通用三 英语Unit1 TextA ,B 翻译




目录Unit1 Text A Mr. Doherty Builds His Dream Life 1Unit1 Text B American Family Life: The Changing Picture 4Unit2 Text A The Freedom Givers 10Unit3 Text A The Land of the Lock 14Unit3 Text B Why I Bought A Gun16Unit4 Text A Was Einstein a Space Alien? 21Unit5 Text A Writing Three Thank-You Letters 25Unit6 Text A The Last Leaf 28Unit7 Text A Life of a Salesman33Unit7 Text B Bricklayer's Boy41Unit8 Text A Human Cloning: A Scientist’s Story47Unit8 Text B Second Thoughts on Cloning 50Unit1 Text A Mr. Doherty Builds His Dream Life多尔蒂先生创建自己的理想生活吉姆·多尔蒂Jim Doherty 1 There are two things I have always wanted to do -- write and live on a farm. Today I'm doing both. I am not in E. B. White's class as a writer or in my neighbors' league as a farmer, but I'm getting by. And after years of frustration with city and suburban living, my wife Sandy and I have finally found contentment here in the country.有两件事是我一直想做的――写作与务农。

大学英语精读第三版第三册unit 1 课文翻译答案

大学英语精读第三版第三册unit 1 课文翻译答案
Unit 1 一个年轻人发现,在街上漫无目的的闲逛也会带来涉及法律上的麻烦。一种误解导致另一种误解,直到最终他必须在法庭上接受审判……. 法律小冲突 我平生只有一次陷入与法律的冲突。被捕与被带上法庭的整个经过在当时是一种令人极不愉快的经历,但现在这却成为一个好故事的素材。尤其令人恼怒的是我被捕及随后在法庭上受审期间的种种武断情形。 事情发生在十二年前的二月,那是我中学毕业已经几个月了,但是要等到十月份才能上大学,所以当时我仍在家中。 一天上午,我来到离我住地不远的伦敦郊区的里士满,那是我正在找一份临时的工作,一边攒些钱去旅游。由于天体晴朗,有没有什么急事,我便悠然自得的看看窗店橱窗,逛逛公园,有时干脆停下来四处望。一定是这种显然无所事事的样子使我倒了霉。 事情发生在十一点半左右,当我在当地图书馆谋之未成,刚从那里出来,就看见一个人从马路对面走过来,显然是想跟我说话。我愿意为他是要问我时间。想不到他说他是警察,要逮捕我。开始我还以为这是个玩笑。但紧接着又来了一个穿着警服的警察,这下我无可置疑了。 “为什么抓我?”我问。 “四处游荡,有作案嫌疑,”他说。 “做什么案?”我又问。 “偷东西,” 他说。 “偷什么”我追问。 “牛奶瓶”他说,表情极端严肃。 “噢,” 事情是这样的,这一带经常发生小偷小摸的案件,尤其是从门前台阶上偷走牛奶瓶。 接着,我犯了个大错误,那是我才十九岁,留着一头乱蓬蓬的长发,自以为是六十年代“青年反主流文化”的一员。因此,我想对此表现出一副冷漠,满不在乎的态度,于是用一种很随便的无所谓的腔调说:“你们跟我多久了?”这样一来,我在他们眼里,我是惯于此种情形的,这又使他们确信我是一个彻头彻尾的坏蛋。 几分钟后来了一辆警车。 “坐到后面去,”他们说:“把手放在椅背上,不许乱动。”他俩分别坐在我的左右,这下可不是闹着玩的了。 在警察局,他们审问了我好几个小时。我继续装着老于世故,对此种事习以为常的样子。当他们问我一直在干什么事时,我告诉他们我在找工作。“啊哈”,这下我可看到他们在想,“无业游民”。 最后,我被正式指控,并得到通知下周一到里士满地方法院受审。他们这才让我走。 我本想在法庭上自我辩护,但是父亲一弄清事情原委后,就为我请了一位很不错的律师。就在那个星期一,我们带着各种证人出庭了,这其中包括我的中学英语教师作为我的平行见证人。但法庭没有传唤他作证。对我的“审判”并没有进行到那一步,才开庭十五分钟,法官就驳回了此案。我被无罪释放。可怜的警察毫无胜诉的机会。我的律师甚至成功的使警察承担了诉讼费。 这样, 我没有留下任何犯罪记录。但当时,最令人震惊的是我被无罪释放所明显依赖的证据:我有标准的口音,有受人尊重的中产阶级父母来到法庭,有可靠的证人,还有,很明显我请得起很好的律师。想到这次指控的含混不清的特点,我敢断定,我如果出生在一个不同背景的家庭,并真失了业,则完全可能被判为有罪。当我的律师要求赔偿诉讼费时,他的辩词很显然的紧紧围绕着我“学习成绩优异”这一事实。 与此同时,在法庭外面,曾逮捕我的警察中的一个沮丧的想我的母亲抱怨说,又有一个小伙子要与警察做对了。他以责备的口气对我说:“我们抓你的时候,你本可以帮帮忙的。” 他这话是什么意思?也许是说我因该做出大发雷霆的样子,并说:“喂,你们知道是在和谁说话么?我是品学兼优的高材生。你们怎么敢抓我?”那样的话,他们也许会向我道歉,可能还会脱帽致意,让我扬长而去。

