信贷 ODS
• 所有的数据库一体机都是相同的
• • • • • 开箱既用的 经过测试的 支持优异的 没有独特的配置问题 与Oracle工程部使用的配置相同
• 可以运行现有的OLTP和数据仓库应用
• 继承了30多年的Oracle数据库能力
• 无需Exadata认证 部署只需几天, 而无需数月
2台 8Core * 8CPU (128核)
2台 1T内存(2T内存) X2-2: 8台 6Core * 2CPU (96核) 8台 96G内存(768G内存)
1 Cisco 以太网交换机 (48口,10Gb/s)
3 InfiniBand 交换机(满 半) 1 (1/4) (36口, 40Gb/s)
支持 OLTP、数据仓库和大集中等不同工作负载
Oracle Exadata X2-2 Oracle Exadata X2-8
• ¼配、半配、满配和多机架
• 满配和多机架
Exadata X2&X8 满配
存储: 高性能:100T 高容量:336T Flash: 14台 * 378G (5.3T) CPU: 14台 6Core * 2CPU (168核) 内存: 14台 * 24G (336G内存) X2-8: 数据库服务器
I/O 吞吐 (磁盘)
I/O 吞吐(flash)
磁盘 IOPS Flash IOPS 数据加载
50,000 1,500,000 12TB/小时
Raw Disk1
Full Rack Full Rack Half Rack Quarter Rack
High Perf Disk 100 TB 100 TB 50 TB
21 TB
High Cap Disk 336 TB 336 TB 168 TB
• 完整的, 预配置的, 严格测 试的系统提供已优化好的极 限性能
• 随付即用的数据库软硬件一 体系统
• 高可用性、高可扩展性
• Oracle提供整体(软硬件) 技术支持和服务
Exadata的系统架构和配置 模式
<Insert Picture Here>
Exadata 数据库一体机介绍
沈建明 资深销售顾问 Oracle中国,系统事业部
Oracle为什么推出Exadata 数据库一体机
<Insert Picture Here>
• 计费、帐务、客服、网管等事务型(OLTP)系统 – 业务分散,服务器数量众多,占地多,能耗大 – 处理能力不平衡,计算资源没有得到充分利用 – 系统优化过程复杂,难度大 – 故障处理周期长,影响系统的服务能力
40G IB 8核 24G
Exadata Cell Exadata Cell
N x 1.5GB/s N x 3.6GB/s
• 存储层智能,解决计算能力问题:每个存储单元包括存储、CPU及相应的软件, 处理SQL 及 压缩,恒定的计算能力与存储的比值。
• 横向并发计算,解决带宽和可靠性问题:数据库跨越存储单元横向部署,ASM提供镜像保护, 处理能力与数据量同比扩展。
Oracle Exadata数据库一体机极致性能和最佳实践
Exadata 采用更高的单路带宽
- InfiniBand提供40Gb/s的带宽,比高端阵列 的光纤通道技术快8倍
Exadata 提供更高的IOPS
- 智能Exadata Smart Flash Cache技术处理更 多的IOPS
• 冗余40Gb/s 交换机 • 统一的服务器和存储网络
• 5.3 TB PCI 闪存 • 跨服务器进行存储镜像
© 2010 Oracle Corporation – Oracle Confidential
– 6–
Exadata X2 体系架构
Sun Oracle Exadata X2数据库机
• 完整的, 预配置的, 严格测 试的系统提供极限性能 • 随付即用的系统 • 高性能、高可用性
© 2010 Oracle Corporation – Oracle Confidential
Copyright © 2009, Oracle Corporation and/or its affiliates
– 8–
三层架构/两层应用 架构
客户端 避免单点故障
智能存储层 1M IOPS/机架
Exadata Cell
Exadata Cell
Oracle 数据库一体机 — Exadata
• Sun Oracle Database Machine
– 预配置,提供高性能 – 平衡的系统 – 无限扩展性能,容量、带宽和处理 能力
• Exadata Storage Server Software 11gR2
• Exadata Storage Server Software 11gR2 • Oracle Database 11gR2
© 2009 Oracle Corporation - Confidential
Exadata 产品
Exadata Storage Server & Database Machine • Exadata Storage Server
– 为Oracle 数据库优化的存储产品 – 提供极限 I/O 和 SQL 执行性能 – 软硬件一体化
Exadata Cell
InfiniBand 交换网络
Exadata Cell
Exadata Cell
基础技术 – 分布式计算
计算密集型处理 • Exadata 智能存储服务器
– 在存储部件中实现数据密集型处理 • 进行表及索引扫描,过滤查询无关数据
• 数据库服务器承担计算密集型处理(同传统结构)
– 50 GB/秒
50 40 30
未压缩数据的查询吞 吐量
• 与列压缩相结合
21 11.4 7.5 10
20 – 闪存中有超过 50 TB 的数据 10 – 对压缩数据的查询提高 到 500 GB/秒
– 优先恢复关键数据库文件 (
▪ 数据库优化的消息传递
– 关键数据库消息的端到端优先级排序 (,包括日志写入和 RAC
Exadata X4 是第五代数据库云服务器
数据仓储 OLTP 数据库整合 以闪存为中心
8 版权所有 © 2014,Oracle 和/或其关联公司。保留所有权利。
大容量磁盘容量增加 33% 672 TB,采用 4TB 磁盘 高性能磁盘容量增加 2 倍 200 TB,采用 1.2 TB 磁盘
每台数据 库云服务 器均为全 机架配置
X4-2 计算
数据库内核数增加 50% 192 个内核,采用 12 核 Xeon® CPU 每台服务 数据库服务器本地存储容量增大 2 倍 器 2.4 TB,采用 600GB 磁盘 InfiniBand PCI-3
▪ 数据库优化的 PCI 闪存
– 超高速闪存压缩(X3 和 X4): 数百万次 IO/秒
– 自动缓存表扫描 – 文件初始化速度更快
7 版权所有 © 2014,Oracle 和/或其关联公司。保留所有权利。
▪ 数据库优化的 QoS
– 按按多租户可插拔数据库 (12c) 确定 CPU 和 IO 的优先级
▪ 将查询分流到存储中
– 将数据密集的查询操作分流至存储 CPU
– 100 GB/秒 SQL 数据吞吐量 – 存储索引数据忽略
▪ 数据库存储压缩
– 混合列压缩将数据库大小缩小至原来 的
▪ 数据库优化的 PCI 闪存
– 智能缓存数据库数据 – 每秒 266 万次数据库 IO – 智能闪存日志加快事务处理速度
1. Oracle Exadata 数据库云服务器的售后服务采用Oracle Exadata云服务器,所有和数据管理平台相关的软硬件产品服务统一通过Oracle公司,不存在因采用不同公司产品而可能会出现的责任归属难于确定等问题,相比传统的采用多家产品的方案,将获得更加完善的售后服务保障。
1.1 上线前服务保障:运行在Exadata上应用都是红塔证券中的关键业务系统之一,红塔证券对数据中心系统的运行性能、高可用性要求很高,为降低上线风险、提高系统的稳定性,Oracle提供上线前Exadata系统软件配置评估服务。
Oracle Exadata的软件及硬件安装、配置由Oracle高级服务团队(Advanced Customer Service/ACS)的技术顾问现场进行,Oracle现场技术顾问遵循标准的指南和Checklist,运用产品工具严格进行检查和配置,并提交交付文档。
Oracle 服务质量(QoS)管理器
• 4个600 GB SAS 10,000 RPM硬盘
• 2个QDR端口(40Gb/s)
• 2个10 Gb以太网端口(光口)
• 4个1/10 Gb 以太网端口(铜口)
• 1个 ILOM 以太网端口
• 2个冗余热插拔电源
36端口QDR (40 Gb/秒) InfiniBand交换机
•2 个 Intel® Xeon® E5-2699 v3 十八核处理器 (2.3 GHz), 1/8机架共启用36核CPU
• 256 GB 内存(可扩展至768GB)
•磁盘控制器 HBA(SAS-3 12 Gb RAID控制器卡,带1 GB Supercap-backed缓存
• 48个CPU内核用于SQL处理(启用24个内核)
• 6个PCI闪存卡,包含9.6 TB的Exadata智能闪存缓存(原始),18个4 TB 7200 RPM大容量磁盘(另有6个闪存卡和18个磁盘驱动器保留用于升级至四分之一机架)
• 用于管理Database Machine的以太网交换机
集群,Oracle 分区,以及其它Oracle 数据库选件
Oracle Exadata Storage Server 软件Licenses 可以从一个系统转移到另一系统
Oracle Exadata X8数据库机器白皮书说明书
