15th Triennial World Congress, Barcelona, Spain NONLINEAR H-INFINITY CONTROL AN LMI APPROAC




热带农业科技Tropical Agricultural Science &Technology 2024,47(1):6-10牛油果主要病虫害及其防治毛加梅,黄建,付小猛,杨虹霞,郭俊,王自然,岳建强*(云南省农业科学院热带亚热带经济作物研究所,云南保山678000)摘要摘要::概述世界各地牛油果的主要害虫种类(蝇类、蛾类、蚧类、螨类,半翅目和鞘翅目类)、主要病害种类(根腐病、炭疽病、疮痂病等真菌性病害以及细菌性软腐病和溃疡病)和病虫害防治现状。


关键词关键词:鳄梨;害虫;病害;防治中图分类号:S667.9文献标识码:A文章编号:1672-450X (2024)01-0006-05Main Diseases and Insect Pests of Avocado and the ControlMAO Jiamei,HUANG Jian,FU Xiaomeng,YANG Hongxia,GUO Jun WANG Ziran,YUE Jianqiang *Institute of Tropical and Subtropical Cash Crops,YAAS,Banshan 678000,ChinaAbstract:The major pest species (flies,moths,scale,mites,hemiptera and coleoptera ),major disease species (fungal diseas-es such as root rot,anthracnose,scab,and bacterial soft rot and canker )and pest control status on avocados in the world were summarized.In recent years,the planting area of avocado has expanded rapidly in China.This paper puts forward some measurements against avocado diseases and pests from the perspective of scientific and rational orchard selection,strengthening inspection and quarantine,rational seed selection,and selecting appropriate control methods.words Key words::Persea americana ;insects;diseases;control————————————收稿日期:2023-06-25基金项目:云南省重大科技专项计划(202202AE090004);保山市科技计划项目(2018kj03)作者简介:毛加梅(1987-),女,助理研究员,主要从事果树病虫害研究工作。


据本次大会主席—— 国家体育总局登山运动管 理中心副主任、 中国登 山协会副主席王勇峰介绍 , 本 次为期两天 的会议聚集 了以下研究机构和单位 : 中
韩海军 : 副教授 。 收稿 日期 :2 0 1 3 — 0 7 — 1 1

专业委员会 主任牛文忠等国 内专家的报告则为 中 固
会者带来 了国外在 山地 户外 运动旅游 的安全风险 兰 ▲
和疾病防范方面的研究 进展和实际经验 。著名体 育旅游专家 、成都 体院户外教研 室主任柳伯力教
授, 成都军 区疾控 中心研究员 、 成都军区高原 医学
推动国际山地户外安全与健康相关研究 , 增进相关 领域中外交流 ,进一步向公众普及 山地户外安全 防 病知识 ,促进体育产业和旅游产业 的发展等都产生 了较大价值和非常积极的意义 。
峰 研讨 会 和主题 报告 日, 其 他 时间为 专题讨 论会 。 6月 1日上 午 为本次 国际会 议 的高 峰 学术 研讨
进行了认真分析 , 并结合 国际热点、 前沿进展及专家 们 目前 的科学研究成果进行 了深入讨论和广泛交
流 ,同时对 主办 单位 中南 大学肿 瘤研 究所 的未来研
与健康 国际会议在 四川科技馆院士厅 隆重召开。来 自国内外户外运动、 高原医学、 体育教育 、 健康管理、
山地安全等领域的 2 0 0 余名户外相关领域的行政官 员、 行 业协会 管理 者 、 专家学 者 齐聚 一 堂 , 围绕 高原 、 山地开展户外旅行 、 户外运动 、 户外作业等活动的安 全和健康问题展开了广泛而深入的学术交流。为期
两天的国际会议 日 程安排紧凑 , 内容丰富全面, 会议 产出较多 , 令来 自国内外的与会人员均十分满意。 与



1984年世界潜水联合会接 纳中国航海运动协会为该 联合会正式会员。1986年 中国航海运动协会更名为 中国潜水运动协会,同年成
法国是"水肺"之乡,著名的 潜水家、科学家,海洋学者 伊·考斯特在40年代和他的 战友一起革新潜水器材,发 明了轻潜水呼吸器,通常称 之为"水肺"。打开了人类通 向海底世界的道路,使得人 们可以自由自在的在海中遨 游、领略五彩缤纷的海底世
同年,意大利钓鱼协会和比利时、巴西、法国、联邦德国、希腊、摩纳哥、葡萄牙、 瑞士、美国和南斯拉夫等11个国家的代表,在布鲁塞尔召开国际钓鱼运动联合会代表 大会之际,研讨成立一个独立的水下活动国际组织,以有利于领导开展全球的水下活 动
1959年1月9日至11日,在摩纳哥召开了有15个国家代表 参加的会议,除上述11国外,英国、荷兰、西班牙和马 耳他也派代表参加了会议。会上决定成立"世界潜水联 合会CONFEDERATIONMONDIALE DESACTIVITESSUBAQUATIQUES(法文)缩写为CMAS",英文 是WORLDUNDERWATER FEDERATION。以水下研究和水下运 动两大类为主,统管水下活动

截至到2023年底,作为潜水 运动中最具竞技代表性的中 国蹼泳队在国际赛场共取得 516个世界冠军,406个亚 洲冠军,191人次打破世界 记录,无愧为"王者之师"。 为新中国体育的辉煌成就作
中国休闲潜水经历了三个发展时期 1995年3月中国国际潜水俱乐部成立,同年首批会员俱乐部8个,中国休闲潜水进入起步发 展期,初步建立中国潜水协会与世界潜联联合双认证签发的潜水培训体系、潜水会员俱乐 部注册管理体系、推动潜水运动从专业领域向全民健身、大众化和产业化发展,休闲潜领 域涉及运动、竞赛、培训、旅游观光、水下探险、水下科学、救援、娱乐表演、装备制造 、供应商、装备展览等众多行业,



欧洲联盟(欧盟)独立国家联合体(独联体)上海合作组织阿拉伯各国议会联盟阿拉伯国家联盟 (阿盟)西欧联盟拉丁美洲议会阿拉伯马格里布联盟非洲联盟(非盟)欧洲安全与合作组织(欧安组织)美洲国家组织法语国家组织(又称“法语共同体”)里约集团国际移民组织伊比利亚美洲国家首脑会议桑戈委员会亚洲议会和平协会禁止化学武器组织欧洲委员会南亚区域合作联盟 (南盟)波罗的海国家委员会非洲统一组织(非统组织)各国议会联盟(议联)维谢格拉德集团政府间移民委员会巴黎统筹委员会(巴统)的正式名字是“输出管制统筹委员会” 亚太议会论坛海湾合作委员会(海合会)联合国协会世界联合会 (世联会)大赦国际国际刑事警察组织(国际刑警组织)伊斯兰会议组织前政府首脑国际行动理事会英联邦国际刑事法院加勒比国家联盟南美洲国家联盟前身为南美国家共同体(南共体)社会党国际核供应国集团葡萄牙语国家共同体(葡语国家共同体)“中欧倡议国”组织不结盟运动澳新美理事会自由进步党国际古阿姆民主与发展组织巴黎俱乐部 也称“十国集团”77国集团国际劳工组织中国-阿拉伯国家合作论坛地中海联盟美洲议会联盟萨赫勒-撒哈拉国家共同体(简称萨-撒共同体)南方中心金砖四国中美洲议会美洲玻利瓦尔联盟世界贸易组织(世贸组织)亚太经济合作组织(亚太经合组织)石油输出国组织东非政府间发展组织 (伊加特)经济合作与发展组织亚洲开发银行 (亚行)世界银行集团,俗称世界银行阿拉伯石油输出国组织“十五国集团”又称“南南磋商与合作首脑级集团” 非洲开发银行欧洲复兴开发银行(欧洲银行)环印度洋地区合作联盟二十国集团美洲开发银行加勒比开发银行中部非洲国家经济共同体24国集团欧洲中央银行欧洲自由贸易联盟南部非洲发展共同体国际展览局南方共同市场(南共市)比荷卢经济联盟西非经济共同体关税及贸易总协定 (关贸总协定)安第斯共同体 (安共体)太平洋岛国论坛大湖国家经济共同体博鳌亚洲论坛太平洋共同体东部和南部非洲共同市场(东南非共同市场)非洲发展新伙伴计划世界旅游组织东非共同体西非经济货币联盟 (西非经货联盟)加勒比共同体和共同市场国际能源机构拉美经济体系中美洲一体化体系大湄公河次区域经济合作世界能源理事会拉丁美洲一体化协会国际航空运输协会非洲、加勒比和太平洋地区国家集团(非加太集团)黑海经合组织发展中八国集团(伊斯兰发展中八国集团)反洗钱金融行动特别工作组国际货币基金组织南方银行加勒比石油计划国际标准化组织泛美开发银行集团科技、文化世界卫生组织 (世卫组织)第三世界科学院世界民主青年联盟国际足球联合会国际科学理事会世界基督教会联合会亚洲奥林匹克理事会国际档案理事会国际自由工会联合会国际奥林匹克委员会世界文化和自然遗产政府间委员会(世界遗产委员会)国际交流发展计划万国邮政联盟国际军事体育理事会世界汉语教学学会世界盲人联盟国际音乐理事会国际信息处理联合会世界厕所组织(也简称WTO)国际世界语协会(国际世协)国际新闻工作者协会国际新闻学会国际战略研究所国际新闻工作者联合会国际大学协会国际奥比斯组织国际图书馆协会联合会(国际图联)世界穆斯林大会无国界医生组织国际翻译家联盟 (国际译联)世界土著人理事会国际新闻电影协会国际自然及自然资源保护联盟世界佛教徒联谊会世界科技城市联盟国际志愿服务协调委员会国际会计师联合会世界休闲组织国际红十字会与红新月会联合会亚太空间合作组织世界医护人员联盟国际反贪局联合会国际捕鲸委员会世界知识产权组织世界动物卫生组织非洲性别平等集团世界气象组织国际博物馆协会世界移动通信大会和全球移动通信系统协会国际人类学与民族学联合会世界技能组织亚欧会议亚洲相互协作与信任措施会议(亚信会议)东亚峰会国际反贪污大会世界经济论坛世界社会论坛世界经济论坛世界社会论坛世界卫生大会世界妇女大会世界华商大会世界石油大会世界青年大会法非首脑会议日内瓦裁军谈判会议 (裁谈会)东盟外长会议上海合作组织峰会世界粮食首脑会议二十国集团峰会世界大城市首脑会议巴尔干国家首脑会议非洲-欧洲首脑会议联合国小岛屿国家会议联合国千年首脑会议联合国反对种族主义世界大会联合国国际人口与发展大会世界妇女峰会世界城市论坛亚洲政党国际会议东盟地区论坛世界水资源论坛世界月球会议世界知识论坛世界湖泊大会亚太经合组织领导人非正式会议东盟与中国(“10+1”)领导人会议东盟与中日韩(10+3)领导人会议东南欧稳定公约魏玛三角“北美安全与繁荣联盟”首脑会议(北美峰会)政治类组织European Union -- EUCommonwealth of Independent States -- CISShanghai Cooperation Organization -- SCOArab Inter-Parliamentary Union -- AIPULeague of Arab States -- LASWestern European Union -- WEULatin-American ParliamentUnion of the Arab Maghreb;Union du Maghreb Arabe -- UMA African Union -- AUOrganization for Security and Co-operation in Europe -- OSCE Organization of American States -- OASOrganisation Internationale de la Francophoniethe Rio GroupInternational Organization for Migration -- IOMIbero-American SummitZangger Committee -- ZACThe Association of Asian Parliaments for Peace—AAPP Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons -- OPCW Council of Europe -- COESouth Asian Association for Regional Cooperation -- SAARC Council of the Baltic Sea States -- CBSSOrganization of African Unity -- OAUInter-Parliamentary Union -- IPUVisegrad GroupIntergovernmental Committee for Migration -- ICMCo-Ordinating Committee for Export ControlThe Asia-Pacific Parliamentary Forum — APPFGulf Cooperation Council -- GCCWorld Federation of United Nations Association -- WFUNA Amnesty International -- AIInternational Criminal Police Organization -- TERPOL Organization of the Islamic Conference -- OICInter Action Council of Former Heads of Government -- ICFHG The CommonwealthInternational Criminal Court -- ICCAssociation of Caribbean States -- ACSSouth American Community of Nations — CSNSocialist International -- SINuclear Suppliers Group -- NSGCommunity of Portuguese-Speaking Countries -- CPLPCentral European Initiative -- CEINon-Aligned Movement -- NAMANZUS councilLiberal International -- LIGUAM Organization for Democracy and Economic DevelopmentParis Club (Group-10)Group of 77 -- G77International Labor Organization -- ILOChina-Arab Cooperation ForumMediterranean UnionAmerican Parliamentary UnionCommunity of Sahel - Saharan StatesSouth CentreBRICsCentral American ParliamentBolivarian alliance经济类组织World Trade Organization -- WTOAsia-Pacific Economic Cooperation -- APECOrganization of Petroleum Exporting Countries -- OPECIntergovernmental Authority on Development -- IGADOrganization for Economic Cooperation and Development -- OECDAsian Development Bank -- ADBWorld BankOrganization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries -- OAPECGroup 15(Summit Level Group for South-South Consultation and Cooperation)African Development Bank -- ADBEuropean Bank for Reconstruction and Development -- EBRDIndian Ocean Rim Association for Regional Cooperation -- IOR-ARCGroup of TwentyInter-American Development Bank -- IDBCaribbean Development Bank -- CDBEconomic Community of Central African States -- ECCASGroup of Twenty Four -- G2European Central Bank -- ECBEuropean Free Trade Association -- EFTASouthern African Development Community -- SADCBureau of International Expositions -- BIESouth American Common Market-- MERCOSURUnion Economique BeneluxEconomic Community of West African States --ECOWASGeneral Agreement on Tariffs and Trade -- GATTAndean CommunityPacific Islands ForumEconomic Community of the Great Lakes CountriesBoao Forum for Asia -- BFAPacific Community -- PCCommon Market for Eastern and Southern Africa -- COMESAthe New Partnership for Africa's Development -- NEPADWorld Tourism OrganizationEast African Community -- EACUnion Economique et Monétaire Ouest-Africaine -- UEMOACaribbean Community and Common Market -- CARICOMInternational Energy Agency -- IEALatin Aamerican Economic System -- LAESCentral American Integration System -- SICAGreater Mekong Subregion Economic CooperationWorld Energy Council -- WECLatin American Integration Association -- LAIAInternational Air Transport Association -- IATAGroup of African, Caribbean and Pacific Region Countries -- Group of the ACP Bangladesh Steel & Engineering Corporation--BSECthe Group of the developing G8 (Group of Eight Islamic Developing)Financial Action Task Force on Money Laundering -- FATFInternational Monetary Fund -- IMFSouth BankCaribbean oil planInternational Organization for Standardization--ISOInter-American Development Bank Group、文化、体育等专业类组织World Health Organization -- WHOThird World Academy of Sciences -- TWASWorld Federation of Democratic Youth -- WFDYFederation Internationale de Football Association -- FIFAInternational Council for Science -- ICSUWorld Council of Churches -- WCCOlympic Council of Asia -- OCAInternational Council on Archives -- ICAInternational Confederation of Free Trade Unions -- ICFTUInternational Olympic Committee -- IOCWorld Heritage CommitteeInternational Programme for the Development of Communication — IPDCUniversal Postal Union -- UPUInternational Military Sports Council -- CISMInternational Society for Chinese Language TeachingWorld Blind UnionInternational Music Council -- IMCInternational Federation for Information Processing -- IFIPWorld Toilet OrganizationUniversal Esperanto Association -- UEAInternational Organization of JournalistsInternational Press Institute -- IPIInternational Institute for Strategic Studies -- IISSInternational Federation of Journalists -- IFJInternational Association of Universities -- IAUProject Orbis -- ORBISInternational Federation of Library Associations and Institutions -- IFLAWorld Muslim Congress -- WMCDoctors Without Borders, Medecins Sans Frontiers -- MSFInternational Federation of Translators;Federation International des Traducteurs -- FIT World Council of Indigenous PeoplesInternational Newsreel and News Film Association -- INNAInternational Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources -- IUCNWorld Fellowship of Buddhists -- WFBWorld Technoplis Association -- WTACoordinating Committee for International Voluntary Service -- CCIVSInternational Federation of Accountants -- IFACWorld Leisure OrganizationInternational Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent SocietiesAsia-Pacific Space Cooperation Organization--APSCOWorld allience of heakth careInternational Association of Anti-Corruption Authorities --IAACAInternational Whaling CommissionWorld Intellectual Property Organization -- WIPOOffice International Des Epizooties --OIEAfrican Gender Equality GroupWorld Meteorological Organization -- WMOInternational Council of MuseumsMobile World Congress and Global System for Mobile Associationthe International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciiences--IUAESWorldSkills International国际会议Asia-Europe Meeting -- ASEMConference on Interaction and Confidence-Building Measures in Asia -- CICAEast Asia SummitInternational Anti-Corruption Conference -- IACCWorld Economic Forum -- WEFWorld Social Forum — WSFWorld Economic Forum -- WEFWorld Social Forum — WSFWorld Health Assembly -- WHAWorld Conference on WomenWorld Chinese Entrepreneurs Convention -- WCECWorld Petroleum Congress -- WPCWorld Assembly of Youth -- WAYFranco-African SummitConference on Disarmament in GenevaASEAN Foreign Ministers MeetingShanghai Cooperation Organization SummitWorld Food SummitSummit of the Group of TwentySummit Conference of Major Cities of the World -- SCMCWBalkan SummitAfrica-Europe SummitUnited Natiosn Global Conference on the Sustainable Development of Small Island Developing United Nations Millennium SummitWorld Conference Against Racism of United NationsInternational Conference on Population and DevelopmentGlobal summit of womenWorld Urban ForumInternational Conference of Asian Political PartiesASEAN Regional ForumWorld Water ForumGlobal summit of moonWorld Knowledge ForumWorld Lake ConferenceAPEC Informal Leadership MeetingASEAN-China High- level SymposiumASEAN, China, Japan and ROK (10 + 3 ) High- level SymposiumStability Pact for South Eastern EuropeWeimar Triangle summitSecurity and Prosperity Partnership of North America --SPPurs -- FIT IUAESd Developing States。



