基于Patrice Swarm Optimization的云计算多目标任务调度(IJITCS-V7-N5-9)








1. 粒子群算法简介粒子群算法(Particle Swarm Optimization,PSO)是一种基于群体智能的优化算法,最早由Eberhart和Kennedy于1995年提出。



2. 工业大数据雾计算任务调度问题工业大数据雾计算任务调度问题是指在工业系统中,将多个任务分配给一组雾节点进行处理和计算的问题。



3. 基于粒子群的工业大数据雾计算多目标优化任务调度算法为了解决工业大数据雾计算任务调度问题,本文提出了一种基于粒子群的多目标优化任务调度算法。












第33卷第4期2017年7月齐齐哈尔大学学报(自然科学版)Journal of Qiqihar University(Natural Science Edition)Vol.33,No.4July,2017云计算中基于改进离散粒子群优化的任务调度方案郑建秋(厦门城市职业学院,福建厦门361009)摘要:针对云计算中现有智能任务调度算法容易陷入局部最优的问题,提出一种基于改进型离散粒子群优化(D P S0)算法的任务调度方案。



关键词:云计算;任务调度;离散粒子群优化;惯性权重;随机扰动中图分类号:TP306.1 文献标志码:兴文章编号:1007-984X(2017)04-0006-05云计算代1]是一种新的计算技术,用户可以利用云计算租借软件、硬件、基础设施和计算资源作为每个 用户的基础资源,并将他们的工作提交给云计算处理或者云存储。

云计算中的用户任务通常以工作流方式 进行。

科学工作流代2以是指将一系列在科学研究中遇到的数据管理、计算、分析等工作变成一个个独立的服 务,再把这些服务通过数据链接组合在一起,满足研究人员科学实验和数据处理中的需要,从而实现相应 的处理与科学计算'传统的计算环境已很难满足科学工作流的需要。

云计算以高性能的计算资源与海量 的存储资源为科学工作流应用提供了一种全新的部署和执行方式'目前,云计算环境下工作流任务调度方案作为云计算工作流技术的重要组成部分,已经成为该领域内 的研究热点。

工作流任务调度的主要目标是减少任务执行的总时间,减少资源的空闲时间,提高了资源利 用率代4]。

任务调度是一个组合NP-完全问题,启发式智能算法是解决这种问题的一种有效手段,常用的智 能算法有遗传算法(GA)、粒子群算法(PS0)、蚁群算法(AC0)等。


Ab s t r a c t I n c l o u d c o mp u t i n g e n v i r o n me n t ,t h e r e a r e a l a r g e n u mb e r o f u s e r s w h i c h l e a d t o h u g e a mo u n t o f t a s k s t o b e p r o c e s s e d b y
7 r r I NG
Wa ng De n g k e L i Zh o n g
( C o l l e g e o fMa t h e m a t i c s a n d I n f o r ma t i o n&据 , , N o r t h w e s t N o r m a l U n i v e r s i t y , L a n z h o u 7 3 0 0 7 0 , G a n s u , C h i n a )
始解, 然后根据该调度结果生成蚁群算法的初始信息素分布, 最后利用蚁群算法得到任务调度的最优解。通过在 C l o u d S i m平 台进
行仿真实验 , 表 明该算法具有较好 的实 时性和寻优能力 , 是 一种有效 的调度算法 。
中 图分 类 号
任 务调度
粒子群优 化 蚁 群 优 化

D O I : 1 0 . 3 9 6 9 / j . i s s n . 1 0 0 0 — 3 8 6 x . 2 0 1 3 . 0 1 . 0 7 5
T P 3 1 1
A TAS K S CHEDUL I NG AL GORI T HM BAS E D oN P S O AND ACO F数学与信 息科学学 院 甘肃 兰州 7 3 0 0 7 0 )



2019 年
设施即服务IaaS、平台即服务PaaS和软件即服务 SaaS。而云环境中的工作流DAG任务调度问题需要 考虑的因素更多更复杂[2]:1)用户多样的QoS需求, 如:服务响应时间、服务代价等;2)云服务具有异质、 动态和弹性特征;3)联合云服务执行工作流任务的方 式多样;4)数据传输量更大。然而,工作流调度问题 本质上是联合优化问题,无法通过简单启发式算法或 规则找到全局最优解,是NP-完全问题,且与求解问题 规模紧密相关。
Keywords Cloud computing Workflow scheduling Energy efficiency Pareto optimality Multi-objective
大多数科学应用,如生物信息学、化学和天文学领 域等,均包含有大量优先顺序约束的任务集,其关系通 常建立为有向无循环图DAG任务模型。这些科学工
He Liujie1 Li Bo2
1 (Modern Education Technology Center, Huanghe Science and Technology College, Zhengzhou 450063, Henan, China) 2 (School of Information Engineering, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou 450063, Henan, China)
摘 要 为了同步考虑用户的任务QoS需求和云资源提供方的收益,提出一种云环境中满足帕累托最优的多 目标最优化 DAG( Directed Acyclic Graph)粒子群算法 MODPSO( Multi-objective DAG Particle Swarm Optimization) o 综合考虑任务执行跨度、执行代价与执行能耗的三目标同步最优化,设计基于DVFS的离散PSO调度优化方法。 重新定义PSO的种群粒子进化过程和更新规则,进而得到多目标优化工作流调度解。通过人工合成工作流和现 实科学工作流进行仿真测试,并对算法性能进行分析。结果表明,该算法可以通过非支配集的方式实现冲突多目 标的调度优化求解。在满足用户QoS的同时,得到最优解的Pareto边界集,实现调度性能与系统能耗的均衡。




















