可用端口范围TCP端口固定需200个 支持2000-59999范围, UDP端口固定需1000个 支持2000-59999 范围
Title of presentation here │ Month Day, Year
RMX 4000Event RMX 4000 Classic
RMX 1000C
RMX 2000Event
RMX 200ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้Classic
RMX 500C
RMX 1500Classic
一体化设计 接入端口恒定 高性价比
模块化设计 接入端口恒定 高性价比
模块化设计 适应性强 超高性能
Title of presentation here │ Month Day, Year 4
24 24 24 24 2组 1组
64 64 64 64 4组 2组
30 15 90 80
120 120 120 120
60 30 180 160
120 60 360 320
不限会议数 8组 不限会议数 不限会议数 (每板4组) 不限会议数 8组 不限会议数 不限会议数 (每板4组)
Title of presentation here │ Month Day, Year
Title of presentation here │ Month Day, Year
Title of presentation here │ Month Day, Year
RE22R2AMR.T h e i n f o r m a t i o n p r o v i d e d i n t h i s d o c u m e n t a t i o n c o n t a i n s g e n e r a l d e s c r i p t i o n s a n d /o r t e c h n i c a l c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s o f t h e p e r f o r m a n c e o f t h e p r o d u c t s c o n t a i n e d h e r e i n .T h i s d o c u m e n t a t i o n i s n o t i n t e n d e d a s a s u b s t i t u t e f o r a n d i s n o t t o b e u s e d f o r d e t e r m i n i n g s u i t a b i l i t y o r r e l i a b i l i t y o f t h e s e p r o d u c t s f o r s p e c i f i c u s e r a p p l i c a t i o n s .I t i s t h e d u t y o f a n y s u c h u s e r o r i n t e g r a t o r t o p e r f o r m t h e a p p r o p r i a t e a n d c o m p l e t e r i s k a n a l y s i s , e v a l u a t i o n a n d t e s t i n g o f t h e p r o d u c t s w i t h r e s p e c t t o t h e r e l e v a n t s p e c i f i c a p p l i c a t i o n o r u s e t h e r e o f .N e i t h e r S c h n e i d e r E l e c t r i c I n d u s t r i e s S A S n o r a n y o f i t s a f f i l i a t e s o r s u b s i d i a r i e s s h a l l b e r e s p o n s i b l e o r l i a b l e f o r m i s u s e o f t h e i n f o r m a t i o n c o n t a i n e d h e r e i n .Product data sheetCharacteristicsRE22R2AMROn-delay Timing Relay - 0.05s…300h - 24…240V AC/DC - 2C/OMainRange of product Zelio TimeProduct or component typeModular timing relay Discrete output type Relay Device short name RE22Nominal output current8 AComplementaryContacts type and composition 1 C/O timed or instantaneous contact, cadmium free 1 C/O timed contact, cadmium free Time delay type A AwTime delay range0.3...3 s 1...10 s 0.05...1 s 3...30 s 10...100 s 30...300 s 3...30 min 30...300 min 3...30 h 30...300 hControl typeExternal potentiometer Diagnostic button Rotary knob[Us] rated supply voltage 24...240 V AC/DC at 50/60 Hz Release input voltage <= 2.4 V Voltage range 0.85...1.1 Us Supply frequency 50...60 Hz (+/- 5 %)Connections - terminalsScrew terminals : 2 x 0.2...2 x 1.5 mm², AWG 24...AWG 16 flexible cable with ca-ble endScrew terminals : 1 x 0.2...1 x 2.5 mm², AWG 24...AWG 14 flexible cable with ca-ble endScrew terminals : 2 x 0.5...2 x 2.5 mm², AWG 20...AWG 14 solid cable without cable endScrew terminals : 1 x 0.5...1 x 3.3 mm², AWG 20...AWG 12 solid cable without cable endTightening torque 0.6...1 N.m conforming to IEC 60947-1Housing material Self-extinguishingRepeat accuracy +/- 0.5 % conforming to IEC 61812-1Temperature drift +/- 0.05 %/°C Voltage drift+/- 0.2 %/VSetting accuracy of time delay +/- 10 % of full scale at 25 °C conforming to IEC 61812-1Control signal pulse width 30 ms100 ms (with load in parallel)Insulation resistance 100 MOhm at 500 V DC conforming to IEC 60664-1Recovery time120 ms (on de-energisation)Immunity to microbreaks <= 10 ms Power consumption in VA3 VA at 240 V ACPower consumption in W 1.5 W at 240 V DCSwitching capacity in VA2000 VAMinimum switching current10 mA 5 V DCMaximum switching current8 AMaximum switching voltage250 V ACElectrical durability100000 cycles for 2 A at 24 V DC-1100000 cycles for 8 A at 250 V AC-1Mechanical durability10000000 cyclesRated impulse withstand voltage 5 kV for 1.2...50 µs conforming to IEC 60664-1Power on delay< 100 msCreepage distance 4 kV/3 conforming to IEC 60664-1Overvoltage category III conforming to IEC 60664-1Mounting position Any positionMounting support35 mm DIN rail conforming to EN/IEC 60715Status LED Yellow LED (slow flashing) for timing in progress and output relay energisedYellow LED (fast flashing) for timing in progress and output relay de-energisedYellow LED (steady) for output relay energisedGreen LED backlight (steady) for dial pointer indicationProduct weight0.105 kgEnvironmentDielectric strength 2.5 kV for 1 mA/1 minute at 50 Hz between relay output and power supply withbasic insulation conforming to IEC 61812-1Standards IEC 61812-1UL 508Directives2004/108/EC - electromagnetic compatibility2006/95/EC - low voltage directiveProduct certifications CCCCECSAGLULRCMEACChina RoHSAmbient air temperature for operation-20...60 °CAmbient air temperature for storage-40...70 °CIP degree of protection IP50 (front panel) conforming to IEC 60529IP20 (terminals) conforming to IEC 60529IP40 (housing) conforming to IEC 60529Pollution degree 3 conforming to IEC 60664-1Vibration resistance20 m/s² (f = 10...150 Hz) conforming to IEC 60068-2-6Shock resistance 5 gn (in operation) (duration = 11 ms) conforming to IEC 60068-2-2715 gn (not operating) (duration = 11 ms) conforming to IEC 60068-2-27 Relative humidity95 % at 25...55 °CElectromagnetic compatibility Immunity to microbreaks and voltage drops (test level: 100 % - 20 ms) conform-ing to IEC 61000-4-11Immunity to microbreaks and voltage drops (test level: 30 % - 500 ms) conform-ing to IEC 61000-4-11Fast transient bursts (test level: 2 kV, level 3 - direct contact) conforming to IEC61000-4-4Conducted RF disturbances (test level: 10 V, level 3 - 0.15...80 MHz) conformingto IEC 61000-4-6Radiated radio-frequency electromagnetic field immunity test (test level: 10 V/m,level 3 - 80 MHz...1 GHz) conforming to IEC 61000-4-3Electrostatic discharge (test level: 8 kV, level 3 - air discharge) conforming to IEC61000-4-2Electrostatic discharge (test level: 6 kV, level 3 - contact discharge) conforming toIEC 61000-4-2Surge immunity test (test level: 2 kV, level 3 - common mode) conforming to IEC61000-4-5Surge immunity test (test level: 1 kV, level 3 - differential mode) conforming toIEC 61000-4-5Fast transients immunity test (test level: 1 kV, level 3 - capacitive