编号:CNCA-13C-070:2010玩具类产品强制性认证实施规则塑胶玩具类产品2010-12-1发布 2010-12-1实施中国国家认证认可监督管理委员会发布目录1 适用产品范围 (1)2 认证模式及获证条件 (1)2.1认证模式 (1)2.2获证条件 (1)3 认证基本环节 (1)4 认证实施的基本要求 (1)4.1认证的申请 (1)4.2型式试验 (3)4.3符合性声明 (4)4.4认证结果评价与批准 (4)4.5获证后的监督 (5)5 关于ODM模式认证的特殊规定 (8)6 认证证书 (8)6.1认证证书的有效性 (8)6.2认证变更 (9)6.3认证范围的扩大 (9)6.4认证证书的暂停(含恢复)、注销和撤销 (9)7 认证标志使用的规定 (10)7.1准许使用的标志样式 (10)7.2加施方式和位置 (10)8 收费 (10)9 相关文件 (10)附件:玩具类产品强制性认证工厂质量保证能力要求 (12)1 适用产品范围本规则适用于设计或预定供14岁以下儿童玩耍的,玩具主体或主要玩耍部分由塑胶制成的,非预定承载儿童体重的非电玩具产品,包括静态塑胶玩具和机动塑胶玩具。
2 认证模式及获证条件2.1认证模式型式试验(符合性声明)+获证后监督注:若发生认证证书被撤销或因获证产品质量问题被行政处罚的情况,原持证人再次申请认证,或委托人提交的资料需要现场核实时,认证机构可先行实施工厂质量保证能力检查和产品一致性检查,并可采取抽样方式进行产品检测(参照4.5.4.2进行)。
2.2 获证条件1)产品符合GB 6675《国家玩具安全技术规范》标准的要求。
TÜV(Technischer Überwachungs Verein)就是德语“技术监督协会”得缩写。
1.范围................................................................................................................................................................ 4 2.认证依据 ........................................................................................................................................................ 4 3. 认证机构要求 ................................................................................................................................................ 4 4. 认证人员要求 ................................................................................................................................................ 4 5.认证模式 ........................................................................................................................................................ 4 6.认证程序 ........................................................................................................................................................ 4 7.认证实施 ........................................................................................................................................................ 5 8.认证证书和认证标志 ..................................................................................................................................... 8 9. 信息报告 ...................................................................................................................................................... 10 10. 认证收费 .................................................................................................................................................... 10 附件 1 燕窝产品认证目录和抽检项目表 ....................................................................................................... 11 附件 2 燕窝产品检测指标要求....................................................................................................................... 12 附件 3 燕窝产品认证证书基本格式 ............................................................................................................... 13
2.《强制性产品认证实施规则 火灾防护产品》(编号:CNCA-C18-02:2014).
认证机构应依据通用实施规则和本规则要求编制认证实施细则,并配 套通用实施规则和本规则共同实施。
生产企业应确保所生产的获证产品能够持续符合认证及适用标准要 求。
1 适用范围 本规则适用于火灾防护产品,包括以下产品种类:防火涂料、防火封
堵材料、耐火电缆槽盒、防火窗、防火门、防火玻璃、防火卷帘、防火排 烟阀门、消防排烟风机、挡烟垂壁。
0 引言 本规则遵循法律法规对消防产品市场准入的基本要求,基于火灾防护
产品的安全风险和认证风险制定,规定了火灾防护产品实施强制性产品认 证的基本原则和要求。
本规则与国家认监委发布的《强制性产品认证实施规则 生产企业分 类管理、认证模式选择与确定》、《强制性产品认证实施规则 生产企业检 测资源及其他认证结果的利用》、《强制性产品认证实施规则 工厂检查通 用要求》等通用实施规则配套使用。
百度为什么要出信誉V?第一:互联网上目前虚假信息太多,鱼龙混杂,互联网的开放信导致会有丌少虚假的信息出现,作为最大的搜索引擎,最常用的百度,也深受影响,特别是近年来,360公司,腾讯等指责百度虚假医疗广告,直指百度软肋,所以百度需要改变形象,加V认证,让真正官网排前,力图打造一个诚信的搜索环境和结果;第二:百度的自有产品贴吧,百科是百度的天然护城河,其他搜索引擎所没有的,一直也是一些做SE O的做互联网营销重要的免费流量来源,从去年开始,百度百科词条越来越难了,百度问答,百度知道,百度贴吧,审核越来越严格,也就是,以后想免费获得百度的流量越来越难,几乎变为丌可能,要想获得百度资源,就必须遵守百度的游戏规则,加V就是这个意思,如同一个人流量巨大的公园,以前是可以免费迚去发传单做广告,现在是你必须缴费认证的商户才能发广告。
所以,从各个方面来看,百度推信誉V,一方面可以给自己的竞价排名建立企业“漏斗”,提高业绩,另外一方面,也可以给百度现有渠道体系增加压力,促迚做的更好,并且未来将会有丌菲的收入,所以这个产品在百度是属于战略性的,一定会做好做大做好资源的倾斜(百度14年Q1财报抦露还专门提到这个产品)加 V 的好处?(对代理商,因为加 v 需要每年续费,可以增加客户不代理商的粘度)第一:加 V 的客户,百度承诺网民受到仸何经济损失,百度全额赔付。
2 认证依据标准................................................................................................................ 3
10 收费............................................................................................................................ 16
11 认证责任.................................................................................................................... 16
7 获证后监督.................................................................................................................. 12 7.1 获证后的跟踪检查............................................................................................... 13 7.2 生产现场抽取样品检测或检查........................................................................... 13 7.3 市场抽样检测或者检查....................................................................................... 14 7.4 获证后监督的频次和时间................................................................................... 14 7.5 获证后监督的记录............................................................................................... 14 7.6 获证后监督结果的评价....................................................................................... 14
