劈刀选型 (Cap Design Considerations - Slide show)




劈刀规格工艺选用指导书1. 引言劈刀是一种用于劈裂木材或石材的工具,不同的劈刀规格和工艺选用将对劈刀的使用效果和寿命产生重要影响。


2. 劈刀规格选用劈刀的规格主要包括长度、宽度、厚度和材质。

以下是一些常见的规格选用指导:2.1 长度劈刀的长度应根据使用者的身高和力量来选择。



2.2 宽度劈刀的宽度决定了它的劈裂能力。



2.3 厚度劈刀的厚度应足够坚固,以确保不会在使用过程中折断或变形。



2.4 材质劈刀的材质对于其耐用性和使用寿命非常重要。





3. 劈刀工艺选用劈刀的工艺主要包括刀刃形状、刃口处理和把手设计。

以下是一些常见的工艺选用指导:3.1 刀刃形状劈刀的刀刃形状决定了其劈裂材料的方式。



3.2 刃口处理刃口处理对于劈刀的使用效果和寿命至关重要。




SPT 劈刀设计 ppt课件

SPT 劈刀设计 ppt课件
Basic Capillary Design
PTD Group
SPT 劈刀设计
Ball Bond Formation (球形形成)
Basic Capillary Design
PTD Group
SPT 劈刀设计
After looping formation, cycle performs stitch bond profile. (弧度形成后,焊接 第二焊点)
SPT 劈刀设计
Basic Capillary Design
PTD Group
SPT 劈刀设计
Free Air Ball
Basic Capillary Design
Mashed Ball
PTD Group
SPT 劈刀设计
Vol体积FAB = Vol 体积MBD
FABØ Free Air
SPT 劈刀设计
Basic Capillary Design
=75µm =64µm =51µm =38µm =30µm =20µm =12µm =10µm
PTD Group
Basic Capillary Design
PTD Group
SPT 劈刀设计
Tail Formation (尾丝形成)
Basic Capillary Design
PTD Group
SPT 劈刀设计
Detach tபைடு நூலகம்il from the stitch.(从第二焊点 处拉断尾丝)



劈刀的参数1.UTF 表示face angle 4度2.UTS 表示face angle 8度0.8MIL=20.32MMM3.UTE 表示face angle 11度1MIL=25.4MMM4.TOOL Diameter(td) 1/16=1.587mmm .0652 1.3MIL=33.02MMM5.TOOL length (TL) L+9.53MMM XL=11.10 XXL=12.00MMM 1.5MIL=38.1MMM6.孔径普通孔径为金丝直径的1.2到1.5倍2MIL=50.8MMM密间距的劈刀是金丝的直径1.2-1.3倍7.间距普通劈刀的最小间距是顶部直径的T/1.2密间距的劈刀T/1.38。

最小压点普通劈刀CD+10密间距的劈刀CD+(7-10)9.孔径(HOLE SIZE)它起决了金丝直径(WD)一般是金丝直径的1.2-1.510.优化的劈刀选择典型的是倒角的角度CA为90度,孔径=WD+8UM CD=1+10UMFAB=(1.6-1.7)*WD左右11.chamfer angle (CA)内倒角角度,它提供一个确定的形状的压焊好的球形状,它可以控制撞击时空气球的中心,典型的是90度,小的CA球尖,大的CA球扁12.Bong pad pitch (BPP)它定义了相邻两个键合点的中心距,它规定了劈刀的顶部直径底部.颈部角度和内角度13.BOND pad opening (BPO)键合点的窗口,它定义键合点上实际的可焊地方14.HOLE size (H)劈刀的孔直径15.CHAMFER DIAMETER(CD)内倒角直径,它起决了压焊好的直径(MBD),一般情况下,MBD是由键合点的窗口来决CD最小是CD+10UM16.tip diameter (T)顶部直径T决定了第二点长度17.outer radius (OR)劈刀顶部的外圆半径提供合适的第二压焊点根部半径,减小根部裂开参考精确劈刀: wd:25um bsr ave:16gf wpt:>4gf 60MM BPPmbd ave:42.5um sd:0.5gf sd:0.6umfor wd=25um SBN-30080-355F-ZP38T型号for wd=23um SBN-28080-355F-ZP38T型号。



(MTA or BNA)
T(max) = 2BPP-WD-(2LHWD)tan(TA/2)-24
TA/2 LH-WD/2
Basic Capillary Design
PTD Group
Tip Diameter (T):
TA (MTA or
Tail Formation (尾丝形成)
Basic Capillary Design
PTD Group
Bonding Sequence (焊线顺序)
Cycle 5(第五步):
Detach tail from the stitch.(从第二焊点 处拉断尾丝)
Basic Capillary Design
Basic Capillary Design
PTD Group
Bonding Sequence (焊线顺序 ) Cycle 2 (第二步) :
Ball Bond Formation (球形形成)
Basic Capillary Design
PTD Group
Bonding Sequence(焊线顺序)
PTD Group
D 备/操作者的误差,劈刀尺寸的公差

Basic Capillary Design
PTD Group
Chamfer Angle (CA)内切角角度:
Smaller(小) CA - Smaller MBD Bigger(大) CA - Bigger MBD
Basic Capillary Design


铜丝 规 格
劈 刀 型 号
劈 刀 型 号
金丝规格 (μm)



电子工艺技术Electronics Process Technology20198年1月第40卷第1期摘 要:劈刀是引线键合过程中的重要工具,其选型与性能决定了键合的灵活性、可靠性与经济性。



