Modification of sample size in group sequential clinical trials


奥林匹斯 OM-System 电动驱动器说明书

奥林匹斯 OM-System 电动驱动器说明书

The Easily Assembled OM-System Motor Drive Units
CD Motor Drive 1 T he heart of t he group is t his basic motor drive
unit. It is fixed directly to t he camera base tr ipod socket with a clamping screw, and functions with the camera as one unit. The M.18V Control Grip 1 (with enclosed Battery Holder 1) or a Re lay Cord is attached t o t he base of the uni t.
Li ke all the other members of the OM-System, the Motor Drive Group is formed around the Olympus OM-l , in itself a radical new development in 35-SLR cameras that is revolutionizing this field of photography. The superior technical capabil ities of the OM-l, and its outstanding design features such as a 35% reduction in both weight and size, plus a decrease of more than half in shutter noise, make it the perfect complement for the world's lightest and smallest motor drive system.



外文文献资料1、Software EngineeringSoftware is the sequences of instructions in one or more programming languages that comprise a computer application to automate some business function. Engineering is the use of tools and techniques in problem solving. Putting the two words together, software engineering is the systemtic application of tools and techniques in the development of computer-based applications.The software engineering process describes the steps it takes to deelop the system. We begin a development project with the notion that there is a problem to be solved via automation. The process is how you get from problem recognition to a working solution. A quality process is desirable because it is more likely to lead to a quality product. The process followed by a project team during the development life cycle of an application should be orderly, goal-oriented, enjoyable, and a learning experience.Object-oriented methodology is an approach to system lifecycle development that takes a top-down view of data objects, their allowable actions, and the underlying communication requirement to define a system architecture. The data and action components are encapsulated, that is , they are combined together, to form abstract data types Encapsulation means that if I know what data I want ,I also know the allowable processes against that data. Data are designed as lattice hierarchies of relationships to ensure that top-down, hierarchic inheritance and side ways relationships are accommodated. Encapsulated objects are constrained only to communicate via messages. At a minimum, messages indicate the receiver and action requested. Messages may be more elaborate, including the sender and data to be acted upon.That we try to apply engineering discipline to software development does not mean that we have all the answers about how to build applications. On the contrary, we still build systems that are not useful and thus are not used. Part of the reason for continuing problems in application development, is that we are constantly trying to hita moving target. Both the technology and the type of applications needed by businesses are constantly changing and becoming more complex. Our ability to develop and disseminate knowledge about how to successfully build systems for new technologies and new application types seriously lags behind technological and business changes.Another reason for continuing problems in application development is that we aren’t always free to do what we like and it is hard to change habits and cultures from the old way of doing things, as well as get users to agree with a new sequence of events or an unfamiliar format for documentation.You might ask then, if many organizations don’t use good software engineering practices, why should I bother learning them? There are two good answers to this question. First, if you never know the right thing to do, you have no chance of ever using it. Second, organizations will frequently accept evolutionary, small steps of change instead of revolutionary, massive change. You can learn individual techniques that can be applied without complete devotion to one way of developing systems. In this way, software engineering can speed changee in their organizations by demonstrating how the tools and techniques enhance th quality of both the product and the process of building a system.2、Data Base System1、IntroductionThe development of corporate databases will be one of the most important data-processing activities for the rest of the 1970s. Date will be increasingly regarded as a vital corporate resource, which must be organized so as to maximize their value. In addition to the databases within an organization, a vast new demand is growing for database services, which will collect, organize, and sell data.The files of data which computers can use are growing at a staggering rate. The growth rate in the size of computer storage is greater than the growth in the size or power of any other component in the exploding data processing industry. The more data the computers have access to, the greater is their potential power. In all walks of life and in all areas of industry, data banks will change the areas of what it is possiblefor man to do. In the end of this century, historians will look back to the coming of computer data banks and their associated facilities as a step which changed the nature of the evolution of society, perhaps eventually having a greater effect on the human condition than even the invention of the printing press.Some most impressive corporate growth stories of the generation are largely attributable to the explosive growth in the need of information.The vast majority of this information is not yet computerized. However, the cost of data storage hardware is dropping more rapidly than other costs in data processing. It will become cheaper to store data on computer files than to store them on paper. Not only printed information will be stored. The computer industry is improving its capability to store line drawing, data in facsimile form, photo-graphs, human speech, etc. In fact, any form of information other than the most intimate communications between humans can be transmitted and stored digitally.There are two main technology developments likely to become available in the near future. First, there are electromagnetic devices that will hold much more data than disks but have much longer access time. Second, there are solid-state technologies that will give microsecond access time but capacities are smaller than disks.Disks themselves may be increased in capacity somewhat. For the longer term future there are a number of new technologies which are currently working in research labs which may replace disks and may provide very large microsecond-access-time devices. A steady stream of new storage devices is thus likely to reach the marketplace over the next 5 years, rapidly lowering the cost of storing data.Given the available technologies, it is likely that on-line data bases will use two or three levels of storage. One solid-state with microsecond access time, one electromagnetic with access time of a fraction of a second. If two ,three ,or four levels of storage are used, physical storage organization will become more complex ,probably with paging mechanisms to move data between the levels; solid-state storage offers the possibility of parallel search operation and associativememory.Both the quantity of data stored and the complexity of their organization are going up by leaps and bounds. The first trillion bit on-line stores are now in use . in a few year’s time ,stores of this size may be common.A particularly important consideration in data base design is to store the data so that the can be used for a wide variety of applications and so that the way they can be changed quickly and easily. On computer installation prior to the data base era it has been remarkably difficult to change the way data are used. Different programmers view the data in different ways and constantly want to modify them as new needs arise modification , however ,can set off a chain reaction of changes to existing programs and hence can be exceedingly expensive to accomplish .Consequently , data processing has tended to become frozen into its old data structures .To achieve flexibility of data usage that is essential in most commercial situations . Two aspects of data base design are important. First, it should be possible to interrogate and search the data base without the lengthy operation of writing programs in conventional programming languages. Second ,the data should be independent of the programs which use them so that they can be added to or restructured without the programs being changed .The work of designing a data base is becoming increasing difficult , especially if it is to perform in an optimal fashion . There are many different ways in which data can be structured ,and they have different types of data need to be organized in different ways. Different data have different characteristics , which ought to effect the data organization ,and different users have fundamentally different requirements. So we need a kind of data base management system(DBMS)to manage data.Data base design using the entity-relationship model begins with a list of the entity types involved and the relationships among them. The philosophy of assuming that the designer knows what the entity types are at the outset is significantly different from the philosophy behind the normalization-based approach.The entity-relationship(E-R)approach uses entity-relationship diagrams. The E-Rapproach requires several steps to produre a structure that is acceptable by the particular DBMS. These steps are:(1) Data analysis(2) Producing and optimizing the entity model.(3) Logical schema development(4) Physical data base design process.Developing a data base structure from user requirements is called data bases design. Most practitioners agree that there are two separate phases to the data base design process. The design of a logical database structure that is processable by the data base management system(DBMS)d escribes the user’s view of data, and is the selection of a physical structure such as the indexed sequential or direct access method of the intended DBMS.Current data base design technology shows many residual effects of its outgrowth from single-record file design methods. File design is primarily application program dependent since the data has been defined and structured in terms of individual applications to use them. The advent of DBMS revised the emphasis in data and program design approaches.There are many interlocking questions in the design of data-base systems and many types of technique that one can use is answer to the question so many; in fact, that one often sees valuable approaches being overlooked in the design and vital questions not being asked.There will soon be new storage devices, new software techniques, and new types of data bases. The details will change, but most of the principles will remain. Therefore, the reader should concentrate on the principles.2、Data base systemThe conception used for describing files and data bases has varied substantially in the same organization.A data base may be defined as a collection of interrelated data stored together with as little redundancy as possible to serve on or more applications in an optimal fashion; the data are stored so that they are independent of programs which use thedata; a common and controlled approach is used in adding new data and in modifying and retrieving existing data within the data base. One system is said to contain a collection of data bases if they are entirely separate in structure.A data base may be designed for batch processing, real-time processing, or in-line processing. A data base system involve application program, DBMS, and data base.One of the most important characteristics of most data bases is that they will constantly need to change and grow. Easy restructuring of the data base must be possible as new data types and new applications are added. The restructuring should be possible without having to rewrite the application program and in general should cause as little upheaval as possible. The ease with which a data base can be changed will have a major effect on the rate at which data-processing application can be developed in a corporation.The term data independence is often quoted as being one of the main attributes of a data base. It implies that the data and the application programs which use them are independent so that either may be changed without changing the other. When a single set of data items serves a variety of applications, different application programs perceive different relationships between the data items. To a large extent, data-base organization is concerned with the representation of relationship between data items and records as well as how and where the data are stored. A data base used for many applications can have multiple interconnections between the data item about which we may wish to record. It can describes the real world. The data item represents an attribute, and the attribute must be associated with the relevant entity. We design values to the attributes, one attribute has a special significance in that it identifies the entity.An attribute or set of attribute which the computer uses to identify a record or tuple is referred to as a key. The primary key is defined as that key used to uniquely identify one record or tuple. The primary key is of great importance because it is used by the computer in locating the record or tuple by means of an index or addressing algorithm.If the function of a data base were merely to store data, its organization would be simple. Most of the complexities arise from the fact that is must also show the relationships between the various items of data that are stored. It is different to describe the data in logical or physical.The logical data base description is referred to as a schema .A schema is a chart of the types of data that one used. It gives the names of the entities and attributes, and specifics the relations between them. It is a framework into which the values of the data-items can be fitted.We must distinguish between a record type and a instance of the record. When we talk about a “personnel record”,this is really a record type.There are no data values associated with it.The term schema is used to mean an overall chart of all of the dataitem types and record types stored in a data he uses. Many different subschema can be derived from one schema.The schema and the subschema are both used by the data-base management system, the primary function of which is to serve the application programs by executing their data operations.A DBMS will usually be handing multiple data calls concurrently. It must organize its system buffers so that different data operations can be in process together. It provides a data definition language to specify the conceptual schema and most likely, some of the details regarding the implementation of the conceptual schema by the physical schema. The data definition language is a high-level language, enabling one to describe the conceptual schema in terms of a “data model” .The choice of a data model is a difficult one, since it must be rich enough in structure to describe significant aspects of the real world, yet it must be possible to determine fairly automatically an efficient implementation of the conceptual schema by a physical schema. It should be emphasized that while a DBMS might be used to build small data bases, many data bases involve millions of bytes, and an inefficient implementation can be disastrous.We will discuss the data model in the following.3、Three Data ModelsLogical schemas are defined as data models with the underlying structure of particular database management systems superimposed on them. At the present time, there are three main underlying structures for database management systems. These are :RelationalHierarchicalNetworkThe hierarchical and network structures have been used for DBMS since the 1960s. The relational structure was introduced in the early 1970s.In the relational model, the entities and their relationships are represented by two-dimensional tables. Every table represents an entity and is made up of rows and columns. Relationships between entities are represented by common columns containing identical values from a domain or range of possible values.The last user is presented with a simple data model. His and her request are formulated in terms of the information content and do not reflect any complexities due to system-oriented aspects. A relational data model is what the user sees, but it is not necessarily what will be implemented physically.The relational data model removes the details of storage structure and access strategy from the user interface. The model provides a relatively higher degree of data. To be able to make use of this property of the relational data model however, the design of the relations must be complete and accurate.Although some DBMS based on the relational data model are commercially available today, it is difficult to provide a complete set of operational capabilities with required efficiency on a large scale. It appears today that technological improvements in providing faster and more reliable hardware may answer the question positively.The hierarchical data model is based on a tree-like structure made up of nodes and branches. A node is a collection of data attributes describing the entity at that point.The highest node of the hierarchical tree structure is called a root. The nodes at succeeding lower levels are called children .A hierarchical data model always starts with a root node. Every node consists of one or more attributes describing the entity at that node. Dependent nodes can follow the succeeding levels. The node in the preceding level becomes the parent node of the new dependent nodes. A parent node can have one child node as a dependent or many children nodes. The major advantage of the hierarchical data model is the existence of proven database management systems that use the hierarchical data model as the basic structure. There is a reduction of data dependency but any child node is accessible only through its parent node, the many-to –many relationship can be implemented only in a clumsy way. This often results in a redundancy in stored data.The network data model interconnects the entities of an enterprise into a network. In the network data model a data base consists of a number of areas. An area contains records. In turn, a record may consist of fields. A set which is a grouping of records, may reside in an area or span a number of areas. A set type is based on the owner record type and the member record type. The many-to many relation-ship, which occurs quite frequently in real life can be implemented easily. The network data model is very complex, the application programmer must be familiar with the logical structure of the data base.4、Logical Design and Physical DesignLogical design of databases is mainly concerned with superimposing the constructs of the data base management system on the logical data model. There are three mainly models: hierarchical, relational, network we have mentioned above.The physical model is a framework of the database to be stored on physical devices. The model must be constructed with every regard given to the performance of the resulting database. One should carry out an analysis of the physical model with average frequencies of occurrences of the grou pings of the data elements, with expected space estimates, and with respect to time estimates for retrieving and maintaining the data.The database designer may find it necessary to have multiple entry points into a database, or to access a particular segment type with more than one key. To provide this type of access; it may be necessary to invert the segment on the keys. Thephysical designer must have expertise in knowledge of the DBMS functions and understanding of the characteristics of direct access devices and knowledge of the applications.Many data bases have links between one record and another, called pointers. A pointer is a field in one record which indicates where a second record is located on the storage devices.Records that exist on storage devices is a given physical sequence. This sequencing may be employed for some purpose. The most common pupose is that records are needed in a given sequence by certain data-processing operations and so they are stored in that sequences.Different applications may need records in different sequences.The most common method of ordering records is to have them in sequence by a key —that key which is most commonly used for addressing them. An index is required to find any record without a lengthy search of the file.If the data records are laid out sequentially by key, the index for that key can be much smaller than they are nonsequential.Hashing has been used for addressing random-access storages since they first came into existence in the mid-1950s. But nobody had the temerity to use the word hashing until 1968.Many systems analysis has avoided the use of hashing in the suspicion that it is complicated. In fact, it is simple to use and has two important advantages over indexing. First, it finds most records with only one seek and second, insertion and deletions can be handled without added complexity. Indexing, however, can be used with a file which is sequential by prime key and this is an overriding advantage, for some batch-pro-cessing applications.Many data-base systems use chains to interconnect records also. A chain refers to a group of records scatters within the files and interconnected by a sequence of pointers. The software that is used to retrive the chained records will make them appear to the application programmer as a contiguous logical file.The primary disadvantage of chained records is that many read operations areneeded in order to follow lengthy chains. Sometimes this does not matter because the records have to be read anyway. In most search operations, however, the chains have to be followed through records which would not otherwise to read. In some file organizations the chains can be contained within blocked physical records so that excessive reads do not occur.Rings have been used in many file organizations. They are used to eliminate redundancy. When a ring or a chain is entered at a point some distance from its head, it may be desirable to obtain the information at the head quickly without stepping through all the intervening links.5、Data Description LanguagesIt is necessary for both the programmers and the data administrator to be able to describe their data precisely; they do so by means of data description languages. A data description language is the means of declaring to data-base management system what data structures will be used.A data description languages giving a logical data description should perform the folloeing functions:It should give a unique name to each data-item type, file type, data base and other data subdivision.It should identify the types of data subdivision such as data item segment , record and base file.It may define the type of encoding the program uses in the data items (binary , character ,bit string , etc.)It may define the length of the data items and the range of the values that a data item can assume .It may specify the sequence of records in a file or the sequence of groups of record in the data base .It may specify means of checking for errors in the data .It may specify privacy locks for preventing unauthorized reading or modification of the data .These may operate at the data-item ,segment ,record, file or data-base level and if necessary may be extended to the contents(value) of individual data items .The authorization may , on the other hand, be separate defined .It is more subject to change than the data structures, and changes in authorization proceduresshould not force changes in application programs.A logical data description should not specify addressing ,indexing ,or searching techniques or specify the placement of data on the storage units ,because these topics are in the domain of physical ,not logical organization .It may give an indication of how the data will be used or of searching requirement .So that the physical technique can be selected optimally but such indications should not be logically limiting.Most DBMS have their own languages for defining the schemas that are used . In most cases these data description languages are different to other programmer language, because other programmer do not have the capability to define to variety of relationship that may exit in the schemas.附录 B 外文译文1、软件工程软件是指令的序列,该指令序列由一种或者多种程序语言编写,它能使计算机应用于某些事物的运用自动化。



