《使命召唤13:无限战争》全奖杯列表一览 白金达成




《使命召唤13》单⼈战役全流程图⽂攻略 《使命召唤13》使命召唤系列单⼈模式的剧情都⼗分受玩家喜爱。


操作说明 键⿏ ⼿柄 威胁兴起 【如果贪得⽆厌的⼈类触⼿可及,⽇⽉星⾠早就消失得⽆影⽆踪】 在H a v e l o c k E l l i s的格⾔中,游戏拉开序幕。


⽕星上的殖民军(S D F),以鲜⾎和暴⼒跟地球划清界限,最终摧毁⼀切源⾃地球的事物,以武⼒⼀统宇宙。

任务⽬标 S D F正在进攻我们位于⽊卫⼆“欧罗巴”上的⼀处秘密武器设施,代号为“⾥亚希”的⾏动,他们的⽬的就是夺取该设施⾥的武器原型。

U N S A派出S C A R第⼀对的4名队员前往,要求赶在S D F之前找到武器原型,并将那⾥夷为平地。

攻略流程 ①任务开始,玩家扮演的“野狼”和2名队员开始空降,前往⽬标设施。



前进⼀段距离后跳⼊⼀个冰层下⽅,下落点正好有⼀名S D F⼠兵,⽤⼔⾸将其解决。









监护人 本作共有56个收集品,每一关有4-6个不等,这次的收集品在安全屋内 可以看到详情 总算比前作的收集品有了更多的观赏性,同时收集品的获得也影响到 每一关的战勋挑战
下面按照每关的流程将条件类奖杯和收集品融合到一起 本任务可解额 外奖杯: %{page-break|安全屋系统(1)|page-break}% 任务1.黑色行动 本任务可解额外奖杯,详见视频:
今天小编给大家带来的是一位玩家分享的《COD12》全奖杯达成白金 攻略,不知道某些奖杯怎么达成的玩家,快跟小编一起来看看吧! 黑色行动III的白金/全成就之旅秉承了BO2的老传统,基本分为三个部 分:剧情战役 多人对战 丧尸模式 而本次的剧情战役较以前更为坑爹,想一周目搞定已成幻想,在此推 荐如下的顺序: 1.以自己习惯的难度熟悉流程,拿到所有条件成就奖杯和收集品,同 时提升自己的等级装备,顺手拿掉力所能及的战勋。 2.按照关卡战勋的要求开始补完全部战勋。 3.完成不读档完成老兵难度和真实难度的勋章。 4.按照挑战要求补完其他的未完成的挑战项目。5.补完其他勋章。 特别注意,因为本作加入了网络合作剧情,但是本地的进度与网络进 度完全分开, 请根据自己的网络环境决定开荒时的网络环境,以免走许多弯路,因 后期合作打高难度会很大降低难度,建议全程联网游戏。 战役模式
500XP 在ASP坦克腿间快速滑动
挑战名 完好无损 高分 全部到手
奖励 解锁点 解锁点 解锁点
获得方法 不死过关 以30000分或更高完成任务 收集全部收集品
快枪手 反应迅速 帽子戏法 火力集中 凌空拿下 用拳头开路 捕猎本能 抢先一步 毫发无伤 把手拿开 焚化炉 正中眉心


McIntosh Laboratory, Inc. 2 Chambers Street Binghamton, New York 13903-2699 Phone: 607-723-3512
HR070 Series Remote Control Programming Guide
6. Repeat steps 1 to 5 for the other components you want to control. For future reference, write down each working component code below:
HR Series Remote Control Programming
Assigned Push-button Component Program Code
Push-buttons available for Programming
Flashes during Programming
Used to activate Programming Mode
with the most popular code first. If the component
responds, go to step 7.
6. If the component does not respond, press LEVEL+
Push-button and the Remote Control will test
The HR70 Series Remote Controls have stored in permanent memory the necessary information to send the correct commands to the component to be controlled. By entering a five digit numeric code the commands for controlling the component is activated.


接收机 ................................................................................................... 1 发射机 ................................................................................................... 2 RD4000T3 ................................................................................................. 2 RD4000T10 ................................................................................................ 2 附件 ..................................................................................................... 2 数据记录 ................................................................................................. 2 自动背衬光 ............................................................................................... 2 网络接入功能 ............................................................................................... 3 PC的配置要求 .............................................................................................. 3 如何使用网络接入功能 ...................................................................................... 3 显示和功能键 ............................................................................................... 4 RD4000接收机 ............................................................................................. 4 RD4000T3和RD4000T3F发射机 ................................................................................. 6 RD4000T10发射机........................................................................................... 7



