2023-2024学年高中历史岳麓版选修5第四单元 欧罗巴藏珍单元测试(含答案解析)
2023-2024学年岳麓版高中历史单元测试学校 __________ 班级 __________ 姓名 __________ 考号 __________注意事项1.答题前填写好自己的姓名、班级、考号等信息;2.请将答案正确填写在答题卡上;一、选择题(本大题共计10小题每题3分共计30分)1.据文献记载 16世纪中叶廷巴克图有一百八十多所教授《古兰经》的学校极像一座大学城这一景象属于哪一国家的极盛时期()A. 马里B. 桑海C. 加纳D. 津巴布韦【答案】B【解析】根据所学知识可知廷巴克图是西非文化中心 16世纪时桑海达成于极盛由题干中的“16世纪中叶廷巴克图”可排除A、C项 B项正确津巴布韦是南部非洲文明的代表廷巴克图在西非且津巴布韦的鼎盛时期是14﹣15世纪排除D项2.体育运动是古代希腊公民的政治生活之一隐含着超越强身健体和娱乐的社会价值政治家往往依靠各种活动形式来安抚公民、鼓励公民、反馈公民这说明希腊注重()A. 城邦共和精神的塑造B. 人文主义思想的弘扬C. 公平竞争意识的培养D. 民众健康体格的训练【答案】C【解析】古希腊没有“共和精神” 排除A项材料强调公民在政治活动方面的作用故B项错误根据材料“政治家往往依靠各种活动形式来安抚公民、鼓励公民、反馈公民”可知古希腊注重公平竞争意识的培养 C项正确民众健康体格的训练未完整展现出材料想要反映的内容故D项错误故选C3.下列关于中古时期印度的表述错误的是()A. 笈多帝国兴起于恒河流域B. 印度教由婆罗门教演变而来C. 德里苏丹以伊斯兰教为国教D. 德里苏丹重要职位由印度教徒担任【答案】D【解析】根据所学知识可知印度历史上的德里苏丹国是穆斯林建立的国家其重要职位均由伊斯兰教徒担任所以 D项说法错误符合题意A、B、C三项均表述正确不合题意故排除4.如图所示为出土于3000余年前的莎草纸画此文物可用于研究()A. 古代西亚的文字艺术B. 古代印度的宗教文化C. 阿拉伯人的神话文学D. 古代埃及的社会生活【答案】D【解析】结合所学知识可知莎草纸由古代埃及人发明画中的文字属于象形文字因而此文物可用于研究古代埃及的社会生活故选D项排除其他三项故选 D5.战国时期中国的纵横家善于游说使国君采纳建议古希腊的智者学派却善于演讲和辩论使大众接受自己的主张这种差异()A. 由地理环境决定B. 由经济形态决定C. 与政治制度差异有关D. 与文明程度的高低有关【答案】C【解析】地理环境会对思想发展有影响但不会导致“中国的纵横家……使国君采纳建议……古希腊的智者学派……使大众接受自己的主张”现象出现故A错误经济形态对思想文化有影响但材料内容“由经济形态决定”的表述过于绝对故B错误从“中国的纵横家善于游说使国君采纳建议” 可知是中国实行等级制度君主掌握政权的体现“智者学派却善于演讲和辩论使大众接受自己的主张” 可知体现的是古希腊实行民主制度民众参与政权故C正确战国时期的中国和古希腊都是奴隶社会不存在文明程度的高低比较故D错误故选C6.里约奥运的精彩让人再次回想起古代奥运下列关于古代奥林匹克体育竞技会的解释不正确的是()A. 遗址位于雅典郊区每隔四年举行因英雄崇拜故各项目只设一个优胜者B. 既是宗教庆典又是运动竞赛同时也是商人艺术冢们的交易、交流平台C. 其精神含义是和平友谊、公平竞争、追求健美、奋发向上、崇拜英雄等D. 会期内各城邦不得进行战争即使战事正进行也必须实现“神圣休战”【答案】A【解析】A.古希腊的奥运会是整个希腊城邦群体的活动是在奥林匹斯山进行不是在雅典郊区B.古希腊的奥林匹克运动既是宗教庆典又是体育运动竞赛当然也是商品交易和艺术交流的平台C.古希腊的运动会体现了和平友谊公平竞争的观念选项是正确的D.古希腊的奥林匹克运动会碰到战争时期战争也要停止这是当时的规定故选A7.在古代世界有一个国家公民享有民主需具备一定的个人道德修养例如下列人员不得在公民大会上发言任何殴打父母的人任何不赡养父母的人任何未按指令服兵役和从战场脱逃的人任何挥霍掉从其父母或从其他人那里继承下来的财产的人……这个国家是()A. 古希腊斯巴达B. 古希腊的雅典C. 古罗马共和国D. 古罗马帝国【答案】B【解析】8.希腊神话经由《荷马史诗》在希腊民众中流传其中记述着诸神之首的宙斯可以为了获得自由而向父亲复仇宙斯的子嗣出于各种目的彼此攻伐女神赫拉、雅典娜、阿弗洛狄式因为金苹果之争最终导致了特洛伊战争这说明A. 希腊神话蕴含着人文精神B. 希腊各城邦矛盾非常尖锐C. 《荷马史诗》不能反映希历史D. 古希腊政治统治带有神秘色彩【答案】A【解析】《荷马史诗》中认为是诸神之间也想人一样存在诸多矛盾而且诸神的矛盾导致了特洛伊战争的爆发这说明神存在与人类似的情况由此体现了人的价值说明希腊神话中蕴含着人文精神故选A 材料反映的是《荷马史诗》中诸神的矛盾以及引发的侯国没有体现希腊各城邦之间的矛盾排除B 《荷马史诗》在一定程度上能够反映史实排除C 材料反映的不是古希腊的政治统治的特点排除D.9.希腊人首创了数学、科学和哲学最先写出了有别于纯粹编年表的历史书他们自由地思考着世界的性质和生活的目的而不为任何因袭的正统观念的枷锁所束缚这表明古希腊人()A. 崇尚民主政治B. 秉承法律至上C. 冲破神权控制D. 追求理性精神【答案】D【解析】材料“他们自由地思考着世界的性质和生活的目的而不为任何因袭的正统观念的枷锁所束缚”体现的是希腊人崇尚独立思考和理性判断强调的是对理性精神的追求 D 选项符合题意崇尚民主政治、法律至上和冲破神权控制的说法与材料无关未涉及 ABC选项排除10.英文中的文明一词来源于古希腊的拉丁文(Civis).意思是城市的居民其本质含义是人民生活于城市和社会集团中的能力古希腊的“文明”内涵反映了古希腊文明的特点是A. 小国寡民B. 城邦政治C. 直接民主D. 轮番执政【答案】B【解析】材料中的关键信息是“城市的居民”、”城市和社会集团中“两处从中可以看出古希腊文中十分强调人在城邦中的地位与作用故B项说法符合题意 A、C、D均与材料主旨无关错误二、论述题(本大题共计4小题每题15分共计60分)11.阅读下列材料并结合所学知识回答问题黑格尔在他的《历史哲学》中有这么一段话“中国、印度、巴比伦都已经进展到了此种耕地的地位但是占有耕地的人民既然闭关自守并没有分享到海洋所赋予的文明既然他们的航海——不管这种航海发展到怎样的程度——没有影响于他们的文化所以他们和世界历史其他部分的关系完全只由于其他民族把它们寻找和研究出来”对于黑格尔的观点你是否同意结合所学知识论证你的观点(要求观点明确史论结合逻辑严密表述清楚)【答案】示例一观点我赞成黑格尔的观点论述中国古代文明更多呈现的是保守的农业文明特征①古代文明是建立在发达的小农经济之上②中国并不具备海洋文明需要的开放和进取精神③形成的是农业文明基础上的君主专制制度中国航海技术和造船技术长期领先于世界其实是农耕文明的外延是建立在农耕文明创造的先进技术之上并没有改变农耕文明的本质特征示例二观点我反对黑格尔的观点海洋文明对中国古代文明的形成产生巨大影响①在明朝之前中国的航海技术和航海活动长期领先于世界(考生可自由列举)②对外贸易活动是古代经济的重要组成部分甚至在某些朝代是支柱产业③在对外贸易中还形成了先进的市场理念和平等精神海洋文明到明代中期后逐渐衰落更多的是与明朝的对外贸易政策以及当时外国入侵等偶然因素有关【解析】本题为开放性题目考生可任选角度论证黑格尔观点如赞成黑格尔的观点首先分析中国古代农业文明特征但须进一步论证中国古代航海技术和航海活动领先于世界的原因如反对黑格尔的观点可首先列举中国古代航海技术、航海活动领先于世界的表现但须说明后来航海活动的衰落更多的是偶然原因12.阅读材料完成下列要求材料“人是万物的尺度”这句古老的希腊哲学话语完整的含义至少包括三个层面的解读第一人身方面人必须有人身自由人不能成为他人的奴隶就是要把人从奴隶制度下解放出来第二精神方面人必须有精神自由人不能成为神及其代言人的奴隶就是要把人从蒙昧、蒙骗中解脱出来第三物质方面人必须有物质自由人应当追求理性追求科学用发展生产力来克服物质世界的限制让自然为人类服务这三个方面构成了人文精神的完整含义成为西方人文精神的渊源近代欧洲科学的发展和思想解放运动从根源上说无不滥殇于这一思想并不断地丰富发展着人文精神的内涵共同推进了人类在精神层面的自立、自主、自觉和自信——摘编自张晖明等《人文精神的回归与马克思主义经济学的理论创新》概括材料中的观点并结合近代欧洲文明发展的相关知识任选两个角度对材料中的观点加以论述(要求观点明确史实准确史论结合)【答案】观点近代欧洲文明继承和发展了古希腊人文精神角度一文艺复兴批判神权统治鼓吹个性解放和思想自由崇尚理性和科学追求知识体现了精神方面的进一步解放启蒙运动丰富和发展了人文精神的内涵把反封建、反宗教神学的斗争推进到反封建专制制度建立资产阶级“理性王国” 按照资产阶级利益构建政治制度的高度上来体现了人身方面的进一步解放角度二近代欧洲民主政治制度的建立与发展推翻了封建专制统治使人们享有了一定的民主权利体现了人身方面的进一步解放角度三欧洲近代科学的兴起与发展(即科学革命)破除了迷信和盲从对自然规律的重大发现不仅激起了人们探索社会规律的热情也推动了工业革命的发生冲破了自然对人类的束缚极大地推动了资本主义的发展体现了物质方面的进一步解放角度四近代欧洲工业革命兴起和发展通过技术革新使工业布局摆脱了对自然条件的依赖改变了人们的生产、生活方式和思想观念推动了欧洲资本主义的发展体现了物质方面的进一步解放总之西方人文精神起源于古希腊近代欧洲文明在不同历史阶段丰富和发展了人文精神的内涵【解析】本题属于开放性试题要求学生结合材料提炼出材料观点结合史实加以论证据材料“近代欧洲科学的发展和思想解放运动从根源上说无不滥觞于这一思想并不断地丰富发展着人文精神的内涵”可以得出材料的观点为近代欧洲文明继承和发展了古希腊人文精神结合近代思想、政治和科技等方面的史实加以论证即可13.阅读材料完成下列要求材料世界政治文明具有多样性请依据上表摘录的内容结合史实概括你的观点并展开论述【答案】示例观点地理环境对古代政治文明产生重大影响论述古代政治文明受地理环境因素制约、影响很大其中以雅典和中国的表现尤为突出中国土地辽阔黄河流域、长江流域与中华文明的诞生有着密切的渊源中华文明属于大河文明农耕经济发达古代中国在政治上实行专制主义中央集权政治制度与这一地理环境密不可分例如秦朝的三公九卿制、郡县制唐代以后的三省六部制等都是专制主义中央集权政治的具体体现雅典濒临大洋港湾众多小国寡民是海洋文明的一个重要组成部分其商品经济繁荣海外贸易发达对外具有开放性这些是构成雅典民主制的重要因素如雅典推行的公民大会制、选举制、任期制、少数服从多数原则等是民主制的直接表现综上所述地理环境是古代国家政治制度形成的一个重要条件其对政治文明产生了重大的影响【解析】本题属于开放性论述题依据表格信息可以看出涉及的是中国和雅典政治制度状况以及地理环境由此可从地理环境对古代政治文明产生重大影响方面提取观点然后结合古代中国专制主义中央集权制度和雅典民主政治形成条件从地理环境、经济、政治方面进行论述最后得出地理环境是古代国家政治制度形成的一个重要条件其对政治文明产生了重大的影响的结论14.阅读材料回答问题材料下面是古希腊的两个神话故事——摘编自钱乘旦《西方那一块土》解读材料信息得出两条对古希腊文化的认识并予以阐释【答案】认识1 古希腊文化人文主义色彩浓厚阐释古希腊的天神宙斯追求自己心仪的女子这说明在古希腊文化中天神与普通民众具有同样的需求米斯诺王国的国王是宙斯与欧罗巴的儿子对百姓比较善良和仁慈这反映了普通民众的要求因此这两则神话从侧面反映出古希腊文化人文主义色彩浓厚认识2 古希腊文化与古代东方文化存在一定的联系阐释两则神话人物故事存在先后关系故事一中的欧罗巴是腓尼基国王的女儿腓尼基在今天的黎巴嫩地区而米诺斯国王是宙斯与欧罗巴的儿子传说是古人类的记忆用神话的形式记录下来这一关系折射出古希腊文化与古代东方文化存在一定的联系【解析】本题为开放性试题根据材料“众神中有一个叫宙斯他负责管理这些神也负责维护人间的秩序”“向公主求婚公主只能接受宙斯的求婚做他的妻子”“国王是宙斯与欧罗巴的儿子”结合所学知识可提出观点为古希腊文化人文主义色彩浓厚然后结合两则材料中的信息进行论述说明即可。
英伦历史文化拾遗(黑龙江联盟)第一章单元测试1. 这是一门专业课程.( )答案:错误答案2. 课程目标包含一下几个方面?( )A. 素质养成B. 语言技能C. 兴趣爱好D. 文化知识答案: A,B,D答案3. 本门课程涉及( )个主要民族的文化和历史.A. 3B. 1C. 4D. 2答案: C答案4. 你将学习到英国的( )个历史时期.A. 4B. 1C. 2D. 3答案: A答案5. 以下哪个民族不是课程的主要讲解部分( ).A. 苏格兰B. 美国C. 爱尔兰D. 威尔士答案: B答案第七章单元测试1. Celtic peoples inhabiting Britain called ( ).A. BrownB. BrainC. BorrowD. Briton答案: D答案2. Emperor Hadrian built a massive wall right across the country, named ( ).A. Hadrian’s WallB. Great WallC. Antonine's WallD. North Wall3. The Anglo-Saxon invaders shaped England into ( ) major kingdoms.A. SevenB. EightC. FiveD. Six答案: A答案4. The Anglo-Saxon spoke a language which we now call ( ).A. New EnglishB. Half EnglishC. Old EnglishD. Y oung English答案: C答案5. Anglo-Saxon couldn’t conquer ( ).A. WalesB. ScotlandC. IrelandD. England答案: B答案第三章单元测试1. ( ) actually managed to hold back the Vikings.A. Demon the GreatB. Ethan the GreatC. Cannon the GreatD. Alfred the Great答案: D答案2. ( ) was the queen of Ethelred and later the queen of Canute.A. AmyB. AnneC. EmmaD. Gucci答案: C答案3. The nike name of King Edward was ( ).A. Edward the Lion HeartB. Edward the ConfessorC. Edward the Long legD. Edward the Harefoot答案: B答案4. Famous Vikings number one was King ( ).A. Canute the GreatB. EmmaC. WilliamD. Edward5. Which modern day words for days of the week originate from the Vikings?( ).A. MondayB. SundayC. ThursdayD. Friday答案: C答案第九章单元测试1. William Conqueror won the Battle of ( ), then he became the first Norman King.A. HastingsB. LondonC. Stamford BridgeD. Westminster答案: A答案2. William the Conqueror had ( ) sons.A. ThreeB. FourC. T woD. Five答案: A答案3. William the Conqueror built at least 90 castles for ( ).A. a kind of protectionB. visitingC. good lookingD. swimming答案: A答案4. Norman Conquest happened on the year of ( ).A. 1001B. 1002C. 1066D. 1000答案: C答案5. ( ) of England marked the establishment of feudalism in England.A. CastleB. Norman ConquestC. French languageD. T ower of London答案: B答案第二章单元测试1. The Angevin Empire, also called ( ).A. the House of FlowerB. the House of PlantagenetC. the House of FoodD. the House of Fruit答案: B答案2. ( ) owned more land in France than the French King .A. Edward the ConfessorB. Henry IIC. Canute the GreatD. Emma答案: B答案3. Henry’s quarrels with ( ), have cast a long shadow over his reign.A. his queenB. his fatherC. Thomas BecketD. his mother答案: C答案4. Richard I was called ( ).A. the man heartB. the Lion HeartC. the girl heartD. the cat heart答案: B答案5. King John was forced to accept the historic Magna Carta,and in English it is called ().A. the small chapterB. the big chapterC. the Great ChapterD. the large chapter答案: C答案第五章单元测试1. The Wars of the Roses were a series of dynastic wars for ( ).A. the throne of EnglandB. red rosesC. pink rosesD. white roses答案: A答案2. Queen Margaret of Anjou was the ( ).A. Red QueenB. White queenC. green queenD. black queen答案答案: A3. Elizabeth Woodville was the ( ).A. Red QueenB. orange queenC. White queenD. pink queen答案: C答案4. Elizabeth Woodville became a queen when married with Edward IV.That was her ( )mariage.A. ThirdB. SecondC. FifthD. First答案: B答案5. King Henry VI had ( )that he couldn’t run the country.A. tumorB. mental illnessC. feverD. cancer答案: B答案第八章单元测试1. The reign of the T udor dynasty also became known as the time of the ( ) in England.A. Golden ageB. Sweat ageC. RenaissanceD. Good age答案: C答案2. Henry VIII had ( ) wives.A. fiveB. twoC. oneD. six答案答案: D3. How many days did LADY JANE GREY be the Queen of T udor?( ).A. tenB. nineC. oneD. two答案: B答案4. Mary I persecuted 300 Protestants earned her the nickname ( ).A. Pure MaryB. Bloody MaryC. Pretty MaryD. Beautiful Mary答案: B答案5. Queen Elizabeth never married all her life, regarded as a ( ) married her nation.A. old queenB. lonely queenC. virgin queenD. good queen答案: C答案第六章单元测试1. James VI of Scotland succeeded to the English throne, and he was ( ) of England in the Union of the Crowns.A. James IIB. James IVC. James ID. James III答案: C答案2. James I firmly believed “the Divine Right of Kings”, which held that a king’s actionsare approved of ( ).A. by teacherB. by motherC. by GodD. by father答案: C答案3. Gunpowder plot was an assassinate toward ( ) in 1605.A. Bloody MaryB. James IC. Queen AnneD. Queen Elizabeth答案: B答案4. The supporters of Parliament were called ( ) while the adherents of the King were called Cavaliers.A. RoundheadsB. small headsC. big headsD. bad heads答案: A答案5. Who was the leader of New Model Army?