洛伐他汀主要是由Aspergillus terrus(土曲霉)菌株合成的,而康帕丁是由penicillium citrinum菌株合成。
这种洛伐他汀衍生物可以通过monacolin J(无侧链洛伐他汀)过程有效合成,这个过程是一个酰基转移酶LovD进行的。
利用基因lovF 的组合生物合成,可以通过一种不同的方法设计土曲霉,从而使聚酮合成酶在体内合成2,2- dimethylbutyrate(simvastatin的侧链)。
一般来说,人体中的胆固醇只有三分之一是从饮食取得的,而其三分之二是由肝脏合成,还有一小部分是由其他器官合成的(Furberg 1999年;Alberts等人1980年)。
1976年日本科学家从桔青霉菌的培养提取物中发现 了康帕定(Compactin)及美伐他汀(Mevastatin) 抑制HMGCoA还原酶,能明显降低血浆胆固醇
抑制HMG一CoA还原酶 增加低密度脂蛋白受体 抑制极低密度脂蛋白胆固醇合成 抗动脉粥样硬化作用
阿托伐他汀钙临床应用 阿托伐他汀钙被认为是至今最好的调血脂药物 之一 降低LDL胆固醇治疗方面优于其它他汀类药物, 疗效比普伐他汀疗效高47%;而且不良反应较少, 与辛伐他汀相比要低24%。 唯一被证明减少心血管事件优于血管重建术的 调脂药物 对骨质疏松症、老年痴呆症、心脏病、器官移 植、中风和糖尿病都有一定的疗效。
FDA, ANDAs: Pharmaceutical Solid Polymorphism (Dec. 2004) (Draft Guidance)
市场前景 世界上最畅销的药是辉瑞公司的降胆固醇药阿 托伐他汀(atorvastatin,立普妥,Lipitor)。 这只由前华纳-兰伯特科学家20多年前研发的 “重磅之王”,是医药界的商业奇迹, 先后为 辉瑞带来了1000多亿美元的销售额。 他汀类药是占中国调血脂市场份额最大的药品 类别之一,拥有非常广阔的市场空间
阿托伐他汀钙的分子式为(C33H34FN2O5)2Ca 3H2O,其分子量是1209.42。
随着 对 高 脂 血 症 的 不 断 研 究 和综 合 治 疗 经 验 的 积 累 , 疗 高 治
几 得 到 关 键 中 间 体 2一( 3一[ 4一氟 苯 基 ) 一异 丙 基 一 苯 基 一 一5 3一
脂血症的药物品种及其使用情况也在不断地发生变化…。 羟基 一 3一
3一甲基 戊 二 酰 辅 酶 A H ( MG— o 还 原 酶 抑 制 剂 , 称 他 汀 类 C A) 简 (a n) 物 , s t s药 ti 由于 作 用 机 制 新 颖 , 用 范 围 较为 是 目前 最 为 经典 和有 效 的 调血 脂 药 - 。 耐 被 3 ]
a i s u t e i o te r g 1 er snh s ) T e oh ro e i t pe ae ci l3 5一 i —d y r y h pa o c rg e tte f m te c t c r n h i ( n a y tei . h te n s o rp r hr , es i do e t i ai f m n,h o h d r u t n i s a h x n c d a r
线提 供 参 考 。 关键 词 : 血 脂 药 : 调 阿托 伐 他 汀钙 : 成 合
中图 分 类号 : 7 6 T 6 . 1 R92 . ; Q40 3 文 献标 识 码 : A 文章 编 号 :0 6— 9 1 2 1 )1— 0 4 3 1 0 4 3 (0 0 2 0 0 —0
21 年第 l 卷第 2 期 00 9 1
调血 脂 药 阿托伐 他 汀 钙 的合成 研 究 进展
张宜凡 虞心红 ,
(.上 海 医药高等 专科 学校 药学系 , 海 1 上 2 11 ; 2 0 3 8 .华东理 工 大学 药学院 , 上海 20 3 ) 0 1 7
1 中间体TBIA(tert-Butyl isopropylidene amine)的合成主要是通过DERA(EC4.1.2.4)突变体Ser238Asp催化的醛醇缩合反应得到内酯化合物,再经过一系列的反应得到TBIA,具体的合成步骤如下:N31O+O+ODERA6d2OHBr2,BaCO3N3OOMeONa,MeOH,83%t-BuOK,t-BuOH,72%[1]OHN3OHOORcamphorsulfonic acid2,2-dimethoxypropane,76%N3OOOOMeMeOH-H2OLiOH,83: R=Me3b R=t-BuON35O4OOHBoc2ODMPA,86%N37536OOPh3P3d,72%OOOH2NOOOTBIA2 阿托伐他汀钙中间体ATS-8的合成ATS-8的中文名称为6-氰甲基-2,2-二甲基-1,3-二氧戊环-乙酸叔丁酯,英文名称为(4R,6R)-1,1-dimethylethyl-6-cyanomethyl-2,2-dimethyl-1,3-dioxane-4-acetate,其合成以高烯丙醇为原料生成碘代的内酯,具体合成步骤如下:OOHBuLi/THF,CO2,I291%1I2ONC4t-BuOH,DCC,DMAP/CH2Cl2,rtOH6NCATS-8[2]OOp-TsOH,acetone,rt90%IOO3ONC5OCH O°KCN/DMSO,40 C75~80%OOsO4-NaIO4/dioxane-H2O orO3,Me2S65~70%OO°CrO3-H2SO4/acetone,0 C70%NCOOOOO3 阿托伐他汀侧链的1,3-二醇中间体的合成该方法主要是通过L-脯氨酸催化正丁醛发生α-氨基氧化以及碘发生的分子内亲电子[3]环化反应,具体的合成路线如下:OHBnO1CHOaBnO2 R=H3 R=MsORbBnO3OcOOOI9ORBnO4 R=H5 R=BocdXOBoceN36 X=OH7 X=OMs8 X=N3OHOgN310OHOHCN11 (1,3-diol)fN3°Reagents and conditions:(a)(i)PhNO,L-proline(25mol%),CH3CN,-20 C,24h then MeOH,NaBH4;(ii)CuSO4(30mol%),°MeOH,0 C,10h,87%(qver twosteps);(b)(i)MsCl,Et°N,CHCl,0C,15min,92%;(ii)KCO,MeOH,rt,1h,95%;(c)vinylma32223gnesium bromide,THF,CuI,-40 C,1h,92%;(d)(i)(Boc)2O,DMAP,CH3CN,rt,5h,95%;(ii)DDQ,CH2Cl2:H2O(2:1),rt,20h,°°85%,(e)(i)MsCl,Et3N,CH2Cl2,0 C,30min,94%;(ii)NaN°3,DMF,60C,2h,83%;(iii)NIS,CH3CN,-40 to 0 C,20h,87%;(f)°K2CO3,MeOH,0 C tort,2h,96%;(g)NaCN,Ti(OPr)°4,n-Bu4NI,DMSO,70 C,6h,80%.4 中间体R(-)-4-氰基-3-羟基丁酸乙酯的合成以环氧氯丙烷为原料得到2-羟基-1,3-二氰基丙烷,此合成的关键步骤就是利用腈水解酶催化该化合物发生不对称反应,从而得到目的产物。
阿伐他汀手性中间体合成研究进展摘要: 综述了近年来阿伐他汀手性中间体的合成研究进展,从手性池反应、不对称合成、外消旋体拆分三个方面介绍了阿伐他汀手性中间体合成的工艺路线和研究水平,对其工业化前景进行了展望。
他汀类药物是目前世界上十分畅销的调血脂药物,是HMGCoA 还原酶抑制剂,对心血管疾病分子水平的研究表明,HMGCoA 还原酶是胆固醇生物合成的限速酶,任何影响此酶合成或功能表达的因素都能有效抑制胆固醇的合成。
他汀类药物正是通过抑制HM GCoA 还原酶与底物的结合来抑制胆固醇的合成。
同时,他汀类药物还可以降低低密度脂蛋白(LDL )和甘油三酯( TG)、升高高密度脂蛋白( HDL ),从而对动脉粥样硬化和冠心病的防治有重要意义。
其中,由辉瑞公司开发的阿伐他汀,自1997年在美国和德国上市以来,销售额逐年攀升,2004 年达到106.8 亿美元, 成为首个年销售额突破百亿美元的处方药 1 [2] 。
阿伐他汀专利保护期到2009 年9 月止 [3] ,目前国内调血脂药市场仍以辛伐他汀为主,然而,阿伐他汀因其适应症更广、耐受性和安全性更好已经引起国内各制药企业的广泛关注,学术界也对其生产工艺特别是重要中间体的合成展开了多方面的研究,作者在此综述了近几年国内外在这一领域的研究进展。
阿伐他汀结构式如下: 其手性侧链有两个羟基,是与HMGCoA 还原酶识别的药效团,合成该侧链涉及的关键中间体主要有( S) -4氯-3-羟基丁酸乙酯(4Chloro3hydroxybutanoate esters , CHBE) ( R) 4-氰基-3-羟基丁酸乙酯和(3R ,5S) 6氯二羟基己酸叔丁酯, 结构式如下:按照合成过程中引入手性的方法来分类,合成阿伐他汀手性中间体主要包括: 手性池反应、不对称合成和外消旋体拆分三种途径,分述如下。
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【药物名称】Atorvastatin calcium, YM-548, CI-981, Prevencor, Tahor, Lipibec, Torvast, Sortis, Lipitor【化学名】(3R,5R)-7-[2-(4-Fluorophenyl)-5-isopropyl-3-phenyl-4-(phenylcarbamoyl)pyrrol-1-yl]-3,5-dihydroxyheptanoic acid calcium salt (2:1) 【CAS登记号】134523-03-8, 134523-00-5 (free acid), 110862-48-1 (free acid (R*,R*)-isomer)【结构式】【分子式】2-C33-H34-F-N2-O5.Ca【分子量】1155.355【原研厂家】Jouveinal (Originator), Pfizer (Originator), Almirall Prodesfarma (Licensee), Syncro (Licensee), Yamanouchi (Licensee), Stanford University (Codevelopment)【作用类别】Alzheimer's Dementia, Treatment of , CARDIOVASCULAR DRUGS, Cognition Disorders, Treatment of, Immunologic Neuromuscular Disorders, Treatment of, Lipoprotein Disorders, Treatment of , METABOLIC DRUGS, Multiple Sclerosis, Agents for, NEUROLOGIC DRUGS, Treatment of