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( ) 6. A. Sorry,we don’t have it.

B. Yes, there is.

C. Sorry, I don’t know.

( ) 7. A. He’s ina hospital.

B. He’s a teacher.

C. He likes his work.

( ) 8. A. Becausethey are cute.

B. Because they’refrom Africa.

C. Because they’re my favorite.

( ) 9. A. I’m fine.

B. Great.

C.It doesn’t matter.

( ) 10. A. That’sall right.

B. That soundsgood.

C. All right.


A) 听5段小对话,选择所听问题的正确答案。每段对话听两遍。

( ) 11. A. He’sgoing to school.

B. He’s waiting fora bus.

C. He’s going to a bank.

( ) 12. A. WatchTV.

B. On Friday evening.

C. He doesn’t like wat ching TV.

( ) 13. A. A panda.

B. A lion.

C. An elephant.

( ) 14. A. A policeman.

B. An actor.

C.A doctor.

( ) 15. A. It’srainy.

B. It’s warmand sunny.

C. It’s cloudy.

B) 听1段长对话,选择所提问题的正确答案。对话听两遍。(5分)

( ) 16. What arethe students doing?

A. Having P.E.

B.Playing games.

C. Seeing a movie.

( ) 17. Who is therunning star in the school?

A. Lily.

B. Alan.


( ) 18. What doesLinda look like?

A. She’s tall.

B. She’s thin.

C.She’s beautiful.

( ) 19. Who is playingbasketball?

A. Lily.

B. Linda.


( ) 20. What arethe boys doing?

A. Playing tennis.

B. Playing ping-pong.

C.Playing soccer.



( ) 21. Where doesYang Lei live?

A. In Beijing.

B. In New York.

C. In Shanghai.

( ) 22. What’s onGreen Street?

A. A hospital.

B. A school.

C.A zoo.

( ) 23. Where isYang Lei’s house?

A. Near the park.

B. Next to the supermarket.

C. Across from theschool.

( ) 24. Why doesYang Lei like pandas?

A. Because they’rebeautiful.

B. Because they’re cute.

C. Because they liketo eat leaves.

( ) 25. Who cancook Chinese food?

A. Yang Lei.

B. Victor’s mother.

C.Yang Lei’s mother.




( ) 26. —Where ____ he ______? —In Wuhan.

A. do, live

B. does, lives

C.do, live

D. does, live

( ) 27. —How can I ______ thebank, please?

—You can take bus No.10.

A. get

B. get to

C. take

D.take to

( ) 28. —Thank you very muchfor telling me the way.


A. Don’t thank me

B. No thanks

C. You’re welcome

D. Youneedn’t

( ) 29. —Why do you like pandas?

—Because they’re ________ cute.

A. a kind of

B. kinds of

C.all kinds of

D. kind of

( ) 30. My brotherworks very hard because he ______ a university student.

A. wants to do

B. wants to be

C. likes to do

D. likesto be

( ) 31. I want toget a job ______ a reporter.

A. as


C. so

D. with

( ) 32. —Shall we go shoppingnow?

—Sorry, I can’t. I ______ my shirts.

A. wash

B. washes


D. am washing

( ) 33. —How is the weather_______ in Tianjin? —______ It’s sunny.

A. like

B. look


D. likes

( ) 34. Stop _______and listen to me.

A. to talk

B. on talk


D. to talking

( ) 35. Do you knowthe boy ______ a funny hat and sunglasses?

A. is

B. has

C. wears


( ) 36. —________ for breakfast?