OFFSHORE STANDARDD ET N ORSKE VERITASDNV-OS-C201STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF OFFSHOREUNITS (WSD METHOD)APRIL 2005Since issued in print (April 2005), this booklet has been amended, latest in April 2006.See the reference to “Amendments and Corrections” on the next page.Comments may be sent by e-mail to rules@For subscription orders or information about subscription terms, please use distribution@Comprehensive information about DNV services, research and publications can be found at http :// , or can be obtained from DNV,Veritasveien 1, NO-1322 Høvik, Norway; Tel +47 67 57 99 00, Fax +47 67 57 99 11.© Det Norske Veritas. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying and recording, without the prior written consent of Det Norske puter Typesetting (FM+SGML) by Det Norske Veritas.Printed in Norway.If any person suffers loss or damage which is proved to have been caused by any negligent act or omission of Det Norske Veritas, then Det Norske Veritas shall pay compensation to such person for his proved direct loss or damage. However, the compensation shall not exceed an amount equal to ten times the fee charged for the service in question, provided that the maximum compen-sation shall never exceed USD 2 million.In this provision "Det Norske Veritas" shall mean the Foundation Det Norske Veritas as well as all its subsidiaries, directors, officers, employees, agents and any other acting on behalf of Det Norske Veritas.FOREWORDDET NORSKE VERITAS (DNV) is an autonomous and independent foundation with the objectives of safeguarding life, prop-erty and the environment, at sea and onshore. DNV undertakes classification, certification, and other verification and consultancy services relating to quality of ships, offshore units and installations, and onshore industries worldwide, and carries out research in relation to these functions.DNV Offshore Codes consist of a three level hierarchy of documents:—Offshore Service Specifications. Provide principles and procedures of DNV classification, certification, verification and con-sultancy services.—Offshore Standards. Provide technical provisions and acceptance criteria for general use by the offshore industry as well asthe technical basis for DNV offshore services.—Recommended Practices. Provide proven technology and sound engineering practice as well as guidance for the higher levelOffshore Service Specifications and Offshore Standards.DNV Offshore Codes are offered within the following areas:A)Qualification, Quality and Safety Methodology B)Materials Technology C)Structures D)SystemsE)Special Facilities F)Pipelines and Risers G)Asset Operation H)Marine Operations J)Wind TurbinesAmendments and CorrectionsThis document is valid until superseded by a new revision. Minor amendments and corrections will be published in a separate document normally updated twice per year (April and October).For a complete listing of the changes, see the “Amendments and Corrections” document located at: /technologyservices/, “Offshore Rules & Standards”, “Viewing Area”.The electronic web-versions of the DNV Offshore Codes will be regularly updated to include these amendments and corrections.Amended April 2006,Offshore Standard DNV-OS-C201, April 2005 see note on front cover Changes – Page 3Changes April 2005—Sec.1. Unification of requirements, level of references, terms, definitions, lay-out, text, etc. with the LRFD stand-ards, i.e. general standard (DNV-OS-C101), the standards for various objects (DNV-OS-C102 to DNV-OS-C106), as well as the fabrication standard (DNV-OS-C401). —Sec.1 & Sec.2. Definition and application of design tem-perature and service temperature has been updated, and the terminology co-ordinated with the LRFD standards.—Sec.4. Overall conditions for fracture mechanics (FM) testing, and post weld heat treatment (PWHT) transferred here (from DNV-OS-C401). Requirements to FM adjusted to reflect results of more recent research work. —Sec.5. References to the more recent Recommended Prac-tices introduced e.g. DNV-RP-C201 (for Plates), updating references to CN 30.1.—Sec.3 D300. Specified tank pressures are harmonised with similar formulas in the LRFD standards, while simultane-ously attempted simplified and clarified.—Sec.11 to Sec.14. (Ref. to the various objects.) Formulas for sea pressure during transit are reorganised and clari-fied, improving readability.—Sec.12. Text covering redundancy and detailed design re-vised in line with DNV-OS-C104 (and the previous MOU-rules).—Sec.13. Text regarding the topics of tendon fracture me-chanics, composite tendons, and stability, as well as the CMC requirements are all updated, bringing the text in line with most recent revision of DNV-OS-C105.—Sec.14. Text updated in line with ongoing revision of DNV-OS-C106.D ET N ORSKE V ERITASOffshore Standard DNV-OS-C201, April 2005Amended April 2006, Page 4 – Changes see note on front coverD ET N ORSKE V ERITASAmended April 2006,Offshore Standard DNV-OS-C201, April 2005 see note on front cover Contents – Page 5CONTENTSSec. 1Introduction (9)A.General (9)A100Introduction (9)A200Objectives (9)A300Scope and application (9)A400Other than DNV codes (9)A500Classification (9)B.References (9)B100General (9)C.Definitions (10)C100Verbal forms (10)C200Terms (10)D.Abbreviations and Symbols (12)D100Abbreviations (12)D200Symbols (12)Sec. 2Design Principles (15)A.Introduction (15)A100General (15)A200Aim of the design (15)B.General Design Considerations (15)B100General (15)B200Overall design (15)B300Details design (15)C.Design Conditions (15)C100Basic conditions (15)D.Loading Conditions (16)D100General (16)D200Load (16)E.Design by the WSD Method (16)E100Permissible stress and usage factors (16)E200Basic usage factors (16)F.Design Assisted by Testing (16)F100General (16)F200Full-scale testing and observation of performance of existing structures (16)Sec. 3Loads and Load Effects (17)A.Introduction (17)A100General (17)B.Basis for Selection of Loads (17)B100General (17)C.Permanent Functional Loads (17)C100General (17)D.Variable Functional Loads (18)D100General (18)D200Variable functional loads on deck areas (18)D300Tank pressures (18)D400Lifeboat platforms (19)E.Environmental Loads (19)E100General (19)E200Environmental conditions for mobile units (19)E300Environmental conditionss for site specific units (19)E400Determination of hydrodynamic loads (19)E500Wave loads (19)E600Wave induced inertia forces (20)E700Current (20)E800Wind loads (20)E900Vortex induced oscillations (20)E1000Water level and tidal effects (20)E1100Marine growth (20)E1200Snow and ice accumulation............................................20E1300Direct ice load.. (20)E1400Earthquake (20)bination of Environmental Loads (21)F100General (21)G.Accidental Loads (21)G100General (21)H.Deformation Loads (21)H100General (21)H200Temperature loads (21)H300Settlements and subsidence of sea bed (21)I.Fatigue loads (22)I100General (22)J.Load Effect Analysis (22)J100General (22)J200Global motion analysis (22)J300Load effects in structures and soil or foundation (22)Sec. 4Structural Categorisation, Material Selection and Inspection Principles (23)A.General (23)A100 (23)B.Temperatures for Selection of Material (23)B100General (23)B200Floating units (23)B300Bottom fixed units (23)C.Structural Category (23)C100General (23)C200Selection of structural category (23)C300Inspection of welds (24)D.Structural Steel (24)D100General (24)D200Material designations (24)D300Selection of structural steel (25)D400Fracture mechanics (FM) testing (25)D500Post weld heat treatment (PWHT) (25)Sec. 5Structural Strength (26)A.General (26)A100General (26)A200Structural analysis (26)A300Ductility (26)A400Yield check (26)A500Buckling check (27)B.Flat Plated Structures and Stiffened Panels (27)B100Yield check (27)B200Buckling check (27)B300Capacity checks according to other codes (27)C.Shell Structures (27)C100General (27)D.Tubular Members, Tubular Joints and Conical Transitions.27 D100General (27)E.Non-Tubular Beams, Columns and Frames (28)E100General (28)Sec. 6Section Scantlings (29)A.General (29)A100Scope (29)B.Strength of Plating and Stiffeners (29)B100Scope (29)B200Minimum thickness (29)B300Bending of plating (29)D ET N ORSKE V ERITASOffshore Standard DNV-OS-C201, April 2005Amended April 2006, Page 6 – Contents see note on front coverB400Stiffeners (29)C.Bending and Shear in Girders (30)C100General (30)C200Minimum thickness (30)C300Bending and shear (30)C400Effective flange (30)C500Effective web (30)C600Strength requirements for simple girders (30)C700Complex girder systems (31)Sec. 7Fatigue (32)A.General (32)A100General (32)A200Design fatigue factors (32)A300Methods for fatigue analysis (32)A400Simplified fatigue analysis (33)A500Stochastic fatigue analysis (33)Sec. 8Accidental Conditions (34)A.General (34)A100General (34)B.Design Criteria (34)B100General (34)B200Collision (34)B300Dropped objects (34)B400Fires (34)B500Explosions (34)B600Unintended flooding (34)Sec. 9Weld Connections (36)A.General (36)A100Scope (36)B.Types of Welded Steel Joints (36)B100Butt joints (36)B200Tee or cross joints (36)B300Slot welds (37)B400Lap joint (37)C.Weld Size (37)C100General (37)C200Fillet welds (37)C300Partly penetration welds and fillet welds in crossconnections subject to high stresses (38)C400Connections of stiffeners to girders and bulkheads, etc..38 C500End connections of girders (39)C600Direct calculation of weld connections (39)Sec. 10Corrosion Control (40)A.General (40)A100Scope (40)B.Techniques for Corrosion Control Related to EnvironmentalZones (40)B100Atmospheric zone (40)B200Splash zone (40)B300Submerged zone (40)B400Internal zone (40)C.Cathodic Protection (41)C100General (41)C200Galvanic anode systems (41)C300Impressed current systems (42)D.Coating Systems (42)D100Specification of coating (42)Sec. 11Special Considerations for Column Stabilised Units (43)A.General (43)A100Assumptions and application (43)B.Structural Categorisation, Material Selection and InspectionPrinciples (43)B100General (43)B200Structural categorisation (43)B300Material selection (43)B400Inspection categories (44)C.Design and Loading Conditions (46)C100General (46)C200Permanent loads (46)C300Variable functional loads (46)C400Tank loads (46)C500Environmental loads, general (46)C600Sea pressures (47)C700Wind loads (47)C800Heavy components (47)C900Combination of loads (47)D.Structural Strength (47)D100General (47)D200Global capacity (47)D300Transit condition (47)D400Method of analysis (48)D500Air gap (48)E.Fatigue (48)E100General (48)E200Fatigue analysis (49)F.Accidental Conditions (49)F100General (49)F200Collision (49)F300Dropped objects (49)F400Fire (49)F500Explosion (49)F600Heeled condition (49)G.Redundancy (49)G100General (49)G200Brace arrangements (49)H.Structure in Way of a Fixed Mooring System (49)H100Structural strength (49)I.Structural Details (50)I100General (50)Sec. 12Special Considerations forSelf-Elevating Units (51)A.Introduction (51)A100Scope and application (51)B.Structural Categorisation, Material Selection and InspectionPrinciples (51)B100General (51)B200Structural categorisation (51)B300Material selection (51)B400Inspection categories (51)C.Design and Loading Conditions (51)C100General (51)C200Transit (52)C300Installation and retrieval (52)C400Operation and survival (52)D.Environmental Conditions (53)D100General (53)D200Wind (53)D300Waves (53)D400Current (53)D500Snow and ice (53)E.Method of Analysis (53)E100General (53)E200Global structural models (54)E300Local structural models (54)E400Fatigue analysis (55)F.Design Loads (55)F100General (55)F200Permanent loads (55)D ET N ORSKE V ERITASAmended April 2006,Offshore Standard DNV-OS-C201, April 2005 see note on front cover Contents – Page 7F300Variable functional loads (55)F400Tank loads (55)F500Environmental loads, general (55)F600Wind loads (55)F700Waves (56)F800Current (56)F900Wave and current (56)F1000Sea pressures during transit (57)F1100Heavy components during transit (57)F1200Combination of loads (57)G.Structural Strength (57)G100General (57)G200Global capacity (57)G300Footing strength (57)G400Leg strength (58)G500Jackhouse support strength (58)G600Hull strength (58)H.Fatigue Strength (58)H100General (58)H200Fatigue analysis (58)I.Accidental Conditions (58)I100General (58)I200Collisions (58)I300Dropped objects (58)I400Fires (58)I500Explosions (58)I600Unintended flooding (58)J.Miscellaneous requirements (59)J100General (59)J200Pre-load capasity (59)J300Overturning stability (59)J400Air gap (59)Sec. 13Special Considerations forTension Leg Platforms (TLP) (61)A.General (61)A100Scope and application (61)A200Description of tendon system (61)B.Structural Categorisation, Material Selection and InspectionPrinciples (62)B100General (62)B200Structural categorisation (62)B300Material selection (63)B400Design temperatures (63)B500Inspection categories (63)C.Design Principles (63)C100General (63)C200Design conditions (64)C300Fabrication (64)C400Hull and Deck Mating (64)C500Sea transportation (64)C600Installation (64)C700Decommissioning (64)C800Design principles, tendons (64)D.Design Loads (65)D100General (65)D200Load categories (65)E.Global Performance (65)E100General (65)E200Frequency domain analysis (66)E300High frequency analyses (66)E400Wave frequency analyses (66)E500Low frequency analyses (66)E600Time domain analyses (66)E700Model testing (67)E800Load effects in the tendons (67)F.Structural Strength (67)F100General (67)F200Hull (68)F300Structural analysis (68)F400Structural design.............................................................68F500Deck.. (68)F600Extreme tendon tensions (69)F700Structural design of tendons (69)F800Foundations (69)G.Fatigue (69)G100General (69)G200Hull and deck (69)G300Tendons (69)G400Foundation (70)H.Accidental Condition (70)H100Hull (70)H200Hull and deck (71)H300Tendons (71)H400Foundations (71)Sec. 14Special