( ).A. Oliver CromwellB. James IIIC. James ID. James II答案答案: A第十一章单元测试1. George III was interested in agricultural improvement, so he was given the nickname ( ).A. Worker GeorgeB. Lawyer GeorgeC. Farmer GeorgeD. Singer George答案: C答案2. In 1801, under the Act of Union, Great Britain and Ireland were united a single nation, the United Kingdom, George III became the first king of the ( ).A. USAB. UNC. UFOD. UK答案: D答案3. Queen Victoria came to the throne shortly after her ( ) birthday.A. 28thB. 18thC. 17thD. 16th答案答案: B4. Britain was considered the Empire on which ( ).A. the sun never downB. the sun never setC. the sun never redD. the sun never right答案: B答案5. The great Victorian Era has left us one legacy that we still enjoy today, that is the British ( ).A. morning teaB. afternoon teaC. evening teaD. goodmorning tea答案: B答案第十二章单元测试1. George V first made ( ) broadcast across the Empire at Christmas in 1932.A. internetB. KTVC. radioD. TV答案: C答案2. King Edward VIII abdicated because he fell in love with ( ).A. EdwardB. Mr SimpsonC. Wallis SimpsonD. Edison答案: C答案3. King George VI was the origin figure of movie ( ).A. The King's MouthB. The King's SpeechC. The King's T eethD. The King's Love答案答案: B4. ( ) has become the United Kingdom's longest-reigning monarch, that means she hasruled for longer than any other Monarch in British history.A. Elizabeth IIIB. Elizabeth IC. Elizabeth IVD. Elizabeth II答案: D答案5. Diana died on Sunday, August 31,1997, following a ( ) crash in Paris.A. boatB. trainC. carD. airplane答案: C答案第十章单元测试1. In the movie Brave Heart, the Scottish national hero ( ) gathered his people, and defeated England army.A. William WallaceB. William WatteC. William WallD. William White答案: A,C答案2. T raditionally, Scotsmen don’t wear underwear with kilts?( ).A. I don't know.B. Y es,they do.C. No, they don't.D. Sometimes.答案: C答案3. The haggis is made of the liver, heart and lungs of a ( ).A. cowB. catC. dogD. sheep答案答案: D4. The national flower of Scotland is ( ).A. roseB. thistleC. sunflowerD. lily答案: B答案5. At the battlefields bagpipes have led many brave soldiers to fight, the pipers’duty was to stand on the battlefield and play stirring tunes to rouse his ( ) out of trenches and into battle.A. warriorsB. enemiesC. boysD. girls答案: A答案第四章单元测试1. The famous Irish Proverb is “It's easy to halve the ( ) where there's love”.A. appleB. potatoC. pineaplleD. orange答案答案: B2. Irish in a New World was the flood of Irish into the ( ).A. United StatesB. UKC. FrenchD. Asia答案: A答案3. The author of poem When Y ou Are Old is ( ). He is regarded by many as Ireland’s greatest ever poet.A. William Butler Y eatsB. Maud DownC. Maud GonneD. Maud Anne答案: A答案4. Claddagh ring represents ( ).A. loyaltyB. all of aboveC. friendshipD. love答案: B答案5. The Irish claim that they have been making wine ( ) for anywhere between 1000 and 1600 years.A. white wineB. beerC. whiskeyD. red wine答案: C答案绪论单元测试1. Wales has ( ) National Parks and five Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty.A. fourB. oneC. twoD. three答案: D答案2. There is a ( ) dragon on the national flag of Wales.A. blueB. whiteC. redD. green答案答案: C3. In Wales legend, Arthur was ( ) for sure. He lived in Wales landscape and lived in Welsh heart.A. not realB. realC. magicD. half real答案: B答案4. T o mark the St David, Welsh people around the world wear one or both of their national emblems - a ( ) or leek.A. sunflowerB. daffodilC. lilyD. rose答案答案: B5. According to legend on the eve of the battle against the Saxons St David advised the Britons to wear ( ) in their caps so as to easily distinguish friends from foes.A. onion ringsB. leekC. garlicD. onion答案: B答案。
《新视野大学英语读写教程(第二版)第三册》课后答案新视野大学英语读写教程(第二版)第一册》课后答案《马·克思主·义大体原理概论》新版完整答案《毛·泽东思想和中国特色社会主·义理论体系概论》习题答案(2020年修订版的)21世纪大学实用英语综合教程(第一册)课后答案及课文翻译西方经济学(高鸿业版)教材详细答案《新视野大学英语读写教程(第二版)第二册》课后答案思想道德修养与法律基础课后习题答案《中国近代史纲要》完整课后答案(高教版)《全新版大学英语综合教程》(第三册)练习答案及课文译文《全新版大学英语综合教程》(第一册)练习答案及课文译文《会计学原理》同步练习题答案《微观经济学》课后答案(高鸿业版)《统计学》课后答案(第二版,贾俊平版)《西方经济学》习题答案(第三版,高鸿业)可直接打印毛邓三全部课后思考题答案(高教版)/毛邓三课后答案新视野大学英语听说教程1听力原文及答案下载西方宏观经济高鸿业第四版课后答案《管理学》经典笔记(周三多,第二版)《中国近代史纲要》课后习题答案《理论力学》课后习题答案《线性代数》(同济第四版)课后习题答案(完整版)高等数学(同济第五版)课后答案(PDF格式,共527页)中国近现代史纲要课后题答案曼昆《经济学原理》课后习题解答21世纪大学英语读写教程(第三册)参考答案谢希仁《计算机网络教程》(第五版)习题参考答案(共48页)《概率论与数理统计》习题答案《模拟电子技术基础》详细习题答案(童诗白,华成英版,高教版)《机械设计》课后习题答案(高教版,第八版,西北工业大学)《大学物理》完整习题答案《管理学》课后答案(周三多)机械设计基础(第五版)习题答案[杨可桢等主编]程守洙、江之永主编《普通物理学》(第五版)详细解答及辅导新视野大学英语课本详解(四册全)21世纪大学英语读写教程(第四册)课后答案新视野大学英语读写教程3册的课后习题答案新视野大学英语第四册答案(第二版)《中国近现代史》选择题全集(共含250道题目和答案)《电工学》课后习题答案(第六版,上册,秦曾煌主编)完整的英文原版曼昆宏观、微观经济学答案《数字电子技术基础》习题答案(阎石,第五版)《电路》习题答案上(邱关源,第五版)《电工学》习题答案(第六版,秦曾煌)21世纪大学英语读写教程(第三册)课文翻译《生物化学》复习资料大全(3套试卷及答案+各章习题集)《模拟电子技术基础》课后习题答案(共10章)《概率论与数理统计及其应用》课后答案(浙江大学盛骤谢式千编著)《理论力学》课后习题答案(赫桐生,高教版)《全新版大学英语综合教程》(第四册)练习答案及课文译文《化工原理答案》课后习题答案(高教出版社,王志魁主编,第三版)《国际贸易》课后习题答案(海闻P.林德特王新奎)大学英语综合教程1-4册练习答案《流体力学》习题答案《传热学》课后习题答案(第四版)高等数学习题答案及提示《高分子化学》课后习题答案(第四版,潘祖仁主编)马·克思主·义大体原理概论答案《计算机网络》课后习题解答(谢希仁,第五版)《概率论与数理统计》优秀学习资料《离散数学》习题答案(高等教育出版社)《模拟电子技术基础简明教程》课后习题答案(杨素行第三版)《信号与线性系统分析》习题答案及辅导参考(吴大正版)《教育心理学》课后习题答案(皮连生版)《理论力学》习题答案(动力学和静力学)选修课《中国现当代文学》资料包机械设计课程设计——二级斜齿圆柱齿轮减速器(WORD+原图)《成本会计》配套习题集参考答案《概率论与数理统计》8套习题及习题答案(自学推荐)《现代西方经济学(微观经济学)》笔记与课后习题详解(第3版,宋承先)《计算机操作系统》习题答案(汤子瀛版,完整版)《毛·泽东思想和中国特色社会主·义理论体系概论》有史以来最全面的温习资料!!!《线性代数》9套习题+9套相应答案(自学,复习推荐)《管理理论与实务》课后题答案(手写版,中央财经大学,赵丽芬)统计学原理作业及参考答案机械设计课程设计——带式运输机的传动装置的设计《物理学》习题分析与解答(马文蔚主编,清·华大学,第五版)《新编大学英语》课后答案(第三册)《通信原理》课后习题答案及每章总结(樊昌信,国防工业出版社,第五版)《c语言程序与设计》习题答案(谭浩强,第三版)《微生物学》课后习题答案(周德庆版)新视野第二版全四册听说教程答案《宏观经济学》课后答案(曼昆,中文版)《电力电子技术》习题答案(第四版,王兆安,王俊主编)《土力学》习题解答/课后答案《公司法》课后练习及参考答案《全新版大学英语综合教程》(第二册)练习答案及课文译文新视野大学英语视听说第三册答案《工程力学》课后习题答案(梅凤翔主编)《理论力学》详细习题答案(第六版,哈工大出版社)《成本会计》习题及答案(自学推荐,23页)《自动控制原理》课后题答案(胡寿松,第四版)《复变函数》习题答案(第四版)《信号与系统》习题答案(第四版,吴大正)《有机化学》课后答案(第二版,高教版,徐寿昌主编)《电工学——电子技术》习题答案(下册)《财务管理学》章后练习参考答案(人大出版,第四版)现代汉语题库(语法部分)及答案《概率论与数理统计》习题详解(浙大二、三版通用)《有机化学》习题答案(汪小兰主编)《微机原理及应用》习题答案《管理运筹学》第二版习题答案(韩伯棠教授)《古代汉语》习题集(附习题答案)福建人民出版社《金融市场学》课后习题答案(张亦春,郑振龙,第二版)《公共关系学》习题及参考答案(复习必备)现代汉语通论(邵敬敏版)词汇语法课后练习答案《国际经济学》教师手册及课后习题答案(克鲁格曼,第六版)《教育技术》课后习题答案参考(北师大)《金融市场学》课后答案(郑振龙版)《组织行为学》习题集答案(参考下,还是蛮好的)《分析化学》课后习题答案(第五版,高教版)大学英语精读第3册答案(外教社)《国际经济学》习题答案(萨尔瓦多,英文版)《复变函数与积分变换》习题答案《信息论与编码》辅导PPT及部分习题答案(曹雪虹,张宗橙,北京邮电大学出版社)《宏观经济学》习题答案(第七版,多恩布什)《物理化学》习题解答(天津大学, 第四版,106张)新视野大学英语视听说教程第一册《机械制造技术》习题集与答案解析新视野大学英语听说教程2册听力原文及答案下载管理学试题(附答案)《材料力学》详细辅导及课后答案(PDF格式,共642页)六级词汇注解《大学基础物理学》课后答案(共16个单元)《管理学——原理与方式》课后习题答案新视野2版第三册(大2上学期用)曼昆《经济学原理》中文第四版.课后习题答案-清晰图片版《数据库系统概论》课后习题(第四版)大学数学基础教程课后答案(微积分)《投资学》课后习题答案(博迪,第四版)流体力学课后答案(高教版,张也影,第二版)《语言学概论》习题答案(自考,新版教材)《统计学》各章练习题答案《数字电子技术基础》课后习题答案(完整答案版)《积分变换》习题答案(配套东南大学张元林编的)《中级财务会计》习题答案(第二版,刘永泽)《计算机网络》课后习题答案(第5版和第4版)《单片机原理及应用》课后习题答案(张毅刚主编,高教版)《金融工程》课后题答案(郑振龙版)《液压传动》第2版思考题和习题解答(共36页)《动物学》习题集与答案(资料相当丰富)《高频电子线路》习题参考答案(第四版)《国际经济法》课后参考答案大学英语四级十年真题+听力《信号与系统》习题详解(奥本海姆版)《电路分析》课后答案及学习指导(第二版,胡翔骏,高教版)《C语言设计》(谭浩强,第三版)227页新视野大学英语课后习题答案1-4册全集《数字电路与逻辑设计》课后习题答案,讲解详细《电路》第五版课后答案《材料力学》详细习题答案及辅导(第四版,刘鸿文)《传播学教程》课后答案(郭庆光主编,完整版)《物理化学》习题答案与课件集合(南大)《金融市场学》电子书(张亦春,郑振龙,第二版)毛邓三95%考点高等教育出版社《毛·泽东思想和中国特色社会主·义道路》(09版,原毛邓三)课后题答案《线性代数》课后习题答案(陈维新,科学出版社)自动控制原理习题集(自学辅导推荐)《现代通信原理》习题答案(曹志刚版)高等数学上下《习题PPT》《数据结构习题集》答案(C版,清·华大学,严蔚敏)《大学物理学》习题解答《物理化学》习题答案(南大,第五版)《机械原理》复习精要与习题精解(第7版,西北大学)《宏观经济学》答案(曼昆,第五版,英文版)pdf格式《化工热力学》习题与习题答案(含各种版本)《材料力学》习题答案教育统计与测量管理心理学(自考必备资料,牛逼打印版)离散数学习题解答(第四版)清·华大学出版社货币银行学《技术经济学概论》(第二版)习题答案《毛·泽东思想和社会主·义建设理论题概论》精炼考试题目,耐心整理《数字信号处理》课后答案及详细辅导(丁美玉,第二版)《语言学概论练习题》答案《会计电算化》教材习题答案(09年)《数据库系统概论》习题答案(第四版)《微观经济学》课后答案(平狄克版)《控制工程基础》课后习题解答(清·华版)《高分子化学》习题答案(第四版)《电机与拖动基础》课后习题答案(第四版,机械工业出版社,顾绳谷主编)《机械工程测试技术基础》(第三版,熊诗波等主编)课后答案《宏观经济学》课后答案(布兰查德版)《机械原理》习题答案和超多例题(西北工业大学,第六版)《大学物理基础教程》课后习题答案(第二版,等教育出版社)简明乐谱基础知识《语言学教程》课后答案《公司理财》课后答案(英文版,第六版)《信息论与编码》学习辅导及习题详解(傅祖芸版)《遗传学》课后习题答案(朱军主编,完整版)现代人心理实战700题处世韬略《自动控制原理》习题答案《普通动物学》完整课后答案(刘凌云,郑光美版)《微机原理》作业答案(李继灿版)尼尔·波兹曼《娱乐至死》《电力电子技术》习题答案(第4版,西安交通大学)大学英语四级(CET-4)历年真题大全[89-07年39套](精品级)753页word 《通信原理》习题答案《普通化学(第五版)》习题详解(配套浙大编的)经济法课后复习及思考答案《结构化学基础》习题答案(周公度,北大版)财务管理学课后答案荆新王化成《C++程序设计》课后习题答案(第2版,吴乃陵,高教版)药用植物的两份习题(自己感觉比较有用)《数学物理方法》习题解答案详细版(梁昆淼,第二版)《机械制图》习题册答案(近机类、非机类,清·华大学出版社)《控制工程基础》习题答案(第二版,燕山大学)《画法几何》资料包(含习题答案,自学辅导课件)《畜禽解剖学与组织胚胎学》习题答案参考《统计学》课后习题答案(周恒彤编)《西方经济学简明教程》课后习题全解(尹伯成,上海人民出版社)《汽车理论》课后答案详细解答(余志生,机械工业出版社)《数学物理方法》(第三版)习题答案新视野听力原文及课后答案新编大学英语4(外研版)课后练习答案《材料力学》习题答案(单辉祖,北京航空航天大学)大学英语精读第3册课文及课后答案《自动控制原理》课后习题答案———胡寿松,第五版《数据库系统原理与设计》课后答案(第四版,王珊,萨师煊)《数字电子技术基础》详细习题答案(阎石第四版)财经应用文笔记《管理学》课后习题答案(罗宾斯,人大版,第7版)《概率论与数理统计》习题答案(复旦大学出版社)《数字信号处理——基于运算机的方式》习题答案(第二版)《传热学》课后答案(杨世铭,陶文铨主编,高教版)C语言资料大全(有课后答案,自学资料,C程序等)毛邓三重点归纳《电力拖动自动控制系统》习题答案逄锦聚《政治经济学》(第3版)笔记和课后习题详解《概率论与数理统计》课后习题解答(东南大学出版社)《有机化学》课后习题答案(胡宏纹,第三版)《常微分方程》习题解答(王高雄版)▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆【因为太多了,没方法再粘贴到那个地址了,更多答案,直接进入下面那个搜索就好】源地址:||。
新编大学英语视听说教程第四册第三版 Unit 5 音频原文及答案
