision PackagesRevision packages will normally be published when an ancillary equipment manual requires overhaul, or to coincide with the release of information on a new PCB, and may also contain addi-tions or corrections pertaining to other parts of the manual.If you return the address card at the front of this manual, you will be notified when revision packages containing new PCB information and/or text are available. You may then order as many packages as you require from your local Tait Company .Revision packages are supplied ready-punched for inclusion in your manual.Revision ControlEach page in this manual has a date of issue. This is to comply with various Quality Standards, but will also serve to identify which pages have been updated and when. Each page and its publication date is listed in the "List of Effective Pages", and a new list containing any new/revised pages and their publica-tion dates will be sent with each revision package.Any portion of text that has been changed is marked by a verti-cal line (as shown at left) in the outer margin of the page. Where the removal of an entire paragraph means there is no text left to mark, an arrow (as shown at left) will appear in the outer mar-gin. The number beside the arrow will indicate how many para-graphs have been deleted.The manual issue and revision status are indicated by the last three digits of the manual IPN. These digits start at 100 and will increment through 101, 102, 103, etc., as revision packages are published, e.g:Thus, Issue 103 indicates the third revision to issue 1 and means that three packages should have been added to the manual. The issue digit will only change if there is a major product revision,or if the number of revision packages to be included means that the manual becomes difficult to use, at which point a new issue manual will be published in a new ring binder.PCB InformationPCB information is provided for all current issue PCBs, as well as all previous issue PCBs manufactured in production quanti-ties, and is grouped according to PCB. Thus, you will find the21 0 3issue statusrevision status4M800-00parts list, grid reference index (if necessary), PCB layouts andcircuit diagram(s) for each individual PCB grouped together. Errors If you find an error in this manual, or have a suggestion on howit might be improved, please do not hesitate to contact the Tech-nical Writer, Tait Radio Systems Division, Tait Electronics Ltd,P.O. Box 1645, Christchurch, New Zealand.Technical InformationAny enquiries regarding this manual or the equipment it describes should be addressed in the first instance to your nearest approved Tait Dealer or Service Centre. Further technical assistance may be obtained from the Customer Support Group, Radio Systems Division, Tait Electronics Ltd, Christchurch, New Zealand.Updating Equipment And ManualsIn the interests of improving performance, reliability or servicing, Tait Electronics Ltd reserve the right to update their equipment and/or manuals without prior notice. CopyrightAll information contained in this manual is the property of Tait Electronics Ltd. All rights are reserved. This manual may not, in whole or part, be copied, photocopied, reproduced, translated stored or reduced to any electronic medium or machine readable form without prior written permission from Tait Electronics Ltd.Ordering Tait Service ManualsService Manuals should be ordered from your nearest Tait Branch or approved Dealer. When ordering, quote the Tait Internal Part Number (IPN) and, where applicable, the version.Date Of IssueIPN M800-00-101T800 Series II Ancillary Equipment Service ManualIssue 101 published April 1998M800-00 5 Table Of ContentsThis manual is divided into three parts as listed below, with each part being further sub-divided into sections. There is a detailed table of contents at the start of each part and/or section.Part TitleA General Servicing ProceduresB T807/808 Switching Power SupplyC T800-22-0000 Base Station/Repeater Rack Frame6M800-00 List Of Effective PagesThe total number of pages in this Manual is 195, as listed below.Page Issue Date Page Issue Date130/04/98230/04/98330/04/98430/04/98530/04/98630/04/98730/04/98830/04/98(blank) Part AI31/08/96II31/08/96(blank) 1.131/08/961.231/08/962.131/08/962.231/08/96(blank)3.131/08/963.231/08/964.131/08/964.231/08/96(blank)5.131/03/985.231/03/985.331/03/985.431/03/98(blank)6.131/08/966.231/08/96(blank) Part BI31/08/96II31/08/96(blank) 1.131/08/961.231/08/96(blank) 1.331/08/961.431/08/961.531/08/961.631/08/961.731/08/961.831/08/961.931/08/961.1031/08/96(blank)2.131/08/962.231/08/96(blank) 2.331/08/962.431/08/962.531/08/962.631/08/963.131/08/963.231/08/96(blank) 3.331/08/963.431/08/963.531/08/963.631/08/963.731/08/963.831/08/963.931/08/963.1031/08/96(blank)4.131/08/964.231/08/96(blank) 4.331/08/964.431/08/964.531/08/964.631/08/96(blank)5.131/08/965.231/08/96(blank) 5.331/08/965.431/08/966.131/08/966.231/08/96(blank) 6.331/08/966.431/08/966.531/08/966.631/08/966.731/08/966.831/08/966.931/08/966.1031/08/96(blank)M800-007 Page Issue Date Page Issue Date7.131/08/967.231/08/96(blank)7.331/08/967.431/08/967.531/08/967.631/08/967.731/08/967.831/08/968.1.131/08/968.1.231/08/96(blank)8.1.331/08/968.1.431/08/968.2.131/08/968.2.231/08/96(blank)8.2.331/08/968.2.431/08/968.2.531/08/96(blank)8.2.631/08/968.2.731/08/96 (fold-out)8.2.831/08/96(fold-out/blank) 8.2.931/08/968.2.1031/08/968.2.1131/08/96(blank)8.2.1231/08/968.2.1331/08/96(fold-out)8.2.1431/08/96(fold-out/blank) 8.2.1531/08/968.2.1631/08/968.2.1731/08/96(fold-out)8.2.1831/08/96(fold-out)8.2.1931/08/96(fold-out)8.2.2031/08/96 (fold-out/blank) 8.2.2131/08/968.2.2231/08/968.2.2331/08/968.2.2431/08/96(blank)8.2.2531/08/968.2.2631/08/968.2.2731/08/96(blank)8.2.2831/08/968.2.2931/08/96(fold-out)8.2.3031/08/96(fold-out/blank) 8.2.3131/08/968.2.3231/08/968.2.3331/08/96(blank)8.2.3431/08/968.2.3531/08/96(fold-out)8.2.3631/08/96(fold-out/blank) 8.2.3731/08/968.2.3831/08/968.2.3931/08/96(fold-out)8.2.4031/08/96(fold-out)8.2.4131/08/96(fold-out)8.2.4231/08/96(fold-out/blank) 8.2.4330/11/978.2.4431/08/968.2.4531/08/96(blank)8.2.4630/11/978.2.4731/08/96(fold-out)8.2.4831/08/96 (fold-blank)8.2.4930/11/978.2.5031/08/968.2.5131/08/96(blank)8.2.5231/08/968.2.5331/08/96(fold-out)8.2.5431/08/96(fold-out/blank) 