Investigation in Fujian




2017年5月第29卷第2期青岛农业大学学报(社会科学版)Journal of Qingdao Agricultural University(Social Science)May,2017Vol. 29 No.2DOI:10. 3969/J.ISSN. 1674-1471. 2017. 02. 006闽南传统村落的保护与发展—基于岵山传统村落的调查刘燕凌(中共泉州市委党校哲学教研室,福建泉州362000)摘要:传统村落以其独特的整体面貌体现了特有的地域文化价值。




关键词:传统村落;保护;发展;岵山中图分类号:K928. 5;G05 文献标识码:A文章编号:1674 — 1471 (2017 )02 — 0026 — 06Researches on the Protection and Developmentof Traditional Village in Southern Fujian------Based on the Investigation of Hushan Traditional VillageLIU Yan-ling(Philosophy Teching and Research Section.,Party School of CPC Quanzhou Municipal Committee,Quanzhou 362000»China) Abstract:The traditional villages embody their unique regional cultural values with particular overallappearance.However,in the context of rapid socio-economic development,the crisis of the demise of the traditional villages has emerged,and the protection and development becomes an important issue.Hushan traditional village is the single millennium ancient town completely preserved in southern Fujian with typicality due to the ancient buildings and many cultural and historical relics.Hushan traditional village is taken as an example to sort out the present situation of the protection and development of the village, analyze the serious problems,and go further to explore how to protect and develop Hushan traditional village in a more scientific and effective way.Key words:traditional villages;protection;development;Hushan中华文明源于农耕文明,而传统村落作为农耕 文明的重要载体,它几乎蕴含了乡土文化和乡土生 活所有方面的内容,具有历史、文化、科学、艺术、社 会、经济等多元价值。





关键词:番茄;设施栽培;栽培技术DOI: 1013651/jcnkifjnykj201808009Technology of Protective Cultivation of Tomato in Autumn andWinter in Coastal Areas of Fujian ProvinceZHANG Qianrong, LIU Jianting, LI Yongping, LIN Hui, LI Dazhong*(Crop Research Institute of Fujian Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Fuzhou, Fujian 350013)Abstract: The coastal area of Fujian Province has a moderate climate in autumn and winter,which provides a good environment for protected cultivation of tomato in autumn and winter. Based on years of cultivation experience and investigation in winter tomato cultivation area, a set of protected cultivation techniques suitable for growing tomato in autumn and winter in coastal area of Fujian Province were summarized, including variety selection, cultivation site selection and soil preparation, sowing, seedling raising, cultivation management, pest control and so on.Key words: Tomato; protected cultivation; cultivation techniques福建省沿海秋冬季温和、湿润,为发展秋冬季蔬菜提供了良好的环境,已成为全国重要的冬菜基地和南菜北运基地之一[1-2]。




通过对2017年—2018年期间福建省本土植物调查过程中采集的植物标本进行整理和鉴定,发现了福建省被子植物5个新记录种,即台湾附地菜(Trigonotis formosana)、浙江琴柱草(Salvia nipponica subsp. zhejiangensis)、笔龙胆(Gentiana zollingeri)、大头茶(Polyspora axillaris)和钝颖落芒草(Piptatherum kuoi),均为福建省新记录种,大头茶属(Polyspora)和落芒草属(Piptatherum)为福建省新记录属。


关键词:本土植物,新记录,福建省,植物多样性,区系研究中图分类号:Q949文献标识码:A文章编号:1000-3142(2020)08-1127-05Abstract:Plant resources census is the basis of grasping the changes of plant species and quantity, and it is of great significance for studying the geographical distribution and biodiversity of plants. Through sorting out and identifying the plant specimens collected during the investigation of native plants in Fujian Province from 2017 to 2018, five newly records of angiosperms in Fujian Province were found, namely, Trigonotis formosana, Salvia nipponica subsp. zhejiangensis,Gentiana zollingeri, Polyspora axillaris and Piptatherum kuoi are all newly recorded species in Fujian Province. Polyspora and Piptatherum are newly recorded genera in Fujian Province. The discovery of these newly recorded plants enriches the original plant resources of Fujian Province,and provides new information for floristic research.Key words:native plants, new records, Fujian Province, plant diversity, flora study福建省地處我国东南沿海,115°50′—120°40′ E、23°33′—28°20′ N,东北与浙江省接壤,西面、西北与江西省相接,西南与广东省相连,东面与台湾岛隔海相望,气候为亚热带海洋性季风气候,热量丰富,雨量充沛,光照充足,气候条件优越,地带性植被为亚热带常绿阔叶林,具有很高的物种多样性(姜必亮和张宏达,2000;连玉武和张宜辉,2000)。



福建农林大学学报(哲学社会科学版),2009,12(1):26-31Journal of Fu ji an Agricul t u re and Forestry Un i versity (Ph il os op hy and S ocial Sciences)[收稿日期] 2008-11-14[基金项目] 福建省社科规划重点项目();福建省教育厅重点项目(3S )。

[作者简介] 许文兴(63),男,教授,博士生导师。


社会主义新农村建设中的新型农民培养研究许文兴,林 萍,王子炯,刘唐宇,傅超波,许 驰(福建农林大学人文社会科学学院,福建福州350002)[摘要] 农民是建设社会主义新农村的主体,培养造就有文化、懂技术、会经营的新型农民是社会主义新农村建设的一项长期任务。


[关键词] 新农村;新型农民;培养;福建[中图分类号] F323.6 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 167126922(2009)0120026206Study on the cult iva t i n g n ew fa rm er s i n bu ild i n g a new s oc i a list coun trysideX U W en 2xing,L I N P ing,WANG Zi 2ji ong,L I U Tang 2yu,F U Chao 2bo,X U Chi(College of Hu m anities a nd Socia l Sciences,Fujian Agriculture and F orestry U niv ersity,Fuzhou,Fujian 350002,Chi na)Ab stra ct:Fa r me rs are the princi pa l part t o build a new s oc ialist countryside,therefore,it is a long 2term t a sk t o cultiv a te new fa r m 2ers who are well 2educa ted with technol ogy and kno wledge of manag em en t .This pape r t akes Fujian Province as a case,and conducts investigati on and ana l ysis ab out the situa ti on of cultivating new fa r me rs i n Fujian P r ovince .On this basis,t his paper ana lyzes the reasons why ne w countrysi de constructi on suffe rs fro m the deficiency of new far m ers,and fina lly ex plore s the ta rgets and ways of cul 2tivating new fa r me rs which is suitabl e for our coun try ’s rural area s .Key wor ds:new countryside;ne w fa r m s ;cultivati on ;Fujian 党中央、国务院在《关于推进社会主义新农村建设的若干意见》中提出“提高农民整体素质,培养造就有文化、懂技术、会经营的新型农民,是建设社会主义新农村的迫切需要”[1]。



福建省永春县野生药用植物资源调查 江民超1,李洁1,朱丽叶1,兰苏情1,蔡伟毅2,陈耀林2,林朝景3,王河山4,刘建福11.华侨大学园艺科学与工程研究所,福建厦门 361021;2.永春县中医院,福建泉州 362601;3.永春县卫生健康局,福建泉州 362601;4.福建中医药大学,福建福州 350122摘要:目的 了解永春县药用植物资源种类及分布。