connecting clip)conforming to IEC 61000-4-4Product data sheetRE22R2AMR Dimensions DrawingsDimensionsProduct data sheetRE22R2AMR Connections and SchemaWiring DiagramProduct data sheetRE22R2AMRTechnical DescriptionFunction A: Power On-DelayDescriptionOn energisation of power supply, the timing period T starts. After timing, the output(s) R close(s).The second output (R2) can be either timed (when set to "TIMED") or instantaneous (when set to "INST").Function: 1 OutputFunction: 2 OutputsFunction Aw : Power On-Delay With Retrigger / Restart ControlDescriptionOn energisation of power supply, the timing period T starts.At the end of the timing period T, the output(s) R close(s).Energization of Y1 makes the output(s) R open(s).Deenergization of Y1 restarts timing period T.At the end of timing period T, the output(s) R close(s).The second output (R2) can be either timed (when set to "TIMED") or instantaneous (when set to "INST")Function: 1 OutputFunction: 2 OutputsLegendRelay de-energisedRelay energisedOutput openOutput closedUSupply-TTiming period-R1/2 timed outputsR2-R2The second output is instantaneous if the right position is selected inst.-Retrigger / Restart controlY1-RE22R2AMR.。
ImageMaster® HR Ultra-accurate, Multi-functional MTF Test StationOutstanding Level of Accuracy and Flexibility The ImageMaster® HR is a fully equipped R&D quality test station for medium sized sample lenses. Its modular and upgradeable design enables the measurement of the image qual-ity (MTF) and a wide range of other optical pa-rameters for today and future needs. The in-strument is used in the R&D laboratory as well as in the quality assurance or in production.The unique vertical setup of the ImageMaster®HR is space saving and ensures the most con-venient and accurate positioning of the sam-ple lens mounts. For the majority of lenses this vertical measurement with the gravitational force along the optical axis is advantageous and easy to handle. With the collimator on the precise swinging arm an ultra-wide field angle up to ±105° can be measured for infinity conjugate samples. An upgrade for finite testing can easily be adapt-ed to the system with an additional motorized stage and object generator.For the whole product only high quality com-ponents are used to ensure the most accurate measurements for MTF testing on the market.Measurement Parameter• MTF on-axis and off-axis• Effective Focal Length (EFL)• Distortion• Field Curvature• Lateral and longitudinal chromaticaberrations• Astigmatism• Relative Transmission• Relative Illumination• Field of View• Chief Ray Angle• Depth of focus, etc.• F-Number• Relative Flange Focal Length• Veiling GlareOff-axis measurement with the precise swinging armMotorized object generator for finite conjugate systems2Options and UpgradesTRIOPTICS continuously improves theImageMaster ® HR and offers a wide range of possible options and upgrades:• Motorized high precision sample holder • Motorized reticle and filter changer • Motorized finite conjugate stage withmanual or motorized object generator • Various different collimators• Extensions for the spectral ranges NUV, NIR (MWIR, LWIR)• Additional filters and reticles • Extensions of nearly all stages etc.SoftwareTRIOPTICS has developed a new forward-look -ing software package called MTF-Lab. Sever -al useful functions are integrated which help the user in scanning and perceiving the cor-rect image position of the sample under test. Changing the measurement mode is easy and time-saving. All important measurements for the imaging properties have been revised and are quickly accessible. The script lan-guage for advanced measurements was im-proved and extended including a simple pro-gramming function for stage controlling, data manipulation, loops and variables. The data export is possible to a variety of file formats. For creating certificates the hypertext languageprotocol (HTML) is used.Simultaneous MTF measurement in the sagittal and tangential planes with a crosshair target3Specification ImageMaster® HRTRIOPTICS GmbH . Optische InstrumenteHafenstrasse 35-39 . 22880 Wedel / GermanyPhone: +49-4103-18006-0Fax: +49-4103-18006-20E-mail:******************. © 2016 TRIOPTICS GmbH . All rights reserved。
用友T3-人事通标准版10.3PLUS1发版说明一、开发背景 (2)二、应用特征 (2)三、主要功能调整 (3)3.1薪资管理 (3)3.2功能优化 (4)3.3 绩效管理 (5)四、安装说明 (7)4.1 系统环境 (7)4.2 人事通安装 (8)4.3 连接服务器 (15)4.4 新建帐套 (17)4.5 注意事项 (19)五、数据升级 (21)六、财务接口 (22)七、注意事项 (23)一、开发背景由于受到全球经济危机影响,企业经营也不同程度受到了制约,成本的上升,使得企业开始对绩效考核非常关注,尤其是到年底,为了增强绩效考核模块功能,通过这个版本重新来设计我们的绩效考核管理模块。
Renault Duster SUV 商品介绍说明书
RENAULT DUSTER the true suvexteriorThe Renault DUSTER comes with Everest Diamond Cut Alloys, stylish skid plates and a higher ground clearance for an imposing stance. The projector headlamps and LED DRLs add a lighting signature. While the car’s dynamism is further elevated with Crimson Red accents on the tri-winged chrome grille and fog lamp covers.most powerful in segmentimproved fuel economy with the turbo powertrainThe Renault DUSTER offers better on-road performance and fuel economy. This iscomplemented by the 6-Speed synchronised gearbox that gives superior shift quality andfuel efficiency1.3l turbo petrolGear up for power-packed drives with Renault DUSTER. The powerful 1.3l turbo petrol enginehelps you muscle your way through any terrain. With an exceptional maximum power of 156 psand maximum torque of 254 nm, it is built to match your adventurous side. 205 mminteriorssafetyThe Renault DUSTER with Midnight Black interiors features Premium Glazed seat upholstery and a striking dashboard. The interiors are further accentuated with the embellished gear stick andan Ice Blue Graphic instrument cluster.The Renault DUSTER is designed with a sturdy monocoque body to add more safety for you and your loved ones. The car comes with advanced safety features, like dual airbags, Electronic Stability Program, speed alert, ABS with EBD and Brake Assist, seatbelt reminders, reverseparking sensors and Hill Start Assist.join the epic gangwait no moreDrive home a Renault DUSTER and drive into a life ofadventure. The Renault Gang of dusters is a community of like-minded Duster owners who seek out new experiences and long for the road less-travelled. Over