Wherever Oracle Databases Live and However They Are Consumed, Exadata X8 Delivers Performance in a League of Its OwnBy Mark Peters, Principal Analyst & Practice DirectorJune 2019This ESG White Paper was commissioned by Oracleand is distributed under license from ESG.™Oracle Databases Achieve Unprecedented Speed Running on the New Exadata Database Machine X8 White PaperContentsIntroduction and Executive Summary (3)Databases: Their Market and Their Varied, Voracious Data Demands (3)The Essence of Exadata, X8, and Cloud-enhancement as Desired (5)The Bigger Truth (7)Introduction and Executive SummaryMany things in IT are talked about a lot just because they have to be, while other things are talked about very little because they cannot be. As examples: There are lengthy written guides and web communities based on myriad approaches to system integration because (let’s face it) a lot of IT over many decades has been about trying to make operational round pegs fit application square holes. On the flip side, “unique” is a word that is eschewed by pretty much everyone except for vendor marketing departments because (let’s face this, too) there’s a lot of similarity across many capabilities from much of the vendor community. The journey may vary a tad, but the destination is often similar.Oracle Exadata Database Machine has now stood for a full decade in stark contrast to both these “norms.” As an Oracle Engineered System, the need to talk about integration is essentially precluded; the same engineers who build Oracle Database also ensure the Exadata is a seamless place to run the software. Control of all the IP means Oracle has a controlled and predictable environment in which to run its Database on Exadata, which in turn means it can deliver features that bring additional business value to its customers and enable them to obtain additional operational benefits and financial payback from their Oracle Database investment.And that’s it in a nutshell: Oracle’s justifiable claim to be providing, with Exadata, the best platform for Oracle Database is derived from it having the same DNA across both elements. That commonality helps make it economically attractive, scalable, and secure. It also generates the contrast that Oracle fairly enjoys making when comparing Oracle Database running on Exadata to Oracle Database running on any other vendor’s equipment; the others are constrained to essentially treat Oracle Database like any other application sitting on a VM or running as a process on generic hardware. Exadata delivers incremental business value when combined with Oracle Database, whether in the cloud or on-premises. The arrival of Exadata X8 provides yet another positive turn of the specification—and hence, value—screw, while Exadata turning ten years old is a timely reminder to review the power of the platform in general. It’s a power borne by suitability; and to appreciate that suitability, a quick reminder of the database market and its data needs is warranted. Databases: Their Market and Their Varied, Voracious Data DemandsThe Database MarketDatabases have long served as the lifeline of crucial business applications, and thus are often a foundation of businesses. Contemporary IT—and the world as we understand it—could not function without databases. But exponential data growth, the need to support more database workloads, and the resulting database sprawl have created significant challenges for IT organizations…challenges that are now complicated and extended by the arrival of multiple iterations of the cloud. With most organizations having mandates to adopt the cloud to some extent—database workloads are no exception—they should look to a partner that can not only meet their on-premises requirements, but also provide a path to a cloud that best fits their needs. And for many, getting an identical user and operational experience would be perfect. Moreover, as much as the IT environment has changed, so have the databases themselves…such as Oracle’s latest 19c iteration. These are not the databases of past generations, and so you wouldn’t want to use obsolete approaches of the past to serve them their lifeblood (i.e., data).Database Data: Proliferation, Demands…and the CloudManaging data growth and database size are far and away the greatest challenges organizations face in their current database environments, cited by 48% of respondents in ESG research (see Figure 1).1 Other key aspects of contemporary database environments include:1 Source: ESG Survey, Enterprise Database Trends, January 2017. All ESG research references and charts in this white paper have been taken from this survey, unless otherwise noted.