安达信---Knowledge Management Implementation and Considerations




销售与 市场
基本活动 36
3. 行业及市场竞争分析-买方的讨价能力 企业决策行为-投资决策因素
根据访谈结果,企业选择园区落户时考虑的主要因素有诸多方面 ,其中比较关切首先是靠近资源、靠近市场以及低的运输成本。 相对而言,优惠政策与低廉的地价并不是企业首先考虑的因素
与机场、铁路、公路和港口的距离 与客户或销售市场的距离 园区服务 园区基础设施 与供应商的距离 优惠政策 地价 获得人力资源的便利程度 政府支持与效率 其他因素
对所在行业的特性,服务发展方向及市场走向进行一定的 行业研究
探索行业对手过去成功的或失败的案例并得出结论 确定最有影响力的行业因素 获得最新战略动态的信息 获得竞争对手的财政或经营数据 获得最新战略动态的信息
寻求企业潜在的商业机会 及威胁,探讨企业未来发 展目标和方向
确定企业必须具备的竞争 力,明确企业的共同愿景 并拟定具有综合性及可行 性的行动计划
目前 目前
客户和市场 持续发展集成性的
相互信任 关系
3.1 产业结构分析与竞争战略 3.2 市场竞争的分析
4. 市场调研 5. 制定战略
5.1 SWOT分析 5.2 战略定位 5.3 特定战略制定 5.4 经营计划制定
6. 战略评估和控制/战略改进
检查企业内部因素(销售及分销,研究及开发,生产及运 作管理,企业资源和人事,财政及会计等)。

安达信(Arthur Anderson)

安达信(Arthur Anderson)

Anderson 原国际五大会计师事务所之一 2002年因安然事件倒闭,倒闭后五大变化为 四大 分别是:普华永道、毕马威、安永、德勤。
安达信坍塌后各分支机构去 向
2002年3月 安达信(香港)和安达信(中国内地) 并入普华永道。普华永道由此成为香港最大的会计 师事务所。
俄罗斯、新西兰、新加坡(2002年4月)、 菲律宾(2002年6月)、中欧、巴尔干半岛 部、意大利
英国(5800人,2002年4月)、瑞典、荷 兰
组长:张玫媛 演讲:尤汉鹏 筹稿:张靖,张丽,赵苗苗 制作:张志强,张鹏,赵旭升
原是世界上最大的综合性 天然气和电力公司之一, 在北美地区是头号天然气 和电力批发销售商。
安达信会计师事务所事件对我 们的启示
“ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
司的审计缺乏独立性。独立性是社会审计的 灵魂,离开了独立性,审计质量只能是一种 奢谈。

“安然事件”对我国的启示: 基于市场经济的共通性,安然事件引起的对公司治理、 财务报告制度、注册会计师行业管理体制、注册会计师独 立性等诸多问题的思考,无疑会带给我们很多启示,这些 启示对我国尚不成熟的资本市场的发展和完善、公司治 理,以及会计审计、注册会计师行业的制度建设具有重大 借鉴意义。
资产负债表时,对一艘货轮的沉没而造成的 成本进行披露。 这是历史上首次有一家会计师事务所要求用 这样的标准进行披露,以保证财务报表的准 确性。由于这种专业化特色及一贯对客户采 取严格标准,安达信公司很快赢得公众的信 赖。



公司总部 职能中心
会计 绩效治理
资金 税务 规划预算 内部审计
信息策略规划 业务应用
共享信息 根底设施
薪金福利 培训
人事打算 和治理
选购 法律 公共关系 基建工程 环境、安康 安全生产 股东关系 政府事务*
对事业部及下属业务或运营单元供给职能效劳所发生的本钱由相关事业部或业 务部负担
由于过去总部职能的掌握在相当于事业部/业务部的层面,事业部/业务部会抵触 新的集中治理体制。因此,高层治理应实行适应措施来对应这种抵触
如治理不当,这些总部职能中心可能产生官僚作风,以致事业部/业务部会重新 试图建立自己的职能体系
就公司日常经营向首席执行官负责 主要负责公司的内部经营治理
包括首席执行官、首席运营官、财务总监和事业部领导 建议/制定公司经营目标和政策
负责本事业部运营、治理、掌握和经营绩效 就本事业部的进展策略、资金安排和预算提出建议
8 20, 2023
1. 高层次的组织和治理 高层次的组织和治理 公司总部和事业部架构 组织关系和关键治理流程 2. 高层次的执行打算 3. 争论
© Andersen Consulting 2000
1. 高层次的组织和治理 高层次的组织和治理 公司总部和事业部架构 组织关系和关键治理流程 2. 高层次的执行打算 3. 争论