8.2.5531/08/968.2.5631/08/968.2.5731/08/96(fold-out)8.2.5831/08/96(fold-out)8.2.5931/08/96(fold-out)8.2.6031/08/96(fold-out/blank) Part CI30/04/98II30/04/98(blank)1.130/04/981.230/04/98(blank)1.330/04/981.430/04/981.530/04/981.630/04/981.730/04/981.830/04/981.930/04/981.1030/04/982.130/04/982.230/04/98(blank)2.330/04/982.430/04/982.530/04/982.630/04/982.730/04/982.830/04/982.930/04/982.1030/04/98(blank)8M800-00 3.1.130/04/983.1.230/04/98(blank)3.1.330/04/983.1.430/04/98(blank)3.2.130/04/983.2.230/04/98(blank)3.2.330/04/983.2.430/04/983.2.530/04/983.2.630/04/983.2.730/04/983.2.830/04/983.2.930/04/983.2.1030/04/983.2.1130/04/98(fold-out)3.2.1230/04/98(fold-out)3.2.1330/04/98(fold-out)3.3.130/04/983.3.230/04/98 (blank)3.3.330/04/983.3.430/04/98 (blank)3.3.530/04/98(fold-out)3.3.630/04/98(fold-out)3.3.730/04/98(fold-out)3.3.830/04/983.3.930/04/983.3.1030/04/983.3.1130/04/983.3.1230/04/98(blank)M800-00 AI Part A General Servicing ProceduresThis part of the manual is divided into the sections listed below. These sections provide some general and advisory information on servicing procedures, a brief history of T800 programming software, and a list of Technical Instructions pertaining to T830 Series equipment.Section Title Page11.11.2GeneralCaution: CMOS DevicesCaution: Beryllium Oxide & Power Transistors1. Recess Head ScrewsDisassembly/Reassembly2. ReplacementLeaded ComponentsDesoldering Iron MethodComponent Cutting MethodSurface Mount Devices3. T o Remove Cased Mica Capacitors HistoryBASEPROG V1/PGM800 V2PGM800 V2.01PGM800 V2.21PGM800Win V1. T echnical Instructions 6.1Figure Title Page1.1 Typical Anti-static Bench Set-up 1.1AII M800-00M800-00General A1.11GeneralIf further information is required about any ancillary equipment or this Manual, it may be obtained from Tait Electronics Ltd or accredited agents. When requesting this infor-mation, please quote the equipment type number (e.g. T807-10) and serial number. In the case of the Service Manual quote the Tait Internal Part Number (IPN), e.g. M800-00-100, and for circuit diagrams quote the 'Title', 'IPN' and 'Issue'.1.1Caution: CMOS DevicesThis equipment contains CMOS Devices which are susceptible to damage from static charges. Care when handling these devices is essential. For correct handling proce-dures refer to the manufacturers' data books, e.g. Philips data books covering CMOS devices, or Motorola CMOS data books, Section 5 'Handling', etc.Figure 1.1 Typical Antistatic Bench Set UpAn antistatic bench kit (refer to Figure 1.1) is available from Tait Electronics Ltd under the usual consumable goods ordering system. The kit is held in stock under IPN 937-00000-34 and contains:• 1 conductive rubber bench mat• 1 earth lead to connect the mat to ground (c/w 1M series resistor)• 1 wrist strap•information leaflet.conductive rubber bench matmetal frameto building earth(not mains earth)via 1M series resistor conductivewrist strapA1.2General M800-00 1.2Caution: Beryllium Oxide & Power TransistorsThe power transistors in current use all contain some beryllium oxide. This substance, while perfectly harmless in its normal solid form, can become a severe health hazard when it has been reduced to dust. For this reason the power transistors should not be broken open, mutilated, filed, machined, or physically damaged in any way that can produce dust particles.M800-00Mechanical A2.1 2Mechanical2.1Pozidriv Recess Head ScrewsPozidriv recess head screws are the preferred standard on all Tait manufactured equip-ment. The very real advantages of this type of screw will not be realised unless the cor-rect screwdrivers are used by servicing personnel.2.2Disassembly/ReassemblyInstructions on disassembly/reassembly for individual equipment are given in the rele-vant part of this manual.A2.2Mechanical M800-00M800-00Component Replacement A3.1 3Component Replacement3.1Leaded ComponentsWhenever components are removed from or fitted to a PCB, care must be taken to avoid damage to the track. The two satisfactory methods of removing components from PTH PCBs are detailed below.Note:The first method requires the use of a desoldering station, e.g. Philips SBC 314 or Pace MBT-100E.3.1.1Desoldering Iron MethodPlace the tip over the lead and, as the solder starts to melt, move the tip in a circu-lar motion.Start the suction and continue the movement until 3 or 4 circles have been com-pleted.Remove the tip while continuing suction to ensure that all solder is removed from the joint, then stop the suction.Before pulling the lead out, ensure it is not stuck to the plating.If the lead is still not free, resolder the joint and try again.Note:The desoldering iron does not usually have enough heat to desolder leads from the ground plane. Additional heat may be applied by holding a sol-dering iron on the tip of the desoldering iron (this may require some addi-tional help).3.1.2Component Cutting MethodCut the leads on the component side of the PCB.Heat the solder joint sufficiently to allow easy removal of the lead by drawing it out from the component side: do not use undue force.Fill the hole with solder and then clear with solderwick.A3.2Component Replacement M800-00 3.2Surface Mount DevicesCaution:Surface mount devices (SMDs) require special storage, handling,removal and replacement techniques. This equipment should be serv-iced only by an approved T ait Dealer or Service Centre equipped withthe necessary facilities. Repairs attempted with incorrect equipment orby untrained personnel may result in permanent damage. If in doubt,contact T ait Electronics Ltd or your nearest T ait Branch or Subsidiary.M800-00To Remove Cased Mica Capacitors A4.1 4To Remove Cased Mica CapacitorsCased mica capacitors can be removed by heating the top with a heavy-duty soldering iron and gently lifting the capacitor off the PCB with a solder-resistant spike or equiva-lent.A4.2To Remove Cased Mica Capacitors M800-00M800-00Software History A5.1 5Software History23/11/89BASEPROG V ersion 123/08/90PGM800 V ersion 211/06/91PGM800 V ersion 2.0103/10/95PGM800 V ersion 2.2128/06/96PGM800Win V ersion 1.0018/08/97PGM800Win V ersion 2.005.1BASEPROG V1/PGM800 V2T800 programming software was originally developed as BASEPROG V1 and released as PGM800 V2.5.2PGM800 V2.01The major changes introduced with V2.01 are as follows:•Full support for different display adaptors.