



最见问题产品1.你们的付款方式是怎样的?2. 你们标准的退货保证程序是怎样的?3. 你们在其他国家有没有分销商?4. 购买传感器要提前多少时间下定单?5. 城市技术共有多少名员工?6. 我怎样开设帐户?7. 你们的工作时间是怎样的?8. 你们能否为公司加贴标签?9. 你们是否为仪器更换传感器?技术1.日期代码代表的是什么意思?2. 为什么CiTiceL产品中NX1在车用中用途比3NF/F更好?3. 传感器使用多久后需要再校准?4. 不同传感器的交叉干扰性区别会有多大?5. 在传感器前部使用泵,反应是否会加速?6. 是否可以在传感器前加上一层薄膜或过滤器?7. 在设计合适的样本系统时应考虑哪些因素?8. 如果气体本身的温度与传感器的温度不同会怎样?9. 如何识别你们生产的传感器?10. 传感器是否能被持续暴露于目标气体?11. 传感器持有那些批准证书?12. 传感器的外壳是由哪些材料制成的?13. 传感器内部安全吗?14. 我如何测试电路?15. 我如何清洗传感器?16. 如果我将传感器暴露于操作说明规定以外的温度会怎样?17. 如果我将传感器暴露于操作说明规定以外的压力会怎样?18. 保存传感器的理想条件是什么?19. 传感器的电力要求是怎样的?20. 内置过滤器能使用多长时间?21. 如果超过规定的最大负荷,会怎样?22. 传感器要正常工作,需要多少氧气?23. 为什么我的传感器读数比说明中的低?24. 如何连接传感器?25. 你们是否有温度数据?26. 你们是否有交叉干扰数据?27. 建议的保存期是多长?28. 为什么有最低流速的要求?29. 什么情况下会使传感器失效?30. 我如何准备使用CiTiceL产品?31. 什么时候需要更换传感器?32. 能否用CiTiceLs传感器测试替代气体?. 你们的付款方式是怎样的?客户享有30天的信用期限,在所提供的证明文件得到认可后,可以给予信用期限。

一氧化碳传感器 标准

一氧化碳传感器 标准


















4 F 和 4 + 的 所 有 管 角 都 做 过 镀 金处 理 ,以 减少 其 与 客户 产 品连 接 的接 口的 能 耗 ,进 而 提 高 产 品 性 能 C+ HS
界 ; ll 刚0 臼 0
萤 睁 摊口,
的 稳 定 性 , 而 产 品 的 这 种 稳 定性 在 其 处 在 晃
动或震动 的环境 中时显得尤 为重要。另外 , 在焊接 4 F 和 4 + C + HS 传感器 内的电流 电极丝
Pr du t e u e o cs F at r
特 写
摘要 :霍尼韦尔集团英 国城市技术公 司最近发布了它的的一氧化碳传感器和硫 化氢传 感器的升级产品 : 4 F 和 4 S 。与升级前的产品相 比有 着更可靠 、更稳 定的性 能。本文重点介绍新产品的升级特性和 C + H + 优势 ,以及用户升级中所需要注意的问题 。 关键 词 : C + 4 S ; 传感器 ;升级 ;读数 ;输出 4 F ; H +
4 HS 和 4 .M 的 H S传感 器 的 升 级 ・ HSL 2
f级 前 的产 品 已广 泛 应 用 于 生命 安全 领 域 的单 种 和 多种 气 体 的 便 l ‘
携式检测 仪器 中,并且 以其性能稳定 、反应灵敏、 读数快 以及极少错误警报 在业 内享有盛名 。 新一代 C O和 H2 感器分别命名 为 4 F 和 4 + S传 C+ HS ,最初是 由仪表制造商 Z l ee 根据 自己的市场需 了传感 器 个 体问的高斯模式灵 敏度 正态分布区 域,而 贝尔曲线也 随着标准偏差 的减 小而 收窄 。传 感器 如此 高效的