标准化管理1 范围包括公司范围内所有企业技术标准、产品标准、和公司范围内所制定国家标准、行业标准。

2 控制目标2.1 确保所制定的企业技术标准符合国家、行业的各项有关标准。

2.2 确保所制定的企业技术标准在公司范围内的可行性。

2.3 确保所制定的企业产品标准符合国家的各项有关标准。

2.4 确保所制定的企业产品标准符合公司发展的需要以及市场的需求。

2.5 确保设计文件符合各项标准化要求2.6 更新标准资料,以确保各部门使用的是最新版本的标准资料。

2.7 确保所制定的国家标准、行业标准的可行性。

2.8 确保所制定的国家标准、行业标准符合国家科技发展的需要以及市场的需求。

3 主要控制点3.1 技术质量总监对技术标准草案进行审批3.2 技术经对企业技术标准化初稿进行标准化审核3.3 技术经理对企业产品标准进行标准化审核3.4 技术质量总监对企业产品标准进行审批3.5 技术经理对设计文件的完整性,正确性及一致性进行审核3.6 技术质量总经理审核标准化审核报告3.7 技术质量部总经理审批核发新产品型号申请3.8 技术质量部总经理审批参加标准审定会人员名单,费用预审,时间和地点4. 特定政策公司级,国家级标准化资料和文档必须由技术质量部统一发放管理,进行版本更新,技术质量部属于公司一级文控中心,各部门属于公司二级文控中心5. 涉及部门5.1 中央研究院5.2 信息产业部邮电工业标准化所5.3 浙江省技术监督局5.4 国家技术监督局5.5 信息产业部科技司5.6 公司内各相关部门6. 流程说明6.1 企业技术标准制定说明 C-06-004-0011 6.2 企业产品标准审核、备案流程说明 C-06-004-0026.3 设计文件的标准化审核流程说明 C-06-004-0036.4 核发新产品型号流程说明 C-06-004-0046.5 国家标准、行业标准征求意见的流程说明 C-06-004-0056.6 标准资料的收集流程说明 C-06-004-0066.7 制定国家标准、行业标准流程说明 C-06-004-0077 主要涉及文件8 填表说明8.1 产品型号申请表 F-06-004-0018.2 标准化审核报告 F-06-004-0029 职责分工。



价格 结盟
合同投入衡量 完整性和精确性
预算和计划 会计信息 税收 投资评估
完整性和精确性 财务报告评价 养老基金 管理报告
• 技术战略必须与经营战略及流程设计互相协调:
销售和分销 跟踪系统
客户服务 系统
战略声明 客户 营运 服务
设定绩效目标 短期 长期
• 行业及市场竞市场调研
– 制定战略
• SWOT分析 • 战略定位 • 特定战略制定 • 经营计划制定
– 战略评估和控制/战略改进
• 企业战略
– 企业战略是指一套系统化和全面化的规划,用以确保通过正确的执行而 达成企业的最终目标
健康和安全 环境
使用权 完整性 相关性 可得到性 基础设施



全国M P A c c 教学案例库案例编号:案例名称:安达信 1 2适用课程:《商业伦理与会计职业道德》选用课程:《内部控制》、《审计学》编写目的:作为业内无人不晓的案例,“安达信”(Arthur Andersen, AA )对美国乃至全球会计业的影响深刻而久远。

通过这一案例的研讨,既可加深学员对AA 事件的理解,又可彰显职业道德对会计师的极端重要。

知 识 点:审计独立性、审计风险、审计师法律责任 关 键 词:职业道德、审计独立性案例摘要:AA 是一家创建于1913年、总部设在美国芝加哥的国际知名会计师事务所。


