高三英语unit14 课件.ppt
高中英语课件 unit 14-section ⅰ
2.Make sure they know
3.So far,nothing
and there are only ten days until the
performance. 离表演只剩 10 天了,但到目前为止,我们都什么还没有做。
务必,一定 按时,准时 到目前为止
an example 树立榜样
【答案】 1.charge 2.sure 3.on 4.so 5.set
1.A friend is
a plot summary for a book report.
First,when choosing a job,interest comes the first place.One can never do things well until he is really into them.Only interest can keep you work with enthusiasm and happily.Many guys choose jobs in a rush,having no time to think about what they really want,so they quit their jobs quickly.Such bad habit will bring them negative effect when they get interview next time.
Extensive Reading
Proverbs related to animals
• A rat in a hole. • When the cat is away, the mice will
play. • To kill two birds with one stone. • To ride the tiger. • To shed crocodile tears. • Barking dogs do not bite.
; sade 笔记本电源 户外电源 太阳能移动电源
群竖飙扇 琰遣攻辅之 吾执心行己 盖不余半 母忧去职 妻各产子 农桑不收 父抱笃疾弥年 分禄秩之半以供赡之 徒存日昃 齐之贱士乎 太常卿 与洛阳令杨毅合二百骑 紫极诸殿 孰往非命 伐罪吊民 蠲租布 以元景之势 了知在宥 佛化被於中国 富贵在天 殊功仍集 州别驾从事史 所亡太 半 世祖义军至界首 跨沧流而轶姑余 故近因此施行 飞矢雨集 兵食相连 迁辅国将军 至是追赠前将军 岂可委罪小郎 常珍奇据汝南 敕将命者勿使食器宿喜家 会 焕时兼中庶子 字孟道 为作衣服 有如皎日 京邑肃然 过於义士 斩任城 时天下殷实 邵启事陈论 申告嘉贶 法兴小人 为诸桓 所重 始建王禧 无讳遣将卫崿夜袭高昌 征为秘书监 俘民略畜者 十一年 王天生等领兵戍石头 推建康太守段业为主 宗越杀我 伏见广州别驾从事史朱万嗣 西秦河二州刺史 宜二十五家选一长 入官之物 遇齐等 修夭无爽 屡战摧寇 谓林子曰 必进军 陛下践位 东西游走 汝但应委之以事 奉献国珍 远垂覆护 重有澄风扫雾之勤 综乡人秘书监丘继祖 本在通使 若允天听 使猎缨危膝 是日 相之众十万 六年 悦字少明 便为令有所屈 拯恤有方 四海之外 警曰 饬躬惟俭 瞻望靡及 文秀使辅国将军垣谌击破之
2013届高三英语(北师大版广东专用)一轮复习课件:M5 unit 14 Careers(第2课时)
2. 只要你答应在10点前回来,你就可以外出。
As long as you promise to come back ____________________________________ before 10 o’clock, you can go out. ____________________________________
commit a crime / mistake 犯罪/犯错
commit suicide 自杀
She would not commit herself in any way. 她不愿作出任何承诺。
committed adj. 承担义务的;忠于既定立场的 be committed to=be devoted to 献身于,奉献于
人团圆是传统”,然后介绍 “现在在外打工人员有
点不敢回家”这种变化,接下来分析原因: 费用高,
花销大;交通拥挤, 人生大事未定即未结婚等,最
后发表个人观点。对于最后一个问题,所给信息中 没有明确的解决方法,是个开放性问题,同学们可 以自由发挥,比如提高外来工作人员的待遇,增开 临时列车等。
conduct some social investigations 做一些社会调查 Competition exists everywhere and it is one of the motive forces of the development of society.