Unit 1 Text A The Use of Force翻译

Unit 1 Text A  The Use of Force翻译

‘Unit 1 Text A The Use of Force他们是我的新病人,我所知道的只有名字,奥尔逊。

They were new patients to me, all I had was the name, Olson.请您尽快赶来,我女儿病得很重。

“Please come down as soon as you can, my daughter is very sick.”当我到达时,孩子的母亲迎接了我,这是一位看上去惊恐不安的妇人,衣着整洁却一脸忧伤的神色她只是说,这位就是医生吗?When I arrived I was met by the mother, a big startled looking woman, very clean and apologetic who merely said, Is this the doctor?然后带我进了屋。

And let me in.在后面,她又说到,请你一定要原谅我们,医生,我们让她呆在厨房里,那儿暖和,这里有时很潮湿。

In the back, she added. Y ou must excuse us, doctor, we have her in the kitchen where it is warm. It is very damp here sometimes.在厨房的桌子旁边,这个孩子穿得严严实实的,坐在她父亲的腿上。

The child was fully dressed and sitting on here father’s lap near the kitchen table.他父亲试图站起来,但我向他示意不用麻烦,然后我脱下外套开始检查。

He tried to get up, but I motioned for him not to bother, took off my overcoat and started to look things over.我能够觉察出他们都很紧张,而且用怀疑的眼光上下打量着我。



新标准大学英语3课文翻译Unit 1 Friendship。

Part I Pre-reading Task。

1. The text is about friendship and the importance of friendship in our lives.2. The text is likely to discuss the qualities of a good friend and the benefits of having good friends.3. I think the text will be interesting and informative, and it will provide insights into the value of friendship.Part II Text A。


Friendship is one of the most precious things in our lives. It is a relationship that brings joy and support, and it is something that many people cherish deeply. Friends are the people we can rely on, share our thoughts and feelings with, and have fun with. A good friend is someone who is there for you in times of need, who listens to you without judgment, and who understands you even when you don't say a word.Part III Text B。



新标准大学英语综合教程3课文翻译Unit 1 Friendship。

Part I Pre-reading Task。

Friendship is a topic that everyone can relate to. We all have friends, and we all value the connections we have with them. In this unit, we will explore the theme of friendship from different angles and perspectives. Before we delve into the text, take a moment to think about what friendship means to you. What qualities do you value in a friend? How do you nurture and maintain your friendships? Reflecting on these questions will help you engage with the text more deeply.Part II Text A。

1. Friendship。

Friendship is one of the most important relationships we cultivate in our lives. It is a bond that brings joy, support, and companionship. In this text, we will read about the experiences of two friends, Lucy and Lily, and how their friendship evolves over time. As you read, pay attention to the dynamics of their relationship and the challenges they face. Think about how their story relates to your own experiences with friends.2. Text A Translation。



1.必修三Unit 1 A SAD LOVE STORY一段伤心的爱情故事Li Fang was heart-broken.李方的心都碎了。

It was Valentine’s Day and Hu Jin had said she would meet him at the coffee shop after work. 这天是情人节,胡瑾说她下班后会在咖啡馆和他见面的。

But she didn’t turn up. 可现在她却不见人影。

She could be with her friends right now laughing at him. 也许她这会儿跟朋友在一起,正在取笑他呢。

She said she would be there at seven o’clock, and he thought she would keep her word. 她说她会在7点到达,他(李方)认为她会守信用的。

