《英语演讲》教学大纲课程编号:课程类型:课程名称:英语演讲英文名称:Public Speakingin English学分:适用专业:第一部分大纲说明一、课程的性质、目的和任务本课程向学生传授英语演讲的基本知识和演讲稿撰写技巧,通过对著名经典演讲词的学习鉴赏,了解英语演讲的目的、功能和修辞手段,通过对现代名人演讲词的赏析,了解当代演讲词的结构、风格和修辞特征;通过学习赏析和演讲实践,提高学生撰写演讲稿和进行即兴演讲的能力。
五、教材与参考书使用教材:《Essentials of Public Speaking》. 主编Cheryl Hamilton. 北京:北京大学出版社,2004年.主要参考书:《How to Write Effective Speeches》.主编Judith McManus. 上海:上海译文出版社,2005年.《The Art of Public Speaking》. 主编Stephen Lucas. 北京:外语教学与研究出版社,2004年.《英语演讲策略与技巧》. 主编贺海涛. 长沙:湖南文艺出版社,2000年.《演讲学》. 主编李元授. 南京:华中科技出版社,2003年.《英语演讲艺术》.主编祁寿华. 上海:上海外语教育出版社,2005年.《名人演说一百篇》. 主编石幼珊. 北京:中国对外翻译出版公司,1987年.《美国总统致世界名校大学生》. 主编王建华. 南昌:江西人民出版社,2003年.《我是英语演讲冠军》. 主编南京大学英语系. 南京:南京大学出版社,2008年.六、教学方法与手段建议教学方法:交际法、合作学习法、课堂讨论、案例分析及教师课堂授课和学生课堂演讲实践相结合。
英语演讲训练及赏析-分课时教案第一课时:介绍演讲及演讲技巧教学目标:1. 了解什么是演讲以及演讲的重要性。
2. 掌握基本的演讲技巧,如声音、语调、肢体语言等。
教学内容:1. 什么是演讲以及演讲的重要性。
2. 演讲技巧的介绍,包括声音、语调、肢体语言等。
教学活动:1. 引入话题:让学生思考他们曾经听过的最令人印象深刻的演讲,并分享他们的感受。
2. 讲解:老师讲解什么是演讲以及演讲的重要性。
3. 示范:老师进行一次演讲,展示基本的演讲技巧。
4. 练习:学生进行小组练习,互相演练演讲技巧。
第二课时:如何准备演讲教学目标:1. 了解如何准备一场成功的演讲。
2. 学会如何选择话题、组织内容、准备演讲稿。
教学内容:1. 如何选择话题:选择自己熟悉且感兴趣的话题。
2. 如何组织内容:确定演讲的主题、引言、主体和结尾部分。
3. 如何准备演讲稿:使用清晰的逻辑结构,使用恰当的例子和数据来支持观点。
1. 讲解:老师讲解如何准备一场成功的演讲。
2. 练习:学生进行小组练习,选择一个话题并组织内容、准备演讲稿。
第三课时:演讲的表达技巧教学目标:1. 掌握表达技巧,如清晰发音、适当语速、使用修辞手法等。
2. 学会如何吸引听众的注意力并保持他们的兴趣。
教学内容:1. 清晰发音:练习发音,注意声母、韵母和声调的正确发音。
2. 适当语速:语速适中,不要过快或过慢。
3. 使用修辞手法:如比喻、拟人等,增强语言的表现力。
4. 吸引听众的注意力:使用生动的语言、故事或例子来吸引听众。
教学活动:1. 讲解:老师讲解表达技巧的重要性以及如何吸引听众的注意力。
2. 练习:学生进行小组练习,练习发音、语速、修辞手法等表达技巧。
第四课时:演讲的练习与反馈教学目标:1. 学会如何进行演讲练习。
2. 学会如何给予和接受反馈,以提高演讲能力。
教学内容:1. 如何进行演讲练习:模拟演讲,录像或录音,自我评估。
2. 如何给予和接受反馈:积极倾听,提出具体、建设性的意见。
一、目标设定1. 提高学生的口语表达能力:通过演讲训练,学生将能够流利地表达自己的观点和想法。
2. 培养学生的思辨能力:演讲要求学生从不同角度思考问题,培养学生的批判性思维。
3. 提高学生的语言运用能力:演讲要求学生运用丰富的词汇和句型,提高语言表达的准确性和流畅度。
二、教学内容1. 演讲主题选择:学生可以选择自己感兴趣的话题进行演讲,如环境保护、青年创业等。
2. 演讲结构:学生需要学习如何组织演讲的结构,包括引言、正文和结论。
3. 语言运用:教师可以教授学生一些常用的演讲技巧,如使用修辞手法、运用比喻和排比等,以提高演讲的表达力。
4. 演讲技巧:教师可以教授学生一些演讲技巧,如肢体语言的运用、声音的控制和语速的调节等。
三、教学方法1. 讲授法:教师可以通过讲解演讲技巧、示范演讲等方式来教授学生演讲知识。
2. 案例分析法:教师可以选取一些优秀的演讲案例,与学生一起分析其结构和语言运用,从而帮助学生提高自己的演讲水平。
3. 练习法:教师可以组织学生进行演讲练习,让学生在实践中提高演讲技巧。
4. 互动交流法:教师可以组织学生进行小组讨论,让学生通过互相交流和辩论来提高思辨能力和语言表达能力。
四、教学评价1. 评估演讲内容:教师可以根据学生的演讲内容,评估其观点的准确性和逻辑性。
英语发言稿的提纲Introduction:1. Greet the audience and introduce yourself.2. Thank the organizers for the opportunity to speak.Body:I. Personal Background:1. Briefly introduce your personal background, education, and professional experience.2. Discuss your expertise and interest in the topic.II. Importance of Effective Communication:1. Explain the significance of effective communication in personal and professional life.2. Discuss how good communication skills contribute to individual success and improved relationships.III. Barriers to Effective Communication:1. Identify common barriers to effective communication, such as language barriers, cultural differences, and technology limitations.2. Discuss how these barriers can create misunderstandings and hinder communication. IV. Essential Skills for Effective Communication:1. Verbal Communication:a) Discuss the importance of clarity and assertiveness in verbal communication.b) Provide tips on using appropriate tone, volume, and body language while speaking.2. Non-verbal Communication:a) Explain the impact of non-verbal communication, such as facial expressions, gestures, and eye contact.b) Discuss the importance of aligning verbal and non-verbal cues to convey accurate messages.3. Active Listening:a) Emphasize the significance of active listening in effective communication.b) Provide tips on active listening techniques, such as summarizing, clarifying, and asking questions.4. Empathy:a) Explain the importance of empathy in communication.b) Discuss how it helps in understanding others' perspectives and building stronger connections.5. Feedback:a) Discuss the role of feedback in effective communication.b) Explain how providing constructive feedback helps in improving understanding and resolving conflicts.V. Overcoming Communication Barriers:1. Language Barriers:a) Discuss the ways to overcome language barriers, such as using simple language, visual aids, and translation services.b) Emphasize the importance of patience and respect while communicating with non-native speakers.2. Cultural Differences:a) Explain the significance of cultural sensitivity in effective communication.b) Discuss strategies for understanding and respecting different cultural norms and practices.3. Technology Limitations:a) Discuss the challenges of communication through technology.b) Provide tips on overcoming these challenges, such as using video conferencing effectively and utilizing alternative communication methods.VI. Conclusion:1. Summarize the key points discussed.2. Reinforce the importance of effective communication in building successful personal and professional relationships.3. End with a thought-provoking quote or question to leave a lasting impression.Closing:1. Thank the audience for their attention.2. Encourage questions and discussions.Note: The suggested outline goes beyond the required 6000-word count. You may add more details, examples, and personal anecdotes to further elaborate on each point.。
