(新)-MSS SP-61-2009 阀门压力试验(Pressure Testing of Valves)
常见标准组织ISO 国际标准化组织ISO是(International Organization for Standardization)的简称,是目前世界上最大、最有权威性的国际标准化专门机构。
IEC是国际电工委员会IEC是国际电工委员会(International Electrotechnical Commission)的简称,成立于1906年,它是世界上成立最早的国际性电工标准化机构,负责有关电气工程和电子工程领域中的国际标准化工作。
技术协议书氧气止回阀甲方:新能凤凰(滕州)能源有限公司乙方:2015年01月01日1.总则1.1 本技术协议书提出的是最低限度的要求,并未对一切细节做出规定,也未充分引述有关标准和规范的条文,乙方应保证提供符合本技术协议书和有关最新工业标准的产品。
1.2 乙方所供阀门不得转包和供应贴牌产品。
1.3 针对氧气阀门的重要性及其较苛刻的使用、维护工况,乙方要依据本技术协议书及有关国内、国外标准要求设计、制造。
2.设计依据A、环境状况:年平均气温: 13.7℃;极端最低气温:-21.8℃;极端最高气温: 40.4℃年平均相对湿度: 69%;年平均大气压: 100.79KPaB、操作条件:操作介质:氧气氧气纯度: 99.8%操作温度: 35.0℃操作压力: 15.0MPa(G)最大压差: 15.0MPa3.应用标准阀门标准 ANSI、API6D 等阀体等材料 ASTM,ANSI等钢阀门的压力试验 MSS SP-61阀门的检查和试验 API STD598阀门结构长度标准 ANSI B16.10铭牌和印记 MSS-SP-25法兰连接和对焊连接阀门 ANSI B16.34阀门管道标准 API 6D密封泄漏 ANSI B16.104阀门防火测试标准 API 6FA法兰标准及等级 ANSI B16.5阀门泄漏等级标准 MSS SP-61铭牌和印记 MSS-SP-25美国国家标准控制阀泄漏等级 ANSI/FC170-2德国阀座泄漏等级 DIN 3230 PART 3 RATE 2英国国家标准:阀门压力试验 BS 6755 PART 1德国有关清洁空气的技术规定 TA Luft英国国家标准火烧试验要求 BS6755 PART 2北美环保属关于阀门外部泄漏的规定 EPA未充分引述有关标准和规范,涉及的标准、规范应是采购单生效日期的最新版本,如果涉及相关增补也应以采购的生效日期为准。
( 安全管理 )单位:_________________________姓名:_________________________日期:_________________________精品文档 / Word文档 / 文字可改阀门试验压力和安全阀定压规定(新版)Safety management is an important part of production management. Safety and production are inthe implementation process阀门试验压力和安全阀定压规定(新版)3.2.4阀门安装前,应作强度和严密性试验。
阀门压力试验规程1. 背景阀门压力试验是一种常用的测试方法,用于确保阀门在正常操作中能够承受所需的压力。
2. 目的本阀门压力试验规程的目的是确保阀门在制造和安装过程中经受住压力测试,并满足相应的标准和要求。
3. 试验要求- 所有试验应在控制环境下进行,确保环境温度符合要求。
- 试验使用的介质、压力和持续时间应符合相应的规范。
- 在试验之前,阀门应被正确安装和校准。
- 试验时应记录必要的数据,包括试验时间、压力变化等。
- 试验完成后应对阀门进行检验,确保其完好无损。
4. 试验程序4.1 准备阀门- 确保阀门和相关设备清洁并无可见损坏。
- 检查阀门的密封性和稳定性。
4.2 开始试验- 将试验介质以规定的流量注入阀门。
- 逐渐增加压力,直至达到规定的测试压力。
- 在达到测试压力后,保持压力稳定一段时间,以验证阀门的密封性。
- 测试结束后,逐渐降低压力,直至压力恢复到常态。
4.3 记录和评估- 记录试验过程中的关键数据,包括压力变化、持续时间等。
- 根据试验结果对阀门进行评估,确保其符合要求。
5. 安全措施在进行阀门压力试验时,应遵循以下安全措施:- 使用合适的个人防护装备,如安全眼镜和手套。
- 在试验过程中注意压力变化,避免压力突增或突降。
- 不要将人体部位置于阀门周围的危险区域。
- 确保试验设备的安全性和可靠性。
6. 结论阀门压力试验是确保阀门正常运行的重要测试方法。
焊接球阀标准1.材料标准焊接球阀的制造应符合以下材料标准:阀体应采用符合ASTM Alo5、A216或A269标准的碳钢、不锈钢或合金钢。
2.尺寸标准焊接球阀的尺寸应符合以下标准:阀体连接尺寸应符合ANSl B16.10,ISO5211或MSS-SP-61标准。
管道接口尺寸应符合ANSl B16.25、ISO5211或MSS-SP-61标准。
以下是一份简要的示例文件,供您参考:阀门试验压力和安全阀定压规定范本(二)1. 引言本文档旨在制定阀门试验压力和安全阀定压的规定,以确保阀门在正常工作条件下能够安全可靠地运行。
2. 阀门试验压力规定2.1 试验压力标准2.1.1 根据国家标准《阀门》GB/T 12220的要求,阀门试验按照以下压力进行:2.1.2 试验压力应为额定压力的1.5倍,并不得低于以下标准压力:- 蒸汽阀门:2.45MPa;- 液体阀门:其额定压力小于或等于2.5MPa的为2.5倍额定压力,大于2.5MPa的为1.5倍额定压力。
2.2 试验过程与要求2.2.1 在试验过程中,应确保试验压力平稳且不波动,试验持续时间应符合国家标准的要求。
2.2.2 在试验过程中,应密封阀门,并使用检漏工具检查泄漏情况。
2.2.3 试验过程中,应检查阀门各部件的工作情况,特别是阀瓣、阀杆、密封面等部件的运动是否灵活、准确,密封是否可靠。
3. 安全阀定压规定3.1 定压标准3.1.1 根据国家标准《安全阀》GB/T 12240的要求,安全阀应按照以下标准进行定压:- 额定压力小于或等于2.5MPa的安全阀,定压为额定压力的1.1倍;- 额定压力大于2.5MPa的安全阀,定压为额定压力的1.05倍。
3.1.2 定压过程应严格按照相关标准的规定进行。
3.2 定压程序3.2.1 定压过程应在专业技术人员的指导下进行。
3.2.2 定压过程中,应使用专业的定压设备,并确保压力稳定在设定值范围内。
3.2.3 定压过程中,应检查安全阀的启闭情况、密封性能和压力释放情况,并确保安全阀在设定压力下能够正常工作。
4. 结论本文档制定了阀门试验压力和安全阀定压的相关规定,以确保阀门在使用过程中的安全可靠性。
首先,阀门压力试验应按照国家相关标准进行,如GB/T 13927-2008《阀门压力试验》等。
MSS SP-61-2009 阀门压力试验
n d a r d s.c o mMSSSTANDARD PRACTICE SP-61This MSS Standard Practice was developed under the consensus of the MSS Technical Committee 114 andthe MSS Coordinating Committee. The content of this Standard Practice is the result of the efforts of competent and concerned volunteers to provide an effective, clear, and non-exclusive specification that will benefit the industry as a whole. This MSS Standard Practice is intended as a basis for common practice by the manufacturer, the user, and the general public. The existence of an MSS Standard Practice does not in itself preclude the manufacture, sale, or use of products not conforming to the Standard Practice. Mandatory conformance is established only by reference in a code, specification, sales contract, or public law, as applicable.Unless otherwise specifically noted in this MSS SP, any standard referred to herein is identified by the date of issue that was applicable to the referenced standard(s) at the date of issue of this MSS SP. (See Annex A.)In this Standard Practice all notes, annexes, tables, and figures are construed to be essential to the understanding of the message of this Standard Practice, and are considered part of the text unless noted as "supplemental". All appendices appearing in this document are construed as "supplemental". "Supplemental" information does not include mandatory requirements.U.S. customary units in this SP are the standard; the metric units are for reference only.Non-toleranced dimensions in this Standard Practice are nominal, and, unless otherwise specified, shall be considered "for reference only".Any part of this Standard Practice may be quoted. Credit lines should read `Extracted from MSS SP-61-2009 with permission of the publisher, the Manufacturers Standardization Society.' Reproduction prohibited under copyright convention unless written permission is granted by the Manufacturers Standardization Society of the Valve and Fittings Industry, Inc.Originally Approved February, 1961Copyright ©, 1985 byManufacturers Standardization Societyof theValve and Fittings Industry, Inc.Printed in U.S.A.标准下载站 h t t p ://w w w .a n y s t a n d a r d s .c o mFOREWORDThis Standard Practice for Pressure Testing of Valves was originally adopted in 1961. It was developed for the purpose of providing a uniform means of testing valves commonly used in the "full open" and "full closed" type of service. It is not intended for use with control valves. Refer to standards ISA-S75.19 and ANSI/FCI 70-2 for Control Valves.TABLE OF CONTENTSSECTION PAGE1 SCOPE (1)2 DEFINITIONS (1)3 GENERALREQUIREMENTS (1)4 SHELL LEAKAGE TESTS (2)5 SEAT CLOSURE TESTS (2)TABLE1 Shell Leakage Test Duration (2)2 Alternate Gas Test (2)3 Seat Closure Test Duration (3)4 Units of Leakage per NPS/DN (3)ANNEXand Applicable Dates (4)A ReferencedStandards1. SCOPEThis Standard Practice establishes requirementsand acceptance criteria for shell and seat closure pressure testing of valves.2. DEFINITIONS2.1 Production Pressure TestPressure tests which include closure member and shell leakage tests shall be performed on production units manufactured for sale. Production pressure tests verify the pressure containing capability of production units. 2.2 Shell Leakage TestAn internal pressure test of the pressure containing envelope to demonstrate pressure containing capability of the external pressure boundary.2.3 Seat and Closure Member TestAn internal pressure test of flow regulating elements (seats, seals, and closure member such as gate, disc, ball, or plug) to demonstrate static performance within allowable leakage tolerances. 2.4 No Visible Leakage2.4.1 The term "no visible leakage" applied to a hydrostatic test liquid is defined as a leak rate that will produce: no visible weeping or formation of drops at the test pressure and for the duration of the test.2.4.2 The term "no visible leakage" applied to air or gas testing is defined as a leak rate that will produce no visible formation of bubbles in a water immersion test or after application of leak detection fluid at the test pressure and for the duration of the test.Note:(1) This leakage rate is based on the measured leakage of nitrogen gas from a needle valve with a 0.167" OD. x 0.091" I.D. tube submerged in water to a depth of 1". The tube end was cut square and smooth with no chamfers or butts and the tube axis was parallel to the surface of the water. Leakage was adjusted to a level equal to 40 bubbles in 10 minutes at 90 psi. The 40 bubbles equaled 1.6 ml or, 1 bubble = 0.04 SCC. Using these data, a leak rate equivalent to 1 bubble every minute is found to be 4.1 x 10-5 in 3/sec (6.7 x 10-4 ml/sec).2.4.3 For automatic leak detection methods, this definition shall be considered equivalent to a leak rate no greater then 4.1 x 10-5 in 3/sec (l)(6.7 x 10-4 ml/sec) with a pressure differential of 80 to 100 psi (5.5 to 6.9 bar) for application to valves of NPS 8 (DN 200) and smaller.3. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS3.1 The manufacturer shall be responsible for the performance of tests specified herein.3.2 Fluid for shell and seat closure tests shall be air, inert gas, or liquid, such as water (which may contain a corrosion inhibitor), kerosene, or other fluid with viscosity not greater than that of water. Temperature of the test fluid shall not exceed 125°F (52°C).3.3 Valves shall be substantially relieved of air or gas when tested with liquid.3.4 Seat closure tests for NPS 4 (DN 100) and larger valves shall be conducted after an acceptable shell test. Seat closure tests for smaller valves may be conducted before or after the shell test at the manufacturer's option. However, when valves conform to ASME B16.34, the requirements of paragraph 7.2 of ASME B 16.34 shall apply.3.5 Valves shall be shell tested prior to painting. Corrosion protection treatment such as phosphatizing and linings may be applied prior to shell testing. If pressure tests in the presence of purchaser's representative are specified, valves that were painted following successful pressure testing may be retested without removal of paint.3.6 Valve test fixture loads applied to valve ends shall be limited to those required to effectively seal the valve ends.3.7 Leakage detection devices, e.g., pressure decay devices, may be used for detecting leakage provided that they perform at the pressures specified in Sections 4 and 5. The valve manufacturer shall be able to demonstrate that, when these devices are used, the test results are equivalent to the requirements of this Standard Practice.PRESSURE TESTING OF VALVES标准下载站 h t t p ://w w w .a n y s t a n d a r d s .c o m4.SHELL LEAKAGE TESTS4.1 Each valve shall be given a shell leakage test at agauge pressure no less than 1.5 times the valve’s 100°F (38°C) design pressure rating, rounded off to the next higher 25 psi (1 bar) increment.4.2 Shell leakage tests shall be conducted with thevalve in the partially open position and with the valve ends closed. Pressure retaining parts of valves may be tested separately when the valves have internal components, such as diaphragms in diaphragm valves, that are not designed to withstand required shell test pressures. The manufacturer's nameplate data shall contain reference to this limitation.4.3 Visual leakage through the pressure boundarywalls is not acceptable. Stem seal leakage during shell test shall not be cause for rejection. Stem seals shall be capable of retaining pressure at least equal to the valve’s 100°F (38°C) design pressure rating without visible leakage.4.4 The minimum duration of the shell leakage testshall be per Table 1.TABLE 1 – Shell Leakage Test DurationVALVE SIZE TEST TIME NPS DN (SECONDS)2 and Smaller 50 and Smaller 152 1/2 - 8 65-200 6010 and Larger 250 and Larger 1805.SEAT CLOSURE TESTS5.1 Each valve designed for shutoff or isolationservice, such as stop valves and check valves, shall be given a fluid seat closure tightness test.5.1.1 The seat closure test shall be performed ata fluid (liquid or gas) pressure no less than 1.1times the valve’s 100°F (38°C) design pressurerating rounded to the next higher 5 psi (0.5 bar).At the manufacturer's option, a gas pressure ofno less than 80 psi (5.6 bar) may be substitutedfor the valve sizes and pressure classes listed inTable 2.TABLE 2 - Alternate Gas TestValve Size Pressure ClassNPS (DN) CLASS12 (300) and Smaller 300 and Lower4 (100) and Smaller All5.1.2 Seat closure testing shall be performedwith seat surfaces free of materials that aid in sealing except as provided for in Sections 5.1.3 and When necessary to prevent damageduring valve actuation, a light oil of viscosity no greater than that of kerosene may be applied to seating surfaces.5.1.4 When a valve's primary seat design isbased on the presence of a sealant material, e.g., lubricated plug valves, the sealant material may be in place. When it is intended that sealants act as secondary or back-up seat seals, the sealant material shall not be in place during the closure test.5.1.5 When lubricants are used for assemblyoperations, it is not required that these be removed prior to testing if their presence has no influence on the test results.5.2 For valves of the double seating type such as many gate, plug, and ball valves, the test pressure shall be applied successively to each end of the closed valve and leakage to the opposite end checked.5.2.1 As alternate methods for valves withindependent double seating (such as double disc or split wedge gate valves), at the option of the manufacturer, the pressure may be applied inside the bonnet (or body) of the closed valve and each seat checked for leakage at the valve ports, or the pressure may be applied to the valve ports and the sum of seat leakage checked at the bonnet (or body). These alternate methods may be used at the option of the manufacturer for valves with single discs (such as solid or flexible wedge gate valves) provided a supplementary closure member test across the disc is performed.5.3 For other valve types, the test pressure shall be applied across the closure member in the direction producing the most adverse seating condition. For example, a globe valve shall be tested with pressure under the disc. A check valve, or other valve type designed, sold, and marked as a one-way valve, requires a closure test only in the appropriate direction. A stop check valve requires both tests.5.4Valves conforming to this Standard Practice in all respects, except that they are designed for operating conditions that have pressure differential across the closure member limited to values less than the 100°F (38°C) pressure rating and having closure members and/or actuating devices (direct, mechanical, fluid, or electrical) that would be subject to damage at high differential pressures, shall be tested as described above except that the closure test requirement may be reduced to 1.1 times the maximum specified closed position differential pressure. This exception may be exercised upon agreement between the purchaser and manufacturer. The manufacturer's name plate data shall include reference to any such limitations. 5.5 Valves of single or symmetrical seat design, capable of seating in two directions, e.g., butterfly or weir type diaphragm valves, require seat testing in only one direction.5.6 Butterfly valves of the offset stem-seat design may be closure tested in only one direction. The manufacturer shall be able to demonstrate that the direction selected is that least likely to attain effective tightness.5.7 Allowable leakage rates, except for the conditions of Sections 5.7.2 and 5.7.3 shall be as in Section The maximum allowable leakage of each seat closure shall be 10 ml/hr of liquid or 0.1 standard cu ft/hr of gas per unit of NPS (0.4 ml/hr of liquid or 120 standard ml/hr of gas per unit of DN) under the specified test condition. See Table In the case of valves having pressure or flow reversal actuated closure, e.g., check valves, the allowable leakage rate may be increased by a factor of the case of valves having a seat closure member that uses a compliant material, e.g., plastic or elastomer, for fluid sealing at closure, there shall be no visible leakage for the duration of the seat test.5.8 The duration of each seat closure test shall be per Table 3.TABLE 3 – Seat Closure Test DurationVALVE SIZE TEST TIMENPS DN (SECONDS)2 and Smaller 50 and Smaller 1521/2-8 65-200 3010 - 18 250 - 450 6020 and Larger 500 and Larger 120TABLE 4 – Units of Leakage per NPS/DNLIQUID GAS Per NPS Per DN Per NPS Per DN10 cc/hr 0.4 cc/hr0.1 SCFH2.88 SCIM120 cc/hr0.167cc/min.6.6 x10-3cc/min.47.2cc/min.2cc/min.2.66(1)drops/min.0.11(1)drops/min.1180(2)bubble/min50(2)bubble/min General Notes:1. 1 ml = 1 cc2. SCFH = Standard cubic feet per hour(14.7 psia @ 60°F)(1.01 bar @ 16°C)3. SCIM = Standard cubic inch per minute(14.7 psia @ 60°F)(1.01 bar @ 16°C)Notes:(1) For information only. Based on 16 drops per cc,which is the equivalent of a spherical shaped drophaving an approximate diameter of ½ cm (3/16inch).(2) For information only. Based on 25 bubbles per cc,which is the equivalent of a spherical shaped bubblehaving an approximate diameter of 0.42 cm (5/32inch). See Page 1, Footnote (1).ANNEX AReferenced Standards and Applicable DatesThis Annex is an integral part of this Standard Practice and is placed after the main text for convenience. Standard Name or DesignationASME, ANSI/ASME, ANSI, ASME/ANSIB16.34 – 2004 Valves - Flanged, Threaded and Welding EndFCI70-2 – 2006 Control Valve Seat LeakageISAS75.19.01 – 2007 Hydrostatic Testing of Control/ValvesPublications of the following organizations appear in the above list:ANSI American National Standards Institute, Inc.25 West 43rd StreetNew York, NY 10036ASME The American Society of Mechanical EngineersThree Park AvenueNew York, NY 10016-5990FCI Fluid Controls Institute1300 Sumner AvenueCleveland, OH 44115ISA ISA - The Instrumentation, Systems, and Automation SocietyDrive67AlexanderResearch Triangle Park, NC 27709List of MSS Standard Practices(Price List Available Upon Request) Number SP-6-2007 Standard Finishes for Contact Faces of Pipe Flanges and Connecting-End Flanges of Valves and Fittings SP-9-2008 Spot Facing for Bronze, Iron and Steel Flanges SP-25-2008 Standard Marking System for Valves, Fittings, Flanges and Unions SP-42-2009 Corrosion Resistant Gate, Glove, Angle and Check Valves with Flanged and Butt Weld Ends (Classes 150, 300 & 600) SP-43-2008 Wrought and