the last four years, the gang has grown with over 1 lakh registered members and has conquered some of india’s most breathtaking routes. With numerous drives already completed and many more planned, this is your invitation to join the gang.To register, visit DUSTERkey featuresRXS = RXE +EXTERIORS• LED DRL• Body coloured outer door handle finish• Turn indicators on ORVMs• Tri-winged chrome grille• Crystal Cut Alloys*INTERIORS• Deco Brown seat upholsterySAFETY & SECURITY• Rear defogger• Electronic Stability Program (only on CVT)*• Hill Start Assist (only on CVT)*COMFORT & CONVENIENCE• Ice Blue graphic instrument cluster withmulti-information display• Rear reading lamps• 17.64cm Touchscreen MediaNAV Evolution- Radio- Bluetooth (audio and telephone control)- USB and AUX-In- Android Auto & Apple Carplay- Voice Recognition (via Apple Car Play, Android Auto)• 4 speakers• Steering mounted audio and phone controls• Rear seat armrest with cupholders• Gearshift Indicator• Cooled storage• Electrically adjustable outside rear view mirrorsRXEEXTERIORS• Dual tone body colour front bumper• Waterfall LED tail lamps• Full wheel cover• Projector Headlamps• Black Kayak Roof Rails• Matte Black Tailgate Embellisher• Black door side sill• Black outer door handle finish• Crimson red accents on Front Grille, Roof Rails,Fog Lamp Cover, Tailgate Embellisher*INTERIORS• Midnight Black with Stone Grey Interior colour harmony• New Style Renault steering wheel• Black seat upholstery• Black inside door handleSAFETY & SECURITY• Anti-lock Braking System (ABS)• Electronic Brakeforce Distribution (EBD) with Brake Assist (BA)• Rapid deceleration warning• Engine immobiliser• Driver & front passenger airbags• Driver and passenger seat belt reminder• Reverse parking sensors• Speed sensitive door locking• Impact sensing door unlockCOMFORT & CONVENIENCE• Manual air conditioning control with heater• Remote keyless entry & central locking• Tilt adjustable power steering• Front & rear power windows with illuminated switches• One-touch turn indicator• Rear parcel tray• Passenger vanity mirror• Front reading lamps• Smart Start / Stop*RXZ = RXS +EXTERIORS• Satin Chrome door side sill• Front Fog Lamps• Satin Silver Skid Plates• Everest Diamond Cut AlloysINTERIORS• Chrome inside door handleSAFETY & SECURITY• Reverse parking camera with guidelines• Rear wiper and washer• Hill Start Assist*• Electronic Stability Program*COMFORT & CONVENIENCE• Front tweeters (2 nos)• Front driver seat armrest• Auto Airconditioning• Height adjustable driver seat with lumbar support• Height adjustable front seat belts• Illuminated glove box• Electrically foldable outside rear view mirrors• Driver side auto up-down anti-pinch power window• Cruise control• EcoGuide• Speed limiter• Remote Precooling**Available in DUSTER 1.3L onlyEverest alloys available only in 1.5L Petrol202Mahogany Brown Caspian BlueCayenne Orange Moonlight SilverSlate GreyOutback BronzePearl WhiteEvery precaution has been taken to ensure that this publication is accurate and up to date on the date it is printed. This document has been created on the basis of pilot lots and prototypes. As part of its ongoing product improvement policy, Renault India Pvt. Ltd. reserves the right to modify the specifications, vehicles and accessories described and shown at any time. Such modifications are communicated to Renault dealers as quickly as possible. Depending on the country of sale, certain versions may differ and certain equipments may be unavailable (as standard, optional or accessory). Please contact your nearest dealer for the latest information. Due to printing limitations, the colours that appear in this document may differ slightly from the actual paint or upholstery colours. Segment definition based on Renault internal classification. All rights are reserved. The reproduction in any format and by any means of all or part of this publication without prior written authorisation from Renault is prohibited.www.renault.co.in Call: 180****4444SMS D USTER t o 53030。
新 T 系列产品
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流程卓越 健康成长
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精细管理 卓越理财
产品定位:部门级应用,满足企业中某个部门或某几个部门的管理需要 产品理念:精细管理 卓越理财 客户范围:成长型企业,以制造业/商贸流通业/服务业/房地产建筑业为主,也包
管理特征:部门划分清晰,管理相对规范 管理需求:重点解决企业成长过程中存在的管理不规范/核算不清晰的问题 产品特征:流程清晰规范、核算精细、功能完善 关键优势:客户自助式应用、及时准确的经营数据、易升级扩展 客户价标准版 T3-财务通普及版 T3-财务通行政事业版 T3-财税通 T3-分销通 T3-人事通标准版 T3-人事通精锐版 T3-劳动合同 T3-客户通 远程通 安全通
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5.2基础档案 ....................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
5.3总账 .............................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。
5.4财务报表 ....................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
5.5系统工具 ....................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
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5.7门户 .............................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。
六、运行环境 (3)七、数据升级 (5)八、注意事项 (5)一、产品概述面向成长型企业的资金、存货的日常核算及管理工作,建立畅通的内部财务业务小一体化流转,全面实现会计信息化管理,为成长型企业发展奠定坚实的管理信息平台;功能模块包括总账、现金银行、往来管理、财务报表和核算管理模块;开发目标:为了适应小型企业财务处理的需要,同时实现产品简便性操作,统一登录、流程导航。
CONTROL HEADREF.NO.PART NO.DESCRIPTIONREF.NO.PART NO.DESCRIPTIONBAR COPY IF NECESSARYLOW BAND RADIO ASSEMBLY 284180175A01Spring (3.05 MM OD), pivot 290310904A02Screw (3.5 x 6-PH-M)300480149A01Washer, captivitate 313280074A02Gasket, cable plug341484391F01Insulator Mica, transistor 350484180C01Washer, shoulder (nylon)360310905A01Screw, (9.0 x 6-FIL-M), transistor 371483572K01Insulator Mica, transistor39HLN4033BCover, bottom inner w/gasket(includes 1580004A01, cover, and 3280129F01, gasket400310906A19Screw (3.5 x 13-FH-M), inner cover 414280013A01Clip, coax (dress)440180701T74Conn. and Feed Through Caps 470780079A01Bracket, IC board support 492910271A15Pin, terminal512880141H03Plug, male (2.54 CTRS) (25 post)542880096A01Plug, male (3.96 CTRS)(4 post)553280080A01Gasket, antenna connector560280006A01Nut, spanner, antenna connector 570400114522Washer, lock, antenna connector 581480077A01Insulator, P.A. compartment 590780078A01Bracket, thermal device 602980014A01Clip, coax (terminal)631480179A01Insulator, mica10980028A01Socket, transistor2HLN4034C