WHO/BS/06.2050 - FinalENGLISH ONLYEXPERT COMMITTEE ON BIOLOGICAL STANDARDIZATIONGeneva, 23 to 27 October 2006GUIDELINES TO ASSURE THE QUALITY, SAFETY ANDEFFICACY OF RECOMBINANT HUMAN PAPILLOMAVIRUSVIRUS-LIKE PARTICLE VACCINES© World Health Organization 2006All rights reserved. Publications of the World Health Organization can be obtained from WHO Press, World Health Organization, 20 Avenue Appia, 1211 Geneva 27, Switzerland (tel.: +41 22 791 3264; fax: +41 22 791 4857; e-mail: bookorders@who.int). Requests for permission to reproduce or translate WHO publications – whether for sale or for noncommercial distribution – should be addressed to WHO Press, at the above address (fax: +41 22 791 4806; e-mail: permissions@who.int).The designations employed and the presentation of the material in this publication do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the World Health Organization concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. Dotted lines on maps represent approximate border lines for which there may not yet be full agreement.The mention of specific companies or of certain manufacturers’ products does not imply that they are endorsed or recommended by the World Health Organization in preference to others of a similar nature that are not mentioned. Errors and omissions excepted, the names of proprietary products are distinguished by initial capital letters.All reasonable precautions have been taken by the World Health Organization to verify the information contained in this publication. However, the published material is being distributed without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied. The responsibility for the interpretation and use of the material lies with the reader. In no event shall the World Health Organization be liable for damages arising from its use. The named authors [editors] alone are responsible for the views expressed in this publication.Adopted by the 57th meeting of the WHO Expert Committee on Biological Standardization, 23-27 October2006. A definitive version of this document, which will differ from this version in editorial but not scientificdetails, will be published in the WHO Technical Report Series.WHO/BS/06.2050 - FinPage 2IntroductionGeneral considerationsSpecial considerationsPart A. Guidelines on manufacturingA.1DefinitionsA.2 General manufacturing recommendationsA.3Control of source materialsA.4Control of HPV antigen vaccine productionA.5Control of purified monovalent antigen bulkA.6Adsorbed monovalent antigen bulkA.7Final vaccine bulkA.8 Filling and containersA.9 Control tests on final vaccine lotA.10 RecordsA.11 Retained samplesA.12 LabellingA.13 Distribution and transportA.14 Stability testing, storage and expiry datePart B. Nonclinical evaluation of recombinant HPV VLP vaccinesB.1Pharmacological studiesB.2Safety Pharmacology studiesB.3Toxicology studiesPart C. Clinical evaluation of recombinant HPV VLP vaccinesC.1 Immune responses to the vaccineC.2 Studies of protective efficacyC.3 Bridging efficacy by means of immunogenicity dataC.4 Vaccine safetyC.5 Post-marketing studies and surveillancePart D. Guidelines for national regulatory authoritiesD.1GeneralD.2 Release and certificationAuthorsAcknowledgementsReferencesAppendix 1Model summary protocol for manufacturing and control of recombinant human papillomavirus virus-like particle vaccineAppendix 2Model certificate for the release of recombinant human papillomavirus virus-like particle vaccineWHO/BS/06.2050 - FinPage 3 IntroductionWHO convened two meetings in Geneva, 23-24 March and 28 - 30 August, 2006, where scientific experts, regulatory professionals and other stakeholders met todevelop guidelines for prophylactic human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccines. Thisdocument is intended to provide background and guidance to national regulatoryauthorities (NRAs) and vaccine manufacturers on the production, quality controland evaluation of the safety and efficacy of recombinant HPV virus-like particle(VLP) vaccines.This document sets out the guidance on product manufacture and qualityassessment in part A. In addition, guidance specific to the nonclinical and clinical evaluation of recombinant HPV vaccines is provided in Part B and Part C,respectively. This document should be read in conjunction with all relevant WHO guidelines including those on nonclinical (1) and clinical evaluation (2) ofvaccines. The following text is written in the form of guidelines instead ofrecommendations. Guidelines allow greater flexibility than recommendations with respect to expected future developments in the field. This guidance is based onthe experience of the products developed so far, as described below, and mayneed to be updated in view of future developments.General considerationsHPV is a small, non-enveloped deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) virus. The circular, double-stranded viral genome is approximately 8-kb in length. The genomeencodes for 6 early proteins responsible for virus replication and 2 late proteins,L1 and L2, which are the viral structural proteins. L1 is the major structuralprotein. L1 proteins associate to form pentameric structures called capsomers.Mature virus particles are comprised of 72 capsomers arranged in icosahedralsymmetry. The minor capsid protein, L2, is present in as many as 72 moleculesper mature virus particle. L2 is not required for particle formation. HPVinfection, replication and particle maturation occurs in the stratified squamousepithelia of skin and mucous membranes, with virus spread occurring by skin-to-skin contact.Over 100 different types of HPV have been identified and molecularlycharacterized. These HPVs cause a variety of diseases in humans ranging frombenign warts to cancer of the epithelia (including the cervix, vagina, vulva, anusand oropharynx). Those HPV types associated with the development of cancerare called high risk for oncogenicity. Other HPV types, such as HPV types 6 and11 associated with genital warts, are considered low risk for oncogenicity.The majority of HPV infections by both high and low risk types are oftenasymptomatic, self-limiting and resolve spontaneously, presumably due to thehost immune response. In some instances, persistent infection by the high risktypes may ultimately progress to invasive carcinoma at the site of infection,WHO/BS/06.2050 - FinPage 4mainly of the genital tract, if not detected and treated appropriately. The interval between the acquisition of HPV infection and malignant progression usually takes about 10 years or longer. High risk HPV types can be detected in virtually allcases of cervical cancer, and it is generally accepted that the persistent viralinfection is necessary for the development of cancer (3). The basis forprogression to invasive carcinoma is not well defined. However, environmentaland physiological co-factors may increase the risk for cancer development inpersistently infected persons.The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) has currently definedthirteen high risk HPV types that are associated with cancers in humans (4).Distribution and prevalence of these HPV types in cancer cases is generallyconsistent around the world. Two of the high risk HPV types, 16 and 18, account for approximately 70% of all cervical cancers globally (4). Most other genitalcancers, such as cancers of the vagina and anus are also associated with persistent HPV infection. In addition, these HPVs are associated with a fraction of cancers of the vulva, penis, and oropharynx. The incidence of cervical cancer issignificantly higher than all other HPV related cancers, and is the second mostcommon cancer among women worldwide.Low risk HPV types cause genital warts, recurrent respiratory papillomatosis(RRP), and low grade cervical dysplasia. The lifetime risk of genital wartsexceeds 10%. While not malignant, these lesions are associated with physical and psychological morbidity. They are also difficult to treat. RRP is a devastating,albeit rare, disease that manifests as recurrent, rapidly growing benign laryngealtumors that require frequent excision to prevent airway obstruction. HPV 6 and 11 are responsible for over 90% of genital warts and RRP cases, and 9 to 12% of low grade cervical dysplastic lesions.Identification of a viral agent such as HPV as a major cause of diseases impliesthat prophylactic vaccines or interventions against the viral agent should preventthe disease(s) it causes. Initial studies in animal models showed that inoculationwith species-specific papillomaviruses induced an immune response thatconferred protection against homologous virus challenge. However, nativepapillomaviruses are not good substrates for vaccine development as they cannot be grown easily in culture. Subsequent studies were initiated on the production of viral particles from expression of the structural proteins in heterologousexpression systems, such as yeast or baculovirus vectors. Results showed thatexpression of L1 alone led to the production of VLPs which morphologicallyresemble the authentic HPV virions but contain no viral DNA. These VLPs areproduced by self-assembly of the L1 protein when expressed in a heterologouscell substrate and are the basis for the vaccines considered in this document. Inanimal studies, VLPs were shown to protect against high dose experimentalinfection by homologous virus. HPV VLPs are highly immunogenic in mice orrabbits, and the resulting antibodies have been shown to be neutralizing and typerestricted when tested in a pseudovirion neutralization assay. Immunization withWHO/BS/06.2050 - FinPage 5 denatured particles does not result in the production of neutralizing antibodies, orprotect from experimental virus challenge, indicating that neutralizing epitopesare conformation dependent. Protection in animals has also been demonstratedthrough passive transfer of antibodies in serum.Neutralizing antibodies are probably the primary mediator of this protection. L1is not expressed in the basal keratinocytes in which infection is thought to bemaintained and regression of established lesions was not observed after VLPvaccination. Therefore, it seems unlikely that cell-mediated immunity (CMI) isinvolved as a direct effector mechanism of protection (5).The specific assays that have been developed to evaluate the immune responseinclude: VLP-based enzyme immunoassay (EIA), competitive immunoassay with labeled neutralizing monoclonal antibodies, hemagglutination inhibition (HAI),and in vitro neutralization.The development of these guidelines has been driven by the acquired experiencewith the two vaccines developed thus far. These vaccines are both made up ofrecombinant protein L1 VLPs and they contain adjuvant in order to stabilize theintegrity of the L1 VLPs and also to enhance immunogenicity. The productsdiffer in the types of HPV L1 proteins included as antigens, substrates used forproduction, adjuvant properties and in the final formulation. These two vaccinesare:1) A bivalent vaccine comprised of oncogenic HPV types 16 and 18 VLPsreassembled from L1 protein expressed and purified from insect cells infectedwith a recombinant baculovirus. This vaccine is formulated with a noveladjuvant, AS04, which contains aluminium hydroxide and monophosphoryllipid A (MPL); and2) A tetravalent vaccine comprised of the low risk HPV types 6 and 11 and theoncogenic HPV types 16 and 18. Type specific L1 proteins for this vaccineare expressed and purified from yeast cells containing L1 expression plasmids.The VLPs are adsorbed to an amorphous aluminium hydroxyphosphatesulfate-containing adjuvant.It is possible that a vaccine produced in mammalian cells may be developed in the future.Special considerationsThere are several special considerations that need to be addressed in themanufacturing, non-clinical and clinical development of these vaccine products.WHO/BS/06.2050 - FinPage 6VLPs are complex biological products and will need to be assessed at variouslevels.With respect to manufacturing and product quality the following items should beconsidered:1)The bivalent vaccine expressed from recombinant baculovirus in insect cells isthe first vaccine to be developed in this host expression system. Testing ofthis cell substrate may have some unique requirements;2) A novel adjuvant which has not previously been experienced on a global scaleis used in the formulation of the bivalent vaccine. The immunostimulant isMPL which is a detoxified form of lipid A derived from thelipopolysaccharide (LPS) isolated from bacterial cell walls of the Gramnegative bacterium Salmonella minnesota R595. While detoxified, MPL wasshown to retain the capacity of the natural LPS compound to act as animmunostimulant by potentiating cellular and humoral adaptive immuneresponses;3)L1 protein in its native form is not glycosylated. For the two current vaccinesglycosylation during production on a cell substrate is not an issue. HPV L1VLP vaccines produced in new or different cell substrates should be assessedfor glycosylation status;4)Disassembly and reassembly of the L1 capsomers may contribute topurification of the product and lead to more stable VLPs;5)Purified L1 VLP preparations will have to be characterized biochemically andimmunologically, to determine L1 concentration, purity and assembly state;and6)Current HPV vaccines are manufactured in single dose presentations withoutthe addition of preservative. In the future, the availability of multi-dosevaccine vials would facilitate the adoption of innovative vaccination strategiestargeting pre-adolescents and adolescents in developing countries. If thesevaccines do not contain preservative, the use of such vaccine vials should betime-restricted as is the case of reconstituted vaccines such as BacillusCalmette-Guérin (BCG) and measles-containing vaccines. If a preservativewere to be added, the effect on antigenicity and immunogenicity must beassessed and known not to have an negative impact as has been observed withthiomersal (6).With respect to the nonclinical studies it is critical that such studies demonstrateimmunogenicity and the production of neutralizing