Unit 5 AthletesPart 1 Listening, Understanding and SpeakingListening II'm Ted. Well, I've been playing it since I was quite young. My father was very keen on it and he used to give me lessons. We didn't have to go far to play, so we used to play together quite a lot. Unless you have to join a club, it's not an expensive sport. You just need a racket and some balls. When I was in university, I played for an hour or so every morning. Sometimes it was not easy for us to book a court because it was so popular. For most people, i t’s great exercise and requires a lot of energy. Of course, you have to be fit, as it demands a lot of running and speed around the court. Usually, there’s not a lot of standing around; one is constantly moving. But that’s why it’s a sport I like to play and watch so much.I'm Mike. I think I've been playing it for nearly 40 years now, ever since I was a little kid. It has always been a great interest of mine. When I watch a game, I appreciate the athletic skills of the players: the strategies of the manager or coach; and the excitement of the uncertainty. I enjoy not knowing how the game is going to end, even when a very strong team is playing against a very weak team. There's always that possibility of surprise, and of the unexpected changing the game.I'm Lisa. Well, I've been doing it every winter holiday for as long as I can remember. I love doing it because you can get better every time. It's fast and exciting and although it's really cold, you can still get a tan. Of course, the scenery is beautiful and it's really nice when you're tired to go and have a hot drink afterwards. The problem is that it's very expensive and really dangerous. But apart from getting hurt occasionally, I still thoroughly enjoy it.1. 1) tennis 2 ) quite young 3)soccer 4) a little kid 5) nearly 40 years6)skiing 7) remember2. tennis 1, 5, 7 football/soccer 2, 9, 10 skiing 3, 4, 6, 8Listening IIDuring the 1930s and 1940s, when someone asked a kid whom his role models were, he would often respond with the names of baseball players. Advertisers trying to sell a product would often turn to baseball stars because the public knew them and loved them. Now looking at today's baseball players, the only time we seem to hear about them is when they are complaining about their salaries. Baseball is no longer the great national pastime, and kids are looking elsewhere for their role models.Back in the 1930s and 1940s, money wasn't such an important issue. Players played baseball because they loved the game. They rarely complained about money. And they earned very little in comparison with players today.Most players back then were also positive role models both on and off the field. They did a lot of things for the neighborhood, from visiting sick children in hospitals to signing autographs—not for the publicity, but just one of the kindness of their hearts. Parents then could be proud when their children said that they wanted to grow up and play major league baseball. Today, however, most baseball players visit hospitals only when they need care, and some of them even charge 20 dollars for their autograph.In the past, players always tried to be positive role models for America's youth. Today, it is a totally different story. It seems that we can't get through a week without some baseball player doing something stupid or illegal.If today’s players would just grow up and stop worrying about who's making the most money, they would start feeling better about themselves; the public would start respecting the game again; and kids could start finding some role models on the baseball field again.1. B D A C2.T T F F F F F T T TListening IIIBuilding team spirit is always the focal point of what I try to do as a manager. When I first went to Crystal Palace, players would finish training and then go straight home. There was no atmosphere. So we brought in a pool table and fruit machines. When players choose to spend time together, it generates a better atmosphere.The team spirit is very important, but I don't believe in motivating the team as a team. I don’t give team talks. I try to motivate the team as individuals. I speak to the players individually and try not to put too much pressure on anyone. I believe players perform best when they are relaxed. If they're too tense, I can guarantee they won't play well.I also believe in giving people autonomy. I like all the people who work for me to be autonomous.I very rarely interfere. I feel people should be judged on their results. If they prove incompetent, then I'm incompetent if I continue employing them.It's like that with the team. I get criticized for not interfering during a game and for not making more substitutions. But I feel if I've chosen those 11 players to get a result, then I should leave them alone to get on with it.If I'm dropping a player from the team, I don't feel I have to explain it to them. If they want to discuss it, I'll say, "Come back and talk about it in a couple of days' time." But I don't try to remotivate them. It's up to them to have the character to fight their way back to the team. I'm a great believer that almost everything you achieve in life is due to your attitude. If I have a player who is magnificently gifted but has a stinking attitude, I won't waste my time on them.1. 1) team spirit 2) A. spend time together B. individuals pressure C. autonomy interfered drop a player2.√)Listening IVEver since the modern Olympic Games began in 1896, they've had their critics. Every form of competitive activity attracts trouble. But part of the aim of the Games, when they were first held in ancient Greece, was to discourage war between states by engaging them in a friendlier kind of combat.The spirit of competition in the Games uses up a lot of energy which might otherwise be harmfully deployed. It does a lot of good getting people to forget their differences in a communal activity. Any competitor or spectator at the event will tell you that the atmosphere of friendship there is unforgettable, as if the world really is one big family. And the hostilities that the press always likes to exaggerate, exist only in a few places. Indeed, it is safe to say, we often suffer more from bad publicity than bad sportsmanship.These Games are the biggest international gathering of any kind in the world. Not only do they bring sports people together, but they unite the world’s public. Isn't this a sufficient reason for continuing them? Of course, a few people are going to use them as an occasion for propaganda. But why should the feelings of a few spoil it for all those who continue to be inspired by the Games?No! As long as the majority wants it, these Games will continue. This is sport, not politics, and it should remain so.1. 1.What is said about the purpose of the Olympic Games? C2.What is said about the spirit of the Olympic Games ? B3.What is said about the influence of the Games ? B2. 1. Criticism.2. It could be harmfully deployed, as in war.3. The world is like a big family.4. Hostilities.5. The majority of people.6. To explain why the Olympic Games should be continued.Part 4 Further ListeningListening IAnnouncer: And in today's Sports World we have a special report from Karen Finch who is with the athletes in the Olympic Village in Atlanta. The line's clear. Can you hearme, Karen?Karen: Fine, Barry, just fine.Announcer: Great. So here is Karen Finch with her report from the Olympic Village.Karen: Well, I have two athletes with me in the studio. First, Bo Lundquist.Bo: Hi!Karen: Bo is a cyclist and he's here with the Swedish team. This is your first Olympics, isn't it, Bo?Bo: Yes, it is.Karen: And how do you feel about it?Bo: Happy, very happy.Karen: Let's talk about your training schedule, Bo. I imagine it's pretty hard.Bo: Yes, it is. I get up at five...Karen: Five! And do you start training then?Bo: Well, first I have a cup of coffee then I start training at about five- thirty. You know, it's quite cold at that time.Karen: Right! I'm sure it is. When do you finish training, Bo?Bo: Well, I practice cycling on the track for about two hours. Then I have a short break for breakfast. After that, I do exercises for another few hours. I suppose I finish atabout midday.Karen: So you're free after twelve. What do you do then?Bo: You mean, what do I do in my spare time?Karen: Right.Bo: Well, we usually go swimming in the afternoon. That's all. I go to bed early. I want to win a gold medal for Sweden.Karen: Well, I hope you do. Thank you, Bo Lundquist. Next we have Bob Smith with me in the studio. Bob's a long distance runner and the American 3000 meterschampion.Bob: Hi!Karen: Hello, Bob. How is your training going?Bob: Fine, just fine. I have a really good program and I think I'm in first-class condition.Karen: Tell me about it, Bob.Bob: Well, I don't like training early in the morning. I don't know why. I just don't like it. So I start around 10 o’clock.Karen: Mmm. And what about having lunch?Bob: I don't have lunch. Lunch makes me tired. I train all through the day until about five o'clock.Karen: Really? So late?Bob: Yes! Then I shower and go home.Karen: So you live right here in Atlanta, do you, Bob?Bob: Yes. I'm married. We live on campus at the University.Karen: What do you do in your spare time, Bob?Bob: I don't have much spare time. I'm studying to be a doctor.Karen: Don't you have any free time?Bob: Not much. But when I relax I like listening to music. Music is really special to me.Karen: Well, thank you, Bob and Bo. Good luck! This is Karen Finch at the Olympic Village in Atlanta.Announcer: Thank you, Karen. And now for our other sports news.1.2,3,5,7 (√)2.Swedish Americancycling long distance running3,000 championship5:30 a.m. 12:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. 5:00 p.m.swimming listening to musicListening IIPeople in tropical countries can read about winter sports but are unable to participate in them. They cannot build snowmen, throw snowballs, toboggan, or ice-skate. Above all, they cannot go skiing.Someone defined skiing as gliding over the ground on two boards. The sport is popular in America in the states which have snow in the winter months. The pleasure we take in this healthy outdoor activity is shared by the Finns, the Russians, the Swedes, the Norwegians, the Germans, the Italians, the Swiss, and the French, who all live in temperate zones with winter climates. But what must people from Egypt, Libya, and Nigeria think of this strange sport?Skiing, unlike tennis or baseball, is not a city sport. Until recently, even in countries with snow, it was limited to mountainous regions. Now there is a new variation that can be enjoyed by everyone. It is called ski touring.1. 