Bottom Cover, assembly40310906A05Screw (3.5 x 6-FH-M) bottom cover latch50180252J01Top Cover, assembly 64680026A01Stud Latch, top cover 87580178A01Pad, compression 90180252J01Housing, frame 104780027A01Pushbutton, latch 134180029A01Spring, latch140780016A02Bracket, lock slide 150780015A02Support, lock slide 164180022A01Spring, lock170310936B15Screw (3.5 x 13-FM-TH) holds lock slide 185584101B01Lock203280081A01Gasket, lock support 214380150A01Sleeve, cover release 235580002A01Handle240780113B01Spring, torsion 264780021A01Pin, pivotREF.NO.PART NO.DESCRIPTIONREF.NO.PART NO.DESCRIPTIONBAR COPY IF NECESSARYHIGH BAND RADIO ASSEMBLY 370310905A01Screw (3.0 x 6-FIL-M)392980014A01Clip, coax (terminal)40HLN4033BCover, bottom inner w/gasket (includes 1580004A01, cover and 3280129F01, gasket)410310906A19Screw (3.5 x 13-FH-M)434280013A01Clip, coax 442680211A01Shield, PA 455584300B04Handle, nylon460180701T74Conn. and Feed Through Caps 490780079A01Bracket, IC board support 512910271A15Pin, terminal520980028A01Socket, transistor 542880141H03Plug, male (25 post)572880096A01Plug, male (4 post)581580008A01Housing610280045A01Nut, retainer M5x1620200007003Nut, 8-32 x 5⁄16x 1⁄8hex643280080A01Gasket, antenna connector 650280006A01Nut, spanner 660400114522Washer, lock 671480077A01Insulator, PA680780078A01Bracket thermistar mounting12684716D01Heatsink3HLN4034C Bottom Cover, assembly 50310906A05Screw (3.5 x 6-FH-M)60180252J01Top Cover, assembly 74680026A01Stud, latch97580178A01Pad, compression 114780027A01Push Button 144180029A01Spring, latch150780016A02Bracket, lock slide 160780015A02Support, lock slide 174180022A01Spring, lock180310936B15Screw (3.5 x 13-FH-TH)195584101B01Lock213280081A01Gasket, lock support 224380150A01Sleeve, cover release 245580002A01Handle250780113B01Spring, torsion 274780021A01Pin, pivot294180175A01Spring (3.05 MM OD)300310904A02Screw (3.5 x 6-PH-M)310480149A01Washer, captive 323280074A02Gasket, cable plug 351484391F01Insulator, mica360484180C01Washer, shoulder nylonREF.NO.PART NO.DESCRIPTIONREF.NO.PART NO.DESCRIPTIONUHF ASSEMBLY410310906A19Screw (3.5 x 13-FH-M)434280013A01Clip, coax442680211A01Shield, PA455584300B04Handle, nylon460180701T74Conn. and Feed Through Caps490780079A01Bracket, IC512910271A15Pin, terminal520980028A01Socket, transistor542880141H03Plug, male (2.54 CTRS) (25 post)572880096A01Plug, male (3.96 CTRS) (4 post)604680009A01Stud, coil M6x1614680010A01Stud, coil M8x1.25620380012A03Screw, set M6x1630380256A01Screw, set M8x1.75640280045A03Nut, retainer M6x1.0650280045A02Nut, retainer M8x1.25670200007003Nut, 8.32 x 5⁄16x 1⁄8hex680480083A01Washer, stud device703280080A01Gasket, antenna connector710280006A01Nut, spanner720400114522Washer, lock7314-80077A01Insulator, PA740780078A01Bracket, thermal mount752980014A01Clip, coax (terminal)760780157A01Support, transistor PA771580003A01Housing, filter (harmonic)12684716D01Heatsink3HLN4034C Bottom Cover, assembly 50310906A05Screw (3.5 x 6-FH-M) 60180252J01Top Cover, assembly 70780015A02Stud, latch97580178A01Pad, compression114780027A01Push Button144180029A01Spring, latch150780016A02Bracket, lock slide160780015A01Support, lock slide174180022A01Spring, lock180310936B15Screw (3.5 x 13-FH-TH) 195584101B01Lock213280081A01Gasket, lock support 224380150A01Sleeve, cover release 245580002A01Handle250780113B01Spring, torsion274780021A01Pin, pivot294180175A01Spring (3.05 MM OD) 300310904A02Screw (3.5 x 6-PH-M) 310480149A01Washer, captive323280074A02Gasket, cable plug351484391F01Insulator, mica360484180C01Washer, shoulder370310905A01Screw (3.05 x 6-FIL-M) 390310936B06Screw (3.5 x 8-FILM-TF)40HLN4033B Cover, bottom inner w/gasket(includes 15-80004A01, cover)MOBILE MICROPHONESHMN1015AHLN4024Bmode while still on-hook arealso available.HLN4024BHang-up BoxHLN4025ATLN4698BCradle, Private-LineTLN4507ACradle with Slide SwitchTLN4505BCradle, Carrier SquelchHSN4009ACONTROL HEADSHLN4022EHLN4012ANOISE REDUCTION KITSSingle HousingConsists of a single housing with standard trunnion which can accommodate one, one board option and one alterna-tive control module.THN6125A HLN1002ATLN1391ATHN6125AMITREK SYSTEMS•90 ACCESSORIESHSN4010A Microphone Hang-upHLN4188AMOBILE ANTENNASRAB4012ARA RAB4013ARA&RAB4014ARA 6680385A04RSX4028AService Aids, Manuals SERVICE AIDSTEKA48。
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011H 5R55N (Plastic) (0.4” Pickup Tube)........................................................................... 1 99-Up 46011 011H 5R55S (Metal/Plastic) (1.3” Pickup Tube) (Car)......................................................... 1 03-Up 46011B 011H 5R55S/W (Metal/Plastic) (2.4” Pickup Tube) (SUV).................................................... 1 02-Up 46011A
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Vitrek V50系列电气安全测试仪说明书
• Fully Automated Testing at the Touch of a Button or via PC Control • 4 Models to choose from – Select the functions you need to get the job done • Available Quick test TM Test Automation Software for your PC• AC Hipot to 5kV with 20mA Sourcing • DC Hipot to 6kV with 7.5mA Sourcing • Insulation Resistance to 10 G Ωwith selectable 500 & 1000 VDC Outputs • Ground Continuity Measurement to 0.001Ω• Built-in 36 Step Test Memory • Programmable Ramp & Dwell Times,Output Voltages and Limits • Selectable Arc Detection • Front Panel Lockout Feature • CE Mark Certified to EN61010• Three Year Extended WarrantyAutomated AC/DC Hipot, InsulationResistance and MoreUnbeatable Value PricingVitrek’s new V50 Series Electrical Safety Testers have just made the process of obtaining an automated, multi-function electrical safety tester a whole lot easier.These compact, feature-rich testers are available in four models – so you can choose the functions you need to get the job done, without having to pay for the things you don’t need. And when it comes to getting the job done, the Vitrek V50Series comes loaded with standardfeatures that help you automate the task at hand.If you need one of these labels on your product, insist that the Vitrek label is on your Electrical Safety Tester. That’s because the Vitrek V50 Series has been engineered and manufactured to meet the most demanding electrical product safety test requirements. So, whether your job