AB —— 地脚螺栓(Anchor bolts)ASSY —— 装配(Assembly)C/C —— 中心到中心(Center to center) CL —— 中心线(Center line)CONG. —— 混凝土(Concrete)COL. —— 刚架柱Column)COLL. —— 吊挂(Collateral)COG —— 重心(Center of gravity)CS —— 净跨(Clear space)DB —— 分贝(Decibel)DET —— 节点详图(Detail)DIM —— 尺寸(Dimension)DSD —— 双向推拉门(Double sliding door)DWG —— 图纸(Drawing)E.H —— 檐口高度(Eave height)ES —— 檐口支架(Eave strut)EW —— 山墙(Endwall)F —— 华氏温度计(Fahrenheit)FFL —— 室内地坪标高(Finished floor level)HSB —— 高强螺栓(High strength bolt) KD —— 可拆卸的(Knocked-down)L —— 长度(Length)LT —— 毗屋(Lean to)MG —— 多屋脊(Multi-gable)MR —— 单轨梁(Monorail crane)MSB —— 普通螺栓(Mild steel bolt or machine bolt)NS/FS —— 近端/远端(Near side/fare side)O/O —— 外边到外边(Out-to-out)P&B —— 小柱-梁(Post-and-beam)PH —— 檩托(Purlin hunger)PL —— 钢板(Plate)PR. —— 檩条拉杆(Purlin rod)REV. —— 修正版(Revision)RF —— 刚架(Rigid frame)RUD —— 卷帘门(Roll-up door)。
Engineering abbreviationA AirA/C Air ConditionerA/D Analog/DigitalA/G Above GroundABPR Animal ByproductsABS Acylonitrile Butadiene StyreneABS American Bureau of ShippingABWR Advanced Boiling Water ReactorAC Alternating CurrentAC Asphalt ConcreteACARP Australian Coal Association Research Program ACCU Air Cooled Condensing UnitACI American Concrete InstituteACS American Construction SocietyACT Automatic Custody TransferAD Acid DrainAD Anaerobic DigestionADC Average Daily ConsumptionADIP Amino Di IsopropanolADM Arrow Diagram MethodADR Aluminium Dome RoofAEDC Award Engineering/Design ContractAFBMA Anti Friction Bearing Manufacturers Association AFC Automatic Frequency ControlAFFF Aqueous Film Forming FoamAFNOR Association Francaise de NormalisationAFR Average Flow RateAGA American Gas AssociationAGC Associated General ContractorsAGC Automatic Generation ControlAGMA American Gear Manufacturers AssociationAH Acid HydrocarbonAH Arabian HeavyAHU Air Handling UnitAI Artificial IntelligenceAIHA American Industial Hygiene AssociationAISC American Institute of Steel ConstructionAISI American Iron and Steel InstituteAL AluminiumAL Arabian LightALARA As Low As Reasonably AchievableALARP As Low as Reasonably PracticableALE Abnormal Level EarthquakeALP Articulated Loading PlatformALS Accidental Limit StateAM Amplitude ModulationAM Arabian MediumAMH Actual ManhourAMRS Advanced Mobile Radio SystemANP Acid Neutralisation PitANSI American National Standards InstituteAOF Absolute Open FlowAOV Air Operated ValveAPCS Approved Protective Coating SystemAPD Automated Piping DesignAPI American Petroleum InstituteAPS Applications SoftwareAS Acid SewerASB Asymmetrical BeamASCE American Society of Civil EngineersASCII American Standard Code for Information Interchange ASD Allowable Stress DesignASHRAE American Society of Heating, Ventilation and Air C ASME American Society of Mechanical EngineersASP Aluminium Steel PolyethyleneASTM American Society for Testing and MaterialsATB All Trunks BusyATF Alternative Transport FuelsATM AtmosphericATM AtmosphereAUP Average Unit PriceAUT Automated Ultrasonic TestingA VB Atmospheric Vacuum BreakerA VG AverageAW Acid WasteAWEA American Wind Energy AssociationAWG American Wire GaugeAWO Additional Work OrderAWPA American Wood Preservers AssociationAWS American Welding SocietyAWW A American Water Works AssociationB&S Bell and SpigotB.C.D. Bolt Circle DiameterBB Bolted BonnetBBD Boiler Blow DownBBE Bevel Both EndsBC Bolted CoverBC Bolt CircleBCSA British Constructional Steelwork AssociationBD Bolt DownBDR Blast Design RequirementBDT Bulk Data TransferBE Beveled EndBEAST Building Evaluation and Screening ToolBEDD Basic Engineering Design DataBEE Bundesverband Erneuerbare EnergieBEP Break Even ProductionBEV Break Even ValueBF Blind FlangeBFD Block Flow DiagramBFP Backflow PreventionBFW Boiler Feed WaterBH BoreholeBICSI Building Industry Consulting Services Internationa BIOX Biological OxidationBL Battery LimitBLD BlindBLDG BuildingBLE Bevel Large EndBLEVE Boiling Liquid Expanding V apor ExplosionBM Bending MomentBMS Burner Management SystemBO Build, OperateBOB Bottom of BarrelBOD Barrels per Operating DayBOD Biochemical Oxygen DemandBOE Bevel One EndBOF Bottom of FoundationBOM Bill of MaterialBOO Build, Own, OperateBOOT Build, Own, Operate, TransferBOP Bottom of PipeBOP Balance of PlantBOP Blow Out PreventerBOPD Barrels of Oil Per DayBOS Balance of SystemBOT Build, Operate, TransferBPCD Barrels per Calender DayBPD Barrels Per DayBPS Bytes per SecondBR BronzeBRA Building Risk AssessmentBS British StandardsBS British SteelBS Bio SludgeBSD Building Standards DivisionBSE Bevel Small EndBSI British Standards InstitutionBST Baker-Strehlow-TangBTM BottomBTM Buoyant Turret MooringBTU British Thermal UnitBU Business UnitBW Butt WeldBWEA British Wind Energy Association BWPD Barrels of Water per DayC Centigrade; CelsiusC ChemicalC&I Controls and InstrumentationC/R Construction/RepairC/R Change RequestCA CausticCA Congested AreaCA Corrosion AllowanceCAD Computer Aided DesignCADD Computer Aided Drafting and Design CAE Computer Aided Engineering CALC CalculatedCALM Caternary Anchor Leg MooringCAM Congested Area ModellingCAMA Centralised Automatic Message Accounting CAN/CSA Canadian StandardsCAO Certified Acceptance by OperationsCAPEX Capital ExpenditureCARE Conservation Accreditation Register for Engineers CAS Caustic SewerCAT CatalystCB Control BuildingCB Catch BasinCBC Coupled Bonding ConductorCBM Coal Bed MethaneCBNG Coal Bed Natural GasCBR California Bearing RatioCBS Controllable Bent SubC-C Centre to CentreCCC Comodity Classification CodeCCEI Common Class Expansion IndicesCCIR International Radio Consulative Committee CCIS Common Channel Interoffice SignallingCCN Catalog Classification NumberCCO Current Cost OutlookCCPS Centre for Chemical Process SafetyCCS Computer and Communication ServicesCCS Compressor Control SystemCCS Carbon Capture and StorageCCTV Closed Circuit TelevisionCD Chemical DrainCD Closed DrainCDC Central Dispatch CenterCDR Critical Design ReviewCDS Central Dispatch SystemCEMA Conveyor Equipment Manufacturers Association CFP Capital Facilities PlanCFPE Chief Fire Prevention EngineerCFR Code of Federal RegulationsCGA Compressed Gas AssociationCGT Combustion Gas TurbineCGTG Combined Gas Turbine GeneratorCGTG Combustion Gas Turbine GeneratorCHP Combined Heat and PowerCHS Circular Hollow SectionCI Cast IronCIF Cost, Insurance, FreightCIF Community and Industrial FacilityCIRIA Construction Industry Research and Information Ass CIS Contract Information SystemCISHEC Chemical Industry Safety, Health and Environmental CJ Construction JointCJ Contraction JointCL Centre LineCM CentimeterCM Construction ManagerCMT Construction Management TeamCMU Concrete Masonry UnitsCMAA Crane Manufacturers Association of AmericaCNC Computer Numerically ControlledCNPP Country Nuclear Power ProfilesCO Change OrderCO Clean OutCOC Continuously Oily/Chemical Contaminated COGEN Combined GenerationCOL ColumnCOLA Cost of Living AllowanceCOMAH Control Of Major Accident HazardsCOMFAR Computer Model for Feasibility Analysis and Report CONC ConcentricCONN ConnectionCOT Character Orientated TerminalCOTS Commercial Off The ShelfCPF Central Processing FacilityCPLG CouplingCPT Cone Penetration TestCPU Central Processing UnitCPVC Chlorinated Polyvinyl ChlorideCR Computed RadiographyCR ChromiumCRS CentresCRSI Concrete Reinforcing Steel InstituteCRT Cathode Ray TubeCS Chemical SewerCS Construction StartCS Carbon SteelCSA Canadian Standards AssociationCSG Coal Seam GasCSIR Centre of Scientific and Industrial Research CSO Car Sealed OpenCSP Concentrated Solar PowerCSUD Construction Start Up DateCSW Clean Surface WaterCSW Clean Storm WaterCT Coiled TubingCTI Cooling Tower InstituteCTOP Cracked Tip Opening DisplacementCTS Construction Technical SupportCU CopperCW Chilled WaterCW Coated and WrappedCWO Chain Wheel OperatorCWP Cold Working PressureCWP Contractors Work PlanCWR Continuous Welded RailCWR Cooling Water ReturnCWS Cooling Water SupplyD&B Design and BuildD/C Direct ChargeD/P Differential PressureD-A Digital to AnalogDAF Dissolved Air FlotationDASD Direct Access Storage DeviceDA V Data Above V oicedB DecibelDB Design, BuildDB Duct BankdBA Decibels using the A-weighted scaleDBM Design Basis MemorandomDBO Design, Build, OperateDBOT Design, Build, Operate, TransferDBSP Design Base Scoping PaperDC Direct CurrentDCC Disaster Control CentreDCLM Direct Charge List of MaterialsDCS Distributed Control SystemDDC Direct Digital ControllerDDD Direct Distance DialDEA Di Ethanol AmineDEG DegreeDEL Direct Exchange LineDEMA Diesel Engineers Manufacturers Association DFT Dry Film ThicknessDFW Deaerator Feed WaterDGA Di Glycol AmineDI Ductile IronDIA DiameterDID Direct Inward DiallingDIF Dynamic Increase FactorDIM DimensionDIN Deutche Industrie Normen (German Standard) DM De-MineralisationDMS Dynamic Pile MonitoringDMW Demineralised WaterDN Diameter Nominal (Metric)DOBIS Dortmunder BibliothekssystemDOD Direct Onward DiallingDOE Department of EnergyDOT Department of TransportationDOX Direct Overhead ExpenseDP Data ProcessingDP Design PressureDP Dynamic PositionedDP Dial PulseDPC Destination Point CodeDPDT Double Pole Double ThrowDPSR Data Processing Service RequestDRN DrainDRP Distribution Requirement PlanningDS DownspoutDS Discipline SuperintendentDS Data StoreDS Drilling SitesDSC Dye Solar CellsDSI Digital Speech InterpretationDSW Distilled WaterDT Design TemperatureDT Duct TrimsDTDR Dial Tone Delay RecorderDTE Drill Through EquipmentDUV Data Under V oiceDVD Dedicated V oice DispatchDW Drinking WaterDWF Dry Weather FlowDWG DrawingDWT Dead Weight TonnesDWV Drain, Waste, VentE Exhaust SteamE&I Electrical and InstrumentationE&P Exploration and ProductionEA EachEAGE European Association of Geoscientists and Engineer EB Extended BonnetEC EurocodeEC Eddy Current Testing (Examination)ECC EccentricECD Energy Conversion DeviceECL Established Column LineEDH Electrical Duct HeaterEDM Engineering Department ManualEDMS Electronic Document Management SystemEDP Electronic Data ProcessingEEMUA Engineering Equipment and Material Users Associati EF Entrance FacilityEF Evaluation FactorEFD Engineering Flow DiagramsEFRT External Floating Roof TankEFW Electric Fusion WeldedEHF Extra High FrequencyEI End ItemEIA Emergency Instrument AirEIA Electronic Industries AssociationEIA Environmental Impact AnalysisEIS Equipment Inspection ScheduleEIV Emergency Isolation ValveEJ Expansion JointEL ElevationELE Extreme Level EarthquakeELFEXT Equal Level Far End Cross TalkELL ElbowELLIP EllipticalELSBM Exposed Location Single Buoy MooringEMC Electromagnetic CompatibilityEMD Electric Motor DriveEMI Electromagnetic InterferenceEMT Electrical Metallic TubingEOL ElboletEOR Enhanced Oil RecoveryEOT Electric Overhead TravellingEPC Engineering Procurement ConstructionEPCI Engineering Procurement Construction Installation EPCM Engineering, Procurement, Construction Management EPDM Ethylene-Propylene-Diene Terpolymer / EP Rubber EPIC Engineering Procurement Installation Commisioning EQ EqualER Expenditure RequestER Equipment RoomERC Expenditure Request CompletionERL Echo Return LossERM Environmental Resource ManagementERPG Emergency Response Planning GuidelinesERW Electric Resistance WeldedESD Emergency ShutdownESDU Engineering Sciences Data UnitESL Established Site LevelESO Engineering Service OrganisationESO Engineering Service OrderESP Ethane Separation PlantETA Estimated Time of ArrivalETBE Ethyl Tertiary Butyl EtherETLP Extended Tention Leg PlatformETPR Extended Thermal Plastic RubberETS Emissions Trading SchemeEW Eye WashEWA Extra Work AuthorisationEWH Electric Water HeaterEWO Engineering Work OrderF FahrenheitFAB FabricateFAO Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Na FAT Factory Acceptance TestFBE Fusion Bonded EpoxyFBE Flange Both EndsFBHP Flowing Bottom Hole PressureFCAW Flux Cored Arc WeldingFCC Field Control CoordinatorFCC Fluid Cat CrackerFCO Floor Clean OutFD Floor DrainFD Dynamic ForceFDM Frequency Division MultiplexingFDN FoundationFDS Fire Detection SystemFE Finite ElementsFEA Finite Element AnalysisFED STD Federal StandardFEED Front End Engineering DesignFEM Finite Elements ModellingFEP Perfluoro (Ethylene-Propylene) CopolymerFES Flywheel Energy StorageFF First FlushFF Foundation FieldbusFF Finished FloorFF Flat FaceF-F Face to FaceFFL Finished Floor LevelFFP First Flush PondFFS Fitness For ServiceFFW Field Fillet WeldFG Fuel GasFGH High Pressure Fuel GasFGL Finished Ground LevelFGL Low Pressure Fuel GasFGRS Flare Gas Recovery SystemFI Indicating Flow MeterFIG FigureFIN FinishFLE Flexible Large EndFLEX FlexibleFLG FlangeFLNG Floating Liquified Natural GasFLO Flushing OilFLP Floating Loading PlatformFM Factory MutualFM Frequency ModulationFMR Field Material RequisitionFMU Fitting Make UpFNPT Female National (Taper) Pipe ThreadsFO Fuel OilFOB Flat on BottomFOE Flange One EndFOF Face of FlangeFOT Fiber Optic TransmissionFOT Flat on TopFP Full PortFPE Fair Price EstimateFPS Floating Production SystemFPSO Floating Production Storage and Offloading FPU Floating Production UnitFR&P Form, Rebar and PourFRED Fire Release Explosion DispersionFRL Finished Road LevelFRP Fibreglass Reinforced PlasticFRP Fibre Reinforced PlasticFS Finished SurfaceFS Feasibility StudyFS Forged SteelFS Flow SwitchFS Factor of SafetyFSE Flange Small EndFSHR Free Standing Hybrid RiserFSO Floating Storage and OffloadingFT Foot, FeetFTG FittingFTSPM Fixed Tower Single Point MooringFV Full VacuumFW Fillet WeldFW Fire WaterFWHP Flowing Well Head PressureFWHT Flowing Well Head TemperatureFAA Federal Aviation AdministrationG GramGA General ArrangementGA GaugeGALV GalvanisedGASMO Gulf Arab Standards and