恩拉福伺服液位计安装及使用手册XTG_Rev1.4 外部保险丝 ....................................................................................................... 19 电缆密封和穿线导管......................................................................................... 19 接地.................................................................................................................. 20 接线端子室 ....................................................................................................... 20
2.4.4. 螺栓.................................................................................................................. 16
2.4.5. 接地.................................................................................................................. 17 液位测量 .......................................................................................................... 28
DNVGL-CP-0346 DNV GL approval of manufacturer scheme
The content of this service document is the subject of intellectual property rights reserved by DNV GL AS ("DNV GL"). The user accepts that it is prohibited by anyone else but DNV GL and/or its licensees to offer and/or perform classification, certification and/or verification services, including the issuance of certificates and/or declarations of conformity, wholly or partly, on the basis of and/or pursuant to this document whether free of charge or chargeable, without DNV GL's prior written consent.DNV GL is not responsible for the consequences arising from any use of this document by others.The electronic pdf version of this document, available free of chargeCLASS PROGRAMME Approval of manufacturersDNVGL-CP-0346Edition May 2016DNV GL approval of manufacturer schemeFOREWORDDNV GL class programmes contain procedural and technical requirements including acceptance criteria for obtaining and retaining certificates for objects and organisations related to classification.© DNV GL AS May 2016Any comments may be sent by e-mail to rules@This service document has been prepared based on available knowledge, technology and/or information at the time of issuance of this document. The use of this document by others than DNV GL is at the user's sole risk. DNV GL does not accept any liability or responsibility for loss or damages resulting from any use of this document.C h a n g e s - c u r r e n tCHANGES - CURRENTThis is a new document.C o n t e n t sCONTENTSChanges - current...................................................................................................3Section 1 General. (6)1 Introduction.........................................................................................62 Objective............................................................................................63 Scope...................................................................................................64 Application...........................................................................................65 Abbreviations (6)Section 2 Approval procedure (8)1 General................................................................................................82 Initial approval....................................................................................93 Renewal of the approval....................................................................104 Extension or change of approved range............................................105 Survey report.....................................................................................116 Final approval report by manufacturer..............................................117 Evaluation by DNV GL........................................................................118 Issuance of certificate.......................................................................119 Validity...............................................................................................1210 Suspension or withdrawal of certificates.. (12)Section 3 Documentation requirements (13)1 Introduction.......................................................................................132 Approval report..................................................................................133 Statistics of previous production.......................................................134 General documentation of manufacturing route and equipment.........135 Manufacturing summary....................................................................136 Manufacturer