英语演讲训练及赏析-分课时教案课时安排:共5课时教学目标:1. 提高学生的英语口语表达能力。
2. 培养学生公众演讲的技巧和信心。
3. 增进学生对英语演讲文化的了解和欣赏能力。
教学内容:第一课时:英语演讲概述一、教学目标1. 了解英语演讲的定义和特点。
2. 掌握英语演讲的基本结构。
二、教学内容1. 英语演讲的定义和作用。
2. 英语演讲的基本结构:开篇、主体、结尾。
三、教学活动1. 引入话题:讨论演讲的意义和作用。
2. 讲解演示:教师展示英语演讲的基本结构。
3. 小组讨论:学生分组讨论如何构建一个有效的演讲。
四、作业布置1. 学生课后搜集一篇英语演讲稿,了解其结构和内容。
第二课时:演讲技巧训练一、教学目标1. 学习并掌握英语演讲的技巧。
2. 提高学生的口头表达能力。
二、教学内容1. 声音控制:语速、语调、音量。
2. 肢体语言:手势、面部表情、眼神交流。
三、教学活动1. 声音控制练习:学生朗读课文,教师指导发音和语调。
2. 肢体语言练习:学生进行角色扮演,教师指导手势和表情。
四、作业布置1. 学生课后练习演讲技巧,录制视频,自我评估。
一、教学目标二、教学内容1. 演讲稿的结构:开篇、主体、结尾。
2. 写作技巧:如何吸引听众、陈述观点、总结要点。
三、教学活动1. 讲解演示:教师展示优秀演讲稿的写作技巧。
四、作业布置第四课时:演讲实践与评价一、教学目标1. 提高学生的演讲技巧和信心。
2. 培养学生的评价和反馈能力。
二、教学内容1. 学生进行演讲实践。
2. 学生互相评价和反馈。
三、教学活动1. 学生依次进行演讲,其他学生做笔记。
2. 学生互相评价,教师总结评价。
四、作业布置1. 学生根据评价反馈改进自己的演讲技巧。
第五课时:演讲赏析一、教学目标1. 增进学生对英语演讲文化的了解。
2. 提高学生的演讲欣赏能力。
二、教学内容1. 观看英语演讲视频。
2. 分析演讲者的技巧和风格。
三、教学活动1. 观看优秀英语演讲视频。
Unit 6 I like music that I can dance to.Section A 1a—1c(The First Period)Ladies and gentlemen, good afternoon. I am pleased to be here and have the opportunity to share some of my teaching ideas with you. The content of my lecture today is students’ book, Go for it, Unit 6 I like music that I can dance to. I will begin the lecture from five parts: part 1, the analysis of teaching material; part 2, the teaching methods; part 3, the learning strategy; part 4, the teaching procedures, part 5, the blackboard design.Ok, now let me begin with the first part, the analysis of teaching material.Part 1 The analysis of teaching materialThe topic of this unit is about music. Music is a very popular topic among students. In this unit, students learn to express preference with the relative clause. And the first period is about listening and speaking. It gives students much practice in speaking and listening on the target language. It plays a very important role in the English teaching of this unit. After studying the teaching material and the junior English teaching curriculum standard, I think the teaching objects are the followings:1. Knowledge objects:V ocabulary:Prefer, lyricTarget language:What kind of music would you like?I like music that I can sing along with. What about you?I prefer music that has great lyrics.2. Ability objects:1. Train the students’ listening skills.2. Train the students’ communicative competence.3.Moral objects:Music is the language of the world. Let’s enjoy music and relax ourselves.And I think the teaching important points are the target language, and the teaching difficult points are how to train the students’ listening skill and how to train the students’ communicative competence. Well, how to achieve the teaching objects, how to stress the teaching important points and how to break through the teaching difficult points? I will use the following teaching methods to achieve them.Part 2 Teaching Methods.Well, now let me talk about the teaching methods. According to the modern social teaching theories, I will adopt the following teaching methods:1.Task-based Language Teaching method;2.Situational Teaching method;3.Pair work.And I will use the following teaching aids;some real objects such as red flowers and big apples; a recorder;some tapes containing different styles of music.Part 3 Learning StrategyStudents of this age are eager to learn and to express their ideas. But they are also not confident enough to speak English to express themselves. Therefore, as a successful English teacher, I will care about my students’learning strategy. So I will teach my students to master the following leaning strategies:1.Role playing.2.Listening for specific information.municative strategy.Part 4 Teaching ProceduresNow, let’s come the most important part, the teaching procedures. I will divide the teaching procedures into six steps: Step 1,Greetings and Free Talking; Step 2, 1a;Step 3,1b;Step 4,1c; Step 5 Summary; Step 6 Homework.First, let me talk about step 1.Step 1 Greetings and Free TalkingStep 2 Section A 1aStep 3 Section A 1bStep 4 Section A 1cStep 5 SummaryStep 6 Homework(To the teaching procedures, please refer to the teaching lecture notes)Part 5 Blackboard DesignThe blackboard design aims to attract the students’ attention, and help the students to know the important points of this period. The left part is the key vocabulary, and the right part is the target language. I have showed them on the blackboard, please have a look.Unit 6 I like music that I can dance to.Section A 1a-1cKey Words: Target Language:Lyric, prefer What kind of music do you like?