



江苏溧阳南渡高级中学2019年高三第2周周练物理试题时间:90分钟分值:120编写:施定之审核:张卫产【一】单项选择题(此题包括10小题,每题3分,共30分、每题只有一个选项正确)〔〕1、近年来,高级轿车设计师在设计轿车时发明:轿车的加速度变化率妨碍乘客的舒适度,加速度变化率越小,乘坐轿车的人感受越舒适.事实上“加速度的变化率”是描述轿车加速度随时间变化快慢的物理量.那么,加速度变化率的单位是A.m/sB.m/s2C.m/s3D.m/s4〔〕2.一个实验小组在“探究弹力和弹簧伸长的关系”的实验中,使用两条不同的轻质弹簧a和b,得到弹力与弹簧长度的图像如下图.以下表述正确的选项是A.a的原长比b的长B.a的劲度系数比b的大C.a的劲度系数比b的小D.测得的弹力与弹簧的长度成正比〔〕3.以下关于在两物体的同一接触处的弹力与摩擦力的说法中,错误的选项是A.弹力与摩擦力不可能沿同一方向B.有弹力必有摩擦力C.有摩擦力必有弹力D.摩擦力不一定与弹力成正比〔〕4.如下图,位于水平桌面上的物块P,由跨过定滑轮的轻绳与物块Q相连,从滑轮到P和到Q的两段绳基本上水平的.Q与P之间以及P与桌面之间的动摩擦因数基本上μ,两物块的质量基本上m,滑轮的质量、滑轮轴上的摩擦都不计.假设用一水平向右的力F拉P使它做匀速运动,那么F的大小为A.4μmgB.3μmgC.2μmgD.μmg〔〕5、关于位移和路程,以下说法中正确的选项是A、在某段时间内,质点运动的位移为零,该质点不一定是静止的B、在某段时间内,质点运动的路程为零,该质点不一定是静止的C、在直线运动中,质点位移的大小一定等于其路程D、在曲线运动中,质点位移的大小一定等于其路程〔〕6、在变速直线运动中,下面关于速度和加速度关系的说法,正确的选项是A、加速度与速度无必定联系B、速度减小时,加速度也一定减小C、速度为零,加速度也一定为零D、速度增大时,加速度也一定增大〔〕7、蹦床运动要求运动员在一张绷紧的弹性网上蹦起、腾空并做空中动作如图1甲所示、为了测量运动员跃起的高度,训练时可在弹性网上安装压力传感器,利用传感器记录弹性网的压力,并在计算机上做出压力—时间图象,假如做出的图象如图乙所示、设运动员在空中运动时可视为质点,那么运动员跃起的最大高度为(g取10m/s2)[A、1.8mB、3.6mC、5.0mD、7.2m〔〕8、一个质点正在做匀加速直线运动,现用固定的照相机对该质点进行闪光照相,闪光时间间隔均为0.1s、分析照片得到的数据,发明质点在第1次、第2次闪光的时间间隔内移动了0.2m;在第3次、第4次闪光的时间间隔内移动了0.8m,由此不能求得的是A、质点运动的初速度B、质点运动的加速度C 、第1次闪光时质点的速度D 、从第2次闪光到第3次闪光这段时间内质点的位移〔〕9、某乘客用手表估测火车的加速度,他先观测3分钟,发明火车前进了540m ;隔3分钟后又观测1分钟,发明火车前进了360m ,假设火车在这7分钟内做匀加速直线运动,那么这列火车加速度大小为A 、0.03m/s 2B 、0.01m/s 2C 、0.5m/s 2D 、0.6m/s 2[x.k.]〔〕10.粗糙斜面上有一物块,在平行斜面向上的外力F 作用下斜面和物块始终处于静止状态,如图甲所示.当F 按图乙所示规律变化时,物体与斜面间的摩擦力大小变化规律可能是图丙中的二、多项选择题:(此题包括8小题,每题4分,共32分、每题不止一个选项正确)〔〕11一物体做匀变速直线运动.