跨文化交际课件第四章语言与文化Language and culture概要1


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• 3.in the west ,if you were invited to have a meal at someone’s home, there will often be only one or two dishes.Even it was a formal dinner, it would usually be just three courses:soup, main dish, and desert. But in China,an informal dinner would have four dishes and a soup; a a formal dinner would have at least eight dishes and a soup.
• 1.There are at least two or more people.
• 2.There must be some contact between communicators.
• 3.There must be a language shared by communicators.
• 4.an exchange of information has taken place.
• Activity 2 meanings in communication
• Utterance meaning :what it normally means
• Speakers meaning:the speaker has intended to convey by way of utterance meaning .
• 5.Many people feel religious belief are very personal and they may not feel; comfortable to tell someone they hardly know.

第四章 语言与跨文化交际

第四章 语言与跨文化交际

三、语言和文化的关系-- 语言既是文化的载体,又是文化的写照。 语言就像一面镜子,清晰地反映了使用该 语言的文化内涵。同样地,语词的意义与 实用惯例,也预先受到该社会、团体的文 化思想形态的牵制。
1、语言决定论(language Determinism) 语言决定论认为,一种语言的语法结构会 制约、影响语言使用者的思维模式,所以 人的世界观是由语言来决定的。“当你使 用语言时,语言也同样在使用或者说影响 着你,影响你说话的口音,影响你遣词造 句的方式和速度,影响你对他人或者说读 者和整个客观世界的看法和态度,甚至影 响你的思维方式”(钱钟书)。
第四章 语言与跨文化交际
第一节:语言概论 第二节:语言使用的文化差异 第三节:言语行为的文化差异 第四节:跨文化语篇对比分析 第五章:语言的翻译

通过本章学习,掌握: 1、语言概论:定义、特征、结构等等。 2、什么是语用迁移?他对交际有什么影响? 3、什么是语言相对论? 4、什么是合作原则?有哪些文化差异? 5、什么是礼貌原则?有哪些文化差异? 6、了解言语行为理论,学会联系实际加以 说明。
人类的语言可分为两种,一是口头语言, 二是非口头语言。这两种语言构成人类沟 通的主要脉络,一切讯息都经由这两种语 言来表现。语言是人类用来制造口语讯息 的一组符号系统。我们通过语言符号传达 讯息,以达到沟通交际的目的。 在跨文化交际过程中,语言及语言背后文 化所传递的信息是否相同和理解对跨文化 交际影响深远。
2、语言相对论是采取保守的态度来论述语 言与文化的关系。在不认为语言是人类文 化生成者的情况下,退一步地主张,语言 只是反映人类的文化,包括思想、信仰及 态度行为。 “语言相对论”,也就是说使用不同语言 的人对世界的感受和体验不同,这与他们 的语言背景有关。就是使用明显不同的语 法的人,会因其使用的语法不同而有不同 的观察行为,对相似的外在观察行为也会 有不同的评价。



一 二
跨文化交际的概念及学科背景 跨文化交际研究的时代必要性
一 二 三
价值观念 民族性格 自然环境
一 二 三
思维方式 民族中心主义 心理环境
一 二 三
第一节 角色关系与跨文化交际
一 关于文化的概念
圣人之治天下也,先文德而后武力。凡武之兴,为不服也;文化不 改,然后加诛。夫下愚不移,纯德之所不能化,而后武力加焉。
测。交际是在一定的文化背景和交际情景中进行的,而且交际行 为有其固有的语言规则以及语用规则,因此交际过程是一个交际 双方对彼此的交际行为的结果进行预测的过程。 这种预测可能是自觉的,也可能是无意识的。预测的准确程 度取决于对交际环境因素及其与交际行为相互作用的关系的理解 程度,以及对文化和语用规则掌握的熟练程度和运用的灵活程度。
是“文化”就同英语的culture有了直接的词源关系,并衍生 出“文明”、“教育”等含义。



③ 王福祥、吴汉樱编,《文化与语言》(外语教 学与研究出版社,1994)。
出版学术专著 发表相关论文 召开学术研讨会
尔滨成立,此后,每两年召开一次全国性 会议。
第二讲 跨文化交际与跨文化交际学
一、跨文化交际(intercultural communication)
交际是一个(或多个人)对另一个人(或 多个人)的行为或行为遗迹作出了反应。
格林教授和夫人鞠躬 敬请赐复。
Director of the Institute of Atomic Energy requests the pleasure of the company of
Mr. and Mrs. Dickens at a dinner party
in honor of Mr. Liu Wenling senior engineer of the Institute of Atomic Energy
中国文化中称呼“姓+职务”这种类型的,有 些翻译成英文不宜直译,如主任、局长、科长、 老师等。
对于教师的称呼很多,主要有三种: Sir./Ms.;
Mr./Ms.+姓;直呼其名。 不能是“姓+teacher”,也不能是直呼别人