方法 采用全国第四次中药资源普查技术,通过野外实地调查、标本采集与鉴定、普查数据整理及查阅文献,对永春县药用植物资源种类和分布进行研究。

结果 永春县拥有野生药用植物137科375属568种,其中苔藓2种、蕨类49种、裸子13种、被子504种,重点品种35个,福建省特色品种28个,珍稀品种37个,国家重点保护品种15个,福建省重点保护珍贵树木有8种。

结论 永春县野生药用植物资源丰富,多样性程度较高,今后应加强相应的保护工作,使资源得到可持续利用。

关键词:中药资源调查;植物多样性;可持续利用中图分类号:R282.1 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1005-5304(2021)04-0009-05DOI:10.19879/ki.1005-5304.202006099 开放科学(资源服务)标识码(OSID):Investigation on Wild Medicinal Plant Resources in Yongchun County, Fujian Province JIANG Minchao1, LI Jie1, ZHU Liye1, LAN Suqing1, CAI Weiyi2, CHEN Yaolin2,LIN Chaojing3, WANG Heshan4, LIU Jianfu11. Institute of Horticulture Science and Engineering, Huaqiao University, Xiamen 361021, China;2. Yongchun County Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Quanzhou 362601, China;3. Health and Wellness Bureau of Yongchun County, Quanzhou 362601, China;4. Fujian University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Fuzhou 350122, China Abstract:Objective To find out the species and distribution of medicinal plant resources in Yongchun County. Methods Based on the technical method of the fourth national general survey of TCM resources, the species and distribution of medicinal plant resources in Yongchun County were studied by field investigation, specimen collection and identification, census data collection and literature consulting. Results There were 568 species of 375 genera, 137 families of wild medicinal plants in Yongchun County, including 2 bryophytes, 49 ferns, 13 gymnosperms and 504 angiosperms. There were 35 species of key medicinal plants, 28 species of endemic medicinal plants and 37 species of rare medicinal plants in Fujian Province, among which 15 species belong to the national key protected wild medicinal plants and 8 species belong to the key protected precious trees in Fujian Province. Conclusion Wild medicinal plant resources in Yongchun County are rich and diverse. In the future, it is important to strengthen resource conservation, and sustainable utilize the medicinal plant resources.Keywords: survey of TCM resources; plant diversity; sustainable utilization永春县地处福建省东南部、晋江东溪上游,东邻仙游县,南接南安市、安溪县,西连漳平市,北与德化县、大田县交界,位于东经117°41′55″~118°31′9″,北纬25°13′15″~25°33′45″,属亚热带季风气候区,气候温和,湿润多雨,年平均气温20.5 ℃,年降水量1200~2600 mm,全年平均日照时数1699.9 h,全年无霜期320 d,土壤以砖红壤和红壤为主。



