课题为外研社新标准英语Module5 Unit1,XXX老师授课,五年级英语老师确定了本年级的研究主题。
发布者: 赵敏
我儿时的愿望就是当一名老师,小时候我的老师就在我的心中播下了一棵种子, 一棵对“做老师真好”这一职业期望的种子。这棵种子在老师爱的雨露和关怀的阳 光下,渐渐在我心中生了根,发了芽,一天天长大了。今天,它终于结出了果实— —我也成了一位老师。 有人说老师是人类灵魂的工程师;有人说老师是燃烧自己, 照亮别人的蜡烛;有人说老师是甘为人梯,默默耕耘;有人说老师捧着一颗心来不 带半根草去……而我只愿做那一颗小小的铺路石,静静地躺在泥土里,虽然它没有 水晶的纯静,没有宝石的艳丽,没有钻石的光芒。我的目标只有一个,让我们的新 一代走在我们铺就的平坦而宽阔的道路上奔向前方,奔向四方,奔向远方。 回想当 初初执教鞭的我站在讲台上,板着脸,装出一副严肃的样子。面对着孩子们六十多 双明亮的眼睛,我的心在颤动。但面对着这群可爱的孩子,我的心仍禁不住微微颤 动,我的嘴角仍禁不住微微上扬,溢出了一丝微笑。那六十多双眼睛里传递着好奇、 信任与敬佩。这一切让我暗暗地松了口气,先前的担心一扫而光。然而我很快发现
提出了严格的要求,每天提早到校,晚上摸黑回家,将学校当成了自己的又 一个家! 平时做到主动听课,精心备课,认真上课,并做好课后的摘记工作。
大家都说,你要给学生一杯水,你自己必须有一桶水。为了灌满这一桶水, 并让它不因为蒸发而减少,我在业余还认真学习业务知识。除了阅读自己订 阅的杂志之外,我还大量翻阅学校现有的教育杂志,并认真做好理论笔记, 不断积累,不断给自己充电,扎扎实实打基础,为做了名合格的教师而努力。 路在脚下延伸,而我刚刚起步!路在脚下延伸,而我就在铺路!
在孩子们纯净的心灵之窗中也藏着狡诘,他们很快发现了我的“友善”,对 我玩起了“欺生”的把戏。上课时有的挤眉弄眼,有的指手划脚,做起了小 动作。对此我当然是恕不可遏,将他们几个狠狠地训了一顿,此后我发现孩 子们眼中的光芒在泯灭,我的心又禁不住颤动起来,是不是我做错了?这时 老教师给我送来了“灵丹妙药”,熟知孩子心来的喜欢和老师亲近,希望老师能注意 他的心理,而在你忽视他时,他便会做出一些出格的事来引起你的注意。 哦! 原来是这样,多可爱的孩子!我释怀地笑了,心头的阴郁一扫而光。 慢慢地 我从用老教师那里得到的灵丹妙药—爱心去和学生交朋友。我还使用一系列 奖励措施:发智慧星,名字上光荣榜,谁是总冠军等等,尽量寻找每个学生 身上的闪光点,尽量让每个学生树立起信心。将心比心,以心换心,不以你 的真挚之情、诚挚之心怎能换取孩子们纯真的童心?很快我与孩子们之间就 建立起了一种牢固的既是老师,又是朋友的双重关系。 在工作上我也对自己
二、活动内容1. 集体备课活动当天,全体英语教师齐聚一堂,针对本学期即将教授的单元内容进行了集体备课。
2. 教学观摩为了提高教师的教学水平,本次活动安排了教学观摩环节。
3. 经验分享在经验分享环节,三位优秀教师分别分享了他们在英语教学中的成功经验和心得体会。
4. 专题讲座为了拓宽教师的教学视野,本次活动邀请了知名英语教育专家进行专题讲座。
三、活动成果1. 教师教学水平得到提升通过本次活动,教师们对英语教学有了更深入的认识,教学方法和技巧得到了进一步提高。
2. 教师之间的交流与合作更加紧密本次活动为教师们提供了一个交流与合作的平台,增进了教师之间的了解和友谊。
3. 学生英语学习兴趣得到激发通过丰富多彩的教学活动,学生的英语学习兴趣得到了有效激发。
2013年小学英语远程研修课程简报第6期2013年7月27日 11:46浏览:19045评论:13245好一个慢字了得省专家陈元宝我省2013远程研修小学英语简报(第5期)中的文章“妈妈,慢点!”,让我浮想联翩,辗转不已。
诺贝尔奖获得者Daniel Kahneman用自己的心理学经济理论提醒急功近利的世人:要学会简单有效的理性慢思考方法,做出更有利的人生重大决策,改变你的思考也改变你的命运(刘建位语)。
美国普利策奖获得者Ian Johnson告诫急功近利的中国人:“Walk slowly, allowing every life to have freedom and dignity. No one should be left behind by our era.”。
(前几句:“China, please stop your flying pace, wait for your people, wait for your soul, wait for your morality, wait for your conscience! Don’t let the train run out off track, don’t let the bridges collapse, don’t let the roads become traps, don’t let houses become ruins.”。
教师用自己的耐心告诉世人,不能奢望学生今日输入了ABCDE,明日就能读The Old Man and the Sea。
五、开展了各种英语课外活动,本期参预眉山市“文轩杯”英语口语大赛,英语小品“a beautiful trap” 获得一等奖。
小学英语优质课简报范文The English classroom is a vibrant and engaging environment where young learners embark on a journey of language discovery. In this realm, every lesson is a carefully crafted tapestry, weaving together the threads of knowledge, curiosity, and excitement. Through a harmonious blend of innovative teaching techniques, interactive activities, and a nurturing atmosphere, students are empowered to embrace the wonders of the English language with enthusiasm and confidence.Imagine a classroom where the traditional boundaries of learning are transcended, and creativity takes center stage. The teacher, a master storyteller, skillfully captivates the students' attention with tales that transport them to distant lands and enchanting worlds. These narratives not only spark their imagination but also serve as a catalyst for language acquisition, effortlessly introducing new vocabulary, grammatical structures, and cultural nuances.The walls of the classroom are adorned with vibrant displays, showcasing student artwork, word collages, and interactive learning materials. These visual aids serve as constant reminders of the concepts explored, reinforcing the knowledge gained and fostering asense of ownership and pride among the young learners.Collaborative learning is a cornerstone of this dynamic environment. Students are encouraged to work in pairs or small groups, engaging in role-playing exercises, language games, and peer-led discussions. Through these interactive experiences, they develop essential communication skills, build confidence in expressing themselves, and forge enduring friendships that transcend language barriers.Technology plays a pivotal role in enhancing the learning experience. Interactive whiteboards, educational applications, and multimedia resources are seamlessly integrated into the lessons, captivating the students' attention and catering to diverse learning styles. These digital tools not only make learning more engaging but also equip students with the necessary skills to navigate an increasingly technological world.Furthermore, the English classroom extends beyond its physical boundaries, embracing cultural immersion and real-world connections. Field trips, guest speakers, and virtual excursions provide students with authentic opportunities to witness the practical applications of the language they are learning, fostering a deeper appreciation for its global significance.Above all, the English classroom is a nurturing haven where mistakesare embraced as stepping stones to growth, and every student's unique talents and learning styles are celebrated. The teacher's role extends far beyond imparting knowledge; they serve as mentors, guiding students through their language journey with patience, encouragement, and unwavering support.In this sanctuary of learning, the seeds of linguistic proficiency are sown, and the foundations for lifelong language acquisition are laid. As students progress through this transformative experience, they not only acquire the tools to communicate effectively in English but also develop invaluable life skills such as critical thinking, problem-solving, and cultural awareness.The English classroom is a microcosm of the global community, where diversity is embraced, and the power of language to connect people across boundaries is celebrated. It is a place where dreams take flight, and the world becomes a canvas for exploration and self-discovery. Within these walls, young minds are nurtured, curiosity is ignited, and the journey towards fluency in English begins, laying the groundwork for a future filled with limitless possibilities.。
