








英语教学论⽂参考⽂献英语教学论⽂参考⽂献 在学习和⼯作中,许多⼈都写过论⽂吧,论⽂是描述学术研究成果进⾏学术交流的⼀种⼯具。


英语教学论⽂参考⽂献1 戴维洛奇⼩说的艺术北京:作家出版社,1998 ⾼奋西⽅现代主义⽂学源与流宁波:宁波出版社,2000 侯维瑞现代英国⼩说史上海:上海外语教育出版社,1986 胡经之,王岳川主编⽂艺学美学法论北京:北京出版社,1994 黄晋凯主编荒诞派戏剧北京:中国⼈民⼤学出版社,1996 霍夫曼佛洛伊德主义与⽂学思想王宁译北京:三联书店,1987 拉曼塞尔顿编⽂学批评理论刘象愚,陈永国等译北京:北京⼤学出版社,2000 霍纳韦勒克近代⽂学批评史(第4卷)上海:上海译⽂出版社,1997 李维屏英美现代主义⽂学概观上海:上海外语教育出版社,1998 柳鸣九编选新⼩说派研究北京中国社会科学出版社,1986 吕同六主编 20世纪世界⼩说理论经典北京:华夏出版社,1995 罗伯特斯⽪勒美国⽂学的周期——历史评论专集王长荣译上海:上海外语出版社,1990 罗德霍顿美国⽂学思想背景房炜等译北京⼈民出版社,1991 梅佛⾥德曼意识流,⽂学⼿法研究上海:华东师范⼤学出版社,1992 ⽶兰昆德拉⼩说的艺术孟湄译北京:三联书店,1995 史志康主编美国⽂学背景概观上海:上海:上海外语出版社,1998 徐葆耕西⽅⽂学⼼灵历史北京清华⼤学出版社,1990 殷企平⼩说艺术管窥天津:百花⽂艺出版社,1995 英语教学论⽂参考⽂献2 包惠南,包昂编.实⽤⽂化翻译学.上海:上海科学普及出版社,2000 陈定安.英汉⽐较与翻译.北京:中国对外翻译出版公司,1991 陈福康中国译学理论史北稿上海:上海外语教育出版社,1997 陈延佑英⽂汉译技巧北京:北京外语教学与研究出版社,1980 陈⽂伯英语成语与汉语成语北京:北京外语教学与研究出版社,1982 崔永禄⽂学翻译佳作对⽐赏析天津:南开⼤学出版社,2001 单其昌汉英翻译技巧北京:北京外语教学与研究出版社,1990 杜成南,⽂军主编中国当代翻译百论重庆:重庆⼤学出版社,1994 ⽅梦之翻译新论与实践上海:上海外语教育出版社,1999 冯庆华实⽤翻译教程上海:上海外语教育出版社,1997 辜正坤中西诗鉴赏与翻译长沙:湖南⼈民出版社,1998 郭建中编⽂化与翻译北京:中国对外翻译出版公司,2000 黄龙翻译技巧指导沈阳:辽宁⼈民出版社,1986 黄龙翻译学南京:江苏教育出版社,1988 姜治⽂,⽂军编著翻译批评论重庆:重庆⼤学出版社,1999 ⾦堤等效翻译探索北京:中国对外翻译出版公司,1998 居祖纯汉英语篇翻译北京:清华⼤学出版社,1998 孔惠怡,扬承淑亚洲翻译传统与现代动向北京:北京⼤学出版社,2000 孔惠怡翻译⽂学⽂化北京:北京⼤学出版社,1999 连淑能英汉对⽐研究北京:⾼等教育出版社,1993 英语教学论⽂参考⽂献3 [1]霍叶敏.⼩学英语课后作业的有效布置之我见[J].学周刊,2016,11:197-198. [2]陈庆华,魏茂玲.⼩学英语教学中导学案的运⽤[J].延边教育学院学报,2016,01:123-124+127. [3]⽑新.⼩学英语⾃主学习能⼒的培养⽅法管窥[J].华夏教师,2016,02:65. [4]汪慧.⼩学英语课堂提问艺术研究[J].读与写(教育教学刊),2016,03:106-107. [5]⾼建霞.⼩学英语课堂创新教学浅析[J].中国校外教育,2016,08:103. [6]赵⽟鑫.⼩学英语教学现状及反思[J].中国校外教育,2016,08:108. [7]季娟.⼩学英语课堂⽣命化教学的缺失与重构[J].内蒙古教育(职教版),2016,03:55-56. [8]刘娜.情感因素在⼩学英语教学中的运⽤[J].天津市教科院学报,2016,01:49-51. [9]吕硕.如何培养⼩学低年级英语⼝语交际能⼒[J].学周刊,2016,30:182-183. [10]沈青.⼩学英语形象联想教学法的实施[J].基础教育研究,2016,10:67. [11]⾦⽂雅.浅谈“微课”在⼩学英语教学中的应⽤[J].考试周刊,2016,29:103. [12]程⽅.⽹络环境下⼩学英语的模式构建[J].校园英语,2016,10:135. [13]张春燕.新课改农村⼩学英语教学的策略[J].校园英语,2016,10:202. [14]李安萍.基于多元智能理论的⼩学英语教学研究[J].校园英语,2016,12:90. [15]王朝梅.⼩学英语歌曲教学的原则与⽅法[J].校园英语,2016,12:107-108. [16]张敏.⼩学英语教学中听⼒教学“盲区”的突破[J].疯狂英语(教学版),2016,03:105-106. [17]黄琳.⼩学英语绘本阅读教学实践研究[J].课程教育研究,2016,08:129. [18]韩⽴霞.⼩学英语教学中“错误”资源的有效利⽤[J].英语画刊(⾼级版),2016,04:33. [19]王赫微.⼩学英语课堂分级阅读教学应⽤初探[J].中国校外教育,2016,14:95. [20]张琪.⼩学英语教学中激发阅读兴趣的探索[J].内蒙古教育(职教版),2016,05:43. [21]李爱平.在农村⼩学英语教学中做好学困⽣转变⼯作[J].中国教育技术装备,2016,07:79-80. [22]陈⾦业.构建⼩学英语快乐课堂初探[J].学周刊,2016,21:229-230. [23]盛敏.⼩学英语各板块预习模式的探究[J].基础教育研究,2016,08:73-74. [24]梁君⽟.⼩学英语语法教学的现状和对策[J].西部素质教育,2016,10:171. 英语教学论⽂参考⽂献4 1.柯东霞(2005).交流与互动⼀⼀英语课堂教学模式的主旋律.全国教育科研“⼗五”成果论⽂集(第⼆卷). 2.曹逸韵(2012).浅析⼆语习得研究中的`输⼊假说与互动假说.《琼州学院学报》(4). 3.付凤⽂(2000).分阶段听⼒教学.《国外外语教学》(2). 4.⽅⼦纯(2006).语篇宏观结构分析与听⼒教学.《外语电化教学》(8). 5.卢仁顺(2002).“输出假设”研究对我国英语教学的启⽰.《外语与外语教学》(4). 6.陈丽清(2010).新的英语教学模式--民主与互动性教学.《语⾔与⽂化研究》(第六辑). 7.梁岁林(2004).图式理论下的听⼒课新型教学模式的运⽤.《新疆师范⼤学学报》(1). 8.董明(2004).⼤学英语课堂“⽣⽣互动”模式初探.《外语与外语教学》(5). 9.⾦海⽟(2012).浅析语⾔输⼊、互动、输出假说与⼆语习得的关系.《海外英语》(18). 10.⽅申萍(2000).第⼆语⾔听⼒理解中的学习策略培训.《国外外语教学》(4). 11.沈昌洪.刘喜⽂.季忠民(2010).《第⼆语⾔习得导论》(英⽂版).北京:北京⼤学出版社. 12.宫⼒(2010).《交互式语⾔教学研究》.北京:⼈民教育出版社. 13.顾伟勤(2010).论“互动假说”的发展与局限.《外语学刊》(5). 14.何培芬(2003).解码理论在⼤学英语听⼒中的应⽤.《外语电化教学》(12). 15.李慧敏(2006).从图式理论看⼤学英语听⼒教学.《北京第⼆外国语学院学报》(外语版)(8). 16.刘⽟红(2010).英语课堂教学⽣⽣互动模式管窥.《教学与管理》(9). 17.李燕.贾放(2001).“互动假说”与语⾔课堂教学互动策略及效⽤研究.《语⾔⽂字应⽤》(S1). 18.吕⽟明(2000).改进听⼒教学的三个环节.《⾸都师范⼤学学报》(社会科学版)(S2). 19.穆育凤(2002).《新视野⼤学英语》教学中课堂互动环节的设计.《外语电化教学》⑵. 20.邱采真(2002).试论互动在第⼆语⾔习得中的作⽤.《⾼等函授学报》(哲学社会科学版)(15). 英语教学论⽂参考⽂献5 [1]费巧莲.激情教学法在⼩学英语教学中的应⽤[J].内蒙古教育(职教版),2016,05:72. [2]李征娅.舞台式教学法在⼩学英语教学中的应⽤[J].英语教师,2016,06:78-80. [3]李莉.夸张⼿法在⼩学英语课堂教学中的有效运⽤[J].教育现代化,2016,09:272-274. [4]李彦⼦.浅谈⼩学英语课堂变⾰[J].亚太教育,2016,01:40. [5]何轶君.PBL模式对⼩学英语⾃我效能的影响[J].科教⽂汇(中旬刊),2016,01:110-111. [6]王东芳.如何让“动”成为⼩学英语课堂的主旋律[J].科学⼤众(科学教育),2016,02:68. [7]韩笑.绿⾊背景下的⼩学英语课堂教学探析[J].⽣物技术世界,2016,02:244. [8]宋丽敏.互联⽹+背景下⼩学英语未来课堂探微[J].中国教育技术装备,2016,01:120-121. [9]杨进.⼩学英语教师创造性使⽤教材策略研究[J].中⼩学教材教学,2016,01:20-23. [10]刘妲治.⼩学英语开展对话教学的策略[J].教育教学论坛,2016,02:267-268. [11]路亚涵.浅谈⼩学英语教育中的创造教育[J].教育现代化,2016,01:228-229. [12]完玛草.⾃然拼读法在⼩学英语教学中的应⽤[J].西部素质教育,2016,04:179. [13]王秀国.⼩学英语课外阅读习惯的养成分析[J].西部素质教育,2016,02:166. [14]王思佳.思维导图在⼩学英语词汇教学中的应⽤[J].读与写(教育教学刊),2016,01:101+112. [15]刘思瑶.故事教学法在⼩学英语教学中的应⽤[J].⿊龙江教育(理论与实践),2016,03:56-57. [16]王凤英.浅谈⼩学英语两级分化的成因以及改进⽅法[J].才智,2016,04:193. [17]沈丽萍.浅谈⼩学低年级英语听说能⼒的培养[J].科学⼤众(科学教育),2016,01:63. [18]岳凌云.⼩学英语⼝语有效教学的设计[J].中国校外教育,2016,03:85. [19]周海玲.浅谈⼩学英语教材插图资源的有效开发[J].中国校外教育,2016,05:98. [20]卢林,张传福.论赏识教育在⼩学英语教学中的实施[J].学周刊,2016,10:146-147.【英语教学论⽂参考⽂献】相关⽂章:09-1410-1506-1606-1706-1609-2208-2806-1608-0110-25。













































