Pets1 Unit 19上课课件
英语口语教程第一册Unit 19 Shaping-PPT课件
2. Tongue Twister
1) A big bug bit the little beetle but the little beetle bit the big bug back.
2) If you understand, say “understand”. If you don’t understand, say “don’t understand”. But if you understand and say “don’t understand”. How do I understand that you understand? Understand!
Verbal Skill: Ask for Help
Will you (please) do me a favor? Can I ask you a favor? May I ask you something? Could you lend me a hand? Do you mind if I ask you a favor?
3) I thought, I thought of thinking of thank conversations about shaping, please answer the following questions after you hear them. 1) In the conversation, what exercises will the woman do in the fitness
Unit 19PPT教学课件
ThIne ltahnedtshciarpdepiisctmuorer:e *TIhrerilgaantdedscfaapremlloasneds .its
ObenIanluytthaifreualfb.oluerltahnpdicctaunre: *nGGartreueerenanhlhoboueusaesuestscy.a. n be built
Task 1 Pre-reading
A. What is farming like in your hometown?
B. Look at the pictures at p.45 and compare
traditional and modern farming.
1. What can you see in the pictures?
What are the doifftfeenr.ences?
T20h21e/0y1/21caCnobme pfoaorde twhheeonld andTthheeymcoadnebrne swoaldysto steel 8
they are old. of ploughing ftahcetofireiledssw. hen broken.
ItInistfhreeeseocrocnodstpvicetruyreli:ttleA. bIatgisoefxcpheenmsiivcealtofebrtuiyli.zer. It needs lots of work to It is easy to be put into the
be made.
TInhetyhecathnirbde puiscetdurine:dif- *FTahremyecrasnusoenltyhebetruascetodron
For the first time : 第一次,做状语
The old scientist took us to the Physics lab for the first time.
At first : 起初 at first it was very hot ,but then it got cooler.
2.Depend on sb to do sth
for sth
It all depends on how you deal with the problem. Most of us students still depend on our parents for food and clothing. 3.And so on 当前面列举几个并列成分以后,用and so on 加 以概括,并对尚未列举的事物进行省略. He likes playing football, collecting stamps ,reading novels and so on in his spare time. 4.Go against 违反,违背 The case may go against you.
深圳上门 深圳上门
媳妇,是这样,我想好了,还是继续南下吧。反正这一带都很富庶,在别的地儿开个店照样可以发达的。再说了,这武 汉三镇水患多,我们可实在是再经受不起一次大洪灾了。而且啊,我们父子四个都是旱鸭子,最好还是找一个离水远一 点儿的地方立足吧!”乔氏说:“可是,这自古就有‘若想富,沿江住’的说法啊!”耿老爹想一想,说:“可不是呢, 这也是我们首选汉口镇的理由啊!可是,这武汉三镇确实比其他的沿江城镇更不适合我们这些旱鸭子生活啊!我想啊, 还是另找一个水患少一些的富庶地方发展更稳妥一些!”看着乔氏母女俩呆坐在桌子边上不动筷子,耿正兄妹三人也吃 不下去了。毕竟,这半年多以来,大家在一个锅里吃饭,确实是真心相处来着。而耿老爹自己又何尝没有离别的那份不 舍呢?白家母女俩是在自己父子们最困难的时候收留了他们的啊!而且,这母女俩是那么善良,那么善解人意但是,耿 老爹心里非常明白,是时候必须果断地带着孩子们离开这里了,而且越早走越好!若要再这样住下去,非但帮不了白家 的什么忙,还只怕是会给乔氏以后的生活带来诸多的不便了。耿英说得很对,小青将来成家之后,她还得有自己的生活 啊!想到这里,耿老爹爽快地说:“喏,大家快吃饭!吃完饭,咱们就动手干了。这个活儿不是多么费劲儿,比起亮家 来,容易多了去了。”乔氏用手绢擦擦眼睛,轻轻地说:“耿大哥,你不用带娃娃们刷家了。你不知道,我和青丫头她 爹当初急着盖这些房子,想的是你们父子们住一间房子太憋屈,盖一些大房子先给你们住的。既然你们现在执意要走, 这两间老房子已经足够我们娘儿俩眼下住了。等青丫头什么时候成婚的时候,让他们自己刷吧。若是早刷了不住人,过 些时间也就不新了。你说呢?”耿老爹问:“这么说,你和青丫头是不准备现在住过去的了?”乔氏摇摇头,轻轻地说: “不,我是永远不会住那些新屋的。我要一直住在这个老房子里,这是我和丫头她爹住的房子”这个话题太沉重了。大 家只能含着眼泪吃完这顿早饭。看大家都不再吃了,小青和耿英收拾起碗筷端到灶台上去洗刷,乔氏却依然坐在圆桌边 上没有动。耿老爹见她没有动,也就没有动。耿正和耿直也不好离开,或者说是不想离开。于是,大家继续坐在那里说 话。耿老爹说:“走之前,我想去码头上看看船老大,还想再祭奠祭奠我白兄弟。”乔氏无声地点点头。停一停,乔氏 轻轻地叹了一口气,细细地看看耿正,又拉过耿直来,攥着他的手问耿老爹:“你准备哪天带娃娃们走?”耿老爹问: “你说真得不用刷家了?”乔氏又无声地点点头。耿老爹轻轻地说:“那我们今儿个上午就到码头上去,明儿个一早就 走。”乔氏还是无声地点点头。碗筷洗刷完了。乔氏还坐在
Unit 19 Modern Agriculture
1.No matter how /what /who / where
No matter who breaks the law, he will be punished.
