史上最有用最全的注册码的(序列号)Panasonic MPEG Encoder Plugin For Adobe Premiere v2.1--sn:900-4018000 Password:8762NGC4594Panopticum Fire for Adobe After Effects v1.1--FirstName:SiEGE LastName:1999 sn:37991555Pantone HexImage for Adobe Photoshop--Name:PWA sn:C077ADC599F540AD Panopticum Fire for Adobe Photoshop v1.0--FirstName:SiEGE LastName:1999 sn:68716Panopticum Fire for Adobe Photoshop v2.0--NameAnything)sn:F2P-90327-1975Absolute security pro 3.9--Name: CROSSFIRE ROCKER s/n: JDHULALBFRHMLQY or Name: FIREANGEL [EVD] s/n: NVMFTMKNPTUCHJAAcdSee 3.1 build 921 Retail--sn:243478918944730541安全之星XP正式版--SN:CHR-SSV456-9985303DSK-3或者CHR-SSV234-9913220CHR-3Adobe After Effects V5.0--sn:EWE780A7645038-389-588或者SN:EWW471R7080005-040-498Adobe After Effects V4.1--sn:EWW400R4000123-666-922Adobe Acrobat 5.0.1 简体中文版--SN:KWC500R6538415-885Adobe Acrobat 5.0 正式完全版--sn:AEB100R3498245-291或者sn:KWW500R7150122-128Adobe Acorobat full 4.0--sn:AOW301R7136978-298Adobe Acorobat read 1.2--sn:ARM100R3100034-100-397Adobe Acorobat distiller 2.1--snEE100R3001172-010-496Adobe Acorobat capture--sn:WCW100R3101909-171Adobe Dimission 3.01--snJW301R2100011-348Adobe Genesis--sn::44444 autoriznatincode:2077229778Adobe Illustrator 9.0繁体中文版--sn:ABT800R7100102-625Adobe Illustrator 8.0中文版--sn:ABW800X7102095-685或者sn:EXX500R5900103198-517Adobe PageMaker.v7.0--S/N:1039-1121-2998-7586-7388-7545Adobe Pagemaker 6.0--sn:03W600R1124621-479Adobe Pagemaker NL v5.0--sn: 03-5025-303224614Adobe Premiere 6.0 final--sn:MBF500B7205104-998Adobe Premiere 5.1--sn:MXX500R145503-500-448Adobe Premiere RT 5.1 for 9x/NT--sn: MBF420U3000205-940Adobe PhotoShop v6.01 中文版--PWC601R3382269-296或者PWC601R4999617-923或者PWW600R7105467-948或者PWW550R7162534-100 Adobe Photoshop 6.0--sn:PWW600R7105467-948或者EXX600B6311279-428 Adobe Photoshop 5.0--sn:PWW400R7106337-339Adobe Photoshop 4.0--sn:PWW250R3107069-312Adobe Photo deluxe--sn:HTW200R7100048-493Adobe Streamline v4.0--sn:SBW400U7102000-766或者SBW400U7100000-392 Adobe Streamline v3.0--sn:SBW300S1100640-184Adobe Type manager--sn:AWW400P0101591-292Adobe Wild type--sn:FHW251R31003373OFFICE XP 简体中文正式版--序列号:P2KDC-9HMXH-9QFVK-PMQCB-V2XMM Office 2000 简体中文企业版--序列号:J2MV9-JYYQ6-JM44K-QMYTH-8RB2W office 2000 Full--s/n: GC6J3-GTQ62-FP876-94FBR-D3DX8office 2000 Permium--s/n: DT3FT-BFH4M-GYYH8-PG9C3-8K2FJoffice 2000 Porfessional--s/n: XVG79-Q2WK3-JRPMD-9H26V-7TBYToffice 2000 Small Buiness Edition--s/n: TW2RX-PPYX4-MW4FQ-YVYDQ-7CCCQ office 2000 Upgrade--s/n: RMYXR-DJ6FK-M8WBR-FKMB4-JXCCCP TOP翩跹压缩 v3.0--注册名:jieao 注册码:85DA9113F0C377Panda Antivirus Titanium熊猫钛金零售版--name:U38V92LK3Hpassword:2a16sd7xekx79PartitionMagic Pro6.01 for Win9x 精简汉化版--注册码:PP601CDSP1-12345678PartitionMagic Pro6.01 for NT/2000 精简汉化版--注册码:PP601CDSP1-12345678PartitionMagic 6.0 for NT/2000--sn:PM600ENSP1-11111131Particle Fire 2(火焰屏保)--注册码:2222222222Panasonic MPEG Encoder Plugin For Adobe Premiere v2.1--sn:900-4018000 Password:8762NGC4594Panopticum Fire for Adobe After Effects v1.1--FirstName:SiEGE LastName:1999 sn:37991555Pantone HexImage for Adobe Photoshop--Name:PWA sn:C077ADC599F540AD Panopticum Fire for Adobe Photoshop v1.0--FirstName:SiEGE LastName:1999 sn:68716Panopticum Fire for Adobe Photoshop v2.0--NameAnything)sn:F2P-90327-1975PageMaker.v7.0--S/N:1039-1121-2998-7586-7388-7545Pagemaker 6.0--sn:03W600R1124621-479Pagemaker NL v5.0--sn: 03-5025-303224614Premiere 6.0 final--sn:MBF500B7205104-998Premiere 5.1--sn:MXX500R145503-500-448Premiere RT 5.1 for 9x/NT--sn: MBF420U3000205-940PhotoShop v6.01 中文版--PWC601R3382269-296或者PWC601R4999617-923或者PWW600R7105467-948或者PWW550R7162534-100Photoshop 6.0--sn:PWW600R7105467-948或者EXX600B6311279-428 Photoshop 5.0--sn:PWW400R7106337-339Photoshop 4.0--sn:PWW250R3107069-312Photo deluxe--sn:HTW200R7100048-493PC-Cillin 2001 V8.05 英/日文版--sn:PCEW-0011-4881-2059-1555PC-Cillin 2001 V8.04--Code:OSJF-9999-6388-8759-0082PC-Cillin 2001 V8.02-- sn:OSJF-9999-6388-8759-0082PC-Cillin 2001 V8.0-- SN:OSJF-9999-6388-8759-0082PCGhost 4.0 Beta 2(电脑幽灵)--SN:abc-2972178Panda Antivirus Platinum熊猫卫士白金版--注册号:4nzdcdpb6j5Painter 6(自然画笔)--SN:PF60WRZ-0015375-WRBPictureMore 2.30--Name:teamORiON2000 Code:gqm8kGirPolyView 3.61--Name:Mr.Grey [WkT!] SN:3049316813PolyView 3.54--Name:Mr.Grey [WkT!] SN:3049316813Power DVD 3.0.1114 For WiN9X/NT 正式零售版--CD-key:AM12112110760255 PowerDVD 3.0 简体中文正式版--SNV29795362671898PowerQuest DataGone v2.4--注册码2553-0000-1355-5571PowerQuest Server Magic V4.0 For WinNT/2K 简体中文版--username:leggylady@,password:tightsPro Magic 5.12--sn:513001023001DPL8K14W 或者 sn:SCHINA030904TFHDVMWA ProtectX 4.16专业版--Name:Mackoi SN:5AG4ACC41DA56D1Private Pix 2.51--Name:PIX Code:06C6BD3710Process Manager(Windows进程管理)3.01--注册名:Nicsoft 注册码:11064 或者 name:sunfeng SN:EG12376Process Manager(Windows进程管理)3.0--name:dyiyd [CCG] code:CCG15688 Q TOPQuickTime 5.02 完全版--Name:Luke Key:UEAU-TMXW-REME-3UAW-5678或者Name:microke s/n:PMME-GGQM-EMRU-UPE3-5678QuickTime 5 Preview 3--Name:Anonymous Code:0DB4-DD8B-19DB-58B8-6969 R TOPRealPlayer v8.0 Basic Build中文版--sn:0444-90-4466 或者sn:0094-32-4766RealPlayer V8.0 Basic Build中文版--sn:0094-32-4766 或者SN:1356-04-4068RealPlay助理 1.0.0--name:2000yeah code:0411225518Real 格式文件压缩至尊 v1.3 --注册码:TianYusoftware is good RealProducer Plus 8.51--sn:212-09483-1266 或 212-15087-3664 RealProducer Plus 8.5--SN:212-08976-3639RegRun v2.90--SN:Neme:CZY Last Name: E-mail:REG@ Code:424798RichWin2000(四通利方中文平台2000)--SN:PF00-7WLX-0001-0000273或者SN:RNA0-5GXO-0001-0000108瑞星杀毒软件千禧世纪版--序列号:I49ISF-RUNLD3-OV3CD1-S30000 或者CRMLLL-518AI4-H20JII-640000瑞星千禧世纪版升级序列号--name:qdj pass:1789882 n:csxk p:2298915 n:a p:2671367 n:b p:2570049 n:cq p: 2547100瑞星千禧世纪版ID:TAIHN5YJ TAK4KTNK TAK4N5AV TAPJ5UBU TAQ484SF TA94DIZKTA54HA2E TALIVVR8 TA6HM4J1 TAGIYWCQ TAZ4MDK7 TAWI5LL9TAEIM62X TAP4IED4 TAVHMEUY TAQ4726Q TABH9K1Q TAQHPJYVTA6IX48P TAU4ED8B TAU4GVRJ TA74IQ26 TA7IJF9W TAVIFUMZTA1ISG6F TAB417N2 TAHIW2PB TA1IPVRT TA64G64K TA24HC33TA64FJLN TAS444VN TASHT5MX TAR42DEC TAXIXHBR TAMIKJTQTAB4NJUS TAZI69Y7 TAV43UWK TAUJM6AT TARIRBK6 TA54HA2ES TOPSystem Commander Pro 2000 V5.04正式版--serial:SC2K5-ENE-1013673-XRRT SyGate Home Network v4.0 Build 727--Name:anythingSerial:44D46441-3127CFBA Code:BCF3D581Sygate Personal Firewall--序列号为:H1001001Screen Saver Toolbox v3.3 汉化专业版--Name:Gmwz.FreeUserSN:755310-15066738SmartDraw Professional 5.50 正式版--SN:SD-00-207514-000A-00000-50-45711Snappy Fax 2000 V2.11.5.1--Name:Free User Code:8B4D0AF5CFC821E413S-Spline 2.04--序列号:314AR-JVC65-JXFVO-VW6NG-PPVVE-4KHIASuper Tools v1.0--用户名: 密码:gOJnrcmotrpjOr76ZgM SuperCleaner 2.00--Name: ReanimatoR^LasH Code:2034-76128-1644-20496 SuperCleaner 2.00 Beta 1--注册码:1175-43316-941-11662Super magic 2000(超极兔子魔法设置魔2000)简体中文版--SN:SM2003-KOP8J3-YJ0YH1-HY5Q45Swish 1.5 beta 3--用户名: 注册号:CmR9qXxp15zOZbd0mxiqDQxAMkFesGgHqcWitM73XSmUG5K5Streamline v4.0--sn:SBW400U7102000-766或者SBW400U7100000-392 Streamline v3.0--sn:SBW300S1100640-184数据备份专家2.0--用户码:121212 注册码:YanZhiYang1998神奇注册表 0.5版--用户名:copyyour 注册码:12070019神奇注册表 0.4版--用户名:copyyour 注册码:12070019四通利方中文平台2000(RichWin2000)--SN:PF00-7WLX-0001-0000273或者SN:RNA0-5GXO-0001-0000108四川省麻将(Kyodai Mahjongg) v15.25--注册名: 注册码:002805471661672810617 或者注册名:Free User 注册码:445237065T TOPTransMac 4.2--Name:Free User Code:K7E7PAAM6SF2Trojan Remover 4.3.0--number:22222 key:875873717Trojan Remover 4.3.0--Number:189891 Key:46339488573227112Trojan Remover 4.2.2--SN: 12345678 / 376003664581841Trojan Remover 4.1.7--Name:[eGIS! '98] Company:UCF/PCE '98Code:3743079544TuneSpark.CD.Maker.v1.1.214--Name:stcsr SN:870648E6044E75E3Tweaki for Power Users 3.0.12--sn:YOQNPGTWTxEdit 4.7--Name:LwAkUsChI Org:cOoL Code:4015466477Type manager--sn:AWW400P0101591-292听网 1.0--SN:41EF-2645-04560647天网防火墙 v2.0.3.102-v2.3通用--用户名:evrybody 注册号:582f 或者注册名:microke 注册码:3d8f天音怒放 V2.15--用户名:fpxfpx 注册码:505-0853-45天音怒放 V2.14--Name: SN:443-7672-13天音怒放 V2.13b--Name: SN:443-7672-13天音怒放 V2.13--注册名:世纪动力注册码:999-1962-28 或者注册名:师大附中注册码:974-8525-71 或者注册名:RIRI 注册码:632-0390-88天音怒放2.1修正版--用户名:密码:685-4091-45U TOPUlead Photo Express(我形我速) 4.0 Trial-sn:12903-54000-87045955 Ulead Photo Explorer Pro 7.0 iso--sn:11103-67000-00262910Ulead PhotoImpact V6.0 ESD--sn:11103-06000-00085757Ulead VideoStudio 5.0正式版--SN:11102-85000-00015330Ulead COOL 3D 3.0 简体中文正式版--SN:12905-03000-00381553V TOPVirtual Drive(虚拟光驱) 2001 个人版--安装序列号:FSX31000000VRV北信源杀毒专家2001 正式零售版--序列号:FJDLKICPEAEVoptMe 6.20--Name:0000000000 Location:0000000000 PersonalKey:CE9391A5GCOBR6F00000或者Name:w Location:[CCG]Code:C7D6623C37O2R16WSMKSVisualRoute 5.2c--CLIENT KEY: VISUALROUTE-PWV5C1-5A3245-4A61 SERVER KEY: VISUALROUTE-PWV5S10-FBA833-95E4VuePrint Pro 7.7b--Code:11168520W TOP网络小吸星 v1.0--用户名: 密码:N89HN4WN3J五子棋大战--注册码: g216lab031b5xup376我形我素 4.0--sn:12903-54000-87045955WPS Office 金山办公组合(企业版)--SN:KSW026-110000-428123-807600 Wps2000序列号--KSW00-13328-76201 或者 KSW00-42712-80739WPS2000万能序列号--KSW00-00000-00000WinISO 注册码--Name:fixdownCode:9988c3cad629cd2d0000006b00000000WinISO V3.9.0.100正式版注册码--user:winiso sn:998814fe1ad423ec0000005f00000000或者Name:Free UserCode:9988be39150d1ffa0000006d00000000WinISO 3.X通用注册码--Name:Free UserCode:9988be39150d1ffa0000006d00000000Winmsg 消息精灵3.13 v3.13.3649--用户名:白菜乐园注册码:58-F0-89-58-06-53-53-2AWinmsg 消息精灵3.00 v3.12.3472--注册名: 注册码:09-2B-79-43-B5-1E-24-0CWinImage V5.00.5009 Beta--Name:CrazyKnight [ORiON] CN:E3744D08或者Name:The Netmech^LasH Regcode: 44C66A34WinImage V5.00.5007--Name:John Hunt sn:122CA601Windows Power Tools 2.85--Code:b87d789wnfijwefh87eyf87hWindows进程管理(Process Manager) v3.0.1--注册名:Nicsoft 注册码:11064 或者 name:sunfeng SN:EG12376Windows进程管理(Process Manager) v3.0--name:dyiyd [CCG]code:CCG15688Wild type--sn:FHW251R31003373WinImp 1.21--Name:IMP Key1:3E8FC381 Key2:6884663CWinZip 8.1 beta Build 4180--Name:x SN:00020000或者Name:cTRLdSN:1D4C036CWinzip v8.0 build3105--注册名:among 注册码:514A0431 或者注册名:wang qiang 注册码:c97b0c33 或者注册名:ldr 注册码:77940148或者name:wangds code:529c0641WinZip v7.0 SR-1--注册码:Name:The Krazy Nomad [DEViANT] sn:0BB3629F WinDVD v2.3 DTS ISO--sn:4432GHT7C7R84E0万能五笔2000+通用注册码--用户名:shenwei168 PASSWORD: 2546781324578124(可以是十六个任意数字)万能五笔注册码--用户名:cniti 用户码:3821-076433-0764WebZip s/n:1981862877 Key:A7BB94087900 WebZip s/n:1981862877 Key:A7BB94087900 WebZip 4.10 Build 624--Name:among Seria Numberl:1981862877 Reg Key:A7BB94087900WebZip 4.00版本通用注册码--name:among Seria Numberl:1981862877 Reg Key:A7BB94087900 或者 name:1key serial:love1key code:6ED1140C1600 或者姓名:sNoOFy [AmoK] 序列号:nICE tO sEE yOU! 注册码:A8EF3C7C1A00 WinGate 4.4.0(0728)--Name:oDDiTy PHEAR Code:666CA61E5DDB490FE6D07C12 Wingate Pro v4.40--name: oDDiTy PHEAR key: 666CA61E5DDB490FE6D07C12 或者name: ODDITY BASTARD key: CA160578A130655A442D34F9WinGate 4.4 Beta A--用户名: MFD Corp. 注册码:36BF3E69EEAEE1E83E36132E 或者NameDDiTy PHEAR s/n:666CA61E008F4E0F86D07C12WinGate vx.x--Name: United Cracking Force - QTsn:419764B050C2EF1DD21CAB12WinGate v4.3--Name:Boy SN:AE5F56E5D95781E99FCEA546 或者 Name: DFA OWNZ SN:666CA61E008F4E0F86D07C12WinGate V4.2--Name:MFD Corp.sn:36BF3E69EEAEE1E83E36132EWinRescue 98 5.04--注册:Code:SvetCHRISTAWinRescue 95 V10.04--注册:msR3I8aUi9y2E84LWinRescue Me 1.04--注册:Code:myONEthingWinRescue 2000 2.04--注册:Code:NashBOGvseMogysheeWinRescue NT V2.04--Code:IBNTB-IMN4KJOWinRescue 98 V5.03--Code:SvetCHRISTAWinRescue 95 V10.03--Code:msR3I8aUi9y2E84LWinRescue Me 1.03--Code:myONEthingWinRescue 2K V2.03--Code:NashBOGvseMogysheeWinRescue NT V2.03--Code:IBNTB-IMN4KJOWindowsXP可以无限次激活的号码:CXGDD-GP2B2-RKWWD-HG3HY-VDJ7J或者RK7J8-2PGYQ-P47VV-V6PMB-F6XPQWindowsXP 2520 Pro 英文版--60天免激活序列号:RK7J8-2PGYQ-P47VV-V6PMB-F6XPQWindows XP 2505 RC1--序列号:DTWB2-VX8WY-FG8R3-X696T-66Y46Q3R8Y-MP9KD-3M6KB-383YB-7PK9Q 411Y0-URB45-34R3B-310N6-70U51F0R6R-347JU-57IC3-M0V34-11Z16 50M38-0DY53-7UPU5-7H380-M8111 WindowXP(windows whistler) Beta2 build 2428--CD Key:RBDC9-VTRC8-D7972-J97JY-PRVMGWindows Mellinium(Windows Me)简体中文最终正式版--s/n:B6BYC-6T7C3-4PXRW-2XKWB-GYV33Windows2000 Professional 中文版--SN:PQHKR-G4JFW-VTY3P-G4WQ2-88CTW Windows2000 Professional英文正式版--s/n:RBDC9-VTRC8-D7972-J97JY-PRVMGWindows2000 Server 简体中文完全正式版--S/N:XF7DK-7X2WM-2QRCT-Y9R23-4BHDGWindows2000 Server--CD-KEY:H6TWQ-TQQM8-HXJYG-D69F7-R84VMWindows 98 SE 标准正式版--s/n: HMTWJ-VPPWP-9BXP8-WD73Y-GGT6M Windows98序列号--K4HVD-Q9TJ9-6CRX9-C9G68-RQ2D3X TOP熊猫钛金零售版Panda Antivirus Titanium--name:U38V92LK3Hpassword:2a16sd7xekx79熊猫卫士白金版Panda Antivirus Platinum--注册号:4nzdcdpb6j5熊猫卫士白金版Panda Antivirus Platinum 6.30--Code:4nzdcdpb6j5虚拟光驱(Virtual Drive) 2001 个人版--安装序列号:FSX31000000现在就打字1.2注册号--姓名: 密码:105277772612 下载软件管理盒(FlashSoft) V1.06--用户名: 注册码:873359396Y TOP鹦鹉螺网络助手(Nautilus NetKit)v2.20中文版--Name:husoftCode:rkdwpibung 或者 Name:nicsoft code:mfyrkdwpib鹦鹉螺网络助手(Nautilus NetKit)v2.11中文版--注册名:dyiyd [CCG] 注册码exqjcvohat友情强档 5.82.0999(08.01)--Name:getfox SN:172392-EIVJYH友情强档5.82.999国际版--Name:getfox SN:172392-EIVJYH友情强档5.80.978国际版--Name:getfox SN:172392-EIVJYH友情强档 V5.63国际版--Name:wind[CCG] SN:196350-XIEVVQVIR音画时尚(ICE Player) v2.6--注册码:PL68A-yhss-style-98566-55860或者6615-FCJX-LDgs-155868-ice260a音画时尚(ICE Player) v2.18--注册码:TD98c-00ip-Q65Z-4129C-8521 或者fyal-WMCZ-LDco-slyy-ice218音乐贝贝(CDOK)--姓名:洋白菜公司:Email:yang119@ sn:CA9C8419 或者注册名:copyyour 公司:CCG信箱:cncrack@ 注册码:7E868430Z TOP中文版拼图游戏1.0--注册码:ffrjj_196418中华压缩(ChinaZip) 6.02--用户名: 注册码:AKEM9752 自然画笔(Painter) 6.0--SN:PF60WRZ-0015375-WRB智能陈桥五笔5.03正式版--注册信息码:CCJXQ7X5S智能狂拼II正式版--序列号:350-00161634365653智能狂拼完全正式版--sn:300-812522036449中文之星 2001--SN:310-1219640374430-9 TOP32-bit FTP f9.31.1--Name:stcs Code:3033353B353932-bit FTP f9.28.01--Name:FTP Code:30323B373D3B32-bit FTP f9.26.15--Name:FTP Code:30323B373D3B32-bit Fax x9.31.1--Name:stcsr Code:3034323B373832-bit Fax x9.28.01--Name:CZY Code:3033373C383A3DS MAX R4 最终零售版软件预安装密码为--cdkey:226-19791979 &key:XLSQBQ3DS MAX 3.1--Serial: 110-12345678 CDKey: S4ED6W Authorization Code: a84983813D Morfit 3D WorldBuilder v3.9--SN:M-2000-MVR-1737Galley Master MM for Adobe PageMaker--sn:50336-150-77196444Galley Master XD for Adobe PageMaker--sn:70336-150-97196444 ACDsee SR1 PowerPack Retail--sn:243478918944730541ACDsee 3.1--sn:132728175249781441AceFTP V2.01--Name: Free User s/n: A333U4-4XZ7PK-TTMDZC-WMBHAU AceHTML Pro 4.30.1--Name:Free User Code:Q4LB-KG9X-Q8PB-3TN6 AceHTML Pro 4.22.2--Name:Free User Code:Q4LB-KG9X-Q8PB-3TN6 AceHTML Pro 4.22.1--Name:Free User Code:Q4LB-KG9X-Q8PB-3TN6 Advanced Gif Animator 2.2 中文注册版--注册码:0qT+7ks91OS6TwwuLvuwXOgnH9C1VS Eo9HIWngLCMBIuHEWyJzuGuNjjAVvsQIf8lo8MhU4c6QZfVgfvrKE7u6ZOsd sLI8UGMKEK3nDr1cRHcvufQ9LTGS3Bz16BSbF7c7cd7gkAFbooFcHO/P8lPf FRTTAg+2Mnrz28OeYhZSIk=Advanced PDF Password Recovery 1.33--注册码:PDFP-99322-EYSVY-886 Advanced Archive Password Recovery 1.01--NAME:Juan Lozada SERIAL:ARCHPR-TBHW5SSMYGQS-CUQ9SNYDE59T4KMMAdvanced ZIP Password Recovery v3.11--sn:00003112193920061941Nqu5h797f6cAjz4UAltoMP3 Maker 2.2--Name:Free User SN:1LfDE2UKh1F5i9fCAlgolab_photo_vector_v1.01--Name:stcsr Companv: Email:stcsr@ Serial:ALPVHFCHINCTMGOPQRSAqua 3D Screen Saver 1.5 汉化破解版--name:任意Code:1234-6789-1234-67C2(程序运行时按空格键即可输入注册码)AutoCAD 2002 最终零售版--Serial:400-12345678 CD-KEY:T4ED6P 找E8B2FEFFFF 85C0 744F 8D4DF0 改为 E8B2FEFFFF 85C0 754F 8D4DF0 就可以用了Audio Converter 3.0(0402)特别版--Use Name:chaoruan Company:china Licenses:1 Serial key:08199-04923680536126119550AudioCD MP3 Studio 2000 V2.3--SN:CSN77B-174094802faB TOP冰雨音画(音画时尚)ICE Player 2.6--注册码:PL68A-yhss-style-98566-55860 6615-FCJX-LDgs-155868-ice260a北信源杀毒专家VRV2001 正式零售版--序列号:FJDLKICPEAEBlindWrite v0.99.1.4--sn:GOLXB3GJE4S46LFJBlindRead v3.0.1.4--sn:KSI1G8JT32UXBAFJ卜算子.天问体育彩票摇奖预测器 v1.20--姓名:白菜乐园密码:ShuanglongDKSF卜算子.三颂个人人气运势分析预测 v1.20--姓名:白菜乐园密码:ShuanglongJWKD卜算子权谋 5.8--Name:洋白菜 SN:EricFuminFHMIOAC TOP彩票点金术2.0--注册邮箱 fpx 注册码 w>]_>KVk卡丽来相片VCD制作系统心动版--SN:CHAMP-9C05EF50-2000词痴 1.5--注册名: 注册码:194394184064284305784305284064105105105CyberLink PowerVCR II v3.0 PRO 简体中文正式版--sn:PD7000EPS0000453 4.0A--Name: Company: UnlockKey:9130D087-C2FD21AA-6312FA87-FE3636FE CheckKey:6F06E679-53CDF12D-A1EFDB2D-9D24CC79 或者 Name: CoKeBoTtLe99 Company/Email: Cokebottle@ Unlock Code:60D015F4-600893EB-BEFF5755-53E4E943 Check Code:3334FCB7-00D8861F-DEF7C4BE-ED1BBE16Clean Disk Security 4.9 --Code:deepgreenChinaZip(中华压缩) 6.02--用户名: 注册码:AKEM9752 CDOK音乐贝贝--姓名:洋白菜公司:Email:yang119@ sn:CA9C8419或者注册名:copyyour 公司:CCG 信箱:cncrack@ 注册码:7E868430Copernic 2001 Pro 5.0 完全版--sn:7336-791157997CPU Cool v6.1.1--Code:7398356CPUCool V6.0.0 Beta--sn:4337148超级兔子魔法设置(Magic Set)3.91简体中文版--Name: Sun Bird Code: CXM-AYYABBXDSPG超级兔子魔法设置(Magic Set) 3.9简体中文版---Name: Sun Bird Code: CXM-AYYABBXDSPG 或者用户名:我爱蔡兔子密码:CX-BBBAWBETUVB超级兔子注册表优化v4.12增强版--Name:Only For ChineseCode:AFABXBCVWXB或者Name:conanxu[BCG] Code:conanxu[BCG]超级兔子魔法设置v3.88简体中文版完美注册--Name: Sun Bird [CCG] Sn: CX-AYYABBPDOLG超级兔子魔法设置v3.88中文版--Name:swnetcn17 Code:SPQHQRSWOXW或者Name:Only For Chinese Code:AFABXBCVWXB或者Nameurewom Code:2Y2PMEFG3或者Name:Al Gore Code:1W1IFHIJ8或者Name:Bauer Lindemann Code:3U5YVLMN6或者Name:蔡旋 Code:ABASGBCXMCB超级兔子魔法设置v3.86中文版--Name:Only For Chinese Code:AFABXBCVWXB 或者Nameurewom Code:2Y2PMEFG3或者Name:Al Gore Code:1W1IFHIJ8或者Name:Bauer Lindemann Code:3U5YVLMN6超级兔子魔法设置V3.85多语言版--注册码:NAME:swnetcn17 CODE:SPQHQRSWOXW(适用于简体中文版的超级兔子魔法设置),注册表优化可以用conanxuBCG的注册码:AFABXBCVWXB,注册名任意。
DS07-16306-3EFUJITSU SEMICONDUCTORDATA SHEET32-bit Proprietary MicrocontrollersCMOSFR30 Family MB91150 SeriesMB91F155A/MB91155/MB91154s DESCRIPTIONThe MB91F155A/MB91155/MB91154 is a single-chip microcontroller using a RISC-CPU (FR 30 series) as its core. It contains peripheral I/O resources suitable for audio, MD and so on which are required to operate at low power consumption.s FEATURES1.CPU•32-bit RISC (FR30) , load/store architecture, 5-stage pipeline •General-purpose registers : 32 bits × 16•16-bit fixed-length instructions (basic instructions) , 1 instruction/ 1 cycle•Memory-to-memory transfer, bit processing, barrel shift processing : Optimized for embedded applications •Function entrance/exit instructions, and multiple load/store instructions of register contents, instruction systems supporting high level languages•Register interlock functions, efficient assembly language description•Branch instructions with delay slots : Reduced overhead time in branching executions •Internal multiplier/supported at instruction level Signed 32-bit multiplication : 5 cycles Signed 16-bit multiplication : 3 cycles•Interrupt (PC and PS saving) : 6 cycles, 16 priority levels(Continued)MB91F155A/MB91155/MB9115422.Bus Interface•16-bit address output, 8/16-bit data input and output•Basic bus cycle : 2-clock cycle•Support for interface for various types of memory•Unused data/address pins can be configured us input/output ports•Support for little endian mode3.Internal ROMMB91F155AFLASH products : 510 KbytesMB91155Mask product : 510 KbytesMB91154Mask product : 384 Kbytes4.Internal RAMMask, FLASH products : 2 Kbytes5.Internal Data RAMMB91F155, MB91155FLASH, Mask products : 32 KbytesMB91154FLASH, Mask product : 20 Kbytes6.DMACDMAC in descriptor format for placing transfer parameters on to the main memory.Capable of transferring a maximum of eight internal and external factors combined.Three channels for external factors7.Bit Search ModuleSearches in one cycle for the position of the bit that changes from the MSB in one word to the initial I/O.8.Timers•16-bit OCU × 8 channels, ICU × 4 channels, Free-run timer × 1 channel•8/16-bit up/down timer/counter (8-bit × 2 channels or 16-bit × 1 channel)•16-bit PPG timer × 6 channels. The output pulse cycle and duty can be varied as desired•16-bit reload timer × 4 channels9.D/A Converter•8-bit × 3 channels10.A/D Converter (Sequential Comparison Type)•10-bit × 8 channels•Sequential conversion method (conversion time : 5.0 µs@33 MHz)•Single conversion or scan conversion can be selected, and one-shot or continuous or stop conversion mode can be set respectively.•Conversion starting function by hardware/software.(Continued)MB91F155A/MB91155/MB91154(Continued)11.Serial I/O•UART × 4 channels. Any of them is capable of serial transfer in sync with clock attached with the LSB/MSB switching function.•Serial data output and serial clock output are selectable by push-pull/open drain software.•A 16-bit timer (U-timer) is contained as a dedicated baud rate generator allowing any baud rate to be generated. 