Fabricated Butt-Welding Fittings for Low Pressure, Corrosion Resistant Applications SP-44-2006 Steel Pipeline Flanges SP-45-2003 (R 08) Bypass and Drain Connections SP-51-2007 Class 150LW Corrosion Resistant Flanges and Cast Flanged Fittings SP-53-1999 (R 07) Quality Standard for Steel Castings and Forgings for Valves, Flanges and Fittings and Other Piping Components - Magnetic Particle Examination Method SP-54-1999 (R 07) Quality Standard for Steel Castings for Valves, Flanges, and Fittings and Other Piping Components - Radiographic Examination Method SP-55-2006 Quality Standard for Steel Castings for Valves, Flanges and Fittings and Other Piping Components - Visual Method for Evaluation of Surface Irregularities SP-58-2002 Pipe Hangers and Supports - Materials, Design and Manufacture SP-60-2004 Connecting Flange Joint Between Tapping Sleeves and Tapping Valves SP-61-2009 Pressure Testing of Valves SP-65-2008 High Pressure Chemical Industry Flanges and Threaded Stubs for Use with Lens Gaskets SP-67-2002a Butterfly Valves SP-68-1997 (R 04) High Pressure Butterfly Valves with Offset Design SP-69-2003 Pipe Hangers and Supports - Selection and Application (ANSI/MSS Edition) SP-70-2006 Gray Iron Gate Valves, Flanged and Threaded Ends SP-71-2005 Gray Iron Swing Check Valves, Flanged and Threaded Ends SP-72-1999 Ball Valves with Flanged or Butt-welding Ends for General Service SP-75-2008 Specification for High Test Wrought Butt Welding Fittings SP-77-1995 (R 00) Guidelines for Pipe Support Contractual Relationships SP-78-2005a Gray Iron Plug Valves, Flanged and Threaded Ends SP-79-2004 Socket-Welding Reducer Inserts SP-80-2008 Bronze Gate, Globe, Angle and Check Valves SP-81-2006a Stainless Steel, Bonnetless, Flanged, Knife Gate Valves SP-83-2006 Class 3000 Steel Pipe Unions, Socket-Welding and Threaded SP-85-2002 Gray Iron Globe & Angle Valves, Flanged and Threaded Ends SP-86-2002 Guidelines for Metric Data in Standards for Valves, Flanges, Fittings and Actuators SP-88-1993 (R 01) Diaphragm Valves SP-89-2003 Pipe Hangers and Supports - Fabrication and Installation Practices SP-90-2000 Guidelines on Terminology for Pipe Hangers and Supports SP-91-1992 (R 96) Guidelines for Manual Operation of Valves SP-92-1999 MSS Valve User Guide SP-93-2008 Quality Standard for Steel Castings and Forgings for Valves, Flanges, and Fittings and Other Piping Components - Liquid Penetrant Examination Method SP-94-2008 Quality Std for Ferritic and Martensitic Steel Castings for Valves, Flanges, and Fittings and Other Piping Components - Ultrasonic Examination Method SP-95-2006 Swage(d) Nipples and Bull Plugs SP-96-2001 (R 05) Guidelines on Terminology for Valves and Fittings SP-97-2006 Integrally Reinforced Forged Branch Outlet Fittings - Socket Welding, Threaded and Buttwelding Ends SP-98-2001 (R 05) Protective Coatings for the Interior of Valves, Hydrants, and Fittings SP-99-1994 (R 05) Instrument Valves SP-100-2002 Qualification Requirements for Elastomer Diaphragms for Nuclear Service Diaphragm Valves SP-101-1989 (R 01) Part-Turn Valve Actuator Attachment - Flange and Driving Component Dimensions and Performance Characteristics SP-102-1989 (R 01) Multi-Turn Valve Actuator Attachment - Flange and Driving Component Dimensions and Performance Characteristics SP-104-2003 Wrought Copper Solder Joint Pressure Fittings SP-105-1996 (R 05) Instrument Valves for Code Applications SP-106-2003 Cast Copper Alloy Flanges and Flanged Fittings, Class 125, 150 and 300 SP-108-2002 Resilient-Seated Cast-Iron Eccentric Plug Valves SP-109-1997 (R 06) Welded Fabricated Copper Solder Joint Pressure Fittings SP-110-1996 Ball Valves Threaded, Socket-Welding, Solder Joint, Grooved and Flared Ends SP-111-2001 (R 05) Gray-Iron and Ductile-Iron Tapping Sleeves SP-112-1999 (R 04) Quality Standard for Evaluation of Cast Surface Finishes -Visual and Tactile Method. This SP must be sold with a 10-surface, three Dimensional Cast Surface Comparator, which is a necessary part of the Standard. Additional Comparators may be sold separately. SP-113-2001 (R 07) Connecting Joint between Tapping Machines and Tapping Valves SP-114-2007 Corrosion Resistant Pipe Fittings Threaded and Socket Welding, Class 150 and 1000 SP-115-2006 Excess Flow Valves, 1 1/4 NPS and Smaller, for Fuel Gas Service SP-116-2003 Service Line Valves and Fittings for Drinking Water Systems SP-117-2006 Bellows Seals for Globe and Gate Valves SP-118-2007 Compact Steel Globe & Check Valves - Flanged, Flangeless, Threaded & Welding Ends (Chemical & Petroleum Refinery Service) SP-119-2003 Factory-Made Belled End Socket Welding Fittings SP-120-2006 Flexible Graphite Packing System for Rising Stem Steel Valves (Design Requirements) SP-121-2006 Qualification Testing Methods for Stem Packing for Rising Stem Steel Valves SP-122-2005 Plastic Industrial Ball Valves SP-123-1998 (R 06) Non-Ferrous Threaded and Solder-Joint Unions for Use with Copper Water Tube SP-124-2001 Fabricated Tapping Sleeves SP-125-2000 Gray Iron and Ductile Iron In-Line, Spring-Loaded, Center-Guided Check Valves SP-126-2007 Steel In-Line Spring-Assisted Center Guided Check Valves SP-127-2001 Bracing for Piping Systems Seismic-Wind-Dynamic Design, Selection, Application SP-128-2006 Ductile Iron Gate Valves SP-129-2003 (R 07) Copper-Nickel Socket-Welding Fittings and Unions SP-130-2003 Bellows Seals for Instrument Valves SP-131-2004 Metallic Manually Operated Gas Distribution Valves SP-132-2004 Compression Packing Systems for Instrument Valves SP-133-2005 Excess Flow Valves for Low Pressure Fuel Gas Appliances SP-134-2006a Valves for Cryogenic Service Including Requirements for Body/Bonnet Extensions SP-135-2006 High Pressure Steel Knife Gate Valves SP-136-2007 Ductile Iron Swing Check Valves SP-137-2007 Quality Standard for Positive Material Identification of Metal Valves, Flanges, Fittings, and Other Piping Components SP-138-2009 Quality Standard Practice for Oxygen Cleaning of Valves & Fittings (R-YEAR) Indicates year standard reaffirmed without substantive changesA large number of former MSS Practices have been approved by the ANSI or ANSI Standards, published by others. In order to maintain a single source of authoritative information, the MSS withdraws its Standard Practices in such cases.标准下载站 h t t p ://w w w .an y s t a n d a r d s .c o m。
2、规范性引用文件GB/T 13927-2008 工业阀门压力试验JB/T 9092-1999 阀门的检验与试验API 598-2004阀门的检查和试验API 6D-2008 管道阀门规范3、压力试验项目3.1 上密封试验(具有上密封结构的阀门应做该项试验)。
3.2 壳体试验。
3.3 密封试验。
4、试验要求4.1 每台阀门出厂前都应进行压力试验以符合产品相应标准的规范。
4.2 各类阀门压力试验项目:4.2.1压力试验项目按表1的要求。
表1 压力试验项目要求4.3 压力试验应在喷、涂漆前进行,并不允许使用掩盖表面缺陷的涂层,如果阀门按有关标准已进行先期试验,用户要求重做压力试验则不需除去涂层进行重复试验。
4.4 具有上密封性能阀门,其上密封试验应在壳体试验前进行。
4.5 除油封结构旋塞阀外,密封试验前应除去密封面上的油渍,但允许涂一层沾度不大于煤油的保护剂,或衬里阀门的衬里存在。
4.6 压力试验的设备不应施加影响阀座密封的外力;试验压力在试验持续时间和检测期间应维持不变。
5、试验介质5.1 壳体试验,高压上密封试验和高压密封试验介质是清洁水(加防锈剂)或粘度不超过水的轻质油(如煤油)按商定,介质温度为5℃~50℃范围内。
5.2 对于不锈钢阀门试验时,所使用的水的氯含量应不超过30mg/L或30µg/g(30微克/克)即(30ppm)。
二、阀门试验压力规定1. 试验压力的选取试验压力应根据设备和管道的使用条件和材料特性等因素来确定,一般应为额定压力的1.5倍。
2. 试验压力的施加试验压力的施加应逐渐增加,力求均匀稳定,防止突然增大压力引发爆炸或其他事故。
3. 试验压力的保持时间试验压力的保持时间一般设定为30分钟,如果设备和管道有特殊要求,可以适当调整。
4. 试验压力的释放试验结束后,应缓慢地释放试验压力,避免压力突然释放引发爆炸或其他事故。
三、安全阀定压规定1. 定压的选取安全阀定压应根据设备和管道的使用条件和材料特性等因素来确定,一般应为额定压力的1.1倍。
2. 定压的调整安全阀定压应定期进行检查和调整,确保其工作可靠和准确。
3. 定压的记录安全阀定压的记录应详细记录在安全阀维护和操作记录表中,包括定压时间、定压压力、调整情况等内容。
企业标准Q/CPI ××—2014燃煤电厂汽水管道主要阀门规格选用标准20××—××—××发布 20××—××—××实施中国电力投资集团公司发布目录前言 (3)1 范围 (5)2 规范性引用文件 (5)2.1主要技术原则 (5)2.2引用标准 (5)3标准适用机组 (7)3.11000MW超超临界湿冷机组 (7)3.2660MW超超临界湿冷机组 (8)3.3600MW超超临界湿冷机组 (8)3.4350MW超临界湿冷机组 (9)3.5300MW级亚临界湿冷机组 (9)3.6有关注意事项和说明 (9)4 主要阀门统一规格表 (10)附表1 (11)附表2 (25)附表3 (40)附表4 (54)附表5 (68)附表6 (79)前言随着火力发电技术的不断发展,中国电力投资集团公司(以下简称集团公司)新建火力发电机组已经从300MW、600MW管道发展机组亚临界参数发展到600MW超临界、600MW超超临界、1000MW超超临界参数,汽水管道主要阀门规格设计选型也随着不断变化。
燃煤电厂汽水管道主要阀门规格选用标准1 范围1.1标准适用范围1.1.1本标准对300MW级(包括330MW和350MW)亚临界、350MW超临界、600MW 超临界、660MW超超临界、1000MW超超临界湿冷机组的汽水管道主要阀门规格进行规范统一。