当t=0时,物体的速度大小为12m/s ,方向向东;当t=2s 时,物体的速度大小为8m/s,方向仍向东.当物体的速度大小变为2m/s 时,t为A.3sB.5sC.7sD.9s〔〕12.质点A 、B 做直线运动的位移—时间图像如下图,那么A.在运动过程中,质点A 比质点B 运动得快B.当t =t 1时刻,两质点的位移相同C.当t =t 1时刻,两质点的速度相同D.质点A 的加速度大于质点B 的加速度〔〕13.两辆游戏赛车a 、b 在两条平行的直车道上行驶,t=0时两车都在同一计时线处,如今竞赛开始.它们在四次竞赛中的v-t 图像如下图.各图所对应的竞赛中,有一辆赛车追上了另一辆的是〔〕14.如下图,汽车以10m/s 的速度匀速驶向路口,当行驶至距路口停车线20m 处时,绿灯还有3s 熄灭,而该汽车在绿灯熄灭时刚好停在停车线处,那么汽车运动的速度(v)时间(t)的图像可能是〔〕15.一物体自距地面高H 处自由下落,经t 落地,如今速度为v ,那么A.t/2时物体距地面高度为H/2B.t/2时物体距地面高度为34HC.物体下落H/2时速度为v/2D.物体下落H/2时速度为v2〔〕16、某一质点运动的位移随时间的变化规律如下图,图线是一条抛物线,以下表达中正确的选项是A质点做斜向上抛运动,最大高度是80mB质点做斜向上抛运动,抛出初速度是20m/sC质点做匀变速直线运动D t=4s时,物体的速度为零〔〕17、如下图,A、B是两个物块,重力分别为3N、4N,弹簧的重力不计,整个装置沿竖直方向处于静止状态,这时弹簧的弹力F=2N,那么天花板受到的拉力和地板受到的压力有可能是A、天花板所受的拉力为1N,地板受的压力为6NB.天花板所受的拉力为5N,地板受的压力为6NC、天花板所受的拉力为1N,地板受的压力为2ND、天花板所受的拉力为5N,地板受的压力为2N〔〕18.如下图,放在水平地面上的物体a上叠放着物体b,a和b间用轻质弹簧相连,弹簧处于压缩状态,整个装置处于静止状态,那么关于a、b的受力分析正确的选项是A、b受到向右的摩擦力B、a受到b对它的向左的摩擦力C、地面对a的摩擦力向右D、地面对a无摩擦力作用【三】实验探究题〔定量计算类填空每格3分,定性分析类填空每格2分,共22分〕19、某校学习兴趣小组在研究“小车速度随时间变化的规律”的实验,下图是某次实验得到的纸带,所用电源的频率为50Hz,舍去前面比较密集的点,从0点开始,每5个连续点取1个计数点,标以1、2、3…各计数点与0计数点之间的距离依次为d1=3cm,d2=7.5cm,d3=13.5cm,那么:〔1〕物体做运动,理由是相邻相等时间内的位移之差为;〔2〕物体通过1计数点的速度v1=m/s;〔3〕物体运动的加速度为a=m/s2.20.某同学利用如图甲所示的实验装置测量重力加速度、(1)该同学开始实验时情形如图甲所示,接通电源释放纸带、请指出该同学在实验操作中存在的两处明显错误或不当的地方:①;②、(2)该同学经修改错误并正确操作后得到如图乙所示的纸带、取连续的六个点A、B、C、D、E、F为计数点,测得A点到B、C、D、E、F的距离分别为h1、h2、h3、h4、h5、假设打点的频率为f,那么打E点时重物的速度表达式v E=;假设分别计算出各计数点的速度值,并画出速度的二次方(v2)与对应重物下落的距离(h)的关系如图丙所示,那么重力加速度g=m/s2、(3)假设当地的重力加速度g=9.8m/s 2、你认为该同学测量值存在误差的要紧缘故是。