组装、冲压、喷漆等专业词汇Assembly line组装线 Layout布置图 Conveyer流水线物料板Rivet table拉钉机 Rivet gun拉钉枪 bolt螺栓 Screw driver起子 driller钻孔床Pneumatic screw driver气动起子 pedal踩踏板 fasten锁紧(螺丝)supervisor 课长 rear plate后板 fuse together熔合MT制造生技 left fork叉车ME制造工程师 chassis 基座 Voltage switch of SPS 电源电压接拉键thumb screw大头螺丝 front plate前板 Tiana天那水reset button重置键 Hi-pot test of SPS高源高压测试sheet metal parts 冲件 material check list物料检查表carton纸箱 sub-line支线 personnel resource department 人力资源部 bezel panel面板stamping factory冲压厂 painting factory烤漆厂 molding factory成型厂 common equipment常用设备robot机械手 lathe车床 production department生产部门 planning department企划部planer 刨床 plastic parts塑胶件 miller铣床 grinder磨床staker=reviting machine铆合机 factory director厂长 position职务 cleaning cloth抹布deputy section supervisor =vice section superisor副课长 group leader/supervisor组长to move, to carry, to handle搬运 to unload material卸料 to return material/stock to退料pack packing包装to file burr 锉毛刺 final inspection终检 to connect material接料material上料 chain链条deficient purchase来料不良manufacture procedure制程deficient manufacturing procedure制程不良education and training教育与训练 proposal improvement提案改善administration/general affairs dept总务部 die locker锁模器 dents压痕defective upsiding down抽芽不良automatic screwdriver电动启子 defective to staking铆合不良 embedded lump镶块defective product label不良标签 feeding is not in place送料不到位 stamping-missing漏冲identifying sheet list标示单 major defect主要缺陷 compound die合模 pressure plate=plate pinch压板flow board流水板 hydraulic handjack油压板车 forklift叉车 fingers割手套head of screwdriver起子头 mop拖把 welder电焊机 garbage container灰箕garbage can垃圾箱 garbage bag垃圾袋 magnetizer加磁器production line流水线to clean a table擦桌子 packaging tool打包机 packaging打包 wrong part错件dimension/size is a little bigger尺寸偏大(小) operation procedure作业流程slipped screwhead/shippery screw thread滑手 gauge(or jig)治具burr(金属)flash(塑件)毛边poor processing 制程不良 scratch划伤 basket蝴蝶竺 to revise, modify修订fold of pakaging belt打包带折皱 painting make-up补漆 discoloration羿色engineering工程 quality品质 QC品管 missing part漏件 to pull and stretch拉深enterprise plan = enterprise expansion projects企划 equipment设备 approval examine and verify审核stop/switch off a press关机die change 换模 culture教养 (be)qualfied, up to grade合格qualified products, up-to-grade defective products, not up-to-grade products不良品 waste废料isolating plate baffle plate; barricade隔板 carton box纸箱 roll material卷料to put material in place, to cut material, to input落料 to impose lines压线not up to grade, not qualified不合格 evaluation评估 regulation整顿 to start a press开机material change, stock change材料变更 feature change 特性变更 parameters参数manufacture management制造管理 abnormal handling异常处理 consume, consumption消耗 failure, trouble故障engineering, project difficulty工程瓶颈 automation自动化 stage die工程模 shut die架模add lubricating oil加润滑油 vocabulary for stamping 冲压常词汇 die lifter举模器robot机械手 cylinder油缸taker取料机 inch寸动 conveyer belt输送带transmission rack输送架top stop上死点to continue, cont.连动 analog-mode device类模器to grip(material)吸料 location lump, locating piece, block stop 定位块reset复位 smoothly顺利 receive领取 upper die base上模座processing, to process加工 delivery, to deliver 交货 to collect, to gather收集registration card登记卡 to control管制 tolerance工差application form for purchase请购单 equipment设备 remark备注 mold成型 meeting type 会别abrasion磨损 statistics统计 to take apart a die卸下模具reverse angle = chamfer倒角 easily damaged parts易损件 die 模具 punched hole冲孔scratch刮伤 bottom stop下死点 dent压痕 one stroke一行程 filings铁削 conservation清洁模具工程常用词汇progressive die, follow (-on)die 连续模 compound die复合模 panel board镶块to pull, to stretch拉伸 engraving, to engrave刻印 Line streching, line pulling线拉伸 to stake铆合designing, to design设计 folded block折弯块 sliding block滑块 die block模块 location pin定位销design modification设计变化 die plate, front board模板 padding block垫块 bolt螺栓upper padding plate blank上垫板 stepping bar垫条spare dies模具备品 work order工令to put file in order整理资料 spare tools location手工备品仓quantity of customs count 会计师盘,点数量 the first page第一联end-user/using unit(department)使用单位-(NHK厂区送财会部) first count初盘人summary of year-end physical inventory bills 年终盘点截止单据汇总表not included in physical inventory不列入盘点 work in progress product在制品 sample样品present members出席人员 decision items决议事项 chairman主席 conclusion结论pre-fixed finishing date预定完成日 production control confirmation生产确认approved by / checked by / prepared by核准/审核/承办 to be inspected or reworked 待验或重工 total合计PCE assembly production schedule sheet PCE组装厂生产排配表approved by核准stock age analysis sheet 库存货龄分析表 on-hand inventory现有库存 available material良品可使用type形态 item/group/class类别 quality品质 prepared by制表year-end physical inventory difference analysis sheet 年终盘点差异分析表raw materials原料 finished product成品 semi-finished product半成品packing materials包材good product/accepted goods/ accepted parts/good parts良品defective product/non-good parts不良品 skid/pallet栈板 cause analysis原因分析tox machine自铆机wire EDM线割 EDM放电机coil stock卷料 sheet stock片料 cover plate盖板pilot导正筒 drag form压锻差 expansion dwg展开图radius半径 molding成型 slug hole废料孔 feature die公母模 shim(wedge)楔子 button圆冲子shape punch=die insert异形子 active plate活动板 female die母模 male die公模groove punch压线冲子air-cushion eject-rod气垫顶杆spring-box eject-plate弹簧箱顶板bushing block衬套insert 入块factor系数main manifold主集流脉 bezel斜视规 blanking穿落模alkaline etch龄咬 fillet镶;嵌边 part number/P/N料号 good products良品 assembly组装desmut剥黑膜 drill铝 scraped products报放心品 club car高尔夫球车 under cut=scrap chopper清角 capability能力 parameter参数Anodize阳性处理 seal封孔 blinster气泡 short射料不足 quenching淬火 tempering回火barcode条码 volatile挥发性 flow chart流程表单 poly-line多义线 convex凹 degate打浇口 concave凸induction light感应光 ram连杆 cold slug冷块 cam driver铡楔response=reaction=interaction感应 derusting machine除锈机edge finder巡边器 nick缺口 sand blasting喷沙 speck瑕疵 gas mark焦痕shine亮班 splay 银纹 satin texture段面咬花gouge沟槽;凿槽 delamination起鳞 velocity速度cushion缓冲 metal plate钣金 magnesium镁金 magnalium镁铝合金annealing退火 coordinate座标 carbonization碳化 alloy合金 thermocouple热电偶模具工程类plain die简易模 pierce die冲孔模 forming die成型模 pin销 wire spring圆线弹簧riveting die铆合模 pierce冲孔 bending折弯trim切边 deburr or coin压毛边 dome凸圆 groove压线tick-mark farside反面压印 stamp letter冲字(料号)lathe车 die structure dwg模具结构图 procedure dwg工程图press specification冲床规格die height range适用模高五金零件类inner hexagon screw内六角螺钉 dowel pin固定销coil spring弹簧guide pin导正销 outer guiding post外导柱 located pin定位销模板类top block上垫脚 punch pad上垫板 top plate上托板punch holder上夹板 stripper pad脱料背板 up stripper上脱料板male die公模(凸模) feature die公母模 die holder下夹板stripping plate内外打(脱料板) upper plate上模板lower plate下模板die set下模座 die pad下垫板 punch set上模座lower stripper下脱料板零件类punch冲头 slag well冷料井insert入块(嵌入件)special shape punch异形冲子r ound punch圆冲子supporting block for location 定位支承块bushing bolck衬套cover plate盖板 guide pad导料块air-cushion eject-rod气垫顶杆 trimming punch切边冲子 stiffening rib punch = stinger 加强筋冲子 ribbon punch压筋冲子 reel-stretch punch卷圆压平冲子guide plate定位板sliding block滑块 active plate活动板 lower sliding plate下滑块板upper holder block上压块 upper mid plate上中间板spring box弹簧箱 spring-box eject-rod弹簧箱顶塑件&模具相关英文compre sion molding压缩成型plsitive mold挤压式模具 split mold分割式模具 cavity型控母模 core模心公模 welding mark溶合痕taper锥拔 leather cloak仿皮革shiver饰纹 flow mark流痕cylinder汽缸套 chip细碎物handle mold手持式模具移转成型用模具encapsulation molding低压封装成型射出成型用模具well type蓄料井 insulated runner绝缘浇道方式hot runner热浇道 cold slag冷料渣h=0.02~0.05mm w=3.2mmL=3~5mm welding line熔合痕 sleave套筒eject pin顶出针knock pin顶出销return pin回位销反顶针insert core放置入子runner stripper plate浇道脱料板subzero深冷处理 three plate三极式模具 runner system浇道系统stress crack应力电裂 orientation定向sprue gate射料浇口,直浇口sprue lock pin料头钩销(拉料杆) tab gate搭接浇口dish gate因盘形浇口fan gate扇形浇口H=F=1/2t~1/5t T=2.5~3.5mm d iaphragm gate隔膜浇口tunnel gate隧道式浇口pin gate针点浇口品质人员名称类QC quality control 品质管理人员FQC final quality control 终点品质管制人员OQC output quality control 最终出货品质管制人员POC passage quality control 段检人员 air vent排气道QE quality engineering 品质工程人员品质保证类FAI first article inspection 新品首件检查TVR tool verification report 模具确认报告 3B 3B 模具正式投产前确认CP capability index 能力指数CPK capability index of process 模具制程能力参数SSQA standardized supplier quality 合格供应商品质评估OOBA out of box audit 开箱检查 8 disciplines 8项回复内容FQC运作类S/S Sample size 抽样检验样本大小AQL Acceptable Quality Level 运作类允收品质水准CR Critical 极严重的AOQ Average Output Quality 平均出厂品质AOQL Average Output Quality Level 平均出厂品质 TYP Type 类型Q/R/S Quality/Reliability/Service 品质/可靠度服务UAI Use As It 首件检查报告L/N Lot Number 特采PPM Percent Per Million 批号FPIR First Piece Inspection Report 百万分之一制程统计品管专类SPC Statistical Process Control 统计制程管制AR Averary Range 全距平均值SQC Statistical Quality Control 统计品质管制R Range 全距DIM Dimension 尺寸UCL Upper Central Limit 管制上限MAX Maximum 最大值其它品质术语类QIT Quality Improvement Team 品质改善小组QCC Quality Control Circle 品质圈PDCA Plan Do Check Action 计划执行检查总结ZD Zero Defect 零缺点QP Quality Policy 目标方针QAN Quality Amelionrate Notice 品质改善活动TQM Total Quality Management 全面品质管理MRB Material Reject Bill 退货单 LQL Limiting Quality Level 最低品质水准QT Quality Target 品质目标 7QCTools 7 Quality Controll Tools 品管七大手法通用之件类PMP Product Management Plan 生产管制计划ECN Engineering Change Notes 工程变更通知(供应商)IS Inspection Specification 成品检验规范SOP Standard Operation Procedure 制造作业规范BOM Bill Of Material 物料清单PCN Process Change Notice 工序改动通知系统文件类QC Quality System 品质系统CGOO China General PCE龙华厂文件CMCS C-China M-Manufact C-Compaq S-Stamping CQCA Q-Quality A-Assembly Compaq产品在龙华组装厂品管作业规范CQCP P-Painting Compaq产品在龙华烤漆厂品管作业规范部类PPC Production Plan Control 生产计划控制ISO International Standard Organization 国际标准化组织MC Material Control 物料控制GS General Specification 一般规格A/C Accountant Dept 会计部QE Quality Engineering 品质工程(部)P/A Personal & Administration 人事行政部PD Product Department 生产部 P Painting 烤漆(厂)QA Quality Assurance 品质保证(处) S Stamping 冲压(厂)R&D Research & Design 设计开发部QC Quality Control 品质管制(课)生产类SWR Special Work Request 特殊工作需求PO Purchasing Order 采购订单D/C Date Code 生产日期码 PAL Pallet/skid 栈板 CTN Carton 卡通箱MO Manufacture Order 生产单其它OEM Original Equipment Manufacture 原设备制造PCE Personal Computer Enclosure 个人电脑外设PC Personal Computer 个人电脑 CPU Central Processing Unit 中央处理器SGCC SGCC 热浸镀锌材料N/A Not Applicable 不适用OK Ok 好 NG Not Good 不行,不合格 C=0 Critical=0 极严重不允许 ESD Electry-static Discharge 静电排放5S 希腊语---- 整理,整顿,清扫,清洁,教养ATIN Attention 知会CC Carbon Copy 副本复印相关人员APP Approve 核准,认可,承认FDD Floppy Disk Drive 软碟机IC Integrated Circuit 集成电路CAD Computer Aid Design 计算机辅助设计WDR Weekly Delivery Requitement 周出货需求L/T Lead Time 前置时间(生产前准备时间 DT Desk Top 卧式(机箱)P/M Product Market 产品市场ASS'Y Assembly 装配,组装5WIH When,Where,Who,What,Why,How to 5M Man,Machine,Material,Method,Measurement 4MIH Man,Materia,Money,Method,Time 人力,物力,财务,技术,时间(资源) DQA Desigh Quality Assurance 设计品质保证SQA Strategy Quality Assurance 策略品质保证EMI Electronic Magnetion Inspect 高磁测试LRR Lot Rejeet Rate 批退率FMI Frequency Modulatim Inspect 高频测试MQA Manufacture Quality Assurance 制造品质保证B/M Boar/Molding(flat cable) CAM Computer AID ManufacturingDVD Digital Vedio Disk C/P Connector of PCABIOS Achanced Basic in put/output system 先进的基本输入/输出系统CMOS Complemeruary Metoll Oxide Semiconductor 互补金属氧化物半导体PDA Personal Digital Assistant 个人数字助理IC Integrated Circuit 集成电路MCA Micro Channel Architecture 微通道结构DIMM Dual in-line Memory Module 双项导通汇流组件FMEA Failure Mode Effectivenes 失效模式分析CAR Correction Action Report 改善报告NG Not Good 不良WPR Weekly Delivery Requirement 周出货要求TBA To Be Design 待定,定缺D/C Drawing ChangePPM Parts Per Million 百万分之一TPM Total Production Maintenance 全面生产保养EMI Electrical-Music Industry 电子音乐工业MMC Maximum Material Condition MMS Maximum Material Size LMC Least Material Condition LMS Least Material Size模具技术用语各种模具常用成形方式compound molding 复合成形 rotary forging 回转锻造accurate die casting 精密压铸 powder forming 粉末成形compression molding 压缩成形 rotational molding 离心成形encapsulation molding 注入成形 sand mold casting 砂模铸造extrusion molding 挤出成形 shell casting 壳模铸造calendaring molding 压延成形 powder metal forging 粉末锻造foam forming ?泡成形 sinter forging 烧结锻造 forging roll 轧锻 six sides forging 六面锻造 profile die 轮廓模 slush molding 凝塑成形gravity casting 重力铸造lost wax casting 脱蜡铸造 matched mould thermal forming 对模热成形模hollow(blow) molding 中空(吹出)成形 squeeze casting 高压铸造 warm forging 温锻hot chamber die casting 热室压铸 swaging 挤锻 hot forging 热锻各式模具分类用语clod hobbing 冷挤压制模 louvering die 百叶窗冲切模bismuth mold 铋铸模 landed plunger mold 有肩柱塞式模具composite dies 复合模具 manifold die 分歧管模具button die 镶入式圆形凹模 loading shoe mold 料套式模具counter punch 反凸模 modular mold 组合式模具chill mold 冷硬用铸模 loose mold 活动式模具gypsum mold 石膏铸模 protable mold 手提式模具electroformed mold 电铸成形模 multi-gate mold 复式浇口模具ingot mold 钢锭模 punching die 落料模 lancing die 切口模 raising(embossing) 压花起伏成形 unit mold 单元式模具 universal mold 通用模具solid forging die 整体锻模 split forging die 拼合锻模extrusion die 挤出模 palletizing die 叠层模 buster 堵口split mold 双并式模具 sprueless mold 无注道残料模具blank through dies 漏件式落料模 porous mold 通气性模具squeezing die 挤压模 stretch form die 拉伸成形模single cavity mold 单腔模具three plates mold 三片式模具 trimming die 切边模segment mold 组合模 semi-positive mold 半全压式模具unscrewing mold 退扣式模具 yoke type die 轭型模hot-runner mold 热流道模具模具厂常用之标准零配件air vent vale 通气阀 anchor pin 锚梢casting lug 铸耳 cavity 模穴(模仁)blank holder 防皱压板 blanking die 落料冲头angular pin 角梢 baffle 调节阻板bolster 上下模板 bottom board 浇注底板 bolster 垫板bracket 托架 bumper block 缓冲块 casting ladle 浇注包cold punched nut 冷冲螺母 cooling spiral 螺旋冷却栓ball slider 球塞滑块 binder plate 压板 pressure die 压紧模die block 块形模体 die body 铸模座 dowel hole 导套孔die bush 合模衬套 die button 冲模母模die clamper 夹模器 die fastener 模具固定用零件die holder 母模固定板 die lip 模唇die plate 冲模板 die set 冲压模座direct gate 直接浇口 dog chuck 爪牙夹头dowel 定位梢clamping block 锁定块 coil spring 螺旋弹簧dowel pin 合模梢 dozzle 辅助浇口Compaq产品在龙华冲压厂制造作业规范膜形浇口 finish machined plate 角形模板 finish machined round plate 圆形模板 fixed bolster plate 固定侧模板 flanged pin 带凸缘? flash ga ejector pad 顶出垫 ejector pin 顶出梢floating punch 浮动冲头 gate 浇口goose neck 鹅颈管 guide bushing 引导衬套guide pin 导梢 guide post 引导柱guide plate 导板 guide rail 导轨head punch 顶?