antibodies.With respect to clinical assessment of HPV VLP vaccines there are several critical considerations:WHO/BS/06.2050 - FinPage 71)Since 90% of HPV related cancers are cervical cancers, the efficacy of thevaccines developed so far has been studied in sexually active women;2)In order to obtain maximal benefit from these vaccines, the primary targetpopulation for immunization should consist of young adolescents prior toonset of sexual activity. Although the attack rate for HPV is high in the 5 to 10years following sexual debut, most women remain naïve to vaccine HPVtypes during this time, and few have been infected with all vaccine HPV types;3)Licensure of first generation vaccines requires a definitive demonstration ofprophylactic efficacy with respect to cervical intraepithelial neoplasm (CIN)2/3 and adenocarcinoma in situ (AIS) caused by vaccine HPV types;5)Persistent infection (e.g. detection of the DNA of the same virion incervicovaginal specimens collected on consecutive visits over a period of atleast 12 months) may be an appropriate endpoint for second generationvaccines, including those with additional HPV types. At the time of preparingthese Guidelines, however, there was no international consensus on adefinition for HPV persistence based on detection of HPV DNA by restrictedPCR; and6)Once licensed, long term effectiveness evaluation of these vaccines should beintegrated with current screening programs for cervical cancer.Part A. Guidelines on manufacturingA.1 DefinitionsA.1.1 International name and proper nameThe international name should be “Recombinant human papillomavirus virus-like particle vaccine” followed in parenthesis by the genotype specificity and the name of recombinant protein (e.g. genotype 16 and 18 L1 proteins). The proper nameshould be equivalent to the international name in the language of the country oforigin.The use of the international name should be limited to vaccines that satisfy thespecifications elaborated below.A.1.2 Descriptive definitionThe recombinant HPV VLP vaccine is a sterile liquid vaccine preparation whichcontains purified VLPs composed of the recombinant major capsid proteins ofone or more HPV genotypes (further referred to as "types"). The VLPs may beformulated with a suitable adjuvant. Such vaccines are for prophylactic use.A.1.3 International reference preparationsWHO/BS/06.2050 - FinPage 8International reference preparations based on recombinant HPV VLPs were notavailable when this Guidelines were prepared. However, reference reagents foruse in the laboratory evaluation of the biological effects following vaccineadministration to humans, such as antibody titers and viral DNA detection, areunder development for HPV types 16 and 18. Some information can be found inthe literature (7-10).A.1.4 TerminologyThe definitions given below apply to this document only.HPV L1 protein: The major structural protein of human papillomavirus, of which 360 molecules are found in the native virion associated in 72 pentamericcapsomers.L1 virus-like particle: A non-infectious, non-enveloped, icosahedral capsidparticle which does not contain viral DNA and which is composed of regulararrays of L1 pentameric capsomers.Parental yeast cell: Yeast host cell to be manipulated for the expression ofprotein(s) to give rise to a recombinant yeast production strain.Recombinant baculovirus master seed lot: A quantity of recombinant baculovirus of uniform composition derived from an original baculovirus construct, processed at one time and passaged for a documented number of times.Recombinant baculovirus working seed lot: A quantity of recombinantbaculovirus of uniform composition, derived from the master seed lot by a limited number of passages. The recombinant baculovirus virus working seed lot may be used to prepare inoculum intermediates or alternatively to initiate the productionof recombinant L1 proteins.Inoculum intermediate: A quantity of recombinant baculovirus of uniformcomposition, derived from the working seed lot. The inoculum intermediate has a defined shelf-life. It is intended to be used to initiate the production ofrecombinant L1 proteins.Cell bank: A collection of ampoules containing aliquots of a suspension of cellsfrom a single pool of cells of uniform composition, stored frozen under definedconditions (typically <−60 °C for yeast, and in liquid nitrogen for insect ormammalian cell lines).Master cell bank (MCB): A collection of containers containing aliquots of asuspension of cells from a single pool of cells of uniform composition, storedfrozen under defined conditions (typically <−60 °C for yeast, and in liquidWHO/BS/06.2050 - FinPage 9 nitrogen for insect or mammalian cell lines). The MCB is used to derive all working cell banks for the anticipated lifetime of the vaccine product.Working cell bank (WCB): A collection of containers containing aliquots of a suspension of cells from a single pool of cells of uniform composition, derived from the MCB, stored frozen under defined conditions (typically <−60 °C for yeast, and in liquid nitrogen for insect or mammalian cell lines). One or more aliquots of the WCB are used for routine production of the vaccine. Multiple WCBs are made and used during the lifetime of vaccine productProduction cell culture: A cell culture derived from one or more containers of the WCB used for the production of vaccines.End of production cells: A cell suspension containing the cells harvested at the end of culture/fermentation.Adventitious agents: Contaminating microorganisms of the virus, or cell substrate or materials used in their cultures, that may include bacteria, fungi, mycoplasmas, and endogenous and exogenous viruses that have been unintentionally introduced. Fermentation cell paste: A suspension of cells harvested at the end of the yeast fermentation stored frozen (<-60°C).Single antigen harvest: A cell-suspension containing the intended HPV antigens of one virus type harvested from cell cultures prepared from a single production runSingle harvest pool: A homogenous pool of multiple single harvests of the intended HPV antigens of one virus type, collected into a single vessel before clarification.Purified monovalent antigen bulk: A batch of purified antigen of the same HPV type. Different batches of purified monovalent antigen bulks may be pooled before collection into a single vessel.Adsorbed monovalent antigen bulk: A batch of purified monovalent antigen bulk adsorbed on an aluminium containing adjuvant. Different batches of adsorbed monovalent antigen bulks may be pooled before collection into a single vessel. Adjuvant: A vaccine adjuvant is a component that potentiates the immune response to an antigen and/or modulates it towards the desired immune responses.Final vaccine bulk: The formulated bulk present in the container from which the final containers are filled. The final bulk may be prepared from one or more adsorbed monovalent antigen bulks and may contain VLP antigens from one or multiple HPV virus types.WHO/BS/06.2050 - FinPage 10Filling lot (final vaccine lot): A collection of sealed final containers of vaccinethat is homogeneous with respect to the risk of contamination during the fillingprocess. A filling lot must therefore have been filled or prepared in one workingsession.A.2 General manufacturing recommendationsThe general manufacturing requirements contained in Good manufacturingpractices for biological products (11) should apply to the establishment ofmanufacturing facilities for recombinant HPV VLP vaccines, with the addition of the following:•Production steps involving manipulations of recombinant HPV L1 VLP types should be conducted at a biosafety level consistent with the recombinantproduction microorganism;•Quality control procedures should be in place to ensure segregation of different HPV L1 VLP types during bulk manufacturing steps.Sufficientcleaning validation and product changeover data should be available; and•The antigen manufacturing process should be validated to demonstrate production consistency. Typically, three consecutive lots per HPV type arerequired. However, if one or more HPV types use the same manufacturingprocess, validation of all processes with at least one type may be acceptable.The assessment of manufacturing consistency should include evaluation ofcritical quality parameters and their corresponding attributes. Examples ofprocess quality attributes are nucleic acid and host cell protein clearance orcumulated population doubling level and examples or process key operatingparameters is column loading. The process validation antigen batches shouldshow compliance with the pre-established antigen quality controlspecifications for the HPV antigen such as antigen identity and antigen purity(see section A.5).A.2.1 Characterization of the antigenCharacterization of HPV antigen is performed on lots produced during vaccinedevelopment, including the process validation batches.The protein composition should be established by techniques such as sodiumdodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) under reducing conditions or mass spectrometry. The bands should be identified by sensitivestaining techniques and where possible by specific antibodies or massspectrometry to confirm the presence of the expected products of the L1 protein.The identity of the protein should be established by peptide mapping and/orterminal amino acid sequence analysis.Page 11 Since it is known that conformational epitopes are essential for efficacy, it isessential that the morphological characteristics of the VLPs and degree ofaggregation should be determined. In addition, the protein, lipid, nucleic acid andcarbohydrate content should be measured when applicable. VLP characterizationmay be done by atomic force and transmission electron microscopy, dynamiclight scattering, epitope mapping and reactivity with neutralizing monoclonalantibodies.The level of residual host cell protein derived from insect cells and/or a novel cellsubstrate should meet acceptable safety in nonclinical and clinical studies (seeParts B and C).A.3 Control of source materialsA.3.1 Cell cultures for antigen productionThe use of any cell line should be based on a cell bank system. Only cells thathave been approved and registered with the national regulatory authority shouldbe used to produce HPV L1 protein. The national regulatory authority should beresponsible for approving the cell bank. Appropriate history of the cell bankshould be provided.A.3.1.1 Yeast cellsThe characteristics of the recombinant production strain (host cell in combinationwith the expression vector system) should be fully described and informationgiven on the absence of adventitious agents and on gene homogeneity for themaster and working cell banks. A full description of the biological characteristicsof the host cell and expression vectors should be given. The physiologicalmeasures used to promote and control the expression of the cloned gene in thehost cell should be described in detail. This should include genetic markers of the host cell, the construction, genetics and structure of the expression vector and theorigin and identification of the gene that is being cloned.The nucleotide sequence of the gene insert and of adjacent segments of the vectorand restriction-enzyme mapping of the vector containing the gene insert should beprovided as required by the national control authority.A.3.1.2 Insect cellsIf insect cells are used for production of recombinant HPV L1 VLP vaccines, theuse of insect cell substrate should be based on a cell bank system. The cellsubstrates and cell banks should conform with Requirements for use of animalcells as in vitro substrates for the production of biologicals (12,13), as appropriateto insect cells, and should be approved by the national regulatory authority.Page 12The maximum number of passages (or population doublings) allowable betweenthe MCB, the WCB and the production cells should be approved by the nationalregulatory authority. Additionally, the MCB or WCB cells should be propagatedto or beyond the maximum production level and be examined for tumorigenicityin an animal test system and for the presence of retroviruses and arthropod-borne viruses.The MCB is made in sufficient quantities and stored in a secure environment and is used as the source material to make manufacturers WCB. In normal practice aMCB is expanded by serial subculture up to a passage number (or populationdoubling, as appropriate) selected by the manufacturer and approved by thenational regulatory authority, at which point the cells are combined to give asingle pool distributed into ampoules and preserved cryogenically to form theWCB.The manufacturers working cell bank is used for the preparation of productioncell culture, and thus for production of HPV L1 antigen batches.A.3.1.3 Other Cell SubstratesIf other host cells are used, the cell substrates and cell banks should conform with Requirements for use of animal cells as in vitro substrates for the production ofbiologicals (12,13) where appropriate, and should be approved by the nationalregulatory authority.A.3.2 Cell culture mediumIf serum is used for the propagation of cells, it should be tested to demonstratefreedom from bacteria, fungi and mycoplasmas, according to the requirementsgiven in Part A, sections 5.2 (14) and 5.3 (15)of Requirements for biologicalsubstances no. 6 and from infectious viruses. Suitable tests for detecting viruses in bovine serum are given in Appendix 1 of Recommendations for production andcontrol of poliomyelitis vaccine (oral) (16).Validated molecular tests for bovine viruses may replace the cell culture tests ofbovine sera. As an additional monitor of quality, sera may be examined forfreedom from phage and endotoxin. Gamma-irradiation may be used to inactivate potential contaminant viruses.The acceptability of the source(s) of any components of bovine, porcine, sheep or goat origin used should be approved by the national regulatory authority. Thesecomponents should comply with current WHO guidelines in relation to animaltransmissible spongiform encephalopathies (17).。

