Measurement Organization GBE Groove Both EndsGC Gas CromatographGE Groove EndGEA Geothermal Energy AssociationGESC General Engineering Services ContractGFRP Glass Fibre Reinforced PlasticGG Gart GasGHG Green House GasGI General InstructionGIM Global Interface MeetingGIP Gas Injection PlantGJ Ground JointGLE Groove Large EndGMAW Gas Metal Arc WeldingGMP Guaranteed Maximum PriceGO Gear OperatorGOE Groove One EndGOM Gulf of MexicoGOR Gas Oil RatioGOS Grade of ServiceGOSP Gas Oil Seperation PlantGPF General Planning Forecastgpm Gallons per MinuteGPS Global Positioning SystemGR GradeGRND Ground(ed)GRP Glass Reinforced PlasticGS Gravity SewerGSE Groove Small EndGSI Geological Strength IndexGSKT GasketGSPD General Service Plant Depreciation GSPR General Service Potential RiseGSS Gravity Sewer SystemGSV Gross Standard V olumeGTAW Gas Tungsten Arc WeldingGTE General Telephone and Electronics GT-MHR Gas Turbine Modular Helium Reactor GWR Guided Wave RadarH HorizontalH HydrogenH2S Hydrogen SulphideHAZ Heat Affected ZoneHAZID Hazard IdentificationHAZOP Hazard and Operability StudyHB Hose BibbHB Hardness Brinell ScaleHCL Hydrochloric AcidHCR Hybrid Catenary RiserHD HeadHD Heavy DensityHD Holding DownHDB Hydrostatic Design BasisHDPE High Density PolyethyleneHDR HeaderHE Heat ExchangerHEX HexagonalHF Hard FacedHF High FrequencyHI Hydraulic Institute StandardHIC Hydrogen Induced CrackingHIPS High Integrity Protection SystemHK Hardness Knoop ScaleHLT Heap Leach TrialHMI Human Machine InterfaceHO High OrderHO Hydraulic OilHOV Hydraulic Operated ValveHP High PressureHP High PointHPFS High Point Finished SurfaceHPG Hyperion Power GenerationHPP High Point PavingHPPT High Pressure Production TrapHPTT High Pressure Test TrapHPAAS High Pressure Air Assist SystemHR Human ResourcesHR15N Hardness Rockwell 15N ScaleHRB Hardness Rockwell B ScaleHRC Hardness Rockwell C ScaleHRSG Heat Recovery Steam GeneratorHSE Health Safety & EnvironmentHSFG High Strength Friction GripHSG Hydrogen Sulphide GasHT Heat TreatmentHU HumidifierHV High V oltageHV Hardness Vickers ScaleHV AC Heating Ventilation Air ConditioningHVL Highly Volatile LiquidHW Hand WheelHz HertzI&C Instrumentation and ControlsI/O Input/OutputIA Instrument AirIALA International Association of Lighthouse Authoritie IAMG International Association for Mathematical Geology IAPMO International Association of Plumbing and Mechani IASS Interantional Association for Shell and Spacial St IBBM Iron Body Bronze MountedIBC International Building CodeIBN Institute Beige de NormalisationIBPS Intermediate Booster Pump StationIC Intermediate Cross ConnectICD Interface Control DocumentICD Inflow Control DevicesICE Institution of Civil EngineersICEA Insulated Cable Engineers AssociationICPR Interantional Concrete Repair InstituteICV Inflow Control ValveID Inside DiameterID Inch DiameterIDA International Development AssociationIEC International Electrotechnical Commision IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers IF Inertial FilterIF Intermediate FrequencyIFB Issue for BidIFC International Fire CodeIFC Issued For ConstructionIFR Internal Floating RoofIGCC Integrated Gasification Combined CycleIL Invert LevelILD Instrument Loop DiagramILO International Labour OrganisationIM IntermodulationIMC International Mechanical CodeIMO International Maritime OraganizationIMS Information Management SystemIMTS Improved Mobile Telephone SystemIN InchINS InsulationINT. InternalINTIB Industrial and Technological Information Bank IP Interface PointIPC International Plumbing CodeIPPT Intermediate Pressure Production TrapIPS Intermediate Pump StationIPTI International Petroleum Technology Institute IR Industrial RelationsIR InfraredIREC Interstate Renewable Energy CouncilIRHD International Rubber HardnessIRIS International Reactor Innovative and Secure IRM Inspection, Repair and MaintenanceIRR Internal Rate of ReturnISA Instrument Society of AmericaISA International Society for Measurement and Control ISBL Inside Battery LimitsISD Instrument Segment DiagramISF Industrial Support FacilitiesISLT Indian Spring Low TideISNRS Inside Screw Non Rising StemISO Isometric DrawingISO International Standards OrganizationISO International System StandardISRS Inside Screw Rising StemISS Instrument Specificaton SheetISTRUCTE Institution of Structural EngineersIT Information TechnologyITB Invitation to BidITCS Impact Tested Carbon SteelITP Inspection and Test PlansITS Indirect Tensile StrengthIWA Individual Work AreaJDA Joint Development AgreementJE Joint EfficiencyJIS Japanese Standards AssociationJV Joint VentureKCS Killed Carbon SteelKG KilogramKO Knock OutKPA KilopascalsL LengthL/M List of MaterialsLAN Local Area NetworkLAT Lowest Astronomical TideLCC Life Cycle CostLCD Liquid Crystal DisplayLDF Lay Down in FieldLDPE Low Density PolyethyleneLED Light Emitting DiodeLEL Lower Explosive LimitLFCP Local Fire Control PanelLFGTE Landfill Gas To EnergyLFL Lower Flammable LimitLIBIS Leuvens Integraal Bibliotheek SystemLJ Lap JointLLP Last Landed PriceLMTD Log Mean Temperature DifferenceLNG Liquified Natural GasLO Lube OilLOB Limited Open BookLODMAT Lowest One Day Mean Atmospheric Temperature LP Low PressureLPCPD Litres Per Capita Per DayLPD Loss Prevention DepartmentLPDCPD Litres Per Dental Chair Per DayLPDT Low Pressure Degassing TankLPFS Low Point Finished SurfaceLPG Liquified Petroleum Gas (Propane and Butane) LPG Liquified Petroleum GasLPHPD Litres Per House Per DayLPP Low Point PavingLPPT Low Pressure Production TrapLPSMPD Litres Per Capita Square Meter DayLPT Liquid Penetrant TestLPT Low PointLR Long RadiusLRFD Load and Resistance Factor DesignLS LumpSumLS Lump SumLS Lifting StationLS/PM Lump-sum Procure/BuildLSPB Lumpsum, Procure, BuildLSTK Lumpsum TurnkeyLT Lead TimeLTE Long Tangent ElbowLUP Land Use PermitLV Low V oltageLVL LevelLWN Long Welding NeckM MeterM/E Mechanical/ElectricalmA MilliampereMACs Moves, adds, changesMAG Metal Active Gas WeldingMATICS Material Inventory Control System MAWP Maximum Allowable Working Pressure MAX MaximumMBCD Thousand barrels per Calender Day MBD Thousandd Barrels per DayMBOD Thousand barrels per Operating DayMC Main Cross ConnectMCC Mechanical Completion Certificate MCT Multi Cable TransitMD Measured DepthMDEA Methyl-di-ethynol amineMDMT Minimum Design Metal Temperature MDOF Multi Degree of FreedomME MethanolME Manufacturing EngineeringMEA Mono Ethanol AmineMESG Maximum Experimental Safe GapMF Meter FactorMFAP Membrane Filtration Affinity Purification MFCL Material Flow Control ListMFG ManufacturerMFS Maximum Flooding SurfacesMH Man HoleMHA Motor Head AssemblyMI Malleable IronMIC Minimum Ignition CurrentMICA Materials Investment Control Analyst MIG Metal Inert Gas WeldingMIN MinimumMISC MiscellaneousMJ Movement JointMJ Mechanical JointMMA Manual Metal Arc WeldingMMI Man Machine InterfaceMMS Minerals Management ServiceMMscfd Million standard cubic feet per day MNPT Male National (Taper) Pipe ThreadsMO MolybdenumMO Mist OilMOD Ministry of DefenceMODU Mobile Offshore Drilling UnitMOF Materials Offloading FacilityMOPU Mobile Offshore Production UnitsMOSAIC Materials on Order Status Analysis Information and MOT Ministry of TransportMOU Memorandom of UnderstandingMOU Mobile Offshore UnitMOV Motor Operated ValveMP Magnetic Particle TestingMPFM Multiphase Flow MeterMPMS Manual of Petroleum MeasurementMPP Manpower Projection PlanMPTA Mechanical Power Transmission AssociationMR Material RequisitionMRC Maximum Reservoir ContactMRF Manpower Requirements ForecastMRO Maintenance Repair OperationsMS Mild SteelMSC Maximum Sustained CapacityMSC Metering Supervisory ComputerMSD Material Selection DiagramMSDS Material Safety Data SheetMSE Material System EnhancementsMSIS Material Supply Information SystemsMSL Mean Sea LevelMSO Material Supply OrganisationMSS Manufacturers Standardization SocietyMT Magnetic Particle Testing (Exam)MTBE Methyl Tertiary Butyl EtherMTBF Mean Time Between FailuresMTL MaterialMTO Material Take OffMTR Material Test ReportMTS Material Teleprocessing SystemMW MegawattMW Groundwater Monitoring WellMW MicrowaveMWO Maintenance Work OrderMWP Major Work PhaseMxF Male by FemaleN NitrogenN/A Not ApplicableNACE National Association of Corrosion Engineers NBR Nitrile-Butadiene/Nitrile of BunaN Rubber NCCI Non Contradictory Complimentary Information NCR Non Conformance ReportNCU National Currency UnitNDE Non Destructive ExaminationNDE Net Direct ExpenditureNEC National Electrical CodeNEI Nuclear Energy InstituteNEMA National Electrical Manufacturers Association NESC National Electric Safety CodeNEXT Near End Cross TalkNFPA National Fire Protection AssociationNG Natural GasNG-BUE Non Gaussian Best Unbiased EstimateNGL Natural Gas LiquidsNGLC Natural Gas Liquids CentreNHA National Hydrogen AssociationNI NickelNIPP NippleNIR Near InfraredNMC Network Maintenance CentreNOABL National Wind Speed DatabaseNOC National Oil CompanyNOCC Networks Operations Control CentreNOCC Network Operations Control CentreNPL Neutral Pressure LevelNPS Nominal Pipe SizeNPSH Net Positive Suction HeadNPSHA Net Positive Suction Head AvailableNPSHR Net Positive Suction Head RequiredNPT National (Taper) Pipe ThreadNPV Net Present V alueNPVR Net Present V alue RatioNRC Nuclear Regulatory CommissionNRS Non-Rising SternNRTL Nationally Recognised Testing Laboratory NSF National Sanitation FoundationNSSS National Structural Steelwork SpecificationNTS Not to ScaleO&G Oil and GasO&R Overhaul and RepairOAT Operational Availability TestOBE Open Book EstimateOCIMF Oil Companies International Marine Forum OCMA Oil Companies Materials AssociationOD Outside DiameterOGOEAD Oil and Gas Operations Exploration Applications Di OH On Hand QuantityOHS Occupational Health and SafetyOIO Operational Investment OverheadOO On Order QuantityOPEC Organisation of the Petroleum Exporting Countries OPEX Operating ExpenditureORGANIGRAM Organisational DiagramORIF OrificeOS On StreamOS Oppurtunity StudyOS Oily SludgeOS&Y Outside Screw and YokeOSBL Outside Battery LimitsOSHA Occupational Safety and Health Administration OSI Onstream InspectionOSP Oil Supply Planning and SchedulingOT Orienting ToolOTK Oil TankOTM Overturning MomentsOW Oily WaterOWP Oily Waste-Water PondOWPU Oily Water Pre-seperator UnitOWS Oily Water SewerOWSJ Open Web Steel JoistP Oil and Oil ProductsP&IC Purchasing and Inventory ControlP&IDs Process and Instrument DiagramsP/E Planning EngineerP/E Project EngineerP/L Pipe LinePA Process AirPARA ParagraphPATIS Purchasing and Traffic Information System PAW Plasma Arc WeldingPB Process BlockPBE Plain Both EndsPBMR Pebble Bed Modular ReactorPCA Portland Cement AssociationPCB Printed Circuit BoardPCC Powder Control CentrePCCI Power Capital Costs IndexPCI Precast/Prestressed Concrete InstitutePCL Project Construction LeaderPCOS Project Completion SystemPCPT Piezocone PenetrometerPCS Project Completion SchedulePCS Process Control SystemPDC Peak Daily ConsumptionPDM Precedence Diagram MethodPDMS Petroleum Database Management System PDO Plan for Development and OperationPDP Plasma Display PanelPDR Preliminary Design ReviewPDS Plant Design SystemPE Pond EffluentPE Plain EndPE PolyethylenePELFEXT Power Sum Equal Level Far End Cross Talk PEM Project Execution ManualPEP Project Execution PlanPERT Program Evaluation and Review Techniques PES Power and Energy SocietyPES Potential Explosion SitePETROMIN Petroleum and MineralPF Peak FactorPFA Perfluoro (Alkoxyalkane) CopolymerPFC Parallel Flange ChannelPFC Predicted Final CostPFD Process Flow DiagramPFR Peak Flow RatePG Purge GasPGA Peak Ground AccelerationPHC Peak Hourly ConsumptionP-I Pressure ImpulsePIB Process Interface BuildingPIC Indicating Pressure ControllerPIP Process Industry PractisePIP Pipe in PipePIV Post Indicator ValvePL PlatePLC Power Line CarrierPLC Programmable Logic ControllerPLE Plain Large EndPM Project ManagerPM&C Project Management and Construction PMC Project Management ConsultantPMC Project Management ContractPMI Positive Material IdentificationPMS Project Management ServicesPMSC Project Management Services Contract PMSD Project Materials Supply Department PMSO Project Material Services Organisation PMT Project Management TeamPO Pump OutPO Purchase OrderPO Pushed OnPOC Potentially Oil/Chemical Contaminated POE Plain One EndPOM Pipeline Operations ModulePOOH Pulled Out of HolePOS Point of SupportPP Project ProposalPP PolypropylenePPB Parts per BillionPPI Plastics Pipe InstitutePPM Parts per MillionPR Purchase RequisitionPR Pressure ReducerPR Pipe RackPRE-FAT Pre-Factory Acceptance Test。
各种工程用语英文简写解释BOT 、EPC 、EMC 等几种节能服务模式的共性与区别BOT : Build-Operate-Transfer (建设--运营--移交)即业主与服务商签订特许权协议,特许服务商承担工程投资、建设、经营与维护,在协议规定的期限内,服务商向业主定期收取费用,以此来回收系统的投资、融资、建造、经营和维护成本并获取合理回报,特许期结束,服务商将固定资产无偿移交给业主的一种投资模式。
EMC :Energy Management Contract (合同能源管理)节能服务公司通过与客户签订节能服务合同,为客户提供包括:能源审计、项目设计、项目融资、设备采购、工程施工、设备安装调试、人员培训、节能量确认和保证等一整套的节能服务,并从客户进行节能改造后获得的节能效益中收回投资和取得利润的一种商业运作模式。
目前国内EMC 的运作模式和BOT 的运作模式有很多相似之处,主要区别在于BOT 在运营期的收益一般由服务方全部收取,而EMC 则由服务方和业主按合同约定比例共同分享节约的能源成本。
EPC :Engineering--Procurement-- Construction (设计-采购-施工)节能环保工程建设行业总承包业务的普遍模式,即服务商承担系统的规划设计、土建施工、设备采购、设备安装、系统调试、试运行,并对建设工程的质量、安全、工期、造价全面负责,最后将系统整体移交业主运行。
EPC +C :Engineering--Procurement--Construction & Commission (总承包+托管运营)在系统建设阶段采用EPC 总承包的服务模式,在运营阶段采用系统托管运营模式。