Disorders of the Coronary Arteries and Atherosclerosis, HMG-CoA Reductase Inhibitors, TNFSF6 Expression Inhibitors【研发状态】Launched-1997【合成情况】NB2〖来源〗Drugs Fut〖合成路线〗〖标题〗Atorvastatin Calcium〖合成方法〗1) The condensation of 2-(1,3-dixolan-2-yl)ethylamine (I) with ethyl 2-bromo-2-(4-fluorophenyl)acetate (II) by means of triethylamine in acetonitrile gives ethyl 2-[2-(1,3-dioxolan-2-yl)ethylamino]-2-(4-fluorophenyl)acetate (III), which is acylated with isobutyryl chloride (IV) and triethylamine in dichloromethane yielding the corresponding amide (V). Saponification of the ester (V) with NaOH in methanol/water affords the free acid (VI), which is cyclized with N,3-diphenylpropynamide (VII) [obtained in the reaction of 3-phenylpropynoic acid (VIII) with aniline (IX) by means of dicyclohexylcarbodiimide (DCC)] by heating at 90 C in acetic anhydride giving1-[2-(1,3-dioxolan-2-yl)ethyl]-5-(4-fluorophenyl)-2-isopropyl-N,4-diphenylpyrrole-3-carboxamide (X). The hydrolysis of the dioxolane group of (X) with HCl yields the corresponding aldehyde (XI), which is condensed with methyl acetoacetate (XII) by means of NaH in THF affording 7-[2-(4-fluorophenyl)-5-isopropyl-3-phenyl-4-(N-phenylcarbamoyl)pyrrol-1-yl]-5-hydroxy-3-oxoheptanoic acid methyl ester (XIII). The reduction of the carbonyl group of (XIII) with tributylborane and NaBH4 in THF gives the (3R*,5R*)-dihydroxy ester (XIV), which is saponified with NaOH in water yielding the corresponding free acid (XV). The lactonization of (XV) by heating in refluxing toluene affords the (R*,R*)-lactone (XVI), which is submitted to optical resolution by reaction with (R)-1-phenylethylamine (XVII) followed by fractional crystallization thus obtaining the amide (XVII) as the pure (R,R,R)-enantiomer. The hydrolysis of the amide (XVIII) with NaOH, followed by heating in refluxing toluene gives the (R,R)-lactone (XIX), which is finally treated first with NaOH in methanol/water, and then with CaCl2 or calcium acetate.〖作者〗Graul, A.; Casta馿r, J.〖参考〗Graul, A.; Casta馿r, J.; Atorvastatin Calcium. Drugs Fut 1997, 22, 9, 956〖出处〗Drugs Fut1997,22,(9):956〖备注〗Synthesis Atorvastatin calcium has been obtained by several different ways: 1) The condensation of 2-(1,3-dixolan-2-yl)ethylamine (I) with ethyl 2-bromo-2-(4-fluorophenyl)acetate (II) by means of triethylamine in acetonitrile gives ethyl2-[2-(1,3-dioxolan-2-yl)ethylamino]-2-(4-fluorophenyl)acetate (III), which is acylated with isobutyryl chloride (IV) and triethylamine in dichloromethane yielding the corresponding amide (V). Saponification of the ester (V) with NaOH in methanol/water affords the free acid (VI), which is cyclized with N,3-diphenylpropynamide (VII) [obtained in the reaction of 3-phenylpropynoic acid (VIII) with aniline (IX) by means of dicyclohexylcarbodiimide (DCC)] by heating at 90 癈in acetic anhydride giving1-[2-(1,3-dioxolan-2-yl)ethyl]-5-(4-fluorophenyl)-2-isopropyl-N,4 -diphenylpyrrole-3-carboxamide (X). The hydrolysis of the dioxolane group of (X) with HCl yields the corresponding aldehyde (XI), which is condensed with methyl acetoacetate (XII) by means of NaH in THF affording 7-[2-(4-fluorophenyl)-5-isopropyl-3-phenyl-4-(N-phenylcarbamoyl)pyrrol -1-yl]-5-hydroxy-3-oxoheptanoic acid methyl ester (XIII). The reduction of the carbonyl group of (XIII) with tributylborane and NaBH4 in THF gives the (3R*,5R*)-dihydroxy ester (XIV), which is saponified with NaOH in water yielding the corresponding free acid (XV). The lactonization of (XV) by heating in refluxing toluene affords the (R*,R*)-lactone (XVI) (1, 2), which is submitted to optical resolution by reaction with (R)-1-phenylethylamine (XVII) followed by fractional crystallization thus obtaining the amide (XVII) as the pure (R,R,R)-enantiomer. The hydrolysis of the amide (XVIII) with NaOH, followed by heating in refluxing toluene gives the (R,R)-lactone (XIX) (2, 3), which is finally treated first with NaOH inmethanol/water, and then with CaCl2 or calcium acetate (3, 4). 2) The condensation of the already described aldehyde (XI) with(S)-(+)-2-acetoxy-1,1,2-triphenylethanol (XX) by means of lithium diisopropylamide (LDA) in THF gives5-[2-(4-fluorophenyl)-5-isopropyl-3-phenyl-4-(N-phenylcarbamoyl)pyrrol -1-yl]-3(R)-hydroxypentanoic acid2-hydroxy-1(S),2,2-triphenylethyl ester (XXI), which is trans-esterified with sodium methoxide in methanol/THF yielding the expected methyl ester (XXII). The condensation of (XXII) with tert-butyl acetate (XXIII) by means of LDA in THF affords(R)-7-[2-(4-fluorophenyl)-5-isopropyl-3-phenyl-4-(N-phenylcarbamoyl) pyrrol-1-yl]-5-hydroxy-3-oxoheptanoic acid tert-butyl ester (XXIV), which is reduced with triethylborane and NaBH4 in THF, hydrolyzed with NaOH, lactonized by heating in refluxing toluene and finally submitted to fractional crystallization in order to separate the two diastereomers of the obtained lactone, (R,R) and (R,S) (2, 3). The(R,R)-diastereomer (XIX), already obtained, is finally treated with NaOH and then with CaCl2 (2-4). 