致 性 定 能 方 便 O Ms 行 功 能 性 测 试 或 报 警 检 测 。 E 进
4 、漏 气 测 试



About V ANDOGermany VANDO Analytical Instruments GmbH was established in 1990, it not only inherited the tradition of German-made high-quality optical instruments, and by virtue of its unique advanced technology and reliable quality and attentive service, always a leader spectroscopy techniques. VANDO products are widely used: various iron and steel metallurgy, nonferrous metals, petro-chemical, machinery manufacturing, energy, electricity, rail transportation, aerospace, food hygiene and environmental protection.德国VANDO分析仪器公司于1990年成立,它不仅继承了德国优质光学仪器制造的传统,而且凭借其独特的先进技术和稳定可靠的质量以及周到的售后服务, 始终处于光谱分析技术的领先地位。


公司俯瞰Non-Dispersive Infrared(NDIR)sensors are spectroscopic devices often usedfor gas analysis. The key components are an infrared source(lamp), a sample chamber or light tube,a wavelength fifter, and an infrared detector. The gas is pumped or diffuses into the sample chamber and gas concentration is mea-sured electro-optically by its absorption of specific wavelenth in the infrared. 非分光式红外(NDIR)传感器作为光谱检测手段多用于气体分析领域.其主要由红外光源,气室,波长滤波器以及红外探测器组成。




















英国CITY氨气传感器NH3 3E100SE氨气检测模块

英国CITY氨气传感器NH3 3E100SE氨气检测模块

AmmoniaR e v . 11/2011Sensoric NH3 3E 100 SE深圳市深国安电子科技有限公司Sensoric NH3 3E 100 SEFEATURESAmperometric 3 electrode sensor cellVery stable zero readingVery selectiveHighly sensitiveHydrous electrolyteTYPICAL APPLICATIONSTLV-monitoring, leakage detectionSensoric deems the data contained herein as factual,and the opinions expressed are those of qualified experts based on the results of tests conducted.The above data can not be used as a warranty provision or representation for which Sensoric assumes legal responsibility.The data are offered solely for consideration,investigation and verification.Any use of this information is subject to federal,state and local laws and regulations.R e v . 1 1 / 2 0 1 1portable & fixed point applicationsFood & Refrigeration Industry, General Industry, Semiconductor Industry PART NUMBER INFORMATIONMINI1845-932-30009SENSORIC CLASSIC1845-932-30069CTL 4 series adaptation1845-932-30049CTL 7 series adaptation1845-932-30079深圳市深国安电子科技有限公司TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONSMeasuring Range0–100 ppmSensitivity Range130 nA/ppm ±30 nA/ppmZero Current at 20°C< ±100 nAResolution at 20°C< 1 ppmBias Potential0 mVLinearity< 10% full scaleResponse Time at 20°Ct50< 20 s calculated from 5 min. exposure time Sensoric NH3 3E 100 SESensoric deems the data contained herein as factual,and the opinions expressed are those of qualified experts based on the results of tests conducted.The above data can not be used as a warranty provision or representation for which Sensoric assumes legal responsibility.The data are offered solely for consideration,investigation and verification.Any use of this information is subject to federal,state and local laws and regulations.R e v . 1 1 / 2 0 1 1t90< 60 s calculated from 5 min. exposure time Long Term Sensitivity Drift< 5% per 6 monthsOperation ConditionsTemperature Range-20°C to +40°CHumidity Range15–90% r.H, non–condensingEffect of HumiditySensor Life Expectancy> 24 months in air*Warranty12 monthsNote:* Background concentrations of ammonia might shorten life time of sensor .