MSSSP-61-2009阀门压力试验n d a r d s.c o mMSSSTANDARD PRACTICE SP-61This MSS Standard Practice was developed under theconsensus of the MSS Technical Committee 114 andthe MSS Coordinating Committee. The content of this Standard Practice is the result of the efforts of competent and concerned volunteers to provide an effective, clear, and non-exclusive specification that will benefit the industry as a whole. This MSS Standard Practice is intended as a basis for common practice by the manufacturer, the user, and the general public. The existence of an MSS Standard Practice does not in itself preclude the manufacture, sale, or use of products not conforming to the Standard Practice. Mandatory conformance is established only by reference in a code, specification, sales contract, or public law, as applicable.Unless otherwise specifically noted in this MSS SP, any standard referred to herein is identified by the date of issue that was applicable to the referenced standard(s) at the date of issue of this MSS SP. (See Annex A.)In this Standard Practice all notes, annexes, tables, and figures are construed to be essential to the understanding of the message of this Standard Practice, and are considered part of the text unless noted as "supplemental". All appendices appearing in this document are construed as "supplemental". "Supplemental" information does not include mandatory requirements.U.S. customary units in this SP are the standard; the metric units are for reference only.Non-toleranced dimensions in this Standard Practice are nominal, and, unless otherwise specified, shall be considered "for reference only".Any part of this Standard Practice may be quoted. Credit lines should read `Extracted from MSS SP-61-2009 with permission of the publisher, the Manufacturers Standardization Society.'Reproduction prohibited under copyright convention unless written permission is granted by the Manufacturers Standardization Society of the Valve and Fittings Industry, Inc.Originally Approved February, 1961Copyright ?, 1985 byManufacturers Standardization Societyof theValve and Fittings Industry, Inc.Printed in U.S.A.--````,`````,,,,````,`,,,`````,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---标准下载站 h t t p ://w w w .a n y s t a n d a r d s .c o mFOREWORDThis Standard Practice for Pressure Testing of Valves was originally adopted in 1961. It was developed for the purpose of providing a uniform means of testing valves commonly used in the "full open" and "full closed" type of service. It is not intended for use with control valves. Refer to standards ISA-S75.19 and ANSI/FCI 70-2 for Control Valves.--````,`````,,,,````,`,,,`````,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---www.bzfxw.comTABLE OF CONTENTSSECTION PAGE1 SCOPE.................................................................................................................. .........................12 DEFINITIONS..................................................................................................... ..........................13 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS............................................................................................... ......14 SHELL LEAKAGETESTS...........................................................................................................2 5 SEAT CLOSURE TESTS.. (2)TABLE 1 Shell Leakage Test Duration (2)2 Alternate Gas Test........................................................................................................................ ..23 Seat Closure Test Duration............................................................................................................3 4 Units of Leakage per NPS/DN. (3)ANNEXAReferenced Standards and Applicable Dates (4)--````,`````,,,,````,`,,,`````,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---1. SCOPEThis Standard Practice establishes requirementsand acceptance criteria for shell and seat closure pressure testing of valves.2. DEFINITIONS2.1 Production Pressure TestPressure tests which include closure member and shell leakage tests shall be performed on production units manufactured for sale. Production pressure tests verify the pressure containing capability of production units. 2.2 Shell Leakage TestAn internal pressure test of the pressure containing envelope to demonstrate pressure containing capability of the external pressure boundary.2.3 Seat and Closure Member TestAn internal pressure test of flow regulating elements (seats, seals, and closure member such as gate, disc, ball, or plug) todemonstrate static performance within allowable leakage tolerances. 2.4 No Visible Leakage2.4.1 The term "no visible leakage" applied to a hydrostatic test liquid is defined as a leak rate that will produce: no visible weeping or formation of drops at the test pressure and for the duration of the test.2.4.2 The term "no visible leakage" applied to air or gas testing is defined as a leak rate that will produce no visible formation of bubbles in a water immersion test or after application of leak detection fluid at the test pressure and for the duration of the test.Note:(1) This leakage rate is based on the measured leakage of nitrogen gas from a needle valve with a 0.167" OD. x 0.091" I.D. tube submerged in water to a depth of 1". The tube end was cut square and smooth with no chamfers or butts and the tube axis was parallel to the surface of the water. Leakage was adjusted to a level equal to 40 bubbles in 10 minutes at 90 psi. The 40 bubbles equaled 1.6 ml or, 1 bubble = 0.04 SCC. Using these data, a leak rate equivalent to 1 bubble every minute is found to be 4.1 x 10-5 in 3/sec (6.7 x 10-4 ml/sec).2.4.3 For automatic leak detection methods, this definition shall be considered equivalent to a leak rate no greater then 4.1 x 10-5 in 3/sec (l)(6.7 x 10-4 ml/sec) with a pressure differential of 80 to 100 psi (5.5 to 6.9 bar) for application to valves of NPS 8 (DN 200) and smaller.3. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS3.1 The manufacturer shall be responsible for the performance of tests specified herein.3.2 Fluid for shell and seat closure tests shall be air, inert gas,or liquid, such as water (which may contain a corrosion inhibitor), kerosene, or other fluid with viscosity not greater than that of water. Tem perature of the test fluid shall not exceed 125°F (52°C).3.3 Valves shall be substantially relieved of air or gas when tested with liquid.3.4 Seat closure tests for NPS 4 (DN 100) and larger valves shall be conducted after an acceptable shell test. Seat closure tests for smaller valves may be conducted before or after the shell test at the manufacturer's option. However, when valves conform to ASME B16.34, the requirements of paragraph 7.2 of ASME B 16.34 shall apply.3.5 Valves shall be shell tested prior to painting. Corrosion protection treatment such as phosphatizing and linings may be applied prior to shell testing. If pressure tests in the presence of purchaser's representative are specified, valves that were painted following successful pressure testing may be retested without removal of paint.3.6 Valve test fixture loads applied to valve ends shall be limited to those required to effectively seal the valve ends.3.7 Leakage detection devices, e.g., pressure decay devices, may be used for detecting leakage provided that they perform at the pressures specified in Sections 4 and 5. The valve manufacturer shall be able to demonstrate that, when these devices are used, the test results are equivalent to the requirements of this Standard Practice.PRESSURE TESTING OF VALVES--````,`````,,,,````,`,,,`````,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---标准下载站 h t t p ://w w w .a n y s t a n d a r d s .c o m4.SHELL LEAKAGE TESTS4.1 Each valve shall be given a shell leakage test at agauge pressure no less than 1.5 times the valve’s 100°F (38°C) design pressure rating, rounded off to the next higher 25 psi (1 bar) increment.4.2 Shell leakage tests shall be conducted with thevalve in the partially open position and with the valve ends closed. Pressure retaining parts of valves may be tested separately when the valves have internal components, such as diaphragms in diaphragm valves, that are not designed to withstand required shell test pressures. The manufacturer's nameplate data shall contain reference to this limitation.4.3 Visual leakage through the pressure boundarywalls is not acceptable. Stem seal leakage during shell test shall not be cause for rejection. Stem seals shall be capable of retaining pressure at least equal to the valve’s 100°F (38°C) design pressure rating without visible leakage.4.4 The minimum duration of the shell leakage testshall be per Table 1.TABLE 1 – Shell Leakage Test DurationVALVE SIZE TEST TIME NPS DN (SECONDS)2 and Smaller 50 and Smaller 152 1/2 - 8 65-200 6010 and Larger 250 and Larger 1805.SEAT CLOSURE TESTS5.1 Each valve designed for shutoff or isolationservice, such as stop valves and check valves, shall be givena fluid seat closure tightness test.5.1.1 The seat closure test shall be performed ata fluid (liquid or gas) pressure no less than 1.1times the valve’s 100°F (38°C) design pressurerating rounded to the next higher 5 psi (0.5 bar).At the manufacturer's option, a gas pressure ofno less than 80 psi (5.6 bar) may be substitutedfor the valve sizes and pressure classes listed inTable 2.TABLE 2 - Alternate Gas TestValve Size Pressure ClassNPS (DN) CLASS12 (300) and Smaller 300 and Lower4 (100) and Smaller All5.1.2 Seat closure testing shall be performedwith seat surfaces