is on an automated production line or in a product safety engineering lab, the V50Series packs the performance you need to get the job done right – at a value price that won’t break your budget.Not Just a Bare Bones Hipot TesterAt Vitrek when we talk about value and economy in the V50 Series, we’re not talking about a low end, stripped down tester. We’ve built in the features you need at a price that you can’t afford to pass up.Features like – one touch automatic testing, 36 position test memory, built-in PC Interface, digital ramp and dwell, no load setting of min/max trip currents, as well as, full line and load regulation.Couple these features with high reliability,reduced component count, VLSI surface mount construction and it becomes exceedingly clear that the V50 Seriesshould be your next Electrical Safety Tester.Isn’t it about time you put Vitrek’s legendary reputation for quality and reliability to work for you?W O R L D L E A D E R S I N C O M P L I A N C E A U T O M A T I O NS M V50 Series Electrical Safety TestersThe four V50 Series Electrical Safety Testers allow you to choose the model with the functions you need without having to pay for the ones you don’t.Vitrek Corporation 9880A Via Pasar – San Diego, CA 92126Voice: 858-689-2755 Fax: 858-689-2760Email:***************Storage Temperature:-10°C to 70°C, 70%RH maxDimension:17.6"L x 13"W x 5.9"H, 446(L) x 330(W) x 149(H)mmWeight:30 lbs (14kg) net, 34 lbs (16 kg)shipAccessories:NIST certification, TL-2050Test Leads, Instruction Manual and power cordAccuracy:Stated specifications apply for 1 year at 23°C ±5°CCalibration:Certificate of Calibration, traceable to NIST providedCompliance:CE mark certified to EN61010and EMC directives EN50081-1 & EN50082-2Warranty:3-Year extended warranty with annual factory calibration, 1 year parts and labor standardQuickTest TM SoftwareOption QT-50:Bundled test automation software with PC interface adapter and cable. Easy to load Graphical test sequence development and operating environment.Provides time/date, operator, test parame-ters, and test results for review, printout or export to database program.Ordering InformationV50 AC Electrical Safety Tester. . . . . . . . . . V51 AC/DC Electrical Safety Tester . . . . . . . V52 AC/IR Electrical Safety Tester. . . . . . . . V53 AC/DC/IR Electrical Safety Tester. . . . . QT-50Bundled Quicktest Software with PC interface adaptor and cable . . . . . . . . . . TL-1050High Voltage Probe Lead Set. . . . . TL-2050High Voltage Alligator Lead Set. . . TL-IEC50IEC Socket Lead Set . . . . . . . . . . OM-50Additional Operators Manual. . . . . .AC HipotVoltage Range:100 to 5000 VAC RMS Voltage Setting Resolution:5V/step Voltage Regulation:1% of reading + 5V Voltage Accuracy:1% of reading + 5V Voltage Monitoring:At Output Terminals Max Output Current:20mA for 60s, 10mA continuousMin/Max Current Limits:0.01 to 20mA Current Accuracy:1% of reading + 0.05mADC Hipot (V51, V53 only)Voltage Range:100 to 6000 VDC Voltage Setting:Resolution: 5V/step Voltage Regulation:1% of reading + 5V Voltage Accuracy:1% of reading + 5V Voltage Monitoring:At Output Terminals Max Output Current:7.5mAMin/Max Current Limits:0.01 to 7.5mA Current Accuracy:1% of reading + 0.05mAInsulation Resistance (V52, V53 only)DC Output Voltage:500V or 1000V Resistance Range:1 to 9999M ΩResistance Accuracy:1 to 500M Ω5% of reading, 501 to 2000M Ω10% of readingContinuity MeasurementTest Current:100mA ±10mAResistance Range:.001 to 1.500ΩResistance Accuracy:0.1ΩGeneralTest Database:6 Test Sequences with up to 6 steps per test sequenceFront Panel Lockout:Prevents database edit while in lockout mode Arc Detect:10 level trip selectRemote Interface:9-pin D-sub connector with Outputs of Testing, Pass, Fail and inputs of Start, Reset. Output isolation is 400V with 130mA Continuous load current.Power Source:AC100V, 120V, 220V,230V (±10% 50/60Hz), 250W max Timer Accuracy:0.05% ±50mSOperating Environment:Indoor use, Altitude up to 6500ft (2000m). Installation Category II.Pollution Degree 2Operating Temperature:0°C to 40°C, 80%RH max.W O R L D L E A D E R S I N C O M P L I A N C E A U T O M A T I O NS MPrices and specifications subject to change without notice.©Copyright 2000Vitrek Corporation, all rights reserved.Cindy/TY4TMW25YOML/KevinV50 Series Performance Specifications。
NuMicro® FamilyArm® Cortex-A35-based Microprocessor NuMaker-HMI-MA35D1-S1User ManualEvaluation Board for NuMicro® MA35D1 SeriesNUMAKER-HMI-MA35D1-S1 USER MANUAL M-m UThe information described in this document is the exclusive intellectual property ofNuvoton Technology Corporation and shall not be reproduced without permission from Nuvoton.Nuvoton is providing this document only for reference purposes of NuMicro microcontroller andmicroprocessor based system design. Nuvoton assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions.All data and specifications are subject to change without notice.For additional information or questions, please contact: Nuvoton Technology Corporation.Table of Contents1OVERVIEW (9)1.1NuMaker-SOM-MA35D16A81 Board (11)1.2NuMaker-BASE-MA35D1B1 Board (12)1.37’’ TFT LCD Daughter Board (13)1.4Board Part Number and Information (14)2FEATURES (15)2.1NuMaker-SOM-MA35D16A81 Features (15)2.2NuMaker-BASE-MA35D1B1 Features (15)2.37’’ TFT LCD Daughter Board Features (16)3HARDWARE CONFIGURATION (17)3.1NuMaker-SOM-MA35D16A81 Board (17)3.1.1Front View (17)3.1.2Rear View (17)3.1.3Power Input (17)3.1.4RTC Wake-up Control (18)3.1.5PMIC (18)3.1.6eMMC NAND Flash (19)3.1.7RGMII Gigabit PHY (20)NUMAKER-HMI-MA35D1-S1 USER MANUAL Maker Nu-mbed NUC472 User Manual3.1.8High Speed Connectors (21)3.2NuMaker-BASE-MA35D1B1 Board (26)3.2.1Front View (26)3.2.2Rear View (26)3.2.3Power and Ground (27)3.2.4High Speed Connectors (27)3.2.5QSPI Flash (31)3.2.6NAND Flash (32)3.2.7SD Card Slot (33)3.2.8HS USB2.0 Connectors (33)3.2.9Power-on Setting (33)3.2.10G igabit Ethernet Transformers and RJ45 Ports (36)3.2.11C MOS Sensor Capture Connectors (36)3.2.12E xternal Bus Interface (EBI) Connector (38)3.2.13E ADC Connector (40)3.2.14U ART (41)3.2.15R S485 (42)3.2.16C AN FD (42)3.2.17S WJ, SWD and ETM (43)3.2.18U SB Virtual COM (VCOM) Port (45)3.2.19R eset and RTC Wake-up Key