在遗传算法中,适应度函数通常用于评估每个个体的适应度,以确定哪些个体能够 survive 和 reproduce。







计 算 机 应 用 研 究
第 33 卷
MIPSj 为每个处理器 其中 proNumj 为虚拟机 VMj 的处理器数量; 每秒产生的指令数量;BWj 为虚拟机 VMj 的网络带宽能力。则 系统最大服务能力为:
serCapacity max m serCapacity j j 1
t (i=1,2,…,scale),t=1 i
2. While(当前迭代次数<设定迭代次数)do 3. for 所有烟花 t do
x i
由公式(12)计算 t 的适应度值;
x i
爆炸幅度使得它们有效地收敛到各个极值;位移操作可以保证 种群的多样性。 c)通过高斯变异在选中的烟花和最好的烟花之间进行变 异,产生新的火花,即新的调度解。 d)对高斯变异后超出边界的火花应用映射规则。 e)应用选择策略得到下一代的烟花群体。 f)判断是否满足终止条件。终止条件可以是满足问题的精 度要求或者是达到最大函数评估次数。 2.2 多目标优化 适应度值用来评价群体智能算法中个体的优劣程度,适应 度值越大,则个体越好,反之个体越差。多目标调度烟花算法 的主要思想是通过计算各个烟花的适应度值来确定每个烟花产 生的火花数量,让适应度值好的烟花产生更多的火花,适应度 值差的烟花产生更少的火花。 根据适应度函数的设计原则, 设
可以按需给用户提供共享的软硬件资源和动态易扩展的服务。 云计算任务调度主要研究如何在云环境下将多个相互独立的任 务分配到规模庞大的虚拟计算资源上,满足用户的任务完成时 间最短、集群负载均衡等目标。因此,云计算任务调度问题实 际上是一个多目标优化问题,采用群体智能算法可以得到次最 优解。 2010 年北京大学谭营教授等人发表了题为 “Fireworks algorithm for optimization[1]”的开创性学术论文,从此,对烟花 算法(FWA)的研究开始在群体智能领域逐渐展开。 近年来,很多学者利用烟花算法在多目标优化问题上做了 大量的研究工作。






粒子群算法(Particle Swarm Optimization, PSO)作为一种群体智能优化算法,具有收敛速度快、全局搜索能力强等优点,已经在多个领域得到了广泛应用。







二、多目标优化问题概述多目标优化问题(Multi-Objective Optimization Problem, MOP)是一类广泛存在于工程实践、科学研究以及社会经济等各个领域中的复杂问题。







基于改进粒子群算法的云计算任务调度算法张陶;于炯;杨兴耀;廖彬【期刊名称】《计算机工程与应用》【年(卷),期】2013(000)019【摘要】How to schedule tasks efficiently is one of the key issues to be resolved in cloud computing environment. A Double Fitness Particle Swarm Optimization algorithm(DFPSO)based on conventional Particle Swarm Optimization(PSO)is brought up for the programming framework of cloud computing. Through this algorithm, the better task scheduling not only shortens total task completion time and also has shorter average task completion time. Simulation results show that DFPSO is better than PSO, and the integrated scheduling performance is excellent, especially when the number of tasks increases.%如何对任务进行高效合理的调度是云计算需要解决的关键问题之一,针对云计算的编程模型框架,在传统粒子群优化算法(PSO)的基础上,提出了一种具有双适应度的粒子群算法(DFPSO)。







粒子群优化算法(Particle Swarm Optimization, PSO)作为一种新兴的优化算法,在多目标优化问题中表现出了良好的效果,本文将介绍基于粒子群优化算法的多目标优化问题求解的思路和方法。

1. 引言随着现代科学技术的不断发展,各行各业都涉及到了多目标优化问题。



2. 多目标优化问题的定义与分类多目标优化问题(Multi-objective Optimization Problem, MOP)是指存在多个相互矛盾的目标函数需要最小化或最大化的优化问题。


根据问题的特征,多目标优化问题可分为以下几类:(1)在选择解时采用 Pareto 最优的非支配解集(Pareto Optimal Non-Dominated Solution Set, PONDS)作为解的选择标准,通常称为 Pareto 优化问题。








3. 粒子群优化算法的概述粒子群优化算法(PSO)是一种优化算法,它是由Kennedy和Eberhart在1995年提出的。



基于改进蚁群算法的微电网多目标优化调度目录1. 内容简述 (2)1.1 研究背景 (3)1.2 研究目的 (4)1.3 研究意义 (5)1.4 国内外研究现状 (6)1.5 本文的主要贡献 (8)2. 相关理论基础 (9)2.1 蚁群算法 (10)2.2 微电网优化调度 (11)2.3 多目标优化方法 (13)3. 改进蚁群算法模型的构建 (14)3.1 蚂蚁个体的适应度函数 (16)3.2 信息素更新规则的改进 (16)3.3 参数设置与调整 (18)4. 基于改进蚁群算法的微电网多目标优化调度方法 (19)4.1 问题定义与建模 (20)4.2 算法流程与实现 (22)4.3 仿真实验与分析 (23)5. 结果与讨论 (25)5.1 实验结果分析 (26)5.2 结果讨论 (27)6. 结论与展望 (29)6.1 主要工作总结 (30)6.2 存在问题与不足 (31)6.3 进一步研究方向 (32)1. 内容简述随着能源结构的转型与可持续发展理念的深入人心,微电网作为新型电力系统的重要组成部分,其优化调度策略的研究日益受到关注。



基于改进蚁群算法(Ant Colony Optimization, ACO)的微电网多目标优化调度是一种结合了人工智能与微电网调度技术的创新方法。































粒子群算法(Particle Swarm Optimization,PSO)是一种启发式优化算法,它已经广泛应用于多个领域中的优化问题。









3.1 基本方法在基于粒子群算法的多目标优化问题研究中,最常用的方法是多目标粒子群算法(Multi-objective Particle Swarm Optimization,MOPSO)。