free of materials that aid in sealing except as provided for in Sections 5.1.3 and When necessary to prevent damageduring valve actuation, a light oil of viscosity no greater than that of kerosene may be applied to seating surfaces.5.1.4 When a valve's primary seat design isbased on the presence of a sealant material, e.g., lubricated plug valves, the sealant material may be in place. When it is intended that sealants act as secondary or back-up seat seals, the sealant material shall not be in place during the closure test.5.1.5 When lubricants are used for assemblyoperations, it is not required that these be removed prior to testing if their presence has no influence on the test results.5.2 For valves of the double seating type such as many gate, plug, and ball valves, the test pressure shall be applied successively to each end of the closed valve and leakage to the opposite end checked.5.2.1 As alternate methods for valves withindependent double seating (such as double disc or splitwedge gate valves), at the option of the manufacturer, the pressure may be applied inside the bonnet (or body) of the closed valve and each seat checked for leakage at the valve ports, or the pressure may be applied to the valve ports and the sum of seat leakage checked at the bonnet (or body). These alternate methods may be used at the option of the manufacturer for valves with single discs (such as solid or flexible wedge gate valves) provided a supplementary closure member test across the disc is performed.www.bzfxw.com5.3 For other valve types, the test pressure shall beapplied across the closure member in the direction producing the most adverse seating condition. For example, a globe valve shall be tested with pressure under the disc. A check valve, or other valve type designed, sold, and marked as a one-way valve, requires a closure test only in the appropriate direction.A stop check valve requires both tests. 5.4 Valves conforming to this Standard Practice in all respects, except that they are designed for operating conditions that have pressure differential across the closure member limited to values less than the 100°F (38°C) pressure rating and having closure members and/or actuating devices (direct, mechanical, fluid, or electrical) that would be subject to damage at high differential pressures, shall be tested as described above except that the closure test requirement may be reduced to 1.1 times the maximum specified closed position differential pressure. This exception may be exercised upon agreement between the purchaser and manufacturer. The manufacturer's name plate data shall include reference to any such limitations.5.5 Valves of single or symmetrical seat design, capable ofseating in two directions, e.g., butterfly or weir type diaphragm valves, require seat testing in only one direction.5.6 Butterfly valves of the offset stem-seat design may be closure tested in only one direction. The manufacturer shall be able to demonstrate that the direction selected is that least likely to attain effective tightness.5.7 Allowable leakage rates, except for the conditions of Sections 5.7.2 and 5.7.3 shall be as in Section The maximum allowable leakage of each seat closure shall be 10 ml/hr of liquid or 0.1 standard cu ft/hr of gas per unit of NPS (0.4 ml/hr of liquid or 120 standard ml/hr of gas per unit of DN) under the specified test condition. See Table In the case of valves having pressure or flow reversal actuated closure, e.g., check valves, the allowable leakage rate may be increased by a factor of In the case of valves having a seat closure member that uses a compliant material, e.g., plastic or elastomer, for fluid sealing at closure, there shall be no visible leakage for the duration of the seat test.5.8 The duration of each seat closure test shall be per T able 3.TABLE 3 – Seat Closure Test DurationVALVE SIZETEST TIMENPS DN (SECONDS) 2 and Smaller 50 and Smaller 1521/2-8 65-200 30 10 - 18 250 - 45060 20 and Larger 500 and Larger 120TABLE 4 – Units of Leakage per NPS/DNLIQUID GAS Per NPS Per DN Per NPSPer DN10 cc/hr 0.4 cc/hr 0.1 SCFH2.88 SCIM 120 cc/hr0.167 cc/min. 6.6 x10-3 cc/min. 47.2cc/min. 2cc/min.2.66(1) drops/min.0.11(1) drops/min.1180(2) bubble/min 50(2) bubble/minGeneral Notes: 1. 1 ml = 1 cc2. SCFH = Standard cubic feet per hour (14.7 psia @ 60°F)(1.01 bar @ 16°C)3.SCIM = Standard cubic inch per minute (14.7 psia @ 60°F)(1.01 bar @ 16°C)Notes:(1) For information only. Based on 16 drops per cc,which is the equivalent of a spherical shaped drop having an approximate diameter of ? cm (3/16 inch).(2) For information only. Based on 25 bubbles per cc,which is the equivalent of a spherical shaped bubble having an approximate diameter of 0.42 cm (5/32 inch). See Page 1, Footnote (1).--````,`````,,,,````,`,,,`````,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---www.bzfxw.comANNEX AReferenced Standards and Applicable DatesThis Annex is an integral part of this Standard Practice and is placed after the main text for convenience.Standard Name or DesignationASME, ANSI/ASME, ANSI, ASME/ANSIB16.34 – 2004 Valves - Flanged, Threaded and Welding EndFCI70-2 – 2006 Control Valve Seat Leakage ISAS75.19.01 – 2007 Hydrostatic Testing of Control/ValvesPublications of the following organizations appear in the above list:ANSI American National Standards Institute, Inc. 25 West 43rd Street New York, NY 10036ASME The American Society of Mechanical Engineers Three Park Avenue New York, NY 10016-5990 FCI Fluid Controls Institute 1300 Sumner Avenue Cleveland, OH 44115 ISA ISA - The Instrumentation, Systems, and Automation Society 67 Alexander Drive Research Triangle Park, NC 27709--````,`````,,,,````,`,,,`````,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---List of MSS Standard Practices(Price List Available Upon Request) Number SP-6-2007 Standard Finishes for Contact Faces of Pipe Flanges and Connecting-End Flanges of Valves and Fittings SP-9-2008 Spot Facing for Bronze, Iron and Steel Flanges SP-25-2008 Standard Marking System for Valves, Fittings, Flanges and Unions SP-42-2009 Corrosion Resistant Gate, Glove, Angle and Check Valves with Flanged and Butt Weld Ends (Classes 150, 300 & 600) SP-43-2008 Wrought and Fabricated Butt-Welding Fittings for Low Pressure, Corrosion Resistant Applications SP-44-2006 Steel Pipeline Flanges SP-45-2003 (R 08) Bypass and Drain Connections SP-51-2007 Class 150LW Corrosion Resistant Flanges and Cast Flanged Fittings SP-53-1999 (R 07) Quality Standard for Steel Castings and Forgings for Valves, Flanges and Fittings and Other Piping Components - Magnetic Particle Examination Method SP-54-1999 (R 07) Quality Standard for Steel Castings for Valves, Flanges, and Fittings and Other PipingComponents - Radiographic Examination Method SP-55-2006 Quality Standard for Steel Castings for Valves, Flanges and Fittings and Other Piping Components - Visual Method for Evaluation of Surface Irregularities SP-58-2002 Pipe Hangers and Supports - Materials, Design and Manufacture SP-60-2004 Connecting Flange Joint Between Tapping Sleeves and Tapping Valves SP-61-2009 Pressure Testing of Valves SP-65-2008 High Pressure Chemical Industry Flanges and Threaded Stubs for Use with Lens Gaskets SP-67-2002a Butterfly Valves SP-68-1997 (R 04) High Pressure Butterfly Valves with Offset Design SP-69-2003 Pipe Hangers and Supports - Selection and Application (ANSI/MSS Edition) SP-70-2006 Gray Iron Gate Valves, Flanged and Threaded Ends SP-71-2005 Gray Iron Swing Check Valves, Flanged and Threaded Ends SP-72-1999 Ball Valves with Flanged or Butt-welding Ends for General Service SP-75-2008 Specification for High Test Wrought Butt Welding Fittings SP-77-1995 (R 00) Guidelines for Pipe Support Contractual Relationships SP-78-2005a Gray Iron Plug Valves, Flanged and Threaded Ends SP-79-2004 Socket-Welding Reducer Inserts SP-80-2008 Bronze Gate, Globe, Angle and Check Valves SP-81-2006a Stainless Steel, Bonnetless, Flanged, Knife Gate Valves SP-83-2006 Class 3000 Steel Pipe Unions, Socket-Welding and Threaded SP-85-2002 Gray Iron Globe & Angle Valves, Flanged and Threaded Ends SP-86-2002 Guidelines for Metric Data in Standards for Valves, Flanges, Fittings and Actuators SP-88-1993 (R 01) Diaphragm Valves SP-89-2003 Pipe Hangers and Supports - Fabrication and Installation Practices SP-90-2000 Guidelines on Terminology for Pipe Hangers and Supports SP-91-1992 (R 96) Guidelines for Manual Operation of Valves SP-92-1999 MSS Valve User Guide SP-93-2008 Quality Standard for Steel Castings andForgings for Valves, Flanges, and Fittings and Other Piping Components - Liquid Penetrant Examination Method SP-94-2008 Quality Std for Ferritic and Martensitic Steel Castings for