•Programming of CTCSS frequency data (optional) for individual channels.•Full cursor control in edit mode.•User selectable output file format (hex or binary).•Support for wider range of T800 equipment.•DOS shell facility implemented.•CTCSS defeat possible when CTCSS tone is not selected.•Channel numbering changed from 0-127 to 1-128.•An "X" included on the printout to indicate that there are 8 switches on the DIP switch and the state of the MSB is dependent on the size of the EPROM used. Note:The data files produced by BASEPROG V1.0 are still compatible with PGM800 V2.01.A5.2Software History M800-00 5.3PGM800 V2.21PGM800 V2.21 is an updated and expanded version of the earlier PGM800 V2.01 soft-ware.PGM800 V2.21 includes many new and improved features over PGM800 V2.01. There are a number of changes to the user interface to make data entry and editing signifi-cantly easier.Major changes are outlined below:•Includes several new radio models which are not programmable with PGM800 V2.01.•Default file names with ‘dash’ are saved with ‘dash’ instead of ‘underscore’.•Default file extension in Save File page is BIN instead of HEX.•Out of range frequencies will result in warning messages, but will still be accepted as valid entries.•Channel numbers are selectable between 0-127 and 1-128.•Automatic insertion feature to input frequencies.Note:The datafiles produced by BASEPROG V1.0 and PGM800 V2.01 are still compatible with PGM800 V2.21.5.4PGM800Win V1.00PGM800Win V1.00 is different in concept from DOS versions of PGM800 in that it is Windows TM driven. It includes many new and improved features over DOS versions of PGM800.Major changes are outlined below:•The Windows environment makes data entry and editing significantly easier.•Includes several new radio models which are not programmable with DOS ver-sions of PGM800.•Out of range frequencies will result in warning messages and will not be accepted for entry into the standard library module. User defined modules can be created allowing variation from the standard library module.•Channel numbers default to 0-127 to match the EPROM memory locations, how-ever the user can change the setting so that the channel numbers run from 1-128 to suit his/her particular needs.M800-00Software History A5.3 Note:The datafiles produced by BASEPROG V1.0 and all DOS versions PGM800 are still compatible with PGM800Win V1.00.5.5PGM800Win v2.00PGM800Win V2.00 is an upgraded and expanded version of PGM800Win V1.0. It has been developed specifically for T800 Series II base stations but also has the capability of programming Series I equipment.Major changes are outlined below:•The Windows environment makes data entry and editing significantly easier. •Includes several new radio models which are not programmable with DOS ver-sions of PGM800.•Out of range frequencies will result in warning messages and will not be accepted for entry into the standard library module. User defined modules can be created, allowing variation from the standard library module.•Channel numbers default to 0-127 to match the EPROM memory locations, how-ever the user can change this setting so that the channel numbers run from 1-128 to suit his/her particular needs.•The ability to program T800 Series II base station modules via serial communica-tions.•Deviation and reference modulation settings are written automatically to the radio.•Extra information that is not stored in the radio (but is information relevant to the radio) can be saved to a file on disk (e.g. note field, auxilliary pin names etc). Note:The datafiles produced by BASEPROG V1.0. all DOS versions of PGM800 and PGM800Win V1.0 are still compatible with PGM800Win V2.00.A5.4Software History M800-00M800-00Technical Instructions A6.1 6Technical InstructionsFrom time to time Technical Instructions (TIs) are issued by the Radio Infrastructure Engineering Division of Tait Electronics. These TIs may be used to update equipment or information, or to meet specific operational requirements.TIs applicable to specific T800 Series ancillary equipment are listed in the relevant part of this manual.A6.2Technical Instructions M800-00。
85-2 磁力加热搅拌器操作规程
1 准备工作
1.1 操作人员:本检验室检验人员
2 运行程序
1 将搅拌子小心置于容器中,避免直接投入损坏容器。
5 反应结束后,先把调速降至最小,然后关搅拌开关和电源开关,拔下插头。
3 注意事项
联想Tab M8产品说明书
Lenovo T ab M8Safety, Warranty & Quick Start Guide Lenovo TB-8705FLenovo TB-8705XRead this guide carefully before using your device.All information labeled with * in this guide only refers to the WLAN + LTE model.Reading before using your deviceReading first - regulatory informationDevice models equipped with wireless communications comply with the radio frequency and safety standards of any country or region in which it has been approved for wireless use. In addition, if your product contains a telecom modem, it complies with the requirements for connection to the telephone network in your country.Be sure to read the Regulatory Notice for your country or region before usingthe wireless devices contained in your device. To obtain a PDF version of the Regulatory Notice, go to https://.Getting supportTo get support on network services and billing, contact your wireless network operator. To learn how to use your device and view its technical specifications, go to https://.Accessing your User GuideYour User Guide contains detailed information about your device. To download the publications for your device, go to https:// and follow the instructions on the screen.Legal noticesLenovo and the Lenovo logo are trademarks of Lenovo in the United States, other countries, or both.Other company, product, or service names may be trademarks or service marks of others.Manufactured under license from Dolby Laboratories. Dolby, Dolby Audio, and the double-D symbol are trademarks of Dolby Laboratories.LIMITED AND RESTRICTED RIGHTS NOTICE: If data or software is delivered pursuant a General Services Administration “GSA” contract, use, reproduction,or disclosure is subject to restrictions set forth in Contract No. GS-35F-05925.Device overview1Card tray2Headset connector3Speaker4Proximity sensor5Front camera6Volume buttons7Power button8T ouch screen9Micro USB connector10Microphone11Rear camera12Flashlight• T he WLAN version does not have a Nano-SIM card slot.