products specification..................................................147 Manufacturers’ own certificate form.. (14)Section 4 Approval testing (15)1 General requirements........................................................................152 Manufacture of test products.............................................................153 Witnessing of approval testing..........................................................154 Testing requirements.........................................................................155 Retesting.. (16)C o n t e n t sAppendix A : Typical procedure to be followed to obtain initial approval ofmanufacturer........................................................................................................17Changes – historic (18)S e c t i o n 1SECTION 1 GENERAL1 IntroductionThe DNV GL approval of manufacturer (AoM) scheme is a procedure by which the Society approves manufacturers for supply of products in accordance with the Society's rules and standards.2 ObjectiveThe objective of AoM is to verify the manufacturers’ ability to consistently manufacture materials and products to the given specification and according to the DNV GL rule requirements.The objective of this program is to provide general requirements for approval of manufacturers of metallic materials. The additional requirements for AoM of specific types of materials and products are further described in individual programs.3 ScopeThis programme covers the procedures for initial approval, renewal of approval and extension or change of approval , and is based on the requirements given by the Society's rules and standards. It gives the general requirements related to the approval process including the manufacturers application, test plan proposal,works survey, manufacture and testing of sample products, and the general documentation requirements.4 ApplicationThis programme gives the general provisions for obtaining a certificate as "approved manufacturer" by the Society. It is applicable for metallic material manufacturers delivering products in accordance with the Society's rules and standards.5 AbbreviationsTable 1 AbbreviationsAbbreviation Full textAoM Approval of Manufacturer AR As rolledBCA Steel grade with qualified brittle crack arrest properties BOC Basic oxygen convertor CC Continuous castingCTS Controlled thermal severity CP Class programmeCOD Steel grade with qualified CTOD properties CTOD Crack tip opening displacement EAF Electric arc furnaceGCHAZ Grain coarsened heat affected zone HAZHeat affected zoneS e c t i o n 1Abbreviation Full textIC Ingot casting LF Ladle furnace N NormalizingNDT Non-destructive testingNDTT Nil ductility transition temperature NR Normalizing rolling TM Thermo-mechanical rolling VAD Vacuum arc degassing VD Vacuum degassingVOD Vacuum oxygen decarburizingWPQR Welding procedure quealification record WPS Welding procedure specification WWA Welding workshop approval QTQuenching and temperingS e c t i o n 2SECTION 2 APPROVAL PROCEDURE1 General 1.1 IntroductionIn order to be certified, the manufacturer shall demonstrate the ability to consistently manufactureproducts according to the Society's requirements and, if relevant, to a given specification. To this effect the manufacturer shall submit documentation showing that the necessary manufacturing, testing andinspection facilities are available and are supervised by qualified personnel. Works surveys by the Society's representative are required, e.g. to confirm compliance with the submitted documentation. The manufacturer shall also carry out a test program witnessed by the Society's representative, and the obtained test results shall be submitted for assessment by the Society.The following are the main steps of the initial approval process (see App.A ):—request for approval. (Manufacturer)—communicate approval requirements, handle quotation/contract. (Manufacturer/DNV GL)—prepare and submit initial documentation and test plan. (Manufacturer)—review of relevant documentation, e.g. product description, manufacturing route, inspection and testing procedures and quality system. (DNV GL)—review and acceptance of ‘test plan’ prepared and provided by the manufacturer in accordance with the applicable individual approval programme. (DNV GL)—manufacturing of test products, survey and reporting by the Society's surveyor . (Manufacturer/DNV GL)—approval testing in accordance with the accepted ‘test plan’, witnessed by the Society's representative.(Manufacturer/DNV GL)—prepare and submit final approval report including all required documentation and test results reports.