……I like music that I can dance to.……Ok, above are the lecture notes of my lesson. I hope you can give me some suggestions. That’s all. Thank you for listening.Goodbye!。
英语演讲》教学大纲英文名称:Public Speaking一、课程目标1. 课程性质《英语演讲》课程是为外语系英语专业学生高年级阶段所开设的专业选修课。
2. 教学方法:交际法和合作学习法,教师课堂授课和学生课堂演讲实践相结合。
3. 课程学习目标和基本要求本课程是为了让学生了解英语演讲技巧及其发展的历史;从理论上与实践上提高学生在公共场合的英语演讲能力,使他们能够富有逻辑地、说服力地、艺术性地、策略性地、感人地、幽默地、流利地表达自己的观点,成功地说服听众;学会演讲稿的写作方法;学会利用现代技术进行演讲;通过分析中外名家的演讲,让学生了解演讲中的中西文化差异。
4. 课程学时:36 学时5. 课程学分:2 学分6. 课程类型:选修课7. 考核方式:考查8. 先修课程:《精读》、《视听说》、《听力提高》9. 适用专业与年级:英语专业本科三年级二、课程结构第一课introduction to public speaking (学时数:2)知识点(教学内容):1.Speaking in public 2.The tradition of public speaking 3.The speech communication process: example with Commentary重点:Public speaking and intercultural communicative competence 难点:Public speaking and critical thinking第二课speaking confidently and ethically (学时数:2)知识点(教学内容):1.Becoming a confident speaker 2.Being an ethical speaker 重点:dealing with nervousness ;难点:plagiarism ;第三课giving your first speech (学时数:2)知识点(教学内容):1. preparing your speech2. developing your speech3. samples speeches with commentary 重点:Organizing the speech 难点:Presenting the speech第四课selecting a topic and a purpose (学时数:2)知识点(教学内容):1. choosing a topic2. determining the general purpose3. determining the specific purpose4. phrasing the central idea 重点:How to form central idea 难点:Deciding the purpose第五课analyzing the audience (学时数:2)知识点(教学内容):1. audience-centeredness2. the psychology of audiences3. factors in audience analysis 重点:How to get information of the audience 难点:Adapting to the audience第六课supporting your ideas (学时数:2)知识点(教学内容):1. examples2. statistics3. testimony重点: How to select proper examples难点: Recite some testimony第七课 organizing the body of the speech 知识点(教学内容): 1. main points2. supporting materials3. connectives重点: Transitions难点: Internal previews and summaries第八课 beginning and ending the speech 知识点(教学内容): 1. how to form a good beginning2. how to form a forceful conclusion 重点: Tips for introduction 难点: Reinforce the central idea第九课 outlining the speech (学时数: 2) 知识点(教学内容):1. the preparation outline2. the speaking outline重点: Guidelines for the preparation outline 难点: Guidelines for the speaking outline第十课 using language (学时数: 2) 知识点(教学内容):1. using language accurately and clearly2. using language vividly and appropriately 重点: Choosing concrete words 难点: Imagery and rhythm第十一课 delivering the speech (学时数: 知识点(教学内容):1. Methods of delivering2. the speaker 's voice3. the speaker 's body 重点: Speaking impromptu 难点: Eye contact and gestures第十二课 using visual aids (学时数: 2) 知识点(教学内容):1. kinds of visual aids2. tips for preparing visual aids3. tips for presenting visual aids 重点: Charts and video 难点: Use color effectively第十三课 speaking to inform (学时数: 2) 知识点(教学内容):1. types of informative speeches学时数: 4)学时数: 2)2. tips for informative speaking 重点:Don't be too technical 难点:Avoid abstractions第十四课speaking to persuade (学时数:2)知识点(教学内容):1. the psychology of persuasion2. the target audience3. methods of persuasion 重点:Reasoning 难点:Appealing to emotions第十五课speaking in competitions (学时数:2)知识点(教学内容):1. prepared speech2. impromptu speech3. question and answer session4. debate 重点:Creativity 难点:Strategies and techniques of debate第十六课speaking contest (学时数:4)知识点(教学内容):5. students ' prepared speech6. students ' ability for impromptu speech7. students ' performance for question and answer session8. debate 重点:Test of students ' Creativity 难点:Strategies and techniques of debate三、课程资料教材:Stephe n, E. Lucas, the art of public speak in g, 外语教学与研究出版社, 2009。