该算法通过对粒子速度和位置的调整,以期望找到多个目标函数的 Pareto 前沿(Pareto Front),并从中选择最优解。

MOPSO 算法中,每个粒子的位置和速度向量都需要根据多个目标函数来计算。


1 系统模型
用户提交任务至任务请求管理器,经过任务预处理至调度管理器,基于改进遗传算法的智能调度方法 部署在调度管理器中,其系统结构见图1。图1 中,用户通过用户接口提交任务请求至请求管理器,请求管
; 收稿日期: 修回日期: ?
2019 - 09 - 26
2019 - 11 - 04
文章编号: ( ) 2095 - 2562 2020 01 - 0035 - 05
随着云计算的普及,云数据中心的规模和数量迅猛增长,调度问题成为云计算发展的关键,调度策略 是云计算实现高效计算的重要因素。对此很多学者提出了一些解决方案,如对负载进行管理[1]、对应用 数据进行划分优化[2]等,但无论是针对资源负载还是数据应用,都要面对如何尽可能满足用户多方面需 求的情况下提高调度效率。而对于这种多目标优化问题的求解很多学者提出了采用一些智能仿生算法来 实现[3,4],如非支配排序算法(NSGA - ) 、 II [5] Pareto 支配进化算法(SPEA2)[6]、基于参考信息的进化算法 (PAES)[7]等。文献[8]提出了一种偏好向量引导的高维目标协同进化算法。文献[9]提出了一种利润敏 感的空间调度方法,其主要目标是服务商利润最大化,它采用基于遗传、模拟退火的粒子群优化算法实现。 文献[10]针对IaaS 的工作流调度问题,提出了一种进化算法来实现最大化完工时间和成本的优化。文献 [11]针对云计算中任务的截止时间约束问题,提出一种基于二部图模型的调度算法。文献[12]针对端到 端延迟约束问题提出一种启发式调度算法。文献[13]提出一种基于改进粒子群的优化算法。文献[14] 为了降低任务执行成本提出一种改进遗传算法,它的主要目标在于降低工作流调度的成本。文献[15]提 出了一种多目标调度方法,它的主要优化目标为整个系统的吞吐量。文献[16]提出了一种融合布谷鸟搜 索算法与基于对立的学习算法结合的方法,以提高云计算中的性能并降低成本。这些研究多是从云计算 提供方的角度出发,对云计算系统调度问题提出的调度方法,多目标优化也是针对云计算提供商的角度提 出对性能和成本费用的优化。基于此,本文将从用户角度出发,针对用户对截止时间和费用的需求差异, 研究云计算中的任务完成时间和费用的均衡调度问题,从而提高调度完成效率并减少用户的花费。本文 提出了一种基于改进遗传算法的调度方法,同时考虑截止时间和费用预算两个约束条件下,尽可能实现时 间和费用均衡最优化。



基于Pareto最优解集的多目标人工萤火虫群优化算法龚巧巧周永权(广西民族大学数学与计算机科学学院南宁530006 )摘要:提出一种基于Pareto最优解集的多目标人工萤火虫群优化算法,通过采用“Pareto库”来存储当前得到的Pareto最优解,对每次迭代得到的Pareto解集例中的解进行比较,从而更新“Pareto库”中解,这样更好地引导萤火虫进行下一步的寻优,最终得到一个完整的Pareto 最优解集。


关键词:多目标函数;人工萤火虫群算法;Pareto最优解集;“Pareto库”A Multi-objective Artificially Glowworm Swarm Optimization Algorithm Basedon Pareto Optima SetGong Qiaoqiao Zhou Yongquan(College of mathematics and Computer Science, National University of Guangxi Nanning Guangxi 530006, China)Abstract: A multi-objective artificially glowworm swarm optimization algorithm based on Pareto optima set is brought forward In this paper, by adopting a container called “Pareto Library ”to store Pareto optima found, Glowworms in “Pareto Library ”must be made comparisons each other and eliminated gradually, at last a whole Pareto optima set would be achieved. The emulation results of eight typical test functions proved the validity of this algorithm.Keywords: multi-objective function; artificially glowworm swarm optimization algorithm; Pareto optima set; “Pareto Library”1 引言在科学计算与工程领域中优化问题中,需要优化对象的目标往往不止一个,具有一个以上目标函数的问题是相当常见的。



Task Scheduling in Cloud Computing Based on Improved Immune Evolutionary Algorithm
SHEN Li-jun1, LIU Li1,2, LU Rui1, CHEN Yu-ting1, TIAN Ping-ping1
(1. School of Internet of Things, Jiangnan University, Wuxi 214122, China; 2. The 4th People’s Hospital of Wuxi, Wuxi 214062, China) 【Abstract】The task scheduling method built-in cloud computing environment is inefficient. A method based on improved immune evolutionary algorithm is proposed for task scheduling, which roots from artificial immune evolutionary theory to solve global optimize task scheduling on cloud computing. The improved immune evolutionary algorithm(Particle Immune Evolutionary Algorithm)PIEA introduces Particle Swarm Optimization(PSO) into immune evolutionary algorithm. PIEA improves the optimization ability compared with traditional immune evolutionary algorithm, and avoids local Optimization, the convergence of this method is better, and time consuming of task scheduling is reduced. The CloudSim simulation platform is chosen, and results indicate that PIEA can provide efficient task scheduling strategy. 【Key words】cloud computing; immune evolutionary; Particle Swarm Optimization(PSO) algorithm; task scheduling DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-3428.2012.09.063