• All pictures and illustrations in this document are for your reference only andmay differ from the final product.Preparing your deviceInstalling cardsInstall the cards as shown in the figure.Power off the device before inserting or removing a card.Note that the WLAN version does not have a Nano-SIM card slot.Charging your deviceConnect your device to a poweroutlet using the USB cable andpower adapter provided.Turning onPress and hold the Power button untilthe Lenovo logo appears.Important safety and handling informationPlastic bag noticeDanger: Plastic bags can be dangerous. Keep plastic bags away from babies and children to avoid danger of suffocation.Caution about high volume usageWarning: Exposure to loud noise from any source for extended periods of time may affect your hearing. The louder the sound, the less time is required before your hearing could be affected. To protect your hearing:• Limit the amount of time you use headsets or headphones at high volume.• Avoid turning up the volume to block out noisy surroundings.• Turn the volume down if you can’t hear people speaking near you.If you experience hearing discomfort, including the sensation of pressure or fullness in your ears, ringing in your ears or muffled speech, you should stop listening to the device through your headset or headphones and have your hearing checked.To prevent possible hearing damage, do not listen at high volume levels for long periods.Safety instructions for parents and adult supervisorsYour mobile device is not a toy. As with all electrical products, precautions should be observed during handling and using of electrical products to reduce the risk of electric shock. If parents choose to allow children to use the device, they should caution his or her child about the potential hazard while using and handling the mobile device.Parents should inspect the mobile device (including the ac power adapter andthe small part, as applicable) periodically for damage. Routinely check this mobile device to ensure that the device is working properly and is safe for children to use.Internal rechargeable battery warningDanger: Do not attempt to replace the internal rechargeable lithium ion battery. Replacing the original battery with an incompatible type may result in an increased risk of personal injury or property damage due to explosion, excessive heat, or other risks. Do not attempt to disassemble or modify the battery pack. Attempting to do so can cause a harmful explosion or battery fluid leakage.When disposing of the battery, comply with all relevant local ordinances or regulations. Do not dispose the battery pack in municipal waste. Dispose used batteries according to the instructions.The battery pack contains a small amount of harmful substances.To avoid injury:• Keep the battery pack away from open flames or other heat sources.• Do not expose the battery pack to water, rain, or other corrosive liquids.• Do not leave the battery in an environment with extremely high temperature.• Avoid short-circuiting the battery pack.• Keep the battery pack out of reach of small children and pets.• D o not leave the battery in an environment with extremely low air pressure. It may result in an explosion or the leakage of flammable liquid or gas from the battery. To extend battery life, we recommend charging the battery to at least 30% to 50% capacity each time, and recharging it every three months to prevent over discharge.Service and support informationThe following information describes the technical support that is available for your product, during the warranty period or throughout the life of your product. Refer to the Lenovo Limited Warranty (LLW) for a full explanation of Lenovo warranty terms. See “Lenovo Limited Warranty notice” later in this document for details on accessing the full warranty.Online technical supportOnline technical support is available during the lifetime of a product at:https://Telephone technical supportYou can get help and information from the Customer Support Center by telephone. Before contacting a Lenovo technical support representative, please have the following information available: model and serial number, the exact wordingof any error message, and a description of the problem.Your technical support representative might want to walk you through the problem while you are at your device during the call.Worldwide Lenovo Support telephone listImportant: Telephone numbers are subject to change without notice. The most up-to-date telephone list for the Customer Support Center is always available at: /support/phoneIf the telephone number for your country or region is not listed, contact your Lenovo reseller or Lenovo marketing representative.Warranty informationLenovo Limited Warranty noticeThis product is covered by the terms of the LLW, version L505-0010-02 08/2011. Read the LLW at /warranty/llw_02. You can read the LLW in a number of languages from this Web site. If you cannot view the LLW from the Web site, contact your local Lenovo office or reseller to obtain a printed version of the LLW.* Excludes some components. 90-day limited warranty for poweradapters,keyboards, plastics, and hinges.Type of warranty service1. Customer Replaceable Unit (“CRU”) Service2. On-site Service3. Courier or Depot Service4. Customer Carry-In Service5. Mail-in Service6. Customer Two-Way Mail-in Service7. Product Exchange ServiceFor a full explanation of the types of warranty service, refer to the full warranty. See “Lenovo Limited Warranty notice” for details on accessing the full warranty.If you need support for this device, do not go back to your point of purchase. Please visit https://, where you will find answers to frequently asked questions, software updates and details on how to get in touch with us. EurAsia compliance markEnvironmental, recycling, and disposal information General recycling statementLenovo encourages owners of information technology (IT) equipment to responsibly recycle their equipment when it is no longer needed. Lenovo offersa variety of programs and services to assist equipment owners in recycling theirIT products. For information on recycling Lenovo products, go to/recyclingImportant battery and WEEE informationRecycling and disposal information for Japan is available at:/recycling/japanAdditional recycling statementsAdditional information about recycling device components and batteries is in your User Guide. See “Accessing your User Guide” for details.Battery recycling marksBattery recycling information for TaiwanBattery recycling information for the United States and CanadaBattery recycling information for the European UnionRestriction of Hazardous Substances Directive (RoHS)TurkeyLenovo products sold in Turkey, on or after June 1, 2009, meet the requirements of the former Republic of Turkey Restriction of Hazardous Substances legislation from 30th of May 2008 and the Control of Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Regulations from 22nd of May 2012 (“Turkey RoHS”).UkraineLenovo products sold in Ukraine, on or after January 1, 2011, meet the requirements of the Technical Directive on Restriction of Hazardous Substances in Electricand Electronic Equipment enforced by the Government, Decision No 1057 dated 2008/12/03 (“Ukraine TR on RoHS”).IndiaLenovo products sold in India, on or after May 1, 2012, meet the requirements of the India E-waste (Management) Rules (“India RoHS”).VietnamLenovo products sold in Vietnam, on or after September 23, 2011, meet the requirements of the Vietnam Circular 30/2011/TT-BCT (“Vietnam RoHS”). European UnionLenovo Products meet the requirement of Directive 2011/65/EC on the restriction of the use of the certain hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment (“RoHS 2”). Lenovo products sold in the European Union, from the 21st July 2019, meet the requirement of Commission Delegated Directive (EU 2015/863) amending Directive 2011/65/EU. For more information about Lenovo progress on RoHS, go to: https:///us/en/social_responsibility/RoHS-Communication.pdf SingaporeLenovo products sold in Singapore, on or after June 1, 2017, meet the requirements of Government Gazette order No. S 263/2016 Restriction of Hazardous Substances in Electrical and Electronic Equipment in Singapore (“SG-RoHS”). European Union compliance statementEuropean Union conformityCompliance with the RE DirectiveLenovo PC HK Limited declares that the radio equipment type Lenovo TB-8705F ,Lenovo TB-8705X is in compliance with Directive 2014/53/EU.The full text of the EU declaration of conformity is available at the following internet address: https:///us/en/compliance/eu-doc.This radio equipment operates with the following frequency bands and maximum radio-frequency power:The above information is for EU countries only. Please refer to the actualproduct for supported frequency bands in other countries.Specific Absorption Rate informationYOUR MOBILE DEVICE MEETS INTERNATIONAL GUIDELINES FOR EXPOSURE TO RADIO WAVES.Your mobile device is a radio transmitter and receiver. It is designed not to exceed the limits for exposure to radio waves (radio frequency electromagnetic fields) recommended by international guidelines. The guidelines were developed by an independent scientific organization (ICNIRP) and include a substantial safety margin designed to assure the safety of all persons, regardless of age and health.The radio wave exposure guidelines use a unit of measurement known as the Specific Absorption Rate, or SAR. The SAR limit for mobile devices is 2W/kg. Tests for SAR are conducted using standard operating positions with the device transmitting at its highest certified power level in all tested frequency bands. The highest SAR values under the ICNIRP guidelines for your device model are listed below:During use, the actual SAR values for your device are usually well below the values stated. This is because, for purposes of system efficiency and to minimize interference on the network, the operating power of your mobile device is automatically decreased when full power is not needed for the data connection. The lower the power output of the device, the lower its SAR value.If you are interested in further reducing your RF exposure then you can easily doso by limiting your usage or simply using a hands-free kit to keep the device away from the body.©Copyright Lenovo 2019.V1.0_20190924711608030871MCPrinted in China。
微電腦程序控制器操作手冊TB100 TB600 TB700 TB400 TB900在使用本控制器之前,請先確定控制器的輸入輸出範圍和輸入輸出種類與您的需求是相符的。
1. 面板說明1.1 七段顯示器PV :處理值(process value),紅色4位顯示 SV :設定值(setting value),綠色4位顯示.21.2 LED LED LEDOUT1 :第一組輸出(Output1),綠色燈OUT2 :第二組輸出(Output2),綠色燈 AT :自動演算(Auto Tuning),黃色燈PRO :程式執行中(Program),黃色燈 ----- 只適用於 P TB 系列 AL1 :第一組警報(Alarm 1),紅色燈 AL2 :第二組警報(Alarm 2),紅色燈MAN :輸出百分比手動調整(Manual),黃色燈※注意:當發生錯誤(Error)時,MAN 燈會亮,並將輸出百分比歸零1.3 按鍵SET:設定鍵(寫入設定值或切換模式) :移位鍵(移動設定位數):增加鍵(設定值減1):減少鍵(設定值加1) A/M :自動(Auto)/手動(Manual)切換鍵。
自動:輸出百分比由控制器內部演算決定手動:輸出百分比由手動調整OUTL(在User Level 中)決定2 自動演算功能(Auto tuning)2.2 需先將AT(在User Level 中)設定為YES ,啟動自動演算功能。
2.3自動演算結束後,控制器內部會自動產生一組新的PID 參數取代原有的PID 參數。
* 自動演算適用於控溫不準時,由控制器自行調整PID 參數。
2.4 ATVL:自動演算偏移量(AutoTuning offset Value)SV減ATVL為自動演算設定點,設定ATVL可以避免自動演算時,因PV值震盪而超過設定點(Overshoot)。
85板功能简要操作说明一、功能简介:1.工作频段◆FM 65 – 108 MHZ (接收)◆VHF 136 – 174 MHZ (接收/发射)或◆UHF 400 – 520 MHZ (接收/发射)2.工作模式:频率模式、信道模式3.数字调谐FM 收音机4.信道接收提示音5.双段、双显、双频点守候6.双PTT键发射7.U/V段中继跨段收发8.DTMF 双音多频编码9.中/英文语言报号10.紧急呼叫报警11.CTCSS 从60.0 HZ 到259.9 HZ 任意可编辑12.CTCSS,DCS 自动搜索13.发射超时限制14. 6 档步进频率(2.5K、5K、6.25K、10K、12.5K、20K、25K)15.0-9级静噪电平可选16.高/低功率切换17.宽/窄带功能18.省电模式19.VOX 声控发射20.繁忙禁发功能21.低电压指示22.自动背光23.自动锁键盘24.三种信道显示方式(频率、信道号、信道名称)25.DTMF 侧音开关26.身份识别码27.三种扫描方式(时间、载波、搜索)28.PTT-ID 功能(可选择按下PTT发码、松开PTT 发码、按下松开均发码)29.频率模式下频差方向可选30.菜单项键盘数字直选功能31.信道参数可在频率模式下编辑储存或删除32.128个存储信道33.倒频功能(收发频率倒置)34.强光手电功能35.有线复制功能36.电脑编程二、键盘定义(一)键功能定义【MENU】:短按进入菜单设置状态,已经在菜单状态下,按下此键表示对当前菜单项菜单值的确认。
【UP/DOWN】:频率模式下待机状态时以当前设置的步进频率上下改变当前接收频率,信道模式下待机状态上下切换信道,菜单状态下前后改变要设置的菜单项和菜单值,常按2 秒以上将快速前进或后退。
【EXIT/AB】:在输入状态下,清除已输入的信息,在待机状态下,按【EXIT/AB】键进行A/B切换,在收音机状态下进行65-75/ 76-108MHz 频段切换。
Jack. Yang目录1 指纹读卡器简介 (2)1.1外观介绍 (5)1.2接口定义 (5)1.3 用户登记 (7)1.4 连接线颜色定义 (8)1.5 性能参数 (9)1.6 布线示意图 (10)2 系统安装 (11)2.1 运行环境 (11)2.2 系统安装 (11)2.3 系统的卸载 (15)3 通信软件 (16)3.1 主界面介绍: (16)3.1.1 增加终端: (16)3.1.2 删除终端: (17)3.1.3 修改终端: (17)3.1.4 参数设置: (17)3.1.5 在线登记: (18)3.2 人员管理: (19)3.2.1 增加人员资料 (19)3.2.2 删除人员资料 (20)3.2.3 修改人员资料 (20)3.2.4 上传资料 (20)3.2.5 下载资料 (21)3.2.6 上传指纹 (21)3.2.7 下载指纹 (22)3.2.8 导出 (23)3.2.9 报表 (24)1 指纹读卡器简介国际化工业设计,外观简约、大方,体积小,可直接安装于各类门框国内首家推出感应卡+指纹双重比对,更高安全性台湾原装RFID读卡模块,稳定、不挑卡光学指纹独立模组,国际优秀识别算法,各种疑难手指均可识别标配指纹容量1760枚后台集中登记、分点比对,特有拆卸报警标准485联网、WIEGAND 26输出,可与标准门禁控制器通用三色LED指示灯(蓝、红、绿),内置蜂鸣器高品质工程塑料产品尺寸:宽(w)60 x高(h)110x深(d)40mm1.1外观介绍1.2接口定义刷卡区域状态指示灯指纹采集区域复位按钮RS485接口固定孔1.3 用户登记T8可以在只接通电源的情况下,直接脱机登记指纹,我们可以通过随机附带的管理卡进行用户的登记(本机可选的三种登记方式分别为“卡+指纹方式”、“单独指纹比对方式”、“单独卡比对方式”)用户的登记正常情况下,T8的状态指示灯为蓝色,当刷了管理卡后蓝灯即处于闪烁状态。