朗文2B Chapter5检测卷1

朗文2B Chapter5检测卷1

二年级朗文2B Chapter 5检测卷Class_______ Name_______听力部分(60分)一听录音,选择单词并把其字母写在括号内。

(10分)( ) 1. A.football B. basketball( ) 2. A. volleyball B. badminton( ) 3. A. tennis B. table tennis( ) 4 A. kick the ball B. play football( ) 5. A. play with B. play tennis二.听录音,选出你听到的句子,并把其字母编号写在括号内。

(10分)( ) 1. A.My name is Jack. B. My name is Mike.( ) 2. A.I like playing football. B. I like playing tennis.( ) 3. A. A tennis ball is heavy. B. A table tennis ball is light.( ) 4. A. What do you like doing? B. What does he like doing?( )5. A. I like play basketball. B. She likes playing bad三.听音标号,用数字1,2,3,4,5 给图片排序。


(每题2分,共10分)A. likeB. doingC. basketballD. volleyballE. badminton1. What do you like ______ ?2. I playing football.3. I like playing ___ .4. I like playing ____.5. He likes playing _______.五.听音排序,用数字1,2,3,4,5给句子重新排序.(5小题,共10分)( ) Football is also called soccer.( ) I like playing football.( ) In football, we kick the ball.( ) What do you like doing?( ) My name is Jack.六.听音,判断你所听到的句子是否正确,正确写T,错误写F。

2B 周周练

2B 周周练

二年级第二学期英语周周练1Name_________ Class_________一.Look and choose. 看图片圈单词:1. 2.A. window A A beeB. rainbow B. bird3. A. flower4. A. orangeB. tree B. apple5. A. lion B. zebra二.Choice选择题:( ) 1. Look at the panda. It’s ___________.A. purple and pinkB. black and whiteC.white and brown ( ) 2. What colour _______ the rabbits? They’re white.A. isB. areC. am ( ) 3. Look at the rainbow. It has _________colours.A. sevenB. sixC. nine ( ) 4. What can you____? – I can see apples.A. seeB. readC. look ( ) 5. This bird is blue. That bird is blue, _____.A. toB. twoC. too二年级第二学期英语周周练2Name_________ Class_________一.Look and choose. 看图片圈单词:1. 2.A. bag A. watchB. bed B. wall3. A. hard4. A. softB. soft B. sofaA. touchB. smooth二.Choice选择题:( ) 1. Touch the doll. It’s not rough. It’s______.A. softB. hardC.smooth( ) 2. Is it soft?A. It is soft.B. No, it’s hard.C. No, it’s smooth. ( ) 3. --____ is it? –It’s a small watch.A.WhatB. whereC. who( ) 4. Do you like it?A. Yes, I do.B.No, I like it.C. Yes, I can.( ) 5. What’s in the bag? Touch and _____.A. guessB. tasteC. smell二年级第二学期英语周周练3Name_________ Class_________一. Think and choose. 想一想,选择正确的答案:1. white + red = ___________ ( pink, blue )2. red + yellow = ___________ ( orange, purple )3. red + blue = ____________ ( brown, purple )4. blue + yellow = ___________ ( blue, green )5. red + blue + yellow = ___________ ( white, black )二.Read and judge (情景判断,用“T”或“F”表示)( ) 1. 你看见一朵粉红色的花,你说:I see a pink flower. ( ) 2. 别人问你苹果是什么颜色的,你说:What is it?( ) 3. 你问别人这些蝴蝶是什么颜色的,你说:What colour is the butterfly?( ) 4. 你告诉别人你看见了窗外有美丽的彩虹。



高中物理学习材料(灿若寒星**整理制作)A.小球平抛的初速度不同B.小球每次做不同的抛物线运动C.小球在空中运动的时间每次均不同D.小球通过相同的水平位移所用的时间均不同3. 以初速度v 0水平抛出一个物体,经过时间t 速度的大小为v t ,经过时间2t,速度大小的正确表达式应该是( C D )A .gt v 20+B .gt v t +C .220)2(gt v +D . 223()t v gt +4.下图是摩托车比赛转弯时的情形.转弯处路面常是外高内低,摩托车转弯有一个最大安全速度,若超过此速度,摩托车将发生滑动.对于摩托车滑动的问题,下列论述正确的是( B )A .摩托车一直受到沿半径方向向外的离心力作用B .摩托车所受外力的合力小于所需的向心力C .摩托车将沿其线速度的方向沿直线滑去D .摩托车将沿其半径方向沿直线滑去5.质量为m 的石块从半径为R 的半球形的碗口下滑到碗的最低点的过程中,如果摩擦力的作用使得石块的速度大小不变,如右图所示,那么( D )A .因为速率不变,所以石块的加速度为零B .石块下滑过程中受的合外力越来越大C .石块下滑过程中受的摩擦力大小不变D .石块下滑过程中的加速度大小不变,方向始终指向球心6. 如图所示,为一皮带传动装置,右轮的半径为r ,a 是它边缘上的一点,左侧是一轮轴,大轮的半径为4r ,小轮的半径为2r ,b 点在小轮上,到小轮中心的距离为r ,c 点和d 点分别位于小轮和大轮的边缘上,若在传动过程中,皮带不打滑,则:则( D )A.a 点与b 点的线速度大小相等;B.a 点与b 点的角速度大小相等;C.a 点与c 点的角速度大小相等;D.a 点与d 点的向心加速度大小相等。