三、混合算法的提出与实现3.1 蜂群算法蜂群算法是一种模拟蜜蜂觅食行为的优化算法,具有较好的全局搜索能力和鲁棒性。


3.2 遗传算法遗传算法是一种模拟生物进化过程的优化算法,具有强大的全局寻优能力和较好的局部搜索能力。


3.3 混合算法的实现本文将蜂群算法和遗传算法进行混合,形成一种新的多目标云工作流任务调度机制。


四、实验与分析4.1 实验环境与数据集本实验采用云工作流模拟器进行实验,并使用真实的工作流数据集进行验证。


4.2 实验结果与分析通过实验,我们发现基于蜂群与遗传混合算法的任务调度机制在多目标优化、高效率和低时延等方面均表现出较好的性能。











1965年,美国数学家Peter Whittle 提出了针对多目标优化问题的概率型算法方法。














基于粒子群的多目标多执行模式项目调度周蓉;叶春明【摘要】聚焦多目标多执行模式特点下的项目调度问题,通过建立工期、费用、资源和质量多目标函数,构建综合优化模型,同时运用粒子群算法解决工程项目多目标多执行模式优化问题.最后,通过一个应用实例计算,表明粒子群算法可以准确快速地解决该模型下的工程项目多目标优化问题,达到了项目调度中面对不同模式进行抉择,并且缩短工期、减少成本、均衡资源以及提升质量的综合的理想效果.%Multi-objective and multi-mode project scheduling characteristics were mainly focused. A comprehensive optimization model was built by establishing time,expenses,resources and quality objective functions, and a particle swarm optimization was made to solve the multi-objective, and multi-mode project scheduling problems. Through an application example, it is proved that the particle swarm algorithm can solve the multi-objective optimization problems by this model accurately and rapidly, and gain the ideal effect on different mode selection, construction period cut, cost reduction .quality improvement and resources balance in the project scheduling.【期刊名称】《上海理工大学学报》【年(卷),期】2013(035)001【总页数】7页(P27-32,81)【关键词】项目调度;多目标;多执行模式;粒子群算法【作者】周蓉;叶春明【作者单位】上海理工大学管理学院,上海200093【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TP18;N94在工程项目调度中保持工期、成本、质量以及资源的均衡控制是构成项目建设总目标的关键因素,关系到整个工程的成败.为了实现工程项目的总效益,需要对工程项目所要求的质量、所规定的工期、所批准的费用等各个目标进行全方位的协调,因此建立一套科学有用的多目标多模式项目调度综合优化模型十分有必要.目前,解决工程项目优化问题的基本方法主要是网络计划技术,其在解决工程费用、工期、资源等单目标优化方面带来了极大方便.然而,现代的工程项目仅仅考虑单目标的优化是远远不行的.因此,许多专家希望引入最优化技术来研究工程项目多目标优化问题.如王首续[1]、骆刚等[2]将遗传算法引入工程项目优化问题,通过选择、变异、杂交等操作,实现工程项目多目标优化.刘永淞[3]则采用动态规划法(DP)研究工程项目优化问题.杨湘等[4]则应用模糊数学和遗传算法来解决工程项目资源均衡优化问题.粒子群算法(particle swarm optimization,PSO)是一种智能演化计算技术[5],系统初始化为一组随机解,通过迭代搜索最优值.与其它算法比较,PSO的优势在于算法简单和容易实现,同时又有深刻的智能背景,既适合科学研究,又特别适合工程应用.因此,PSO一经提出,立刻引起演化计算领域学者们的广泛关注,并在短短的几年时间里出现大量的研究成果,形成了一个研究热点[6].因此,本文主要以工程项目多目标多执行模式优化模型为研究对象,对项目调度所涉及的重要目标建立综合优化模型,并将粒子群算法引入工程项目优化领域,最终实现工程项目的工期、成本、质量以及资源的均衡性达到合理的配置.1 项目优化模型建立1.1 模型假设根据实际情况,对工程项目中工期、成本、质量以及资源等给予如下假设[7]:a.合理工期是工程项目在正常的条件情况下,使项目的投资方和各参建单位均获得满意的经济效益的工期.b.工程总成本是工程的直接成本与间接成本之和.c.工程总质量由各个单项任务的质量加权平均得到.d.本文的工期指工程项目的合理工期.e.本文直接成本主要指各类资源使用成本;间接成本主要指运输成本.f.工程质量与具体活动的施工组织方式有关,施工组织方式不同,单项工程的质量不同.本文问题具体可描述如下:一个工程中包含J项任务,规定任务j在其全部紧前任务i(i∈Pj,Pj为任务j的紧前任务集)完成之前不能开始.任务1是唯一最早开始的任务,任务J是唯一最晚完成的任务,均为虚拟任务,即不消耗资源且执行时间为0,表示整个工程的开始和结束.