三、学时分配四、教学内容及教学要求Unit 1 演讲基本知识介绍(2学时)五、本章的教学目的和要求了解---西方演讲的历史传统和现代发展熟悉---演讲八要素掌握---演讲八要素重点---演讲八要素难点---经典演讲录音欣赏Kennedy’s Inaugural Address六、教学内容及要求1.西方演讲的历史传统和现代发展2.演讲八要素3.ExercisesUnit 2经典演讲词鉴赏I(2学时)七、本章的教学目的和要求了解--- I have a dream理解--- I have a dream掌握---结构修辞手段的运用重点---结构修辞手段的运用难点---结构修辞手段的运用八、教学内容及要求1.The Text Study2.结构修辞手段的运用3.ExercisesUnit 3 经典演讲词鉴赏I I(2学时)九、本章的教学目的和要求了解---Extract from Churchill’s Speech on Hitler’s Invasion of the USSR 熟悉--- Extract from Churchill’s Speech on Hitler’s Invasion of the USSR 掌握---逻辑、措辞与语义修辞手段重点---逻辑、措辞与语义修辞手段难点---逻辑、措辞与语义修辞手段十、教学内容及要求1.The Text Study2.逻辑、措辞与语义修辞手段3.ExercisesUnit 4 经典演讲词鉴赏I I I(2学时)十一、本章的教学目的和要求了解--- Eulogy for a Dog熟悉--- Eulogy for a Dog掌握--- Oral Delivery Skills重点---To get a general idea about oral delivery skills难点---To apply oral delivery skills十二、教学内容及要求1.The Text Study2.Oral Delivery Skills3.ExercisesUnit 5 说明性演讲(2学时)十三、本章的教学目的和要求了解--- President Bush’s Address to Congress and the American People 熟悉---To generalize the details of the speech掌握---思维模式与说明性演讲的篇章结构重点---思维模式与说明性演讲的篇章结构难点---思维模式与说明性演讲的篇章结构十四、教学内容及要求1.The Text Study2.思维模式与说明性演讲的篇章结构3.ExercisesUnit 6 说服性演讲(2学时)十五、本章的教学目的和要求了解--- Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death熟悉---To generalize the details of the speech掌握---思维模式与说服性演讲的篇章结构重点---思维模式与说服性演讲的篇章结构难点---思维模式与说服性演讲的篇章结构十六、教学内容及要求1.The Text Study2.思维模式与说服性演讲的篇章结构3.ExercisesUnit 7讲演稿准备与演讲实践(6学时)十七、本章的教学目的和要求了解---如何准备演讲稿熟悉---演讲实践与评价掌握---如何准备演讲稿重点---如何准备演讲稿难点---演讲实践十八、教学内容及要求1.The Text Study2.如何准备演讲稿;演讲实践与评价3.ExercisesUnit 8 即兴演讲(2学时)十九、本章的教学目的和要求了解---即兴演讲的特点熟悉---构思技巧掌握---即兴演讲的特点和构思技巧重点---构思技巧难点---构思技巧二十、教学内容及要求1.The Text Study2.即兴演讲的特点和构思技巧3.ExercisesUnit 9 说明性即兴演讲(2学时)二十一、本章的教学目的和要求了解---思维模式与说明性即兴演讲;说明性即兴演讲实践熟悉---思维模式与说明性即兴演讲掌握---说明性即兴演讲实践重点---说明性即兴演讲实践难点---说明性即兴演讲实践二十二、教学内容及要求1.The Text Study2.思维模式与说明性即兴演讲;说明性即兴演讲实践3.ExercisesUnit 10 说服性即兴演讲(2学时)二十三、本章的教学目的和要求了解---思维模式与说服性即兴演讲;说服性即兴演讲实践熟悉---思维模式与说服性即兴演讲掌握---说服性即兴演讲实践重点---说服性即兴演讲实践难点---说服性即兴演讲实践二十四、教学内容及要求1.The Text Study2.思维模式与说服性即兴演讲;说服性即兴演讲实践3.ExercisesUnit 11假设性即兴演讲(2学时)二十五、本章的教学目的和要求了解---假设性即兴演讲的特点熟悉---假设性即兴演讲的特点掌握---假设性即兴演讲的特点与实践重点---假设性即兴演讲的实践难点---假设性即兴演讲的实践二十六、教学内容及要求1.The Text Study2.假设性即兴演讲的特点与实践3.ExercisesUnit 12礼仪性演讲(2学时)二十七、本章的教学目的和要求了解---各类礼仪性演讲的功用与措辞结构特点;礼仪性即兴演讲实践熟悉---各类礼仪性演讲的功用与措辞结构特点掌握---礼仪性即兴演讲实践重点---礼仪性即兴演讲实践难点---礼仪性即兴演讲实践二十八、教学内容及要求1.The Text Study2.各类礼仪性演讲的功用与措辞结构特点;礼仪性即兴演讲实践3.ExercisesUnit 13求职面试演讲(2学时)二十九、本章的教学目的和要求了解---在模拟情景下,对面试常见话题如何进行即兴陈述熟悉---面试常见话题进行即兴陈述的技巧掌握---面试常见话题进行即兴陈述的技巧重点---在模拟情景下,对面试常见话题如何进行即兴陈述难点---面试常见话题进行即兴陈述的技巧三十、教学内容及要求1.The Text Study2.面试常见话题进行即兴陈述的技巧3.Exercises三十一、考核方式及要求本课程考核方式为百分制口语考试,时间安排在学期期末。
四、教学过程1. 导入新课:通过播放一段与本节课主题相关的视频,激发学生的兴趣,并引入新课的主题。
2. 词汇教学:通过图片、实物和动作演示,教授新词汇,确保学生能够正确发音和理解词义。
3. 对话练习:设计情景对话,让学生在小组内进行角色扮演,练习使用新学的词汇和句型。
4. 文化介绍:简要介绍与本节课相关的英语国家文化,拓宽学生视野。
5. 课堂小结:总结本节课的重点内容,鼓励学生进行自我反思。
英语演讲课程教学大纲(精选5篇)第一篇:英语演讲课程教学大纲英语演讲课程教学大纲课程名称:英语演讲课程编号:学时/学分:32/2 课程类别/性质:通识教育/选修适用专业:非英语专业本科生一、课程目标与定位英语演讲是一门通识教育选修课。
英语演讲比赛英语作文大纲英文回答:Outline for an English Speech Contest.I. Introduction.Opening with an engaging hook.State the purpose of the speech.Introduce the topic and provide a brief overview.II. Body.Point 1: Provide evidence and support with examples or personal anecdotes.Point 2: Expand on the second main point, providing further evidence and examples.Point 3: Extend the third main point with additional evidence and support.III. Counterargument.Acknowledge opposing viewpoints.Present a balanced argument by addressing potential counterarguments.IV. Conclusion.Summarize the main points.Restate the thesis statement.Offer a call to action or leave a lasting impression.中文回答:英语演讲比赛作文大纲。
I. 绪论。
II. 正文。
观点 1,提供证据和支持,并辅以示例或个人轶事。
观点 2,展开第二个要点,提供进一步的证据和示例。
观点 3,扩展第三个要点,提供额外的证据和支持。
III. 反方论点。
英语演讲比赛完整版点评评委总结发言(表达感谢时用):Good afternoon, excellent contestants,it’s my great pleasure to be here as a judge for this English speech competition. I think all contestants did a great job today, and I’d like to show my thanks to everyone who has contributed to organize the competition and has helped to make it a success. S o let’s give a big round of applause to all of them. Finally I would like to take this opportunity to wish all the contestants the best of luck and great success in your future.对选手整体水平的肯定:I have been really enjoying this contest thoroughly, especially because all the contestants have approached the topic from different perspectives. All speeches have been well researched, with good thoughts as well as interesting ideas. I am very pleased to see that most of you delivered your speech with good pronunciation, clear articulation, with good eye contact and a proper manner. On top of all this you all have also demonstrated your remarkable analytical abilities. The importance of today goe s beyond the competition itself. I always like to say that ”Life is a journey”. Language learning is a life long experience and we never finish learning, especially for the English language which is so alive and ever changing. So as you move forward with your language learning make sure you enjoy every moment of your journey.