3) The condensation of4-cyano-3(R)-hydroxybutyric acid ethyl ester (XXV) with N,N-diphenylacetamide (R1 = R2 = Ph in XXVI) by means of LDA in THF gives 6-cyano-5(R)-hydroxy-3-oxo-N,N-diphenylhexanamide (XXVII), which is reduced with diethylmethoxyborane and NaBH4 in THF yielding 6-cyano-3(R),5(R)-dihydroxy-N,N-diphenylhexanamide (XXVIII). The protection of the two OH groups of (XXVIII) with acetone dimethylketal (XXIX) and methanesulfonic acid affords the 1,3-dioxane (XXX), which by reduction of its CN group by hydrogenation with H2 over RaNi in methanol/liquid ammonia gives (4R,6R)-2-[6-(2-aminoethyl)-2,2-dimethyl-1,3-dioxan-4-yl]-N,N -diphenylacetamide (XXXI). The cyclization of (XXXI) with 4-(4-fluorophenyl)-2-isobutyryl-4-oxo-N-phenylbutyramide (XXXII) (its synthesis is in section 6, Scheme 4) in refluxing toluene yields the protected dihydroxyheptanamide (XXXIII), which is deprotected with HCl in methanol to afford (3R,5R)-7-[2-(4-fluorophenyl)-5-isopropyl-3-phenyl-4-(N -phenylcarbamoyl)pyrrol-1-yl]-3,5-dihydroxy-N,N-diphenylheptanamide (XXXIV). Finally, this compound is hydrolyzed with NaOH and treated with calcium acetate in water (5). Scheme 18007203a. 4) The preceding reaction pathway can be repeated using other substituents for R1 and R2 in acetamide (XXVI) such as R1 = R2 = CH2Ph; R1 = R2 = Et; R1 = Bu, R2 = Me; R1 = t-Bu, R2 = CH2Ph; R1,R2 = -(CH2)5- (5). 5) The hydrolysis of methyl (Et or Bu)3(R)-(tert-butyldimethylsilyloxy)-4-cyanobutyrate (XXV) with NaOH gives the corresponding free acid (XXXVI), which is condensed with malonic acid mono-tert-butyl ester magnesium salt (XXXVII) by means of carbonyldiimidazole (CDI) yielding tert-butyl5(R)-(tert-butyldimethylsilyloxy)-6-cyano-3-oxohexanoate (XXXVIII). The desilylation of (XXXVIII) with tetrabutylammonium fluoride in acetic acid affords the expected hydroxylated ketoester (XXXIX), which is reduced with diethylmethoxyborane and NaBH4 in methanol giving tert-butyl 6-cyano-3(R),5(R)-dihydroxyhexanoate (XL). The protection of the two OH groups of (XL) with acetone dimethylketal(XXIX) and methanesulfonic acid affords the 1,3-dioxane (XLI) (6), which by reduction of its CN group by hydrogenation with H2 overPd/C gives intermediate (4R,6R)-2-[6-(2-aminoethyl)-2,2-dimethyl-1,3-dioxan-4-yl]acetic acid tert-butyl ester (XLII). The cyclization of (XLII) with 4-(4-fluorophenyl-2-isobutyryl-4-oxo-N-phenylbutyramide (XXXII) in refluxing toluene yields the protected dihydroxyheptanoate (XLIII), which is deprotected with HCl in methanol and finally hydrolyzed with NaOH and treated with calcium acetate in water (7). 8) The synthesis of the 4-(4-fluorophenyl)-2-isobutyryl-4-oxo-N-phenylbutyramide (XXXII) is carried out as follows: The condensation of 4-methyl-3-oxo-N-phenylpentanamide (XLIV) with benzaldehyde (XLV) gives2-benzylidene-4-methyl-3-oxo-N-phenylpentanamide (XLVI), which is then condensed with 4-fluorobenzaldehyde (XLVII) by means of triethylamine in hot ethanol (7). 6) The (4R,6R)-2-[6-(cyanomethyl)-2,2-dimethyl-1,3-dioxan-4-yl]acetic acid tert-butyl ester (XLI) can also be obtained by reaction of (4R,6R)-2-[6-(2-hydroxyethyl)-2,2-dimethyl-1,3-dioxan-4-yl]acetic acid tert-butyl ester (XLVIII) with tosyl chloride to give the corresponding tosylate (XVIX), which is then treated with NaCN (6). 7) The tert-butyl6-cyano-5(R)-hydroxy-3-oxohexanoate (XXXIX) can also be obtained by condensation of methyl 4-cyano-3(R)-hydroxybutyrate (L) with tert-butyl acetate (XXIII) by means of LDA in THF (6). 8) The synthesis of the 4-(4-fluorophenyl)-2-isobutyryl-4-oxo-N-phenylbutyramide (XXXII) is carried out as follows: The condensation of 4-methyl-3-oxo-N-phenylpentanamide (XLIV) with benzaldehyde (XLV) gives2-benzylidene-4-methyl-3-oxo-N-phenylpentanamide (XLVI), which is then condensed with 4-fluorobenzaldehyde (XLVII) by means of triethylamine in hot ethanol (7). 9) The cyclization of (XXXII) with intermediate (XLII) (preceding synthesis) in refluxing toluene yields the protected dehydroxyheptanoate (XLIII), which is deprotected with HCl in methanol and finally hydrolyzed with NaOH and treated with calcium acetate in water. References 1. Roth, B.D. (Warner-Lambert Co.). Trans-6-[2-(3- or 4-carboxamido-substd.pyrrol-1-yl)alkyl]-4-hydroxypyran-2-one inhibitors of cholesterol synthesis. EP 247633, US 4681893. 2. Roth, B.D., Blankley, C.J., Chucholowski, A.W., Ferguson, E., Hoefle, M.L., Ortwine, D.F., Newton, R.S., Sekerke, C.S., Sliskovic, D.R., Stratton, C.D., Wilson, M.W. Inhibitors of cholesterol biosynthesis. 