又规定任务j(j=1,2,…,J)必须选择Mj种执行模式之一执行,且在执行过程中不能中断或改变执行模式.在第m(1≤m≤Mj)种模式下任务j执行时间为djm.根据各任务在各执行模式下的最短执行时间,并利用传统的时间参数计算方法,可计算出各任务的最早、最晚完成时间窗口[EFj,LFj].同时,引进如下决策变量:1.2 项目工期模型工程项目的工期优化模型为为项目工期时间目标函数,式(1)表示确定最后一项任务结束的最小时间,即代表项目工期最短,tf表示项目执行时间;式(2)表示一项任务j只能在其执行模式mj中选择一种模式去完成;式(3)是紧前关系约束,其中i是j的紧前任务,djm表示任务j所需要的时间;式(4)表示每一阶段可更新资源k的消耗量不能超过其可用总量,其中rjmk指任务j在m模式下对可更新资源k的需求量,q为工序开始时间最大值,Rk为规定的资源消耗总量;式(5)确保了整个项目不可更新资源n的消耗量不能大于其总量Rn;式(6)则规定了变量的取值范围. 1.3 项目成本模型工程项目的成本优化模型为为项目成本目标函数,式(7)代表整个项目的资源消耗成本最小.其中,K为可更新资源总数;Ck表示第k种可更新资源的单位成本;C′k表示第k种可更新资源的每吨运输单位长度的成本(单位:元/(m·t)).同理,定义第n种不可更新资源的相关成本变量分别为Cn,C′n.式(8)指最后一项任务的开始时间STJ小于项目规定的工期结点D,即代表项目工期的约束.指整个工期内可更新资源k的最大消耗水平;为整个项目不可更新资源n的消耗量;定义为整个工期内可更新资源k的最大路径运输量,即任务j在m模式下的路径长度ljm与资源需求量rjmk的乘积;同理定义为整个项目不可更新资源n的最大路径运输量.1.4 项目资源均衡模型资源均衡优化就是在工程项目执行过程中,使资源计划使用量在整个工期内趋于均衡[8].在编制工程网络计划时,要对工作的实际时间进行适当地调整,减少资源使用量的高峰与低谷的差值,即达到资源方差值最小.目标函数如下s.t. 式(2)~(6)为资源均衡目标函数,即各时段资源消耗量与整个工期的平均消耗量的偏差的平方和,从而达到资源消耗的波动水平最小.其中,wk为可更新资源k的权重;wn为不可更新资源n的权重;指项目的完成时间;为项目中在时段t可更新资源k的消耗总量;表示可更新资源k在整个项目工期内的平均资源消耗水平;为项目中在时段t不可更新资源n的消耗总量;则表示不可更新资源n在整个项目工期内的平均资源消耗水平.1.5 项目质量模型考虑到工程质量的特殊性,这里对工程质量进行重新定义和假设.参照文献[9-12],本文在基本模型建立的基础上,采用专家估测法对工程质量进行评分,并确定单个活动在工程中所占的权重.具体目标函数如下FQ=为项目质量目标函数,式(10)表示质量最优.式中,wj指任务j的权重;qjm指任务j在m模式下的质量得分.1.6 多目标优化模型建立为了能够对工程项目进行综合优化,这里将前面的工期、成本、资源和质量各优化目标函数加权求和,建立多目标优化函数式中,WT、WC、WR、WQ 分别为各个目标函数的权重;由于各个模型的目标函数值具有不同的单位和量纲,在进行多目标决策之前先将这些目标无量纲化,即仅用数值的大小来反映各目标属性值的优劣,式中的则是将各目标函数通过无量纲化所得到的,具体为其中工期、成本、资源及质量各目标函数分别得到的最大、最小值为FTmax,FTmin,FCmax,FCmin,FRmax,FRmin和FQmax,FQmin.2 粒子群优化算法2.1 算法思想粒子群优化算法是由Eberhart博士与Kennedy博士发明的一种新的全局优化进化算法.该算法源于对鸟类捕食行为的模拟[6].粒子群优化算法首先初始化一群随机粒子,然后通过迭代找到最优解.在每一次迭代中,粒子通过跟踪两个“极值”来更新自己.一个是粒子本身所找到的最优解,即个体极值pbest.另一个是整个种群目前找到的最优解,称之为全局极值gbest.粒子在找到上述两个极值后,就根据下面两个公式来更新自己的速度与位置[6]:式中,V是粒子的速度;present是粒子的当前位置;rand()*是(0,1)之间的随机数;c1 和c2 被称作学习因子.通常,c1=c2=2,w 是加权系数,取值在0.1~0.9之间.根据上述公式,粒子最终飞至解空间中最优解所在的位置,搜索过程结束.最后输出的gbest就是全局最优解.在更新过程中,粒子每一维的最大速率被限制为Vmax,粒子每一维的坐标也被限制在允许范围之内.2.2 算法流程与步骤粒子群算法步骤如下[13]:步骤1 初始化群体规模为M的粒子群(在控制范围内随机设定位置和速度);步骤2 计算每个粒子的适应值f(p),p为粒子所处的位置;步骤3 将每个粒子适应值与其经历过的最好位置pbest作比较,如果f(pi)<f (pbesti),则f(pbesti)=f(pi);步骤4 将每个粒子适应值与全局极值gbest作比较,如果f(pi)<f(gbest),则f(gbest)=f(pi);步骤5 根据粒子群算法的进化方程,更新速度和位置;步骤6 若到达最大迭代次数G,输出结果;否则,返回步骤2.标准PSO算法流程如图1所示[14].图1 PSO算法流程图Fig.1 PSO procedure2.3 粒子群算法编码2.3.1 粒子编码与初始化在多执行模式的项目调度过程中,需要选择一个可行的执行模式和调度顺序.因此,本文算法中有两种类型的粒子:模式粒子和优先级粒子.其中,模式粒子用以选择执行模式,优先级粒子用以选择各个任务的调度顺序.这两种粒子数量相同,组合形成了一个调度方案.粒子群的搜索空间维度表示项目中的任务数,总数为J,模式粒子xim每个维度的值ximj都是随机值,大小不超过其对应的任务的可选模式总数,这个值表示任务j 所选择的模式.