[12]赵文静,王历,王芝 兰,等.淫 羊 藿 的 药 理 作 用 及 临 床 应 用 研 究 进展[J].中医药信息,2016,33(2):105108.
[13]冯晗,周宏灏,欧阳冬生.杜仲的化学成分及药理作用研究进展 [J].中国临床药理学与治疗学,2015,20(6):713720.
[14]王兵,王亚新,赵红 燕,等.甘 草 的 主 要 成 分 及 其 药 理 作 用 的 研 究进展[J].吉林医药学院学报,2013,34(3):215218.
一、时间、地点: 1、第十五届世界中医药大会:意大利 罗马(2018年 11月 17- 18日,11月 16日大会注册) 2、一带一路文化周学术活动:2018年 11月 16日 -21日意大利 罗马、那不勒斯,2018年 11月 16日 -20日意大利罗马,2018年 11 月 16日 -23日意大利罗马、马耳他,2018年 11月 12日 -19日瑞 士、意大利罗马,2018年 11月 15日 -26日意大利罗马、希腊、塞浦路 斯,2018年 11月 15日 -22日意大利罗马、佛罗伦萨、米兰。 二、主题 中医的世界,世界的中医—花开全球,共建人类健康命运共同体 三、会议主要议题及征文内容 1中医药基础理论研究; 2中医药临床实践:临床研究方法创新与进展、临床疗效评估体 系研究、老中医临证经验 总 结、特 色 疗 法 体 会 及 推 广、中 医 养 生 保 健 治未病研究等; 3针灸推拿研究实践:针药配合临床研究、特殊针法临床经验介 绍、中医针灸治疗在区域性疾病治疗中的特色与优势等; 4中药研究:中药方剂学、临床配伍研究、中药应用及研究等; 5中西医结合研究:理论创新、最新进展、实践创新、经验总结; 6中医手法流派的传承与发展; 7中医药国际标准化、信息化研究; 8中医药在世界各国的发展及立法情况,各国中医教育动态、教 育制度现状及科研情癋; 9中医药文化与非物质文化遗产保护; 10道地药材与濒危珍稀动植物保护; 11中医药服务贸易理论研究与实践及经验交流。 四、会议安排:

上海交大 指定重要国际学术会议目录-20160310版本

上海交大 指定重要国际学术会议目录-20160310版本

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A0902001International Conference on Grapevine Breeding and GeneticsA A0902002International Horticultural CongressB B0902003World Congress on In Vitro BiologyA A0202001Economic Science Association International ConferenceA A0202002Annual International Industrial Organization ConferenceA A0202003American Finance Association Annual ConferencA A0202004Western Finance Association Annual ConferencA A0202005North American Summer Meeting of the Econometric SocietyA A0202006American Economic Association Annual MeetingB B0202007European Association for Research in Industrial EconomicsB B0202008Economic Science Association North American ConferenceB B0202009ISOCARP International ConferenceB B0202010European Finance Association Annual meetingB B0202011China International Conference in FinanceB B0202012European Financial Management Association Annual MeetingB B0202013Financial Management Association Annual MeetingB B0202014Eastern Finance Association Annual MeetingB B0202015World Finance Conference 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ConferenceA A0504002Association for Asian Studies Annual ConferenceA A0504003International Conference on Cultural EconomicsA A0504004International Conference on Political and Cultural StudiesA A0504005International Conference on Contemporary Cultural StudiesB B0504006Asian Cinema Studies Society ConferenceB B0504007International Association For Media And Communication Resea B B0504008International Conference on Cultural PolicyB B0504009International Conference on Cultural Heritage and Tourism B B0504010International Conference on Film, Visual, Cultural and Medi B B0504011International Conference on Arts and Cultural ManagementB B0504012International Conference on Communication and CultureB B0504013International Conference on Communication, Film and Media SC C0504014Chinese Film Forum UK ConferenceC C0504015International Conference on Communication, Visual and Perfo C C0504016International Conference on Creative IndustryC C0504017International Cultural Industry ConferenceC C0504018AnnualInternational Conference on Contemporary Cultural Stu C C0504019International Conference on Cultural Policy ResearchC C0504020International Conference on Cultural EconomyC C0504021Symposium on global creative industryC C0504022Global Creative Industries ConferenceA A0804001the World Conference on Non-Destructive TestingA A0804002International Symposium on Measurement Technology and Intel A A0804003IEEE Ultrasonics SymposiumA A0804004International Measurement Confederation World CongressB B0804005International Conference on Precision EngineeringB B0804006IEEE International Test ConferenceB B0804007International Conference on MEMS,NANO,and Smart SystemsB B0804008IEEE-UFFCB B0804009International Symposium on Therapeutic UltrasoundB B0804010IEEE AUTOTESTCONC C0804011SPIE Optical MetrologyC C0804012IEEE International Conference on Rehabilitation RoboticsC C0804013International Technical Meeting of the Satellite Division o C C0804014International Conference on Biomedical Applications of Elec C C0804015IEEE World Haptics ConferenceC C0804016FAR EAST NDTC C0804017International Conference of the European Society for Precis C C0804018Annual Meeting of the American Society for Precision Engine C C0804019International Conference on BiometricsA A1007001AAPS annual conferenceA A1007002AAPS biotechnology conferenceB B1007003Vaccine and ISV Annual Global CongressB B1007004Controlled Release SocietyB B1007005International Society for Stem Cell Research Annual MeetiB B1007006National Medicinal Chemistry SymposiumC C1007007Drug Discovery & Therapy World CongressC C1007008Drug design & Medicinal ChemistryC C1007009Drug Discovery and Therapy World CongressC C1007010International Conference on Drug Discovery and TherapyA A0810001IEEE Antennas and Propagation SymposiumA A0810002International Conference on Image ProcessingA A0810003Optical Fiber Communication Conference and ExhibitionA A0810004IEEE Radar ConferenceA A0810005IEEE International Symposium on Geoscience and Remote Sensi A A0810006European Conference and Exhibition on Optical Communication A A0810007ACM Multidedia ConferenceA A0810008European Conference on Computer VisionA A0810009IEEE Global Telecommunications ConferenceA A0810010IEEE Optical Network Design and ModelingA A0810011The ACM Annual International Conference on Mobile Computing A A0810012The ACM International Conference on Mobile Systems, Applica A A0810013The ACM International Conference on emerging Networking EXp A A0810014IEEE International Conference on Computer CommunicationsA A0810015Conference on Lasers and Electro-OpticsB B0810016IET International Conference on Radar SystemsB B0810017International Conference on Machine LearningB B0810018International Conference on RadarB B0810019IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management SymposiumB B0810020The Data Compression ConferenceB B0810021European Conference on Synthetic Aperture RadarB B0810022International Conference on Transparent Optical NetworksB B0810023Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems B B0810024IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propogation So B B0810025Asia-Pacific Conference on Synthetic Aperture RadarB B0810026Multi-Protocol Label Switching/Software Defined Networking B B0810027International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence B B0810028International Conference on Learning RepresentationsB B0810029IEEE International Symposium on Broadband Multimedia System B B0810030International Symposium on Mobile Ad Hoc Networking and Com B B0810031IEEE Visual Communication and Image Processing Conference B B0810032The British Machine Vision ConferenceB B0810033The Annual conference of the ACM special interest group on B B0810034IEEE Global Communications ConferenceB B0810035IEEE International Conference on Sensing, Communication andC C0810036IEEE Workshop on Multimedia Signal ProcessingC C0810037IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision C C0810038Pacific-Rim Conference on MultimediaC C0810039ACM International Conference and Exhibition on Computer Gra C C0810040IEEE International Symposium on Phased Array Systems and Te C C0810041International Conference on Multimedia ModelingC C0810042Architectures for Networking and Communications SystemsC C0810043Picture Coding SymposiumC C0810044IEEE Conference on Local Computer NetworksC C0810045Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Min C C0810046International Conference on Quality of Multimedia Experienc C C0810047ACM Knowledge Discovery and Data MiningC C0810048International Workshop on Video Processing and Quality Metr C C0810049International Conference on Machine VisionC C0810050IEEE China Summit & International Conference on Signal and C C0810051IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications an C C0810052International Conference on Machine Vision and Human-Machin C C0810053ACM SIGGRAPHC C0810054International Conference on Modelling, Identification and C C C0810055International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing C C0810056IEEE International Conference on Mobile Ad hoc and Sensor S C C0810057IEEE Workshop on Singal Processing SystemsC C0810058IEEE International Performance Computing and CommunicationsC C0810059International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Com C C0810060IEEE International Symposium on a World of Wireless Mobile C C0810061Asia-Pacific Microwave ConferenceC C0810062IEEE Symposium on Computers and CommunicationsC C0810063URSI General Assembly and Scientific SymposiumC C0810064IEEE Electromagnetic Compatibility ConferenceC C0810065IFIP International Conferences on NetworkingC C0810066Asia-Pacific Electromagnetic Compatibility ConferenceC C0810067FIP/IEEE International Symposium on Integrated Network Mana C C0810068IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking ConferenceA A0503001International Communication AssociationA A0503002International Association for Media andCommunication ResearA A0503003Association for Education in Journalism and MassCommunicatiB B0503004International Association for Intercultural Communication S B B0503005National Communication Association Annual ConventionB B0503006European Communication ConferenceB B0503007International Public Relation Research ConferenceB B0503008International Advertising Association World CongressB B0503009International Association for Business CommunicatorsB B0503010International Association on Communication and MassMediaC C0503011International Conference on Media and Communication in Chin C C0503012International Graduate ConferenceC C0503013Chinese Communication SocietyC C0503014Media, Communication and Cultural Studies AssociationC C0503015World Association for Public Opinion ResearchC C0503016World Media Economics and Management ConferenceC C0503017Broadcasting Education Association ConventionA A0702001Gordan Research ConferenceA A0702002American Materials Research Society spring meetingA A0702003American Materials Research Society fall meetingA A0702004International Conference on Solid Films and SurfacesA A0702005International conference on low-temperature physicsA A0702006International Conference on Particles and NucleiA A0702007The Conference on the Intersections of Particle and Nuclear A A0702008The International Symposium on Lepton Photon Interactions a A A0702009International Nuclear Physics ConferenceA A0702010The International Conference on High Energy PhysicsA A0702011International Conference on Nucleus-Nucleus CollisionsA A0702012Frontiers in OpticsA A0702013American Physical SocietyB B0702014International Conference on Materials & Mechanisms of Supe B B0702015Spectroscopies in novel superconductorsB B0702016International workshop on strong correlations and angle-res B B0702017International Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Material B B0702018International Conference on Electronic Properties of Two-Di B B0702019Study of Matter at Extreme ConditionsB B0702020International Conference on Computational PhysicsB B0702021International Photonics and OptoElectronics MeetingsB B0702022Energy materials Nanotechnology meetingB B0702023International Conference on Narrow Gap SystemsB B0702024International conference on molecular beam epitaxyB B0702025The Optical Fiber Communication Conference and the National B B0702026Nonlinear OpticsB B0702027NanophotonicsB B0702028Advanced Solid-State PhotonicB B0702029The Large Hadron Collider Physics ConferenceB B0702030International Conference on Ultra-Relativistic Nucleus-NuclB B0702031The International Symposium on Physics in CollisionB B0702032International Conference on Strangeness in Quark MatterB B0702033The Workshop of de Moriond on QCD and High Energy InteractiB B0702034International Conference on Hypernuclear and Strange ParticB B0702035The Workshop of de Moriond on Electroweak Interactions andB B0702036International Conference on Neutrino Physics and AstrophysiB B0702037The International Workshop on Top Quark PhysicsB B0702038Higgs CouplingsB B0702039Flavor physics and CP violationB B0702040Statistical mechanics confereneB B0702041International Soft Matter ConferenceB B0702042International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic CrystalC C0702043ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry and Allied TopicsC C0702044International conference on the physics of semiconductorsC C0702045International Conference on Superconductivity and MagnetismC C0702046Applied Superconductivity ConferenceC C0702047European Conference on Applied SuperconductivityC C0702048International Symposium on SuperconductivityC C0702049Graphene ConferenceC C0702050SPIE conferenceC C0702051The International Conference on the Science and ApplicationC C0702052International Conference on Near-Field Optics, NanophotonicC C0702053Wonton conferenceC C0702054International conference on two-dimensional layered materiaC C0702055European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and ExhibitioC C0702056Asian Workshop on First-Principles Electronic Structure Calculations C C0702057The Asia Pacific Laser SymposiumC C0702058SPIE Photonics WestC C0702059International Conference on Laser Peening and Related PhenomenaC C0702060The Meeting of the American Physical Society(APS) DivisionC C0702061International Symposium on Nuclei in the CosmosC C0702062The International Conference on Supersymmetry and UnificatiC C0702063Topics in Astroparticle and Underground PhysicsC C0702064The European Physical Society Conference on High Energy PhyC C0702065International Symposium on Spin PhysicsC C0702066China-Japan Joint Nuclear Physics SymposiumC C0702067The Phenomenology SymposiumC C0702068Asian Triangular Heavy Ion CollisionsC C0702069The International Workshops on Deep Inelastic ScatteringC C0702070Gordon Research Conference on Nuclear ChemistryC C0702071International Symposium on Exotic NucleiC C0702072International Symposium on Nuclear Symmetry EnergyC C0702073UCLA dark matter meetingC C0702074International conference of statistical physicsC C0702075Boulder school on condensed matter and material physicsA A0502001International Congress of AestheticsA A0502002Congress of the International Comparative Literature AssociA A0502003International Comparative Literature AssociationA A0502004America Literature AssociationA A0502005International Systemic Functional Linguistics ConferenceA A0502006Language Testing Research ColloquiumA A0502007World Congress of Applied LinguisticsA A0502008International Association of Forensic LinguistsA A0502009Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of AmericaA A0502010Interspeech ConferenceA A0502011American Associations for Applied Linguisticsd es Traducteures World CongressA A0502012Fédération InternationaleA A0502013International Conference on Interpreting and TranslationA A0502014American Translators Association Annual ConferenceA A0502015American Literary Translators AssociationB B0502016Sino-British bilateral forum on Marxist aestheticsB B0502017British Comparative Literature AssociationB B0502018Association for Studies of Australian LiteratureB B0502019Canadian Comparative Literature AssociationB B0502020International Association for Semiotic StudiesB B0502021International Morphology MeetingB B0502022International Conference on Acoustics Speech and Signal Pro B B0502023International Congress of LinguistsB B0502024International Conference on Speech ProsodyB B0502025Chicago Linguistics SocietyB B0502026International Congress of Phonetic SciencesB B0502027North American Conference on Chinese LinguisticsB B0502028International Conference on Computational LinguisticsB B0502029Conference of the International Association of Chinese Ling B B0502030Language Resources and Evaluation ConferenceB B0502031Penn Linguistics ColloquiumB B0502032Berkeley Linguistics SocietyB B0502033Conference on Laboratory PhonologyB B0502034Machine Translation SummitB B0502035Asia-Pacific Translation & Interpreting ForumB B0502036Association for Machine Translation in the AmericasC C0502037Annual Symposium on NovelC C0502038International Conference on NarrativeC C0502039International Symposium on Ethical Literary CriticismC C0502040Northeast Linguistic SocietyC C0502041West Coast Conference on Formal LinguisticsC C0502042Academic Forum on English Language Testing in AsiaC C0502043Association of Language Testers in Europe Annual Conference C C0502044European Association for Language Testing and Assessment An C C0502045Language Testing ForumC C0502046Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages Annual C C C0502047International Conference on Japanese EducationC C0502048International Roundtables for the Semiotics of LawC C0502049International Oriental COCOSDA ConferenceC C0502050Asian Association for Language AssessmentC C0502051International Symposium on Chinese Spoken LanguageC C0502052Pacific Rim Objective Measurement SymposiumC C0502053International Conference on Asian Language ProcessingC C0502054Asia Teachers of English as a Foreign Language Internationa C C0502055Workshop on Speech and Language Technology for EducationC C0502056Japan Language Testing Association Annual ConferenceC C0502057Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages Asian Co C C0502058Phonetic Conference of ChinaC C0502059Japanese Language Education SocietyC C0502060Foreign Language Testing and TeachingC C0502061The Translation and Localization ConferenceC C0502062Interpreter and Translators CongressC C0502063Asian Translation Traditions ConferenceA A0814001International Symposium on Lowland TechnologyA A0814002International Conference on Textile Composites and InflatabA A0814003International Conference on soil mechanics and GeotechnicalA A0814004International Congress on Rock MechanicsB B0814005Annual meeting for International Association of China PlanB B0814006International Conference on Steel Structures in FireB B0814007The International Conference on Computing in Civil and BuilB B0814008Conference of Space StructureB B0814009International Symposium on Land SubsidenceB B0814010International Conference on Unsaturated SoilsC C0814011International Conference on Coastal EngineeringC C0814012The IEEE International Conference on Industrial EngineeringC C0814013International Symposium on LandslidesC C0814014Geotechnical FrontiersC C0814015Geo-CongressC C0814016Geo-RiskC C0814017International symposium on Geotechnical safety and riskC C0814018International Conference on Applications of Statistics andC C0814019International Conference on Structural Safety & ReliabilityC C0814020The International Conference on Durability of Concrete StruC C0814021The International Conference on Construction MaterialsC C0814022Challenging Glass conferenceC C0814023International Society for Structural and MultidisciplinaryA A0714001International Conference of the International Chinese StatiA A0704001International Astronomical Union General AssemblyA A0704002the American Astronomical Society MeetingB B0704003International Astronomical Union SymposiaB B0704004the Asia-Pacific IAU Regional MeetingB B0704005KIAS Workshop on cosmology and structure formationC C0704006Texas Symposium on Relativistic AstrophysicsC C0704007the Pacific Rim Conference on Stellar AstrophysicsC C0704008International Conference on Cosmology and GravitationC C0704009LeCosPA International SymposiumA A0701001International Congress of MathematiciansA A0701002International Congress of Chinese MathematiciansA A0701003Cross-strait Conference on Graph Theory and CombinatoricsA A0701004International Conference on Hyperbolic ProblemsA A0701005SIAM Conference on Computational Science and EngineeringA A0701006Chinese-German Workshop on Metric Riemannian GeometryA A0701007International Conference and Workshop on Representation Theory of Algebras A A0701008Advances in Qualitative Theory of Differential EquationsA A0701009International conference on nonlinear waves—theory and applicationsA A0701010International Conference- Symmetries and Integrability of DA A0701011SIAM Conference on Nonlinear Waves and Coherent StructuresB B0701012International Conference on Industry and Applied MathematicB B0701013Pacific Rim Conference on MathematicsB B0701014AMS International MeetingsB B0701015SIAM Conference on Discrete MathematicsB B0701016International Conference on Free Boundary ProblemsB B0701017SIAM Conference on OptimizationB B0701018SIAM Conference on Applied Linear AlgebraB B0701019SIAM Conference on Imaging ScienceB B0701020Applied Inverse Problems ConferenceB B0701021related "Workshops at Oberwolfach" in GermanyB B0701022International Conference on Groups, Combinatorics and VerteB B0701023Symposium on Planar Vector FieldsB B0701024Conference on Dynamical Systems, Differential Equations and ApplicationsB B0701025China-Japan joint workshop on integrable systemsC C0701026The Congress of International Society for Analysis, its AppC C0701027AMS von Neumann SymposiumC C0701028Mathematics Research CommunitiesC C0701029AMS National MeetingsC C0701030AMS Sectional MeetingsC C0701031European Conference on CombinatoricsC C0701032The East Asia Conference on Partial Differential EautionsC C0701033International Conference on Domain Decomposition MethodsC C0701034International Linear Algebra Society ConferenceC C0701035Recent Trends in Nonlinear Science (Winter school in Dynamical Systems) B B0832001American Oil Chemists Society Annual MeetingB B0832002Institute of Food Technologists Annual MeetingB B0832003International Society of Food Engineering MeetingB B0832004International Microwave Power Institute Annual MeetingB B0832005International Association for Food Protection Annual MeetinB B0832006World Congress of Food Science and TechnologyB B0832007Conference of The International Society for Animal GeneticsB B0832008International Society for Nutraceuticals and Functional FooA A0831001World Moelcular Imaging CongressA A0831002Annual International Conference of the IEEE EMBSA A0831003Congress of International Society of BiomechanicsA A0831004International IEEE EMBS Conference on Rehabilitation RobotiA A0831005Annual Meeting of The Society of Neural Control of MovementsA A0831006Annual Meeting of the International Continence SocietyA A0831007International Neuromodulation Society World CongressA A0831008International Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology CA A0831009The IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent RobotsA A0831010Annual Rehabilitation Engineering and and Assistive TechnolA A0831011International Conference of the IEEE Engineering Medicine aA A0831012IASTED International Conference on Biomedical EngineeringA A0831013IASTED International Conference on Applied Modelling and SiA A0831014Australia-China Biomedical Research ConferenceB B0831015American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine Annual MeeB B0831016American Association of Orthopaedic SurgeonsB B0831017World Congress on OsteoporosisB B0831018Annual Meeting of Orthopaedic Research Society in USAB B0831019International Society of Orthopaedic Surgery and TraumatoloB B0831020International Convention on Rehabilitation Engineering & AsB B0831021International Biophysics CongressB B0831022IEEE International Ultrasonics SymposiumB B0831023International Society for Therapeutic UltrasoundB B0831024IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging ConferenB B0831025Society of Nuclear Medicine Annual MeetingB B0831026Annual meeting of American Association for Cancer ResearchB B0831027Annual meeting of American Society for Mass SpectroscopyB B0831028HUPO annual World CongressB B0831029The International Meeting on Fully Three-Dimensional ImageB B0831030IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society ConferenceB B0831031IEEE Symposium on Biomedical ImagingB B0831032IFMBE World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical EngiB B0831033IFMBE International Conference on Biomedical EngineeringB B0831034ASME Summer BioengineeringB B0831035ASME International heat Transfer ConferenceB B0831036International conference on Alzheimer's diseaseB B0831037Annual meeting of society of nuclear medicineB B0831038FASEB Science Research ConferencesC C0831039International Conference of IEEE Engineering in Medicine anC C0831040International IEEE EMBS Conference on Neural EngineeringC C0831041IEEE/RAS-EMBS International Conference on Rehabilitation RoC C0831042Annual Meeting of ACSC C0831043Annual Meeting of Biophysical SocietyC C0831044International Symposium on Computational NeuroscienceC C0831045European Conference of the International Federation for MedC C0831046American Urological Association (AUA) Annual MeetingC C0831047International symposium on Cerebral blood flow, metabolism, and function C C0831048International Conference on the Scientific and Clinical AppC C0831049Endocrine Society's Annual MeetingC C0831050American Association for Cancer ResearchC C0831051International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and CompC C0831052International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical EC C0831053International Conference on Biomedical EngineeringC C0831054Asian Pacific Conference on Medical and Biological EngineerC C0831055Asia-pacific Orthopaedics Society for Sports MedicineC C0831056International Congress of Chinese Orthopaedic AssociationC C0831057International Journal of Advanced Clinical Medicines and ApC C0831058Biennial Scientific Meetings of the International Bone andC C0831059Combined meeting of Orthopaedic Research SocietyC C0831060Interdisciplinary Research Conference on BiomaterialsC C0831061Asia-Pacific Arthroplasty Society Annual scientific MeetingC C0831062Chinese Speaking Orthopaedic SocietyC C0831063International Workshop on Imaging Techniques with SynchrotrC C0831064Asian Meeting on Synchrotron Radiation Biomedical ImagingC C0831065International Conference on Biology and Synchrotron RadiatiC C0831066International Workshop on Medical Applications of Synchrotron Radiation C C0831067International Conference on X-ray MicroscopeC C0831068Annual Conference on Applications of X-ray AnalysisC C0831069AFM-BioMed ConferenceC C0831070Pan-Pacific Conference on RehabilitationC C0831071International Society for Prosthetics and OrthoticsC C0831072Orthopaedics and Sports MedicineC C0831073International Conference on Modelling in Medicine and BioloC C0831074International Conference on Orthopaedic RehabilitationC C0831075InternationalSymposium on Orthopaedic Translational ResearcC C0831076International Conference on Rehabilitation RoboticsC C0831077International Symposium on Aero Aqua Bio-MechanismsB B0710001Asia Pacific Conference on Egergy,Environment and SustainabB B0710002Urban Environmental Pollution International ConferenceA A0710003International conference on antibodyA A0710004Agri-GeoinformaticsA A0710005International Symposium on Earthworm EcologyA A0710006International Symposium on Soil Fauna。