1.building snowman2.throwing snowballs3.tobogganing4.ice-skating5.skiing2. Finland; Sweden; Switzerland; Germany; U.S.A; Italy; France; Norway; Russia (√)Listening IIIWoman: On the matter of careers, a lot of the jobs that people go into are lifetime careers. What about baseball? Is it a career over one's full lifetime?Man: Baseball has been my life so far...as you know. I mean, I know someday, could be tomorrow, that I'm going to be out of it.Woman: But how long can you really expect to play, let's say, actively?Man: I've set goals, and I made my first goal, which was to make it to the big leagues. Now, my next goal is to make it through four years, to get my pension.Woman: But how many years can you expect to play professional ball?Man: I'm a pitcher, so it's difficult to say because you never know whether you're going to have a sore arm, whether it's going to go out on you, or what other problem mighthappen. But normally, as a pitcher, I guess the prime time for a pitcher is between27 to 30. I'm 24 and this is my sixth year.Woman: Well, is there any problem with a feeling of insecurity and...Man: Yeah, there is. Especially, like I said, during my first year. I disciplined myself, and I worked hard—and that's what got me here. And I realize that I have to work hard tostay here. And there is the insecurity.Woman: You're under contract?Man: Right, I'm under contract. But that doesn't necessarily mean anything. They could send me down tomorrow. They could do whatever they wanted with me.Woman: What does it take to play professionally? I'm thinking about the level of skill. Is it something that you just work hard to get, or is there a natural sort of ability?Man: Well, there're people that have the natural ability, you know. I feel like I didn't have much. I just worked hard and that's what got me here.1. Male Baseball player 24 Pitcher five to six2. 1.What is the prime career time for a pitcher? C2. What makes the man successful in baseball, according to the conversation? A3. What can be inferred from the conversation? D4. Which of the following statements is true? D5. What kind of feeling does the man have now and then ? D6. What does the man think of baseball as a career? AListening IVLearning to swim had been surprisingly easy, thanks to the Navy's policy of dealing with fear by ignoring it. My fear of deep water left after my Navy experience. On the first day in the pool, an instructor with a voice like a bullhorn ordered 50 of us to climb a high board and jump in feet first. The board looked about 200 feet high, though it may have been only 20 or 25. A line was formed to mount the ladder and jump. I drifted to the end of the line, and then stepped out when the splashing started and introduced myself to the instructor."I'm a non-swimmer," I said, "shall I go to the shallow end of the pool?" At City College I'd spent four years in the shallow end of the pool."This pool doesn't have a shallow end," the instructor said."Well, what am I going to do?""Get up on that platform and jump," he said.The pool depth was marked as 15 feet at that point."I'm not kidding. I can't swim at all.""Up! Up!" he shouted."But I'll drown.""This pool has got the best lifesaving equipment in the Navy," he said. "Don't worry about it." "Come on."Then he shouted again, "I'm giving you an order, mister. Up!"Quaking in every fiber, I climbed the ladder, edged out onto the board, took one look down and unable to faint, stepped back."Jump!" the instructor roared.I stepped to the edge, closed my eyes, and walked into space. The impact of the water was great; then I was sinking, then My God! I was rising irresistibly to the surface. My head broke water. The water was actually supporting me, just as everybody had always said it would. The instructor glared."You didn't keep your legs straight," he shouted. "Get back up there and do it again."1. 1. What does the speaker say about learning to swim in the Navy? A2. How high was the board/? C3. What did the instructor do when he found out about the speaker’s problem? A4. Why did the speaker eventually jump into the pool? A5. What is the best way to overcome fear, according to the speaker? B6. Which of the following is true about the speakers’ education? D7. Which of the following can be used to describe the instructor? C8. Why did the speaker want to go to the shallow end of the pool? B9. Why did the instructor ask the speaker to do it again? D10. How did the instructor assure the speaker that he wouldn’t drown? B2. 1) drifted 2) stepped 3) introduced 4) Quaking 5) climbed6) walked into 7)sinking 8) rising 9) broke 10) supporting。
A.人自身的存在 B.个人的自我完善C.个人对自己生命活动需要的满足 D.个体的人生对于社会和他人的意义7、全国劳动模范徐虎说过:“你不奉献,我不奉献,谁来奉献?你也索取,我也索取,向谁索取?”这句话的意思是,社会需要每个人的奉献,只有有奉献才能有索取。
A.个人的社会存在 B.个人需要的最大满足C.个人对社会的责任和贡献 D.社会对个人的尊重和满足8、道德在调整人与人之间的关系实质上是调整()。
A.政治关系 B.经济关系C.利益关系 D.社会关系9、一种道德行为多次重复出现,就会成为一种习惯。
外教史期末考试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 欧洲文艺复兴的发源地是:A. 英国B. 法国C. 意大利D. 德国答案:C2. 以下哪位历史人物不是启蒙运动的代表人物?A. 伏尔泰B. 卢梭C. 马克思D. 孟德斯鸠答案:C3. 工业革命最早开始于哪个国家?A. 美国B. 法国C. 英国D. 德国答案:C4. 以下哪个事件标志着第一次世界大战的爆发?A. 萨拉热窝事件B. 柏林墙倒塌C. 巴黎和会D. 凡尔赛条约签署答案:A5. 冷战时期,以下哪个国家不属于北约成员国?A. 美国B. 英国C. 法国D. 苏联答案:D...(此处省略其他选择题)二、填空题(每空1分,共10分)6. 欧洲中世纪的黑暗时期被称为_________。
答案:中世纪黑暗时代7. 法国大革命爆发于_________年。
答案:17898. 第二次工业革命中,电力的广泛应用被称为_________。
答案:电气时代9. 第二次世界大战中,_________的投降标志着欧洲战场的结束。
答案:德国10. 冷战结束后,世界格局形成了_________。
答案:多极化三、简答题(每题10分,共20分)11. 简述新航路开辟对世界历史的影响。
12. 阐述冷战时期美苏两大阵营的主要特点。
四、论述题(每题15分,共30分)13. 论述第一次世界大战对20世纪世界格局的影响。
448 汉语写作与 百科知识
《中国文化读本(中文本)》 版社
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用书:《肖秀荣精讲精练》、《风中劲草》、《肖秀荣 1000 题》、
《肖秀荣 4 套卷》、《肖秀荣 8 套卷》、《蒋中挺五套卷》
九月份开始看肖秀荣精讲精练,看一章精讲精练做一章 1000 题,一 开始漫不经心的学得很慢,一个多月才学了马原和毛概。十月份的时 候惊觉进度太慢了,放弃精讲精练,直接看风中劲草了,也是搭配 1000 题学下来。用了风中劲草以后速度快了很多,这时候才发现精 讲精练里废话太多了,很多东西应该是不会拿出来考的。建议大家精 讲精练只要看马原部分就好了,后面的直接看风中劲草,搭配 1000 题。这样刷了两遍风中劲草居然都十二月了,才开始做肖八选择题, 做得挺挫败的,因为发现风中劲草不够熟悉。没办法接着背风中劲草, 同时还得开始背时政,肖八大题没时间背了,后来直接背了肖四,事 实证明肖四足够用了,基本上都把大题覆盖到了。考前一周还做了蒋 中挺的选择题,确实补充了一些知识点,所以建议时间充裕的要把市 面上能买到的预测卷选择题部分都做做。 总的来说风中劲草很重要,一定要尽可能多背,多拿选择题的分数, 其实主观题部分大家都是背肖四答得差不多,想要考得比较好就只能 靠选择题。对了还要留出时间背时政,选择题里时政分值还挺高的。 主观题有一个 tip 是抄题干,考试时你会发现你背的很多东西就在题 干里,合适的话可以直接抄,另外如果这个题你没背到更是抄为上策, 题干里有很多可以利用的东西。
索罗门教师10月份第四次英语测试卷(出卷人:杨老师满分100分)姓名_________ 分数_________I. 单项选择(每小题1分,共15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案,将其标号填入题前的括号内。
(每小题1分)1.---It looks like a television.Do you think so?---Yes,I________.A.understandB.knowC.meanD.agree2---I don‟t know how to use this machine.---It doesn‟t matter. Here is the ________.A.instructionB.directionrmationD.advertisement3.---Are you going to Bejing by plane?---It‟s fast ,but expensive. So I am not sur e.I____take a train.A.shouldB.mayC.mustD.will4.---What a hot day! Have you had a drink?---Yes. But I‟d like to have_____after work.A.itB.oneC.otherD.another5.---Do you remember______he came here?---Of course I do.His father drove him here.A.whetherB.whenC. howD.why6.—I knocked into a tree when I went to the railway station for my friend.---I suppose you _____too fast.A. driveB.are drivingC.droveD.were driving7.---_______the socks,Jim. You shouldn‟t throw them everywhere.---OK.Mom.A.driveB.Take offC.Try onD.put away8.---What should I do, doctor?---_____healthy, you should take more exercise.A.KeepB.KeepingC.To keepD.Having kept9.---Oh.Mary‟s not here these days.Is she ill?---_____.Her mother told me that she was in hospital.A.I am afraid soB.I hope notC.I don‟t mindD.I don‟t think so10.---Nancy, how long does it take to fly to Canada?---Sorry, I don‟t know. But I can telephone my father to ____it for you .A.doB.checkC.catchD.find11.---Whom would you like to be your assistant, Jack or David?---If I had to choose, David would be ____choice.A.goodB.betterC. the betterD.the best12.Zhou Feng has liarned English for many years,but he can____understand the English speakers.A.hardlyB.certainlyC.alwaysD.almost13.---I feel very happy that I ____to be the host.---Congratulations!A.chooseB.am chosenC.was chosenD.haven chosen14.---Inventors have changed the way we live.---So they are famous for the great things they___.A.doB.didC.are doingD.had done15.---Have you found the information about famous people____you can use for the report?---Not yet.I‟ll search some on the Internet.A.whichB.whoC.whatD.whomII. 完形填空(共15小题,计15分)先阅读短文,掌握其大意。
2023-2024学年高中历史北师大版选修4第五章 伟大的无产阶级革命家单元测试(含答案解析)