优先级粒子yim每个维度的值yimj都是[0,1]的随机实数,这个值的大小表示选择m模式的任务j调度的优先顺序,值越大越优先调度.为方便理解和计算,取虚拟开始任务的优先值为1,虚拟结束任务的优先值为0,其余任务都在(0,1)中取随机实数.经过简单的降序排序后就得到一个调度顺序,但是这个调度顺序可能不符合逻辑关系约束,即紧后任务的优先值可能大于其紧前任务的值,所以在生成一个调度顺序后,需要加入一个逻辑关系判断程序,以剔掉不符合要求的粒子.2.3.2 调度生成方式基于优先规则的调度生成方式可分为两种:串行调度方案(serial scheduling scheme,SSS)和并行调度方案(parallel scheduling scheme,PSS)[15],本文采用的是串行调度方案.串行调度方案的主要思路是:根据已经确定的调度顺序,按顺序加工,某个任务j的实际开始时间在其最早开始时间EFj与最晚开始时间LFj之间,在程序设计时,只需要判断在EFj和LFj之间,哪个时刻首先满足该任务的资源消耗量小于或等于该时刻的资源剩余总量,这个时刻便是该任务的实际开始时间Tf.依此类推,最后得到该调度顺序各个任务的实际开始时间、工期和成本等一系列目标值,然后通过适应度函数计算最优适应值.2.3.3 粒子更新方式粒子采用式(17)和式(18)对粒子速度和位置进行更新.更新后,如果模式粒子ximj<1,则ximj=1;如果ximj>M,则ximj=M.如果优先级粒子yimj≥1或者yimj≤0,yimj=rand.如果Vimj>1,则Vimj=1;如果Vimj<-1,则Vimj=-1.3 应用实例以国际标准问题库中的J1015-5.SM为测试问题,同时以实际项目经验所提供的基本数据为基础,应用基本粒子群算法求解上述模型下的多目标项目调度问题.作业及资源等信息如表1、表2(见下页)所示.表1 作业信息表Tab.1 Operation information资源405336499881043974487750同时,规定每单位数量资源运输单位长度所需成本为50;四大目标函数权重分别为WT=0.4,WC=0.25,WR=0.15,WQ=0.2.根据表1给出的逻辑关系,绘制出本项目的单代号网络图,如图2(见下页)所示.这里采用Matlab 7.0对以上算法编程,算法参数设置:学习因子c1=c2=2,由于该问题只有12个任务,属于比较简单的调度问题,所以种群规模和进化次数不用设置的太大,本文中设定种群规模M=20,进化次数Gmax=500;粒子群算法迭代运行次数为G=500;w取惯性权重,取值w=wmax-(wmax-wmin)/Dmax,wmax,wmin分别取0.9和0.4.通过500次迭代运算得到了如表3所示的结果.表2 资源信息表Tab.2 Resourcesinformation信息类别资源1资源2资源3资源4633500.30图2 项目网络图Fig.2 Project network diagram表3 单目标与多目标运行结果比较Tab.3 Comparison between single-target & multi-target running results成本185225193 730同时,可以得到该多目标模型下最优方案的具体模式选择情况以及任务对应的调度顺序,如表4所示.表4 最优方案任务执行信息表Tab.4 Details of the optimaldecision任务序号模式序号开始时间0000113795913通过500次进化运算,基本达到收敛性效果,计算平均运行时间为10min,达到平均最优值的比例为98.9%.同时,得到图3的多目标优化函数在此算例下的平均最优适应值曲线,即收敛图.由此可以看出,粒子群算法在求解该项目调度问题时方差较小,结果比较稳定.图3 算例收敛图Fig.3 Convergence of the case4 结束语本文提出在进行项目优化问题求解时,将控制目标有效地结合统一,形成一个综合、科学、有效的数学模型,这种思想是解决实际问题的根本和最优化设计成败的关键. 本文建立了工期—成本—资源均衡—质量的优化模型,并将各目标函数加权求和,采用单目标优化技术求解多目标优化问题,并采用粒子群优化算法求解工程项目多目标问题,能较好地平衡全局与局部搜索能力,保持种群的多样性,避免早熟.项目实例验证结果表明,该综合优化模型具有较好的适用性,粒子群优化算法在求解该多目标项目优化模型问题时具备可行性,并且基本达到了预期理想的结果.【相关文献】[1]王首续,周学林.遗传算法优化施工网络计划的多种资源均衡[J].重庆交通学院学报,2001,20(2):39-45.[2]骆刚,刘尔烈,王健.遗传算法在网络计划资源优化中的应用[J].天津大学学报,2004,37(2):179-183.[3]刘永淞.DP法工期优化[J].湘潭大学学报,2002,24(1):106-108.[4]杨湘,张连营.工程项目工期——成本综合模糊优化[J].土木工程学报,2003,36(3):46-50.[5]刘寅,马良,黄珏.基于模糊粒子群算法的非线性函数优化[J].上海理工大学学报,2012,34(4):314-322.[6]Kennedy J,Eberhart R C.Particle swarm optimization[C]∥IEEE InternationalConference on Neural 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猫群算法(Cat Swarm Optimization,CSO)是由Shu-Chuan Chu等人在2006年提出的一种基于猫的群体智能算法[6]。