2013年第13届欧洲抗风湿病联盟年会(EULAR) 2012年第15届国际感染性疾病学会会议(ICID) 2012年第58届美国人工器官学会年会(ASAIO)
2012年第17届欧洲血液年会(EHA) 2012年世界肿瘤介入大会(WCIO) 2012年欧洲过敏及临床免疫学学会会议(EAACI) 2013年第38届世界医院管理大会(IHF) 2012年第13届国际免疫会议(NIC) 2012年第36届美国佛罗里达儿科大会(SPC) 2012年第18届国际压力,行为神经科学和生物心理学会议(SBNB) 2012年第94届内分泌学会年会(ENDO) 2012年第15届世界疼痛临床医师会议(WSPC) 2012年第14届世界胃肠道肿瘤大会(WCGC) 2012年免疫学前沿国际会议(FIRN) 2012年第25届国际血管学协会大会(IUA)
2012年2月24日-25日 2012年3月1日-5日 2012年3月19日-22日 2012年3月20日-23日 2012年3月24日-27日 2012年3月31日-4月3日 2012年4月1日-6日 2012年4月10日-13日 2012年4月14日-18日 2012年4月18日-21日 2012年4月18日-21日 2012年4月19日-21日 2012年4月19日-22日 2012年4月21日-28日 2012年4月23日-24日 2012年4月25日-28日 2012年4月25日-28日 2012年4月26日-29日 2012年4月26日-29日 2012年4月27日-30日 2013年4月27日-30日 2012年4月28日-5月1日 2012年4月28日-5月2日 2012年4月28日-5月2日 2012年4月29日-5月2日 2012年5月2日-5日 2012年5月3日-6日 2012年5月4日-8日 2012年5月5日-9日 2012年5月5日-9日 2012年5月5日-9日 2012年5月5日-11日 2012年5月6日-9日 2012年5月8日-12日



2CHINA TODAYHaving savored the afterglow of the vibrant Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics and its magnificent closing ceremony on February 20, China is now gearing up for its next big event – the annual sessions of its national legislature and top political advisory body, known as the “two sessions.”The 13th National People’s Congress (NPC) will convene its fifth session on March 5, while the 13th National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) will hold its fifth session on March 4. Thousands of national lawmakers and political advisors from across the country will gather in Beijing for the “two sessions,” which embrace every aspect of the country’s development and the people’s wellbeing. Now a focal point of global attention, the annual “two ses-sions” offer the international community a window into how the country is run, and how Chinese people exercise their dem-ocratic rights through participating in state affairs. NPC depu-ties, as representatives of the people who have selected them, submit motions; and CPPCC National Committee members, as representatives of different social sectors, raise proposals, and participate in deliberations on state affairs and supervision of state governance.In 2021, offices and departments under the State Council handled 8,666 suggestions from NPC deputies and 5,718 pro-posals submitted by CPPCC members, according to a briefing at the recent State Council executive meeting chaired by Premier Li Keqiang, who urged efforts to “gather wisdom from all sides” to improve the government’s work. The meeting pointed out that the relevant departments had adopted over 4,300 pieces of advice, and subsequently introduced more than 1,600 policy measures.World Values Survey (2017-2020) data show that Chinese people, with an average score of 7.5 out of 9, are happier with their country’s political system than are Americans, who scored an average 4.5. However, in the latest edition of the Democracy Index, compiled by the U.K.-based Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU), released on February 9, China nevertheless sits in 148th position, with a score of 2.21 out of 10.More alarmingly, the U.S. House of Representatives passed on February 5 the so-called “America COMPETES Act of 2022,” whose content denigrates China’s development path and its do-mestic and foreign policies, clamoring for strategic competition with China. The Act, steeped in Cold-War mentality and zero-sum game mindset, “once again exposes the hegemonic andBeacon of HopeTo Our Readersbullying practice of the United States, which runs counter to the trend of our times and people’s shared aspiration for peace, development, and cooperation,” Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Zhao Lijian told a recent regular press briefing. Particularly ironic is the dichotomy between the Washing-ton-led so-called “diplomatic boycott” of Beijing 2022 and the record viewings of Winter Olympics videos and live broadcasts on various U.S. platforms. More than 100 million Americans watched the Games on NBCUniversal networks, the U.S. me-dia conglomerate announced. The event was also “the most streamed Winter Games ever.”Many warm moments will be permanently etched inpeople’s memory of the Games. China’s veteran freestyle skier Xu Mengtao — a four-time Olympian — burst into tears upon realizing her dream of winning an Olympic gold in the women’s aerials. American freestyle skier Ashley Caldwell, who narrowly missed a place on the podium, gave Xu a huge hug, exclaiming “Taotao! Olympic Champion!” adding, “I’m so proud of you!” “Some of the best love is found in friendship,” tweeted CBC Olympics, Canada’s official Olympic and Para-lympic broadcaster. And as Chinese Foreign Ministry spokes-person Hua Chunying commented on Twitter, “True sports-manship transcends borders.”Legendary U.S. snowboarder Shaun White has 1.5 million followers on TikTok. In one viral video clip White showcases the traditional Chinese dishes he had so relished in the Olympic Village, including “Sweet and Sour Pork,” “Kung Pao Chicken,” and “Dandan noodles.” “In between competitions, I have just been eating,” he said frankly. “The food is so good.”The popularity of the Beijing 2022 Olympic Winter Games among ordinary Americans, and the friendships built between U.S. and Chinese Olympians during the Games have rendered the “diplomatic boycott” no more than a farce staged by Wash-ington and some of its cronies under the so-called “human rights” pretext.In a world frequently plagued by conflicts, and the tendency towards division and decoupling, the solidarity enshrined in the Games and its immense success have greatly boosted human confidence the world over to overcome challenges and ride out trying times by working together. But the necessary premise is to cast off the “Cold War” mentality and respect each other while cherishing common human values, in the belief that the world excels in its diversity.Zhang HuiCopyright ©博看网. All Rights Reserved.。



与农药境外登记相关的网址,希望对中国的农药境外登记同行们,能以后所帮助!/.br/agrofit_cons/principal_agrofit_cons美洲药品和食品监管的政府机构及其网站● Argentina: Ministry of Health(阿根廷:卫生部).ar/htm/default.asp(西班牙语)● Argentina: National Administration of Drugs, Foods and Medical Technology(阿根廷:国家药物、食品与医疗技术管理局).ar/principal.html(西班牙语)● Argentina: Secretariat for Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Food(阿根廷:农业、家畜、渔业与食品秘书处).ar/0-0● Belize: Ministry of Health(洪都拉斯:卫生部).bz/cabinet/s-baeza/welcome.shtml● Belize: Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Cooperatives(洪都拉斯:农业、渔业与合作部).bz/cabinet/d-silva/welcome.shtml● Bolivia: Ministry of Health and Social Welfare(玻利维亚:卫生与社会福利部).bo(西班牙语)● Brazil: Ministry of Health(巴西:卫生部).br(葡萄牙语)● Brazil: National Health Surveillance Agency(巴西:国家卫生监督署).br(葡萄牙语)● Brazil: Fundacao Oswaldo Cruz(巴西:Oswaldo Cruz基金会)www.fiocruz.br/ingles/index.htm l● Brazil: Ministry of Agriculture(巴西:农业部).br(葡萄牙语)● Canada: Health Products and Food Branch(加拿大:健康产品与食品分局)www.hc-sc.gc.ca/hpfb-dgpsa/index_e.html● Canada: Agriculture and Agri-Food online(加拿大:农业与农产品在线)www.agr.gc.ca/index_e.phtml● Canada: Fo od Inspection Agency(加拿大:食品检查署)www.inspection.gc.ca/english/toce.shtml● Chile: Health Ministry(智利:卫生部)www.minsal.cl/sitionuevo/index_sitio.asp(西班牙语)*● Chile: Institute of Public Health(智利:公共卫生所)www.ispch.cl(西班牙语)● Chile: Ministry of Agriculture(智利:农业部)www.minagri.gob.cl(西班牙语)● Chile: Und ersecretariat of Fisheries(智利:渔业副秘书处)www.subpesca.cl(西班牙语)● Colombia: Ministry of Health(哥伦比亚:卫生部).co/NewSite/MseContent/home.asp(西班牙语)● Colombia: INVIMA Instituto Nacional de Vigilancia de Medicamentos y Alimentos(哥伦比亚:INVIMA 国家药物和营养警戒所).co(西班牙语)● Colombia: Ministry of Agriculture(哥伦比亚:农业部).co(西班牙语)● Costa Rica: Ministry of Health (哥斯达黎加:卫生部)西班牙语)*● Costa Rica: Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock(哥斯达黎加:农业与家畜部)www.mag.go.cr(西班牙语)● Dominican Republic: Ministry of Agriculture(多米尼加共和国:农业部).do/default.htm(西班牙语)● Ecuador: Ministry of Public Health(厄瓜多尔:公共卫生部).ec(西班牙语)● Ecuador: Ministry of Foreign Trade, Industrialization, Fisheries and Competitiveness(厄瓜多尔:外贸、工业化、渔业与竞争部)/micip2/inicio.php(西班牙语)● Ecuador: Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock(厄瓜多尔:农业与家畜部).ec/ingles/index.html● El Salvador: Ministry of Public Health and Social Assistance(萨尔瓦多:公共卫生与社会援助部)www.mspas.gob.sv/mspas.htm(西班牙语)● El Salvador: Ministry of Agriculture(萨尔瓦多:农业部)/mag_gob_sv_2000(西班牙语)● Guat emala: Ministry of Health(危地马拉:卫生部)www.mspas.gob.gt(西班牙语)● Guatemala: Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Food(危地马拉:农业、家畜与食品部)www.maga.gob.gt(西班牙语)● Guyana: Ministr y of Health(圭亚那:卫生部).gy/moh● Guyana: Ministry of Agriculture(圭亚那:农业部).gy/minagri● Guyana: National Bureau of Standards(圭亚那:国家标准局).gy● Jamaica: Ministry of Health(牙买加:卫生部).jm● Mexico: Ministry of Health(墨西哥:卫生部)www.salud.gob.mx(西班牙语)● Mexico: Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Rural Development(墨西哥:农业、家畜与农村发展部)www.sagar.gob.mx/sagar2.htm(西班牙语)●Netherlands Antilles: Department of Public Health and Environmental Protection(荷兰安的列斯群岛:公共卫生与环境保护部)www.mina.vomil.an●Nicaragua: Ministry of Health(尼加拉瓜:卫生部)www.minsa.gob.ni(西班牙语)● Nicaragua: Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry(尼加拉瓜:农业与渔业部)www.magfor.gob.ni(西班牙语)● Panama: Ministry of Health(巴拿马:卫生部)www.minsa.gob.pa(西班牙语)● Panama: Ministry of Agricultural Development(巴拿马:农业发展部)www.mida.gob.pa(西班牙语)● Paraguay: Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock(巴拉圭:农业与家畜部).py/paginaprincipalmag.html(西班牙语)● Peru: Ministry of Health(秘鲁:卫生部)www.minsa.gob.pe/index2.htm(西班牙语)● Peru: General Directorate of Pharmaceuticals, Devices and Drugs(秘鲁:药品,器械与药物理事会)www.minsa.gob.pe/digemid(西班牙语)● Peru: Ministry of Agriculture(秘鲁:农业部)www.minag.gob.pe(西班牙语)● St. Lucia: Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment(圣?路西雅:农业、林业、渔业与环境部)● Trinidad and Tobago: Ministry of Health(特立尼达和多巴共和国:卫生部).tt● Trinidad and Tobago: Ministry of Agriculture, Land and Marine Resources(特立尼达和多巴共和国:农业、土地与海洋资源部).tt/AdministrationGov/Min_Agrilandmarineresources.htm● Trinidad & Tobago: Bureau of Standards(特立尼达和多巴共和国:标准局).tt● Uruguay: Ministry of Public Health(乌拉圭:公共卫生部)www.msp.gub.uy(西班牙语)● Uruguay: Ministry of Livestock, Agriculture and Fisheries(乌拉圭:家畜、农业和渔业部)西班牙语)*● U.S.:Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau(美国:酒、烟税收与贸易局)/alcohol● U.S.:Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives(美国:酒精、烟草、枪支与炸药局)● U.S.:Bureau of Customs and Border Protection(美国:海关与边境保护局)● U.S.:Centers for Disease Control and Prevention(美国:疾病控制与预防中心● U.S.:Department of Agriculture(美国:农业部)●U.S.:Department of Commerce(美国:商业部)● U.S.:Department of Health and Human Services(美国:健康和人类服务部)● U.S.:Department of Homeland Security (美国:国土安全部)● U.S.:Department of Justice(美国:司法部)● U.S.:Department of the Treasury(美国:财政部)● U.S.:Drug Enforcement Administration(美国:毒品强制执法管理局)/dea● U.S.:Federal Trade Commission(美国:联邦贸易委员会)● U.S.:Food and Drug Administration(美国:食品和药品管理局)▲Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research(生物制品评价和研究中心)/cber▲Center for Devices and Radiological Health(器械和辐射健康中心)/cdrh▲Center for Drug Evaluation and Research(药品评价和研究中心)/cder▲Cent er for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition(食品安全和应用营养中心)▲Center for Veterinary Medicine(兽药中心)/cvm▲National Center for Toxicological Rese arch(国家毒理学研究中心)/nctr▲Joint Institute for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition(食品安全和应用营养联合研究所)▲National Center for Food Safety and Technology(国家食品安全和技术中心)/~ncfs● U.S.:Food Safety and Inspection Service(美国:食品安全与检查局)● U.S.:Environmental Protection Agency(美国:环境保护总署)●U.S.:National Agricultural Library USDA/FDA Foodborne Illness Education Information Center(美国:国家农业图书馆的USDA/FDA食源性疾病教育信息中心)/foodborne●U.S.:National Institutes of Health(美国:国家健康研究所)●U.S.:National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration(美国:国家海洋与大气管理局)●U.S.:Substance Abuse Prevention, Addictions Treatment and Mental Health Services(美国:药物滥用防止、毒瘾治疗与精神卫生局)●Venezuela: Ministry of Health and Social Development(委内瑞拉:卫生与社会发展部).ve(西班牙语)●Venezuela: Ministry of Agriculture(委内瑞拉:农业部).ve(西班牙语)LABEL和MSDS的一些网站MSDS and LabelLabel和MSDS总的连接/gen.htmLabel和MSDS总的连接/manuf/manuf.asp没有metolachlorMSDS搜索大全/area/jrm/Safety/msds.html.au/Search_list.asp?ProductOrder=Sorter_CompanyName&ProductDir=ASC&Pro ductPage=89澳大利亚MSDS搜索!/scripting/agrichemical/PesticideSearch.php新西兰MSDS!/MSDS/#MSDS搜索MSDS的网站/DBLinksN.htm搜索MSDS的网站/msdssrch.asp搜索MSDS的网站/msds/index.html搜索MSDS的网站ohs.ca/msds/search.html搜索MSDS的网站,7天免费试用。