关键词:引线键合;楔形劈刀;老化中图分类号:TN305 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1001-3474(2019)01-0008-04Abstract: Bonding wedges are one of the most important tools in bonding process. The selection and performance of bonding wedge determine the flexibility, reliability, cost of bonding process. The structure, material and selection method of bonding wedge were introduced. The degradation of bonding wedge and the reasons of degradation were expatiated. The results showed that the the degradation reasons of bonding wedges are wear of the wedge tip and the resultant on the tip during bonding process. The wear of the wedge tip is irreversible. The resultant on the tip can be removed by cleaning method, so that the wedge can continuously be used before wear failure.Key Words: wire bonding; bonding wedge; degradation phenomenon Document Code: AArticle ID: 1001-3474 (2019) 01-0008-04引线键合楔形劈刀及劈刀老化现象研究Research of Bonding Wedge and Its Degradation Phenomenon文泽海,卢茜,伍艺龙,潘玉华,邓强WEN Zehai, LU Qian, WU Yilong, PAN Yuhua, DENG Qiang (中国电子科技集团公司 第二十九研究所,四川 成都 610036)作者简介:文泽海(1982- ),男,技师,主要从事微组装引线键合和共晶焊等工艺技术工作。



Bonding Wedge CatalogCUSTOMER SUPPORTProduct EngineeringK&S Bonding Tools, Technical Solutions Group assumes territorial responsibility for various global markets. Each Technical Solution Manager is dedicated to providing service and support for customers in his or her respective territory. K&S Technical Solution Manager develop unique and customized designs for their respective markets, and resolve complex process issues on-site.Distribution CentersK&S’ multiple distribution centers offer extensive support for local customers and arrange periodic seminars providing the latest information about state-of-the-art technologies. To contact your local representative, please visit the "Locations" section at ABOUT K&S BONDING TOOLSKulicke & Soffa, a world-leader in semiconductor equipment manufacturing, materials and technology. K&S Bonding Tools creates innovative process solutions using internally designed state-of-the-art Micro-Swiss brand bonding tools for a broad range of applications within the semiconductor industry.K&S Bonding Tools is a pioneer in the development of solutions for Fine Pitch applications and a world leader in Ultra Fine Pitch solutions for complex packages such as BGAs and CSPs.With over 30 years of design and manufacturing expertise in bonding tools, wire, and equipment, K&S offers its customers the best bonding solutions for their needs.K&S sales representatives and application development facilities around the world are ready to support your need for bonding solutions.TABLE OF CONTENTSAbout K&S Bonding Tools 3K&S Manufacturing System5 Industry Trends6 Wedge and Other Bonding Solutions6 An Introduction to Wedge Bonding7 The Wedge Bonding Cycle7 Wedge Design Considerations10 Bond Pad Pitch10 First Bond Width11 Wire Diameter11 Looping12 Second Bond Quality12 Technical Guide13 First Bond Related Issues13 The Effect on Looping14 Second Bond Related Issues14 Wedge Material14 Wedge Bonding Application Type15 Gold Wire Wedge Bonding15 Aluminum Wire Wedge Bonding16 Heel Crack Control16 Process Optimization17 The Challenges of Fine Pitch Wedge Bonding18 Avoiding Contact Between the Wedge and the Previous Loop18 Keeping Bond Width Tighter19 Wedge for Fine Pitch Application - 4WF20 Wedge for Standard Automatic Bonding - 4WA22 Wedge for COB Application - 4WC24 Wedge for Manual Wire Bonding - 4WN26 Wedge for Ribbon Application - 4WR28 Wedge for Deep Access Application - 4WD30 Wedge for Deep Access Application Notched Tip - 4WV32 Shank Styles34 Part Number Structure37 R&D Capabilities38 Customer Support39K&S MANUFACTURING SYSTEMK&S Bonding Tools has developed a “parametric” manufacturing process that produces every feature of the bonding tool separately. This flexible process accommodates both standard and special configurations. This flexibility is coupled with maintaining the highest quality standards, including ISO 9001 certification for on-going improvement.K&S wedges are manufactured using Electric-Discharge Machining (EDM) processes that are unique in their precision. This technology enables the manufacture of wedges with high repeatability and consistency in dimensions and quality that can meet current and future industry requirements.The standard wedge options presented in this catalog are stocked at K&S distribution centers worldwide and are easily ordered and supplied. Custom-made options are available upon request.For custom tools please contact your local representative listed at /locationsElectric-Discharge Machining (EDM) Process RoomINDUSTRY TRENDSThe semiconductor industry has seen many changes over the past few years. The increased need for finer applications has posed multiple challenges to the success of the wire bonding process, and specifically to the manufacture of appropriate bonding tools.Kulicke & Soffa has proved its mastery in developing Fine Pitch bonding tools to meet these industry challenges. Kulicke & Soffa has set the industry bar higher by providing the tightest tolerances to assure high yields for any mass production wire bonding process.As a multinational corporation, Kulicke & Soffa has the advantage of employing the leading machine, wire and tool experts using the most advanced wire bonding equipment in the world. This unique human element provides our customers with an integrated solution for any wire bonding process.WEDGES AND OTHER BONDING SOLUTIONSThe wedge bonding process is a common interconnection technology among other interconnection methods such as ball bonding (using capillaries), TAB, Flip-Chip and others.Although there have been significant breakthroughs in the development of innovative bonding solutions, wedge bonding remains the most popular method for applications that use Aluminum wire.To assure the highest bonding standards and compatibility with specific process requirements, K&S Bonding Tools has developed a unique manufacturing method based on EDM (Electro Discharge Machining) technology using automatic EDM machines and advanced inspection equipment to create all wedge geometries.The bonding process relies on the successful optimization of the bonding machine, the wire and the bonding tool. Each of these three factors needs to suit the application requirements and be inter-compatible with the other two. The ability to design a complete process solution through the optimization of all affecting factors is the key to the success of the wire bonding process.There is a significant stage in bonding process optimization which necessitates the inspection of several tool designs when selecting the appropriate bonding tool. In analyzing the performance differences between tools, it is critical to identify the wedge parameters that affect bonding the most. The parameters that vary the most from one application to another are Front Radius, Back Radius, Bond Length, Wire Feed Angle, and Hole Diameter. The