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I.J. Information Technology and Computer Science, 2015, 05, 61-66Published Online April 2015 in MECS (/)DOI: 10.5815/ijitcs.2015.05.09Multi-Objective Task Scheduling in the Cloud Computing based on the Patrice SwarmOptimizationFarnaz Sharifi MilaniDepartment of Computer, East Azarbaijan Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz, IranEmail: f.sharifi@iauasrb.ac.irAhmad Habibizad Navin*Department of Computer, East Azarbaijan Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz, IranEmail: habibizad@iauasrb.ac.irAbstract—Cloud computing is the latest emerging trend in distributed computing, where shared resources are provided to end-users in an on demand fashion that brings many advantages, including data ubiquity, flexibility of access, high availability of resources, and flexibility. In this type of systems many challenges are existed that the task scheduling problem is one of them. The task scheduling problem in Cloud computing is an NP-hard problem. Therefore, many heuristics have been proposed, from low level execution of tasks in multiple processors to high level execution of tasks. In this paper, we propose a new algorithm based on PSO to schedule the tasks in the Cloud. The results demonstrated that the proposed algorithm has a better operation in terms of task execution time, waiting time and missed tasks in comparison of First Come First Served (FCFS), Shortest Process Next (SPN) and Highest Response Ratio Next (HRRN).Index Terms—Cloud Computing, Scheduling, PSO, NetworkI.I NTRODUCTIONThe ―Cloud‖the metaphor is a reference to the ubiquitous availability and accessibility of computing resources via Internet technologies [1]. Cloud computing as a novel and entirely internet-based approach is an important concept in today’s distributed systems [2]. It is used chiefly for business applications in which computers cooperate to perform a specific service [3]. It evolved through the recent advancements in hardware, virtualization technology, distributed computing, and service delivery over the Internet. While Cloud computing may not involve a lot of new technologies, it certainly represents a new way of managing IT. In many cases, this will not only change the workflow within the IT organization, it will often result in a complete reorganization of the IT department. Cost savings and scalability can be highly achieved from cloud computing [4]. Cloud computing, which is aimed at providing infrastructures, platforms and software as services has been introduced and implemented in the last few years. It is widely recognized as the next generation of computing architecture [5]. Generally, Cloud computing services can be categorized into three main types of services: Infrastructure as a Service, Platform as a Service and Software as a Service. These services can then be accessed through a cloud client which could be a web browser, mobile app, and so on [6]. Cloud computing provides implementation agility, lower capital expend-iture, location independence, resource pooling, broad network access, reliability, scalability, elasticity, and ease of maintenance [7, 8]. Also it offers numerous advantages for data and software sharing and thus making the management of complex IT systems much simpler [9, 10]. Job scheduler is a vital part of any distributed system like Grid [11-13], Cloud [14-17] and P2P networks [18-20] which assigns jobs to suitable resources for execution. The scheduling of a task workflow in a distributed computing platform is a well-known NP-hard problem [21]. The problem is even more complex and challenging when the virtualized clusters are used to execute a large number of tasks in a Cloud computing platform [21, 22]. For this reason, many heuristics have been proposed, from low level execution of tasks in multiple processors to high level execution of tasks in Grid and Cloud environments [23]. Recently many papers are published which used evolutionary algorithms like genetic, ant colony, bee colony and PSO (Particle Swarm Optimization) for optimization problems[21]. Because of the success of the PSO algorithms, in this paper we propose a new method based on the PSO algorithm for task scheduling in Cloud computing. The proposed method use a multi-objective function for increasing the effectiveness of algorithm.The rest of this paper is organized as follow. In section 2, the related works are briefly reviewed. Section 3 describes the proposed method. In section 4 the obtained results are presented. Finally, last section concludes the paper and suggests some suggestions for future researches.II.R ELATED W ORKSIn this section, the state of the art mechanisms and approaches of task scheduling in the Cloud systems are briefly reviewed and analyzed based on published years.62Multi-Objective Task Scheduling in the Cloud Computing based on the Patrice Swarm Optimization∙2011Garg, Yeo [24] have proposed the near-optimal scheduling policies to exploit heterogeneity across multiple data centers for a Cloud provider. The method is considered a number of energy efficiency factors (such as energy cost, carbon emission rate, workload, and CPU power efficiency) which change across different data centers depending on their location, architectural design, and management system. The have demonstrated that the proposed method can able to achieve on average up to 25% of energy savings in comparison to profit based scheduling policies. Mezmaz, Melab [25] have investigated the problem of scheduling precedence-constrained parallel applications on heterogeneous computing systems like cloud computing infrastructures. They have proposed a new parallel bi-objective hybrid genetic algorithm based on dynamic voltage scaling (DVS) that takes into account, not only makespan, but also energy consumption.∙2012Li, Qiu [26] have proposed two online dynamic resource allocation algorithms for the IaaS Cloud system with preemptable tasks. They algorithms adjusted the resource allocation dynamically based on the updated information of the actual task executions and the experimental results demonstrated that the proposed algorithms can significantly improve the performance in the situation where resource contention is fierce. Also Abrishami and Naghibzadeh [27] have proposed a new QoS-based workflow scheduling algorithm based on a novel concept called Partial Critical Paths (PCP), which tries to minimize the cost of workflow execution while meeting a user-defined deadline. Lu, Jiang [28] have proposed a resources collaboration scheduling model to improve the efficiency of the virtual resources collaboration scheduling. The proposed model is based on virtual organization and makes use of the trust mechanism to estimate the credibility of the virtual organization. Finally, Wang, Zeng [29] have presented a Bayesian method based cognitive trust model, and a trust dynamic level scheduling algorithm named Cloud-DLS (Dynamic Level Scheduling) by integrating the existing DLS algorithm [30].∙2013Van den Bossche, Vanmechelen [31] have proposed a workload model which is considers non-preemptible and non-migratable workloads with a hard deadline that are characterized by CPU, memory and data transmission requirements. Also, Wang, Wang [32] have proposed a genetic algorithm for Cloud resource optimization scheduling model that promised the user needs while optimizing resource allocation. Laili, Tao [14] have combined the Service Composition Optimal Selection (SCOS) and Optimal Allocation of Computing Resources (OACR) into one-time decision in one console, named Dual Scheduling of Cloud Services and Computing Resources (DS-CSCR). Wu, Liu [16] have proposed a market-oriented hierarchical scheduling strategy in Cloud workflow systems.∙2014Frîncu [33] have presented a solution based on genetic algorithm to finding the optimal number of component types needed on nodes so that every type is present on every allocated node. The have tested the algorithm in terms of node load, closeness to the optimal solution and proved the algorithm’s efficiency. Tao, Feng [15] have proposed Case Library and Pareto Solution based hybrid Genetic Algorithm CLPS-GA for Optimal Scheduling of Computing Resources (OSCR). Liu, Qu [34] have proposed a fuzzy clustering method to effectively pre-process the Cloud resources. They have proposed a new directed acyclic graph based scheduling algorithm called earliest finish time duplication algorithm for heterogeneous Cloud systems by combining the list scheduling with the task duplication scheduling scheme. Finally, the experiment demonstrates that the proposed algorithm is effectual and well-organized. Finally, Jung, Lim [35] have presented the workflow scheduling scheme that reduces the task waiting time when an instance occurs the out-of-bid situation.III.P ROPOSED M ETHODIn this section we propose a new method based on PSO for task scheduling in Cloud computing. First, the problem statement is described.A.Problem StatementFor stating the problem we use a DAG (Directed Acyclic Graph) which is a directed graph with no directed cycles. It is formed by a collection of vertices and directed edges, each edge connecting one vertex to another, such that there is no way to start at some vertex v and follow a sequence of edges that eventually loops back to v again [36, 37].Fig. 1. An example of a DAG with 8 tasks and