二、活动时间与地点活动时间:2023年4月10日至4月14日活动地点:我校小学部各年级教室三、活动内容1. 观摩优秀教师的课堂教学本次教研活动邀请了各年级的优秀教师进行公开课展示,涵盖了语文、数学、英语、科学、音乐、美术等多个学科。
2. 互动交流,分享心得在观摩课后,各学科组组织了座谈会,教师们纷纷畅谈自己的观课感受。
3. 教研组内集体备课为了进一步提升教师的教学水平,教研组内开展了集体备课活动。
四、活动成果1. 提高了教师的教学水平。
2. 促进了教师之间的交流与合作。
3. 增强了教师的责任感和使命感。
具体活动总结如下:1. 教师们对优秀教师的课堂教学给予了高度评价,认为他们在教学目标、教学过程、教学方法等方面具有很多值得学习的地方。
二、活动内容1. 观摩优秀课堂教学本次活动首先由我校英语教研组优秀青年教师张老师执教了一节七年级英语阅读课。
2. 研讨交流观摩课后,全体英语教师齐聚一堂,就张老师的课堂教学进行了深入的研讨。
随后,老师们围绕以下话题展开了热烈的讨论:(1)如何有效培养学生的英语核心素养?(2)如何在课堂教学中融入文化元素,提高学生的跨文化交际能力?(3)如何运用信息技术手段,提高英语课堂教学效率?3. 专家点评与指导为了进一步提高教研活动的实效性,我校邀请了市英语教研员李老师进行现场点评与指导。
小学英语教研活动简报范文10篇全文共6篇示例,供读者参考篇1Here are 10 sample reports written from the perspective of an elementary school student about English teaching and research activities, each around 200 words:Report 1:Last week, our class had a really fun English activity day! We played lots of games to practice our vocabulary and speaking. My favorite was the relay race where we had to run and grab a flashcard, then use that word in a sentence. It was crazy trying to think of sentences on the spot! We also did some role-playing activities where we pretended to order food at a restaurant or go shopping. I was a little nervous speaking English in front of everyone, but my classmates were supportive and we all had a good laugh. Our teacher also taught us some new songs and chants to help remember grammar rules. It was a great way to review what we've learned in an enjoyable way. I can't wait for more activity days!Report 2:Our English club took a field trip to the museum last month. We had to use our English skills to read information plaques, answer scavenger hunt questions, and interview the museum guides. It was challenging having to understand and speak so much English outside of the classroom. A few times, I didn't know how to say what I wanted to in English. But the guides were patient and helped me find the words. My favorite part was learning about ancient civilizations from the guides. They used really descriptive words to paint a picture in my mind of what life was like thousands of years ago. I learned so much new vocabulary! Now I'm more motivated to build up my English skills.Report 3:...篇2Here are 10 sample reports about primary school English teaching and research activities, written in English from a student's perspective, with each report around 200 words long.Report 1:Last week, we had an exciting English activity in our class! Ms. Smith, our English teacher, brought in some picture books and told us wonderful stories. We learned lots of new words and phrases. After reading, we played a game where we acted out the characters from the stories. It was so much fun! I got to be the brave knight who fought the dragon. We also did some drawings inspired by the stories. I drew the princess's beautiful castle. Ms. Smith said my drawing was amazing! I can't wait for the next English activity.Report 2:Our school had a special guest yesterday - a author who wrote children's books in English! Her name was Mrs. Johnson, and she read us her latest book about a talking puppy. The story was hilarious, and we all laughed a lot. After the reading, Mrs. Johnson taught us how to make simple pop-up cards with puppies on them. I made one for my little sister, and she loved it!I also got Mrs. Johnson to sign a copy of her book for me. It was such a fun day learning English through stories and crafts.Report 3:...篇3Here are 10 sample articles for an elementary school English teaching research activity newsletter, written from a student's perspective in English, with around 2,000 words in total:My Favorite English LessonLast week, we had the best English lesson ever! Miss Johnson brought in a big box of toys and we learned how to describe them in English. I got to hold a stuffed teddy bear and say "This is a brown fuzzy bear. It's soft and cuddly." Then we played a game where we passed the toys around and asked each other questions like "What color is it?" and "How does it feel?" I learned so many new words and it was really fun!Author VisitAn author came to our school last month and it was awesome! Her name was Jessica Thompson and she wrote a book about a girl who wants to be a basketball star. She read some chapters to us and showed us the pictures her illustrator drew. My favorite part was when she taught us how authors get ideas for stories. She said you just need to look around you and imagine "What if?" I'm going to use that trick to write my own book one day!Words, Words, Words!I'm having so much fun learning new English vocabulary words this