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However。we should also be aware of the negative effects of too much XXX。which is not good for our health。It can also influence our r and values if we watch inappropriate programs。Therefore。we should control our time XXX for our personal growth and development.

3.My Favorite Sport

XXX。It’s a team sport that requires both physical and mental XXX not only helps me stay fit and healthy。but also teaches me the XXX.

I love the XXX it into the hoop。It’s a great way to relieve stress and have fun with XXX I play basketball。I feel energized and happy.

I also XXX。especially the NBA。It’s amazing to see how XXX skills.

4.My Dream Job

My dream job is to XXX and medicine。and I want to use my knowledge and skills to help people who are sick or injured.

Being a doctor requires years of hard work and n。but I am willing to put in the effort。I want to learn as much as I can about the human body and how it works。I also want to XXX so that I can talk to patients and their XXX.

I know that ing a doctor is not easy。but I believe that it’s worth it。I want to make a difference in the world and help people live XXX.


XXX I love the cool and crisp air。the colorful leaves。and the cozy sweaters。It’s a time of change and n。XXX.

I also XXX that come with autumn。such as apple picking。pumpkin carving。XXX.

Overall。XXX is a beautiful and special season that holds a special place in my heart.

seem to be able to control the negative aspects of the。There are many harmful websites that can lead people astray。XXX。excessive use of the。can lead to n and social XXX。we should use the。XXX。and avoid spending too much time on it.

XXX many people enjoy after a long day of work。However。excessive TV watching can have negative effects on our health。particularly on our eyes。It is also true that TV programs can influence our r and success。but this depends on what we choose

to watch.

Moving on to the topic of the。it has e an integral part of our lives。Many people enjoy going online to learn new skills。access n。and connect with friends from around the world。However。the government has XXX。excessive use of the。can lead to n and social XXX。it is important to use the。XXX too much time on it.

showed a great act of XXX the woman with the baby。It was a XXX witness.

5.My Favorite Sport

XXX I started playing it when I was in middle school。At first。I wasn't very good at it。but I XXX is not only a physical sport。but also a mental one。It requires quick thinking。good n。XXX。It's a sport that I will continue to enjoy for years to come.