three resourcesIn a DAG vertices denote tasks and edges represent precedence constraints and/or data movements among tasks. Given a set of resources, a schedule for a DAG is an assignment which specifies the mapping of tasks and T0T1T3T4T5T6T7T2T0={8, 20, M}, T1={6, 12, L}T2={7, 15, H}, T3={6, 15, H}T4={8, 18, L}, T5={4, 14, H}T6={7, 20, M}, T7={6, 10, M}resources and the estimated start time of each task on the mapped resource. Here, the aims of DAG scheduling is to minimize the overall execution time, waiting time and the missed tasks. Fig. 1 represents an example of DAG. In this example, three resources and eight tasks are exist. Each task have three properties {ET1, deadline, priority}.B.Swarm IntelligenceSwarm intelligence refers to collective intelligence. Biologists and natural scientist have been studying the behavior of social insects due to their efficiency of solving complex problems such as finding the shortest path between their nest and food source or organizing their nests. In spite of the fact that these insects are unsophisticated individually, they make wonders as a swarm by interaction with each other and their environment. In last two decades, the behaviors of various swarms that are used in finding preys or mating are simulated into a numerical optimization technique. The collective intelligence emerges from a self-organization process of agents evolving autonomously according to a set of internal rules specifying its motion patterns and interaction with the environment and other agents, such that intelligent collective behavior arises from simple individual behaviors [38]. Some important swarm intelligence techniques are ant colony optimizer, particle swarm optimizer, artificial bee colony algorithm, glowworm algorithm, firefly algorithm, cuckoo search algorithm, bat algorithm, and hunting search algorithm [39]. Most of the swarm intelligence–based algorithms are simple and robust techniques that determine the optimum solution of optimization problems efficiently without requiring much of a mathematical struggling. PSO has attracted significant attention since its inception because of its simplicity and effectiveness in solving various optimization problems [40]. Therefore, we choose PSO for solving the stated problem.C.The proposed methodPSO is a metaheuristic algorithm which is developed by Kennedy and Eberhart [41] to find good solutions in optimization problems which takes its inspiration from the cooperation and communication of a swarm of birds. Inspired by social models and swarming theory, it consists of a swarm that collectively explore the solution search space of an optimization problem and stores the best solutions found. In PSO, each individual in the swarm, called a particle, behaves like an agent of a highly decentralized and intelligent environment. Each particle of the swarm contributes to the environment by following very simple rules, thus cooperating and communicating with other particles of the swarm [42]. Particles are attracted at each iteration to the best solutions found by themselves and to the best solutions found by their neighbors, thereby encouraging the exploration of nearby solutions to potentially find better ones [43]. Analogous to other evolutionary algorithms, such as GA and ACO, PSO is a population-based stochastic optimization 1 Execution Time algorithm. A swarm of particles attempts to search for superior solutions through learning, communication and interaction. The position of each particle refers to a solution. The state of particle i is described by its current position x i = [x i1, x i2, …x iD] and velocity v i = [v i1, v i 2, …v iD], where D is the number of variables encountered in the optimization problem. In the generic PSO with inertia weight [44], the position and velocity of particle i are updated during the evolutionary process [40]:=w× + c1 × × ( - )+ c2 × × (- ) (1)=+ (2) where is the d th variable of the position of particle i;is the d th variable of the velocity of particle i;is the d th variable of the personal historical best position found by particle i; is the d th variable of the global best position found by the whole swarm; c1 and c2are the acceleration parameters commonly set to 2.0;and are two random numbers drawn from a uniform distribution over [0, 1] and w is the inertia weight used to set up the balance between the abilities of global and local search features of PSO [40, 44].a. Solution RepresentationAs a first step in PSO, the candidate solutions must be encoded in a suitable form. Here, the solution is represented as a string of length n, where n is the number of the requested tasks. For example, fig. 2 represents a solution with 6 tasks and 4 servers. According to fig. 2, T1 is assigned to S1 (first server), T2 and T6 are assigned to S3 and so on.342431Fig. 2. An example of solution with 6 tasks and 4 serverb. Particle FitnessFitness or quality value shows how fit the solution is, i.e. how well it adapts to its environment. For a maximization problem, the fitness of a solution can be proportional to the value of the objective function [21]. We uses three terms including total execution time (Ttime), average of waiting time (Wtime) and numbers of missed tasks because of their deadline (Missed) for designing fitness function as follow:FF1= 1/Ttime, (3) FF2= 1/Wtime, (4) FF=, (5) Where the aim of PSO is to maximize the value of FF.c. Termination ConditionThe algorithm is ran until no improvement in the fitness of the gbest has been observed for 10 generations or maximum iterations is reached.d. Pseudo CodeIn this section the pseudo code of the proposed algorithm is described as follows:∙For each particle∙Initialize particle∙End For∙Do∙For each particle∙Calculate the fitness value of the particle fp∙/*updating particle’s best fitness value so far) */∙If fp is better than pbest∙Set current value as the new pbest∙End For∙/*updating population’s best fitness value so far)*/ ∙Set gbest to the best fitness value of all particles∙For each particle∙Calculate the particle velocity according to (1)∙Update particle position according to (2)∙End For∙End Do While maximum iterations OR no improvement in gbest in 10 interactions are reached.IV.S IMULATION R ESULTSIn this section, we present the results to evaluate the performance of the proposed method using Matlab. We suppose the number of resources in the Cloud is 8 and the number of tasks are 40 where their execution and creation time are listed in table 1.Table 1. Arrival time, service time, deadline and dependency of 40tasksTask # ArrivalTimeServiceTimeDeadline Dependency1 1448-----2 1524-----3 1951014 1481615 9918-----6 92427 61258 18816-----9 20361, 710 25102, 5, 711 71020612 186121013 20367, 1314 910208, 1015 159185, 316 99181017 3714-----18 4361119 55101620 74815, 221 83615, 1122 212-----23 137148, 9, 1324 5816525 78161, 1426 2036-----27 13247, 1128 0102022, 2629 17918830 1161221312061219, 2932661216, 19, 2733114816341071423359918173618481637412-----38134831391771412, 244011246, 37To study the effectiveness of the proposed method, we compare it with First Come First Served (FCFS), Shortest Process Next (SPN) and Highest Response Ratio Next (HRRN). Fig 3 illustrates the simulation result based on the overall execution time that the PSO has better performance.Fig 4 illustrates the simulation result based on the average service time + waiting time that the PSO has better performance.Fig 5 illustrates the simulation result based on the average of missed tasks that the SPN has better performance.Finally, Fig 6 illustrates the simulation result based on the resource utilization that the PSO has better performance.Fig. 3. The simulation result based on the overall execution time102030405060FCFS SPN HRRN PSOTimeMethodFig. 4. The simulation result based on the average service time +waiting timeFig. 5. The simulation result based on the average of missed tasksFig. 6. The simulation result based on the resource utilizationV. C ONCLUSION AND F UTURE W ORKSCloud computing as a novel and entirely internet-based approach is an important concept in distributed systems. In Cloud computing, shared resources are provided to end-users in an on demand fashion that brings many advantages, including data ubiquity, flexibility of access, high availability of resources, and flexibility. In this typeof systems many challenges are existed that the task scheduling problem is one of them. In this paper, a new algorithm based on PSO is proposed to schedule the tasks in the Cloud. The results demonstrated that the proposed algorithm has a better operation in terms of task execution time, waiting time and missed tasks in comparison of FCFS, SPN and HRRN. In the future, we plan to modify the proposed method to support the heterogeneous resources.R EFERENCES[1] Oliveira, T., M. Thomas, and M. Espadanal, Assessing thedeterminants of cloud computing adoption: An analysis of the manufacturing and services sectors. 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He received his M.Sc. degree in computer architecture from Science and Research Branch of Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran, in 2003 and his Ph.D. in computer hardware from Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran, in 2007. His research interest includes computer architecture, data-oriented approach, robotic, soft computing and probability and statistic.。