3. Tetrahydro-4-hydroxy-6-[2-(1H-pyrrol-1-yl)ethyl]-2H-pyran-2-one inhibitors of HMG-CoA reductase. 2. Effects of introducing substituents at positions three and four of the pyrrole nucleus. J Med Chem 1991, 34: 357-66. 3. Roth, B.D. (Warner-Lambert Co.). (R-(R*R*)-2-(4-Fluorophenyl)-beta,delta-dihydroxy-5-(1-methylethyl-3-phenyl-4-[(phenylamino)-carbonyl]-1H-pyrrole-1-heptanoic acid, its lactone form and salts thereof. EP 409281, JP 91058967, US 5273995.4. Milb, N., Muhammad, N.A., Weiss, J., Nesbitt, R.U. (Warner-Lambert Co.). Stable oral CI-981 formulation and process for preparing same. EP 680320, JP 96505640, WO 9416693.5. Butler, D.E., Le, T.V., Nanninga, T.N. (Warner-Lambert Co.). Process fortrans-6-[2-(substd.-pyrrol-1-yl)alkyl]pyran-2-one inhibitors of cholesterol synthesis. US 5298627. 6. Brower, P.L., Butler, D.E., Deering, C.F., Le, T.V., Millar, A., Nanninga, T.N., Roth, B.D. The synthesis of (4R-cis)-1,1-dimethylethyl6-cyanomethyl-2,2-dimethyl-1,3-dioxane-4-acetate, a key intermediate for the preparation of CI-981, a highly potent, tissue selective inhibitor of HMG-CoA reductase. Tetrahedron Lett 1992, 33: 2279-82. 7. Baumann, K.L., Butler, D.E., Deering, C.F., Mennen, K.E., Millar, A., Nanninga, T.N., Palmer, C.W., Roth, B.D. The convergent synthesis of CI-981, an optically active, highly potent, tissue selective inhibitor of HMG-CoA reductase. Tetrahedron Lett 1992, 33: 2283-4. 8. McKenzie, A.T. (Warner-Lambert Co.). Form III crystalline(R-(R*,R*))-2-(4-fluorophenyl)-beta,delta-dihydroxy-5-(1-methyl-ethyl) -3-phenyl-4-((phenylamino)carbonyl)-1H-pyrrole-1-heptanoic acid hemi calcium salt (atorvastatin). WO 9703958. 9. Lin, M., Schweiss, D. (Warner-Lambert Co.). Novel process for the production of amorphous [R-(R*,R*)]-2-(4-fluorophenyl)-beta,delta-dihydroxy-5-(1-methylethyl)-3-phenyl-4-[(phenylamino)carbonyl]-1H-pyrrole-1-heptanoic acid calcium salt (2:1). WO 9703960. 10. Briggs, C.A., Jennings, R.A., Wade, R.A., Harasawa, K., Ichikawa, S., Minohara, K., Nakagawa, S. (Warner-Lambert Co.). Crystalline[R-(R*,R*)]-2-(4-fluorophenyl)-beta,delta-dihydroxy-5-(1-methylethyl) -3-phenyl-4-[(phenylamino)carbonyl]-1H-pyrrole-1-heptanoic acid hemi calcium salt (atorvastatin). WO 9703959.〖来源〗J Med Chem〖合成路线〗〖标题〗Inhibitors of cholesterol biosynthesis. 3. Tetrahydro-4-hydroxy-6-[2-(1H-pyrrol-1-yl)ethyl]-2H-pyran-2-one inhibitors of HMG-CoA reductase. 2. Effects of introducing substituents at positions three and four of the pyrrole nucleus〖合成方法〗1) The condensation of 2-(1,3-dixolan-2-yl)ethylamine (I) with ethyl 2-bromo-2-(4-fluorophenyl)acetate (II) by means of triethylamine in acetonitrile gives ethyl 2-[2-(1,3-dioxolan-2-yl)ethylamino]-2-(4-fluorophenyl)acetate (III), which is acylated with isobutyryl chloride (IV) and triethylamine in dichloromethane yielding the corresponding amide (V). Saponification of the ester (V) with NaOH in methanol/water affords the free acid (VI), which is cyclized with N,3-diphenylpropynamide (VII) [obtained in the reaction of 3-phenylpropynoic acid (VIII) with aniline (IX) by means of dicyclohexylcarbodiimide (DCC)] by heating at 90 C in acetic anhydride giving1-[2-(1,3-dioxolan-2-yl)ethyl]-5-(4-fluorophenyl)-2-isopropyl-N,4-diphenylpyrrole-3-carboxamide (X). The hydrolysis of the dioxolane group of (X) with HCl yields the corresponding aldehyde (XI), which is condensed with methyl acetoacetate (XII) by means of NaH in THF affording 7-[2-(4-fluorophenyl)-5-isopropyl-3-phenyl-4-(N-phenylcarbamoyl)pyrrol-1-yl]-5-hydroxy-3-oxoheptanoic acid methyl ester (XIII). The reduction of the carbonyl group of (XIII) with tributylborane and NaBH4 in THF gives the (3R*,5R*)-dihydroxy ester (XIV), which is saponified with NaOH in water yielding the corresponding free acid (XV). The lactonization of (XV) by heating in refluxing toluene affords the (R*,R*)-lactone (XVI), which is submitted to optical resolution by reaction with (R)-1-phenylethylamine (XVII) followed by fractional crystallization thus obtaining the amide (XVII) as the pure (R,R,R)-enantiomer. The hydrolysis of the amide (XVIII) with NaOH, followed by heating in refluxing toluene gives the (R,R)-lactone (XIX), which is finally treated first with NaOH in methanol/water, and then with CaCl2 or calcium acetate.〖作者〗Roth, B.D.; Blankley, C.J.; Chucholowski, A.W.; Ferguson, E.; Hoefle, M.L.; Ortwine, D.F.; Newton, R.S.; Sekerke, C.S.; Sliskovic, D.R.; Stratton, C.D.; Wilson, M.W.〖参考〗Roth, B.D.; Blankley, C.J.; Chucholowski, A.W.; Ferguson, E.; Hoefle, M.L.; Ortwine, D.F.; Newton, R.S.; Sekerke, C.S.; Sliskovic, D.R.; Stratton, C.D.; Wilson, M.W.; Inhibitors of cholesterol biosynthesis. 