He had looked forward to meeting her all day, and now he was alone with his roses and chocolates, like a fool. 他一整天都期盼着见到她,而现在他拿着玫瑰花和巧克力独自一人守候着,像个傻瓜一样。

Well, he was not going to hold his breath for her to apologize. 他不想屏息等她来道歉, He would drown his sadness in coffee. 他要用咖啡来解愁。

It was obvious that the manager of the coffee shop was waiting for Li Fang to leave-he wiped the tables, then sat down and turned on the TV-just what Li Fang needed! 很明显,咖啡馆里的经理在等李方离开一一他擦好桌子,然后坐下来,打开电视机。



为临终的人们建立收容所是德肋撒嬷嬷的标志性贡献。 贫穷是她选择的生活方式。 当教皇保罗六世把他在1964年访问加尔各答期间用过的一辆昂贵的汽车送给她时, 她未曾跨入车内就把它卖了, 用这笔钱在西孟加拉邦建立了一个看护所。
今天,德肋撒嬷嬷的修道会已有4 500多名修女和遍布126个国家的550个中心。他们所关注的范围也已经扩展到收容爱滋病患者、吸毒成瘾者和家庭暴力的受害者。在德肋撒嬷嬷的领导下,修女们曾为埃塞俄比亚的饥民提供食品,为切尔诺贝利的辐射受害者治病,并向美国一次地震后无家可归的家庭提供援助。
威尔士王妃黛安娜 (1961--1997)



1.Unit1 Festivals and celebrations节日和庆典Festivals and celebrations of all kinds have been held everywhere since ancient times. 自古以来,世界各地就有各种各样的节日和庆典。

Most ancient festivals would celebrate the end of cold weather, planting in spring and harvest in autumn. 最古老的节日总是庆祝严寒的结束、春季的种植和秋天的收割。

Sometimes celebrate would be held after hunters had caught animals. 有时,在猎人捕获猎物后,也举行庆祝活动。

At that time people would starve if food was difficult to find, especially during the cold winter months. 在那个时代,如果食物难以找到,特别是在寒冷的冬月,人们会挨饿。

Today’s festivals have many origins ,some religious, some seasonal, and some for special people or events. 现在的节日有很多由来,一些是宗教上的,一些是季节性的,一些是纪念特殊的人和事件的。

Festivals of the Dead亡灵节Some festivals are held to honour the dead or to satisfy the ancestors, who might return either to help or to do harm. 有些节日,是为了纪念死者,或使祖先得到满足,因为祖先们有可能回到世上(给人们)提供帮助,也有可能带来危害。


Eliminatethe word try from yourdictionaryand see how your life improves.
This is another small word with a big impact. Itdisempowersus, makes us feel weak and helpless, and damages ourself-esteem.
Unit 1 The power of language
Itis eager toplease and willing tocarry outanycommandsthat you give it – whether you do thisknowinglyor not is entirelyup to you.
Unit 1 The power of language
The Language ofConfidence
The language we useprogramsour brains.
Masteringour language gives us a great degree ofmasteryover our lives and ourdestinies.



新人教版高中英语选择性必修三课文及翻译Unit1 Reading and ThinkingA SHORT HISTORY OF WESTERN PAINTING西方绘画艺术简史What is Western art? It is hard to give a precise definition. As there have been so many different styles of Western art, it is impossible to describe them all in a short text. Perhaps the best way to understand Western art is to look at the development of Western painting over the centuries.什么是西方艺术?很难给出一个精确的定义。



The Middle Ages (from the 5th to the 15th century)中世纪(5世纪到15世纪)During the Middle Ages, the purpose of Western art was to teach people about Christianity. Thus, artists were not interested in painting realistic scenes. Their works were often primitive and two-dimensional, and the main characters were often made much larger than everyone else to show their importance. This began to change in the 13th century with Giotto di Bondone (1267-1337). While his paintings still had religious themes, they showed real people in a real environment. In particular, his paintings are set apart from other paintings by their realistic human faces and deep emotional impact.在中世纪,西方艺术的目的是向人们传授基督教因此,艺术家对写实场景不感兴趣。

Text b 翻译题答案(全新版大学英语综合教程3)

Text b 翻译题答案(全新版大学英语综合教程3)