冲头 headless punch 直柄冲头heavily tapered solid 整体模蕊盒 hose nippler 管接头impact damper 缓冲器 injection ram 压射柱塞land 合模平坦面 land area 合模面lock block 压块 locking block 定位块 locking plate 定位板match plate 分型板lining 内衬 locating center punch 定位中心冲头locating pilot pin 定位导梢 locating ring 定位环 loose bush 活动衬套parting lock set 合模定位器 pass guide 穴型导板peened head punch 镶入式冲头 pilot pin 导? plate 衬板 pin gate 针尖浇口pre extrusion punch 顶挤冲头 punch 冲头 puncher 推杆 pusher pin 衬套梢 rack 机架 rapping rod 起模杆 retainer pin 嵌件梢runner ejector set 流道顶出器 runner lock pin 流道拉梢retainer plate 托料板 return pin 回位梢 ring gate 环型浇口re-entrant mold 凹入模screw plug 头塞 set screw 固定螺丝shedder 脱模装置 shoe 模座之上下模板 shoot 流道moving bolster plate 可动侧模板 one piece casting 整体铸件 parallel block 平行垫块 paring line 分模线shoulder bolt 肩部螺丝 skeleton 骨架 slag riser 冒渣口slide(slide core) 滑块sprue bushing 注道衬套 sprue bushing guide 注道导套 square nut 方螺帽stop collar 限位套 stop pin 止动梢stop ring 止动环 stopper 定位停止梢 straight pin 圆柱?stripper bolt 脱料螺栓support pillar 支撑支柱/顶出支柱 support pin 支撑梢 sweep templete 造模刮板stripper bushing 脱模衬套 stripper plate 剥料板 tab gate 辅助浇口taper key 推拔键 thrust pin 推力销vent 通气孔 wortle plate 拉丝模板模具常用之工作机械3D coordinate measurement 三次元量床 boring machine 搪孔机 cnc milling machine CNC铣床 contouring machine 轮廓锯床 copy grinding machine 仿形磨床 copy lathe 仿形车床 drilling machine ?孔机 engraving E.D.M. 雕模放置加工机 form grinding machine 成形磨床 shim 分隔片 roller 滚筒graphite machine 石墨加工机 horizontal boring machine 卧式搪孔机 runner 流道horizontal machine center 卧式加工制造中心 internal cylindrical machine 内圆磨床NC grinding machine NC磨床 NC programming system NC程式制作系统 planer 龙门刨床 NC lathe NC车床profile grinding machine 投影磨床 projection grinder 投影磨床 shaper 牛头刨床radial drilling machine 旋臂?床 drilling machine NC钻床surface grinder 平面磨床 turret lathe 转塔车床 universal tool grinding machine 万能工具磨床检验量测工具用语autocollimator 自动准直机 bench comparator 比长仪block gauge 块规 bore check 精密小测定器 caliper gauge 卡规 clearance gauge 间隙规digital micrometer 数位式测微计 feeler gauge 测隙规cylinder square 圆筒直尺 depth gauge 测深规inside calipers 内卡钳 inside micrometer 内分??卡interferometer 干涉仪 leveling block 平台 micrometer 测微计profile projector 轮廓光学投影仪 protractor 分角器 try machine 试模机 sine bar 正弦量规radius 半径 ring gauge 环规 square master 直角尺 stylus 触针 working gauge 工作量规telescopic gauge 伸缩性量规snap gauge 卡模 scale 位置刻度模具钢材alloy tool steel 合金工具钢 aluminium alloy 铝合金钢morse taper gauge 莫氏锥度量规 optical flat 光学平晶 optical parallel 光学平行 nonius 游标卡尺forging die steel 锻造模用钢 galvanized steel sheet 镀锌铁板 tungsten steel ?钢low manganese casting steel 低锰铸钢 marging steel 马式体高强度热处理钢 hard alloy steel 超硬合金钢 high speed tool steel 高速度工具钢martrix alloy 马特里斯合金 meehanite c meehanite metal 米汉纳铁 merchant iron 市售钢材bearing alloy 轴承合金 blister steel 浸碳钢 clad sheet 被覆板molybdenum high speed steel 钼系高速钢 molybdenum steel 钼钢 silicon steel sheet 矽钢板hot work die steel 热锻模用钢 low alloy tool steel 特殊工具钢tin plated steel sheet 镀锡铁板 tough pitch copper 韧铜stainless steel 不锈钢表面处理关连用语annealing 退火 anode effect 阳极效应 cementite 炭化铁age hardening 时效硬化 ageing 老化处理 coating 涂布被覆anodizing 阳极氧化处理 atomloy treatment 阿托木洛伊表面air hardening 气体硬化 air patenting 空气韧化austempering 奥氏体等温淬火 austenite 奥斯田体/奥氏体box carburizing 封箱渗碳 bright electroplating 辉面电镀barrel plating 滚镀 barrel tumbling 滚筒打光 blackening 染黑法carbide 炭化物 carburized case depth 浸碳硬化深层carburizing 渗碳 chemical plating 化学电镀 chemical vapor deposition 化学蒸镀creeping discharge 蠕缓放电 decarburization 脱碳处理bonderizing 磷酸盐皮膜处理 box annealing 箱型退火 decarburizing 脱碳退火 depth of hardening 硬化深层first stage annealing 第一段退火 flame hardening 火焰硬化 graphitizing 石墨退火ion carbonitriding 离子渗碳氮化 ion carburizing 离子渗碳处理 induction hardening 高周波硬化grain size 结晶粒度 granolite treatment 磷酸溶液热处理diffusion 扩散 diffusion annealing 扩散退火 embossing 压花hardenability curve 硬化性曲线 hardening 硬化 heat treatment 热处理 hot bath quenching 热浴淬火 hot dipping 热浸镀liquid honing 液体喷砂法 low temperature annealing 低温退火metallizing 真空涂膜 nitriding 氮化处理nitrocarburizing 软氮化 oil quenching 油淬化martensite 马氏体/硬化铁炭 metallikon 金属喷镀法 phosphating 磷酸盐皮膜处理 physical vapor d overheating 过热 pearlite 针尖组织 overageing 过老化controlled atmosphere 大气热处理 corner effect 锐角效应 comemtite 渗碳体flame treatment 火焰处理 full hardenabilit plasma nitriding 离子氮化 pre-annealing 预备退火segregation 偏析 selective hardening 部分淬火 sand blast 喷砂处理precipitation 析出 precipitation hardening 析出硬化 process annealing 制程退火 quench ageing 淬火老化 quench hardening 淬火 quenching crack 淬火裂痕 quenching distortion 淬火rust prevention 防蚀 salt bath quenching 盐浴淬火seasoning 时效处理 sintering 烧结处理second stage annealing 第二段退火 secular distortion 经年变形 reconditioning 再调质 shor single stage nitriding 等温渗氮 stabilizing treatment 安定化处理 straightening annealing 矫直退火 strain ageing 应变老化 stress relieving annealing 应力消除退火subzero treatment 生soaking 均热处理 softening 软化退火solution treatment 球状化退火 supercooling 过冷surface hardening 表面硬化处理 temper brittleness 回火脆性 thermal refining 调质处理 thermoechanical treatment 加工热处理tempering crack 回火裂痕 vacuum carbonitriding 真空渗碳氮化 vacuum carburizing 真空渗碳处理 time quenching 时间淬火 transformation 变态tufftride process 软氮化处理 under annealing 不完全退火residual stress 残留应力 retained austenite 残留奥 quenching stress 淬火应力 recrystallization 再结晶 press quenching vacuum nitriding 真空氮化 water quenching 水淬火wetout 浸润处理 normalizing 正常化焊接用语acetylene 乙炔 ampere 电流安培 angle welding 角焊gas shield 气体遮蔽 groove welding 起槽熔接 overlaying 堆焊argon arc welding 氩弧焊接 bare electrode 光熔接条cascade 阶叠熔接法 clad weld 被覆熔接 arc 电弧butt welding 对接焊接 camber 电弧弯曲hand face shield 手握面罩 hard facing 硬表面堆焊plug welding 塞孔熔接 positioned welding 正向熔接 seaming 接合pressure welding 压焊 propane gas cutting 丙烷气切割metal electrode insert gas welding MIG熔接 nugget 点焊熔核seam welding 流缝熔接 series seam welding 串联缝熔接pure nickel electrode 纯镍熔接条 reinforcement of weld 加强焊接spot welding 点焊接 stitch welding 针角焊接 spark 火花stud arc welding 电弧焊接 under laying 下部焊层 welding flux 焊剂void 焊接空隙 weld flow mark 焊接流痕 weld flush 缝凸起 weld line 焊接纹 welding 焊接welding distortion 焊接变形welding stress 熔接应变 welding torch 熔接气炬射出成形关联用语compound 混合料 daylight 开隙 gunk 料斗cull 残料废品 cure 凝固化cryptometer不透明度仪drycycletime空料试车周期时间 ductility 延性 elastomer 弹性体extruded bead sealing 压filler 充填剂 pellet 粒料breathing 排气cold slug 半凝式射出 colorant 著色剂 copolymer 共聚合体color matching 调色mould clamping force 锁模力 mould release agent 脱模剂granule 颗粒料film blowing 薄膜吹制法 floating platen 活动模板 foaming agent 发泡剂 gloss 光泽 isomer 同分异构物kneader 混合机 leveling agent 匀涂剂 matched die method 配合成形法 nozzle hot mark 热斑 hot stamping 烫印 injection ram 射出冲柱activator 活化剂 bag moulding 气胎施压成形bonding strength 黏合强度 caulking compound 填隙料 cell 气孔 color ma plasticizer 可塑剂 plunger 压料柱塞injection nozzle 射出喷嘴 injection plunger 射出柱塞porosity 孔隙率 post cure 後固化 resilience 回弹性 torpedo spreader 鱼雷形分流板take out device 取料装置 tie bar 拉杆 void content 空洞率shot cycle 射出循环 slip agent 光滑剂 transparency 透明性 oriented film 取向薄膜塑胶原料cellulose acetate 酸纤维素CA cellulose acetate butyrate 醋酸丁酸纤维素CAB acrylic 压克力 casein 酪素 composite material 复合材料 cresol resin 甲酚树脂CFengineering plastics 工程塑胶 epoxy resin 环氧树脂EP dially phthalate 苯二甲酸二烯丙酯 disperse reinforcement 分散性强化复合材料ethyl cellulose 乙基纤维素 ethylene vinylacetate copolymer 乙烯-醋酸乙烯EVA high density polyethylene 高密度聚乙烯HDPE high impact polystyrene 高冲击聚苯乙烯HIPS ethylene-vinlacetate copolyme 醋酸乙烯共聚物EVA expanded polystyrenelow density polyethylene 低密度聚乙烯LDPE melamine resin 三聚氰胺酚醛树脂MFpolyamide 耐龙PA polybutyleneterephthalate 聚对苯二甲酸丁酯PBT plastic 塑胶 polyacrylic acid 聚丙烯酸PAPpolymetylmethacrylate 聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯PMMA polyoxymethylene 聚缩醛POMpolythene 聚乙烯PE polyurethane 聚氨基甲酸酯PU PP polystyrene 聚苯乙烯PSpolyvinylchloride 聚氯乙烯PVC polyvinylfuoride 聚氟乙烯PVF polyvinylidenechloride 聚偏二氯乙烯PVDCprepolymer 预聚物 silicone resin 矽树脂 thermoplastic 热塑性 thermosetting 热固性成形不良用语color mottle 色斑 crazing 碎裂 ,龟裂 deformation 变形 fissure 裂纹 edge crack 裂边 fading 退色filler speak 填充料斑 edge 切边碎片 incrustation 水锈flange wrinkle 凸缘起皱flow mark 流痕 galling 毛边skin inclusion 表皮摺叠 burr 毛边 camber 翘曲grease pits 污斑 grinding defect 磨痕 mismatch 偏模cell 气泡 center buckle 表面中部波皱 check 细裂痕 checking 龟裂body wrinkle 侧壁皱纹 breaking-in 冒口带肉nick 割痕 orange peel 橘皮状表面缺陷overflow 溢流 peeling 剥离sweat out 冒汗 torsion 扭曲 whitening 白化 wrinkle 皱纹 pit 坑 pitting corrosion 点状腐蚀 indentation 压痕 scar 疤痕 scrap 废料pock 麻点 resin wear 树脂脱落chipping 修整表面缺陷 clamp-off 铸件凹痕 flaw 刮伤 corrosion 腐蚀 crack 裂痕collapse 塌陷sagging 松垂 saponification 皂化 scrap jam 废料阻塞aberration 色差 atomization ?化scuffing 深冲表面划伤 seam 裂痕 scratch 刮伤/划痕shock line 模口挤痕 short shot 充填不足 shrinkage pool 凹孔streak 条状痕 surface check 表面裂痕 sink mark 凹痕internal porosity 内部气孔模具常用刀具与工作法用语backing 衬垫 belt sander 带式打磨机 machine 倒角机chamfering tool 去角刀具 chisel 扁錾 concave cutter 凹面铣刀cross joint 十字接头 cutting edge clearance 刃口余隙角hexagon headed bolt 六角头螺栓 hexagon nut 六角螺帽 index head 分度头 drill stand 钻台 edge file 刃用锉刀 hatchin protable driller 手提钻孔机 punch 冲头 metal saw 金工锯chuck 夹具 compass 两角规scraper 刮刀 screw driver 螺丝起子 sand paper 砂纸convex cutter 凸形铣刀spanner 扳手 spline broach 方栓槽拉刀 scribing 划线square trowel 直角度square 直角尺 square sleeker 方形镘刀 stripping 剥离工具second out file 中纹锉电脑关联用语animation 卡通影片 application 应用 bug 故障 bus 汇流排3D modeling 三次元模拟 access 通路 board 基板 format 格式化 graphic 圆解 memory swap 交换记忆cassette 卡座 color display 彩色显示器 command 指令CAE 电脑辅助工程分析 CAM 电脑辅助制造 CAD 电脑辅助设计 tape 磁带 terminal 终端机communication 通信 database 资料库 modeling 造型eyelet 眼孔 floppy 磁碟片 simulation 模拟 software 软体compact 精简小型 computer 电脑 copy 复制 cursor 游标curve modeling 曲面模拟hardware 硬体 honeycomb 蜂巢 laser printer 雷射印表机lay out 布置 memory 记忆network 网路 new version 新版texture 构造 trim 修边 solid model 实体模型 system 系统 venter 排气风扇 program 程式 scanning 扫描各种冲模加工关连用语barreling 滚光加工 bending 弯曲加工 caulking ?合加工compression bending 押弯曲加工drawing with ironing 抽引光滑加工 embossing 浮花压制加工 knurling 滚花forming 成形加工cutting 切削加工 dinking 切断蕊骨 drawing 引伸加工extrusion 挤制加工 finishing 精整加工fine blanking 精密下料加工 finish blanking 光制下料加工progressive drawing 连续引伸加工 progressive forming 连续成形加工 louvering 百叶窗板加工 impact extrusion 冲击lock seaming 固定接合 marking 刻印加工 parting 分断加工indenting 压痕加工 ironing 引缩加工 necking 颈缩加工 progressive bending 连续弯曲加工 progressive blanking 连续下roll bending 滚筒弯曲加工 mouse 滑鼠 belling 压凸加工cam die bending 凸轮弯曲加工 coining 压印加工 crowning 凸面加工 filing 锉削加工roll finishing 滚压加工 rolling 压延加工 roughing 粗加工shearing 切断加工 sizing 精压加工/矫正加工 scrapless machining 无废料加工 clutch 离合器spinning 卷边?接 trimming 整缘加工 burring 冲缘加工curl bending 卷边弯曲加工冲压机械及周边关连用语column 圆柱 connection screw 连杆调节螺钉 clump 夹紧double crank press 双曲柄轴冲床 draght angle 逃料倾斜角 filling in 填砂crankless 无曲柄式 cross crank 横向曲轴 cushion 缓冲core compound 砂心黏结剂 counter blow hammer 对击锻锤die height 冲压闭合高度 die life 模具寿命 edging 边锻伸bottom slide press 下传动式压力机 board drop hammer 板落锤die opening 母模逃孔 die spotting press 调整冲模用压力机fly wheel brake 飞轮制动器feed length 送料长度 feed level 送料高度 feed 料斗送料brake 煞车 buckle 剥砂面film play 液面花纹 fine blanking press 精密下料冲床friction 摩擦 fly wheel 飞轮foot press 脚踏冲床 formboard 进模口板 frame 床身机架closed-die forging 合模锻造friction brake 摩擦煞车 gap shear 凹口剪床 gripper 夹具die assembly 合模 die cushion 模具缓冲垫 cradle 送料架depression 外缩凹孔die approach 模口角度unloader 卸料机 lower die 下模knockout 脱模装置 knuckle mechanic 转向机构notching press 冲缺口压力机 opening 排料逃孔roller feed 辊式送料 roller leveler 辊式矫直机 seamless forging 无缝锻造 shave 崩砂 shear angle 剪角pressfit 压入 progressive 连续送料 pinion 小齿轮motor 马达 moving bolster 活动工作台 level 水平robot 机器人 roll forming machine 辊轧成形loop controller 闭回路控制pusher feed 推杆式送料 pusher feeder 料片押片装置overload protection device 防超载装置 pinch roll 导正滚轮 blanking 反转下料isothermal forging 恒温锻造 key clutch 键quick die change system 快速换模系统 regrinding 再次研磨 pitch 节距gripper feeder 夹紧传送装置 releasing 松释动作 reversed micro inching device 微寸动装置 microinching equip rotary bender 卷弯成形机 safety guard 安全保护装置scrap cutter 废料切刀 scrap press 废料冲床 separate 分离sieve mesh 筛孔 sintering of sand 铸砂烧贴 pulse 脉冲shrinkage fit 收缩配合 shut height 闭合高度 traverse 摇臂strip feeder 料材送料装置 stripping pressure 弹出压力sheet loader 薄板装料机 shot 单行程工作 shank 柄部spin forming machine 旋压成形机 spotting 合模stroke 冲程 take out device 取料装置 transfer 传送unloader 卸载机 vibration feeder 振动送料机 straight side frame 冲床侧板 stretcher leveler 拉伸矫直机two speed clutch 双速离合器 uncoiler 闭卷送料机transfer feed 连续自动送料装置 turrent punch press 转塔冲床线切割放电加工关连用语graphite contraction allowance 电极缩小余量 graphite holder 电极夹座 dressing 修整hair crack 发裂 horn 电极臂discharge energy 放电能量chrome bronze 铭铜 clearance corner shear drop 直角压陷 deflection 桡曲度 slag 熔渣magnetic base 磁性座 jump 跳刀 arc discharge 电弧放电master graphite 标准电极 pipe graphite 管状电极 gap 间隙sharp edge 锐角部tough bronze 韧铜 tungsten bronze ?青铜 tap casting 顶注flange 凸缘 graphite 石墨锻铸造关连用语air set mold 常温自硬铸模 aerator 松砂机 buckle 剥砂面bleed 漏铸 blocker 预锻模膛base bullion 粗金属锭 base permeability 原砂透气度acid lining cupola 酸性熔铁炉 acid open-hearth furnace 酸性平炉blocking 粗胚锻件 blow hole 铸件气孔 billet 坏料core vent 砂蕊排气孔 corner gate 压边浇口 approach 模口角度 dummying 预锻board drop hammer 板落锤 bottom pour mold 底浇accretion 炉瘤 acid converter 酸性转炉 backing sand 背砂break-off core 缩颈砂心 brick molding 砌箱造模法depression 外缩凹孔 diechamotte sand 烧磨砂 charging hopper 加料漏斗cleaning of casting 铸件清理 closed-die forging 合模锻造core compound 砂心黏结剂 core template 砂心模板bottom pouring 底注 boxless mold 脱箱砂模 finishing slag 炼後熔渣 flash gutter 锻模飞边槽 pouring process 浇注法film play 液面花纹 erosion 冲砂 flask molding 砂箱造模counter blow hammer 对击锻造 counter lock 止口镶嵌方式forging roll 辊锻机 upender 翻转装置 hammer man 锻工draw out 锻造拔长 draw plate 起模板 draw spike 起模长针impacter 卧式锻造机 inblock cast 整体铸造 ingot blank 铸坯 inlay casting 镶铸法 investment casting 失模铸造roll rolled surface 轧制表面 unworked uphill casting 底铸 white cast iron 白口铸件 stickness 黏模性shut height 闭合高度 sieve mesh 筛孔 camber 错箱sintering of sand 铸砂烧贴 slag inclusion 夹渣 recasting 重铸 top gate 顶注浇口模具加工方法barrel 滚筒(加工) bending 波纹加工 cutting 外圆车削lapping 抛光/研磨修润 lathe cutting 车床车削 polishing 抛亮光electric discharge machine 放电加工 electrolytic grinding 电解研磨 filing 锉刀修润hand finishing 手工修润scaling 清除钢碇缺陷 shaping 成形加工 slotting 切缝切削 broaching 拉刀切削 centering 定中心 planning 刨削加工skiving 表面研磨 taper turning 锥度车削 thread cutting 螺纹切削 sawing 锯削学理实验与试验用语fatigue test 疲劳试验 ferrite 纯铁体 vitrified 陶瓷的Elmendorf test 埃罗门多撕裂强度试验 environmental stress cracking test 环境应力龟裂试验 ericessen test 埃留伸薄板histogram 柱状图 hot bend test 热弯试验 sinking 凹陷air permeability test 透气性试验 austenitic steel 沃斯田铁钢 gas vent 气孔。