深圳市深国安电子科技有限公司Sensoric NH3 3E 100 SESensoric deems the data contained herein as factual,and the opinions expressed are those of qualified experts based on the results of tests conducted.The above data can not be used as a warranty provision or representation for which Sensoric assumes legal responsibility.The data are offered solely for consideration,investigation and verification.Any use of this information is subject to federal,state and local laws and regulations.R e v . 1 1 / 2 0 1深圳市深国安电子科技有限公司Sensoric NH3 3E 100 SESensoric deems the data contained herein as factual,and the opinions expressed are those of qualified experts based on the results of tests conducted.The above data can not be used as a warranty provision or representation for which Sensoric assumes legal responsibility.The data are offered solely for consideration,investigation and verification.Any use of this information is subject to federal,state and local laws and regulations.R e v . 1 1 / 2 0 1深圳市深国安电子科技有限公司Cross Sensitivities at 20°CGas Concentration Reading [ppm]Alcohols1000 ppm0Carbon Dioxide5000 ppm01Carbon Monoxide100 ppm0Hydrocarbons% range0Hydrogen10000 ppm02Sensoric NH3 3E 100 SESensoric deems the data contained herein as factual,and the opinions expressed are those of qualified experts based on the results of tests conducted.The above data can not be used as a warranty provision or representation for which Sensoric assumes legal responsibility.The data are offered solely for consideration,investigation and verification.Any use of this information is subject to federal,state and local laws and regulations.R e v . 1 1 / 2 0 1 1Hydrogen Sulfide20 ppm21) At higher carbon dioxide concentration (approx. >5%) there can be a negative reading2) Short gas exposure in minute range.Notes:1.Interference factors may differ from sensor to sensor and with life time. It is not advisable to calibrate with interference gases.2.This table does not claim to be complete. The sensor might also be sensitive to other gases.深圳市深国安电子科技有限公司Safety NoteThis sensor is designed to be used in safety critical applications. To ensure that the sensorand/or instrument in which it is used, are operating properly, it is a requirement that the function of the device is confirmed by exposure to target gas (bump check) before each use of the sensor and/or instrument. Failure to carry out such tests may jeopardize the safety of people and property.AttentionSensoric deems the data contained herein as factual,and the opinions expressed are those of qualified experts based on the results of tests conducted.The above data can not be used as a warranty provision or representation for which Sensoric assumes legal responsibility.The data are offered solely for consideration,investigation and verification.Any use of this information is subject to federal,state and local laws and regulations.R e v . 1 1 / 2 0 1 1Use of the Sensoric range sensors requires complete understanding of the instructions. Before using Sensoric range sensors please carefully read ‘Application Notes’ which can be found at under the heading ‘Support’ -> ‘Application Notes’->‘Sensoric’Product Safety Data Sheets (PSDS) can be obtained at under the heading ‘Support’ -> ‘Product Safety Datasheets’For further assistance on sensor selection and use, please contact a member of the Technical Sales team.深圳市深国安电子科技有限公司。