• Additional top challenges are database performance, supporting databases in cloud environments, and the drive for ever-better security and compliance. This is not a pick-and-mix list; users need solutions to all of these problems from their chosen vendor.• If organizations had only one database, life would certainly be easier; but ESG research shows 55% of organizations have more than 25 databases in production, and having hundreds is not at all rare (see Figure 2). These tools support everything from transactional and analytical workloads to the latest machine learning applications, and they can be running everywhere from on-premises through “cloud-adjacent” environments to the cloud.• Often databases are siloed (with their own infrastructure), which compounds the management complexity and leads to inefficient utilization of hardware and software investments.• Maintaining multiple independent environments results in complex and growing security controls/policies, access needs/rules, and patching requirements, and this only adds to the management headaches IT organizations areforced to either suffer through or try to address.Figure 1. Challenges with Database Environment and Supporting InfrastructureSource: Enterprise Strategy Group48%We do not have any challenges Lack of skilled staffCreating test/development environmentsProvisioning infrastructure on-premisesPatch, maintenance and version update processesSupporting new applications and/or usersMeeting security/compliance requirementsSupporting databases in cloud environmentsMeeting database performance requirementsManaging data growth and database sizeIn general, which of the following challenges does your organization have with its current database environment and supporting infrastructure? (Percent of respondents, N=354, three responses accepted)Figure 2. Number of Production Databases DeployedSource: Enterprise Strategy GroupThe sum of the above—complexity and database iteration combined with data growth and the need to share it across and between organizations—is driving a need for consolidation. When ESG last investigated this, 50% of organizations were already consolidating databases, with another 25% planning on it. That consolidation in turn means DBAs must merge multiple workloads onto a given infrastructure, invariably creating more performance issues to be addressed.And this is all before adding in the operational curve ball of the cloud! Database provisioning and consolidation exercises increasingly must acknowledge that the right platform can change over time. Not surprisingly, ESG’s research has found that when evaluating and selecting databases, the most important attributes are that the database be capable of being cloud-based and include the ability to easily scale up and/or down as workloads demand.2The Essence of Exadata, X8, and Cloud-enhancement as DesiredGood news comes in the shape of the “Oracle on Oracle and for Oracle” solution: Exadata. Its value proposition is a piece of cake to convey: It is an optimized platform on which to run Oracle Database. While Oracle Database can run on myriad other systems, the optimal experience is running it on Exadata. It is an Oracle Engineered System that is tuned to be best for Oracle Database and integrates unique value-add features that are unavailable from other vendors. As such, it is not general purpose, nor simply fit-for-purpose: It is purpose-built. Over its decade in the market, Exadata has grown as the—identical everywhere—foundation for on-premises, Oracle Cloud, and Oracle Autonomous Database operations. The