Considerations for Deep DraughtFloaters (DDF) (72)A.General (72)A100Introduction (72)A200Scope and application (72)B.Non-Operational Phases (72)B100General (72)B200Fabrication (72)B300Mating (72)B400Sea transportation (72)B500Installation (72)B600Decommissioning (73)C.Structural Categorisation, Selection of Material andExtent of Inspection (73)C100General (73)C200Material selection (73)C300Design temperatures (73)C400Inspection categories (73)C500Guidance to minimum requirements (73)D.Design Loads (74)D100Permanent loads (74)D200Variable functional loads (74)D300Environmental loads (74)D400Determination of loads (74)D500Hydrodynamic loads (74)E.Deformation Loads (74)E100General (74)F.Accidental Loads (75)F100General (75)G.Fatigue Loads (75)G100General (75)bination of Loads (75)H100General (75)I.Load Effect Analysis in Operational Phase (75)I100General (75)I200Global bending effects (75)J.Load Effect Analysis in Non-Operational Phases (75)J100General (75)J200Transportation (76)J300Launching (76)J400Upending (76)J500Deck mating (76)J600Riser installations (76)K.Structural Strength (76)K100Operation phase for hull (76)K200Non-operational phases for hull (76)K300Operation phase for deck or topside (77)K400Non-operational phases for deck or topside (77)L.Fatigue (77)L100General (77)L200Operation phase for hull (77)L300Non-operational phases for hull (77)D ET N ORSKE V ERITASOffshore Standard DNV-OS-C201, April 2005Amended April 2006, Page 8 – Contents see note on front coverL400Splash zone (77)L500Operation phase for deck or topside (78)L600Non-operational phases for deck or topside (78)M.Accidental Condition (78)M100General (78)M200Fire (78)M300Explosion (78)M400Collision (78)M500Dropped objects (78)M600Unintended flooding (78)M700Abnormal wave events (78)App. A Cross Sectional Types (80)A.Cross Sectional Types (80)A100General (80)A200Cross section requirements for plastic analysis (80)A300Cross section requirements whenelastic global analysis is used (80)App. B Methods and Models for Design of Column-Stabilised Units (82)A.Methods and Models (82)A100General (82)A200World wide operation (82)A300Benign waters or restricted areas (82)App. C Permanently Installed Units (83)A.Introduction (83)A100Application (83)B.Inspection and Maintenance (83)B100Facilities for inspection on location................................83C.Fatigue. (83)C100Design fatigue factors (83)C200Splash zone for floating units (83)App. D Certification of Tendon System (84)A.General (84)A100Introduction (84)B.Equipment categorization (84)B100General (84)C.Fabrication Record (84)C100General (84)D.Documentation Deliverables for Certification ofEquipment (85)D100General (85)E.Tendon Systems and Components (85)E100General (85)E200Tendon pipe (85)E300Bottom tendon interface (BTI) (86)E400Flex bearings (86)E500Foundations (86)E600Top tendon interface (TTI) (86)E700Intermediate tendon connectors (ITC) (86)E800Tendon tension monitoring system (TTMS) (86)E900Tendon porch (87)E1000Tendon corrosion protection system (87)E1100Load management program (LMP) (87)F.Categorisation of Tendon Components (87)F100General (87)G.Tendon Fabrication (88)G100General (88)D ET N ORSKE V ERITASAmended April 2006,Offshore Standard DNV-OS-C201, April 2005 see note on front cover Sec.1 – Page 9SECTION 1INTRODUCTIONA. GeneralA 100Introduction101 This offshore standard provides principles, technical re-quirements and guidance for the structural design of offshore structures, based on the Working Stress Design (WSD) meth-od.102 This standard has been written for general world-wide application. Statutory regulations may include requirements in excess of the provisions by this standard depending on size, type, location and intended service of the offshore unit or in-stallation.103 The standard is organised with general sections contain-ing common requirements and sections containing specific re-quirement for different type of offshore units. In case of deviating requirements between general sections and the ob-ject specific sections, requirements of the object specific sec-tions shall apply.A 200Objectives201 The objectives of this standard are to:—provide an internationally acceptable level of safety by de-fining minimum requirements for structures and structural components (in combination with referred standards, rec-ommended practices, guidelines, etc.)—serve as a contractual reference document between suppli-ers and purchasers—serve as a guideline for designers, suppliers, purchasers and regulators—specify procedures and requirements for offshore struc-tures subject to DNV certification and classification.A 300Scope and application301 This standard is applicable to the following types of off-shore structures:—column-stabilised units—self-elevating units—tension leg platforms—deep draught floaters.302 For utilisation of other materials, the general design principles given in this standard may be used together with rel-evant standards, codes or specifications covering the require-ments to materials design and fabrication.303 The standard is applicable to structural design of com-plete units including substructures, topside structures and ves-sel hulls.304 This standard gives requirements for the following: —design principles—structural categorisation—material selection and inspection principles—loads and load effect analyses—design of steel structures and connections—special considerations for different types of units. Requirements for foundation design are given in DNV-OS-C101.A 400Other than DNV codes401 Other recognised codes or standards may be applied pro-vided it is shown that the codes and standards, and their appli-cation, meet or exceed the level of safety of the actual DNV standard.402 In case of conflict between requirements of this standard and a reference document other than DNV documents, the re-quirements of this standard shall prevail.403 Where reference is made to codes other than DNV doc-uments, the latest revision of the documents shall be applied, unless otherwise specified.404 When code checks are performed according to other than DNV codes, the usage factors as given in the respective code shall be used.A 500Classification501 Classification principles, procedures and applicable class notations related to classification services of offshore units are specified in the DNV Offshore Service Specifications given in Table A1.502 Documentation requirements for classification are given by DNV-RP-A202.B. ReferencesB 100General101 The DNV documents in Table B1 are referred to in the present standards and contain acceptable methods for fulfilling the requirements in this standard.102 The latest valid revision of the DNV reference docu-ments in Table B2 applies. See also current DNV List of Pub-lications.103 The documents listed in Table B2 are referred in the present standard. The documents include acceptable methods for fulfilling the requirements in the present standard and may be used as a source of supplementary information. Only the referenced parts of the documents apply for fulfilment of the present standard.Table A1 DNV Offshore Service SpecificationsReference TitleDNV-OSS-101Rules for Classification of Offshore Drilling andSupport UnitsDNV-OSS-102Rules for Classification of Floating Productionand Storage UnitsDNV-OSS-103Rules for Classification of LNG/LPG FloatingProduction and Storage Units or Installations DNV-OSS-121Classification Based on Performance CriteriaDetermined by Risk Assessment MethodologyRules for Planning and Execution of MarineOperationsTable B1 DNV Reference DocumentsReference TitleDNV-OS-A101Safety Principles andArrangementDNV-OS-B101Metallic MaterialsDNV-OS-C101Design of Offshore Steel Struc-tures, General (LRFD method) DNV-OS-C301Stability and Watertight Integrity DNV-OS-C401Fabrication and Testing ofOffshore StructuresD ET N ORSKE V ERITASOffshore Standard DNV-OS-C201, April 2005Amended April 2006, Page 10 – Sec.1see note on front coverC. DefinitionsC 100Verbal forms101 Shall: Indicates a mandatory requirement to be followed for fulfilment or compliance with the present standard. Devia-tions are not permitted unless formally and rigorously justified, and accepted by all relevant contracting parties.102 Should: Indicates a recommendation that a certain course of action is preferred or particularly suitable. Alterna-tive courses of action are allowable under the standard where agreed between contracting parties but shall be justified and documented.103 May: Indicates a permission, or an option, which is per-mitted as part of conformance with the standard.C 200Terms201 Accidental condition: When the unit is subjected to ac-cidental loads such as collision, dropped objects, fire explo-sion, etc.202 Accidental loads: Loads which may occur as a result of accident or exceptional events, e.g. collisions, explosions, dropped objects.203 Atmospheric zone: The external surfaces of the unit above the splash zone.204 Cathodic protection: A technique to prevent corrosion of a steel surface by making the surface to be the cathode of an electrochemical cell.205 Characteristic load: The reference value of a load to be used in the determination of load effects. The characteristic load is normally based upon a defined fractile in the upper end of the distribution function for load.206 Characteristic strength: The reference value of structur-al strength to be used in the determination of the design strength. The characteristic strength is normally based upon a 5% fractile in the lower end of the distribution function for re-sistance.207 Characteristic value: The representative value associat-ed with a prescribed probability of not being unfavourably ex-ceeded during the applicable reference period.208 Classic spar: Shell type hull structure.209 Classification Note: The Classification Notes cover proven technology and solutions which is found to represent good practice by DNV, and which represent one alternative for satisfying the requirements given in the DNV Rules or other codes and standards cited by DNV. The Classification Notes will in the same manner be applicable for fulfilling the require-ments in the DNV Offshore Standards.210 Coating: Metallic, inorganic or organic material applied to steel surfaces for prevention of corrosion.211 Column-stabilised unit: A floating unit that can be relo-cated. A column-stabilised unit normally consists of a deck structure with a number of widely spaced, large diameter, sup-porting columns that are attached to submerged pontoons. 212 Corrosion allowance: Extra wall thickness added during design to compensate for any anticipated reduction in thick-ness during the operation.213 Damaged condition: The unit condition after accidental damage.214 Deep draught floater (DDF): A floating unit categorised with a relative large draught. The large draught is mainly intro-duced to obtain reduced wave excitation in heave and suffi-ciently high eigenperiod in heave such that resonant responses in heave can be omitted or minimised.215 Design brief: An agreed document presenting owner's technical basis, requirements and references for the unit design and fabrication.216 Design temperature: The design temperature for a unit is the reference temperature for assessing areas where the unit can be transported, installed and operated. The design temper-ature is to be lower or equal to the lowest mean daily tempera-ture in air for the relevant areas. For seasonal restricted operations the lowest mean daily temperature in air for the sea-son may be applied.217 Driving voltage: The difference between closed circuit anode potential and the protection potential.218 Dry transit: A transit where the unit is transported on a heavy lift unit from one geographical location to another. 219 Dynamic upending: A process where seawater is filled or flooded into the bottom section of a horizontally floating DDF hull and creating a trim condition and subsequent water filling of hull or moonpool and dynamic upending to bring the hull in vertical position.220 Environmental loads: Loads directly and indirectly due to environmental phenomena. Environmental loads are not a necessary consequence of the structures existence, use and treatments. All external loads which are responses to environ-mental phenomena are to be regarded as environmental loads, e.g. support reactions, mooring forces, and inertia forces. 221 Expected loads and response history: Expected load and response history for a specified time period, taking into ac-count the number of load cycles and the resulting load levels and response for each cycle.222 Expected value: The most probable value of a load dur-ing a specified time period.223 Fail to safe: A failure shall not lead to new failure, which may lead to total loss of the structure.DNV-OS-D101Marine Machinery Systems andEquipmentDNV-OS-E301Position MooringDNV-OS-F201Dynamic RisersDNV-RP-C103Column Stabilised UnitsDNV-RP-C201Buckling Strength of PlatedStructuresDNV-RP-C202Buckling Strength of Shells DNV-RP-C203Fatigue Strength Analysis ofOffshore Steel Structures Classification Note 30.1Buckling Strength Analysis ofBars and Frames, and SphericalShellsClassification Note 30.4 FoundationsClassification Note 30.5 Environmental Conditions andEnvironmental Loads Classification Note 31.5Strength Analysis of MainStructures of Self-elevating Units Table B2 Other referencesReference TitleAISC-ASD Manual of Steel Construction ASDAPI RP 2A – WSD with supplement 1Planning, Designing and Constructing Fixed Offshore Platforms – Working Stress DesignAPI RP 2T Planning, Designing and Constructing TensionLeg PlatformsBS 7910Guide on methods for assessing the acceptability offlaws in fusion welded structuresNACE TPC Publication No. 3. The role of bacteria in corrosionof oil field equipmentSNAME 5-5A Site Specific Assessment of Mobile Jack-Up UnitsD ET N ORSKE V ERITAS。