二十世纪80年代,AA 是CPA 的金字招牌,代表着审计的最高水准。

2002年3月美国司法部以“阻挠调查”为罪名对AA 销毁“安然”(Enron )档案提起刑事诉讼。

同年6月美国联邦法庭对AA 做出有罪判决。

由此,AA 不得从事“公众公司”(Public Companies )相关业务。

AA 不服,提起上诉。

2005年5月AA 上诉成功。

虽然其罪名得以洗刷,但“五大”变为“四肥”(Fat Four )的现实却难以改变。


提供单位:复旦大学管理学院MPAcc 项目案例作者:任明川(复旦大学管理学院会计系)编写时间:2008年8月1 案例的内容源于教科书、杂志论文和新闻媒体等公开渠道,不包含作者对案例公司的褒贬。


2 主要参考文献: 任明川,“‘安达信’的猝死及其教训”, 《财务与会计》2003年第4期。

Thomas, C. William, “The Rise and Fall of Enron ”, Journal of Accountancy, April 2002. Brooks, Jeonard J., Business & Professional Ethics for Directors, Executives, & Accountants, Thomson.全国M P A c c 教学案例库安达信“安达信”(Arthur Andersen, AA )曾经是世界上最大的咨询服务类公司,也是全球最受尊敬的公司之一。


• Small productivity increases in contact employee performance represent a substantial savings in BellSouth’s annual contact employee expenditure.
• Future reengineering efforts will affect the system component of the provisioning process.
Keys to Project
Joint BellSouth/Arthur Andersen teams Effective communication with work force Full-time, focused resources Focus on simplification, streamlining and quality Develop specific implementation plans, including process,
• Andersen has historically realized significant and quick productivity savings in redesigning these processes.
Continuous Improvement
BellSouth Telecommunications and Andersen have successfully worked together on a number of the business responses:

安达信-资料 (英文)

安达信-资料 (英文)

What Our Software Vendor Alliances Mean
Arthur Andersen does not sell software or receive any financial incentives from integrated software package vendors. However, we do maintain alliance programs with the leading software providers in the market. The purpose of these alliances is to establish a team of qualified personnel from the vendor and Arthur Andersen who can effectively serve clients by delivering integrated solutions to improve business performance.
Section 2: Project Overview
Our Perspective
Our Local Manufacturing
Our local experience with integrated software packages is deep and broad. Our Ohio Consulting practice, which includes Columbus, Cleveland and Cincinnati, has over 140 full-time consultants. Software implementation is the cornerstone of our practice. Below is a list of some of our recent engagements in Ohio.



他山之石——企业知识管理案例分析案例1安达信安达信(Arthur Anderson, AA)公司主要从事会计与审计、税务、商务顾问、咨询服务等业务,因为它为客户提供的服务99.5%基于知识,因此,知识是企业最重要的资源,贯穿于决策和管理过程的始终。











●技术平台安达信的知识管理系统基于普通的软硬件平台(Windows、Lotus Notes和PC机)。

所采用的三大技术是:群件技术、Internet/Intranet、数据库和指示系统(Database & Pointer System)。

其中使用最频繁的技术是以下三种:①Lotus Notes 确保信息能够安全地在全球范围内传播;②语音邮件允许人们能够在任何情况下进行交流;③知识基地提供最佳实践数据库。




XXX公司能力素质模型手册安X信公司XXX 年 XXX 月目录第一章能力素质模型概括第一节能力素质模型的观点什么是能力素质能力素质的分类什么是能力素质模型第二节能力素质模型与人力资源管理整体框架人力资源管理整体框架能力素质模型在人力资源整体框架中的运用第二章能力素质模型数据库拟订 / 更新流程第二节范围第二节控制目标第三节流程波及部门第四节主要控制点第五节能力素质模型数据库拟订/ 更新流程图第六节能力素质模型数据库拟订/ 更新流程说明(略)第七节能力素质模型数据库拟订/ 更新流程波及的表单流转及职责分工第八节中心能力素质模型数据库第九节能力素质模型数据库使用说明第三章能力素质模型任职工查核管理流程中的运用第一节范围第二节控制目标第三节能力素质模型的运用流程第四节职工查核管理流程波及表单流转及职责分工第五节个人绩效评估表第六节个人绩效评估表填表说明第七节评估打分依照评估级别建议表附件一:能力素质模型应用流程:能力素质模型数据库拟订/ 更新流程附件二:职工查核管理流程图(HR-FL-6)附件三:能力素质模型表格中心能力素质数据库个人绩效考评表第一章能力素质模型概括“公司不该不过被当作产品和服务的组合,更应当是能力的组合”-《为了将来的竞争》,Gary Hamel和. Prahalad哈佛商学院第一版社,1994 年第一节能力素质模型的观点1.1什么是能力素质能力素质是一个组织为了实现其战略目标,获取成功,而对组织内个体所需具备的职业修养、能力和知识的综合要求。