company states that Exadata is run by 77% of the Fortune Global 100 (25% of which have also adopted Exadata Cloud Service).This paper is not designed to provide extensive technical details, but suffice it to say Exadata is an ideal database platform that combines scale-out, database-optimized compute, networking, and storage hardware (to deliver both performance and economy) with smart software in the form of both specialized algorithms that can vastly improve all aspects of 2 Source: ESG Brief, Database Purchase Criteria , June 2017.17%Less than 5 5 to 1011 to 2526 to 5051 to 7576 to 100101 to 150151 to 200More than 200Don’t know How many production databases does your organization currently have deployed? (Percent of respondents, N=354)database processing, as well as automated management to optimally handle configuration, updates, and performance.3 Better yet, all the above is true across all workloads, whether they are petabyte-scale data warehouses or business-crucial OLTP applications, and whether they are traditional business applications or next-generation analytics and machine learning. Organizations can confidently consolidate their Oracle Databases and associated workloads onto a single platform born on-premises and then extend to some, or full, public cloud consumption options if desired.With Exadata, Oracle is allowing its users to deliver against the common (but also not commonly well-defined or stable) mandate to leverage the cloud by providing paths to deploy cloud operating models ranging from optimizing on-premises infrastructure before moving to the public cloud,4 through utilizing an on-premises cloud service (Oracle Cloud at Customer) that provides a public cloud experience but with the security and control of an on-premises environment, to a Cloud Adjacent offering,5 and all the way to a public cloud deployment with Exadata Cloud Service or Autonomous Database.Exadata X8As with Exadata in general, this paper is not the place to conduct a lengthy exposition of the new Exadata X8. A few headlines serve to convey the arrival of not only dramatic specification improvements, but also some key functionality:•Speed—Scale-out servers use the improved clock-speed of the latest 24-core Intel processors, as well as NVMe flash, to help Exadata X8 deliver up to 560GB/sec I/O throughput and 6.57M OLTP read IOPS (with 3.5M IOPS at under 250 microseconds). For obvious reasons, Oracle encourages all its prospects to compare its throughput and speed with typical all-flash storage arrays.•Capacity—There are 40% higher capacity 14TB Helium disk drives (the highest capacity at which Oracle’s prerequisite availability targets can be achieved). Additionally, a new Storage Server X8-2 XT expansion unit delivers dramatically less expensive storage for less-accessed, older, or regulatory data, but with all the benefits of Oracle Database storage(e.g., Hybrid Columnar Compression,6 identical operations, and security/encryption). Think of this as seamlesslyconverging the data[base] in addition to converging the infrastructure.•Function—60% more cores in Exadata X8-2 Storage Servers help offload more Oracle Database processing and also improve security by mitigating threats such as “Spectre” and “Meltdown” in silicon, eliminating software overhead.Also, automated, cloud-scale, full-stack performance management and monitoring combines AI and years of real-world performance “triage experience” with best practices to automatically detect performance issues, proactively determine root causes, and address problems without human intervention.Exadata + Oracle Database: ‘Hand in Glove’ and Extended ValueWhile it is impressive and valuable to know about Exadata’s specifications or extensive HA features, what really sets it apart are over 60 Exadata-only features for Oracle Database, such as Fast Node and Cell Death Detection, Automatic ASM Mirror3 In patching alone, for example, organizations can use Exadata to drastically reduce the number of patches. Oracle’s website details a $200B retailer that has reduced its patches 95% p.a. This