以下是一些常见的英文缩写及其含义:1. HVAC: 暖通空调系统(Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning)2. EPC: 工程设计、采购和施工(Engineering, Procurement, and Construction)3. BIM: 建筑信息模型(Building Information Modeling)4. PMC: 项目管理公司(Project Management Consultant)5. FIDIC: 国际咨询工程师联合会(Federation Internationale DesIngenieurs-Conseils)6. CDM: 施工安全管理(Construction Design Management)7. CPM: 关键路径法(Critical Path Method)8. PERT: 项目评估与审查技术(Program Evaluation and Review Technique)9. LEED: 领先能源与环境设计(Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design)10. green building: 绿色建筑(Green Building)11. CSCS: 加拿大安全证书系统(Canadian Safety Certificate System)12. OSHA: 美国职业安全健康管理局(Occupational Safety and Health Administration)13. ISO: 国际标准化组织(International Organization for Standardization)14. RFI: 请求信息(Request for Information)15. RFP: 请求提案(Request for Proposal)16. RC: 钢筋混凝土(Reinforced Concrete)17. HVACR: 暖通空调和制冷(Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning, and Refrigeration)18. SCADA: 监控与数据采集(Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition)19. CM: 建设管理(Construction Management)20. CMAA: 美国建设管理协会(Construction Management Association of America)21. CII: 施工研究所(Construction Institute)22. DBB: 设计- bid-建造(Design-Bid-Build)23. Design-Build: 设计-建造(Design-Build)24. IPD: 集成项目交付(Integrated Project Delivery)25. P3: 公私合作伙伴关系(Public-Private Partnership)26. BAA: 基本建设授权法案(Building Authorization Act)27. ASCE: 美国土木工程师学会(American Society of Civil Engineers)28. ACI: 美国混凝土学会(American Concrete Institute)29. AWWA: 美国水工协会(American Water Works Association)30. API: 美国石油学会(American Petroleum Institute)以上缩写涵盖了各类专业工程施工领域的关键概念和术语,了解它们有助于更好地理解和参与工程施工行业。
字号:大中小石油化工企业配管工程常用英语缩写1 管子及管件编号缩写中文名称英文名称1.1 P 管子 Pipe1.2 EL 弯头 Elbow1.2.1 ELL 长半径弯头 Long radius elbow1.2.2 ELS 短半径弯头 Short radius elbow1.2.3 MEL 斜接弯头(虾米腰弯头) Mitre elbow1.2.4 REL 异径弯头 Reducing elbow1.3 T 三通 Tee1.3.1 LT 斜三通 Lateral tee1.3.2 RT 异径三通 Reducing tee1.4 R 异径管接头(大小头) Reducer1.4.1 CR 同心异径管接头(同心大小头) Concentric reducer 1.4.2 ER 偏心异径管接头(偏心大小头) Eccentric reducer 1.5 CPL 管箍 Coupling1.5.1 FCPL 双头管箍 Full coupling1.5.2 HCPL 单头管箍 Half coupling1.5.3 RCPL 异径管箍 Reducing coupling1.6 BU 内外螺纹接头 Bushing1.7 UN 活接头 Union1.8 HC 软管接头 Hose coupler1.9 SE 翻边短节 Stub end1.10 NIP 短节 Pipe nipple or straight nipple1.10.1 SNIP 异径短节 Swaged nipple1.11 CP 管帽(封头) Cap1.12 PL 管堵(丝堵) Plug1.13 BLK 盲板 Blank1.13.1 SB 8字盲板 Spectacle blind (blank)1.14 RP 补强板 Reinforcing pad2 法兰编号缩写中文名称英文名称2.1 PLG 法兰 Flange2.1.1 WNF 对焊法兰 Welding neck flange2.1.2 SOF 平焊法兰 Slip-on flange2.1.3 SWF 承插焊法兰 Socket-welding flange2.1.4 T 螺纹法兰 Threaded flange2.1.5 LJ 松套法兰 Lapped joint flange2.1.6 REDF 异径法兰 Reducing flange2.1.7 BF 法兰盖(日法兰) Blind flange2.2 FSF 法兰密封面 Flange scaling face2.2.1 FF 全平面 Flat face2.2.2 RF 凸台面 Raised face2.2.3 MFF 凹凸面 Male and female face2.2.4 LF 凹面 Female face2.2.5 LM 凸面 Male face2.2.6 RJ 环连接面 Ring joint face2.2.7 TG 榫槽面 Tongue and groove face2.2.8 TF 榫面 Tongue face2.2.9 GF 槽面 Groove face3 垫片编号缩写中文名称英文名称3.1 G 垫片 Gasket3.1.1 NMG 非金属垫片 Non-metallic gasket3.1.1.1 AG 石棉垫片 Asbestos gasket3.1.1.2 RG 橡胶垫片 Rubber gasket3.1.1.3 TEG 聚四氟乙烯包复垫片 PTFE envelope gasket 3.1.2 SMG 半金属垫片 Semimetallic gasket3.1.2.1 MJG 金属包垫片 Meta-jacket gasket3.1.2.2 SWG 缠绕式垫片 Spiral wound gasket3.1.3 MG 金属垫片 Metallic gasket3.1.3.1 FMG 金属平垫片 Flat metallic gasket3.1.3.2 SMSG 齿形金属垫片 Solid metal serrated gasket LER 透镜式金属环垫 Lens ring gasket3.1.3.4 OCR 八角形金属环垫 Octagonal ring gasket3.1.3.5 OVR 椭圆形金属环垫 Oval ring gakset3.1.3.6 IR/OR 内外定位环 Inner ring and outer ring3.1.3.7 IR 内定位环 Inner ring3.1.3.8 OR 外定位环 Outer ring4 坚固件编号缩写中文名称英文名称4.1 B 螺栓 Bolt4.1.1 SB 螺柱 Stud bolt4.2 NU 螺母 Nut4.3 TB 花蓝螺母 Turnbuckle4.4 WSR 垫圈 Washer4.4.1 SWSR 弹簧垫圈 Spring washer5 阀门编号缩写中文名称英文名称5.1 GV 闸阀 Gate valve5.2 GLV 截止阀 Globe valve5.3 CHV 止回阀 Check valve5.4 BUV 蝶阀 Butterfly valve5.5 BAV 球阀 Ball valve5.6 PV 旋塞阀 Plug valve (cock)5.7 CV 调节阀 Control valve5.8 SV 安全阀 Safety valve5.9 RV 减压阀 Pressure reducing valve5.10 ST 蒸汽疏水阀 Steam trap5.11 PRV 泄压阀 Pressur relief valve5.12 BV 呼吸阀 Breather valve5.13 NV 针形阀 Needle valve5.14 AV 角阀5.15 DV 隔膜阀5.16 TWV 三通阀5.17 SGV 插板阀6 管道上用的小型设备编号缩写中文名称英文名称6.1 SPR 气液分离器 Separator6.2 FA 阻火器 Flame arrester6.3 SR 过滤器 Strainer6.3.1 SRY Y型过滤器 Y-type strainer6.3.2 SRT T型过滤器 T-type strainer6.3.3 SRB 桶式过滤器 Bucket type strainer6.3.4 TSR 临时过滤器 Temporary strainer6.4 SIL 消声器 Silencer6.5 SG 视镜 Slight glass6.6 SC 取样冷却器 Sample cooler6.7 DF 排液漏斗 Drain funnel6.8 LM 管道混合器 Line mixer6.9 RO 限流孔板 Restriction orifice6.9.1 MO 混合孔板 Mixing orifice6.1 RD 爆破片(爆破膜) Rupture disk6.11 EJ 补偿器 Expansion joint7 隔热、伴热编号缩写中文名称英文名称7.1 INS 隔热 Thermal insulation7.1.1 H 保温 Hot insulation7.1.2 C 保冷 Cold insulation7.1.3 P 防烫伤隔热 Personnel protection insulation 7.2 T&I 伴热 Tracing and insulation7.3 T 管道伴热(冷) Tracing7.3.1 EST 蒸汽外伴热 External steam tracing7.3.2 IST 蒸汽内伴热 Internal steam tracing7.3.3 SJT 蒸汽夹套伴热 Steam-jacket tracing7.3.4 ET 电伴热 Electric tracing8 配管材料和等级编号缩写中文名称英文名称8.1 M 金属材料 Metallic material8.1.1 CS 碳钢 Carbon steel8.1.2 CAS 铸钢 Cast steel8.1.3 FS 锻钢 Forged steel8.1.4 AS 合金钢 Alloy steel8.1.5 SS 不锈钢 Stainless steel8.1.6 AUSTSS 奥氏体不锈钢 Austenitic stainless-steel8.1.7 CI 铸铁 Cast iron8.1.8 MI 可锻铸铁 Malleable iron8.1.9 DI 球墨铸铁 Ductile iron8.1.10 AL 铝 Aluminum8.1.11 BRS 黄铜 Brass8.1.12 BRZ 青铜 Bronze8.1.13 CU 紫铜 Copper8.1.14 LAS 低合金钢 Low alloy steel8.1.15 FLAS 低合金锻钢 Forged low alloy steel8.1.16 CLAS 低合金铸钢 Cast low alloy steel8.2 THK 壁厚 Thickness8.2.1 SCH 表号 Schedule number8.2.2 STD 标准 Standard8.2.3 XS 加强 Extra strong8.2.4 XXS 特强 Double extra strong9 装置布置编号缩写中文名称英文名称9.1 CN 建北 Construction north9.2 E 东 East9.3 W 西 West9.4 S 南 South9.5 N 北 North9.6 H 水平 Horizontal9.7 V 竖直、铅直、直立 Vertical9.8 GRD 地坪 Ground9.9 UG 地下 Underground9.10 BL 装置边界线 Battery limit line9.11 ESEW 事故沐浴洗眼器 Emergency shower and eye washer 9.12 HS 软管站 Hose station9.13 ML 接续分界线 Match line9.14 PS 管道支架(管架) Piping support9.15 PR 管桥 Pipe rack9.16 STRU 构架(构筑物) Structure9.17 BLDG 建筑物 Building9.18 PD 清扫设施 Purge device9.19 PT 池 Pit9.20 SHLT 棚 Shelter9.21 COFF 围堰 Cofferdam9.22 FL 楼板 Floor9.23 PF 平台 Plateform10 尺寸标注编号缩写中文名称英文名称10.1 EL 标高 Elevation10.2 BOP 管底 Bottom of pipe10.3 COP 管中心 Center of pipe10.4 TOP 管顶 Top of pipe10.5 FOB 底平 Flat on bottom10.6 FOT 顶平 Flat on top10.7 CL(屯) 中心线 Center line10.8 TL 切线 Tangent line10.9 SYM 对称的 Symmetrical10.10 BOS 支架底 Bottom of support10.11 TOS 支架顶 Top of support10.12 CL 净距(净空) Clearance10.13 CTC 中心至中心 Center to center10.14 CTF 中心至面 Center to face10.15 CTE 中心至端部 Center to end10.16 ETE 端到端 End to end10.17 FEF 法兰端面 Flange and face10.18 FTF 面到面 Face to face10.19 D 直径 Diameter10.20 DN 公称直径 Nominal diameter10.21 ID 内径 Inside diameter10.22 OD 外径 Outside diameter10.23 DIM 尺寸 Dimension10.24 MAX 最大 Maximum10.25 MIN 最小 Minimum10.26 AVG 平均 Average10.27 APP 约、近似 Approximate10.28 PT.EL 点标高 Point elevation11 图表编号缩写中文名称英文名称11.1 PFD 工艺流程图 Process flow diagram11.2 PID 管道和仪表流程图 Piping & instrument diagram 11.3 COD 接续图 Continued on drawing11.4 DTL 详图 Datail11.5 SPDWG(ISODWG) 管段图 Spool drawing (each line isometric drawing) 11.6 DWGNO 图号 Drawing number11.7 DWGI 所在图号 Drawing identification11.8 LOW 材料表 List of material11.9 MTO 汇料 Material take-off11.10 APPX 附录 Appendix11.11 JOB. No. 工号 Job Number11.12 BEDD 基础工程设计数据 Basic engineering design data 11.13 DEDD 详细工程设计数据 Detail engineering design data 11.14 REV. No. 修改号 Recision number11.15 REFDWG 参考图 Reference drawing11.16 SC 采样接口 Sample connection12 操作方式及工作参数编号缩写中文名称英文名称12.1 AUT 自动 Automatic12.2 ML 手动 Manual control12.3 CHOP 链条操作 Chain operated12.4 CSC 铅封关 Car seal close12.5 CSO 铅封开 Car seal open12.6 LC 锁闭 Lock closed12.7 LO 锁开 Lock open12.8 NC 正常关 Normally close12.9 NO 正常开 Normally open12.10 ATM 大气压 Atmosphere12.11 PN 公称压力 Nominal pressure12.12 A 绝压12.13 G 表压12.14 (T) 温度 Temperature12.15 (P) 压力 Pressure13 施工编号缩写中文名称英文名称13.1 W 焊接 Welding13.1.1 AW 电弧焊 Arc welding13.1.2 GSAW 气体保护电弧焊 Gas shielded-acr welding13.1.3 EFW 电熔焊 Elecric fusion welding13.1.4 ERW 电阻焊 Electric Resistance welding13.1.5 GW 气焊 Gas welding13.1.6 LW 搭接焊 Lap welding13.1.7 BW 对焊 Butt welding13.4.8 TW 定位焊 Tack welding13.1.9 SW 承插焊 Socket welding13.1.10 CW 连续焊 Continuous welding13.1.11 SEW 密封焊 Seal welding13.1.12 SFG 堆焊 Surfacing13.1.13 FW 现场焊接 Field welding13.2 HT 热处理 Heat treatment13.2.1 PH 预热 Preheating13.2.2 SR 应力消除 Stress relief13.2.3 PWHT 焊后热处理 Post weld heat treatment13.3 EIT 检查、探伤和实验 Examination, inspection & testing 13.3.1 VE 外观检查 Visual examination13.3.2 UI (UT) 超声探伤 Ultrasonic inspection (test)13.3.3 RI (RT) 射线探伤 Radiographic inspection (test)13.3.4 MPI (MT) 磁粉探伤 Magnetic particle inspection (test) 13.3.5 LPI (PT) 液体渗透检验 Liquid penterant inspection (test) 13.3.6 HADT 硬度实验 Hardness testing13.3.7 HYDT 水压实验 Hydraulic testing13.3.8 PNET 气压实验 Pneumatic testing13.3.9 CE 焊条 Covered electrode13.3.10 WW 焊丝 Welding wire13.3.11 ASSY 装配、组合 Assembly13.3.12 F 现场 Field13.3.13 F/F 现场制造 Field faricated13.3.14 SF 现场决定 Suit in field13.3.15 CSP 冷紧 Cold spring13.3.16 BCT 螺栓冷紧 Bolt cold tightening13.3.17 BHY 螺栓热紧 Bolt hot tightening13.3.18 CO 清洗口 Clean out13.3.19 ANNY 退火 Annealed13.4 PE 平端面 Plain end13.5 BE 坡口端 Belelled end13.6 THR 螺纹 Thread13.7 HB 布氏硬度 Brinnel hardness13.8 RC 洛氏硬度14 其他编号缩写中文名称英文名称14.1 FDN 基础 Foundation14.2 INF 信息(资料) Information14.3 REF 参考 Reference14.4 REV 修改 Revision14.5 SEQ 序号(顺序) Sequence14.6 W/E 设备带来 With equipment14.7 W/I 仪表带来 With instrument14.8 CM 色标 Colour mark14.9 CA 腐蚀裕度 Corrosion allowance14.10 UTL 公用系统 Utility14.11 UC 公用工程接头 Utility connection14.12 QTY 数量 Quantity14.13 WT 重量 Weight14.14 MHR 工时 Man hour14.15 BC 螺栓分布圆 Bolt circle14.16 HP 高点 High point14.17 LP 低点 Low point14.18 SUC 吸入(口) Suction14.19 DIS 排出(口) Discharge14.20 SO 蒸气吹扫(口) Steam out14.21 NPT 美国标准锥管螺纹 National standard taper pipe thread 14.22 NPS 美国标准直管螺纹 National standard straight pipe thread 14.23 DR 排液 Drain14.24 VT 放气 Vent14.25 RTG (压力)等级 Rating14.26 CL 等级 Class14.27 SMLS 无缝 Seamless14.28 螺旋缝5.7 图面标注绝对标高 abselute elevation海平面标高 over-sea mean level (OSL)标高,立面 elevation (EL)混凝土顶面 top of concrete架顶面 top of support (TOS)钢结构顶面 top of steel梁项面 top of beam (TOB)支撑点 point of suppon (POS)管顶 top of pipe (TOP)管底 bouom of pipe (BOP)沟底 boaom of trench管子内底 invert (inside bottom of pipe)底平 flat on bottom (FOB)顶平 flat on top (FOT)工作点 working point (W.P.)面至面 face to face (F-F)中心至端面 center to end (C-E)中心至面 center to face (C-F)中心至中心.中至中 center to center (C-C)坐标 coordinate坐标原点 origin of coordinate出口中心线 center line of discharge入口中心线 center line of suction中心线 centerline (CL)入口 inlet, suction出口 outlet, discharge排出口 exhaust距离 distance5.8 相关专业的专业词汇5.8.1 工艺(1) 图及表流程图 flow diagram工艺流程图 process flow diagram (PFD)管道及仪表流程图 piping andinstrument flow diagram (PID)公用工程流程图 utility flow diagram (UFD) 管线表 line list; line schedule命名表;管道表 nomenclature设备表 equipment list (schedule)(2) 流体 fluid空气 air仪表空气 instrument air工艺空气 process air低压蒸汽 low pressure steam中压蒸汽 medium pressure steam高压蒸汽 high pressure steam伴热蒸汽 tracing steam饱和蒸汽 saturated steam过热蒸汽 superheated steam氧气 oxygen氢气 hydrogen氮气 nitrogen燃料气 fuel gas天然气 natural gas火炬气 flare gas酸性气 sour gas液化石油气 liquefired petroleum gas (LPG) 氨气 ammonia gas冷却水 cooling循环水 circulating water锅炉给水 boiler feed water热水 hot water蒸汽冷凝水 steam condensate盐水 brine工艺水 process water化学污水 chemical sewage防腐剂 corrosion inhibitor重油 heavy oil石脑油 naphtha燃料油 fuel oil润滑油 lubricating oil密封油 sealing oil冷冻剂 refrigerant载热体 heating medium溶剂 solvent溶液 solution母液 mother liquor单体 monomer聚合物 polymer均聚物 homopolymer共聚物 copolymer工艺液体 process liquid工艺气体 process gas硫酸 sulphuric acid盐酸 chlorhydric acid硝酸 nitric acid烧碱 caustic soda(3) 流体特性 fluid characteristics 蒸汽压 vapor pressure临界温度 critical temperature临界点 critical point临界压力 critical pressure比热 specific heat湿度 humidity密度 density比重 specific gravity粘度 viscosity闪点 flash point融点 melting point凝固点 freezing point浓度 concentration爆炸极限 limit of explosion有毒的 toxic可燃的;易燃的 flammable(4) 其它回收 recovery再生 regeneration循环 cireulatlon再循环;再生 recycle补充 make-up制备 preparation蒸汽吹扫 steaming out吹扫 purge抽空;排空 evacuation吹出 blow-off排污 blow down破真空 vacuum breaker大气腿 barometric leg备用 stand-by化学清洗 chemical cleaning净正吸入压头 net positive suction head (NPSH) 进料 feed成品 product污染 contamination大气污染 atmospheric pollution环境温度 ambient temperature5.8.2 建筑、结构建筑物 building钢结构 steel structure已有钢结构 existing steel structure钢筋混凝土结构 reinforced concrete construction 楼面 floor平台 platform (PF)地面 ground level栏杆 handrail楼梯 stair. stair way直梯 ladder柱 column; post; stanchion基础 foundation; footing粱 beam斜撑;支撑 bracing桁架;主粱 girder构件 member隔墙 partition wall墙 wall篦子板 grate; grating吊装孔 erection opening吊梁 hoisting beam棚 shelter窗 window天窗 skylight门 door防火门 fire door地漏 floor drain防火层 fire-proofing总图 general plot plan路肩 shoulder桩 pile灌浆 grouting风荷载 wind load雪荷载 snow load动力荷载 dynamic load静荷载 dead load活荷载 live load风速 wind velocity主导风向 most frequent wind direction5.8.3 仪表盘(操作盘) panel就地盘 local panel仪表盘 instrument panel常开 normally open常闭 normally closed电缆槽(架) cable tray (channel); cable rack 仪表电缆槽(架) instrument cable tray (duct) 压力计 manometer; pressure gauge热电偶 thermocouple温度计 thermometer液位计 level gauge玻璃液位计 gage glass温度计保护管 thermowell流量计 flow meter孔板 orifice变送器 transmitter联锁 interlock仪器;设备 apparatus仪器分析 instrumental analysis自动分析 automatic analysis气体分析 gas analysis化学分析 chemical analysis气相色谱仪 gas chromatograph液相色谱仪 liquid chromatograph质谱分析 mass spectrometric analysis5.8.4 电气危险区划分 hazardous area classification危险区平面图 hazardous area plan电气盘 electrical panel配电盘 switch board电缆沟 cable trench电流 current直流 direct current交流 alternating current频率 frequency相位 phase功率因数 power factor电压 voltage电阻 resistance电容 capacitance静电 static electricity接地 grounding; easthing照明 lighting; illumination避雷针 lightning preventer电话 telephone电线 wire接线箱(盒) junction box导线管 conduit tube5.8.5 设备固定鞍座 fixed saddle滑动鞍座 sliding saddle管口 nozzle人孔 manhole (MH)手孔 handhole (HH)检查孔 inspection hole吊柱 davit切线 tangent line焊接线 weldingiine件号 part humbet椭圆形封头 ellipsoidal head加强圈 reinforcing ring接地板 earth lug吊耳 lifting lug气缸 cylinder轴 shaft轴承 bearing附件,附属设备 accessory编位号设备 itemized equipment无位号设备 non-itemized equipment 5.8.6 水道(1) 流体原水 raw water硬水 hard water软水 soft water饮用水 potable water循环冷却水给水 cooling water supply 循环冷却水回水 cooling water return 脱盐水 demineralized water苦咸水(碱性水) brackish water生活污水 sanitary sewer工业废水 industrial waste water雨水 rain water污染雨水 contaminated rain water消防水 fire water(2) 装置、设施软化装置 softener沉淀器 settler沉淀池 clarifier脱盐装置 demineralizer水处理 water traatment冷却塔 cooling tower中和池 neutralization tank化粪池 septic tank渗滤井 soak-away pit井 well阀井 valve pit清扫口 clean out(3)消防消火栓 hydrant水炮 water monitor洒水器 sprinkler水喷淋 watering灭火器 fire extinguisher消防水泵 fire pump消防车 fire fighting truck泡沫消防 foam fire-fighting泡沫栓 foam hydrant泡沫炮 foam monitor消防软管接头 fire hose connection管道等级及材料统计(中英文对照)管道等级及材料统计4.1 管道材料规定 Piping Material Specification管道等级 piping class; piping classification管道等级号 class designation公称直径 nominal diameter (DN); nominal (pipe) size 公称压力 nominal pressure (PN)压力级,等级,类别 class (CL)低压 low pressure (L.P.)