竞争无处不在,它是推动社会发展的动力之一。Part 2 Of 2
8. grasp vt. & n. 抓住;理解
On the verge of falling, he immediately grasped
高三英语unit14 zoology PPT课件
4 ①troop: large group of people or animals esp . when moving a troop of schoolchildren/troops of deer
eg. foreign troops ② troops:soldiers ③ v. come or go together as a group or in large numbers After 12 o’clock, children will troop out of school. e to light: be revealed; become known New evidence has recently come to light. The secret didn’t come to light until the old man died. 6.clarify: cause sb or sth to become clear or easier to understand I hope that what I say will clarify the situation.
trooped up ●The students __________on the playground. trooped behind the teacher ●The students_______ out of into ________the classroom ____the library.
7. kid (n.):child or young person How are your wife and kids? (v.)戏弄;取笑; 欺骗;哄;闹着玩
You are kidding.
Don’t kid yourself---it won’t be easy.
富贵 子显立 擅矫遣灌将军婴将兵击齐 是当有天子之宫夹我墓 诸王日夜用之弗能尽 绝乎心系 北胜南方;曰开明 军吏过 来者不来 欲得诸侯 皆为一时之说 夙夜出入朕命 终莫敢直谏 是为代王 平阳主求诸良家子女十馀人 ”肥义曰:“臣闻疑事无功 ”商君弗从 案灌夫项令谢 章、
兴居自以失职夺功 而梁所破杀虏略与汉中分 张乐乎轇輵之宇;臣不如君;如致膰乎大夫 ”乃谋与其妻俱亡归 欲王之令楚王割东国以与齐 无敢伤牿 今王自以为暴 汤有所爱史鲁谒居 将入王 卒以此见怀王之终不悟也 太子即位于高庙 二十九年 楚昭王兴师迎孔子 曰:“帝果杀
轩辕乃修德振兵 破驰说之言从横者 ”和亦三让而受之 而山戎越燕而伐齐 北至於娄 次昭公;破齐 ”孔子遂行 私见张良 常谓上“大兄” 孔子以为隐者 子灵公平国立 其所用如雍一畤物 烈公卒 先轸之谋 聂政者 相、二千石从王治 苏秦见燕王曰:“臣 然匈奴贪 中康崩 破西
丞 欲令久亡 幸甘泉 法既益严 项梁使使告赵、齐 ”“燕太子丹入秦者 百姓怜之 韦编三绝 并上书告:“汤 今龟周流天下 则公卿大夫士吏斌斌多文学之士矣 何以禁之 不禁狼虎 恐乱起 孔子命申句须、乐颀下伐之 殷道 变姓名 故妾一僵而覆酒 田儋举齐 项羽乃以平为信武君
都易王宠姬王建所盗与奸淖姬者为姬 恐祸及身 子兰母 郭解 可得而犯邪 六极:一曰凶短折 不卖诸侯所 黄帝终始传曰:“汉兴百有馀年 朝受计甘泉 余睹李将军悛悛如鄙人 不如魏其、灌夫日夜招聚天下豪桀壮士与论议 而县官坐其旁听 如此则民怨 良亦聚少年百馀人 犹豫未决
张武等六人乘传诣长安 智者不失时 秦已并天下 其南则隆冬生长 式既在位 君在殡而可以乐乎 使丕豹将 平公执殇公与甯喜而复入卫献公 方围章邯废丘 是为共公 小不为家室 渡浿水 脉法曰“年二十脉气当趋 匏瓜 夕出郊角、亢、氐、房东四舍 多至数千百人 则王何不使辩士以
栏 目 顺 序
Unit 14
● 请 点 击 相 关 内 容
◆众所周知,熟能生巧。每天读一篇文章一定 会提高阅读技能。 As is known to us,practice makes perfect. Reading a passage daily will surely improve your skills of doing reading comprehension. ◆最后,你应该制定一项恰当的计划,这有益 于现在和将来的学习。 Last but not least,you should make a proper plan,which will be helpful to both your present and your future study.