7.如右图所示,两小球a 、b 从直角三角形斜面的顶端以相同大小的水平速率v0向左、向右水平抛出,分别落在两个斜面上,三角形的两底角分别为30°和60°,则两小球a 、b 运动时间之比为( B )A .1∶ 3B .1∶3C. 3∶1 D .3∶18.在一段半径为R 的圆孤形水平弯道上,已知弯道路面对汽车轮胎的最大静摩擦力等于车重的μ倍,则汽车拐弯时的安全速度是( A )9.某人向放在水平地面的正前方小桶中水平抛球,结果球划着一条弧线飞到小桶的前方(如图所示)。



a n i mal /ˈænɪməl/【释义】something that lives and moves but is not a human, bird, fish, or insect【词性】(n.)(除人、鸟、鱼和昆虫之外的)动物【例句】 Children are real animal lovers.b a t /bæt/【释义】a small animal like a mouse with wings that flies at night【词性】(n.)蝙蝠b ear /beər/【释义】a large, strong wild mammal with a thick fur coat that lives especially in colder parts of Europe, Asia,and North America【词性】 (n.)熊【拓展】 a brown/black bear 棕熊/黑熊a bear cub (= young bear) 幼熊b ir d /bɜːd/【释义】a creature with feathers and wings, usually able to fly 【词性】(n.)鸟;禽【例句】Most birds lay eggs in the spring.大多数鸟都在春天产卵。

c a g e/keɪdʒ/【释义】a space surrounded on all sides by bars or wire, in which animals or birds are kept【词性】(n.) 笼子【拓展】 put/keep birds or animals in a cagec a t /kæt/【释义】a small animal with fur, four legs, a tail, and claws, usually kept as a pet or for catching mice【词性】(n.)猫【拓展】 the cat family 猫科【释义】a type of bird kept on a farm for its eggs or its meat, or the meat of this bird that is cooked andeaten【词性】(n.)鸡;鸡肉【拓展】A male chicken is called a cock and a femalechicken is called a hen. 公鸡叫 cock,母鸡称作 hen。


( ) 3 A sip B up c strng D run
( ) 4 A linB dgc catD duc
( ) 5 A run B sate c rpe D sip
( ) 6 A purple B range c pin D blac
( ) 7 A hear B sth c see D tuch
1 L,this ne gift? es, _______ ( it, the ) is
4 - ________ ( This, Tuch ) the rbt(机器人)
- th, sft )
1、____ h ____ 2、____ d ____ 3、____Q ____ 4、____ ____
6 The t pig _______ hard and the t bears _______ sft
( ) 1 ing? Beside the th
A Tuch B Eat
( ) 5 Dan tigers? There is ____ tiger
A ne B three
1()Listen! ell B see c hear() u lie reading?
A es, I d B es, I lie c es, it is
A sing B singing c singging
()Han ________? ne
A father and ther _______ reading bs
e I can ______________ (ride / riding) a biccle



朗文二年级2B Chapter 5-6单元测试Class___________ Name__________ No._____ Ⅰ.选择正确的答案。

1._________________A table tennisB basketballC volleyball ( )2._________________A volleyballB footballC basketball ( )3._________________A basketballB tennisC football ( )4._________________A badmintonB table tennisC tennis ( )5._________________A badmintonB table tennisC tennis ( )6.————————A table tennisB tennisC volleyball ( ) Ⅱ.选择适当的词连句,完成问句。