Case 1 Shoes for Street Walking
It is said that in Rome, in front of a shoe store, there was such a sign to attract English-speaking customers: Shoes for street walking. Come in and have a fit. The sign caught the attention of many Englishspeaking tourists, but not to look at the shoes displayed in the windows, but to read the sign and then break out into laughter.
Language and Culture
“Careful with fire,” is good advice, we know; “Careful with words,” is ten times doubly so.
Will Carleton, The First Settler’s Story
Words different in denotation
A term in one language does not necessarily have a counterpart in the other language;
Words or terms in both languages appear to refer to the same object or concept only on the surface, but actually refer to quite different things;



• 习语的凝固性
• 又称为习语的固 • 不能把
定性,与中国汉 语的成语一样,
• rain cats and dogs (倾盆大雨)
它的词、形式、 结构都是固定的, 不能被更改、替 换。例如:

rains dogs cats或
• rain a cat and a
dog 等形式。
数字13:在西方文化中,普遍被认为是不吉祥的数字。但 在我国传统文化中,不具有这些内涵意义。
数字9:在中国传统文化中,就是历代君王都推崇的数字, 皇帝穿九龙袍,京城建九个城门,宫殿的台阶也是九层或 九的倍数。但在英语中nine却. 没有这样的文化内涵。 10
naked truth
kill the goose that laid the golden eggs
sour grapes bell the cat
cat’ paw
原原本本的事实, 赤裸裸的事实 杀鸡取卵 涸泽而鱼
聊以自慰的话 替别人冒风险 被别人利用的人
the lion’s share .


A Monumental Figure
• Edward Twitchell Hall, (1914 –2009) , American anthropologist and cross-cultural researcher.
• Hall introduced a number of new concepts, including proxemics, polychronigh and low context cultures.
Cross-cultural communication refers to any communication between two members of any cultural communities. (Samovar and Porter, 2004:47)
Cross-cultural Communication Vs
his Linguistic Across Cultures(《跨文化语言学》). He discussed the cultural comparison in three aspects: form, meaning and distribution(顾嘉祖,4). • In 1959,the Silent Language by Edward T. Hall initiated the cross-cultural studies. • R.Oliver , 1962, Culture and communication • A.G.Smith, 1966,Culture and communication • In 1970s, ICA (International Communication Association) accepted Cross-cultural Communication as a branch discipline. as a discipline) • Journals: International and Intercultural Journal of Intercultural Relations.

跨文化交际 language and cultureppt课件

跨文化交际  language and cultureppt课件
cycle 同志/ 小姐
Characteristics of Language
• Language is arbitrary. kangaroo
• Language is conventional. Please choose the correct meaning of 终身
大事 a. 工作 b. 事业 c. 婚姻 d. 生死
• Our language helps mould our way of thinking and different languages may probably express our unique ways of understanding the world.
• Two points in his theory: • 1) Language may determine our thinking patterns; • 2) similarity between languages is relative, the
greater their structural differentiation is, the more diverse their conceptualization of the world will be.
• Linguistic determinism(语言决定论):语言决 定思维
• Linguistic relativity (语言相对论):思维相对 于语言,思维模式随着语言的不同而不同。
Language and intercultural communication
What’s language? Language and culture
Language and thought culture and word meaning Language and society