1.《Task-based Language Teaching》(任务型语言教学)这本书是由英国语言教育专家David Nunan所写,着重探讨了任务型语言教学的理论和实践。




2.《Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language》(英语作为第二语言或外语教学)本书是由Marrianne Celce-Murcia、Donna Brinton与Margerel A. Snow所编写的。




3.《Classroom Observation Tasks: A Resource Book for Language Teachers and Trainers》(课堂观察任务:教师和培训师的资源书籍)由于教师的教学实践常受到现实环境与学校条件的限制,通过教学观察,教师可获得更多的教学宝贵经验。


《Classroom Observation Tasks》为教师提供了一系列教学观察方案,旨在帮助教师提升教学水平。


4.《The Practice of English Language Teaching》(英语教学实践)该书由Jeremy Harmer所写。


文献计 3 4 篇( 占6 5 . 4 ) , 考 试方 面 的计 1 2篇 ( 占2 3 . 1 ) , 综 合 型研究 方 面 的有 6篇 ( 占I I . 5 ) 。 从方 法层
面看 , 教学 经验 总结 有 3 4 篇( 占6 5 . 4 ) , 调 查 研究 有 4篇 ( 占7 . 7 ) , 例证 研 究 8篇 ( 占1 5 . 4 %) , 其它 6 篇
2 . 3 . 2 阅 读 技 巧
大学 英语 阅读理 解障 碍在很 大程 度上 与阅读技 巧 的掌 握有关 n 。也有研 究者 既承认 阅读技 巧在大 学英
语 阅读 及考试 中的作 用 , 但 也警告 过分 夸大 阅读技 巧所带来 的负面影 响 。不 少通过 国家英 语 四 、 六级考 试 的 学 生觉 得 自己是 侥幸 过关 , 真正 的 阅读 理解 能力并 不强 , 而英语 阅读理 解能力 又是学 生毕业 后在 工作 中必不
语 言知识 主要指 词汇 、 语 法 和文化 背景等 方面 的知识 。首先 , 词汇 量大小 及语义 的变化 是英语 阅读 的 主
要语 言 障碍 u ] 。其次 , 中英 文化 背景及 差异也 会诱 发 阅读 障碍 ] 。 最后 , 贫乏 的句法 知识 和篇 章结构缺 陷也
会 引发 阅读障 碍[ 1 引 。
2 . 2 理 论 概 念
美 国心 理语 言 学家 古德 曼 把 阅读 定 义 为“ 一 种 心理语 言 的猜 谜 游戏 ” , 一 种“ 自下 而上 ” 受 信 息支 配 的过 程 。“ 图式 理论 ” 则认 为 , 阅读是 一种 自上 而下 受读 者思 想支 配 的过程 ] 。心 理语 言学家 鲁梅 哈特 的交互 式 理论 认 为 , 阅读不 仅 是一 种视 觉 和语 言活 动 , 它需 要读 者根 据 原有 的信 息 知识 、 经 验 和 当前 的视 觉信 息 进行 主动 的选 择 、 体验 、 预测 、 验证 和确定 ] 。此外 , 批 判性 阅读 、 高级 阅读 、 阅读理 解等 概念 在 阅读 文献 中也 多次









ThecamelthatIrodehadabadtemper教案设计--新标准英语初三上册(外研社)Module7 Unit2[J].科技信息(学术研究),2019,05:257-258+256.[7]汪钰。









传统文化 英语教学 文献综述

传统文化 英语教学 文献综述
















初中英语教学外文文献以下是几篇关于初中英语教学的外文文献:1. Zhang, Y., & Chen, J. (2017). The application of task-based language teaching in junior high school English teaching. Journal of Language Teaching and Research, 8(4), 742-747.这篇文章探讨了任务型语言教学在初中英语教学中的应用。



2. Xie, C., & Shi, Y. (2016). Exploring CLT in junior high school English teaching. Theory and Practice in Language Studies, 6(11), 2251-2255.本文研究了交际语言教学在初中英语教学中的应用。



3. Wu, J., & Dong, Y. (2018). Vocabulary learning strategies in juniorhigh school English teaching. International Journal of Language and Linguistics, 5(6), 324-329.这篇文章探讨了词汇学习策略在初中英语教学中的应用。








二、参考文献1. Zhang, J. (2016). Exploring learner-centered pedagogy in vocational English teaching. International Journal of English Language Teaching, 4(3), 45-59.在这篇文献中,张教授提出了一种适用于中职英语教学的学生中心教学模式。


2. Liu, H. (2018). Application of Project-Based Learning in Vocational English Teaching. Journal of Vocational Education, 28(2), 78-85.刘教授在这篇文献中介绍了一种项目驱动的教学方法在中职英语教学中的应用。


3. Wang, L. (2019). The Role of Task-Based Language Teachingin Vocational English Classroom. Modern Vocational Education, 35(4), 56-63.王教授在这篇文献中探讨了任务型语言教学在中职英语课堂中的作用。





新课标下的初中英语课堂精准化写作教学 参考文献

新课标下的初中英语课堂精准化写作教学 参考文献

1. 吴振华. 《新课标下初中英语写作教学策略探析》. 成都理
工大学学报(社会科学版), 2017, 23(4): 45-50.
2. 陈国强. 《新课标下初中英语写作教学的有效策略探析》. 教育教学论坛, 2016, 38(8): 63-65.
3. 郑桂华. 《新课标下初中英语写作教学的实践与探索》. 教
育教学论坛, 2015, 37(7): 60-63.
4. 刘小璇. 《新课标下初中英语写作教学中的课堂实践探析》. 语文教育研究, 2017, 12(2): 63-6
5. 李春华. 《新课标下初中英语写作教学的个性化策略研究》. 教育教学论坛, 2017, 39(2): 60-63.
6. 王佐良. 《新课标下初中英语写作教学中的精准化教学策略》. 教育教学论坛, 2016, 38(3): 67-70.
7. 林华. 《新课标下初中英语写作教学的实践与探索》. 教育
教学论坛, 2015, 37(5): 65-68.
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传统文化 英语教学 文献综述