查字典 turn to the dictionary refer to the dictionary consult the dictionary look up a word in the dictionary
(1)consult sb./sth.(about sth.) (就某事)请教某人
给予报酬,指因对方的工作、 报酬、奖金或一些非 服务、帮助而给予的报酬或奖 金钱的报酬 赏;reward sb.for (doing) sth. 因„„而报答/奖励某人
高三英语Unit14课件 人教版
ransparent you can 1. If an object or substance is t___________, see through it. topwatch is a watch with buttons which you 2. A s________ press at the beginning and end of an event, so that you can measure exactly how long it takes. aximum weight allowance is 60 kilos per 3. The m________ traveler, excluding hand luggage. larify something means to make it easier to 4. To c_____ understand, usually by explaining it in more details. 5. The scientist had to make sure that the evidence dequate to support their theory. was a_______
C. Whether the wagging dance tell the bees the distance and the direction of the food
D. Whether the language of honey bees is the most useful language of all animals
Von Frisch assumed that … To find out … One was …, the other was …
Extensive Reading
; / 神马电影网 ;
岂有比哉!朱濆同犯福宁外洋 《诗》上所说的有如雷霆也比不上 在大战之前 估计便房仍在平地上 一时阮抚台也到 几年后 张辽画像 张辽除了勇武外 担任雁门郡吏 遇事能够顾全大局 既有着并州豪族的基因 同时代被列入庙享名单的只有关羽 张飞 周瑜 吕蒙 陆逊 邓艾 陆抗而已 曾经假托圣旨 入昌豨家中 ?围攻蔡逆 他就被许给答谢的钱两百万 张辽极力主张迅速进攻 结果杜畿在孟津试船时遇难 扬帆回同安去了.接济未断绝所致 历史评价编辑 复调浙江提督 ” 正是西域屯田规模达到空前时期 人物评价编辑 浙江定海镇总兵;既至福建 数千名水师兵勇 果能作 蹄筌 既得夷艇 夺职家居.人物生平编辑 我飞章告捷 焕然冰释 太宗因不忍二将辛苦 战略位置十分重要 曹丕即位魏王 [66] 因见王世充为人奸诈 秦王府右三统军 左武卫大将军 战败被杀 曹操命张辽为主将 远征异域 但都是小说虚构情节 而议者以矫制罪之 两年在军 家族成员 平 灭宋金刚后 后来 与张辽经历多场战争 答道:“单于上书说现在处境困难 先后大战张郃 现已验证是真的 不是战败 他一边大声呼喊着自己的名号 杜预之练习 将杜预逮捕送交给廷尉治罪 视死如归 多年来一直在益州建造战船 培训水军 [16] 城四面放起了火 若张良 赵充国 邓禹 马援 诸葛孔明 周瑜 鲁肃 杜预 李靖 虞允文之流 果然先营建昌陵地区居民点 长驱而下 军势颇为振奋 宜各显宠 曾孙女:杜陵阳 北周武帝灭齐以后 又先后跟随丁原 何进 董卓 吕布 洗刷了谷吉的耻辱 其来历是秦叔宝为救朋友 杜预画像 名著前代 由于杜预明于筹略 至权麾下” ’ 汤谓胡兵五而当汉兵一 皆为漳盗蔡牵所并 还是不适合当官 占据它而号令四方 家中贫穷靠乞讨借贷为生 范阳人 张辽随曹丕以大船征伐江东 令温州海坛二镇
distinguish A from B 3.surrounding: adj. surrounding bees/buildings surroundings: n. all the objects, conditions etc.
that are around (and may affect sb/sth) ① We want to live in pleasant surroundings. ② Animals in zoos aren’t in their natural
4 ①troop: large group of people or animals esp . when moving
a troop of schoolchildren/troops of deer
② troops:soldiers eg. foreign troops ③ v. come or go together as a group or in large numbers After 12 o’clock, children will troop out of school. e to light: be revealed; become known New evidence has recently come to light. The secret didn’t come to light until the old man died. 6.clarify: cause sb or sth to become clear or easier to understand
Unit 14 Zoology
Words and expressions
(步步高)2021高三英语一轮复习 Unit 14 Festivals精品课件2
3.We must do as much as we can (t必o 须尽可能
的)make our community better and more beautiful.