中压 medium pressure (M.P.)高压 high pressure (H.P.)大气压 atmosphere (ATM)真空 vacuum工作压力 operating pressure; working pressure设计压力 design pressure工作温度 operating temperature设计温度 design temperature环境温度 ambient temperature腐蚀裕量 corrosion allowance管道附件 piping attachment管道元件 piping element壁厚 wall thickness (WT)壁厚系列号 schedule number (SCH. No.)加厚的.加强的 extra heavy, extra strong双倍加厚的,双倍加强的 double extra heavy, double extra strong通用连接组 typieal installation分组(类)形式(如管道等级表) block form数据库 data base文件 file4.2 材料统计 Material Take-off (MTO)汇总表 summary sheet材料表 bill of material (BM)综合管道材料表 consolidated piping material summary sheet (CPMSS) 统计材料准确度 accuracy of take-off材料情况报告 material status report (MSR)散装材料 bulk material编位号的 itemized代码 code number短代码 short code数量 quantity (QTY)重力 weight净重 net weight毛重 gross weight管道用紧固件及螺纹(中英文对照)2.1 紧固件螺栓 bolt六角头螺栓 hexagonal head bolt方头螺栓 square head bolt螺柱,双头螺栓 stud bolt环头螺检 eye bolt沉头螺栓 countersunk (head) screw地脚螺栓 anchor bolt; foundation bolt松紧螺旋扣(花篮螺丝) turnbuckleU形螺栓 U-boltT形螺栓 T-bolt圆头螺钉 round head bolt机螺栓,机螺钉 maehine bolt顶开螺栓,顶起螺栓 Jack screw自攻螺钉 self tapping screw膨胀螺栓 expansion bolt粗制的 coarse精制的 finished. fine螺母 nut六角螺母 hexagonal nut方螺母 square nut蝶形螺母 wing nut扁螺母 flat nut锁紧螺母 lock nut垫圈 washer平垫圈 plain washer球面垫圈 spherical washer弹簧垫圈 spring washer方垫圈 square washer斜垫圈 slant washer销轴 pinned shan销 pin开口销 cotter pin定位销 dowel pin带孔销 pin with hole圆锥销 taper pin铆钉 rivet键 key2.2 螺纹左螺纹left hand thread右螺纹 right hand thread管螺纹 pipe thread锥管螺纹 taper pipe thread直管螺纹straight pipe thread梯形螺纹 trapezoid thread螺距pitch of thread粗牙螺纹coarse thread细牙螺纹 fine thread特细牙螺纹extra fine thread通长螺纹full thread惠氏螺纹whitworth thread公制螺纹 metric ibread美国标准锥管螺纹 American standard taper pipe thread (NPT) 螺孔 tap管道组成件专业英语(中英文对照)1 管道组成件 Piping component1.1 管子 Pipe管子(按照配管标准规格制造的) pipe管子(不按配管标准规格制造的其他用管) tube 钢管 steel pipe铸铁管 cast iron pipe衬里管 lined pipe复合管 clad pipe碳钢管 carbon steel pipe合金钢管 alloy steel pipe。
下面是Landon在工作中最常用到的,主要是采购和设计、电气等的非常表面的一些东西:SOW–Scope of WorkWI–Working InstructionMRP–Material requisition for purchaseMR–Material requisitionITB–Instruction to BidTBA–Technical Bid AnalysisCBA–Commercial Bid AnalysisLOA–Letter of AwardPO–Purchase OrderMRQ–Material requisition for QuotationROS–Required on sitePSR–Procurement status reportV(S)DRL–Vendor(Supplier) docs required listMDR–Manufacturers Date ReportBEP–Basic Engineering for PurchasingDED–Detailed Engineering DesignREQ–Engineering RequisitionRFA–Recommendation for AwardRFQ–Request for QuotationFEED–Front End Engineering DesignITP–Inspection and Test PlanPMI–positive material identificationSSAW–Spiral Submerged Arc WeldingLSAW–Longitudinal Submerged Arc WeldingERW–Electrical Resistance WeldingLV/MCC–Low voltage/ Motor control center UPS–Uninterruptible power systemVFD–Variable frequency driverVRV–Varied refrigerent volume。
一、建筑工程1. CAD:计算机辅助设计(Computer-Aided Design)CAD技术通过计算机软件辅助进行设计、绘图和制造等工作。
2. BIM:建筑信息模型(Building Information Modeling)BIM是一种数字化建筑设计和管理的工具,在整个建筑生命周期中提供全方位的信息支持。
3. HVAC:暖通空调(Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning)HVAC系统用于调节室内空气温度、湿度和清洁度,提供舒适的室内环境。
4. EPC:设计、采购和施工(Engineering, Procurement, and Construction)EPC通常用于工程承包商的合同,表示承包商负责工程的设计、采购和施工。
5. ROI:投资回报率(Return on Investment)ROI是用来衡量一项投资所带来的经济效益的指标,对于工程项目的投资决策具有重要意义。
二、电气工程1. PLC:可编程逻辑控制器(Programmable Logic Controller)PLC是一种工业自动化控制设备,可对电气系统进行编程控制,实现自动化生产过程。
2. DCS:分散控制系统(Distributed Control System)DCS由多个分散的控制器组成,用于实时监控和控制生产过程中的各个单元设备。
3. UPS:不间断电源(Uninterruptible Power Supply)UPS用于提供电力供应的备份,以防止电力中断对设备和系统造成影响。
4. MCC:电机控制中心(Motor Control Center)MCC用于集中控制和保护设备和系统中的电动机,提高电气系统的效率和可靠性。
SR:沿钢线槽敷设BE:沿屋架或跨屋架敷设CLE:沿柱或跨柱敷设WE:沿墙面敷设CE:沿天棚面或顶棚面敷设ACE:在能进入人的吊顶内敷设BC:暗敷设在梁内CLC:暗敷设在柱内WC:暗敷设在墙内CC:暗敷设在顶棚内ACC:暗敷设在不能进入的顶棚内FC:暗敷设在地面内SCE:吊顶内敷设,要穿金属管一,导线穿管表示SC-焊接钢管MT-电线管PC-PVC塑料硬管FPC-阻燃塑料硬管CT-桥架MR-金属线槽M-钢索CP-金属软管PR-塑料线槽RC-镀锌钢管二,导线敷设方式的表示DB-直埋TC-电缆沟BC-暗敷在梁内CLC-暗敷在柱内WC-暗敷在墙内CE-沿天棚顶敷设CC-暗敷在天棚顶内SCE-吊顶内敷设F-地板及地坪下SR-沿钢索BE-沿屋架,梁WE-沿墙明敷三,灯具安装方式的表示CS-链吊DS-管吊W-墙壁安装C-吸顶R-嵌入S-支架CL-柱上沿钢线槽:SR沿屋架或跨屋架:BE沿柱或跨柱:CLE穿焊接钢管敷设:SC穿电线管敷设:MT穿硬塑料管敷设:PC穿阻燃半硬聚氯乙烯管敷设:FPC电缆桥架敷设:CT金属线槽敷设:MR塑料线槽敷设:PR用钢索敷设:M穿聚氯乙烯塑料波纹电线管敷设:KPC 穿金属软管敷设:CP直接埋设:DB电缆沟敷设:TC导线敷设部位的标注沿或跨梁(屋架)敷设:AB 暗敷在梁内:BC沿或跨柱敷设:AC暗敷设在柱内:CLC沿墙面敷设:WS暗敷设在墙内:WC沿天棚或顶板面敷设:CE 暗敷设在屋面或顶板内:CC 吊顶内敷设:SCE地板或地面下敷设:FC。
工程合同常用缩写1. AE:Authorized Engineer,授权工程师,指由业主授权负责工程的技术决策和监督的工程师。
2. O:ill of Quantities,工程量清单,是合同文件中详细列出各项工程数量和价格的部分。
3. C/S:Client/Server,客户机/服务器结构,常用于描述信息技术系统的架构。
4. ETA:Estimated Time of Arrival,预计到达时间,用于工程进度计划中。
5. FIDIC:国际咨询工程师联合会,其出版的合同条件被广泛应用于国际工程项目中。
6. FOQ:Field Office Quality,现场办公室质量,指现场管理的质量标准。
7. HSE:Health, Safety, and Environment,健康、安全和环境,是工程项目管理的重要组成部分。
8. IFC:Industry Foundation Classes,工业基础类,是建筑信息模型(IM)中使用的一种数据模型标准。
9. ME:Mechanical, Electrical, and luming,指机械、电气和管道工程,通常在建筑工程中作为一个整体来考虑。
10. MOM:Method of Measurement,计量方法,用于确定工程量清单中的工作量如何计算。
11. ODC:On-site Develoment Charges,现场开发费用,指在现场进行工程建设所需的费用。
12. M:roject Management rofessional,项目管理专业人士,是一种项目管理资格认证。
13. RFI:Request for Information,信息请求,是在项目执行过程中向相关方索要更多信息的一种方式。
14. RF:Request for roosal,提案请求,是业主邀请承包商提出项目建议书的过程。
15. SOW:Statement of Work,工作说明书,详细描述了项目的工作任务、范围和要求。
一、施工图缩写1. GA:General Arrangement (总平面图)GA通常是指建筑工程的总平面图,它展示了建筑物在平面上的布局、存在的主要设备及管道等信息。
2. FD:Floor Plan (楼层平面图)FD是指建筑物的楼层平面图,它显示了每个楼层的布局,包括房间、门窗、楼梯等细节。
3. Elevation:立面图立面图是建筑物外立面的图纸,它描述了建筑物正面、侧面和背面的外观特征。
4. SP:Structural Plan (结构平面图)SP是指建筑物的结构平面图,它显示了建筑物的结构布置,包括梁、柱、墙等元素。
5. MEP:Mechanical, Electrical and Plumbing (机电管道)MEP图将建筑物的机电设备和管道系统进行了详细说明,包括电气、供水、排水、暖通等系统。
二、材料缩写1. RC:Reinforced Concrete (钢筋混凝土)RC通常是指使用钢筋和混凝土构建的建筑结构,它具有较强的抗拉和承载能力。
2. SBS:Styrene Butadiene Styrene (苯乙烯丁二烯苯)SBS是一种弹性屋面防水材料,常用于建筑物的屋面防水工程。
3. UPVC:Unplasticized Polyvinyl Chloride (无塑料化聚氯乙烯)UPVC是一种常用的建筑材料,它具有耐腐蚀、绝缘和隔音等特点,常用于制作窗框、门框等。
4. GRC:Glass Reinforced Concrete (玻璃纤维增强混凝土)GRC是一种采用玻璃纤维增强材料制作的建筑材料,它具有较好的抗拉强度和耐久性。
1. CAD (Computer-Aided Design):计算机辅助设计,指利用计算机软件进行工程设计。
2. BIM (Building Information Modeling):建筑信息模型,是一种数字化的建筑设计和施工管理方法。
3. FIDIC (Fédération Internationale Des Ingénieurs-Conseils):国际咨询工程师联合会,制定了一系列国际工程合同条件。
4. P&ID (Piping and Instrumentation Diagram):管道和仪表流程图,用于表示工艺流程中管道、阀门、仪表等设备的布置和连接关系。
5. SW (Structural Welding):结构焊接,指对钢结构进行焊接施工。
6. CPM (Critical Path Method):关键路径法,一种项目管理方法,用于确定项目完成的最短时间。
7. GIS (Geographic Information System):地理信息系统,用于收集、存储、分析和管理地理空间数据。
8. QA/QC (Quality Assurance/Quality Control):质量保证/质量控制,指在施工过程中对工程质量进行监督和检查。
9. HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning):供暖、通风和空调,指建筑物的室内环境调节系统。
10. DFI (Deep Foundation Institute):深基础协会,一个专注于深基础工程的国际组织。
11. ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers):美国机械工程师协会,制定了一系列机械工程标准和规范。
12. JIB (Junction Box):接线盒,用于连接电缆和电线。
13. GFRP (Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymer):玻璃纤维增强塑料,一种轻质、高强度的复合材料。
仅用来抛砖引玉工业术语,简写LT液位变送器LI就地显示液位计PT压力变送器PI就地压力表PS压力开关LS液位开关AE分析仪表一次元件AT分析仪表变送器FE流量孔板FT流量变送器图书馆有相关术语中英文对照表1 管子及管件编号缩写中文名称英文名称1.1P管子 P ipe1.2E L 弯头 E lbow1.2.1ELL 长半径弯头 Long radius elbow1.2.2ELS 短半径弯头 Short radius elbow1.2.3MEL 斜接弯头(虾米腰弯头) M itre elbow1.2.4REL 异径弯头 Reducing elbow1.3T三通 T ee1.3.1LT斜三通 Lateral tee1.3.2RT异径三通 Reduc ing tee1.4 R 异径管接头(大小头) Reduc er1.4.1CR 同心异径管接头(同心大小头) C oncentric reducer1.4.2ER 偏心异径管接头(偏心大小头) E cc entric reduc er1.5CPL 管箍 C oupling1.5.1FCPL 双头管箍 Full c oupling1.5.2HCPL 单头管箍 H alf coupling1.5.3RCPL 异径管箍 Reduc ing coupling1.6 BU内外螺纹接头 Bus hing1.7UN活接头 U nion1.8 HC软管接头 H os e c oupler1.9 SE翻边短节 Stub end1.10NIP短节 P ipe nipple or s traight nipple 1.10.1SNIP异径短节 Swaged nipple1.11CP管帽(封头) C ap1.12PL 管堵(丝堵) P lug1.13 BLK 盲板 Blank1.13.1SB 8字盲板 Spec tacle blind (blank) 1.14 RP补强板 Reinforc ing pad2法兰编号缩写中文名称英文名称2.1PLG 法兰 Flange2.1.1 WNF 对焊法兰 Welding nec k flange 2.1.2SOF 平焊法兰 Slip-on flange2.1.3SWF 承插焊法兰 Socket-welding flange 2.1.4T螺纹法兰 T hreaded flange2.1.5LJ 松套法兰 Lapped joint flange2.1.6REDF 异径法兰 Reduc ing flange2.1.7BF 法兰盖(日法兰) Blind flange2.2 FSF 法兰密封面 Flange scaling fac e2.2.1FF 全平面 Flat fac e2.2.2RF 凸台面 Raised fac e2.2.3MFF 凹凸面 M ale and female fac e2.2.4LF 凹面 Female fac e2.2.5LM凸面 M ale face2.2.6RJ 环连接面 Ring joint fac e2.2.7TG 榫槽面 T ongue and groove fac e 2.2.8TF 榫面 T ongue face2.2.9GF 槽面 Groove fac e3垫片编号缩写中文名称英文名称3.1 G 垫片 Gasket3.1.1NMG 非金属垫片 N on-metallic gasket 石棉垫片 As bes tos gasket3.1.1.2 RG 橡胶垫片 Rubber gasket3.1.1.3TEG 聚四氟乙烯包复垫片 P TFE envelope gas ket 3.1.2SMG 半金属垫片 Semimetallic gas ket3.1.2.1MJG 金属包垫片 M eta-j ac ket gasket3.1.2.2 SWG 缠绕式垫片 Spiral wound gasket3.1.3MG 金属垫片 M etallic gasket3.1.3.1 FMG 金属平垫片 Flat metallic gas ket3.1.3.2 SMSG 齿形金属垫片 Solid metal s errated gas ket R 透镜式金属环垫 Lens ring gas ket3.1.3.4OCR 八角形金属环垫 O ctagonal ring gasket3.1.3.5OVR 椭圆形金属环垫 O val ring gakset3.1.3.6I R/OR 内外定位环 I nner ring and outer ring3.1.3.7I R 内定位环 I nner ring3.1.3.8OR 外定位环 O uter ring4坚固件编号缩写中文名称英文名称4.1 B 螺栓 Bolt4.1.1SB 螺柱 Stud bolt4.2 NU螺母 N ut4.3T B 花蓝螺母 T urnbuckle4.4 WSR 垫圈 Was her4.4.1SWSR 弹簧垫圈 Spring was her5阀门编号缩写中文名称英文名称5.1 GV闸阀 Gate valve5.2 GLV截止阀 Globe valve5.3CHV止回阀 C heck valve5.4 BUV蝶阀 Butterfly valve5.5 BAV 球阀 Ball valve5.6PV旋塞阀 P lug valve (c ock)5.7CV调节阀 C ontrol valve5.8 SV安全阀 Safety valve5.9 RV减压阀 P ress ure reducing valve5.10 ST蒸汽疏水阀 Steam trap5.11P RV泄压阀 P ressur relief valve5.12 BV呼吸阀 Breather valve5.13NV针形阀 N eedle valve5.14AV角阀5.15 DV隔膜阀5.16T WV三通阀5.17 SGV插板阀6管道上用的小型设备编号缩写中文名称英文名称6.1 SPR 气液分离器 Separator6.2 FA阻火器 Flame arres ter6.3 SR 过滤器 Strainer6.3.1SRY Y型过滤器 Y-type strainer6.3.2SRT T型过滤器 T-type strainer6.3.3SRB 桶式过滤器 Buc ket type s trainer6.3.4TSR 临时过滤器 T emporary strainer6.4 SIL 消声器 Silenc er6.5 SG 视镜 Slight glass6.6 SC取样冷却器 Sample cooler6.7 DF 排液漏斗 Drain funnel6.8 LM管道混合器 Line mixer6.9 RO限流孔板 Res tric tion orific e6.9.1MO混合孔板 M ixing orif ic e6.1 RD 爆破片(爆破膜) Rupture dis k6.11E J 补偿器 E xpansion joint7隔热、伴热编号缩写中文名称英文名称7.1IN S 隔热 T hermal ins ulation7.1.1H保温 H ot ins ulation7.1.2C保冷 C old ins ulation7.1.3P防烫伤隔热 P ersonnel protec tion insulation 7.2T&I伴热 T rac ing and ins ulation7.3T管道伴热(冷) T rac ing7.3.1EST蒸汽外伴热 E xternal s team trac ing7.3.2IST蒸汽内伴热 I nternal s team tracing7.3.3SJT蒸汽夹套伴热 Steam-jacket trac ing7.3.4ET电伴热 E lectric trac ing8配管材料和等级编号缩写中文名称英文名称8.1M金属材料 M etallic material8.1.1CS 碳钢 C arbon s teel8.1.2CAS 铸钢 Cas t s teel8.1.3FS 锻钢 Forged s teel8.1.4AS 合金钢 A lloy s teel8.1.5SS 不锈钢 Stainless s teel8.1.6AUSTSS 奥氏体不锈钢 A ustenitic stainless-s teel 8.1.7CI铸铁 Cas t iron8.1.8MI可锻铸铁 M alleable iron8.1.9DI球墨铸铁 Ductile iron8.1.10AL 铝 A luminum8.1.11BRS 黄铜 Brass8.1.12BRZ 青铜 Bronze8.1.13CU紫铜 Copper8.1.14LAS 低合金钢 Low alloy s teel8.1.15FLAS 低合金锻钢 Forged low alloy s teel8.1.16CLAS 低合金铸钢 C as t low alloy steel8.2TH K 壁厚 T hickness8.2.1SCH表号 Sc hedule number8.2.2STD 标准 Standard8.2.3XS 加强 E xtra strong8.2.4XXS 特强 Double extra strong9装置布置编号缩写中文名称英文名称9.1CN建北 C ons truction north9.2E东 E ast9.3 W 西Wes t9.4 S 南 South9.5 N北 N orth9.6 H水平 H orizontal9.7V竖直、铅直、直立 V ertic al9.8 GRD 地坪 Ground9.9U G 地下 U nderground9.10 BL 装置边界线 Battery limit line9.11E SE W 事故沐浴洗眼器 E mergenc y s hower and eye was her 9.12 HS 软管站 H ose station9.13M L 接续分界线 M atc h line9.14P S 管道支架(管架) P iping s upport9.15P R 管桥 P ipe rack9.16 STRU构架(构筑物) Struc ture9.17 BLDG 建筑物 Building9.18PD 清扫设施 P urge device9.19PT池 P it9.20 SHLT棚 Shelter9.21COFF 围堰 C offerdam9.22 FL 楼板 Floor9.23PF 平台 P latef orm10尺寸标注编号缩写中文名称英文名称10.1E L 标高 E levation10.2 BOP管底 Bottom of pipe10.3COP管中心 Center of pipe10.4TOP管顶 T op of pipe10.5 FOB 底平 Flat on bottom10.6 FOT顶平 Flat on top10.7CL(屯) 中心线 C enter line10.8TL 切线 T angent line10.9 SYM对称的 Symmetrical10.10 BOS 支架底 Bottom of s upport10.11TOS 支架顶 T op of s upport10.12CL 净距(净空) C learanc e10.13CTC中心至中心 C enter to c enter10.14CTF 中心至面 C enter to face10.15CTE中心至端部 C enter to end10.16ETE端到端 E nd to end10.17 FEF 法兰端面 Flange and fac e10.18 FTF 面到面 Fac e to fac e10.19 D 直径 Diameter10.20 DN公称直径 N ominal diameter10.21I D 内径 I ns ide diameter10.22OD 外径 O utside diameter10.23 DIM尺寸 Dimension10.24MAX 最大 M aximum10.25MIN最小 M inimum10.26AVG 平均 Average10.27APP约、近似 A pproximate10.28PT.EL 点标高 P oint elevation11图表编号缩写中文名称英文名称11.1PFD 工艺流程图 P rocess flow diagram11.2PID 管道和仪表流程图 P iping & ins trument diagram11.3COD 接续图 C ontinued on drawing11.4 DTL 详图 Datail11.5 SPDWG(I SODWG) 管段图 Spool drawing (each line is ometric drawing)11.6 DWGNO图号 Drawing number11.7 DWGI所在图号 Drawing identification11.8 LOW 材料表 Lis t of material11.9MTO汇料 M aterial take-off11.10APPX 附录 A ppendix11.11 JOB. N o. 工号 Job N umber11.12 BEDD 基础工程设计数据 Bas ic engineering design data 11.13 DEDD 详细工程设计数据 Detail engineering des ign data 11.14 REV. N o. 