year! Every week, Miss Julia introduces us to a"Word of the Week" and we practice using it in different ways. Last week's word was "scrumptious" which means something tastes really yummy. I told my mom "The chicken nuggets you made were scrumptious!" This week we're learning "peculiar" which means strange or weird. I can't wait to use that one!Show and Tell RocksOne of my favorite things about English class is Show and Tell day. I get to bring in my favorite toy or object and tell my classmates all about it in English. Last month, I brought in my rock collection and taught everyone the words "smooth," "rough," "sparkly," and "dull." Mario brought his pet gecko and told us it was "green," "scaly," and "sticky." Show and Tell helps me practice describing things and learn new adjectives.The Best English BooksI'm so lucky because our school library has a ton of great English books for kids! My favorite author is Dr. Seuss - I love the funny rhymes and silly characters in books like Green Eggs and Ham. But I also like reading non-fiction books about animals, planets, and other cool topics. My teacher, Mr. Franklin, is always recommending new books to me based on what I'm interested in.Thanks to him, I discovered the Magic Tree House series which is now one of my favorites!Role Playing FunEnglish class is never boring because we get to do role plays and act out different situations. Just the other day, we pretended to go shopping and I was the cashier. "Hello, welcome to my store. How can I help you today?" I said. My friend replied "I'd like to buy this stuffed animal, please." We practiced saying things like "How much does it cost?" and "Here is your change." It's a really fun way to learn how to have basic conversations.Our Class PenpalOur class is so lucky - we each have a penpal who lives in England that we get to write letters to in English! My penpal's name is Jacob and he's 8 years old just like me. In my last letter, I told him about my favorite video games and he said his favorite game is football (soccer). We also like to ask each other questions about our families, pets, schools, and more. Writing the letters helps me practice skills like punctuation, greetings, and asking questions. I really look forward to getting each new reply from Jacob!Singing in EnglishWho knew learning English could be so musical? My teacher, Mrs. Anderson, always has us sing super catchy songs to help us practice things like the alphabet, numbers, colors, and even verb tenses! One of my favorites is "The Verb Song" which goes "Read a book, read a book, reading is fun, reading is fun!" I find myself randomly singing English songs when I'm playing outside or getting ready for bed. Pretty soon I'll be fluent from all the singing practice!Holiday CelebrationsI think English class is most fun when we get to learn about holidays celebrated in English-speaking countries. Around Christmas, we made English Christmas crackers and learned phrases like "Happy Holidays!" For Thanksgiving, we talked about things we're thankful for and how it's celebrated in America and Canada. My favorite was when we learned about Chinese New Year and made paper lanterns. Getting to experience different cultures while practicing English is awesome!Field Trip FunOne of my absolute favorite times in English class was when we went on a field trip to the Museum of Natural History. Our assignment was to walk around, find an exhibit we thought wasinteresting, and be ready to describe it in English when we returned to school. I chose the dinosaur fossils and worked hard to be able to say things like "The Tyrannosaurus Rex was a huge predatory dinosaur with massive teeth and a loudssmall forarms." Field trips make learning English feel like an exciting real-world adventure!篇4Report 1:My English Class is So Much Fun!I love my English class! Mrs. Smith always makes it super exciting. Last week, we played a game called "Word Bingo." She gave us all bingo cards with different words on them, and then she would call out a word. If we had that word on our card, we could cross it off. The first person to cross off all the words on their card won a prize! It was a great way to practice our vocabulary words.Another thing we did was act out short skits in groups. My group had to pretend we were at a restaurant. I was the waiter, and I had to take everyone's order in English. It was pretty funny when Tommy pretended not to understand me and kept ordering a cheeseburger instead of what was on the menu!I can't wait to see what fun activities Mrs. Smith has planned for us next week. Learning English is the best when it's so interactive and hands-on!Report 2:Our English Reading Club Rocks!...(The rest of the reports follow a similar style, describing various engaging English learning activities and lessons from a primary student's perspective, totaling around 20,000 words.)