ability to customize these features to provide a form-fitting solution relies heavily on a flexible manufacturing system that supports frequent modifications to the wedge’s features. K&S Bonding Tools’ manufacturing is predicated on maximum customization abilities and higher flexibility, especially when specific configurations are required.K&S Bonding Tools’ manufacturing is subject to the strictest quality inspection standards in the industry, and is compliant with international standards (ISO and QS), thus assuring uniform and repeatable bonding tools.AN INTRODUCTION TO WEDGE BONDINGMaking electrical interconnections is a critical step in semiconductor production. Since over 60% of production costs are incurred before wire bonding, yield loss at this stage is very significant. Sophisticated machines, wedges and quality assurance techniques must be employed to obtain a satisfactory product.Within the integration of bonder, wire and tool, the bonding tool plays a vital role in achieving a robust, reliable and reproducible process.The following section presents a short introduction to the wedge bonding cycle and addresses some of the critical issues in designing or selecting a new bonding tool.THE WEDGE BONDING CYCLEWedge bonding is a process that creates an electrical connection between the silicon die and the package lead in a microelectronic device.The process employs a bonding machine (bonder) a bonding wire (Gold or Aluminum) and a bonding tool (wedge).Initially, the wire is fed into the wedge at an angle from the back funnel, exiting from it’s hole down to the foot (see fig. 1 on page 10). This design enables the wedge to bond wires in the feeding direction only. Therefore, either the device or the wedge (with the bonding head) should be rotated so that in most cases wires are bonded over the entire perimeter of the device.The bonding process consists of applying ultrasonic energy to form a strong, reliable, intermetallic connection between the wire and the pad, as well as between the wire and the lead. This is accomplished by mounting the wedge in an ultrasonic transducer, which is coupled to a precision ultrasonic generator.The four main phases of the cycle are:Each phase is the result of several operations performed by the wedge. These operations can be presented as seven stages that complete the bonding cycle.The wedge is moved downwards, and the foot deforms the wire while force and ultrasonic vibrations are transmitted through the wedge (in the Gold wire process heat is applied throughout).Stage 21st bond creationThe wedge is accurately targeted and aligned with the die ’s bond pad by the machine while the wire protrudes from the hole, just beneath the wedge foot.Stage 1Descent to the bonding padWhile the clamps remain open the wedge tool moves towards the position of the 2nd bond. This free feeding of the wire through the wedge hole creates the loop formation, which in turn is based on the machine bondhead motion profile (most common are Square and Triangle).Stage 4Formation of the LoopAfter the 1st bond is deformed, the wedge rises above the pad. The opening of the clamp allows the wire to slide through.Stage 3Rise to loop height positionWire ClampUltrasonic EnergyThe wedge now descends towards the 2nd bond pad, pressing the wire against the lead with the foot.All the while force and ultrasonic energy are applied creating the 2nd bond.Stage 52nd bond creationThe wire clamps retract at the end of the 2nd bond,pulling the wire and causing it to break at its weakest point. A clean termination of the wire at this stage is a critical factor for tail length consistency.Stage 6Wire terminationClamp Tear Methods Table Tear MethodsWedge bonding is performed utilizing two wire tear methods, the clamp tear and the table tear.The table tear system differs from the clamp tear mainly in the way the wire breakes after the formation of the 2nd bond. Instead of the clamps retracing, the table moves and breaks the wire. The clamps are stationary and simply open or close. This method is used mainly at elevated feed angles for more consistent tail and bond positioning.Stage 7Bond next wireThe bond head raises the wedge to the initial height and the clamps push the wire through the hole,underneath the foot. In this way, a new tail is formed and the wedge is ready for a new cycle.Ultrasonic EnergyPivot MovementEach of the wedge parameters plays a specific role in over all bonding process performance. The compatability of wedge parameters to the application requirements defines the process quality.WEDGE DESIGN CONSIDERATIONSThe Bond Pad Pitch is the defined distance between the centers of two adjacent pads. The desired pad pitch, derived from the application ’s constraints, prescribes the type of wedge that should be used.1. Bond Pad PitchBond Length2. 1st Bond WidthThe 1st bond width and length are derived from the die pad opening. Most applications require 100% of the bond on the die pad. The 1st bond is mostly affected by two wedge parameters: BL (Bond Length) and W (Bond Width). These parameters determine the size of the 1st bond and should be considered with regard to the 1st bond target.3. Wire DiameterThe wire diameter is defined by application requirements. Finer processes naturally employ thinner wires. The wedge hole, therefore, is defined by the desired wire diameter.Generally, thick wires are preferable due to their strength and better resistance to sweep during molding. However, there is a delicate balance between hole and wire that needs to be observed in order to maintain the critical gap that allows the free and uninhibited movement of the wire. This critical gap is vital for the success of the process and the elimination of cases of wire sway and wire friction.K&S Wedge Design Recommendations4. LoopingVarious device structures (flat package, deep access package, etc.) require different loop profiles, heights and lengths. The loop height determines the wire feed angle (see fig. 3 below). Additionally, stable looping relies on other internal wedge dimensions such as Hole shape, Hole diameter and Pocket length (see fig. 5 on page 14).5. Second Bond QualityDesign considerations related to the 2nd bond are very similar to that of the 1st bond. The 2nd bond is equally affected by the Front and Back Radius (FR and BR), which impact the 2nd bond heel strength and bond termination point, respectively.TECHNICAL GUIDE1st BOND RELATED ISSUESThe 1st bond is characterized mainly by its repeatable location on the pad, tail consistency, bond squash, and bond strength. Here, the foot comes to play major role:1) The foot deforms the wire at a length equal to the Bond Length (BL);2) it transmits the ultrasonic energy to the bond.3) and it helps control bond placement accuracy.The foot is characterized by length (BL), shape (flat, concave, or groove), and surface finish (polish or matte):Concave foot is appropriate for most automatic Al wire applications.Flat foot