传统文化 英语教学 文献综述















《小学英语课程评价改革的设想》[J].课程·教材·教法,. 作者:李静纯。

《教育评价模式与发展特征探析》[J].江苏高教,. 作者:陈如。

《课程评价论》[M].上海:上海教育出版社,2002. 作者:李雁冰。

《语言测试与网络环境下大学英语多元评价体系的研究》[J].黑龙江高教研究,. 作者:吴斌、邓笛。

《发展性课堂教学评价的思考》[J].胜利油田师范专科学校学报,. 作者:郑茂军。




















引文格式:黄芬,朱晓东.近30年国内英语课堂提问研究的文献计量分析[J].赣南师范大学学报,2023,44(2):101-106.近30年国内英语课堂提问研究的文献计量分析*黄芬,朱晓东†(赣南师范大学外国语学院,江西赣州341000)摘要:采用文献计量分析法,借助C i t e S p a c e软件对中国知网英语课堂提问论文的发文情况㊁作者和机构以及关键词进行可视化分析,结果显示:我国英语课堂提问研究已取得一定进展,但核心以上期刊发文数量较少;作者㊁机构之间缺少合作,没有带头研究机构,缺少核心作者群体;研究热点聚焦于有效提问㊁提问策略和教师提问等;研究趋势则体现在师生互动和思维品质方面㊂基于以上发现,提出了几点建议,以期对国内英语教师课堂教学提问研究提供数据支撑和有效解决办法㊂关键词:英语课堂;课堂提问;文献计量分析中图分类号:G622文献标志码:A 文章编号:2096-7659(2023)02-0101-06一㊁引言提问的历史由来已久,我国春秋战国时期的教育家孔子和古希腊的哲学家苏格拉底都是采用提问的方式引导学生主动思考㊁获取知识㊂然而,现代课堂教学中,提问依然是教师开展教学活动的常用工具之一,一直被用于激发学生兴趣㊁指导教学过程和评估教学成果㊂[1]日本著名教育实践家斋藤喜博甚至将其看作是 教学的生命 ㊂我国学者刘显国则认为提问是 教学语言最重要的部分,是启发学生思维的主要方式㊂ [2]可见, 问 非常重要且是一门艺术㊂课堂提问贯穿整个教学过程,问题提得好,学生就想说㊁敢说㊁会说,也就能够达到在运用中理解的目的,从而有效地提高课堂教学效率㊂因此,本文分析了近30年来中国知网收录的国内英语课堂提问的期刊文献,并以知识图谱和表格的形式直观地表现出来,以期为该领域的发展研究提供启示㊂二㊁数据采集和研究工具(一)数据采集为了直观呈现英语课堂提问的研究动态,本研究的数据来源是中国知网数据库中主题为 英语课堂提问 的期刊文献,由于核心期刊文献数量较少,故不对期刊来源类别设限,选择 所有期刊 后进行高级检索,截至2022年4月22日,共找到相关文献1005篇,经手工筛选,剔除一些题目与主题 英语课堂提问 有关但内容中没有提及该主题的文章后,最终得到有效文献967篇㊂(二)研究工具使用C i t e S p a c e5.8R3软件分析以上所选文献,包括作者㊁机构和高频关键词,通过对生成的知识图谱分析,总结发现该领域的核心作者群体㊁主要研究机构㊁历年的研究热点和未来的研究趋势㊂三㊁研究结果与分析C i t e S p a c e的可视化分析是通过知识图谱来呈现的㊂知识图谱是通过数据挖掘㊁信息处理和知识计量,用可视化的图像直观地展现出相关交叉学科研究㊂它以科学为基础,涉及应用数学,信息科学及计算机科学等诸多学科,拥有广阔的研究发展与应用前景㊂[3]本研究主要通过解读相关知识图谱来分析国内英语课堂提问研究㊂2023年赣南师范大学学报 ɴ.2第二期J o u r n a l o f G a n n a n N o r m a l U n i v e r s i t y M a r.2023*收稿日期:2022-07-18 D O I:10.13698/j.c n k i.c n36-1346/c.2023.02.017基金项目:江西省2021年度研究生创新专项资金项目(Y C2021-S731);江西省高校人文社会科学研究2021年度项目(J Y21125)作者简介:黄芬(1991-),女,江西高安人,赣南师范大学外国语学院2020级硕士研究生,研究方向:学科教学(英语)㊂†通讯作者:朱晓东(1964-),男,江西樟树人,赣南师范大学外国语学院教授,研究方向:课程与教学论㊁教师教育㊁语言测试㊂Copyright©博看网. All Rights Reserved.(一)国内英语课堂提问研究发文量统计发文情况能够有效反应某一研究领域的整体情况㊂由于C i t e S pa c e 没有统计年发文量的功能,所以借助中国知网自带的计量可视化分析功能,在知网自动生成的发文量趋势的基础上重新制作折线图(如图1所示)对英语课堂提问研究进行描述统计分析㊂图1 1993 2022年国内英语课堂提问研究发文情况从图1可以看出,近30年国内英语课堂提问的研究取得了较为丰富的研究成果,但令人遗憾的是核心期刊发文相对较少,平均每年不到2篇,说明该研究方向高水平成果较少㊂图1显示,国内英语课堂提问研究始于1993年,2001年呈渐热趋势,在2012-2013年间发文达到最高峰值,年发文数量多达90篇㊂然而,2014-2017年间发文量骤减,到2017年仅有16篇㊂2017年‘普通高中英语课程标准(2017年版2020年修订版)“(以下简称‘课标“)颁布后,英语课堂提问的研究又有所增加,至2019年高达50篇㊂由于2020年春节期间全球 新冠 疫情爆发,全国人们万众一心㊁众志成城,积极响应国家号召,采取居家办公的方式,彼时新冠疫苗还没大规模接种,全民的关注点和重心都在疫情防控上,导致该领域相关研究又逐渐减少㊂但随着疫情的逐步控制与稳定,特别是‘义务教育课程标准(2022年版)“的正式颁布后,进一步明确了发展学生思维品质的重要性,这也说明,从小学阶段开始就要着手有意识地提高学生的思维品质㊂在教学活动中,提问是引发学生产生心智活动并做出回答反应的信号刺激,是促进学生思考发展的有效途径,[4]也是教学生如何思考的最有力的工具㊂[5]预计在‘义务教育课程标准(2022年版)“这一纲领性文件的引领下,义务教育阶段的一线英语教师和学者们将会深化英语课堂提问研究,英语课堂提问的研究将呈渐热趋势㊂(二)国内英语课堂提问研究作者分析作者合作网络图谱能够反映作者的发文量及作者间的合作关系,有助于准确定位到某一领域具有超强学术影响力的学者,从而快速了解这一领域的基本研究情况㊂使用C i t e S p a c e 将T i m e s l i c i n g 设置为1993 2022年,Y e a r p e r s l i c e 选择1,N o e T y pe 选择A u -t h o r,其他按默认设置后得到作者合作图谱㊂为便于观察,在控制面板中将N o d e L a b e l s 部分的T h r e s h o l d 调到1,F r o n t S i z e 设置为30,N o d e s i z e调至最大,得出作者合作图谱㊂图谱显示共有535个节点,91条连线,图谱的网络密度为0.0006㊂图中姓名字体越大表明在该领域发文越多,对该领域的发展做出的贡献越大,连线代表作者之间的合作关系,连线和作者的数值相差越大,作者合作图谱就越分散㊂为更好地观察作者之间的合作关系,在不改变作者合作图谱本质的情况下进行调整,作者之间的主要合作情况如图2所示㊂图2 作者合作网络图谱解读图2能够得出以下结论:首先,节点较大的有董明㊁祖林㊁魏红华㊁刘敏㊁屈社明等学者,表明以上学者发文量较多,对英语课堂提问研究的贡献度较大㊂有些作者之间形成了合作小组,四人小组有2组,分别是张晓世㊁徐婧华㊁王尚法㊁高凤英组和孔令泉㊁吴亮君㊁唐华㊁吴凯南组;三人小组有10组,包括周芸㊁曹玉萍和姜瑞姝组,刘锋㊁李铎和曹文融组等,其余的要么与其他作者合作形成二人小组,要么单独创作㊂其次,结合作者节点信息列表可知:对 英语课堂提问 研究最多的是董明,于2017年和2019年各发表2篇英语课堂提问研究的相关文章㊂沈萍㊁祖林㊁魏红华和刘敏等8人也各自发表了3篇相关论文㊂发文2篇的有37位/组,其余发文均为1篇㊂经软件计算后发现所有节点的中介中心性均为0,说明没有核心作者起重要桥梁的作用㊂最后,综合作者合作图谱的整体分析可知:对英语课堂提问进行研究的学者较多,有些研究者之间建立了合作关系,取得了201赣南师范大学学报 2023年Copyright ©博看网. All Rights Reserved.一定的研究成果,但由于缺少核心作者的引领和持续的合作研究,该领域高水平论文较少㊂(三)国内英语课堂提问研究机构分析对研究机构的分析能够了解机构或合作机构的主要研究方向以及某研究领域是否处于前沿地位,有助于研究者更好地锁定自己将来求学或就职的目标院校㊂N o d e T y p e选择I n s t i t u t i o n后得出机构合作分析图谱,显示有486个节点,连线数量为0,图谱网络密度为0,整个图谱分布特别松散㊂将N o d e L a-b e l s部分的T h r e s h o l d调到3,使得发文3篇及以上的机构集合在图谱上(图3)㊂图3机构合作网络图谱从图3可以得出以下结论:一是共有486家机构进行了相关研究,但任意两家机构之间都没有合作,其中节点较大的机构是湖北师范大学外国语学院㊂二是查看机构节点信息列表信息发现,参与研究的机构多为高校,其中师范院校居多,但也有一些中小学一线教师参与研究㊂湖北师范大学外国语学院从2018年开始进行相关研究,共发文6篇,位居总发文量第一㊂位居第二位的是各发文4篇的广西师范大学外国语学院和吉林化工学院和吉林医药学院㊂三是虽然英语课堂提问研究机构较多,且来源较广,但合作网络仍未形成,各机构作者之间没有形成跨校合作的关系㊂(四)国内英语课堂提问研究热点和趋势关键词共现图谱和高频/高中介中心性关键词节点信息列表能够体现研究热点㊂关键词时区视图㊁关键词突现情况和发文量三者结合起来则可以清晰地呈现研究趋势㊂1.英语课堂提问研究热点一般而言,每篇文章通常有3到5个关键词,关键词是文章主题的集中体现,将关键词串联起来可以窥探文章的主要内容,从而节省阅读时间㊂在N o d e T y p e一栏中选择K e y w o r d,P r u n i n g勾选P a t h f i n d e r以突出图谱中的重要特征,其他设置不变,保持软件默认设置㊂点击G O开始运行,出现图谱之后将关键词阈值调为30,发现有些关键词表达的意思是相同的,例如, 提问策略 和 策略 ㊂在阅读相关文章后发现,关键词中的 策略 均为 提问策略 而非其他策略,因此手动把两个关键词合并,只保留 提问策略 ㊂类似的还有 提问技巧 和 技巧 有效问题 和 有效性 ㊂重新运行后最终生成的关键词共现图谱如图4所示:图4英语课堂提问研究关键词共现图谱一个圆圈就是一个节点,每个节点都代表着一个关键词㊂同一图谱中,关键词字体越大,意味着它出现的频次越多,代表该关键词的圆圈也就越大㊂圆圈的外环表示该节点中介中心性较高,被重点标注了㊂中介中心性是测度节点在网络中重要性的一个指标,表示在网络图中,一个节点在多大程度上是图中其他节点的 中介 ㊂此类节点在网络中起到 沟通桥梁 的作用㊂[6]关键词之间的连线表示它们出现在同一篇文章中,线条越粗,代表它们出现在相同文章中的次数越多㊂已有研究表明:频次较高的关键词有 课堂提问 提问 提问策略 英语教学 教师提问 大学英语 等,说明在问题的提出者方面,重点在于教师的提问,而不是学生之间的互相提问或者学生个人的自我提问;在提问的学段方面,大学的研究多于其他学段;在提问时机方面,更受关注的是实际教学中的提问,而不是在学生思考或反思过程中的提问㊂图4还表明,学者们对提问策略和提问类型的研究也比较多㊂图4中较为明显的有3个圆圈,分别代表 课堂提问 提问 和 提问策略 三个节点,说明它们帮助学者们架起了通往英语课堂提问研究领域到其他研究点的桥梁,为该领域研究的发展壮大起到了积极引导和促进作用㊂301第2期黄芬,朱晓东近30年国内英语课堂提问研究的文献计量分析Copyright©博看网. All Rights Reserved.表1 部分关键词共现频次、中介中心性和年份序号关键词年份频次中介中心性序号关键词年份频次中介中心性1课堂提问19993620.7515小学英语2005240.022提问策略19991720.2916提问类型2006210.053提 问20011180.1817课堂互动2005210.024有效提问2001900.1618高中英语2004190.005英语教学2000860.0719问 题2004190.016英语课堂1999840.1320反 馈2004180.027教师提问2003830.1721师生互动2007160.048大学英语2001830.1122原 则1999150.029提问技巧1999650.1123互 动2005140.0110课堂教学2001490.0524学生提问2007140.0211英 语1999320.0325兴 趣2004100.0112初中英语2008320.0226高职英语2011100.0013提问方式2000310.0827提问模式2004100.0014提问艺术2000280.0128教学效果1993100.04表1是从关键词节点信息列表中截取的被引频次大于或等于10的部分关键词的共现频次㊁中介中心性和年份,借助表1能够更准确地对图4进行解读㊂表中的 年份 指的是该关键词首次出现的年份㊂ 中介中心性 指该关键词与其他关键词之间联系的紧密程度,中介中心性数值越大表明该关键词与其他关键词联系越紧密㊂由表1可知,中介中心性超过0.1的关键词有 课堂提问 提问策略 提问 有效提问 英语课堂 教师提问 大学英语和 提问技巧 ,说明它们与其他关键词之间的联系较为紧密㊂前文提及大学英语学段的提问研究要多于其他学段㊂表1显示大学英语的提问研究最早出现在2001年,中小学阶段的英语提问研究明显晚于大学英语,但在几年之后,高中㊁小学㊁初中和高职的英语课堂提问研究跟随大学英语开展起来了㊂2.英语课堂提问研究趋势时区视图是一种侧重于从时间维度上来表示知识演进的视图,它能够清晰地展示出文献的更新和相互影响㊂[7]时区视图中的节点根据首次出现时间的先后依次排列在时间轴上,整体呈现从左到右,从下往上的演进态势㊂在C i t e S p a c e 控制面板上选择 L a yo u t 中的 T i m e z o n e V i e w后得到"英语课堂提问"研究的时区视图,为便于清楚地了解发展趋势,设置值域为20,同时为使最终呈现的时区图精简,将研究频次为1的关键词之间的连线去除,最终得到的时区视图如图5所示㊂由于存在低频高中介中心性的节点,所以进一步利用C i t e S p a c e 的突变性探测功能,探测出英语课堂提问研究的11个突现词(图6)㊂突现词指的是在某段时间内数量激增的关键词,这些关键词不仅能够体现学科未来发展的趋势和骤然变化,还能反映当时的研究前沿㊂结合突现词(图6)和前面的发文情况(图1)一起分析,能够获得更加清晰的英语课堂提问研究内容的发展脉络㊂图5 国内英语课堂提问研究关键词时区视图图6 英语课堂提问研究突现词图1清楚地显示:1993-1998年为英语课堂提问研究的初始起步阶段,主题关注度较弱,年发文量较少,每年只有1篇相关文章,核心期刊发文量为0,因此整个起始阶段都没有出现突现词㊂该阶段研究尚未形成体系,主要研究内容依托实际教学探寻英语课堂提问要注意的一些问题,如:铁玉为切实提高教学质量,提出了教师在提问时应处理和组织好提401赣南师范大学学报 2023年Copyright ©博看网. All Rights Reserved.