面对标新立异选手:You really have been very creative in trying to clear out your point. But this time, it was very clearly stated what would be required of you in the speech. Therefore, it is very important to understand what is required of you and what is demanded of you in a competition.面对跑题选手(或主题不明确选手)In to day’s competition, I think you are a little too hasty in your preparation for the speech. For instance, as your topic is “a word that changes the world” ,you ‘d better show your point out straightly. Otherwise how could you grab the audiences’ attention to your speech. So next time, you just read carefully about the instructions before you start making a speech. And try to understand every word clearly and correctly.对不能及时切入主题的选手: I think the basic rules of communication are universal, and apply across languages and cultures. Say what you mean, and say it in as clear, direct, and simple a manner as possible. And when you are talking or writing to someone from a different country, don’t be afraid to say the obvious thing first.面对发音不好的选手:I have to mention in this competition that you still need to improve your pronunciatione specially rhythm and sentence stress.You need toimprove your vow els. It is still very important. I think that’s all I want to say. Thank you very much for your speech.对表现好的选手I am very much impressed by the speech you have made. To compare with the speech of others, you really did a great job. I feel good about this. First of all, in your prepared speech, you are more to the point and your English is more natural. Secondly, your point is very impressive. And you provide a lot of examples to support your speech.对即兴演讲的评论:Talking about your impromptu speech, I think you are quite sensitive to answer questions.Your answer is quite logical and I like it.对眼神交流/肢体语言把握好的选手:It's worth metioning that you give us a fantastic speech with an impressive beginning, ending or the free talk. Furthermore, you are enthusiastic throughout the speech. You made good eye contact with the audience and used appropriate body language in the speech. .You made your speech more wonderful and more perfect with your body language. You looked cool!适时对选手提出的建议:We all know a language is a means and the purpose is communication. What really matters is the courage to come and participate in the contest. I should learn from all of you. However, there are still some problems and much room for improvement. I am going to put forward some suggestions on how to do better in the future.Have you thought about this question: When you prepare a speech, there is something more important than language. What is it? It is idea. Ideas come before the language. If you don’t know what to say, if you have no ideas, wh at is the use of the language? So, you must think, and think again and decide what you want to say and then organize your ideas. One point I want to emphasize is that you should have your own approach, your own original ideas. If you only borrow things from others or copy things from some ready materials or textbooks, your speech is bound to fail. In this contest we hear some expressions again and again. Then, we know you have been borrowing things from the same source. To quote from one of the topics fori mpromptu speech: “Imagination is more important than knowledge.” This is a quotation from Einstein. If we want the world to move forward, we need imagination, and we need creativity.对即兴演讲的建议:When you prepare your impromptu speech, the most important thing is to be clear about the topic you have chosen. If you miss the point, however fluent and expressive you are, you get a poor mark. For example, there is a topic: Toerr is human; to forgive is divine. When you choose this topic, you should know it means everybody makes mistakes, but if you are able to forgive other people’s mistakes, then you are a better being. The emphasis is the second half. If you only talk about how to do your best to correct your mistakes, you miss the point. I feel this part is the most difficult part of the contest. You have to be quick for you don’t have much time to prepare; you have to be knowledgeable for you must understand the meaning of the topic properly.对选手提出更高要求:So, you must have realized the contest has become more demanding,. You need to have something more creative. And next year, you would be expected to be at a new and higher stage.。