enabled its IT group to improve productivity, while allowing its DBAs to more easily ensure their infrastructure was up to date and reduce risk.4 The cloud alliance announced in June 2019 between Oracle and Microsoft further demonstrates Oracle’s determination to be a key element in the public cloud world, while acknowledging that it will play to its strengths (such as high-performance Oracle Database) and allow customers to utilize the value of other mega-clouds as appropriate.5 This offering is outlined in the ESG White Paper, The Business Advantages of Cloud Adjacent Oracle Databases on Exadata, published March 2019.6 Hybrid Columnar Compression is an approach to database data compression that utilizes both the database and storage capabilities of Exadata to significantly reduce Oracle Database capacity requirements (10-15X is the norm). Less data handled also improves performance.Reads on IO Error Corruption, Automatic Statistics, and many more. It’s a veritable smorgasbord of delights for IT operations and DBAs to use, which delivers unsurpassed—and genuine—value to Oracle Database users.Extensions to this unique hand-in-glove functionality have continued with the latest Exadata X8, most notably the machine learning that enables Automatic Indexing with Oracle Database 19c. A fully-automated capability based on technology from Oracle Autonomous Database (what Oracle refers to as a “self-driving database”), this improves database performance and eliminates manual index-tuning tasks for critical applications.7 This means that DBAs can simultaneously stop the manual task of creating indexes for applications running on Oracle Database, achieve faster performance, and gain time to focus on more strategic business objectives.Users can also use in-database machine learning without having to move any data. All the algorithms run inside Oracle Database—close to the data—which ensures no production impact. This delivers dramatic performance gains for actions such as the faster scoring and validating of models against the freshest production data.While Oracle can at times display a love for extreme detail, Exadata’s powerful core value makes that largely unnecessary. Simply, it is the most integrated, optimized, flexible, and capable place to run Oracle Databases, with a set of attributes that allow it to cost less, scale better, and be more secure than alternatives. As such, it has become a foundation for Oracle Autonomous Database and Oracle SaaS applications, and the architecturally equivalent stepping stone to Oracle Cloud. The Bigger TruthWhile the term “no brainer” is a tad simplistic and can overlook relevant adjacent factors, it is clear that unique capabilities and user-value are available with Oracle Exadata when it’s used in concert with Oracle Database. That means any Oracle Database user not utilizing Exadata is missing out on some or all of those capabilities and value.As Exadata X8 heralds the second decade for this offering, it has increased its deployment choices alongside Oracle Database to mirror the increasingly hybrid cloud world, and thus offers a congruence of architecture, features, and security wherever and however it is deployed—on-premises or in the cloud. Oracle also continues to add impressive functionality that can translate to not only IT improvements, but also business value; a prime example being the machine learning in Oracle Database 19C to enable auto indexing with Exadata X8.Oracle is not famed for being shy in its own marketing claims; regarding the use of Exadata to run Oracle Database, it likes to say that the combination is “so smart that there’s no second place.” It would be easy to dismiss that as marketing bluster, but it actually deserves consideration; “second place” would suggest vendors competing at the same level…but really Oracle has put Exadata in a league of its own.7 Oracle reports a recent test in which 15 years of manual engineering were compared with what could be done in less than 24 hours with modern machine learning when the Automatic Indexing successfully created two-thirds the