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1.第三届岩溶记录-气候变化国际研讨会2003年会议在法国南部蒙彼利埃(Montpellier)市召开 [J],
2.第16届国际生物物理大会的通知 [J],
4.2006年第二届上海国际生理生物物理大会听视科学和医学会议及征文通知 [J],因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。



The IUCN Red List of ThreatenedSpecies™ is the world’s mostcomprehensive information sourceon the global conservation statusof animal, fungi and plant speciesand their links to livelihoods.Our goal is to catalyse actionfor biodiversity conservationby providing informationand analysis on the world’sspecies, including threats,population status and trends.“The IUCN Red List is a wake-up call, reminding us thatour natural world is becoming increasingly vulnerable. Weknow that effective conservation can yield outstandingresults, saving species from extinction while securingthe livelihoods of local communities. The internationalcommunity must urgently step up conservation effortsif we want to secure this fascinating diversity of lifethat sustains, inspires and amazes us every day.”Inger Andersen, IUCN Director General(International Union for Conservation of Nature).Eyelash Frog (Cornufer guentheri) Least ConcernPhotography © Robin MooreAbout The IUCN Red ListAbout The IUCN Red ListThe IUCN Red List is a rich compendium of information on threats, ecological requirements, and habitats of species; and on conservation actions that can be taken to reduce or prevent extinctions. It is based on an objective system for assessing the risk of extinction of a species based on past, present, and projected threats.Species assessments are conducted following a standardized process using the rigorous IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria, ensuring the higheststandards of scientific documentation, information management, expert review, and justification.There are eight IUCN Red List Categories based on criteria linked to population trend, size and structure, and geographic range. Species listed as CriticallyEndangered, Endangered or Vulnerable are collectively described as threatened.426333of Conifersthreatened34%of Birdsthreatened13%26N eo ca l l it r o ps i s p a n c h e r i –E n da n g er edT a rs i us t um p ar a – C ri t i c a ll y E nda n ge r edMe rg us oc t os e t ac e u s – C r i t i c a l l yE nd an g er edP se ud o ph i l a u tu s ta n u – E n da ng e re dThe IUCN Red List The IUCN Red List The IUCN Red List How is The IUCNRed List used?About The IUCN Red ListThe IUCN Red List PartnershipWorking together for conservation The IUCN Red List is produced and managed by the IUCN Global Species Programme, the Species Survival Commission (SSC) and The IUCN Red List Partnership.The IUCN Red List partners are: Arizona State University; BirdLife International; Botanic GardensConservation International; Conservation International; NatureServe; Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew; Sapienza University of Rome; Texas A&M University; and Zoological Society of London.“The IUCN Red List tells us where we ought to be concerned and where the urgent needs are to dosomething to prevent the despoliation of this world. It is a great agenda for the work of conservationists.”Sir David Attenboroughlisted from Vulnerable to Near Threatened .controlled. In 2012 it was down-listed toEndangered and the future looks encouraging due to the extensive conservation work.List as Endangered . Ongoing conservation is essential to continue their recovery.Native to Africa, the Nile Crocodile is atNile Crocodile(Crocodylus niloticus )2006 the population reached 178 birds on four islands - a tenfold increase in forty years.By 1968 commercial whaling had seriously Humpback Whale(Megaptera novaeangliae )Endangered , and the most recent population estimates are of over 1,000 birds.Endemic to Mallorca (a Mediterranean island), Mallorcan Midwife Toad (Alytes muletensis )BarometerOur target is to makeThe IUCN Red List a more completeA broader taxonomic base to species assessments will enable better conservation and policy decisions.A provisional target of 160,000 assessed species has been proposed and the estimated cost of this85,604SO FARAssessment Goal 45,344Described Species 1,359,365Species Assessed 18,609 (2016)An estimated 99% of all organisms are InvertebratesAssessment Goal 61,635Described Species 64,788Species Assessed 44,694 (2016)Nature’s backbone VertebratesAssessment Goal 14,500Described Species 165,305Species Assessed 48 (2016)The most under-researched and under-funded Fungi and other species groupsAssessment Goal 38,521Described Species 310,129Species Assessed 22,253 (2016)The Earth’s lungs PlantsThe IUCN Red List24For more information, please contact ********************Species on The IUCN Red List page – Photography CreditsEncephalartos laevifolius – © SANBIPseudophilautus tanu – © Milivoje Krvavac - Department of Biology and Ecology UNS Acropora palmata – © Jan Paul Zegarra/USFWS SoutheastNeocallitropsis pancheri – © Mickael T Wikimedia CommonsTarsius tumpara – © Geoff DeehanMergus octosetaceus – © Adriano GambariniConservation Action Map Page 1 – Photography CreditsCentranthus trinervis – © Antonie van den Bos for Cucujus cinnaberinus – © Gouix Nicolas and Brustel HervçNipponia nippon – © Andy Li, CC 2.0, NoDerivsMustela nigripes – © Michael Lockhart, USFWS, CC 2.0Cyclura lewisi – © Peter J. Markham, Loretto, MN, CC 2.0, sharealikePrototroctes maraena – © Gary Backhouse, DSE, Arthur Rylah Institute, CC 2.5Conservation Action Map Page 2 – Photography CreditsAlytes muletensis – © Bert Willaert, Crocodylus niloticus – © Sarah McCans, CC 2.0Megaptera novaeangliae – © Whit Welles, CC 3.0Anodorhynchus leari – © Ashok Khosla, Copsychus sechellarum – © Adrian Scottow, CC 2.0, sharealikeOryx leucoryx – © Topiltzin Contreras MacBeath Design: Short-eared Owl (Asio flammeus ) Least ConcernPhotography © Gordon EllmerIUCNRue Mauverney 28CH-1196 Gland SwitzerlandTel: + 41 22 999 0000 Fax: + 41 22 999 0015 /redlist /donate© IUCN 2017。