12.I2C Bus Interface•One channel master/slave send and receive•Arbitration and clock synchronization functions(The product is licensed with the Philips I2C patent to support those customers who intend to use this product in an I2C system in compliance with the standard I2C specification stipulated by Philips.)13.Clock Switching Function•Gear function : Operating clock ratios to the basic clock can be set independently for the CPU and peripherals from four types, 1 : 1, 1 : 2, 1 : 4 or 1 : 8.14.Clock Function (Calendar Macro)•Internal 32 kHz clock function•It is possible to perform the clock function (oscillation frequency: 32 kHz) even in a stop mode. (The oscillation does not suspend during a stop mode.)15.Interrupt ControllerExternal interrupt input (16 channels in total) :•Allows the rising edge/falling edge/H level/L level to be set.Internal interrupt factors :•Interrupt by resources and delay interrupt16.Others•Reset cause : Power on reset/watchdog timer/software reset/external reset•Low power consumption mode : Sleep/stop•Package : 144-pin LQFP•CMOS technology (0.35 µm)•Power supply voltage : 3.15 V to 3.6 V•MB91F155 is to be MB91F155A.3MB91F155A/MB91155/MB911544MB91F155A/MB91155/MB911545s PIN DESCRIPTION(Continued)Pin No.Pin name Circuit typeFunction12345678D16/P20D17/P21D18/P22D19/P23D20/P24D21/P25D22/P26D23/P27CBit 16 to bit 23 of external data busThese pins are enabled only in 16-bit external bus mode.These pins are available as ports in single-chip and 8-bit external bus modes.1011121314151617D24/P30D25/P31D26/P32D27/P33D28P34D29/P35D30/P36D31/P37CBit 24 to bit 31 of external data busThese pins are available as ports in single-chip mode.18192021222324252829303132333435A00/P40A01/P41A02/P42A03/P43A04/P44A05/P45A06/P46A07/P47A08/P50A09/P51A10/P52A11/P53A12/P54A13/P55A14/P56A15/P57FBit 0 to bit 15 of external address busThese pins are enabled in external bus mode.These pins are available as ports in single-chip mode.3637383940414243A16/P60A17/P61A18/P62A19/P63A20/P64A21/P65A22/P66A23/P67OBit 16 to bit 23 of external address busThese pins are available as ports when the address bus is not in use.45RDY/P80CExternal RDY inputThis function is enabled when external RDY input is allowed.Input “0” when the bus cycle being executed does not end.This pin is available as a port when external RDY input is not in use.MB91F155A/MB91155/MB911546(Continued) Pin No.Pin nameCircuittypeFunction46BGRNT/P81FExternal bus release acceptance outputThis function is enabled when external bus release acceptance output isallowed.Output “L” upon releasing of the external bus.This pin is available as a port when external bus release acceptance out-put is not allowed.47BRQ/P82CExternal bus release request inputThis function is enabled when external bus release request input is al-lowed.Input “1” when the release of the external bus is desired.This pin is available as a port when external bus release request input isnot in use.48RD/P83FExternal bus read strobe outputThis function is enabled when external bus read strobe output is allowed.This pin is available as a port when external bus read strobe output is notallowed.49WR0/P84FExternal bus write strobe outputThis function is enabled in external bus mode.This pin is available as a port in single chip mode.50WR1/P85FExternal bus write strobe outputThis function is enabled in external bus mode when the bus width is 16bits.This pin is available as a port in single chip mode or when the external buswidth is 8 bits.51CLK/P86FSystem clock outputThe pin outputs the same clock as the external bus operating frequency.The pin is available as a port when it is not used to output the clock.525354MD2MD1MD0GMode pinsTo use these pins, connect them directly to either V CC or V SS.Use these pins to set the basic MCU operating mode.55RST B External reset input5758X1X0A High-speed clock oscillation pins (16.5 MHz)60616263INT0/PC0INT1/PC1INT2/PC2INT3/PC3HExternal interrupt request input 0-3Since this input is used more or less continuously when the correspondingexternal interrupt is allowed, output by the port needs to be stopped ex-cept when it is performed deliberately.Since this port is allowed to input also in standby mode, it can be used toreset the standby state.These pins are available as ports when external interrupt request input isnot in use.MB91F155A/MB91155/MB911547(Continued)Pin No.Pin nameCircuit typeFunction64656667INT4/PC4/CS0INT5/PC5/CS1INT6/PC6/CS2INT7/PC7/CS3HThese pins also serve as the chip select output and external inter-rupt request input 4-7.When the chip select output is not allowed, these pins are available as external interrupt requests or ports.Since this input is used more or less continuously when the corre-sponding external interrupt is allowed, output by the port needs to be stopped except when it is performed deliberately.Since this port is also allowed to input in standby mode, the port can be used to reset the standby state.These pins are available as ports when external interrupt request input and chip select output are not in use.697071727374PD0/AIN0/INT8/TRG0PD1/BIN0/INT9/TRG1PD2/AIN1/INT10/TRG2PD3/BIN1/INT11/TRG3PD4/ZIN0/INT12/TRG4PD5/ZIN1/INT13/TRG5HExternal interrupt request input 8-13Since this input is used more or less continuously when the corre-sponding external interrupt is allowed, output by the port needs to be stopped except when it is performed deliberately.[AIN, BIN] Up/down timer input.[TRG] PPG external trigger input.Since this input is used more or less continuously while input is al-lowed, output by the port needs to be stopped except when it is per-formed deliberately.These pins are available as ports when the external interrupt re-quest input, up timer counter input, and PPG external trigger input are not in use.75PD6/DEOP2/INT14HExternal interrupt request input 14Since this input is used more or less continuously when the corre-sponding external interrupt is allowed, output by the port needs to be stopped except when it is performed deliberately.[DEOP2] DMA external transfer end output.This function is enabled when DMAC external transfer end output is allowed.This pin is available as a port when it is not in use as the external interrupt request input or DMA external transfer end output.76PD7/ATG/INT15HExternal interrupt request input 15Since this input is used more or less continuously when the corre-sponding external interrupt is allowed, output by the port needs to be stopped except when it is performed deliberately.[ATG] A/D converter external trigger input.Since this input is used more or less continuously when selected as an A/D activation factor, output by the port needs to be stopped ex-cept when it is performed deliberately.This pin is available as a port when it is not in use as the external interrupt request input or A/D converter external trigger input.MB91F155A/MB91155/MB911548(Continued) Pin No.Pin nameCircuittypeFunction7879808182838485PE0/OC0PE1/OC1PE2/OC2PE3/OC3PE4/OC4PE5/OC5PE6/OC6PE7/OC7FOutput compare outputThese pins are available as ports when output compare output is not al-lowed.86878889PF0/IN0PF1/IN1PF2/IN2PF3/IN3FInput capture inputThis function is enabled when the input capture operation is input.These pins are available as ports when input capture input is not in use.90PF4F General purpose I/O port919293949596PG0/PPG0PG1/PPG1PG2/PPG2PG3/PPG3PG4/PPG4PG5/PPG5FPPG timer outputThis function is enabled when PPG timer output is allowed.These pins are available as ports when PPG timer output is not allowed.99PJ1/SDA QI2C interface I/O pinThis function is enabled when the I2C interface is allowed to operate.While the I2C interface is in operation, keep the port output set to Hi-Z.This pin is available as a port when the I2C interface is not in use.100PJ0/SCL QI2C interface I/O pinThis function is enabled when the I2C interface is allowed to operate.While the I2C interface is in operation, keep the port output set to Hi-Z.This pin is available as a port when the I2C interface is not in use.102PI5/SCK3/TO3PUART3 clock I/O, Reload timer 3 outputWhen UART3 clock output is not allowed, reload timer 3 can be output byallowing it.This pin is available as a port when neither UART3 clock output nor reloadtimer output is allowed.103PI4/SOT3PUART3 data outputThis function is enabled when UART3 data output is allowed.This pin is available as a port when UART3 clock output is not allowed. 104PI3/SIN3PUART3 data inputSince this input is used more or less continuously while UART3 is en-gaged in input operations, output by the port needs to be stopped exceptwhen it is performed deliberately.This pin is available as a port when UART3 output data input is not in use.MB91F155A/MB91155/MB911549(Continued)Pin No.Pin nameCircuit typeFunction105PI2/SCK2/TO2PUART2 clock I/O, Reload timer 2 outputWhen UART2 clock output is not allowed, reload timer 2 can be output by allowing it.This pin is available as a port when neither UART2 clock output nor reload timer output is allowed.106PI1/SOT2PUART2 data outputThis function is enabled when UART2 data output is allowed.This pin is available as a port when UART2 clock output is not allowed.107PI0/SIN2PUART2 data inputSince this input is used more or less continuously while UART2 is en-gaged in input operations, output by the port needs to be stopped except when it is performed deliberately.This pin is available as a port when UART2 data input is not in use.108PH5/SCK1/TO1PUART1 clock I/O, Reload timer 1 outputWhen UART1 clock output is not allowed, reload timer 1 can be output by allowing it.This pin is available as a port when neither UART1 clock output nor reload timer output is allowed.109PH4/SOT1PUART1 data outputThis function is enabled when UART1 data output is allowed.This pin is available as a port when UART1 clock output is not allowed.110PH3/SIN1PUART1 data inputSince this input is used more or less continuously while UART1 is en-gaged in input operations, output by the port needs to be stopped except when it is performed deliberately.This pin is available as a port when UART1 data input is not in use.111PH2/SCK0/TO0PUART0 clock I/O, Reload timer 0 outputWhen UART0 clock output is not allowed, reload timer 0 can be output by allowing it.This pin is available as a port when neither UART0 clock output nor reload timer output is allowed.112PH1/SOT0PUART0 data outputThis function is enabled when UART0 data output is allowed.This pin is available as a port when UART0 clock output is not allowed.113PH0/SIN0PUART0 data inputSince this input is used more or less continuously while UART0 is en-gaged in input operations, output by the port needs to be stopped except when it is performed deliberately.This pin is available as a port when UART0 data input is not in use.114DREQ0/PL0FDMA external transfer request inputSince this input is used more or less continuously when selected as a DMAC transfer factor, output by the port needs to be stopped except when it is performed deliberately.This pin is available as a port when DMA external transfer request input is not in use.MB91F155A/MB91155/MB9115410(Continued) Pin No.Pin nameCircuittypeFunction115DACK0/PL1FDMA external transfer request acceptance outputThis function is enabled when the DMAC external transfer request accep-tance is allowed to be output.This pin is available as a port when the DMAC transfer request accep-tance is not allowed to be output.116DEOP0/PL2FDMA external transfer end outputThis function is enabled when the end of DMAC external transfer is al-lowed to be output.117DREQ1/PL3FDMA external transfer request inputSince this input is used more or less continuously when selected as aDMAC transfer factor, output by the port needs to be stopped except whenit is performed deliberately.This pin is available as a port when DMA external transfer request input isnot in use.118DACK1/PL4FDMA external transfer request acceptance outputThis function is enabled when the DMAC external transfer request accep-tance is allowed to be output.This pin is available as a port when DMAC transfer request acceptanceoutput is not allowed.119DEOP1/PL5FDMA external transfer end outputThis function is enabled when the end of DMAC external transfer is al-lowed to be output.120DREQ2/PL6FDMA external transfer request inputSince this input is used more or less continuously when selected as aDMAC transfer factor, output by the port needs to be stopped except whenit is performed deliberately.This pin is available as a port when DMA external transfer request input isnot in use.121DACK2/PL7FDMA external transfer request acceptance outputThis function is enabled when the DMAC external transfer request accep-tance is allowed to be output.This pin is available as a port when DMAC transfer request acceptanceoutput is not allowed.123124125DA2DA1DA0D/A converter outputThis function is enabled when D/A converter output is allowed.126DAVS Power supply pin for the D/A converter127DAVC Power supply pin for the D/A converter128AV CC Vcc power supply for the A/D converter129AVRHA/D converter reference voltage (high potential side)Be sure to turn on/off this pin with potential higher than AVRH applied toV CC.130AVRL A/D converter reference voltage (low potential side)131AV SS V SS power supply for the A/D converter11(Continued)Note : On the majority of pins listed above, the I/O port and the resource I/O are multiplexed, such as XXXX/Pxx.When the port and the resource output compete against each other on these pins, priority is given to the resource.Pin No.Pin name Circuit typeFunction132133134135136137138139AN0/PK0AN1/PK1AN2/PK2AN3/PK3AN4/PK4AN5/PK5AN6/PK6AN7/PK7NA/D converter analog inputThese pins are enabled when the AIC register is designated for analog input.These pins are available as ports when A/D converter analog input is not in use.141TEST G The TEST pin must be connected to the power supply (V CC ) 142143X0A X1A K Low-speed clock (32 kHz) oscillation pin27, 56, 68, 77, 97, 122, 140V CCPower supply pin (V CC ) for digital circuitAlways power supply pin (V CC ) must be connected to the power supply9, 26, 44, 59, 98, 101, 144V SSEarth level (V SS ) for digital circuitAlways power supply pin (V SS ) must be connected to the power supplys I/O CIRCUIT TYPE(Continued) 121314s HANDLING DEVICES1.Preventing LatchupIn CMOS ICs, applying voltage higher than V CC or lower than V SS to input/output pin or applying voltage over rating across V CC and V SS may cause latchup.This phenomenon rapidly increases the power supply current, which may result in thermal breakdown of the device. Make sure to prevent the voltage from exceeding the maximum rating.2.Treatment of Pins•Treatment of unused pinsUnused pins left open may cause malfunctions. Make sure to connect them to pull-up or pull-down resistors.•Treatment of open pinsBe sure to use open pins in open state.•Treatment of output pinsShortcircuiting an output pin with the power supply or with another output pin or connecting a large-capacity load may causes a flow of large current. If this conditions continues for a lengthy period of time, the device deteriorates. T ake great care not to exceed the absolute maximum ratings.•Mode pins (MD0-MD2)These pins should be used directly connected to either V CC or V SS. In order to prevent noise from causing accidental entry into test mode, keep the pattern length as short as possible between each mode pin and V CC or V SS on the board and connect them with low impedance.•Power supply pinsWhen there are several V CC and V SS pins, each of them is equipotentially connected to its counterpart inside of the device, minimizing the risk of malfunctions such as latch up. T o further reduce the risk of malfunctions, to prevent EMI radiation, to prevent strobe signal malfunction resulting from creeping-up of ground level and to observe the total output current standard, connect all V CC and V SS pins to the power supply or GND.It is preferred to connect V CC and V SS of MB91F155/MB91154 to power supply with minimal impedance possible.It is also recommended to connect a ceramic capacitor as a bypass capacitor of about 0.1 µF between V CC and V SS at a position as close as possible to MB91F155/MB91154.•Crystal oscillator circuitNoises around X0, X1, X0A, and X1A pins may cause malfunctions of MB91F155/MB91154. In designing the PC board, layout X0, X1 (X0A, X1A) and crystal oscillator (or ceramic oscillator) and bypass capacitor for grounding as close as possible.It is strongly recommended to design PC board so that X0, X1, X0A, and X1A pins are surrounded by grounding area for stable operation.The MB91F155A, MB91155 and MB91154 devices do not contain a feedback resistor. T o use the clock function,3.Precautions•External Reset Input•External ClocksWhen using an external clock, normally, a clock of which the phase is opposite to that of X0 must be supplied to the X0 and X1 pins simultaneously. However, when using the clock along with STOP (oscillation stopped)15mode, the X1 pin stops when “H” is input in STOP mode. T o prevent one output from competing against another, an external resistor of about 1 kΩ should be provided.The following figure shows an example usage of an external clock.4.Care During Powering Up•When powering upWhen turning on the power supply, never fail to start from setting the RST pin to “L” level. And after the power supply voltage goes to V CC level, at least after ensuring the time for 5 machine cycle, then set to “H” level.•Source oscillation inputAt turning on the power supply, never fail to input the clock before cancellation of the oscillation stabilizing waiting.•Power on resettingWhen powering up or when turning the power back on after the supply voltage drops below the operation assurance range, be sure to reset the power.•Power on sequenceT urn on the power in the order of V CC, AV CC and AVRH. The power should be disconnected in inverse order.•Even when an AD converter is not in use, connect AV CC to the V CC level and AV SS to the V SS level.•Even when a DA converter is not in use, connect DAVC to the V CC level and DAVS to the V SS level.5.When the Clock Function (Calendar Macro) Is Not in Use16s BLOCK DIAGRAM1718s CPU CORE1.Memory SpaceThe FR family has a logical address space of 4 Gbytes (232 bytes) and the CPU linearly accesses the memory space.•Direct addressing areaThe following area in the address space is used for I/O.This area is called direct addressing area and an operand address can be specified directly in an instruction.The direct addressing area varies with the data size to be accessed as follows :→ byte data access : 0-0FF H→ half word data access : 0-1FF H→ word data access : 0-3FF H19203.RegistersThe family of FR microcontrollers has two types of registers : the registers residing in the CPU which are dedicated to applications and the general-purpose registers residing in the memory.•Dedicated registers :Program counter (PC) :A 32-bit register to indicate the location where an instructions is stored.Program status (PS) :A 32-bit register to store a register pointer or a condition code.Tablebase register (TBR) :Holds the vector table lead address used when EIT (exceptions/interrupt/trap) is processed.Return pointer (RP) :Holds the address to return from a subroutine to.System stack pointer (SSP) :Points to the system stack space.User stack pointer (USP) :Points to the user stack space.Multiplication and division result register (MDH/MDL) : A 32-bit multiplication and division register.•Program status (PS)The PS register holds program status and is further divided into three registers which are a Condition Code•Condition Code Register (CCR)S flag :Designates the stack pointer for use as R15.I flag :Controls enabling and disabling of user interrupt requests.N flag :Indicates the sign when arithmetic operation results are considered to be an integer represented by 2’s complement.Z flag :Indicates if arithmetic results were “0.”V flag :Considers the operand used for an arithmetic operation to be an integer represented by 2’s com-plement and indicates if the operation resulted in an overflow.C flag :Indicates whether or not an arithmetic operation resulted in a carry or a borrow from the most sig-nificant bit.•System condition Code Register (SCR)T flag :Designates whether or not to enable step trace trap.•Interrupt Level Mask register (ILM)ILM4 to ILM0 :Holds an interrupt level mask value to be used for level masking.An interrupt request is accepted only if the corresponding interrupt level among interruptrequests input to the CPU is higher than the value indicated by the ILM register.ILM4ILM3ILM2ILM1ILM0Interrupt level High-Low 000000Higher01000151111131Lowers GENERAL-PURPOSE REGISTERSGeneral-purpose registers are CPU registers R0 through R15 and used as accumulators during various oper-Of the 16 general-purpose registers, the following registers are assumed for specific applications. For this reason, some instructions are enhanced.R13 : Virtual accumulator (AC)R14 : Frame pointer (FP)R15 : Stack pointer (SP)Initial values to which R0 through R14 are reset are not defined. The initial value of R15 is 0000 0000H (the SSP value) .s SETTING MODE1.Mode PinsAs shown in T able 1 three pins, MD2, 1, and 0 are used to indicate an operation.Table 1 Mode pins and set modes2.Mode DataThe data which the CPU writes to “0000 07FF H ” after reset is called mode data.It is the mode register (MODR) that exists at “0000 07FF H .” Once a mode is set in this register, operations will take place in that mode. The mode register can be written only once after reset.[bits 7 and 6] : M1, M0These are bus mode setting bits. Specify the bus mode to be set to after writing to the mode register.[bits 5 to 0] : ∗These bits are reserved for the system.Mode pin Mode nameReset vector access area External databus width MD2MD1MD0000External vector mode 0External 8 bits External ROM bus mode 001External vector mode 1External 16 bits 010External vector mode 2External 32 bitsNot available on thisproduct type 011External vector modeInternal (Mode register) Single-chip mode1Not availableM1M0Function Remarks00Single-chip mode01Internal ROM-external bus mode 10External ROM-external bus mode11Setting not allowed“0” should be written to these bits at all times.[Precautions When Writing to the MODR]Before writing to the MODR, be sure to set AMD0 through 5 and determine the bus width in each CS (Chip Select) area.The MODR does not have bus width setting bits.The bus width value set with mode pins MD2 through 0 is enabled before writing to the MODR and the bus width value set with BW1 and 0 of AMD0 through 5 is enabled after writing to the MODR.For example, the external reset vector is normally executed with area 0 (the area where CS0 is active) and the bus width at that time is determined by pins MD 2 through 0. Suppose that the bus width is set to 32 or 16 bits in MD2 though 0 but no value is specified in AMD 0. If the MODR is written in this state, area 0 then switches to 8-bit bus mode and operates the bus since the initial bus width in AMD0 is set to 8 bits. This causes a malfunction.。
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MAX483、MAX487、MAX488以及MAX489具有限摆率驱动器,可以减小EMI ,并降低由不恰当的终端匹配电缆引起的反射,实现最高250k b p s 的无差错数据传输。
M A X 481、MAX485、MAX490、MAX491、MAX1487的驱动器摆率不受限制,可以实现最高2.5Mbps 的传输速率。
这些收发器在驱动器禁用的空载或满载状态下,吸取的电源电流在120(A 至500(A 之间。
另外,MAX481、MAX483与MAX487具有低电流关断模式,仅消耗0.1µA 。
所有器件都工作在5V 单电源下。
MAX487与MAX1487具有四分之一单位负载的接收器输入阻抗,使得总线上最多可以有128个M A X 487/MAX1487收发器。
_______________________________应用低功耗RS-485收发器低功耗RS-422收发器电平转换器用于EMI 敏感应用的收发器工业控制局域网____________________下一代器件的特性♦容错应用MAX3430: ±80V 故障保护、失效保护、1/4单位负载、+3.3V 、RS-485收发器MAX3440E-MAX3444E: ±15kV ESD 保护、±60V 故障保护、10Mbps 、失效保护、RS-485/J1708收发器♦对于空间受限应用MAX3460-MAX3464: +5V 、失效保护、20Mbps 、Profibus RS-485/RS-422收发器MAX3362: +3.3V 、高速、RS-485/RS-422收发器,采用SOT23封装MAX3280E-MAX3284E: ±15kV ESD 保护、52Mbps 、+3V 至+5.5V 、SOT23、RS-485/RS-422、真失效保护接收器MAX3293/MAX3294/MAX3295: 20Mbps 、+3.3V 、SOT23、RS-485/RS-422发送器♦对于多通道收发器应用MAX3030E-MAX3033E: ±15kV ESD 保护、+3.3V 、四路RS-422发送器♦对于失效保护应用MAX3080-MAX3089: 失效保护、高速(10Mbps)、限摆率RS-485/RS-422收发器♦对于低电压应用MAX3483E/MAX3485E/MAX3486E/MAX3488E/MAX3490E/MAX3491E: +3.3V 供电、±15kV ESD 保护、12Mbps 、限摆率、真正的RS-485/RS-422收发器MAX481/MAX483/MAX485/MAX487–MAX491/MAX1487低功耗、限摆率、RS-485/RS-422收发器_____________________________________________________________________选择表19-0122; Rev 8; 10/03定购信息在本资料的最后给出。
M-AUDIO OXYGEN 49用户指南(中文)