number of NetSuite application indexes and also increased database and application performance.All trademark names are property of their respective companies. Information contained in this publication has been obtained by sources TheEnterprise Strategy Group (ESG) considers to be reliable but is not warranted by ESG. This publication may contain opinions of ESG, which are subject to change from time to time. This publication is copyrighted by The Enterprise Strategy Group, Inc. Any reproduction or redistribution of thispublication, in whole or in part, whether in hard-copy format, electronically, or otherwise to persons not authorized to receive it, without the express consent of The Enterprise Strategy Group, Inc., is in violation of U.S. copyright law and will be subject to an action for civil damages and, if applicable, criminal prosecution. Should you have any questions, please contact ESG Client Relations at 508.482.0188. ********************** P. 508.482.0188 Enterprise Strategy Group is an IT analyst, research, validation, and strategy firm that provides actionable insight and intelligence to the global IT community.© 2019 by The Enterprise Strategy Group, Inc. All Rights Reserved.。
Exadata 技术架构和主要特点
主要指标 智能存储 OLTP 高可靠 高扩展
• 网格技术之大成
• 高性能, 低成本, 冗余, 线性扩展
• 超级性能 &开箱即用
RAC DB数据库服务器网格
• 适用于OLTP系统的最好的数据库服务器(Best for OLTP)
• 唯一基于网格技术扩展的数据库 • Smart flash cache 可达到20x(1M IOPS)快的IOPS,或者节省20x 的磁盘 • 对于归档数据可达到50x的压缩率 • 安全, 容错
• 适用于混合负载的最好的数据库服务器(Best for Consolidation)
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱSUM
仅仅返回满足 条件的数据
Exadata 混合列压缩
主要指标 智能存储 OLTP 高可靠 高扩展
• 数据按列存储,然后压缩 • 针对数据仓库的查询模式
• –为提高速度进行了优化 • –通常压缩比可达10 倍 • –扫描成比例增长
• 针对不常访问数据的归档模式
• –为减小空间进行了优化 • –通常可达15 倍压缩 • –对某些数据可达50倍压缩
• 21 GB/sec 磁盘数据扫描 • 50 GB/sec 内存数据扫描 • 1百万+ 随机I/Os /sec, 8K DB块
• 880 Gb/sec 累计IO带宽
Exadata 产品能力
主要指标 智能存储
高可靠 高扩展
Single Server
Oracle数据库云服务器Exadata介绍杨建鑫Principal Sales Consultant内容•Exadata简介•Exadata技术发展与硬件架构•Exadata技术优势及软件架构•Exadata客户案例Oracle数据库云服务器Exadata运行Oracle数据库的最佳平台适合与下面场景的架构•数据仓库(Data Warehousing)•交易系统(OLTP)•数据库整合Exadata是为所有Oracle数据库应用设计的战略数据库平台Exadata 发展•Exadata Introduced•X2-2 CPU Refresh •40 Gb InfiniBand •PCI Flash Cards•X2-2 CPU Refresh •X2-8 64-core Servers•Sparc SuperCluster •3TB Disks•Smart Flash Cache •Storage Index •Columnar Compression•Smart Scan •InfiniBand Scaleout•Smart Memory Scan •Parallel Memory Affinity •Enterprise Manager 12c•Hardware DB Encryption•Automatic Service Request•Data Mining Offload •Storage Expansion Rack•X2-8 CPU Refresh •2TB DRAM per node•Solaris x86 •Reverse Offload •Smart Flash Logging将Oracle 的最佳实践与快速发展的硬件相结合独特的软件特性Future Optimizations•In-Memory OptimizedCompression•Memory-to-MemoryInfiniBand Messaging •Flash Cache for Writes20082009 2010 2011 2012数以千计的全球成功案例Rapid adoption in all geographies and industriesSpectacular Customer Results“Softbank created a warehouse up to8x faster while reducing costs 50%”—Keiichiro Shimizu, Softbank“Turkcell’s largest 250 TB DB is nowonly 27 TB with Exadata Compression”—Ferhat Sengonul, Turkcell“Performance improved17x with no changes toour application”—Jim Duffy, BNP ParibasExadata Growth“Exadata is the fastest growing product in Oracle’s history”-Oracle CEO, Larry EllisonExadata技术发展与硬件架构Exadata架构完整的系统 : 计算资源, 存储资源, 网络资源•数据库集群–基于Intel芯片架构的数据库服务器–Oracle Linux or Solaris 11–Oracle Database 11g–10 Gig Ethernet (to data center)•存储网格–基于Intel芯片架构存储服务器–504TB裸容量– 5.3TB Flash storage–Exadata Storage Server Software•InfiniBand网络–内部网络互联 ( 40 Gb/sec )Exadata 硬件架构Exadata 智能存储网格•14 x 高性能低成本存储服务器(2U)•高性能, 低成本, 冗余, 线性扩展•100 TB 高性能SAS 磁盘, 或 504 TB 高容量SAS 磁盘 •168 Intel cores in storage •5.3 TB PCI 闪存•跨存储服务器的数据镜像保护•超级性能 &开箱即用满配最大功耗14KW, 平均 9.8KW. 而通常一个高端的SMP 小机(不包含存储和交换机)就需要超过20KW 的功耗数据库网格InfiniBand 网络•冗余 40Gb/s 交换机 •服务器与存储的统一网络• 8台数据库服务器(X2-2)✓96 CPU cores (12 Cores per server,2x Six-CoreIntel X5675 Processors (3.06 GHz)✓768 GB memory (可扩展到912GB )• 或2台数据库服务器(X2-8)✓160 CPU cores (80 Cores per server) ✓4 TB (2 TB per server)Exadata 低功耗Exadata 架构概述Exadata CellInfiniBand 交换网络单节点数据库RAC 数据库Exadata CellExadata Cell智能存储层数据库处理层 超高速并发网络层传统主机+存储的数据库架构的IO瓶颈问题•存储层:1)数据量不断增加,带来的IO瓶颈;2)随着数据长时间运行带来的数据分布不均匀,存在IO热点•网络层:传输带宽不足,无法快速传输大量数据到服务器•服务器层:接收过多数据进行处理,内存优势无法发挥Exadata–数据处理架构的革命打破数据带宽瓶颈•Exadata 提供更多的并发带宽-模块化存储单元CELL,高度并行的存储网格-带宽与容量成正比•Exadata 采用更高的单路带宽-InfiniBand提供40G bits/S的带宽,比高端阵列的光纤通道技术快5+倍•智能的存储、Exadata 传送更少的数据-数据查询过程被下移到智能存储层,传送到服务器中的数据只包括最相关的结果数据,显著的减少了发送到服务器的数据,减轻了服务器CPUs负荷。