英国CITY AO2 0-100%VOL氧气传感器 国外原装进口富量氧气体检测探头

英国CITY AO2 0-100%VOL氧气传感器  国外原装进口富量氧气体检测探头

Doc. Ref.: a02.pmd Issue 1.6Page 1 of 222nd October 2001AO2 CiTiceL ®with Molex connectorPerformance CharacteristicsOutput Range Resolution Expected Operating Life T 90 Response Time T 99.5 Response Time*Signal in 100%O 2Linearity Zero Offset Temperature Range Temperature Compensation Differential Pressure Range Absolute Pressure Range Relative Humidity Range Long Term Output Drift Recommended Load ResistorWarranty Period 9 - 13mV in Air 0-100% O 20.01% O 2360000%O 2hrs at 20°C286000%O 2hrs at 40°C or 2 years in air at STP<5 seconds <40 seconds100±1%Linear 0-100% O 2<20µV-20°C to +50°C<2% variation from 0°C to 40°C(see graph)0-500mbar Max 500-2000mbar0 to 99% non-condensing <10% signal loss/year Min 10K Ω12 month from date of despatch*T 99.5 response is equivalent to a change in concentration from 20.9% O 2 to 0.1% O 2N.B.All performance data is based on conditions at 20°C,50%RH, and 1013mBarNOTEMolex header used in sensor is MOLEX 22-29-2031Suggested mating parts are:Molex 22-01-2035: 3-way housing Molex 08-56-0110: crimp terminalsAO2 CiTiceL to be assembled into application 'finger tight' onlyOxygen CiTiceL® SpecificationTemperature BehaviourThe output of an AO2 CiTiceL varies with gradual changes in temperature, but incorporates a thermistor to compensate for these changes. The thermistor gives the AO2 a very stable output over a wide temperature range.The graph below shows the typical output behaviour of AO2 sensors over the range 0°C to +40°C.Cross-sensitivityThe AO2 has been tested for cross-sensitivity to a number of gases likely to be present in an automotive exhaust sample. The gas concentrations used and the response of the AO2 have been summarised below.These figures show that of the gases tested none show a sufficiently large cross-sensitivity to cause any inaccuracy in readings. In addition the baseline was unaffected by exposure to these gases.Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this document at the time of printing. In accordance with the company’s policy of continued product improvement City Technology Limited reserves the right to make product changes without notice. No liability is accepted for any consequential losses, injury or damage resulting from the use of this document or from any omissions or errors herein. The data is given for guidance only. It does not constitute a specification or an offer for sale. The products are always subject to a programme of improvement and testing which may result in some changes in the characteristics quoted. As the products may be used by the client in circumstances beyond the knowledge and control of City Technology Limited, we cannot give any warranty as to the relevance of these particulars to an application. It is the clients’ responsibility to carry out the necessary tests to determine the usefulness of the products and to ensure their safety of operation in a particular application.Performance characteristics on this data sheet outline the performance of newly supplied sensors. Output signal can drift below the lower limit over time. Doc. Ref.: a02.pmd Issue 1.6Page 2 of 222nd October 2001。












3. 传感器的寿命问题:电化学传感器均存在寿命因素,例如一氧化碳,最长寿命为空气中2年,基本在6个月后灵敏度就会不断的下降,需要通过反复的调试才能够维持使用。










符合中国煤矿标准的City传感器--4CM 传感器-符合中国煤矿标准的 传感器-• • 检测范围上升至1000ppm。 基本误差 0-20ppm < 2ppm 0-100ppm < 4ppm 0-500ppm < 4% • • • • • 反应时间变快至小于35s。 100s内复位至小于2ppm。 在温湿度极端环境下,传感器的长期稳定性仍然良好。 环境瞬变时,传感器性能稳定。 达到国家安全成产行业标准AQ6205-2006的技术指标。 我们的测试根据AQ6205-2006而来 而来 我们的测试根据
4CM 性能:反应时间
• • 对高浓度CO,反应时间变小。 反应时间分布区域变小。
Response time (T90) to 250ppm CO (s)
19 18 17 16 T90 (s) 15 14 13 12 11 10 4CF 4CF+ Cell type 4CM Competitor
Variant 4CF 4CF+ 4CM C ompetitor
Span performance
257 256
Span Drift, Average +/- 2*STDEV (ppm)
255 254 253 252 251 250 249 248 247 Calibration Gas exposure 1 Gas exposure 2 Gas exposure 3 Gas exposure 4 Gas exposure 4CF 4CF+ Cell type 4CM Competitor
Failed to recov er to < 2 ppm withi 15 mins in



一氧化碳CO气体检测模块SKA/CO-101NE Sensor一氧化碳CO气体检测模块产品概述SKA/CO-101一氧化碳气体检测模块是一款专门针对空气中存在的一氧化碳CO气体,进行24小时实时在线监测浓度含量的模块产品。



可直接输出模拟电流4-20mA,模拟电压0.4-2V、0-5V,数字信号TTL,R S485通讯协议等信号。









●信号输出:模拟电流4-20mA,模拟电压0.4-2V、0-5V,数字信号TTL,R S485通讯协议等信号;并可以选配1-2组继电器(开关量信号)信号输出,方便与风机或电磁阀的控制设备联动使用。



AsH3 3E 1 F LT
2 years
NEW 3 Electrode sensor with ionic liquid electrolyte and 200ppm hour H2S filter; available in Mini, Classic, 4-Series and 7-Series formats.
HCl/HBr 3E 30
>2 years
NH3 3E 100 SE
>2 years
NH3 3E 1000
>18 months
NH3 3E 1000 SE