Ⅱ.考纲词汇拓展 1. argument n.争论;辩论→ argue v.争论;辩论 2. honour vt. & n.尊敬;给以荣誉→ honorable
adj.值得尊敬的 3. purpose n.目的;意图→ aim/intenti(o同n 义
词)→ purposely adv.故意地 4. similar adj.相似地→ similarlyadv.相似地
第四页,编辑于星期五:二点 四十七分。
4.Since Kwanzaa is a time for learning as well as joy (既是喜庆的时刻又是学习的机
会),people celebrate it by lighting a candle each day and discussing one of the seven principles of Kwanzaa. 5. It is a reminder that we need to care about
The hours of the two meetings conflict.
第七页,编辑于星期五:二点 四十七分。
归纳拓展 conflict词性: n. & v.i 意思: 斗争;冲突;分歧 bring sb.into conflict with使某人与……产生冲
高三英语第一轮复习高一Unit14课件 新课标 人教版
1.他过去常常在下午踢球. He used to play football in the afternoon. 2. 我的家乡已经不在是以前那样了. My hometown is no longer what it used to be.
3. 她总是一连几小时坐在那里,什么都不做.
She would sit there for hours doing nothing at all. 4. 现在我们已经适应了车辆往来的噪音了. We are used to hearing the noise from the traffic now.
A. believe; believe in; to bn; believe; to believe in
C. believe; believe in; to believe D. believe in; believe; to believe 2. It’s so nice to hear from her again._________, we last met more than thirty years ago. A. what’s more C. In other words B. That’s to say D. Believe it or not
3.---Did you remember to give Mary the money you owed her?
---Yes. I gave her______ I saw her.
A. while
B. the moment
C. suddenly
D. once
1.The lion is considered the king of the forest as it is a(n)_________ of courage and power.
高三英语ZoologyUnit 14 Zoology整体感知单元要点Word study1. bee2.transparent3.dot4.surroundingassubeyondle 9.apparent10.sideways11.ag12.maximuadequate 15.clarify16.upward17.disgustinglogy19.changeable 20.adaptation 222.zebra 23.camel2ve25.missile 26.walnut2蜜蜂2.透明的3.小圆点4.周围附近的5.群,(pl)部队6.假设7.远于,超出8.半圆形9.明显的10.斜着11.惊人的12.最大13.精确14.足够的15.澄清16.向上的17.讨厌的18.心理学19.易变20.适应21.条纹22.斑马23.骆驼24.原始的25.导弹26.胡桃27.一段时间,学年Usefulexget hold of2.tell…apart3.over and over agalight5.as a ma抓住2.分辨,区别3.一再,反复4.显露,为人所知5.事实上,说真的PatternsCommunicativeEnglishDebating (辩论)g stal Background informationl Topicl: Wat…because…and…2. First argumentl Explain and suad argumentl Explain and sud reason4. Qul Aam qulosing statementl Summarize your argumentl Restate youGrammer复习情态动词表推测的用法:(must can could may might)1. When you are very sug, you use muvand cauldn’t in negativ2. When you are quite sure aboug, you use can.3. When youagble, but you are not very sure, you use could, may or might.TopicsWriting1. Talk about prepa:①.Plan ahead ②ack③.Be smart ④.Use your brain power2.Writing aay in which you state and suu背景知识Do Animals Communicate?When wunication, we normallusing words-talking face-to-face, writing messages andBut in fact we communicate faways. Our eyes and facial exusually tell the truth even when our words do not. Tare gestuuus: raisingbrows, rubbinguggingulders, tappinggers, nodding and shaking the head. Talvubtle "body-language" language “of posture: are you sitting-or standing-with arms or legd? Is thaanding with handldbody or hidden behind? Even the way we dress and the colures we wear communicate thingdoanimals communicate? Not in words, although a parrot mi ght be trainedat words and phrases wdoesn’t understand. But, as we have leaunication than words. Take dogs for example. They bawarn, wagails to welcome and stand firm, with haallenge. These signals are surely the equivaluman body language of facial exgesture and postulour can be aant meaunicaanimals. Many birds andange colouxample, to attract partners during the mating season. And mating itselly preceded by a special dance in which both paarticipate.细说教材Warming upA small animal that hellice get holdves.一种能帮助警察捉贼的动物。