oracle exdata一体机采购标准
在构建高性能、高可用、高可扩展的IT基础设施方面,Oracle Exadata一体机备受关注并得到了广泛的应用。
在购物Oracle Exadata一体机时,企业需要了解哪些采购标准,以确保所购产品符合企业的需求。
二、性能需求分析1. 数据规模:企业需要明确自己的数据规模,包括现有数据量和未来的扩展计划。
2. 应用场景:对于不同的应用场景,需求的性能参数也会有所不同,例如OLTP(联机事务处理)和OLAP(联机分析处理)。
3. 访问模式:需求分析要考虑数据的读写比例,瞬时并发请求和吞吐量等指标。
三、可靠性需求分析1. 数据可靠性:了解对数据的可靠性要求,包括数据备份和恢复的要求。
2. 系统可靠性:企业对Oracle Exadata一体机的系统可用性和容错能力的需求。
3. 安全性:对数据安全性和权限控制的需求。
四、扩展性需求分析1. 数据增长趋势:根据企业的扩展计划,需要评估Oracle Exadata 一体机的扩展性能力。
2. 系统扩展:考虑到业务的增长,需要评估Oracle Exadata一体机的扩展能力。
五、成本控制需求分析1. 总体投资:考虑采购、部署和维护Oracle Exadata一体机的总成本。
2. 投资回报:评估Oracle Exadata一体机的性能、可靠性和扩展性对企业业务的影响。
六、合规性和服务支持1. 与相关法规的合规性:Oracle Exadata一体机的采购、部署和使用是否符合相关法规。
2. 服务支持:了解Oracle Exadata一体机的服务支持政策和服务水平指标。
七、结论在Oracle Exadata一体机的采购过程中,企业应该根据自身的业务需求和发展规划,对性能、可靠性、扩展性、成本控制、合规性和服务支持等方面进行全面的分析和评估,并制定相应的采购标准。
极致的系统扩展能力和扩容空间 Exadata Database Machine 采用了一种同时支持为数据库服务器和存储 服务器水平扩展的系统架构。水平扩展意味着随着Exadata Database
每台 Exadata 存储服务器具有2个6 核Intel® Xeon®处理器用于数据库 处理工作的卸载。Exadata Database Machine 满配拥有168个存储处理器 核心。Exadata存储服务器的CPU不是用来取代数据库CPU的。相反, 它们用于加速数据密集型操作,就象图形加速卡加速图形处理性能一 样。
能闪存自动将频繁访问的数据缓存到PCI接口闪存中,同时 将不常访问的数据仍然保存在磁盘中。这种方式以磁盘的低成本提供 有效容量的同时提供闪存的高性能。Exadata智能闪存充分理解数据库 的工作负载,系统知道如何避免缓存不存在重复利用价值或不适合缓 存的数据。Oracle数据库和Exadata存储允许用户指定数据库表、索引 和段级别的数据对象强制驻留在闪存上。而不像配置了闪存盘的传统 存储必须要做的那样进行跨表空间,数据文件或物理存储设备的数据 迁移。
• 针对各种数据库应用而优化 的预配置系统
Oracle Exadata Database Machine是专门为发挥数据库的最高性能和 实现最高可用性而进行一体化集成设计的成果。Exadata Database Machine使用Sun的工业标准硬件和Oracle的智能数据库及存储软件 进行构建,Exadata Database Machine为各种数据库负载提供极限性 能,包括联机事务处理(OLTP),数据仓库(DW)和整合的混合 工作负载。Exadata Database Machine实施过程简单快捷,可以快速 就位并开始支撑最大规模和最重要的数据库应用,性能提升通常会 达到10倍甚至更多。
Exadata日常运维目录一、日常操作 (4)配置查看 (4)详细查看硬件配置和状态 (5)检查当前电源功耗 (6)检查功耗的历史记录 (7)告警设置 (9)二、健康检查 (11)系统状态查看 (11)各传感器工作状态 (11)设置组件的指示灯亮和快闪 (13)检查系统硬件日志 (14)三、Infiniband交换机 (16)查看IB硬件信息 (16)查看IB硬件配置和状态 (18)查看ILOM的网络会话超时的设置 (19)查看ILOM的网络设置 (20)查看系统SNMP管理的设置 (21)检查IB链路状态 (22)查看IB网络拓扑状态 (23)诊断IB链路没有错误 (26)查看IB网络连线 (34)查看IB健康状态 (35)四、PDU (35)监控PDU状态 (35)使用Metering Unit’s LCD Screen监控PDU (35)使用Web界面监控PDU (36)PDU故障处理 (38)五、Cisco交换机 (38)监控Cisco交换机状态 (38)Cisco故障处理 (38)六、日常运维及故障处理 (39)Powering Off Oracle Exadata Rack (39)启停Exadata Database Server (39)启停Exadata Storage Server (40)监控服务器周边温度 (41)DB节点磁盘状态检查 (42)CELL节点磁盘故障 (43)CELL节点Flash卡故障 (55)七、常用诊断工具 (58)Exachk or HealthCheck (58)Diagnostics Collection Tool: sundiag.sh (59)RDA(Remote Diagnostic Agent) (60)ADRCI (61)八、Exadata最佳实践 (61)Optimize ASM Diskgroup Balance (61)Optimize Scan Rates (62)Ensure auto extend size will allocate space on all disks in the diskgroup63备份 (Tape-Based) (63)备份 (Disk-Based) (66)恢复 (68)Verify DW/BI Instance Database Initialization Parameters (69)Check for ASM notification of corruption (70)Choose the ASM redundancy type based on your desired protection level and capacity demands (71)一、日常操作由于Database Server 与Storage Cell 为同平台产品,ILOM 版本相同,所以ILOM 管理操作基本相同,下述内容及图例将以Storage Cell 为例。
根据诊断结果,采取相应的措施修复故障, 如更换硬件、重新配置软件等。
在数据丢失的情况下,根据备份进行数据恢 复,确保业务的连续性。
03 Oracle Exadata数据库 技术
Exadata的硬件架构包括数据库服务器、存储服务器和InfiniBand交换机。数据库服务器负责处理数据库查询, 存储服务器提供存储空间,而InfiniBand交换机则提供高速数据传输。
Exadata软件架构包括数据库软件、Exadata智能存储软件和Exadata智能加速软件。这些软件协同工作,提供高 性能、高可用性和高扩展性的数据库服务。
Exadata通过智能的I/O调 度和优化技术,减少I/O 等待时间和延迟,提高存 储I/O性能。
Exadata采用高性能的存 储网络技术,降低网络延 迟和传输瓶颈,提高数据 传输效率。
Exadata提供高效的存储 管理工具和策略,简化存 储管理流程,降低管理成 本,提高存储资源利用率。
通过流量控制和优先级调度,确保关键业务流量 在网络中的优先传输。
采用数据压缩和加密技术,减少数据传输量,提 高网络安全防护能力。
通过负载均衡技术,将数据流量合理分配到多个 网络路径上,提高网络吞吐量。
05 Oracle Exadata安全技 术
Copyright © 2010, Oracle Corporation and/or its affiliates
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新 – Exadata数据库一体机X2-8满配
• 两台8CPU(每CPU8核)64位的数据库服务器 • 高核数、高内存的数据库服务器 • 128 核(每台服务器64核) • 内存2 TB (每台服务器1 TB内存) • 对外提供10 GigE(万兆以太网)接口 • 16个10GbE 端口 (每台服务器8个端口 per server) • 14台Exadata存储服务器X2-2 • 高性能600GB SAS磁盘 或者 • 高容量2 TB SAS磁盘 • 3台Sun Datacenter InfiniBand Switch • 36-port Managed QDR (40Gb/s) switch • 1台专门用于管理的Cisco 以太网交换机 • 冗余的Power Distributions Units (PDUs)