常用统计分析方法——SPSS应用General Method of Statistical AnalysisSPSS Application杜志渊编著前言《统计学》是一门计算科学,是自然科学在社会经济各领域中的应用学科,是许多学科的高校在校本科生的必修课程。







本书以统计学原理为理论基础,以高等学校本科生学习的常用的统计方法为主要内容,重点介绍这些统计分析方法的SPSS 软件的应用。



另外,为了方便学习者的查询,将常用统计量的数学表达式作为附录1,SPSS 中所用的主要函数释义作为附录2,希望对学习者能够的所帮助。

编者目录第一章数据文件的建立及基本统计描述 (1)§1.1 SPSS的启动及数据库的建立 (1)§1.1.2 SPSS简介 (1)§1.1.2 启动SPSS软件包 (3)§1.1.3 数据文件的建立 (5)§1.2 数据的编辑与整理 (8)§1.2.1 数据窗口菜单栏功能操作 (8)§1.2.2 Date数据功能 (9)§1.2.3 Transform 变换及转换功能 (10)§1.2.4 数据的编辑 (12)§1.2.5 SPSS对变量的编辑 (20)§1.3 基本统计描述 (26)§1.3.1 描述统计分析过程 (26)§1.3.2 频数分析 (28)§1.4 交叉列联表分析 (44)§1.4.1 交叉列联表的形成 (44)§1.4.2 两变量关联性检验(Chi-square Test卡方检验) (47)第二章均值比较检验与方差分析 (54)§2.1 单个总体的t 检验(One-Sample T Test)分析 (55)§2.2 两个总体的t 检验 (58)§2.2.1 两个独立样本的t检验(Independent-sample T Test) (58)§2.2.2 两个有联系总体间的均值比较(Paired-Sample T Test) (61)§2.3 单因素方差分析 (64)§2.4 双因素方差(Univariate)分析过程 (69)第三章相关分析与回归模型的建立与分析 (80)§3.1 相关分析 (80)§3.1.1 简单相关分析 (81)§ 散点图 (81)§ 简单相关分析操作 (83)§3.1.2 偏相关分析 (85)§3.2 线性回归分析 (89)§3.3 曲线估计 (100)第四章时间序列分析 (111)§4.1 实验准备工作 (111)§4.1.1 根据时间数据定义时间序列 (111)§4.1.2 绘制时间序列线图和自相关图 (112)§4.2 季节变动分析 (118)§4.2.1 季节分析方法 (118)§4.2.2 进行季节调整 (121)第五章非参数检验 (125)§5.1 Chi-Square Test 卡方检验 (127)§5.2 一个样本的K-S检验 (131)§5.3 两个独立样本的检验(Test for Two Independent Sample) (135)§5.4 两个有联系样本检验(Test for Two related samples) (138)§5.6 多个样本的非参数检验(K Samples Test) (141)§5.6 游程检验(Runs Test) (148)附录1 部分常用统计量公式 (154)§6.1 数据的基本统计特征描述 (154)§6.2 总体均值检验统计量 (156)§6.3 方差分析中的统计量 (158)§6.4 回归分析模型 (161)§6.5 非参数检验 (168)附录2 SPSS函数 (175)第一章数据文件的建立及基本统计描述在社会各项经济活动和科学研究过程中,经常获得许多数据,而这些数据中包含着大量有用的信息。



目录File文件 (1)Edit 编辑 (2)View 视图 (2)Plot 绘图 (3)Column 列 (3)Worksheet 工作表 (4)Analysis 分析 (4)Statistics 统计分析 (5)Image 图像 (6)Tools 工具 (9)Format 格式 (9)Windows 窗口 (10)Help 帮助 (10)File文件New 新建 (18)Project项目 (18)Worksheet 工作簿 (19)Matrix 矩阵 (20)Graph 图形 (21)Prom Template 从模板创建 (21)Excel (22)Layout 布局页 (22)Notes 记事本 (23)Function Plot 函数绘图 (24)Open 打开 (27)Open Excel 打开Excel文件 (27)Open Sample OPJ 打开示例项目 (28)Append 追加 (28)Close 关闭 (28)Save Project 保存项目 (28)Save Project As 项目另存为 (28)Save Window As 窗口另存为 (29)Save Template As 模板另存为 (29)Save Workbook as Analysis Template 工作簿另存为分析模板 (30)Save Project as Analysis Template项目另存为分析模板 (30)Import 导入 (30)Import Wizard 导入向导 (31)Customize 定制............................................................................................................. .. (31)Export 导出 (33)Batch Processing 批处理 (34)Database Import数据库导入 (35)Edit 编辑Copy (full precision) 精确复制 (37)Copy (including label rows) 带标识符行复制 (37)Paste Transpose 转置粘贴 (37)Paste Link 粘贴链接 (38)Paste Link Transpose粘贴链接转置 (38)Paste Special 特殊粘贴 (38)Merge (Embedded) Graphs 合并(嵌入)图形 (39)Button Edit Mode 按钮编辑模式 (39)View 视图Toolbars 工具栏 (41)Status Bar 状态栏 (41)Command Window 命令窗口 (42)Code Builder 代码创建器 (42)Quick Help 快速帮助 (43)Project Explorer 项目浏览器 (43)View Windows 视窗 (43)Results Log 结果记录 (44)View Mode (45)Messages Log 信息记录 (46)Actively Update Plots 即时更新图形 (46)Page Break Preview Lines 分页预览线 (46)Print View打印视图 (47)Page 页面视图 (47)Window 窗口视图 (47)Zoom In 放大 (48)Zoom Out 缩小 (49)Whole Page 满页 (49)Show 显示 (49)Show Data Information 显示数据信息 (51)Data Mode 数据模式 (52)Show Column/Row 显示列/行 (52)Show X/Y 显示X/Y (53)Image Mode 图像模式 (53)Show Image Thumbnails 显示缩略图 (53)Plot 绘图Line 线条 (54)Symbol 符号 (55)Line + Symbol 线条+符号 (56)Column/Bar/Pie 柱/条/饼 (56)Multi-Curve 多曲线 (57)3D XYY 三维XYY图 (59)3D XYZ 三维XYZ图 (60)3D Surface 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由X内插/外推求Y (98)Trace Interpolate 迹线外推 (98)Interpolate/Extrapolate 内插/外推 (99)3D Interpolation 三维内插 (100)XYZ Trace Interpolation XYZ 迹线内插 (101)XYZ Surface Area XYZ表面积 (102)Set Column Values 设置列值 (102)Normalize Column. 归一化列 (102)Simple Math 简单数学运算 (103)Differetiate 微分 (104)Integrate 积分 (105)Polygon Area 多边形面积 (105)Average Multiple Curves 多曲线平均 (106)Data Manipulation 数据处理 (106)Subtract Reference Data 与参考值相减 (107)Reduce Duplicate X data 归纳重复的X数据 (108)Reduce by Group 按组归纳 (108)Reduce to Evenly Spaced X 归纳为均匀间隔的X (110)Linear Fit 线性拟合 (112)Fit Linear with X Error 带X误差的线性拟合 (114)Polynomial Fit 多项式拟合 (115)Multiple Linear Regression所谓多元线性回归 (115)Nonlinear Curve Fit 非线性曲线拟合 (117)Nonlinear Surface Fit 非线性表面拟合 (118)Simulate Curve 模拟曲线 (118)Simulate Surface 模拟表面 (119)Exponential Fit 指数拟合 (121)Sigmoidal Fit 反曲拟合 (122)Compare Datasets 比较数据集 (122)Compare Models 比较模型 (123)Signal Processing 信号处理 (125)Smooth 平滑 (125)FFT Filters FFT滤波 (126)FFT (127)Wavelet 小波分析 (129)Convolution 卷积 (132)Deconvolution 反卷积 (133)Coherence 相干性 (134)Correlation 相关性 (135)Hibert Transform希尔伯特变换 (135)Envelope 包络线 (136)Decimation 抽取 (136)Peaks and Baseline 峰和基线 (137)Multiple Peak Fit 多重峰拟合 (138)Single Peak Fit 单峰拟合 (141)Peak Analyzer 峰分析器 (141)Batch Peak Analysis Using Theme 使用主题批量分析 (147)Statistics 统计分析Descriptive Statistics 描述统计 (149)Correlations Coefficient 相关系数 (149)Statistics on Columns 列统计 (151)Statistics on Rows 和统计 (152)Discrete Frequency 离散频率 (154)Frequency Counts 频率计数 (155)Normality Test 正态性检验 (157)2D Frequency Counts/Binning 二维频率计数/分区 (159)Hypothesis Testing 假设检验 (160)One-Sample t-Test 单样本t-检验 (161)Pair-Sample t-Test 配对样本t-检验 (162)Two-Sample t-Test 双样本t-检验 (164)One-Sample Test for Variances 单样本方差检验 (167)Two-Sample Test for Variances 双样本方差检验 (169)ANOV A 方差分析 (170)One-Way ANOV A 单因素方差分析 (170)Two-Way ANOV A 双因素方差分析 (172)One-Way Repeated Measures ANOVA 单因素重复测量方差分析 (174)Two-Way Repeated Measures ANOV A 双因素重复测量方差分析 (176)NonParametric Tests 非参数检验 (178)One-Sample Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test单样本Wilcoxon符号秩检验 (179)Paired Sample Sign Test 配对样本符号检验 (180)Paired Sample Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test配对样本Wilcoxon符号秩检验 (181)Two-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test 双样本KS检验 (183)Mann-Whitney Test Mann-Whitney检验 (185)Kruskal-Wallis ANOV AKruskal-Wallis方差分析 (187)Moods Median Test 中位数检验 (188)Friedman ANOV A Friedman方差分析 (189)(NPH) K independent Samples K个独立样本 (191)(NPH) Paired Samples 配对样本 (193)(NPH) Two Independent Samples 两个独立样本 (195)Survival Analysis 生存分析 (197)Kaplan-Meier Estimator卡普兰-迈耶估计量 (198)Cox Model Estimator比例风险模型 (199)Weilbull fit Weibull拟合 (201)Multivariate Analysis 多元分析 (203)Principal Component Analysis 主成分分析 (203)K-Means Cluster Analysis K-均值聚类分析 (204)Hierarchical Cluster Analysis 层次聚类分析 (206)Discriminant Analysis 判别分析 (208)Power and Sample Size 功效和样本大小分析 (212)(PSS) One-Sample t-test 单样本t-检验 (212)(PSS) Two-Sample t-test 双样本t-检验 (213)(PSS)Paired t-test 配对样本t-检验 (214)(PSS)One-Way ANOV A 单因素方差分析 (215)ROC Curve受试者工作特征曲线 (216)Image 图像Image adjustments 图像调整 (220)Brightness 亮度 (221)Contrast 对比度 (221)Gamma伽玛值 (221)Hue 色调 (222)Invert 图像色彩翻转 (222)Saturation 饱和度 (223)Histcontrast 直方图对比度 (223)Histequalize 直方图均衡 (223)Auto Level 自动色阶 (224)Color Level 色阶调整 (224)Function LUT 函数搜寻表 (225)Leveling 层次调整 (226)Balance 色彩平衡 (227)Color Replace 颜色替换 (228)Arithmetic transformation 算术变换 (228)Alpha Blend 透明混合 (229)Simple Math 简单数学运算 (230)Math Function 数学函数 (232)Pixel Logic 像素逻辑 (233)Subtract Background 减背景 (234)Extract to XYZ 图像转数据 (235)Morphological Filter 形态学过滤 (236)Replace Background 背景替换 (238)Subtract Interpolated Background 内插背景减影 (238)Conversion 转换 (239)Convert to Data 转成数值 (239)Color to Gray 转换成灰度图....................................................................................... 240 Convert to Image 转换成图像. (241)Binary 转换成二值图 (242)Dynamic Binary 转换成动态二值图 (243)Threshold 阈值 (244)RGB Merge 三原色合并 (245)RGB Splist 三原色拆分 (246)Image Scale 图像比例尺 (247)Geometric Transforms 几何变换 (248)Flip 翻转 (248)Rotate 旋转 (248)Shear 修剪 (249)Resize 调整尺寸 (251)AutoTrim 自动修整 (251)Offset 图像偏移 (252)Spatial Filtering 空间过滤 (254)Average 平均过滤 (255)Gaussian 高斯过滤 (255)Median 中值过滤 (256)Noise 噪音 (257)Edge 边缘.................................................................................................................... 258 Sharpen 锐化................................................................................................................ 258 Unsharpen Mask USM 锐化. (259)User Filter 用户滤镜 (260)Graph 图形 (262)Layer Contents 图层内容 (262)Plot Setup 绘图设置 (263)Add Plot to Layer 层中加图 (263)Add Error Bars 添加误差条 (264)Add Function Graph 添加函数曲线 (265)Rescale to Show All 重置坐标显示全部 (266)Layer Management 图层管理 (266)Add Axis Scrollbar 添加坐标滚动条 (266)New Layer (Axes) 新图层(坐标) (267)Extract to Graphs 提取图层 (268)Apply Palette to Color Map 应用调色板 (270)Merge Graph Windows (271)Speed Mode (271)Update Legend 更新图例 (272)New Legend 新图例 (273)New Enhanced Legend (273)New Table (274)New Color Scale (274)New XY Scaler 新XY比例尺............................................................................................ 275 Set Active Layer By Layer Icon Only ................................................................................... 275 Fit Layer to Graph 图层适合图形....................................................................................... 276 Fit Page to Layers 页面适合图层. (276)Exchange X-Y Axes 交换X-Y坐标 (277)Offset Grouped Data in Layer 偏移图层中的分组数据 (277)Convert to Standard Font Size (277)Data 数据 (278)Set Display Range 设置显示范围 (278)Reset to Full Range 显示全部数据 (280)Mark Data Range 标记数据范围 (280)Clear Data Markers 清除数据标记 (280)Analysis Marker 分析标记 (281)Lock Position 锁定位置 (282)Mask Data Point 给数据点加蒙板 (282)Move Data Point 移动数据点 (283)Remove Bad Data Points 清除坏数据 (285)Gadget 小工具 (285)Quick Fit 快速拟合 (285)Quick Sigmoidal Fit 快速反曲拟合 (287)Quick Peaks 快速峰拟合 (288)Rise Time 上升时间 (289)Cluster 聚类 (289)Statistics (291)Differentiate 微分 (292)Integrate 积分 (293)Interpolate 内插 (293)Intersect 交叉点 (294)FFT 快速傅立叶变换 (295)Vertical Cursor 垂直光标 (295)Layout 布局 (296)Add Graph 添加图形 (297)Add Worksheet 添加工作 (298)Set Picture Holder 开启图像定位 (298)Clear Picture Holder 清除图像定位 (299)New Table 新表格 (299)Global Speed Control 全局速度控制 (300)Tools 工具Options 选项 (301)System Variables 系统变量 (302)Protection 保护 (303)Fitting Function Builder 拟合函数创建器 (304)Fitting Function Organizer 拟合函数管理器 (305)Template Library 模板库 (306)Theme Organizer 主题管理 (306)Import Filters Manager 滤镜导入管理器 (307)Package Manager 包管理器 (308)Customer Menu Organizer 用户菜单管理器 (308)x-Function Builder x-函数创建器 (309)x-Function Script Samples x-函数脚本样本 (309)Copy Origin Sub-VI to LabVIEW User.lib (310)Set Group Folder Location 设置组文件夹位置 (310)Group Folder Manager 组文件夹管理器 (311)Transfer User Files 传递用户文件 (311)Pallet Editor 调色板编辑器 (312)Digitizer 数字转换器 (312)MATLAB Console MATLAB控制台 (313)Mathematica Link 连接Mathematica (314)Format 格式Menu 菜单 (315)Worksheet 工作表 (315)Column 列 (316)Cell 单元格 (317)Snap to Grid 对齐栅格 (317)Programming Control 编程管理 (318)Object Properties 对象属性 (319)Page Properties 页面属性 (320)Layer Properties 图层属性 (320)Plot Properties 图形属性 (321)Snap Layer to Grid 图层对齐栅格 (321)Snap Objects to Grid 对象对齐栅格 (321)Axes 坐标 (321)Axis Tick Labels 坐标刻度 (323)Axis Titles 坐标名称 (323)Windows 窗口Cascade 层叠窗口 (324)Tile Horizontally 水平显示 (324)Tile Vertically 垂直显示 (325)Arrange Ions 排列图标 (325)Refresh 刷新 (325)Duplicate副本 (326)Split 分割 (326)Properties 属性 (327)Command Window 命令窗口 (327)Script Window 脚本窗口 (328)Help 帮助Origin Toolbars 工具栏 (329)Standard 标准 (329)Edit 编辑 (330)Graph 图形 (330)2D Graph 二维图形 (331)3D and Contour Graph 三维图和等高线图 (333)3D Rotation 三维旋转 (334)Worksheet Data 工作表数据 (334)Column 列 (335)Layout 布局 (335)Mask 蒙板 (336)Tools 工具 (336)Object Edit 对象编辑 (337)Arrow 箭头 (338)Style 样式 (338)Format 格式 (339)Auto Update 自动更新 (339)Database 数据库 (340)Markers & Locks 标记和锁定 (340)。