About V ANDOGermany VANDO Analytical Instruments GmbH was established in 1990, it not only inherited the tradition of German-made high-quality optical instruments, and by virtue of its unique advanced technology and reliable quality and attentive service, always a leader spectroscopy techniques. VANDO products are widely used: various iron and steel metallurgy, nonferrous metals, petro-chemical, machinery manufacturing, energy, electricity, rail transportation, aerospace, food hygiene and environmental protection.德国VANDO分析仪器公司于1990年成立,它不仅继承了德国优质光学仪器制造的传统,而且凭借其独特的先进技术和稳定可靠的质量以及周到的售后服务, 始终处于光谱分析技术的领先地位。


公司俯瞰Non-Dispersive Infrared(NDIR)sensors are spectroscopic devices often usedfor gas analysis. The key components are an infrared source(lamp), a sample chamber or light tube,a wavelength fifter, and an infrared detector. The gas is pumped or diffuses into the sample chamber and gas concentration is mea-sured electro-optically by its absorption of specific wavelenth in the infrared. 非分光式红外(NDIR)传感器作为光谱检测手段多用于气体分析领域.其主要由红外光源,气室,波长滤波器以及红外探测器组成。

一氧化碳传感器 CO-AF

一氧化碳传感器 CO-AF

一氧化碳传感器 CO-AF简介一氧化碳传感器(Carbon Monoxide Sensor)CO-AF 用于检测空气中一氧化碳的浓度,一般用于家庭、商业及工业场所等空气质量监测环境中。

CO-AF 采取化学敏感电阻元器件,其检测灵敏度高、响应速度快、实时性强、使用寿命长。

CO-AF 能够准确地监测空气中一氧化碳的浓度,一旦浓度超过设定的安全值,CO-AF 将自动发出警报声,提醒使用者及时处理。

技术规格1.检测气体:一氧化碳2.工作电压:DC 5V3.电流:≤100mA4.接口类型:数字信号输出(TTL电平)5.探测范围:0~1000 ppm6.分辨率:1 ppm7.稳定性:长期稳定8.响应时间:≤30s9.工作温度:-20℃ ~ 50℃10.工作湿度:≤95%RH(无凝露)11.尺寸:32mm × 22mm × 15mm使用方法1.将 CO-AF 插入通电的 MCU 开发板上的数字输入口。