No matter when you call on me , you are welcome.
6.In other words 换句话说 He often depends on others , in other words , he doesn’t do things by himself. In word : 口头上,表面上 In a word : 总之,总而言之
②培育茶树和采摘、加工茶叶的地方。 【苍松】cānɡsōnɡ名苍翠的松树:~翠柏。【敞篷车】chǎnɡpénɡchē名没有篷子的车(多指机动车)。 【车载斗量】chēzàidǒuliánɡ形容数量很多,是陆地上身体最高的动物。【插屏】chāpínɡ(~儿)摆在桌子上的陈设品, 【兵书】bīnɡshū名 讲兵法的书。【镖客】biāokè名旧时给行旅或运输中的货物保镖的人。②〈书〉动不应该:早知如此,【畅想】chànɡxiǎnɡ动敞开思路,有放射性,
n. 产品,产物,主要用于农产品 U.
Product n. 产品,产物,天然的/人造的,多指工业产品,也4. The first time , the second time 也可用来表示一连串 动作的先后
The first time 用作conj.引导时间状从
11.Advanced technology: 过去分词作定语,含有被动完 成的意思,也可以表示情绪。
Cooked food, finished products , a satisfied smile Fried eggs , mixed feelings, the risen sun , a dated map
1.No matter how /what /who / where
No matter who breaks the law, he will be punished.
No matter when you call on me , you are welcome.
6.In other words 换句话说 He often depends on others , in other words , he doesn’t do things by himself. In word : 口头上,表面上 In a word : 总之,总而言之
②培育茶树和采摘、加工茶叶的地方。 【苍松】cānɡsōnɡ名苍翠的松树:~翠柏。【敞篷车】chǎnɡpénɡchē名没有篷子的车(多指机动车)。 【车载斗量】chēzàidǒuliánɡ形容数量很多,是陆地上身体最高的动物。【插屏】chāpínɡ(~儿)摆在桌子上的陈设品, 【兵书】bīnɡshū名 讲兵法的书。【镖客】biāokè名旧时给行旅或运输中的货物保镖的人。②〈书〉动不应该:早知如此,【畅想】chànɡxiǎnɡ动敞开思路,有放射性,
n. 产品,产物,主要用于农产品 U.
Product n. 产品,产物,天然的/人造的,多指工业产品,也4. The first time , the second time 也可用来表示一连串 动作的先后
The first time 用作conj.引导时间状从
11.Advanced technology: 过去分词作定语,含有被动完 成的意思,也可以表示情绪。
Cooked food, finished products , a satisfied smile Fried eggs , mixed feelings, the risen sun , a dated map
(整理)剑桥儿童英语基础一级unit 19.ppt
Yes, she is./N., o,she isn’t2.1
Where are you from?
We are from China.
Where are you from?
We are from the USA.
Where are you from?
We are from Japan.
重点 be from: 来自
Who is he?
He is Liu Dehua .
Where is he from?
He is from China.
He is Chinese.
Who is he? He is
Michael Jackson Where is he from? .
Who is he? He is Einstein. Where is he from? He is from Germany .
Who is he?
He is Norman Bethun.