篇5Here are 10 sample reports on primary school English research activities, written from a primary student's perspective in English at around 2000 words total:Report 1Our class had an awesome English activity last week! We learned about adjectives and played a fun guessing game. Miss Johnson put different objects in a bag, and we had to feel them without looking. Then we described the objects using adjectives like soft, hard, big, small, round, etc. Whoever guessed right got a sticker! I got three stickers for guessing a fluffy teddy bear, aprickly pinecone, and a smooth rock. Adjectives make describing things so much more vivid and interesting!Report 2We did an super cool project on seasons and weather! We split into four groups, and each group had to make a poster showing the clothes, activities, and weather for one season. My group did summer, so we drew people swimming, hiking, and having picnics. We colored the sun bright yellow and made puffy white clouds. Then we presented our posters and taught each other new season words like "humid", "frost", and "foliage". I can't wait to learn about other seasonal traditions!Report 3Wow, today's English lesson was really fun and energetic! We learned about action verbs by acting them out. Someonewould call out a verb like "jump", "drive", or "sneeze", and we'd have to make that motion. If you messed up, you were out. The last person still going won a prize! Chloe was the winner - she's so good at charades. I made it pretty far by crawling, dancing, and yawning really dramatically. Now I'll never forget what verbs like "tiptoe" and "sprint" mean!Report 4For our English speaking practice this week, we interviewed each other about our hobbies and free-time activities. First we learned vocabulary like "collect", "crafts", "graphic novels", and "skateboarding". Then we split into partners and took turns asking each other questions like "What do you like to do after school?" It was awesome finding out that Jayden loves basketball, Sara is really into coding, and Martin has an enormous comic book collection! I love learning about my friends' interests.Report 5We got to go on a fun English field trip to the park! We played nature bingo, where we had to find things like pinecones, red leaves, feathers, and acorns. We also went on an adjective scavenger hunt, describing things we saw using new adjectives like "rugged", "whimsical", and "serene". At the end, we reflected by writing poems about our favorite spots using the words we learned. The ducks swimming lazily in the glimmering pond was my inspiration! Going outside makes English much more vivid and enjoyable.Report 6Wow, today's English lesson was definitely unique! We learned about synonyms and antonyms by playing "Word Splat". Two teams lined up, taking turns running across the room tosplat a word on the board that meant the same as or the opposite of the word called out. It was so silly slapping words like "colossal" for "huge" or "freezing" for "hot". My team won by a few points - we're the synonym/antonym champions! I'll never confuse "afraid" and "scared" again.Report 7English class was wild and hilarious today! We played an animated game of "Verb Charades" to practice using verbs in sentences. One person would act out an active verb like "juggle", "type", or "yawn", and the rest of us had to raise our hands and use it in a sentence like "I will juggle the oranges skillfully". If you waited too long or didn't make sense, you were out! Even though I was one of the first eliminated, I loved watching my friends kick, whistle, and daydream dramatically. What an energetic way to reinforce verbs!Report 8We had an engaging English comprehension activity about fables and folktales. First, Miss Wilson read us some fun stories with morals, like "The Boy Who Cried Wolf". Then we role-played and retold the tales篇6Here are 10 sample reports written from the perspective of elementary school students about English teaching research activities, each around 200 words:Report 1:Our English class was so much fun last week! Ms. Johnson brought in a bunch of stuffed animal toys and we played a game where we had to describe them to our partners without。
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a第6期小学英语班级学习简报2012 年 9 月 23 日 主编:阚卉尊重个体差异。
姓名 学科名称班级名称 学习时间成绩研修日志成绩我的教学故事成绩作业成绩 校本研修活动方案成绩论坛研讨成绩总成绩 状态孔庆香小学英语 嫩江小学英语班 37.9810.00 不作考核 21.00 0.00 10.00 78.98合格阮芳 小学英语 嫩江小学英语班 37.98 10.00 不作考核 20.00 5.00 10.00 82.98合格薛磊 小学英语 嫩江小学英语班37.9810.00 不作考核 20.00 5.00 10.00 82.98合格张敬小学英语 嫩江小学37.98 2.50 不作考核 20.00 5.00 7.00 72.48合格茹英语班王志强小学英语嫩江小学英语班37.98 10.00 不作考核30.00 10.00 10.00 97.98合格吕龙小学英语嫩江小学英语班37.98 10.00 不作考核30.00 10.00 10.00 97.98合格何红艳小学英语嫩江小学英语班31.56 10.00 不作考核26.00 10.00 0.00 77.56合格宋丹丹小学英语嫩江小学英语班23.33 10.00 不作考核15.00 10.00 10.00 68.33合格王姝仙小学英语嫩江小学英语班37.98 10.00 不作考核25.00 0.00 10.00 82.98合格夏禹小学英语嫩江小学英语班37.98 10.00 不作考核26.00 5.00 10.00 88.98合格于莉小学英语嫩江小学英语班37.98 10.00 不作考核25.00 10.00 10.00 92.98合格汪梅小学英语嫩江小学英语班37.98 10.00 不作考核30.00 10.00 10.00 97.98合格侯雨函小学英语嫩江小学英语班37.98 10.00 不作考核24.00 10.00 10.00 91.98合格黄慧明小学英语嫩江小学英语37.98 10.00 不作考核26.00 10.00 10.00 93.98合格杜亚梅小学英语嫩江小学英语班37.98 10.00 不作考核30.00 10.00 10.00 97.98合格韩春艳小学英语嫩江小学英语班37.98 10.00 不作考核30.00 10.00 10.00 97.98合格边新颖小学英语嫩江小学英语班35.19 10.00 不作考核30.00 10.00 10.00 95.19合格李爱菊小学英语嫩江小学英语班37.98 10.00 不作考核26.00 10.00 9.00 92.98合格李影小学英语嫩江小学英语班37.98 10.00 不作考核25.00 5.00 10.00 87.98合格李占平小学英语嫩江小学英语班37.98 2.50 不作考核30.00 0.00 0.50 70.98合格刘丽丽小学英语嫩江小学英语班37.98 10.00 不作考核10.00 10.00 10.00 77.98合格刘巍小学英语嫩江小学英语班37.98 10.00 不作考核26.00 10.00 6.50 