4.Press“+”和继续下去,直到你找到你想要的乐器演奏音符。 如果你想循环通过不同的手段,看看这听起来最好在你的歌声此方法非常有用。 快速选择程序变化: 1.Press 的高级功能按钮。 2.Press 黑键代表“PGM#。” 3.Press 键“3”,“2”,“Enter”键。 如果你想选择一个特定的号码这个方法是有用的,因为是这里的情况。 如果在八度“+”和“-”键被选择为不同的程序号(方法 1),在按钮上方的指示灯也不会 改变,因为它是不可能有负值的项目。同时按下“+”和“-”按钮将共同召回计划 0,即选 择一台三角钢琴的声音。 音色库 MSB 计划变更最常用来改变乐器和人声。然而,通过程序变更访问工具的数目限制为 128。某些 器件具有超过 128 的声音和需要不同的方法来访问这些额外的声音。一般情况下,这些设备 使用音色库 MSB 的消息。 增加/减少的音色库 MSB 的变化: 1.Press 的高级功能按钮。 2.Press 黑键代表“银行 LSB”或“银行 MSB”,分别。 3.Now 八度“+”和“-”键可以用来改变银行的 LSB。 4.Press“+”和继续下去,直到你找到你想要的乐器演奏音符。 使用快速选择方法: 1.Press 的高级功能按钮。 2.Press 黑键代表“银行 LSB”或“银行 MSB,”分别。 3.Press 键“3”,“2”,“Enter”键。 与程序变更,如果八度“+”和“-”键选择不同的银行低位或高位数(方法 1),上面的按 钮的指示灯也不会改变,因为它是不可能有一个与银行负值。同时按下“+”和“-”按钮将
DS07-13741-2EFUJITSU SEMICONDUCTORDATA SHEET16-bit Proprietary MicrocontrollerCMOSF 2MC-16LX MB90945 SeriesMB90F946A/947A/F947/F947A/F949/F949A/V390HA/V390HB■DESCRIPTIONThe MB90945 series with one FULL-CAN* interface and FLASH ROM is especially designed for automotive HVAC applications. Its main feature is the on board CAN* Interface, which conform to V2.0 Part A and Part B, while supporting a very flexible message buffer scheme and so offering more functions than a normal FULL-CAN*approach. With the new 0.35 µm CMOS technology, Fujitsu now offers on-chip FLASH-ROM program memory up to 384 K bytes. An internal voltage booster removes the necessity for a second programming voltage. An on board voltage regulator provides 3 V to the internal MCU core. This creates a major advantage in terms of EMI and power consumption.The internal PLL clock frequency multiplier provides an internal 42 ns instruction cycle time from an external 4 MHz clock.The unit features a 4-channel Output Compare Unit and a 6-channel Input Capture Unit with two separate 16-bit free running timers. Up to 3 UARTs, one Serial I/O and one I 2C constitute additional functionality for communication purposes.* : Controller Area Network (CAN) - License of Robert Bosch GmbHMB90945 Series2■FEATURES•16-bit core CPU; 4 MHz external clock (24 MHz internal, 42 ns instr. cycle time)•New 0.35 µm CMOS Process T echnology•Internal voltage regulator supports 3 V MCU core, offering low EMI and low power consumption figures •One FULL-CAN interface; conforming to Version 2.0 Part A and Part B, flexible message buffering (mailbox and FIFO buffering can be mixed)•Powerful interrupt functions (8 progr. priority levels; 8 external interrupts)•EI2OS - Automatic transfer function independant of CPU; 16 channels of intelligent I/O Services•18-bit Time-base counter•Watchdog Timer•1 full duplex UART; support 10.4 KBaud (USA standard)•up to 2 full duplex UARTs (LIN/SCI/SPI)•1 Serial I/O (SPI)•1I2C interface•A/D Converter : 15 channels analog inputs (Resolution 10-bit or 8-bit)•16-bit reload timer × 1channel•ICU (Input capture) 16-bit × 6 channels•OCU (Output compare) 16-bit × 4 channels•16-bit free running timer × 2 channels (FRT0 : ICU 0/1, OCU 0/1/2/3, FRT1 : ICU 2/3/4/5)•8/16-bit Programmable Pulse Generator 6 channels × 8/16-bit•Optimized instruction set for controller applications (bit, byte, word and long-word data types; 23 different addressing modes; barrel shift; variety of pointers)•4-byte instruction execution queue•signed multiply (16-bit × 16-bit) and divide (32-bit/16-bit) instructions available•Program Patch Function (3 address match registers)•Fast Interrupt processing•Low Power Consumption modeSleep modeTimebase timer modeStop modeCPU intermittent mode•Automotive input levels•Package : 100-pin plastic QFPMB90945 Series3■PRODUCT LINEUP(Continued)Part NumberParameter MB90947AMB90F946AMB90F947, MB90F947A MB90F949, MB90F949AMB90V390HA MB90V390HBCPU F 2MC-16LX CPUSystem clockOn-chip PLL clock multiplier (×1, ×2, ×3, ×4, ×6, 1/2 when PLL stops)Minimum instruction execution time : 42 ns (4 MHz oscillation clock, PLL clockmultiplied by 6)ROMROM memory 128 KbytesBoot-block Flash memory 384 KbytesBoot-block Flash memory256 Kbytes: MB90F949MB90F949A128 Kbytes: MB90F947MB90F947A ExternalRAM6 Kbytes 16 Kbytes 12 Kbytes: MB90F949MB90F949A6 Kbytes: MB90F947MB90F947A30 KbytesEmulator-specific power supply *1⎯YesTechnology0.35 µm CMOS with on-chip voltage regulator for internal power supply0.35 µm CMOS with on-chip voltage regulator for internal power supply + Flash memory with on-chip charge pump for programming voltage0.35 µm CMOS with on-chip voltageregulator for internal power supplyOperating voltage range 3.5 V to 5.5 V : other than conditions listed below 4.0 V to 5.5 V : when writing to Flash 4.5 V to 5.5 V : if A/D Converter is used5 V ± 10%Temperature range −40 °C to +105 °C⎯PackageQFP-100P PGA-299C UART1 channel2 channelsFull duplex double bufferSupports asynchronous/synchronous (with start/stop bit) transferBaud rate : 4808/9615/10417/19230/38460/62500/500000 bps (asynchronous)500 K/1 M/2 Mbps (synchronous) at System clock = 20 MHzUART(LIN/SCI/SPI)1 channel2 channels1 channel2 channelsSerial I/O1 channelTransfer can be started from MSB or LSBSupports internal clock synchronized transfer and external clock synchronized transfer Supports positive-edge and negative-edge clock synchronizationBaud rate : 31.25 K/62.5 K/125 K/500 K/1 Mbps at System clock = 20 MHzI 2C (400 Kbps)1 channelMB90945 Series4(Continued) Part NumberParameterMB90947A MB90F946AMB90F947, MB90F947AMB90F949, MB90F949AMB90V390HAMB90V390HBA/D Converter(15 input channels)10-bit or 8-bit resolutionConversion time : Min 4.9 µs includes sample time (per one channel, only at certainmachine clock frequencies)16-bit Reload Timer1 channel2 channelsOperation clock frequency : fsys/21, fsys/23, fsys/25 (fsys = System clock frequency)Supports External Event Count function16-bitI/O Timer(2 channels)Signals an interrupt when overflowingSupports Timer Clear when a match with Output Compare (ch0)Operation clock freq. : fsys, fsys/21, fsys/22, fsys/23, fsys/24, fsys/25, fsys/26, fsys/27(fsys = System clock freq.)I/O Timer 0 (clock input FRCK0) corresponds to ICU 0/1, OCU 0/1/2/3I/O Timer 1 (clock input FRCK1) corresponds to ICU 2/3/4/516-bitInput Capture(6 channels)Rising edge, falling edge or rising & falling edge sensitiveSix 16-bit Capture registersSignals an interrupt upon external event⎯ICU 3/5 inputs areshared with OCU 6/7outputs16-bitOutput Compare4 channels8 channelsSignals an interrupt when a match with 16-bit I/O TimerEight 16-bit compare registers.A pair of compare registers can be used to generate an output signal.⎯ICU 3/5 inputs areshared with OCU 6/7outputs8/16-bitProgrammablePulse Generator(6 channels)Supports 8-bit and 16-bit operation modesTwelve 8-bit reload countersTwelve 8-bit reload registers for L pulse widthTwelve 8-bit reload registers for H pulse widthA pair of 8-bit reload counters can be configured as one 16-bit reload counter or as8-bit prescaler plus 8-bit reload counterOperation clock freq. : fsys, fsys/21, fsys/22, fsys/23, fsys/24 or 102.4 µs (fosc = 5 MHz)(fsys = System clock frequency, fosc = Oscillation clock frequency)CAN Interface1 channel 5 channelsConforms to CAN Specification Version 2.0 Part A and BAutomatic re-transmission in case of errorAutomatic transmission responding to Remote FramePrioritized 16 message buffers for data and ID’sSupports multiple messagesFlexible configuration of acceptance filtering :Full-bit compare/Full-bit mask/Two partial bit masksSupports up to 1 MbpsMB90F947/F949/V390HA: Do not use clock modulation and CAN at the same timeMB90945 Series5(Continued)Part NumberParameter MB90947AMB90F946AMB90F947, MB90F947A MB90F949, MB90F949A MB90V390HA MB90V390HBExternal Interrupt (8 channels) Can be programmed edge sensitive or level sensitiveStepping motor controller ⎯ 2 channels Watch Timer ⎯ 1 channel Sound generator ⎯ 1 channel Machine clock out-put⎯2 channels(non-inverted and in-verted) Program patch function3 address match registers5 address matchregistersI/O PortsVirtually all external pins can be used as general purpose I/O All push-pull outputsBit-wise programmable as input/output or peripheral signalAutomotive input level (P21/RX1, P42/SDA, P43/SCL have CMOS Schmitt input level) Port-wise program-mable as Automotive (default) or CMOSSchmitt input levelI/O Ports with 4 mA CMOS output All ports except P42, P43All ports except P80, P81, PA0 to PA7, P42, P43I/O Ports with 3 mA CMOS output P42, P43P42, P43I/O Ports with 30 mA CMOS output with slewrate control⎯P80, P81, PA0 to PA7Clock ModulatorPhase modulation modePhase modulation modeFrequency and phasemodulation modeMB90F947/F949/V390HA :Do not use clock modulation and CAN at the same timeReduces EMI by modulating the PLL clockStart-up time at power-on reset3 × 216 oscillation cycles (49.152 ms at4 MHz oscillation) + oscilla-tion time of oscillator*2218 oscillation cycles (65.536 ms at 4 MHzoscillation) +oscillation time of os-cillator*2MB90945 Series6(Continued)*1 : It is setting of Jumper switch SI when Emulation Pod (MB2147) is used.Please refer to the Emulator hardware manual about details.*2 : Oscillation time of the oscillator is the time that the amplitude reaches 90%.*3 : Embedded Algorithm is a trade mark of Advanced Micro Devices Inc.*4 : Data is based on reliability tests during process qualification (the value for T A=+ 85 °C is calculated via the Arrenhius formula from data of accelerated measurements at elevated temperature) .Part NumberParameterMB90947A MB90F946AMB90F947, MB90F947AMB90F949, MB90F949AMB90V390HAMB90V390HBFlashMemory⎯Supports automatic programming, EmbeddedAlgorithm TM*3Write/Erase/Erase-Suspend/Resume com-mandsA flag indicating completion of the algorithmNumber of erase cycles : 10,000 timesData retention time : 20 years*4Hard-wired reset vector available in order topoint to a fixed boot sector in Flash Memory(address FFA000H, mode data 00H)Boot block configurationErase can be performed on each blockBlock protection with external programmingvoltageWrite and erase at F max= 20 MHz⎯MB90945 Series ■PIN ASSIGNMENTS7MB90945 Series8MB90945 Series9■PIN DESCRIPTION(Continued)Pin no.Pin nameCircuit typeFunction92X1A Pin for oscillation 93X0Pin for oscillation 54RST B Reset input77 to 82P00 to P05DGeneral purpose I/OIN0 to IN5Inputs for the Input Captures 0-583 to 86P06, P07P10, P11DGeneral purpose I/OOUT0 to OUT3Outputs for the Output Compares 87, 88P12, P13D General purpose I/O 89P14D General purpose I/OTIN0TIN0 input for the 16-bit Reload Timer 094P15D General purpose I/OTOT0TOT0 output for the 16-bit Reload Timer 095, 96P16, P17D General purpose I/O 97P20D General purpose I/OTX1TX output for CAN Interface 198P21F General purpose I/O RX1RX input for CAN Interface 199, 1001 to 4P22 to P27D General purpose I/OINT2 to INT7External interrupt inputs for INT2 to INT75 to 8P30 to P33D General purpose I/O 9P34D General purpose I/O SOT0SOT output for UART010P35D General purpose I/O SCK0SCK input/output for UART011P36D General purpose I/O SIN0SIN input for UART012P37D General purpose I/O 13P44D General purpose I/O 14P45D General purpose I/OADTG External trigger input of the A/D Converter 18, 19P40, P41D General purpose I/O 20P42F General purpose I/O SDASerial data for I 2C interfaceMB90945 Series10(Continued) Pin no.Pin name Circuit type Function21P43FGeneral purpose I/OSCL Serial clock for I2C interface22, 23P46, P47DGeneral purpose I/OINT0, INT1External interrupt inputs for INT0, INT124P50DGeneral purpose I/OPPG10Output for the PPG125 to 28PB0 to PB3EGeneral purpose I/OPPG02 to PPG05Outputs for the PPG4, 6, 8, AAN8 to AN11Inputs for the A/D Converter29PB4EGeneral purpose I/OSIN4SIN input for Serial I/OAN12Input for the A/D Converter30PB5EGeneral purpose I/OSCK4SCK input/output for Serial I/OAN13Input for the A/D Converter31PB6EGeneral purpose I/OSOT4SOT output for Serial I/OAN14Input for the A/D Converter36 to 43P60 to P67EGeneral purpose I/OAN0 to AN7Inputs for the A/D Converter45 to 48P51 to P54DGeneral purpose I/OPPG11 to PPG14Outputs for the PPG3, 5, 7, 949PB7DGeneral purpose I/OFRCK0FRCK0 input for the 16-bit I/O Timer 050P97DGeneral purpose I/OFRCK1FRCK1 input for the 16-bit I/O Timer 155P55DGeneral purpose I/OPPG15Outputs for the PPGB56, 57P56, P57DGeneral purpose I/OPPG00, PPG01Outputs for the PPG0, PPG258P90DGeneral purpose I/OSIN2SIN input for UART 2 (LIN/SCI/SPI) (only MB90V390HA,MB90V390HB and MB90F946A)59P93DGeneral purpose I/OSIN3SIN input for UART3 (LIN/SCI/SPI)(Continued)Pin no.Pin name Circuit type Function60P95DGeneral purpose I/OSOT3SOT output for UART3 (LIN/SCI/SPI)61P94DGeneral purpose I/OSCK3SCK input/output for UART3 (LIN/SCI/SPI)62P91DGeneral purpose I/OSCK2SCK input/output for UART 2 (LIN/SCI/SPI) (only MB90V390HA,MB90V390HB and MB90F946A)63P92DGeneral purpose I/OSOT2SOT output for UART 2 (LIN/SCI/SPI) (only MB90V390HA,MB90V390HB and MB90F946A)64P96D General purpose I/O67 to 74PA0 to PA7H General purpose I/O. For the EVA device, these pins are high current outputs.75, 76P80, P81H General purpose I/O. For the EVA device, these pins are high current outputs.32AV CC⎯Dedicated power supply pin (5 V) for the A/D converter33AVRH⎯Dedicated pos. reference voltage pin for the A/D converter 34AVRL⎯Dedicated neg. reference voltage pin for the A/D converter 35AVss⎯Dedicated power supply pin (0 V) for the A/D converter52, 53MD1, MD0C These are input pins used to designate the operating mode. They should be connected directly to V CC or V SS.51MD2G This is an input pin used to designate the operating mode. It should be connected directly to V CC or V SS.1565 90Vcc⎯These are power supply (5 V) input pins. For the EVA device, pin65 is the DV CC supply pin for the high current outputs.1644 66 91Vss⎯These are power supply (0 V) input pins. For the EVA device, pin66 is the DV SS supply pin for the high current outputs.17C⎯This is the power supply stabilization capacitor pin. It should be connected to higher than or equal to 0.1 µF ceramic capacitor.■I/O CIRCUIT TYPE(Continued)■HANDLING DEVICESSpecial care is required for the following when handling the device :•Preventing latch-up•Stabilization of supply voltage•T reatment of unused pins•Using external clock•Power supply pins (V CC/V SS)•Pull-up/pull-down resistors•Crystal Oscillator Circuit•T urning-on Sequence of Power Supply to A/D Converter and Analog Inputs•Connection of Unused Pins of A/D Converter if A/D Converter is unused.•Caution on Operations during PLL Clock Mode1.Preventing latch-upCMOS IC chips may suffer latch-up under the following conditions :•A voltage higher than V CC or lower than V SS is applied to an input or output pin.•A voltage higher than the rated voltage is applied between V CC and V SS.•The AV CC power supply is applied before the V CC voltage.Latch-up may increase the power supply current drastically, causing thermal damage to the device.In using the devices, take sufficient care to avoid exceeding maximum ratings.For the same reason, also be careful not to let the analog power-supply voltage (AV CC, AVRH) exceed the digital power-supply voltage.2.Stabilization of supply voltageA sudden change in the supply voltage may cause the device to malfunction even within the specified V CC supplyvoltage operation range. Therefore, the V CC supply voltage should be stabilized.For reference, the supply voltage should be controlled so that V CC ripple variations (peak-to-peak values) at commercial frequencies (50 Hz to 60 Hz) fall below 10 % of the standard V CC supply voltage and the coefficient of fluctuation does not exceed 0.1 V/ms at instantaneous power switching.3.Treatment of unused pinsLeaving unused input pins open may result in misbehavior or latch up and possible permanent damage of the device. Therefore they must be pulled up or pulled down through resistors. In this case those resistors should be more than 2 kΩ .Unused bidirectional pins should be set to the output state and can be left open, or the input state with the above described connection.ing external clock5.Power supply pins (V CC/V SS)•If there are multiple V CC and V SS pins, from the point of view of device design, pins to be of the same potential are connected the inside of the device to prevent such malfunctioning as latch up.T o reduce unnecessary radiation, prevent malfunctioning of the strobe signal due to the rise of ground level, and observe the standard for total output current, be sure to connect the V CC and V SS pins to the power supply and ground externally.•Connect V CC and V SS to the device from the current supply source at a low impedance.•As a measure against power supply noise, connect a capacitor of about 0.1 µF as a bypass capacitor between6.Pull-up/pull-down resistorsThe MB90945 series does not support internal pull-up/pull-down resistors option. Use external components where needed.7.Crystal Oscillator CircuitNoises around X0 or X1 pins may be possible causes of abnormal operations. Make sure to provide bypass capacitors via shortest distance from X0, X1 pins, crystal oscillator (or ceramic oscillator) and ground lines, and make sure, to the utmost effort, that lines of oscillation circuit not cross the lines of other circuits while you designa printed circuit.It is highly recommended to provide a printed circuit board art work surrounding X0 and X1 pins with a ground area for stabilizing the operation.8.Turning-on Sequence of Power Supply to A/D Converter and Analog InputsMake sure to turn on the A/D converter power supply (AV CC, AVRH, AVRL) and analog inputs (AN0 to AN14) after turning-on the digital power supply (V CC) .T urn-off the digital power after turning off the A/D converter supply and analog inputs. In this case, make sure that the voltage not exceed AVRH or AV CC (turning on/off the analog and digital power supplies simultaneously is acceptable) .9.Connection of Unused Pins of A/D Converter if A/D Converter is unusedConnect unused pins of A/D converter to AV CC= V CC, AV SS= AVRH = AVRL = V SS.10.Notes on During Operation of PLL Clock ModeIf the PLL clock mode is selected, the microcontroller attempt to be working with the self-oscillating circuit even when there is no external oscillator or external clock input is stopped. Performance of this operation, however, cannot be guaranteed.■BLOCK DIAGRAMS■MEMORY MAPNote : The high-order portion of bank 00 gives the image of the FF bank ROM to make the small model of the Ccompiler effective. Since the low-order 16 bits are the same, the table in ROM can be referenced without using the far specification in the pointer declaration.For example, an attempt to access 00C000H accesses the value at FFC000H in ROM.The ROM area in bank FF exceeds 32/48 K bytes, and its entire image cannot be shown in bank 00.The image between FF4000H /FF8000H and FFFFFF H is visible in bank 00, while the image between FF0000H and FF3FFF H /FF7FFF H is visible only in bank FF .MB90947A FFFFFF HFF0000H FEFFFF H FE0000H0018FF H 000100H 0000BF H 000000HROM (FF bank)ROM (FE bank)RAM 6 Kbytes PeripheralPeripheralROM (Image of FF bank) 004000H /003FFF H003500H00FFFF H008000H: No accessMB90F949FFFFFF HFF0000H FEFFFF H FE0000H 0030FF H000100H 0000BF H 000000HROM (FF bank)ROM (FE bank)RAM 12 KbytesPeripheralPeripheralROM (Image of FF bank) 004000H /003FFF H 003500H 00FFFF H008000HFDFFFF H FD0000H FCFFFF H FC0000HROM (FD bank)ROM (FC bank)FFFFFF H FF0000H FEFFFF H FE0000H FDFFFF H FD0000H FCFFFF H FC0000H 008000H 0070FF H003FFF H 003500H 0030FF H000100H0000BF H 000000HMB90V390HA ROM (FF bank)ROM (FE bank)ROM (FD bank)ROM (FC bank)PeripheralRAM 12 KbytesPeripheralROM (FB bank)FBFFFF H FB0000H FAFFFF H FA0000H F9FFFF H F90000H ROM (F9 bank)ROM (FA bank)00FFFF H 004100H RAM 12 KbytesROM (Image of FF bank)8017FF H 800000HRAM 6 Kbytes MB90F947MB90F949AMB90F947AFFFFFF H FF0000H FEFFFF H FE0000H 0030FF H000100H 0000BF H 000000HROM (FF bank)ROM (FE bank)RAM 12 KbytesPeripheralPeripheralROM (Image of FF bank)008000H003FFF H 003500H 00FFFF H FDFFFF H FD0000HFBFFFF H FB0000H ROM (FD bank)ROM (FA bank)MB90F946AROM (FB bank)ROM (F9 bank)FAFFFF H FA0000H F9FFFF H F90000HRAM 4 Kbytes004100H 0050FF H MB90V390HB■I/O MAP(Continued)Address RegisterAbbrevia-tion AccessResource nameInitial value 00H Port 0 data register PDR0R/W Port 0XXXXXXXX 01H Port 1 data register PDR1R/W Port 1XXXXXXXX 02H Port 2 data register PDR2R/W Port 2XXXXXXXX 03H Port 3 data register PDR3R/W Port 3XXXXXXXX 04H Port 4 data register PDR4R/W Port 4XXXXXXXX 05H Port 5 data register PDR5R/W Port 5XXXXXXXX 06H Port 6 data registerPDR6R/WPort 6XXXXXXXX07H Reserved 08H Port 8 data register PDR8R/W Port 8XXXXXXXX 09H Port 9 data register PDR9R/W Port 9XXXXXXXX 0A H Port A data register PDRA R/W Port A XXXXXXXX 0B H Port B data register PDRB R/W Port B XXXXXXXX 0C H Analog Input Enable 0ADER0R/W Port 6, A/D 111111110D H Analog Input Enable 1/ ADC Select ADER1R/W Port B, A/D 011111110E H Input Level Select Register(MB90V390HA/MB90V390HB only) ILSR R/W Ports 000000000F H Input Level Select Register(MB90V390HA/MB90V390HB only) ILSR R/W Ports 0000000010H Port 0 direction register DDR0R/W Port 00000000011H Port 1 direction register DDR1R/W Port 10000000012H Port 2 direction register DDR2R/W Port 20000000013H Port 3 direction register DDR3R/W Port 30000000014H Port 4 direction register DDR4R/W Port 40000000015H Port 5 direction register DDR5R/W Port 50000000016H Port 6 direction registerDDR6R/WPort 60000000017H Reserved 18H Port 8 direction register DDR8R/W Port 8XXXXXX0019H Port 9 direction register DDR9R/W Port 9000000001A H Port A direction register DDRA R/W Port A 000000001B H Port B direction register DDRB R/WPort B000000001C H to 1F HReservedAddress Register Abbrevia-tionAccess Resource name Initial value20H Serial Mode Control 0UMC0R/WUART00000010021H Status 0USR0R/W0001000022H Input/Output Data 0UIDR0/UODR0R/W XXXXXXXX23H Rate and Data 0URD0R/W0000000X 24H to 2B H Reserved2C H Serial Mode Control 4SMCS4R/WSerial I/OInterface XXXX00002D H Serial Mode Control 4SMCS4R/W00000010 2E H Serial Data 4SDR4R/W XXXXXXXX 2F H Serial I/O Prescaler/Edge Selector 4CDCR4R/W0X0X000030H External Interrupt Enable ENIR R/WExternal Interrupt 0000000031H External Interrupt Request EIRR R/W XXXXXXXX 32H External Interrupt Level ELVR R/W00000000 33H External Interrupt Level ELVR