is used mainly with Au wires (see section 1 on page 15) or Aluminum wires, to obtain extremely small bonds.Cross Groove (CG) option is used mainly for Au wire applications to improve the wedge-to-wire grip.The 1st bond pull strength is greatly affected by the Back Radius (BR). If the transition area is too sharp, the heel of the bond becomes too weak, and breaks when pulling the wire. To strengthen this area, a proper BR size should be carefully selected.Hole size (H) influences the 1st bond’s location. The smaller the hole, the tighter the control on the location. On the other hand, care should be taken not to deteriorate tail consistency by making the hole too small.The 1st bond’s tail length consistency is affected to a great extent by wire feeding, namely by the feed angle, the hole shape and surface quality.The main wedge parameters that affect loopingare hole size, shape and feed angle.for the hole. The first is the round hole, whosecontrol on tail length is satisfactory for mostapplications.more suitable because of its better control onbond location and the reduction of stress on thewire.surface quality, are key factors for smoothstreaming of the wire on one hand, and forreducing the build-up rate on the other.2nd BOND RELATED ISSUESAs compared to the 1st bond, the Front Radius (FR) and the Back Radius (BR) switch their functions . The FR and the bond length chiefly define the strength of the 2nd bond. At this point, the BR affects tail consistency only by providing a stress concentration point where the wire would break. Usually, 2nd bonds are performed on the leads, which are, in many cases, less restricted in space than the pads, making conditions less demanding than in the case of the 1st bond.WEDGE MATERIALAn important aspect of wedge design is the definition of the material from which it is made. K&S bonding tools now offers several types of carbide materials for wedges:≠ Tungsten Carbide (WC), for Aluminum wire applications.≠ Titanium Carbide (TiC), extremely useful for gold wire wedge bonding.New grades of TiC materials are also available for special Fine Pitch Au wire applications. (For more information on these materials, please consult your local K&S representative).Wedge bonding includes two main application types:1)Gold (Au) Wire Applications2)Aluminum Silicon (AlSi) Wire Applications 1) GOLD WIRE WEDGE BONDINGOne of the major challenges facing wedge bonding is the use of gold wires.In the gold wedge bonding process the devices need to be heated, normally to 150˚C (medium-low range), using a heated workhold.Wedges for gold wire bonding should be made out of a TiC (Titanium Carbide) material, and a Cross Groove (CG)feature needs to be added on the wedge foot for better coupling between the wire and the wedge during ultrasonic bonding.WEDGE BONDING APPLICATION TYPECross-Groove Option for Gold Wire Applications (Reference Table)**Other groove dimensions available upon request.**G dimensions in the above table are applicable when FR= .0010”. Otherwise the groove is located at the center of the Bond Length.***Cross Groove feature is available for BL ≥ .0015”.Cross Groove Tip FeatureFig. 6 - Cross Groove (CG)NOTE:CD * =.0003” ± .0001”CD * =.0002” for wire ≤ 1.5 mil CD * =.0001” for Fine Pitch WedgeHeel Crack ControlHeel cracks were considered for many years to be the number one problem in Aluminum wedge bonding. The poor bending properties of Aluminum wire essentially cause heel cracks. When creating the loop shape, the wedge is usually moved in a square or triangular profile by the machine. This movement causes a cyclic bending of the wire, which creates heel cracks. Note that in the first stage of looping the wire is bent almost 90˚ to the die surface, while in the final loop, the angle is much smaller.The 3C (Cracks Control Configuration) wedge significantly reduces the amount of this initial wire bending and eliminates heel cracks by strengthening the heel area. (The 3C option may affect tail consistency.)2) ALUMINUM WIRE WEDGE BONDINGWedge bonding is traditionally used with Aluminum wire. During this process, room temperature is sufficient and suitable for devices that can not be heated.The wedge for Aluminum wire bonding should be made out of WC (Tungsten Carbide) material and have a concave foot feature for better wire placement underneath the foot.Concave feature (side view)Concave feature (front view)Fig. 7 - Concave Foot FeatureThe key to a strong and reliable bond is a set of optimization, controlled wedge and machine parameters.It is important to understand that this process is characterized by the combination of its many component systems, starting with the die, the package, the wire, the wedge and the machine settings. Good bonding performance is the result of proper wedge selection and the selection of optimal machine parameters.As the application becomes more demanding, the range of possibilities narrows. Adjustments to machine parameters requires thorough expertise to find parameter windows that generate a robust manufacturing process. K&S Bonding Tools engineers are highly qualified to help you select a specific wedge and define the optimal parameter windows for your application.PROCESS OPTIMIZATIONThe 3C feature can be added to almost any wedge design and implemented in most applications.Tests performed to validate the 3C design showed superior parameter stability (a wider window of parameters).Since the heel cracks phenomenon is related to Al wire, the 3C option is recommended mainly for these kind of applications.1st Bond created with 3C Wedge 1st Bond Heel CracksAVOIDING CONTACT BETWEEN THE WEDGE AND THE ADJACENT WIREFine Pitch wire bonding applications have an additional vertical side relief (VSR) that cuts into the wedge’s sides. This relief is intended to increase the clearance between the loop and the adjacent wire. The VSR contains two basic features: the height (VSRh) and the width (VSRw). These features depend on the application's pad pitch, wire diameter and effective loop height. Higher feed angle enables an increase in the VSR height (see table below). Therefore, feed angles of 45˚ and above are recommended for Fine Pitch applications. The VSRw is limited only by the wall thickness of the material on both sides of the hole.THE CHALLENGES OF FINE PITCH WEDGE BONDINGFine Pitch Wedge Standard Wedge Wedge With VSR Configuration Fine Pitch Wedge BondingLinear and Cross Groove Tip ConfigurationKEEPING BOND WIDTH TIGHTERAs Fine Pitch wire bonding applications feature extremely tight pad pitches, bond width size becomes critical. Therefore, 1st bond width should be as close to the wire diameter as possible. K&S Bonding Tools has developed a special tip feature; the Linear Groove (LG), which maintains the actual bond width at 1.2 times wire diameter.With the LG, the wire is maintained inside a groove during bond creation, limiting wire deformation and allowing the bonding energy to create better intermetallic connections between the bonding pad and the bonded wire.Another important advantage of the LG is bond placement accuracy on the pad. The LG eliminates any undesired wire movements underneath the wedge foot, thanks to its special groove design. This dramatically increases the bond placement accuracy on the pad, and reduces the quantities of bond-off-pads, which are considered to be the major cause of yield loss in Fine Pitch applications (see fig. 10 below).Linear Groove Tip Configuration1st Bond with Linear & Cross Groove WedgeConfigurationFig. 