REENGINEERINGLeaders / Key Staff: Gail Steinel / Tom BendertObjective: To foster, develop and maintain the thought leadership, marketimage and framework/methodology of our generic reengineeringservices.1995-96 High Priority Focus Areas: ∙Widespread rollout to Europe∙Development of revenue reengineering capability with assistanceof Customer Satisfaction team∙Development of “to be” reengineering model with AdvancedCost Management∙Conduct worldwide market assessment to properly plan futuredirection and investment.Institute knowledge sharing approach through integration ofvirtual team members into the Competence Center.How local practice can best interface with the Competence Center: After utilizing the Business Consulting Knowledge Sharing Network to research specific requests, the local office can use Lotus Notes to communicate directly with the core team members of the CC. The CC will use AA Online and the BCKB CD- Rom for distributing material to the local offices.SOFTWARE SELECTION & IMPLEMENTATIONLeaders / Key Staff:Robert Westheimer, Tim DaigleObjective: To develop and maintain the thought leadership, knowledgebase and framework/methodology of software selection andimplementation. Also to integrate Process Design with ITsystems design.1995-96 High Priority Focus Areas:∙Development of in-depth software intelligence in Finance,Human Resources, Executive Information Systems, Budgetingand Planning, Manufacturing and Wholesale Distribution∙Develop a standard integrated methodology and get it into ourmainline training.Use AAOnline to review and comment.How local practice can best interfacewith the Competence Center:MIDDLE MARKET ORGANIZATIONAL EFFECTIVENESSLeaders / Key Staff: Kathy Iversen, Gary Zegiestowsky / Amy Adams Objective: To formalize the means to most profitably sell and deliver awide range of organizational effectiveness measures, includingmarket and technology planning, services, organizationalalignment consulting and related process redesign and changemanagement consulting, for middle market ($150 million to $1billion) companies.1995-96 High Priority Focus Areas:∙Development of BC-wide teaming approach and resulting toolsand methodologies to ensure profitable middle market servicedeliveryHow local practice can best interface with the Competence Center: ∙Assist Competence Center team with information gathering to clearly define needs of middle market companies and tocommunicate suggestions to effectively identify and deliverneeded services to target companies∙Access Competence Center resources for advice and proposal support materials to translate presenting opportunities intobroader based consulting opportunities that cross the expanded range of process and technologyPERFORMANCE MEASUREMENTLeaders / Key Staff: Steve Hronec, Leng Eng, George Dunne (PED), HolbrookHankinsonObjective: To develop and improve the approach to implement performancemeasurement systems in companies and the correspondingperformance measures at the organization, process and job levelsthat each of the Competence Centers can integrate into theirmethodologies.1995-96 High Priority Focus Areas:∙Work with industry leaders to customize Performance Measurementmodels to five industries∙Develop “impact of change” measures∙Work with Advanced Cost Management and Advanced Technologyteams to develop a Performance Measurement System sellingmodel and technical design guide∙Develop and enhance market image as the leader in PerformanceMeasurementHow local practice can best interface with the Competence Center:Firmwide knowledge creation and sharing of Performance Measurement tools, experiences and engagements through: ∙AA OnLine∙Consultant’s Advisor∙BC Knowledge Base / EDGE∙Vital NewsCommunication and coordination with BC practice leaders firmwideAttendance at PM training courses worldwideINFORMATION & SYSTEMS PLANNINGMembers of the ISP Competence Center:Sari Scheer, New York (leader)Tom Bendert, New YorkJim Schuchard, DallasLaurie Hicks, TorontoMark Phillips, AtlantaBrad Goverman, BostonMike Hooley, PhoenixTony Treccapelli, New YorkSimon Bryan, London (Binder Hamlyn Fry)Gerard Vesseur, AmstelveenStephen Brant, DenverJohn Kogan, BostonLeaders / Key Staff: Sari Scheer / staff to be determinedObjective:To raise our front-end assessment and planning practice to a level ofexcellence that excite our people and our clients and generate exponentialgrowth in this segment of practice. This will pull through a majorincrease in our technology and process change work..1995-96 High Priority FocusAreas: ∙Expansion of front-end assessment methodologies together with theReengineering Competence Center∙Revision of ISP and SAM methodologies to include both technology andprocess and increase the change management emphasis (and update theConsultant’s Advisor)∙Modify the training school∙Develop a process whereby current knowledge and experience can beshared with practitioners throughout the firm.How local practice can best interface with the Competence Center: In initial phases of meetings (2 have been held) and we have not determined how to most effectively liase with the offices.ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY GROUP (ATG)Leader / Key Staff: Jim Rumora / Chris Andrus, Sterling Stoudenmire Objective: To provide thought leadership in, application, support andconceptualization of new technologies.1995-96 High Priority Focus Areas: ∙Establish Technical Innovation Center (TIC)∙Hire experts in key technology areas which support FFoF, HR, Performance Measurement, and Cost Management (e.g. Client/Server, Groupware/Workflow Automation, Network/ConnectivityTechnologies.∙Establish Alliances with key technology partners∙Fulfill advisory role to other C C’s and training development group∙Develop technology research function to support line practices and CC’s∙Advise offices on enhancing technology skillsHow local practice can best interfacewith the Competence Center: ∙Use ATG experts on front end of project in sales mode to demonstrate expertise and assist with proper scoping of project∙Use ATG experts to in knowledge areas where local office lacks expertise∙Send local office personnel to ATG group for “Tour of Duty” to transfer knowledge and expertise∙Report innovative uses of technology or applications of new technology in KSN, EDGE, AA OnLine in order to leverage the expertise gained by local offices and provide ATG with a view of the technical direction of the practice as a whole.∙Complete specialized ATG service evaluation form on timely basis∙Invest time with local representatives of our Alliance Partners to ensure good, fruitful relationshipsCUSTOMER SATISFACTIONLeaders / Key Staff: Howard Barrett, Joe O’Leary, Chris Beard (knowledgemanager)Objective: Provide thought leadership to help organizations becomemore successful through more effective focus on their keystakeholders -- customers, suppliers and employees.Enabling these organization to grow new products andservices profitably.Establish frameworks, methodologies and share experienceswhich will help our practice personnel effectively deliver CSservices in the marketplace.1995-96 High Priority Focus Areas: ∙Methodology/service line development (reengineering therevenue line and customer value creation)∙External/internal market image --- communicate that we are inthis game∙Skill building and knowledge sharing (credentials, knowledgeaccumulation and sharing)How local practice can best interface with the Competence Center: 1.Identify a person in your market who will take ownership of thecustomer satisfaction marketing initiative in your market. This individual may be in your existing practice or could be hiredfrom outside the firm.2.Share customer satisfaction experiences with the competencecenter personnel. Let us know what you are doing and provide input to our service line development efforts.3.Develop a targeted local marketing strategy which includescustomer satisfaction services.4.Call on Competence Centers leaders to provide marketingsupport and engagement support until sufficient skills areresident locally.QUALITY MANAGEMENT SERVICESLeaders / Key Staff: Edgardo Pappacena, Barry Lubin, Effie CokinosObjective: ∙To sell, perform and oversee quality management engagements.