2023-2024学年北师大版高中历史单元测试学校 __________ 班级 __________ 姓名 __________ 考号 __________注意事项1.答题前填写好自己的姓名、班级、考号等信息;2.请将答案正确填写在答题卡上;一、选择题(本大题共计17小题每题3分共计51分)1.2010年6月9日俄罗斯科学院下属的俄罗斯历史研究所发表了一份声明指出“列宁的活动使国家在社会经济和思想方面走入死胡同阻碍了国家发展使国家孤立于文明世界之外” 此观点()A. 指出了马克思主义的弊端B. 否定了苏联经济建设成就C. 反映了社会主义制度不完善D. 不利于学术文化的发展【答案】B【解析】题干观点的意思是列宁主义阻碍了苏联社会经济、思想的发展.结合所学可知此观点否定十月革命和苏联社会主义建设的成就故B项正确.其余三均不符合应排除.故选B.2.列宁曾说“无可争辩的历史经验证明在革命运动史上个人独裁成为革命阶级专政的表现者、代表者和执行者是屡见不鲜的事个人独裁与资产阶级民主制毫无疑义是彼此相容的”以下对这句话的解读正确的是()①资产阶级民主必然出现个人独裁②拿破仑是列宁所说的典型代表③资产阶级民主与个人独裁不矛盾④革命阶级专政容易产生个人独裁A. ①②④B. ②③④C. ①③④D. ①②③④【答案】B【解析】依据题干材料“个人独裁成为革命阶级专政的表现者、代表者和执行者是屡见不鲜的事” 结合所学可知拿破仑发动雾月政变建立了拿破仑的个人独裁由此可知拿破仑是列宁所说的典型代表革命阶级专政容易产生个人独裁故②④正确依据题干“个人独裁与资产阶级民主制毫无疑义是彼此相容的”可知资产阶级民主与个人独裁不矛盾故③正确①错在“必然” 应排除故B项正确3.有人说列宁主义是“帝国主义时代的马克思主义” 主要是因为列宁()①提出变帝国主义战争为国内战争的策略②提出社会主义可能首先在一国获得胜利的思想③提出俄国革命应由资产阶级民主革命向无产阶级社会主义革命过渡的思想④揭示了私有制、阶级和国家的起源、发展及其消亡的规律A. ②③④B. ①②③C. ①②④D. ①③④【答案】B【解析】结合所学可知列宁主义是“帝国主义时代的马克思主义”是指列宁主义对马克思主义的发展④是恩格斯《家庭、私有制和国家的起源》中的内容与列宁无关应排除①②③均符合列宁主义是帝国主义时代的马克思主义的史实故B项正确故选B4.马克思和恩格斯共同创立了马克思主义学说下列马、恩著作按出版或发表先后排列正确的是①《神圣家族》②《共产党宣言》③《德意志意识形态》④《资本论》第一卷⑤《法兰西内战》A. ①②③④⑤B. ③①②④⑤C. ①③②④⑤D. ②①③⑤④【答案】C【解析】结合所学知识可知《神圣家族》发表于1844年《共产党宣言》发表于1848年《德意志意识形态》写于1945年秋至1946年5月《资本论》第一卷发表于1867年《法兰西内战》发布于1871年因此正确排序是①③②④⑤ C正确ABD排除故选C.5.列宁晚年在其“政治遗嘱”中对十月革命以来的道路进行深入的思考提出建设社会主义许多新构想下列思想属于列宁晚年思考的是()①发展大工业实现工业化、电气化②学习和利用资本主义一切有价值的东西③利用商品货币关系快速建成社会主义④进行社会主义改革摆脱斯大林模式弊端的影响A. ①②B. ③④C. ①③D. ②④【答案】A【解析】结合所学可知③中的“快速”明显违反列宁主张的新经济政策故③错误④中的社会主义改革发生在20世纪50年代后不可能发生在列宁的思考中故④错误①②符合列宁所主张的新经济政策符合题意故A项正确故选A6.恩格斯在1895年为《法兰西内战1848—1850》一书所作的导言中指出“历史表明我们也曾经错了我们当时所持的观点只是一个幻想历史做得要更多它不仅消除了我们当时的迷误并且还完全改变了无产阶级进行斗争的条件 1848年的斗争方法今天在一切方面都已经陈旧了这一点是值得在这里较细致地加以研究的”对材料理解正确的是()A. 用暴力夺取政权B. 充分利用合法斗争的方式C. 全世界无产者联合起来D. 资本主义必将被社会主义所取代【答案】B【解析】1848年发表的《共产党宣言》揭示了无产阶级的历史使命是用暴力推翻资产阶级的统治建立无产阶级政权号召全世界无产者联合起来A、C两项均属于“1848年的斗争方法” 已经陈旧与题意不符排除D项也是《共产党宣言》中的内容排除由“并且还完全改变了无产阶级进行斗争的条件 1848年的斗争方法今天在一切方面都已经陈旧了”可知材料的主张与《共产党宣言》提出的内容不同了 B项是新内容故B 项正确故选B7.列宁指出农村还没有实行共产主义的物质基础之前决不能过早地提出向农村推行共产主义目标在大机器工业还没有充分发展的条件下商业是“千百万小农与大工业之间唯一可能的经济联系” 据此可知列宁()A. 丰富了马克思主义学说B. 重在建立工农业联系C. 主张加速工业化的进程D. 反对农业集体化政策【答案】A【解析】A.根据材料“在大机器工业还没有充分发展的条件下商业是‘千百万小农与大工业之间唯一可能的经济联系’”总结了战时共产主义和新经济政策的经验教训探讨了社会主义的商品经济理论丰富了马克思主义的经济学说正确B.由材料无法得出列宁重在建立工农业联系排除C主张加速工业化进程说法错误根据材料中“在大机器工业还没有充分发展的条件下” 可以看出当时的工业化进程加速还没有达到条件D.反对农业集体化政策说法错误材料中只是提到农村推行共产主义目标的时机还不够成熟并未提到农业集体化的内容排除D选项故选A8.马克思在《给卢格的信》中写道“我们是从世界本身的原理中为世界阐发新的原理”在《共产党宣言》中又提到“这些原理不过是现存的阶级斗争、我们眼前的历史运动的真实关系的一般表现”这反映出马克思主义理论()A. 充分借鉴了进化论的理论B. 全面指导了巴黎公社革命斗争C. 推动国际工人运动走向联合D. 基于从事实出发的科学研究立场【答案】D【解析】根据材料“这些原理不过是现存的阶级斗争、我们眼前的历史运动的真实关系的一般表现”可知材料体现了马克思主义理论是以现实的阶级斗争为依据是基于从事实出发的科学研究立场的故D项正确AC项均与材料信息无关故错误马克思主义并未指导巴黎公社运动故B项错误故选D9.1835年马克思在其中学毕业论文中写道如果我们选择了最能为人类谋幸福而劳动的职业那我们所感到的就不是可怜的、自私的、有限的乐趣尽管我们的事业是默默的但她将永恒地存在并发挥作用这反映出当时A. 空想社会主义产生巨大影响B. 工人运动已形成科学理论C. 资本主义的弊端已充分暴露D. 马克思已经具有崇高理想【答案】D【解析】材料信息反映出马克思在青年时期就已经树立了为人类社会谋幸福的理想这种理想显然是崇高的 D项正确仅从马克思的理想不能推知空想社会主义的影响程度排除A项有了“为人类谋幸福”的理想并不代表有了“为人类谋幸福”的科学理论排除B项材料没有显示资本主义的弊端已暴露的信息排除C项10.下列是某课程目标的部分内容第一帮助学生清楚地了解其思想的核心概念例如异化、资本、共产主义和剩余价值……第三这门课应帮助学生大致熟悉其思想出现时的历史背景和思想趋势其中包括欧洲哲学史、政治学、经济学以及欧洲殖民主义和资本主义的发展该课程研究的历史人物最有可能是()A. 牛顿B. 马克思C. 列宁D. 詹天佑【答案】B【解析】11.1890年恩格斯在致德国工人领袖的信中声称“我同意你的意见在当前我们应当尽可能以和平的和合法的方式进行活动避免可能引起冲突的任何借口你那样愤慨地反对任何形式的和任何情况下的暴力我认为是不恰当的”由此可知当时恩格斯A. 放弃了无产阶级革命学说B. 同德意志政府达成了妥协C. 背离了科学社会主义理论D. 发展了马克思的政治理论【答案】D【解析】由材料可知恩格斯认为在当前的背景下可以利用和平、合法的方式进行斗争这在一定程度上发展了马克思的阶级斗争学说故选D项排除C项从材料可知恩格斯并未放弃革命理论故排除A项恩格斯还是强调与反动政府进行斗争只是斗争策略有所改变故排除B项12.马克思曾这样设想“在共产主义社会里……每个人都可以在任何部门内发展……上午打猎下午捕鱼傍晚从事畜牧晚饭后从事批判但并不因此就使我成为一个猎人、渔夫、牧人或批判者” 材料反映出马克思认为资本主义时代()A. 工业革命推动了城市化进程B. 启蒙运动传播了民主思想C. 生产方式束缚人的全面发展D. 福利制度建立并逐渐完善【解析】从材料中的“在共产主义社会里……每个人都可以在任何部门内发展”等信息来看马克思认为只要在共产主义社会才能真正实现人的自由和全面发展实际上反映出马克思认为资本主义社会生产方式束缚人的全面发展故C项正确材料没有涉及工业革命与城市化进程的关系排除A项材料没有涉及启蒙思想的影响排除B项材料没有涉及福利制度排除D项故选C13.史学界认为第一国际成立后马克思主义实际上成为第一国际的指导思想主要依据在于()A. 第一国际成立前马克思总结各国工人运动的经验进行了深入的理论研究B. 第一国际成立时马克思被选入中央委员会C. 马克思为第一国际起草的《成立宣言》和《共同章程》进一步阐释了马克思主义D. 马克思亲自组织工人斗争并为工人阶级制定斗争策略【答案】C【解析】《成立宣言》和《临时章程》为第一国际制定了正确的政治原则和组织原则这些原则如“夺取政权成为无产阶级的伟大使命”“无产阶级的解放斗争是要消灭任何阶级统治”“无产阶级的国际团结”等进一步阐释了《共产党宣言》的思想故C正确ABD均不符合题意排除14.1917年11月7日全俄工兵代表苏维埃第二次代表大会召开这次会议通过了列宁起草的()①《告工人、士兵和农民书》②《和平法令》③《土地法令》④《论粮食税》A. ①②③B. ①③④C. ①②④D. ②③④【答案】A【解析】结合所学可知 1917年11月7日全俄工兵代表苏维埃第二次代表大会召开代表大会通过了列宁起草的《告工人、士兵和农民书》宣告各地全部政权转归苏维埃同日晚11时左右大会通过《和平法令》《和平法令》是苏维埃国家对外政策的第一个法令它强烈谴责了帝国主义战争的滔天罪行建议一切交战国立即进行谈判缔结不割地不赔款的和约 9日2时左右通过《土地法令》法令规定立即废除地主土地所有制全部土地收归国有交给劳动农民使用故①②③正确④是1921年新经济政策的内容与题意不符故④错误故A项正确15.邓小平从列宁那里找到了新思路给中国改革开放找到了新航向有俄罗斯学者认为中国20世纪80年代以来的改革属于新版的苏俄新经济政策实际上邓小平对新经济政策有继承也有超越“继承”的主要表现是()①利用市场手段发展社会经济②以建立社会主义市场经济体制为目标③走适合自己国情的发展道路④把解决农民问题放在突出位置B. ①③④C. ①②④D. ①②③④【答案】B【解析】②是中国改革开放的目标排除①③④均符合题意故①③④正确故选B16.“一个被流放的人秘密回到圣彼得堡经过多年流放和卓有成效的斗争他即将领导一场改变世界面貌的革命运动”“他”是()A. 列宁B. 拿破仑C. 彼得一世D. 斯大林【答案】A【解析】从材料看符合题目要求回到圣彼得堡、多年流放、领导革命的只有列宁列宁回到圣彼得堡领导了武装起义推翻了资产阶级临时政府建立了全国性苏维埃政权故A 项正确故选A17.1899年列宁在《我们的当前任务》中提出当前最迫切的任务是“把团结俄国一切社会民主党人的事业放在牢固的基础上实现这种团结为这种团结创造适当的形式彻底摆脱狭隘的地方的分散性” 列宁认为“当前最迫切的任务”是()A. 组建革命的坚强领导核心B. 推翻罗曼诺夫王朝统治C. 改变俄国落后的经济状况D. 向社会主义革命过渡【答案】A【解析】根据材料“把团结俄国一切社会民主党人的事业放在牢固的基础上实现这种团结为这种团结创造适当的形式彻底摆脱狭隘的地方的分散性”可知列宁认为当前最重要的是团结俄国国内一切社会民主党人士组建新的政党摆脱地方的分散性故A项正确二月革命推翻了罗曼诺夫王朝故B项错误C项没有反映材料主旨故C项错误此时俄国还处在沙皇的专制统治下故D项错误故选A二、材料分析题(本大题共计2小题每题15分共计30分)18.(1)结合所学知识概括指出材料一中以毛泽东为代表的共产党人是怎样领导人民“翻身解放、当家作主”的?(从理论和实践两方面作答)18.(2)结合史实指出在那个“神话年代”“狂热浪漫”的表现有哪些?对社会经济发展产生了怎样的影响?18.(3)“小平您好”表达了人民群众怎样的心声?结合史实分析这一“心声”产生的原因18.(4)结合所学知识“思想篇”体现了哪些重大思想理论成果?【答案】理论上将马克思主义普遍真理和中国实际相结合形成了毛泽东思想成为中国革命的指导思想实践上领导新民主主义革命建立了中华人民共和国揭开了中华民族的新篇章【解析】结合所学知识理论上将马克思主义普遍真理和中国实际相结合形成了毛泽东思想成为中国革命的指导思想实践上领导新民主主义革命建立了中华人民共和国揭开了中华民族的新篇章【答案】表现发动了大跃进和人民公社化运动影响国民经济比例严重失调生态环境严重破坏严重挫伤了人民的生产积极性【解析】第一小问由“1959年”可知发动了大跃进和人民公社化运动第二小问结合所学知识国民经济比例严重失调生态环境严重破坏严重挫伤了人民的生产积极性【答案】心声对领袖的尊敬爱戴对改革开放的拥护原因主持召开十一届三中全会确立改革开放的国策开创有中国特色的社会主义道路提出一国两制方针推进祖国统一大业【解析】第一小问由“小平您好”可知对领袖的尊敬爱戴对改革开放的拥护第二小问结合所学知识主持召开十一届三中全会确立改革开放的国策开创有中国特色的社会主义道路提出一国两制方针推进祖国统一大业【答案】毛泽东思想、邓小平理论、三个代表、科学发展观【解析】结合所学知识毛泽东思想、邓小平理论、三个代表、科学发展观19.(1)根据材料一概括毛泽东作出“安家井冈”决策的依据“安家井冈”使中国共产党开辟了一条怎样的革命道路?19.(2)根据材料二概述促成深圳特区创办的国内外背景并结合所学简析深圳特区成立的意义【答案】(1)依据秋收起义攻打城市失败山区地势险要敌人统治力量薄弱边界特产丰富群众基础好有利于夺取湘鄂赣三省政权道路中国革命走上了建立农村革命根据地以农村包围城市武装夺取政权的道路【解析】(1)依据根据材料“秋收起义遇挫后”可知秋收起义攻打城市失败根据材料“罗霄山脉中段地势险要有利于式装制据开展游击战争”可知山区地势险要敌人统治力量薄弱根据材料“边界特产丰富群众基础又好”可知边界特产丰富群众基础好根据材料“建立以宁冈为中心的湘赣边界武装割据意义决不限于六县对夺取湘鄂赣三省政权都是有很大意义的”可知有利于夺取湘鄂赣三省政权道路根据所学知识可知中国革命走上了建立农村革命根据地以农村包围城市武装夺取政权的道路【答案】(2)背景国内“文革”结束以经济建设为中心国际发达国家产业结构转移意义顺应世界产业结构调整趋势有利于吸引和利用外资有利于学习国外先进技术和经营管理方法推动特区经济迅速发展推动经济体制改革有利于香港问题的解决【解析】(2)背景国内根据材料“十年‘文革’结束后的中国有抓住时机搞建设尽快改变落后面貌的迫切需要”并结合所学可知“文革”结束以经济建设为中心国际根据材料“20世纪70年代末发达国家纷纷将厂房转移到土地充裕、劳动力廉价的地方自己抽出力量搞高科技”可知发达国家产业结构转移意义根据材料“搞好特区先不讲对台湾的影响至少对解决香港问题有利对安定香港人心有利”结合所学知识从顺应世界产业结构调整趋势有利于吸引和利用外资有利于学习国外先进技术和经营管理方法推动特区经济迅速发展推动经济体制改革有利于香港问题的解决等方面进行概括即可。
2024-2025学年外研版(2019)第五册历史上册阶段测试试卷24考试试卷考试范围:全部知识点;考试时间:120分钟学校:______ 姓名:______ 班级:______ 考号:______总分栏一、选择题(共7题,共14分)1、19世纪60—90年代,清政府陆续创办了近代军事工业、民用企业、新式海军和近代学校。
学术界将这一系列举措称为A. 洋务运动B. 戊戌维新C. 预备立宪D. 新文化运动2、从魏源提倡"师夷制夷",到清政府兴办"洋务",不过20年左右;从洋务思想到早期改良思想,也不过20年左右;从早期改良思想到维新变法思想的传播,不过十年多的时间∶从维新变法失败到民主革命的高涨,不到十年;从辛亥革命失败到新文化运动的兴起和马克思主义的传播,也不到十年。
这说明A. 社会急剧变化加速思想更新B. 中国近代民主思想日渐成熟C. 民族资本主义经济初步发展D. 政治革新助推西学东渐开始3、中国共产党第三次全国代表大会以后,全党号召要积极帮助国民党进行改组,1923年,中国社会主义青年团召开第二次全国代表大会,决定青年团员以个人身份加入国民党。
由此可推知()A. 国共两党的政治主张已经完全相同B. 新三民主义成为共产党的指导思想C. 孙中山丰富了社会主义的理论学说D. 当时国共两党的革命纲领基本一致4、英雄是民族最闪亮的坐标。
③杨根思带领士兵打退美军八次进攻④杨靖宇领导东北抗日联军与日军血战A. ①②④③B. ②③①④C. ③②④①D. ④①③②5、1927年3月,全国农会会员达到500万人,湖南、湖北、江西等省都成立了省农民协会。
2024-2025学年统编版(2019)第四册历史下册阶段测试试卷225考试试卷考试范围:全部知识点;考试时间:120分钟学校:______ 姓名:______ 班级:______ 考号:______总分栏一、选择题(共5题,共10分)1、西方史学界习惯上将15世纪中期至17世纪中期称为欧洲的“扩张时代”。
其中,17世纪占据海外贸易霸主地位的是A. 英国B. 法国C. 西班牙D. 荷兰2、1570年荷兰安特卫普发行了全面革新的地图册(世界舞台)、其彩色版其还没有装订,售价就相当于印刷工人一个月的工资、这一现象反映出、当时荷兰A. 兴起远洋航海贸易风潮B. 印刷术出现革命性突破C. 资本家对工人剥削严重D. 世界地理知识严重匮乏3、有经济史学家估算,16—18世纪,荷兰与英国人均GDP年增长率均高于同时代的其他国家。
这一时期荷兰、英国经济的高增长均得益于①资本市场的发展②教皇分割殖民地范围③东罗马帝国的灭亡④加强海外的殖民掠夺A. ①②B. ②③C. ③④D. ①④4、2021年3月,白宫表示考虑以联邦政府名义下达对纽约州等三个疫情严重州的强制隔离,遭到纽约州州长科莫的强烈反对,认为这是"联邦政府向这些州宣战"。
科莫反对白宫的政治依据是美国实行的A. 三权分立制B. 总统制C. 中央集权制D. 联邦制5、为了保护已有的利益,费城制宪会议的各邦代表和他们所代表的不同利益集团必须建立种高于各自利益的公共利益,并建立一种高于各自权威的公共权威来贯彻公共利益,由此,制完会议的各邦代表主张A. 践行天赋人权的原则B. 建立三权分立的体制C. 联邦政府持有有限的权力D. 结束邦联各邦自治的原则二、判断题(共1题,共2分)6、17世纪中期,英荷战争爆发的根本原因是英国颁布了《航海条例》。
A. 正确B. 错误三、材料分析题(共5题,共10分)7、阅读材料,完成下列要求。
全新版第二版综合B4U5-APart I Listening Comprehension ( 13 minutes )Section ADirections: In this section, you will hear ten statements. Numbers 1 to 6 are based on Text A while the rest are based on Text B. Each statement will be read ONLY ONCE. Listen carefully and decide whether each statement is true or false.1.A) TB) FScript: According to Text A, the author doesn’t think it’s not right to judge people by the first impression.正确答案:B2.A) TB) FScript: Burton interested the author very much because he was always benign both in appearance and manner.正确答案:B3.A) TB) FScript: Lenny, who was handsome, well-dressed and drank much, was popular among women.正确答案:A4.A) TB) FScript: Burton was so generous that he never minded his losing money at bridge.正确答案:B5.A) TB) FScript: Because Lenny, in a bad health, couldn’t handle the currents round the beacon, he was drowned at last.正确答案:A6.A) TB) FScript: The author was taken aback because Burton did such a cruel thing with a kind appearance.正确答案:A7.A) TB) FScript: According to Text B, the view that the author passed judgments on others was totally changed by a strange beggar.正确答案:A8.A) TB) FScript: The author rejected the homeless beggars because she thought they were all addicted to drugs or gambling.正确答案:B9.A) TB) FScript: The author fell to the ground and broke her leg that day as if the fate began to teach her a lesson deliberately.正确答案:A10.A) TB) FScript: The author felt embarrassed because she had no change to take the bus and at last the strange beggar helped her.