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Translation practice for Unit 1
I was eager to get back to work as soon as possible.
Emergency repairs were expected to take three weeks.
As expected, the whole family was shocked by the news.
You can’t expect children to be quite all the time.
Employees bitterly complain about working conditions.
Dan’s been complaining of severe headaches.
Reference books may not be removed from the library.
Now wild mushrooms are available all year round, packed in handy 25g boxes.
Glass must be packed in several layers of paper.
Dust had settled on the tables and chairs.
They settled their differences in a friendly way.
12虽然哥伦比业航天飞机失事了,但是人们仍然会继续探索太空.(explore, despite)
Man will continue to explore outer space despite the disaster of the space shuttle Columbia.
Management need to explore new ways of improving office security.
At the end of the game, players traditionally exchange shirts with each other.
Where can I exchange my dollars for pounds?
Goods are exchangeable so long as they are returned in good condition.
The present was beautifully wrapped in gold paper.
18如果他们能接受我们的价格,我们马上就能做成这笔生意。(wrap up)
If they accept our price, we can wrap up the deal right away.
The children were excited to see real live elephants.
We agreed never to refer to the matter again.
We’ve always deeply regretted selling the farm.
Much to my regret, I am unable to accept your invitation.
I’ve been assigned the job of looking after the new students.
In small towns like this, the local church plays an important part in peop

le lives.
25政府认为国防的重要性在教育之上。(put high value on)
The government outs a higher value on defense than on education.
26新公路的建造由于天气不好而耽搁下来了。(hold up)
The building of the new road has been held up by bad weather.
27这条法律旨在帮助穷人。(be supposed to)
This law is supposed to help the poor.
28他一直都在偷雇主的钱,这事终于暴露了。(come out)
It eventually came out that he had been stealing money from his employers.
29教堂常按十字架的形状建造。(in the form)
Churches are often built in the form of a cross.
30这种病的症状是连续几天发高烧并恶心呕吐。(take the form of)
This illness takes the form of high fever and sickness over a period of several days.
31你必须记住,他们的风俗习惯跟我们的大不一样。(keep in mind)
You must keep in mind that their customs are very different to ours.

ranslation Exercises of Unit Two(教师)
1一般来说,一次成功的演讲需要言语与非言语交际的融合。(integration; involve)
In general, a successful speech involves an integration of verbal and nonverbal communication.
2站姿,手势, 眼神交流以及精确的计时对于演讲很重要。(play an import part )
Stance, gestures, eye contact and timing play an important part in delivering / making / giving a speech.
3在正式面试中,要努力做到和面试者保持良好的目光接触。(eye contact)
In a formal interview, try to maintain / keep good eye contact with the interviewers.
4做医生需要极大的耐心和仔细。(call for)
Being a doctor calls for great patience and carefulness.
5当前的形势要求采取完全新的措施。(call for)
The present situation calls for entirely new measures.
When some climbers meet with trouble / are in trouble, they keep in touch with others by radio.
Who can prevent their plan from being carried out?
His being too eager to show the best and nervousness interfered with his opening statement that had been prepared beforehand.
A dictionary is an important aid in learning a new language.
Internet buying is not getting well- received among those who hold “Seeing is believing.”
11你走得越快,就能越早到达那里。(the more, the more)
The faster you walk, the earlier you will get there.
12这项工作你完成得越早越好。(the more, the more)
The sooner you finish the work, the better it is.
13他毫无困难地解出了这些物理题目。(have no trouble / difficulty in)
He had no difficulty in workin

g out these physics problems.
You are supposed to report it to the police as soon as possible.
Although I have never seen this film, it is supposed to be a popular one with people.
16他表现出若无其事的样子。(as if)
He behaved as if nothing had happened.
It is essential that businessmen should win consumers through the quality of their products rather than through the advertisements.
18随着物价的不断上涨,我们的收入远不能满足我们的需求。 (fall short of )
With prices rising continuously, our income falls short of our needs.
He gave up the opportunity to work overseas for the sake of family.
20这是一个很容易混淆出错的语法点。(mess up )
It is a grammatical point that is often messed up.
21如果你沿着大马路走就不会迷路。 (stick to )
If you stick to the main road, you won’t get lost.
She sold everything, retaining only a few pieces of furniture.
23没有人想出可供选择的办法来。(come up with)
Nobody has come up with any alternatives.
24他在春节联欢晚会上的精彩表演给国内外的电视观众们留下了深刻的印象。(the Spring Festival Gala; impression)
His excellent performance at the Spring Festival Gala left a deep impression on the TV viewers from home and abroad.

Translation for Unit 3
Pipes convey hot water to every part of the building.
The more often you smile, the more people will be drawn to you.
He answered the question with confidence.
Don’t put too much confidence in what the papers say.
5他立刻注意到她论点的漏洞。(zero in on)
He immediately zeroed in on the weak point in her argument.
6今天我们不集中谈任何具体领域,我们将泛泛讨论一下这一问题。(focus on)
Today we are not going to focus on any specific area --- we’ll just have a general discussion on the problem.
7对于年轻夫妇来说,买房子通常是一个沉重的经济负担。(burden n.)
Buying a house often places a big financial burden on young couples.
8工业为沉重的税收所累。(burden v.)
Industry is heavily burdened with taxation.
He dominated the discussion from beginning to end and nobody could get a word in.

他激动地两眼放光。(light up)
When he saw her presence at his birthday party unexpectedly, his eyes lit up with excitement.
Giving others compliments is a way of showing that you truly appreciate their work, efforts and abilities.
12真诚地赞美朋友的优点会增强他们看待的自己的信心。(add value to)
Genuine compliments on your friends’ positive qualities will add value to how they see themselves.
13尽管他已是大家公认的目前最伟大的科学家,但他从不贬低别人。(tear down)
Although he has been recognized as the greatest scientist at present, he has never torn others down.
It is similar interests and a common outlook on life that enable people to develop long-lasting friendships.
It was not until he got on the bus that he realized he had left the key at home.
It is common that university graduates can’t find suitable jobs with ease.
The government attaches great importance to the problem of an aging population.
18日本男女服务员的特色是鞠躬和面带微笑。 (characterize)
Japanese waiters and waitresses are characterized by bowing and wearing smiles.
Friendship is based on mutual linking and “give and take”.
There are clear indications that China’s economy is improving.
It remains to be seen whether these measures work.
Most of the key points are covered in this book.
Wearing a smile while talking can help us convey the information to the audience more effectively.
Professor Smith is a person with a lot of positive qualities, and he has been devoted to his research work in the past five years.
The adoption of/Adopting this policy would relieve the union of its heavy burden.