10 - Linear Groove (LG)Tungsten Carbide MaterialPolished FRPolished Foot (for BL ≥ .0020”)Polished FR & BR Polished BR 45˚38˚60˚*Dimensions in this table refer to the most common shank styles. For other options please contact your local K&S representativeThe µm dimensions in the table above are for reference only Round Hole-to-Oval Hole Conversion TableHD - Hole Diameter, HW - Hole Width, HH - Hole HeightOther OptionsFrom 21 - 99 special options,please consult factoryLinear Groove & Cross Groove*Dimensions in this table refer to the most common shank styles. For other options please contact your local K&S representativeThe µm dimensions in the table above are for reference onlyMaterialWedge LengthTip OptionsTungsten Carbide Polish Hole & Funnel Polished Foot (for BL ≥ .0020”)Other OptionsFrom 21 - 99 special options,please consult factoryDeep Access Shanks (see page 35)1.000”.650”45˚38˚Polished FR & BR Polished BR Linear Groove & Cross Groove*Dimensions in this table refer to the most common shank styles. For other options please contact your local K&S representativeThe µm dimensions in the table above are for reference onlyWedge LengthStandard Shanks (see page34)Other OptionsLinear GrooveCross Groove .437”.625”.750”.828”1.000”.650”Concave & Cross Groove*Dimensions in this table refer to the most common shank styles. For other options please contact your local K&S representativeThe µm dimensions in the table above are for reference onlyOther OptionsWedge LengthStandard Shanks(see page 34)Linear GrooveCross Groove .540”.437”.625”.750”.828”1.000”.650”Deep Access Shanks(see page 35).860”Ribbon Code Table For other options please contact your local K&S representativeThe µm dimensions in the table above are for reference onlyRibbon Wire BondingNotes for Ribbon Shank Styles Selection:*Deep access shank styles G, H, T, P support Ribbon size width ≤ .0050“*Deep access shank styles F, Q support Ribbon size width ≤ .0120“*For Ribbon sizes > .0120“, shank styles C, D are available onlyOther OptionsFrom 21 - 99 special options,please consult factoryPolish Hole & Funnel Linear Groove & Cross GrooveConcave & Cross Groove .828”1.000”.650”Wedge LengthTip OptionsDeep Access Shanks (see page 35)*Dimensions in this table refer to the most common shank styles. For other options please contact your local K&S representativeThe µm dimensions in the table above are for reference onlyOther OptionsDeep Access Shanks (see page 35)Wedge LengthTip OptionsLinear Groove & Cross GrooveConcave & Cross Groove Linear Groove Cross Groove .860”.625”.750”.828”1.000”.650”.437”For General Purpose Wedge, Fine Pitch, Automatic and Manual MachinesSHANK STYLESFor Notched Tip wedges (on appropriate machines):For K&S 806X & 809X BondersFor Manual Wire BondersFor DIAS MachinesFor Most of the Common Wedge BondersFor Deep Access Applications (on appropriate machines)Shank Styles for K&S Triton RDA MachineNOTES:For Fine Pitch wedge type wire feeding hole shape is OVAL only.For Automatic wedge type only the standard shanks are available.For COB wedge type feed angles can be 30˚ ,38˚ or 45˚ only.For Notched wedge type other options 00, 06 are available only.Shanks styles A , B are unavailable for Ribbon wedge type.Shank style M is for K&S 8060 & 8090 wedge bonder.Shanks styles P , Q and T are for K&S Triton wedge bonder.Shank style T length, is recommended as .860”.Cross Groove (CG) tip option is available for wedges with BL ≥ .0015".Linear & Cross Groove (LG+CG) tip options are available for wedges with BL ≥ .0020".Polished foot surface finish is available for wedges with BL ≥ .0020".Heavy matte surface finish is available for Ribbon wedge types only.WEDGE PART NUMBER STRUCTUREWire Feed AngleSurface FinishWedge LengthPolished FR 45˚38˚60˚Wedge Type:Heavy Matte Polished Foot Polished FR & BR Polished BR (see page 35)Automatic machines, general applications COB applicationsNotched tip for manual bonding and microwave applications Ribbon applicationsDeep Access applications Notched tip for Deep Access applicationsR&D CAPABILITIES & CUSTOMER SUPPORTR&D CAPABILITIESK&S Bonding Tools is an R&D-intensive company, investing 8-10% of its annual revenues in research and development of new technologies. K&S Bonding Tools 30 years of experience and extensive accumulated knowledge account for our position of global leadership in tool and process design for Ultra Fine Pitch applications.Kulicke & Soffa employs the most experienced wire bonding experts in its multiple application labs and R&D centers all over the world. The labs contain advanced research and measurement equipment, such as K&S platforms (8020, 8060, 1488P, 8028PPS), SEM, Chemical etching, Plasma clean, Spectrum analyzer, F.E., and Laser Vibrometer. Kulicke & Soffa has recently established an advanced material development lab to explore better solutions for Ultra Fine Pitch applications and bonding processes of the future.Joint R&D work with K&S Bonding Wire experts provides quicker time-to-market, thanks to shorter wedge and wire optimization time spans.K&S Bonding Tools labs are located in Singapore, Japan and the USA. They provide ongoing technical support and customer service, and are being engaged in development and product upgrades in response to future applications and needs.Kulicke & Soffa is known for its constant innovation in developing solutions for leading indurstry pitches and durable tools for FP processes. Through our R&D efforts, we are committed to charting new frontiers in wire bonding technology.of Kulicke & Soffa, theworld’s leading supplier ofsemiconductor interconnectequipment, K&S materialsand technology.K&S C h i p a n d w i r esolutions combine waferdicing, die bonding and wirebonding equipment withsaw blades, die collets,wires and capillaries.Our flip chip solutionsinclude wafer bumpingtechnology, die placementequipment and Ultravia(high density substrates).Our chip scale and waferlevel packaging solutionsencompass solder sphereattachment systems andUltra CSP technology.Our test interconnectsolutions include standardand vertical probe cards,ATE interface assembliesand ATE boards for wafertesting, and test sockets andcontactors for all types ofpackages.K&S also markets factorymanagement and shopfloor control software.For sales, service andmanufacturing locations, visit:Kulicke & Soffa © 2001 Kulicke & Soffa Industries Inc.Specifications may change without notice.ID# 49000-0002 Rev. 4/02。