Buttons (45)3.2.20T FT LCD Connector (45)3.2.21A udio Codec (48)3.2.22S IM Card Slot (49)3.2.23K ey Buttons, LEDs and Buzzer (49)3.2.24M EMS Digital Microphone (50)3.2.25M EMS G-Sensor (50)3.37’’ TFT LCD Daughter Board (51)3.3.1Front View (51)3.3.2Rear View (51)3.3.3Connectors (52)4QUICK START (53)4.1Hardware Setup and Power On (53)4.1.1Insert SD Card (53)4.1.2Configure Power-on Setting (53)4.1.3Power On the NuMaker-BASE-MA35D1B1 Board (54)4.1.4VCOM Port (Optional) (55)4.2Embedder Demos (56)4.2.1H.264 Video Playback (56)4.2.2ML People Counting (56)4.2.32D Accelerator (57)NUMAKER-HMI-MA35D1-S1 USER MANUAL M-m U4.2.4VoIP Demonstration (57)4.2.5Data Security (58)4.2.6Keyword Spotting by RTP M4 (58)5SUPPORTING RESOURCES (60)5.1Documents (60)5.2Software (60)6HARDWARE SCHEMATICS (62)6.1NuMaker-SOM-MA35D16A81 Schematics (62)6.1.1System Block (62)6.1.2PMIC, Crystal and Power Filter Schematic (63)6.1.3Power Group 0, 2, 4 and 5 Schematic (64)6.1.4Power Group 1 Schematic (65)6.1.5Power Group 3 (eMMC1_PJ) Schematic (66)6.1.6Power Group 6, 7, ADC and USB Schematic (67)6.1.7Power Group 8 (RGMII0_PE) Schematic (68)6.1.8Power Group 9 (RGMII1_PF) Schematic (69)6.1.9DDR PHY Schematic (70)6.1.10P CB Placement (71)6.2NuMaker-BASE-MA35D1B1 Schematics (73)6.2.1Power Schematic (73)6.2.2SOM Connectors Schematic (74)6.2.3Power-on Setting and NAND Flash Schematic (75)6.2.4SD0 Schematic (76)6.2.5QSPI0 Schematic (77)6.2.6EADC0 Schematic (78)6.2.7RGMII0_PE Schematic (79)6.2.8RGMII1_PF Schematic (80)6.2.9HSUSB 0/1 Schematic (81)6.2.10C CAP 0/1 Connector Schematic (82)6.2.11L CM Connector Schematic (83)6.2.12E BI Connector Schematic (84)6.2.13N AU88C22 Audio Codec Schematic (85)6.2.14S IM Card Schematic (86)6.2.15R S232 Schematic (87)6.2.16R S485 Schematic (88)6.2.17C AN FD Schematic (89)6.2.18K ey Buttons, LEDs and Buzzer Schematic (90)6.2.19S WJ, SWD and ETM Connectors Schematic (91)6.2.20N UC123 VCOM Schematic (92)6.2.21M EMS Digital Microphone Schematic (93)6.2.22M EMS G-Sensor Schematic (94)6.2.23P CB Placement (95)NUMAKER-HMI-MA35D1-S1 USER MANUAL Maker Nu-mbed NUC472 User Manual6.37’’ TFT LCD Daughter Board Schematic (97)7REVISION HISTORY (98)List of FiguresFigure 1-1 NuMaker-HMI-MA35D1-S1 Board from SOM Side (10)Figure 1-2 NuMaker-HMI-MA35D1-S1 Board from TFT LCD Side (10)Figure 1-3 NuMaker-SOM-MA35D16A81 Board (11)Figure 1-4 NuMaker-BASE-MA35D1B1 Board (12)Figure 1-5 7’’ TFT LCD Daughter Board (13)Figure 3-1 Front View of NuMaker-SOM-MA35D16A81 (17)Figure 3-2 Rear View of NuMaker-SOM-MA35D16A81 (17)Figure 3-3 Front View of NuMaker-BASE-MA35D1B1 (26)Figure 3-4 Rear View of NuMaker-BASE-MA35D1B1 (27)Figure 3-5 Front View of 7’’ TFT LCD Daughter Board (51)Figure 3-6 Rear View of 7’’ TFT LCD Daughter Board (52)Figure 4-1 SD0 Standard-SD Card Slot (CON4) (53)Figure 4-2 Power-on Setting DIP Switch (SW4) (53)Figure 4-3 Power Jack (CON1) and Slide Switch (SW1) (54)Figure 4-4 USB VCOM Port (CON21) (55)Figure 4-5 Main Screen of Demonstration (56)Figure 4-6 H.264 Video Playback Demonstration (56)Figure 4-7 ML People Counting Demonstration (57)NUMAKER-HMI-MA35D1-S1 USER MANUAL M-m U Figure 4-8 2D Accelerator Demonstration (57)Figure 4-9 VoIP Demonstration (58)Figure 4-10 Data Security Demonstration (58)Figure 4-11 Keyword Spotting by RTP M4 Demonstration (59)Figure 5-1 Nuvoton Website (60)Figure 5-2 MA35D1 GitHub Resources (61)Figure 6-1 System Block (62)Figure 6-2 PMIC, Crystal and Power Filter Schematic (63)Figure 6-3 Power Group 0, 2, 4 and 5 Schematic (64)Figure 6-4 Power Group 1 Schematic (65)Figure 6-5 Power Group 3 (eMMC1_PJ) Schematic (66)Figure 6-6 Power Group 6, 7, ADC and USB Schematic (67)Figure 6-7 Power Group 8 (RGMII0_PE) Schematic (68)Figure 6-8 Power Group 9 (RGMII1_PF) Schematic (69)Figure 6-9 DDR PHY Schematic (70)Figure 6-10 Front PCB Placement of NuMaker-SOM-MA35D16A81 Board (71)Figure 6-11 Rear PCB Placement of NuMaker-SOM-MA35D16A81 Board (72)Figure 6-12 Power Schematic (73)Figure 6-13 SOM Connectors Schematic (74)Figure 6-14 Power-on Setting and NAND Flash Schematic (75)Figure 6-15 SD0 Schematic (76)Figure 6-16 QSPI0 Schematic (77)Figure 6-17 EADC0 Schematic (78)Figure 6-18 RGMII0_PE Schematic (79)Figure 6-19 RGMII1_PF Schematic (80)Figure 6-20 HSUSB 0/1 Schematic (81)Figure 6-21 CCAP 0/1 Connectors Schematic (82)Figure 6-22 LCM Connector Schematic (83)Figure 6-23 EBI Connector Schematic (84)Figure 6-24 NAU88C22 Audio Codec Schematic (85)Figure 6-25 SIM Card Schematic (86)Figure 6-26 RS232 Schematic (87)Figure 6-27 RS485 Schematic (88)Figure 6-28 CAN FD Schematic (89)Figure 6-29 Key Buttons, LEDs and Buzzer Schematic (90)Figure 6-30 SWJ, SWD and ETM Connectors Schematic (91)Figure 6-31 NUC123 VCOM Schematic (92)Figure 6-32 MEMS Digital Microphone Schematic (93)NUMAKER-HMI-MA35D1-S1 USER MANUAL Maker Nu-mbed NUC472 User ManualFigure 6-33 MEMS G-Sensor Schematic (94)Figure 6-34 Front PCB Placement of NuMaker-BASE-MA35D1B1 Board (95)Figure 6-35 Rear PCB Placement of NuMaker-BASE-MA35D1B1 Board (96)Figure 6-36 7’’ TFT LCD Daughter Board Schematic (97)List of TablesTable 1-1 Board Part Number and Information (14)Table 3-1 RTC Power Control Pins of MA35D1 (18)Table 3-2 PMIC (U2) Output Voltage (19)Table 3-3 PMIC (U2) Control Pins (19)Table 3-4 eMMC1 NAND Flash Device (U3) Pin Function (20)Table 3-5 RGMII0 PHY (U4) Pin Funciton (20)Table 3-6 RGMII1 PHY (U5) Pin Funciton (21)Table 3-7 SOM Connector 1 (P1) Pin Function (23)Table 3-8 SOM Connector 2 (P2) Pin Function (25)Table 3-9 SOM Connector 1 (CON2) Pin Function (29)Table 3-10 SOM Connector 2 (CON3) Pin Function (31)Table 3-11 QSPI0 Flash (U8) Pin Function (32)Table 3-12 NAND Flash (U4) Pin Function (32)Table 3-13 SD0 Standard-SD Card Slot (CON4) Pin Function (33)Table 3-14 Secure Boot Options (34)Table 3-15 Booting Source QSPI0 and SD/eMMC IO Voltage Options (34)Table 3-16 Booting Source Options (34)Table 3-17 Page Size Options for NAND Flash Booting Source (34)NUMAKER-HMI-MA35D1-S1 USER MANUAL M-m U Table 3-18 ECC Options for NAND Flash Booting Source (35)Table 3-19 Options for SD Card 0/1 or eMMC 0/1 NAND Flash Device Booting Source (35)Table 3-20 4/8-bit Options for eMMC NAND Flash Device Booting Source (35)Table 3-21 1-bit Options for QSPI0 NAND/NOR Flash Booting