3. Tetrahydro-4-hydroxy-6-[2-(1H-pyrrol-1-yl)eth IĶ 셈睋서睋쓰睎ℐ ul> li>a href=쓜睎 Ʈ 0 ๙ιᇐ ꀀÑ밸-00AA004CLSID\{0E59F1D5-1FBE-11D0-8FF2-00A0D10038BC}e Ǔ〖出处〗J Med Chem1991,34,(1):357-66〖备注〗〖来源〗Drugs Fut〖合成路线〗〖标题〗Atorvastatin Calcium〖合成方法〗2) The condensation of the previously described aldehyde (XI) with (S)-(+)-2-acetoxy-1,1,2-triphenylethanol (XX) by means of lithium diisopropylamide (LDA) in THF gives5-[2-(4-fluorophenyl)-5-isopropyl-3-phenyl-4-(N-phenylcarbamoyl)pyrrol-1-yl]-3(R)-hydroxypentanoic acid2-hydroxy-1(S),2,2-triphenylethyl ester (XXI), which is trans-esterified with sodium methoxide in methanol/THF yielding the expected methyl ester (XXII). The condensation of (XXII) with tert-butyl acetate (XXIII) by means of LDA in THF affords(R)-7-[2-(4-fluorophenyl)-5-isopropyl-3-phenyl-4-(N-phenylcarbamoyl) pyrrol-1-yl]-5-hydroxy-3-oxoheptanoic acid tert-butyl ester (XXIV), which is reduced with triethylborane and NaBH4 in THF, hydrolyzed with NaOH, lactonized by heating in refluxing toluene and finally submitted to fractional crystallization in order to separate the two diastereomers of the obtained lactone, (R,R) and (R,S). The(R,R)-diastereomer (XIX), already obtained, is finally treated with NaOH and then with CaCl2.〖作者〗Graul, A.; Casta馿r, J.〖参考〗Graul, A.; Casta馿r, J.; Atorvastatin Calcium. Drugs Fut 1997, 22, 9, 956〖出处〗Drugs Fut1997,22,(9):956〖备注〗Synthesis Atorvastatin calcium has been obtained by several different ways: 1) The condensation of 2-(1,3-dixolan-2-yl)ethylamine (I) with ethyl 2-bromo-2-(4-fluorophenyl)acetate (II) by means of triethylamine in acetonitrile gives ethyl2-[2-(1,3-dioxolan-2-yl)ethylamino]-2-(4-fluorophenyl)acetate (III), which is acylated with isobutyryl chloride (IV) and triethylamine in dichloromethane yielding the corresponding amide (V). Saponification of the ester (V) with NaOH in methanol/water affords the free acid (VI), which is cyclized with N,3-diphenylpropynamide (VII) [obtained in the reaction of 3-phenylpropynoic acid (VIII) with aniline (IX) by means of dicyclohexylcarbodiimide (DCC)] by heating at 90 癈in acetic anhydride giving1-[2-(1,3-dioxolan-2-yl)ethyl]-5-(4-fluorophenyl)-2-isopropyl-N,4 -diphenylpyrrole-3-carboxamide (X). The hydrolysis of the dioxolanegroup of (X) with HCl yields the corresponding aldehyde (XI), which is condensed with methyl acetoacetate (XII) by means of NaH in THF affording 7-[2-(4-fluorophenyl)-5-isopropyl-3-phenyl-4-(N-phenylcarbamoyl)pyrrol -1-yl]-5-hydroxy-3-oxoheptanoic acid methyl ester (XIII). The reduction of the carbonyl group of (XIII) with tributylborane and NaBH4 in THF gives the (3R*,5R*)-dihydroxy ester (XIV), which is saponified with NaOH in water yielding the corresponding free acid (XV). The lactonization of (XV) by heating in refluxing toluene affords the (R*,R*)-lactone (XVI) (1, 2), which is submitted to optical resolution by reaction with (R)-1-phenylethylamine (XVII) followed by fractional crystallization thus obtaining the amide (XVII) as the pure (R,R,R)-enantiomer. The hydrolysis of the amide (XVIII) with NaOH, followed by heating in refluxing toluene gives the (R,R)-lactone (XIX) (2, 3), which is finally treated first with NaOH inmethanol/water, and then with CaCl2 or calcium acetate (3, 4). 2) The condensation of the already described aldehyde (XI) with(S)-(+)-2-acetoxy-1,1,2-triphenylethanol (XX) by means of lithium diisopropylamide (LDA) in THF gives5-[2-(4-fluorophenyl)-5-isopropyl-3-phenyl-4-(N-phenylcarbamoyl)pyrrol -1-yl]-3(R)-hydroxypentanoic acid2-hydroxy-1(S),2,2-triphenylethyl ester (XXI), which is trans-esterified with sodium methoxide in methanol/THF yielding the expected methyl ester (XXII). The condensation of (XXII) with tert-butyl acetate (XXIII) by means of LDA in THF affords(R)-7-[2-(4-fluorophenyl)-5-isopropyl-3-phenyl-4-(N-phenylcarbamoyl) pyrrol-1-yl]-5-hydroxy-3-oxoheptanoic acid tert-butyl ester (XXIV), which is reduced with triethylborane and NaBH4 in THF, hydrolyzed with NaOH, lactonized by heating in refluxing toluene and finally submitted to fractional crystallization in order to separate the two diastereomers of the obtained lactone, (R,R) and (R,S) (2, 3). The(R,R)-diastereomer (XIX), already obtained, is finally treated with NaOH and then with CaCl2 (2-4). 