收稿日期:2018-09-04修回日期:2018-11-23基金项目:中国科学院科技服务网络计划资助(KFJ-3W-No1)ꎮ作者简介:陈新艳(1982-)ꎬ男ꎬ园林工程师ꎬ从事植物分类与园林科研方面的研究ꎮEmail:303983900@qq.comꎮDOI:10.13324/j.cnki.jfcf.2019.03.015武夷山4种福建植物新记录陈新艳(三明市园林中心ꎬ福建三明365000)摘要:在福建省武夷山国家公园野生植物全覆盖调查过程中ꎬ陆续发现4种省级植物新记录种ꎬ分别为:中华石杉(Huperziachinensis)㊁蔓虎刺(Mitchellaundulata)㊁透明水玉簪(Burmanniacryptopetala)㊁二色五味子(Schisandrabicolor)ꎬ其中蔓虎刺为福建省新记录属ꎮ现予以报道ꎬ并提供相应照片及描述ꎬ凭证标本均保存于福建农林大学林学院标本馆ꎮ关键词:福建省ꎻ新记录属ꎻ新记录种ꎻ武夷山中图分类号:Q948.5㊀㊀㊀文献标识码:A文章编号:2096-0018(2019)03-0320-03FournewrecordsofFujianprovincialspeciesinWuyiMountainsCHENXinyan(SanmingCityGardenCenterꎬSanmingꎬFujian365000ꎬChina)Abstract:DuringtheinvestigationofwildplantcoverageinWuyishanNationalParkofFujianProvinceꎬfourspeciesofHuperziachinensisꎬMitchellaundulataꎬBurmanniacryptopetalaꎬSchisandrabicolorwerefoundtobenewlyrecordedspeciesinFujianProvinceꎬamongwhichMitchellaLinn.wasanewlyrecordedgenus.Photosanddescriptionsofthenewlyrecordedspecieswereprovided.CertificatespecimensweredepositedintheHerbariumofForestryCollegeꎬFujianAgricultureandForestryUniversity.Keywords:FujianProvinceꎻnewrecordgenusꎻnewrecordspeciesꎻWuyiMountains福建武夷山国家公园属于典型的亚热带季风气候ꎬ具有气温低㊁降水量多㊁湿度大㊁雾日长㊁垂直变化显著等特点[1]ꎮ武夷山国家公园有高等植物267科1028属2466种(包括种下分类等级)ꎻ其中苔藓植物73科192属361种ꎻ蕨类植物38科83属248种ꎻ裸子植物7科16属19种ꎻ种子植物149科737属1838种[2]ꎬ并陆续有新种㊁新记录被报道[3-4]ꎮ2017 2018年进行福建省本土植物全覆盖调查中ꎬ在福建省武夷山国家公园采集到中华石杉[Huperziachinensis(H.Christ)Ching]㊁蔓虎刺(Mitchel ̄laundulataSieb.etZucc.)㊁透明水玉簪(BurmanniacryptopetalaMakino)㊁二色五味子(SchisandrabicolorCheng)ꎬ以上4种均为福建省内首次记录ꎬ其中蔓虎刺属为福建省新记录属ꎬ现予以报道ꎮ1㊀中华石杉Huperziachinensis(H.Christ)Ching(图1ꎬA-C)㊀㊀石杉科(Huperziaceae)石杉属ꎬ植株丛生ꎮ茎直立ꎬ高8~15cmꎬ中部直径1~2mmꎬ枝连叶宽1.0~1.5cmꎬ2~3回二叉分枝ꎬ枝顶常有芽胞ꎮ叶螺旋状排列ꎬ平伸ꎬ披针形ꎬ基部最宽ꎬ通直ꎬ长4~8mmꎬ基部宽约1.2mmꎬ基部截形ꎬ无柄ꎬ先端渐尖ꎬ边缘平直不皱曲ꎬ全缘ꎬ中脉不明显ꎮ孢子叶与不育叶同形ꎻ孢子囊生于孢子叶腋ꎬ两侧略露出ꎬ肾形ꎬ黄绿色ꎮ㊀㊀产陕西㊁湖北㊁四川ꎬ生于海拔1800~2100m的路边㊁林下岩石缝ꎬ模式标本采自陕西太白山ꎬ福建新记录种[5]ꎮ2018年8月13日采集于武夷山黄岗山顶ꎬ生境为路边岩石缝中ꎬ采集人:陈新艳㊁陈善思等ꎮ凭证标本(WY20180834)保存于福建农林大学林学院植物标本馆ꎮ2㊀蔓虎刺MitchellaundulataSieb.etZucc.(图1ꎬD-F)㊀㊀茜草科(Rubiaceae)蔓虎刺属ꎬ匍匐草本ꎬ茎纤细ꎬ无毛ꎮ叶对生ꎬ叶三角状卵形或卵形ꎬ长1~2cmꎬ宽7~15mmꎬ顶端急尖ꎬ基部截平或圆ꎬ边缘具波疏齿ꎬ两面无毛ꎻ侧脉每边2~5条ꎬ两面不明显ꎻ叶柄长达0.5~1cmꎮ花单生于叶腋ꎻ花梗长约8mmꎻ萼半球形ꎬ顶部具4齿ꎻ花冠漏斗状ꎬ白色ꎮ果近球形ꎬ熟时红色ꎬ直径约8mmꎮ花期秋季ꎬ果期冬季ꎮ森林与环境学报㊀2019ꎬ39(3):320-322第39卷第3期JournalofForestandEnvironment2019年5月㊀㊀蔓虎刺原产台湾北部ꎬ分布于朝鲜半岛南部和日本[6-7]ꎬ为福建新记录属ꎮ2018年7月26日采集于武夷山挂墩村ꎬ生境为小溪边潮湿石壁ꎬ采集人:陈新艳㊁苏享修等ꎮ凭证标本(WY20180620)保存于福建农林大学林学院植物标本馆ꎮ㊀㊀台湾海峡两岸植物区系关系密切ꎬ植物区系相互迁移分布ꎮ蔓虎刺原产于台湾北部ꎬ后来在浙江的丽水㊁福建的武夷山国家公园及福建南靖虎伯寮保护也发现有分布ꎬ该种在大陆的发现为台海植物区研究提供了新的资料ꎮ㊀㊀注:A-C为中华石杉图ꎻD-F为蔓虎刺ꎻG-H为透明水玉簪ꎻI-K为二色五味子ꎮNote:A-CisH.chinensisꎻD-FisM.undulataꎻG-HisB.cryptopetalaꎻI-KisS.bicolor图1㊀武夷山4种省级新记录植物Figure1㊀4newrecordsofprovincialspeciesinWuyiMountains3㊀透明水玉簪BurmanniacryptopetalaMakino(图1ꎬG-H)㊀㊀水玉簪科(Burmanniaceae)水玉簪属ꎬ一年生㊁腐生草本ꎮ茎高6~15cmꎬ纤细ꎬ少分枝ꎬ白色ꎻ无基生叶ꎬ茎生叶鳞片状ꎬ紧贴或开展ꎬ披针形ꎬ长2~4mmꎮ花单朵或2~5朵排成2歧聚伞花序ꎬ直立ꎬ具短梗ꎻ翅白色ꎻ花被裂片黄色ꎬ花被管长2~3mmꎻ子房卵形ꎬ长约5mmꎻ翅狭ꎬ长8~11mmꎬ宽约1.5mmꎮ蒴果卵形ꎬ长约6mmꎬ不规则开裂ꎮ花期8月ꎮ 123 ㊀第3期陈新艳:武夷山4种省级植物新记录223 森㊀林㊀与㊀环㊀境㊀学㊀报第39卷㊀㊀㊀产我国广东㊁海南ꎬ日本亦有分布[8]ꎬ福建新记录种ꎮ2018年8月13日采集于武夷山黄溪洲ꎬ生境为阴湿的林下ꎬ采集人:陈新艳㊁林晟等ꎮ凭证标本(WY20180710)保存于福建农林大学林学院植物标本馆ꎮ4㊀二色五味子SchisandrabicolorCheng(图1ꎬI-J)㊀㊀五味子科(Schisandraceae)五味子属ꎬ木质藤本ꎬ全株无毛ꎮ当年生小枝稍具纵棱ꎬ老枝皮纵向开裂ꎬ具明显的小瘤状凸起ꎮ叶近卵形或长圆形ꎬ长5~9cmꎻ先端急尖ꎬ基部楔形ꎬ边缘中上部具胼胝质尖的疏离浅齿ꎬ上面绿色ꎬ下面灰绿色ꎬ侧脉每边5~8条ꎻ叶柄长1.5~3.0cmꎬ淡红色ꎮ花雌雄同株ꎬ稍芳香ꎬ直径1.0~1.3cmꎻ雄花花被片7~13片ꎬ雄蕊群红色ꎬ扁平五角形ꎻ雌花花被片与雄花的相似ꎬ雌蕊群宽卵球形ꎮ果序长4~7cmꎻ小浆果球形ꎬ种皮背部具小瘤点ꎮ花期7月ꎬ果期9 10月ꎮ㊀㊀产于浙江㊁江西ꎬ生于海拔700~1500m的山坡㊁森林边缘[9]ꎬ福建新记录种ꎮ2018年8月13日采集于武夷山黄岗山ꎬ生境为路边灌木林中ꎬ采集人:陈新艳㊁马良等ꎮ凭证标本(WY20180782)保存于福建农林大学林学院植物标本馆ꎮ参考文献[1]陈易之ꎬ陈煊.武夷山自然保护区生态环境及其开发利用[J].自然资源ꎬ1995(2):78-80ꎬ77.[2]徐欢欢.武夷山自然保护区植被垂直分布与特征[J].武夷科学ꎬ2007(23):177-180.[3]刘初钿.福建及武夷山新记录植物[J].武夷科学ꎬ1995(12):150-151.[4]TANGYꎬZHUXXꎬPENGHꎬetal.Hemipiliagaleata(OrchideaeꎬOrchidaceae)ꎬanewspeciesfromFujianProvinceꎬsoutheasternChina[J].Phytotaxaꎬ2016ꎬ245(4):271-280.[5]中国科学院中国植物志编辑委员会.中国植物志:第6卷:第3分册[M].北京:科学出版社ꎬ2004:3-4. [6]郑朝宗.双果草属MitchellaL.:中国大陆茜草科的一个新纪录属[J].杭州大学学报(自然科学版)ꎬ1981ꎬ8(2):196-198. [7]中国科学院中国植物志编辑委员会.中国植物志:第71卷:第2分册[M].北京:科学出版社ꎬ1999:159. [8]中国科学院中国植物志编辑委员会.中国植物志:第16卷:第2分册[M].北京:科学出版社ꎬ1981:174-175. [9]中国科学院中国植物志编辑委员会.中国植物志:第30卷:第1分册[M].北京:科学出版社ꎬ1996:267-269.(责任编辑:叶宝鉴)㊀㊀。



In 1985, the United States satellite pictures to the investigation, in fujian province to the southwest, a few of the buildings like matchboxes , they thought it was secretly established China atomic reactor or missile launch base. This caused the U.S. government panic, they took a photograph to China verification, so at this moment, adobe-this in fujian province and in the mountainous southwest stand there quietly for hundreds of years building to found in the world, this represents the essence of hakka culture of the great magic at eastern architecture is well known in the world.

These buildings were cive material and therefore practically impregnable. They are spacious and they are made up of different shapes like square, rectangular, semi-circular and round.