问的设计原则㊁把握所问对象㊁掌握提问尺度;[8]马艳芳从内容㊁方式和技巧方面精心设计了课堂提问;[9]刘丽珠在阅读课上尝试了不同的提问方式㊂[10]1999-2013年是英语课堂提问研究的快速发展阶段,主题关注度高,发文量快速增长㊂1999年,以英语课堂提问为主题的文章首次在中文核心期刊上发表㊂随后,涌现出了 课堂提问 提问 提问策略 和 英语课堂 这几个高中介中心性关键词,对该领域研究的影响一直持续至今㊂这一时期,新增了 提问策略 教师提问 英语课堂 有效提问 和 原则 等高频关键词,如:何新敏介绍了六种常用的课堂提问的类型,阐述了课堂提问应遵循的四条原则[11]后,学者们开始有针对性地进行研究,2002年出现了第一个突现词 提问方式 ,且研究热度居高不下,持续了7年,2004年开始 反馈 课堂教学 设计 有效提问 高中英语 和 问题类型 等突现词也相继出现㊂2002-2008年间,张耀华通过广泛使用Y e s/N o句式,提高了学生的课堂参与度,一定程度上创设了以学生为中心的课堂;[12]王咏梅,彭金定阐述了英语课堂教师提问方式对学生交际能力的影响;[13]艾蓉分析了大学英语阅读课的教师提问方式㊂[14]在这一研究阶段,研究内容不仅聚焦教师对问题的设计,也关注了学生对问题的反馈㊂2014年至今是英语课堂提问研究的稳定阶段,主题关注度和发文量均有所回落㊂经过前些年的研究发展,该领域已经取得了一定的研究成果,但主题关注度和发文量较上一时期有所减少,对这一领域的研究并未停止,却出现了 小学英语 初中英语 师生互动 和 思维品质 四个突现词,也就是说随着教育改革进一步深化,英语课堂提问研究也发生了新的变化㊂‘课标“将思维品质列入英语学科四大核心素养之一,认为语言能力的提高应该与思维品质的发展和文化意识的形成同步,教师要在帮助学生发展语言能力的同时,促进他们思维品质的发展,[15]83还建议教师通过课堂观察观察㊁师生互动㊁问答环节㊁经验积累㊁随堂测验等渠道获得信息反馈㊂[15]54至此有关 师生互动 和 思维品质 的研究获得众多关注,呈渐热趋势㊂王式街㊁李晶和罗媛等在阅读课上重视培养学生的思维品质;[16-18]郝良悦则在语法中促进学生思维品质的发展;[19]邓俊丹和倪昆针对提问策略探讨如何推动英语英语课堂提问课堂师生的互动㊂[20]四、建议国内英语课堂提问的研究虽已取得一定成果,但通过对知识图谱的可视化分析,发现了其中的一些不足,笔者尝试根据所呈现出的不足提出以下几点建议:(一)关注领域前沿,提高发文水平任何学科或领域的发展与完善都离不开与其内部或外部环境的交流㊂在互联网普及到千家万户之前,国内外学者之间的交流受到时间和地域的限制,导致信息传递受阻,交流不畅㊂新冠疫情爆发以来,线上教学备受推崇,学术界也常利用腾讯会议㊁钉钉等线上平台进行学术推广和交流㊂这种线上的交流活动架起了不同地区㊁不同国家学者之间的交流,拓宽了其获取前沿信息的渠道㊂学者们可以快速获取领域内知名学者的最新研究成果,了解该领域的最新学术动态,从中获得启发,并结合自己的研究做出适时调整,并在认真研读优秀学术论文的过程中不断更新自己的学术观点,打磨自己的学术论文,提高发文质量㊂(二)形成机构网络,组建作者群体中小学教师与学生接触较多,他们在教学中的实践性较强,但缺少足够的理论支撑;高校教师理论知识较为丰富,但高校集体上课时间较少,且高校学生都已成年,思维已经成形,实践性相对弱于中小学教师㊂中小学教师可以在日常教学中互相观摩,观察学生对不同提问的反应,总结出同一情境下最能激发学生表达欲,启发学生思考的问题㊂凡事不能知其然而不知其所以然,所以中小学教师还要向高校教师寻求理论支持,从理论层面上了解为什么学生会对某些问题滔滔不绝,而对另一些问题只能沉默不语,只有这样才能更有针对性地将观摩总结出的结果推广开来㊂不同班级㊁不同学校㊁不同地区的学生水平各不相同,这就给教师们创造了更多的合作机会,频繁的合作促进教师间的相互了解,有助于建立长期的合作关系,组建作者群体㊂作者群体的组建能够进一步促进各学校及科研机构之间的合作,扩大影响面,形成机构网络㊂(三)巧借提问艺术,锻造思维品质2014年教育部研制印发的‘关于全面深化课程改革落实立德树人根本任务的意见“中明确了学生发展的必备品格和关键能力,[21]‘课标“中把该品格和能力凝练为四大核心素养㊂思维品质是核心素养的重要组成部分,它的内涵很广,包括 思维在逻辑性㊁批判性㊁创新性等方面所表现的能力和水501第2期黄芬,朱晓东近30年国内英语课堂提问研究的文献计量分析Copyright©博看网. All Rights Reserved.平 ,[15]5其发展 有助于提升学生分析和解决问题的能力 [15]5 人的思维是从问题开始的 ,[22]提问能够引起学生的认知冲突,促使学生主动思考㊂课堂提问是一门艺术,具有艺术性的问题造福师生:不同的提问类型可以激发学生不同的思维,合理的难度设置有助于扩大课堂参与度,耐心地等待能够给予学生更多的思维考虑时间,恰当的策略有助于学生更好地展现自己,适时的追问能启发学生的深度思考,及时的反馈有助于快速调整教学策略㊂教师要细心钻研,巧妙地利用好提问的艺术,促进学生思维品质的发展㊂五㊁结语借助C i t e S p a c e软件对1993 2022年间的967篇期刊文献进行可视化分析,通过对知识图谱的分析,得出以下结论:第一,从发文数量和质量方面看,国内英语课堂提问的研究已经取得不少成果,但核心及以上期刊发文量较少,表明优秀作品产出不多,该领域还有较大的发展空间;第二,从作者㊁机构的合作方面看,对该领域有过研究的作者和机构都不少,但彼此之间联系较少,没有形成牢固的合作关系,缺少核心作者群体,没有带头的研究机构;第三,该领域的研究热点聚焦于有效提问㊁提问策略和教师提问等方面,研究趋势则紧跟政策性文件的指导,体现在师生互动和思维品质方面㊂参考文献:[1]N O R R I S M.S a n d e r s,C l a s s r o o m Q u e s t i o n s:W h a t K i n d s?N e w Y o r k[M].N e w Y o r k:H a r p e r a n d R o w,1966:1.[2]刘显国.课堂提问艺术[M].北京:中国林业出版社,2000:1.[3]陈悦,刘则渊.悄然兴起的科学知识图谱[J].科学学研究,2005,23(2):149-154.[4]傅道春.教师技术行为[M].哈尔滨:黑龙江教育出版社,1993:186.[5] O L U O C H,S.E x p l o r i n g t h e C o n t e x t D e p e n d e n t F a c t o r s T h a tS h a p e T e a c h e r s'P r a c t i c e o f Q u a l i t y C l a s s r o o m Q u e s t i o n i n g:AC a s e o f a S e c o n d a r y S c h o o l S e t t i n g[J].J o u r n a l o f C o n t e m p o r a-r y T r e n d s a n d I s s u e s i n E d u c a t i o n,2022,2(1):72-99. [6]李杰,陈超美.C i t e S p a c e科技文本挖掘及可视化[M].北京:首都经济贸易大学出版社,2017:6.[7]陈悦,陈超美,胡志刚,等.引文空间分析原理与应用:C i t e s p a c e实用指南[M].北京:科学出版社,2014:76.[8]铁玉.浅议英语课堂提问的原则和尺度[J].沈阳师范学院学报(社会科学版),1994(3):99-100+115.[9]马艳芳.英语课更要搞好课堂提问[J].中等林业教育,1997(3):59.[10]刘丽珠.大学英语精读课教学中提问方式初探[J].广州师院学报(社会科学版),1998(5):89-92.[11]何新敏.英语课堂提问的类型和设计原则[J].中南民族学院学报(哲学社会科学版),1999(2):114-115. [12]张耀华.课堂提问方式在英语教学中的重要作用[J].陕西师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版),2002(S1):317-320. [13]王咏梅,彭金定.英语课堂教师提问方式对学生交际能力的影响[J].大学教育科学,2006(2):60-62.[14]艾蓉.大学英语阅读课的教师提问方式分析[J].高等函授学报(哲学社会科学版),2008(9):59-63.[15]教育部.普通高中英语课程标准(2017年版2020年修订版)[M].北京:人民教育出版社,2020.[16]王式街.英语课堂中基于提问的思维品质培养[J].基础外语教育,2015,17(4):89-93.[17]李晶.从英语课堂教师提问入手培养学生思维品质[J].中国教育学刊,2019(S1):110-112.[18]罗媛,朱神海.基于思维品质发展的高中英语阅读提问策略[J].教育观察,2021,10(43):89-92.[19]郝良悦.优化课堂提问,培养小学生英语思维品质[J].教育观察,2019,8(37):121-122.[20]邓俊丹,倪昆.独立学院英语课堂提问策略对师生互动的影响 以翻译课堂为例[J].产业与科技论坛,2019,18(21): 201-202.[21]教育部关于全面深化课程改革落实立德树人根本任务的意见[E B/O L].(2014-04-08)[2022-05-18].h t t p://w w w.m o e.g o v.c n/s r c s i t e/A26/j c j_k c j c g h/201404/t20140408_167226.h t m l.[22]邓胜兴,姚凤娟,王琳发.教师课堂提问的技巧与策略[M].重庆:西南师范大学出版社,2016:10.责任编辑:吴旻A B i b l i o m e t r i c A n a l y s i s o f S t u d i e s o n C h i n a's E n g l i s h C l a s s r o o mQ u e s t i o n i n g:A S u r v e y f r o m1993t o2022HU A N G F e n,Z HU X i a o d o n g(S c h o o l o f F o r e i g n L a n g u a g e s,G a n n a n N o r m a l U n i v e r s i t y,G a n z h o u341000,C h i n a)A b s t r a c t:T a k i n g b i b l i o m e t r i c a n a l y s i s a s t h e m e t h o d,t h i s p a p e r u s e s C i t e S p a c e t o v i s u a l l y a n a l y z e t h e p u b l i c a t i o n,a u-t h o r s,i n s t i t u t i o n s a n d k e y w o r d s.T h e r e s u l t s a r e:E n g l i s h c l a s s r o o m q u e s t i o n i n g r e s e a r c h i n C h i n a h a s m a d e s o m e p r o g r e s s b u t p a p e r s p u b l i s h e d i n c o r e j o u r n a l s a r e n o t s o m a n y;c o o p e r a t i o n a m o n g a u t h o r s a n d i n s t i t u t i o n s i s l i m i t e d a n d t h e r e a r e n o l e a d i n g r e s e a r c h i n s t i t u t i o n s o r c o r e a u t h o r g r o u p;t h e r e s e a r c h h o t s p o t s f o c u s o n e f f e c t i v e q u e s t i o n i n g,q u e s t i o n i n g s t r a t e g i e s, t e a c h e r q u e s t i o n i n g a n d s o o n;t h e r e s e a r c h t r e n d s e m b o d y i n t h i n k i n g q u a l i t y a n d i n t e r a c t i o n b e t w e e n t e a c h e r s a n d s t u d e n t s.B a s e d o n t h e f i n d i n g s a b o v e,s o m e s u g g e s t i o n s a r e p u t f o r w a r d t o h a v e a d a t a s u p p l y o n E n g l i s h c l a s s r o o m q u e s t i o n i n g r e s e a r c h a n d t o g i v e s o m e e f f e c t i v e w a y s t o s o l v e t h e p r o b l e m s.K e y w o r d s:e n g l i s h c l a s s;c l a s s r o o m q u e s t i o n i n g;b i b l i o m e t r i c a n a l y s i s601赣南师范大学学报2023年Copyright©博看网. All Rights Reserved.。