1. Do/Does John play/plays football?A :___________________________________B: Yes, he does.2. What do/does you do/does on Sunday?A:____________________________________B: We go hiking.3. What does/do Sue do/does on Monday?A:_____________________________________B: She draws and paints.4. Do/Does your brother like/likes swimming?A:______________________________________B: Yes, of course. He teaches me to swim.5 Do/Does Ben and Pam make/makes models?A:_______________________________________B: Yes, they make models every weekend.Ⅲ.看图回答问题。









例:越下越大越____越____ 越____越____ 越____越____ 越____越____例:黑沉沉明_______ 红_______ 绿_______ 笑_______ 黑五、在下面一段话前的括号里填上序号。










(清清的绿绿的)八、阅读短文,并完成练习花花有各种各样的形态:有的吹起红色的喇叭;有的撑(chēn g)开蓝色的小伞;有的吐出粉嫩的舌头;有的甩出金灿灿的丝绒(rïn g);还有的咧(liě)开红红的嘴唇,仿佛要唱一支动人的歌曲。



《大学英语周周练》答案第1周听力理解Test 1Section A11C 12D 13B 14C 15B 16B 17C 18AConversation One19B 20A 21CConversation Two22B 23A 24D 25ASection BPassage One26C 27B 28BPassage Two29C 30B 31APassage Three32C 33B 34A 35BSection C36 demonstrate 37 stuff 38 specific 39 born 40 gradually 41 contact 42 expand43 conduct44 There are a number of reasons why people want to learn good manners and the rules of etiquette45 people who treat other people with kindness and sympathy are most likely to become popular because they are considered good companions.46 Good manners help put people at ease, make them cooperative and just plain happy.快速阅读Test 91A 2B 3B 4B 5D 6A 7C8 a tentative definition9 acceleration of your progress10 (to) sharpen your awareness第2周听力理解Test 2Section A11A 12B 13C 14D 15B 16A 17C 18BConversation One19A 20A 21AConversation Two22A 23C 24A 25BSection BPassage One26C 27C 28CPassage Two29C 30B 31APassage Three32D 33D 34C 35DSection C36 fortune 37 signed 38 distributed 39 physics 40 economics 41 legal42 involved 43 frequently44 The nominations are made by individuals and institutions qualified according to the regulations of the appropriate awarding body45 Besides the cash prize, each award consists of a gold medal and a diploma46 Prizewinners who are unwilling or unable to accept the prize may apply for and receive the medal and diploma later篇章词汇Test 151I 2D 3A 4G 5J 6M 7C 8K 9F 10 O篇章词汇Test 161F 2N 3A 4C 5J 6H 7M 8B 9L 10D篇章词汇Test 171L 2E 3J 4A 5H 6B 7I 8C 9N 10F第3周听力理解Test 3Section A11C 12B 13B 14B 15C 16B 17A 18AConversation One19A 20C 21DConversation Two22B 23D 24C 25BSection BPassage One26A 27C 28DPassage Two29B 30D 31CPassage Three32A 33D 34D 35CSection C36 currently 37 maintain 38 Researchers 39 harmful 40 period 41 shifted42 increased 43 remained44 For now the researchers are not sure how weight changes are linked to health problems45 Losing and regaining weight may also cause an unhealthy distribution of body weight46 only to regain weight in an area such as their stomach, which increases the risk of developing heart disease篇章阅读Test 211C 2C 3C 4B 5C篇章阅读Test 221A 2D 3B 4C 5C第4周听力理解Test 4Section A11D 12A 13C 14C 15B 16B 17A 18BConversation One19A 20B 21D 22BConversation Two23C 24B 25ASection BPassage One26C 27D 28APassage Two29D 30C 31BPassage Three32D 33B 34C 35ASection C36 applied 37 adjust 38 obvious 39 adapted 40 affected 41processes42 mystery 43 account44 each individual contains its own independent timing system45 The other theory holds that living things react continuously to their rhythmic physical environment46 Not only has no independent timing system ever been discovered, but there has not yet been even a guess as to its nature完型填空Test 291D 2B 3D 4A 5C 6B 7A 8C 9D 10B11B 12B 13A 14C 15D 16A 17B 18D 19B 20B完型填空Test 301C 2B 3A 4B 5C 6B 7D 8D 9A 10C11A 12C 13B 14C 15B 16D 17B 18C 19D 20D第5周篇章词汇Test 181D 2A 3J 4M 5 O 6E 7I 8K 9H 10B篇章词汇Test 191H 2I 3M 4A 5D 6J 7B 8F 9K 10 O篇章词汇Test 201H 2M 3B 4D 5E 6A 7G 8F 9I 10N快速阅读Test 101C 2D 3B 4B 5C 6A 7D8 health, attractiveness and fun9 harmless skin marks of irritations10 