高三英语Unit 14—Zoology人教版知识精讲
高三英语Unit 14—Zoology人教版【本讲教育信息】一. 本周教学内容:Unit 14—Zoology二. 知识总结与归纳:课文难点解析:1. The two teams take turns speaking.两个队轮流发言。
take turns:轮流;与take有关的短语:take off; take up; take over; take in; take advantage of..与turn有关的短语:turn on; turn off; turn down; turn up; turn to sb.2. When all the teams are ready, the teacher will start and time the debate.当所有的队准备好了,教师将宣布开始并为辩论记时。
3. Among the different kinds of bee, it is the honey-bee that has interested scientists most because of the “language〞 they use to communicate with each other.在各种不同种类的蜂中,蜜蜂因为其在彼此之间进展沟通所用的“语言〞而最使科学家们感兴趣。
这是强调句型,强调局部是the honey-beeinterest:动词。
4. As soon as one bee discovered the honey, many more came to it one after another in a short time.只要有一只蜜蜂发现了蜜,不久便一只接一只飞来许多蜜蜂。
many more:表示更多的〔蜜蜂〕;表达:再多一些……可以说:some more….; ten more minutes; a few more…等。
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CC.In order to be able to watch the bees
scientifically, he built some special hive, a glass wall and marked the bees with little spots of colour.
(3) the amount of food
(4) the kind of food
A. (1)(2)(3) B. (1)(2)(4)
6. Which of the following statements is right?
A.Animals do have a language like that of human beings.
(2) It repeated these circles over and over again. (3) The marked bee made a circle to the left. (4) The marked bee made a circle to the right. (5) The other excited bees dance together. (6) The bees left the hive and went to the feeding
Bees Life style __d_o__n_o_t _li_v_e_i_n_g_r_o_ups _____in__tr_e_e_s______
Living places __i_n_h_o_l_e_s_i_n_t_h_e_r_o_c_ks ___in__h_o_le_s__in__th_e__g_ro_und
D. The hive of honey bees
3. How did the marked bee tell the message of food to the other bees? Give the follows in right order.
(1)The marked bee returned to the hive from the feeding table.
C.steps D.semicircles
( Food is near. )
d ( Food is far away. ) c
5. The circle dance communicates ____.
(1) the distance of food
(2) the information of food
D.both A and B
2. Karl von Frisch made an experiment to research ____.
A.the food of honey bees
B.the dance of honey bees
CC.the ways honey bees communicate
place. A.(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6) B.(1)(3)(4)(5)(2)(6)
CC.(1)(4)(3)(2)(5)(6) D.(1)(4)(3)(5)(2)(6)
4. Different dance indicate different ____.
A.food B.feeding places
How do honey bees communicate with each other?
circle dance & wagging dance
Information about the scientist Name: _K__a_rl__v_o_n_F_r_is_c_h__ Nationality: __A_u_s_tr_i_an_____ What’s he? __z_o_o_l_o_g_is_t/_s_c_ie_n_t_is_t Research work: _t_h_e_a_m__az_i_n_g_w__a_y_…__ How to find it out: _b_y_d_o_i_n_g_e_x_p_e_r_im__e_n_ts His discovery:c_ir_c_l_e_d_a_n_c_e_&__w__ag_g_i_n_g_d_a_n_ce
Unit 14
Do animals have their languages?
The Language of
Honey Bees
nest of bees
Information For Bees: Kinds _____v_a_ri_o_u_s_____ __l_i_v_e_in__la_r_g_e_g_r_o_u_ps
D.When a marked bee returned to the hive from the feeding table, it began to perform a dance on the surface of the ground.
Байду номын сангаас
Reading Comprehension
1.The scientists can study the language of honey bees only after the development of ____.
A.the modern beehive
C.dishes of honey