燃烧器使用说明TBL 85P.105P.130P.160P注意对燃烧器和系统的操作只能由合格的工作人员来执行。
b.冲击响应:装置能承受GB/T 14537-1993中4.2.1规定的严酷等级为I级冲击响应检验。
c.振动耐久:装置能承受GB/T 11287-2000中4.2.2规定的严酷等级为I级振动耐久检验。
d.冲击耐久:装置能承受GB/T 14537-1993中4.2.2规定的严酷等级为I级冲击耐久检验。
采用Nucleus Plus公司的实时多任务操作系统
851-424 Rev. B 设置、操作与维护手册说明书
851-424 Rev. BSetup, Operation& Maintenance ManualTable of ContentsWarnings − General Safety 2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Introduction 2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Product Description 3. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Specifications 3. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Installation 5. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Required Tools 5. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mounting 5. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Preventive Maintenance & Adjustment 7. . . . . . . . . . . . Required Tools 7. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Timing Belt Tensioning 7. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Timing Belt Replacement 7. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Drive or Driven Pulley Replacement 8. . . . . . . . . . . . Gear Motor Replacement 8. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Service Parts 12. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Return Policy 14. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .IntroductionIMPORTANT: Some illustrations may show guardsremoved. Do NOT operate equipment without guards.Upon receipt of shipment:D Compare shipment with packing slip. Contact factory re-garding discrepancies.D Inspect packages for shipping damage. Contact carrier regar-ding damage.D Accessories may be shipped loose. See accessory instruc-tions for installation.Dorner 2100 and 2200 Series conveyors are covered by thefollowing patent numbers: 5131529, 5174435, and corre-sponding patents and patent applications in other countries.Dorner 6200 Series conveyors are covered by patent number5174435 and corresponding patents and patent applications inother countries.Dorner’s Limited Warranty applies.Dorner reserves the right to make changes at any time withoutnotice or obligation.Dorner has convenient, pre−configured kits of Key ServiceParts for all conveyor products. These time saving kits are easyto order, designed for fast installation, and guarantee you willhave what you need when you need it. Key Parts and Kits aremarked in the Service Parts section of this manual with thePerformance Parts Kits logo .Warnings − General Safety2100, 2200 & 6200 Series Center Mount Drive Package for Standard Load 60Hz Parallel Shaft Gearmotors SOMM851-424 Rev. B2Dorner Mfg. Corp.2100, 2200 & 6200 Series Center Mount Drive Package for Standard Load 60Hz Parallel Shaft Gearmotors SOMM Dorner Mfg. Corp.3851-424 Rev. BRefer to Figure 1 for typical components.A ConveyorB Mounting BracketC GearmotorD Timing Belt TensionerE CoverF Timing BeltG Drive Pulley HDriven PulleyTypical ComponentsFigure 1AGCBHDESpecificationsGearmotor Mounting Package Models:Example:6 = 6200 Series ConveyorDriven Pulley (see Tables 2 & 3)* See “Ordering and Specifications” Catalog for details.Table 1: Table 1: GearmotorSpecificationsSingle PhaseThree Phase DC Variable Speed Output Power 0.17 hp (0.13 kw)0.25 hp (0.19 kw)Input Voltage 115 Volts A.C.230 Volts A.C.130 Volts D.C.Input Frequency 60 HzN/A Input Current 1.9 Amperes 1.2 Amperes1.8 AmperesMotor RPM 17252500Gearmotor Ratios 5:1, 10:1, 20:1, 30:1, 60:1, 180:1Motor TypeTotally enclosed, Fan-cooledTotally enclosed, Non −ventilatedProduct DescriptionTable 2: Belt Speeds for Standard Load Fixed Speed Parallel Shaft 60 Hz GearmotorsStandard Load Gearmotors Top and Bottom MountPackage DrivePulley Driven PulleyPart Number RPM In-lb N-m Ft/min M/min62M180PS411F(n)1034138.520.6223262M180PS411F(n)1034138.530.9323262M060PS4(vp)F(n)2927030.56 1.8193262M060PS4(vp)F(n)2927030.510 3.0323262M030PS4(vp)F(n)5813515.320 6.1323262M020PS411F(n)869010.2309.1323262M020PS411F(n)869010.24513.7483262M010PS4(vp)F(n)17345 5.16118.6323262M010PS4(vp)F(n)17345 5.19127.7483262M005PS411F(n)34525 2.812136.9323262M005PS411F(n)34525 2.815446.9282262M005PS411F(n)34525 2.818155.2482862M005PS411F(n)34525 2.820863.4482862M005PS411F(n)34525 2.826480.54822(vp) = voltage and phase(n) = Reversing Capability11 = 115 V, 1-phase N = No reversing switch23 = 208–230/460 V, 3-phase R = With reversing switch (115V, 1 phase only)Table 3: Belt Speeds for Standard Load Variable Speed Parallel Shaft DC Gearmotors Standard Load Gearmotors Belt Speed Drive Driven Part Number RPM In-lb N-m Ft/min M/min Pulley Pulley62M180PSD3DEN1434138.50.4 − 3.40.1 − 1.0223262M180PSD3DEN1434138.50.6 − 4.90.2 − 1.5323262M060PSD3DEN4227030.5 1.0 – 90.3 − 2.6193262M060PSD3DEN4227030.5 1.8 – 150.5 – 4.5323262M030PSD3DEN8313515.3 3.5 − 29 1.1 − 9323262M020PSD3DEN1259010.2 5.3 – 44 1.6 – 13323262M010PSD3DEN250728.110 – 88 3.2 – 27323262M010PSD3DEN250728.118 – 150 5.5 – 46482862M005PSD3DEN50025 2.821 – 76 6.4 – 54323262M005PSD3DEN50025 2.827 – 2247.3 – 61282262M005PSD3DEN50025 2.831 – 2559.3 – 783222NOTE: For belt speed other than those listed, contactfactory for details.Specifications2100, 2200 & 6200 Series Center Mount Drive Package for Standard Load 60Hz Parallel Shaft Gearmotors SOMM 851-424 Rev. B4Dorner Mfg. Corp.2100, 2200 & 6200 Series Center Mount Drive Package for Standard Load 60Hz Parallel Shaft Gearmotors SOMM Dorner Mfg. Corp.5851-424 Rev. BRequired ToolsD Hex key wrenches:2 mm, 2.5 mm,3 mm, 5 mm D Straight edge D Torque wrenchMountingNOTE: Type 1 mounting package shown below left(Figure 2.) Type 2 mounting package shown below right (Figure 2.)Figure 2Type 1Type 21.Gather components (Figure 3)Figure 3LIOMKPJNInstallation Component ListI Mount Assembly J Drive Pulley K CoverL M4 Socket Head Screws (4x)M Driven Pulley N KeyO M6 Socket Head Screws (3x)PTiming BeltNOTE: Type 1 mounting package shown (Figure 3),Type 2 mounting package similar.2.Locate drive output shaft (S of Figure 4) and removetwo (2) screws (R).Figure 4RS3.Attach mount assembly (I of Figure 5) with screws(O). Install long screws on bottom. Tighten screws to 80 in-lb (9 Nm.).Figure 5OIInstallation2100, 2200 & 6200 Series Center Mount Drive Package for Standard Load 60Hz