(Manufacturer)—review and assessment of approval report. (DNV GL)—provided the manufacturer is found to have adequate qualifications, approval report is complete and test results are found to meet the applicable requirements, an AoM certificate will be granted. AoM certificates are published on DNV GL’s “approval-finder ”. (DNV GL).1.2 Request for approvalThe manufacturer requesting approval (including renewal or extension of existing approvals) shall send a formal application to the Society's local office. The Society provides a quotation for the requested service.1.3 Sub-contractingSub-contracting part of the production shall be described in the "approval documentation", see Sec.3.Sub-contracting of relevant production steps shall be entrusted only to those sub-contractors named in the approval documentation, unless the sub-contractor is holding a relevant AoM certificate. (Furtherlimitations may be given on the AoM certificate) The Society may require surveys of relevant sub-contractors in the course of the approval procedure. The manufacturer requesting approval by the Society shall ensure adequate quality of the sub-contracted production steps.1.4 LimitationsApproval is limited to the facilities/production line and premises/plant used for manufacturing of the test products. The manufacturer shall clearly indicate which manufacturing and production facilities that shall be included in the approval, and shall produce the test products accordingly.S e c t i o n 2The Society's scope of surveys, assessments and approval testing is limited to the process and products covered by the application for approval.Significant changes to the manufacturing facilities or processes shall be reported to the Society. The Society may request new surveys and approval testing as found necessary. Relocation of approved manufacturing facilities either in full or part will normally require new initial approval.Where required by the rules Pt.2, the manufacturer shall prepare a product specification for themanufacturing process, material composition, etc. The approval is limited to the process and composition etc., as given by this product specification.2 Initial approval 2.1 Approval processA flowchart illustrating a typical approval process for initial approval is given in App.A .2.2 Request for approvalThe request for approval shall be sent to the local DNV GL office together with the following information:—name and site address of the manufacturer—a table with a list of products for which approval is requested including the range of approval —a description of manufacturing, testing and inspection facilities and equipment.2.3 Documentation requirements for initial approvalThe manufacturer shall prepare the approval documentation as required in Sec.3 and by the relevant individual approval programme.2.4 Test plan proposalThe manufacturer shall prepare a detailed test plan in accordance with Sec.4 [2] and by the relevant individual approval programme.2.5 Works survey for initial approvalThe manufacturer shall organize a works survey together with the Society's surveyor . Focus will normally be given to quality control of critical production steps, and that manufacturing, testing and inspection facilities are available and supervised/operated by qualified personnel.The surveyor will decide the scope of the survey, and may request additional documentation when preparing for the works survey.Manufacture of test products and approval testing may require separate visits. In case of adequatepreparation and agreement with the Society, these steps of the approval process may be combined in one or two visits.2.6 Manufacture of test productsThe manufacturer shall establish a schedule for the production of test products, see Sec.4. The surveyor shall be invited for witnessing of all critical manufacturing steps.2.7 Approval testingApproval testing shall be performed in accordance with Sec.4.S e c t i o n 23 Renewal of the approval 3.1 Request for renewalApplication for renewal should be made not later than three months before the expiry date of the certificate.Applications received after the expiry of the certificate may require new initial approval if deemed necessary by the Society.3.2 Documentation requirements for renewal of AoM certificateFor renewal of the AoM certificate, the manufacturer shall submit an assessment report confirming that original approval conditions are maintained and no significant changes have been made to manufacturing process, equipment and procedures. A brief summary report giving statistical information related to certified products supplied to vessels classed by the Society in