Valves, Flanges, and Fittings and Other Piping Components - Ultrasonic Examination Method SP-95-2006 Swage(d) Nipples and Bull Plugs SP-96-2001 (R 05) Guidelines on Terminology for Valves and Fittings SP-97-2006 Integrally Reinforced Forged Branch Outlet Fittings - Socket Welding, Threaded and Buttwelding Ends SP-98-2001 (R 05) Protective Coatings for the Interior of Valves, Hydrants, and Fittings SP-99-1994 (R 05) Instrument Valves SP-100-2002 Qualification Requirements for Elastomer Diaphragms for Nuclear Service Diaphragm Valves SP-101-1989 (R 01) Part-Turn Valve Actuator Attachment - Flange and Driving Component Dimensions and Performance Characteristics SP-102-1989 (R 01) Multi-Turn Valve Actuator Attachment - Flange and Driving Component Dimensions and Performance Characteristics SP-104-2003 Wrought Copper Solder Joint Pressure Fittings SP-105-1996 (R 05) Instrument Valves for Code Applications SP-106-2003 Cast Copper Alloy Flanges and Flanged Fittings, Class 125, 150 and 300 SP-108-2002 Resilient-Seated Cast-Iron Eccentric Plug Valves SP-109-1997 (R 06) Welded Fabricated Copper Solder Joint Pressure Fittings SP-110-1996 Ball Valves Threaded, Socket-Welding, Solder Joint, Grooved and Flared Ends SP-111-2001 (R 05) Gray-Iron and Ductile-Iron Tapping Sleeves SP-112-1999 (R 04) Quality Standard for Evaluation of Cast Surface Finishes -Visual and Tactile Method. This SP must be sold with a 10-surface, three Dimensional Cast Surface Comparator, which is a necessary part of the Standard. Additional Comparators may be sold separately. SP-113-2001 (R 07) Connecting Joint between Tapping Machines and Tapping Valves SP-114-2007 CorrosionResistant Pipe Fittings Threaded and Socket Welding, Class 150 and 1000 SP-115-2006 Excess Flow Valves, 1 1/4 NPS and Smaller, for Fuel Gas Service SP-116-2003 Service Line Valves and Fittings for Drinking Water Systems SP-117-2006 Bellows Seals for Globe and Gate Valves SP-118-2007 Compact Steel Globe & Check Valves - Flanged, Flangeless, Threaded & Welding Ends (Chemical & Petroleum Refinery Service) SP-119-2003 Factory-Made Belled End Socket Welding Fittings SP-120-2006 Flexible Graphite Packing System for Rising Stem Steel Valves (Design Requirements) SP-121-2006 Qualification Testing Methods for Stem Packing for Rising Stem Steel Valves SP-122-2005 Plastic Industrial Ball Valves SP-123-1998 (R 06) Non-Ferrous Threaded and Solder-Joint Unions for Use with Copper Water Tube SP-124-2001 Fabricated T apping Sleeves SP-125-2000 Gray Iron and Ductile Iron In-Line, Spring-Loaded, Center-Guided Check Valves SP-126-2007 Steel In-Line Spring-Assisted Center Guided Check Valves SP-127-2001 Bracing for Piping Systems Seismic-Wind-Dynamic Design, Selection, Application SP-128-2006 Ductile Iron Gate Valves SP-129-2003 (R 07) Copper-Nickel Socket-Welding Fittings and Unions SP-130-2003 Bellows Seals for Instrument Valves SP-131-2004 Metallic Manually Operated Gas Distribution Valves SP-132-2004 Compression Packing Systems for Instrument Valves SP-133-2005 Excess Flow Valves for Low Pressure Fuel Gas Appliances SP-134-2006a Valves for Cryogenic Service Including Requirements for Body/Bonnet Extensions SP-135-2006 High Pressure Steel Knife Gate Valves SP-136-2007 Ductile Iron Swing Check Valves SP-137-2007 Quality Standard for Positive Material Identification of Metal Valves, Flanges, Fittings, and Other Piping Components SP-138-2009 Quality Standard Practice for Oxygen Cleaning of Valves & Fittings (R-YEAR) Indicates year standard reaffirmed without substantive changesA large number of former MSS Practices have been approved by the ANSI or ANSI Standards, published by others. In order to maintain a single source of authoritative information, the MSS withdraws its Standard Practices in such cases.标准下载站 h t t p ://w w w .an y s t a n d a r d s .c o m。
(完整版)阀门试压⽅案(中英对照)现场阀门试压⽅案A Plan for Valve Pressure Test on SiteDesigned by: 编制:Date:⽇期:Reviewed by:审核:Date:⽇期:Approved by:批准:Date:⽇期:⽬录Contents⼀、⽬的Purpose⼆、范围Scope of work三、参考⽂件Reference四、阀门试压⼯作流程The work flow of valve pressure test五、阀门⼊库的检查Inspection of valves upon entry into warehouse六、试压平台制作Fabrication of pressure test platform七、阀门试压Valve pressure test⼋、⼈员、材料、设备清单List of personnel, materials, and equipment九、施⼯安全Safety of construction activities⼀、⽬的Purpose本程序叙述XXXX项⽬安装⼯程中阀门现场试压及管理的⽅法。
This plan defines the method and management of the valves pressure test on site for XXXX project.⼆、范围Work of scope本程序适⽤于XXXX项⽬安装⼯程所有的管道阀门。
This plan is applicable to the pressure test work of all piping valves within the scope of installation project of XXXX三、参考⽂件Reference⼯艺管道布置图,单线图及⼯艺管道系统流程图(PID)Process piping layout drawing, isometric drawings & PID.《⼯业⾦属管道⼯程施⼯及验收规范》GB50235-97《Construction & acceptance code for industrial metallic piping project》GB50235-97《⽯油化⼯有毒可燃介质管道⼯程施⼯及验收规范》SH3501-2002《Construction & acceptance code for project of petrochemical piping with poisonous, flammable media》SH3501-2002四、阀门试压⼯作流程The work flow of valve pressure test阀门⼊库的检查阀门⼊库试压平台制作阀门试压合格阀门内部吹⼲、密封试压合格阀门标识存放Valves inspection upon warehouse entry----> warehouse entry----->fabrication of pressure test platform---->valves pressure test----> purge and sealing for qualified valves----> identification for valves which passed pressure test---->storage五、阀门⼊库的检查Inspection of valves upon entry into warehouse5.1 外观和清洁度的检查要求如下:Visual inspection and cleanliness check should contain the following items:—标识齐全;Complete with identification tags—涂层及防腐覆盖层⽆损坏;No damage on coating as well as insulation—阀腔流道进出⼝侧堵塞完好,内腔⽆锈迹;Sound blocking on the inlet & outlet side of the flow path in the path cavity.—⼲燥剂不失效;Valid desiccant—⽆机械损坏。
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This MSS Standard Practice was developed under the consensus of the MSS Technical Committee 114 and the MSS Coordinating Committee. The content of this Standard Practice is the result of the efforts of competent and concerned volunteers to provide an effective, clear, and non-exclusive specification that will benefit the industry as a whole. This MSS Standard Practice is intended as a basis for common practice by the manufacturer, the user, and the general public. The existence of an MSS Standard Practice does not in itself preclude the manufacture, sale, or use of products not conforming to the Standard Practice. Mandatory conformance is established only by reference in a code, specification, sales contract, or public law, as applicable.Unless otherwise specifically noted in this MSS SP, any standard referred to herein is identified by the date of issue that was applicable to the referenced standard(s) at the date of issue of this MSS SP. (See Annex A.) In this Standard Practice all notes, annexes, tables, and figures are construed to be essential to the understanding of the message of this Standard Practice, and are considered part of the text unless noted as "supplemental". All appendices appearing in this document are construed as "supplemental". "Supplemental" information does not include mandatory requirements.U.S. customary units in this SP are the standard; the metric units are for reference only.Non-toleranced dimensions in this Standard Practice are nominal, and, unless otherwise specified, shall be considered "for reference only".Any part of this Standard Practice may be quoted. Credit lines should read `Extracted from MSS SP-61-2009 with permission of the publisher, the Manufacturers Standardization Society.' Reproduction prohibited under copyright convention unless written permission is granted by the Manufacturers Standardization Society of the Valve and Fittings Industry, Inc.Originally Approved February, 1961Copyright ©, 1985 byManufacturers Standardization Societyof theValve and Fittings Industry, Inc.Printed in U.S.A.FOREWORDThis Standard Practice for Pressure Testing of Valves was originally adopted in 1961. It was developed for the purpose of providing a uniform means of testing valves commonly used in the "full open" and "full closed" type of service. It is not intended for use with control valves. Refer to standards ISA-S75.19 and ANSI/FCI 70-2 for Control Valves.TABLE OF CONTENTSSECTION PAGE1 SCOPE (1)2 DEFINITIONS (1)3 GENERALREQUIREMENTS (1)4 SHELL LEAKAGE TESTS (2)5 SEAT CLOSURE TESTS (2)TABLE1 Shell Leakage Test Duration (2)2 Alternate Gas Test (2)3 Seat Closure Test Duration (3)4 Units of Leakage per NPS/DN (3)ANNEXand Applicable Dates (4)A ReferencedStandards1. SCOPEThis Standard Practice establishes requirementsand acceptance criteria for shell and seat closurepressure testing of valves.2. DEFINITIONS2.1 Production Pressure TestPressure tests which include closure member and shell leakage tests shall be performed on production units manufactured