Parallel Shaft Gearmotors SOMM 851-424 Rev. B 6Dorner Mfg. Corp.Install key (N of Figure 6).Figure 6NMPJ5.Wrap timing belt (P) around driven pulley (M) anddrive pulley (J). Install driven pulley (M) onto conveyor shaft.ing a straight edge (T of Figure 7), align driven Figure 7MTJU21WInstall cover (K of Figure 9) with four (4) screws (L).Tighten screws to35 in-lb (4 Nm).Installation2100, 2200 & 6200 Series Center Mount Drive Package for Standard Load 60Hz Parallel Shaft Gearmotors SOMM Dorner Mfg. Corp.7851-424 Rev. BRequired ToolsD Hex key wrenches:2 mm, 2.5 mm,3 mm, 5 mmD Adjustable wrench (for hexagon head screws)D Straight edge D Torque wrenchTiming Belt Tensioning1.Remove four (4) screws (L of Figure 10) and removecover (K).Figure 10L2.Loosen tensioner (V of Figure 11).Figure 113.Depending on direction of conveyor belt travel (1 or2 of Figure 12), position belt tensioner (V) as shown.Tension belt to obtain .125” (3 mm) deflection for 1.0 lb (456 grams) of force at belt mid-point (W).Tighten tensioner screw to 103 in-lb (12 Nm).21Figure 124.Install cover (K of Figure 10) with four (4) screws(L). Tighten screws to 35 in-lb (4 Nm).Timing Belt Replacement1.Remove four (4) screws (L of Figure 10) and removecover (K).2.Loosen tensioner (V of Figure 11).3.Remove timing belt (P of Figure 13).NOTE: If timing belt does not slide over pulleyflange, loosen driven pulley set screws (U of Figure 13) and remove pulley (M) with belt (P). For re-installation, see steps 5 and 6 on page 6.Figure 13UP4.Install new timing belt.Preventive Maintenance and Adjustment2100, 2200 & 6200 Series Center Mount Drive Package for Standard Load 60Hz Parallel Shaft Gearmotors SOMM 851-424 Rev. B 8Dorner Mfg. Corp.5.Depending on direction of conveyor belt travel (1 or2 of Figure 14), position belt tensioner (V) as shown.Tension belt to obtain .125” (3 mm) deflection for 1.0 lb (456 grams) of force at belt mid-point (W).Tighten tensioner screw to 103 in-lb (12 Nm).21Figure 146.Install cover (K of Figure 15) with four (4) screws(L). Tighten screws to 35 in-lb (4 Nm).Figure 15LDrive or Driven Pulley Replacementplete steps 1 through 3 of “Timing Belt Replace-ment” section on page 7.2.Loosen set screws and remove drive or driven pulley.NOTE: If drive pulley (J of Figure 20) is replaced,wrap timing belt around drive pulley and complete step 3.plete steps 5 through 8 of “Installation” sectionon page 6.Gear Motor Replacement1.For single phase motor, unplug power cord fromoutlet.2.For three phase motor:a .Loosen terminal box screws (AF of Figure 16) andremove cover (AG).Figure 16AGAFAFb .Record incoming wire colors on red, black andblue leads. Loosen wire nuts and remove incoming wires.c .Loosen cord grip and remove cord.Preventive Maintenance and Adjustment2100, 2200 & 6200 Series Center Mount Drive Package for Standard Load 60Hz Parallel Shaft Gearmotors SOMM Dorner Mfg. Corp.9851-424 Rev. B3.For DC variable speed motor, unplug motor cord atdisconnect (AH of Figure 17).Figure 174.Remove four (4) screws (L of Figure 18) and removecover (K).Figure 18KL5.Loosen tensioner (V of Figure 19).Figure 196.Loosen drive pulley set screws (X of Figure 20).Remove drive pulley (J) and timing belt (P).Figure 20X JP7.Remove four (4) gearmotor mounting screws (Q ofFigure 21). Remove gearmotor with adapter plate.Figure 21QQ I8.Remove four (4) adapter plate screws (AI of Figure22). Remove adapter plate (AJ).Figure 22AIAJPreventive Maintenance and Adjustment2100, 2200 & 6200 Series Center Mount Drive Package for Standard Load 60Hz Parallel Shaft Gearmotors SOMM 851-424 Rev. B 10Dorner Mfg. Corp.9.Install new gearmotor to adapter plate (AJ) andmounting bracket (I of Figure 23). Tighten screws (Q of Figure 21) to 103 in-lb (12 Nm).10.Wrap timing belt (P of Figure 23) around drive pulley(J) and driven pulley (M). Attach drive pulley (J) to drive shaft.Figure 23JPIM ing a straight edge (T of Figure 24), align drivepulley (J) with driven pulley (M). Tighten driveFigure 24TX12.Depending on direction of conveyor belt travel ( 1 or 2of Figure 8), position belt tensioner (V) as shown.Tension belt to obtain .125” ( 3 mm) deflection for 1.0 lb (456 grams) of force at belt mid-point (W).Tighten tensioner screw to 103 in-lb (12 Nm).21Figure 2513.Install cover (K of Figure 9) with four (4) screws (L).Tighten screws to35 in-lb (4 Nm).Figure 26KL14.Replace wiring:D For a single phase motor, reverse step 1 on page 8.D For a three phase motor, reverse step 2, on page 8.D For a DC variable speed motor, reverse step 3 on page 9.Preventive Maintenance and Adjustment2100, 2200 & 6200 Series Center Mount Drive Package for Standard Load 60Hz Parallel Shaft Gearmotors SOMM Dorner Mfg. Corp.11851-424 Rev. BNOTE: For replacement parts other than thoseshown on this page, contact an authorized Dorner Service Center or the factory. Key Service Parts and Kits are identified by the Performance Parts Kits logo . Dorner recommends keeping these parts on hand.Item Part Number Part Description162M180PS411FN Motor,0.08hp (0.06Kw),10RPM,115VAC,60Hz,1-Phase 62M180PS411FR Motor,0.08hp (0.06Kw),10RPM,115VAC,60Hz,1-Phase with reversing switch62M060PS411FN Motor,0.17hp (0.13Kw),29RPM,115VAC,60Hz,1-Phase 62M060PS411FR Motor,0.17hp (0.13Kw),29RPM,115VAC,60Hz,1-Phase with reversing switch62M060PS423FN Motor,0.25hp (0.19Kw),29RPM,230VAC,60Hz,3-Phase 62M030PS411FN Motor,0.17hp (0.13Kw),58RPM,115VAC,60Hz,1-Phase62M030PS411FR Motor,0.17hp (0.13Kw),58RPM,115VAC,60Hz,1-Phase with revers-ing switch62M030PS423FN Motor,0.25hp (0.19Kw),58RPM,230VAC,60Hz,3-Phase 62M020PS411FN Motor,0.17hp (0.13Kw),86RPM,230VAC,60Hz,1-Phase62M020PS411FR Motor,0.17hp (0.13Kw),86RPM,115VAC,60Hz,1-Phase with revers-ing switch62M010PS411FN Motor,0.17hp (0.13Kw),173RPM,115VAC,60Hz,1-Phase62M010PS411FRMotor,0.17hp(0.13Kw),173RPM,115VAC,60Hz,1-Phase with revers-ing switch62M010PS423FN Motor,0.25hp (0.19Kw),173RPM,230VAC,60Hz,3-Phase62M005PS411FN Motor,0.17hp (0.13Kw),345RPM,230VAC,60Hz,1-Phase62M005PS411FR Motor,0.17hp (0.13Kw),345RPM,115VAC,60Hz,1-Phase with revers-ing switch62M180PSD3DENMotor,0.12hp (0.09Kw),14RPM,130VDC62M060PSD3DENMotor,0.25hp (0.19Kw),42RPM,130VDC 62M030PSD3DEN Motor,0.25hp (0.19Kw),83RPM,130VDC62M020PSD3DEN Motor,0.25hp (0.19Kw),125RPM,130VDC62M010PSD3DEN Motor,0.25hp (0.19Kw),250RPM,130VDC62M005PSD3DENMotor,0.25hp (0.19Kw),500RPM,130VDC2814-103Timing Belt, 15mm W x 385mm L 814-100Timing Belt, 15mm W x 400mm L814-096Timing Belt, 15mm W x 425mm L 814-105Timing Belt, 15mm W x 460mm L Item Part Number Part Description 3802-046Tensioner Bearing 4450365MP Driven Pulley, 19 Tooth 450366MP Driven Pulley, 22 T ooth 450367MP Driven Pulley, 28 T ooth 450368MPDriven Pulley, 32 T ooth5980422M Square Key, 4 mm x 22 mm (2x)6450434Drive Pulley, 22 T ooth 450435Drive Pulley, 28 T ooth 450436Drive Pulley, 32 T ooth 450437Drive Pulley, 44 T ooth 450438Drive Pulley, 48 T ooth 450439Drive Pulley, 60 T ooth 7912−078Square Key, .188” x .75” LgFigure 271234675Service Parts2100, 2200 & 6200 Series Center Mount Drive Package for Standard Load 60Hz Parallel Shaft Gearmotors SOMM 851-424 Rev. B12Dorner Mfg. Corp.No returns will be accepted without prior written factory authorization. When calling for authorization, please have the following information ready for the Dorner Factory representative or your local distributor: and address of customer.2.Item(s) being returned.3.Reason for return.4.Customer’s original order number used when ordering the item(s).5.Dorner or distributor invoice number.A representative will discuss action to be taken on the Returned items and provide a Returned Goods Authorization Number to reference.There will be a 15% restocking charge on all new items returned for credit where Dorner was not at fault. These will not be accepted after 60 days from original invoice date. The restocking charge covers inspection, cleaning,disassembly, and reissuing to inventory.If a replacement is needed prior to evaluation of returned item, a purchase order must be issued. Credit (if any) is issued only after return and evaluation is complete.Dorner has representatives throughout the world. Feel free to contact Dorner for the name of your local representative.Our technical sales and service staff will gladly help with your questions on Dorner products.For a copy of Dorner’s Limited Warranty, contact factory, distributor, service center or visit our website @851-424 Rev. BPrinted in U.S.A.300Return Policy。
功能概述●支持MP3、WMA、WAV、FLAC、AAC、OGG、APE等音乐格式,音质表现突出,真实音频频谱显示●支持MPEG-4(AVI)、RMVB、RM 、FLV、WMV、ASF、MPG、DAT、3GP视频格式,全屏播放显示,外音喇叭播放;●支持高清晰JPEG和GIF格式图片浏览,并支持边听音乐边看图片●数码录音,A-B复读功能●节能设置,亮度可自由调节,自定义关机时间●音质表现突出,支持3D音效环绕效果,微软音效,可自定义EQ●多种播放模式:单曲一次、单曲重复、全部©次、全部重复、试听、顺序播放、随机播放●支持20国语言●USB2.0高速传输,传输速率可达3M/S●支持电子书阅读,并支持边听音乐边阅读电子书,带书签功能●支持游戏功能●自由变换桌面背景●具备万年历浏览和秒表功能●移动硬盘功能,支持固件升级注意事项本手册包含重要的安全措施和正确使用产品的信息,以避免事故发生,确信在使用该产品之前仔细阅读该手册。
●在下列情况下请充电:●A、电池电量图标显示没电时●B、系统自动关机,再次开机后很快关机●C、操作按键没有反应●本播放器电池采用的是3.7V锂电池,可重复充电使用. 在前几次充电必须充够6小时,并且每次用完电池的电量再进行充电,可以延长寿命。
该机有两种充电的方法可选择:1.通过电脑USB口充电, 本机无论开机与否,只要您把该MP4机器与电脑连接,就可以给播放器充电。
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- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
频率:400.000MHz 频差:10。000M 异频:OFF 步进:5KHz 信令:无
工作模式:VFO 频率 省电:开启 提示音:开启 扫描方式:时间扫描
发射限时器:60 秒
VOX:关闭 静噪等级:3 背光灯:自动
VOX 增益:4 级
VOX 延时时间:0.3 秒 语音提示:开启
■初始化 UHF/VHF
1. 按 F 与 * 键同时开机,系统提示输入密码,液晶显示“―――――”。
2. 按键输入 82168。输入密码正确进入下一级菜单。有 3 个选项:“AGE”、“UHF”和“VHF”。
第 6 页 共 18 页 全国统一服务热线:400-600-3082
TB-V82T 手册 1. 按顺时针方向转动电源开关旋钮打开对讲机电源;要关断对讲机的电源时,按逆时针方向转动电源开
■调整音量 1. 按顺时针方向转动音量控制旋钮增大音量;逆时针方向转动则减小音量。
第 4 页 共 18 页 全国统一服务热线:400-600-3082
TB-V82T 手册 1、长按 MONI 键和 ▲
2、按键输入 8282。此时液晶显示当前对讲机的频段。(如频段为 136~174,则显示:“13617”。)
■呼叫功能 1. 短按 ALM 键后松开按键,对讲机将进入呼叫状态,发一呼叫信号,呼叫时间持续 4 秒。 2. 呼叫状态下,按 PTT 键停止呼叫,回到待机状态。 3. 收到呼叫后,对讲机将发出特定铃声以提示,同时对应的液晶显示图标闪烁。
■开关按键锁 1. 待机模式下,长按
* 键 1 秒,切换按键锁开关。
TB-V82T 手册 5、音乐符:语音开启标志 6、(((:收到 60Hz 呼叫码标志 7、喇叭:模拟亚音频标志 8、D:数字亚音频标志
13、o))):VOX 开启标志 14、Y111:接收标志 15、AO:收音机模式 16、L:发射低功率
■VOX 发射 1. 通过菜单设置 VOX 增益电平和 VOX 停止发射延时时间。(VOX 增益电平:1 级最高,需要最大的语音能
量才能开启发射;9 级最低)。 2. 按 F+2,开启 VOX 功能。 3. 将耳麦插入对讲机。 4. 对着耳麦讲话,声音强度足够,便可发射。
■监听 1. 按住 MONI 按键进入监听模式(瞬时静噪打开) 2. 继续按住 MONI 按键长达 4 秒,进入另一种监听模式(静噪打开),此时松开按键仍保持监听状态,再
3. 按 ▲ 和 ▼ 键选择“UHF”或“VHF”,再按 ` F键进入初始化。
NOTE: 始化。
1、 对讲机出厂时未存储任何频率信息,液晶显示屏将提示“UnPG”,必须对对讲机进行初 2、执行初始化后,信道 1~30 被写入信息,其余信道无信息。
SV82 对讲机除了可以通过上面的操作来初始化之外,用户也可通过特殊的操作来自定义频段。可定 义的频段的范围为 50 MHz~520 MHz。具体操作如下:
TB-V82T 手册
TB-V82T 说明书
一、 键盘示意图
7 R.T
8 T..T
# V/M
键开机,进入设置 QT/DQT 频偏电调。
相应的液晶显示为:1 相应的液晶显示为:2 相应的液晶显示为:3 相应的液晶显示为:4 相应的液晶显示为:5 相应的液晶显示为:6 相应的液晶显示为:7 相应的液晶显示为:8 相应的液晶显示为:9 相应的液晶显示为:10 相应的液晶显示为:11 相应的液晶显示为:12
当 DW 为 OFF 时,只停留在收音机状态。 5、 设置收音机 SQ 等级
在收音机状态下,按一下 F 键进入功能选项,再按一下 1 键,进入收音机 SQ 等级设置。可以通过按 UP 或 DOWN 键来选择 0~9 级。再按任意键退出。 6、 存储收音机信道信息 在收音机全频模式下,按一下 F 键进入功能选项,再按一下 6 键,进入收音机信道信息存储模式,按 UP 或 DOWN 键选择要存入的信道,再按 F 键存储。 7、 删除收音机信道信息 ` 选择对讲机处于收音机并且是信道模式后,关闭对讲机电源。按住*键开机,进入删除收音机信道信 息模式。此时液晶显示“xx DEL”。按 UP 或 DOWN 键选择信道,再按 F 键进入,液晶显示“xx YES”。最 后再按 F 键确认删除。删除完后液晶再显示“xx DEL”,您可以再删除下一个信道。
2. 按键输入 82168。输入密码正确进入下一级菜单。有 3 个选项:“AGE”、“UHF”和“VHF”。
3. 按 ▲ 和 ▼ 键选择“AGING”项,按 老化过程中有以下注意项: .老化为发射 30S,接收60S。 .老化以全频频率来发射和接收。
F 键进入老化。
■有线复制功能 按 MONI 键和 ▼ 键并开机。进入有线复制状态。液晶显示“CLonE”提示,再按侧键 MONI 键开始复制,复 制过程中,主机显示“CL OU”,副机显示“CL IN”。复制成功主机液晶先显示“End”然后自动回到有 线复制初始状态;若失败主机先显示“Err” 然后自动回到有线复制初始状态。一次成功的复制大约 需要 15 秒。
▼ 键选择相应的设置项,按 F 键进入。
4. 按 ▲ 或 ▼ 键在 0~255 之间改变电调值。按 * 键存储。
5. 整个手动操作过程中,按 # 键返回上一级菜单
TB-V82T 手册
UHF 对讲机
V82T 手册
适 用 TB-V82T
VER: 1.1 DATE:2011-2-26
――――目录―――― 一、版本记录…………2 二、操作说明书………3 三、插件图……………14 四、原理图……………18
第 1 页 共 18 页 全国统一服务热线:400-600-3082
TB-V82T 手册
ver : 1.1 2011-2-26
版本记录 新机型版本 基准频率:13MHZ 中 频:26.450MHZ 接收 VCO 振荡频率超外差(+26.450MHZ)
第 2 页 共 18 页 全国统一服务热线:400-600-3082
67.0L 159.8 L 254.1L 67.0M 159.8 M 254.1M 67.0H 159.8 H 254.1H 023L 023M 023H
第 5 页 共 18 页 全国统一服务热线:400-600-3082
TB-V82T 手册 3. 按 ▲ 或
■QT/DQT 频偏电调操作 1. 按 F 键和 # 2. 共有以下 12 个选项:
1)、低频段 67Hz 2)、低频段 159.8Hz 3)、低频段 254.1Hz 4)、中频段 67Hz 5)、中频段 159.8Hz 6)、中频段 254.1Hz 7)、高频段 67Hz 8)、高频段 159.8Hz 9)、高频段 254.1Hz 10)、低频段 023N 11)、中频段 023N 12)、高频段 023N
■选择频率 1. 按 ▲ 键增大频率;按 ▼ 键则减小频率。
如果您选不到特定的频率,则需要改变频率间隔的大小。请参见“设置步进频率” 您还可以使用数字按键直接输入所需频率。请参见“数字键输入”。
■PTT 键发射 1. 按住 PTT 按键并以正常的声调说话。(发射时亮红灯) 2. 结束说话时,松开 PTT 按键,等待接收。
1、F:按下功能键 2、钥匙:按键上锁 3、+:加频标志 4、—:减频标志
9、TX:发射标志 10、SKIP:信道扫描添加标志 11、DV:倒频标志 12、带箭头半圆弧对:组开启标志
第 3 页 共 18 页 全国统一服务热线:400-600-3082
☆特殊操作 必读☆
■清除全频频率/全部信道 按 MONI 和 F 键开机,液晶显示“CLEAR”。再按
F 键进入。此时液晶显示“VFO”。
▼ 键选择“VFO”或“FULL”。最后按
F 键进入清除操作。清除完成后对
■FR 模式(频率显示模式) 按下 # 键开机,可切换到 FR 模式。在此选择显示全频频率或者
可以用 ▲ 、 ▼ 键改变全频频率或信道号;或直接按数字键输入所需全频频率或信道号。 ■CH 模式(信道显示模式) 按下 # 键开机,可切换到 CH 模式。在此模式下,您可以用 ▲ 、 ▼ 键改变信道号, 或直接按数字键 输入所需信道。您至少要编程一个记忆信道,否则无法进入此模式。 ■菜单模式 按下 F 键,再按下数字键 9 进入菜单。再按 ▲ 、 ▼ 进行选择。可进行菜单选项操作。
在收音机状态下,按一下#(V/M)键,即可切换到收音机的全频模式或信道模式。(当对讲机没有设置 收音机信道时不能切换) 3、 收音机搜台