the previous validity period shall be included.If no products have been subject to certification by the Society for a period of two years, the Society reserves the right to require additional surveys and approval tests.3.3 Renewal surveyManufacturer shall invite the Society's surveyor for renewal survey in order to revisit the critical manufacturing steps and to verify that the approved conditions are maintained.During the survey the manufacturer shall provide evidence that the applicable versions of relevant rules,standards and approval programs are applied, and that all requirements given therein are implemented.3.4 Approval testing for renewalIf there are no significant changes to the manufacturing process, equipment and procedures, new approval testing will usually not be required for renewal of the AoM certificate. However , significant changes to the approved conditions may render new approval testing necessary, although a reduced scope of testing would typically be accepted, depending on the significance of the change.4 Extension or change of approved range 4.1 Request for extensionAn existing AoM certificate may be extended or changed with respect to the “range of approval”. Extension of the range of approval may be applied for at any time.4.2 Documentation requirements for extensionFor extensions of, or for significant changes to the approved products or process, the approval documentation specified in Sec.3 shall be re-submitted highlighting the changes to the already approved manufacturing process.A new manufacturing summary and a new testing and inspection plan shall be submitted, includinginformation about new equipment, extended capacity of the existing equipment or change of the product scope.4.3 Test plan and test productsFor test plan proposal, see Sec.4 [2].S e c t i o n 24.4 Survey for extension of the approvalA works survey for extension of the approval may be deemed necessary, e.g. if range of products forextension are produced using a manufacturing process, equipment or procedures that were not part of initial approval. Manufacturer shall invite the Society's surveyor for extension survey.4.5 Approval testing for extensionFor extensions of an existing approval to include new products, material or application areas, full approval testing (same as for initial approval) according to Sec.4 will normally be required unless otherwise agreed with the Society.5 Survey reportFor initial, renewal or extension of the approval, the surveyor will prepare a survey report including applicable checklists. The manufacturer shall give the surveyor the necessary access and information in order to complete the report and checklists.6 Final approval report by manufacturerOn completion of the approval testing, the manufacturer shall prepare and submit a detailed approval report.The approval report shall preferably be organized with the same indexing as given in this program as well as in the relevant individual approval programme. The report shall contain all the information requested in [2.2], [2.3] and [2.4], as well as Sec.3 and Sec.4. The report shall include the request for approval,information on manufacturing route and equipment, documentation of all relevant tests and test results, and include original test records endorsed by the surveyor .The language of the submitted documentation shall be English.The approval report shall be signed and dated by the manufacturer’s representative, and submitted to the local DNV GL office.Incomplete report, or test results not complying with the given requirements may be returned to the manufacturer for correction.7 Evaluation by DNV GLThe evaluation of compliance with the approval requirements is based on the final approval report, the surveys, and the survey report with applicable checklists.In case of insufficient documentation or test results the manufacturer will be informed for further actions.8 Issuance of certificateProvided the manufacturer is found to have adequate qualifications, the approval report is in compliance with the applicable requirements, all tests are completed and the test results comply with the applicable requirements, an approval of manufacturer certificate will be issued. The certificate will include a list ofproducts covered by the approval. The certificate will be forwarded to the manufacturer , and an entry made in the Society's list of approved manufacturers on the internet (the Approval Finder ).S e c t i o n 29 ValidityThe AoM certificate is valid for three (3) years with no intermediate assessment unless otherwise requested by the Society.Guidance note:The surveyor shall be given the opportunity to survey and check at any time all plants and equipment used in the manufacture and testing. The manufacturer shall assist the surveyor to enable him to verify that approved processes are adhered to and to witness the selection and testing as required by the rules.