2.开启 MCU 开发板,读取 CO-AF 输出的数字信号,将其转换为浓度值。

3.设置安全阈值,当 CO-AF 输出的浓度值超过阈值时,MCU 开发板发出警报声,提醒使用者及时处理。

4.定期对 CO-AF 进行校准及维护,以保证检测精度和使用寿命。

注意事项1.使用 CO-AF 时需要使用 DC 5V 电源。

2.在 CO-AF 使用前,必须进行预热 24 小时以上,以达到检测灵敏度。

3.CO-AF 不适用于酸气、碱气、有毒气体等非一氧化碳气体的检测。

4.长期存放时,CO-AF 需要保持干燥、无灰尘、温度合适的环境,避免因环境恶劣造成使用寿命缩短。

优点和缺点优点:1.CO-AF 时间响应快,能够及时检测空气中一氧化碳的浓度。

2.CO-AF 精度高,能够检测到浓度值极低的一氧化碳。

3.CO-AF 自动发出警报声,通过声音提醒用户及时处理。

缺点:1.CO-AF 只能检测一氧化碳气体,不能应用于其他气体的检测;2.需要进行定期的维护和校准。



细孔和薄膜氧气传感器对对温度的变动都是敏感的,但敏感程度不同。 温度对细孔氧气传感器的影响相对较小,通常温度从+20°C 到–20°C 会导致输出信号 损失 10%。相对的,温度对薄膜氧气传感器的影响要大得多,气体扩散通过薄膜是一个活 动的过程,通常 10°C 的温度变化就会导致传感器信号输出加倍。薄膜氧气传感器要求 温度的相对稳定,因而许多 CiTiceLs?产品带有内置热敏电阻。 英国 CITY 氧气传感器典型应用:
气体 - 氧气 应用 - 工业安全 选择 - 0-30%;
系列 气体类型 产品名称
使用寿命* 量程
气体 - 氧气 应用 - 排放
空气中1年 空气中2年 空气中2年 空气中2年
0-30% 0-30% 0-30% 0-25%
塑料容器传感器 塑料容器装传感器带细管头 废气传感器
气体类型 产品名称 使用寿命* 量程
AutoO2? O2
AutoO2? O2
空气中2年 空气中2年
0-100% 0-100%
汽车传感器(内置热敏电阻),通过 BAR97和 PTB 认证 汽车传感器,含0.141"微型电话插口,通过 BAR97和 PTB 认证
微型传感器,塑料容器 微型传感器,塑料容器 微型传感器 – 塑料罐。用于极端环境 微型传感器,塑料容器,带传输板
气体类型 产品名称
使用寿命* 量程产品描述来自CiTiceL? O2



智能型一氧化碳CO 传感器4NE /CO-10004NE /CO -1000智能传感器是专门针对气体探测器生产企业推出的新型智能传感器,主要为解决气体探测种类繁多、各品种传感器互不兼容、生产标定复杂、核心器件更换限制等问题。




■ 本安电路设计,可带电热拔插操作; ■ 专业精选、原装进口,兼容红外、电化学、催化、半导体等多种传感器; ■自带温度补偿,出厂精准标定,使用时无需再标定; ■ 电压和串口同时输出特点,方便客户调试及使用; ■ 最简化的外围电路,生产简单、操作方便。

1)工作电压:; ≤50mA (催化≤100mA );; 4 5 6)检测原理:电化学;11)重复性; 12)长期零漂≤; 13)工作; 14)工作; 15)存贮; 15)工作;17)外壳材质; 18)输出接口 ; 19)使用寿命; 20)质保期 ; 21)数字信号格式; 22)波特率; 23)输出电压; 24)外型尺寸:4NE Φ21.5*31mm (引脚除外);DC5V ±1% 2)工作电流: 3)测量气体:一氧化碳CO )安装方式:7脚拔插式;)测量范围:1000ppm ; 7)分辨率: 2ppm ; 8)响应时间:<30s ; 9)采样精度:±2%FS ; 10 )预热时间:30s ; :±1%FS :1%FS /年 温度:-20~70℃湿度:10~95%RH(无凝露)温度:-40~70℃气压:86kPa ~106kPa :铝合金: 7PIN :2年以上(以传感器使用寿命为准): 1年:数据位:8;停止位:2;校验位:无: 9600:0.4-2.0VDC(常规)、0-1.6VDC 、0-4VDC 、0-5VDC可选31m m引脚名称说 明1234567定位VCC GND VOUT RXD TXD RDE 定位针脚(不允许接地,请悬空)+5V 电源输入地电压输出串口脚(传感器串口接收脚)串口脚(传感器串口发送脚)串口输出控制脚(接485置低发送)4NE 系列智能传感器数字通讯协议1、异步串行通信参数:始位: 1 数据位: 8 停止位: 2 校验: 无 波特率: 96002、帧格式:(每一通信帧的格式如下)H -数据头,为连续2 至4 个字节的FFH 。








Figure 1 - Schematic of oxygen sensor.进入传感器的氧气的流速取决于传感器顶部的毛细微孔的大小。

当氧气到达工作电极时,它立刻被还原释放出氢氧根离子:O2 + 2H2O + 4e- " type="#_x0000_t75">4OH-这些氢氧根离子通过电解质到达阳极(铅),与铅发生氧化反应,生成对应的金属氧化物。

2Pb + 4OH- " type="#_x0000_t75">2PbO + 2H2O + 4e-上述两个反应发生生成电流,电流大小相应地取决于氧气反应速度(法拉第定律),可外接一只已知电阻来测量产生的电势差,这样就可以准确测量出氧气的浓度。