R/W0000000034H A/D Control Status 0ADCS0R/WA/D Converter 0000000035H A/D Control Status 1ADCS1R/W00000000 36H A/D Data 0ADCR0R XXXXXXXX 37H A/D Data 1ADCR1R/W000000XX38H PPG0 operation mode control register PPGC0R/W16-bit ProgramablePulseGenerator 0/10X000XX139H PPG1 operation mode control register PPGC1R/W0X000001 3A H PPG0 and PPG1 clock select register PPG01R/W000000XX 3B H Reserved3C H PPG2 operation mode control register PPGC2R/W16-bit ProgramablePulseGenerator 2/30X000XX13D H PPG3 operation mode control register PPGC3R/W0X000001 3E H PPG2 and PPG3 clock select register PPG23R/W000000XX 3F H Reserved40H PPG4 operation mode control register PPGC4R/W16-bit ProgramablePulseGenerator 4/50X000XX141H PPG5 operation mode control register PPGC5R/W0X000001 42H PPG4 and PPG5 clock select register PPG45R/W000000XX 43H Reserved44H PPG6 operation mode control register PPGC6R/W16-bit ProgramablePulseGenerator 6/70X000XX145H PPG7 operation mode control register PPGC7R/W0X000001 46H PPG6 and PPG7 clock select register PPG67R/W000000XX 47H Reserved(Continued)Address Register Abbrevia-tionAccess Resource name Initial value48H PPG8 operation mode control register PPGC8R/W16-bit ProgramablePulseGenerator 8/90X000XX149H PPG9 operation mode control register PPGC9R/W0X000001 4A H PPG8 and PPG9 clock select register PPG89R/W000000XX 4B H Reserved4C H PPGA operation mode control register PPGCA R/W16-bit ProgramablePulseGenerator A/B 0X000XX14D H PPGB operation mode control register PPGCB R/W0X000001 4E H PPGA and PPGB clock select register PPGAB R/W000000XX 4F H Reserved50H Timer Control Status 0TMCSR0R/W16-bit Reload Timer00000000051H Timer Control Status 0TMCSR0R/W XXXX0000 52H to 53H Reserved54H Input Capture Control Status 0/1ICS01R/W Input Capture 0/100000000 55H Input Capture Control Status 2/3ICS23R/W Input Capture 2/300000000 56H Input Capture Control Status 4/5ICS45R/W Input Capture 4/500000000 57H Reserved58H Output Compare Control Status 0OCS0R/WOutput Compare 0/10000XX0059H Output Compare Control Status 1OCS1R/W0XX000005A H Output Compare Control Status 2OCS2R/WOutput Compare 2/30000XX005B H Output Compare Control Status 3OCS3R/W0XX00000 5C H to6E HReserved6F H ROM Mirror ROMM W ROM Mirror XXXXXXX1 70H to 7F H Reserved80H to 8F H Reserved for CAN Interface 1. Refer to “■ CAN CONTROLLER”90H to 9D H Reserved9E H ROM Correction Control Status 0PACSR0R/W ROM Correction 000000000 9F H Delayed Interrupt/release DIRR R/W Delayed Interrupt XXXXXXX0A0H Low-power Mode LPMCR R/W Low PowerController00011000A1H Clock Selector CKSCR R/W Low PowerController11111100A2H to A7H ReservedA8H Watchdog Control WDTC R/W Watchdog Timer XXXXX111 A9H Timebase timer Control TBTC R/W Timebase timer1XX00100 AA H toAD HReserved(Continued)Address Register Abbrevia-tionAccess Resource name Initial valueAE H Flash Control Status(Flash devices only. Otherwise reserved)FMCS R/W Flash memory000X0000AF H ReservedB0H Interrupt control register 00ICR00R/WInterrupt controller 00000111B1H Interrupt control register 01ICR01R/W00000111 B2H Interrupt control register 02ICR02R/W00000111 B3H Interrupt control register 03ICR03R/W00000111 B4H Interrupt control register 04ICR04R/W00000111 B5H Interrupt control register 05ICR05R/W00000111 B6H Interrupt control register 06ICR06R/W00000111 B7H Interrupt control register 07ICR07R/W00000111 B8H Interrupt control register 08ICR08R/W00000111 B9H Interrupt control register 09ICR09R/W00000111 BA H Interrupt control register 10ICR10R/W00000111 BB H Interrupt control register 11ICR11R/W00000111 BC H Interrupt control register 12ICR12R/W00000111 BD H Interrupt control register 13ICR13R/W00000111 BE H Interrupt control register 14ICR14R/W00000111 BF H Interrupt control register 15ICR15R/W00000111 C0H toFF HReserved(Continued)Address Register Abbrevia-tionAccess Resource name Initial value3500H Reload L PRLL0R/W16-bit ProgramablePulseGenerator 0/1XXXXXXXX3501H Reload H PRLH0R/W XXXXXXXX 3502H Reload L PRLL1R/W XXXXXXXX 3503H Reload H PRLH1R/W XXXXXXXX3504H Reload L PRLL2R/W16-bit ProgramablePulseGenerator 2/3XXXXXXXX3505H Reload H PRLH2R/W XXXXXXXX 3506H Reload L PRLL3R/W XXXXXXXX 3507H Reload H PRLH3R/W XXXXXXXX3508H Reload L PRLL4R/W16-bit ProgramablePulseGenerator 4/5XXXXXXXX3509H Reload H PRLH4R/W XXXXXXXX 350A H Reload L PRLL5R/W XXXXXXXX 350B H Reload H PRLH5R/W XXXXXXXX350C H Reload L PRLL6R/W16-bit ProgramablePulseGenerator 6/7XXXXXXXX350D H Reload H PRLH6R/W XXXXXXXX 350E H Reload L PRLL7R/W XXXXXXXX 350F H Reload H PRLH7R/W XXXXXXXX3510H Reload L PRLL8R/W16-bit ProgramablePulseGenerator 8/9XXXXXXXX3511H Reload H PRLH8R/W XXXXXXXX 3512H Reload L PRLL9R/W XXXXXXXX 3513H Reload H PRLH9R/W XXXXXXXX3514H Reload L PRLLA R/W16-bit ProgramablePulseGenerator A/B XXXXXXXX3515H Reload H PRLHA R/W XXXXXXXX 3516H Reload L PRLLB R/W XXXXXXXX 3517H Reload H PRLHB R/W XXXXXXXX3518H Serial Mode Register SMR3R/WUART3000000003519H Serial Control Register SCR3R/W00000000351A H Reception/Transmission Data Register RDR3/TDR3R/W00000000351B H Serial Status Register SSR3R/W00001000 351C H Extended Communication Control Reg.ECCR3R/W000000XX 351D H Extended Status/Control Register ESCR3R/W00000100 351E H Baud Rate Register 0BGR03R/W00000000 351F H Baud Rate Register 1BGR13R/W00000000(Continued)。
MB90540/540G/545/545G Series
(Continued) • UART 1 With full-duplex double buffer (8-bit length) Clock asynchronized or clock synchronized serial (extended I/O serial) can be used. • External interrupt circuit (8 channels) A module for starting an extended intelligent I/O service (EI2OS) and generating an external interrupt which is triggered by an external input. • Delayed interrupt generation module Generates an interrupt request for switching tasks. • 8/10-bit A/D converter (8 channels) 8/10-bit resolution can be selectively used. Starting by an external trigger input. Conversion time : 26.3 µs • FULL-CAN interfaces MB90540 series : 2 channel MB90545 series : 1 channel Conforming to Version 2.0 Part A and Part B Flexible message buffering (mailbox and FIFO buffering can be mixed) • External bus interface : Maximum address space 16 Mbytes • Package: QFP-100, LQFP-100
The MB90560/565 series is a general-purpose 16-bit microcontroller designed for industrial, OA, and process control applications that require high-speed real-time processing. The device features a multi-function timer able to output a programmable waveform. The microcontroller instruction set is based on the same AT architecture as the F2MC-8L and F2MC-16L families with additional instructions for high-level languages, extended addressing modes, enhanced signed multiplication and division instructions, and a complete range of bit manipulation instructions. The microcontroller has a 32-bit accumulator for processing long word (32-bit) data.
• Clock • Internal oscillator circuit and PLL clock multiplication circuit • Oscillation clock Clock speed selectable from either the machine clock, main clock, or PLL clock. The main clock is the oscillation clock divided into 2 (0.5 MHz to 8 MHz for a 1 MHz to 16 MHz base oscillation) . The PLL clock is the oscillation clock multiplied by one to four (4 MHz to 16 MHz for a 4 MHz base oscillation) . • Minimum instruction execution time : 62.5 ns (for oscillation = 4 MHz, PLL clock setting = × 4, VCC = 5.0 V) • Maximum CPU memory space : 16 MB • 24-bit addressing • Bank addressing (Continued)
CPU functions
Minimum instruction execution time : 62.5 ns (at 16-MHz machine clock) Interrupt processing time : 1.5 µs at minimum (at 16-MHz machine clock) Low power consumption (standby) mode I/O port Sleep mode/Clock mode/Time-base timer mode/ Stop mode/CPU intermittent General-purpose input/output ports (CMOS output) : 34 ports (36 ports*2) including 4 high-current output ports (P14 to P17) 18-bit free-run counter Interrupt cycle : 1.024 ms, 4.096 ms, 16.834 ms, 131.072 ms (with oscillation clock frequency at 4 MHz) Reset generation cycle: 3.58 ms, 14.33 ms, 57.23 ms, 458.75 ms (with oscillation clock frequency at 4 MHz) 16-bit free-run timer Input capture Number of channels: 1 Interrupt upon occurrence of overflow Number of channels: 4 Retaining free-run timer value set by pin input (rising edge, falling edge, and both edges) Number of channels: 2 16-bit reload timer operation Count clock cycle: 0.25 µs, 0.5 µs, 2.0 µs (at 16-MHz machine clock frequency) External event count is allowed. 15-bit free-run counter Interrupt cycle: 31.25 ms, 62.5 ms, 12 ms, 250 ms, 500 ms, 1.0 s, 2.0 s (with 8.192 kHz sub clock) Number of channels: 2 (four 8-bit channels are available also.) PPG operation is allowed with four 8-bit channels or one 16-bit channel. Outputting pulse wave of arbitrary cycle or arbitrary duty is allowed. Count clock: 62.5 ns to 1 µs (with 16 MHz machine clock)
序列号大全\注册码windows序列号Macromedia Dreamweaver 序列号微... 序列号大全\注册码Macromedia Dreamweaver 8.0 :序列号:WPD800-54034-07432-89838Macromedia Dreamweaver 8 8.0 :序列号:WPD800-54034-07432-89838PWIN95 S/N: 425-0022172cE'EWIN95 S/N: 111-1111111wOudWCWIN97 S/N: 26495-OEM-0004782-75026$R5EWIN97 S/N: 00100-OEM-0123456-00100+S1ePWIN97 S/N: 00100-OEM-0123456-00100g=6|CWIN98 S/N: DC688-DET96-5SCN7-E5RLK-XL413"InCXjEWIN98 S/N: K4HVD-Q9TJ9-6CRX9-C9G68-RQ2D3PF<OsPWIN98 S/N: VR9TR-74M8W-YPT9C-4VDF4-R7PD8AgPWIN98 OEM(第二版) S/N: BBH2G-D2VK9-QD4M9-F63XB-43C33rGuGK`PWIN98 2A 2222版S/N: QY7TT-VJ7VG-7QPHY-QXHD3-B838Q%zMB9HY-M4JGJ-B3RV2-FPH8D-FP8KY$8WHWGP-XDR8Y-GR9X3-863RP-67J2TI=Windows98(第三版)th OEM 升级程序密码:1pWindows98(第三版)th OEM 密码:QY7TT-VJ7VG-7QPHY-QXHD3-B838QQWINDOWS ME 简体中文正式零售版xS/N: HJPFQ-KXW9C-D7BRJ-JCGB7-Q2DRJJWINDOWS ME 正式英文零售版aP!S/N: RBDC9-VTRC8-D7972-J97JY-PRVMGTPwindowsXP:简体中文正式零售版RxS/N:FCKGW-RHQQ2-YXRKT-8TG6W-2B7Q8"[Windows XP 专业版: CCC64-69Q48-Y3KWW-8V9GV-TVKRM<&Windows XP 家庭版: 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序列号TV3MI2-N6GTCG-LQL8S5-7L5200 病毒防治o瑞星Rav (2004) 序列号V5V0WL-NGFHWU-DT2VRM-N45200 病毒防治B? c瑞星杀毒(Rav) (2003) 序列号CRMLLL-518AI4-H20JII-640000 病毒防治C,u$虚拟光驱(8) 序列号VDP80003409820787156 系统设置Q微软OEM通用序列号425-1234567 x_S:W{微软OEM通用序列号03697-0020401-XXXXX(X为任意数) /W~``微软服务器通用序列号020-*******(Exchange Server等) d*}V微软OEM通用序列号11000-0123456-11000 #XV%微软OEM通用序列号00100-0123456-00100 o x微软通用序列号1112-1111111 F=j9微软通用序列号0123-0123456 Rh微软通用序列号425-0052563(VB,VC等) =微软通用序列号425-0022172(PWin95,PVFP,PVB) R!A|微软通用序列号400-1234567(后7位任意) c|1.微软通用序列号000-1234567 m微软通用序列号757-1234567 '微软通用序列号755-1234567 c微软通用序列号727-1111111 f微软通用序列号111-1111111 A微软通用序列号123-1234567 Va@n木马克星(Iparmor)4.20 简体中文版--Name: Ambition s/n: 360267856 or Name: Kyr0N [FHCF] s/n: -112361794 B_木马克星(Iparmor)4.15 DEMO英文版--code:七味小路key:-387786076 r9`~]c木马克星(Iparmor)4.40--Name: Ambition s/n: 360267856 or Name: Kyr0N [FHCF] s/n: -112361794 Isi\木马克星(Iparmor)3.30--Name:白菜乐园SN:1225455794 "Y;木马克星(Iparmor)3.24--Name:七味小路SN:387786076 m木马克星(Iparmor)3.23--Name:七味小路SN:-387786076 t|r`:E魔装网神2001(NetMyth)v2.9--注册名:guodong 注册码:215877F 或者注册名:cvh520 注册码:1c11471 s<!?=&魔装网神2001(NetMyth)v2.8--注册名:dyiyd 注册码:17E4CBD 1\oztF魔装网神2001(NetMyth)v2.7--注册名:dyiyd 注册码:17E4CBD %v)3a魔装网神2001(NetMyth)v2.6--注册名:dyiyd 注册码:17E4CBD 或者注册名:wind 注册码:1260457 或者Name:CHINA Sn:166B031 6A%ss魔装网神2001(NetMyth)v2.5--注册名:dyiyd 注册码:17E4CBD 或者注册名:wind 注册码:1260457 xNetCaptor Pro v6.5.0 beta 0-NetCaptor Pro v6.5.0 beta 8通用序列号--SN:13064036或者sn:21199609 JNet Optimizer v3.0 RC2--sn:28031979-ph-17081945 LNero Burning ROM官方正式版--Code:1404-1000-0564-0564-7701 @j[Nero Burning ROM 5 iso--sn:100012-095795-479579-222860 ,UNetObjects Fusion MX 6--sn:NFW-600-R-073-02169-43559 Yo,Nautilus NetKit(鹦鹉螺网络助手)v2.20中文版--Name:husoft Code:rkdwpibung 或者Name:nicsoft code:mfyrkdwpib !,jbNautilus NetKit(鹦鹉螺网络助手)v2.11中文版--注册名:dyiyd [CCG] 注册码exqjcvohat z.南极星 2.23--user:ldr company:注册码:4581-0495-2953-6078 2欧阳网络客户管家(oyclientmaster)2.0--注册码:4080340240803402 B$|OICQ图形留言系统3.20--Name:1key Code:50466173 或者Name:stcsr Sn:-1818884247 }d:4IR 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AI0137219A0-A18W DQ0-DQ7V CCM29F040GE V SS8Figure 1. Logic DiagramM29F0404 Mbit (512Kb x8, Uniform Block) Single Supply Flash MemoryNOT FOR NEW DESIGNM29F040 is replaced by the M29F040B5V ± 10% SUPPLY VOLTAGE for PROGRAM,ERASE and READ OPERATIONS FAST ACCESS TIME: 70nsBYTE PROGRAMMING TIME: 10µs typical ERASE TIME–Block: 1.0 sec typical –Chip: 2.5 sec typicalPROGRAM/ERASE CONTROLLER (P/E.C.)–Program Byte-by-Byte–Data Polling and Toggle bits Protocol for P/E.C. StatusMEMORY ERASE in BLOCKS–8 Uniform Blocks of 64 KBytes each –Block Protection –Multiblock EraseERASE SUSPEND and RESUME MODES LOW POWER CONSUMPTION–Read mode: 8mA typical (at 12MHz)–Stand-by mode: 25µA typical –Automatic Stand-by mode100,000 PROGRAM/ERASE CYCLES per BLOCK20 YEARS DATA RETENTION –Defectivity below 1ppm/year ELECTRONIC SIGNATURE –Manufacturer Code: 20h –Device Code: E2h A0-A18Address Inputs DQ0-DQ7Data Input / Outputs E Chip Enable G Output Enable W Write Enable V CC Supply Voltage V SSGroundTable 1. Signal NamesPLCC32 (K)TSOP32 (N)8 x 20 mmNovember 19991/31This is information on a product still in production but not recommended for new designs.A1A0DQ0A7A4A3A2A6A5A13A10A8A9DQ7A14A11G E DQ5DQ1DQ2DQ3DQ4DQ6A17W A16A12A18V CC A15AI01379M29F040(Normal)8191617242532V SS Figure 2B. TSOP Pin ConnectionsAI01378A 17A13A10D Q 517A1A0DQ0D Q 1D Q 2D Q 3D Q 4A7A4A3A2A6A59W A81A 16A9DQ7A 12A1432A 18V C C M29F040A 15A11D Q 6G E 25V S S Figure 2A. LCC Pin ConnectionsA1A0DQ0A7A4A3A2A6A5A13A10A8A9DQ7A14A11G E DQ5DQ1DQ2DQ3DQ4DQ6A17W A16A12A18V CC A15AI01174BM29F040(Reverse)8191617242532V SS Figure 2C. TSOP Reverse Pin ConnectionsDESCRIPTIONThe M29F040 is a non-volatile memory that may be erased electrically at the block level, and pro-grammed Byte-by-Byte.The interface is directly compatible with most mi-croprocessors. PLCC32 and TSOP32 (8 x 20mm)packages are available. Both normal and reverse pin outs are available for the TSOP32 anisationThe Flash Memory organisation is 512K x8 bits with Address lines A0-A18 and Data Inputs/Outputs DQ0-DQ7. Memory control is provided by Chip Enable, Output Enable and Write Enable Inputs.Erase and Program are performed through the internal Program/Erase Controller (P/E.C.).Data Outputs bits DQ7 and DQ6 provide polling or toggle signals during Automatic Program or Erase to indicate the Ready/Busy state of the internal Program/Erase Controller.Memory BlocksErasure of the memory is in blocks. There are 8uniform blocks of 64 Kbytes each in the memory address space. Each block can be programmed and erased over 100,000 cycles. Each uniform block may separately be protected and unpro-2/31M29F040Symbol Parameter Value Unit T A Ambient Operating Temperature (3)–40 to 125 °CT BIAS Temperature Under Bias–50 to 125 °CT STG Storage Temperature–65 to 150 °CV IO (2)Input or Output Voltages–0.6 to 7 VV CC Supply Voltage–0.6 to 7 VV A9 (2)A9 Voltage–0.6 to 13.5 V Notes:1.Except for the rating "Operating Temperature Range", stresses above those listed in the Table "Absolute Maximum Ratings"may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only and operation of the device at these or any otherconditions above those indicated in the Operating sections of this specification is not implied. Exposure to Absolute MaximumRating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. Refer also to the STMicroelectronics SURE Program and other relevant quality documents.2.Minimum Voltage may undershoot to –2V during transition and for less than 20ns.3.Depends on range.Table 2. Absolute Maximum Ratings (1)tected against program and erase. Block erasure may be suspended, while data is read from other blocks of the memory, and then resumed.Bus OperationsSeven operations can be performed by the appro-priate bus cycles, Read Array, Read Electronic Signature, Output Disable, Standby, Protect Block, Unprotect Block, and Write the Command of an Instruction.Command InterfaceCommand Bytes can be written to a Command Interface (C.I.) latch to perform Reading (from the Array or Electronic Signature), Erasure or Pro-gramming. For added data protection, command execution starts after 4 or 6 command cycles. The first, second, fourth and fifth cycles are used to input a code sequence to the Command Interface (C.I.). This sequence is equal for all P/E.C. instruc-tions. Command itself and its confirmation - if it applies - are given on the third and fourth or sixth cycles.InstructionsSeven instructions are defined to perform Reset, Read Electronic Signature, Auto Program, Block Auto Erase, Chip Auto Erase, Block Erase Suspend and Block Erase Resume. The internal Pro-gram/Erase Controller (P/E.C.) handles all timing and verification of the Program and Erase instruc-tions and provides Data Polling, T oggle, and Status data to indicate completion of Program and Erase Operations.Instructions are composed of up to six cycles. The first two cycles input a code sequence to the Com-mand Interface which is common to all P/E.C. instructions (see Table 7 for Command Descrip-tions). The third cycle inputs the instruction set up command instruction to the Command Interface. Subsequent cycles output Signature, Block Protec-tion or the addressed data for Read operations. For added data protection, the instructions for pro-gram, and block or chip erase require further com-mand inputs. For a Program instruction, the fourth command cycle inputs the address and data to be programmed. For an Erase instruction (block or chip), the fourth and fifth cycles input a further code sequence before the Erase confirm command on the sixth cycle. Byte programming takes typically 10µs while erase is performed in typically 1.0 sec-ond.Erasure of a memory block may be suspended, in order to read data from another block, and then resumed. Data Polling, Toggle and Error data may be read at any time, including during the program-ming or erase cycles, to monitor the progress of the operation. When power is first applied or if V CC falls below V LKO, the command interface is reset to Read Array.3/31M29F040Operation E G W DQ0 - DQ7 Read V IL V IL V IH Data Output Write V IL V IH V IL Data Input Output Disable V IL V IH V IH Hi-Z Standby V IH X X Hi-ZNote:X = V IL or V IHTable 3. OperationsCode E G W A0A1A6A9OtherAddressesDQ0 - DQ7 Manufact. Code V IL V IL V IH V IL V IL V IL V ID Don’t Care20h Device Code V IL V IL V IH V IH V IL V IL V ID Don’t Care E2h Table 4. Electronic SignatureCode E G W A0A1A6A16A17A18OtherAddressesDQ0 - DQ7 Protected Block V IL V IL V IH V IL V IH V IL SA SA SA Don’t Care01h Unprotected Block V IL V IL V IH V IL V IH V IL SA SA SA Don’t Care00h Note:SA = Address of block being checkedTable 5. Block Protection StatusDEVICE OPERATIONSignal DescriptionsAddress Inputs (A0-A18). The address inputs for the memory array are latched during a write opera-tion. The A9 address input is used also for the Electronic Signature read and Block Protect veri-fication. When A9 is raised to V ID, either a Read Manufacturer Code, Read Device Code or Verify Block Protection is enabled depending on the com-bination of levels on A0, A1 and A6. When A0, A1 and A6 are Low, the Electronic Signature Manufac-turer code is read, when A0 is High and A1 and A6 are Low, the Device code is read, and when A1 is High and A0 and A6 are low, the Block Protection Status is read for the block addressed by A16, A17, A18.Data Input/Outputs (DQ0-DQ7). The data input is a byte to be programmed or a command written to the C.I. Both are latched when Chip Enable E and Write Enable W are active. The data output is from the memory Array, the Electronic Signature, the Data Polling bit (DQ7), the Toggle Bit (DQ6), the Error bit (DQ5) or the Erase Timer bit (DQ3). Ou-puts are valid when Chip Enable E and Output Enable G are active. The output is high impedance when the chip is deselected or the outputs are disabled.Chip Enable (E). The Chip Enable activates the memory control logic, input buffers, decoders and sense amplifiers. E High deselects the memory and reduces the power consumption to the standby level. E can also be used to control writing to the command register and to the memory array, while W remains at a low level. Addresses are then latched on the falling edge of E while data is latched on the rising edge of E. The Chip Enable must be forced to V ID during Block Unprotect operations. Output Enable (G). The Output Enable gates the outputs through the data buffers during a read operation. G must be forced to V ID level during Block Protect and Block Unprotect operations. Write Enable (W). This input controls writing to the Command Register and Address and Data latches. Addresses are latched on the falling edge of W, and Data Inputs are latched on the rising edge of W. V CC Supply Voltage. The power supply for all operations (Read, Program and Erase).V SS Ground. V SS is the reference for all voltage measurements.4/31M29F040Mne.Instr.Cyc.1st Cyc.2nd Cyc.3rd Cyc.4th Cyc.5th Cyc.6th Cyc.7th Cyc.RST (4,10)Read Array/Reset 1+Addr.(3,7)XRead Memory Array until a new write cycle is initiated.Data F0h3+Addr.(3,7)5555h2AAAh5555h Read Memory Array until a new writecycle is initiated.Data AAh55h F0hRSIG (4)ReadElectronicSignature3+Addr.(3,7)5555h2AAAh5555h Read Electronic Signature until a newwrite cycle is initiated. See Note 5.Data AAh55h90hRBP (4)Read BlockProtection3+Addr.(3,7)5555h2AAAh5555h Read Block Protection until a new writecycle is initiated. See Note 6.Data AAh55h90hPG Program4Addr.(3,7)5555h2AAAh5555h ProgramAddress Read Data Polling or Toggle Bituntil Program completes.Data AAh55h A0h ProgramDataBE Block Erase6Addr.(3,7)5555h2AAAh5555h5555h2AAAh BlockAddressAdditionalBlock (8) Data AAh55h80h AAh55h30h30hCE Chip Erase6Addr.(3,7)5555h2AAAh5555h5555h2AAAh5555hNote 9 Data AAh55h80h AAh55h10hES EraseSuspend1Addr.(3,7)X Read until Toggle stops, then read all the data needed from anyuniform block(s) not being erased then Resume Erase.Data B0hER EraseResume1Addr.