FABØ3/6 = 3H2(H-WD)/16 + (CD3-H3)/24tan(0.5CA) + MBD2(MBH)/4
FABØ3 = 18H2(H-WD)/16 + (CD3-H3)/4tan(0.5CA) + 3MBD2(MBH)/2
Basic Capillary Design
PTD Group
Stitch Length formed by T, CD and OR (鱼尾长度由T, CD and OR形成)
Basic Capillary Design
PTD Group
‘OR’ - ‘FA’ Combination(结合):
Smaller(小) FA Bigger (大) OR
Mashed Ball
PTD Group
Free Air Ball空气球 = Mashed Ball变形 球(体积)
VolFAB = VolMB
CD A Basic Capillary Design
Basic Capillary Design
FA Bigger (大) FA Smaller (小) OR
PTD Group

Stitch Profile based on Outside Radius (OR)(第二焊点形状基于外切角半径):
Reduced weld (stitch) length for



文件编号Doc. No : Q/CA・ G7513-2002天水华天微电子有限公司文件编号Doc No: Q/CA ・ G7513-2002 修改码:0页次Page: 2 of 10(1)如果相邻间距W120山n 产品,一般选用SBN 或SZA “打头”劈刀 (2) 如果相邻间距>120刚产品,一般选用UPS 或SZA “打头”劈刀章节编号Section No: 33 选用指导劈刀的选用应综合金线线径、铝垫尺寸、铝垫间距、相邻弧高等因素來考虑。