英语课堂思政融入文献参考范文In the realm of education, the integration of ideological and political elements into English language teaching has become a significant approach in fostering not only linguistic proficiency but also comprehensive development of students' values and critical thinking skills. This method aligns with the broader educational goal of holistic development, where language acquisition goes hand in hand with the cultivation of social and moral awareness.The essence of integrating ideological and political education in English classes lies in the seamless incorporation of relevant themes and discussions that resonate with the students' experiences and the societal context they live in. For instance, when exploring literary works, teachers can guide students to reflect on the moral dilemmas presented, encouraging them to articulate their thoughts in English. This practice not only enhances their language skills but also deepens their understanding of complex human experiences and ethical considerations.Moreover, the use of authentic materials such as news articles, speeches, and documentaries in English provides fertile ground for discussions on current global issues. These materials serve as a springboard for debates and discussions, prompting students to express their viewpoints in English while engaging with topics of political and ideological significance. Through this process, students not only improve their language abilities but also develop a global perspective and a sense of social responsibility.The role of the teacher is pivotal in this approach. Educators must be adept at identifying materials and crafting lessons that are linguistically appropriate and ideologically meaningful. They need to create a classroom environment that encourages open dialogue and critical thinking, allowing students to explore and challenge various perspectives. This requires a delicate balance between guiding the discussion and allowing students the freedom to form and express their own opinions.Assessment methods should also reflect the dual objectives of language mastery and ideological engagement. Rather than relying solely on traditional language tests,evaluation can include oral presentations, written reflections, and group projects that demonstrate students' ability to apply their language skills in analyzing and discussing ideological content.In conclusion, the integration of ideological and political education into English language teaching represents a holistic approach to learning. It not only equips students with the necessary language skills but also prepares them to be thoughtful, informed, and responsible members of society. By fostering a learning environment that values both linguistic and ideological development, educators can contribute to the formation of well-rounded individuals capable of navigating the complexities of the modern world with linguistic dexterity and intellectual depth. 。