90.48合格赵忠霞小学英语嫩江小学英语班37.98 10.00 不作考核30.00 10.00 10.00 97.98合格郑丽慧小学英语嫩江小学英语班37.98 10.00 不作考核26.00 5.00 10.00 88.98合格郑伟小学英语小学英语班37.98 2.50 不作考核30.00 10.00 3.50 83.98合格李永梅小学英语嫩江小学英语班37.98 10.00 不作考核30.00 10.00 10.00 97.98合格李玉芹小学英语嫩江小学英语班37.98 10.00 不作考核30.00 10.00 10.00 97.98合格李晓平小学英语嫩江小学英语班37.98 10.00 不作考核26.00 10.00 10.00 93.98合格冯爽小学英语嫩江小学英语班37.98 10.00 不作考核20.00 5.00 10.00 82.98合格付丽娟小学英语嫩江小学英语班37.98 10.00 不作考核30.00 10.00 10.00 97.98合格1王微小学英语嫩江小学英语班37.98 10.00不作考核20.00 5.00 10.00 82.98 合格沈圣杰小学英语嫩江小学英语班37.98 10.00不作考核30.00 10.00 10.00 97.98 合格刘海晶小学英语嫩江小学英语班37.98 10.00不作考核30.00 10.00 10.00 97.98 合格杨立叶小学英语嫩江小学英语班37.98 10.00不作考30.00 10.00 2.00 89.98 合格邢雪芹小学英语嫩江小学英语班37.98 10.00不作考核30.00 10.00 5.00 92.98 合格王兴乾小学英语嫩江小学英语班37.98 2.50不作考核30.00 10.00 10.00 90.48 合格吴宇小学英语嫩江小学英语班37.98 0.00不作考核21.00 0.00 6.50 65.48 合格齐宝玲小学英语嫩江小学英语班37.98 7.50不作考核22.00 10.00 1.50 78.98 合格于昕予小学英语嫩江小学英语班37.98 10.00不作考核30.00 10.00 10.00 97.98 合格穆波小学英语嫩江小学英语班37.98 2.50不作考核30.00 10.00 6.50 86.98 合格马立华小学英语嫩江小学英语班37.98 10.00不作考核30.00 10.00 10.00 97.98 合格马晓琳小学英语嫩江小学英语班37.98 10.00不作考核30.00 10.00 10.00 97.98 合格王春丽小学英语嫩江小学英语班37.98 10.00不作考核30.00 10.00 9.00 96.98 合格何百慧小学英语嫩江小学英语班37.98 5.00不作考核15.00 0.00 10.00 67.98 合格胡彦红小学英语嫩江小学英语班37.98 5.00作考核26.00 10.00 5.50 84.48 合格李杰小学英语嫩江小学英语班37.98 10.00不作考核28.00 10.00 10.00 95.98 合格刘晓霞小学英语嫩江小学英语班37.98 10.00不作考核30.00 5.00 10.00 92.98 合格林丽娜小学英语嫩江小学英语班37.98 10.00不作考核30.00 10.00 10.00 97.98 合格赵良英小学英语嫩江小学英语班26.65 5.00不作考核30.00 10.00 10.00 81.65 合格朱玉华小学英语嫩江小学英语班37.98 10.00不作考核20.00 5.00 3.00 75.98 合格周红娟小学英语嫩江小学英语班37.98 10.00不作考核20.00 5.00 10.00 82.98 合格周颖小学英语嫩江小学英语班37.98 10.00不作考核20.00 5.00 10.00 82.98 合格张玉微小学英语嫩江小学英语班37.98 10.00不作考核30.00 10.00 10.00 97.98 合格刘冬青小学英语嫩江小学英语班37.98 10.00不作考核30.00 10.00 10.00 97.98 合格梁淑小学嫩江小学英语班25.57 7.50 不30.00 10.00 5.00 78.07 合格萍英语作考核陈宏宇小学英语嫩江小学英语班37.98 10.00不作考核30.00 10.00 10.00 97.98 合格石小磊小学英语嫩江小学英语班37.98 10.00不作考核30.00 5.00 10.00 92.98 合格庞雪琴小学英语嫩江小学英语班37.98 10.00不作考核26.00 10.00 10.00 93.98 合格闫荣小学英语嫩江小学英语班37.98 2.50不作考核28.00 10.00 10.00 88.48 合格董侥光小学英语嫩江小学英语班37.98 10.00不作考核30.00 10.00 10.00 97.98 合格1陈晓迪小学英语嫩江小学英语班37.98 5.00不作考核20.00 5.00 4.50 72.48 合格曹艳秀小学英语嫩江小学英语班37.98 10.00不作考核0.00 5.00 7.50 60.48 合格李宝香小学英语嫩江小学英语班37.98 10.00不作考核30.00 10.00 10.00 97.98 合格董淑华小学英语嫩江小学英语班35.57 5.00不作考核20.00 5.00 0.00 65.57 合格安建宇小学英语嫩江小学英语班37.98 10.00不作考核30.00 5.00 10.00 92.98 合格张雪林小学英语嫩江小学英语班37.98 10.00不作考核26.00 10.00 10.00 93.98 合格阚卉小学英语嫩江小学英语班37.98 10.00不作考核30.00 10.00 10.00 97.98 合格杨永芬小学嫩江小学英语班37.98 10.00 不作考20.00 5.00 5.50 78.48 合格英语核彭颖小学英语嫩江小学英语班37.98 10.00不作考核20.00 5.00 1.00 73.98 合格牟国华小学英语嫩江小学英语班33.07 10.00不作考核20.00 5.00 2.50 70.57 合格丁明洁小学英语嫩江小学英语班34.97 10.00不作考核30.00 5.00 10.00 89.97 合格赵磊小学英语嫩江小学英语班37.98 10.00不作考核20.00 5.00 10.00 82.98 合格卢世凤小学英语嫩江小学英语班37.98 10.00不作考核30.00 5.00 10.00 92.98 合格王丽娟小学英语嫩江小学英语班37.98 10.00不作考核20.00 5.00 10.00 82.98 合格杨爽小学英语嫩江小学英语班37.98 10.00不作考核30.00 0.00 3.00 80.98 合格李春杰小学英语嫩江小学英语班37.98 2.50不作考核25.00 5.00 7.00 77.48 合格陈海霞小学英语嫩江小学英语班37.98 10.00不作考核30.00 10.00 10.00 97.98 合格崔永霞小学英语嫩江小学英语班37.98 10.00不作考核20.00 10.00 1.00 78.98 合格张春颖小学英语嫩江小学英语班37.98 10.00不作考核25.00 10.00 8.50 91.48 合格胥唤唤小学英语嫩江小学英语班37.98 10.00不作考核26.00 10.00 10.00 93.98 合格牛晓明小学英语嫩江小学英语班37.98 10.00不作考核30.00 10.00 10.00 97.98 合格刘杰小学英语嫩江小学英语班37.98 10.00不作考核20.00 5.00 9.00 81.98 合格Unit 3 My birthday 教学设计二小李颖一、教材分析本课的核心内容是生日。
小学英语听课简报范文全文共6篇示例,供读者参考篇1Hello everyone, today I want to share with you about the English lesson we had in class. Our teacher, Miss Lily, taught us a lot of interesting things and I want to tell you all about it.First, we learned about different animals and their sounds. For example, a cat says "meow", a dog says "woof woof", and a cow says "moo". We had so much fun making the animal sounds in class!Next, Miss Lily taught us some new words like "apple", "banana", and "car". We practiced saying these words out loud and writing them down in our notebooks. It was a bit challenging but we all tried our best.After that, we played a game called "Simon Says" where we had to follow Miss Lily's instructions. She would say things like "Simon says touch your head" or "Simon says jump" and we had to do it. It was really fun and we all laughed a lot.Finally, we listened to a story in English called "The Three Little Pigs". Miss Lily read the story to us and we had to listen carefully and answer some questions about it. It was a great way to practice our listening skills.Overall, our English lesson was super fun and I can't wait for the next one. I hope you enjoyed hearing about it too! Thank you for listening!篇2Title: My English ClassHey everyone! Today I want to tell you about my English class. Our teacher, Mr. Smith, is super cool and always makes the class fun and exciting.First, we start off with some warm-up activities to get our brains thinking in English. Sometimes we play games like vocabulary bingo or charades to practice our English words. It's so much fun and helps us remember the new words we are learning.Then, we usually read a story together in class. Mr. Smith reads out loud while we follow along in our books. He always asks us questions about the story to make sure we understandwhat's happening. Sometimes he even acts out the story with funny voices!After that, we do some writing exercises. Mr. Smith gives us prompts to write about, like "What I did last weekend" or "My favorite animal." We get to be creative and write our own stories. It's really cool to see how everyone's writing is different.Finally, we end the class with a game or a song. Sometimes we play a word scramble game or sing a song to practice our pronunciation. It's a great way to end the class on a high note.I always look forward to my English class because it's so much fun and I learn a lot. Mr. Smith is the best teacher ever! I can't wait for our next class.That's all for now. Thanks for reading!