《使命召唤13:⽆限战争》全⽀线任务流程攻略 ⽀线:舰船突击-捕⿏⾏动 剧情:S D F赫拉斯号正在⾦星⼤⽓层修复战损。


S C A R部队和陆战队将登船执⾏搜索与摧毁。



s t e p1.在执⾏舰船突击任务之前,雷耶斯可以选择⾃定义的主武器、服务器、战术道具、杀伤性⼿雷、胡狼装备。


s t e p2.这次的空战主要是⾯对2架S D F皇牌战机和4架S D F狂风。



s t e p3.接着按住s h i f t键追上S D F赫拉斯号的左侧,进⼊到敌舰内部。


%{p a g e-b r e a k|舰船突击-捕⿏⾏动(1)|p a g e-b r e a k}% s t e p4.内进⾄化武制作室,访问⽣命保障系统,这时候会有敌⼈闯进来,按1键关闭重⼒系统,敌⼈会有短暂⽆法武器,这时候就是让雷耶斯进⾏射靶训练。

s t e p5.来到放有化武飞弹的房间,调查⼀下中段的门,需要消耗⼀段时间才能骇⼊将门打开,这时候有敌⼈出现,暂时⽆法使⽤猎歼机器⼈,所以先拾获⼀些破⽚⼿雷,躲在挡板后进⾏射击。


s t e p6.接着去到着⽕的⾛廊⾯对⼤批敌⼈,击退后就可以返回到胡狼战机上。

逃脱后引爆炸弹,将⽣化武器连同S D F赫拉斯号⼀同摧毁。

%{p a g e-b r e a k|舰船突击-捕⿏⾏动(2)|p a g e-b r e a k}% ⽀线:胡狼打击-安全港⼜⾏动 剧情:移民防卫阵线的驱逐舰正在攻击⼀处重要的港⼜⾏动前哨。





奖杯·奖赏·成就全列表本作中设置了大量的游戏内部奖励,只要玩家达成特定条件,再花费相应的BP 点数就能解锁诸如概念绘画、机密档案、隐藏服装、模型、特殊武器、荧幕效果等种类各异的奖励。