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Copyright © 2010, Oracle Corporation and/or its affiliates
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支持 OLTP、数据仓库和大集中等不同工作负载
Oracle Exadata X2-2 Oracle Exadata X2-8
• 服务质量 (QoS)
• 主动满足和维护SLA • 内存保护:保护现存活动的事物免于 基于内存的错误
Copyright © 2010, Oracle Corporation and/or its affiliates
Oracle 产品介绍Oracle Exadata 数据库云服务器 X5-2特性• 每机架多达 684 个 CPU 内核和14.6 TB 内存用于数据库处理• 每机架多达 288 个 CPU 内核专用于在存储中处理 SQL• 每机架 2 到 19 台数据库服务器• 每机架 3 到 18 个 OracleExadata Storage Server• 每机架高达 230 TB 闪存• 40 Gb/秒的 (QDR) InfiniBand网络• 每机架的未压缩镜像可用容量高达 385 TB• 混合列压缩的压缩率通常可达10-15 倍• 完全冗余带来高可用性• Oracle Linux事实• 每机架来自 SQL 的未压缩 I/O带宽高达 263 GB/秒• 每秒可执行多达 414.4 万个数据库 8K 读取 I/O 操作• 易于升级,可满足任意规模应用的需求• 可连接多个 Exadata 数据库云服务器 X5-2 机架或 Exadata存储扩展机架进行扩展。
只使用 InfiniBand 电缆和内部交换机即可连接多达 18 个机架。
还可通过外部 InfiniBand 交换机构建更大规模的配置• 针对所有数据库应用进行了优化的预配置系统Oracle Exadata 数据库云服务器为运行 Oracle 数据库提供了一个性能最强、最经济高效和可用性最高的平台。
Exadata 是一个现代化的架构,配有可横向扩展的行业标准数据库服务器、可横向扩展的智能存储服务器、最先进的 PCI 闪存存储服务器以及一个可连接所有服务器和存储的内部极速 InfiniBand 结构。
Exadata 所用的独有软件算法在存储、基于 PCI 的闪存和 InfiniBand 网络中实现了数据库智能,因此,与其他平台相比,能以更低的成本实现更高的性能和容量。
Exadata 可运行所有类型的数据库负载,包括在线事务处理 (OLTP)、数据仓库 (DW)、内存中分析以及各种混合负载。
1.1成功案例1-汤姆森路透(Thomson Reuters)利用Oracle大数据解决方案实现互联网资讯和社交媒体分析•Oracle Customer: Thomson Reuters•Location: USA•Industry: Media and Entertainment/Newspapers and Periodicals汤姆森路透(Thomson Reuters)成立于2008年4月17日,是由加拿大汤姆森公司(The Thomson Corporation)与英国路透集团(Reuters Group PLC)合并组成的商务和专业智能信息提供商,总部位于纽约,全球拥有6万多名员工,分布在超过100个国家和地区。
因此汤姆森路透采用Oracle的大数据解决方案,使用Big Data Appliance大数据机、Exadata数据库云服务器和Exalytics商业智能云服务器搭建了互联网资讯和社交媒体大数据分析平台,实时采集5万个新闻网站和400万社交媒体渠道的资讯,汇总路透社新闻和其他专业新闻,进行自然语义处理,通过基于行为金融学模型多维度的度量标准,全面评估分析市场情绪,形成可操作的分析结论,支持其专业金融机构客户的交易、投资和风险管理。
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• 面向数据仓库、OLTP应用程序、混合负载的超强性 能
• • • • 业务系统独立; 数据分散;数据库紧跟着每个业 务系统(共300个左右) 由于数据量的不断增加,业务出报表速度相比原先 大幅下降 客户级别的实时查询达不到要求; TB级历史数据 查询缓慢 数据中心的利用率和运维管理急需提高
并行一切:保持扩展能力的线性度 硬盘即带库:尽量避免硬盘的随机读写 内存即硬盘:百倍速度提升 数据即设施:数据的驱动与移动 存储即压缩:大幅降低存储成本 软件即服务:平台消费化 服务即体验:一体化系统带来简化体验
并 行 架 构
SOA C-level 云服务 支撑平 台
集 成 S O A 流程管 理 BPM
安全性 Identity JAVA 应用中间件
用户交 互 Web
海量,多结构 变化快,低密度
•RAC •ODI For Hadoop •R Ebteroruse •Oracle Hadoop Loader
多结构 非关系模型
•Hadoop MapReduce
泛电子商务 平台
社会化媒体 传统渠道 移动终端
应用云 业务流程
融合应用商店、SOA、 碎片化、差异化
创新型 应用体系
以客户为 中心的交 互式服务
渠道与流程 整合
数据库云、大数据 数据库联邦
创新型 数据体系
基础设施云 自动化交付、弹性、易管理 资源池化、绿色IT
PB+ 级
DB Servers 高性能理由①
“Smart Scan”:计算负载部分卸载至并行智能 存储层,并只传输经筛选的有用数据
请求 InfiniBand “综合列压缩(EHCC)”:获得10x-50x倍 超高 压缩比,并提高磁盘I/O效率
“Smart Flash Cache”:高达5.3TB, 提高随机 I/O性能,1M IOPS、50GB/s Throughput.
Exadata Storage
“Infiniband”: 提供40Gb/s 端口带宽,聚合带宽 高达880Gb/s , 端口延时(0.1us )小于以太网的 1/100
数据压缩10倍(250TB->25TB) 查询速度提升10倍~400倍(50K报表/月), 减少DC占地面积\电力、制冷11倍
应用中 间件云 平台
热点 数据
ORACLE ExaLogic (应用网格)
内存数据库 内存列压缩 Essbase in Memory 结构化 关系模型
核心业务数据 OLTP
OBIEE Foundation •混合列压缩 •智能扫描 •Flash Cache
价值 数据 提练
<Insert Picture Here>
ICON 2: 201
作为平台 提供商
作为企业 云应用提 供商
作为成功的云 运营商、互联 网公司云服务 的幕后推手
大型企业的私有云方向— 数据库云与新一代分析是虚拟化之后最容易落地的方向
Smart Scan、EHCC、Smart Flash Cache等 是Oracle Exadata 独有的关键性能突破技术
Finance /ERP
DW System Exadata DB Cloud
磁盘阵列 磁带备份
远程灾备 • • • • DBaaS 整合与按需服务 服务器、存储及网络资源池 统一管理与监控 随需扩展
Exadata使用无忧虑 • 全面的健康检查 • 自动的性能监测 • 自动的性能诊断 • 自动的告警通知 Exadata更新更顺利 • 自动的库存探索、管理 • 智能的变更评估、追踪 • 简易的补丁管理、实施 • 全面的配置管理、比对 • Schema克隆、同步 (测试 用) • 数据库克隆(测试用) • RAC克隆(扩容用,如 1/4配到1/2配)
创新型 基础设施
以客户为中心的交互式IT 驱动程与服务
标准化 HTML5 Java/Web Service SQL/Hadoop 基础开放平台
Page 4
• • • 运营成本减少 50% 第 1 年即实现盈亏平衡 服务器利用率: 15% 80%
灵活性 — 可以根据需要从资源池中获取 CPU
© 2009 Oracle Corporation
孟加拉国电信运营商 日本电信运营商:软银
到Exadata 3个数
新业务部署实施时间提升30倍(4月->4天); 提供内部数据库云服务
服务器和存储效率提升8倍 减少运维OPEX 3.5倍 减少DC占地面积\电力4倍
Exadata性能优势最大化 • 自动的SQL调优 • 全面的调优建议
Exadata“云端”部署自助化 • 数据库既是服务 DaaS • 自助的数据库生成 • 详细的度量和计费
解决方案 客户概况
• 澳洲最主要的房地产信贷银行、最大的信用卡发行 银行、最大基金经理、最大零售退休金管理公司和 最大人寿保险公司
• • 1991年实施股份化,成为上市公司 1994年初,在澳大利亚政府的支持下,澳洲联邦 银行制定了把中国作为重点对象的亚洲发展计划, 长期致力于推动中澳贸易发展 • 把250+个数据库和300+个左右的应用系统类(几百 个不同业务部门使用的应用)实施整合 • • 配置Exadata 数据库云服务器 Oracle EBS 、Siebel CRM
• •
卸载可伸缩的密集型查询处理和数据挖掘评分 来提高查询性能管理的自动化和管控的集中化
智能闪存缓存透明地将“热”数据缓存到快速固 体存储上来加快查询响应速度和提高吞吐量 大规模并行网格是整合数据仓库和OLTP应用 程序的理想之选,并且数据库云服务器的服务 质量资源管理功能确保快速响应所有用户