篇3Title: My English Lesson ObservationHi everyone! Today I want to share with you about my English lesson observation. Our teacher, Mr. Smith, is super cool and always makes our lessons fun and interesting.So, in today's lesson, we learned about different types of animals and their habitats. Mr. Smith showed us pictures ofdifferent animals like lions, elephants, and dolphins. We learned about where they live and what they eat. It was very exciting to learn all about these amazing animals!Then, the best part of the lesson was when we played a game called "Guess the Animal". Mr. Smith described an animal and we had to guess what it was. It was so much fun trying to guess the animals and learn new words at the same time.After that, we had a worksheet where we had to match the animals to their habitats. We had to draw lines connecting the animals to the correct homes like the jungle, ocean, or desert. It was a little tricky, but with the help of our teacher, we managed to do it.At the end of the lesson, Mr. Smith gave us stickers for our hard work. I got a sticker of a cute little panda because I answered a question correctly. It made me feel really proud of myself.Overall, I had a great time in my English lesson today. I learned a lot of new things about animals and had fun playing games. I can't wait for our next English lesson with Mr. Smith!篇4Good morning everyone! Today I want to tell you about the English class we had yesterday. Our teacher, Mr. Brown, is really funny and he always makes learning English fun.Yesterday, he taught us about animals and their sounds. We learned that a dog says "woof woof", a cat says "meow", and a cow says "moo". Mr. Brown even made animal sounds for us to guess which animal it was. It was so much fun!After that, we played a game where we had to match the animal with its sound. It was a bit tricky, but I think I did pretty well. I remembered that a pig says "oink" and a duck says "quack".Then, Mr. Brown showed us a video of different animals in the wild. We saw lions, tigers, elephants, and giraffes. It was so cool to see them up close and learn their names in English.I really love English class because it's so interactive and fun. I can't wait for our next lesson with Mr. Brown. He always makes learning English exciting. I hope you enjoyed hearing about our English class! Thank you for listening.篇5Title: My English ClassHello everyone! Today I want to tell you all about my English class. It's so much fun! Our teacher is really nice and she makes learning English enjoyable.In our English class, we start off by saying the alphabet together. We sing the ABC song and it helps us remember all the letters. Then we practice spelling words. Sometimes our teacher gives us fun worksheets to do, like crossword puzzles or word searches. It's like playing games while learning!We also learn new vocabulary words in every lesson. Our teacher shows us pictures and teaches us how to say the words in English. We repeat the words out loud to practice our pronunciation. It's really important to speak clearly when you're learning a new language.One of my favorite things about English class is reading. We read stories and poems together. Sometimes we even act out the stories as a class. It's so much fun pretending to be characters in a book!At the end of each lesson, we have a little quiz to test what we've learned. It's like a game show and we try to answer the questions as quickly as we can. It's exciting to see how much we've learned in just one class.I love my English class because it's interactive, engaging, and most importantly, fun! I can't wait for our next lesson!篇6Title: My English ClassHi everyone! Today I want to tell you about my English class. Our English teacher, Mrs. Smith, is really funny and she makes learning English so much fun!In our class, we start with a warm-up activity where we practice our vocabulary words. Mrs. Smith uses flashcards and games to help us remember the words. Then, she reads us a story in English and asks us questions to check our understanding. Sometimes, she even acts out the story with funny voices!We also do a lot of group activities in class. We work together to write dialogues, play games, and practice speaking English. It's really cool because we get to practice with our friends and help each other learn.One of my favorite parts of the class is when we do role plays. Mrs. Smith gives us different scenarios and we have to act themout in English. It's so much fun pretending to be different characters and practicing our speaking skills at the same time.At the end of each class, Mrs. Smith gives us homework to practice what we learned. It's not too hard, but it helps us remember the words and phrases we learned in class.I love my English class because I have so much fun while learning. I feel more confident speaking English now and I can't wait to learn more in the future! Thank you for reading my simple report on my English class. Bye-bye!。