记录名称达成条件奖赏永恒恶梦【白金】完成所有游戏纪录(不包含额外章节和突击模式)3000BP三个女人一个巴瑞【铜杯/20点】通过章节1 倒数章节1、隐形章节1、克蕾儿模型、巴瑞模型吓死人【铜杯/20点】通过章节2 倒数章节2、隐形章节2 战胜恐惧【铜杯/20点】通过章节3 倒数章节3、隐形章节3 真实或虚假【铜杯/20点】通过章节4 倒数章节4、隐形章节4REVELATIONS 2 通过所有四个主要战役章节荧幕效果:经典恐怖、经典克蕾儿服装、经典巴瑞服装生存基础在休闲以上的难度下,通过所有主要战役章节奖励武器:芝加哥打字机一般生存者在普通以上的难度下,通过所有主要战役章节奖励武器:手弩熟练生存者在生存以上的难度下,通过所有主要战役章节已无退路难度、奖励武器:绞肉机最强生存者在已无退路难度下,通过所有主要战役章节奖励武器:无限弹药杰出生存者以S级评价通过普通或以上难度下,所有主要战役章节荧幕效果:棕褐色调、奖励武器:短剑坚忍生存者以S级评价通过生存或以上难度下,所有主要战役章节荧幕效果:黑色漫画终极生存者以S级评价通过已无退路难度下,所有主要战役章节荧幕效果:诅咒影片迅敏生存者在3小时内通过四个主要战役章节奖励武器:无限火箭发射器岛屿独裁者在不使用EX武器的情况下,以S级评价通过四个主要战役章节的所有难度荧幕效果:黑白未来的希望观看好的结局狙击手克蕾儿服装、怪物亚丽克丝(第二次对战)模型最糟的结果观看坏的结局亚丽克丝模型、怪物亚丽克丝模型飙车手(章节1)【铜杯/80点】在倒数模式下通过章节1 概念绘画5 飙车手(章节2)【铜杯/80点】在倒数模式下通过章节2 概念绘画9 飙车手(章节3)【铜杯/80点】在倒数模式下通过章节3 概念绘画13 飙车手(章节4)【铜杯/80点】在倒数模式下通过章节4 概念绘画15疾如风通过倒数模式的所有章节奖励武器:泡泡枪第六感(章节1)【铜杯/80点】在隐形模式下通过章节1 概念绘画6 第六感(章节2)【铜杯/80点】在隐形模式下通过章节2 概念绘画10 第六感(章节3)【铜杯/80点】在隐形模式下通过章节3 概念绘画14第六感(章节4)【铜杯/80点】在隐形模式下通过章节4 概念绘画16启发者通过隐形模式的所有章节奖励武器:武士刀收藏家(章节1)在章节1寻获所有塔楼徽章机密档案1收藏家(章节2)在章节2寻获所有塔楼徽章机密档案4收藏家(章节3)在章节3寻获所有塔楼徽章机密档案7收藏家(章节4)在章节4寻获所有塔楼徽章机密档案10徽章收藏者在主要战役中寻获所有的塔楼徽章突击模式手势(点头)素描艺术家(章节1)在章节1找到所有的卡夫卡绘画机密档案2素描艺术家(章节2)在章节2找到所有的卡夫卡绘画机密档案5素描艺术家(章节3)在章节3找到所有的卡夫卡绘画机密档案8素描艺术家(章节4)在章节4找到所有的卡夫卡绘画机密档案11馆长在主要战役中找到所有的卡夫卡绘画突击模式手势(大声呼叫)打草惊虫(章节1)在章节1找到所有的幼虫机密档案3 打草惊虫(章节2)在章节2找到所有的幼虫机密档案6 打草惊虫(章节3)在章节3找到所有的幼虫机密档案9 打草惊虫(章节4)在章节4找到所有的幼虫机密档案12昆虫博士在主要战役中找到所有的幼虫突击模式手势(坐下来)开罐者(章节1)在章节1开启所有莫依菈可以打开的箱子概念绘画1开罐者(章节2)在章节2开启所有莫依菈可以打开的箱子概念绘画7开罐者(章节3)在章节3开启所有莫依菈可以打开的箱子概念绘画11开罐者(章节4)在章节4开启所有莫依菈可以打开的箱子概念绘画17卓越开罐者在主要战役中开启所有莫依菈可以打开的箱子概念绘画19好奇心(章节1)在章节1开启所有娜塔莉亚可以打开的箱子概念绘画2好奇心(章节2)在章节2开启所有娜塔莉亚可以打开的箱子概念绘画8好奇心(章节3)在章节3开启所有娜塔莉亚可以打开的箱子概念绘画12好奇心(章节4)在章节4开启所有娜塔莉亚可以打开的箱子概念绘画18开锁大师在主要战役中开启所有娜塔莉亚可以打开的箱子概念绘画20功勋彪炳(章节1)【金杯/100点】取得章节1的所有勋章突击模式手势(充满喜悦)功勋彪炳(章节2)【金杯/100点】取得章节2的所有勋章突击模式手势(有点兴奋)功勋彪炳(章节3)【金杯/100点】取得章节3的所有勋章突击模式手势(是,长官)功勋彪炳(章节4)【金杯/100点】取得章节4的所有勋章突击模式手势(我吗?)卓越勋章者取得主要战役中的所有勋章突击模式手势(躺下来)赏金猎人【铜杯/60点】总共取得50000BP 概念绘画3 超级赏金猎人总共取得100000BP 概念绘画4 两把刷子取得所有战役技能1000BP毒之炼金术师在战役中制作所有的组合物品2000BP地方的玩家需要子弹在战役中找到所有的弹药盒1000BP背包客在战役中找到所有的扩充背包1000BP神说要有光,就有了光在战役中找到50样隐藏物品1000BP我看过档案取得所有机密档案2000BP 惊人的收藏取得所有模型2000BP 特效总监取得所有荧幕特效2000BP 奖励武器爱好者取得所有奖励武器2000BP 艺术家之心取得所有概念绘画2000BP 角色扮演者取得所有服装2000BP 只知其一解锁50%的奖励1000BP 真相大白解锁100%的奖励2000BP谁要火?【铜杯/20点】在克蕾儿的章节1成功逃出拘留所,且不使用火焰喷射器1000BP佩卓,对不起……【银杯/20点】在克蕾儿的章节2击败变种人佩卓变种人佩卓模型递上辞呈【银杯/20点】在克蕾儿的章节3由莫依菈击败尼尔怪物尼尔模型时间涟漪【铜杯/20点】在巴瑞的章节3取得下水道中放置在大门外的物叶夫根尼模型品隐形杀手【银杯/20点】以「普通」或以上的难度,在克蕾儿的章节4中击败纪念碑里6只以上的格拉斯波1000BP未来昔路【铜杯/20点】在巴瑞的章节4走过穿越垃圾掩埋场的两种路1000BP污染者的解药【铜杯/20点】击败100个污染者污染者模型铁头、豆腐心击败20个铁头铁头模型别看爆炸者击败20个爆炸者爆炸者模型熔岩阻塞者击败10个熔岩喷发者熔岩喷发者模型杜绝臭酸的腐烂者击败100个腐烂者腐烂者模型亡灵收割者【铜杯/20点】击败100个亡灵亡灵模型此地无甩投者击败20个甩投者甩投者模型杜尔加征服者击败10个杜尔加杜尔加模型「我讨厌格拉斯波」【铜杯/20点】击败20个格拉斯波格拉斯波模型调教双头犬击败30个双头犬双头犬模型简单就是美使用手枪击败300名敌人吉娜模型散弹英豪使用散弹枪击败100名敌人巨大鞭笞蛛模型龟缩使用狙击步枪击败50名敌人佩卓模型交给我吧使用麦格农击败50名敌人飞溅者模型我的小伙伴使用机关枪击败200名敌人盖博模型一拳三百磅使用突击步枪击败200名敌人包囊者模型荒野大刀客【铜杯/20点】使用匕首击败100名敌人(仅限玩家操作时)2000BP大乱斗【铜杯/20点】使用体术攻击击败50名敌人(仅限玩家操作时)2000BP你已经死了【铜杯/20点】使用后续追击击败50名敌人(仅限玩家操作时)1000BP阴影中【铜杯/20点】使用隐匿攻击击败20名敌人1000BP低调行事使用蹲伏射击击败50名敌人1000BP说好不打脸的使用头部射击击败100名敌人1000BP手电筒出动【铜杯/20点】游玩莫依菈时使用手电筒照晕50名敌人(章节1到4)莫依菈模型我有铁撬我超强游玩莫依菈时使用铁撬击晕30名敌人(章节1到4)1000BP钝器的话我可以【银杯/60点】游玩莫依菈时使用铁撬击败50名敌人(章节1到4)2000BP砖屋游玩娜塔莉亚时使用砖头敲打敌人50次(章节1到4)娜塔莉亚模型砌砖工【银杯/60点】游玩娜塔莉亚时使用砖头击败20名敌人(章节1到4)3000BP尖端【铜杯/60点】在仅使用匕首的情况下通过章节13000BP火焰秀射击飞在半空中的炸弹瓶(章节1到4)2000BP出列【铜杯/20点】用一发子弹杀死两名敌人(章节1到4)2000BP两个恰恰好用一发子弹造成两次头部射击(章节1到4)3000BP盲刀客使用匕首击败一只格拉斯波(章节1到4)娜塔莉亚开襟毛衣模型人肉炸弹利用爆炸者造成的爆炸,杀死至少两名敌人(章节1到4)2000BP盖火锅射下从熔岩喷发者的炮台发射出来的火球(章节1到4)尼尔模型神枪手射下甩投者射出去的弹药(章节1到4)2000BP缴械【铜杯/20点】摧毁30只亡灵武器手臂(章节1到4)1000BP空中是很危险的【铜杯/60点】射下30只跳跃中的污染者(章节1到4)1000BP合作无间【银杯/60点】让莫依菈击晕一名敌人,接着让克蕾儿使用体术攻击(章节1到4)1000BP夺命双骄让莫依菈终结一名克蕾儿击倒的敌人(章节1到4)1000BP患难见真情【铜杯/20点】拯救被抓住的同伴10次(章节1到4)1000BP瓮中鳖【铜杯/20点】使用一罐炸弹瓶或是炸1000BP燃瓶击败至少五名敌人(章节1到4)差强人意在休闲难度下通过额外章节1“斗争”(以下不包含在“永恒恶梦”达成条件中)3000BP不赖嘛,孩子在生存难度下通过额外章节1“斗争”3000BP我服了你……莫依菈以S级评价在生存难度下通过额外章节1“斗争”3000BP囤积者在额外章节1“斗争”中,完全补充补给品计量表2000BP小女人向前走通过额外章节2“小女人”3000BP不怕不怕啦以S级评价通过额外章节2“小女人”3000BP来抓我啊笨蛋在完全未被抓到的情况下通过额外章节2“小女人”2000BP我是我唯一的朋友在未使用黑衣娜塔莉亚的指明能力下通过额外章节2“小女人”2000BP恶灵突击者【铜杯/20点】通过一个任务(突击模式)金钱1000专业乐评【铜杯/20点】鉴定一张唱片(突击模式)金钱1000我见·我征服【银杯/80点】通过一个战帖(突击模式)零件:伤害等级1。

KYOCERA Client Tool用户指南说明书

KYOCERA Client Tool用户指南说明书




關於商標Microsoft Windows是Microsoft Corporation在美國和/或其他國家的註冊商標。


本指南所述的操作範例均支援Microsoft Windows7列印環境。

實際上,在Microsoft Windows Vista、Windows XP、Windows Server2003、Windows Server2003R2、Windows Server2008以及Windows Server2008R2環境中均可進行相同的操作。

©2012KYOCERA Document Solutions Inc.目錄1安裝安裝KYOCERA Client Tool..................................................................................................................................1-1 2KYOCERA Client Tool裝置清單................................................................................................................................................................2-1列印.........................................................................................................................................................................2-1喜好設定..........................................................................................................................................................2-1內容..................................................................................................................................................................2-1裝置.........................................................................................................................................................................2-1設定..................................................................................................................................................................2-2預設..................................................................................................................................................................2-8使用說明........................................................................................................................................................2-11重新啟動裝置...............................................................................................................................................2-11原廠預設值...................................................................................................................................................2-11掃描........................................................................................................................................................................2-11喜好設定........................................................................................................................................................2-11快速掃描設定...............................................................................................................................................2-11掃描至PDF...................................................................................................................................................2-12掃描至電子郵件...........................................................................................................................................2-12掃描至資料夾...............................................................................................................................................2-12傳真.......................................................................................................................................................................2-12喜好設定........................................................................................................................................................2-12內容................................................................................................................................................................2-13地址簿............................................................................................................................................................2-13保養.......................................................................................................................................................................2-15保養功能表...................................................................................................................................................2-15KYOCERA Net Viewer..................................................................................................................................2-17訂購碳粉........................................................................................................................................................2-17連結到Kyocera網頁....................................................................................................................................2-17下載驅動程式...............................................................................................................................................2-17裝置狀態...............................................................................................................................................................2-17耗材資訊索引標籤..............................................................................................................................................2-17裝置概況索引標籤..............................................................................................................................................2-17關於........................................................................................................................................................................2-18 KYOCERA Client Tool i1安裝您可以使用KYOCERA Client Tool快速存取常用裝置功能與設定,以及所有支援裝置的目前狀態。