跨文化交际unit 4课件

跨文化交际unit 4课件

Unit 4 词汇与意义⏹教学内容:⏹(1)词汇的概念意义、内涵意义、社会意义、情感意义和搭配意义。



Importance⏹If we want to study the difference between two languages, we have to begin with the study of the words in the two languages. Because the close relationship between language and culture is most readily seen in words.Section 1 T ypes of meanings⏹1. Conceptual meaning概念意义⏹the basic meaning presented by a word. It refers to logical, cognitive(认知的), referential (指示的), or denotative(外延的)content.⏹also known as surface meaning or denotative meaning外延意义, dictionary meaning or literal meaning字面意义of a word.Features of Conceptual meaning概念意义⏹1. It is the core of the meaning of a word. It is the basic meaning represented by meaningful linguistic units. It‟s recorded in the dictionary.⏹E.g. woman-an adult female human being.⏹Dog-a four-legged animal which can make the sound of barking⏹2. It can be divided into some semantic components(语义成⏹分).⏹Woman: +animate(有生命) +human(人) - male (男性) -adult(成年)I⏹boy:⏹3. It is relatively constant and stable, because it is the meaning agreed upon by all the members of the same speech community.But it may also vary.⏹Manuscript =“手稿” now also including文稿printed from typewriter or computer Note: Many different words can have the same conceptual meaning⏹walk⏹to move forward by placing one foot in front of the other. The newlyweds新婚夫妇strolled down漫步the streets of Paris.⏹The wealthy businessman swaggered大摇大摆地into the restaurant and demanded a table.The overweight man lumbered笨重地行动along, breathing heavily and occasionally tripping.⏹These synonyms, although with different connotative meanings内涵意义, have the same conceptual meaning.The English Words unique in English culture⏹A. words related with geography⏹e.g. New England, Canberra, Northern Ireland, Sydney, London, Edinburgh, Greenwich, Quebec, Ottawa,⏹The Thames River, St. Lawrence, British Isles, The Rocky Mountains(落基山脉), The Mississippi River, The Niagara Falls,⏹koala, kangaroo, tornado(龙卷风)⏹The Great Barrier Reef, Silicon V alley, Yellowstone Park,⏹Summary:All these have their own geographical features: places, plants and animals uniquely found in USA, Great Britain and Australia; They all represent meaning unique in their own cultures;Their Chinese equivalents are only used by the Chinese people as mere names, which have lost their distinctive geographical and cultural features.The English Words unique in English culture⏹A. words related with geography⏹e.g.⏹U.S.A: New England, The Rocky Mountains,The Mississippi River, The Niagara Falls,Y ellowstone Park, Silicon V alley⏹Britain: British Isles, Northern Ireland, London, Edinburgh, Greenwich, The Thames River, Rose⏹Canada: Ottawa, Quebec, St. Lawrence,⏹Australia: Canberra, Sydney, The Great Barrier Reef, koala, kangaroo⏹B. words and history⏹the May Flower⏹(the ship in which a group of⏹British Puritans who were also⏹known as pilgrim fathers sailed to⏹America in 1620.⏹The revolutionary war⏹( the struggle of the 13 colonies in North America for independence from the British rule between 1775-1783)⏹Scalp(头皮)⏹(to tear the skin on the top and back of head and the hair attached from an enemy by an North American Indian as a trophy战利品)⏹⏹Knight⏹(a man given the rank of knighthood by the British Monarch in recognition of merits in public service)⏹Hippy/Hippie⏹(a young man and young woman who rejects authority, existing institutions and conventional attitudes towards morality, style of dress, etc.)⏹C. word and politics⏹USA: President, Secretary, Congress, Senate, the House of Representatives, The Democratic Party, The Republican Party, the Supreme Court⏹Great Britain: Parliament议会:the supreme legislative body of the United Kingdom. It comprises the sovereign, the House of Lords and the House of Commons.议会两院尤指英国由上议院和下议院构成的国家立法机关; Prime Minister, The Conservative Party, The Labour Party, Supreme Court of Judicature司法⏹Governor行政长官⏹the official title of the representative of the British monarch in a British colony.⏹Governor general总督⏹the personal representative of the British crown in the independent nations of the commonwealth.