of currently avail ama c hin i ng andjob than you imag i of the first en gand ease of ignition; thus the rate at which heat is ex t racted from the fuel. Engineers call it “thermal efficiency.” Sim p ly put, it means that increasing the compression ratio increases horsepower.Henry Ford’s Model “T” has a CR of 3.6:1. High-performance engines operate in the area of 12.5:1. Most of today’s stock pro d uc t ion engines are about 8.5:1.NOTE:T urbocharged engines typically havea lower CR than normally aspiratedengines. Thus, if you add a turbo,you may want to lower the CR,de p end i ng on performance level.DETONATIONIncreasing the CR changes the rate at which fuel burns. Spark knock (detonation) will occur if certain modifications are not per f ormed. Here are two of the most important: Ignition Spark Timing—In c reas i ng the CR requires in s tal l a t ion of new distributor springs to change advance curve.Fuel Octane Rating—Increasing the CR requires gasoline with a high octane rating (with anti-knock components to controldet o n a t ion). This is not a prob l em with engines that burn al c o h ol, because it has a naturally high octane number. Engines that run on alcohol require a high CR to compensate for the fact that they generate less heat. MODIFICATION TECHNIQUES Common techniques to increase CR include:(1) Installation of a thinner head gasket.(2) Installation of “domed” or “pop-up” pistons. Check for adequate “piston-to-valve” clear-ance at TDC. Camshafts with more overlap require more clear a nce. A good rule of thumb is 0.080" for intakes and 0.100" for exhausts.(3) Removal of metal from deck face of block or cylinder head. You can safely mill off 0.010" to 0.040" (0.050" max.) from most engines.Cylinder Head (Combustion Chamber)Volume (V h)—The irregular shape of thecombustion chamber requires measurement(popularly called “cc”ing) with a glass buretteand colored liquid, such as A.T. fluid. This cataloglists “nominal” values for Ford Racing heads.Valve Notches Volume (V n)—Fill notcheswith soft clay and make level with top of piston.Remove clay with small knife and drop intograduated cylinder (filled with liquid toconvenient point). Note change in level of liquid(indicating volume of notches made by clay).Domed Piston Volume (V d)—Dome valuesare combination “net” values of V d and V n.For compression ratio calculations, they shouldbe used as follows:• Pop-Up pistons have a “positive” domevalue, which reduces the volume abovethe piston and thus must be subtracted(see example above).• Dished pistons have a “negative” dome value.It must be added to compute clearance volume.MAKE ALL CALCULATIONS WITH ACCURATE MEASUREMENTS OF ACTUAL PARTS. CATALOG VALUES ARE “NOMINAL”SPECIFICATIONS AND MAY VARY FROM ACTUAL SIZE.DIMENSION VALUE REMARKSBore 4.000 in B2 = 4.000 x 4.000 = 16.000Gasket Bore 4.100 in G2 = 4.100 x 4.100 = 16.810 Piston Top Land Diameter 3.965 in P2 = 3.965 x 3.965 = 15.721Stroke 3.500 inCrank Throw 1.750 inCon Rod Length 6.000 inCompression Height 1.440 inDeck Height 9.200 inRing-to-Top Piston 0.250 inPiston to Deck 0.010 in D h – H – l – S/2Gasket Thickness 0.040 inV Cylinder Volume 720.7cc /4 x B2 x S x 16.387V t Volume Above Top Ring .9cc /4 x (B2 – P2) x r x 16.387 V n Valve Notches Volume 4.0ccV d Dome Volume 10.4ccV p Piston-to-Deck Volume 2.1cc /4 x B2 x d x 16.387 Vg Gasket Volume 8.7cc /4 x G2 x t x 16.387Vh Volume Head 60.2ccV cl Volume Clearance 65.5cc V t + V n + V p + V g + V h – V d CR Compression Ratio 12.0 V + V clV cl NOTE: 1) Math reduction; /4 x 16.387 = 12.87The precise amount is limited by block deckheight, casting thickness, valve-to-pistonclearance, etc.NOTE:A lso modify the intake manifoldto maintain port alignment.COMPUTINGCOMPRESSION RATIOCompression ratio is defined as the ratiobetween the Total Volume (Cylinder Volume plusClearance Volume) above the piston at BDCand the Clearance Volume above it at TDC.Calculations for a 351 CID engine are illustrated.The formula is: CR = V + V clV clPay particular attention to the following points:Clearance Volume (V cl)—This is the volumeabove the piston (actually above top piston ring)at TDC. It consists of several small volumes.Cylinder (Swept) Volume (V)—Determinedby cylinder bore and stroke (indicated bymovement of piston from TDC to BDC).where durability and high rpm capability are paramount, however, roller tappet camshafts are very popular. As the name implies, a cylindrical roller “rolls” over the cam lobe, instead of “sliding” as does a conventional flat tappet. This not only allows a roller tappet to follow a more radical cam lobe profile, but it reduces friction and lessens tappet scuffing of the cam lobes.Ford introduced hydraulic roller tappet camshaftson the 1985 Mustang (and Mark VII LSC) with302 (5.0L) High Output engine. Here is a briefdescription of components.CAMSHAFTS• be installed.• • seal clearance.• not enough!• • • Many design changes have occurred over the years, which affect the front of the block— especially the small V8s. Be sure you check items such as the cam thrust plate, cam spacers, cam gear, fuel pump eccentric, timing chain, cam gear alignment and front cover clearance.• Refer to the Ford Racing “Camshaft Usage” chart for performance characteristics of cams based on their duration.• Refer to the “Camshaft Specifications” chart for detailed data on Ford Racing camshafts.Do not attempt to use with flat tappets!Roller Tappet Block —Longer, production 5.0L hydraulic roller tappet requires higher tappet boss than block for flat tappet cam. Thus, 5.0L hydraulic roller tappet cam cannot be used in block designed for flat tappet cam. However, flat tappet camshafts can be used in roller tappet blocks.Roller Tappet Distributor Gear —Machinedfrom steel and specially hardened to becompatible with billet-steel roller camshaft.Do not attempt to use cast iron gears designedfor flat tappet cams.Roller Tappet Push Rod —Push rods areshorter than those designed for flat tappet cam engine, because of longer roller tappet. Rocker arm end has hardened ball that is copper plated to resist wear by rocker arms rubbing on push rod (which don’t rotate). A small bracket encircles one end of push rod as reminder to install that end upward (on 1985-1986 models only).Roller Tappet Guide Plate —Holds roller tappets in alignment with camshaft lobes (flat tappets rotate). Must be installed with “UP” marking upward.Roller Tappet Guide Plate Retainer —Made of spring steel. Fits in valley cover area to hold guide plates in position.ROLLER ROCKER ARMSMost production engines use stamped steel or cast iron rocker arms. As the push rod moves one end upward, the rocker arm pivots on a ball or sled-type fulcrum—and the other end pushes the valve downward. Although “sliding” friction exists at each point, this design is okay for street engines and even many performance applications.over the valve tip.AND KEEPERSsuppliers. Do not attempt to interchange 7-degree retainers with 10-degree keepers and vice versa.Single-lock groove keepers are recommended for high-performance engines. Production 351C (except BOSS and HO), 351M and 400 engines use multi-groove keepers (to promote valve rotation). If you modify for any extended high-revving performance, replace the valves, retainers and keepers with a single-lock groove design.CAMSHAFT TIMING DEGREE WHEELNo camshaft installation is complete without checking camshaft timing events. Use a timing degree wheel to check for correct camshaft installation.This is a conventional rocker arm with close-tolerance slot in head to guide push rods andmaintain rocker arm alignment. Can be usedwith mechanical or hydraulic camshafts.Shown here is a “rail” rocker arm with “loose-fit”hole in cylinder head for push rods. The U-shapedrocker arms maintain alignment. Can only beused with hydraulic camshafts.The illustration above is typical of351C-351M-400 canted valve engines(429-460 engines are similar). The rocker arm ismounted on a slotted pedestal, moves on a“sled” fulcrum and is retained by a bolt. 351CBOSS engines use the 302 BOSS type valve trainHere is a modified valve train to convertrail rocker arm design for mechanical cam.Requires conventional rocker arms, guide plates,hardened push rods (they rub on plates) andthreaded adjustable rocker studs. Requiresdifferent guide plate than the one used witha similar 302 BOSS setup.USAGE: 289/302/351W with mechanical camshaft.A modified pedestal is used on 1978 and later302/351W engines. A stamped fulcrum guideis used with each pair of rocker arms.Press-in stud with adjustable rocker nut.NOT recommended with mechanical AGE: Standard 289 and 1968 302.Press-in positive stop stud. Cannot be adjusted to set lash with mechanical AGE: 1969-1976 302/351W.Screw-in, positive stop stud.USAGE: 1968-1972 429 with hydraulic camshaft.Screw-in, adjustable stud. Required for mechanical camshaft (and hydraulic with anti-pump-up lifters).USAGE: 289 Hi-Performance, 302 BOSS, 351C BOSS and HO and 429 CJ/SCJ.CYLINDER HEAD WATER PASSAGE MODIFICATIONAs described on this page, cylinder heads for 351C/351M/400 engines have a water outlet passage in the combustion face, whereas 289/302/351W heads have a water outletpassage in the intake manifold face of the head. Heads can be interchanged, if provision is made for appropriate water passages.TO INSTALL CLEVELAND-TYPE HEADS (351C/351M/400) ON A WINDSOR-TYPE BLOCK (289/302/302 BOSS/351W)1. Drill a 0.800" diameter hole in the intake manifold face of the head as illustrated.2. Plug square hole in cylinder head. Install heads with Cleveland-type head gasket.3. Use intake manifold gasket to matchintake manifold.NOTE: If BOSS-type heads (302 or 351C) are used in either procedure, remember they have larger rounded ports than conventional heads; thus a unique BOSS- type intake manifold gasket is required.TO INSTALL ON CLEVELAND-TYPE BLOCK (351C/351M/400)1. Requires no special head work.of head face and must be drilled and tapped as shown in illustration.HEAD MODIFICATION FOR MECHANICAL CAMPedestal-type cylinder heads for hydraulic cams can be modified to accept a mechanical cam (351C/351M/400 shown). Machine at right angles to the existing hole—not the bottom of the head. The valves operate at compound angles. With 302/351W type pedestals, measure from the top of the pedestal. All 302/351W .230" All 351C/351M/400 .300" 1973-1995 429/460 .300"1968-1972 429/460.230"1Crank throw times two equals stroke.Changing rod length or piston compression height only changes where stroke occurs in cylinder bore— not length of stroke.2 Use of crank with longer stroke and stock rods results in stock piston being above top of block. Requires rod or new piston compression height.3Re-located piston pin.4Shorter rod.。



混合效应模型的样本量英文回答:Sample size requirements for mixed effects models depend on a number of factors, including the number offixed effects, the number of random effects, the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC), and the desired level of statistical power.As a general rule, larger sample sizes are required when there are more fixed effects, more random effects, ora higher ICC. Additionally, higher levels of statistical power require larger sample sizes.There are a number of different methods that can beused to determine the minimum sample size for a mixedeffects model. One common method is to use a power analysis. Power analysis can be conducted using a variety of software packages, including GPower, PASS, and nQuery Advisor.When conducting a power analysis, it is important to specify the following parameters:The number of fixed effects.The number of random effects.The ICC.The desired level of statistical power.The desired level of significance.Once these parameters have been specified, the power analysis will provide an estimate of the minimum samplesize required to achieve the desired level of statistical power.中文回答:混合效应模型的样本量需求取决于多种因素,包括固定效应数、随机效应数、组内相关系数 (ICC) 和所需的统计功效水平。



Method: Plasmid SubcloningMay 20 1990Matthew S. HoltPurpose:The method is used to clone smaller portions of inserts (up to 15 kb in size) which previously have been cloned in YACs phage cosmids or other plasmids.Time required:∙Plasmid Vector Preparation1.Restriction digest and Calf Intestinal Phosphatase (CIP)reaction - 4-6 hours or overnight2.Gel electrophoresis- 4-8 hours or overnight3.Fragment elution and purification - 4-6 hours∙Insert Preparation1.Restriction digest -4-6 hours or overnight2.Gel electrophoresis- 4-8 hours or overnight3.Fragment elution and purification - 4-6 hours∙Ligation Reaction - minimum of 4 hours, best overnightSpecial Reagents:∙10X CIP Buffer∙10X Ligation BufferPreface:Bacterial plasmids are double-stranded circular DNA molecules of 1- 200 kb in size that replicate and are inherited independently of the bacterial chromosome. Different plasmids replicate todifferent extents in their host some reaching a copy number as high as 700 per cell. They function as accessory genetic units frequently containing genes coding for enzymes that are advantageous to the bacterial host. The most commonly conferred phenotype by plasmids is antibiotic resistance though plasmids can also code forantibiotic production restriction and modification enzymescolicins enterotoxins and enzymes used to degrade complex organic compounds. More than one plasmid can occur in a single cell but sincethey compete for the same set of replication enzymes one plasmid usually dominates the others. Over the course of a few generations the minority plasmids are completely eliminated and the descendants of the original cell will contain only one of the original plasmids. Over 30 different "incompatibility" plasmid groups have been identified.Under natural conditions many plasmids are transmitted to a new host by a process known as bacterial conjugation. Newer plasmid vectors however lack the nic/bom site and cannot be conjugated. In the laboratory plasmid DNA can be introduced into modified bacteria (called competent cells) by the process of transformation. Even under the best circumstances plasmids become stably established in a small minority of the bacterial population. Transformants can be easily identified by the selectable marker encoded by the plasmid i.e. antibiotic resistance and the resulting phenotype of those bacterial cells.Uncut plasmid DNA can be in any of five forms - nicked circular linear covalently closed supercoiled or circular single-stranded. When run on a gel one frequently will see these forms as different bands. The exact distances between the bands of these different forms is influenced by percentage of agarose in the gel time of electrophoresis degree of supercoiling and the size of the DNA. One cannot accurately determine size from uncut plasmid DNA. When cut with an enzyme with one recognition site in the plasmid almost all the DNA will fall in one band which equals the linear size of the plasmid (see illustration below).Almost all research plasmid vectors contain a closely arranged series of synthetic restriction sites called the "polylinker". In most cases these restriction sites are unique to the polylinker and hence provide a variety of targets that can be used singly or in combination to clone foreign DNA fragments. The most recent phase of construction of plasmid vectors involves the incorporation ofancillary sequences that are used for a variety of purposes including generating single-stranded DNA templates for DNA sequencing transcription of foreign DNA sequences in vitro and expression of large amounts of foreign protein in vitro.Fragments of foreign DNA can be cloned in a linearized plasmid vector bearing compatible ends by the activity of Bacteriophage T4 DNA Ligase. The enzyme will catalyze the formation of a phosphodiester bond between adjacent nucleotides if one nucleotide contains a 5'-phophate group and the other nucleotide contains a 3'-hydroxyl group.During the ligation reaction however the vector can recircularize without the insert DNA. This can be minimized by removing the5'-phosphate from both termini of the linear vector with Calf Intestinal Alkaline Phosphatase (CIP). Described in the following procedures is a method that has worked consistently. It is recommended to run the vector on a gel cut out the vector band and gel elute to separate the vector from any uncut DNA.The smallest amount of uncut vector will transform efficiently and make finding the bacteria containing the recombinant plasmid virtually impossible. CIP has no effect on uncut circularized plasmids.A fragment of foreign DNA can be inserted into the vector by a process knows as directional cloning by cutting the vector polylinker with two unique restriction sites. Because of the lack of complementary ends the vector fragment cannot circularize efficiently. The insert DNA however must also have the same cohesive termini as the vector. Directional cloning is widely used when insert DNA orientation is specific. Directional cloning also depletes the number of available cloning sites for further constructing. Specific orientations can be obtained by screening several recombinants from a single-enzyme ligation until the desired orientation is identified.Another method of ligation though substantially less efficient is blunt-end ligations. Some restriction enzymes cleave both strands of DNA resulting in blunt ends - i.e. no cohesive overhang. Both the insert and vector termini resulting from any restriction enzyme digest can be made blunt. One method utilizes T4 DNA Polymerase and dNTPs to fill in the overhang. Another method uses the enzyme Mung Bean Nuclease to cleave the single stranded overhang. Ligation reactions involving blunt-ended molecules require much higher concentrations of both vector and insert DNA and T4 DNA ligase. One end blunt ligations are slightly more efficient (and directional)and can be achieved by first blunting the linear DNA and thendigesting with a restriction enzyme unique to only one end of the DNA. Again both vector and insert must have complementary ends.Either of these methods may change the DNA sequence resulting in the loss of the restriction site.When it is impossible to find a suitable match between restrictions sites in the plasmid and those at the ends of the insert synthetic linkers can be ligated to the linearized DNA. The procedure requires blunt-end linear DNA fragments to which ligase adds a series of thesesynthetic restriction sites. By the digesting with that specific restriction enzyme the resulting DNA has only one linker on each end because the DNA-linker bond is not a restriction site.Certain restriction overhangs can be modified using Klenow and the recessed 3' termini can be partially filled to generatecomplementary restriction overhands that are otherwiseincompatible. For instance an insert with BamH1 recognition site G'GATC C C CTAG'G has the overhang GATC after digesting. By filling in with dCTP and dTTP and Klenow the resulting overhand is AG. This is compatible with an Acc1 overhang of AG. Note however that the sequence resulting from this ligation is neither a BamH1 site nor an Acc1 site and an alternative method must be used to cut out the insert.Procedures:Plasmid Vector Preparation1.Digest 10-20 ug of plasmid DNA with the desired restriction enzymein a total volume of 100 ul. Incubate appropriately for yourspecific enzyme (usually 37 degrees C) for 1-4 hours. Supercoiled DNA will take longer to cut and it is recommended to use twice as much enzyme.2.Dephosphorylate the now linear DNA. Add to the completed digest:30 ul 10X CIP Buffer 167 ul ddH2O and 3 ul CIP enzyme (1 unit perul). Incubate at 45 degrees C for 25 minutes.3.Prepare an 0.8-1.2% agarose gel with approximately 6 cm wells. Thiscan be achieved by taping several teeth together. Be certain that the taped comb clears the bottom of the gel bed. Also prepare a mini-gel to run a 5 ul aliquot to verifycomplete digestion anddetermine running time to obtain desired separation.4.Add another 3 ul CIP (probably an unnecessary step by CIPspecification standards) and incubate at 45 degrees C for another25 minutes.5.Inactivate the CIP enzyme by adding 500 ul of phenol. Vortex thenspin in the microfuge at 14000 rpm for 5 minutes. Transfer theaqueous phase to a sterile eppendorf tube.6.Add 500 ul of chloroform (to remove phenol) vortex microfuge at14000 rpm for 2 minutes and transfer the aqueous phase to a sterile tube.7.Precipitate the DNA by adding 30 ul 3M NaAcetate pH 5.2 and 800 ulof -20 degrees C EtOH (must be cold!). Microfuge at 4 degrees Cimmediately for 30 minutes. If you suspect low yields place samples on dry ice for 10 minutes prior to spinning.8.Decant the supernatant immediately and vacuum dessicate or lay tubeon its side to dry the DNA pellet for 15 minutes. Resuspend in 100 ul 1X glycerol dye and load on gel along with a 1kb ladder (BRL) and several molecular weight standards. Run gel 4-8 hours at 80volts until the desired separation is obtained.9.Stain the gel excise band with a clean razor blade and gel elutethe vector (see Gel Elution protocol). Resuspend in 20-50 ul 1X TE and quantitate on a mini-gel. Vector is now ready for ligation.Insert Preparation1.Digest 10-20 ug of insert DNA with the appropriate enzyme in a 100ul volume. Incubate appropriately (usually 37 degrees C) for aminimum of 4 hours. Remove 5 ul for a test gel.2.Prepare an 0.8-1.2% agarose gel with approximately 6 cm wells. Thiscan be achieved by taping several wells together. Be certain that the taped comb clears the bottom of the gel bed. Also prepare amini-gel to run a 5 ul aliquot to verify complete digestion andrunning time to obtain desired separation.3.After verifying complete digestion add 10 ul of 10X glycerol dyeto the digest and load on gel. Run at 80V for 4-8 hours.4.Stain gel excise band(s) with a clean razor blade and gel elute thefragments (see Gel Elution protocol). Resuspend in 20-50 ul 1X TE and quantitate in a mini-gel. Inserts are now ready for ligation.Ligation Reaction1.Maniatis has several complicated formulas to determine the amountsof vector and insert to use for the most efficient ligations. To simplify always have a ratio of 3:1 insert to vector. The more DNA used the more efficient the ligation will be. Insert is usually the limiting factor but try to have between 100-300 ng of vector.2.Set up the reactions with an appropriate amount of vector and insert1 ul of 10X Ligation buffer then adjust the volume to 10 ul withddH2O. Remove 1 ul of the mixture for a negative control then add1 ul of Ligase (2-4 Weiss units per ul) to the original reaction.Incubate the reaction for a minimum of 4 hours though best results are obtained if allowed to ligate overnight (12 hours).Cohesive-end ligations should be done at 11 degrees C blunt-endligations at room temperature.3.Remove another 1 ul of the ligation mixture to test ligationefficiency: Run the aliquot along with the negative control on a mini-gel. The sample with added ligase will have bands of higher molecular weight if a substantial amount of ligation has occurred.e 5 ul of the ligation reaction for transformation (seetransformation procedures). The remaining 4 ul can be stored at -20 degrees C and used as a back-up if necessary.Solutions:1.10X CIP Buffer:2.10 mM ZnCl23.10 mM MgCl24.100 mM Tris pH Ligation Buffer: M Tris pH M MgCl210.0.1 M DTT11.10 mM ATP12.10 mM Spermidine13.References:Sambrook J. Fritsch E.F. and T. Maniatis.(1989) Molecular Cloning A Laboratory Manual. Second edition. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press pp.1.53-1.69.。