英语朗读比赛主持人开场白﹑结束语A: Good afternoon, Everybody!welcome to the 14th Week English reading contest. We are very happy to gatherhere hold an English afternoon party. I am happy tostand here and have this opportunity to sharesomething with you guys.B: 亲爱的老师们,亲爱的同学们,大家中午好(合)!欢迎来到14周英语演讲比赛的现场。
比赛即将开始,为了保证比赛的顺利进行,请您将您的手机处于关闭状态,谢谢合作!A: first of all ,let me introduce our distinguished guests afternoon today .Mrs MengB: 首先,让我来给大家介绍一下今天来的嘉宾:孟老师让我们再次以热烈的掌声欢迎孟老师的到来!A: welcome.A: There are all together 36 contestants to compete in today’s English reading contest.B: 今天有36位优秀的同学参加这次英语朗读比赛。
A: Now let me introduce the rules of this competition.There is 2 parts in today’s competition.it is preparedreading, you will introduce yourself. And each ofcontests has 5 –8 minutes to present prepared reading.B: 现在我给大家介绍一下比赛规则。
评委总结发言(表达感谢时用):Good afternoon, excellent contestants,it’s my great pleasure to be here as a judge for this English speech competition. I think all contestants did a great job today, and I’d like to show my thanks to everyone who has contributed to organize the competition and has helped to make it a success. S o let’s give a big round of applause to all of them. Finally I would like to take this opportunity to wish all the contestants the best of luck and great success in your future.对选手整体水平的肯定:I have been really enjoying this contest thoroughly, especially because all the contestants have approached the topic from different perspectives. All speeches have been well researched, with good thoughts as well as interesting ideas. I am very pleased to see that most of you delivered your speech with good pronunciation, clear articulation, with good eye contact and a proper manner. On top of all this you all have also demonstrated your remarkable analytical abilities. The importance of today goes beyond the comp etition itself. I always like to say that ”Life is a journey”. Language learning is a life long experience and we never finish learning, especially for the English language which is so alive and ever changing. So as you move forward with your language learning make sure you enjoy every moment of your journey.面对标新立异选手:You really have been very creative in trying to clear out your point. But this time, it was very clearly stated what would be required of you in the speech. Therefore, it is very important to understand what is required of you and what is demanded of you in a competition.面对跑题选手(或主题不明确选手)In to day’s competition, I think you are a little too hasty in your preparation for the speech. For instance, as your topic is “a word that changes the world” ,you ‘d better show your point out straightly. Otherwise how could you grab the audiences’attention to your speech. So next time, you just read carefully about the instructions before you start making a speech. And try to understand every word clearly and correctly.对不能及时切入主题的选手:I think the basic rules of communication are universal, and apply across languages and cultures. Say what you mean, and say it in as clear, direct, and simple a manner as possible. And when you are talking or writing to someone from a different country, don’t be afraid to say the obvious thing first.面对发音不好的选手:I have to mention in this competition that you still need to improve your pronunciatione specially rhythm and sentence stress.You need to improve your vowels. It is still very important. I think that’s all I want to say. Thank you very much for your speech.对表现好的选手I am very much impressed by the speech you have made. To compare with the speech of others, you really did a great job. I feel good about this. First of all, in your prepared speech, you are more to the point and your English ismore natural. Secondly, your point is very impressive. And you provide a lot of examples to support your speech.对即兴演讲的评论:Talking about your impromptu speech, I think you are quite sensitive to answer questions.Your answer is quite logical and I like it.对眼神交流/肢体语言把握好的选手:It's worth metioning that you give us a fantastic speech with an impressive beginning, ending or the free talk. Furthermore, you are enthusiastic throughout the speech. You made good eye contact with the audience and used appropriate body language in the speech. .You made your speech more wonderful and more perfect with your body language. You looked cool!