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The difference of body-part metaphor in Chinese and


Abstract: The sense of people is originate ourselves and extend to our round. This way of perceive things in language is metaphor. When it reflects on bodies of people is called the body-part metaphor. The record is according to the cognitive view and rule of metaphor. From the study, I discovered that there were externalization and internalization in body-part metaphor. Subject and object have not been completely separated. The world human knows is not the world itself, but a humanized world.

K eyword: body-part metaphor, externalization, internalization, humanization world.

Ⅰ, Externalization in body-part metaphor

1, The metaphor of head

1.1, Head is the top of something

For example, in Chinese, 山顶(the head of mountain),针头(head of needle)绳子的两头(a rope has two heads). In English, head of a match, head of page, head of a queue, head of flower, head of stairs, head of a bed,

1.2, Head is starting point and terminal poin t

In Chinese”head “ has many meanings. For example, in Chinese, 起头(it means start). 从头做起(it means start all over again from the beginning). 从头再来(it means start all over again). 从头到尾(it means from beginning to the end). 从头开始(it means start anew).

1.3, head is the first

For example, in Chinese, 头等(it means the first). 首都(it means capital of one country). 首屈一指(it means second to none). 首当其冲(it means throw one self into the breach).

1.4, head is aspect

In Chinese, it means one person do something need to give consideration to two or more things.

1.5, head is life

In Chinese, 抛头颅洒热血(it means one person contribute his or her life to something). In English, for example it cost him his head. Put one’s head in/into noose.

1.6, head is ability of thinking

In Chinese, for example, 头脑灵活(it means one person is so clever). In English, for example, He is weak in the head. He lost his head. He doesn’t have a head for mathematic. Use your head. The phrase has keep one’s head screwed on the right way. It means the thinking of one person is clearly. Have a good head for something, it means a person can control something.

A level head, it means a person is dispassionate. Scratch one’s head, it means one person is confused to something. Go off one’s head, it means one person is crazy. A wolly head, it means one person is confused.

1.7, head means person

For example, in English hot head means a person of impatient disposition. A head/per head means everyone or one person.

1.8, head is the leader of a group

In Chinese, 首领,头领,元首,首脑mean a leader of the group. In English, the head of the department and the head of a class.

1.9, head is the key

For example, in English it comes to a head. It means this is very serious moment in time.

1.10, head means feeling

For example, in Chinese, 垂头丧气(it means one person’s mood is down).In English, for example, to hold one’s head high, to be off one’s head, to go to somebody’s head, to lose one’s head, hot-headed, to have a swelled head.

2, The metaphor of “face”

2.1, The face is something or external appearance

F or example, in Chinese 版面(the appearance of the book), 路面(the appearance of the road), 桌面(the appearance of the table),. I n English, face of

a mountain, face of a building, face of the earth, face of a clock.

2.2, The face means people

F or example, in C hinese, 新面孔(it means new people).In English, a new face, different, a famous/well-known face.