福建农林大学学报(哲学社会科学版),2009,12(4):76-80Journal of Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University (Phil os ophy and S ocial Sciences )[收稿日期] 2009-02-20[基金项目] 福建农林大学教学研究重点课题(011183)。

[作者简介] 吴锦程(19682),男,副研究员。


高校公共选修课质量管理问题探讨———基于福建农林大学公选课教学的调查吴锦程,傅清全,苏慧玲(福建农林大学人文社会科学学院,福建福州350002)[摘要] 调查了福建农林大学公共选修课教学管理的基础上,发现公共选修课质量管理还存在着开设有背初衷、教学效果差、管理不规范、课程资源不足等问题。


[关键词] 公共选修课;质量管理;福建农林大学[中图分类号] G64 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 167126922(2009)0420076205I m prove m en t of publi c opti ona l courses a t colleges and un i versiti es———An i n vesti ga ti on of Fuji a n Agr i culture and Forestry Un i versityWU J in 2cheng,F U Q ing 2quan,S U Hui 2ling(College of Hum anities and Social Sciences,Fujian Agriculture and Forestry U niversity,Fuzhou,Fujian 350002,china )Abstract:Based on an investigati on of Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University,this paper suggests such measures as strengthening public op ti onal courses ′publicity and guidance,i m p r oving their teachers ′capability,perfecting monit oring syste m and increasing course sche me t o i m p r ove teaching quality of public op ti onal courses according t o analysis of p r oble m s in public op ti onal courses ′quality man 2age ment in colleges and universities,such as deviating fr o m their original intenti on,l o w teaching efficiency,poor manage ment and shortage of instructi onal res ources .Key words:public op ti onal courses ;quality manage ment;Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University 在推进本科生素质教育的过程中,公共选修课(以下简称公选课)通过拓展大学生科学、文化、艺术素质,成为高校开展素质教育的重要阵地。






关键词:农业产业化龙头企业;人才需求;乡村振兴;福建省中图分类号: F 324 文献标志码: A 文章编号: 0253-2301(2022)06-0076-06DOI:10.13651/ki.fjnykj.2022.06.013Investigation on the Talent Demands of the Leading Enterprises ofAgricultural Industrialization in Fujian ProvinceLI Fan1, XU Ming-kang2(1. College of Management, Fuzhou Technology and Business University, Fuzhou, Fujian 350715, China;2. College of Economics and Management, Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University,Fuzhou, Fujian 350002, China)Abstract:In order to better meet the demand for talents of leading enterprises of agricultural industrialization, by taking the leading enterprises of agricultural industrialization in Fujian Province as the survey object and using the random sampling and questionnaire method, the scale, nature,main products, revenue of enterprises and the total amount and structure of talent demand were investigated and analyzed. The results showed that 29.41% of the leading enterprises of agricultural industrialization needed to increase the scale of talent. The demand for talent expansion of enterprises above designated size and export enterprises was greater than that of other enterprises, and the demand for talent expansion of different industries was also different. 72.55% of the leading enterprises of agricultural industrialization were faced with the increase of labor cost, which was different from the size, and whether engaged in the export and industry. The structure of talent demand showed obvious differences in the enterprise scale, whether engaged in the export and industry. Therefore, the enterprises should reasonably plan the demand for talents according to their operation characteristics, and the government should pointedly guide and meet the demand for talents.Key words:Leading enterprises of agricultural industrialization; Talent demand; Rural revitalization; Fujian province农业产业化龙头企业(简称“农业龙头企业”,下同)是构建现代农业产业体系的重要主体,在脱贫攻坚中,农业龙头企业促进了农业生产,带动了农民就业增收,较好地履行了其社会责任[1];农业龙头企业通过产业扶贫发挥着重要作用,效果具有持续性、稳定性,是精准扶贫的重要手段[2]。



福建省莆田市城厢区野生药用植物资源调查赵超逸1,兰苏情1,朱丽叶1,林高潮2,王河山3,安昌3,王明元1,刘建福11.华侨大学园艺科学与工程研究所,福建厦门 361021;2.莆田市城厢区医院,福建莆田 351100;3.福建中医药大学,福建福州 350122摘要:目的 通过第四次全国中药资源普查,了解福建省莆田市城厢区药用植物资源现状,为当地中药资源可持续利用提供参考。

方法 通过野外样地调查(代表区域-样地-样方套-样方)、样线调查、查阅相关文献和资料整理,对福建省莆田市城厢区药用植物现状进行调查,共计37个样地和10条样线,包括阔叶林、针叶林和灌丛3个代表区域。

结果 福建省莆田市城厢区野生药用植物118科327属463种,其中蕨类植物25种,裸子植物10种,被子植物427种,苔藓植物1种;福建省重点调查品种30个,福建省特色中药资源品种20个;国家级重点保护野生药用植物品种8个。

结论 福建省莆田市城厢区野生药用植物种类丰富,多样性程度较高。


关键词:中药资源;药用植物;资源调查中图分类号:R282.1 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1005-5304(2021)06-0017-05DOI:10.19879/ki.1005-5304.202006003 开放科学(资源服务)标识码(OSID):Investigation of Wild Medicinal Plant Resources in Chengxiang District,Putian City, Fujian ProvinceZHAO Chaoyi1, LAN Suqing1, ZHU Liye1, LIN Gaochao2, WANG Heshan3, AN Chang3,WANG Mingyuan1, LIU Jianfu11. Institute of Horticulture Science and Engineering, Huaqiao University, Xiamen 361021, China;2. Putian City Chengxiang District Hospital, Putian 351100, China;3. Fujian University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Fuzhou 350122, ChinaAbstract:Objective To understand the current situation of medicinal plant resources in Chengxiang District, Putian City, Fujian Province through the fourth national survey on Chinese materia medica resources; To provide references for the sustainable development of local Chinese materia medica resources. Methods Through field sample surveys (representative area- sample plots- quadrat set- sample quadrat), line transect method, and related literature and data collation, the current situation of medicinal plants in Chengxiang District, Putian City, Fujian Province was investigated, with a total of 37 sample plots and 10 transects, including 3 representative areas of broad-leaved forest, coniferous forest and shrub. Results There were 463 species of wild medicinal plants in 118 families and 327 genera in Chengxiang District, Putian City, Fujian Province, including 25 species of ferns, 10 species of gymnosperms, 427 species of quilts, and 1 species of moss. There were 30 species under key investigation of Fujian Province, 20 species of characteristic Chinese materia medica resources of Fujian Province, and 8 species of wild medicinal plants under national key protection. Conclusion The wild medicinal plants in Chengxiang District, Putian City, Fujian Province are rich in species and diversity. In the future, resource protection should be strengthened, and the wild plant resources in this area should be developed and utilized rationally.Keywords: Chinese materia medica resources; medicinal plants; resource survey莆田市城厢区位于福建省沿海中部、台湾海峡西基金项目:中医药公共卫生服务补助专项(财社〔2018〕43号)通讯作者:刘建福,E-mail:**************.cn 岸,兴化平原中部,处于莆田市中部丘陵地带,南临深水良港湄洲湾,北纬25°25′00″~25°30′00″、东经118°56′15″~119°3′45″,总面积509 km2。