正确答案:BSection BDirections: In this section, you will hear a passage three times. When the passage is read for the first time, you should listen carefully for its general idea. When the passage is read for the second time, you are required to fill in the blanks with the exact words you have just heard. Finally, when the passage is read for the third time, you should check what you have written.The news of the (11)_________________ earthquake that hit Sichuan on the (12)_________________ afternoon of May 12, was received with shock and deep sorrow by more than 1 billion Indian people. Our thoughts were (13)_________________ with the affected people of Sichuan, including the young, (14)_________________ , school children, and we were anxious to lend a (15)_________________ hand. In messages of condolences sent to the Chinese leadership in the immediate (16)_________________ of the earthquake, the Indian leadership (17)_________________ the pain and the sorrow that the people of India shared with their Chinese brethren at this sad calamity. We expressed our (18)_________________ that the resilient and brave people of China will overcome this grievous loss. And, we emphasized our sincere readiness to help the Chinese people at this difficult time. The Indian leadership and people also were moved by the exemplary response of the Chinese leadership, the various government ministries and agencies, and ordinary people to overcome this natural disaster. Immediately after the earthquake in Sichuan, our two foreign ministers (19)_________________ on May 15, 2008. Foreign Minister Mukherjee reiterated our solidarity with China (20)_________________ in this hour of difficulty to the Chinese Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi. Mukherjee told Yang, “A friend in need is a real friend. Please do not hesitate to approach us for any assistance that you may require. ”Script: The news of the deadly earthquake that hit Sichuan on the fateful afternoon of May 12, was received with shock and deep sorrow by more than 1 billion Indian people. Our thoughts were constantly with the affected people of Sichuan, including the young, innocent, school children, and we were anxious to lend a helping hand. In messages of condolences sent to the Chinese leadership in the immediate aftermath of the earthquake, the Indian leadership conveyed the pain and the sorrow that the people of India shared with their Chinese brethren at this sad calamity. We expressed our faith and confidence that the resilient and brave people of China will overcome this grievous loss. And, we emphasized our sincere readiness to help the Chinese people at this difficult time. The Indian leadership and people also were moved by the exemplary response of the Chinese leadership, the various government ministries and agencies, and ordinary people to overcome this natural disaster. Immediately after the earthquake in Sichuan, our two foreign ministers met in Russia on May 15, 2008. ForeignMinister Mukherjee reiterated our solidarity with China in this hour of difficulty to the Chinese Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi. Mukherjee told Yang, “A friend in need is a real friend. Please do not hesitate to approach us for any assistance that you may require. ”正确答案:deadly正确答案:fateful正确答案:constantly正确答案:innocent正确答案:helping正确答案:aftermath正确答案:conveyed正确答案:faith and confidence正确答案:met in Russia正确答案:this hour of difficultyPart II Reading Comprehension ( 25 minutes )Section ADirections: In this section, there is a passage with several blanks. You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage. Read the passage through carefully before making your choices. Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter. You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once.A) merchant B) appearance C) in accordance with D) appearedE) able F) startled G) tiny H) definiteI) indefinite J) capable K) occurred L) startlingM) wrinkled N) reflections O) in alliance with21. ______________________ 正确答案:N22. ______________________ 正确答案:K23. ______________________ 正确答案:A24. ______________________ 正确答案:J25. ______________________ 正确答案:L26. ______________________ 正确答案:B27. ______________________ 正确答案:H28. ______________________ 正确答案:G29. ______________________ 正确答案:M30. ______________________ 正确答案:CSection BDirections: There are several passages in this section. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should decide on the best choice.Passage OneQuestions 31 to 35 are based on the following passage.How we look and how we appear to others probably worries us more when we are in our teens or early twenties than at any other time in our life. Few of us are content to accept ourselves as we are, and few are brave enough to ignore the trends of fashion.Most fashion magazines or TV advertisements try to persuade us that we should dress in a certain way or behave in a certain manner. If we do, they tell us, we will be able to meet new people with confidence and deal with every situation confidently and without embarrassment. Changing fashion, of course, does not apply just to dress. A barber today does not cut a boy's hair in the same way as he used to, and girls do not make up in the same way as their mothers and grandmothers did. The advertisers show us the latest fashionable styles and we are constantly under pressure to follow the fashion in case our friends think we are odd or dull.What causes fashions to change? Sometimes convenience or practical necessity or just the fancy of an influential person can establish a fashion. Take hats for example. In cold climates, early buildings were cold inside, so people wore hats indoors as well as outside. In recent times, the late President Kennedy caused a depression in the American hat industry by not wearing hats: more American men have followed example.There is also a cyclical pattern in fashion. In the 1920s in Europe and America, short skirts became fashionable. After World War Ⅱ, they dropped to ankle length. Then they got shorter and shorter until the miniskirt was in fashion. After a few more years, skirts became longer again.Today, society is much freer and easier than it used to be. It is no longer necessary to dress like everyone else. Within reason, you can dress as you like or do your hair the way you like instead of the way you should because it is the fashion. The popularity of jeans and the "untidy" look seems to be a reaction against the increasingly expensive fashions of the top fashion houses.At the same time, appearance is still important in certain circumstances and then we must choose our clothes carefully. It would be foolish to go to an interview for a job in a law firm wearing jeans and a sweater; and it would be discourteous to visit some distinguished scholar looking as if we were going to the beach or a night club. However, you need never feel depressed if you don't look like the latest fashion photo. Look around you and you'll see that no one else does either!31.The author thinks that people are _________.A) satisfied with their appearanceB) concerned about appearance in old ageC) far from neglecting what is in fashionD) reluctant to follow the trends in fashion正确答案:C32.Fashion magazines and TV advertisements seem to link fashion to _________.A) confidence in lifeB) personal dressC) individual hair styleD) personal future正确答案:A33.Causes of fashions are _________.A) uniformB) variedC) unknownD) inexplicable正确答案:B34.Present-day society is much freer and easier because it emphasizes _________.A) uniformityB) formalityC) informalityD) individuality正确答案:D35.Which is the main idea of the last paragraph?A) Care about appearance in formal situations.B) Fashion in formal and informal situations.C) Ignoring appearance in informal situations.D) Ignoring appearance in all situations.正确答案:APassage TwoQuestions 36 to 40 are based on the following passage.Research on friendship has established a number of facts, some interesting, some even useful. Did you know that the average student has 5-6 friends, or that a friend who was previously an enemy is like more than one who has always been on the right side? Would you believe that physically attractive individuals are preferred as friends to those less comely, and is it fair that physically attractive defendants are less likely to be found guilty in court? Unfortunately, such titbits don’t tell us much more about the nature or the purpose of friendship. In fact, studies of friendship seem to implicate more complex factors.For example, one function friendship seems to fulfill is that it supports the image we have of ourselves, and confirms the value of the attitudes we hold. Certainly we appear to project ourselves onto our friends; several studies have shown that we judge them to be more like us than they (objectively) are. This suggests that we ought to choose friends who are similar to us rather than those who would be complementary.There have also been studies of pairings, both voluntary (married couples) and forced (student roommates), to see which remained together and which split up. Again, the evidence seems to favor similarity rather than complementarity as an omen of a successful relationship, though there is a complication: where marriage is concerned, once the field has been narrowed down to potential mates who come from similar backgrounds and share a broad range of attitudes and values, a degree of complementarity seems to become desirab1e. When a couple are not just similar but almost identical, something else seems to be needed. Simi1arity can breed contempt, it has also been found that when we find others obnoxious (可憎的), we dislike them more if they are like us than when they are dissimilar!The difficulty of linking friendship with similarity of personality probably reflects the complexity of our personalities: we have many facets and therefore require a disparate (迥然不同的) group of friends to support us. This of course can explain why we may have two close friends who have little in common, and indeed dislike each other. By and large, though, it looks as though we would do well to choose friends (and spouses) who resemble us. If this were not so, computer dating agencies would have gone out of business years ago.36.Research on friendship has demonstrated that______.A) every student has five or six friendsB) judges are always influenced by a pretty faceC) ugly people find it harder to make friends than beautiful peopleD) we tend to grow fond of people if we dislike them at first sight正确答案:C37.Studies of friendship have indicated that in seeking friends we______.A) desire to be sympathized and comprehendedB) insist on them having similar attitudes to ourselvesC) think they resemble us more than they really doD) tend to choose those complementary to us in personality.