∙Disseminate knowledge related to quality management trends.∙Share QMS marketing and engagement information on a globalbasis.∙Develop firmwide research, marketing and education initiatives.∙Have access to a global network of experts.Scope of Competence Center Services: ∙Design, implementation, and facilitation of quality management &continuous improvement programs and systems.∙Support in specific areas of quality programs: leadership, strategicquality planning, communication strategy, customer & marketresearch, process improvement, performance measurement,benchmarking, employee involvement, team building, andtraining.∙Quality programs evaluation (e.g. Malcolm Baldrige Awardcriteria).ISO 9000 consulting: assessment, training, implementation, pre-registration audit.1995-96 High Priority Focus Areas:∙Develop “Return on Quality” approach (with CustomerSatisfaction, Performance Measurement and Reengineering teams)Continue strengthening our ISO 9000 market presence.How local practice can best interfacewith the Competence Center: ∙Communication is the vehicle that will allow us to successfullyknowledge share as a practice. One of the QMS CompetenceCenter's continuous initiatives is to provide knowledgedevelopment and sharing regarding QMS to practitioners at thelocal office level. Effie Cokinos, QMS Knowledge Manager, isresponsible for managing our communication strategy.∙AA-On-line is our primary communication vehicle. Thisis a real time, up to date firmwide database that BusinessConsultant’s can access. Practitioners can discuss anyissues, concerns, requests in relation to QualityManagement Services. The following categories havebeen assigned to the database under the QMS CompetenceCenter Category: General; Tools; Training; Proposals;Requests; and Current Engagements.∙Our second communication vehicle is a reference databasethat is updated quarterly, the Business ConsultingKnowledge Base. All QMS specific information,including proposals, references, engagement information,selected training and marketing information is housed inthe BC Knowledge Base. The Competence Center willmaintain all knowledge housed on the Knowledge Baseand encourage all practitioners to utilize the database inorder to obtain information.∙All Competence Center members and participating officeshave received copies of the QMS CD-Rom developed lastyear. All the information developed for the QMS CD-Rom (methodologies, tools & techniques, trainingmaterials, marketing presentations, sample proposals, etc.) has already been included in the new BC Consultant’sAdvisor CD-Rom to formally integrate all our servicelines.∙Competence Center members are responsible for completing the QMS Quarterly Information Exchangereport to share information on QMS engagements,proposals, and marketing trends.What the QMS Competence Center has done so far to support the local offices:∙Developed QMS CD-Rom, which includes acomprehensive methodology to perform qualityengagements, including tools, techniques, sampleengagement practice aids, client training materials,marketing materials, etc.∙Developed QMS section of Consultant’s Advisor database. ∙Developed an ISO 9000 credentials package. Information available in the credentials package includes our ISO 9000 consulting methodology, up to date case studies, vitalfactors differentiating Arthur Andersen from ourcompetitors and a list of clients as credentials. Thispackage has been developed for all local offices,worldwide.∙Developed the ISO 9000 Implementation and Marketing Aids binder, which includes overview presentations onISO 9000, a detailed ISO 9000 consulting workplan,sample documentation and tools for performing anengagement.∙Established regional networks (e.g. Europe, Asia/Pacific) to maximize knowledge sharing and transfer acrossregional local practices.∙The QMS team is currently compiling and updating all engagement information. We have recently distributed our quarterly results, along with a report of marketing efforts collected from all of our Competence Center members.This information will be integrated with existingengagement information and housed in one source, the BC Knowledge Base.Worked with local offices in development and qualitycontrol of numerous QMS proposals and engagements.What the QMS Competence Center will be doing in the future: ∙We have recently established a joint venture with Underwriters Laboratories, the largest ISO 9000 registrar in the U.S., to provide joint consultant and registrarservices. We will be promoting this relationship byproviding joint seminars and publishing articles.∙We are revising our current marketing brochures (ISO 9000, TQM Simulation) to adapt them to our overall BCmarketing strategy.∙We are currently revising our TQM Simulation training to create an Implementation Workshop that incorporatesorganizational learning concepts.∙We will develop a QMS credentials package to be used by local offices in promoting quality management &continuous improvement services.∙We will update current client training to incorporate new tools and techniques developed in recent engagements.We will explore the possibility of developing a “quick and dirty” Quality Diagnostic Tool to conduct a high-levelassessment of client quality programs.In fiscal year 1996, we will develop our “Return onQuality” methodology.精品文档,值得拥有11 / 11 IMPLEMENTATION/LEARNINGLeaders / Key Staff:Terry Finerty, Christie Franchi / Rebecca Kouri Objective:To build our consultant capabilities in organizational learning and change both in service of our client projects and in managing our own business. 1995-96 High Priority Focus Areas:∙ R&D with systems dynamics modeling to create models of organizational dynamics ∙ Institutionalize what we know through courses, change framework and infrastructure like learning histories, bi-annual learning conference and BC Institute ∙ Raise reputation of learning/change capabilities through learning-based, competitive advantage image campaign How local practice can best interface with the Competence Center:Dedicate at least one practice consultant who has been through the learning course, If you do not have one, then send someone next year. - it will connect you to the people and resources - having a base in the concepts/tools and knowing/contacting the people that are actively using them with clients including Terry/Christie/Rebecca is a great way to find out new ways to implement them in your work,. Dedicate a resource type person and in your office who can organize a learning library for your office including recommended books, articles, presentations, workshop materials, etc. that your practice people can easily get their hands on. And we can then interface or include the resource person on any mailing, etc. Have them load a copy of the KSN library database on your office network where over 300 learning resources are cross-referenced and described. Can request resources from Atlanta or London or maintain own copies. Get hooked into AA on line and tap into the OC learning and implementation database Write to Christie and get on newsletter distribution list. (copy of latest addition is attached).。