它坐西朝东,南北长71 m,东西宽45 m,占地面积约2 300 m 2,共70余间。







摘要 福建永安西洋镇会清堡由邢氏家族始建于清乾隆二十年(公元1755年),是一座集防御、生活与祭祀于一体的大型夯土木结构建筑。











关键词:福建省;肥料;化肥;有机肥;生产发展;调查分析中图分类号:S 14-31 文献标志码:A 文章编号:0253-2301(2021)10-0068-05DOI: 10.13651/ki.fjnykj.2021.10.014Investigation on the Status of Fertilizer Production in Fujian Province and Its Problem Analysis FU Rui-zhou(Fujian General Station of Cropland Construction and Soil and Fertilizer Technology,Fuzhou, Fujian 350003, China)Abstract: The present situation of fertilizer production in Fujian Province was systematically analyzed to provide reference for policy formulation, basic research and industrial transformation of fertilizer industry. 329 licensed enterprises of fertilizer production in Fujian Province were investigated by literature search, questionnaire, interview and field investigation. Then, the fertilizer productivity, yield and the rate of capacity utilization, fertilizer manufacturers, products and the number of formula, fertilizer supply and guarantee capacity and the geographical distribution of fertilizer enterprises were analyzed, in order to discuss the present situation and problems of fertilizer production in Fujian Province. The results showed that from 2016 to 2020,fertilizer production capacity and output in Fujian Province increased year by year, but the rate of fertilizer capacity utilization was only 39.7% on average in five years. The yield of organic fertilizer was highest in different varieties of fertilizer, followed by compound fertilizer and soil conditioner, which accounted for 66.0%, 22.2% and 5.2% of total fertilizer production,respectively. The number of organic fertilizer manufacturers and products were largest in fertilizer enterprises, reaching 270 and 792, respectively, but the average annual output of each organic fertilizer factory was 5100 tons. The self-sufficiency rate of chemical fertilizer in the province was only 47.1%, and 52.9% of chemical fertilizer needed to be allocated or imported from outside the province. The annual output of organic fertilizer and bio-organic fertilizer only accounted for 14.0%of the theoretical demand of the market. There were fertilizer factories in 72 counties (cities,districts), 9 prefecture-level cities in the province, among which the number of fertilizer enterprises in Zhangzhou City accounted for 33.4% of the total number in the province. The fertilizer production network in Fujian Province has been basically formed, but the development of different fertilizer industries in different regions was still unbalanced, and there were still prominent problems. In the future, we should focus on solving the problem of low capacity utilization rate,strengthening the transformation and upgrading of compound fertilizer production enterprises,guiding and strengthening the quality management and demonstration promotion of organic fertilizer products, giving full play to the regional resource advantages of Fujian, accelerating the development of new fertilizer products, especially the development of soil conditioner by using the coastal oyster shell resources.Key words: Fujian Province; Fertilizer; Chemical fertilizer; Organic fertilizer; Production development; Investigation and analysis肥料作为粮食的“粮食”,在农业生产投入要素中发挥重要作用,FAO资料显示,化肥对全球粮食产量的贡献率达50%~60%[1]。



口岸卫生控制第25卷第6期传染病监测2013-2020年宁德口岸涉外婚姻入境人员H IV情况 调查翁才振朱仙梅宁德海关(福建,宁德,352100)摘要目的了解宁德市涉外婚姻入境人员的艾滋病病毒感染情况,并为制定防控策略提供科学依据。

方法对2013年1月~2020年1月宁德市涉外婚姻入境人群中4 470个女性体检者血清进行人类免疫缺陷病毒(HIV)抗体血清学实验检测,筛查阳性者按有关规定进行确证实验。

结果 4 470个女性涉外婚姻入境人员血清样本中,检出H IV感染者12例,检出率为0.27%,HIV检出率显著高于福州口岸出入境人群的0.07%、同期宁德口岸其余出入境人群的0.09%、福建省一般人群的0.039%及中国一般人群0.05%的比例。

结论加强对涉外婚姻入境人员的H IV的监测,规范涉外婚姻婚前体检,以期减少涉外婚姻通过性传播艾滋病的风险。

关键词人类免疫缺陷病毒涉外婚姻中图分类号 R512.91 文献标识码 B doi 10.3969/j.issn.l008-5777.2020.05.013Investigation on H IV Statu s o f F oreign M arriag e Im m igran ts at Ningde Port from2013 to 2020Weng Caizhen Zhu Xianmei Ninde Customs (Ningde,Fujian,352100)A b stract O bjective To acquirethe HIV infection status in the foreign marriage entry of Ningde area,anrl to provide scientific basis for ralated prevention and control strategy.M ethods Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)antibody serology test have detected in 4 470 foreign marriage women'sserum samples in January 2013- January 2020. R esu lts 12 HIV—Ab positive cases were detected in the aboved 4 470 serum samples.The infect­ed rate was 0.27%.The HIV detection rate was significantly higher than 0.07% of the entry-exit population at Fuzhou port,0.09% of otherentry-exit population at Ningde port,0.039% of general population in Fujian Province and 0.05% of general population in China.C onclusion To strengthen foreign-related marriage immigration per­sonnel monitoring of HIV,regulated foreign marriage pre-marital medical examination,in order to reduce the foreign marriage through the risk of sexually transmitted HIV/AIDS.K ey w ords Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)Foreign marriage宁德市是位于福建省东北部的滨海港口城市,自从2013年以来陆续发现涉外婚姻中越南籍嫁人妇女中感染H IV情况,其感染比率明显高于当地其他人群,涉外婚姻成为影响宁德地区H IV流行的 一个重要因素:1)。



第48卷第4期2021年12月福建林业科技JourofFujianForestrySciandTechVol 48 No 4Dec ,2021doi:10.13428/j.cnki.fjlk.2021.04.005竹柏种子油脂脂肪酸组成分析与评价施友文(福建省林业调查规划院,福建福州350003)摘要:2020年对不同种源(龙岩漳平芦芝(“芦”)、漳平拱桥(“拱”)、南平溪源庵(“NPX”),三明莘口(“莘口”)等地16个竹柏单株)的竹柏种子含油率、油脂成分进行调查研究和分析评价。



参试的4个竹柏种源种子含油率为24 200%~32 886%,饱和脂肪酸25 800%~35 700%,不饱和脂肪酸64 200%~74 200%,脂肪酸组成中以亚油酸含量最高,达到41 871%~46 033%;其中含油率以漳平拱桥种源最高,为32 886%;不饱和脂肪酸含量以三明种源最高,达到74 200%,以不饱和脂肪酸作为油脂品质的主要评价指标,竹柏种子油脂品质优良,参试种源中以三明种源(74 200%)油脂品质为最佳。


关键词:竹柏;种子油脂;脂肪酸组成中图分类号:S791 46;TS222 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1002-7351(2021)04-0021-04FattyAcidCompositionAnalysisandEvaluationofSeedOilofPodocarpusnagiSHIYouwen(FujianForestryInvestigationandPlanningInstitute,Fuzhou350003,Fujian,China)Abstract:TheoilcontentandoilcompositionofPodocarpusnagiseedsfromdifferentprovenancesincludingLuzhi(″Lu″)inLongy anZhangping,Gongqiao(″gong″)inZhangping,Xiyuanan(″NPX″)inNanpingAndXinkou(″Xinkou″)inSanmingwereinvestiga ted,analyzedandevaluatedin2020 TheresultsshowedthatthefattyacidcompositionofoilofPodocarpusnagifromdifferentprove nancesvariedwidely Thedifferencesofsaturatedfattyacidsandunsaturatedfattyacidswereextremelysignificant,amongwhichthedifferencesofarachidonicacidamongdifferentprovenancesweresignificant,andthedifferencesofoilcontent,palmiticacid,21car bonate,behenicacid,linoleicacidandotherindexeswereextremelysignificant Theseedoilcontentof4Podocarpusnagiprove nancestestedwas24 200%~32 886% Saturatedfattyacidsrangefrom25 800%to35 700%,unsaturatedfattyacidsrangefrom64 200%to74 200%,andlinoleicacidhasthehighestcontentinfattyacidcomposition,reaching41 871%~46 033% Zhang pingarchbridgeprovenancehadthehighestoilcontent(32 886%),whileSanmingprovenancehadthehighestunsaturatedfattyacidcontent(74 200%) Usingunsaturatedfattyacidsasthemainevaluationindexofoilquality,theoilqualityofPodocarpusnagiseedwasgood,andtheoilqualityofSanmingprovenance(74 200%)wasthebest Itisfeasibleandpotentialtousetheoilextrac tedfromPodocarpusnagiseedsasedibleoilKeywords:Podocarpusnagi;seedoil;fattyacidcomposition 我国是食用油消耗大国,粮油对外依存度比较高,据统计我国长期面临食用油紧缺的问题[1]。