修改号 Rec ision number11.15 REFDWG 参考图 Referenc e drawing11.16 SC采样接口 Sample c onnec tion12操作方式及工作参数编号缩写中文名称英文名称12.1AUT自动 A utomatic12.2M L 手动 M anual c ontrol12.3CHOP链条操作 C hain operated12.4CSC铅封关 C ar seal c lose12.5CSO铅封开 C ar s eal open12.6 LC锁闭 Lock closed12.7 LO锁开 Lock open12.8NC正常关 N ormally c lose12.9NO正常开 N ormally open12.10ATM大气压 A tmosphere12.11PN公称压力 N ominal pressure12.12A绝压12.13 G 表压12.14 (T) 温度 T emperature12.15 (P) 压力 P ressure13施工编号缩写中文名称英文名称13.1 W 焊接 Welding13.1.1AW 电弧焊 A rc welding13.1.2GSA W 气体保护电弧焊 Gas s hielded-ac r welding13.1.3EFW 电熔焊 E lec ric fus ion welding13.1.4ERW 电阻焊 E lectric Res istance welding13.1.5GW 气焊 Gas welding13.1.6LW 搭接焊 Lap welding13.1.7BW 对焊 Butt welding13.4.8T W 定位焊 T ac k welding13.1.9SW 承插焊 Socket welding13.1.10C W 连续焊 C ontinuous welding13.1.11SE W 密封焊 Seal welding13.1.12SFG 堆焊 Surfacing13.1.13FW 现场焊接 Field welding13.2 HT热处理 H eat treatment13.2.1PH预热 P reheating13.2.2SR 应力消除 Stress relief13.2.3P WHT焊后热处理 P ost weld heat treatment13.3EIT检查、探伤和实验 E xamination, ins pection & testing 13.3.1VE外观检查 V is ual examination13.3.2UI (UT) 超声探伤 U ltras onic ins pec tion (test)13.3.3RI (RT) 射线探伤 Radiographic ins pection (tes t)13.3.4MPI (MT) 磁粉探伤 M agnetic partic le ins pec tion (test) 13.3.5LPI (PT) 液体渗透检验 Liquid penterant inspec tion (tes t) 13.3.6HADT硬度实验 H ardness tes ting13.3.7HYDT水压实验 H ydraulic testing13.3.8PNET气压实验 P neumatic tes ting 13.3.9CE焊条 Covered electrode13.3.10 WW 焊丝 Welding wire13.3.11ASSY装配、组合 Assembly13.3.12F 现场 Field13.3.13F/F 现场制造 Field faricated13.3.14SF 现场决定 Suit in field13.3.15CSP冷紧 Cold s pring13.3.16BCT螺栓冷紧 Bolt cold tightening 13.3.17BHY螺栓热紧 Bolt hot tightening 13.3.18CO 清洗口 C lean out13.3.19ANNY退火 A nnealed13.4PE平端面 P lain end13.5 BE坡口端 Belelled end13.6TH R 螺纹 T hread13.7 HB 布氏硬度 Brinnel hardness13.8 RC洛氏硬度14其他编号缩写中文名称英文名称14.1 FDN基础 Foundation14.2IN F 信息(资料) I nformation14.3 REF 参考 Referenc e14.4 REV修改 Revis ion14.5 SEQ序号(顺序) Sequence14.6 W/E设备带来 With equipment14.7 W/I仪表带来 With instrument14.8CM色标 C olour mark14.9CA腐蚀裕度 C orrosion allowance 14.10UTL 公用系统 U tility14.11UC公用工程接头 U tility connection 14.12QTY数量 Q uantity14.13 WT重量Weight14.14MH R 工时 M an hour14.15 BC螺栓分布圆 Bolt circ le14.16HP高点 H igh point14.17 LP低点 Low point14.18 SUC吸入(口) Suc tion14.19 DIS 排出(口) Discharge14.20 SO蒸气吹扫(口) Steam out14.21NPT美国标准锥管螺纹 N ational standard taper pipe thread 14.22NPS 美国标准直管螺纹 N ational s tandard straight pipe thread 14.23 DR 排液 Drain14.24VT放气 V ent14.25 RTG (压力)等级 Rating14.26CL 等级 C lass14.27 SMLS 无缝 Seamless14.28螺旋缝BM S:Burner M anagement System燃烧管理系统CCR:Center c ontrol room中控室ER:E ngineering room工程师室FRR:Field Rac k Room现场仪表机柜室(控制室分站)DCS:Distributed control s ystem集散控制系统ESD:E mergency s hut-down s ystem紧急停车系统FAT:Fac tory Acceptance T es t工厂验收测试HMIH uman Mac hine I nterfac e (operator s tation)人机接口(操作员站)I/O:I nput/O utput输入/输出MCCM otor Control C enter马达控制中心MMS:Mac hinery M onitoring System机械监测系统MOV:M otor Operated Valve电动阀P&I D:Piping and I ns trument Diagrams管道仪表流程图PFD:P roc ess Flow Diagram工艺流程图PLC:P rogrammable Logic Controller可编程逻辑控制器PU:Pac kage U nit成套设备SAT:Site Acceptanc e Tes t现场认可测试SOE:Sequenc e Of Events事件序列记录SI L:Safety I ntegrity Level安全完整性等级SI S:Safety I ns trumented Sys tem安全仪表系统TMR:T riple M odular Redundant三重模块冗余QMR:Quadruple Modular Redundant (dual redundant s ystem) 四重模块冗余(双重冗余系统)UPSU ninterruptible P ower Supply不间断电源1oo2One out of two, likewise: 2oo32选1,同样地3选2________________________________________ AMS Alarm Management System报警管理系统APC Advanced P rocess C ontrol高级过程控制BEM Battery E xtension M odule电源扩展模块BOG Boil O ff Gas气体蒸发C&E C ause and E ffec t起因和影响CAS Cascade级联CAT5 Category 5 type c able 5类线CCB Central Control Building中心控制大楼CCR Central Control Room中心控制室CCTV C los ed C irc uit Television闭路电视CP C ontrol P anel控制面板CPM DCS C ontroller (C200)DCS 控制器(C200)CPU Central P rocessing U nit中央处理器CSMA/CD C arrier Sense M ultiple Access with Collision Detec tion载波监听多路访问/冲突检测CV Control Valve控制阀DCS Dis tributed Control Sys tem集散控制系统DIN Deutsche I ndustries Norm (German I ndus trial Standard) Deutsc he工业标准(德国工业标准)DP Differential P ress ure微分压力EEMUA E ngineering E quipment and M aterial Users Association工程设备和材料用户协会EMC Electromagnetic Compatibility电磁兼容性ESD E mergency Shutdown紧急停车E WS E ngineering WorkStation工程工作站F&G Fire A nd Gas火气FAT Factory Acceptanc e Tes t工厂验收测试FB Func tional Bloc k功能模块FGS Fire And Gas Sys tem火气系统FIM Field Information M anagement现场信息管理FI R Field I ns trument Room现场设备室FSC Shielded twisted pair故障安全控制器FTA Field Terminal Assembly现场集线端子FT B Field Terminal Bloc k现场模块端子FTE Fault T olerant Ethernet容错以太网FTEB FTE Bridge M odule FTE网桥模块GPS Global P ositioning Sys tem全球定位系统GRP Glass Reinforced Plastic玻璃钢HART H ighway Addressable Remote Trans ducer高速可编址远程传感器HEC Honk Kong E lec tric香港电气HKCG Hong Kong C hina Gas中国香港燃气HMI H uman Mac hine I nterf ac e人机界面HVAC Heating Ventilation A nd Air Conditioning暖通和空调I/O I nput /O utput输入/输出IEC International E lectro-tec hnic al C ommission国际电工委员会IOLIM IO Link Interface M odule IO接口模块IOLIM IOs – IO link I nterface M odule IOs– IO接口模块IP I ngress P rotection入口保护IR I nfra-red红外IRP I nterposing Relay P anel插入式继电器盘IS Intrinsically Safe本质安全JCR Jetty C ontrol Room码头控制室LAN Local Area Network本地网络LFAP Local Fire Alarm P anel本地火警面版LNG Liquefied N atural Gas液化天然气LTD Level, T emperature, Dens ity c ombined meas urement of LN G tanks LN G罐的液位,温度,密度综合测量MAC M anual Alarm C all point手动报警点MAN Manual手动MC Mars halling Cabinet集线柜MCB M iniature Circ uit Breaker小型回路断路器MCC M otor C ontrol C entre电机控制中心MFAP Main Fire Alarm P anel主火警面版MIS M anagement I nformation System信息管理系统MMS M aintenance Management System维护管理系统MOS Maintenance Override Switc h维护超控开关MOV Motor Operated V alve电机操作阀MTBF Mean Time Between Failures平均故障间隔时间MTO M aterial Take O ff材料提取MTTR M ean T ime T o Repair平均修复时间MV Measured Value测量值NG N atural Gas天然气NIS Non I ntrins ically Safe非本质安全NPS N ominal Pipe Size标定管道尺寸NTP Net Time P rotoc ol网络时间协议OOS O perational Override Switc h可操超控开关OP O utput输出OPC Object Linking A nd E mbedding For P rocess C ontrol基于过程控制的嵌入式对象连接ORV Open Rack Vaporizer开架蒸馏器OTS Operator T raining Simulator操作员培训模拟器P&I D Proc ess And I nstrument Diagram过程和仪表图PCN P lant Control N etwork工厂控制网络PIN Plant I nformation N etwork工厂信息网络PKS P rocess knowledge sys tem (H oneywell c ontrol sys tem)过程知识系统 (H oneywell 控制系统)PLC Programmable Logic Controller可编程逻辑控制器PRT P rinter打印机PSU Power Supply U nit电源单元PTFE Polytetrafluoroethane聚四氟乙烯PV P rocess Value过程阀RM Redundancy M odule冗余模块RM Redundancy M odule冗余模块RP S Rack P ower Supply机架电源RTD Resis tanc e Temperature Detector电阻温度探测器RTI S Real T ime Information Sys tem实时信息系统RTU Remote T rans miss ion U nit远程传送单元SAT Site Acceptance T es t现场验收测试SCADA Sys tem of C ontrol And Data A cquis ition监视控制与数据采集系统SCV Submerged Combustion V aporiser水下燃烧蒸馏器SE R Sequenc e O f Event Recorder事件记录序列SI GTTO Society O f I nternational Gas Tanker A nd Terminal Operators 国际液化气船及码头经营人协会SI L Safety I ntegrity Level安全整合等级SI S Safety I ns trumented Sys tem安全仪表化系统SP Set P oint设置点SS Stainless Steel不锈钢STP Shielded T wis ted P air屏蔽双绞线TC Thermocouple热电偶TCP/IP T rans mission Control P rotocol/I nternet P rotoc ol传输控制协议/网际协议TDAS Tank Data Ac quisition Sys tem罐数据采集系统TFT T hin Film T ec hnology薄膜技术UCP U nit C ontrol Panel (P ackaged E quipment)单元控制面板 (打包设备) UPS U ninterruptable Power Supply不间断电源VAC Volts Alternating Current交流电压VCB Vaccum C ontrol Breaker真空控制断路器VDC Volts– Direct C urrent直流电压VDU Visual Display U nit视频显示装置VESDA Very E arly Smoke Detection A pparatus烟尘预报侦测仪VFC Volt Free Contac t电压自由触点VSD Variable Speed Drive变速驱动器WAN Wide A rea N etwork广域网DCS分散控制系统中英文对照DCS-----------------------------分散控制系统BTG-----------------------------常规摸拟仪表RUN BACK-------------------------自动快速减负荷RUN RP---------------------------强增负荷RUN DOWN-------------------------强减负荷FCB-----------------------------快速甩负荷MFT-----------------------------锅炉主燃料跳闸TSI-----------------------------汽轮机监测系统ETS-----------------------------汽轮机紧急跳机系统TAS-----------------------------汽轮机自启动系统AGC-----------------------------自动发电控制ADS-----------------------------调度自动化系统CCS-----------------------------单元机组协调控制系统FSSS----------------------------锅炉炉膛安全监控系统BM S-----------------------------燃烧管理系统SCS-----------------------------顺序控制系统MCC-----------------------------调节控制系统DAS-----------------------------数椐采集系统DEH-----------------------------数字电液调节系统MEH-----------------------------给水泵汽轮机数字电液调节系统BPS-----------------------------旁路控制系统DI S-----------------------------数字显示站MCS-----------------------------管理指令系统BM------------------------------锅炉主控TM------------------------------汽轮机主控DE B-----------------------------协调控制原理ULD-----------------------------机组负荷指令ABTC----------------------------CCS的主控系统MLS-----------------------------手动负荷设定器BCS-----------------------------燃烧器控制系统PLC-----------------------------可编程控制器UAM-----------------------------自动管理系统MTBF----------------------------平均故障间隔时间MTTR----------------------------平均故障修复时间SPC-----------------------------定值控制系统OPC-----------------------------超数保护控制系统ATC-----------------------------自动汽轮机控制ETS-----------------------------汽轮机危急遮断系统AST-----------------------------自动危急遮断控制IMP------------------------------调节级压力VP------------------------------阀位指令FA------------------------------全周进汽PA------------------------------部分进汽LVDT----------------------------线性位移差动转换器UMS-----------------------------机组主控顺序TMS-----------------------------机主控顺序BM S-----------------------------炉主控顺序BFPT----------------------------给水泵汽轮机PID-----------------------------比例积分微分调节器BATCHDATA-----------------------批数椐节STEPSUBOUTINE-------------------步子程序节FUNCTIONSUBOUTINE—-------------功能子程序节MONITORSUBOUTINE----------------监视子程序节MCR-----------------------------最大连续出力ASP-----------------------------自动停导阀LOB-----------------------------润滑油压低LP------------------------------调速油压低LV------------------------------真空低OS------------------------------超速PU------------------------------发送器RP------------------------------转子位置TB------------------------------轴向位移DPU-----------------------------分散控制单元MIS-----------------------------自动化管理信息系统DEL-----------------------------数据换码符DTE-----------------------------数据终端设备DCE-----------------------------数据通信设备RTU-----------------------------远程终端TXD-----------------------------发送数据RXD-----------------------------接收数据RT S-----------------------------请求发送CTS-----------------------------结束发送DSR-----------------------------数据装置准备好DTR-----------------------------数据终端准备好WORKSTATION---------------------工作站DATAHIGHWAYS--------------------数据高速公路DATANET WORK---------------------数据网络OIS-----------------------------操作员站E WS-----------------------------工程师站MMI-----------------------------人机接口DHC-----------------------------数据高速公路控制器FP------------------------------功能处理器MFC-----------------------------多功能处理器NMRR----------------------------差模抑制比CMRR----------------------------共模抑制比OIU-----------------------------操作员接口MMU-----------------------------端子安装单元CIU-----------------------------计算机接口单元COM-----------------------------控制器模件LIM-----------------------------回路接口模件LMM-----------------------------逻辑主模件BIM-----------------------------总线接口模件AMM-----------------------------模拟主模件DSM-----------------------------数字子模件DLS-----------------------------数字逻辑站ASM-----------------------------模拟子模件DI S-----------------------------数字指示站CTS-----------------------------控制I/O子模件TPL-----------------------------通信回路端子单元TDI/IDO-------------------------数字输入/输出端子单元TAI/TAO-------------------------模拟输入/输出端子单元TLS-----------------------------逻辑站端子单元TCS-----------------------------控制器站端子单元CTM-----------------------------组态调整单元MBD-----------------------------控制板LOG-----------------------------记录器站ENG-----------------------------工程师控制站HSR-----------------------------历史数据存储及检索站OPE-----------------------------操作员/报警控制台CALC----------------------------记算机站TV------------------------------高压主汽阀GV------------------------------高压调节阀RV------------------------------中压主汽阀IV------------------------------中压调节阀PPS-----------------------------汽轮机防进水保护系统AS------------------------------自动同步BOP-----------------------------轴承润滑油泵EOP-----------------------------紧急事故油泵SOB-----------------------------高压备用密封油泵CCBF----------------------------协调控制锅炉跟随方式CCTF----------------------------协调控制汽轮机跟随方式CRT-----------------------------阴极射线管GC------------------------------高压调节阀控制IC------------------------------中压调节阀控制TC------------------------------高压主汽阀控制LDC-----------------------------负荷指令计算机OA------------------------------操作员自动控制PCV-----------------------------压力控制阀门RD------------------------------快速降负荷RSV-----------------------------中压主汽阀TSI-----------------------------汽轮机监控仪表TPC-----------------------------汽轮机压力控制UPS-----------------------------不间断电源HONEYWELL PKS 术语缩写AI Analog I nput 模拟量输入AO Analog O utput 模拟量输出ACS Automation Control Sys tem 自动控制系统CM Control Module 控制模块CNI ControlNet I nterfac e ControlNet接口CPM Control P rocess or Module 控制处理器模块CR Control Room A rea 控制室DI Digital I nput 数字量输入DO Digital Output 数字量输出ES E xperion Server E xperion服务器ESD E mergency Shutdown Sys tem 紧急停车系统FB Func tion Block 功能块FGS-ENG Fire & Gas Sys tem E ngineering Station 消防和燃气系统工程站FTE Fault T olerant Ethernet 容错以太网HAI HART Analog I nput 带HART协议的模拟量输入IO Input Output 输入输出LAN Local Area Network 局域网MAC Media Access C ontrol 媒体访问控制NIC Network I nterface C ard 网络接口卡OI Override I nterloc k 覆写联锁OP O utput 输出PCS Proc ess Control System 过程控制系统P-LAN Process LAN过程局域网P-LAN-A P-LAN A过程局域网AP-LAN-B P-LAN B 过程局域网BPRN P rinter 打印机PRSV P rinter Server 打印服务器RCP Redundant Chassis P air 冗余机架对RM Redundancy M odule 冗余模块RTU Remote T erminal U nit 远程终端单元SCM Sequenc e Control M odule 顺控模块SDS Shutdown Sys tem 停车系统SI Saf ety I nterloc k 安全连锁SP Set P oint 设定值STN E xperion Station E xrerion站UPS U n-interruptible Power Supply 不间断电源TS T erminal Server 终端服务器。
建筑工程施工缩写是什么1. BIM:建筑信息建模。
2. CAD:计算机辅助设计。
3. QS:工程造价师。
4. PPE:个人防护装备。
5. OHS:职业健康与安全。
6. FM:设施管理。
7. CPM:工期计划管理。
8. PM:项目管理。
9. QA/QC:质量保证/质量控制。
10. MEP:机械、电气和管道。
11. SWMP:施工废弃物管理计划。
12. PDM:工程数据管理。
13. HAZMAT:危险物质。