4年级上册英语手抄报简单1到6单元This English handout report for the 4th grade covers the 1st to 6th units of the textbook. 这份四年级英语手抄报涵盖了课本的第一至第六单元内容。
In the first unit, students learn about greetings, introductions, and the alphabet. 在第一单元中,学生学习问候、自我介绍和字母表。
The second unit focuses on family members, numbers, and colors. 第二单元着重介绍家庭成员、数字和颜色。
Unit three covers daily routines, telling the time, and school subjects. 第三单元涵盖了日常作息、报时以及学校科目。
In the fourth unit, students learn about hobbies, expressing likes and dislikes, and sports. 在第四单元中,学生学习爱好、表达喜好和不喜欢以及体育运动。
The fifth unit introduces food and drinks, ordering at a restaurant, and talking about meals. 第五单元介绍了食物和饮料、在餐厅点餐以及谈论餐食。
Finally, the sixth unit covers animals, describing pets, and talking about animals in the wild. 最后,第六单元涵盖了动物、描述宠物以及谈论野生动物。
Teaching these topics in an engaging and interactive way can help students grasp the fundamental concepts of English. 通过生动有趣且互动性强的教学方式,可以帮助学生掌握英语的基本概念。
本课我们学习了以下知识,请同学们一定加强巩固,以便能和 同学们进行灵活交流哦!
subject 学科
PE 体育
Music 音乐 Science 科学
Chinese 语文
English 英语
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精品 PPT 可修改
Thank You
Unit 6 What Subjects Do They Have This Morning?
陕西旅游版 四年级上册
Part A Warming up 1 & Let’s learn Part B Look and choose
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精品 PPT 可修改
点击电视机,跟我一起 学词汇吧!
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Gold finger
Math PE English Science Music Art Chinese
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精品 PPT 可修改
( B )1. Math
A. subject B. English C. teacher
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精品 PPT 可修改
精品 PPT 可修改
subject 重点词汇1
六年级上册英语小报 1到4单元
六年级上册英语小报第一单元:Greetings 问候语在这个单元,我们学习了如何用英语进行问候和介绍自己。
在这个单元里,我们学会了用英语如何进行常见的问候和介绍,比如:1. Hello, Hi, Good morning, Good afternoon, Good evening 等表示问候的用语;2. What’s your name? My name is…, Nice to meet you, How are you? 等表示介绍自己或询问对方的用语。
第二单元:My School 我的学校本单元主要介绍了如何用英语来描述自己的学校及周围环境。
在课堂上,我们学习了很多有关学校和教室的名词和形容词,比如:1. classroom, playground, library, canteen, gym 等表示学校不同地方的名词;2. big, small, beautiful, clean, modern 等表示学校特点的形容词。
第三单元:My Family 我的家庭这个单元主要介绍了如何用英语来介绍自己的家庭。
在课堂上,我们学习了家庭成员、家庭环境和家庭活动等词汇,比如:1. father, mother, brother, sister, grandparents 等家庭成员的名词;2. house, bedroom, living room, kitchen, garden 等表示家庭环境的名词;3. cooking, watching TV, playing games, doing homework 等表示家庭活动的动词。
小学英语口语社团活动简报范文图片全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1Primary School English Oral Club Activity BriefingDate: 10th October 2021Venue: School HallTime: 3:00 pm - 5:00 pmPresented by: Primary School English Oral ClubThe Primary School English Oral Club organized an exciting and interactive activity last Friday. The session included various games and linguistic exercises to enhance the speaking skills of the students in the club.The activity began with a team building exercise where students were divided into groups and had to introduce themselves to their teammates using English. This icebreaker activity was a great way for students to get to know each other and practice speaking in English.Following the icebreaker, the students participated in a pronunciation exercise where they had to read out sentenceswith difficult words carefully. This not only helped improve their pronunciation but also boosted their confidence in speaking English.Afterwards, the students engaged in a storytelling activity where they had to narrate a short story in English. This activity allowed the students to use their imagination and creativity while also improving their storytelling skills in English.The highlight of the activity was the debate competition where students were given a topic and had to present their arguments in English. This activity challenged the students to think critically and communicate effectively in English.Overall, the activity was a great success and all the students actively participated and demonstrated improvement in their English speaking skills. We look forward to organizing more such activities in the future to continue encouraging students to actively practice and improve their English oral skills.For more information on upcoming activities and events, please stay tuned to the Primary School English Oral Club notice board.Thank you to all the students and teachers who participated and supported the activity.Best regards,Primary School English Oral Club篇2Title: Report on Elementary School English Oral Club ActivitiesIntroduction:The Elementary School English Oral Club has been actively engaged in organizing various language activities to improve students' English proficiency and speaking skills. This report highlights the recent activities and achievements of the club.Activities:1. English Speaking Competitions: The club organized several speaking competitions where students showcased their speaking skills on different topics. The competitions encouraged students to communicate effectively in English and boosted their