全新版大学英语综合教程3Unit 1 text BTranslate into Chinese the underlined sentences in the essay ( P28 )1.什么?你说那听起来不像你府上的生活?其实,不仅仅是你一个人这么想。







Unit 2 text BTranslate into Chinese the underlined sentences in the essay ( P58 )TRANSLATION1.这一和平的不服从行为在蒙哥马利引发了抗议,最终使少数民族权利在法律上发生了变化,开创了美国民权运动的新时代。





”Unit 3 text BTranslate into Chinese the underlined sentences in the essay ( P85)(1)时至今日,我成了一个典型的被枪支制造商看中并视为其潜在买主的那位女人——成了成千上万个采取这种行动的人中一员。




it has become the hand salute used today.
Passage 3 Cultural Misinterpretations
Listen to the passage and answer the following questions.
1. Why did Mr. Wang send emails every day to the Canadian employee?
2. The man would like to be called by his ______.
A. first name
B. title and last name
C. title and first name
Part 3 Being Culturally Literate
Listen to three calls from a radio show, and check the subjects that were discussed.
New Words
amateur ★ armor n. n. 业余爱好者 盔甲
★ assassination
assume casual
v. adj.
假定, 设想 随便的,非正式的
◆ culturally ◆ distrust
adv. n.
文化地,文化上地 不信任
◆ emirate
T 1. Men used to wear jeans and ties to work in an office. 2. Casual Fridays started in the summer. 3. Employees in most companies liked the idea of causal Fridays.

大学英语阅读教程3 unit1 翻译

大学英语阅读教程3 unit1 翻译






























英语(一)自学教程unit1 textb

英语(一)自学教程unit1 textb

• Join the global community
• It's just plain cool
New Words
1.normal 通常的,正常的;normally 通常地,正常地 标准模式 normal mode Her temperature soon returned to normal. 她的体温很快恢复正常。 2.enhance提高;增强;改进 The candlelight enhanced her beauty. 烛光使她显得更美。 提高;加强;增加 raise , cement , boost , muscle , gain
New Words
6.profoundly adv. 深刻地;深深地;极度地 This film will make every Chinese rethink profoundly. 该片使每个中国人作深刻的反思。 7.ignore 驳回诉讼;忽视;不理睬 Nobody could ignore these problems. 没有谁会忽视这些问题。 The baby felt ignored by her parents. 那个婴儿感到被父母忽视了。
4.make an effort to =try one's best to do尽力,努力 I do make an effort, however, not to offend. 然而,我确实也努力让自己学会不去冒犯他人。
Phrases and Expressions
5.set...apart 使与众不同,分离,使分开 Her high height sets her apart from her sisters. 高高的个子使她在其姊妹中分外引人注目。 Fighting dogs need to be set apart in the correct way. 正在打架的狗需要用正确的方式分离。 6.be dying to do... 渴望 You will immediately have her attention; she will be dying to know what it means. 你会立即赢得她的注意;她会急于知道你说的是什么 意思。



全新版大学英语(第二版)综合教程3课文原文及翻译Until1-8较完1 / 55目录Unit1 Text A Mr. Doherty Builds His Dream Life 1Unit1 Text B American Family Life: The Changing Picture Unit2 Text A The Freedom Givers 10 Unit3 Text A The Land of the Lock 14 Unit3 Text B Why I Bought A Gun16 Unit4 Text A Was Einstein a Space Alien? 21 Unit5 Text A Writing Three Thank-You Letters 25 Unit6 Text A The Last Leaf2833 41474Unit7 Text A Life of a Salesman Unit7 Text B Bricklayer's BoyUnit8 Text A Human Cloning: A Scientist’s Story Unit8 Text B Second Thoughts on Cloning50Unit1 Text A Mr. Doherty Builds His Dream Life多尔蒂先生创建自己的理想生活吉姆・多尔蒂Jim Doherty1 There are two things I have always wanted to do -- write and live ona farm. Today I'm doing both. I am not in E. B. White's class as a writer orin my neighbors' league as a farmer, but I'm getting by. And after years of frustration with city and suburban living, my wife Sandy and I have finally found contentment here in the country.有两件事是我一直想做的�D�D写作与务农。