Engineering abbreviationA AirA/C Air ConditionerA/D Analog/DigitalA/G Above GroundABPR Animal ByproductsABS Acylonitrile Butadiene StyreneABS American Bureau of ShippingABWR Advanced Boiling Water ReactorAC Alternating CurrentAC Asphalt ConcreteACARP Australian Coal Association Research Program ACCU Air Cooled Condensing UnitACI American Concrete InstituteACS American Construction SocietyACT Automatic Custody TransferAD Acid DrainAD Anaerobic DigestionADC Average Daily ConsumptionADIP Amino Di IsopropanolADM Arrow Diagram MethodADR Aluminium Dome RoofAEDC Award Engineering/Design ContractAFBMA Anti Friction Bearing Manufacturers Association AFC Automatic Frequency ControlAFFF Aqueous Film Forming FoamAFNOR Association Francaise de NormalisationAFR Average Flow RateAGA American Gas AssociationAGC Associated General ContractorsAGC Automatic Generation ControlAGMA American Gear Manufacturers AssociationAH Acid HydrocarbonAH Arabian HeavyAHU Air Handling UnitAI Artificial IntelligenceAIHA American Industial Hygiene AssociationAISC American Institute of Steel ConstructionAISI American Iron and Steel InstituteAL AluminiumAL Arabian LightALARA As Low As Reasonably AchievableALARP As Low as Reasonably PracticableALE Abnormal Level EarthquakeALP Articulated Loading PlatformALS Accidental Limit StateAM Amplitude ModulationAM Arabian MediumAMH Actual ManhourAMRS Advanced Mobile Radio SystemANP Acid Neutralisation PitANSI American National Standards InstituteAOF Absolute Open FlowAOV Air Operated ValveAPCS Approved Protective Coating SystemAPD Automated Piping DesignAPI American Petroleum InstituteAPS Applications SoftwareAS Acid SewerASB Asymmetrical BeamASCE American Society of Civil EngineersASCII American Standard Code for Information Interchange ASD Allowable Stress DesignASHRAE American Society of Heating, Ventilation and Air C ASME American Society of Mechanical EngineersASP Aluminium Steel PolyethyleneASTM American Society for Testing and MaterialsATB All Trunks BusyATF Alternative Transport FuelsATM AtmosphericATM AtmosphereAUP Average Unit PriceAUT Automated Ultrasonic TestingA VB Atmospheric Vacuum BreakerA VG AverageAW Acid WasteAWEA American Wind Energy AssociationAWG American Wire GaugeAWO Additional Work OrderAWPA American Wood Preservers AssociationAWS American Welding SocietyAWW A American Water Works AssociationB&S Bell and SpigotBolt Circle DiameterBB Bolted BonnetBBD Boiler Blow DownBBE Bevel Both EndsBC Bolted CoverBC Bolt CircleBCSA British Constructional Steelwork AssociationBD Bolt DownBDR Blast Design RequirementBDT Bulk Data TransferBE Beveled EndBEAST Building Evaluation and Screening ToolBEDD Basic Engineering Design DataBEE Bundesverband Erneuerbare EnergieBEP Break Even ProductionBEV Break Even ValueBF Blind FlangeBFD Block Flow DiagramBFP Backflow PreventionBFW Boiler Feed WaterBH BoreholeBICSI Building Industry Consulting Services Internationa BIOX Biological OxidationBL Battery LimitBLD BlindBLDG BuildingBLE Bevel Large EndBLEVE Boiling Liquid Expanding V apor ExplosionBM Bending MomentBMS Burner Management SystemBO Build, OperateBOB Bottom of BarrelBOD Barrels per Operating DayBOD Biochemical Oxygen DemandBOE Bevel One EndBOF Bottom of FoundationBOM Bill of MaterialBOO Build, Own, OperateBOOT Build, Own, Operate, TransferBOP Bottom of PipeBOP Balance of PlantBOPD Barrels of Oil Per DayBOS Balance of SystemBOT Build, Operate, TransferBPCD Barrels per Calender DayBPD Barrels Per DayBPS Bytes per SecondBR BronzeBRA Building Risk AssessmentBS British StandardsBS British SteelBS Bio SludgeBSD Building Standards DivisionBSE Bevel Small EndBSI British Standards InstitutionBST Baker-Strehlow-TangBTM BottomBTM Buoyant Turret MooringBTU British Thermal UnitBU Business UnitBW Butt WeldBWEA British Wind Energy Association BWPD Barrels of Water per DayC Centigrade; CelsiusC ChemicalC&I Controls and InstrumentationC/R Construction/RepairC/R Change RequestCA CausticCA Congested AreaCA Corrosion AllowanceCAD Computer Aided DesignCADD Computer Aided Drafting and Design CAE Computer Aided Engineering CALC CalculatedCALM Caternary Anchor Leg MooringCAM Congested Area ModellingCAMA Centralised Automatic Message Accounting CAN/CSA Canadian StandardsCAO Certified Acceptance by OperationsCAPEX Capital ExpenditureCARE Conservation Accreditation Register for Engineers CAS Caustic SewerCAT CatalystCB Control BuildingCBC Coupled Bonding ConductorCBNG Coal Bed Natural GasCBR California Bearing RatioCBS Controllable Bent SubC-C Centre to CentreCCC Comodity Classification CodeCCEI Common Class Expansion IndicesCCIR International Radio Consulative Committee CCIS Common Channel Interoffice SignallingCCN Catalog Classification NumberCCO Current Cost OutlookCCPS Centre for Chemical Process SafetyCCS Computer and Communication ServicesCCS Compressor Control SystemCCTV Closed Circuit TelevisionCD Chemical DrainCD Closed DrainCDC Central Dispatch CenterCDR Critical Design ReviewCDS Central Dispatch SystemCEMA Conveyor Equipment Manufacturers Association CFP Capital Facilities PlanCFPE Chief Fire Prevention EngineerCFR Code of Federal RegulationsCGA Compressed Gas AssociationCGT Combustion Gas TurbineCGTG Combined Gas Turbine GeneratorCGTG Combustion Gas Turbine GeneratorCHS Circular Hollow SectionCI Cast IronCIF Cost, Insurance, FreightCIF Community and Industrial FacilityCIRIA Construction Industry Research and Information Ass CIS Contract Information SystemCISHEC Chemical Industry Safety, Health and Environmental CJ Construction JointCJ Contraction JointCL Centre LineCM CentimeterCM Construction ManagerCMT Construction Management TeamCMU Concrete Masonry UnitsCMAA Crane Manufacturers Association of AmericaCNC Computer Numerically ControlledCNPP Country Nuclear Power ProfilesCO Change OrderCO Clean OutCOC Continuously Oily/Chemical Contaminated COGEN Combined GenerationCOL ColumnCOLA Cost of Living AllowanceCOMAH Control Of Major Accident HazardsCOMFAR Computer Model for Feasibility Analysis and Report CONC ConcentricCONN ConnectionCOT Character Orientated TerminalCOTS Commercial Off The ShelfCPF Central Processing FacilityCPLG CouplingCPT Cone Penetration TestCPU Central Processing UnitCPVC Chlorinated Polyvinyl ChlorideCR Computed RadiographyCR ChromiumCRS CentresCRSI Concrete Reinforcing Steel InstituteCRT Cathode Ray TubeCS Chemical SewerCS Construction StartCS Carbon SteelCSA Canadian Standards AssociationCSIR Centre of Scientific and Industrial Research CSO Car Sealed OpenCSP Concentrated Solar PowerCSUD Construction Start Up DateCSW Clean Surface WaterCSW Clean Storm WaterCT Coiled TubingCTI Cooling Tower InstituteCTOP Cracked Tip Opening DisplacementCTS Construction Technical SupportCU CopperCW Chilled WaterCW Coated and WrappedCWO Chain Wheel OperatorCWP Cold Working PressureCWP Contractors Work PlanCWR Continuous Welded RailCWR Cooling Water ReturnCWS Cooling Water SupplyD&B Design and BuildD/C Direct ChargeD/P Differential PressureD-A Digital to AnalogDAF Dissolved Air FlotationDASD Direct Access Storage DeviceDAV Data Above V oicedB DecibelDB Design, BuildDB Duct BankdBA Decibels using the A-weighted scaleDBM Design Basis MemorandomDBO Design, Build, OperateDBOT Design, Build, Operate, TransferDBSP Design Base Scoping PaperDC Direct CurrentDCC Disaster Control CentreDCLM Direct Charge List of MaterialsDCS Distributed Control SystemDDC Direct Digital ControllerDDD Direct Distance DialDEA Di Ethanol AmineDEG DegreeDEL Direct Exchange LineDEMA Diesel Engineers Manufacturers Association DFT Dry Film ThicknessDFW Deaerator Feed WaterDGA Di Glycol AmineDI Ductile IronDIA DiameterDID Direct Inward DiallingDIF Dynamic Increase FactorDIM DimensionDIN Deutche Industrie Normen (German Standard) DM De-MineralisationDMS Dynamic Pile MonitoringDMW Demineralised WaterDN Diameter Nominal (Metric)DOBIS Dortmunder BibliothekssystemDOD Direct Onward DiallingDOE Department of EnergyDOT Department of TransportationDOX Direct Overhead ExpenseDP Data ProcessingDP Design PressureDP Dynamic PositionedDP Dial PulseDPC Destination Point CodeDPDT Double Pole Double ThrowDPSR Data Processing Service RequestDRN DrainDRP Distribution Requirement PlanningDS DownspoutDS Discipline SuperintendentDS Data StoreDS Drilling SitesDSC Dye Solar CellsDSI Digital Speech InterpretationDSW Distilled WaterDT Design TemperatureDT Duct TrimsDTDR Dial Tone Delay RecorderDTE Drill Through EquipmentDUV Data Under V oiceDVD Dedicated V oice DispatchDW Drinking WaterDWF Dry Weather FlowDWG DrawingDWT Dead Weight TonnesDWV Drain, Waste, VentE Exhaust SteamE&I Electrical and InstrumentationE&P Exploration and ProductionEA EachEAGE European Association of Geoscientists and Engineer EB Extended BonnetEC EurocodeEC Eddy Current Testing (Examination)ECC EccentricECD Energy Conversion DeviceECL Established Column LineEDH Electrical Duct HeaterEDM Engineering Department ManualEDMS Electronic Document Management SystemEDP Electronic Data ProcessingEEMUA Engineering Equipment and Material Users Associati EF Entrance FacilityEF Evaluation FactorEFD Engineering Flow DiagramsEFRT External Floating Roof TankEFW Electric Fusion WeldedEHF Extra High FrequencyEI End ItemEIA Emergency Instrument AirEIA Electronic Industries AssociationEIA Environmental Impact AnalysisEIS Equipment Inspection ScheduleEIV Emergency Isolation ValveEJ Expansion JointEL ElevationELE Extreme Level EarthquakeELFEXT Equal Level Far End Cross TalkELL ElbowELLIP EllipticalELSBM Exposed Location Single Buoy MooringEMC Electromagnetic CompatibilityEMD Electric Motor DriveEMI Electromagnetic InterferenceEMT Electrical Metallic TubingEOL ElboletEOR Enhanced Oil RecoveryEOT Electric Overhead TravellingEPDM Ethylene-Propylene-Diene Terpolymer / EP RubberEQ EqualER Expenditure RequestER Equipment RoomERC Expenditure Request CompletionERL Echo Return LossERM Environmental Resource ManagementERPG Emergency Response Planning GuidelinesERW Electric Resistance WeldedESD Emergency ShutdownESDU Engineering Sciences Data UnitESL Established Site LevelESO Engineering Service OrganisationESO Engineering Service OrderESP Ethane Separation PlantETA Estimated Time of ArrivalETBE Ethyl Tertiary Butyl EtherETLP Extended Tention Leg PlatformETPR Extended Thermal Plastic RubberETS Emissions Trading SchemeEW Eye WashEWA Extra Work AuthorisationEWH Electric Water HeaterEWO Engineering Work OrderF FahrenheitFAB FabricateFAO Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Na FAT Factory Acceptance TestFBE Fusion Bonded EpoxyFBE Flange Both EndsFBHP Flowing Bottom Hole PressureFCAW Flux Cored Arc WeldingFCC Field Control CoordinatorFCC Fluid Cat CrackerFCO Floor Clean OutFD Floor DrainFD Dynamic ForceFDM Frequency Division MultiplexingFDN FoundationFDS Fire Detection SystemFE Finite ElementsFEA Finite Element AnalysisFED STD Federal StandardFEM Finite Elements ModellingFEP Perfluoro (Ethylene-Propylene) CopolymerFES Flywheel Energy StorageFF First FlushFF Foundation FieldbusFF Finished FloorFF Flat FaceF-F Face to FaceFFL Finished Floor LevelFFP First Flush PondFFS Fitness For ServiceFFW Field Fillet WeldFG Fuel GasFGH High Pressure Fuel GasFGL Finished Ground LevelFGL Low Pressure Fuel GasFGRS Flare Gas Recovery SystemFI Indicating Flow MeterFIG FigureFIN FinishFLE Flexible Large EndFLEX FlexibleFLG FlangeFLNG Floating Liquified Natural GasFLO Flushing OilFLP Floating Loading PlatformFM Factory MutualFM Frequency ModulationFMR Field Material RequisitionFMU Fitting Make UpFNPT Female National (Taper) Pipe Threads FO Fuel OilFOB Flat on BottomFOE Flange One EndFOF Face of FlangeFOT Fiber Optic TransmissionFOT Flat on TopFP Full PortFPE Fair Price EstimateFPS Floating Production SystemFR&P Form, Rebar and PourFRED Fire Release Explosion Dispersion FRL Finished Road LevelFRP Fibreglass Reinforced PlasticFRP Fibre Reinforced PlasticFS Finished SurfaceFS Feasibility StudyFS Forged SteelFS Flow SwitchFS Factor of SafetyFSE Flange Small EndFSO Floating Storage and OffloadingFT Foot, FeetFTG FittingFTSPM Fixed Tower Single Point MooringFV Full VacuumFW Fillet WeldFW Fire WaterFWHP Flowing Well Head PressureFWHT Flowing Well Head TemperatureFAA Federal Aviation AdministrationG GramGA General ArrangementGA GaugeGALV GalvanisedGASMO Gulf Arab Standards and Measurement Organization GBE Groove Both EndsGC Gas CromatographGE Groove EndGEA Geothermal Energy AssociationGESC General Engineering Services ContractGFRP Glass Fibre Reinforced PlasticGG Gart GasGHG Green House GasGI General InstructionGIM Global Interface MeetingGIP Gas Injection PlantGJ Ground JointGLE Groove Large EndGMAW Gas Metal Arc WeldingGMP Guaranteed Maximum PriceGO Gear OperatorGOE Groove One EndGOM Gulf of MexicoGOR Gas Oil RatioGOS Grade of ServiceGOSP Gas Oil Seperation PlantGPF General Planning Forecastgpm Gallons per MinuteGPS Global Positioning SystemGR GradeGRND Ground(ed)GRP Glass Reinforced PlasticGS Gravity SewerGSE Groove Small EndGSI Geological Strength IndexGSKT GasketGSPD General Service Plant Depreciation GSPR General Service Potential RiseGSS Gravity Sewer SystemGSV Gross Standard V olumeGTAW Gas Tungsten Arc WeldingGTE General Telephone and Electronics GT-MHR Gas Turbine Modular Helium Reactor GWR Guided Wave RadarH HorizontalH HydrogenH2S Hydrogen SulphideHAZ Heat Affected ZoneHAZID Hazard IdentificationHAZOP Hazard and Operability StudyHB Hose BibbHB Hardness Brinell ScaleHCL Hydrochloric AcidHD HeadHD Heavy DensityHD Holding DownHDB Hydrostatic Design BasisHDPE High Density PolyethyleneHDR HeaderHE Heat ExchangerHEX HexagonalHF Hard FacedHF High FrequencyHI Hydraulic Institute StandardHIC Hydrogen Induced CrackingHIPS High Integrity Protection SystemHK Hardness Knoop ScaleHLT Heap Leach TrialHMI Human Machine InterfaceHO High OrderHO Hydraulic OilHOV