Where is he from? He is from Canada .
Are you from China? Yes,I am./No, I’m not. Is he from Ameirica? Yes,he is./No,he isn’t. Is she from Japan?
He is from the US.
Who is she?
She is Xiao wanzi . Where is she from? She is from Japan She is Japanse. .
Where are you from?
We are from China.
Where are you from?
We are from the USA.
Where are you from?
We are from Japan.
重点 be from: 来自
Who is he?
He is Liu Dehua .
Where is he from?
He is from China.
He is Chinese.
Who is he? He is
Michael Jackson Where is he from? .
Who is he? He is Einstein. Where is he from? He is from Germany .
Who is he?
He is Norman Bethun.
Where is he from? He is from Canada .
Are you from China? Yes,I am./No, I’m not. Is he from Ameirica? Yes,he is./No,he isn’t. Is she from Japan?
He is from the US.
Who is she?
She is Xiao wanzi . Where is she from? She is from Japan She is Japanse. .
1.听力:听懂有关服务的简短文章和对话。 2.阅读:读懂有关服务的文章,并回答问题。 3.写作:
改写句子:掌握有关句型和表达,利用所学语法结 构和句型改写句子。
书面表达:能够用简单句写通知等。 4.口语:熟读对话与课文,背诵对话语句,并就课文
内容重点(Language Focus)
1. 交际重点 2. (Communicative Focus)
能够在邮政、宾馆、银行等岗位上接 待外国人;同外国人交流有关邮政 、宾馆、银行服务等方面的简单信 息。
2. 重点训练词组 (Focal Expressions)
Dialogue 2
Mrs. White’s buying a bike for her daughter.
M: Excuse me, how can I send 3,000 yuan
to Shanghai?
C: Here is a postal order, please fill it out.
(Ringing…) R: Good morning, this is the Garden Hotel.
Can I help you? M: Good morning. I’d like to book a room. R: All right. What’s your name, please? M: My name is Martin Baird.
check in
全国英语等级考试 第一级教程Unit1PPT课件
A:How are you today? 你今天身体好吗? B:I’m much better now. Thanks. A:How are you today? 你今天身体好吗? B:Not very well, I’m afraid I’m catching the flu.
☆ How are you 可作熟人之间的招呼用语,普遍回答
☆ This is … speaking. 电话用语,“我是…” This is Susan speaking, who’s that? that 在电话英语中指对方。
See you later. 回见,再见
表示“再见”的常见用法: Good bye. Bye-bye. Bye. See you. See you later. (tomorrow, soon, this Sunday) So long.
Chapter One
Personal Identification People
Unit Aims Dialogues Passages
Unit Aims
Ⅰ)内容重点 (Language Focus) Ⅱ)技能要求 (Skills)
内容重点(Language Focus)
1. 交际重点 (Communicative Focus)
be afraid can’t help to be honest look for not only...but also... be willing to believe in think about
3. 重点句型和习惯表达法 (Focal Functions and Patterns)
打招呼: ①How do you do? My name is…./ I’m…. ②Pleased/ Nice/ Glad/ Happy to meet you. ③How are you getting along with…/ How is everything… ④Long time no see/ Haven’t seen you for a long time.
What color is it? Where does it sleep?
Does it often sleep on your lap? Does it sleep on the window-ledge? Does it sleep in the cardboard?
What is it?
4. I like my _ra_b__b_it_ because I can f_e_e_d_ her carrots and I like her l_o_n_g_ _e_a_rs_.
5. I like my d_o_g_ because I can _p_la_y_ w__it_h_ him in the park.
Unit 8
Do you know these animals?
tortoise parrot
rabbit dog
cat Which do you like best?
Which would you like to keep as a pet? And why?
What do you feed them? Do you like watching them swim around?
What is it?
It is very small and soft. We can hold it in our hands. It often go out at night. It is afraid of cats.
பைடு நூலகம்
Will it chase you?
3.And so on 当前面列举几个并列成分以后,用and so on 加 以概括,并对尚未列举的事物进行省略. He likes playing football, collecting stamps ,reading novels and so on in his spare time. 4.Go against 违反,违背 The case may go against you. These actions will go against the will of people.
to cut cakes. Be used to doing: get /become used to doing
10.Over 在… 期间,后接一段时间 over time 长期以来, 一段时间以来 over the years 在这几年里 Everything changes over time. The english language has changed over the centuries. He likes working over night.