e n d u r in g =l a st in gp r e v a il in g =g e n e r a lly a c c e p te di n c r e d i b l e =im p os s ib l e to b e l ie veo b s o le te =ou t o f d a tes u it a b l e =a pp r o pr i a tea mb i t i ou s=im pr e ss iv e b u t d i ff ic u lt t o a c h ie vet a k e pr e c e d e n c e o ve r=h a v e g r e a te ri m p o r t an c e t h ans u r pl u s= e x c e ss q u an t it ye x hi b it s= d is p l ay se m b od y= in c or p o r ateu l ti m ate l y =e v e n tu all yv i r tu a ll y= N e ar l ys u s p e n d e d=f l o at in gr e p le n i s he d= r e s t or e dd r am at i c =st r ik in gd i st in c t i on= d i f fe r e n c er a pp o r t= b on dt h r i ll= e x c it e m e n tv i t a l it y= e n e r g ys pe c i f ie d= s t ate df o c u se d =c o n c e n tr a te di m m in e n t=ab ou t to h a p p e nr e fi n e m e n t= i m p r o ve m e n ts c at te r e d= w i d e ly se p a r at e ds pe c u l ate s=p u t s f or w a r d as a p o s si b il i ty t r e m e n d ou s= e n or m o u sh e n c e= t he r e f or ei m p l e m e n t =pu t i n t o e f fe c tp a r t i c u la r ly= e sp e c ial l ys c ar c e =s h or t in su pp l yp r in c i p a l l y = m a in l yc on tr o ve r s i a l =pr od u c in g d i s ag re e m e n t i n d u c e= c au se t hef or m at i on o f f u e l s =p r o v id e s e n e rg y f ori n e v it a b le= c e r t a ina c c o r d in g l y= c or r e s p o n d in g lyc lu s te r= g r o u pe n o r m ou s =hu g ep r e su m a b l y= i t is r e a s o n a b le to a s su m ep e r t in e n t =r e le v an ts u b d u e= d e f e atc o in c ide s w it h=oc c u r s at t he s am e t im e as j u s tif y= p r o v id e a r at i on a l b as i s f o rp r om o te d= e n c o u r ag e dh i e r a r c h ic a l =h a v in g s e ve r a l le ve ls o fa u t h or it yc on s ti tu e n t s= c om p on e n t se x c a v at e d= d u g fr om t he g r ou n dc h a r ac t e r is t ic= t y p i c a la l t e r at i on= m od i f ic at i onh e n c e f or t h =f r om t hi s t im e ono b l ig e d=fo r c e dl a u n c h e d= s t ar te de n su r e =g u ar an te ei n c i te d=st im u l a te ds u b s ta n t i a l =c on s i d e r a b leo u twe i g hs= e x c e e d sc o l le c t i ve =g r ou pe r e c t in g= c on st r u c t in gc on se q u e n t= r e su lt in gr e i n fo r c e s= su p p o r t sd e va s t ate= d e s tr o ys i m u lt an e o u s l y =a t th e s am e ti m eu n in te n t i on a l = u n p la n n e da l t e r n a te= t ak e tu r n s a tr e g im e s= g o ve r n m e n t sa s u r g e o f=a s u d d e n in c r e a se i ns yn t he s iz in g= c om b in in ge le v a te d= r a i se dI n e ss e n c e=B as ic a l lyf e a s ib le= p r a c t i c a ls c a le =s iz ea d v oc a te d =pr om o te df o s te r e d= e n c ou r ag e df r ig i d =c ol dd e t e c te d= d i sc o ve r e de x t e n s i ve=la r g ea c c o u n t s f or= e x p l ain sr e m n an ts= r e m ai n d e r sr e m ot e =i so l a te dc i te d= m e n t i on e da g g r e g at i on s =g r o u psl a t e r a l =s id el i t t le s h or t o f m ir a c u lo u s=a m az in g b e c au se a lm os t im p os s i b l ed e s ig n at i on= i d e n t i fi c a ti onc h a o t ic =d is or g an ize dr e t a in s =pr e se r ve sc on s t an t= c on t in u a lc o a le sc ed =c o l l ide de m i t te d= r e le a se dd e fi n i n g= i d e n t i fy in gd o me s t ic=h ou s e h o lds w i ft=f as ts i g n i f ic an t = c o n s id e r a b lem o d e s t= r e l at i ve l y sm a l lc on se q u e n t ly= T h e r e f o r ec om p on e n t= p ar tr e m ar k a b le =e x tr a or d in a r yc on f in ed to=l im ite d t or e l e n t le s s = u n c e a si n g d i f fu s i on =sp r e ada u t on om ou s =in d e p e n d e n to b l ig e d= r e q u ir e dv a s t=hu g ea p p r e c i ate d= a p p r o ve dv i c in it y= su r r ou n d in g a r e aa c c i d e n t a l=b yc ha n c em o d i f y= c h an g ed r as t ic a l ly=e x te n s i ve l yp r o h ib i t=p r e ve n tu l ti m ate l y =f in a l lyk e p t p ac e w it h=m a tc h e d t he in c r e a se in c a p ac it y=av a i l ab le st o r ag e s p a c ei n e v it a b le= u n a v oi d ab l es u r p as s =e x c e e dp o n d e r =t h ou g h t ab o u tf u n d am e n t a l =b as icm an d at e d= r e q u ir e dp r om o te d= e n c o u r ag e ds i g n i fy in g =in d i c at in gc e a sed =s to p pe dd i spe r se d= s c at te r e df u n c t i on= p u r p o sea l l e g e d =su p p o se dc on tr o ve r s i a l =de b a ta b lei n c on c l u s i ve= n ot d e c i si v ee l ab o r at e= w e ll d e ve l o p e dp i on e e r e d= in tr o d u c e ds u b se q u e n t =l a te rc om p r i se d= c on s is ted o fe n h a n c e d=im p r o ve dr e i n fo r c e=st r e n g t he np r o f ou n d=in te n seo b s o le te =ou t o f d a teo b sc u r e= l i t tl e k n ow na s s oc i a te s= c on n e c tse n c om p a s se s=in c lu d e ss t a t io n ar y= u n m ov in gh e n c e= t he r e f or ei r r e ve r s ib le= pe r m an e n tm on u m e n t al= e n o r m o u sm an i p u l ate=sk il l fu l ly u s e dp u r su e= p r e fe rs u b s is te n c e= su r vi v ale x p o se d= u n p r o te c te dw i t h n o w a r n i n g= w it h o u t an y in d ic a t i on b e f or e h an dc on g e st i on=ov e r c r owd in ga l t e r e d =tr an s f or m e de m i t te d= r e le a se dr e t a r d in g= s l o wi n ga b u n d an t= p le n t i fu ls u s t a in= su pp o r tp i on e e r in g =or i g i n a ld i st in c t=se p a r a tee n a b li n g= a l l ow in gr e s tr ic te d =l im it e ds e ve r i ty=h ar s hn e ssc on g r e g at e =g at he rc on se q u e n t ly=As a r e s u ltc om pr i se= c on si s t o fc on s ti tu e n t= c om p on e n tp r e d o m i n ate=ar e in t h e m aj or i tyg r ad u a l= s l owd i f fu se= s pre a dd i spe r se d= s c at te r e dd e fi c ie n c ie s= s h or t ag e se m e r g in g= a pp e ar in g B e si d e s =In ad d it i on t op r e oc c u p a t i on =c on c e r nc ou p led w it h= c om b i ne d w i t ha u t on om y=in d e p e n d e n c ec on s p i c u ou s= e a s il y n o ti c e de n d u r e =w i t h st an ds u r p l u s= e x t r at a sk= r e q u ir e m e n tu n f a v or a b le =d is a d va n t ag e ou st r ig g e r e d= in i t i ate ds e ve r e l y= g r e a t l yr e i n fo r c in g=st r e n g th e n in gl a u n c h e d= s t ar te dm e t h od i c a l l y =sy s te m a t ic a la c c e le r a te= s p e e d u pi m p r o ve d= p e r fe c te dd e t e c t =se n sec on v in c i n g ly= p e r su a s i ve l ye lu s iv e =h a r d to i d e n t i fym a in te n an c e o f =su p p o r t in gi s o l a te d=se p a r ate d fr o m on e an o t he r o v e r w he lm e d =w as to o l a r g e f o rr e l a t i ve ly= c om p ar a ti v e lyp a r t i c u la r =sp e c i f ice x c lu si ve l y= o n l ya c c u m u l at in g =c ol le c t in gc ou n te r =c om b a tb r e ak t hr ou g h =d e ve lo p m e n ts o p h is t ic a te d=h ig h ly d e ve l o p e ds u r g e =su d d e n in c r e a s ep r op o r t i on s =s iz es u s t a in= su p p o r tp e r s is te n t =l a st in gp r om o te =e n c ou r a g ec on tr ad ic t o r y= c on f li c t in gm an i fe s ta t i on s = e x p r e s s io n sc u m u l at i ve= c om b i n e da p p ar e n t= n o ti c e ab lec o r r e sp onde d= e q u al e dn or m =c o m m ona d j a c e n t =n e arb yi n te r v a ls= p e r i od ic a ll yd i sc re t e =se pa r at ep r o li f ic=h ig h l y p r o d u c t i ves p ar se r = m o r e t h in l y d i st r ib u te d e p is od e s=oc c u r r e n c e sp r op on e n t s= su p p o r t e r ss w i ft= q u i c ku n pr om i s in g= u n f a vo r a b l ea w e a l t h o f =an ab u n d anc e o fd e vo i d o f=l ac k in g ind i f fu s i on =sp re ado n g o in g =c o n t in u in gc o r r e sp ond s= m a tc he sc om p le x i t y =s op h is t ic a t i ona l l o w in g= r e su l tin g ind i st o r t i on s =ir re g u l ar i t ie st e m p or ar i ly= b r ie f lyp e c u l i ar= u n u su a lp l e n t i fu l= n u m e r ou se m e r g e n c e= r i ser ou t in e l y =r e g u l a r l yd i st in c t i ve= c h ar a c te r i st i ct h e r e b y =c o n se q u e n t l ys u it a b l e =a pp r o p r i a teg e n e r a l l y = u su a l lyt e n d in g =t ak in g c ar e o fr u d im e n t ar y=e le m e n t ar ya k in t o =s im il a r t o o c c a s i on a ll y= s om e t im e si n g e n u it y= i n v e n t i ve n e s st a n g ib le=p hy s ic a ls e q u e n c e s= se r ie sc on v e r te d= c h an g e da p p r o x i m at in g = e s tim a t in gs u b se q u e n t ly=l ate re q u i va le n t= c om p ar ab l ee x p l o it a t i on = u sea l t o g e t he r=fu ll ys te a d il y= a t an u n v ar y in g r at ec on c e n tr a ti o n s=de n s e g r o u p in g sr e fl e c t =in d i c ateo b sc u r e=hi d eu n f a v or a b le =n e g a t iv ep u r su e= e n g a g e inc om p ar a b l e =s im il a re x t r e m e= g r e a tU p on r e f le c t i on =A f te r c on si d e r a t i on c on su l t =a ske x p e l le d =lef t b yp r om p te d =s ti m u l ate de x p l ic i t= c le a r l y e x p r e s se di m p l y= su g g e s te n h a n c e d=im p r o ve dp e c u l i ar t o = u n i q u e t oe x e r t= p u tf or t ha p p ar e n t l y =se e m i n g l ya s t on i s hm e n t= su r p r i s ev i r tu a ll y= n e ar l yI n r e tr o s p e c t =l o ok in g b ac kp r om p t s =s ti m u la te sp a r t i c u la r =sp e c i f ice ve n tu a l ly=in t he e n dr e c a ll= r e m e m be rs pe c i f i c a l l y =p r e c i se l yu n d ou b te d l y= c e r t a in l yt e c hn i c a l l y =sc ie n t i fic a l ly c l a s si f ie d ass u p p le m e n t ar y= e x tr as u b t le= n ot o bv i ou sp a v e d t he w a y f or = m a d e p o ss i b l ew i pe d ou t= k il le d o ffa s s au l ts on=at t ac k s o no n se t=be g in n in gi m m e d i ate l y ap p ar e n t=o b v i ou sR e n o w n e d=F a m ou se n g ag e s in= p e r fo r m sg i g an t ic=ve r y b i gv u ln e r ab le= d e f e n s e le sss t r ain=st r e s sv a l u ab le=im p o r t an tN e e d le ss t o s a y =o b v i o u s l ya d h e s i ve= s t ic k ye n su r e =g u ar an te ec om p on e n t s =p ar tsN e v e r t he le s s=ho w e v e ri n e v it a b ly= n e c e s s ar i l yw i d e sp r e ad am on g= f o u n d t h r o u g h ou t t h e b o d ie s o fi n t ac t= w h o les u b s ta n t i a l ly= s i g n ifi c an t lya c c e s s ib le= r e ac h ab les t im u l a te d= e n c ou r ag e de n g ag e d =p ar t ic ip a te de x p l o it a t i on = u sed e t e r m in an ts= c au se sh a s te n e d= r u s he dd i f fu s i on =sp re adp e r fe c t e d= c om pl e te dr e m n an ts= r e m ai n se x ot ic=f or e ig nd o m i n a te= c on tr o lc on te m p or a r y s oc ie tie s=e x i sted at t he s am e t i m er e c og n iz e d= a c c e p te d s i m u lt an e o u s l y =a t th e s am e ti m ed i sm is se d =r e j e c t e de le v a te d=h ig he x e r c i se d =a p p l ie de m e r g e n c e= r i set a c ti c =st r at e g yt h u s= c on se q u e n t lys t a g n at i on= l a c k o f g r ow t hs u s t a in e d = c o n t in u e di m p l ic a t i on s= c on se q u e n c e se x c lu si ve l y= s o le lyp o te n t i a l =p os s ib lef a v o r ab le=ad v an t ag e ou sa mb i g u ou s =u nc le arc on v e y= t r an s m i ta c c o u n t e d f or= e x p la i n e dc on s ide r ab l y =s ig n i fi c an t lys t r i k i n g= n ot e w or t hyf o r m e r l y= d e s ir a b ler e l a t i ve ly= c om p ar a ti v e lya c c e n tu at e d= i n te n s if i e d。


附件里的文件中是6月份在网上下载的几个作业题,我自己做了一下,曾经应一个网友求助给过他。这些例子是介绍精馏塔从简洁计算到严格计算,再关联vinyl chloride反应及吸收的过程,这些题目的设计其实就是引导学生大概领略一下几个计算领域的情况。今天拿出来原封给大家,然后我就在我的电脑上删除了。文件的.txt改成.rar,解压。
第二是电解液的选择使用了重复的设定和求解,导致SOLVER01/02互为条件反复求解。我将在FLOWSHEETING OPTION中删除了这些指标。
2 error(s), 0 warning(s), and 0 message(s) detected:
*** error *** Invalid specification in unit 1, 't1' - "primary" section refers to a non-existent stream ''.
为什么这样说呢。因为在实际的塔顶产品质量控制算法中,为了简化运算都要加入人工外来数据干预。就是说采用在线分析仪表实时的分析塔顶组分,然后数据实时被运算程序采集,作为运算程序的纠偏。如果没有这个,仅仅凭借软件自己来无限级别的回归运算,有跑偏不说,只有核爆炸模拟才那么做吧(我猜测)。我在美国学习装置模拟优化的时候,美国人不这么做。如果凭借完全的软件来沙盘推演的话,大概过程应该这样(以PRO_II为例):在建立到精确模型计算后,在模块中建立CASE STUDY,建立在线分析(你可以建立无数个),然后数据反馈给ASPEN模型,至运行OK。然后启用动态模型(就像本坛紫色月亮的Invensys Simsci Dynsim),在动态中找到最佳回流比。用ASPEN也是一样过程。你还愿意做吗?