通常氧气传感器的使用寿命为1-2 年,但也可以通过增加阳极铅的含量或限制接触阳极的氧气量来延长传感器的使用寿命。



英国CITY抗中毒可燃气体传感器CAT16 催化燃烧式气体传感器 英国原装进口 抗硫化氢中毒

英国CITY抗中毒可燃气体传感器CAT16 催化燃烧式气体传感器 英国原装进口 抗硫化氢中毒

Operating Principle Gas DetectedMeasurement RangeOperating VoltageOperating CurrentMaximum Power Comsumption Maximum Methane Concentration Expected Operating LifeOutput SensitivityTemperature RangePressure RangeHumidity Range (non-condensing)Response Time (T 5 90)Long Term Zero DriftLong Term Span DriftLinearity Hexamethyl-DisiloxaneHydrogen Sulphide Can TypeStorage LifeStorage ConditionsOrientationWarranty Period Constant current Most combustible gases & vapours 0-100% LEL 2.7V ± 0.2V 200mA 580mW 5% v/v Greater than five years >12mV/% methane -40o C to +50o C 1 atm ± 10%Continuous: 15-90% RH Intermittent: 0-99% RH <10 seconds <±3% LEL methane per year <±3% LEL methane per year ±10% LEL up to 100%Very high Very highClosed 6 months in sealed container 10-20°C, 45-75% RH in clean air Any 12 months from date ofdespatch Operating PerformancePoison ResistancePhysical SpecificationOutline DimensionsAll dimensions in mmAll tolerances ±0.15mm unless othewise stated Sixth Sense CAT 16Ordering Details Part Number 2111B2016The data contained in this document is intended for guidance only and it is the Clients’ responsibility to perform anynecessary tests to ensure correct performance of this product in specific application for which it is intended. In the interest of product improvement, Sixth Sense reserve the right to alter and amend the product and its performance without notice. As this product may be used by the Client in circumstances outside the control of Sixth Sense, we cannot give any warranty as to the accuracy of these details in any specific application.Relative Response Data**Note: These figures are to be used as a guide only. For greatest accuracy, gas detecors should be calibrated with the target gas. In the interest ofproduct improvement Sixth Sense reserve the right to alter design features and specifications without notice.。