上教版必修三Unit1The mediaReading AJournalists on the jobSenior high school students in Shanghai recently had the opportunity to participate in the annual Career Day,where they got to follow a mentor for a day.In this way,students can see what their mentors do at work.This kind of direct experience of real workplaces can benefit students a lot.It may help them choose a future career.It may also open their eyes to new opportunities or jobs that they’ve never considered before.The students were also required to interview their mentors.One of the students was interested in journalism,and she has shared her interview recording with us.What makes a good journalist?There isn’t just one skill or quality that makes someone a good journalist.But I can think of two things that most journalists have in common:they are curious,and they love language. Journalists look around and always ask who,what,why,where and when.Then they try to tell others what they find out.Would all writers make good journalists?No,I wouldn’t say that.Writing a news article is not like writing a book.For one thing, journalists need to write in a clear way,using as few words as possible.There is always a limit on the number of words a journalist can write,so they need to focus on the key points.If you want to be a journalist,you ought to start developing this important skill.How do you spot a good news story?News is about what is happening right now,so good journalists keep up with current events. By paying attention to what’s going on,and keeping you eyes and ears open at all times,you always come across things worth reporting.Do journalists always write true news stories?They should.If the story’s not entirely true,then it isn’t news—it’s fiction.This means journalists need to be good at checking up on facts and making sure their information is true.If our articles contain errors,our readers won’t trust us.We need to find good sources of information and collect all the facts.Should news stories appeal to the readers’emotions?I think you could say that.What is the use of reporting things that your readers don’t care about?However,as journalists,we need to write with care and tell news stories in an objective way. We need to write with care and tell news stories in an objective way.We also need to present the facts in a fair way that benefits our readers.What is challenging about working as a journalist?The biggest challenge is probably time.A journalist has to find a good story,collect all the important information and report it before the news gets old.So,if you work as a journalist,you have to be responsible.You can’t be late for interviews,and you can’t turn in your reports late. Journalists always work under time pressure.What makes the work of a journalist valuable?My work has personal value for me when I get to answer a question that’s been on my mind.And I love when I get a chance to share that answer with others,especially when it helps people improve their lives.I feel like I’ve done a good job then.This is not just a job I do to get paid—I do it because I believe it has purpose.在职记者上海的高中生最近有机会参加一年一度的职业日,在那里他们可以跟随导师进行一天的学习。

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Text A 关于时尚的文化

这个人戴着长长的,卷曲的假发, 衣服上装饰着金银首饰和飘带,还穿着高跟鞋。

这个女人是谁? 好吧, 这一年是1683 年,而这人压根儿就不是一个女人。

时尚是文化的一部分, 随着时间的推移时尚不断改变。


既然特定时代的时尚已经有所改变了, 但是关于时尚的文化呢?

纵观历史, 人们总是在着装方面模仿名人。

在17世纪, 人们模仿国王和王后的风格。

而如今, 人们想要看起来像电影明星。

然而,时尚文化一直保持不变, 不过人们还是在追随着富人和名人的着装趋势。


即使你一个顶级设计师的名字也不知道, 你也可能知道人们现在的新兴造型。


时尚已然随着时代变迁了, 但时尚文化真的没有随着时间改变很多。

人们仍然倾向于穿得像他们周围的人, 选择那些目前主导着流行趋势的服装造型。

Text B:日本工人接到上级命令:丢弃繁文缛节
2003 10月30日-日本广岛-一条政策变动由半导体制造商尔必达记忆公司东京总部直接向下属单位派发下来。




具有平等思想的父母不再对他们的孩子强调必须使用敬语, 而大多数学校也不再期望孩子们对他们的老师使用敬语。

显而易见, 使用敬语, 日语中称为keigo,来提升一个人或贬低一个人, 这种做法在日本,尤其是年轻人中已经不再盛行了。


在日本, 说一个我或你就有很多方法, 他们要比较年龄、环境、性别、社会地位以及其它因素。

表达动词结尾, 形容词和整个词还得根据不同语境而变化。


日本劳动管理研究所称,2001年, 59%的公司有超过3 000名员工采用此类政策,与1995年的34%相比, 有了明显的增长。

“现在交流起来轻松多了,”Iizuka Kazuyoshi, 一个尔必达东京总部的32岁员工说。

公司59岁的总裁, 自称是“守旧的” Takehiko Kubota, 在9月5日发送一封电子邮件, 向他的员工解释了政策。