---e-n-d---o-f---g-u-i-d-a-n-c-e---n-o-t-e---Renewal of the certificate must be done before the expiry date. For renewal the validity time is extended with three years. Certificates which have expired at the time of renewal will be adjusted according to previous validity date.For extension of a certificate the validity period will not be changed unless the extension is combined with a renewal, i.e. that all corresponding requirements for renewal are fulfilled.Any significant alteration to the approved condition during the period of validity, e.g. as described in the approval documentation (Sec.3 of this programme and relevant individual approval programme) shall be reported to the Society. The Society will decide if a new survey/re-testing shall be performed.Any changes to the name of the manufacturer shall be brought to the attention of the Society. In order to change the name on a certificate the manufacturer shall present formal evidence of the new name, and send an application to the Society accordingly.New requirements introduced in the Society's rules or class programs during the period of validity mayrequire updating of the approval documentation or additional approval testing. Unless otherwise required by the Society, the new requirements shall take effect at the next extension or renewal of the AoM certificate.10 Suspension or withdrawal of certificatesAn approval of manufacturer certificate may be suspended or withdrawn at any time if the Society finds it justified.Provisions for suspension and withdrawal of a certificate are given by DNV GL rules RU SHIP Pt.1 Ch.1.S e c t i o n 3SECTION 3 DOCUMENTATION REQUIREMENTS1 IntroductionThis section is specifying the general documentation required for initial approval. For alterations to theequipment, processes, procedures etc. covered by an existing certificate, the corresponding documentation shall be updated and submitted to the Society for evaluation (surveys, renewal and/or extension of the approval may be required). Further documentation requirements are given in the individual approval of manufacturer programs.2 Approval reportThis section includes the general documentation to be provided in the approval report applicable for all relevant AoM's. Only information relevant for the manufacturing of the products covered by the AoM certificate shall be submitted. See also Sec.2 [1.3] and Sec.2 [6].3 Statistics of previous productionA report giving statistical information about recent production, e.g. with respect to chemical composition and mechanical properties of similar grades and products shall be submitted. The report shall preferably be based on products subject to third party verified certification.4 General documentation of manufacturing route and equipmentAll procedures and documentation to be submitted as required by this programme and by each of the individual programs shall be traceable and dated documents with track of revisions etc., and should in general be part of the manufacturer’s QA manual.The following shall be submitted:—organisation structure and quality assurance system including quality control responsibilities—manufacturing process description, visualized in flow charts indicating all process steps, and in particularthe associated testing and inspection points—list of the manufacturers written procedures for testing and inspection. The procedures need not to besubmitted (except as given below), but shall be available for review at the manufacturer’s works upon request—list of equipment used for chemical analysis, mechanical testing, metallographic examination, non-destructive testing, dimensional and thickness measurements, pressure testing, etc.