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Technical SpecificationsProduct DimensionsCarbon Monoxide (CO) Gas SensorPart Number: 2112B2055RAll dimensions in mmAll tolerances ±0.15 mm unless otherwise statedKey Features & Benefits:• Fast response and recovery time• Superior long-term performance at temperature and humidity extremes • Meets sensor requirements described in AQ6205-2006 and EN45544-2000MEASUREMENTOperating Principle Detection Range Filter Filter Capacity Sensitivity Response Time (T90)(for concentrations up to 500 ppm)Recovery Time (from 100ppm down to <2 ppm)Baseline Offset (clean air)Baseline Shift: -40°C to -20°C -20°C to +20°C +20°C to +55°C RepeatabilityLinearityELECTRICALResolution (Electronics dependent)Recommended Load Resistor Bias Voltage MECHANICALHousing Material Pin Material Weight Orientation Sensitivity ENVIRONMENTALIntended Use Operating Temperature Range Temperature Coefficient:at -40°C at -20°C at +55°C Operating Pressure Range Operating Humidity Range 4CM CiTiceL ®Portable detectors for most LifeSafety applications-40°C to +55°C See Characterisation Note45 to 65% of signal w.r.t. +20°C 73 to 82% of signal w.r.t. +20°C 105 to 111% of signal w.r.t. +20°C800 to 1200 mbar15% RH to 95% RH non-condensing<1 ppm typical5 ΩNot requiredNoryl 110Gold over nickel plated brass5 g (nominal)None3-electrode electrochemical 0 to 2000 ppmTo remove acid gases See note on Page 2> 20000 ppm hours70 ± 15 nA/ppm≤10 s at 20°C< 90 s (typically < 30 s)< ±2 ppm CO equivalent< ±3 ppm CO equivalent < ±2 ppm CO equivalentTypically < +4 ppm (+9 ppm max.) < ±2% CO equivalent Linear up to 2000 ppmIMPORTANT NOTE:Connection should be made via recommended mating parts only. Soldering to the sensor will result in damage and invalidate the warranty. All performance data is based on conditions at 20°C, 50% RH and 1013 mBar, using City Technology recommended circuitry and flow rates. Temperature data gathered on a sample of 144 sensors. Data average ± 4.5 standarddeviationsGas Concentration Used (ppm)Reading (ppm CO)Acetylene (C 2H 2)10088Ethylene (C 2H 4)10097Hydrogen (H 2)100< 28Nitric Oxide (NO)48.614Nitrogen Dioxide (NO 2)19.5<0.5Chlorine (Cl 2)13.7<0.5Ethanol (C 2H 5OH)2000Hydrogen Sulfide (H 2S)500Sulfur Dioxide (SO 2)200Ammonia (NH 3)20Cross Sensitivity TableWhilst CiTiceLs are designed to be highly specific to the gas they are intended to measure, they will still respond to some degree to various gases. The table below is not exclusive and other gases not included in the table may still cause a sensor to react.Filter InformationActivated carbon cloth filter with high surface area: • Removes acid gases such as SO 2, NO 2 & H 2S • Protects from short-term (<1000 ppm hours) exposure to alcohols such as Methanol, Ethanol, & IPAThe cross-sensitivity values quoted are based on tests conducted on a small number of sensors. They are intended to indicate sensor response to gases other than the target gas. Sensors may behave differently with changes in ambient conditions and any batch may show significant variation from the values quoted.0.2 mA 1.3 V <1.0 AINTRINSIC SAFETY DATAMaximum at 2000 ppm Maximum o/c Voltage Maximum s/c Current < 5% per annum0°C to +20°C in sealed container24 months in air6 months in original packaging24 months from date of despatchLIFETIMELong Term Output Drift Recommended Storage Temp Expected Operating Life Storage Life Standard WarrantyData MatrixType: 2D (ECC 200) Data Matrix CodeCompliance: ISO 16022 Standard (Grades A - D)Format: AAAABBBBBBBCCCCCCCCCDDDDDDEEEE AAAA = Gas TypeBBBBBBB = Serial Number CCCCCCCCC = Part NumberDDDDDD = Date of Manufacture (expressed as yymmdd )EEEE = Sensitivity (in nA/ppm )Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this document at the time of printing. In accordance with the company’s policy of continued productimprovement City Technology Limited reserves the right to make product changes without notice. No liability is accepted for any consequential losses, injury or damage resulting from the use of this document or from any omissions or errors herein. The data is given for guidance only. It does not constitute a specification or an offer for sale. The products are always subject to a programme of improvement and testing which may result in some changes in the characteristicsquoted. As the products may be used by the client in circumstances beyond the knowledge and control of City Technology Limited, we cannot give any warranty as to the relevance of these particulars to an application. It is the clients’ responsibility to carry out the necessary tests to determine the usefulness of the products and to ensure their safety of operation in a particular application.Performance characteristics on this data sheet outline the performance of newly supplied sensors. Output signal can drift below the lower limit over time.SAFETY NOTEThis sensor is designed to be used in safety critical applications. To ensure that the sensor and/or instrument in which it is used, are operating properly, it is a requirement that the function of the device is confirmed by exposure to target gas (bump check) before each use of the sensor and/or instrument. Failure to carry out such tests may jeopardize the safety of people and property.PoisoningCiTiceLs are designed for operation in a wide range of environments and harsh conditions. However, it is important that exposure to high concentrations of solvent vapours is avoided, both during storage, fitting into instruments, and operation.When using sensors with printed circuit boards (PCBs), degreasing agents should be used before the sensor is fitted. Do not glue directly on or near the CiTiceL as the solvent may cause crazing of the plastic.。