AMOS词句中英⽂对照AMOS词句中英⽂对照王超整理Covariance 协⽅差(共变关系)Data Files 数据⽂件的连结设定File Manager ⽂件管理Interface Properties 界⾯属性Analysis Properties 分析属性Object Properties 对象属性Variables in Model 模型中的变量Variables in Dataset 数据⽂件中的变量Parameters 参数Diagram 绘图Draw Observed 描绘观察变量Draw Unobserved 描绘潜在变量Draw Path 描绘单向路径图Draw Covariance 描绘双向协⽅差图Figure Caption 图⽰标题(图形标题)Draw Indicator Variable 描绘指标变量Draw Unique Variable 描绘误差变量Zoom In 放⼤图⽰Zoom Out 缩⼩图⽰Loupe 放⼤镜检视Redraw diagram 重新绘制图形Identified 被识别unidentified ⽆法识别undo 撤销redo 恢复(重做)Copy to clipboafd 复制到剪切板Deselect all 解除选取全部对象Duplicate 复制对象Erase 删除对象Move Parameter 移动参数位置Reflect 映射指标变量Rotate 旋转指标变量Shape of Object 改变对象形状Space Horizontally 调整选取对象的⽔平距离Space Vertically调整选取对象的垂直距离Drag Properties 拖动对象属性Fit to Page 适合页⾯Touch up 模型图最适接触Model-Fit 模型适配度Calculate Estimates 计算估计值Stop Calculate Estimates停⽌计算估计值程序Manage Groups 管理群组/ 多群组设定Manage Models 管理模型/ 多重模型设定Modeling Lab 模型实验室Toggle Observed / Unobserved 改变观察变量/潜在变量Degree of Freedom ⾃由度的信息Specification Search 模型界定的搜寻Multiple-Group Analysis 多群组分析Bayesian estimation 适⽤于⼩样本的贝⽒估计法Data imputation 缺失值数据替代法List Font 字型Smart 对称性Outline 呈现路径图的线条Square 以⽅型⽐例绘图Golden 以黄⾦分割⽐例绘图Customize 定制功能列Seed Manager 种⼦管理Draw Covariances 描绘协⽅差双箭头图Growth Curve Model 增长曲线模型Name Parameters 增列参数名称Name Unobserved Variables 增列潜在变量名称Resize Observed Variables 重新设定观察变量⼤⼩Standardized RMR 增列标准化RMR值Plugins 增列Commands 命令Categories 分类Parameter Formats 参数格式Computation Summary 计算摘要Files in current directory ⽬前⽬录中的⽂件Standardized estimates 标准化估计Unstandardized estimates 未标准化估计View the input path diagram-Model specification显⽰输⼊的路径图View the output path diagram 显⽰输出结果的路径图Default model 预设模型Saturated model 饱和模型Independent model 独⽴模型1 variable is unnamed ⼀个变量没有名称Nonpositive definite matrices ⾮正定矩阵Portrait 肖像照⽚格式(纵向式的长⽅形:⾼⽐宽的长度长)Landscape 风景照⽚格式(横向式长⽅形:宽⽐⾼的长度长)Page Layout 页⾯配置Orientation ⽅向Apply 应⽤Latent variables 潜在变量Latent independent潜在⾃变量(因变量)Exogenous variables外因变量Latent dependent潜在依变量(果变量)Endogenous variables内因变量Draw a latent variable or add an indicator to a latent variable 描绘潜在变量或增画潜在变量的指标变量Rotate the indicators of a latent variable 旋转潜在变量的指标变量Error variable 误差变量Draw paths-single headed arrows 描绘单向箭头的路径Draw covariances-double headed arrows 描绘协⽅差(双向箭头)的路径Add a unique variable to an existing variable 增列误差变量到已有的变量中Residual variables 残差变量(误差变量)Minimization history 极⼩化过程的统计量Squared multiple correlations 多元相关平⽅/复相关系数平分Indirect, direct & Total effects 间接效果、直接效果与总效果Sample moments样本协⽅差矩阵或称样本动差Implied moments 隐含协⽅差矩阵或称隐含动差Residual moments 残差矩阵或称残差动差Modification indices 修正指标Factor score weights 因素分数加权值Covariance estimates 协⽅差估计值Critical ratios for difference差异值的临界⽐值/ 差异值的Z检验Test for normality and outliers正态性与极端值的检验Observed information matrix 观察的信息矩阵Threshold for modification indices修正指标临界值的界定Means and intercepts 平均数与截距Page Setpage 设定打印格式Decimails⼩数点位数Column spacing 表格栏宽度Maximum number of table columns 表格字段的最⼤值Table Rules 表格范例Table Border 表格边框线Analysis Summary 分析摘要表Notes for Group 组别注解Fill color 形状背景的颜⾊Line width 边框线条的粗度Very Thin ⾮常细Very Thick ⾮常粗Fill style 填充样式Transparent 颜⾊透明Solid 完全填满Regular 正常字型Italic 斜体字型Bold 粗体字型Bold Italic粗斜体字型Set Default 设为默认值Set Default Object Properties 预设对象属性Pen width 对象框线Fill style 对象内样式Parameter orientation 参数呈现⽅向The path diagram 绘制的路径图中Normal template AMOS内定的⼀般样板格式中Visibility 可见性:显⽰设定项⽬在路径图上Use visibility setting 使⽤可见设置Show picture 显⽰图形对象Drag properties from object to object 将对象的属性在对象间拖动Height ⾼度X coordinate X坐标-⽔平位置Y coordinate Y坐标-垂直位置Parameter constraints 参数标签名称Preserve symmetries 保留对称性Zoom in on an area that you select 扩⼤选取的区域View a smaller area of the path diagram 将路径图的区域放⼤View a larger area of the path diagram 将路径图的区域缩⼩Show the entire page on the screen 将路径图整页显⽰在屏幕上Resize the path diagram to fit on a page 重新调整路径图的⼤⼩以符合编辑画⾯(路径图呈现于编辑窗⼝页⾯内)Examine the path diagram with the loupe 以放⼤镜检核路径图Multiple-Group Analysis 多群体的分析Specification Search 模型界定的搜寻Select one object at a time ⼀次选取单⼀对象Iteration 8 迭代次数为8Pairwise Parameter Comparisons 成对参数⽐较Varance-Covariance Matrix of Estimates 估计值间⽅差协⽅差矩阵Output输出结果标签钮Minimization history 最⼩化过程Standardized estimates 标准化的估计值Squared multiple estimates 多元相关的平⽅Indirect, direct & total effects间接效果、直接效果与总效果Sample moments 观察样本协⽅差矩阵Implied moments 隐含协⽅差矩阵Residual moments 残差矩阵Modification indices 修正指标Tests for normality and outlies 检验正态性与异常值AMOS的五种选项估计法:Maximum likelihood 极⼤似然法,简称ML法Generalized least squares ⼀般化最⼩平⽅法,简称GLS法Unweighted least squares 未加权最⼩平⽅法,简称ULS法Scale-free least squares 尺度⾃由最⼩平⽅法,简称SFLS法Asymptotically distribution free 渐近分布⾃由法,简称ADF法“错误提⽰”部分:An error occurred while checking for missing data in the group, Group number 1.You have not supplied enough information to allow computing the sample variances and covariances. You must supply exactly one of the following: 没有提供⾜够的信息,因⽽⽆法计算样本的⽅差与协⽅差,使⽤者必须正确提供:a. The sample variance-covariance matrix. a. 样本⽅差-协⽅差矩阵b. The sample correlation matrix and the sample standard deviations b.样本相关矩阵与样本的标准差;c. Raw data. c.原始资料。

SAP QM质量管理模块功能介绍-英文

SAP QM质量管理模块功能介绍-英文
Close characteristic
Make usage decision for inspection lot
Sample Unit to be inspected Physical sample Equipment Functional location
Inspection completion
Store physical sample(s)
Inspection in sales and distribution
Sales order
Customer specific Control info Insp specification Inspection lot
Inspection lot creation
Quality inspection
General characteristics
Batch class CA
R/3 Classification
Usage decision
QM inspection planning data
What are the inspection results?
Usage decision
What is to happen to the goods?
Logistics Supply Chain
Inspection lot origin
Goods movement Order (production/ maintenance) Sales order
Mat : 60 - 100F

SIMATIC Energy Manager PRO V7.2 - Operation Operat

SIMATIC Energy Manager PRO V7.2 - Operation Operat
Disclaimer of Liability We have reviewed the contents of this publication to ensure consistency with the hardware and software described. Since variance cannot be precluded entirely, we cannot guarantee full consistency. However, the information in this publication is reviewed regularly and any necessary corrections are included in subsequent editions.
2 Energy Manager PRO Client................................................................................................................. 19
2.1 2.1.1 2.1.2 2.1.3 2.1.4 2.1.5 2.1.6
Basics ................................................................................................................................ 19 Start Energy Manager ........................................................................................................ 19 Client as navigation tool..................................................................................................... 23 Basic configuration ............................................................................................................ 25 Search for object................................................................................................................ 31 Quicklinks.......................................................................................................................... 33 Create Quicklinks ............................................................................................................... 33 Editing Quicklinks .............................................................................................................. 35 Help .................................................................................................................................. 38



AMOS输出解读惠顿研究惠顿数据文件在各种结构方程模型中被当作经典案例,包括AMOS 和LISREL。






第三个潜变量,SES(社会经济地位)是由教育(上学年数)和SEI (邓肯的社会经济指数)确定。

























本工作首先通过HF和HCl/LiF刻蚀前驱体Ti3AlC2制备出具有丰富表面基团的Ti3C2Tx(HF-48、HF-72、HCl-6M和HCl-9M),经过XRD、SEM、和EDS 等表征发现,相较HF-48、HF-72和HCl-9M,HCl-6M的-F基团含量较低,层间距离较大。

利用循环伏安法(CV)、恒电流充电/放电(GCD)和电化学阻抗(EIS)等电化学测试手段对电极材料进行电化学性能研究,结果表明:在1M H2SO4电解液中HCl-6M的比容量达到303F g-1,明显高于HF-48、HF-72和HCl-6M的比容量(分别为:112F g-1、198F g-1、143F g-1)。








ExperienceModification RateAre you Maximizing Efforts to Reduce YourWorkers’ Compensation Costs?Understanding your experience modification rating (Experience Mod) and monitoring it regularly is key in reducing your Workers’ Compensation costs. It is also an excellent measure of how yourloss prevention and control practices stack up to others in your industry.Companies who effectively manage their Safety Programs not only understand how this works but also have assigned someone to monitor this on a regular basis. It has a direct correlation to how much you pay in Workers’ Compensation Premiums.Many safety-conscious corporations are refusing to use the service of venders or subcontractors who do not control their Experience Mod or have an experience modification in excess of the industry average.What is an Experience Mod?Simply speaking, your Experience Mod compares your Workers’ Compensation claims experience to other employers of similar size operating in the same type of business. Most employers who have an annual premium in excess of $3,000 will receive an Experience Mod.Your Experience Mod is calculated by the National Council on Compensation Insurance (NCCI) or, in some states, an independent agency. Your independent insurance agent can advise you where your Experience Mod is calculated.In general, each year insurance carriers report to the calculating agency your class codes, payrolls, and losses for the last five years. The computing agency uses three complete years of data ending one year prior to the effective date of the rating period. For example, a rating in 2005 normally will not use 2004 but would include 2003, 2002, and 2001 in the formula.While the formula may appear complex, it compares your specific payrolls and losses to the industry average losses for like business of similar size. If you are at the industry average, your Experience Mod is a 1.0. If your experience is 20% better than average, your Experience Mod would be a .80 or 20% worse at 1.20.How does this affect my premium?It makes sense to reward companies that practice effective safety and claims management techniques over those who do not. In effect, the Experience Mod does just that. The example below illustrates the difference between a company with a .80 Experience Mod and acompany with a 1.20 Experience Mod.As you can see from the above example, how you control your Experience Mod can have a big impact on your insurance premium.How do different types of claims affect the formula?The type of claims you experience and what you do to control the cost of claims has a significant effect on your Experience Mod. Obviously, if you have zero claims, you have no experience going into the formula. Not all of us are that fortunate, however.Medical-only claimsClaims that require medical treatment only are usually less severe, so employers should not be penalized when they occur. Consequently, any medical-only claims are reduced by 70% before they enter the formula. You can take advantage of this by ensuring that injured employees remain at work when possible or return to work within the waiting period.This is where an effective claims management and return to work program can have adramatic effect. Should you need help in establishing a program, our Western National Loss Control Consultants can help.Lost time claimsThe first $5,000 of a lost time claim is counted at full value. The dollar amounts after $5,000 is discounted. There is also a large claim cap limit to protect you from a catastrophic loss. Because the first $5,000 of each loss goes in the formula dollar-for-dollar, severity is a factor. A single claim valued at $20,000 has less effect on your Experience Mod then 10 claims valued at $2,000. Companies seeking to minimize their Workers’ Compensation premiums should focus their safety efforts on reducing the frequency of lost time claims. If you are unsure what actions to take, ourLoss Control Consultants can help you here also.It is also recommended that companies review their losses periodically. Pay particular attention to open claims with outstanding reserves. Work with your claims administrator to bring these claims to closure. In some instances, outstanding claims may be closed resulting in reserve reductions that ultimately may affect your Experience Mod. Don’t forget about your current year’s claims. These usually present the greatest opportunity for cost reductions. Remember this year’s claims will affect your Experience Mod next year.Where do I find my Experience Mod?Typically you will receive an Experience Modification Rating Sheet each year prior to your policy renewal date. If you are unclear of your company’s current Experience Mod, your insurance agent can help you locate this. Your Experience Mod is also listed on the declarations pages of your Workers’ Compensation policy.How do I learn more about the Experience Mod Formula?The National Council on Compensation Insurance (NCCI) has published a booklet entitled “ABCs of Experience Rating”. It is available on their website at . This brochure explains the experience rating plan in greater detail. Many states that use independent agencies to calculate the experience modification also have prepared brochures to explain the Experience Modification Rating Process.。



染整相关术语中英文对照助剂类softening and antistatic agents柔软及抗静电剂water and oil-repellent agents防水防油整理剂insect-resist agents防虫剂thickeners增稠剂crosslinking agents交联剂emulsifiers乳化剂染料类direct dyestuffs直接染料reactive dyeings活性染料disperse dyestuffs分散染料设备类quickwash shrinkage tester快速洗水缩水试验机washing fastness tester水洗牢度机martindate aorasion tester耐磨损测试机standard light both标准光源箱universal strength tester万能强力测试机light fastness tester日晒牢度仪non-standard equipments非标设备ironing machine烫平机series three-legged centrifuger三足式系列离心机displacement heat exchanger容积式换热器reactor反应锅hank drier绞纱烘燥机bulk-fibre drier散毛烘燥机liquid-flow hank dyeing machine液流式绞纱染色机normal temperature oscillating dyeing machine常温振荡试样机sparging(jet)dyeing machine喷射式染色机high-temperature/high-pressure dyeing machine高温高压染色机program-controlled dyeing machine程控染色机high temperature overflow dyeing machine高温溢流染色机high temperature and high pressure yarn dyeing machine高温高压染纱机atmospheric overflow dyeing machine常温溢流染色机high temperature sample dyeing machine高温样品染色机stainless steal drying tumbler不锈钢烘筒烘燥机rope impregnating mangle绳状浸染机整理类resin finishing树脂starch finishing上浆现象类slightly reddish cast轻泛红现象electrolyte电解后整理摩擦轧光整理:friction finish轧光整理:calender finish起绒整理:fleece finish阻燃整理:flame retardant finish柔软整理:mellow finish落针,停经片:drop wireSCY:(single covered yarn)单包覆纱以一条硬纱缠绕于弹性纱外层。