Hydraulic Operated ValveHP High PressureHP High PointHPFS High Point Finished SurfaceHPG Hyperion Power GenerationHPP High Point PavingHPPT High Pressure Production TrapHPTT High Pressure Test TrapHPAAS High Pressure Air Assist SystemHR Human ResourcesHR15N Hardness Rockwell 15N ScaleHRB Hardness Rockwell B ScaleHRC Hardness Rockwell C ScaleHRSG Heat Recovery Steam GeneratorHSE Health Safety & EnvironmentHSFG High Strength Friction GripHSG Hydrogen Sulphide GasHT Heat TreatmentHU HumidifierHV High V oltageHV Hardness Vickers ScaleHV AC Heating Ventilation Air ConditioningHVL Highly Volatile LiquidHW Hand WheelHz HertzI&C Instrumentation and ControlsI/O Input/OutputIA Instrument AirIALA International Association of Lighthouse Authoritie IAMG International Association for Mathematical Geology IAPMO International Association of Plumbing and Mechani IASS Interantional Association for Shell and Spacial St IBBM Iron Body Bronze MountedIBC International Building CodeIBN Institute Beige de NormalisationIBPS Intermediate Booster Pump StationIC Intermediate Cross ConnectICD Interface Control DocumentICD Inflow Control DevicesICE Institution of Civil EngineersICEA Insulated Cable Engineers AssociationICPR Interantional Concrete Repair InstituteICV Inflow Control ValveID Inside DiameterID Inch DiameterIDA International Development AssociationIEC International Electrotechnical Commision IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers IF Inertial FilterIF Intermediate FrequencyIFB Issue for BidIFC International Fire CodeIFC Issued For ConstructionIFR Internal Floating RoofIGCC Integrated Gasification Combined CycleIL Invert LevelILD Instrument Loop DiagramILO International Labour OrganisationIM IntermodulationIMC International Mechanical CodeIMO International Maritime OraganizationIMS Information Management SystemIMTS Improved Mobile Telephone SystemIN InchINS InsulationINT. InternalINTIB Industrial and Technological Information Bank IP Interface PointIPC International Plumbing CodeIPPT Intermediate Pressure Production TrapIPS Intermediate Pump StationIPTI International Petroleum Technology Institute IR Industrial RelationsIR InfraredIREC Interstate Renewable Energy CouncilIRHD International Rubber HardnessIRIS International Reactor Innovative and Secure IRM Inspection, Repair and MaintenanceIRR Internal Rate of ReturnISA Instrument Society of AmericaISA International Society for Measurement and Control ISBL Inside Battery LimitsISD Instrument Segment DiagramISF Industrial Support FacilitiesISLT Indian Spring Low TideISNRS Inside Screw Non Rising StemISO Isometric DrawingISO International Standards OrganizationISO International System StandardISRS Inside Screw Rising StemISS Instrument Specificaton SheetISTRUCTE Institution of Structural EngineersIT Information TechnologyITB Invitation to BidITCS Impact Tested Carbon SteelITP Inspection and Test PlansITS Indirect Tensile StrengthIWA Individual Work AreaJDA Joint Development AgreementJE Joint EfficiencyJIS Japanese Standards AssociationJV Joint VentureKCS Killed Carbon SteelKG KilogramKO Knock OutKPA KilopascalsL LengthL/M List of MaterialsLAN Local Area NetworkLAT Lowest Astronomical TideLCC Life Cycle CostLCD Liquid Crystal DisplayLDF Lay Down in FieldLDPE Low Density PolyethyleneLED Light Emitting DiodeLEL Lower Explosive LimitLFCP Local Fire Control PanelLFGTE Landfill Gas To EnergyLFL Lower Flammable LimitLIBIS Leuvens Integraal Bibliotheek SystemLJ Lap JointLLP Last Landed PriceLMTD Log Mean Temperature DifferenceLO Lube OilLOB Limited Open BookLODMAT Lowest One Day Mean Atmospheric Temperature LP Low PressureLPCPD Litres Per Capita Per DayLPD Loss Prevention DepartmentLPDCPD Litres Per Dental Chair Per DayLPDT Low Pressure Degassing TankLPFS Low Point Finished SurfaceLPG Liquified Petroleum Gas (Propane and Butane) LPG Liquified Petroleum GasLPHPD Litres Per House Per DayLPP Low Point PavingLPPT Low Pressure Production TrapLPSMPD Litres Per Capita Square Meter DayLPT Liquid Penetrant TestLPT Low PointLR Long RadiusLRFD Load and Resistance Factor DesignLS Lump SumLS Lifting StationLS/PM Lump-sum Procure/BuildLSPB Lumpsum, Procure, BuildLT Lead TimeLTE Long Tangent ElbowLUP Land Use PermitLV Low V oltageLVL LevelLWN Long Welding NeckM MeterM/E Mechanical/ElectricalmA MilliampereMACs Moves, adds, changesMAG Metal Active Gas WeldingMATICS Material Inventory Control System MAWP Maximum Allowable Working Pressure MAX MaximumMBCD Thousand barrels per Calender Day MBD Thousandd Barrels per DayMBOD Thousand barrels per Operating DayMC Main Cross ConnectMCC Mechanical Completion Certificate MCT Multi Cable TransitMD Measured DepthMDEA Methyl-di-ethynol amineMDMT Minimum Design Metal Temperature MDOF Multi Degree of FreedomME MethanolME Manufacturing EngineeringMEA Mono Ethanol AmineMESG Maximum Experimental Safe GapMF Meter FactorMFAP Membrane Filtration Affinity Purification MFCL Material Flow Control ListMFG ManufacturerMFS Maximum Flooding SurfacesMH Man HoleMHA Motor Head AssemblyMI Malleable IronMIC Minimum Ignition CurrentMICA Materials Investment Control Analyst MIG Metal Inert Gas WeldingMIN MinimumMISC MiscellaneousMJ Movement JointMJ Mechanical JointMMA Manual Metal Arc WeldingMMI Man Machine InterfaceMMS Minerals Management ServiceMMscfd Million standard cubic feet per day MNPT Male National (Taper) Pipe ThreadsMO MolybdenumMO Mist OilMOD Ministry of DefenceMODU Mobile Offshore Drilling UnitMOF Materials Offloading FacilityMOPU Mobile Offshore Production UnitsMOSAIC Materials on Order Status Analysis Information and MOT Ministry of TransportMOU Memorandom of UnderstandingMOU Mobile Offshore UnitMOV Motor Operated ValveMP Magnetic Particle TestingMPFM Multiphase Flow MeterMPMS Manual of Petroleum MeasurementMPP Manpower Projection PlanMPTA Mechanical Power Transmission AssociationMR Material RequisitionMRC Maximum Reservoir ContactMRF Manpower Requirements ForecastMRO Maintenance Repair OperationsMS Mild SteelMSC Maximum Sustained CapacityMSC Metering Supervisory ComputerMSD Material Selection DiagramMSDS Material Safety Data SheetMSE Material System EnhancementsMSIS Material Supply Information SystemsMSL Mean Sea LevelMSO Material Supply OrganisationMSS Manufacturers Standardization SocietyMT Magnetic Particle Testing (Exam)MTBE Methyl Tertiary Butyl EtherMTBF Mean Time Between FailuresMTL MaterialMTO Material Take OffMTR Material Test ReportMTS Material Teleprocessing SystemMW MegawattMW Groundwater Monitoring WellMW MicrowaveMWO Maintenance Work OrderMWP Major Work PhaseMxF Male by FemaleN NitrogenN/A Not ApplicableNACE National Association of Corrosion Engineers NBR Nitrile-Butadiene/Nitrile of BunaN Rubber NCCI Non Contradictory Complimentary Information NCR Non Conformance ReportNCU National Currency UnitNDE Non Destructive ExaminationNDE Net Direct ExpenditureNEC National Electrical CodeNEI Nuclear Energy InstituteNEMA National Electrical Manufacturers Association NESC National Electric Safety CodeNEXT Near End Cross TalkNFPA National Fire Protection AssociationNG-BUE Non Gaussian Best Unbiased EstimateNGL Natural Gas LiquidsNGLC Natural Gas Liquids CentreNHA National Hydrogen AssociationNI NickelNIPP NippleNIR Near InfraredNMC Network Maintenance CentreNOABL National Wind Speed DatabaseNOC National Oil CompanyNOCC Networks Operations Control CentreNOCC Network Operations Control CentreNPL Neutral Pressure LevelNPS Nominal Pipe SizeNPSH Net Positive Suction HeadNPSHA Net Positive Suction Head AvailableNPSHR Net Positive Suction Head RequiredNPT National (Taper) Pipe ThreadNPV Net Present V alueNPVR Net Present V alue RatioNRC Nuclear Regulatory CommissionNRS Non-Rising SternNRTL Nationally Recognised Testing Laboratory NSF National Sanitation FoundationNSSS National Structural Steelwork SpecificationNTS Not to ScaleO&G Oil and GasO&R Overhaul and RepairOAT Operational Availability TestOBE Open Book EstimateOCIMF Oil Companies International Marine Forum OCMA Oil Companies Materials AssociationOD Outside DiameterOGOEAD Oil and Gas Operations Exploration Applications Di OH On Hand QuantityOHS Occupational Health and SafetyOIO Operational Investment OverheadOO On Order QuantityOPEC Organisation of the Petroleum Exporting Countries OPEX Operating ExpenditureORGANIGRAM Organisational DiagramORIF OrificeOS On StreamOS Oppurtunity StudyOS Oily SludgeOS&Y Outside Screw and YokeOSBL Outside Battery LimitsOSHA Occupational Safety and Health Administration OSI Onstream InspectionOSP Oil Supply Planning and SchedulingOT Orienting ToolOTK Oil TankOTM Overturning MomentsOW Oily WaterOWP Oily Waste-Water PondOWPU Oily Water Pre-seperator UnitOWS Oily Water SewerOWSJ Open Web Steel JoistP Oil and Oil ProductsP&IC Purchasing and Inventory ControlP&IDs Process and Instrument DiagramsP/E Planning EngineerP/E Project EngineerP/L Pipe LinePA Process AirPARA ParagraphPATIS Purchasing and Traffic Information System PAW Plasma Arc WeldingPB Process BlockPBE Plain Both EndsPBMR Pebble Bed Modular ReactorPCA Portland Cement AssociationPCB Printed Circuit BoardPCC Powder Control CentrePCCI Power Capital Costs IndexPCI Precast/Prestressed Concrete InstitutePCL Project Construction LeaderPCOS Project Completion SystemPCPT Piezocone PenetrometerPCS Project Completion SchedulePCS Process Control SystemPDC Peak Daily ConsumptionPDM Precedence Diagram MethodPDMS Petroleum Database Management System PDO Plan for Development and OperationPDP Plasma Display PanelPDR Preliminary Design ReviewPDS Plant Design SystemPE Pond EffluentPE Plain EndPE PolyethylenePELFEXT Power Sum Equal Level Far End Cross Talk PEM Project Execution ManualPEP Project Execution PlanPERT Program Evaluation and Review Techniques PES Power and Energy SocietyPES Potential Explosion SitePETROMIN Petroleum and MineralPF Peak FactorPFA Perfluoro (Alkoxyalkane) CopolymerPFC Parallel Flange ChannelPFC Predicted Final CostPFD Process Flow DiagramPFR Peak Flow RatePG Purge GasPGA Peak Ground AccelerationPHC Peak Hourly ConsumptionP-I Pressure ImpulsePIB Process Interface BuildingPIC Indicating Pressure ControllerPIP Process Industry PractisePIP Pipe in PipePIV Post Indicator ValvePL PlatePLC Power Line CarrierPLC Programmable Logic ControllerPLE Plain Large EndPM Project ManagerPM&C Project Management and ConstructionPMC Project Management ContractPMI Positive Material IdentificationPMS Project Management ServicesPMSC Project Management Services Contract PMSD Project Materials Supply Department PMSO Project Material Services Organisation PMT Project Management TeamPO Pump OutPO Purchase OrderPO Pushed OnPOC Potentially Oil/Chemical Contaminated POE Plain One EndPOM Pipeline Operations ModulePOOH Pulled Out of HolePOS Point of SupportPP Project ProposalPP PolypropylenePPB Parts per BillionPPI Plastics Pipe InstitutePPM Parts per MillionPR Purchase RequisitionPR Pressure ReducerPR Pipe RackPRE-FAT Pre-Factory Acceptance Test。
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Engineering abbreviationA AirA/C Air ConditionerA/D Analog/DigitalA/G Above GroundABPR Animal ByproductsABS Acylonitrile Butadiene StyreneABS American Bureau of ShippingABWR Advanced Boiling Water ReactorAC Alternating CurrentAC Asphalt ConcreteACARP Australian Coal Association Research Program ACCU Air Cooled Condensing UnitACI American Concrete InstituteACS American Construction SocietyACT Automatic Custody TransferAD Acid DrainAD Anaerobic DigestionADC Average Daily ConsumptionADIP Amino Di IsopropanolADM Arrow Diagram MethodADR Aluminium Dome RoofAEDC Award Engineering/Design ContractAFBMA Anti Friction Bearing Manufacturers AssociationAFC Automatic Frequency ControlAFFF Aqueous Film Forming FoamAFNOR Association Francaise de Normalisation AFR Average Flow RateAGA American Gas AssociationAGC Associated General ContractorsAGC Automatic Generation ControlAGMA American Gear Manufacturers Association AH Acid HydrocarbonAH Arabian HeavyAHU Air Handling UnitAI Artificial IntelligenceAIHA American Industial Hygiene Association AISC American Institute of Steel Construction AISI American Iron and Steel InstituteAL AluminiumAL Arabian LightALARA As Low As Reasonably Achievable ALARP As Low as Reasonably PracticableALE Abnormal Level EarthquakeALP Articulated Loading PlatformALS Accidental Limit StateAM Amplitude ModulationAM Arabian MediumAMH Actual ManhourAMRS Advanced Mobile Radio SystemANP Acid Neutralisation PitANSI American National Standards Institute AOF Absolute Open FlowAOV Air Operated ValveAPCS Approved Protective Coating System APD Automated Piping DesignAPI American Petroleum InstituteAPS Applications SoftwareAS Acid SewerASB Asymmetrical BeamASCE American Society of Civil EngineersASCII American Standard Code for Information InterchangeASD Allowable Stress DesignASHRAE American Society of Heating, Ventilation and Air CASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers ASP Aluminium Steel PolyethyleneASTM American Society for Testing and Materials ATB All Trunks BusyATF Alternative Transport FuelsATM AtmosphericATM AtmosphereAUP Average Unit PriceAUT Automated Ultrasonic TestingAVB Atmospheric Vacuum BreakerAVG AverageAW Acid WasteAWEA American Wind Energy AssociationAWG American Wire GaugeAWO Additional Work OrderAWPA American Wood Preservers AssociationAWS American Welding SocietyAWWA American Water Works AssociationB&S Bell and SpigotB.C.D. Bolt Circle DiameterBB Bolted BonnetBBD Boiler Blow DownBBE Bevel Both EndsBC Bolted CoverBC Bolt CircleBCSA British Constructional Steelwork Association BD Bolt DownBDR Blast Design RequirementBDT Bulk