奖杯图标奖杯名称及达成条件K i n g o f M e d i c i(⼩岛之王)E a r n e d a l l J u s t C a u s e3Tr o p h i e s获得所有奖杯(M e d i c i是本作的国家名字)...Wi t h o u t B u l l e t s!(。

不需要⼦弹)D e s t r o y e v e r y C h a o s O b j e c t i n a M i l i t a r y B a s e w i t h o u t u s i n g a n yw e a p o n s,g r e n a d e s,o r p l a n t e d e x p l o s i v e s.在⼀个军事基地内不使⽤任何武器,⼿雷或爆炸物来摧毁所有混乱对象M y L i t t l e R o c k e t M a n(⽕箭飞⼈)Te t h e r a n e n e m y t o a l a u n c h e d g a s c a n n i s t e r. A d e o,a m i c o!使⽤钩⽖将敌⼈挂在天然⽓罐上T h i s w a s S u p p o s e d t o b e a We s t e r n(这就是西部)D e s t r o y a l l C h a o s O b j e c t s i n a B a s e w i t h o u t l e a v i n g y o u r v e h i c l e.不离开载具摧毁⼀座军事基地的所有混乱⽬标Yo u'r e O u t t a H e r e!P l a n t a B o o s t e r E x p l o s i v e o n a n e n e m y s o l d i e r.T h e n s e n d t h e mfly i n g.B r a g g i n g R i g h t sB e a t a n o t h e r p l a y e r's s c o r e i n aC h a l l e n g e.G e t t i n g i t i n G e a rE a r n a t l e a s t3G e a r s i n a C h a l l e n g e.Yo u'v e G o t G e a rE a r n5G e a r s i n a C h a l l e n g e.A R e a l G e a r-G e t t e rE a r n a t l e a s t3G e a r s i n o n e C h a l l e n g e o f e v e r y t y p e.A l l t h e G e a r sE a r n5G e a r s i n e v e r y C h a l l e n g e.(J u s t)C a u s i n'C h a o sG e t1,000C h a o sC h a o s I s M y M i d d l e N a m eG e t100,000C h a o sC h a o s M i l l i o n a i r eG e t1,000,000C h a o sE a r t h,Wi n d a n d S e aU n l o c k R e b e l D r o p s f o r a t l e a s t o n e l a n d v e h i c l e,a t l e a s t o n e a i r v e h i c l e,a n d a t l e a s t o n e s e a v e h i c l e.C a u g h t'E m A l l!C o l l e c t e v e r y v e h i c l e a v a i l a b l e b y b r i n g i n g t h e m t o M a r i o's R e b e l G a r a g e s.To m b R a i d e rP a y y o u r r e s p e c t s a t e v e r y A n c i e n t To m b.R e m e m b e r t h e F a l l e nL i g h t a c a n d l e a t e v e r y R e b e l S h r i n e.D i a r y o f t h e M a d m a nG a t h e r a l l o f D i R a v e l l o's t a p e s.O l d S c h o o l C o o lF i n d e v e r y v i n t a g e w e a p o n a n d v e h i c l e p a r t.C o n s u m m a t eD a r e d e v i lL a u n c h a l a n d v e h i c l e o f f o f e v e r y D a r e d e v i l J u m p i n M e d i c i.N o S t o n e U n t u r n e dF i n d e v e r y c o l l e c t i b l e s t r e w n a c r o s s M e d i c i.To p o f t h e Wo r l dS t a n d o n f o o t a t t h e h i g h e s t p o i n t o f M e d i c i.A n y t h i n g Yo u C a n D o...B e a t a s c o r e y o u w e r eC a l l e d-O u t o n.F e a t F e t i s hP e r f o r m e v e r y F e a t.Vi v e L e R e v o l u t i o nL i b e r a t e a P r o v i n c e.Ta k e T h a t, Yo u P i p e l i n e J e r k sD i s a b l e t h e F O W i n I n s u l a F o n t e.B a k e r's D o z e nL i b e r a t e13s e t t l e m e n t s.Ta m i n g t h e D r a c o nC o m p l e t e l y l i b e r a t e I n s u l aD r a c o n.H o p e S p r i n g s E t e r n a lC o m p l e t e l y l i b e r a t e I n s u l a F o n t e.H e a r t o f S t o n eC o m p l e t e l y l i b e r a t e I n s u l a S t r i a t e.U n l o c k e d a n d F u l l y L o a d e dU n l o c k e v e r y w e a p o n a n d v e h i c l e a v a i l a b l e i n t h e R e b e l D r o p m e n uE n j o y Yo u r H o m e c o m i n gC o m p l e t e S t o r y M i s s i o n:We l c o m e H o m e.W h a t a D i s a s t e rC o m p l e t e S t o r y M i s s i o n: A Te r r i b l e R e a c t i o n.T h e P o w e r o f B a v a r i u mC o m p l e t e S t o r y M i s s i o n: A L o n g a n dD a n g e r o u s R o a d.T h e s e M i n e s a r e t h e P i t sC o m p l e t e S t o r y M i s s i o n:T h e G r e a t E s c a p e.F!#& Y O U,M I S S I L EC o m p l e t e S t o r y M i s s i o n:M i s s i l e C o w b o y.F i n a l l y o n t h e O f f e n s i v eC o m p l e t e S t o r y M i s s i o n:Ta n g l e d U p I n B l u e.M i s t a k e s a n d Tr i u m p h sC o m p l e t e S t o r y M i s s i o n:T h e S h a t t e r e r o f Wo r l d s.S o n o f M e d i c iC o m p l e t e S t o r y M i s s i o n:S o n o f M e d i c i.Wi n n e r Ta k e s A l l, A g a i n100%J u s t C a u s e3.C a n't To u c h T h i sC a l l-O u t a n o t h e r p l a y e r i n a F e a t.F o r g i v e M e,F a t h e r...Ta k e s a n c t u a r y i n a m o n a s t e r y t o c l e a r H e a t L e v e l5.M O D I n i t i a t eU n l o c k y o u rfir s t G e a r M O D,a n d t h e n a c t i v a t e i t.M O D S p e c i a l i s tU n l o c k e v e r y G e a r M O D i n a s i n g l e c a t e g o r y.M O D Ti n k e r e rH a v e e v e r y G e a r M O D a c t i v e f o r a t l e a s t1m i n u t e e a c h.F i r s t E n c o u n t e rC o m p l e t e a n E n c o u n t e r.S u p p l y a n d D e m a n dU n l o c k10R e s u p p l y P o i n t s b y c o m p l e t i n g E n c o u n t e r s.T h r e e H o l y H i d e a w a y sU n l o c k3H e a t-C l e a r i n g P r i e s t s b y c o m p l e t i n g E n c o u n t e r s. 逗游⽹——中国2亿游戏⽤户⼀致选择的”⼀站式“游戏服务平台。



《使命召唤13》全任务流程解说视频%{p a g e-b r e a k|第⼀期-危机四伏|p a g e-b r e a k}%%{p a g e-b r e a k|第⼆期-⿊空-游⾏|p a g e-b r e a k}%%{p a g e-b r e a k|第三期-⿊空-遭受攻击|p a g e-b r e a k}%%{p a g e-b r e a k|第四期-⿊空-划破长空|p a g e-b r e a k}%%{p a g e-b r e a k|第五期-复仇号-余波|p a g e-b r e a k}%%{p a g e-b r e a k|第六期-港⼜装甲⾏动-民⽤总站|p a g e-b r e a k}%%{p a g e-b r e a k|第七期-港⼜装甲⾏动-港⼜仓库|p a g e-b r e a k}%%{p a g e-b r e a k|第⼋期-港⼜装甲⾏动-狂怒登舰|p a g e-b r e a k}%%{p a g e-b r e a k|第九期-复仇号-重回战场|p a g e-b r e a k}%%{p a g e-b r e a k|第⼗期-⼔⾸夺取⾏动|p a g e-b r e a k}%%{p a g e-b r e a k|第⼗⼀期-凤凰⾏动|p a g e-b r e a k}%%{p a g e-b r e a k|第⼗⼆期-戒备状态⾏动|p a g e-b r e a k}%%{p a g e-b r e a k|第⼗三期-深⼊处决⾏动|p a g e-b r e a k}%%{p a g e-b r e a k|第⼗四期-复仇号-为所当为|p a g e-b r e a k}%%{p a g e-b r e a k|第⼗五期-燃⽔⾏动-炼油⼚|p a g e-b r e a k}%%{p a g e-b r e a k|第⼗六期-燃⽔⾏动-战还是逃|p a g e-b r e a k}%%{p a g e-b r e a k|第⼗七期-安全海港⾏动|p a g e-b r e a k}%%{p a g e-b r e a k|第⼗⼋期-真实威胁⾏动|p a g e-b r e a k}%%{p a g e-b r e a k|第⼗九期-盗墓者⾏动|p a g e-b r e a k}%%{p a g e-b r e a k|第⼆⼗期-骤亡⾏动|p a g e-b r e a k}%%{p a g e-b r e a k|第⼆⼗⼀期-⿊暗矿场⾏动|p a g e-b r e a k}%%{p a g e-b r e a k|第⼆⼗⼆期-复仇号:胜利代价|p a g e-b r e a k}%%{p a g e-b r e a k|第⼆⼗三期-追踪击杀⾏动|p a g e-b r e a k}%%{p a g e-b r e a k|第⼆⼗四期-⿊旗⾏动:护送囚犯|p a g e-b r e a k}%%{p a g e-b r e a k|第⼆⼗五期-⿊旗⾏动:陷阱触发|p a g e-b r e a k}%%{p a g e-b r e a k|第⼆⼗六期-⾎腥风暴⾏动:特洛伊⽊马|p a g e-b r e a k}%%{p a g e-b r e a k|第⼆⼗七期-⾎腥风暴⾏动:重整队伍|p a g e-b r e a k}%%{p a g e-b r e a k|第⼆⼗⼋期-⾎腥风暴⾏动:孤注⼀掷|p a g e-b r e a k}%%{p a g e-b r e a k|第⼆⼗九期-突击船坞(结局)|p a g e-b r e a k}% 逗游⽹——中国2亿游戏⽤户⼀致选择的”⼀站式“游戏服务平台。