2.解亚梅,2006, EFL词块法及其对写作成绩的影响。




4.解亚梅,2006, EFL词块法及其对写作成绩的影响。









《英语教学法》参考文献Some Reference books:1. Cook, Vivian. (1991, 1996). Second Language Learning and Language Teaching. 北京:外语教学与研究出版社, 2000.2. Brown, H. D. (1994a).Principles of Language Learning and Teaching. New York:Prentice Hall.3. Brown, H. D. (1994b). Teaching by Principles, an Interactive Approach to LanguagePedagogy. New York: Prentice Hall.4. Harmer, J. (1983). The Practice of English Language Teaching. Longman.5. Harmer, J. How to Teach English.北京:外语教学与研究出版社, 2000.6. Howatt, A. P. R. A History of English Language Teaching.上海:上海外语教育出版社, 1999.7. Johnson, K. An Introduction to Foreign Language Learning and Teaching. 北京:外语教学与研究出版社, 2002.8. Lewis, M. (1999). How to Study Foreign Languages. New York: Palgrave.9. Littlewood, W. (1981). Communicative Language Teaching. London: CambridgeUniversity Press.10. Nunan, D. (1989). Designing Tasks for the Communicative Classroom. CambridgeUniversity Press11. Nunan, D. (1991). Language Teaching Methodology—A Textbook for Teacher. NewYork: Prentice Hall.12. Richards, J. & Rodgers, T. (See Textbook, P199)13. Ur, P. (See Textbook, P199)14. Widdowson, H. G. Aspects of Language Teaching.上海:上海外语教育出版社,1999.15. Widdowson, H. G. Teaching Language as Communication. 上海:上海外语教育出版社, 1999.16. 杭宝桐.《中学英语教学法》. 上海: 华东师范大学出版社, 1988.17. 何广铿.《英语教学法基础》. 广东: 暨南大学出版社, 1996.18. 胡春洞,王才仁. 《学科现代教育理论书系·外语》. 广西: 广西教育出版社, 1996.19. 胡春洞. 《英语教学法》. 北京: 高等教育出版社,1990.20. 刘润清.《外语教学中的科研方法》. 北京: 外语教学与研究出版社, 1999.21. 刘润清.《论大学英语教学》. 北京:外语教学与研究出版社, 1999.22. 束定芳、庄智象. 《现代外语教学—理论、实践与方法》. 上海:上海外语教育出版社, 1996.23. 应云天.《外语教学法》(新本). 北京: 高等教育出版社.24. 张连仲.《基础教育现代化教学基本功---中学英语卷》. 北京: 首都师范大学出版社.25. 张正东.《外语教学法研究系列》. 北京: 科学出版社, 1999.Some English Journals:1. Modern English Teaching (practical ideas by non-native English teachers)2. Applied Linguistics(theoretical issues for second language acquisition)3. ELT Journal4. Language Teaching (abstract journal, abstracts from other magazines—source journal)5. ELT in China国内主要杂志、刊物:《外国语》《外语界》《外语教学与研究》《外语与外语教学》《国外外语教学》《中小学外语教学》《中小学英语教学与研究》《山东外语教学》《高师英语教学与研究》《课程·教材·教法》《高等师范教育研究》各大高等院校学报网站:……..。



英语教师课堂提问的理论和实证研究文献综述A Review of Theoretical and Empiracle Studies onTeacher Questioning in EFL Classroom张玉梅(女,1978。

11.7, 讲师,吉林华桥外国语学院吉林长春130017) 摘要:课堂提问是“有效教学的核心”,课堂提问的质量直接影响学生语言习得的效果.自1992年以来,国内外相关研究已经硕果累累。


关键词:课堂提问理论与实证研究成果Abstract:Teacher questioning is “the core of effective teaching”. Its quality has a direct influence on students’ language acquisition. Since 1992,the study on it, empiracle and theoreticl, has been fruitful。

Based on the related articles,the present author aims to sum up the achievement and pave the way for further study。

Key words:teacher questioning;empiracle and theoretical studies; achievement有关课堂提问的最早研究可追溯到20世纪初。