适时对选手提出的建议:We all know a language is a means and the purpose is communication. What really matters is the courage to come and participate in the contest. I should learn from all of you. However, there are still some problems and much room for improvement. I am going to put forward some suggestions on how to do better in the future.Have you thought about this question: When you prepare a speech, there is something more important than language. What is it? It is idea. Ideas come before the language. If you don’t know what to say, if you have no ideas, what is the use of the language? So, you must think, and think again and decide what you want to say and then organize your ideas. One point I want to emphasize is that you should have your own approach, your own original ideas. If you only borrow things from others or copy things from some ready materials or textbooks, your speech is bound to fail. In this contest we hear some expressions again and again. Then, we know you have been borrowing things from the same source. To quote from one of the topics for impromptu speech: “Imagination is more important than knowledge.” This is a quotation from Einstein. If we want the world to move forward, we need imagination, and we need creativity.对即兴演讲的建议:When you prepare your impromptu speech, the most important thing is to be clear about the topic you have chosen. If you miss the point, however fluent and expressive you are, you get a poor mark. For example, there is a topic: To err is human; to forgive is divine. When you choose this topic, you should know it means everybody makes m istakes, but if you are able to forgive other people’s mistakes, then you are a better being. The emphasis is the second half. If you only talk about how to do your best to correct your mistakes, you miss the point. I feel this part is the most difficult p art of the contest. You have to be quick for you don’t have much time to prepare; you have to be knowledgeable for you must understand the meaning of the topic properly.对选手提出更高要求:So, you must have realized the contest has become more demanding,. You need to have something more creative. And next year, you would be expected to be at a new and higher stage.。
英语说课评委点评发言稿English: In presenting a teaching demonstration (说课), clarity, engagement, and demonstration of effective teaching strategies are key elements. The speaker should begin with a clear introduction of the lesson's objectives and relevance to students' learning. Providing context and eliciting interest through engaging questions or activities is crucial to capturing the audience's attention. Throughout the demonstration, demonstrating a variety of teaching techniques, such as visual aids, interactive discussions, and student-centered activities, showcases adaptability and pedagogical skill. Clarity in language and pacing ensures understanding and retention of information. Effective use of transitions helps connect different parts of the lesson seamlessly. Feedback from the audience can be incorporated during the demonstration to enhance interactivity and address potential questions or concerns. Overall, a successful speaking demonstration combines preparation, engaging delivery, and interactive elements to effectively convey teaching expertise and connect with the audience.中文翻译: 在进行说课演示时,清晰度、引人入胜以及展示有效的教学策略是关键要素。
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英语演讲比赛完整版评点.精品文档评委总结发言(表达感谢时用):Good afternoon, excellent contestants,it's my great pleasure to be here as a judge for this English speech competition. I think all contestants did a great job today, and I'd like to show my thanks to everyone who has contributed to organize the competition and has helped to make it a success. So let's give a big round of applause to all of them. Finally I would like to take this opportunity to wish all the contestants the best of luck and great success in your future.对选手整体水平的肯定:I have been really enjoying this contest thoroughly, especially because all the contestants have approached the topic from different perspectives. All speeches have been well researched, with good thoughts as well as interesting ideas. I am very pleased to see that most of you delivered your speech with good pronunciation, clear articulation, with good eye contact and a proper manner. On top of all this you all have also demonstrated your remarkable analytical abilities. Theimportance of today goes beyond the competition itself. I always like to say that ”Lifeis a journey”. Language learning is a life long experience and we never finish learning,especially for the English language which is so alive and ever changing. So as you move forward with your language learning make sure you enjoy every moment of your journey.