Source (35)Table 3-22 Options for USBD or USBH Booting Source (36)Table 3-23 USBH Port 0/1 Options for USBH Booting Source (36)Table 3-24 Over-current High/Low-active Detect Options for USBH Booting Source (36)Table 3-25 CCAP0 Connector (CON7) Pin Function (37)Table 3-26 CCAP1 Connector (CON8) Pin Function (38)Table 3-27 EBI Connector (CON10) Pin Function (40)Table 3-28 EADC0 Connector (J6) Pin Function (41)Table 3-29 UART0 Port, Ground VSS and Tamper Pin Connector (J1) Pin Function (41)Table 3-30 UART11 (U21, CON13) Pin Function (41)Table 3-31 UART16 (U22, CON14) Pin Function (42)Table 3-32 UART12 (U23, CON15) Pin Function (42)Table 3-33 UART14 (U24, CON16) Pin Function (42)Table 3-34 CAN1 (U25, CON17) Pin Function (43)Table 3-35 CAN3 (U26, CON18) Pin Function (43)Table 3-36 SWJ Interface (CON19) Pin Function (44)Table 3-37 SWD Interface (J8) Pin Function (44)Table 3-38 ETM Interface (CON20) Pin Function (45)Table 3-39 NUC123 ICE Interface (J9) Pin Function (45)Table 3-40 LCM Connecor (CON9) Pin Function (48)Table 3-41 I2S0 (U18) Pin Function (48)Table 3-42 I2C2 (U18) Pin Function (48)Table 3-43 Audio Codec (U18) Control Pin Function (49)Table 3-44 SC0 SIM Card Connector (CON12) Pin Function (49)Table 3-45 Key Buttons (KEY_1, KEY_2, KEY_3) Pin Function (49)Table 3-46 LEDs (LEDG4, LEDR1) Pin Function (50)Table 3-47 MEMS Digital Mircrophone (U31) Pin Function (50)Table 3-48 MEMS G-Sensor (U32) Pin Function (50)Table 4-1 SD/eMMC Booting Source Configuration on Power-on Setting (54)Table 4-2 SD0 Booting Source Configuration on Power-on Setting (54)NUMAKER-HMI-MA35D1-S1 USER MANUAL Maker Nu-mbed NUC472 User Manual1 OVERVIEWThe NuMaker-HMI-MA35D1-S1 is an evaluation board for Nuvoton NuMicro MA35D1 series microprocessors, and consists of three parts: a NuMaker-SOM-MA35D16A81 SOM board, a NuMaker-BASE-MA35D1B1 base board and a 7” TFT-LCD daughter board. The SOM board integrates corecomponents to simplify the system design, based on MA35D16A887C (BGA312 package, and stackinga 256 MB DDR), PMIC power solution, a 16 GB eMMC Flash, and two Gigabit Ethernet PHY. TheNuMaker-HMI-MA35D1-S1 has rich peripherals such as 2 sets of Gigabit Ethernet, USB2.0 high-speedhost and device, 2 sets of CAN FD, and SPI, I2C, UART, RS-485 serial communication ports for usersto facilitate the evaluation in HMI and industrial control, home appliances, 2-wheel cluster, medicaldevice, new energy applications, ML (Machine Learning) or your creative applications.There are two evaluation boards for the MA35D1 series, NuMaker-HMI-MA35D1-S1 and NuMaker-IoT-MA35D1-A1, which are ideal for HMI and edge gateway applications, respectively. For more details onHMI applications, please refer to NuMaker-HMI-MA35D1-S1 User Manual. For more details on edgegateway applications, please refer to NuMaker-IoT-MA35D1-A1 User Manual.The NuMicro MA35D1 series is a heterogeneous multi-core microprocessor targeted to high-end edgeIIoT gateway. It is based on dual 64-bit Arm Cortex-A35 cores with speed up to 1 GHz, and one 180MHz Arm Cortex-M4 core. Based on the high-performance cores, the MA35D1 series facilities the tinyAI/ML for edge computing.The MA35D1 supports 16-bit DDR2 and DDR3/DDR3L SDRAM. For an easy system design andmanufacture, the MA35D1 series also offers LQFP and BGA packages stacked with the DDR2/DDR3LSDRAM and density up to 512 MB, which significantly reduces PCB layer, size and electromagneticinterference (EMI).The MA35D1 series is a trusted system for IoT products' security requirements. It includes severaladvanced security mechanisms such as Nuvoton Trusted Secure Island (TSI) an isolated securehardware unit, TrustZone, secure boot, tamper-detection, built-in cryptographic accelerators, and aTRNG, as well as Key Store and OTP memory. All the security operations are performed in the TSI toprotect sensitive and high-value data. The features also satisfy customers in IEC 62443 certificationNUMAKER-HMI-MA35D1-S1 USER MANUAL M-m U requirements.For high-end edge IIoT gateway requirements, the MA35D1 series provides multiple advanced and high-speed connection interfaces, such as Gigabit Ethernet, SDIO3.0, USB 2.0 HS, and CAN FD, for edgegateway and new energy applications.For HMI applications, the MA35D1 series provides a LCD display controller with the resolution up to1920x1080 at 60 FPS, a 2D graphic engine, a JPEG and a H.264 decoder integrated for better graphicalHMI effects and video playback.Figure 1-1 NuMaker-HMI-MA35D1-S1 Board from SOM SideFigure 1-2 NuMaker-HMI-MA35D1-S1 Board from TFT LCD Side1.1 NuMaker-SOM-MA35D16A81 BoardThe NuMaker-SOM-MA35D16A81 board contains an on-board target chip MA35D16A887C packagedin a MCP type with internal DDR3L 256 MB SDRAM, a PMIC device DA9062-3A to supply the powersto the target chip MA35D16A887C and dedicated peripherals on this SOM board, an eMMC NANDFlash memory device, two Gigabit Ethernet (RGMII) PHY devices, a battery input header and a PMICreset key button.Figure 1-3 NuMaker-SOM-MA35D16A81 BoardNUMAKER-HMI-MA35D1-S1 USER MANUAL M-m U1.2 NuMaker-BASE-MA35D1B1 BoardThe NuMaker-BASE-MA35D1B1 board contains rich peripherals, including two high speed connectorsto connect the NuMaker-SOM-MA35D16A81 board, serial SPI NAND and parallel NAND Flash memorydevices, a Standard-SD memory card slot, two Gigabit Ethernet transformers and RJ45 ports, two HighSpeed USB ports (Host/Device and Host), an audio codec with microphone and headset jack, a 24-bitRGB LCD with touch connector, an External Bus Interface (EBI) connector, two CMOS sensor inputconnectors, eight channels of ADC input, two RS232 COM ports, two RS485 connectors, two CAN FDconnectors, three user key buttons and two user LEDs.NUMAKER-HMI-MA35D1-S1 USER MANUAL Maker Nu-mbed NUC472 User ManualFigure 1-4 NuMaker-BASE-MA35D1B1 Board1.3 7’’ TFT LCD Daughter BoardThis daughter board contains a 7’’4-wire resistive touch TFT LCD panel with pixel resolution of1024x600. (TH0701024600NYR50L1 + AN-3748A)Figure 1-5 7’’ TFT LCD Daughter BoardNUMAKER-HMI-MA35D1-S1 USER MANUAL M-m U1.4 Board Part Number and InformationThe following table lists the part number of this evaluation board (EVB) based on the MA35D16A887C microprocessors, and the PCB names of three