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NONLINEAR H-INFINITY CONTROL:AN LMI APPROACH1D F Coutinho A Trofino M FuDepartment of Electrical and Computer Engineering,Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul,Av Ipiranga6681,PortoAlegre,RS,90619-900,Brazil.Department of Automation and Systems,UFSC,Brazil.Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering,The University of Newcastle,Australia.(daniel@ee.pucrs.br,eemf@.au,trofino@lcmi.ufsc.br) Abstract:In this paper,we consider the problem of robust H-infinity Control for a classof uncertain nonlinear systems.We derive LMI conditions for analyzing regional robuststability and performance based on Lyapunov functions which are polynomial functionsof the state and uncertain parameters.More specifically,we provide an energy bound onthe input disturbance which guarantees that the state of the system stays inside a givenregion.For the given bound on the input disturbance,we also minimize the L2-gain of theinput/output operator.Through an iterative algorithm,the proposed technique is applied tocontrol synthesis.Numerical examples are presented to illustrate our results.Keywords:H-infinity control,convex-optimization,uncertainty,Lyapunov methods.1.INTRODUCTIONDuring the past ten years many researchers have gen-eralized the linear robust control theory to deal withthe2-gain of nonlinear systems(Lu and Doyle,1995).Unfortunately,the nonlinear∞problem needsthe solution of Hamilton-Jacob Inequalities(HJI,orequations-HJE)which are difficult to solve.Some al-ternative approaches have been developed(Huang andLu,1996)to solve HJI(or HJE)indirectly by reducingthe problem to algebraic inequalities(or equations),but these methods are only applicable to problemswith low dimension.On the other hand,the so-called linear matrix inequal-ity(LMI)approach has been used widely to solveproblems in linear robust control,gain-scheduling andmulti-objective control(Boyd et al.,1994).Since thework(El Ghaoui and Scorletti,1996)that showeda solution to the nonlinear problem using LMIs,re-ing that the state stays in a given polytopic region.The synthesis is done using an iterative scheme.We point out that our approach is based on Lyapunov functions which are polynomial functions of the state and un-certain parameters.We will also show via examples that this type of Lyapunov functions yield much less conservative results compared to functions with a Lya-punov matrix which is constant or affinely dependent on the state and uncertain parameters.The rest of the paper is structured as follows.Sec-tions2and3study the analysis problems.Section4 discusses the synthesis problem and proposes an iter-ative design scheme.Numerical examples are given in section5.Some conclusions are drawn in sec-tion6.The notation used in this paper is standard. For a real matrix S,S denotes its transpose,S0means that S is symmetric and positive-definite, and He S S S.Matrix and vector dimensions are omitted whenever they can be inferred from the context.In this paper,the proofs of theorems and some references are omitted from the original work because of space limitation.For further details,the reader is referred to the full version of this paper (Coutinho et al.,2001)(available for download at ftp://.au/pub/Reports/EE01045.ps.gz).2.REGIONAL STABILITY ANALYSISConsider the uncertain nonlinear system described as follows:˙x A xδx B w xδw,x00(1) where x n denotes the state,δl the uncertain parameters,and w m the disturbance input.We assume that:A1.The uncertain parameters represented by the vec-torδand its time-derivative˙δlie in a given polytope δ,i.e.,δ˙δδ;A2.The system’s matrices A xδand B w xδare bounded for allδ˙δδand x x,where x represents a given polytopic region of state containing the origin.The problem of concern in this section is to analyze the regional stability of the system(1)for a given set of input disturbances.To this end,we will use the following definition of regional stability.Definition1.Consider the nonlinear uncertain system in(1),satisfying the assumptions A1and A2,and a given set of input disturbances.The system is called regionally stable(with respect to and x)if x t x for all t0and all w.The corresponding set is called a set of admissible input disturbances.Hereafter,we describe the class of admissible input disturbances as follows:w t:µ1∞w t w t dt1(2)whereµ0controls the“size”of.In this paper,we will represent the polytope x by its vertices or by using a set of inequalities,i.e.,x x:a k x1,k1n e(3) where a k are given vectors associated with the n e edges of the polytope x.The key idea involved in the study of admissible input disturbances is to overbound the state trajectory generated by an input disturbance using a level set of a Lyapunov function,which in turn is overbounded by x.More precisely,we consider the following Lyapunov matrix candidate:r xδI nΘxδP rI nΘxδ(4) where P r is afixed symmetric matrix to be determined andΘxδn n is an affine matrix function of xδthat we will specify later.The corresponding Lyapunov function candidate is given byv r xδx r xδxThe overbounding level set is given byr x:v r xδ1δ˙δδSuppose v r xδsatisfies the following conditions for all x x,δ˙δδand w:v r xδ0(5)˙v r xδµ1w t w t t0(6) Integrating both sides of(6)from0to T for any T0 yieldsv r x Tδµ1Tw t w t dt1(7)δ˙δδw tHence,the trajectory x t driven by w t belongs to x if the condition r x is satisfied.In order to make the above conditions testable via LMIs,we rewrite the system(1)as follows:˙xq∑i0A i xδπi˜q∑j0B j xδξj(8)A xδπB xδξwithππ0πq;ξξ0ξ˜q;andA xδA0xδA q xδB xδB0xδB˜q xδIn addition,the auxiliary vectorsπandξare nonlinear functions of xδsatisfyingΩxδπ0;Λxδξ0for some non-zero matrix functionsΩxδandΛxδ. Also,π0,π1andξ0are chosen asπ0x,π1Θxδx andξ0w t,whereΘxδis the same matrix used to define the Lyapunov matrix in(4).Moreover, A xδn q1n,B xδn˜q1m,Ωxδand Λxδare affine functions of x andδ.To simplify the notation,we may use the auxiliary matrices and vectors without explicitly mentioning their respective dependence on xδw and t.With the above discussion,we modify Assumption A2 to the following:A2’.The matrices A xδand B xδin(8)are affine functions of x andδand are bounded for x x and δ˙δδ.By definition of the Lyapunov matrix in(4),it should be noted that the matrixΘxδis an affine function of x andδ.Hence,we can represent it byΘxδn∑j1T j x jl∑j1U jδj V(9)where x jδj are j-th entries of the vectors x andδ, respectively,and T j,U j and V are constant matrices with the same dimensions ofΘxδ.The analysis above leads to the following result.Theorem2.Let x,δand in(2)be given.Con-sider the system(1),the associated system(8),the assumptions A1and A2’and the following notation:˜Θx n∑j1T j x s j;ˆΘ˙δl∑j1U j˙δ;N I2n0;˜N I m0;E I n0Θxδ˜Θx I n;FA xδˆΘ˙δ0;ΨaM x0ΘxδI n; M xx2x1000x3x2..................000x n x n1;Ψb0Ωxδ00Ψa00E FB xδ00Λxδ;where s j is the j-th row of the identity matrix I n, N2n q1n and˜N m˜q1m.Suppose there exist matrices P r,L ar and L br that solve the following LMIs constructed at all vertices ofxδ:P r L arΨaΨa L ar0,P r P rϒP rµ1L brΨbΨb L br01aka kP r L arΨaΨa L ar0,k(10) whereϒP rµ10P r N0N P r0000µ1˜N˜N(11)Then,the disturbed system(1)is regionally stable and the set is an admissible set of input disturbances (with respect to x).The proof of above theorem was omitted because of space limitation and can be obtained in the full version of this paper(Coutinho et al.,2001).3.2-GAIN PERFORMANCE Consider that the uncertain nonlinear system in(1)has the following performance output:z C z xδx D zw xδw(12) where z r.For the above output vector,we assume that:A3.The matrix functions C z xδand D zw xδare bounded for allδ˙δδand x x.In this section,we are interested in the performance of the nonlinear system(1)and(12).To this end,we will use the following definition of2-gain.Definition3.Consider the nonlinear uncertain system (1)and(12),satisfying assumptions A1-A3,and a given set of input disturbances.The(worst-case) 2-gain of the input/output operator,denoted by G wz, of system(1)and(12)is given byG wz∞∞if the system is notregionally stablesup0wδ˙δδz2x δI n Θx δPI nΘx δ(13)and PP is a constant matrix to be determined.To test if the 2-gain is bounded by a given γ0,werequire that the following inequalities are satisfied forall x δ˙δ,w and t 0:v x δ0(14)˙v x δz zγw t w t(15)which is a well-known result in the literature,see forinstance (Boyd et al.,1994).In the same way of Section 2,we rewrite the perfor-mance output (12)as follows:zq ∑i 0C i x δπi ˜q ∑j 0D jx δξj(16)or,equivalently,in the concise form z C x δπD x δξ,with C x δC 0x δC q x δandD x δD 0x δD ˜q x δ.Hereafter,we modify Assumption A3to the follow-ing:A3’.The matrices C x δr q 1n and D x δr ˜q 1m in (16)are affine functions of x and δand are bounded for x x and δδ.With the above analysis,we can state the main result of this paper as follows.Theorem 5.Let x and δand be given.Consider the system (1)and (12),the associated system (8)and (16),the assumptions A1,A2’and A3’and the nota-tion of Theorem 2.Suppose the given is admissi-ble.Then,the 2-gain of the system is bounded by γ,where γis the solution of the following optimization problem,with the decision variables P ,L a ,L b and γ,and the LMIs constructed at all vertices of x δ:min γsubject to:PL a ΨaΨa L a0PP ϒP γL b ΨbΨb L b0C x δD x δ0C x δD x δI r(17)where ϒP γis given by (11).Moreover,the origin of the unforced system (w 0)is locally exponentially stable.The proof of above theorem was omitted because of space limitation.See (Coutinho et al.,2001)for further details.REMARK:For linear time-invariant (LTI)systems with no uncertain parameters,the optimization prob-lem in Theorem 5leads to a necessary and sufficientcondition.To illustrate this point,let us consider the following LTI system:˙x AxB w w and zC z xD zw w .Define the multipliers L a 0and L b F G H .From (17),we get the following:min γsubject to:P 0(P P )and∆P F G H γ0C z D zw 0C z D zwI(18)where the matrix ∆P F G H γis given byF F P FAG FB w HP A F G GA A G GB w A H B w F H HA B w G HB w B w H γINow,applying the Schur complement to (18)and defining F 0,G P and H 0,we getA P PA C z C z PB wC zD zwB w P D zwC zD zw D zw γI0(19)recovering the classical result for LTI systems (Boydet al.,1994).Note that the second LMI of (18)has multipliers which the classical result (19)does not have.The use of multipliers allows us to deal with nonlinearities and uncertain parameters.The same idea has been used to solve analysis and synthesis problems of uncertain (continuous and discrete time)linear systems see,e.g.(de Oliveira et al.,1999;Ap-karian et al.,2000).4.CONTROL DESIGNConsider the uncertain nonlinear system as follows:˙x A x δx B u x δu B w x δw zC z x δxD uz x δu D wz x δw(20)where x 00,δ˙δδ,up denotes the control input,and B u x δand D uz x δare affine matrix functions of x and δwith appropriate dimensions.In this section we are concerned with the problem of determining a control law to improve the performance of the closed-loop system.In particular,we use a control law u K x δx ,where the control matrixis given by K x δ∑qi 0K i πi ,the auxiliary vectorsπi are as defined in section 3and K ip n are fixed matrix gains to be determined.Note that this control law can represent a gain scheduler or a non-fragile controller.For simplicity,we assume that the state information is available for feedback and the parameters δi are known on-line to the controller.Theorems 2and 5provide the foundation for solving our synthesis problem.To analyze the closed-loop re-gional stability for given admissible input disturbance and control-gains K i i 0q ,we can replacethe matrices A xδand C xδthat are used in(10) and(17)with the following:A A0B u K0A q B u K qC C0D uz K0C q D uz K q(21) and apply Theorem2to verify the regional stability and Theorem5to determine an upper bound on the 2-gain.To extend this result to the design case,we observe that the matrix inequalities in(10)and(17)will be bilinear matrix inequalities(BMIs).BMI problems appear commonly in robust control design.In order to avoid this technical difficulty,we use an iterative algorithm,similar to an algorithm proposed by(Feron et al.,1996),in which the BMI problem is solved via two LMI sub-problems.It is well-known that iterative algorithms may provide a locally optimal solution for BMI problems.Nevertheless,each iteration tends to improve the closed-loop performance,so the tech-nique is often effective.Algorithm1.Consider the system(20)with given x,δ,,and Theorems2and5with the matricesA xδand C xδas defined in(21).STEP1Determine a stabilizing controller such that is admissible;STEP2For a given controller and taking into ac-count(21),solve the LMIs in(10)and the optimiza-tion problem(17)to obtain the matrices L br and L b respectively.STEP3For given matrices L br and L b,solve respec-tively(10)and(17)to obtain the new control pa-rameters K0K q.Note that the inequalities in (10)and(17)are affine in all variables including K0K q.STEP4Iterate over steps2and3until convergence or satisfaction of a pre-defined2-gain.At each iteration i,note that Algorithm1guarantees the regional stability of the closed-loop system and γiγi1.As a result,this algorithm converges on a local minimum.To overcome the problem offinding an initial stabilizing controller(STEP1),we propose the following result.4.1Stabilizing ControllerConsider the differential equation of system(20),i.e.˙x A xδx B u xδu B w xδw(22) We assume for above system that:A4.The system matrix A xδcan be rewritten as A xδΠxδ˜A xδwhere the matrix˜A xδis an affine function of xδandΠxδis a nonlinear function of xδthat satisfy the following:1the matrix˜A xδis bounded for x x andδδ;2 there exists a non-zero matrixΩΠxδaffine function of xδsuch thatΠxδΩΠxδ0;and3there exists a constant matrix NΠsuch thatΠxδNΠI n.A5.The system matrix B w xδcan be rewritten as B w xδΦxδ˜B xδ,where the matrix˜B xδis an affine function of xδandΦxδis a nonlinear function of xδthat satisfy the following:1the matrix˜B xδis bounded for x x andδδ;2 there exists a non-zero matrixΛΦxδaffine function of xδsuch thatΦxδΛΦxδ0;and3there exists a constant matrix NΦsuch thatΦxδNΦI m.Then,we can propose the following state feedback control law that assures the regional stability of system (22)for a given constantµ.Theorem6.Let x,δandµbe given.Consider the system(22)and Assumptions A1,A4and A5.Sup-pose there exist matrices X,Y and L that solve the following LMIs constructed at all vertices of x δ.X0X X1a k Xa k0kHeΓX Yµ1ΩΠ00ΛΦL0(23) whereΓX Yµ1is given byNΠX˜A NΠB u Y0NΦ˜B05µ1NΦNΦThen,the system(22)with u YΠxδX1x is regionally stable and the set defined byµis an admissible set of input disturbances.The proof of above theorem was omitted because of space limitation.See(Coutinho et al.,2001)for further details.5.NUMERICAL RESULTSTo illustrate the potential of the proposed technique, we analyze two numerical examples.In thefirst one, we compute an upper bound on the2-gain of the system.In the second example,we design a nonlin-ear controller that minimizes the2-gain.In both ex-amples,we assume that the sets of admissible input disturbances are given.Example1:consider the following uncertain system which is based on the Van der Pol equation(El Ghaoui and Scorletti,1996):˙x011εx211x1w(24)with z10x w,w(for someµ0),and the nonlinear dumping factorεis constant and ap-proximately known,i.e.εε0∆εε0∆ε,where ε008and∆ε02.Our objective in this example is to determine a bound on the output energy as well as estimate the size of setusing different Lyapunov matrices(constant,affine and quadratic).To this end,let x be the polytope defined by the following set x1x2:x iαi12, whereαis a given scalar.Now,consider that the matrix P is partitioned asfollows P P0P1P1P2.With this partition,we obtainedthe following Lyapunov matrices:i P0,P1and P2are free,i.e the matrix xδis quadratic in xδ;ii P0and P1are free and P20,i.e the matrix xδis affine in xδ;and iii P10,P20and P0is free, i.e.the matrix xδis constant.Table1shows the estimated upper-bounds on the2-gain of the input/output operator and sizes of the input disturbances for the proposed approach using Theo-rems2and5with different Lyapunov matrices.For all the solutions,α07is used.As expected,theUpper-boundsAffineγ84.4µ0.11。