prevention第6周篇章阅读Test 231A 2C 3B 4C 5A篇章阅读Test 241B 2A 3D 4C 5B快速阅读Test 111C 2D 3C 4B 5B 6D 7C8 A wind turbine9 mechanical energy10 tides第7周听力理解Test 5Section A11C 12B 13A 14B 15B 16B 17D 18BConversation One19B 20D 21BConversation Two22A 23D 24C 25CSection BPassage One26D 27B 28DPassage Two29A 30C 31CPassage Three32B 33C 34A 35BSection C36 genius 37 psychologists 38 aware 39 damage 40 unrealistic41 sensible 42 especially 43 supportive44 and his parents help him a lot by taking him to concerts and arranging private piano and violin lessons for him45 However, he never makes Michael enter music competitions if he is unwilling46 They want their son to be as successful as they are and so they enter him in every piano competition held完型填空Test 311B 2C 3A 4D 5C 6B 7A 8B 9C 10B11A 12D 13B 14C 15B 16A 17D 18C 19B 20C完型填空Test 321A 2C 3B 4D 5A 6D 7D 8A 9B 10C11B 12A 13B 14D 15B 16D 17C 18C 19A 20A第8周篇章阅读Test 251C 2B 3D 4D 5A篇章阅读Test 261B 2D 3C 4D 5D完型填空Test 341D 2A 3C 4B 5A 6C 7B 8D 9A 10B11B 12D 13A 14D 15B 16C 17A 18D 19A 20A完型填空Test 331A 2D 3C 4B 5C 6D 7A 8C 9D 10B11C 12A 13B 14D 15C 16C 17D 18B 19A 20C第9周听力理解Test 6Section A11C 12A 13D 14D 15B 16A 17D 18AConversation One19D 20A 21BConversation Two22D 23A 24B 25BSection BPassage One26B 27A 28DPassage Two29C 30A 31CPassage Three32B 33C 34D 35ASection C36 advertising 37 character 38 color 39 gifts 40 similar 41 less42 added 43 economy44 This suggests that the large size has the most products for the least money45 To find out a buyer has to know how the product is sold and the price of the basic unit46 But the important thing for any buyer to remember is that a package is often an advertisement 快速阅读Test 121C 2C 3B 4A 5C 6B 7B8 balance of payments9 foreign currencies or SDRs10 their subscription to the IMF第10周听力理解Test 7Section A11C 12A 13C 14A 15A 16D 17C 18DConversation One19B 20D 21DConversation Two22B 23A 24C 25BSection BPassage One26A 27D 28BPassage Two29B 30C 31DPassage Three32D 33B 34A 35CSection C36 curious 37 figuring 38 independent 39 unusual 40 interacting41 formal 42 abstract 43 mystery44 he has found out how it works and learned to use it appropriately45 by trying it out and seeing whether it works by gradually changing it and refining it46 including many of the concepts that the schools think only they can teach him快速阅读Test 131A 2A 3B 4C 5B 6D 7A8 15-, 30-, and 60-minute time slots9 future10 the inclination toward change第11周听力理解Test 8Section A11D 12D 13C 14C 15C 16B 17C 18DConversation One19D 20A 21AConversation Two22A 23B 24C 25CSection BPassage One26D 27B 28APassage Two29D 30C 31APassage Three32B 33B 34C 35ASection C36 preserve 37 appreciate 38 households 39 chat 40 convenient 41 rates42 receive 43 submit44 They are also sharing information about concerts and sports events, as well as jokes and their philosophies of life45 A hand –written note to a friend or a family member is the best way to communicate important thoughts46 This writing practice brings rewards that can’t be seen in bank accounts快速阅读Test 141 C 2D 3B 4B 5A 6C 7D8 (being) an outsider (looking in)9 time-consuming10 interesting shops and cafes第12周完型填空Test 4167C 68B 69B 70B 71B 72D 73A 74A 75B 76D77A 78D 79C 80D 81B 82D 83D 84A 85C 86ATranslation87.(in) concentrating on the experiment/ focusing her attention on the experiment88.did she lose her temper89.being invited to attend the opening ceremony90.(should) be installed by the window91.the strong objection/opposition第13周完型填空Test 4267D 68C 69A 70D 71B 72D 73C 74A 75D 76B77B 78B 79C 80C 81A 82A 83D 84C 85D 86CTranslation87.To ensure his attendance at the meeting/ To ensure that he will attend the meeting88.is said to have been built89.without its unique environment/but for its unique environment90.What impressed the tourists most91.The book(s) (that) I borrowed should be returned to the library/ I return the borrowed book(s) to the library.。