Investigation on effluect quality of septic tanks with three boxes
in Wubang Village, Anxi County, Fujian Province
Abstract:In order te understand the sewage treatment situation of the existing septic tanks of three boxes in rurai areas, the researchers randomla sampled 20 households in the Wubang Villaye of Anei County, Fujian Provincc from JuU te August 2018 te conduct on - site sampaongooedeecoon ooun eeaed domesocsewagedoschaegesand Ghewaeequaaoyondocaoesoosep oc ankswoh Gheeeboees.Theough compaeoson, oosoound GhaGGheuseoosep oc ankswoh Gheeeboeeshasceeaonayeeduced Ghehaem oodoeecGeeaeaseoosewageon GhepasG, buGsoahaeesomesomewaeequaaoyondocaoesoosep ocank eoauenGeeceedongGhesandaed.Ioooaowsooaemaand and waeeshed, owo causeoeeeeesobaesecondaeypoau oon osooaand waee.Thesueeeyondocaed GhaGwesoaneed oompeoeeGheeeosongsep oc ankswoh GheeeboeesooeoueGheeeeamenGooeoauenGoeom Ghesep oc ank. Key words: rural, sewage, septic tanks of three boxes , effluent乡村”建设构想,在 党的十九大报告上乡村振兴战略再次被重点提及,多次会议 反复强调坚持人与自然和谐共生以及走乡村绿色发展的美丽 乡村道路的重要性,建设社会主义新农村已然成为国家的重 大历史任务。目前我国农村污水污染严重,对其治理的研究 和建设尚处在初步阶段。传统集中式卫生排水模式并不适于 人口稀少、居住分散的农村地区,且污水垃圾中含有循环资 源,可回用于农业生产,对其处理利用意义重大。因此,易修 建、省维护、低成本的化粪池技术在美丽乡村建设中极具关键 性和适宜性。三格化粪池能够有效改善农村卫生环境,改进 水环境,在福建省近年来的农村污水治理中起重要作用$



不同耕作方式下福建烟田杂草种类调查ZHANG Cong-min;ZHANG Yang-han;ZHANG Qiong【摘要】为明确福建省烟稻轮作烟田杂草的种类,采用测量法和目测法对福建省2种不同耕作方式烟田杂草进行调查,结果表明:福建省烟田杂草共有15科40种,根据对每种杂草重要值的评价,最主要的杂草有10种,包括马唐、铁苋菜、丛枝蓼、狗尾草、无芒稗、雨久花、蚤缀、苍耳、田基黄、胜红蓟等;其中传统烟稻轮作烟田的主要杂草为马唐、铁苋菜、狗尾草、雨久花、蚤缀和苍耳,保护性烟稻轮作烟田的主要杂草为丛枝蓼、铁苋菜、无芒稗、马唐和雨久花.【期刊名称】《安徽农业科学》【年(卷),期】2019(047)003【总页数】4页(P118-120,132)【关键词】烟田;杂草;种类;耕作方式【作者】ZHANG Cong-min;ZHANG Yang-han;ZHANG Qiong【作者单位】;;【正文语种】中文【中图分类】S572;S451保护性耕作是以免耕、少耕和秸秆覆盖为特点的耕作技术,由于其在保持水土、改善土壤理化性质、实现农业可持续发展方面的优越性,已在全球70多个国家大面积推广应用。









植物遗传资源学报2010,11(4):509-513J o ur na l o f P l a nt G e ne t i c R e s o ur c e s福建山橘、金豆野生资源调查与分析黄新忠1,雷 龑1,陈小明1,韦晓霞1,卢新坤1,叶 夏2,郑惠章2(1福建省农业科学院果树研究所,福州350013;2福建省农业生态环境与能源技术推广总站,福州350001)摘要:通过查阅资料文献,走访专家、老农,实地考察记载等,对福建山橘、金豆地理分布、种群数量、形态特征、特异类型、生态环境、开发利用、濒危状况、威胁因素进行调查。

结果表明:除晋江、石狮外,其他接受调查的51个县(市、区)均发现山橘、金豆资源,水平分布于北纬23°46′~27°10′之间,垂直分布介于海拔13~875m 之间,预计山橘资源每667m 21株以上的现存面积约24.3万hm 2、567.0万株、产量512t ,金豆资源每667m 21株以上的现存面积约10.5万hm 2、213.0万株、产量204t 。


关键词:山橘;金豆;资源;调查I n ve s t i gat i onan dA n al ys i s of Wi l d F or t u n e l l a h i n ds i ian d F or t u n e l l a v e n os a R e s ou r c e s i nF u j i anH U A N GX i n-z ho ng 1,L E I Y a n 1,C H E NX i a o -m i ng 1,W E I X i a o -x i a 1,L UX i n-kun 1,YEX i a 2,Z H E N GH ui -z ha ng 2(l F r ui t R e s e ar c h I ns t i t ut e ,F uj i an A c ade m y o f A gr i c ul t ur al Sc i e nc e s ,F uz ho u 3500l3;2F uj i an P r o v i nc e T e c hno l o gi e s E x t e ns i o n G e ne r al St at i o n o f A gr i c ul t ur al E c o -E nv i r o nm e nt and E ne r gy ,F uz ho u 35000l )A b s t r ac t :T hr o ug h t he ut i l i z a t i o n o f do c um e nt s i nf o r m a t i o n a nd c o ns ul t i ng e x pe r t s a nd f a r m e r s ,a s w e l l a s t he f i e l d s ur v e y a nd r e c o r d ,a n i nv e s t i g a t i o n a bo ut t hec ur r e nt s t a t us o f w i l d F o r t une l l a hi nds i i a nd F o r t une l l a v e no s a r e s o ur c e s i n F uj i a n w e r ec o nduc t e d ,i nc l ui ngg e o g r a phi c a l di s t r i but i o n ,po pul a t i o n s i z e ,m o r pho l o g i c a l f e a t ur e s ,uni que t y pe s ,e c o l o g i c a l e nv i r o nm e nt ,de v e l o pm e nt a nd ut i l i z a t i o n ,e nda ng e r e d s t a t us ,t hr e a t f a c t o r s .T her e s ul t s s ho w e d t ha t :E x c e pt f o r J i nj i a ng a nd Shi s hi ,t he o t he r s s ur v e y e d 51c o unt i e s (c i t i e s ,di s t r i c t s )ha d be e n f o und w i l d F o r t une l l a hi nds i i a nd F o r t une l l a v e no s a r e s o ur c e s i n m o unt a i n ,t he di s t r i but i o n r a ng e i s f r o m23°46′Nt o 27°10′Ni n t he ho r i z o nt a l di r e c t i o n a nd be t w e e n 13ma nd 875ma bo v e s e a l e v e l i n t he v e r t i c a l di s t r i but i o n.T he e x i s t i ng a r e a o fF o r t une l l a hi nds i i f o r m o r e t ha n 1pl a nt /667m 2w a s a bo ut 243000hm 2,po pul a t i o n s i z e w a s 5.67m i l l i o n a nd t he o ut -put w a s 512000kg ;t he e x i s t i ng a r e a o f F o r t une l l a v e no s a f o r m o r e t ha n 1pl a nt /667m 2w a s 105000hm 2,po pul a t i o ns i z e w a s 2.13m i l l i o n a nd o ut put w a s 200400kg .H o w e v e r ,be c a us e o f be i ng c ut ,bur nt ,dug a nd o t he r e f f e c t s ,t he di s -t r i but i o n a r e a ,num be r o f t r e e s ,o ut put dr o ppe d s ha r pl y i n a v ul ne r a bl e s t a t us ,t he pr o t e c t i o n a nd ut i l i z a t i o n s ho ul d be e n s t r e ng t he ne d.K e y w or d s :F o r t une l l a hi nds i i ;F o r t une l l a v e no s a ;R e s o ur c e s ;I nv e s t i g a t i o n 收稿日期:2009-10-13 修回日期:2010-01-20基金项目:2008年农业部农业生物资源保护与利用项目作者简介:黄新忠,研究员,硕士生导师,主要从事落叶果树品种选育与技术研究、示范与推广。