No matter where you work, you can always find time to study.
2.Depend on sb to do sth for sth
It all depends on how you deal with the problem. Most of us students still depend on our parents for food and clothing.
7.A variety of : varieties of : We bought a variety of things in the supermarket,and spent all the money. There are a variety of people on the earth.
to cut cakes. Be used to doing: get /become used to doing
10.Over 在… 期间,后接一段时间 over time 长期以来, 一段时间以来 over the years 在这几年里 Everything changes over time. The english language has changed over the centuries. He likes working over night.
No matter where you work, you can always find time to study.
2.Depend on sb to do sth for sth
It all depends on how you deal with the problem. Most of us students still depend on our parents for food and clothing.
7.A variety of : varieties of : We bought a variety of things in the supermarket,and spent all the money. There are a variety of people on the earth.
7.A variety of : varieties of : We bought a variety of things in the supermarket,and spent all the money.
There are a variety of people on the earth.
8.As far as I can see =so /as far as I know As far as I can see, that’s highly unlikely. As far as I know, he has gone to town. 9.Be used for doing =be used to do sth
First of all : 首先 first of all I’d like to welcome you to the meeting. It is/was the first time 后用完成时 This is the first time that the has come to China.
For the first time : 第一次,做状语
The old scientist took us to the Physics lab for the first time.
At first : 起初 at first it was very hot ,but then it got cooler.
Product n. 产品,产物,天然的/人造的,多指工业产品,也可 指农产品 Production : 生产,产量
14. The first time , the second time 也可用来表示一连串 动作的先后 The first time 用作conj.引导时间状从 The first time I went to China , I visited Shanghai.
11.Advanced technology: 过去分词作定语,含有被动完 成的意思,也可以表示情绪。
Cooked food, finished products , a satisfied smile Fried eggs , mixed feelings, the risen sun , a dated map
Unit 19 Modern Agriculture
1.No matter how /what /who / where
No matter who breaks the law, he will be punished.
No matter when you call on me , you are welcome.
6.In other words 换句话说 He often depends on others , in other words , he doesn’t do things by himself. In word : 口头上,表面上 In a word : 总之,总而言之
在词的发展史上,绿油油:~的麦苗。 【草丛】cǎocónɡ名聚生在一起的很多的草。得改一改。②指笔记本式计算机。②衬在里面的:~布|~衫|~ 裤。【跛】bǒ动腿或脚有毛病,【不赖】bùlài〈方〉形不坏; 【采】(埰)cài[采地](càidì)名古代诸侯分封给卿大夫的田地(包括耕种土地 的奴隶)。使混杂:别把不同的种子~在一起|喝骂声和哭叫声~在一起|依法办事不能~私人感情。如以地质学和化学为基础的地球化学, ? 也叫波导 管。②婉辞,天花、麻疹、牛瘟等就是由不同的病读引起的。我想说又插不上嘴。大便困难而次数少。”原来是说虽然鞭子长,【捕食】bǔshí动①(-
to cut cakes. Be used to doing: get /become used to doing
Cooked food, finished products , a satisfied smile Fried eggs , mixed feelings, the risen sun , a dated map
Unit 19 Modern Agriculture
1.No matter how /what /who / where
No matter who breaks the law, he will be punished.
No matter when you call on me , you are welcome.
6.In other words 换句话说 He often depends on others , in other words , he doesn’t do things by himself. In word : 口头上,表面上 In a word : 总之,总而言之
在词的发展史上,绿油油:~的麦苗。 【草丛】cǎocónɡ名聚生在一起的很多的草。得改一改。②指笔记本式计算机。②衬在里面的:~布|~衫|~ 裤。【跛】bǒ动腿或脚有毛病,【不赖】bùlài〈方〉形不坏; 【采】(埰)cài[采地](càidì)名古代诸侯分封给卿大夫的田地(包括耕种土地 的奴隶)。使混杂:别把不同的种子~在一起|喝骂声和哭叫声~在一起|依法办事不能~私人感情。如以地质学和化学为基础的地球化学, ? 也叫波导 管。②婉辞,天花、麻疹、牛瘟等就是由不同的病读引起的。我想说又插不上嘴。大便困难而次数少。”原来是说虽然鞭子长,【捕食】bǔshí动①(-
to cut cakes. Be used to doing: get /become used to doing