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Acta Biomaterialia 7 (2011) 1166–1172Green processing of porous chitin structures for biomedical applications combining ionic liquids and supercritical fluid technologySimone S. Silva a ,b ,⇑, Ana Rita C. Duarte a ,b , Ana Paula Carvalho c , João F. Mano a ,b , Rui L. Reis a ,ba3B´s Research Group – Biomaterials, Biodegradables and Biomimetics, Department of Polymer Engineering, University of Minho,Headquarters of the European Institute of Excellence on Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine, AvePark, Zona Industrial da Gandra, Caldas dasTaipas, 4806-909 Guimarães, Portugal b IBB – Institute for Biotechnology and Bioengineering, PT Associated Laboratory, Portugal c University of Lisbon, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Faculty of Science, Campo Grande, Ed. C8, 1749-016, Lisboa, Portugala r t i c l e i n f oArticle history:Received 10 May 2010Received in revised form 17 September 2010Accepted 30 September 2010 Available online 8 October 2010Keywords:Biomaterials Chitin Ionic liquidsSupercritical drying Biomedical applicationsa b s t r a c tThe application of green chemistry principles in the processing of materials for advanced technologies is a steadily increasing field of research. In this work porous chitin-based materials were developed by combining the processing of chitin using ionic liquids (ILs) as a green solvent together with the use of supercritical fluid technology (SCF) as clean technology. Chitin was dissolved in 1-butyl-3-imidazolium acetate, followed by regeneration of the polymer in ethanol in specific moulds. The IL was removed using Soxhlet extraction and successive steps of extraction with SCF using carbon dioxide/ethanol ratios of 50/ 50 and 70/30. The developed porous chitin-based structures (ChIL) can be classified as mesoporous materials, with very low density and high porosity. The cytotoxicity of ChIL extracts was investigated using L929 fibroblast-like cells, and the results demonstrated that the produced materials have extremely low cytotoxicity levels. Therefore, the findings suggest that the porous chitin structures may be potential candidates for a number of biomedical applications, including tissue engineering.2010 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.1. IntroductionIn recent years, natural renewable resources have been successfully used to produce biomaterials that are biodegradable under certain temperature and humidity conditions. Unfortunately, most biodegradable materials are synthesized by chemical processes using volatile organic solvents, and their emissions and disposal are a large source of pollution worldwide. Alternative solvents such as ionic liquids (ILs), a lso known as ‘‘green solvents’’, have emerged as a class of solvents that can be used as components of polymeric matrices, templates for porous polymers and solvents for a wide variety of organic and inorganic compounds [1,2]. By definition, ILs are organic salts that are liquids at room temperature and exhibit unique physicochemical properties, namely no measurable vapor pressure, excellent chemical and thermal stabilities, high ionic conductivity and easy recyclability [3]. Based on instead of conventional organic solvents can minimize a number of environmental and safety problems [4]. Recently, ILs have also provided anew processing platform for the dissolution of some natural macromolecules (e.g. cellulose, chitin, starch and lignin) that are otherwise difficult to dissolve due to their inter- and intramolecular hydrogen bonds [1]. In the IL platform,macromolecules can be dissolved, regenerated,derived and functionalized, increasing their potential for exploitation. The pioneering work on ILs as solvents for polysaccharides was reported by Swatloski et al. [5] in 2002. They found that ILs can be used as non-derivatizing solvents for native cellulose. The success of dissolving cellulose in ILs [6,7] has initiated a series of studies on the dissolution of other biopolymers and/or the development of new ILs.Polysaccharides such as chitin and chitosan present a wide diversity of structures and properties that allow several possible chemical and mechanical modifications in order to create novel materials with specific functionalities and properties [8–11]. Despite its widespread availability, the use of chitin has been limited⇑Corresponding author at: 3B´ s Research Group – Biomaterials, Biodegradables and Biomimetics, Department of Polymer Engineering, University of Minho, Headquarters of the European Institute of Excellence on Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine, AvePark, Zona Industrial da Gandra, Caldas das Taipas, 4806-909 Guimarães, Portugal. Tel.: +351 253510900; fax: +351 253510909.due its intractability and insolubility in water and common organic solvents [8–11]. Nevertheless, the dissolution of chitin in ILs allows its processing into high added-value materials, e.g. porous structures. This has significantly broadened the number of tailored derivatives from this polysaccharide, and consequently enhances its potential use in a number of applications, including in the bioThis work intends to apply the green chemistryprinciples [12] to the development of porous chitin-based materials through the combination of green solvents, such as ILs, used in the dissolution of chitin together with the use of a clean and environmentally friendly technology, namely supercritical fluid technology (SCF). The unique solvent tunability of supercritical fluids, from gas-like to liquid-like properties, offers the possibility of precise control over the processing conditions, which can be adapted in many ways for the extraction of ILs. With this in mind, chitin was dissolved in 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium acetate ([bmim][Ac]), followed by regeneration of the polymer in ethanol in specific moulds. The [bmim][Ac] was removed using Soxhlet extraction and successive steps of extraction with carbon dioxide/ethanol (CO 2/EtOH) ratios under near-criticalE-mail address: simonesilva@dep.uminho.pt (S.S. Silva).medical field.1742-7061/$ - see front matter 2010 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.actbio.2010.09.041S.S. Silva et al. / Acta Biomaterialia 7 (2011) 1166–1172 1167conditions. Later on, the samples were dried with CO2 under supercritical fluid conditions, and porous chitin structures were produced. The characterization of the porous chitin structures was performed using different techniques. To investigate the possible cytotoxic effect of the developed materials, both chitin extracts and [bmim][Ac] solutions were placed in contact with fibroblast-like cells (L929) and a cellular viability assay (MTS) was performed.2.Materials and methods2.1.MaterialsChitin from crab shells (practical grade; Sigma Aldrich, CAS 1398–61-4) was ground through a Wiley Mill (model 4, Thomas) and stored in plastic bottles. Ground chitin (106 l m) was used throughout all experiments to obtain reproducible results. Bulk density of chitin was determined following procedures described by Anderson et al. [13]. The IL [bmim][Ac] was from Sigma Aldrich and used as received. Carbon dioxide (99.998 mol %) was supplied by Air Liquide. All other chemicals were reagent grade and used as received.2.2.Chitin solution preparation and shapingChitin was dissolved in [bmim][Ac] at 90–95 C for 5 h under stirring.Chitin-IL (ChIL) solutions were prepared at concentrations of 1–3% (w/v).After solubilization, chitin/IL solutions were transferred to specific moulds(3 ml for each mould) and the system was left to age at 4 C for 1 h, then themoulds were immersed in ethanol for 24 h at room temperature to obtain chitin gels. The chitin gel formation was also tested by dissolving chitin in dimethylacetamide/lithium chloride (DMAc/LiCl) in the same concentrations and under the same conditions as used previously with the ILs.2.3.IL extractionThe [bmim][Ac] was removed from the gels through Soxhlet extraction with ethanol for 2 days and successive steps of supercritical drying (CO2).Typically, a Soxhlet extraction is carried out when the compound to be extracted has a limited solubility in a solvent and the solute is insoluble in that solvent. The extraction cycle may be repeated many times, over hours or days. For IL removal, 2 days were necessary. During each cycle, a portion of the IL was dissolved in ethanol and after several cycles the polymeric material was purified. The advantage of this system was the fact that just one batch of solvent (ethanol) was used, which was recycled during the process to avoid using a large quantity. The SCF process removes the [bmim][Ac] residues (step 1) and also promotes their drying (step 2). During step 1 (3 h), aliquots of ethanol were collected for analysis of conductivity. The conductivities of the aliquots of ethanol were measured using a conductivimeter (INOLAB, Multi level 3) with a Sonda WTW TetraCon 325.Extraction of the ionic liquid was performed in a high-pressure facility, schematically represented in Fig. 1. Briefly, the samples are loaded into the high-pressure vessel, which is heated by means of an electric thin band heater (OGDEN) connected to a temperature controller. The temperature was maintained within ±1 C. The desired mixture of carbon dioxide + ethanol was pumped into the vessel using a high-pressure piston pump (P-200A Thar Technologies) for the carbon dioxide and a liquid pump (P-50 Thar Technologies) for the ethanol. The two solvents were mixed in a static mixer (SM) and heated to the operating temperature before entering the reactor (HE). The pressure inside the vessel was measured with a pressure transducer (P). The carbon dioxide + ethanol flow was regulated by a flow meter (FM; Siemens, SITRANS FC MASS FLO MASS2100) and the outflow was regulated using a metering valve. To optimize the ionic liquid extraction, two carbon dioxide/ethanol (CO2/EtOH) ratios were used, namely 70/30 and 50/50 CO2/EtOH, at near-critical conditions. 2.4.Sample dryingSupercritical fluid drying was performed with the same apparatus and following the same procedure. However, a stream of pure carbon dioxide was flushed into the system at a constant flow rate (5 g min1). The critical drying step typically took 1 h. Both processes (IL extraction and drying) were performed with a pressure of 100 bar and a temperature of 70 C. The porous chitin structures produced were identified as ChIL70 and ChIL50, corresponding to 70/30 and 50/50 CO2/EtOH ratios used in the SCF. The porosity of the obtained materials was estimated by the following equation [14]:P ¼ ð1d p=d bÞ100 ð1ÞWhere d p is the density of the porous material and d b is the density of the bulk material. The density of the porous samples was calculated by measuring their mass and their dimensions.2.5.Characterization2.5.1.Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopyThe infrared spectra of the chitin structures were obtained with a Shimadzu-IR Prestige 21 spectrometer in the spectral region of 4000–650 cm1 with a resolution of 2 cm1 for 32 scans. The samples were powered, mixed with KBr and processed into pellets.2.5.2.Scanning electron microscopy (SEM)The morphology of the samples coated with gold was obtained at 10 kV on a NanoSEM-FEI Nova 200 equipped with an energydispersive spectrometer for silicon microanalysis.Fig. 1. Schematic representation of the high-pressure apparatus (SM, static mixer; HE, heat exchanger; FM, flow meter; TIC, temperature controller; P, pressure transducer).2.5.3.Determination of superficial areaN2 adsorption isotherms of the chitin samples at 196 C were measured in an automatic apparatus Micromeritics ASAP 2010. Before the isotherms acquisition, the samples (250 mg) were degassed for 4 h at 150 C under a vacuum of better than 102 Pa. The values of the specific surface areas, S BET, were assessed applying the BET equation (in the range 0.05 <p/p0 < 0.35) [15]. The mesopore size distribution was made according the Broekhoff–de Boer method, in a version simplified with the Frenkel–Halsey–Hill equation [16].2.5.4.X-ray diffraction (XRD)XRD patterns of the chitin samples were collected on a Bruker AXS D8 Discover diffractometer (40 kV, 40 mA) in a h/2h scan regime, using Ni-filtered Cu K a1,2 radiation, step 0.04, time per step 1 s and 2h range 4–40.Crystalline values were calculated using WinPLOTR software.2.5.5.Mechanical propertiesCompressive mechanical properties of the developed chitin structures were measured using an INSTRON 5540 load frame (Instron Int. Ltd., High Wycombe, UK). The compressive modulus is defined as the initiallinear1168 S.S. Silva et al. / Acta Biomaterialia 7 (2011) 1166–1172modulus on the stress–strain curves. The data presented were the result of the average of at least five measurements.2.5.6.Cytotoxicity studiesPrior to cell culture studies, all porous chitin structures (ChIL) were sterilized under an ethylene oxide atmosphere. In order to assess the eventual cytotoxicity of the developed ChIL structures, extracts of the materials and [bmim][Ac] solutions were prepared and placed in contact with the mouse fibroblast-like cell line L929, and tested using an MTS (3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)5-(3-carboxymethoxyphenyl)-2-(4-sulfophenyl)-2H-tetrazolium) assay in accordance with the protocols described in ISO/EN 10,993 [17]. Cells were cultured in basic medium: Dulbecco’s modified Eagle’s medium (DMEM; Sigma–Aldrich, USA) with phenol red supplemented with 10% foetal bovine serum (FBS, Gibco, UK) and 1% antibiotic/antimycotic (A/B, Gibco, UK) solution. L929 cells were incubated at 37 C in an atmosphere containing 5% of CO2 until 90% confluence was achieved. Then a cell suspension was prepared with a concentration of 4 103 cells ml1, which was seeded onto 96-well plates. L929 cells were incubated for 24 h. ChIL extracts were prepared as described previously [18]. The IL [bmim][Ac], previously diluted at predetermined concentrations (1.68 102, 8.39 103, 2.10 103, 1.69 103 nd 4.23 103 g ml1) in culture medium, was added to the wells. The relative viability (%) of the L929 cells was determined for each ChIL extract and compared to latex extracts, used as a positive control of cell death. After 24 h, both ChIL extracts and IL solutions were removed, and the cells were washed in a phosphate-buffered saline solution (Sigma–Aldrich, USA). An MTS test was then performed to assess the viability of the L929 cells in contact with extracts. For this assay, an MTS solution was prepared using a 1:5 ratio of MTS reagent and culture medium containing DMEM without phenol red, 10% FBS and 1% A/B solution, followed by an incubation period (3 h) at 37 C. Finally, the optical density was read at 490 nm on a multiwell microplate reader (Synergy HT, Bio-Tek Instruments). All cytotoxicity screening tests were performed using six replicates.3.Results and discussionThe applications of ILs in polymer science, e.g. as solvents for macromolecules, have many advantages since they allow dissolution, without derivatization, at high concentrations (>10 wt.