78.6Biblioteka 00.000.0
用 t 检验。P < 0.05 为差异有统计学意义。
2 结果
2. 1 患龋情况 555 名受检学生中,165 名患龋,共计 294 颗龋失补牙,患龋率为 29.7%,受检者龋均为 0.53,患龋者 龋均为 1.78,共有 59 颗牙因龋坏充填,充填率为 20.1%。城 区和乡镇的学生患龋率分别为 25.3%和 33.8%,差异有统计 学意义(χ2 = 4.800,P = 0.028);男生和女生的患龋率分别 为 26.9% 和 32.7% ,差 异 无 统 计 学 意 义(χ 2 = 2.284,P = 0.131),城 区 和 乡 镇 学 生 的 龋 齿 充 填 率 分 别 为 23.4% 和 17.5%,差异无统计学意义(χ2 = 1.605,P = 0.205);男生和 女生的龋齿充填率分别为 20.5%和 19.8%,差异无统计学意 义(χ2 = 0.023,P = 0.879)(表 1)。
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OIn the production workshop of Fujian Jingfeng Tech -nology Co., Ltd., all sorts of tracks are interwoven in the entire production workshop, where there are no piles of goods and materials or busy workers, but ev -erything is in good order.According to the reporters, Jingfeng is the first chemical fiber enterprise in the country to realize a full set of automation from batch charging and ex-ware-housing, and its automation production workshops with the investment of more than 200 million free the enterprise from the industry difficulties of recruitment, human cost and other industries, and also make its management more standardized. Meanwhile, as there is no interference of human factors, the quality of products is more stable. The leading application of this kind of fully automatic equipment will give a power -ful impetus to the automatic production and intelligent process of the industry.Secondly, Changle, Fujian makes great efforts in the subdivision area. The reporters have learned in the investigation that the outputs of polyamide in Chan-gle’s Hengshen and Jingfeng rank first and second respectively in the country with more than 30% of theOn March 5th, Sun Ruizhe, President of China National Textile andApparel Council, Cao Tingrui, Director of Textile Department, Consumer Products Industry Division, Ministry of Industry and Information Technol -ogy of the People’s Republic of China, etc. went to Changle, Shishi, and Xiamen in Fujian Province to investigate some enterprises related to such industries as chemical fiber, cotton spinning, filament weaving, and dyeing and printing. On the one hand, they intended to understand the realities of industrial development, and on the other hand, they hoped to have a better understanding of the difficulties and voices of enterprises.Changle: Statistical data makes the performance of textile output value greatly diminishedChangle, Fujian was selected as the first stop of investigation.The investigating group found that the underestimation of output value of China’s textile industry here is particularly prominent.It is well known that in the composition of China’s textile industry, small and medium-sized enterprises account for more than 90%, but the submitted statistical data are only the data of above-designated enterprises.In Changle’s research, such a message is also found that in Songxia Town, Changle District, there are a total of 225 (including 30 enterprises above designated size) textile enterprises with the gross output value of 7 billion yuan (including more than a billion in printing and dyeing), ac -counting for 32 % of the town’s output value, but since it only requires to submit the statistical data of output value of above-designated enterprises, the output value of Songxia Town is only less than 1 billion yuan. This sit -uation has led to a serious underestimation of the output value of China’s textile industry. This is just a reflection of the situation in one town, then the data of provinces and cities and even the whole country may need to receive more attention.According to the investigation, the industrial development of Chan-gle, Fujian has two major characteristics:First of all, automation and digitization deeply integrates the industry.Investigation in Fujian: Chinese textile industry that cannot be underestimatedInfocus 焦点country’s market shares. However, Hengshen, which could have relied on scale to score a success, is not burdened with scale but continues to look for segment markets. For example, the profits of Hengshen’s span-dex products in 2017 have accounted for about 3/4 of the company’s total profit. At the same time, there are also the fields of dope dyeing and warp knitting, pan heads that the company will focus on in the next step.From this, we can see that China’s chemical fiber industry has entered a rational stage of development, and enterprises no longer rely on scale to win victory, but rely on the development of new markets to achieve profit growth. Particularly, entrepreneurial thinking begins to change, many enterprises can get rid of the shackles of family enterprises and hire professional managers to make all kinds of professionals gather in enterprises and industries.Dyeing and printing is not merely an important link of the textile industry, but an indispensable sup-porting industry for industrial development, but in re-cent years, the continuous upgrading of environmental pressure has also brought numerous obstructions to Changle dyeing and printing enterprises. In this regard, Sun Ruizhe pointed out that, “dyeing and printing is not only one of the core links in the textile industry, but a key field that can reflect role of the textile indus-try in improving social image. At present, socialism with Chinese characteristics enters a new historical position, and the textile industry also puts forward its own new positioning: technology, fashion and green, if there is no further breakthrough in the printing and dyeing industry, technology, fashion and green will be obviously lack of powerful support.”Shishi: Initiating a “Textile and Clothing Court”In the government work report during this year’s “two sessions”, as the “construction drawing” for an-nual economic and social development, “reform” is a high-frequency key word. And in the process of inves-tigation on Shishi, we have also witnessed the reform results of many textile industries.“Textile and Clothing Court” is the name of an agency we have heard for the first time in the investigation on Shishi textile and clothing indus-try, which is also the new achievement obtained by Shishi in the reform process.It is learned that this is the first “Textile and Clothing Court” initiated in the country, the government has invited the court to the professional market to mediate industrial disputes, and what is even more surprising is that in the court with only a few square meters, cases can be filed on the same day, and its efficiency can be self-evident.In fact, there are public service platforms everywhere in Shishi Cloth-ing City and International Textile City, including China Textile Informa-tion Center Shishi Branch, China National Textile and Apparel Council Testing Center, Shishi Textile and Clothing Industry Alliance, Shishi CTAES Clothing and Accessories Industry Research Institute and China Fabric Sample Warehouse, and it can be seen that the government and in-dustry organizations are working together to write a new chapter.In recent years, Shishi textile and clothing industry has suffered a tre-mendous shock, and the speed of industrial development has slowed down to some extent, but through hard exploration, pioneering and innovation, the industry has gradually stepped out of the deep valley of development and presented a series of good changes, and its economic aggregate has continued to expand. In 2017, the output value of the textile and clothing industry above designated size reached 52.87 billion yuan, an increase of 8.5% and accounting for 49.3% of the total industrial output value above designated size; industrial transformation and upgrading continued to ac-celerate, and new development trends were highlighted. Shishi textile and clothing industry has achieved fairly good development in terms of rapid response, fashion-orientation, private customization, E-commerce trend,machine exchange labour and expansion of overseas markets.During the investigation in Shishi, the investigat-ing team also made new discoveries:First of all, textile enterprises gradually change from processing enterprises to distribution enterprises. “Only one style of pants has millions of orders”, the merchants of Shishi YOUNG ENTREPRENEURS VILLAGE introduced to the investigating group. Here, it is precisely the main battlefield of breeding E-com-merce. According to the person in charge of the mar-ket, Shishi YOUNG ENTREPRENEURS VILLAGE has brought together more than 500 men’s brands, “the top 74 Taobao men’s wears are from Shishi.” The transformation from processing enterprises to distribu-tion ones has made many enterprises taste the sweet-ness. JJLKIDS was originally a processing enterprise of incoming materials, but now, the