World Cup DadFor most of my 15 years, my father usually said very little to my mother and me. He preferred reading the newspaper or watching football matches on television to talking to his family.Everything changed one morning. As soon as I came downstairs to breakfast, I could see that he wasn’t his usual reserved (缄默的) self. “Can’t wait! FIFA World Cup! Big match! Must see!”1 quickly figured out what ail the excitement was about: Dad is a big football fan.I had never been interested in football, but Dad’s excitement that morning made me more and more curious. I had to find out why this sport was making my normally reserved father act like a five-year-old on his first trip to Disneyland.Dad decided that we should all eat at a little German restaurant so that we could watch the World Cup while eating. Secretly, I think he was hoping to turn Mum and me into football fans.The match started a few minutes after we entered the restaurant. As I was eating my meal, a loud noise came from the television. Surprised, I looked up at the TV: “Why is that man jumping up and down?”Dad patiently explained:“That’s Papa Bouba Diop, my son. It’s normal for them to jump up and down after they’ve scored.”Dad explained almost everything to me. His monosyliabic (单音节的) answers were a thing of the past. I loved the new Dad! I watched the rest of the match, becoming more and more interested. When I told my father that I planned to watch more matches with him, he smiled and gave me a wink (眨眼). At long last we had something in common.Football has really helped Dad and me get closer and form a stronger relationship with each other. Who says football is only about 22 men running after a silly ball?56.Which of the following words can best describe the authur’s father?[A] A parent busy at work.[B] A man of few words.[C] An encouraging father.[D] A talkative football player.57.What made the author curious about his father one morning?[A] His high expectation of the winner.[B] His great interest in the newspaper.[C] His unexpressed eagerness.[D] His unusual excitement.58.The author’s growing interest in watching the match mainly came from ____.[A] eating in a restaurant with the excited fans[B] his fathers loye of football and his explanation[C] watching a top level performance of the players[D] his and his fathers’s common love of German food59.What can we learn from the text?[A] Personality decides everything.[B] Sharing is the foundation of good relationship.[C] Family members should be fans together.[D] Interest is the mother of success.答案与解析:56. 选B。




1.He___(have)brown hair and blue eyes.2.Jim doesn’t_____(wear) glasses.3.He can_____(speak) French wery well.4.Lily____(like) her work wery much.5._____(she)pants are black.6.Mark_____(write)novels for children.7.Susan_____(come)from Germany.8.Mrs Brown____(be)from America,三.句型转换。

1.I work at a middle school.(对换线部分提问)___________________________________________________ 2.She works in a market.(同1)___________________________________________________ 3.Is she from China?(作肯定和否定回答并改为陈述句)___________________________________________________4.Dose he come from America?(同3)5.Tony comes from China.(同1)___________________________________________________6.My father is a writer.(同1)___________________________________________________7.He can speak Russian.(改为否定句)___________________________________________________四.汉译英。



高中英语学习材料***鼎尚图文理制作***高二级第二次英语周测(必修五Unit 5)一.单词填空(5分)1. Her (珠宝)were insured for one million dollars.2. His face is s with toothache.3. She’s the (温柔的)person I have ever met in my life.4. Are our children being (中毒)by lead in the atmosphere?5. The (受伤)dog had to be destroyed.6. His s ankle has puffed up.7. Ambition is a (特征) of all successful businessmen.8. The heart is a vital o .9. He bought an e hair-dryer for Mary.10. The Baptist will hold a (典礼)this Sunday.二.补全句子(20分)11. 老师借助电脑的帮助来授课。