3) The condensation of4-cyano-3(R)-hydroxybutyric acid ethyl ester (XXV) with N,N-diphenylacetamide (R1 = R2 = Ph in XXVI) by means of LDA in THF gives 6-cyano-5(R)-hydroxy-3-oxo-N,N-diphenylhexanamide (XXVII), which is reduced with diethylmethoxyborane and NaBH4 in THF yielding 6-cyano-3(R),5(R)-dihydroxy-N,N-diphenylhexanamide (XXVIII). The protection of the two OH groups of (XXVIII) with acetone dimethylketal (XXIX) and methanesulfonic acid affords the 1,3-dioxane (XXX), which by reduction of its CN group by hydrogenation with H2 over RaNi in methanol/liquid ammonia gives (4R,6R)-2-[6-(2-aminoethyl)-2,2-dimethyl-1,3-dioxan-4-yl]-N,N -diphenylacetamide (XXXI). The cyclization of (XXXI) with 4-(4-fluorophenyl)-2-isobutyryl-4-oxo-N-phenylbutyramide (XXXII) (its synthesis is in section 6, Scheme 4) in refluxing toluene yields the protected dihydroxyheptanamide (XXXIII), which is deprotected with HCl in methanol to afford(3R,5R)-7-[2-(4-fluorophenyl)-5-isopropyl-3-phenyl-4-(N -phenylcarbamoyl)pyrrol-1-yl]-3,5-dihydroxy-N,N-diphenylheptanamide (XXXIV). Finally, this compound is hydrolyzed with NaOH and treated with calcium acetate in water (5). Scheme 18007203a. 4) The preceding reaction pathway can be repeated using other substituents for R1 and R2 in acetamide (XXVI) such as R1 = R2 = CH2Ph; R1 = R2 = Et; R1 = Bu, R2 = Me; R1 = t-Bu, R2 = CH2Ph; R1,R2 = -(CH2)5- (5). 5) The hydrolysis of methyl (Et or Bu)3(R)-(tert-butyldimethylsilyloxy)-4-cyanobutyrate (XXV) with NaOH gives the corresponding free acid (XXXVI), which is condensed with malonic acid mono-tert-butyl ester magnesium salt (XXXVII) by means of carbonyldiimidazole (CDI) yielding tert-butyl5(R)-(tert-butyldimethylsilyloxy)-6-cyano-3-oxohexanoate (XXXVIII). The desilylation of (XXXVIII) with tetrabutylammonium fluoride in acetic acid affords the expected hydroxylated ketoester (XXXIX), which is reduced with diethylmethoxyborane and NaBH4 in methanol giving tert-butyl 6-cyano-3(R),5(R)-dihydroxyhexanoate (XL). The protection of the two OH groups of (XL) with acetone dimethylketal (XXIX) and methanesulfonic acid affords the 1,3-dioxane (XLI) (6), which by reduction of its CN group by hydrogenation with H2 overPd/C gives intermediate (4R,6R)-2-[6-(2-aminoethyl)-2,2-dimethyl-1,3-dioxan-4-yl]acetic acid tert-butyl ester (XLII). The cyclization of (XLII) with 4-(4-fluorophenyl-2-isobutyryl-4-oxo-N-phenylbutyramide (XXXII) in refluxing toluene yields the protected dihydroxyheptanoate (XLIII), which is deprotected with HCl in methanol and finally hydrolyzed with NaOH and treated with calcium acetate in water (7). 8) The synthesis of the 4-(4-fluorophenyl)-2-isobutyryl-4-oxo-N-phenylbutyramide (XXXII) is carried out as follows: The condensation of 4-methyl-3-oxo-N-phenylpentanamide (XLIV) with benzaldehyde (XLV) gives2-benzylidene-4-methyl-3-oxo-N-phenylpentanamide (XLVI), which is then condensed with 4-fluorobenzaldehyde (XLVII) by means of triethylamine in hot ethanol (7). 6) The (4R,6R)-2-[6-(cyanomethyl)-2,2-dimethyl-1,3-dioxan-4-yl]acetic acid tert-butyl ester (XLI) can also be obtained by reaction of (4R,6R)-2-[6-(2-hydroxyethyl)-2,2-dimethyl-1,3-dioxan-4-yl]acetic acid tert-butyl ester (XLVIII) with tosyl chloride to give the corresponding tosylate (XVIX), which is then treated with NaCN (6). 7) The tert-butyl6-cyano-5(R)-hydroxy-3-oxohexanoate (XXXIX) can also be obtained by condensation of methyl 4-cyano-3(R)-hydroxybutyrate (L) with tert-butyl acetate (XXIII) by means of LDA in THF (6). 8) The synthesis of the 4-(4-fluorophenyl)-2-isobutyryl-4-oxo-N-phenylbutyramide (XXXII) is carried out as follows: The condensation of 4-methyl-3-oxo-N-phenylpentanamide (XLIV) with benzaldehyde (XLV) gives2-benzylidene-4-methyl-3-oxo-N-phenylpentanamide (XLVI), which is then condensed with 4-fluorobenzaldehyde (XLVII) by means oftriethylamine in hot ethanol (7). 9) The cyclization of (XXXII) with intermediate (XLII) (preceding synthesis) in refluxing toluene yields the protected dehydroxyheptanoate (XLIII), which is deprotected with HCl in methanol and finally hydrolyzed with NaOH and treated with calcium acetate in water. References 1. Roth, B.D. (Warner-Lambert Co.). Trans-6-[2-(3- or 4-carboxamido-substd.pyrrol-1-yl)alkyl]-4-hydroxypyran-2-one inhibitors of cholesterol synthesis. EP 247633, US 4681893. 2. Roth, B.D., Blankley, C.J., Chucholowski, A.W., Ferguson, E., Hoefle, M.L., Ortwine, D.F., Newton, R.S., Sekerke, C.S., Sliskovic, D.R., Stratton, C.D., Wilson, M.W. Inhibitors of cholesterol biosynthesis. 3. Tetrahydro-4-hydroxy-6-[2-(1H-pyrrol-1-yl)ethyl]-2H-pyran-2-one inhibitors of HMG-CoA reductase. 2. Effects of introducing substituents at positions three and four of the pyrrole nucleus. J Med Chem 1991, 34: 357-66. 3. Roth, B.D. (Warner-Lambert Co.). (R-(R*R*)-2-(4-Fluorophenyl)-beta,delta-dihydroxy-5-(1-methylethyl-3-phenyl-4-[(phenylamino)-carbonyl]-1H-pyrrole-1-heptanoic acid, its lactone form and salts thereof. EP 409281, JP 91058967, US 5273995.4. Milb, N., Muhammad, N.A., Weiss, J., Nesbitt, R.U. (Warner-Lambert Co.). Stable oral CI-981 formulation and process for preparing same. EP 680320, JP 96505640, WO 9416693.5. Butler, D.E., Le, T.V., Nanninga, T.N. (Warner-Lambert Co.). Process fortrans-6-[2-(substd.