⏹e.g. The Canadian Governor General⏹Constitutional monarchy君主立宪制⏹a monarchy in which the powers of the rulers are restricted to those granted under the constitution and laws of the nationD. words and religion⏹Bible⏹a collection of religious books comprising the Old Testament and New Testament⏹reformation:宗教改革⏹a 16th century religious movement against the abuses in the Roman Catholic Church, ending in the formation of Protestant Churches.⏹Christmas box耶诞礼物或礼金⏹money given at Christmas time to the dustmen and others who provide a service throughout the year.⏹Boxing day节礼日⏹the first week day after Christmas, a legal holiday in England⏹Easter⏹the chief Christian feast, which celebrates the Resurrection of Christ, on the first Sunday after the full moon that coincides with or comes after the spring equinox.E. words and HolidaysChristmas cake/pudding/card/tree/carol/stockingFather Christmas), Santa Claus(A)⏹F. words and currency⏹Pound, penny; the American dollar, cent, quarter, nickel⏹G. Words and law⏹Court, judge, jury, lawyer, attorney (A)⏹H. Words and way of life⏹Snack Bar, roast beef, hamburger, sandwich, barbecue, cocktail, champagne; pajamas, suite, dress; subway, Greyhound bus; drive-ins, diner,⏹I. words and sports⏹Football, soccer, rugby, hockey, cricket⏹J. words and sex⏹Striptease, sex store, sexual interference, prostitute, whorehouse⏹K. words and personality⏹GB: reserve, practical, insularism偏执⏹USA:individualism, rapid pace of life, direct, promptness, informality, originality, materialism English works partly corresponding with Chinese words in conceptual meaning⏹1. Intellectual--知识分子⏹2. social sciences--社会科学⏹3. drugstore--药店⏹[美]杂货店(出售药物、糖果、饮料,化妆品,杂志及其他杂物的店铺)⏹4. Morning=午夜+凌晨+黎明+早晨+上午⏹5. Y oung(18-40), middle-aged(40-60), old (over 60)-------老中青⏹Discussion: discuss the conceptual differences between the words in each pair⏹yard--院子⏹peasant--农民⏹idealist-唯心主义者⏹materialist--唯物主义者"family" and jiating (家庭)⏹An American (A) attended her Chinese friend's (B) wedding. Two years later, the two met again.⏹A: Have you started a family'!⏹B: Oh, yes. Y ou attended my wedding, remember?⏹A: I mean if you've had children.⏹Here we see that ' family' means more than jiating (家庭) ,though they seem to be equivalents.2. Connotative meaning内涵意义⏹the implication(含义,暗示)of words, apart from its primary meaning.It is the communicative value that an expression has in addition to the purely conceptual meaning. It varies from culture to culture and from individual to individual⏹E.g. Woman⏹Physical: biped(双足的), having a womb(子宫)⏹Personality: gentle, compassionate, sensitive, hard-working, frail脆弱的, emotional, prone to tears, irrational, inconstant变化无常的,subject to maternal instinct, behavior: capable of speech, experienced in cookery, skirt or dress wearing,⏹Dog⏹loyal to owner, fierce凶猛的, violentFeatures of Connotative meaning内涵意义⏹1. Despite cultural background difference, some corresponding words in two languages may convey the same connotative meaning. e.g tiger, 老虎--cruelty⏹E.g. Woman⏹2. words with the same conceptual meaning yet different connotative meaning⏹书, book⏹老,old⏹同志,comrade⏹宣传,propaganda⏹狗,dogConnotative meanings vary according to different people, times, ages, societies etc.⏹E.g. Home: warm, loving, comfortable, safe⏹like a prison, cold, boring⏹终身大事⏹工作?事业?婚姻? 生死?⏹Connotative meaning may change with the times going⏹E.g. traditional: positive in the past⏹―old, conservative‖ at present⏹3. Social meaning社会意义⏹Social meaning is what a piece of language conveys about the social circumstances of its use, such as the language users( who are using the language), settings (where is language used), topics (what are language users are talking or writing).⏹E.g⏹home (general) , residence (formal), domicile(law), abode (literature),⏹horse, steed(战马), nag(老马),gee-gee(child)⏹throw(general) , cast (literature and religious), chuck(slang)⏹salt, sodium chloride⏹disobedient, recalcitrant反抗的⏹A good selection of words is important.Exercise!⏹Words which stand for what people do in order to make a living: job, vocation, profession, occupation, career, trade, work⏹Profession (an occupation requiring special education, especially in the liberal arts or sciences)所指的职业是需要在文科或理科方面有一定的教育程度,具备一定理论水平的人才的职业。