Teachers give their lessons computers.12. 一些中国演员给好莱坞带来新的气象(造成一些影响)。

Some Chinese actors and actresses have in Hollywood. 13. 所有的年轻战士都愿意为祖国洒热血。

All the young soldiers are ready to the country.14. 他被敌人活活地烧死了。

He by the enemy.15. 那家伙做得出勒索老母亲钱财的事來。

That guy is capable of money his old mother.16. 你最好把你的东西放回原位, 不然很难找。

You’d better put things back . Otherwise, it will be difficult to find them.17. 这位英国人有很好的幽默感。



盘龙五小六年级第二周周练试题(考试时间:30分钟)一、仔细阅读下列句子,选择正确的答案(2’*10=20分)()1、Liza can stand on head. Nick can’t stand on head.A、her hisB、she heC、her he()2、There a board on the wall. There three books on the desk.A、is; isB、is; areC、are; are()3、John can play football. He can’ t play piano.A、the; 不填 B. 不填; the C. 不填; 不填()4、I going to do more reading. Mike going to do more listening.A、am; areB、am; amC、am; is()5、I a fun day. It was mother’ s day yesterday.I play football with my friends tomorrow.A、have; amB、had; willC、had; am()6、When did you do your homework?I my homework at six yesterday.A、didB、doC、am doing()7、I keeping a diary when I______ eight.A、start; wasB、started; wasC、start; am()8、Last night, I ______ about a nice cartoon. It ______ interesting.A、dream; wasB、dreamed; isC、dreamed; was()9、What ______ Simon _______ this weekend ?A、is; going to doB、does; doC、is; doing()10、I don’t like Maths because it is difficult ______ me.A、atB、forC、of二、读一读,给下列句子选出正确的答案,并把序号填到括号里。







1.What is the man?A.A taxi driver.B.A policeman.C.A restaurant waiter.2.What will the weather be like tomorrow?A.It will be coldB.It will rain.C.It will be windy.3.Where are the two speakers speaking?A.At the railway station.B. On the train.C.On the phone.4.Where is Sue now?A.At home.B.At the hospital.C.At the office.5.What can we learn from the conversation?A.The line is very busy now.B.The man will possibly call againC.The man was cut off. 第二节听下面5段对话或独白。





6.Why is her son not going to take a vacation?A.Because he doesn’t like traveling.B.Because he is busy with his studies.C.Because he doesn’t like going abroad.7.When are the woman and her husband going to leave for China?A.Next week.B.Next Wednesday.C.Next month.听第7段材料,回答第8至10题。





























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姓名________ 家长签字__________ 一.完形填空。

I am a middle-school student. Now let ___1___ tell you something ___2___ our classroom. It’s very ___3___. There are two maps ___4___ the back wall. ___5___ is a map of China. ___6___ is a map of the world .
There are ___7___ desks and chairs in our classroom. There is a big desk ___8___ the teacher in the front of it. We ___9___ four classes in the ___10___ and two in the afternoon.
1. a. I b. my c. me d. we
2. a. about b. in c. on d. at
3. a. small b. big c. bigger d. biggest
4. a. in b. on c. under d. over
5. a. It b. It’s c. One d. one
6. a. Other b. Others c. Another d. The other
7. a. fourty b. forty c. forteen d. fourteenth
8. a. for b. of c. to d. about
9. a. there is b. there are c. has d. have
10. a. moning b. mourning c. morning d. moring

____________________________________________________ 2.上周日在公园散步很有趣。

_____________________________________________________ 3.昨天我们照了这些相片。

_____________________________________________________ 4.上周末,他们去游泳,散步。

_____________________________________________________ 5.昨天Bill吃了汉堡包,喝了些橘子汁。

_____________________________________________________ 6.你想要些什么?
_____________________________________________________ 7.我喜欢弹钢琴。

_____________________________________________________ 8.她早餐吃面包,喝苹果汁。

_____________________________________________________ 9.他们打算周日去踢足球。

_____________________________________________________ 10.Mark比他班任何一个男孩都高。

_____________________________________________________ 11.他是他们三个中最重的。