-pyrrol-1-yl)alkyl]pyran-2-one inhibitors of cholesterol synthesis. US 5298627. 6. Brower, P.L., Butler, D.E., Deering, C.F., Le, T.V., Millar, A., Nanninga, T.N., Roth, B.D. The synthesis of (4R-cis)-1,1-dimethylethyl6-cyanomethyl-2,2-dimethyl-1,3-dioxane-4-acetate, a key intermediate for the preparation of CI-981, a highly potent, tissue selective inhibitor of HMG-CoA reductase. Tetrahedron Lett 1992, 33: 2279-82. 7. Baumann, K.L., Butler, D.E., Deering, C.F., Mennen, K.E., Millar, A., Nanninga, T.N., Palmer, C.W., Roth, B.D. The convergent synthesis of CI-981, an optically active, highly potent, tissue selective inhibitor of HMG-CoA reductase. Tetrahedron Lett 1992, 33: 2283-4. 8. McKenzie, A.T. (Warner-Lambert Co.). Form III crystalline(R-(R*,R*))-2-(4-fluorophenyl)-beta,delta-dihydroxy-5-(1-methyl-ethyl) -3-phenyl-4-((phenylamino)carbonyl)-1H-pyrrole-1-heptanoic acid hemi calcium salt (atorvastatin). WO 9703958. 9. Lin, M., Schweiss, D. (Warner-Lambert Co.). Novel process for the production of amorphous [R-(R*,R*)]-2-(4-fluorophenyl)-beta,delta-dihydroxy-5-(1-methylethyl)-3-phenyl-4-[(phenylamino)carbonyl]-1H-pyrrole-1-heptanoic acid calcium salt (2:1). WO 9703960. 10. Briggs, C.A., Jennings, R.A., Wade, R.A., Harasawa, K., Ichikawa, S., Minohara, K., Nakagawa, S. (Warner-Lambert Co.). Crystalline[R-(R*,R*)]-2-(4-fluorophenyl)-beta,delta-dihydroxy-5-(1-methylethyl) -3-phenyl-4-[(phenylamino)carbonyl]-1H-pyrrole-1-heptanoic acid hemi calcium salt (atorvastatin). WO 9703959.〖来源〗J Med Chem〖合成路线〗〖标题〗Inhibitors of cholesterol biosynthesis. 3. Tetrahydro-4-hydroxy-6-[2-(1H-pyrrol-1-yl)ethyl]-2H-pyran-2-one inhibitors of HMG-CoA reductase. 2. Effects of introducing substituents at positions three and four of the pyrrole nucleus〖合成方法〗2) The condensation of the previously described aldehyde (XI) with (S)-(+)-2-acetoxy-1,1,2-triphenylethanol (XX) by means of lithium diisopropylamide (LDA) in THF gives5-[2-(4-fluorophenyl)-5-isopropyl-3-phenyl-4-(N-phenylcarbamoyl)pyrrol-1-yl]-3(R)-hydroxypentanoic acid2-hydroxy-1(S),2,2-triphenylethyl ester (XXI), which is trans-esterified with sodium methoxide in methanol/THF yielding the expected methyl ester (XXII). The condensation of (XXII) with tert-butyl acetate (XXIII) by means of LDA in THF affords(R)-7-[2-(4-fluorophenyl)-5-isopropyl-3-phenyl-4-(N-phenylcarbamoyl) pyrrol-1-yl]-5-hydroxy-3-oxoheptanoic acid tert-butyl ester (XXIV), which is reduced with triethylborane and NaBH4 in THF, hydrolyzed with NaOH, lactonized by heating in refluxing toluene and finally submitted to fractional crystallization in order to separate the two diastereomers of the obtained lactone, (R,R) and (R,S). The(R,R)-diastereomer (XIX), already obtained, is finally treated with NaOH and then with CaCl2.〖作者〗Roth, B.D.; Blankley, C.J.; Chucholowski, A.W.; Ferguson, E.; Hoefle, M.L.; Ortwine, D.F.; Newton, R.S.; Sekerke, C.S.; Sliskovic, D.R.; Stratton, C.D.; Wilson, M.W.〖参考〗Roth, B.D.; Blankley, C.J.; Chucholowski, A.W.; Ferguson, E.; Hoefle, M.L.; Ortwine, D.F.; Newton, R.S.; Sekerke, C.S.; Sliskovic, D.R.; Stratton, C.D.; Wilson, M.W.; Inhibitors of cholesterol biosynthesis. 3. Tetrahydro-4-hydroxy-6-[2-(1H-pyrrol-1-yl)eth IĶ 셈睋서睋쓰睎쓜睎 Ʈ 0 ๙ιᇐ ꀀÑ밸-00AA004CLSID\{0E59F1D5-1FBE-11D0-8FF2-00A0D10038BC}e Ǔ ℐ ul> li>a href=〖出处〗。
2 不对称还原羰基法
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反应条件温和 , 成本较低 , 品质可控 , 且 工艺简单 , 因此是 目 前 阿 伐 他 汀 原 料 药 合 成 的 最 产率较高 , 主要的路线 。
行了优化 , 得 出 该 步 合 成 的 最 佳 工 艺 为: 正庚 V( 烷) 四氢呋喃 ) 甲 苯) ∶ V( ∶ V( =4∶1. 1∶1 的 混 反应 温 度 为 9 反 应 时 间 ≥2 合溶剂 , 0 ℃, 0h。 优 化后这 一 步 的 收 率 可 达 到 4 5% 。 对 关 环 产 物 2 进行 酸 脱 保 护 , 水 解, 反 复 重 结 晶, 成钙盐等步骤 合成最终产 物 1。 研 究 发 现 , 酸解步骤对产物的 最终产率有一定的影响 , 通常采用的酸为强酸 ( 盐 , 硫酸 ) 该步反 应 过 程 中 存 在 着 反 应 可 控 性 不 酸、 环 境 不 友 好 等 问 题, 因 此, 研究者们开始关注 强,
这 现产物中 n( t r a n s 构型 ) ∶n( c i s 构型 ) =9∶1, 一步是该 条 路 线 的 关 键 步 骤 。3 1在甲苯中回流 发生内酯化 反 应 , 得到阿伐他汀的内酯3 内酯 2, 3 2 是c i s 构 型 和t r a n s 构 型 的 混 合 物。为 了 提 高 产物 中t 需要对其进行重结晶 r a n s 构 型 的 比 率, 处理 , 经 过 一 次 重 结 晶 后 可 将 单 一 的t r a n s型内 酯提高至 9 7% 。 对纯化后的产物 3 具 2 还需要进行手性拆分 , 体方法如 下 : 以( R) 2 - - 甲 基 -苄 胺 为 手 性 拆 分 剂 , 将其 与 3 2 反 应 生 成 酰 胺 后 分 离 纯 化。并 需 要 在 碱性的条件下脱去拆分剂后 环 合 得 2 最后进行 1, 水解成盐 。 本路 线 采 用 的 是 消 旋 体 拆 分 的 方 法 , 从产率上比较相 对 较 差 , 且在反应的过程中涉及 了拆分剂的脱除 , 因此原子经济性较差 , 因此该方 案在工业上没有较大的使用前景 。
O O O +
002mol 的对甲苯磺酸,200ml甲苯,加热回流反应,并用分水器将反应生成的水分掉,6小时后,降温,
AT 的精制:
收率94% .。
2007年第15卷合成化学Vol .15,2007 第5期,519~527Chinese Journal of Synthetic Che m istry No .5,519~527 ・综合评述・阿托伐他汀的全合成研究进展3王继宇1,2,沈健芬1,2,王立新1,王 文1,蔡泽贵1,杜振军1(1.中国科学院成都有机化学研究所,四川省不对称合成重点实验室,四川成都 610041;2.中国科学院研究生院,北京 100039)摘要:介绍了近20年来利用消旋体拆分法、非对映选择性醇醛缩合法、Paal 2Knorr 反应、环加成法、双羰基不对称还原法等,完成阿托伐他汀全合成的研究进展。