(3,7)X Read Data Polling or Toggle Bit until Erase completes or Eraseis suspended another timeData30hNotes:mand not interpreted in this table will default to read array mode.2.While writing any command or during RSG and RSP execution, the P/E.C. can be reset by writing the command 00h to the C.I.3.X = Don’t Care.4.The first cycle of the RST, RBP or RSIG instruction is followed by read operations to read memory array, Status Register orElectronic Signature codes. Any number of read cycles can occur after one command cycle.5.Signature Address bits A0, A1, A6 at V IL will output Manufacturer code (20h). Address bits A0 at V IH and A1, A6 at V IL will outputDevice code.6.Protection Address: A0, A6 at V IL, A1 at V IH and A16, A17, A18 within the uniform block to be checked, will output the Block Protectionstatus.7.Address bits A15-A18 are don’t care for coded address inputs.8.Optional, additional blocks addresses must be entered within a 80µs delay after last write entry, timeout status can be verifiedthrough DQ3 value. When full command is entered, read Data Polling or T oggle bit until Erase is completed or suspended.9.Read Data Polling or T oggle bit until Erase completes.10.A wait time of 5µs is necessary after a Reset command, if the memory is in a Block Erase status, before startingany operation.Table 6. Instructions (1,2)5/31M29F040Memory BlocksThe memory blocks of the M29F040 are shown in Figure 3. The memory array is divided in 8 uniform blocks of 64 Kbytes. Each block can be erased separately or any combination of blocks can be erased simultaneously. The Block Erase operation is managed automatically by the P/E.C. The opera-tion can be suspended in order to read from any other block, and then resumed.Block Protection provides additional data security. Each uniform block can be separately protected or unprotected against Program or Erase. Bringing A9 and G to V ID initiates protection, while bringing A9, G and E to V ID cancels the protection. The block affected during protection is addressed by the in-puts on A16, A17, and A18. Unprotect operation affects all blocks.OperationsOperations are defined as specific bus cycles and signals which allow Memory Read, Command Write, Output Disable, Standby, Read Status Bits, Block Protect/Unprotect, Block Protection Check and Electronic Signature Read. They are shown in Tables 3, 4, 5.Read. Read operations are used to output the contents of the Memory Array, the Status Register or the Electronic Signature. Both Chip Enable E and Output Enable G must be low in order to read the output of the memory. The Chip Enable input also provides power control and should be used for device selection. Output Enable should be used to gate data onto the output independent of the device selection. The data read depends on the previous command written to the memory (see instructions RST and RSIG, and Status Bits).Write. Write operations are used to give Instruction Commands to the memory or to latch input data to be programmed. A write operation is initiated when Chip Enable E is Low and Write Enable W is Low with Output Enable G High. Addresses are latched on the falling edge of W or E whichever occurs last. Commands and Input Data are latched on the rising edge of W or E whichever occurs first.Output Disable. The data outputs are high imped-ance when the Output Enable G is High with Write Enable W High.Standby. The memory is in standby when Chip Enable E is High and Program/Erase Controller P/E.C. is Idle. The power consumption is reduced to the standby level and the outputs are high im-pedance, independent of the Output Enable G or Write Enable W inputs.Automatic Standby. After 150ns of inactivity and when CMOS levels are driving the addresses, the chip automatically enters a pseudo standby mode where consumption is reduced to the CMOS standby value, while outputs are still driving the bus.Electronic Signature. Two codes identifying the manufacturer and the device can be read from the memory, the manufacturer’s code for STMicroelec-tronics is 20h, and the device code is E2h for the M29F040. These codes allow programming equip-ment or applications to automatically match their interface to the characteristics of the particular manufacturer’s product. The Electronic Signature is output by a Read operation when the voltage applied to A9 is at V ID and address inputs A1 and A6 are at Low. The manufacturer code is output when the Address input A0 is Low and the device code when this input is High. Other Address inputs are ignored. The codes are output on DQ0-DQ7. This is shown in Table 4.The Electronic Signature can also be read, without raising A9 to V ID by giving the memory the instruc-tion RSIG (see below).Block Protection. Each uniform block can be separately protected against Program or Erase. Block Protection provides additional data security, as it disables all program or erase operations. This mode is activated when both A9 and G are set to V ID and the block address is applied on A16-A18. Block Protection is programmed using a Presto F program like algorithm. Protection is initiated on the edge of W falling to V IL. Then after a delay of 100µs, the edge of W rising to V IH ends the protection operation. Protection verify is achieved by bringing G, E and A6 to V IL while W is at V IH and A9 at V ID. Under these conditions, reading the data output will yield 01h if the block defined by the inputs on A16-A18 is protected. Any attempt to program or erase a protected block will be ignored by the device.Any protected block can be unprotected to allow updating of bit contents. All blocks must be pro-tected before an unprotect operation. Block Un-protect is activated when A9, G and E are at V ID. The addresses inputs A6, A12, A16 must be main-tained at V IH. Block Unprotect is performed through a Presto F Erase like algorithm. Unprotect is initi-ated by the edge of W falling to V IL. After a delay of 10ms, the edge of W rising to V IH will end the unprotection operation. Unprotect verify is achieved by bringing G and E to V IL while A6 and W are at V IH and A9 at V ID. In these conditions, reading the output data will yield 00h if the block defined by the inputs on A16-A18 has been suc-cessfully unprotected. All combinations of A16-A18 must be addressed in order to ensure that all of the 8 uniform blocks have been unprotected. Block Protection Status is shown in Table 5.6/31M29F04064K Bytes Block AI01362B7FFFFh 6FFFFh 5FFFFh 4FFFFh 3FFFFh 2FFFFh 1FFFFh 0FFFFhTOP ADDRESS 70000h 60000h 50000h 40000h 30000h 20000h 10000h 00000hBOTTOM ADDRESS A181164K Bytes Block 64K Bytes Block64K Bytes Block 64K Bytes Block A1711A16101100100011100010Figure 3. Memory Map and Block Address TableHex Code Command00h Read10h Chip Erase Confirm30h Block Erase Resume/Confirm 80h Set-up Erase90h Read Electronic Signature/Block Protection Status A0h Program B0h Erase Suspend F0hRead Array/ResetTable 7. CommandsInstructions and CommandsThe Command Interface (C.I.) latches commands written to the memory. Instructions are made up from one or more commands to perform Read Array/Reset, Read Electronic Signature, Block Erase, Chip Erase, Program, Block Erase Suspend and Erase Resume. Commands are made of ad-dress and data sequences. Addresses are latched on the falling edge of W or E and data is latched on the rising of W or E. The instructions require from 1 to 6 cycles, the first or first three of which are always write operations used to initiate the com-mand. They are followed by either further write cycles to confirm the first command or execute the command immediately. Command sequencing must be followed exactly. Any invalid combination of commands will reset the device to Read Array.The increased number of cycles has been chosen to assure maximum data security. Commands are initialised by two preceding coded cycles which unlock the Command Interface. In addition, for Erase, command confirmation is again preceeded by the two coded cycles.P/E.C. status is indicated during command execu-tion by Data Polling on DQ7, detection of Toggle onDQ6, or Error on DQ5 and Erase Timer DQ3 bits.Any read attempt during Program or Erase com-mand execution will automatically output those four bits. The P/E.C. automatically sets bits DQ3, DQ5,DQ6 and DQ7. Other bits (DQ0, DQ1, DQ2 and DQ4) are reserved for future use and should be masked.7/31M29F040DQ Name Logic Level Definition Note7DataPolling’1’Erase CompleteIndicates the P/E.C. status, check duringProgram or Erase, and on completionbefore checking bits DQ5 for Program orErase Success.’0’Erase on GoingDQ Program CompleteDQ Program on Going6Toggle Bit ’-1-0-1-0-1-0-1-’Erase or Program on Going Successive read output complementarydata on DQ6 while Programming or Eraseoperations are going on. DQ6 remain atconstant level when P/E.C. operations arecompleted or Erase Suspend isacknowledged.’-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-’Program (’0’ on DQ6)Complete’-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-’Erase or Program(’1’ on DQ6) Complete5Error Bit ’1’Program or Erase Error This bit is set to ’1’ if P/E.C. has excededthe specified time limits.’0’Program or Erase on Going4’1’’0’3EraseTime Bit ’1’Erase Timeout Period Expired P/E.C. Erase operation has started. Onlypossible command entry is Erase Suspend(ES). An additional block to be erased inparallel can be entered to the P/E.C.’0’Erase Timeout Period onGoing2Reserved1Reserved0ReservedNote:Logic level ’1’ is High, ’0’ is Low. -0-1-0-0-0-1-1-1-0- represent bit value in successive Read operations. Table 8. Status RegisterData Polling bit (DQ7). When Programming op-erations are in progress, this bit outputs the com-plement of the bit being programmed on DQ7. During Erase operation, it outputs a ’0’. After com-pletion of the operation, DQ7 will output the bit last programmed or a ’1’ after erasing. Data Polling is valid only effective during P/E.C. operation, that is after the fourth W pulse for programming or after the sixth W pulse for Erase. It must be performed at the address being programmed or at an address within the block being erased. If the byte to be programmed belongs to a protected block the com-mand is ignored. If all the blocks selected for era-sure are protected, DQ7 will set to ’0’ for about 100µs, and then return to previous addressed memory data. See Figure 9 for the Data Polling flowchart and Figure 10 for the Data Polling wave-forms.Toggle bit (DQ6). When Programming operations are in progress, successive attempts to read DQ6 will output complementary data. DQ6 will toggle following toggling of either G or E when G is low.The operation is completed when two successive reads yield the same output data. The next read will output the bit last programmed or a ’1’ after erasing. The toggle bit is valid only effective during P/E.C. operations, that is after the fourth W pulse for programming or after the sixth W pulse for Erase. If the byte to be programmed belongs to a protected block the command will be ignored. If the blocks selected for erasure are protected, DQ6 will toggle for about 100µs and then return back to Read. See Figure 11 for Toggle Bit flowchart and Figure 12 for Toggle Bit waveforms.Error bit (DQ5). This bit is set to ’1’ by the P/E.C when there is a failure of byte programming, block erase, or chip erase that results in invalid data being programmed in the memory block. In case of error in block erase or byte program, the block in which the error occured or to which the pro-grammed byte belongs, must be discarded. Other blocks may still be used. Error bit resets after Reset (RST) instruction. In case of success, the error bit will set to ’0’ during Program or Erase and to valid data after write operation is completed.8/31M29F040AI01275B3VHigh Speed0V1.5V2.4VStandard 0.45V2.0V 0.8VFigure 4. AC Testing Input Output Waveform AI01276B1.3VOUTC LC L = 30pF for High Speed C L = 100pF for Standard C L includes JIG capacitance3.3k Ω1N914DEVICE UNDER TESTFigure 5. AC Testing Load CircuitSymbol ParameterTest ConditionMinMax Unit C IN Input Capacitance V IN = 0V 6pF C OUTOutput CapacitanceV OUT = 0V12pFNote: 1.Sampled only, not 100% tested.Table 10. Capacitance (1) (T A = 25 °C, f = 1 MHz )Erase Timer bit (DQ3). This bit is set to ’0’ by the P/E.C. when the last Block Erase command has been entered to the Command Interface and it is awaiting the Erase start. When the wait period is finished, after 80 to 120µs, DQ3 returns back to ’1’.Coded Cycles. The two coded cycles unlock the Command Interface. They are followed by a com-mand input or a comand confirmation. The coded cycles consist of writing the data AAh at address 5555h during the first cycle and data 55h at address 2AAAh during the second cycle. Addresses are latched on the falling edge of W or E while data is latched on the rising edge of W or E. The coded cycles happen on first and second cycles of the command write or on the fourth and fifth cycles.Read Array/Reset (RST) instruction. The Reset instruction consists of one write operation giving the command F0h. It can be optionally preceded by the two coded cycles. A wait state of 5µs before read operations is necessary if the Reset command is applied during an Erase operation.Read Electronic Signature (RSIG) instruction.This instruction uses the two coded cycles followed by one write cycle giving the command 90h to address 5555h for command setup. A subsequent read will output the manufacturer code, the device code or the Block Protection status depending on the levels of A0, A1, A6, A16, A17 and A18. The manufacturer code, 20h, is output when the ad-dresses lines A0, A1 and A6 are Low, the device code, E2h is output when A0 is High with A1 and A6 Low.High SpeedStandard Input Rise and Fall Times ≤ 10ns ≤ 10ns Input Pulse Voltages0 to 3V 0.45V to 2.4V Input and Output Timing Ref. Voltages1.5V0.8V and 2VTable 9. AC Measurement Conditions9/31M29F040Symbol ParameterTest Condition MinMax Unit I LI Input Leakage Current 0V ≤ V IN ≤ V CC ±1µA I LO Output Leakage Current 0V ≤ V OUT ≤ V CC ±1µA I CC1Supply Current (Read) E = V IL , G = V IH , f = 6MHz15mA I CC2Supply Current (Standby) TTL E = V IH 1mA I CC3Supply Current (Standby) CMOS E = V CC ± 0.2V 50µA I CC4Supply Current (Program or Erase)Byte Program, Block Erase 20mA I CC5Supply Current Chip Erase in progress40mA V IL Input Low Voltage –0.50.8V V IH Input High Voltage 2V CC + 0.5V V OL Output Low Voltage I OL = 10mA 0.45V V OHOutput High Voltage TTLI OH = –2.5mA 2.4V Output High Voltage CMOSI OH = –100µA V CC –0.4V I OH = –2.5mA0.85 V CC V V ID A9 Voltage (Electronic Signature)11.512.5V I ID A9 Current (Electronic Signature)A9 = V ID50µA V LKOSupply Voltage (Erase and Program lock-out)3.24.2VTable 11. DC Characteristics(T A = 0 to 70°C, –20 to 85°C, –40 to 85°C or –40 to 125°C; V CC = 5V ± 10%)Read Block Protection (RBP) instruction. The use of Read Electronic Signature (RSIG) command also allows access to the Block Protection status verify. After giving the RSIG command, A0 and A6are set to V IL with A1 at V IH , while A16, A17 and A18 define the block of the block to be verified. A read in these conditions will output a 01h if block is protected and a 00h if block is not protected.This Read Block Protection is the only valid way to check the protection status of a block. Neverthe-less, it must not be used during the Block Protection phase as a method to verify the block protection.Please refer to Block Protection paragraph.Chip Erase (CE) instruction. This instruction uses six write cycles. The Erase Set-up command 80h is written to address 5555h on third cycle after the two coded cycles. The Chip Erase Confirm com-mand 10h is written at address 5555h on sixth cycle after another two coded cycles. If the second com-mand given is not an erase confirm or if the coded cycles are wrong, the instruction aborts and the device is reset to Read Array. It is not necessary to program the array with 00h first as the P/E.C. will automatically do this before erasing to FFh. Read operations after the sixth rising edge of W or E output the status register bits. During the execu-tion of the erase by the P/E.C. the memory accepts only the Reset (RST) command. Read of Data Polling bit DQ7 returns ’0’, then ’1’ on completion.The T oggle Bit DQ6 toggles during erase operation and stops when erase is completed. After comple-tion the Status Register bit DQ5 returns ’1’ if there has been an Erase Failure because the erasure has not been verified even after the maximum number of erase cycles have been executed.10/31M29F040SymbolAltParameterTest ConditionM29F040Unit-70-90V CC = 5V ± 5%V CC = 5V ± 10%Standard Interface Standard Interface MinMaxMin Maxt AVAV t RC Address Valid to Next Address Valid E = V IL , G = V IL 7090ns t AVQV t ACC Address Valid to Output Valid E = V IL , G = V IL7090ns t ELQX (1)t LZ Chip Enable Low to Output Transition G = V IL 0ns t ELQV (2)t CE Chip Enable Low to Output Valid G = V IL 7090ns t GLQX (1)t OLZ Output Enable Low to Output TransitionE = V IL 0ns t GLQV (2)t OE Output Enable Low to Output Valid E = V IL 3035ns t EHQX t OH Chip Enable High to Output TransitionG = V IL 0ns t EHQZ (1)t HZ Chip Enable High to Output Hi-Z G = V IL 2020ns t GHQX t OH Output Enable High to Output TransitionE = V IL 0ns t GHQZ (1)t DF Output Enable High to Output Hi-Z E = V IL 2020ns t AXQXt OHAddress Transition to Output TransitionE = V IL , G = V IL2020ns Notes:1.Sampled only, not 100% tested.2.G may be delayed by up to t ELQV - t GLQV after the falling edge of E without increasing t ELQV .3.The temperature range –40 to 125°C is guaranteed at 70ns with High Speed Interface test condition and V CC = 5V ± 5%.Table 12A. Read AC Characteristics(T A = 0 to 70°C, –20 to 85°C, –40 to 85°C or –40 to 125°C)(3)Block Erase (BE) instruction . This instruction uses a minimum of six write cycles. The Erase Set-up command 80h is written to address 5555h on third cycle after the two coded cycles. The Block Erase Confirm command 30h is written on sixth cycle after another two coded cycles. During the input of the second command an address within the block to be erased is given and latched into the memory. Additional Block Erase confirm com-mands and block addresses can be written sub-sequently to erase other blocks in parallel, without further coded cycles. The erase will start after an Erase timeout period of about 100µs. Thus, addi-tional Block Erase commands must be given within this delay. The input of a new Block Erase com-mand will restart the timeout period. The status of the internal timer can be monitored through the level of DQ3, if DQ3 is ’0’ the Block Erase Com-mand has been given and the timeout is running, if DQ3 is ’1’, the timeout has expired and the P/E.Cis erasing the block(s). Before and during Erase timeout, any command different from 30h will abort the instruction and reset the device to read array mode. It is not necessary to program the block with 00h as the P/E.C. will do this automatically before erasing to FFh. Read operations after the sixth rising edge of W or E output the status register bits.During the execution of the erase by the P/E.C., the memory accepts only the ES (Erase Suspend) and RST (Reset) instructions. Data Polling bit DQ7returns ’0’ while the erasure is in progress and ’1’when it has completed. The Toggle Bit DQ6 toggles during the erase operation. It stops when erase is completed. After completion the Status Register bit DQ5 returns ’1’ if there has been an Erase Failure because erasure has not completed even after the maximum number of erase cycles have been executed. In this case, it will be necessary to input a Reset (RST) to the command interface in order to reset the P/E.C.11/31。
Vboard 49 用户手册说明书
Vboard 49 用户手册、fl.■Ir.l目 录前言 (2)重要注意事项: (2)1.概览 (3)1.1上面板 (3)1.2后面板 (3)2.向导 (4)2.1准备使用 (4)2.2显示屏 (5)2.3移调/八度按键 (6)2.4旋钮控制器 (6)2.5SHIFT功能按键 (6)2.6触控板 (6)2.7走带控制器 (7)2.8键盘 (7)2.9操作举例 (8)2.9.1 更改走带按钮模式 (8)2.9.2 更改走带按钮的CC编号 (8)2.9.3 更改旋钮的CC编号 (8)2.9.4 更改控制器通道 (9)2.9.5 发送Program Change信息 (9)3.恢复出厂设置 (10)4. DAW走带控制设置 (10)4.1 Steinberg Cubase/Nuendo Pro (MMC) (10)4.2 FL Studio (MMC) (11)4.3 Studio one(MMC) (12)4.4 Pro Tools(MMC) (14)4.5 Logic Pro X(MMC) (15)4.6 Reaper(MMC) (16)5.蓝牙MIDI连接(IOS) (18)6.附表 (20)6.1产品规格表 (20)6.2SCALE调式音阶表 (20)6.3MIDI CC控制器表 (21)6.4 MIDI DIN 转 3.5mm TRS 转接头 (22)前言感谢您购买MIDIPLUS Vboard 49折叠MIDI键盘。
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FMMT449NPN Low Saturation TransistorThese devices are designed with high current gain and low saturation voltage with co con tinuous. Sourced from Process NB.Absolute Maximum Ratings*FMMT449SuperSOT TM -3CE BMHz150I C = 50mA,V CE = 10 V,f=100MHz Transi t ion Frequ e nc yf TpF 15V CB = 10 V, I E = 0, f = 1MHz Output Capacitance C obo SMALL SIGNAL CHARACTERISTICS V1I C = 1 A, V CE = 2 VBase-Emitter On VoltageV BE(on)V 1.25I C = 1 A, I B = 100 mA Base-Emitter Saturation Voltage V BE(sat )mV V 5001.0I C = 1 A, I B = 100 mAI C = 2 A, I B = 200 mACollector-Emitter Saturation Voltage V CE(sat)-300701008040I C = 50 mA, V CE = 2V I C = 500 mA, V CE = 2V I C = 1A, V CE = 2V I C = 2A, V CE = 2VDC Current Gainh FEON CHARACTERISTICS * nA100V EB = 4VEmitter Cutoff CurrentI EBOnA uA 10010V CB = 40 VV CB = 40 V, Ta=100°C Collector Cutoff Current I CBO V5I E = 100 µA Emitter-Base Breakdown Voltage BV EBO V 50I C = 1mA Collector-Base Breakdown Voltage BV CBO V 30I C = 10 mA Collector-Emitter Breakdown Voltage BV CEO OFF CHARACTERISTICS UnitsMaxMinTest ConditionsParameterSymbolNPN Low Saturation Transistor(continued)Electrical Characteristics T A = 25°C unless otherwise noted*Pulse Test: Pulse Width ≤ 300 µs, Duty Cycle ≤ 2.0%FMMT449TRADEMARKSACEx™CoolFET™CROSSVOLT™E 2CMOS TM FACT™FACT Quiet Series™FAST ®FASTr™GTO™HiSeC™The following are registered and unregistered trademarks Fairchild Semiconductor owns or is authorized to use and is not intended to be an exhaustive list of all such trademarks.LIFE SUPPORT POLICYFAIRCHILD’S PRODUCTS ARE NOT AUTHORIZED FOR USE AS CRITICAL COMPONENTS IN LIFE SUPPORTDEVICES OR SYSTEMS WITHOUT THE EXPRESS WRITTEN APPROV AL OF FAIRCHILD SEMICONDUCTOR CORPORA TION.As used herein:ISOPLANAR™MICROWIRE™POP™PowerTrench™QS™Quiet Series™SuperSOT™-3SuperSOT™-6SuperSOT™-8TinyLogic™1. Life support devices or systems are devices or systems which, (a) are intended for surgical implant intothe body, or (b) support or sustain life, or (c) whosefailure to perform when properly used in accordancewith instructions for use provided in the labeling, can be reasonably expected to result in significant injury to the user.2. A critical component is any component of a lifesupport device or system whose failure to perform can be reasonably expected to cause the failure of the life support device or system, or to affect its safety or effectiveness.PRODUCT STATUS DEFINITIONS Definition of Terms Datasheet Identification Product Status DefinitionAdvance InformationPreliminary No Identification Needed Obsolete This datasheet contains the design specifications for product development. Specifications may change in any manner without notice.This datasheet contains preliminary data, andsupplementary data will be published at a later date.Fairchild Semiconductor reserves the right to make changes at any time without notice in order to improve design.This datasheet contains final specifications. Fairchild Semiconductor reserves the right to make changes at any time without notice in order to improve design.This datasheet contains specifications on a product that has been discontinued by Fairchild semiconductor.The datasheet is printed for reference information only.Formative or In DesignFirst ProductionFull ProductionNot In ProductionDISCLAIMERFAIRCHILD SEMICONDUCTOR RESERVES THE RIGHT TO MAKE CHANGES WITHOUT FURTHER NOTICE TO ANY PRODUCTS HEREIN TO IMPROVE RELIABILITY , FUNCTION OR DESIGN. FAIRCHILD DOES NOT ASSUME ANY LIABILITY ARISING OUT OF THE APPLICATION OR USE OF ANY PRODUCT OR CIRCUIT DESCRIBED HEREIN; NEITHER DOES IT CONVEY ANY LICENSE UNDER ITS PATENT RIGHTS, NOR THE RIGHTS OF OTHERS.UHC™VCX™分销商库存信息: FAIRCHILD FMMT449。