L OAD CELLSF ORCE TRANSDUCERS.84723 TR pag. 384675 CM pag.. 584669 CU pag. 784705 AM pag. 984687 TC pag. 1184681 TU pag. 1384699 TH pag. 1584711 CC pag. 1784717 CT pag. 1984735 SB pag. 2184741 SH pag. 2384729 CB pag . 2584657 OC pag. 2784663 OD pag. 2984747 CIR pag. 3184929 CIR-D pag. 33L OAD CELLS / F ORCE TRANSDUCERSC ONTENTSTRFORCE TRANSDUCER FOR MEASURING THE TENSION ON FIXED OR ROTATING SPINDLESMECHANICAL DIMENSIONSMain features• Range of measurement: from 100 N to 1kN •Accuracy class: 0,5%•Corrosion resistant•Internally generated calibration signal•Orientation of the axis of maximum sensitivity for 35°independently from the position of the fixing holes •Grade of protection: IP65 (DIN 40050)•Integrated protection against overloadsTR series force transducers are used to measure the tension that plastic films or tapes exert on the guide rollers of the machinery used to coil them.Mounted at the ends of a fixed or transmission shaft on the machine chassis, they perform the function of force sensors and bearing for the ends of the shaft.They are used on both fixed and rotating shafts.TR transducers are supplied with the adaptor flange for fixing,with 4 M6 screws or with one central M10 or M12 screw.cod. 84723 - 08/01GEFRAN spa reserves the right to make any kind of design or functional modification at any moment without prior notice.ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONSCONVERSION TABLEFLANGEOPTIONAL ACCESSORIESGEFRAN spa via Sebina, 7425050 PROVAGLIO D ’ISEO (BS) - ITALIA tel. 0309888.1 - fax. 0309839063Internet: CMLOAD CELL FOR COMPRESSION APPLICATIONScod. 84675 -08/01GEFRAN spa reserves the right to make any kind of design or functional modification at any moment without prior notice.ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONSCONVERSION TABLEOPTIONAL ACCESSORIESGEFRAN spa via Sebina, 7425050 PROVAGLIO D ’ISEO (BS) - ITALIA tel. 0309888.1 - fax. 0309839063Internet: CUCOMPACT LOAD CELLFOR COMPRESSION APPLICATIONSMain features• Range of measurement: from 50 to 1.000 kg •Accuracy class: 0,2%•All stainless steel construction •Corrosion resistant•Grade of protection: IP67 (DIN 40050)•Compact sizeThe CU range of load cells are designed for themeasurement of static or dynamic loads in compression.All the transducers are calibrated as load cells in units of mass (Kg). The CU series is supplied for nominal loads from 50Kg to 1t. This model has an IP67 protection degree so it can be used in aggressive atmospheres often found in the chemical industries. The transducer body is machined from a single piece of stainless steel with no welding. This means that it is highly resistant to mechanical shock and vibration.The compact size means that these cells can be placed in positions that are difficult to acess and where little space is available.cod. 84669 - 08/01GEFRAN spa reserves the right to make any kind of design or functional modification at any moment without prior notice.ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONSCONVERSION TABLEORDER CODEGEFRAN spa via Sebina, 7425050 PROVAGLIO D ’ISEO (BS) - ITALIA tel. 0309888.1 - fax. 0309839063Internet: AMMINIATURE FORCE TRANSDUCER FOR COMPRESSION APPLICATIONSMain features• Range of measurement: from 5 to 20 kN •Accuracy class: 1%•All stainless steel construction •Corrosion resistant•Grade of protection: IP65 (DIN 40050)•Small sizeThe AM force transducers series have been designed to mea-sure static and dynamic compression forces.They are particularly suitable for monitoring pounding opera-tions in compression which require a rugged transducer,insensitive to high resonance frequencies caused by non-homogeneous leads in dynamic sequences.The accuracy and the stability are not affected by continuous cycling under harsh conditions even with dynamic loads.The small size of the AM force transducers makes them ideal for retrofitting in existing equipment.cod. 84705 -08/01GEFRAN spa reserves the right to make any kind of design or functional modification at any moment without prior notice.ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONSCONVERSION TABLEORDER CODEOPTIONAL ACCESSORIESGEFRAN spa via Sebina, 7425050 PROVAGLIO D ’ISEO (BS) - ITALIA tel. 0309888.1 - fax. 0309839063Internet: TCLOAD CELL FOR TENSION/COMPRESSION APPLICATIONSMECHANICAL DIMENSIONSMain features• Range of measurement: from100 to 20.000 Kg •Accuracy class: 0,2%•All stainless steel construction •Corrosion resistant•Internally generated calibration signal •Grade of protection: IP67 (DIN 40050)TC series load cells are strain gauge transducers used to measure loads in static and dynamic applications, in tension and compression, with high accuracy (industrial weighing,laboratory testing, automation, etc). The TC series is machi-ned from a single block of metal, so the primary sensing ele-ment, the mountings and the case contain no welds allowing smaller dimensions and an enhanced grade of protection.The configuration of the point of measurement, with 8 strain gauges, reduces errors caused by imperfect application of the load.Typical applications of load cells connected in parallel are: silos, hoppers, large weighing platforms, and with suita-ble accessories, suspended loads. The stainless steel con-struction is suitable for use in aggressive environments in the chemical and petrochemical industries.cod. 84687-08/01GEFRAN spa reserves the right to make any kind of design or functional modification at any moment without prior notice.ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONSCONVERSION TABLEOPTIONAL ACCESSORIESGEFRAN spa via Sebina, 7425050 PROVAGLIO D ’ISEO (BS) - ITALIA tel. 0309888.1 - fax. 0309839063Internet: TUCOMPACT LOAD CELL FOR TENSION/COMPRESSION APPLICATIONSMain features• Range of measurement: from 50 to 1000 kg •Accuracy class: 0,2%•All stainless steel construction •Corrosion resistant•Grade of protection: IP67 ( norme DIN 40050)•Compact sizeThe TU range of load cells are designed for themeasurement of static or dynamic loads in compression or traction. All the transducers are calibrated as load cells in units of mass (Kg). The TU series is supplied for nominal loads from 50Kg to 1t.This model has an IP67 protection degree so it can be used in aggressive atmospheres often found in the chemical industries. The transducer body is machined from a single piece of stainless steel with no welding. This means that it is highly resistant to mechanical shock and vibration.The compact size means that these cells can be placed in positions that are difficult to acess and where little space is available.cod. 84681-08/01GEFRAN spa reserves the right to make any kind of design or functional modification at any moment without prior notice.ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONSCONVERSION TABLEORDER CODEOPTIONAL ACCESSORIESAPPLICATION NOTESGEFRAN spa via Sebina, 7425050 PROVAGLIO D ’ISEO (BS) - ITALIA tel. 0309888.1 - fax. 0309839063Internet: THFORCE TRANSDUCER FOR TENSION/COMPRESSION APPLICATIONSMECHANICAL DIMENSIONSMain features• Range of measurement: from 10 to 100 kN •Accuracy class: 0,1%•All stainless steel construction •Corrosion resistant•Internally generated calibration signal •Grade of protection: IP65 (DIN 40050)The TH series force transducers are ideal for systems that measure tension or compression force in industrial applica-tions, where accuracy and reliability are important, even in harsh environments.The disposition of the (8) strain gauges of the measurement bridges uses the deformation produced by the shear force of the applied load. It is thus possible to make accurate force transducers that are rugged and insensitive to lateral loads.The transducer is machined from a solid block of stainless steel and contains no welds or joints. The electrical circuit is protected by sealed formed stainless steel plates.cod. 84699 -08/01GEFRAN spa reserves the right to make any kind of design or functional modification at any moment without prior notice.ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONSCONVERSION TABLEORDER CODEOPTIONAL ACCESSORIESGEFRAN spa via Sebina, 7425050 PROVAGLIO D ’ISEO (BS) - ITALIA tel. 0309888.1 - fax. 0309839063Internet: CC (B - C)CYLINDRICAL FORCE TRANSDUCER FOR INDUSTRIAL APPLICATIONSMECHANICAL DIMENSIONSMain features• Range of measurement: from 750 to 1.500 kN •Accuracy class: 0,5%•Internally generated calibration signal •All stainless steel construction •Corrosion resistant•Grade of protection: IP65 ( norme DIN 40050)The CC force transducers have been designed for use in the plastics industry where it is required to measure the reaction force to the extrusion pressure that is present on the casing of the gearbox along the axis of the extruder screw.These models, fitted in contact with the thrust bearings,measure a force whose valve, after suitable correction, is equal to extrusion pressure multiplied by the screw area.The CC cylindrical force transducers are all stainless steel construction and configured in such a way that the body,airtight welded, acts also as the case, making a unit that is smaller than the CT series.The connector in the shank is on the same axis as the transducer, which in some cases alows easier installation.cod. 84711 - 08/01GEFRAN spa reserves the right to make any kind of design or functional modification at any moment without prior notice.ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONSCONVERSION TABLEORDER CODEOPTIONAL ACCESSORIESAPPLICATION NOTESGEFRAN spa via Sebina, 7425050 PROVAGLIO D ’ISEO (BS) - ITALIA tel. 0309888.1 - fax. 0309839063Internet: CT ( A - B - C - D)TOROIDAL FORCE TRANSDUCER FOR INDUSTRIAL APPLICATIONSMECHANICAL DIMENSIONSMain features• Range of measurement: from 100 to 3000 kN •Accuracy class: 0,5%•Elastic element in stainless steel •Corrosion resistant•Internally generated calibration signal •Grade of protection: IP65 (DIN 40050)The CT series force transducers, have been specially desi-gned for use in polymer processing in applications where it is required to measure the reaction force produced by the extru-sion pressure on the gearbox along the axis of the screw.They measure a force whose value is indicative of the extru-sion pressure over the area of the screw.The CT series force transducers can also be used in all other applications where it is required to measure the forces on shafts or columns and in any application where the geometry demands a toroidal form load cell.cod. 84717 - 08/01GEFRAN spa reserves the right to make any kind of design or functional modification at any moment without prior notice.ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONSCONVERSION TABLEORDER CODEOPTIONAL ACCESSORIESAPPLICATION NOTEGEFRAN spa via Sebina, 7425050 PROVAGLIO D ’ISEO (BS) - ITALIA tel. 0309888.1 - fax. 0309839063Internet: SBLOW PROFILE SHEAR LOAD CELLMECHANICAL DIMENSIONSMain features• Range of measurement: from 500 to 5.000 Kg •Accuracy class: D (OIML IR60)•All stainless steel construction •Corrosion resistant•Insensitive to lateral loads •Low profile•Class of protection: IP66 (DIN 40050)The principle of measurement of the SB series of load cells is the deformation caused by the shear generated by theapplied load. They are compact load cells with an all stainless steel construction that are extremely rigid towards the measu-red load and lateral or transverse loads.The SB series load cells are the ideal solution for industrial weighing applications such as storage silos, weighing platforms and dosing systems.TECHNICAL DATAcod. 84735 - 08/01GEFRAN spa reserves the right to make any kind of design or functional modification at any moment without prior notice.ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONSCONVERSION TABLEORDER CODEOPTIONAL ACCESSORIESGEFRAN spa via Sebina, 7425050 PROVAGLIO D ’ISEO (BS) - ITALIA tel. 0309888.1 - fax. 0309839063Internet: SHSHEAR TYPE LOAD CELLMECHANICAL DIMENSIONSMain features• Range of measurement: from 500 to 10.000 Kg •Accuracy class: D1 (OIML IR60)•All stainless steel construction •Corrosion resistant•Insensitive to lateral loads•Grade of protection: IP66 ( DIN 40050)The principle of measurement of the SH series load cells is the deformation caused by the shear generated by theapplied load. The result is a transducer that is extremely rigid both for the measured load and of lateral or transverse loads which have little effect on it.The high degree of accuracy, good level of thermal compen-sation, the grade of protection make the SH series load cells safe for use in the most severe conditions.cod. 84741 - 08/01GEFRAN spa reserves the right to make any kind of design or functional modification at any moment without prior notice.ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONSCONVERSION TABLEORDER CODEOPTIONAL ACCESSORIESGEFRAN spa via Sebina, 7425050 PROVAGLIO D ’ISEO (BS) - ITALIA tel. 0309888.1 - fax. 0309839063Internet: CBDEFLECTION LOAD CELLMECHANICAL DIMENSIONSMain features• Range of measurement: from 20 to 200 Kg •Accuracy class: C (OIML IR60)•All stainless steel construction •Corrosion resistant•Grade of protection: IP67 ( DIN 40050)CB series load cells are designed for trouble free application in industrial environments. The cell body and the protective bellows of the strain gauge are in corrosion resistant stainless steel and the bellows are welded using microplasma torch.CB load cells are supplied in three grades of accuracy and characteristics.The 1000 division is the most economical and suitable for most applications. The 2000 division version has a good price/performance ratio. The 3000 division is available if higher accuracy is required.CB load cells are used in particularly hostile enviroments in the food, petrochemical and pharmaceutical industries and in all applications that demand components in stainless steel and IP67 grade of protection.TECHNICAL DATAcod. 84729 - 08/01GEFRAN spa reserves the right to make any kind of design or functional modification at any moment without prior notice.ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONSCONVERSION TABLEOPTIONAL ACCESSORIESORDER CODEGEFRAN spa via Sebina, 7425050 PROVAGLIO D ’ISEO (BS) - ITALIA tel. 0309888.1 - fax. 0309839063Internet: OCLOW PROFILE LOAD CELL FOR PLATFORMSMECHANICAL DIMENSIONSMain features• Range of measurement: from 5 to 100 kg •Accuracy class: C (OIML IR60)•May be mounted directly on the weighing platform •Humidity resistant: conform to OIML IR60•Low cost•Applicable Platform: 400 x 400 mm •Certified by NMI Institute according to: OIML IR60 Certificate nr. TC2330The OC series load cells have been designed for all applications requiring accurate weighing of loads on aplatform, as well as for general applications in conformity with the OIML standards.In all these cases, the OC load cell is the heart of the mechanical design. Infact they provide automatic compensation for eccentric loads on platforms up to400x400mm without the need of mechanical calibrations.The OC series low profile load cells are used in weighing machines for piece counting, bottling, dosing, weighing parcels, fiscal weighing, pharmaceutical weighing, etc.cod. 84657 - 08/01GEFRAN spa reserves the right to make any kind of design or functional modification at any moment without prior notice.ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS CONVERSION TABLEORDER CODEOPTIONAL ACCESSORIESAPPLICATION NOTESGEFRAN spa via Sebina, 7425050 PROVAGLIO D ’ISEO (BS) - ITALIA tel. 0309888.1 - fax. 0309839063Internet: ODLOAD CELL FOR PACKAGING AND DOSING APPLICATIONSMECHANICAL DIMENSIONSMain features• Range of measurement: 6 - 10 -15 kg •Accuracy class: C (OIML IR60)•May be mounted directly on the weighing platform •Applicable Platform : 400x400 mm.•Grade of protection: conform to humidity test OIML IR60•Certified by NMI Institute according to: OIML IR60 Certificate nr. TC2772The OD series load cells have been designed for all applications requiring accurate weighing of loads on aplatform, as well as for general applications in conformity with the OIML standards. In all these cases, the OD load cell is the heart of the mechanical design. Infact they provideautomatic compensation for eccentric loads on platforms up to 400x400mm without the need of mechanical calibrations and have mechanical stops which allow the installation without particular adjustments.The OD series low profile load cells are used in weighing machines for piece counting, bottling, dosing, weighing parcels, fiscal weighing, pharmaceutical weighing, etc.TECHNICAL DATAcod. 84663 - 08/01GEFRAN spa reserves the right to make any kind of design or functional modification at any moment without prior notice.ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONSCONVERSION TABLEOPTIONAL ACCESSORIESORDER CODEAPPLICATION NOTESGEFRAN spa via Sebina, 7425050 PROVAGLIO D ’ISEO (BS) - ITALIA tel. 0309888.1 - fax. 0309839063Internet: CIRSTRAIN GAUGE TRANSDUCER AMPLIFIERMECHANICAL DIMENSIONSMain features• Linearity error <0,02%FSO •Voltage or current output•Low thermal drift <0,01%FSO/°C •Compact sizeThe CIR voltage or current amplifiers have been designed to enable the user to adapt non-amplified strain gaugetransducers (load cells, pressure transducers) to acquisition systems, PLC, instrumentation with high level inputs.The availability of the output in voltage or current enables the signal to be carried over long distances or used in intelligent automation systems.TECHNICAL DATAcod. 84747 - 08/01GEFRAN spa reserves the right to make any kind of design or functional modification at any moment without prior notice.ADJUSTMENTELECTRICAL CONNECTIONSLOAD DIAGRAMELECTRICAL CONNECTIONSGEFRAN spa via Sebina, 7425050 PROVAGLIO D ’ISEO (BS) - ITALIA tel. 0309888.1 - fax. 0309839063Internet: CIR-DGALVANICALLY ISOLATED STRIAN GAUGE TRANSDUCER AMPLIFIERMain features•Galvanic isolation between the Supply Voltage and the Amplifier >500Vdc•Linearity error > 0,02% full scale output •Current output 3-wires•Low thermal drift < 0,01% full scale/°C •10Vdc transducer supplyThe CIR-D voltage or current amplifiers have been desi-gned to enable the user to adapt non-amplified strain gauge transducers (load cells, pressure transducers) to acquisition systems, PLC, instrumentation with high level inputs. These amplifiers have galvanic isolation between the supply voltage and the transducer to increase the rejection of noise generated by the power supply itself.The availability of the output in current enables the signal to be carried over long distances or used in intelligent automation systems.VPT07A10-6PT2CONNECTORScreened cable L = 4 metresCON300- FEMALE CONNECTOR12,514119~ 431 435GEFRAN spa reserves the right to make any kind of design or functional modification at any moment without prior noticeADJUSTMENTS OPTIONAL ACCESSORIESORDER CODEZERO SPANConnector Pinsfemale CON300CBAD E FConnector Pins VPT02A106PT2CDAB E F Screened cable Electronic circuit Supply SignSign SupplyCALSupplyOutputCALWhite Yellow or BlackRedGreen OrangeBlueYellow-Green (shield)Amplifier/ConverterStabilizerSupplyPrimary sensor CIR-D AmplifierGEFRAN spa via Sebina, 7425050 PROVAGLIO D ’ISEO (BS) - ITALIA tel. 0309888.1 - fax. 0309839063Internet: 。








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Motivation: A case study
• Phase III, comparative, placebo-controlled trial for prevention of myocardial infarction. • Assumption: Expected Incidence rate in Placebo: 22% Effect size = 0.30 Incidence rate in New Drug: 11% • Planned sample size = 600 (power>95%)
Conclusion: New test procedure allows to modify sample size without increase in overall type I error.
Repeated significance test with Brownian motion process and Independent increment
• Simulation studies • Increase in sample size Substantial inflation in Type I error rate • Decrease in sample size Mild effect on Type I error rate and power
(with adjust)
Effect on Test Statistic because of sample size modification
When sample size is NOT allowed to increase
Test statistic at (L+j)th interim analysis,
Interim Analysis
• • • • After evaluation of 300 patients Incidence rate in Placebo ~ 22% Incidence rate in New Drug = 16.5% Need to increase the sample size
Impact on Type-I error
Overall Type I error of the new test Procedure
= Overall Type I error of the Original test Procedure = α
Monte Carlo Simulation: New test has its type I error rate maintained at α.
Test procedure
Trial Initiation 0 (K-1) Interim Analyses 1 T1 C1 T1>C1 2 T2 C2 T2>C2 L TL CL TL>CL L+1 UL+1 CL+1 L+j UL+j CL+j K-1 UK-1 CK-1 Final Analysis K UK CK UK>CK
∆ L-1
TL-1 CL-1 TL-1>CL-1
∆ K-1
TK-1 CK-1 TK-1>CK-1
CK TK>C 10 K
Conditional Power
• The conditional power evaluated at the Lth interim analysis

(Eq. 1)
Effect on Test Statistic because of sample size modification
When sample size is allowed to increase

(Eq. 2)
(Eq. 1) versus (Eq. 2) Note: Here is replaced by Note: Weights are also changed and become random as a function of
Modification of Sample Size in Group Sequential Clinical Trials
Madan Gopal Kundu PhD (Biostatistics) student, IUPUI
Sample Size
• Sample size (N) = No. of patients • Estimation of Sample size depends on - Type I error, Power and Expected effect size
n1 N1
n2 N2
nL-1 NL-1
nK-1 NK-1
Observed Effect size 2-sample Z Test Statistic Critical values Reject Ho & Stop trial if:
T1 C1 T1>C1
T2 C2 T2>C2
From Interim analyses we have…. Observed Effect Size Less than Sample size is planned based on…. Expected Effect Size
Planned sample size is NOT sufficient
Group-sequential structure
Trial Initiation 0 (K-1) Interim Analyses 1 2 L-1 L K-1 Final Analysis K
Additional Subjects Cumulative Subjects Information Time
Test Statistic Critical values Reject Ho & Stop trial if:
UL+1>CL+1 UL+j>CL+j UK-1>CK-1
Distribution of UL+j
Under H0 : µ 1 - µ 2 =0
Distribution of UL+j
Conduct of Clinical Trial
Interim analysis 1
Interim analysis 2
Interim analysis 3
Scope of Early termination of trial Overwhelming efficacy futility of the drug
• Introduction • A case study • Group sequential Z test • A sequential test procedure with sample size modification (based on Z test)
• Generalization: Brownian motion
• • • • • B(t) be such repeated significance test at information time t. T(t) = B(t)/t1/2 Let at t=tL sample size increased to M w = N/M b =(w – tL)/(1-tL)
• This adjustment of sample size preserves the unconditional power at 1-β when • If is smaller than δ then it gives large M.
Does Sample Size adjustment inflates Type I error??
• To have accurate estimate of treatment effect size at the beginning of trial - Less likely!!
• Implementation of valid inferential procedure that allows adjustment of sample size in the mid-course of trial - Cui, Hung and Wang method
• Reasonable power at reasonable cost (Best deal!!) • Sample size is determined at the beginning of trial.
Group Sequential Design
Determine N Final Analysis
Observed Effect size = 0.14
Motivation: A case study
• Does it inflate overall type I error? • No valid testing procedure was available to account for such an outcome –dependent adjustment of sample size