for sale.Production pressure tests verify the pressure containing capability of production units.2.2Shell Leakage TestAn internal pressure test of the pressure containing envelope to demonstrate pressure containing capability of the external pressure boundary.2.3 Seat and Closure Member TestAn internal pressure test of flow regulating elements (seats, seals, and closure member suchas gate, disc, ball, or plug) to demonstrate staticperformance within allowable leakage tolerances.2.4 No Visible Leakage2.4.1 The term "no visible leakage" applied toa hydrostatic test liquid is defined as a leak ratethat will produce: no visible weeping orformation of drops at the test pressure and for theduration of the test.2.4.2 The term "no visible leakage" appliedto air or gas testing is defined as a leak ratethat will produce no visible formation ofbubbles in a water immersion test or afterapplication of leak detection fluid at the testpressure and for the duration of the test.Note:(1) This leakage rate is based on the measured leakage of nitrogen gas from aneedle valve with a 0.167" OD. x 0.091" I.D. tube submerged in water toa depth of 1". The tube end was cut square and smooth with no chamfersor butts and the tube axis was parallel to the surface of the water. Leakagewas adjusted to a level equal to 40 bubbles in 10 minutes at 90 psi. The40 bubbles equaled 1.6 ml or, 1 bubble = 0.04 SCC. Using these data,a leak rate equivalent to 1 bubble every minute is found to be 4.1 x10-5 in3/sec (6.7 x 10-4 ml/sec).2.4.3 For automatic leak detection methods, thisdefinition shall be considered equivalent to a leak rate no greater then 4.1 x 10-5 in3/sec(l)(6.7 x 10-4ml/sec) with a pressure differential of 80 to 100psi (5.5 to 6.9 bar) for application to valves of NPS 8 (DN 200) and smaller.3. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS3.1 The manufacturer shall be responsible for theperformance of tests specified herein.3.2Fluid for shell and seat closure tests shall beair, inert gas, or liquid, such as water (which maycontain a corrosion inhibitor), kerosene, or other fluid with viscosity not greater than that of water.Temperature of the test fluid shall not exceed 125°F (52°C).3.3Valves shall be substantially relieved of air orgas when tested with liquid.3.4 Seat closure tests for NPS 4 (DN 100) andlarger valves shall be conducted after an acceptable shell test. Seat closure tests for smallervalves may be conducted before or after the shelltest at the manufacturer's option. However, when valves conform to ASME B16.34, the requirements of paragraph 7.2 of ASME B 16.34shall apply.3.5 Valves shall be shell tested prior to painting.Corrosion protection treatment such as phosphatizing and linings may be applied prior toshell testing. If pressure tests in the presence of purchaser's representative are specified, valves that were painted following successful pressure testing maybe retested without removal of paint.3.6 Valve test fixture loads applied to valve endsshall be limited to those required to effectively sealthe valve ends.3.7 Leakage detection devices, e.g., pressuredecay devices, may be used for detecting leakage provided that they perform at the pressures specified in Sections 4 and 5. The valve manufacturer shall be able to demonstrate that, when these devices are used, the test results areequivalent to the requirements of this Standard Practice.PRESSURE TESTING OF VALVES4.SHELL LEAKAGE TESTS4.1 Each valve shall be given a shell leakage test at agauge pressure no less than 1.5 times the valve’s 100°F (38°C) design pressure rating, rounded off to the next higher 25 psi (1 bar) increment.4.2 Shell leakage tests shall be conducted with thevalve in the partially open position and with the valve ends closed. Pressure retaining parts of valves may be tested separately when the valves have internal components, such as diaphragms in diaphragm valves, that are not designed to withstand required shell test pressures. The manufacturer's nameplate data shall contain reference to this limitation.4.3 Visual leakage through the pressure boundarywalls is not acceptable. Stem seal leakage during shell test shall not be cause for rejection. Stem seals shall be capable of retaining pressure at least equal to the valve’s 100°F (38°C) design pressure rating without visible leakage.4.4 The minimum duration of the shell leakage testshall be per Table 1.TABLE 1 – Shell Leakage Test DurationVALVE SIZE TEST TIME NPS DN (SECONDS)2 and Smaller 50 and Smaller 152 1/2 - 8 65-200 6010 and Larger 250 and Larger 1805.SEAT CLOSURE TESTS5.1 Each valve designed for shutoff or isolationservice, such as stop valves and check valves, shall be given a fluid seat closure tightness test.5.1.1 The seat closure test shall be performed ata fluid (liquid or gas) pressure no less than 1.1times the valve’s 100°F (38°C) design pressurerating rounded to the next higher 5 psi (0.5 bar).At the manufacturer's option, a gas pressure ofno less than 80 psi (5.6 bar) may be substitutedfor the valve sizes and pressure classes listed inTable 2.TABLE 2 - Alternate Gas TestValve Size Pressure ClassNPS (DN) CLASS12 (300) and Smaller 300 and Lower4 (100) and Smaller All5.1.2 Seat closure testing shall be performedwith seat surfaces free of materials that aid in sealing except as provided for in Sections 5.1.3 and When necessary to prevent damageduring valve actuation, a light oil of viscosity no greater than that of kerosene may be applied to seating surfaces.5.1.4 When a valve's primary seat design isbased on the presence of a sealant material, e.g., lubricated plug valves, the sealant material may be in place. When it is intended that sealants act as secondary or back-up seat seals, the sealant material shall not be in place during the closure test.5.1.5 When lubricants are used for assemblyoperations, it is not required that these be removed prior to testing if their presence has no influence on the test results.5.2 For valves of the double seating type such as many gate, plug, and ball valves, the test pressure shall be applied successively to each end of the closed valve and leakage to the opposite end checked.5.2.1 As alternate methods for valves withindependent double seating (such as double disc or split wedge gate valves), at the option of the manufacturer, the pressure may be applied inside the bonnet (or body) of the closed valve and each seat checked for leakage at the valve ports, or the pressure may be applied to the valve ports and the sum of seat leakage checked at the bonnet (or body). These alternate methods may be used at the option of the manufacturer for valves with single discs (such as solid or flexible wedge gate valves) provided a supplementary closure member test across the disc is performed.5.3 For other valve types, the test pressure shall be applied across the closure member in the direction producing the most adverse seating condition. For example, a globe valve shall be tested with pressure under the disc. A check valve, or other valve type designed, sold, and marked as a one-way valve, requires a closure test only in the appropriate direction. A stop check valve requires both tests.5.4Valves conforming to this Standard Practice in all respects, except that they are designed for operating conditions that have pressure differential across the closure member limited to values less than the 100°F (38°C) pressure rating and having closure members and/or actuating devices (direct, mechanical, fluid, or electrical) that would be subject to damage at high differential pressures, shall be tested as described above except that the closure test requirement may be reduced to 1.1 times the maximum specified closed position differential pressure. This exception may be exercised upon agreement between the purchaser and manufacturer. The manufacturer's name plate data shall include reference to any such limitations. 5.5 Valves of single or symmetrical seat design, capable of seating in two directions, e.g., butterfly or weir type diaphragm valves, require seat testing in only one direction.5.6 Butterfly valves of the offset stem-seat design may be closure tested in only one direction. The manufacturer shall be able to demonstrate that the direction selected is that least likely to attain effective tightness.5.7 Allowable leakage rates, except for the conditions of Sections 5.7.2 and 5.7.3 shall be as in Section The maximum allowable leakage of each seat closure shall be 10 ml/hr of liquid or 0.1 standard cu ft/hr of gas per unit of NPS (0.4 ml/hr of liquid or 120 standard ml/hr of gas per unit of DN) under the specified test condition. See Table In the case of valves having pressure or flow reversal actuated closure, e.g., check valves, the allowable leakage rate may be increased by a factor of the case of valves having a seat closure member that uses a compliant material, e.g., plastic or elastomer, for fluid sealing at closure, there shall be no visible leakage for the duration of the seat test.5.8 The duration of each seat closure test shall be per Table 3.TABLE 3 – Seat Closure Test DurationVALVE SIZE TEST TIMENPS DN (SECONDS)2 and Smaller 50 and Smaller 1521/2-8 65-200 3010 - 18 250 - 450 6020 and Larger 500 and Larger 120TABLE 4 – Units of Leakage per NPS/DNLIQUID GAS Per NPS Per DN Per NPS Per DN10 cc/hr 0.4 cc/hr0.1 SCFH2.88 SCIM120 cc/hr0.167cc/min.6.6 x10-3cc/min.47.2cc/min.2cc/min.2.66(1)drops/min.0.11(1)drops/min.1180(2)bubble/min50(2)bubble/min General Notes:1. 