—evidence of calibration for all relevant manufacturing and testing devices—documentation of the qualifications of personnel engaged in testing and inspection, including level ofcertification of non-destructive testing personnel. Where the number of relevant personnel exceeds 10, a list of personnel and their qualifications will suffice—manufacturers formal procedures (e.g. from quality manual) for product and test samples identificationand traceability.5 Manufacturing summaryThe manufacturer shall establish and submit a manufacturing summary for all products, material grades and dimensional ranges which shall be covered by the certificate. Several grades and/or size ranges may be combined into one manufacturing summary where this is convenient.The manufacturing summary shall specify the sequence of all important manufacturing and sampling/testing steps, and the conditions for control, e.g. by reference to instructions or procedures.S e c t i o n 3Supply of materials and subcontracted activities relevant for the approval shall be indicated, and the names of suppliers/subcontractors and their approval details shall be provided as appropriate. Production steps performed by subcontractors are subject to documentation and testing requirements as given by the approval programs.Where a manufacturer applies for extension of an existing approval to cover e.g. larger diameters, new supplier of starting material, etc., the manufacturing summary shall be updated accordingly.6 Manufacturer products specificationWhere required by the Society's rules, standards, approval programs or by the Society's representative,the manufacturer shall prepare a separate product specification document. The product specification shall specify all relevant limitations to the approved product and manufacturing process, i.e. where these are supplementary to the basic requirements of the rules, e.g.:—chemical composition with narrower range limitations —rolling parameters for NR, TM, BCA, COD steels—testing requirements and acceptance criteria for special steels, e.g. small scale test for BCA steels.The specification shall be a traceable document, numbered, dated, with revision numbering and signed by the manufacturer . It will be referred on the AoM certificate, and shall be made available to the surveyor on request.7 Manufacturers’ own certificate formWhere DNV GL certification of products using the manufacturer’s own certificate form is intended (e.g. in the format of EN 10204 type 3.1 or ISO 10474 type 3.1 etc.) a blank copy of the certificate form and a filled in certificate for a representative product/material shall be submitted. Legends and entries may be in national language, but all information which is required in order to enable assessment as per the DNV GL rules shall be in English language (e.g. in addition to the local language where relevant).S e c t i o n 4SECTION 4 APPROVAL TESTING1 General requirementsUnless otherwise specified, the testing and the test results shall comply with the appropriate requirements of the rules, e.g. RU SHIP Pt.2.In case of newly built manufacturing facilities or newly developed types of products, material grades or manufacturing processes, the Society may request additional tests, increased number of test products and other dimensions of the products for testing.Further requirements are given in the individual approval of manufacturer programs.2 Manufacture of test productsThe manufacturer shall propose a detailed inspection and test plan (a formal document, dated and withversion number), based on the relevant individual approval program. The test plan proposal shall be accepted by the Society before manufacturing of the products to be tested.Surveyor shall be invited to witness all critical manufacturing steps for the production of test material/products, and for marking of the samples from which test specimens will be prepared. He shall also be given access to carry out a visual examination of the products intended for approval purposes for his reporting, e.g.of the surface condition.Records and data for the manufacture of the test products shall included in of the approval report.3 Witnessing of approval testingThe surveyor shall be given necessary access for verification of the calibration status of all relevant testing equipment, that is, testing equipment that will be used for testing of products supplied to DNV GL class. This is also applicable for tests carried out at laboratories recognized and/or approved by the Society.The surveyor shall be invited to witness all approval testing. Chemical composition test and metallographic analysis is exempted from this requirement unless specifically requested by the Society. If the required testing facilities are not available at the manufacturer , the approval tests may be carried out at a testing laboratory recognized and/or approved by the Society. In such case the surveyor shall be invited for witnessing at the relevant laboratory.The test reports shall be made available to the surveyor for endorsing.4 Testing requirementsUnless otherwise specified, the testing procedures, test pieces shape, and test pieces location and orientation shall comply with the applicable requirements of the rules and/or the applicable standards. The test results shall fulfil