DS04-28825-4EFUJITSU SEMICONDUCTORDATA SHEETASSP For Screen Display ControlCMOSON -Screen Display ControllerMB90097s DESCRIPTIONThe MB90097 is the on-screen display controller for displaying text and graphics on the TV screen. Since it has a three-channel output control function, small package, and low voltage requirement for operation, it is suitable for on-screen display on video equipment such as camera-integrated VTRs.The MB90097 provides a display screen made up of 28 characters by 12 lines, capable of displaying 512 different characters each consisting of 12 × 18 dots. The display functions of the MB90097 includes a wealth of character qualifying functions such as character background shading (shadow casting) and individual character size setting, supporting 16-color display for each character. They also include the line background, screen background, and sprite character display functions, enabling the screen to be displayed in a variety of configurations. The integrated font ROM contains 512 different character patterns all of which can be set by the user.s FEATURES•Character screen configuration: 28 characters × 12 lines (maximum)•Character types: 512 different characters (integrated in ROM, user-definable through the entire area)(Continued)MB90097(Continued)•Font configuration: 12 × 18 dots (font ROM configuration)Capable of specifying the horizontal and vertical sizes of characters to be displayed.• One of the following three horizontal sizes (S, M, L) can be set for each character:S size : 6 dotsM size : 9 dotsL size : 12 dots• Either of the following two vertical sizes (HA, HB) can be set for each line.HA : 18 dotsHB : 12 dots•Display modes:Character trimming Enabled/Disabled (Set for each line)Character background None/Solid-fill/Shaded background (concaved)/Shadedbackground (convexed) (Set for each line)Horizontal character merge/independent display withshaded background (Set for each character)Vertical line merge/independent display with shadedbackground (Set for each line)Character background extended display ON/OFF for linespacings (Set for each line)Line background None/Solid-fill/Shaded background (concaved)/Shadedbackground (convexed) (Set for each line)(Display extended to the left and right margins of the screenand to the line spacing)Character enlargement:Four types supported:Normal, Double width, Double height,Double width × double height(Set for each line)Enlarged display dot interpolation function (Set for each line)•Character screen display position control:Horizontal display position Control in 2-dot units (movable through the entire screen)Vertical display position Control in 2-dot units (movable through the entire screen)Line spacing control Control in 1-dot units (Set between 0 to 7 dots for eachline; Displayed simultaneously at two areas above andbelow the line.)•Sprite character control:Sprite character display OFF/ONSprite character types256 types (character codes: 000H to 0FF H)Sprite character trimming Enabled/DisabledSprite character configuration Two types: 1 character/Stack of 2 charactersSprite character horizontal display position Control in 1-dot units (movable through the entire screen)Sprite character vertical display position Control in 1-dot units (movable through the entire screen)(Continued) 2MB90097 (Continued)•Screen background control: Screen background color OFF/ONDisplay colors Character color:16 colors (Set for each character)Character trimming color:16 colors (Set for each line)Character background color:16 colors (Set for each character) *Line background color:16 colors (Set for each line)Screen background color:16 colorsSprite character color:16 colorsSprite character trimming color:16 colorsShaded background frame highlight color:16 colorsShaded background frame shadow color:16 colors*: Transparent (Displaying the lower-layer color) when the characterbackground color (color code) = “0”•Display signal output:Color signal output: 4 bits (Supporting 16 colors)Display period signals:3 channels (Output selector circuit provided) •External interface:16-bit serial inputs• Chip select• Serial clock• Serial data•Package:SSOP-20•Supply voltage: 3.3 V3MB90097s PIN ASSIGNMENT4MB90097s PIN DESCRIPTIONSPin no.Pin name I/O Function1SCLK I Shift clock input pin for serial transferThis pin has an internal pull-up resistor.2CS I Chip select pinThis pin inputs a Low level signal for serial transfer.The pin has an internal pull-up resistor.3SIN I Serial data input pinThis pin has an internal pull-up resistor.4RESET I Reset input pinThis pin inputs a Low level signal when turning the power on.5V DD—+ 3 V power supply pin6SDR I Data input direction select pin for serial transferThis pin inputs the Low level signal in the LSB-first transfer mode for datainput; it inputs the High level signal in the MSB-first transfer mode.7 8XDEXDOIExternal circuit pins for display dot clock generatorConnect these pins to external “L” and “C” to form an LC oscillator circuit.For external input of a display dot clock, input the clock signal to the EXDpin and leave the XD pin open.9TEST I LSI test input pinInput the Low level signal during normal use. 10GND—Ground pin20HSYNC I Horizontal sync signal input pin19VSYNC I Vertical sync signal input pin18 17 16 14VC0VC1VC2VC3OOOOColor code signal output pin15BLKA O Display period signal output pin for output channel A13BLKB O Display period signal output pin for output channel B11BLKC O Display period signal output pin for output channel C12TESTO O LSI test output pinLeave this pin open (unconnected) during normal use.56MB90097s ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS(V GND = 0 V)WARNING:Semiconductor devices can be permanently damaged by application of stress (voltage, current,temperature, etc.) in excess of absolute maximum ratings. Do not exceed these ratings.s RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONS(V GND = 0 V)WARNING:The recommended operating conditions are required in order to ensure the normal operation of thesemiconductor device. All of the device's electrical characteristics are warranted when the device is operated within these ranges.Always use semiconductor devices within their recommended operating condition ranges. Operation outside these ranges may adversely affect reliability and could result in device failure.No warranty is made with respect to uses, operating conditions, or combinations not represented on the data sheet. Users considering application outside the listed conditions are advised to contact their FUJITSU representatives beforehand.ParameterSymbol RatingUnit RemarksMin.Max.Power supply voltage V DD V GND – 0.3V GND + 4.5V Input voltage V IN V GND – 0.3V DD + 0.3V Output voltage V OUT V GND – 0.3V DD + 0.3V Power consumption Pd —100mW Operating temperature T a – 40+ 85°C Storage temperatureTstg– 55+ 150°CParameterSymbol ValueUnit RemarksMin.Max.Power supply voltage V DD 3.0 3.6V “H” level input voltage V IHS 0.8 × V DDV DD + 0.3V “L” level input voltage V ILS V GND 0.2 × V DDV Operating temperatureT a– 40+ 85°CMB90097s ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS1.DC Characteristics(V GND = 0 V, T a = – 40°C to + 85°C)Parameter Symbol Pin name ConditionsValueUnit Min.Typ.Max.“H” level output voltage 1VC3VC2VC1VC0BLKCBLKBBLKAV DD = 3.0 VI OH = – 4.0 mAV DD – 0.5 ——V“L” level output voltage 1V OL1V DD = 3.0 VI OL = 4.0 mA——0.4V“H” level output voltage 2V OH2XD V DD = 3.0 VI OH = – 0.5 mAV DD – 0.5 ——V“L” level output voltage 2V OL2V DD = 3.0 VI OL = 0.5 mA——0.4V“H” level input current SDRHSYNCVSYNCEXDTESTRESETV DD = 3.3 VV IH = V DD——–10µA“L” level input current I IL V DD = 3.3 VV IL = 0 V——10µAPULL-UP resistance R PULL SINSCLKCSV DD = 3.3 V20—110kΩPower supply current I CC V DD V DD = 3.0 Vf DC = 8 MH Z—46mAV DD = 3.6 Vf DC = 8 MH Z—57mAInput capacitance C except V DD,GND—10—pFV OH1I IH7MB900972.AC Characteristics(1) Serial input timings(V DD = 3.0 V to 3.6 V, V GND = 0 V, T a = – 40°C to + 85°C)Parameter Symbol Pin nameValueUnit Min.Max.Shift clock cycle time t CYC SCLK250—nsShift clock pulse width t WCHSCLK100—ns t WCL100—nsShift clock signal rise/fall time t CRSCLK—200ns t CF—200nsShift clock start time t SS SCLK100—ns Data setup time t SU SIN100—ns Data hold time t H SIN50—ns Chip select end time t EC CS100—nsChip select signal rise/fall time t CRCCS—200ns t CFC—200ns89MB90097(2)Vertical and horizontal sync signal input timings(V DD = 3.0 V to 3.6 V , V GND = 0 V , T a = – 40°C to + 85°C)*1:During the horizontal sync signal pulse period, the MB90097 stops its internal operation, disabling writing tothe internal VRAM. Therefore, set the horizontal sync signal pulse width and VRAM write cycle (command 2 or command 4 issuance cycle) to ensure that: horizontal sync signal pulse width < VRAM write cycle.*2:Do not change the vertical sync signal (detection edge) in the vicinity of the horizontal sync signal edge ofvertical sync signal detection. Otherwise, it results in a deflection in the display when the sync signal fluctuates.Note:The above diagrams assume that sync signal input control (SIX bit) of I/O pin control (command 13-0) hasbeen set to negative logic (0). The H and L levels are inverted if it has been set to positive logic.(Continued)ParameterSymbol Pin name Value Unit Min.Max.Horizontal sync signal rise time t HR HSYNC —200ns Horizontal sync signal fall time t HF —200ns Vertical sync signal rise time t VR VSYNC —200ns Vertical sync signal fall time t VF —200ns Horizontal sync signal pulse width *1t WH HSYNC 18—Dot clock—6µs Vertical sync signal detection setup time *2t VS VSYNC 4 1H – 4Dot clockVertical sync signal detection hold timet VHVSYNC220HMB90097(Continued)10(3)Dot clock input timing(V DD = 3.0 V to 3.6 V , V GND = 0 V , T a = – 40°C to + 85°C)*1:Assumes a dot clock LC oscillator circuit or external dot clock input.*2:Assumes frequency-doubled external dot clock input.ParameterSymbol Pin name Value Unit Remarks Min.Max.Dot clock cycle timet DCYC1EXD 112166ns *1t DCYC2EXD 5683ns *2Dot clock pulse timet DWH1EXD 48—ns *1t DWL148—ns t DWH2EXD 24—ns *2t DWL224—ns HSYNC, VSYNC setup time t DS HSYNC VSYNC 13—ns *3HSYNC, VSYNC hold time t DH 0—ns *3Data output delay time 1VC3,VC2,VC1,VC0,BLKA,BLKB,BLKC7t DD2ns*3Data output delay time 2t DD2t DD145nst DD1(4)Reset input timing(V DD = 3.0 V to 3.6 V , V GND = 0 V , T a = – 40°C to + 85°C)Note:T o feed the EXD pin with the dot clock, it is necessary to input the clock during RESEST . Configuring LCoscillator circuit using the external L and C will eliminate this need because it will automatically oscillate.ParameterSymbol Pin name Value Unit RemarksMin.Max.Reset pulse width t WRST RESET 1—µs Clock input timet WRSDEXD5—Dot clockNotes COMMAND LIST1.Display Control CommandsCommandno.FunctionCommand code/data15to12111098765432100VRAM writeaddress setting0000AY3AY2AY1AY0FL00AX4AX3AX2AX1AX01Character datasetting 10001MS1MS0MM1MM0MB3MB2MB1MB0MC3MC2MC1MC02Character datasetting 20010MR MO1MO0M8M7M6M5M4M3M2M1M03Line control datasetting 10011LHS LW2LW1LW0LFD LFC LFB LFA LF3LF2LF1LF04Line control datasetting 20100LDS LGS LG1LG0LD LE LM1LM0L3L2L1L05-00Screen outputcontrol 1A01010000SDS UDS0DSP0OA2OA1OA05-01Screen outputcontrol 1B01010001SOB BGB BLB00OB2OB1OB05-02Screen outputcontrol 1C01010010SOC BGC BLC00OC2OC1OC05-2Vertical displayposition control0101100Y8Y7Y6Y5Y4Y3Y2Y1Y05-3Horizontal displayposition control0101110X8X7X6X5X4X3X2X1X06-1Shadedbackground framecolor control01100100BH3BH2BH1BH0BS3BS2BS1BS07-3Screenbackgroundcontrol011111000000U3U2U1U08-0Sprite charactercontrol 1100000SFB SFA SF3SF2SF1SF0SC3SC2SC1SC08-1Sprite charactercontrol 2100001SD1SD0SM7SM6SM5SM4SM3SM2SM1SM09-0Sprite charactercontrol 4100100SY9SY8SY7SY6SY5SY4SY3SY2SY1SY09-1Sprite charactercontrol 5100110SX9SX8SX7SX6SX5SX4SX3SX2SX1SX011-0Screen extensioncontrol101100000EG000000011-2Dot clock control 11011100000000DC2DC1DC0 13-0I/O pin control110100VVE VHE HE0SIX000DBX DCX13-1Horizontalblanking control 11101010000BB5BB4BB3BB2BB1BB013-2Horizontalblanking control 21101100BF8BF7BF6BF5BF4BF3BF2BF1BF0mand Description•Command 0 (VRAM write address setting)Command 0 sets the write address in VRAM and controls execution of “VRAM fill.”The sets the write address by specifying the row and column addresses.VRAM fill is activated by executing command 2 (character data setting 2).•Command 1 (Character data setting 1)Command 1 sets character data.Executing command 2 (character data setting 2) sets VRAM to reflect it on the screen.•Command 2 (Character data setting 2)Command 2 writes additional character data to the location in VRAM specified by command 0 (VRAM write address setting 1), along with the character data set by command 1 (character data setting 1).The VRAM write address is incremented automatically after execution of command 2.•Command 3 (Line control data setting 1)Command 3 sets line control data.Executing command 4 (line control data setting 2) sets VRAM to reflect it on the screen.•Command 4 (Line control data setting 2)Command 4 writes additional line control data to the row address in line RAM specified by command 0 (VRAM write address setting), along with the line control data set by command 3 (line control data setting1). Executing this command will not alter the VRAM write address.•Command 5-00 (Screen output control 1A)Command 5-00 controls screen display output.•Command 5-01 (Screen output control 1B)Command 5-01 controls output-B screen display output.•Command 5-02 (Screen output control 1C)Command 5-02 controls output-C screen display output.•Command 5-2 (Vertical display position control)This command controls the vertical display position of the screen.•Command 5-3 (Horizontal display position control)This command controls the horizontal display position of the screen.•Command 6-1 (Shaded background frame color control) Command 6-1 controls the frame color of a shaded background.•Command 7-3 (Screen background control)Command 7-3 controls the screen background color.•Command 8-0 (Sprite character control 1)This command controls sprite characters.•Command 8-1 (Sprite character control 2)Command 8-1 controls sprite characters.•Command 9-0 (Sprite character control 4) Command 9-0 controls sprite characters.•Command 9-1 (Sprite character control 5) This command controls sprite characters.•Command 11-0 (Screen extension control) (Reserved)•Command 11-2 (Dot clock control 1) Command 11-2 controls the dot clock.•Command 13-0 (I/O pin control)Command 13-0 controls input/output pins.•Command 13-1 (Horizontal blanking control 1) Command 13-1 controls horizontal blanking (back porch).•Command 13-2 (Horizontal blanking control 2) Command 13-2 controls horizontal blanking (front porch).3.Notes on Issuing CommandsThis section summarizes notes on issuing commands.(1)InitializationThe contents of VRAM (character RAM and line RAM) are not initialized then (undefined immediately after the power supply is turned on).When the MB90097 is released from the reset input, issue the following commands to initialize control operation:• Dot clock control 1 (Command 11-2)• I/O pin control (Command 13-0)After that, set all of other command data and the contents of VRAM.(VRAM setting requires normal dot clock and sync signal inputs.)*1:The reset input initializes control bits to 0 as shown belowScreen output control 1A (command 5-00)SDS = 0Sprite OFFUDS = 0Screen background OFFDSP = 0Character, character background, linebackground OFFI/O pin control (command 13-0)DCX = 0Sets the VC0, VC1, VC2, and VC3 pins topositive logic output.DBX = 0Sets the BLKA, BLKB, and BLKC pins to positivelogic output.(2)Command refreshCommand data to the MB90097 and the contents of internal VRAM remain held as long as the MB90097 is powered. If the serial control, sync, and dot clock signals are affected by external noise, however, they may become abnormal signals, preventing the internal registers and VRAM from being set normally. You should therefore refresh all of command data and VRAM data periodically to restore them from the abnormal state. (3)Command issuance timingWhen a VRAM write command, such as a character data setting or line control data setting command, or any other control command is issued, the command is executed immediately, reflecting the result (command setting) on the screen. When such a command is issued during a display period, the display in the relevant field may involve transient distortion. To prevent this, you should issue the command during the vertical blanking interval.Also, a restriction on the internal circuit configuration may cause deviation of the display position in the first display field when the DSP, SDS, or UDS control bit of command 5-00 (screen output control 1A) is set from OFF to ON. To prevent this, you should issue command 5-00 within the 2H period after the leading edge of the V sync signal.s DISPLA Y FUNCTIONS1.Screen Configuration1. 1 Screen ElementsThe display screen provided by the MB90097 consists of a pile of display screen elements.•Screen configuration drawing1. 2 Screen Display ModesDisplay screenelement nameDisplay modeScreen background Undisplay DisplayLine background UndisplayLine spacing (0 to 7dots)Solid-fill displayShadedbackgroundsucceedingline mergeIndependentShaded background convexed display MergeCharacter background UndisplaySolid-fill displayCharacterbackgroundextended(enabledwith linespacing)Normal ShadedbackgroundconcaveddisplayShadedbackgroundsucceedingcharactermergeIndependentShadedbackgroundsucceedingline mergeIndependentShadedbackgroundconvexeddisplayMerge Merge ExtendedCharacter Undisplay (blank character (Arbitrarily set))DisplayTrimming outputcontrolUndisplayDisplay for characters with no characterbackgroundTrimmingtypeDisplay for all charactersSprite character UndisplayDisplayTrimmingtypeUndisplay Consisting of a stack of charactersEight-directiontrimming display Shaded background concaved displayEight-directiontrimmingdisplayUndisplayDisplay for characters with no characterbackground or with solid-filledcharacter backgroundConsisting of a single character1. 3 Screen Output ControlThe screen output control commands can control three channels of outputs A, B, and C independently.Their output enable period signals are output to the BLKA, BLKB, and BLKC pins, respectively.The output-A, -B, and -C control commands can set the character attribute display to OFF, line background display, and screen background display arbitrarily based on the basic display screen, allowing three independent screens to be configured and output.The layer structure of the output screens exists only on the basic display screen. If the output-A, -B, or -C control command sets the display of an arbitrary area to OFF, the lower layer cannot be displayed but appears transparent.The table below shows the relationships between screen output controls and control command bits.*1:If character display is set to OFF with the character/trimming/character background overlapping the linebackground or screen background, the corresponding area of the lower layer is not displayed but appears transparent.*2:If line background display is set to OFF with the line background overlapping the screen background, thecorresponding area of the screen background is not displayed but appears transparent.*3:If sprite display is set to OFF with the sprite character/trimming overlapping a character, character background,line background, or screen background, the corresponding area of the lower layer is not displayed but appears transparent.Note:Three-channel output control for each character serves as output control within the character area. Whentrimming dots for a character are displayed in part of the area for an adjacent character, the output of the trimming dots is controlled by the output control of that adjacent character. If there are trimming dots to the left of the leftmost character on a line, they cannot be controlled by three-channel output control for each character. In this case, set a blank character at the left end of the line.When trimming dots are displayed to the right of the rightmost character on a line, they are controlled with the three-channel output attribute of the rightmost character.Basic display screen controlThree-channel output controlsElements to be controlled/Control bit name(Unit of control)Output-A controlOutput-B controlOutput-C controlCharacter + trimming + character background + line background DSP (per screen)←←←Character + trimming + character background LDS (per line)←←←Character M8-M0 (per character)OA2-OA0(per screen)×MO1, MO0*1(per character)OB2-OB0(per screen)×MO1, MO0*1(per character)OC2-OC0(per screen)×MO1, MO0*1(per character)Character trimming LFD-LFA (per line)Character background MM1, MM0 (per character)Line background LM1, LM0 (per line)←BLB *2(per screen)BLC *2(per screen)Screen background color UDS (per screen)←BGB (per screen)BGC (per screen)Sprite character SDS (per screen)←SOB *3(per screen)SOC *3(per screen)Sprite character trimming SFB, SFA (per screen)←1. 