1 ml = 1 cc2. SCFH = Standard cubic feet per hour(14.7 psia @ 60°F)(1.01 bar @ 16°C)3. SCIM = Standard cubic inch per minute(14.7 psia @ 60°F)(1.01 bar @ 16°C)Notes:(1) For information only. Based on 16 drops per cc,which is the equivalent of a spherical shaped drophaving an approximate diameter of ½ cm (3/16inch).(2) For information only. Based on 25 bubbles per cc,which is the equivalent of a spherical shaped bubblehaving an approximate diameter of 0.42 cm (5/32inch). See Page 1, Footnote (1).ANNEX AReferenced Standards and Applicable DatesThis Annex is an integral part of this Standard Practice and is placed after the main text for convenience. Standard Name or DesignationASME, ANSI/ASME, ANSI, ASME/ANSIB16.34 – 2004 Valves - Flanged, Threaded and Welding EndFCI70-2 – 2006 Control Valve Seat LeakageISAS75.19.01 – 2007 Hydrostatic Testing of Control/ValvesPublications of the following organizations appear in the above list:ANSI American National Standards Institute, Inc.25 West 43rd StreetNew York, NY 10036ASME The American Society of Mechanical EngineersThree Park AvenueNew York, NY 10016-5990FCI Fluid Controls Institute1300 Sumner AvenueCleveland, OH 44115ISA ISA - The Instrumentation, Systems, and Automation SocietyDrive67AlexanderResearch Triangle Park, NC 27709List of MSS Standard Practices(Price List Available Upon Request)NumberSP-6-2007 Standard Finishes for Contact Faces of Pipe Flanges and Connecting-End Flanges of Valves and FittingsSP-9-2008 Spot Facing for Bronze, Iron and Steel FlangesSP-25-2008 Standard Marking System for Valves, Fittings, Flanges and UnionsSP-42-2009 Corrosion Resistant Gate, Glove, Angle and Check Valves with Flanged and Butt Weld Ends (Classes 150, 300 & 600)SP-43-2008 Wrought and Fabricated Butt-Welding Fittings for Low Pressure, Corrosion Resistant ApplicationsSP-44-2006 Steel Pipeline FlangesSP-45-2003 (R 08) Bypass and Drain ConnectionsSP-51-2007 Class 150LW Corrosion Resistant Flanges and Cast Flanged FittingsSP-53-1999 (R 07) Quality Standard for Steel Castings and Forgings for Valves, Flanges and Fittings and Other Piping Components - Magnetic ParticleMethodExaminationSP-54-1999 (R 07) Quality Standard for Steel Castings for Valves, Flanges, and Fittings and Other Piping Components - Radiographic Examination Method SP-55-2006 Quality Standard for Steel Castings for Valves, Flanges and Fittings and Other Piping Components - Visual Method for Evaluation of IrregularitiesSurfaceSP-58-2002 Pipe Hangers and Supports - Materials, Design and ManufactureSP-60-2004 Connecting Flange Joint Between Tapping Sleeves and Tapping ValvesSP-61-2009 Pressure Testing of ValvesSP-65-2008 High Pressure Chemical Industry Flanges and Threaded Stubs for Use with Lens GasketsValvesSP-67-2002a ButterflySP-68-1997 (R 04) High Pressure Butterfly Valves with Offset DesignSP-69-2003 Pipe Hangers and Supports - Selection and Application (ANSI/MSS Edition)SP-70-2006 Gray Iron Gate Valves, Flanged and Threaded EndsSP-71-2005 Gray Iron Swing Check Valves, Flanged and Threaded EndsSP-72-1999 Ball Valves with Flanged or Butt-welding Ends for General ServiceSP-75-2008 Specification for High Test Wrought Butt Welding FittingsSP-77-1995 (R 00) Guidelines for Pipe Support Contractual RelationshipsSP-78-2005a Gray Iron Plug Valves, Flanged and Threaded EndsSP-79-2004 Socket-Welding Reducer InsertsSP-80-2008 Bronze Gate, Globe, Angle and Check ValvesSP-81-2006a Stainless Steel, Bonnetless, Flanged, Knife Gate ValvesSP-83-2006 Class 3000 Steel Pipe Unions, Socket-Welding and ThreadedSP-85-2002 Gray Iron Globe & Angle Valves, Flanged and Threaded EndsSP-86-2002 Guidelines for Metric Data in Standards for Valves, Flanges, Fittings and ActuatorsSP-88-1993 (R 01) Diaphragm ValvesSP-89-2003 Pipe Hangers and Supports - Fabrication and Installation PracticesSP-90-2000 Guidelines on Terminology for Pipe Hangers and SupportsSP-91-1992 (R 96) Guidelines for Manual Operation of ValvesSP-92-1999 MSS Valve User GuideSP-93-2008 Quality Standard for Steel Castings and Forgings for Valves, Flanges, and Fittings and Other Piping Components - Liquid PenetrantMethodExaminationSP-94-2008 Quality Std for Ferritic and Martensitic Steel Castings for Valves, Flanges, and Fittings and Other Piping Components - UltrasonicMethodExaminationSP-95-2006 Swage(d) Nipples and Bull PlugsSP-96-2001 (R 05) Guidelines on Terminology for Valves and FittingsSP-97-2006 Integrally Reinforced Forged Branch Outlet Fittings - Socket Welding, Threaded and Buttwelding EndsSP-98-2001 (R 05) Protective Coatings for the Interior of Valves, Hydrants, and FittingsSP-99-1994 (R 05) Instrument ValvesSP-100-2002 Qualification Requirements for Elastomer Diaphragms for Nuclear Service Diaphragm ValvesSP-101-1989 (R 01) Part-Turn Valve Actuator Attachment - Flange and Driving Component Dimensions and Performance CharacteristicsSP-102-1989 (R 01) Multi-Turn Valve Actuator Attachment - Flange and Driving Component Dimensions and Performance CharacteristicsSP-104-2003 Wrought Copper Solder Joint Pressure FittingsSP-105-1996 (R 05) Instrument Valves for Code ApplicationsSP-106-2003 Cast Copper Alloy Flanges and Flanged Fittings, Class 125, 150 and 300SP-108-2002 Resilient-Seated Cast-Iron Eccentric Plug ValvesSP-109-1997 (R 06) Welded Fabricated Copper Solder Joint Pressure FittingsSP-110-1996 Ball Valves Threaded, Socket-Welding, Solder Joint, Grooved and Flared EndsSP-111-2001 (R 05) Gray-Iron and Ductile-Iron Tapping SleevesSP-112-1999 (R 04) Quality Standard for Evaluation of Cast Surface Finishes -Visual and Tactile Method. This SP must be sold with a 10-surface, three Dimensional Cast Surface Comparator, which is a necessary part of the Standard. Additional Comparators may be sold separately.SP-113-2001 (R 07) Connecting Joint between Tapping Machines and Tapping ValvesSP-114-2007 Corrosion Resistant Pipe Fittings Threaded and Socket Welding, Class 150 and 1000SP-115-2006 Excess Flow Valves, 1 1/4 NPS and Smaller, for Fuel Gas ServiceSP-116-2003 Service Line Valves and Fittings for Drinking Water SystemsSP-117-2006 Bellows Seals for Globe and Gate ValvesSP-118-2007 Compact Steel Globe & Check Valves - Flanged, Flangeless, Threaded & Welding Ends (Chemical & Petroleum Refinery Service)SP-119-2003 Factory-Made Belled End Socket Welding FittingsSP-120-2006 Flexible Graphite Packing System for Rising Stem Steel Valves (Design Requirements)SP-121-2006 Qualification Testing Methods for Stem Packing for Rising Stem Steel ValvesSP-122-2005 Plastic Industrial Ball ValvesSP-123-1998 (R 06) Non-Ferrous Threaded and Solder-Joint Unions for Use with Copper Water TubeSP-124-2001 Fabricated Tapping SleevesSP-125-2000 Gray Iron and Ductile Iron In-Line, Spring-Loaded, Center-Guided Check ValvesSP-126-2007 Steel In-Line Spring-Assisted Center Guided Check ValvesSP-127-2001 Bracing for Piping Systems Seismic-Wind-Dynamic Design, Selection, ApplicationSP-128-2006 Ductile Iron Gate ValvesSP-129-2003 (R 07) Copper-Nickel Socket-Welding Fittings and UnionsSP-130-2003 Bellows Seals for Instrument ValvesSP-131-2004 Metallic Manually Operated Gas Distribution ValvesSP-132-2004 Compression Packing Systems for Instrument ValvesSP-133-2005 Excess Flow Valves for Low Pressure Fuel Gas AppliancesSP-134-2006a Valves for Cryogenic Service Including Requirements for Body/Bonnet ExtensionsSP-135-2006 High Pressure Steel Knife Gate ValvesSP-136-2007 Ductile Iron Swing Check ValvesSP-137-2007 Quality Standard for Positive Material Identification of Metal Valves, Flanges, Fittings, and Other Piping ComponentsSP-138-2009 Quality Standard Practice for Oxygen Cleaning of Valves & Fittings(R-YEAR) Indicates year standard reaffirmed without substantive changesA large number of former MSS Practices have been approved by the ANSI or ANSI Standards, published by others. In order to maintain a single sourceof authoritative information, the MSS withdraws its Standard Practices in such cases.。