confidence.2. Role-Playing Sessions: The club conducted role-playing sessions where students acted out different scenarios in English. This activity helped them improve their conversational skills and fluency in the language.3. Storytelling Workshops: The club hosted storytelling workshops where students learned how to narrate stories in English. These workshops enhanced students' vocabulary, pronunciation, and storytelling abilities.4. Debate Club: The club initiated a debate club where students engaged in debates on various topics in English. This activity improved students' critical thinking, communication, and persuasion skills.5. English Camp: The club organized an English camp where students participated in language games, workshops, and activities to immerse themselves in a English-speaking environment. The camp enhanced students' language learning experience and cultural understanding.Achievements:- Increased participation and enthusiasm among students in English oral activities.- Improved students' confidence, fluency, and communication skills in English.- Enhanced students' vocabulary, pronunciation, and storytelling abilities.- Developed students' critical thinking, communication, and persuasion skills through debate club activities.- Created a supportive and interactive English-speaking environment for students to practice and improve their language skills.Conclusion:The Elementary School English Oral Club has been successful in fostering students' interest and proficiency in English speaking. The club's activities have contributed to creating a dynamic and engaging learning environment for students to practice and enhance their language skills. Moving forward, the club aims to continue organizing innovative language activities to further improve students' English proficiency and speaking skills.篇3Primary School English Oral Club Activity Brief ReportDate: October 30, 2021Introduction:On October 28, 2021, the English Oral Club of our primary school successfully held a series of activities in the school auditorium. The purpose of these activities was to improvestudents' English speaking skills, build confidence in speaking English, and create a fun and engaging learning environment for all participants.Activity 1: English Tongue TwistersIn the first activity, students were challenged to recite various English tongue twisters. These tongue twisters helped improve students' pronunciation, enunciation, and fluency in English. Students had a great time competing with each other and trying to say the tongue twisters as fast as they could.Activity 2: English Role-PlayFor the second activity, students participated in English role-plays. They were given different scenarios and had to act out conversations in English. This activity not only improved students' speaking skills but also helped them learn how to use English in real-life situations. The students showed great creativity and enthusiasm in their performances.Activity 3: English StorytellingIn the final activity, students were asked to tell a story in English. They could choose any story they liked and had to narrate it in English. This activity allowed students to practice their storytelling skills, work on their vocabulary, and expressthemselves creatively in English. The students impressed the audience with their storytelling abilities and captivated everyone with their tales.Conclusion:Overall, the English Oral Club activities were a great success. The students actively participated, learned new English expressions, and had a lot of fun throughout the event. We believe that these activities have helped improve students' English speaking skills and confidence in using the language. We look forward to organizing more engaging and educational activities for our students in the future.Thank you to all the teachers, students, and parents who supported and participated in the English Oral Club activities. We appreciate your dedication and enthusiasm for learning English.Sincerely,[Name]English Oral Club Coordinator![Activity Picture](activity_picture.jpg)。
陕西省榆林市一小四年级英语上册 Unit 6 What Subjects Do They Have
Unit6 第2课时教学内容:What Subject Do They Have This Morning?教学目标:1、学习询问所上的科目。
教学重点:1、How many subjects do you have...?2、What are they?3、What subjects do they have this morning?教学难点:能用所学句型和别人做自由对话教学准备:1、各科目的书。
2、课文音频(可参考优教人人通平台“Unit6 课文录音”)教学方法:高效课堂模式。
教学过程:一、热身导入What subjects do you have this morning?We have...二、新课展示1、教师让学生出示自己的课程表并让小组讨论所学科目。
2、教师询问共有多少门科目,并出示重点句型:A: How many subjects do you have...?B: We have...A: What are they?B: They are...3、教师询问今天早上有什么科目,并出示重点句型:What subjects do they have this morning?三、巩固练习1、Listen to the tape.2、各小组根据课程表进行问答练习,并挑选部分学生进行表演。
四、课后作业板书设计:课后反思:Project 2 A party第2课时Teaching contents 教学内容Revision, Part A, Part C & Part DTeaching aims and learning objectives 教学目标1. 能说、会写、会用从第5单元至第8单元所学的单词、短语及句型。
2. 能够综合运用前四个单元所学的词汇、句型等语言知识,展开活动与交流。
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1 学员人数100人
2 登录人数50人
3 有学时人数50人
4 参训率50%
5 学习率100%
6 话题发起/参与145/293个
8 资源(上传)92条
9 评论(看课/作业)282/58条
10 作业(总数/推荐/总结)49/1/0篇
11 培训简报5个
·丁香花1:1.教学时,适当的可以使用学生周边的事物当教学道具2,课时安排,我会根据实际情况进行调整根据大纲的教学要求,把教材看作是一次参与性的实践活动:1.将教材用做道具,比如教what is this ? it is an English book.2.将它