正确答案:C38.Studies of marriage relationships indicate that______.A) exactly the same bases for success apply as for ordinary friendshipsB) it is first of all necessary to limit prospective partners to people from similar backgroundsC) opposites get on better than similar personalitiesD) the most successful are those between people who are alike but not exactly the same正确答案:D39.Why can two people who have different attitudes towards religion, ethics and aesthetics sometimes become good friends?A) There exist different elements in our personality.B) Our attitudes are always changing.C) We need more friends to help and support us in our life.D) A true friendship can tolerate these differences and last long.正确答案:A40.Which of the following best summarizes the main idea of the passage?A) Birds of a feather flock together.B) One takes the behavior of one’s company.C) Great minds think alike.D) A friend in need is a friend indeed.正确答案:APart III Vocabulary and Structure ( 12 minutes )Directions: There are a number of incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Choose the ONE that best completes thesentence.41.It requires great ________ into human nature to be a good writer.A) insightB) patienceC) sightD) intelligence正确答案:A42.She ________ her shoes with a piece of cloth to make them shine.A) rubsB) ridsC) scratchesD) caresses正确答案:A43.He ________ telling his wife that he lost his job.A) dunkedB) flankedC) funkedD) frank正确答案:C44.He was buried in his hometown, ________ his wishes.A) accordingB) in accordance toC) in accordance withD) according with正确答案:C45.When her beloved son died in an unexpected accident, life became meaningless and she was all _______.A) to piecesB) of piecesC) to pieceD) of a piece正确答案:A46.My boss will _______ murder me when she finds out what I've done.A) hardlyB) certainlyC) literallyD) definitely正确答案:C47.The assumption that housing prices will keep increasing is _______ the biggest concern of all Chinese people.A) by farB) as farC) too farD) so far as正确答案:A48.In east Asia, a 19 percent average of female representation in parliaments is more than one and a half times _______ of industrial countries.A) whatB) thatC) muchD) which正确答案:B49.The hostess dressed in her finest costume together with the guests of honor _______ comfortably in the living room.A) was seatedB) were seatedC) was seatingD) seated正确答案:A50.It’s ______ ― from the outside the building looks small, but inside it’s quite big.A) deceptiveB) acceptiveC) receptiveD) appreciative正确答案:A51.He wants the job purely for reasons of ______and ambition.A) humanityB) harmonyC) frequencyD) vanity正确答案:D52.She had sent her son to the university and she was eager to _______.A) have him distinguished himselfB) have him distinguish himselfC) have him to distinguish himselfD) have him distinguishing himself正确答案:B53.Let me be quite ______with you: your work is not good enough.A) insincereB) unfairC) partialD) candid正确答案:D54.I had lost my pen, but she ________up another one for me from somewhere.A) confirmedB) confusedC) conjuredD) conjectured正确答案:C55.The moment my mother came home after a day's work, she lit the fire and _____ making the soup.A) set asideB) set aboutC) set offD) set up正确答案:B56.The experiment helped the child to learn that acid _____ the metal.A) takes apartB) confines toC) freezes upD) eats into正确答案:D57.By afternoon, it was impossible to _____ the heat, so we stopped working and went inside.A) maskB) endureC) defeatD) shelter正确答案:B58.After the accident he became a ________figure, a shadow of his former self.A) patheticB) patientC) peculiarD) penitent正确答案:A59.You should have put the milk in the ice box; I expect it ________ undrinkable by now.A) becameB) had becomeC) has becomeD) becomes正确答案:C60.Everybody is saying how wonderful city life is, but ________ I prefer living in the country.A) to my sideB) for my partC) for my sideD) to my part正确答案:BPart IV Translation ( 10 minutes )Directions: Complete the sentences by translating into English the Chinese given in brackets.61. I met his wife and two daughters, and it was evidently ____________________ (和睦恩爱的一家人).正确答案:a united and affectionate family62. Both of us knew that five minutes earlier I ____________________ (根本不关心) what happened to him.正确答案:couldn't have cared less63. With the ____________________ (我国经济的快速发展), thousands of new businesses have sprung up.正确答案:fast development of our country's economy64. After reading the text three times, ____________________ (那个聪明的男孩就已记住了).正确答案:the clever boy has committed it to memory65. If you spare half an hour for exercise every day ____________________ (很快你就会恢复健康).正确答案:you'll soon be back in good condition全新版第二版综合B4U5-BPart I Listening Comprehension ( 14 minutes )Section ADirections: In this section, you will hear ten statements. Numbers 1 to 6 are based on Text A while the rest are based on Text B. Each statement will be read ONLY ONCE. Listen carefully and decide whether each statement is true or false.1.A) TB) FScript: According to Text A, Burton seemed to receive great popularity at the British Club and get well along with his family.正确答案:A2.A) TB) FScript: In Burton’s eyes, Lenny was an excellent bridge player in nature.正确答案:A3.A) TB) FScript: Lenny asked Burton for help when he went bankrupt perhaps because they shared the same name.正确答案:A4.A) TB) FScript: Burton asked Lenny to swim from the Shioya Club round the beacon to the creek of Tarumi to check if Lenny was a good swimmer.正确答案:B5.A) TB) FScript: Lenny was so confident that he was willing to meet the challenge and promised the swim.正确答案:B6.A) TB) FScript: Burton was aware that Lenny would be drowned, so he never planned to offer Lenny a job.正确答案:A7.A) TB) FScript: According to Text B, when the poor Mike begged her, the author pretended to have no money to ignore his existence.正确答案:A8.A) TB) FScript: Although she suffered from the pain in her leg, the author still smelt alcohol on Mike’s breath.正确答案:B9.A) TB) FScript: Mike was so generous that he took out his only change for the author to take the bus.正确答案:A10.A) TB) FScript: The author felt regretful for her prejudice against those beggars who were forced to beg.正确答案:ASection BDirections: In this section, you will hear a passage three times. When the passage is read for the first time, you should listen carefully for its general idea. When the passage is read for the second time, you are required to fill in the blanks with the exact words you have just heard. Finally, when the passage is read for the third time, you should check what you have written.A lady in a (11)_________________ gingham dress and her husband, dressed in a homespun threadbare suit, stepped off the train in Boston, and walked (12)_________________ without an (13)_________________ into the president of Har vard’s outer office. For hours, the secretary (14)_________________ them, hoping that the couple would finally become discouraged and go away. They didn’t. And the secretary grew (15)_________________ and finally decided to disturb the president. “Maybe if they just see you for a few minutes, they’ll leave,” she told him. The president, stern-faced with (16)_________________ strutted toward the couple .The lady told him, “We had a son that attended Harvard for one year. He loved Harvard, and was very happy here. But he was (17)_________________ killed. And my husband and I would like to (18)_________________ to him somewhere on campus.” The president wasn’t touched, and he was shocked, “Madam,” he said gruffly, “we can’t put up a statue for every person who attended Harvard and died, this place would look like a cemetery.”“Oh, no,” the lady explained quickly, “we don’t want to erect a statue. We thought we would (19)_________________ to Harvard.” The president rolled his eyes. He glanced at the g ingham dress and homespun suit, and then exclaimed, “A building! Do you have an earthly idea how much a building costs? We have over seven and a half million dollars in the physical plant at Harvard.”Mr. and Mrs. Leland Stanford walked away, traveling to Palo Alto, California where they established the university that (20)_________________ — a memorial to a son that Harvard no longer cared about.Script: A lady in a faded gingham dress and her husband, dressed in a homespun threadbare suit, stepped off the train in Boston, and walked timidly without an appointment into the president of Harvard’s outer office. For hours, the secretary ignored them, hoping that the couple would finally become discouraged and go away. They didn’t. And the secretary grew frustrated and finally decided to disturb the president. “Maybe if they just see you for a few minutes, they’ll leave,” she told him. The president, stern-faced with dignity, strutted toward the couple .The lady told him, “We had a son t hat attended Harvard for one year. He loved Harvard, and was very happy here. But he was accidentally killed. And my husband and I would like to erect a memorial to him somewhere on campus. ” The president wasn’t touched, and he was shocked, “Madam,” he said gruffly, “we can’t put up a statue for every person who attended Harvard and died, this place would look like a cemetery.”