%). This dissolution occurs due to the ILs’ ability to disrupt the hydrog en bonds of the polymers. The polymer can be easily regenerated from IL solutions by the addition of water, ethanol or acetone [1,2]. In our experiments, an imidazolium-based IL, [bmim][Ac], was chosen as the solvent for chitin. The class of imizadolium cation-based ILs has proven to be highly attractive and versatile [3]. However, information on the physicochemical properties of [bmim][Ac] is scarce. In our experiments, chitin/IL solutions were prepared from the dissolution of chitin powder in [bmim][Ac] at concentrations from 1 to 3% w/v. It was observed that the viscosity of the chitin/ IL solutions as well as dissolution time increased with increasing polymer concentration, and that 3% w/v is the highest chitin concentration that can be used for processing chitin-based materials. The chitin/IL solutions were transferred to specific moulds, where low-temperature (4 C) aging and the immersion of the moulds in ethanol promoted the gelification of the system, and consequently the formation of chitin gels, with very good consistency. Compared to gels obtained from chitin/IL, the dissolution test with DMAc/LiCl required a longer dissolution time, and the resulting solutions did not allowed the formation of similar chitin/IL gels. The obtained chitin/IL solution can be moulded into a range of shapes and sizes for various applications (e.g. membranes, cylinders packed monolithic columns). Generally, porous natural materials with nano- and macrosize pores have been produced by means of freeze-drying [19], supercritical CO2 [20–23] and melt-based processing methodologies [24], among others [25,26]. However, the success of these methods depends on the characteristics of the polymeric system (composition, miscibility, solubility), among other parameters. Despite the use of ionic liquids in the dissolution of biopolymers such as chitin [27–29], the use of chitin/IL in the production of porous matrices is still not widely studied in the literature. In our systems, processing of porous chitin-based materials was based on IL removal from the IL/chitin gels. Initially, the chitin gels were immersed in pure ethanol and a large amount of [bmim][Ac] was extracted, which was detected by a strong yellow colour in the liquid medium. Afterwards, the gels were submitted to Soxhlet extraction and successive steps of supercritical extraction. In the SCF process, the combination of CO2 and ethanol (EtOH) in different ratios was used in order to optimize the [bmim][Ac] removal from the gels. The solubility of [C4mim][Ac] has been reported to be very low [30,31]. Nonetheless, the presence of a co-solvent can enhance the IL solubility in the supercritical phase. As ethanol is both a good solvent for the ionic liquid and has a good solubility in carbon dioxide, it was considered to be the ideal co-solvent for the removal of [bmim][Ac] from the constructs. In a subsequent step, the samples free of IL and dissolved in ethanol were dried under supercritical CO2. The chitin structures produced were completely opaque and shining white.The excellent ionic conductivity of ILs up their decomposition temperature [3] enabled the evaluation of the efficiency of IL removal through conductivity measurements. Fig. 2A demonstrates the progressive decrease in conductivity after the different steps of extraction process, indicating the efficiency of the IL removal. The findings also suggest that the association of the Soxhlet extraction with successive supercritical extractions with CO2 + ethanol resulted in increased efficiency of IL removal from the chitin-based materials. Moreover, no significant differences between the IL removal from the ChIL50 and ChIL70 samples were found.It has also been found that, after IL removal by Soxhlet extraction, the drying procedure is a very important step in the construction of the porous chitin materials. The effect of the drying process on the chitin gels was evaluated. After Soxhlet extraction, different drying steps were analysed, i.e. freeze-drying, vacuum and supercritical drying. As can be seen in Fig. 2B, the obtained materials showed different morphologies that varied from a nonporous and rough surface to a well-defined porous structure. The drying withS.S. Silva et al. / Acta Biomaterialia 7 (2011) 1166–1172 1169extraction + SCF (step 2) and (e) Soxhlet extraction + SCF (step 1 + step 2).SCF (step1/2) seems to be superior to all the aforementioned methods in the production of porous chitin structures. The features of the produced structures can be associated to the presence of IL residues in the porous biomass, which affected the final morphology of material. Furthermore, due to the nature of chitin, the obtained structures are not as fragile as they appear. The open character of the structure was assured as the samples were processed continuously. Upon supercritical fluid extraction, the amount of IL remaining is very little and should therefore not affect the phase behaviour of the mixture greatly. However, at 100 bar and 70 C the system is only in the supercritical state for the 50:50 (CO2: EtOH) mixture; the 70:30 mixture in this case is in a near-critical state, and no significant changes were observed due to this. There are few reports on CO2:EtOH:IL mixtures, and the authors are aware that the introduction of one component to a mixture can sometimes change the phase equilibrium diagram of a particular system dramatically. The phase behaviour of the binary systems CO2 + [bmin][Ac] and CO2 + EtOH were taken into consideration. Shifett and co-workers [30] report liquid–liquid separations with high carbon dioxide concentrations for binary solutions of CO2 + [bmin][Ac]; however, the low concentration of IL in the system during the supercritical extraction process and the high concentrations of ethanol may prevent this liquid–liquid separation, and we could in fact extract the ionic liquid from the matrix under the conditions of this study, as confirmed by the conductivity measurements carried out. 3.1.Structural studiesFig. 3 shows the FTIR spectra of the [bmim][Ac], native chitin and porous chitin structures. In the spectrum of the native chitin (Fig. 3b), the peaks that appear in the amide region at 1660, 1628 and 1557 cm1 are assigned to the stretching of C@O groups bonded to N–H groups of the adjacent chain, the stretching of the C@O groups bifurcated by forming an additional hydrogen bond to the primary OH groups of the same chain, and NH deformations, respectively [32]. Comparing the spectra (Fig. 3a, c and d), we note that the absorption bands characteristic for [bmim][Ac] (Fig. 3a) could not be observed in the porous chitin structures’ spectra, suggesting that [bmim][Ac] could be almost totally removed by Soxhlet extraction and SCF. Furthermore, the FTIR spectra of the native chitin and porous chitin structures (Fig. 3b–d) are similar, indicating that the original chemical structure of the polymer was preserved.Fig. 2. (A) Conductivity measurements on aliquots of ethanol obtained after different steps of IL removal from ChIL gels. (B) Optical micrographs and SEM micrographs of the obtained chitin-based structures after different drying process: (a) as prepared, (b) Soxhlet extraction + vacuum, (c) Soxhlet extraction + freeze-drying, (d) Soxhlet1170 S.S. Silva et al. / Acta Biomaterialia 7 (2011) 1166–1172Fig. 3. FTIR spectra of [bmim][Ac] (a), chitin (b), ChIL50 (c) and ChIL70 (d).3.2.MorphologyThe morphology of both porous chitin structures (ChIL50 and ChIL70) was studied by SEM. Both samples displayed a heterogeneous porous formation (see Fig. 4), with pores around 1 l m being observed. Comparing both samples (Fig. 4A and B), the ChIL50 has a nanofiber meshwork. The morphological features of the porous chitin structures may arise from the sensitivity of these samples to carbon dioxide during the extraction step. In fact, the combination of CO2 and ethanol in the 70/30 and 50/50 ratios used to optimize the [bmim][Ac] removal from the gels affected the material porosity (see Table 1), leading to a lower density of the chitin structures. Tsioptsias and co-workers [33] studied the influence of operating conditions on the porosity of the prepared nanostructured materials. In their work, the operating pressure during the supercritical drying showed a linear relation to the porosity of the matrices. However, in their work the ionic liquid was not extracted by means of supercritical carbon dioxide.The nitrogen (N2) adsorption results are illustrated in Fig. 5(A and B) and summarized in Table 1. The N2 adsorption–desorption isotherms of the chitin samples displayed in Fig. 5A are of type II of the IUPAC classification [15], indicating the essentially mesoporous nature of the materials (pore sizes between 2 and 50 nm). These findings are further supported by the mesopore size distribution (Fig. 5B), which I wide in both samples.The properties of the produced porous chitin matrices, e.g. high porosity, low density and the presence of small pores, can also be compared with the typical properties of aerogels. Tsioptsias et al. [34] described the supercritical point drying of gels as a common technique for aerogels, and also reported that the formation and properties of chitin aerogels depended on the preparation conditions and drying parameters [33,34]. However, in their studies, chitin was dissolved in dimethylacetamide/lithium chloride.3.3.XRD crystallinityThe crystalline structure of chitin has been reported in previous works [32]. Its structure contains extended polymer chains, indicating an antiparallel arrangement of the chitin chain with strong intermolecular hydrogen bonding. XRD analysis was carried out upon the analysis of the effect regeneration of polymer. Fig. 6 shows the XRD patterns of chitin and regenerated materials after successive steps of the supercritical process. The XRD pattern of chitin has typical diffraction peaks at 2h = 9.3, 19.3, 23.2 andFig. 4. SEM micrographs of the surface and cross-sections of porous chitin structures (ChIL), respectively: ChIL70 (A1, A2) and ChIL50 (B1, B2).26.3, which are in accordance with previous findings [32,35]. The broad signal centred at 2h = 9.3can be attributed to glucosamine sequences, while the signal 2h = 19.3occurs due to N-acetyl D-glucosamine monomers. Comparing the original chitin with the regenerated samples (Fig. 6A and B),it can be seen that the intensities of the referred peaks are reduced significantly, suggesting a decrease in crystallinity after IL removal. The crystallinity of the samples was calculated to be 31, 17 and 18% for untreated chitin, ChIL70 and ChIL50, respectively. These values are in agreement with the previous observations of their XRD profiles. A possible explanation for these findings might be the possible breakdown of the inter- and intramolecular hydrogen bonds by [bmim][Ac] destroying the original crystalline zones of chitin, as reported in similar studies for cellulose [36].3.4.Mechanical propertiesThe mechanical properties of the samples prepared were evaluated andcompression tests were performed on ChIL70 and ChIL50 at a constant load.S.S. Silva et al. / Acta Biomaterialia 7 (2011) 1166–1172 1171 Fig. 7 shows a representative curve for the deformation behaviour of theporous chitin materials. TheTable 1Microstructural characteristics of porous chitin structures.Sample S BET (m2 g1)Bulk density(g l1)Pore volume(cm3 g1)Meanporosity (%)ChIL701080.0390.2290.2ChIL501450.0630.3084.1Fig. 5. (A) N2 adsorption–desorption isotherms of ChIL70 and ChIL50; (B) porous sizedistribution of ChIL50 and ChIL70. Closed symbols are desorption points.mechanical response was evaluated in five replicates and the results arereproducible.The mechanical response was similar for both materials. In the initialstage, the curves present a linear slope, which is indicative of the elasticbehaviour of the samples for small strain values. The Young’s modulus wascalculated to be 3580 and 3620 kPa for ChIL50 and ChIL70, respectively.Beyond elastic limit permanent deformation occurs. The point when thestructure starts to collapse and the structure is irreversibly damagedcorresponds to the yield strain of the material. For the chitin structuresprepared, the yield strain is around 15%. After this period, the stressincreases slowly until the pore structure becomes compact and there is anincrease in the mechanical stress of the material.3.5.Cytotoxicity assaysAlthough ILs are usually considered as green solvents, toxicity studieshave shown that many commonly used ILs exhibit a certain level of toxicity[37]. Taking this into account, and also the possible use of these materials inbiomedical applications, a cytotoxicity assessment of both ChIL extracts and[bmim][Ac] solutions (prepared with different concentrations) was carriedout as a preliminary approach to assessing their toxicity potential. Thefindings (dataFig. 6. XRD patterns of ChIL50 (A) and ChIL70 (B): native (a) and regenerated chitin after SCF 1h (b), SCF 2 h (c) and SCF 3 h (d).Fig. 7. Compressive stress–strain curves for ChIL70 and ChIL50 porous structures.not shown) indicate that L929 cells have good cell viability in the IL solutionswith low concentration (1.69 and 4.23 103 g ml1). Moreover, the ChIL extractedpresented good cell viability (about 120%) when compared to tissue culture。