《盐和避难所》⽩⾦攻略各奖杯达成⽩⾦攻略 这游戏被誉为2D⿊魂,玩哪种流派随意,我这⾥推荐最简单的巨剑黄⾦酒流,难度骤降,⼀周⽬10⼩时内可⽩。

⾸先声明本作4个N P C(骑⼠,妹⼦,巫师,稻草⼈)错过⼀次对话就下周⽬见了,对话要到N P C说话不断重复为⽌,请务必注意。

开局职业建议使⽤骑⼠(k n i g h t)或者圣骑⼠(p a l a d i n),初始物品带A m b e r I d o l。

打败⼏个杂兵后会迎来第⼀个B O S S:T h e U n s p e a k e a b l e D e e p。

T h e U n s p e a k a b l e D e e p 击垮U n s p e a k a b l e D e e p 这B O S S就只会两招,脱了⾐服提⾼翻滚距离和他打,不要贪⼑稳扎稳打。


之后会遇到⼀个N P C,直接选Y E S,然后往右⾛开宝箱获得钥匙,再开门来到第⼀个避难所,⾛到中间按下R1点亮智慧⼈⽣。

F i n d S a n c t u a r y 拥有你的第⼀处庇护所 T h e T h r e e 宣誓效忠于T h e T h r e e 然后往右⾛,来到T h e F e s t e r i n g B a n q u e t,往上⾛,这右边有个临时避难所 再往上⾛就是B O S S:T h e S o d d e n K n i g h t。

T h e B a n q u e t 击垮S o d d e n K n i g h t 半⾎进⼆阶段眼睛放蓝光,放完电后追加跳劈。


击败B O S S后获得钥匙,回到临时避难所,从左边梯⼦下去⽤钥匙开门,右⾛会看到⼀位骑⼠,跟他反复对话 接着往右⾛下去,往左⾛,这⾥有个卖东西的N P C,买⼀个S t a i n e dP a g e。




agent hunt的勋章简单提一下:扮演每一种怪打一次就可以解开十几个勋章。



很多工作如果求快的话,需要在痛苦的重复中完成,Mad Skillz是所有成就/奖杯中最令人头疼的,倒不是因为它难,而是因为耗时。

Leave it to the Pro相比之下并不难,而且相对来说算是个愉快的成就,毕竟不是PRO难度全S评价,所以随便怎么死,过关就OK。


最速全成就一上来可以直接PRO难度,最好是你有个好基友,而且他/她已经通关了,熟悉流程,这样可以免去很多不必要的战斗,NPC同伴经常会拖后腿卷入不必要的战斗,还有一点,BOSS战NPC同伴是不会帮上什么忙的,他们唯一的用处就是帮你加血(Field Medic、战地医生技能)。

直接开始PRO难度推荐选Helena、Chris、Jake三人,Helena有个Stuntman成就/奖杯,并且第五章BOSS战有段时间是打酱油,比Leon来得轻松,Chris有个Flying Ace成就/奖杯需要玩通第四章,Jake也有个Hard Choice成就/奖杯,至于Piers和Sherry的专属武器成就/奖杯,随便选一章,花个几分钟就可以搞定。





M63:需要开启泰坦试炼(到达淘汰的断层,不需要完成任务)之后才能开启 M64:需要灭掉 11 章 BOSS 并完成 M27 和 M51 之后才能够开启 所有任务 5 星评价可以获得奖杯:すべてを超えし者|L'Cie Paragon|超越一切的人物
360 PS3 奖杯 成 就 白 金
奖杯说明 本作奖杯分类如下: 白金奖杯(1 个) 金奖杯(5 个) 银奖杯(9 个) 铜奖杯(21 个) 共计 36 个奖杯 其中: 关于奖杯:运命の覇者/Superstar/命运之霸者 剧情的所有 BOSS 战中,只有最终 BOSS 的最终形态涉及到奖杯“命运的霸者” 其他的 BOSS 战(包括召唤兽战)都不用计较其星级评价 关于各个章节的奖杯: 剧情流程中, 1-11 章都有相应的章节奖杯, 如果到达该章节时没有奖杯获取提示请 reload 游戏 12 章和 13 章没有开始的章节奖杯,两章对应的奖杯会在通关之后获得 关于奖杯:すべてを得し者/Treasure Hunter/得到一切的人物 全武器饰品奖杯中的武器或者饰品,均为得到过一次即可 全武器饰品齐全后,到班尼拉的故乡找小机器人兑换,如果齐全该奖杯立即出 武器方面: 所有人物武器的初级形态在完成冥碑任务 46 之后全部可以从商店买到 全武器中每人仅需要一把终极武器(不用满星),剩下的 7 把武器改造到 2 段形态即可 饰品方面: 由于部分饰品商店购买不可,所以在冲击全武器饰品奖杯之前尽量不要卖掉已有的饰品 (即使是有多个,不过 11 章之前的宝箱没有拿全不会影响到白金) 特别需要注意属性饰品,11 章前的所有属性饰品"XX 的戒指"可以通过分解满级的"xx 籤" 得到,所以 11 章之前没有拿到属性戒指或者卖掉的,在保证各个属性的籤饰品齐全的情 况下属性戒指依然可以得到。 全武器饰品所需的所有矿石素材: 钙钛矿 ?X 34 沥青铀矿 X 20 坚钢矿石 X 5 绯绯色金 X 12 辉砷钴矿 X 4 黑暗材料 X 5(武器 1 个,饰品 4 个) 慕纳尔石 X 1 偏六面体 X 6(刷龟实在难出可以考虑分解满级的源氏前臂,但话说,六面也没那么难出)


1 介绍 ........................................................................................................................................................ 7 1.1 受众 .............................................................................................................................................. 8 1.2 标准参考规范 ................................................................................................................................ 8 1.3 术语及定义.................................................................................................................................. 10 1.4 缩写和符号.................................................................................................................................. 13