enterprise has not only become a brand experience merchant with 1,200 stores, but realized zero inventory through joint con-struction and sharing with franchisees; while Lianbang Sanhe is constantly getting rid of the stale and bring forth the fresh, devotes great strength and large sums of money to develop healthy materials represented by “Tai Chi Stone functional fabrics”, insists on taking the route of high-end market and achieves a series of successes.In the next place, enterprises pay attention to lean management and micro innovation. Shishi Gangyi Dyeing and Finishing Weaving Co., Ltd., through the water, electricity and steam online monitoring and collecting machine networking system, makes it im-possible for front-line staff and foremen to complete the monitoring of energy consumption of producing machines and non-producing machines via the read-ings of flowmeters and integrating instruments while management personnel and policy makers can monitor the energy consumption of all machines and conduct analysis through the ERP system.According to the relevant person in charge of Ganyi, the company launched ERP in 2016. By com-paring the data before and after the launch, it is found that energy consumption of water, electricity and steam has undergone an obvious change: in 2015 before launch, 314.96 tons of water were consumed in one myriametre, while in 2017, the consumption of myriametre water was only 111.82 tons, 64.5% lower than that in 2015; the consumption of myriametre water was also decreased from the previous 2538.87 degrees to 2032.34 degrees, down by 20%; the consumption of myriametre water of steam was reduced from the previous 50.16 tons to 37.76 tons, a decline of 24.7%.Shishi Juxiang Dyeing and Finishing Co., Ltd. has achieved great im-provement in enterprise efficiency through “micro-innovation” in manage-ment as well as lean management. For instance, the enterprise reduces the consumption of dyes and water resources by reforming low bath ratio dye-ing machines and tank bodies. The person in charge of the enterprise said that through a variety of “micro-innovation” technical transformations, the enterprise can realize 80% of the output in the past only with the operating rate of 50%.The reporters have learned that by means of independent research and development, sharing cooperation and the like, the enterprise has received a total of 45 utility patent licensing and 1 invention patent, and all of its patents have been applied to product production. Over the past three years, the company has cumulatively developed more than 40 new products, new technologies and new processes.In addition, Yonthin CNC Technology Co., Ltd. has adopted technical transformation to improve the company’s computer embroidery machines, which has not merely added the function of making vamps by the equip-ment, but enabled the vamps to be more stereoscopic, posing a challenge to flat knitting machines and circular knitting machines.In the future, in view of the current problems and bottlenecks in the development of Shishi textile and clothing industry, Shishi will also focus on the key links of “dyeing and finishing enhancement, fabric research and development, garment design”, break through the bottlenecks of low-end processing and manufacturing, create the coordinated development mode of “small chain” and “small cluster” and emphatically improve the fashion taste, brand quality and quick reaction capability of the textile and clothing industry.After investigating Shishi, Sun Ruizhe commented that, in the face of the new situation of textile industry development in recent years, the textile industry in South Fujian has quietly set off an industrial revolution characterized by innovation, exploring a road of structural adjustment and industrial upgrading of the textile industry.In Sun Zherui’s view, the textile industry, as the traditional manufac-turing industry, is being re-positioned, enterprises have also significantly increased investment in technical transformation, the high-end textile industry chain keeps growing, and gradually becomes the fashion industryInfocus 焦点that promotes cultural creativity and leads lifestyles. He said that in the future, Shishi textile industry will also advance towards the “two highs and one low”, that is, high output, high quality and low cost, so as to achieve high-quality industrial development. Xiamen: Fashion sample of city-integration Intelligent manufacturing, gets a vivid interpretation in Xiamen.The investigating group successively came to Xiamen Wingtas Group Co., Ltd. and Longshan Indus-trial Park for investigation and survey, and paid a site visit to Longshan Cultural and Creative Industrial Park Headquarters, Ji Wenbo’s Studio, Yang Zi’s Studio, etc., where they deeply realized the intelligent manu-facturing of Xiamen textile and clothing industry.Xiamen Wingtas Group Co., Ltd. is the company subordinate to Woke Group founded by Wu Zhiwu, President of Xiamen Textile and Clothing Industry Chamber of Commerce, and the investigating group visited the company’s intelligent manufacturing dem-onstration base.Here, the reporters saw that Wingtas has success-fully introduced the world’s most advanced equip-ment into its technology development department and production workshop, four intelligent production lines in its production workshop have realized production automation, automatic cutting promotes the productiv-ity to be doubled, and the input of finishing automatic and intelligent equipment has realized the production and management of the enterprise to be intelligent and information-based, provides the most efficient, power-ful real-time production data information for produc-tion planning and execution of the enterprise, which greatly improves the efficiency of production manage-ment, enhances the production capacity of the company and realizes the expected goals for group development.On the first floor of Longshan Cultural and Creative Industrial De-sign Center, an A-3 paper-sized stereo box keeps making buzzing sounds. This is a maker center with 3D printing as the core - “3D Dreamy Town”, and these machines are closely linked with the textile industry.Here, clothes can be first designed by the designers, and then mod-els are built based on the design drawings, which can be printed through these 3D printing equipment. And before the design drawing for each piece of clothes is printed, it is necessary to input the data of models’ fig-ures into computers, then tailor and customize the clothes, and the printed clothes are unique and close-fitting. Printing fashion will become the trend of the future, and maybe one day you will wear 3D printed clothes.In addition to 3D printing, city-industry integration here has also left a deep impression on the investigating group. The park has built a multiple of state-owned and private enterprise operating projects with a total investment of about 500 million yuan, transformed 21 plants and has more than 590 settled enterprises, the park has accumulated the output value of billions and recruited more than 4,000 employees.Longshan Cultural and Creative Park Fashion Industry Service Platform is a public service platform that is built specially for textile and clothing creative design enterprises. The platform is led by fashion design and supported by cultural exchanges and brand communication, and introduces the advanced concept of WeWork with the advantage of specialized industrial operator. Moreover, with the use of “Internet +”, it promotes the agglomeration of fashion design, industrial design, graphic design and other related industries, and builds a comprehensive fashion industry service platform that integrates training incubation, creativity de-sign, exhibition display, communication promotion, professional services, commercial facilities, public services and other functions.At the same time, Longshan Cultural and Creative Park attaches importance to introducing leading projects, and at the end of 2016, it in-troduced Xiamen Hepburn Clothing Co., Ltd., which is currently the only pure hand-made suit manufacturing enterprise in Fujian, and was selected as the business suit manufacturer for the ninth meeting of the leaders of BRIC countries; introduced the designer Ji Wenbo who had received the “Goldentop Award” - the highest award for fashion design, to enter the Grand Master Building, built the 9th - 11th floors to be “JIWENBO fash-ion agencies” while renovating and transforming the first floor as well, and created the fashion life experience hall that integrates high-grade gar-ment retail, high-grade customization and creative music restaurants as awhole.。