“Oh, no,” the lady explained quickly, “we don’t want to erect a statue. We thought we would give a building to Harvard.” The president rolled his eyes. He glanced at the gingham dress and homespun suit, and then exclaimed, “A building! Do you have an earthly idea how much a building costs? We have over seven and a half million dollars in the physical plant at Harvard.”Mr. and Mrs. Leland Stanford walked away, traveling to Palo Alto, California where they established the university that bears thei r name ― a memorial to a son that Harvard no longer cared about.正确答案:faded正确答案:timidly正确答案:appointment正确答案:ignored正确答案:frustrated正确答案:dignity正确答案:accidentally正确答案:erect a memorial正确答案:give a building正确答案:bears their namePart II Reading Comprehension ( 25 minutes )Section ADirections: In this section, there is a passage with several blanks. You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage. Read the passage through carefully before making your choices. Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter. You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once.A) vacancy B) candid C) constitution D) trifleE) currents F) turned up G) dissipation H) position I) turned down J) candy K) drowned L) offer M) creek N) rubbed O) robbed21. ______________________正确答案:F22. ______________________正确答案:C23. ______________________正确答案:G24. ______________________正确答案:E25. ______________________正确答案:D26. ______________________正确答案:L27. ______________________正确答案:K28. ______________________正确答案:B29. ______________________正确答案:N30. ______________________正确答案:ASection BDirections: There are several passages in this section. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should decide on the best choice.Passage OneQuestions 31 to 35 are based on the following passage.American no longer expect public figures, whether in speech or in writing, to command the English language with skill and gift. Nor do they aspire to such command themselves. In his latest book, Doing Our Own Thing: The Degradation of Language and Music and Why We Should, Like, Care, John McWhorter, a linguist and controversialist of mixed liberal and conservative views, sees the triumph of 1960s counter-culture as responsible for the decline of formal English.Blaming the permissive 1960s is nothing new, but this is not yet another criticism against the decline in education. Mr. McWhorter’s academic speciality is language history and change, and he sees gradual disappearance of “whom”, for example, to be natural and no more regrettable than the loss of the case-endings of Old English.But the cult of the authentic and the personal, “doing our own thing”, has spelt the death of formal speech, writing, poetry and music. While even the modestly educated sought an elevated tone when they put pen to paper before the 1960s, even the most well regarded writing since then has sought to capture spoken English on the page. Equally, in poetry, the highly personal, performative genre is the only form that could claim real liveliness. In both oral and written English, talking is triumphing over speaking, spontaneity over craft.Illustrated with an entertaining array of examples from both high and low culture, the trend that Mr. McWhorter documents is unmistakable. But it is less clear, to take the question of his subtitle, “Why We Should Like, Care”. As a linguist, he acknowledges that all varieties of human language, including non-standard ones like Black English, can be powerfully expressive ― there exists no language or dialect in the world that cannot convey complex ideas. He is not arguing, as many do, that we can no longer think straight because we do not talk proper.Russians have a deep love for their own language and carry large chunks of memorized poetry in their heads, while Italian politicians tend to elaborate speech that would seem old-fashioned to most English-speakers. Mr. McWhorter acknowledges that formal language is not strictly necessary, and proposes no radical education reforms ― he is really grieving over the loss of something beautiful more than useful. We now take our English “on paper plates instead of china”. A shame, perhaps, but probably an inevitable one.31.According to McWhorter, the decline of formal English ________.A) is inevitable in radical education reformsB) is but all too natural in language developmentC) has caused the controversy over the counter-cultureD) brought about changes in public attitudes in the 1960s正确答案:B32.The word “talking” (Paragraph 3) denotes ________.A) formalityB) personalityC) vividnessD) informality正确答案:D33.Which of the following statements would McWhorter most likely agree to?A) Logical thinking is not necessarily related to the way we talk.B) Black English can be more expressive than Standard English.C) Non-standard varieties of human language are just as entertaining.D) Of all the varieties, Standard English can best convey complex ideas.正确答案:A34.The description of Russians’ love of memorizing poetry shows the author’s ________.A) interest in their languageB) appreciation of their effortsC) struggle against the decline of formal EnglishD) contempt for their old-fashionedness正确答案:B35.According to the last paragraph, “paper plates” is to “china” as ________.A) “radical” is to “conservative”B) “informal” is to “formal”C) “functional” is to “artistic”D) “inferior” is to “superior”。
5.两大军事集团的形成,就其实质而言表明()A.三国同盟和三国协约的利益不同 B.英德矛盾激化,各自寻求支持C.帝国主义重新瓜分世界的斗争日趋激烈D.帝国主义列强为各自利益互相勾结6.一战爆发后,原属同盟国的意大利加入协约国对德作战,表明了()A.意大利背信弃义B.协约国方面的战争具有一定的正义性C.同盟国内部不团结 D.帝国主义国家间的关系是以自身利益为转移的7.第一次世界大战前夕,巴尔干成为欧洲“火药桶”的最主要原因是()A.该地区的民族矛盾长时期尖锐复杂B.有的巴尔干国家推行地区霸权主义C.奥匈帝国在该地区不断地进行扩X D.欧洲列强纷纷介入扩X自己的势力8.俄国二月革命和十月革命的历史,最能说明()A.第一次世界大战的非正义性质B.帝国主义国家之间矛盾重重C.无产阶级与资产阶级矛盾激化D.战争引起革命,革命制止战争9.发电机和无线电机的问世,突出反映了()A.英国科学家做出了决定性的贡献B.电学的发展落后于电的应用C.科学作为理论基础对技术和生产的指导作用越来越大D.科学理论的发展一定先于技术的应用10.能够正确反映世界工业化进程中经济发展与环境污染之间关系的曲线是()工业化初期工业化后工业经济发环境污染A.曲线AB.曲线BC.曲线CD.曲线D11.19世纪60~90年代中期,英国在欧洲大陆奉行“光荣孤立”的外交政策。
商代 B.西周C.春秋D.战国2、在古代文献记载中,我国西周时期设在王都的小学和大学,总称为A.国学 B。
乡学C.党庠 D。
大儒 B。
鸿儒C.君子儒D.雅儒4、先秦时期提出“得天下英才而教育之"理想的教育家是A.孔子 B。
荀子 D。
律学 B.画学C。
书学 D.医学6、为保证门阀世族的特权,晋武帝咸宁二年(276年)所新创立的学校是A. 国子学B.四门学C。
太学 D.鸿都门学7、王守仁教育思想的理论基础是A. 天命论B.“致良知”说C.三纲五常D.中庸思想8、我国第一个正式颁布并在全国施行的近代学制是A。
壬寅学制 B。
壬子癸丑学制 D.壬戍学制9、近代提出“活教育”思想的教育家是A.梁漱溟 B。
陶行知C.晏阳初 D。
延安大学 C。
鲁迅艺术学校B.抗日军政大学 D。
陕北公学11、在“七艺"中智者派创立的学科被称作A. “六艺”B. “五艺”C. “四艺”D. “三艺"12、中世纪神学哲学化最高阶段的产物是A.经验神学 B。
神学哲学 D.经院哲学13、文艺复兴时期尼德兰教育家伊拉斯谟著有的主要代表作是A.《教学论》B.《巨人传》C.《散文集》 D。
2019外研版高中英语选择性必修四Unit5 阅读技能突破
Unit5 阅读技能突破-真题展示[浙江2021年1月·C篇] Researchers say they have translated the meaning of gestures that wild chimpanzees(黑猩猩) use to communicate. They say wild chimps communicate 19 specific messages to one another with a “vocabulary” of 66 gestures. The scientists discovered this by following and filming groups of chimps in Uganda, and examining more than 5, 000 incidents of these meaningful exchanges.Dr Catherine Hobaiter, who led the research, said that this was the only form of intentional communication to be recorded in the animal kingdom. Only humans and chimps, she said, had a system of communication where they deliberately sent a message to another group member.“That’s what’s so amazing about chimp gestures,” she said. “They’re the only thing that looks like human language in that respect.”Although previous research has shown that apes and monkeys can understand complex information from another animal’s call, the animals do not appear to use their voices intentionally to communicate messages. This was a significant difference between calls and gestures, Dr Hobaiter said.Chimps will check to see if they have the attention or the animal with which they wish to communicate. In one case, a mother presents her foot to her crying baby, signalling: “Climb on me.” The youngster immediately jumps on to its mother’s back and they travel off together. “The big message from this study is that there is another species(物种) out there that is meaningful in its communication, so that’s not unique to humans,” said Dr Hobaiter.Dr Susanne Shultz, an evolutionary biologist from the University of Manchester, said the study was praiseworthy in seeking to enrich our knowledge of the evolution of human language. But, she added, the results were “a little disappointing”.“The vagueness of the gesture meanings suggests either that the chimps have little to communicate, or we are still missing a lot of the information contained in their gestures and actions,” she said. “Moreover, the meanings seem to not go beyond what other animals convey with non-verbal communication. So, it seems the gulf remains.”1. What do chimps and humans have in common according to Dr Hobaiter?A. Memorizing specific words.B. Understanding complex information.C. Using voices to communicate.D. Communicating messages on purpose.2. What did Dr Shultz think of the study?A. It was well designed but poorly conducted.B. It was a good try but the findings were limited.C. It was inspiring but the evidence was unreliable.D. It was a failure but the methods deserved praise.3. What does the underlined word “gulf” in the last paragraph mean?A. Difference.B. Conflict.C. Balance.D. Connection.4. Which of the following is the best title for the text?A. Chimpanzee behaviour study achieved a breakthroughB. Chimpanzees developed specific communication skillsC. Chimpanzees: the smartest species in the animal kingdomD. Chimpanzee language: communication gestures translated【语篇导读】本文介绍了科学家们通过跟踪和拍摄乌干达的黑猩猩群,翻译出了黑猩猩用来交流的手势含义,并发现其手势在交流系统的某些方面和人类语言是一样的。
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外教史题库第四五套 GE GROUP system office room 【GEIHUA16H-GEIHUA GEIHUA8Q8-《外国教育史》试卷(第五套)一、填空题(30%)1、在教育起源问题上,法国教育学者利托尔诺认为教育起源于(),美国教育学者()认为起源于儿童对成人活动的当下的无意识的模仿,经典马克思主义认为教育起源于()。
3、公共教育的“民族性原则” (5分)(1)俄国19世纪教育家乌申斯基提出。