4 Screen Display Position Control(1)Display position control on the character screenThe MB90097 can simultaneously control the display start positions of a character (or a line of characters), character trimming, character background, and line background.•Vertical display position:Vertical display position control (command 5-2), Bits Y8 to Y0Set the vertical display start position*1 relative to the VSYNC position.The position can be set between 0 and 1022 dots in 2-dot units.(*1: The actual display position is offset from the set value by several tens of dotsin the positive direction.)•Horizontal display position:Horizontal display position control (command 5-3), Bits X8 to X0Set the vertical display start position*2 relative to the HSYNC position.The position ca*n be set between 0 and 1022 dots in 2-dot units.(*2: The actual display position is offset from the set value by several tens of dotsin the positive direction.)•Line spacing:Line control data setting 1 (command 3), Bits LW2 to LW0Set the number of dots to specify the height of the areas to be kept above andbelow the characters on each line.The spacing specified by the set value will be kept both above and below thecharacters.The line spacing can be set between 0 and 7 dots in 1-dot units for each line.(Note: When line double-height display is on, the line spacing is doubled as well.)*3:For the VSYNC position, you can select the leading or trailing edge of the vertical sync signal pulse.For the HSYNC position, you can select the leading or trailing edge of the horizontal sync signal pulse.(For details, see Section 3 “Sync Signal Input” of “s CONTROL FUNCTIONS.”)(2)Display position control of sprite charactersThe MB90097 can control the display start positions of a sprite character and its trimming.•Sprite character vertical display position:Sprite character control 4 (command 9-0), Bits SY9 to SY0Set the vertical display start position*1 relative to the VSYNC position.The position can be set between 0 and 1023 dots in 1-dot units.(*1: The actual display position is offset from the set value by several tens of dots in the positive direction.)•Sprite character horizontal display position:Sprite character control 5 (command 9-1), Bits SX9 to SX0Set the vertical display start position*2 relative to the HSYNC position.The position can be set between 0 and 1023 dots in 1-dot units.(*2: The actual display position is offset from the set value by several tens of dots in the positive direction.)*3:For the VSYNC position, you can select the leading or trailing edge of the vertical sync signal pulse.For the HSYNC position, you can select the leading or trailing edge of the horizontal sync signal pulse.(For details, see Section 3 “Sync Signal Input” of “sCONTROL FUNCTIONS.”)2.Font ROM ConfigurationThe font ROM can incorporate 512 characters each made up of 12 × 18 dots.•All of 512 characters can be set freely by the user.(Note, however, that the blank character must be set as an arbitrary character code because even it is not set by default.)•The user areas available to sprite characters are from 000H to 0FF H.3.Display Memory (VRAM) ConfigurationThe display memory (VRAM) consists of the character RAM for setting individual characters and the line RAM for setting individual lines.•Character RAM: 28 characters × 12 lines (336 characters in total)•Line RAM: 12 lines3. 1 Display Memory and Display ScreenAreas of character RAM and those of line RAM correspond to displayed characters and lines on a one-to-one basis, respectively.•Display memory configuration•Example of display screen configuration (with all characters in normal size)3. 2 Writing to Display Memory(1)Writing characters to character RAMa)Writing a single characterUse the following commands to write data on an arbitrary character to an arbitrary address in character RAM:*1:When writing to consecutive addresses continuously, you can omit this command for the latter character RAM write.*2:You can also omit this command if the current character data is the same as the one set by the preceding “character data setting 1” command.Note:Normal writing to VRAM requires input of a normal horizontal sync signal. Input of an invalid horizontal sync signal may cause VRAM write to fail.Also, you must set the horizontal sync signal pulse width and VRAM write cycle (command 2 or command4 issuance cycle) such that: horizontal sync signal pulse width < VRAM write cycle.b)Writing multiple characters collectively (VRAM fill)Use the following commands to write data on an arbitrary character to an area of character RAM from an arbitrary address to the last address, filling the area with that data:*3:The VRAM fill execution time is about 2 ms for the entire screen.During execution of VRAM fill, do not issue command 0 to 4.Issuing command 0 (FL = 0) during execution of VRAM fill will abort the VRAM fill.(To write to VRAM after VRAM fill has aborted, issue command 0 again to set the VRAM write address.) Note:Normal execution of VRAM fill requires input of a normal horizontal sync signal. Input of an invalid horizontal sync signal may cause VRAM fill to fail.。
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FUJITSU SEMICONDUCTORData Sheet (Advance Information)Advance InformationMB90495 Series Data Sheet (Advance Information) 1 / 40FME EMDC June 19, 200016-bit Proprietary MicrocontrollerCMOSF 2MC-16LX MB90495 SeriesMB90497/F4971. OUTLINEThe MB90495-series with FULL-CAN interface and FLASH ROM is especially designed for automotive and industrial applications.Its main feature is the on-chip CAN Interface,which conforms to V2.0Part A and Part B,while supporting a very flexible message buffer scheme, including 8 message buffers, and so offering more functions than a normal full CAN approach.With the new 0.5mm CMOS technology, Fujitsu now also offers on-chip FLASH-ROM program memory. An internal voltage booster removes the necessity for a second programming voltage. An on-chip voltage regulator provides 3V to the internal MCU core. This creates a major advantage in terms of EMI and power consumption.The internal PLL clock frequency multiplier provides an internal 62.5 nsec instruction cycle time from an external 4 MHz clock. A 32kHz Subsystem clock has been included for power saving modes and real time measurement.There are 2 on-chip UART’s, which also provide synchronous communication modes. Furthermore the MCU features an 8 chan-nel ADC, 8 channel External interrupt controller, two 16 bit PPG channels, 4 channel Input Capture Unit and a 16-bit free running I/O-timer.MB90495 Series2. FEATURES•16-bit core CPU; 4MHz external clock (16 MHz internal, 62.5 ns instruction cycle time)•32kHz Subsystem Clock•0.5 mm CMOS Technology•Internal voltage regulator supports 3V MCU core, offering low EMI and low power consump-tion figures•64 KB FLASH ROM; supports automatic programming, 10.000 erase cycles, 10 year data retention time and no second programming voltage required• 2 KB static RAM•FULL-CAN interface;conforming to Version2.0Part A and Part B,flexible message buffering (mailbox and FIFO buffering can be mixed)• 2 UART’s; both offering synchronous communication modes.•Powerful interrupt functions (8 programmable priority levels; 8 external interrupts)•I/O Timer•A/D Converter: 8 channel analogue inputs (Resolution 10 bits or 8 bits)•ICU (Input capture) 16bit * 4ch•PPG (Programmable Pulse Generator) 16bit * 2ch; Can be configured as 8bit * 4ch•Optimised instruction set for controller applications(bit, byte, word and long-word data types; 23 different addressing modes; barrel shift; varietyof pointers)•4-byte instruction execution queue•Signed multiply (16bit*16bit) and divide (32bit/16bit) instructions available•Program Patch Function•Fast Interrupt processing•16-bit reload timer: 2 channels•Low Power Consumption - Several different Lo-Power modes: (Sleep, Stop, Watch,...)•Package:QFP-64; 12mm x 12mm body, 0.65mm pin pitch•QFP-64; 20mm x 18mm body, 1.0mm pin pitchMB90495 Series Data Sheet (Advance Information) 2 / 40FMG EMDC June 19, 2000MB90495 SeriesMB90495 Series Data Sheet (Advance Information) 3 / 40FME EMDC June 19,20003. PRODUCT LINEUPThe following table provides an overview of the MB90495 SeriesFeaturesMB90F497MB90497CPU F2MC-16LX CPUSystem clock On-chip PLL clock multiplier (x1, x2, x3, x4, 1/2 when PLL stop)Minimum instruction execution time: 62.5 ns (4 MHz osc. PLL x4)ROM Boot-blockFlash memory 64 Kbytes Mask ROM 64 Kbytes RAM 2 Kbytes2 KbytesTechnology 0.5 mm CMOS with on-chip voltage regulator for internal power supply + Flash memory On-chip charge pump for programming voltage0.5 mm CMOS with on-chip voltage regulator for internal power supplyOperating voltage range 5 V +/- 10%Temperature range - 40 to 85°C PackageQFP64MB90495 SeriesMB90495 Series Data Sheet (Advance Information) 4 / 40FMG EMDC June 19, 20004. BLOCK DIAGRAMWatch ROM/FlashUART 1Prescaler10-bit ADC8chIO Timer Clock Controller Input Capture 4ch CANExternal Interrupt16bit ReloadTimer 16-bit PPG 2ch16LX CPUF M C -16 B u sX0,X1RSTX X0A, X1ASOT1SCK1SIN1AVCC AVSS AN[7:0]AVR ADTGIN[3:0]PPG[3:0]RX TXINT[7:0]TIN[1:0]TOT[1:0]64KTimer Time Base Timer FRCK RAM 2K 2chPrescalerSCK0SIN0UART 0SOT 0(SCI)(SCI)MB90495 SeriesMB90495 Series Data Sheet (Advance Information)5 / 40FME EMDC June 19,20005. PIN ASSIGNMENTFigure 5.1 FPT-64P-M09Figure 5.2 FPT-64P-M063231302928272625242322212019181749505152535455565758596061626364VSSP30/ALE/SOUT0P31/RDX/SCK0P32/WRLX/SIN0P33/WRHX P34/HRQ P35/HAKXVCC CP36/FRCK/RDY P37/ADTG/CLKP40/SIN1P41/SCK1P42/SOUT1P43/TX P44/RXP07/AD07P06/AD06P05/AD05P04/AD04P03/AD03P02/AD02P01/AD01P00/AD00VSS X1X0MD2MD1RSTX MD0P63/INT3QFP-64FPT-64P-M09P 27/I N T 7/A 23P 26/I N T 6/A 22P 25/I N T 5/A 21P 24/I N T 4/A 20P 23/T O U T 1/A 19P 22/T I N 1/A 18P 21/T O U T 0/A 17P 20/T I N 0/A 16P 17/P P G 3/A D 15P 16/P P G 2/A D 14P 15/P P G 1/A D 13P 14/P P G 0/A D 12P 13/I N 3/A D 11P 12//I N 2/A D 10P 11/I N 1/A D 09P 10/I N 0/A D 08P 61/I N T 1P 62/I N T 2P 50/A N 0P 51/A N 1P 52/A N 2P 53/A N 3P 54/A N 4P 55/A N 5P 56/A N 6P 57/A N 7A V C C A V R A V S S P 60/I N T 0X 0A X 1APackage code (mold)12345678910111213141516484746454443424140393837363534333231302928272625242322212052535455565758596061626364P31/RDX/SCK0P32/WRLX/SIN0P33/WRHX P34/HRQ P35/HAKXVCC CP36/FRCK/RDY P37/ADTG/CLKP40/SIN1P41/SCK1P42/SOUT1P43/TX P06/AD06P05/AD05P04/AD04P03/AD03P02/AD02P01/AD01P00/AD00VSS X1X0MD2MD1RSTXQFP-64FPT-64P-M06P 30/A L E /S O U T 0V S S P 27/I N T 7/A 23P 26/I N T 6/A 22P 25/I N T 5/A 21P 24/I N T 4/A 20P 23/T O U T 1/A 19P 22/T I N 1/A 18P 21/T O U T 0/A 17P 20/T I N 0/A 16P 17/P P G 3/A D 15P 16/P P G 2/A D 14P 15/P P G 1/A D 13P 14/P P G 0/A D 12P 13/I N 3/A D 11P 12//I N 2/A D 10P 11/I N 1/A D 09P 10/I N 0/A D 08P 07/A D 07P 44/R XP 61/I N T 1P 62/I N T 2P 50/A N 0P 51/A N 1P 52/A N 2P 53/A N 3P 54/A N 4P 55/A N 5P 56/A N 6P 57/A N 7A V C C A V R A V S S P 60/I N T 0X 0A X 1AP 63/I N T 3M D 0Package code (mold)1234567891011121314151617181951504948474645444342414039383736353433MB90495 SeriesMB90495 Series Data Sheet (Advance Information) 6 / 40FMG EMDC June 19, 20006. PIN DESCRIPTION6.1 Pin FunctionPin No.Pin Name Circuit Type Active Level at RST Priority FunctionM06M0921P61D H CMOS/TTL High-Z Port General pupose IOINT1External Interrupt input 132P62D H CMOS/TTL High-Z Port General pupose IO INT2External interrupt 24 to 11 3 to 10P50 to P57EHCMOSHigh-ZPortGeneral pupose IOAN0 to AN7Inputs for A/D Converter1211AVCC Dedicated power supply for A/D Con-verter1312AVR Reference Volgate inupt for A/D Con-verter1413AVSS Dedicated power ground for A/D Con-verter1514P60D HCMOS/TTLHigh-ZPortGeneral pupose IOINT0External interrupt input 01615X0A A Low frequency oscillation input 1716X1A A Low frequency oscillation output 1817P63D H CMOS/TTL High-ZPortGeneral purpose IO INT3External interrupt 31918MD0C H CMOS Mode input 2019RSTX B L CMOS Reset input 2120MD1C H CMOS Mode input 2221MD2F HCMOSMode input2322X0A High frequency oscillation input 2423X1AHigh frequency oscillation output 2524VSSPower ground26 to 3325 to 32P00 to P07GHCMOS/TTL High-ZPortGeneral purpose IO AD00 to AD07Addresss Data Bus 34 to 3733 to 36P10 to P13G H CMOS/TTLHigh-Z PortGeneral pupose IOIN0 to IN3Inputs for Input Captures AD08 to AD11Address Data Bus 38 to 4137 to 40P14 to P17G HCMOS/TTLHigh-Z PortGeneral pupose IOPPG0 to PPG3Outputs for Programable Pulse Gener-atorsAD12 to AD15Address Data Bus 4241P20G HCMOS/TTL High-Z PortGeneral pupose IOTIN0Input for 16-bit Reload Timer 0A16Address Bus4342P21G H CMOS/TTL High-Z PortGeneral pupose IOTOT0Output for 16-bit Reload Timer 0A17Address Bus4443P22G H CMOS/TTLHigh-Z PortGeneral pupose IOTIN1Input for 16-bit Reload Timer 1A18Address BusMB90495 SeriesMB90495 Series Data Sheet (Advance Information)7 / 40FME EMDC June 19,20004544P23G HCMOS/TTL High-Z PortGeneral pupose IOTOT1Output for 16-bit Reload Timer 1A19Address Bus46 to 4945 to 48P24 to P25G H CMOS/TTLHigh-Z PortGeneral pupose IOINT4 to INT 7Inputs for External Interrupt A20 to A23Address Bus 5049VSS Ground5150P30G HCMOS/TTL High-Z PortGeneral pupose IO SOT0Output for UART 0ALE Address Latch Enable output 5251P31G H CMOS/TTL High-Z PortGeneral pupose IOSCK0Input/Output for UART 0RDX Read Enable output 5352P32G H CMOS/TTL High-Z PortGeneral pupose IO SIN0Input for UART 0WRLX Write Enable Low-byte output 5453P33G H CMOS/TTL High-Z Port General pupose IOWRHX Write Enable High-byte output 5554P34G H CMOS/TTL High-Z Port General pupose IO HRQ Halt Request input 5655P35GHCMOS/TTLHigh-ZPortGeneral pupose IOHAKX Halt Acknowledge output 5756VCC Power supply5857C Pin for capacitor for the internal power supply.5958P36G HCMOS/TTLHigh-Z PortGeneral pupose IO FRCK Inupt for IO Timer RDY Ready input6059P37D H CMOS High-Z PortGeneral pupose IOADTG Trigger inupt for A/D Converter CLK Clock output6160P40G H CMOS/TTL High-Z Port General pupose IO SIN1Input for UART 16261P41G H CMOS/TTL High-Z Port General pupose IOSCK1Input/Output for UART 16362P42G H CMOS/TTL High-Z Port General pupose IO SOT1Output for UART 16463P43G H CMOS/TTL High-Z Port General pupose IO Tx CAN Transmit pin 164P44GHCMOS/TTLHigh-ZPortGeneral pupose IO RxCAN receive pinPin No.Pin Name Circuit TypeActive Level at RST Priority FunctionM06M09MB90495 SeriesMB90495 Series Data Sheet (Advance Information)8 / 40FMG EMDC June 19, 20006.2 I/O Circuit TypesCircuitDrawing CommentABCDEFG1010011010101Standby Control SignalX1AX0X0AX10000111101HYS1HYS010101001101HYSStandby Control Signal0000111101010101010011011HYSStandby Control SignalAnalog 0000111101HYS01010100110100001111010101HYSStandby Control Signal TTLMB90495 Series7. HANDLING DEVICES(1)Preventing latch-upCMOS IC chips may suffer latch-up under the following conditions:A voltage higher than Vcc or lower than Vss is applied to an input or output pin.A voltage higher than the rated voltage is applied between Vcc and Vss.The AVcc power supply is applied before the Vcc voltage.Latch-up may increase the power supply current drastically, causing thermal damage to thedevice.(2)Handling unused input pinsDo not leave unused input pins open, as doing so may cause misoperation of the device. Use apull-up or pull-down resistor.(3)Using external clockTo use external clock, drive the X0 and X1 pins in reverse phase.Below is a diagram of how to use external clock.MB90495 SeriesX0X1Figure 7.1 Using external clock(4)Power supply pins (Vcc/Vss)Ensure that all Vcc-level power supply pins are at the same potential.In addition,ensure the same for all Vss-level power supply pins. (See the figure below.) If there are more than one Vcc or Vsssystem,the device may operate incorrectly even within the guaranteed operating range.Note that this product may not have as many power pins as pictured in the figure.MB90495 Series Data Sheet (Advance Information)9 / 40FME EMDC June19,2000MB90495 SeriesMB90495 Series Data Sheet (Advance Information)10 / 40FMG EMDC June 19, 2000Figure 7.2 Power pin connections(5) Pull-up/down resistorsThe MB90495 Series does not support internal pull-up/down resistors. Use external components where needed.Vcc VssVss VccVssVcc MB90495SeriesVcc VssVccVssMB90495 Series Data Sheet (Advance Information)11 / 40FME EMDC June 19,20008. ADDRESS SPACEMB90V495MB90F497MB90497FFFFFFHROM FFFLASH ROM FFROM FFFF0000H FEFFFFHROM FENo AcessFE0000H FDFFFFHROM FDExternal bus access External bus accessFD0000H FCFFFFHROM FCFC0000H FBFFFFHROM FBFB0000H FAFFFFHROM FAFA0000H 010000H 00FFFFHFF ROM mirrorFF ROM mirrorFF ROM mirror004000H 003FFFH Extended I/O Extended I/O Extended I/O003800HExternal bus access External bus access0018FFH RAM0010FFH RAM mirror 1Do not use1.The RAM contents of 0000H -08FF H is mirrored to 0900H -10FF H .The RAM mirror area should not be accessed for proper operation.RAM mirror Do not use.000900H 0008FFH RAM RAM000100H 0000BFH I/O I/O I/O000000H9. REGISTER MAPAddress Register Abbreviation Peripheral Access Initial value00 H Port 0 data register PDR0Port 0R/W XXXXXXXX01 H Port 1 data register PDR1Port 1R/W XXXXXXXX02 H Port 2 data register PDR2Port 2R/W XXXXXXXX03 H Port 3 data register PDR3Port 3R/W XXXXXXXX04 H Port 4 data register PDR4Port 4R/W XXXXXXXX05 H Port 5 data register PDR5Port 5R/W XXXXXXXX06 H Port 6 data register PDR6Port 6R/W XXXXXXXX07-0F H Reserved10 H Port 0 direction register DDR0Port 0R/W0000000011 H Port 1 direction register DDR1Port 1R/W0000000012 H Port 2 direction register DDR2Port 2R/W0000000013 H Port 3 direction register DDR3Port 3R/W0000000014 H Port 4 direction register DDR4Port 4R/W0000000015 H Port 5 direction register DDR5Port 5R/W0000000016 H Port 6 direction register DDR6Port 6R/W0000000017-1A H Reserved1B H Analog Input Enable ADER Port 5, A/D R/W11111111 1C - 1F H Reserved20 H Serial Mode Register 1SMR0UART0R/W0000000021 H Serial Control Register 1SCR0R/W0000010022 H Input/Output Data Register 1SIDR0/SODR0R/W XXXXXXXX23 H Serial Status Register 1SSR0R/W00001_0024 H UART 0 Prescaler Control Register CDCR0R/W0___111125 H UART 0 edge select SES0R/W_______126 H Serial Mode Control Register 1SMC1UART1R/W00XXXX0027 H Serial Control Register SRC1R/W00000X0028 H Input/Output Data Register 1SIDR1/SODR1R/W XXXXXXXX29 H Serial Status Register 1SMC1R/W XXXXX000 2A H Reserved2B H UART 1 Prescaler Control Register CDCR0Prescaler UART 1R/W0___0000 2C - 2F H Reserved30 H External Interrupt Enable ENIRExternal Interrupt R/W0000000031 H External Interrupt Request EIRR R/W XXXXXXXX32 H External Interrupt Level ELVR R/W0000000033 H External Interrupt Level ELVR R/W0000000034 H A/D Control Status 0ADCS0A/D Converter R/W0000000034 H A/D Control Status 1ADCS1R/W0000010036 H A/D Data 0ADCR0R XXXXXXXX37 H A/D Data 1ADCR1R/W00000_XX 38-3FH Reserved40 H PPG0 operation mode control register PPGC016-bit Programable PulseGenerator 0/1R/W0_00X__141 H PPG1 operation mode control register PPGC1R/W0_00X00142 H PPG0 and PPG1 clock select register PPG01R/W000000__MB90495 Series Data Sheet (Advance Information)12 / 40FMG EMDC June 19, 200043 H Reserved44 H PPG2 operation mode control register PPGC216-bit Programable PulseGenerator 2/3R/W0_00X__145 H PPG3 operation mode control register PPGC3R/W0_00X00146 H PPG2 and PPG3 clock select register PPG23R/W000000__ 47-4FH Reserved50 H Input Capture 0IPCP0Input Captue 0/1R XXXXXXXX51 H Input Capture 0IPCP0R XXXXXXXX52 H Input Capture 1IPCP1R XXXXXXXX53 H Input Capture 1IPCP1R XXXXXXXX54 H Input Capture Control Status 0/1ICS01Input Capture 0/1/2/3R/W XX00000055 H Input Capture Control Status 2/3ICS23R/W XX00000056 H Timer Data TCDTI/O Timer R/W0000000057 H Timer Data TCDT R/W0000000058 H Timer Control TCCS R/W0000000059 H Timer Control TCCS R/W0__000005A H Input Capture 2IPCP2Input Captue 2/3R XXXXXXXX5B H Input Capture 2IPCP2R XXXXXXXX 5C H Input Capture 3IPCP3R XXXXXXXX 5D H Input Capture 3IPCP3R XXXXXXXX 5E - 65 H Reserved66 H Timer Control Status 0TMCSR016-bit Reload Timer 0R/W00000X0067 H Timer Control Status 0TMCSR0R/W____000068 H Timer Control Status 1TMCSR116-bit Reload Timer 1R/W00000X0069 H Timer Control Status 1TMCSR1R/W____0000 6A - 6E H Reserved6F H ROM Mirror ROMM ROM Mirror R/W000____1 70-7F H Reserved80-8F H Reserved for CAN 1 Interface . Refer to “CAN Controller”90-9D H Reserved9E H ROM Correction Control Status PACSR ROM Correction R/W11000000 9F H Delayed Interrupt/release DIRR Delayed Interrupt R/W_______0 A0 H Low-power Mode LPMCR Low Power Controller R/W00011000 A1 H Clock Selector CKSCR Low Power Controller R/W11111100 A2-A4 H ReservedA5 H Automatic ready function select reg.ARSR W Exter-nalMem-oryAccess 0011__00A6 H External address output control reg.HACR W00000000A7 H Bus control signal select register ECSR W0000000_A8 H Watchdog Control WDTC Watchdog Timer R/W XXXXX111 A9 H Time Base Timer Control TBTC Time Base Timer R/W1__0X100 AA-AD H ReservedAE HFlash Control Status(Flash only, otherwise reserved)FMCS Flash Memory R/W000X0000AF H ReservedAddress Register Abbreviation Peripheral Access Initial valueMB90495 Series Data Sheet (Advance Information)13 / 40FME EMDC June19,2000B0 H Interrupt control register 00ICR00Interrupt controller R/W11000111B1 H Interrupt control register 01ICR01R/W11000111 B2 H Interrupt control register 02ICR02R/W11000111 B3 H Interrupt control register 03ICR03R/W11000111 B4 H Interrupt control register 04ICR04R/W11000111 B5 H Interrupt control register 05ICR05R/W11000111 B6 H Interrupt control register 06ICR06R/W11000111 B7 H Interrupt control register 07ICR07R/W11000111 B8 H Interrupt control register 08ICR08R/W11000111 B9 H Interrupt control register 09ICR09R/W11000111 BA H Interrupt control register 10ICR10R/W11000111 BB H Interrupt control register 