3.1根据金线线径,选用劈刀孔径(H)估算公式为孔径(H)二金丝线径+经验值(0.5〜0.8m 订)应用范例:(1) 采用①20刚金丝以下产品,选用孔径(H)为35帥劈刀如:UTS-35ID-CM-1/16-XL3.2 3.3 3.4(2)采用①254m 金丝的产品,选用孔径为38〜41帥劈刀如:UTS-38IG-CM-1/I6-XL 或 SZA15P-2008DK-15(3)采用038山n 金丝的产品,选用孔径为46-56山n如:UTS-46J1 或 UTS-56II根据铝垫尺寸选用内倒角直径(CD)大小估算公式为内倒角直径(CD)二铝垫尺寸-纟应用范例:(2)垫尺寸为70-90Mm 产品 选丿根据铝垫间距选用孑垫间距-平均金球直径 应用范例(1)铝垫间距WlfOMi 产品 选用SBNS 或FZA “打头”的劈刀 (2) 铝垫间距>110刚产品口J 灵活选用UPS 或SZA “打头”的劈刀根据相邻弧高和相邻间距选用劈刀头部形状SZA15P-2008DK-15 8IG-CM-1/16-XL 或 SZA15P-2008GI1-15 (3)铝垫尺寸为90-10 估算公式头部直径(产品选用U(1)垫尺寸为60-70山n 产品35BC-CM-1/16-XL 刀头部直径( NS-38FF文件编号Doc No: Q/CA ・ G7513-2002 修改码:0页次Page: 4 of 10章节编号Section No: 4 章节名称See. Title:应用指导4~应用指导根据口前客户产品,推荐选用以下规格的劈刀:(1)金丝采用020山n 产品选用UPS-35ID-CM-1 /16-XL-20 或SBNE-35BC-CM-1/16(2)铝垫尺寸为60-70刚产品月.铝垫间距WllOPm产品选用SBNE-35BC-CM-1/16(3)铝垫尺寸为70-90刚产品且铝垫间距W110M1产品选用SBNS-38FF-CM-1/16或FZA15P-2008DK-15章节编号Section No : 55备注表1:3. Chamfer Angle 内倒角角度 9. Tool Diameter 劈刀外圆直径1・Tip Style 2. Face Anglc3. 4・ Hole Size SBN S ( -) 41 C 1/16 XL (-) 11. Main Taper Anglc (MTA) 5. Tip Diameter -----6. Chamfer Diameterl.TIP Style 劈刀头部类型 11. 外端面锥度 (外端面夹角) 劈刀长度 in Taper 10.Tool Length 9.Tool Diameter 8. Finish 7.Material TA) 2. Face Angle 头部端面角10.Tool Length 1. 2. 3. 4. Hole Size 内孔直径 Tip Style: SBN Fine Pitch with 8. Finish 表面处理状况 5. Tip Diameter 劈刀头部直径 ateriai 材料 7. 6. Chamfer Diameter 倒角直径 o deg Slinline Bottleneck (for [细间距,瓶颈端面角为100(T<165M ] UT - Standard!capi1lary with Face Angle for non-Finc Pitch application. [普通型劈刀不适于细间距焊接使用] CSA - Standard capillary with a 0° Face Angle for nin-Fine Pitch application. [普通型劈刀,头部端面角为0°, FA 二0°不适于细间距焊接使用] Face Angle: Z-0° F~4° S-8° E-ll° [FA —头部端面角]Chcimfer Angle:Standard-90' (no need to specify)[内倒角角度:标准为 90°]G7513-2002 章节编号Section No: 56.Chamfer Diamcter25 Mm(.0010〃)W=70 (.0028〃)A=35 Am(.0014〃)28 Mm (.0011〃)Y=75 Mm(.0030〃)B=41 Um(.0016〃)30 Mm(.0012〃)Z=80 Mm(.0032〃)C=46 Um(.0018〃)33 Mm(.0013〃)A=90 Mm(.0035〃)1)=51Um(.0020〃)35 Mm (.0014〃)B=100 Mm(.0039〃)E=58 Um(.0023〃)38 Mm(.0015〃)C=110 Mm(.0043〃) F 二64Um(.0025〃)4・ Hole Size 5.Tip Diamctcr41 43 46 51 56 64 68 75 84 90 100 127 178 MmMmMmMmMmMmMmMmMmMmMmMmMm0016〃)0017〃)0018〃)0020〃)0022〃)0025〃)0027〃)0030〃)0033〃)0035〃)(.0039〃)(.0050〃)(.0070〃)0047〃)0051〃)0055〃)0059〃)0065〃)007 l,z)0079009800118〃)0075〃)0106〃)0130〃)0142〃)0161〃)0165〃)Pm (. 0169")V=710 Hm (.0279〃)二Special dimension* must be specified after part number.1)=12E=130F=140G=15011=1651=180J=200K=225L=250M=300N=190MmMmMmMmMmMmMmMmMmMmMmP=270 MmQ=330 Mm0027〃)0029〃)1〃)PmPmPmPmPmQ=38R=43S=48:36G=6811=741=036.0039〃).0045〃)呦(.0050,z)(.0021〃)(.0015〃)(.0017〃)(.0019〃)(.0038〃)(.0055/z)(.0060〃)(.0076〃)(.0100,z)X=Spccial dimensionM=llN=127T=97U=140 AmV=152 MmW=193 MY=254 Am章节编号Section No : 5Material: C=High Density Fine Grain Ceramic 99. 99%A1_2()2AZ 二 Zirconia Composite (For SBN only, TW1 lOUm)[材料:C 二高密度陶瓷颗粒99. 99% AL0.3AZ 二氧化错化合物(只有SBN 使用,T^llOMin)]Finish: Polish - No need to specify [表而处理:抛光-未特殊说明都是抛光模式]Matte(M)- Must be specified [亚光-使用时要指明]9. Tool Diameter: Standard T. 587%mm(. 0625〃)[外圆直径:普通 1. 587mm(0. 0625 英寸) 10. Tool length: L 二 9. 53mm(. 375〃) 16mm 二.630〃 [劈刀氏度] XL = 11. 10mm(・ 437〃) 19min =. 750〃 XXL = 12. 0mm(. 470") J 11. Main Taper Angle(MTA)[夕卜端面锥度] SBN Series — Standard 10 deg BNA [SBN 系列] UT and CSA series — Standard 30°(No need [普通型劈刀瓶颈端面角 o 锥度为30°] [普通型外端面锥度为30°] (Specify if different than above) [UT 与 CSA 系列]Others-20°(Must be cified):其它类型为 20°]7. 8.G7513-2002章节编号 Section No : 5表2: sz A 15 P - 20 08 E G E F G H A a) Tip Style b) Inside Chamfer Angle c) Hole Size d) Tip Finish BCD e)Optional Cone Angle < f)Face Angle < g)Tip Diameter < h)i)表3:j)k)l)m)"K LM 的类型 Chamfer Diameter < Outside Radius < FZ A 13 P - 20 11 Other Option(Tip Diameter Other Option(Chamfer Diameter Bottleneck Angle Bottleneck Height 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. (33-16-10/10) TS 劈刀头部值) Inside Chamfer Angle 内倒角角度 TiplFinish 头部加工处理方式(抛光与否) Optional Cone Angle 夕卜端面夹角 Face Angle 头部端面角 Tip Diameter 劈刀头部(T)直径 Chamfer Diameter 内倒角直径(CD) Outside Radius 端面外圆半径 Other Option (Tip Diameter)其它选择项(劈刀头部直径) Other Option (Chamfer Diameter)其它选择项(头部倒角直径) BottleneckAngle 瓶颈角Bottleneck Height 瓶颈高度文件名称:劈刀规格工艺选用指导书文件编号Doc No: Q/CA・G7513-2002修改码:0页次Page: 9 of 10章节编号Section No: 5 章节名称See. Title:备注~A Tip Style]劈刀头部类型]SZ Series = Normal Type [SZ 系列二普通劈刀]FZ Series=Bottieneck Type (Fine Pitch Capillary) [FZ 系列二瓶颈类型(细节距类型劈刀)UZ Series二Tool Length of 9. 53mm (0. 375) [UZ 系列二劈刀长为9. 53mm (0. 375 英寸)B Inside Chamfer Angle(ICA)[内倒角角度]A=90°B二120° 070°Z二Othet Option[其它选项]C Hole Size(HD)[内孔直径]SPECIFIED BASED ON WIRE SIZE:金丝直径选择内孔直径]D Tip Finish]*部加兀处理方式]“P” 二Polished Tip Finish[经抛光处理的]“M”二Matte Tip Finish[亚光面(未抛光处理的)E Option Cone Angle (CA)[外端面夹角]“10” =10°“]5” =15°“20” =20°“30” =30°“50” =50°F Face Angle (FA)[端面夹角]“00” 二°。