跨文化交际 language and culture PPT

跨文化交际  language and culture PPT

Characteristics of Language
• Language is symbolic Recount experience/ represent abstract idea • Language is rule-governed • Language is subjective • Language is dynamic and has its own life
Structure of human language
Verbal Intercultural
Language and culturCeommunication
Verbal intercultural communication
Verbal intercultural communication happens when people from different cultural backgrounds communicate with each other by using language.
When we talk about languages, we are usually talking
What’s language? about organized systems rather than common knowledge. And we often follow the rules. I(S) like (V) you (O)l.anguage are intentional Is body language a claonmgmuaugneic?ation systems rather than --not a formal languuangien.tentional ones. Without intention ,communication is not



一 二 三
第一节 语言使用的文化差异
社会语言差异 合作原则及其文化差异 礼貌原则及其文化差异
第二节 言语行为的文化差异
一 二 三 言语行为理论 语言表达的间接性 言语行为的文化差异分析
一 二 三
语篇及其相关概念 语篇的文化差异研究 语篇差异与语境因素
角色概念 角色关系 角色关系的变量
第二节 人际关系与跨文化交际
一 二 三 人际关系及其制约因素 人际关系的文化对比分析 人际关系取向及其类型
一 二 三
关于规范和规则 规范和规则系统 规范系统的文化冲突
一 二 三
文化过滤及代码系统 明指意义和暗涵意义 句法意义和认知意义
一 二
性别差异、性别歧视 与跨文化交际
性别文化与性别角色 性别差异与交际规范



一 二
汉语和英语的语篇结构差异 语篇结构差异的相对性
一 二
非言语行为的类型 非言语行为的功能
一 身姿语的文化差异 二 手势语的文化差异 三 表情语的文化差异 四 体距语的文化差异


• 与美国人在一起,就照美国人的方式、习俗去说话、办事;与中国人在一起, 就按中国人的习俗来做。
• 跨文化交际能力指的是跨文化交际环境中的交际能力,即来自不同文化背景的 人之间进行交际时,具有强烈的跨文化意识,善于识别文化差异和排除文化干 扰并成功地进行交际的能力。是在跨文化交际环境中由语言交际能力、非语言 交际能力、语言规则和交际规则转化能力以及文化适应能力所组成的综合能力。
• 交际双方进行的是实时的口语交际 ,即双方面对面的交谈。 • 交际双方进行的是直接的言语交际。基本上不涉及翻译问题,
而侧重语用规范,通过了解对方文化的价值取向和行为规范 协调双方交际中涉及的文化因素,从而保证交际的有效性。
• 我们的目标不是要将自己的学生培养成外国人,而是将他们培养成沟通中外交 往的桥梁。使他们能够不断转换不同文化的规则和办事方法,帮助桥两头的人 相互适应,成功进行跨越文化的交际。
Most glorious is the sunset.Even the dusk is blessde.
To offer no incense to Buddha when things go well and beseech his help only when in need.
1. 课堂教学与课外交际之间的关系,包括课本语言教学与课外应用指导之间的 关系。
2. 第二语言教学与第二文化教学之间的关系。 3. 培养学生的语言交际能力和培养他们的跨文化交际能力之间的关系。
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Words different in denotation
Things or concepts are represented by one or perhaps two terms in one language, but by many more terms in the other language, i.e. finer distinctions exist inor Street Walking
It is said that in Rome, in front of a shoe store, there was such a sign to attract English-speaking customers: Shoes for street walking. Come in and have a fit. The sign caught the attention of many Englishspeaking tourists, but not to look at the shoes displayed in the windows, but to read the sign and then break out into laughter.
Case 3 A Misunderstanding Caused
by a Joke
Roger was the Personnel Executive of a large American multinational firm. In 1996, Roger was working in Brazil to help promote their business. One evening, there was a party, attended by both his employees from the United States and many Brazilian business people. At the party, Roger bumped into Rosalita, a Brazilian woman he had known for some time. Roger generally had a very good impression of Rosalita and always felt at ease with her, so that he felt free to tell jokes and share personal thoughts, and talk about Brazil and Brazilian life without having the jitters of offending Rosalita.
Case 2 Look Out!
A foreign student in the U.S. was sitting by a window reading a book. She heard someone yelling "Look out!", so she stuck her head out of the window. Just then a board hurtled down from above, narrowly missing her. She looked up, half in anger and half in fright. There was a man on the roof doing repairs. "Didn't you hear me call `Look out'?" he demanded. "Yes, and that's what I did," she replied.
Words different in denotation
A term in one language does not necessarily have a counterpart in the other language;
Words or terms in both languages appear to refer to the same object or concept only on the surface, but actually refer to quite different things;
Language and Culture
"Careful with fire," is good advice, we know; "Careful with words," is ten times doubly so.
Will Carleton, The First Settler's Story
During the party, Rosalita said to Roger, "I'd like to introduce you to one of my good friends. She is a very capable woman and is presently thinking of working in a joint venture so she can provide a better living for her large family. She is very much interested in your company." Hearing that, Roger smiled and replied, "OK, but I just hope I don't get hustled." unfortunately, Roger's reply made Rosalita quite upset. Very soon she excused herself as politely as she could, and did not speak with Roger for the rest of the evening.