关 键 词:阿托伐他汀;全合成;综述中图分类号:R914.5;O621.3文献标识码:A文章编号:100521511(2007)0520519209Progress i n Tot al Synthesis of Atrovast ati nWANG J i 2yu1,2, SHEN J ian 2fen1,2, WANG L i 2xin 1,WANG W en 1, CA I Ze 2gui 1, DU Zhen 2jun1(1.Key Laborat ory f or A sy mmetric Synthesis and Chir otechnol ogy of Sichuan Pr ovince,Chengdu I nstitute of O rganic Che m istry,Chinese Acade my of Sciences,Chengdu 610041,China;2.Graduate University of Chinese Acade my of Sciences,Beijing 100039,China )Abstract:Recent p r ogress in t otal synthesis of A tr ovastatin were revie wed .The key reacti on step s and characteristics of each i m portant synthetic r oute were analyzed and discussed .27Referenceswere cited .Keywords:A t ovastatin;t otal synthesis;review 阿托伐他汀(1,Chart 1)的化学名为(3R,5R )272[22(42氟苯基)252异丙基232苯基242(苯氨基甲酰基)吡咯212基]23,52二羟基庚酸钙盐,是由美国W arner 2La mbert 公司和辉瑞(Pfizer )公司共同开发的他汀类血脂调节药,1997年在英国率先上市。
课题名称立普妥的合成方法班级学号姓名黄山学院化学化工学院2012年5月立普妥的合成方法立普妥简介:立普妥又称阿托伐他汀钙为一种新型3-羟基-3甲基戊二酰辅酶A还原酶抑制剂,化学名为:[R,(R﹡,R﹡)]-2-(4-氟苯基 )-α,β-二羟基-5-(1-甲基乙基)-3-苯基-[(苯胺基)-羟基]-1H-吡咯-1-庚酸钙盐,临床用其三水化合物,具有同时降低血清胆固醇和三酰甘油的作用,调脂作用高于其他HMG-CoA还原酶抑制剂,不良反应小,属于第三代全合成的阿托伐他汀类调血脂药化学结构式(Chemical Structure):其合成路线如下:合成路线图解说明:化合物(一)2 - (1,3 - 二氧戊环 -2-基)乙基二乙胺与化合物(二)溴-2 - (4 - 氟苯基)乙胺在乙腈醋酸条件下缩合生成化合物(三)甲酸乙酯2 - [2 - (1,3-二氧戊环-2-基)乙基] -2 - (4 - 氟苯基)酯,这是与化合物异丁酰氯,并产生相应的化合物(四)酰胺二氯甲烷乙胺,然后酰化。
甲苯回流加热内酯化合物(十五)可得到(的R *,R*)-内酯(十六),将化合物(十六)分离结晶与(R)-1 - 苯乙胺反应得到的产物利用光学分辨率可获得纯的(R,R)对映体酰胺(十七)。
将化合物(十七)用甲苯回流加热,用NaOH酰胺(十八)水解得到(R) - 内酯(十九),最后用甲醇/水碱洗涤,然后用氯化钙或醋酸钙干燥可得到阿托伐他汀钙。
阿托伐他汀(1, Chart1)的化学名为(3R,5R)-7-[2-(4-氟苯基)-5-异丙基-3-苯基-4-(苯氨基甲酰基)吡咯-1-基]-3,5-二羟基庚酸钙盐,是由美国Warner-Lambert公司和辉瑞(Pfizer)公司共同开发的他汀类血脂调节药, 1997年在英国率先上市。
1能强力抑制HMG-CoA还原酶的活性,阻断HMG-CoA还原成羟甲戊酸,大大降低总胆固醇和低密度脂蛋白的含量由于1的活性优于在它之前的所有他汀类药物,且毒副作用小,因此一经上市就表现出不同凡响的上升势头, 2000年后一跃成为全球销售额最高的药物,巨大的经济效益刺激着人们长期关注其合成方法的研究,有关其全合成的研究不断被报道。
在20世纪80年代Parke-Davis小组[2, 3]首次开发了1的化学小规模合成,先是合成外消旋体,然后再对非对映体进行拆分。
洛伐他汀主要是由Aspergillus terrus(土曲霉)菌株合成的,而康帕丁是由penicillium citrinum菌株合成。
这种洛伐他汀衍生物可以通过monacolin J(无侧链洛伐他汀)过程有效合成,这个过程是一个酰基转移酶LovD进行的。
利用基因lovF 的组合生物合成,可以通过一种不同的方法设计土曲霉,从而使聚酮合成酶在体内合成2,2- dimethylbutyrate(simvastatin的侧链)。
一般来说,人体中的胆固醇只有三分之一是从饮食取得的,而其三分之二是由肝脏合成,还有一小部分是由其他器官合成的(Furberg 1999年;Alberts等人1980年)。
阿托伐他汀钙,是美国Warner-Lambert公司(现与Pfizer公司合并)在1985年8月合成的一种羟基甲基戊二酰辅酶A(HMG-Co A)还原酶抑制剂。
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伐 他汀 的合 成路 线 , 为 其 进 一 步研 究 与 开 发提 供 依据。 文 献调 研显示 , 阿伐他 汀合成 路线 较 为丰富 , 其 中较 为经 典 的合成 方 法 有 P a a l — Kn o r r法 、 不对 称 还原 羰基 法 、 消旋体 苯 乙胺 拆分 法 、 选 择性 醇醛
以 M- 4和 ATS - 9为 底 物 , P a a l — Kn o r r 法 合 成 阿伐他 汀 的工 艺 成熟 , 且 具 有 较 高 的产 率 E { ] 。
*基 金 项 目: 西 安 医学 院 博 士科 研 启 动 基 金 ( 2 0 1 1 I  ̄ ) C 0 5 ) ; 陕西 省卫 生厅 科研 资助项 目( 2 0 1 2 D1 4 ) ; 西安 医 学院科研计划 扶植 项 目( 1 2 F Z 0 4 ) ; 西安 医学 院大学 生科 研项 目( 1 2 DX S 0 1 ) ;陕 西 省 教 育 厅 科 研 计 划 项 目
缩合法等。 1 P a a l — K n o r r 法
P a a l — Kn o r r 法[ 6 是 目前 阿伐他 汀原料 药生 产 过 程 中最 为 常见 的一种 方法 。P a a l — Kn o r r 合成 法 以 中 间 体 M_ 4和 ATS( a t o r v a s t a t i n i n t e r me d i — a t e s , 阿伐 他 汀 中 间体 ) 为原 料 , 通过 P a a l — Kn o r r
综 述 专 论
S C I E N C E & T E C H N O L O G Y 化 I N 工 C 科 H 技 E M , 2 0 I C 1 A 3 , L 2 1 I ( N 4 D ) U : 7 S 1 T ~ R 7 Y 5
调 血脂 药 物 阿伐 他 汀 的合 成 路 线 *
( 2 01 3 J K0 7 5 9 )
在该合成路线 中, 中间体 M- 4和 A T S - 9的合 成
研 究 受 到 了较 为 广泛 的关 注 , 如何 有 效 提高 M一 4
7 2 ・
第2 1 卷
和 AT 9的最 终产 率 , 以提 高合 成 过 程 中 的原 子 经济性 , 是 研究 者 和生 产者 关 注 的重点 。
间体 。
S c h 6 n i n g等 l 9 ] 以苯 乙 酰氯 和 氟苯 为原 料 , 在 A1 C 1 。 的催 化下 发生 傅瑞 德尔 一 克拉 夫茨 法得 到 化
阿伐 他汀 作为 降脂 药具 有较 为 广泛 的适 应症 , 如, 原发性高胆固醇血症 、 混合型高脂血症 、 高胆 固醇 血症 、 动脉 粥样 硬 化等 l 4 ] 。此外 , 阿伐 他 汀 的毒 副
作用小 , 并 具 有 良好 的耐 受 性 和 安 全性 , 是强 效 、 安 全 的一 线 降脂 药 物 l 5 ] 。据 此 , 近年 来 , 关 于 阿 伐
杨 宽 , 余丽丽一 , 姚 琳, 白林奎 , 刘 娅 , 贺 宇
( 西安医学院 药学 院, 陕西 西安 7 1 0 0 2 1 )
要: 阿伐他 汀是一个 高效 、 安全的调血脂 药物 , 具有 广阔的 市场前景 。作 者综述 了其经典 的合
成 方法有 P a a l — Kn o r r 法、 不对称还原羰基 法、 消旋体 苯 乙胺拆分 法、 选择 性醇 醛缩合 法等方法 。为 阿伐
1 . 1 M一 4的合 成
詈 N c
N c \人 O H人 O H儿 0
一 。
文献 调研 显 示 目前 有 2条 较 为 成 熟 的 M_ 4
N c \ 人 人 / 儿 、 / 上 < 一O A O /
"  ̄
合成 路 线 , 均 需 通 过 异 丁 酰 乙 酰 苯 胺 8这 一 中
图 1 P a a l — K n o r r 法合 成 路 线
收 稿 日期 : 2 0 1 3 - 0 5 0 8
作者简介 : 杨 宽( 1 9 9 1 一) , 男, 陕西咸 阳人 , 西安 医学 院 本科生 , 从 事化药合成 的研究 。
* *通 讯 联 系人 。
他 汀的工业化发展和创新 打下基础 。 关键词 : 阿伐他汀 ; 合 成路 线 ; 降血 脂 药 ; 研 究进 展
中图分类号 : R 9 6 9ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
文献标识码 : A
文章编 号 : 1 0 0 8 — 0 5 1 1 ( 2 0 1 3 ) 0 4 — 0 0 7 1 — 0 5
阿伐 他 汀 ( a t o r v a s t a t i n ) 商 品 名 为 立 普 妥 ( L i p i t o r ) , 由辉 瑞 ( P f i z e r ) 公 司 和 Wa me r — L a m— b e r t 公 司共 同开 发 , 并于 1 9 9 7年 经美 国 F DA 批 准上 市 的一 种 新 型 3 一 羟基 一 3 一 甲基 戊 二 酰 辅 酶 A ( HMG- C o A) 还原酶抑制剂 , 是 一 种 全 新 的他 汀 类 降血脂 药 物 _ 1 ] 。阿伐 他 汀是 人 工 全 合 成 的 他 汀类 药物 之一 , 与微 生 物 发 酵 和 化 学 半 合 成 的 他 汀类 药物 相 比 , 具 有 更 优 的药 效 和 临 床 作 用 … 3 ] 。
他 汀合 成 工 艺 的 优 化 受 到 了 研 究 者 们 的广 泛 关 注 。作 者 根据 国内外 相关研 究 进展 , 简 要综 述 阿
缩 合反应 汇 聚式合 成得 到含 吡咯 环 的中间化合 物 2 , 再经过水解 , 脱保 护, 成 盐 得 到 最 终 目标 产 物 1 , 具体合 成 路线见 图 1 ( M- 4和 AT 9 ) 。