《最终幻想13》奖杯对照表一览奖杯对照表PS3奖杯360成就图标名称(日/英/中)获取条件附加获得白金---究極への幻想Ultimate Hero對究極的幻想得到所有奖杯/成就后获得SPECIAL 追加セラSerah 的主题壁纸铜15運命への闘志Instrument of Fate 對命運的鬥志第1章 到达ハングドエッジ東方線13番高架后获得---铜15脅威への覚悟Instrument ofDissent對威脅的覺悟第2章开头获得----铜15悲劇への憤怒Instrument ofTragedy對悲劇的憤怒第3章开头获得----铜15宿命への敵意Instrument ofFlight對宿命的敵意第4章开头获得----铜15逆襲への決断Instrument ofVengeance對反攻的決心第5章开头获得----铜15過去への追慕Instrument ofSurvival對過去的追思第6章开头获得----铜15死闘への激情Instrument ofRebellion對死鬥的激情第7章开头获得----铜15恩讐への葛藤Instrument ofShame對恩仇的糾葛第8章开头获得----铜15解放への情熱Instrument ofWrath對解放的熱情第9章开头获得----铜15真実への意志Instrument of Truth 對真實的意志第10章开头获得----铜15救済への希求Instrument ofHope 對救濟的希求第11章开头获得----银30絶望への勇気Instrument ofFaith 對絕望的勇氣第11章结束后获得SPECIAL 追加ヴァニラVanille 的主题壁纸金95未来への希望Instrument of Change 對未來的希望游戏通关后获得SPECIAL 追加ホープHope 的主题壁纸铜15魔境の踏破者PulsianPioneer魔境的征服者在下界行走10000步以上后调查ヲルバ郷|Oerba 的机器人パクティBhakti 时获得(需要先将机器人修理完毕)----铜15ギサールの勲章Gysahl Wreath 基薩爾的勳章乘坐陆行鸟挖宝20回得到リボンRibbon 后获得----铜15ケルガーの賞杯Kelger's Cup 凱爾加的獎盃难易度为D(M1~5)的5个任务全部完成后获得----铜15ゼザの玉杯Xezat's Chalice 札剎的聖杯难易度为C(M6-15 18-22 28、35-37 39 56-57)的22个任务全部完成后获得----银30鎮魂の献杯Exorcist 鎮魂的獻杯任务64完成后获得----银30草色の征伐者Floraphobe 草色的征伐者任务54完成后获得----银30淘汰の勝利者Natural Selector 淘汰的勝利者任务51完成后获得----银30ドルガンの賜杯Dorgann's Trophy 难易度为B 的23个任务全部完成后获得----多爾岡的賜杯银30ガラフの聖杯Galuf's Grail 多拉夫的聖杯64个任务全部完成后获得----金80すべてを超えし者L'Cie Paragon 超越一切的人物64个任务全部取得5星评价后获得SPECIAL 追加スノウSnow 的主题壁纸铜15突撃のルビーCommando's Seal 突擊之紅寶石任意角色的「アタッカー/Commando」职务等级达到5后获得----铜15撃滅のサファイアRavager's Seal擊滅之藍寶石任意角色的「ブラスター|Ravager 」职务等级达到5后获得----铜15守護のトパーズSentinel's Seal 守護之黃玉任意角色的「ディフェンダー|Sentinel」职务等级达到5后获得----铜15呪禁のジェットSaboteur's Seal 咒禁之黑玉任意角色的「ジャマー|Saboteur 」职务等级达到5后获得----铜15鼓舞のアメジストSynergist's Seal 鼓舞之紫水晶任意角色的「エンハンサー|Synergist 」职务等级达到5后获得----铜15治癒のエメラルドMedic's Seal治癒之翡翠任意角色的「ヒーラー|Medic 」职务等级达到5后获得----银30限界の突破者Limit Breaker 界限的突破者给予敌人单击伤害达到100000以上后获得----30巨獣の討伐者Adamant Will 完成编号为56~62的冥碑任务后将出现在大平----银30Adamant Will 巨獸的討伐者原的ロングイ/Long Gui/龙龟击倒后获得----银30全能のダイアモンドMaster's Seal 全能之鑽石将所有角色Lv10的水晶盘全部填满后获得----金80すべてを得し者Treasure Hunter 得到一切的人物全武器(102种)饰品(119中)各获得一次后与机器人对话获得(需要先将机器人修理完毕)SPECIAL 追加ファングFang 的主题壁纸金80百識の賢人Loremaster 百識之賢人完全获得100种敌人的情报后获得SPECIAL 追加サッズSazh 的主题壁纸金80運命の覇者Superstar 命運之霸者最终决战オーファン(第二形态)|Orphan(Second Form)得到5星评价后获得SPECIAL 追加ライトニングLightning 的主题壁纸更多相关资讯请关注:最终幻想13专题。


铂金Ⅳ 黄金V 钻石Ⅳ 黄金IⅢ 大师Ⅱ 铂金Ⅳ
铂金V 黄金V 钻石V 黄金Ⅳ 大师Ⅲ 铂金V
大师Ⅳ 铂金V
大师V 铂金V
青铜Ⅱ 青铜Ⅱ 白银Ⅳ 白银V 黄金Ⅳ 白银Ⅲ
青铜l 青铜Ⅰ 白银V 白银V 黄金V 白银Ⅲ
原段位 新段位 原段位 新段位 原段位 新段位
铂金l 黄金V 钻石l 黄金 传奇战神 钻石V
铂金Ⅱ 黄金V 钻石I 黄金Ⅱl 战神 钻石v
铂金Ⅲ 黄金V 钻石Ⅲ 黄金IⅢ 大师l 铂金Ⅳ
原段位 新段位 原段位 新段位 原段位 新段位
青铜V 青铜V 白银I 白银Ⅳ 黄金I 白银I
青铜Ⅳ 青铜Ⅳ 白银Ⅱ 白银Ⅳ 黄金Ⅱ 白银Ⅱ
青铜IⅢ 青铜Ⅲ 白银Ⅲ 白银V 黄金Ⅲ 白银Ⅱ











hl7接口开发商中文使用手册(V1.0)-1-目录目录目录................................................. ................................................... .. (2)第1章迈瑞hl7接口概述................................................. ................................................... (3)迈瑞hl7接口支持的消息................................................. ...................................3hl7底层协议................................................. ................................................... ...3hl7标准不符合项................................................. ...............................................3介绍................................................. ................................................... .................5消息传递间隔................................................. ................................................... ...5消息语法................................................. ................................................... . (5)支持的hl7消息................................................. ..........................................6主动发送unsolicitedobservationReporting(oRu)............... ............................7第2章hl7消息–主动发送................................................. .. (5)消息段................................................. ................................................... .. (7) ................................................... ....8pidpatientidentification...................... ................................................... ........8pV1patientVisit........................... ..................................................................9obRobservationRequest.............. ................................................... ...............9obxobservation..................... ................................................... .. (9)第3章hl7接口-查询接口................................................. .. (1)33.13.2介绍................................................. ................................................... ...............13消息语法................................................. ................................................... .. (13)支持的hl7消息................................................. ........................................13qRy消息................................................. ................................................... 13oRF消息................................................. ................................................... 14ack消息................................................. .. (1)5mshmessageheader.................................. . (15)msamessageacknowledgement.......................... .........................................16qRdquerydefinition......................................... ..........................................16qRFquer yFilter............................................ ..............................................17pid patientidentification.............................. . (17)pV1patientVisit.................................... ................................................... ....17obRobservationRequest........................ ................................................... ...17obxobservation................................ ................................................... .......17消息段................................................. ................................................... (15)附录amindraycodesystem................................. ................................................... ..............19-2-hl7接口开发商中文使用手册(V1.0)迈瑞hl7接口概述第1章迈瑞hl7接口概述hl7接口是迈瑞中央监护系统的软件可配置项。



Trophy of ZeusUnlock all God of War® Trophies 解开1.21 GigawattsAcquire Poseidon’s Rage获得波塞冬之怒Rocking OutAcquire Medusa’s Gaze获得Bolt ActionAcquire Zeus’ Fury获得宙斯的狂暴Sword ManAcquire Blade of Artemis获得阿尔忒弥斯之刃Soul SearchAcquire Army of Hades获得哈迪斯军团MatadorWin the first Minotaur fight第一次战胜米诺陶Scape GoatWin the first Satyr fight第一次战胜半人马Roll Over ... and DieWin the first Cerberus fight第一次战胜刻耳柏洛斯Don't They Ever Shut Up!打败沙漠塞壬Beat a Dead HorseComplete the Centaur sacrifice to Hades完成哈迪斯的半人马祭祀KickboxerComplete the Spike Room Box Puzzle完成陷阱房的盒状拼图Rockin' the BoatComplete the Sex Mini-Game完成Don't Leave Her HangingRescue the Oracle with 10 seconds to spare拯救先知时间剩余Get the Ball RollingComplete the Challenge of Atlas完成阿特拉斯的挑战Totally BakedComplete the Sacrifice完成把人烧死的献祭仪式SplashKiss the Nyad吻尼亚德(美人鱼)Get Me a Beer KidFree yourself from the depths of Hades从哈迪斯的深渊获得自由Zero Health = Bronze TrophyOpen a Health Chest when your health meter is already full 在你的血量已经满的时候打开一个加血箱HitmanGet a 100 Hits Combo达成Getting My Ass KickedDie enough times to get offered Easy mode 连续多次死亡直至出现简单模式选择Kratos' Marble CollectionCollect all the Gorgon Eyes收集所有戈耳工之眼Stick it in Your Cap!Collect all the Phoenix Feathers收集所有的不死鸟羽毛It's the HUGE OneRetrieve the Captain's Key取得船长的钥匙Take the Bull by the HornsDefeat Pandora's Guardian打败潘多拉的守护者God KillerKill Ares杀死阿瑞斯Head HunterObtain the head of the Architect's wife获得建筑师妻子的头颅The Power to Kill a GodRetrieve找到潘多拉魔盒Hitman 2完成Legend of the TwinsWatch the 'Birth of the Beast' Treasure观看Seeing RedMax out all Weapons and Magic所有武器和神力满级Prepare to be a GodBeat the Game on any Difficulty任意难度通关You Got the Touch!Climb the Spiked Column in Hades without taking damage 没有受到伤害爬过哈迪斯的刀山I’ll Take the Physical ChallengeComplete the Challenge of the Gods完成神之挑战(一周目通关后开启)Speed of Jason McDonaldBeat the game in under 5 hours on any Difficulty任意难度在Key to SuccessCollect all of the Muse Keys收集所有的。

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You Know Nothing:在Kotch(由Jon Snow扮演者Kit Harington饰演)的演说完成前干掉他。




Sooooul Key:在Spaceland寻回灵魂钥匙碎片。

Royal Flush:杀死所有的SDF势力精英及队长。


Jackal Ace:获得所有的Jackal武器及升级。

Gun Nut:扫描所有武器。







Rock On!:在Spaceland制作一把Rock武器。

Rising Threat:完成Rising Threat。






Hoff The Charts!:解锁David Hasselhoff。


Get Packed:通过Pack-A-Punch对武器进行升级。


Fangs Out:获取一个Jackal物品。




黑天:完成Black Sky。


Ante Up:完成一个通缉名单任务。

Aces High:完成一半通缉名单任务。