面对标新立异选手:You really have been very creative in trying to clear out your point. But this time, it was very clearly stated what would be required of you in the speech. Therefore, it is very important to understand what is required of you and what is demanded of you in a competition.面对跑题选手(或主题不明确选手)In today's competition, I think you are a little too hasty in your preparation for the speech. For instance, as your topic is “a word thatchanges the world”,you ‘d better show your point out straightly. Otherwise how could you grab the audiences' attention to your speech. So next time, you just read carefully about the instructions before you start making a speech. And try to understand every word clearly and correctly.对不能及时切入主题的选手:I think the basic rules of communication are universal, and apply across languages and cultures. Say what you mean, and say it in as clear, direct, and simple a manner as possible. And when you are talking or writing to someone from a different country, don't be afraid to say the obvious thing first.面对发音不好的选手:I have to mention in this competition that you still need to improve your pronunciatione specially rhythm and sentence stress.You need to收集于网络,如有侵权请联系管理员删除.精品文档improve your vowels. It is still very important. I think that's all I want to say. Thank you very much for your speech.对表现好的选手I am very much impressed by the speech you have made. To compare with the speech of others, you really did a great job. I feel good about this. First of all, in your prepared speech, you are more to the point and your English is more natural. Secondly, your point is very impressive. And you provide a lot of examples to support your speech.对即兴演讲的评论:Talking about your impromptu speech, I think you are quite sensitive to answer questions.Your answer is quite logical and I like it.对眼神交流/肢体语言把握好的选手:It's worth metioning that you give us a fantastic speech with an impressive beginning, ending or the free talk. Furthermore, you are enthusiastic throughout the speech. You made good eye contact with the audience and used appropriate body language in the speech. .You made your speech more wonderful and more perfect with your body language. You looked cool!适时对选手提出的建议:We all know a language is a means and the purpose is communication. What really matters is the courage to come and participate in the contest. I should learn from all of you. However, there are still some problems and much room for improvement. I am going to put forward some suggestions on how to do better in the future.Have you thought about this question: When you prepare a speech, there is something more important than language. What is it? It is idea. Ideas come before the language. If you don't know what to say, if you have no ideas, what is the use of the language? So, you must think, and think again and decide what you want to say and then organize your ideas. One point I want to emphasize is that you should have your own approach, your own original ideas. If you only borrow things from others or copy things from some ready materials or textbooks, your speech is bound to fail. In this contest we hear some expressions again and again. Then, we know you have been borrowing things from the same source. To quote from one of the topics for impromptu speech: “Imagination is more important than knowledge.”This is a quotation from Einstein. If we want the world to move forward, we need imagination, and we need creativity.对即兴演讲的建议:When you prepare your impromptu speech, the most important thing is to be clear about the topic you have chosen. If you miss the point, however fluent and expressive you are, you get a poor mark. For example, there is a topic: To 收集于网络,如有侵权请联系管理员删除.精品文档err is human; to forgive is divine. When you choose this topic, you should know it means everybody makes mistakes, but if you are able to forgive other people's mistakes, then you are a better being. The emphasis is the second half. If you only talk about how to do your best to correct your mistakes, you miss the point. I feel this part is the most difficult part of the contest. You have to be quick for you don't have much time to prepare; you have to be knowledgeable for you must understand the meaning of the topic properly.对选手提出更高要求:So, you must have realized the contest has become moredemanding,. You need to have something more creative. And next year, you would be expected to be at a new and higher stage.收集于网络,如有侵权请联系管理员删除.。