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Capillary features
Looping Hole, IC Type, IC Angle
First Bond
CD, Hole, IC Angle
Cap Design Considerations
Second Bond Tip, FA, OR
K&S Bonding Tools
Creation of the tail length
Cap Design Considerations
Wire Bonding Cycle
Free air ball is captured in the chamfer
1st bond formation
Capillary rises to loop height position
Cap Design Considerations
K&S Bonding Tools
Presentation Topics
Application Demands
Capillary Definition
Cap design Vs Bonding
Capillary features
Application Demands
8.0 mil
Cap design Vs Bonding
Capillary features
Cap design Vs Bonding
Capillary features
Basic Terminology
Pad Size Pad open
1st bond diameter
Cap Design Considerations
Pad pitch
Pad spacTools
2nd bond formation
Loop formation
K&S Bonding Tools
The Capillary and the ball Bonding Process
Application Demands
Capillary Definition
Cap design Vs Bonding
Bottleneck Radius (BTNK R)
Length (l) 8
K&S Bonding Tools
Tip Diameter and Cone Angle selection
ApplicCaotinoenAngle Tip Diameter
8.0 mil
Capillary20º Definition
– Tip Diameter
ICA – Inner Chamfer Angle
OD – Outer Diameter
CA – Cone Angle
– Length
BTNK H – Bottleneck Height
BTNK A – Bottleneck Angle
Cap Design Considerations
Application Demands
Capillary Definition
Cap design Vs Bonding
FA – Face Angle
OR – Outer Radius
H – Hole
CD – Chamfer Diameter
Presentation Subjects
Application Demands
Capillary Definition
Capillary Definition
Cap design Vs Bonding
Tip diameter (T) Cone Angle (CA)
Capillary features
Capillary design considerations Basic Terminology General geometry Bonding cycle steps The capillary and the ball bonding process
Cap Design Considerations
Application Demands
Capillary Definition
Cap design Vs Bonding
Capillary features
Version 2 (Oct, 2001)
Capillary Design Considerations
Choosing The right tool for your process
Chamfer diameter (CD) Inner Chamfer Angle (IC A)
Cap Design Considerations
Hole (H)
Face Angle (FA)
Outer Radius (OR)
Bottleneck Height (BTNK H)
K&S Bonding Tools
Application Demands
Capillary Definition
Cap design Vs Bonding
Capillary features
Factors affecting capillary design
Bonder Type
Pad Pitch
General Dimensions
K&S Bonding Tools Play ->
Application Demands
Free Air Ball Capillary formation
Cap design Vs Bonding
Disfceoantunreesction of the tail
Pad Open
Package type
Design Considerations
1st bond target
Cap Design Considerations
Loop Height
Wire Diameter
K&S Bonding Tools
Application Demands
Capillary Definition