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Implementing Knowledge Management
Why KM: Drivers
• • • • • • Increasing Competition Excess Capacity Maturing Markets Maturing Technologies Customer Pressures Complexity of Environmental and Safety Regulations • Deregulation, Political Instability • Customer Focused Value Propositions • Globalization • Diversification through Acquisitions, Alliances • KM to Improve Performance • Employee Productivity Improvement • Integrated Operations • Rationalization of Multiple Organizations like R&D, Finance, HR, etc.
©Andersen Consulting 2000
Implementing Knowledge Management
What is Knowledge Management?
• Knowledge n. 1. The state or fact of knowing. 2. Familiarity, awareness, or understanding gained through experience or study. 3. That which is known; the sum or range of what has been perceived, discovered, or inferred. • Management n. 1. The act, manner or practice of managing, handling, or controlling something. 2. The person or persons who manage a business establishment, organization or institution
©Andersen Consulting 2000
Implementing Knowledge Management
Investing in Knowledge Management
• 50,000 Lotus Notes users worldwide • $500 million per year • Knowledge organized by Communities of Practice • 350+ full time knowledge managers • Employee evaluations consider contribution and reuse of knowledge
©Andersen Consulting 2000
Implementing Knowledge Management
Why KM?
“Fortune 500 Companies Will Lose $12 Billion in 1999 due to Knowledge Management Inefficiencies”
International Data Corporation (IDC) October 6, 1999
• • • •
©Andersen Consulting 2000
Intellectual Rework Substandard Performance Obsolete Knowledge Employee Turnover
Transaction Model
• Routine work • Highly reliant on formal rules, procedures and training • Dependant on low-discretion workforce or automation eg Retail Operation Routine
©Andersen Consulting 2000
Implementing Knowledge Management
What is Knowledge Management? Andersen Consulting Definition: A systematic process for creating, acquiring, synthesizing, sharing and using information, insights and experiences to achieve your organizational goals.