the requirements of the rules, e.g. RU SHIP Pt.2 or the applicable standard/specification, whichever is stricter (unless otherwise agreed). The following general reporting requirements apply for approval of material manufacturers:—sketches, drawings and photos showing the position of test blocks shall be included in the test report.Type of test blocks and their dimensions shall be reported and wherever necessary supported with photographic evidence—photographs of the tested specimens shall be included in the report. The dimensions of the specimens andthe fracture surfaces must be recognizable. The plots of registered load-deformation (stress-strain) curves obtained for the tensile tests shall be included. The loading rates shall be reported.。
授权编号:[授权编号]授权日期:[授权日期]授权方(以下简称“授权方”):名称:[授权方全称]地址:[授权方地址]法定代表人:[授权方法定代表人姓名]联系电话:[授权方联系电话]电子邮箱:[授权方电子邮箱]被授权方(以下简称“被授权方”):名称:[被授权方全称]地址:[被授权方地址]法定代表人:[被授权方法定代表人姓名]联系电话:[被授权方联系电话]电子邮箱:[被授权方电子邮箱]鉴于:1. 授权方拥有在搜狐号平台(以下简称“平台”)上开设并运营特定企业账号的权利。
2. 被授权方有意在平台上开展业务,并希望获得授权方的授权,以合法合规地使用平台资源。
3. 授权方与被授权方就授权事宜达成一致,现就以下事项订立本授权书:第一条授权范围1.1 被授权方获得授权方在平台上的特定企业账号的使用权,包括但不限于账号的发布、编辑、管理、维护等。
1.2 被授权方在授权范围内,有权以授权方企业名义发布、编辑、传播与授权方业务相关的各类内容。
1.3 被授权方有权使用授权方企业名称、标志、专利、商标等知识产权,但需遵守相关法律法规和平台规则。
第二条权利义务2.1 被授权方应遵守国家法律法规、平台规则及授权方的相关规定,不得利用授权方企业账号从事违法活动。
2.2 被授权方应保证所发布内容的真实性、合法性、正当性,不得发布虚假信息、诽谤他人、侵犯他人合法权益等。
2.3 被授权方应妥善保管账号密码,确保账号安全,不得泄露授权方企业信息。
2.4 被授权方在授权期间,不得将账号转让、出租、出借给第三方。
2.5 被授权方在授权期间,如需变更账号信息,应提前通知授权方,并经授权方同意后方可进行。
第三条授权期限3.1 本授权书自双方签字(或盖章)之日起生效,有效期为[授权期限],自授权之日起计算。
3.2 本授权书到期后,如双方无异议,可续签本授权书。
第四条违约责任4.1 如被授权方违反本授权书的约定,授权方有权立即终止本授权,并要求被授权方承担相应的法律责任。
授权方(以下简称“授权方”):全称:__________注册地址:__________法定代表人:__________联系电话:__________电子邮箱:__________入驻方(以下简称“入驻方”):全称:__________注册地址:__________法定代表人:__________联系电话:__________电子邮箱:__________鉴于:1. 授权方作为搜狐媒体平台的运营方,根据《搜狐媒体平台服务协议》及有关法律法规的规定,有权对入驻搜狐媒体平台的用户提供相应的服务。
2. 入驻方有意入驻搜狐媒体平台,并愿意遵守《搜狐媒体平台服务协议》及有关法律法规的规定。
3. 授权方同意入驻方入驻搜狐媒体平台,并授权入驻方使用搜狐媒体平台的各项服务。
为此,授权方与入驻方本着平等互利、诚实信用的原则,经友好协商,达成如下协议:一、授权内容1. 授权方授权入驻方在搜狐媒体平台上注册并开设账号,使用搜狐媒体平台提供的各项服务。
2. 入驻方有权在搜狐媒体平台上发布、编辑、管理、传播自己的原创内容,包括但不限于文章、图片、视频等。
3. 授权方保证入驻方在搜狐媒体平台上的内容不侵犯任何第三方的合法权益,如侵犯第三方合法权益,授权方将承担相应的法律责任。
三、权利义务1. 入驻方应遵守《搜狐媒体平台服务协议》及有关法律法规的规定,不得利用搜狐媒体平台从事违法活动。
2. 入驻方应保证所发布内容的真实性、合法性、合规性,不得发布违反国家法律法规、侵犯他人合法权益、有损社会公共利益的内容。
3. 入驻方有权对授权方提供的搜狐媒体平台服务提出合理建议,授权方应予以考虑并积极改进。
4. 入驻方应自行承担因其内容引起的法律责任,包括但不限于知识产权、名誉权、肖像权等。
四、保密条款1. 双方对本授权书内容负有保密义务,未经对方同意,不得向任何第三方泄露。
二、授权内容1. 授权搜狐公众平台使用我方名称、标识及相关信息,包括但不限于:(1)在平台上发布、展示我方提供的各类信息、文章、图片、视频等;(2)对我方提供的内容进行编辑、整理、优化;(3)根据用户需求,对平台进行功能调整和优化;(4)在平台上进行广告宣传、合作推广等。
2. 授权搜狐公众平台代表我方与第三方进行合作,包括但不限于:(1)与我方共同举办线上线下活动;(2)与我方共同开发相关产品或服务;(3)与我方共同进行市场推广;(4)与我方共同进行数据分析等。
四、权利义务1. 我方应确保授权内容合法、合规,不得侵犯他人合法权益。
2. 我方应遵守搜狐平台的相关规定,不得在平台上发布违法违规信息。
3. 搜狐平台应合理使用授权内容,不得侵犯我方合法权益。
4. 搜狐平台应定期向我方反馈授权内容的使用情况,包括但不限于阅读量、点赞量、转发量等。
五、违约责任1. 如我方违反本授权书规定,导致授权内容侵犯他人合法权益,我方应承担相应法律责任。
2. 如搜狐平台违反本授权书规定,导致授权内容侵犯我方合法权益,搜狐平台应承担相应法律责任。
七、其他1. 本授权书一式两份,双方各执一份,具有同等法律效力。
2. 本授权书未尽事宜,可由双方另行协商解决。
授权方(盖章):法定代表人(签字):授权日期:____年____月____日被授权方(盖章):法定代表人(签字):授权日期:____年____月____日附件:1. 授权内容清单;2. 授权方与被授权方联系方式。
2.3禁止开户推广的信息,不予提供推广服务3、搜狐客户所提交的资质执照证明文件审核标准;3.1搜狐客户所提交的相关资质文件应清晰可辨、信息完整;3.2搜狐客户所提交的相关资质文件应真实有效,无涂改、无拼接等后期处理迹象;3.3 搜狐特殊行业广告开户资质除4证外其他证明要求:3.4搜狐特殊行业开户资质文件判定标准:(1)药品生产(经营)许可证发证机关应为各地区省级以上药品监督管理部门,药品生产(经营)许可证必须可在药监局药品生产(经营)许可栏查询;(2)互联网药品信息服务许可证发证机关应为各地区省级以上药品监督管理部门,互联网药品信息服务许可证发证必须可在药监局互联网药品信息服务许可栏查询,互联网药品信息服务许可证显示的网址应与客户开户时所填写的网址相同;(3)互联网药品交易服务许可证发证机关应为各地区省级以上药品监督管理部门,互联网药品交易服务许可证发证必须可在药监局互联网药品交易服务许可栏查询,互联网药品交易服务许可证显示的网址应与客户开户时所填写的网址相同;(4)化妆品生产企业卫生许可证分为《化妆品生产企业卫生许可证》和《卫妆字卫生许可证》以上证件发证机关均应为各地区省级以上卫生行政部门;(5)化妆品许可(注册)批件发证机关应为各地区省级以上卫生行政部门,化妆品许可(注册)批件应注明产品名称且与推广页面出现产品名称保持一致;(6)保健食品批准证书(注册件)、备案凭证发证机关应为中华人民共和国食品药品监督管理总局,保健食品批准证书(注册件)、备案凭证应注明产品名称且与推广页面出现产品名称保持一致且在有效期内;(7)医疗器械生产(经营)许可证发证机关应为省级以上药品监督管理部门,医疗器械生产(经营)许可证应在有效期内;(8)证劵投资咨询业务资格证书发证机关应为中国证劵监督管理委员会,证劵投资咨询业务资格证书应在证监会网站查询;(9)基金管理资质证书发证机关应为中国证劵监督管理委员会,基金管理资质证书可在中国证劵监督管理委员会基金公司机构名录项中可查询;(10)经营证券业务许可证发证机关应为中国证劵监督管理委员会,经营证券业务许可证可在中国证劵监督管理委员会基金公司机构名录项中查询;(11)期货经营许可证发证机关应为中国证劵监督管理委员会,期货经营许可证可在中国证劵监督管理委员会期货经营机构名录项中查询;(12)金融机构许可证发证机构为中国银行业监督管理委员会,其可在中国银行业监督管理委员会网址中查询;(13)自费出国留学中介机构资格认定书的发证机构应为各地教育局;(14)网络文化经营许可证的发证单位应为各地文化局,可在各地文化局网站中进行查询,网络文化经营许可证显示的网址应与客户开户时所填写的网址相同;(15)信息网络传播视听节目许可证应为国家新闻出版广电总局,信息网络传播视听节目许可证显示的网址应与客户开户时所填写的网址相同;3.5搜狐行业分类标准:(1)药品销售类是指以销售药品为最终目的的信息,视为药品销售相关信息;(2)医药研究、药品研发类是指从事药物的研究和开发为核心,页面宣传具有药品研发能力的客户;(3)药品信息类指针对某种产品按照药品定义进行阐述、描写所涉及的文字、图片、视频等均视为药品相关信息;(4)药品生产类:从事药品或药品相关产品的生产制造厂商;(5)化妆品类除通常化妆品外还包括育发、染发、烫发、脱发、美乳、健美、除臭、祛斑、防晒等用品;(6)保健品类包括减肥产品、增高产品等,推广页面不得出现药品相关信息;(7)医疗机构类:根据《医疗机构管理条例》,医疗机构是指从事疾病诊断、治疗活动的医院、卫生院、疗养院、门诊部、诊所、卫生所(室)以及急救站等;(8)美容类:美容行业分为医疗美容和普通美容,其中,根据《医疗美容服务管理办法》规定,医疗美容是指运用手术(凡是有伤口即认定为手术)、药物、医疗器械以及其他具有创伤性或者侵入性的医学技术方法对人的容貌和人体各部位形态进行的修复与再塑。