11ICR11R/W11000111 BC H Interrupt control register 12ICR12R/W11000111 BD H Interrupt control register 13ICR13R/W11000111 BE H Interrupt control register 14ICR14R/W11000111 BF H Interrupt control register 15ICR15R/W11000111 CO-FF H Reserved1FF0H-1FF5HROM correction3900 H Timer 0/Reload 0TMR0/TMRL016-bit Reload Timer 0R/W XXXXXXXX3901 H Timer 0/Reload 0TMR0/TMRL0R/W XXXXXXXX3902 H Timer 1/Reload 1TMR1/TMRL116-bit Reload Timer 1R/W XXXXXXXX3903 H Timer 1/Reload 1TMR1/TMRL1R/W XXXXXXXX 3904-390FH Reserved3910 H PPG0 Reload L PRLL016-bit Programable PulseGenerator 0/1R/W XXXXXXXX3911 H PPG0 Reload H PRLH0R/W XXXXXXXX 3912 H PPG1 Reload L PRLL1R/W XXXXXXXX 3913 H PPG1 Reload H PRLH1R/W XXXXXXXX3914 H PPG2 Reload L PRLL216-bit Programable PulseGenerator 2/3R/W XXXXXXXX3915 H PPG2 Reload H PRLH2R/W XXXXXXXX3916 H PPG3 Reload L PRLL3R/W XXXXXXXX3917 H PPG3 Reload H PRLH3R/W XXXXXXXX 3918-392FH Reserved3930-3BFFH Reserved3C00-3CFFHReserved for CAN 1 Interface. Refer to “CAN Controller”3D00-3DFFHReserved for CAN 1 Interface. Refer to “CAN Controller”3E00-3EFFH Reserved3FF0-3FFFH ReservedAddress Register Abbreviation Peripheral Access Initial valueMB90495 Series Data Sheet (Advance Information)14 / 40FMG EMDC June 19, 200010. CAN CONTROLLERThe CAN controller has the following features:•Conforms to CAN Specification Version 2.0 Part A and B- Supports transmission/reception in standard frame and extended frame formats •Supports transmitting of data frames by receiving remote frames•8 transmitting/receiving message buffers- 29-bit ID and 8-byte data- Multi-level message buffer configuration•Provides full-bit comparison,full-bit mask,acceptance register0/acceptance register1for each message buffer as 1D acceptance mask- Two acceptance mask registers in either standard frame format or extended frame formats •Bit rate programmable from 10 Kbits/s to 2 Mbits/s (when input clock is at 16 MHz)MB90495 Series Data Sheet (Advance Information)15 / 40FME EMDC June19,200010.1 List of Control RegistersAddress Register Abbreviation Access Initial Value 000080H Message buffer valid register BVALR R/W00000000 000081H Unused000082H Transmit request register TREQR R/W00000000 000083H Unused000084H Transmit cancel register TCANR W00000000 000085H Unused000086H Transmit complete register TCR R/W00000000 000087H Unused000088H Receive complete register RCR R/W00000000 000089H Unused00008AH Remote request receiving register RRTRR R/W00000000 00008BH Unused00008CH Receive overrun register ROVRR R/W00000000 00008DH Unused00008EH Receive interrupt enable register RIER R/W00000000 00008FH Unused003D00HControl status register CSR R/W, R00---000 0----0-1 003D01H003D02HLast event indicator register LEIR R/W-------- 000-0000 003D03H003D04HReceive/transmit error counter RTEC R00000000 00000000 003D05H003D06HBit timing register BTR R/W-1111111 11111111 003D07H003D08H IDE register IDER R/W XXXXXXXX 003D09H Unused003D0AH Transmit RTR register TRTRR R/W00000000 003D0BH Unused003D0CH Remote frame receive waiting register RFWTR R/W XXXXXXXX 003D0DH Unused003D0EH Transmit interrupt enable register TIER R/W00000000 003D0FH Unused003D10HAcceptance mask select register AMSR R/W XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX 003D11H003D12HUnused003D13H003D14HAcceptance mask register 0AMR0R/W XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX003D15H003D16HXXXXX--- XXXXXXXX 003D17H003D18HAcceptance mask register 1AMR1R/W XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX003D19H003D1AHXXXXX--- XXXXXXXX 003D1BHMB90495 Series Data Sheet (Advance Information)16 / 40FMG EMDC June 19, 200010.2 List of Message Buffers (ID Registers)Address Register Abbreviation Access Initial Value 003C00Hto 003C0FH General-purpose RAM--R/WXXXXXXXXtoXXXXXXXX003C10HID register 0IDR0R/W XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX003C11H003C12HXXXXX--- XXXXXXXX 003C13H003C14HID register 1IDR1R/W XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX003C15H003C16HXXXXX--- XXXXXXXX 003C17H003C18HID register 2IDR2R/W XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX003C19H003C1AHXXXXX--- XXXXXXXX 003C1BH003C1CHID register 3IDR3R/W XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX003C1DH003C1EHXXXXX--- XXXXXXXX 003C1FH003C20HID register 4IDR4R/W XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX003C21H003C22HXXXXX--- XXXXXXXX 003C23H003C24HID register 5IDR5R/W XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX003C25H003C26HXXXXX--- XXXXXXXX 003C27H003C28HID register 6IDR6R/W XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX003C29H003C2AHXXXXX--- XXXXXXXX 003C2BH003C2CHID register 7IDR7R/W XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX003C2DH003C2EHXXXXX--- XXXXXXXX 003C2FHMB90495 Series Data Sheet (Advance Information)17 / 40FME EMDC June19,200010.3 List of Message Buffers (DLC Registers and Data Registers)Address Register Abbreviation Access Initial Value 003C30HDLC register 0DLCR0R/W----XXXX 003C31H003C32HDLC register 1DLCR1R/W----XXXX 003C33H003C34HDLC register 2DLCR2R/W----XXXX 003C35H003C36HDLC register 3DLCR3R/W----XXXX 003C37H003C38HDLC register 4DLCR4R/W----XXXX 003C39H003C3AHDLC register 5DLCR5R/W----XXXX 003C3BH003C3CHDLC register 6DLCR6R/W----XXXX 003C3DH003C3EHDLC register 7DLCR7R/W----XXXX 003C3FH003C40Hto 003C47H Data register 0 (8bytes)DTR0R/WXXXXXXXXtoXXXXXXXX003C48Hto 003C4FH Data register 1 (8bytes)DTR1R/WXXXXXXXXtoXXXXXXXX003C50Hto 003C57H Data register 2 (8bytes)DTR2R/WXXXXXXXXtoXXXXXXXX003C58Hto 003C5FH Data register 3 (8bytes)DTR3R/WXXXXXXXXtoXXXXXXXX003C60Hto 003C67H Data register 4 (8bytes)DTR4R/WXXXXXXXXtoXXXXXXXX003C68Hto 003C6FH Data register 5 (8bytes)DTR5R/WXXXXXXXXtoXXXXXXXX003C70Hto 003C77H Data register 6 (8bytes)DTR6R/WXXXXXXXXtoXXXXXXXX003C78Hto 003C7FH Data register 7 (8bytes)DTR7R/WXXXXXXXXtoXXXXXXXXMB90495 Series Data Sheet (Advance Information)18 / 40FMG EMDC June 19, 200011. INTERRUPTSInterrupt cause DMA Ch.Interrupt vector Interrupt control register Number Address Number AddressReset——# 08FFFFDCH————INT9 instruction——# 09FFFFD8H————Exception——# 10FFFFD4H————CAN RX——# 11FFFFD0HICR000000B0H CAN TX/NS——# 12FFFFCCHReserved——# 13FFFFC8HICR010000B1H Reserved——# 14FFFFC4HExternal Interrupt INT0/INT1——# 15FFFFC0HICR020000B2H Time Base Timer——# 16FFFFBCH16-bit Reload Timer 0——# 17FFFFB8HICR030000B3H A/D Converter——# 18FFFFB4HI/O Timer——# 19FFFFB0HICR040000B4H External Interrupt INT2/INT3——# 20FFFFACHReserved——# 21FFFFA8HICR050000B5H PPG 0/1——# 22FFFFA4HInput Capture 0——# 23FFFFA0HICR060000B6H External Interrupt INT4/INT5——# 24FFFF9CHInput Capture 1——# 25FFFF98HICR070000B7H PPG 2/3——# 26FFFF94HExternal Interrupt INT6/INT7——# 27FFFF90HICR080000B8H Watch Timer——# 28FFFF8CHReserved——# 29FFFF88HICR090000B9H Input Capture 2/3——# 30FFFF84HReserved——# 31FFFF80HICR100000BAH Reserved——# 32FFFF7CHReserved——# 33FFFF78HICR110000BBH Reserved——# 34FFFF74HReserved——# 35FFFF70HICR120000BCH 16-bit Reload Timer 1——# 36FFFF6CHUART 0 RX——# 37FFFF68HICR130000BDH UART 0 TX——# 38FFFF64HUART 1 RX——# 39FFFF60HICR140000BEH UART 1 TX——# 40FFFF5CHFlash Memory——# 41FFFF58HICR150000BFH Delayed interrupt——# 42FFFF54HMB90495 Series Data Sheet (Advance Information)19 / 40FME EMDC June19,2000MB90495 Series Data Sheet (Advance Information)20 / 40FMG EMDC June 19, 200012. ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS12.1 Absolute Maximum Ratings(V SS = AV SS = 0 V)*1:Set AV CC and V CC to the same voltage.Make sure that AV CC does not exceed V CC and that the voltage at the analog inputs doesnot exceed AV CC when the power is switched on.*2:V I and V O should not exceed V CC +0.3V.VI should not exceed the specified ratings.However if the maximun current to/from ainput is limited by some means with external components, the II rating supercedes the VI rating.ParameterSymbol Rated Value Units RemarksMin.Max.Power supply voltageV CCV SS – 0.3V SS + 6.0V AV CC V SS – 0.3V SS + 6.0V V CC = AV CC*1AVRV SS – 0.3V SS + 6.0V AV CC AVR AVssInput voltage V I V SS – 0.3V SS + 6.0V *2Output voltageV O V SS – 0.3V SS + 6.0V *2"L" level max. output current I OL —15mA "L" level avg. output current I OLAV —4mA Average value over a period of 100ms "L" level max. overall output current I OL —100mA "L" level avg. overall output current I OLAV —50mA Average value over a period of 100ms "H" level max. output current I OH —–15mA "H" level avg. output current I OHAV —–4mA Average value over a period of 100ms "H"level max.overall output current I OH —-100mA "H" level avg. overall output current I OHAV —-50mA Average value over a period of 100ms Power consumption P D —300mW Operating temperature T A –40+85°C Storage temperatureT STG–55+150°CMB90495 Series Data Sheet (Advance Information)21 / 40FME EMDC June 19,200012.2 Recommended Conditions(V SS = AV SS = 0 V)Figure 12.1 C-Pin Connection DiagramParameterSym-bol Rated ValueUnit s RemarksMin.Typ.Max.Power supply voltageV CC AV CC 4.5 5.05.5V Normal operating conditions 3.0 5.5V Maintains RAM data in stop mode.Input H voltageV IHS0.8 V CCV CC + 0.3VCMOS hysteresis input pinV IHM V CC – 0.3V CC + 0.3V MD input pinInput L voltageV ILSV SS – 0.30.2 V CCVCMOS hysteresis input pinV ILMV SS – 0.3V SS + 0.3VMD input pinSmooth capacitor C S 0.0220.1 1.0µFUse a ceramic capacitor or capacitor of better AC characteristics. Capacitor at the VCC should be greater than this capacitor.Operating temperature T A –40+85°CCC S。
Seamless Large Screens with Ultra-Narrow BezelVIVID AND DYNAMIC PICTURE QUALITYImage Gap ReductionThe VL5G series includes an image improvement algorithm that can reduce image gaps among tiled displays when playing back videos. Objects located on the bezel boundaries are adjusted for a seamless viewing experience.The ultra-narrow bezel creates a visually stunning digital wall to effectively deliver dynamic content and immerse the viewers. The large screen it generates is enough to captivate the attention of passersby.Higher Viewing AngleLarge screens are usually positioned higher than human-eye level, making uniform picture quality essential for video walls. The viewing angle of the VL5G series is high enough to display vivid colors throughout the screen with no distortion.Wide Viewing AngleIt is well known that LG IPS panel technology enables better control of liquid crystals, which in turn allows the screen to be viewed from virtually any angle. Because of this, the VL5G series captures the attention of and captivates more viewers with lifelike colors, regardless of their viewing position.* The "LG Conventional" refers to displays which do not include an image improvement algorithm.* Results based on in-house testing. Actual test results may differ depending on environment and measuring equipment.LG Conventional*VL5G Series40°* High Viewing AngleEasy Color Adjustment USER CONVENIENCEWhite Balance AdjustmentIn conventional video walls, white balance was adjustable only in“full-white” mode, but the VL5G series allows you to modify eachvalue of grey scale to achieve more detailed and precise whitebalance adjustment.Depending on the content, the color temperature of the display can be easily adjusted in increments of 100K using a remote control.User-Friendly Menu StructureThe menu structure has been optimized for commercial use. It simplifies approach flows and groups similar functions together, adopting a more intuitive GUI for ease of use. This way, users can avoid having to do trial-and-error when exploring desired functions and managing displays.Intuitive GUIThe GUI (Graphic User Interface) is carefully designed with a four-way navigation remote control that lets users easily switch to other settings. Also, it adopts a large font for better visibility, which is necessary when users want to control displays from relatively far distances.13,000K 3,200KDisplay’s Current Status Key Set-up Values for Quick StartContent Management Signage-related FunctionsPRODUCT INFORMATIONDIMENSIONS49VL5GScreen Size 49"Aspect Ratio 16 : 9Native Resolution FHD (1,920 × 1,080)Brightness 500 nits Contrast Ratio1,000 : 1* Dimensions & Jack Panels may differ from the above image, so please contact LG sales team to verify before ordering.CONNECTIVITY4DP OUT 5USB 2.0 IN 6AUDIO IN3DP IN2DVI-D IN HDMI IN 17AUDIO OUT 8LAN IN 10RS-232C IN 11RS-232C OUT9IR INCopyright 2021 ®LG Electronics USA, Inc., 2000 Millbrook Drive Lincolnshire, IL 60069, USA. All rights reserved. LG and the LG logo are registered trademarks of LG Corp. All other products and brand names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies. Designs, features, and specifications are subject to change without notice. All screen images are simulated. SPEC_49VL5G_042177_LRhttps:///us/business/commercial-display https:///LGCommDisplayshttps:///LGcommercialdisplayshttps:///company/lg-commercial-displays-usa https://www.y /lgcommercialdisplayusaSPECIFICATIONS。
1008 B 2032 B
2.4 V~5.5 V
片上 CR 振荡器(保证贴装后±2%的精确度),
电 机 控 制 功 输出三相波形,用于无刷 DC 电机控制
各种定时器 装载 8/16 位多功能定时器(可选择 PWC、PWM 或捕捉)、8/16 位 PPG 定时
【「MB95390H 系列」的主要规格】
MB95F394H MB95F396H MB95F398H MB95F394K MB95F396K MB95F398K
ROM 容量
20 KB
36 KB
60 KB
20 KB
36 KB
60 KB
RAM 容量
496 B
1008 B 2032 B
496 B
MB95370L MB95310L (80pin,3V) (64pin,3V)
MB95350L (24pin,3V)
少引脚通用 (8pin-20pin)
MB95260H (8-20pin,5V)
MB95330H (32pin,5V)
MB95390H (48pin,5V)
MB95R203A (搭载FRAM)
16 位重载定时器、时基定时器
各 种 通 信 功 装载 LIN-UART、UART/SIO、I2C
A/D 转换器 8ch (8 位或 10 位分辨率)
LQFP-48 脚、QFN-48 脚
Vcc check circuit Hysteresis Vmute-on Mute-on voltage Vmute-off Mute-off voltage Imute Mute terminals input current VrefmL VrefmH Vrefin Vref amp. Low output voltage Vref amp. High output voltage Vref amp. Input voltage range
Limits Typ. 20 3.0 1.35
Max. 30 6.0 1.90 +26 +100
Unit mA mA V mV mV V mV V V µA V V
-26 -100 4.10 80 2.0 170 0.15 Vbs2- Vbs21.9 2.25 1.5 2.1 4.25 130
4.40 180 0.8 250 0.3
17 2 , 3 , 4 , Free Air Free Air 5
14 , 15 , 19 , 22 , 23 , 32 , 33 , 35 , 36
Rating 15 15 7.0 700 0 – Vcc 1.2 9.6 150 -20 – +70 -40 – +150
Unit V V V mA V W mW/˚C ˚C ˚C ˚C
pin input voltage range.
Voltage gain of each channel
Symbol Gain1L Gain1H Gain2L Gain2H Gain3 Gain4L Gain4H Parameter 1st channel voltage gain (L) 1st channel voltage gain (H) 2nd channel voltage gain (L) 2nd channel voltage gain (H) 3th channel voltage gain 4th channel voltage gain (L) 4th channel voltage gain (H) {VM1(+)–VM1(-)} (Vctl1L–Vref) {VM1(+)–VM1(-)} (Vctl1H–Vref) {VM2(+)–VM2(-)} (Vctl2L–Vref) {VM2(+)–VM2(-)} (Vctl2H–Vref) {VM3(+)–VM3(-)} Vctl3(+)–Vctl3(-) {VM4(+)–VM4(-)} (Vctl4L–Vref) {VM4(+)–VM4(-)} (Vctl4H–Vref) Conditions (Vctl1L= (Vctl1H= (Vctl2L= (Vctl2H=
飞利浦 Xenium 9@9h 便捷通信手机俱乐部说明书
飞利浦Xenium9@9hCT9A9HRED超长的电池寿命飞利浦 Xenium 9@9h 实现了独特的优雅感与纯粹的功能性之间的完美平衡。
借助超长的电池使用寿命,9@9h 让您获得真正意义上的始终保持连通的自由。
随时随地畅享音乐•高品质的集成 FM 收音机信息唾手可得•250 条 SMS 信息超大存储容量•1000 条电话簿条目,每条最多可以存储 5 个电话号码时刻保持连通•最长 1 个月待机时间•长达 8.5 小时的通话时间*精于心简于形规格Xenium9@9h产品亮点250 条 SMS 存储容量手机的超大存储容量可存储多达 250 条 SMS (短信息服务)信息,使您能够存储比以前更多的珍贵短信。
1000 条电话簿条目超大存储容量,具有多达 1000 条电话簿条目,每条最多可存储 5 个号码,便于存储所有商务和个人联系人。
最长 1 个月待机时间一次充电,手机便可持续待机长达一个月之久。
长达 8.5 小时的通话时间一次充电,电话可以支持长达 8.5 小时的通话时间。
FM 收音机使用手机及其立体声耳机,FM 收音机应用程序使您可以随时随地收听喜爱的 FM收音机节目。
GPRS图片/显示•亮度: 250 堪/平方米•文本行数: 5•主屏颜色: 65536•主屏分辨率: 128x160 像素•主屏技术: TFT•屏幕对角线尺寸: 1.8音响•铃声: MP3 铃声, 16 和弦音频播放•音频支持格式: AMR, Midi, SP-Midi音频捕捉•语音录制: 是, AMR静态照片播放•图像压缩格式: BMP, GIF, JPEG存储介质•内存管理: 存储器状态, 动态内存分配•用户内存: 2 MB连接•耳机: 通过迷你 USB 连接器•调制解调器功能: CSD (语音,数据), GPRS, 短信•计算机同步管理器: Lotus Notes, MS Outlook方便•按钮和控制: 4 向导航键和输入, 软键•通话管理: 呼叫前转, 通话保持, 通话计时, 呼叫等待, 来电显示, 电话会议, 紧急电话, 麦克风静音, 未接电话, 多方通话, 已接来电•时钟/版本: 数字, 国际时钟•轻松导航: 翻盖接听•易于使用: 免提模式, 热键, 软键, 振动提示•内嵌游戏: 3•游戏和应用程序: 闹钟, 计算器, 日历, 国际单位换算器•可用语言:T9 输入法: 简体中文, 繁体中文, 英语, 法语, 俄语, 土耳其语, T9 阿拉伯语•个人信息管理: 夏令时, 时区, 智能电话簿, 国际时钟•个性化/自定义: 可下载图片, 可下载铃声, 自主来电写真, 墙纸, 铃声•语音识别: 通话记录, 超长语音记事•音量控制附件•标准包装包括: 干电式, CD ROM (手机工具), 充电器, 手机, 国际保修, 立体声耳机, 用户手册, USB 数据线环保规格•无铅焊接产品尺寸•天线: 集成•形状因数: 翻盖•手机颜色: 灰色•听筒尺寸: 88 x 44 x 22•手机重量: 78电源•电池容量: 1100•电池节能管理器: 自动开/关机•电池类型: 锂电池•充电时间: 大约 2.5 小时 小时•待机时间: 长达 1 月•通话时间: 长达 8.5 小时网络功能•GPRS (Rx+Tx): Class 10 (4+2), Class B •GSM 频段: 900, 1800 MHz•信息收发: 连锁短信(超长短信), 电子邮件, MMS ,多媒体消息服务, SMS CB (小区广播), SMS (短消息服务), 短信群发, 预设 SMS, WAP OTA provisioning•服务: OTA Provisioning (WAP,MMS), SIM Toolkit / Release 99, WAP 1.2.1•语音编解码器: FR/EFR/AMR发行日期 2009-03-19版本: 1.0.212 NC: 8670 000 32733EAN: 87 12581 35458 9© 2009 Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V.保留所有权利。
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MB90895 series devices are 16-bit micro general-purpose controllers designed for applications which need highspeed real-time processing. The devices of this series are high-performance 16-bit CPU micro controllers employing of the dual operation flash memory and CAN controller on LQFP-48 small package. The system, inheriting the architecture of F2MC* family, employs additional instruction ready for high-level languages, expanded addressing mode, enhanced multiply-divide instructions, and enriched bit-processing instructions. Furthermore, employment of 32-bit accumulator achieves processing of long-word data (32 bits). The peripheral resources of MB90895 series include the following: 8/10-bit A/D converter, UART0/UART1 (SCI), 8/16-bit PPG timer, 16-bit input-output timer (16-bit free-run timer, input capture 0, 1, 2, 3 (ICU)), and CAN controller. *: “F2MC”, an abbreviation for FUJITSU Flexible Microcontroller, is a registered trademark of FUJITSU Ltd.
• Clock • Built-in PLL clock frequency multiplication circuit • Selection of machine clocks (PLL clocks) is allowed among frequency division by two on oscillation clock, and multiplication of 1 to 4 times of oscillation clock (for 4-MHz oscillation clock, 4 MHz to 16 MHz). • Operation by sub-clock (8.192 kHz) is allowed. (MB90F897) • Minimum execution time of instruction: 62.5 ns (when operating with 4-MHz oscillation clock, and 4-time multiplied PLL clock). • 16 Mbyte CPU memory space • 24-bit internal addressing
48-pin plastic, LQFP
Hale Waihona Puke MB90895 Series
(Continued) • Instruction system best suited to controller • Wide choice of data types (bit, byte, word, and long word) • Wide choice of addressing modes (23 types) • Enhanced multiply-divide instructions and RETI instructions • Enhanced high-precision computing with 32-bit accumulator • Instruction system compatible with high-level language (C language) and multitask • Employing system stack pointer • Enhanced various pointer indirect instructions • Barrel shift instructions • Increased processing speed • 4-byte instruction queue • Powerful interrupt function with 8 levels and 34 factors • Automatic data transfer function independent of CPU • Expanded intelligent I/O service function (EI2 OS): Maximum of 16 channels • Low power consumption (standby) mode • Sleep mode (a mode that halts CPU operating clock) • Time-base timer mode (a mode that operates oscillation clock, sub clock, time-base timer and clock timer only) • Clock mode (a mode that operates sub clock and clock timer only) • Stop mode (a mode that stops oscillation clock and sub clock) • CPU blocking operation mode • Process • CMOS technology • I/O port • General-purpose input/output port (CMOS output): 34 ports (MB90F897) (including 4 high-current output ports) (When sub clock is not used, 36 ports (MB90F897S)) • Timer • Time-base timer, clock timer, watchdog timer: 1 channel • 8/16-bit PPG timer: 8-bit x 4 channels, or 16-bit x 2 channels • 16-bit reload timer: 2 channels • 16-bit input/output timer - 16-bit free run timer: 1 channel - 16-bit input capture: (ICU): 4 channels Interrupt request is issued upon latching a count value of 16-bit free run timer by detection of an edge on pin input. • CAN controller: 1 channel • Compliant with Ver 2.0A and Ver 2.0B CAN specifications • 8 built-in message buffers • Transmission rate of 10 Kbps to 1 Mbps (by 16 MHz machine clock) • CAN wake-up • UART0 (SCI), UART1(SCI): 2 channel • Equipped with full-duplex double buffer • Clock-asynchronous or clock-synchronous serial transmission is available. • DTP/External interrupt: 4 channels, CAN wake-up: 1channel • Module for activation of expanded intelligent I/O service (EI2OS), and generation of external interrupt. • Delay interrupt generator module • Generates interrupt request for task switching. • 8/10-bit A/D converter: 8 channels • Resolution is selectable between 8-bit and 10-bit. • Activation by external trigger input is allowed. • Conversion time: 6.125 µs (at 16-MHz machine clock, including sampling time) • Program patch function • Address matching detection for 2 address pointers.
CPU functions
Minimum instruction execution time : 62.5 ns (at 16-MHz machine clock) Interrupt processing time : 1.5 µs at minimum (at 16-MHz machine clock) Low power consumption (standby) mode I/O port Time-base timer Watchdog timer 16-bit free-run timer Input capture Sleep mode/Clock mode/Time-base timer mode/ Stop mode/CPU intermittent General-purpose input/output ports (CMOS output) : 34 ports (36 ports*2) including 4 high-current output ports (P14 to P17) 18-bit free-run counter Interrupt cycle : 1.024 ms, 4.096 ms, 16.834 ms, 131.072 ms (with oscillation clock frequency at 4 MHz) Reset generation cycle: 3.58 ms, 14.33 ms, 57.23 ms, 458.75 ms (with oscillation clock frequency at 4 MHz) Number of channels: 1 Interrupt upon occurrence of overflow Number of channels: 4 Retaining free-run timer value set by pin input (rising edge, falling edge, and both edges) Number of channels: 2 16-bit reload timer operation Count clock cycle: 0.25 µs, 0.5 µs, 2.0 µs (at 16-MHz machine clock frequency) External event count is allowed. 15-bit free-run counter Interrupt cycle: 31.25 ms, 62.5 ms, 12 ms, 250 ms, 500 ms, 1.0 s, 2.0 s (with 8.192 kHz sub clock) Number of channels: 2 (four 8-bit channels are available also.) PPG operation is allowed with four 8-bit channels or one 16-bit channel. Outputting pulse wave of arbitrary cycle or arbitrary duty is allowed. Count clock: 62.5 ns to 1 µs (with 16 MHz machine clock) Interrupt generator module for task switching. Used for real-time OS. Number of inputs: 4 Activated by rising edge, falling edge, “H” level or “L” level input. External interrupt or expanded intelligent I/O service (EI2OS) is available.