©Andersen Consulting 2000
Knowledge is seen as a valued corporate asset; people sharing knowledge is the only way to improve Work is optimized by virtual, integrated teams, delivering value as an enterprise Corporate memory is captured, measured, improved, and easily accessed Technology fully supports business needs and delivers value Global focus on corporate knowledge proactively seizes upon opportunities
©Andersen Consulting 2000
Implementing Knowledge Management
• • • • What is Knowledge Management? Why Knowledge Management? Andersen Consulting and KM Critical Success Factors
Integration Model
KM Challenge
• “Orchestrating across functions”
Collaboration Model
KM Challenge
• “Achieving breakthrough innovation”
KM Strategy Interdependence
Individual Actors
Complexity of Work
©Andersen Consulting 2000
Interpretation/ Judgement
Implementing Knowledge Management
KM Strategies Can Create Value
Collaborative Groups
• Integrated processes • Integrated teams • Best practice benchmarking
KM Strategy
• Strategic framing • Knowledge linking • Active learning
Transaction Model
Collaboration Model
• Improvisational work • Highly reliant on deep expertise across multiple functions • Dependant on fluid deployment of flexible teams eg R& D

Work is optimized in silos, delivering value within work units Information, experts, and lessons learned are hard to locate Underutilized investment in technology Local focus on information, reacting to situations
• Routinization • Automation
Complexity of Work
Interpretation/ Judgement
©Andersen Consulting 2000
Implementing Knowledge Management
• • • • What is Knowledge Management? Why Knowledge Management? Andersen Consulting and KM Critical Success Factors
©Andersen Consulting 2000
Implementing Knowledge Management
Andersen Consulting background • Global Organization
• • • • 66,000+ professionals $10+ billion 1999 estimated fees 146 offices worldwide 46 countries
Implementing Knowledge Management
KM Must Consider the Business Model