Data TransferBE Beveled EndBEAST Building Evaluation and Screening Tool BEDD Basic Engineering Design DataBEE Bundesverband Erneuerbare EnergieBEP Break Even ProductionBEV Break Even ValueBF Blind FlangeBFD Block Flow DiagramBFP Backflow PreventionBFW Boiler Feed WaterBH BoreholeBICSI Building Industry Consulting Services InternationaBIOX Biological OxidationBL Battery LimitBLD BlindBLDG BuildingBLE Bevel Large EndBLEVE Boiling Liquid Expanding Vapor Explosion BM Bending MomentBMS Burner Management SystemBO Build, OperateBOB Bottom of BarrelBOD Barrels per Operating DayBOD Biochemical Oxygen DemandBOE Bevel One EndBOF Bottom of FoundationBOM Bill of MaterialBOO Build, Own, OperateBOOT Build, Own, Operate, Transfer BOP Bottom of PipeBOP Balance of PlantBOP Blow Out PreventerBOPD Barrels of Oil Per DayBOS Balance of SystemBOT Build, Operate, TransferBPCD Barrels per Calender DayBPD Barrels Per DayBPS Bytes per SecondBR BronzeBRA Building Risk AssessmentBS British StandardsBS British SteelBS Bio SludgeBSD Building Standards Division BSE Bevel Small EndBSI British Standards Institution BST Baker-Strehlow-TangBTM BottomBTM Buoyant Turret MooringBTU British Thermal UnitBU Business UnitBW Butt WeldBWEA British Wind Energy Association BWPD Barrels of Water per DayC Centigrade; CelsiusC ChemicalC&I Controls and InstrumentationC/R Construction/RepairC/R Change RequestCA CausticCA Congested AreaCA Corrosion AllowanceCAD Computer Aided DesignCADD Computer Aided Drafting and DesignCAE Computer Aided EngineeringCALC CalculatedCALM Caternary Anchor Leg MooringCAM Congested Area ModellingCAMA Centralised Automatic Message Accounting CAN/CSA Canadian StandardsCAO Certified Acceptance by Operations CAPEX Capital ExpenditureCARE Conservation Accreditation Register for EngineersCAS Caustic SewerCAT CatalystCB Control BuildingCB Catch BasinCBC Coupled Bonding ConductorCBM Coal Bed MethaneCBNG Coal Bed Natural GasCBR California Bearing RatioCBS Controllable Bent SubC-C Centre to CentreCCC Comodity Classification CodeCCEI Common Class Expansion IndicesCCIR International Radio Consulative Committee CCIS Common Channel Interoffice SignallingCCN Catalog Classification NumberCCO Current Cost OutlookCCPS Centre for Chemical Process SafetyCCS Computer and Communication ServicesCCS Compressor Control SystemCCS Carbon Capture and StorageCCTV Closed Circuit TelevisionCD Chemical DrainCD Closed DrainCDC Central Dispatch CenterCDR Critical Design ReviewCDS Central Dispatch SystemCEMA Conveyor Equipment Manufacturers Association CFP Capital Facilities PlanCFPE Chief Fire Prevention EngineerCFR Code of Federal RegulationsCGA Compressed Gas AssociationCGT Combustion Gas TurbineCGTG Combined Gas Turbine Generator CGTG Combustion Gas Turbine Generator CHP Combined Heat and PowerCHS Circular Hollow SectionCI Cast IronCIF Cost, Insurance, FreightCIF Community and Industrial FacilityCIRIA Construction Industry Research and Information AssCIS Contract Information SystemCISHEC Chemical Industry Safety, Health and EnvironmentalCJ Construction JointCJ Contraction JointCL Centre LineCM CentimeterCM Construction ManagerCMT Construction Management TeamCMU Concrete Masonry UnitsCMAA Crane Manufacturers Association of America CNC Computer Numerically ControlledCNPP Country Nuclear Power ProfilesCO Change OrderCO Clean OutCOC Continuously Oily/Chemical Contaminated COGEN Combined GenerationCOL ColumnCOLA Cost of Living AllowanceCOMAH Control Of Major Accident HazardsCOMFAR Computer Model for Feasibility Analysis and ReportCONC ConcentricCONN ConnectionCOT Character Orientated Terminal COTS Commercial Off The ShelfCPF Central Processing Facility CPLG CouplingCPT Cone Penetration TestCPU Central Processing UnitCPVC Chlorinated Polyvinyl ChlorideCR Computed RadiographyCR ChromiumCRS CentresCRSI Concrete Reinforcing Steel InstituteCRT Cathode Ray TubeCS Chemical SewerCS Construction StartCS Carbon SteelCSA Canadian Standards AssociationCSG Coal Seam GasCSIR Centre of Scientific and Industrial Research CSO Car Sealed OpenCSP Concentrated Solar PowerCSUD Construction Start Up DateCSW Clean Surface WaterCSW Clean Storm WaterCT Coiled TubingCTI Cooling Tower InstituteCTOP Cracked Tip Opening DisplacementCTS Construction Technical SupportCU CopperCW Chilled WaterCW Coated and WrappedCWO Chain Wheel OperatorCWP Cold Working PressureCWP Contractors Work PlanCWR Continuous Welded RailCWR Cooling Water ReturnCWS Cooling Water SupplyD&B Design and BuildD/C Direct ChargeD/P Differential PressureD-A Digital to AnalogDAF Dissolved Air FlotationDASD Direct Access Storage DeviceDAV Data Above VoicedB DecibelDB Design, BuildDB Duct BankdBA Decibels using the A-weighted scaleDBM Design Basis MemorandomDBO Design, Build, OperateDBOT Design, Build, Operate, TransferDBSP Design Base Scoping PaperDC Direct CurrentDCC Disaster Control CentreDCLM Direct Charge List of MaterialsDCS Distributed Control SystemDDC Direct Digital ControllerDDD Direct Distance DialDEA Di Ethanol AmineDEG DegreeDEL Direct Exchange LineDEMA Diesel Engineers Manufacturers Association DFT Dry Film ThicknessDFW Deaerator Feed WaterDGA Di Glycol AmineDI Ductile IronDIA DiameterDID Direct Inward DiallingDIF Dynamic Increase FactorDIM DimensionDIN Deutche Industrie Normen (German Standard) DM De-MineralisationDMS Dynamic Pile MonitoringDMW Demineralised WaterDN Diameter Nominal (Metric)DOBIS Dortmunder BibliothekssystemDOD Direct Onward DiallingDOE Department of EnergyDOT Department of TransportationDOX Direct Overhead ExpenseDP Data ProcessingDP Design PressureDP Dynamic PositionedDP Dial PulseDPC Destination Point CodeDPDT Double Pole Double ThrowDPSR Data Processing Service Request DRN DrainDRP Distribution Requirement Planning DS DownspoutDS Discipline SuperintendentDS Data StoreDS Drilling SitesDSC Dye Solar CellsDSI Digital Speech Interpretation DSW Distilled WaterDT Design TemperatureDT Duct TrimsDTDR Dial Tone Delay RecorderDTE Drill Through EquipmentDUV Data Under VoiceDVD Dedicated Voice DispatchDW Drinking WaterDWF Dry Weather FlowDWG DrawingDWT Dead Weight TonnesDWV Drain, Waste, VentE Exhaust SteamE&I Electrical and InstrumentationE&P Exploration and ProductionEA EachEAGE European Association of Geoscientists and EngineerEB Extended BonnetEC EurocodeEC Eddy Current Testing (Examination) ECC EccentricECD Energy Conversion DeviceECL Established Column LineEDH Electrical Duct HeaterEDM Engineering Department ManualEDMS Electronic Document Management System EDP Electronic Data ProcessingEEMUA Engineering Equipment and Material Users AssociatiEF Entrance FacilityEF Evaluation FactorEFD Engineering Flow DiagramsEFRT External Floating Roof TankEFW Electric Fusion WeldedEHF Extra High FrequencyEI End ItemEIA Emergency Instrument AirEIA Electronic Industries Association EIA Environmental Impact AnalysisEIS Equipment Inspection ScheduleEIV Emergency Isolation ValveEJ Expansion JointEL ElevationELE Extreme Level EarthquakeELFEXT Equal Level Far End Cross TalkELL ElbowELLIP EllipticalELSBM Exposed Location Single Buoy Mooring EMC Electromagnetic CompatibilityEMD Electric Motor DriveEMI Electromagnetic InterferenceEMT Electrical Metallic TubingEOL ElboletEOR Enhanced Oil RecoveryEOT Electric Overhead TravellingEPC Engineering Procurement ConstructionEPCI Engineering Procurement Construction InstallationEPCM Engineering, Procurement, Construction ManagementEPDM Ethylene-Propylene-Diene Terpolymer / EP RubberEPIC Engineering Procurement Installation CommisioningEQ EqualER Expenditure RequestER Equipment RoomERC Expenditure Request CompletionERL Echo Return LossERM Environmental Resource Management ERPG Emergency Response Planning GuidelinesERW Electric Resistance WeldedESD Emergency ShutdownESDU Engineering Sciences Data Unit ESL Established Site LevelESO Engineering Service Organisation ESO Engineering Service OrderESP Ethane Separation PlantETA Estimated Time of ArrivalETBE Ethyl Tertiary Butyl EtherETLP Extended Tention Leg Platform ETPR Extended Thermal Plastic Rubber ETS Emissions Trading SchemeEW Eye WashEWA Extra Work AuthorisationEWH Electric Water HeaterEWO Engineering Work OrderF FahrenheitFAB FabricateFAO Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United NaFAT Factory Acceptance TestFBE Fusion Bonded EpoxyFBE Flange Both EndsFBHP Flowing Bottom Hole PressureFCAW Flux Cored Arc WeldingFCC Field Control CoordinatorFCC Fluid Cat CrackerFCO Floor Clean OutFD Floor DrainFD Dynamic ForceFDM Frequency Division MultiplexingFDN FoundationFDS Fire Detection SystemFE Finite ElementsFEA Finite Element AnalysisFED STD Federal StandardFEED Front End Engineering DesignFEM Finite Elements ModellingFEP Perfluoro (Ethylene-Propylene) Copolymer FES Flywheel Energy StorageFF First FlushFF Foundation FieldbusFF Finished FloorFF Flat FaceF-F Face to FaceFFL Finished Floor LevelFFP First Flush PondFFS Fitness For ServiceFFW Field Fillet WeldFG Fuel GasFGH High Pressure Fuel GasFGL Finished Ground LevelFGL Low Pressure Fuel GasFGRS Flare Gas Recovery SystemFI Indicating Flow MeterFIG FigureFIN FinishFLE Flexible Large EndFLEX FlexibleFLG FlangeFLNG Floating Liquified Natural GasFLO Flushing OilFLP Floating Loading PlatformFM Factory MutualFM Frequency ModulationFMR Field Material RequisitionFMU Fitting Make UpFNPT Female National (Taper) Pipe ThreadsFO Fuel OilFOB Flat on BottomFOE Flange One EndFOF Face of FlangeFOT Fiber Optic TransmissionFOT Flat on TopFP Full PortFPE Fair Price EstimateFPS Floating Production SystemFPSO Floating Production Storage and Offloading FPU Floating Production UnitFR&P Form, Rebar and PourFRED Fire Release Explosion Dispersion FRL Finished Road LevelFRP Fibreglass Reinforced Plastic FRP Fibre Reinforced PlasticFS Finished SurfaceFS Feasibility StudyFS Forged SteelFS Flow SwitchFS Factor of SafetyFSE Flange Small EndFSHR Free Standing Hybrid RiserFSO Floating Storage and Offloading FT Foot, FeetFTG FittingFTSPM Fixed Tower Single Point Mooring FV Full VacuumFW Fillet WeldFW Fire WaterFWHP Flowing Well Head PressureFWHT Flowing Well Head Temperature FAA Federal Aviation Administration G GramGA General ArrangementGA GaugeGALV GalvanisedGASMO Gulf Arab Standards and Measurement OrganizationGBE Groove Both EndsGC Gas CromatographGE Groove EndGEA Geothermal Energy AssociationGESC General Engineering Services Contract GFRP Glass Fibre Reinforced PlasticGG Gart GasGHG Green House GasGI General InstructionGIM Global Interface MeetingGIP Gas Injection PlantGJ Ground JointGLE Groove Large EndGMAW Gas Metal Arc WeldingGMP Guaranteed Maximum PriceGO Gear OperatorGOE Groove One EndGOM Gulf of MexicoGOR Gas Oil RatioGOS Grade of ServiceGOSP Gas Oil Seperation PlantGPF General Planning Forecastgpm Gallons per MinuteGPS Global Positioning SystemGR GradeGRND Ground(ed)GRP Glass Reinforced PlasticGS Gravity SewerGSE Groove Small EndGSI Geological Strength IndexGSKT GasketGSPD General Service Plant Depreciation GSPR General Service Potential Rise GSS Gravity Sewer SystemGSV Gross Standard VolumeGTAW Gas Tungsten Arc WeldingGTE General Telephone and Electronics GT-MHR Gas Turbine Modular Helium Reactor GWR Guided Wave RadarH HorizontalH HydrogenH2S Hydrogen SulphideHAZ Heat Affected ZoneHAZID Hazard IdentificationHAZOP Hazard and Operability StudyHB Hose BibbHB Hardness Brinell ScaleHCL Hydrochloric AcidHCR Hybrid Catenary RiserHD HeadHD Heavy DensityHD Holding DownHDB Hydrostatic Design BasisHDPE High Density PolyethyleneHDR HeaderHE Heat ExchangerHEX HexagonalHF Hard FacedHF High FrequencyHI Hydraulic Institute StandardHIC Hydrogen Induced CrackingHIPS High Integrity Protection SystemHK Hardness Knoop ScaleHLT Heap Leach TrialHMI Human Machine InterfaceHO High OrderHO Hydraulic OilHOV Hydraulic Operated ValveHP High PressureHP High PointHPFS High Point Finished SurfaceHPG Hyperion Power GenerationHPP High Point PavingHPPT High Pressure Production TrapHPTT High Pressure Test TrapHPAAS High Pressure Air Assist SystemHR Human ResourcesHR15N Hardness Rockwell 15N ScaleHRB Hardness Rockwell B ScaleHRC Hardness Rockwell C ScaleHRSG Heat Recovery Steam GeneratorHSE Health Safety & EnvironmentHSFG High Strength Friction GripHSG Hydrogen Sulphide GasHT Heat TreatmentHU HumidifierHV High VoltageHV Hardness Vickers ScaleHVAC Heating Ventilation Air Conditioning HVL Highly Volatile LiquidHW Hand WheelHz HertzI&C Instrumentation and ControlsI/O Input/Output IA Instrument AirIALA International Association of Lighthouse AuthoritieIAMG International Association for Mathematical GeologyIAPMO International Association of Plumbing and MechaniIASS Interantional Association for Shell and Spacial StIBBM Iron Body Bronze MountedIBC International Building CodeIBN Institute Beige de NormalisationIBPS Intermediate Booster Pump StationIC Intermediate Cross ConnectICD Interface Control DocumentICD Inflow Control DevicesICE Institution of Civil EngineersICEA Insulated Cable Engineers Association ICPR Interantional Concrete Repair Institute ICV Inflow Control ValveID Inside DiameterID Inch DiameterIDA International Development Association IEC International Electrotechnical CommisionIEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics EngineersIF Inertial FilterIF Intermediate FrequencyIFB Issue for BidIFC International Fire CodeIFC Issued For ConstructionIFR Internal Floating RoofIGCC Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle IL Invert LevelILD Instrument Loop DiagramILO International Labour OrganisationIM IntermodulationIMC International Mechanical CodeIMO International Maritime Oraganization IMS Information Management System。