parts: NuMaker-SOM-MA35D16A81 SOM board, NuMaker-BASE-MA35D1B1 base board and 7” TFT-LCD daughter board.Part Number of EVB SOM Board BASE Board 7” TFT LCD Daughter BoardNuMaker-HMI-MA35D1-S1NuMaker-SOM-MA35D16A81 V2.xNuMaker-BASE-MA35D1B1 V2.xNuMaker TFT-LCD7 Table 1-1 Board Part Number and InformationNUMAKER-HMI-MA35D1-S1 USER MANUAL Maker Nu-mbed NUC472 User Manual2 FEATURES2.1 NuMaker-SOM-MA35D16A81 Features●Target Chip: MA35D16A887C (BGA 312-Ball) MCP package with DDR3L (256 MB), whichcan run up to 800 MHz●Power–DC 5V input from the NuMaker-BASE-MA35D1B1 board through the SOM high speedconnector–PMIC DA9062-3A:◆Four DC/DC: To supply 1.2V Core power, 1.2V CPU power, 1.35V DDR3L Memorypower and 3.3V I/O power◆Four LDO: To supply 3.0V RTC power, 1.8V I/O power, 2.5V PLL power and3.3V/1.8V eMMC NAND Flash power–Battery input header (J48): Independent DC 3.3V input to V BAT for RTC power (Optional)●Memory Devices–An on-board eMMC NAND Flash memory device (16 GB)●Two Gigabit Ethernet (RGMII) PHY devices●Two 120-pin high speed connectors to connect with NuMaker-BASE-MA35D1B1 board●One PMIC reset key button2.2 NuMaker-BASE-MA35D1B1 Features●Power:NUMAKER-HMI-MA35D1-S1 USER MANUAL M-m U –5V/2A Power Jack and Slide Switch●Debug/Trace:–UART0 debug port: USB Virtual COM (VCOM) port–Debug/Trace ports: SWJ (JTAG+SWD), ETM and SWD connectors●Memory Devices–An on-board Quad SPI NAND Flash device (512 MB)–An on-board NAND Flash device (1 GB)–Standard-SD (SD2.0) memory card slot●One power-on setting DIP-Switch for evaluation booting source selection●Two 120-pin high speed connectors to connect with NuMaker-SOM-MA35D16A81 board●Two sets of Gigabit Ethernet ports: Two Gigabit Ethernet transformer devices and two RJ45port connectors●Two sets of high speed USB ports: One Host/Device port and one Host port●Two camera capture (CMOS sensor) header connectors●One LCM connector to connect with 7’’ 1024x600 LCD da ughter board●One audio codec with microphone input and speaker output●One SIM card slot●One External Bus Interface (EBI) header connector●Two sets of UART transceivers and DB9 connectors●Two sets of RS485 transceivers and header connectors●Two sets of CAN FD transceivers and header connectors●One 8-channel ADC header connector●MEMS Mircrophone●MEMS G-Sensor●Three user key buttons●Two user LEDs●One set of buzzer pads2.3 7’’ TFT LCD Daughter Board Features●One LCD FPC connector to connect with 7’’ 1024x600 TFT LCD panel●One 4-wire resistive touch FPC connector●One connector to connect with NuMaker-BASE-MA35D1B1 board NUMAKER-HMI-MA35D1-S1 USER MANUAL Maker Nu-mbed NUC472 User ManualNUMAKER-HMI-MA35D1-S1 USER MANUALM-m U3HARDWARE CONFIGURATION3.1NuMaker-SOM-MA35D16A81 Board3.1.1Front ViewFigure 3-1 shows the main components and connectors from the front side of NuMaker-SOM-MA35D16A81 board. ●Target Chip (U1): MA35D16A887C (BGA312) MCP package with DDR3L (256MB).RGMII1 Gigabit PHY(U5, RTL8211FDI-CG)RGMII0Gigabit PHY(U4, RTL8211FDI-CG)Target Chip(U1, MA35D16A887C)eMMC NAND Flash (U3, THGBMJG7C2LBAU8)PMIC(U2, DA9062-3A)Battery Input(J48)PMIC Reset Key(SW1)Figure 3-1 Front View of NuMaker-SOM-MA35D16A813.1.2 Rear ViewFigure 3-2 shows the main components and connectors from the rear side of NuMaker-SOM-MA35D16A81 board.SOMHigh Speed Connector (P2, DF40C-120DP-0.4V (51))SOMHigh Speed Connector (P1, DF40C-120DP-0.4V (51))Figure 3-2 Rear View of NuMaker-SOM-MA35D16A813.1.3Power Input●5V Input (P2.1~6): DC 5V power input for the NuMaker-SOM-MA35D16A81 board that supplied from the base board through the pin 1 to pin 6 of SOM high speed connector P2.3.1.4 RTC Wake-up Control●Battery Input Connector (J48): DC 3V battery input connector to provide an additional optionalpower to keep the RTC power from the V BAT pin of MA35D1 when the system is power off.●RTC Wake-up Control Pins: The RTC_RPWR and RTC_nRWAKE pins of MA35D1 are the RTCwake-up control pins to control the related DC/DC power whether output voltages or not.Pin No. Pin Name of MA35D1 Function DescriptionU1.E7 RTC_RPWR*1RTC wake-up output pin for external DC/DC (forexample, the PMIC device DA9062-3A (U2) on thisNuMaker-SOM-MA35D16A81 board) enable pincontrol.U1.G5 RTC_nRWAKE*2*3RTC wake-up interrupt input with internal pull-high Note *1: This RTC_RPWR output pin of MA35D1 is not wired directly to the SYS_EN input pin (pin30) of PMIC device DA9062-3A (U2) on this NuMaker-SOM-MA35D16A81 board by default. (TheR89 resistor is NC, but R88 resistor is mounted on board by default)Note *2: This RTC_nRWAKE input pin is wired directly to the RTC Wakeup key button (SW3) onNuMaker-BASE-MA35D1B1 board and the R90 resistor is mounted on board by default.Note *3: This RTC_nRWAKE pin is internal pull-high. If user does not use the RTC wake-up interruptfunction, please pull this pin to low (the R90 is mounted on board by default). In this condition, useralso needs to disable the PWRST bit (RTC_PWRCTL[6]) of the RTC Power Control Register byclearing it for saving the RTC power consumption.Table 3-1 RTC Power Control Pins of MA35D13.1.5 PMIC NUMAKER-HMI-MA35D1-S1 USER MANUAL Maker Nu-mbed NUC472 User Manual●PMIC Reset Key Button (SW1): Press this key to pull the nRESETREQ (pin 16) of PMIC deviceDA9062-3A (U2) low to reset this PMIC device to supply the output voltages and control thenRESET signal following the default power-on sequence stored in the internal configuredinitialization.●PMIC (U2): After systerm power-on and pull the SYS_EN (pin 30) of the PMIC device DA9062-3A(U2) to high, the PMIC will follows the configured power-on sequence to supply all necessary anddifferent voltages to the target chip MA35D16A887C and dedicated peripherals on this NuMaker-SOM-MA35D16A81 board, and release the nRESET signal from low to high at the last onesequence step.U2.# Pin Name Output Voltage / MAX. CurrentU2.26 VBUCK1 DC 1.2V ~ 1.34V / 2.5AU2.27 VBUCK2 DC 1.2V / 2.5AU2.25 VBUCK3 DC 3.3V / 2AU2.24 VBUCK4*1DC 1.35V or 1.8V / 2AU2.1 VLDO1 DC 3V / 100mAU2.2 VLDO2 DC 1.8V / 300mAU2.9 VLDO3 DC 2.5V / 300mAU2.11 VLDO4*2DC 3.3V or 1.8V / 300mANote *1: The output voltage of VBUCK4 depends on the status of U2.28 pin and to supply the voltageto the internal DDR memory and DDR PHY of the target chip MA35D16A887C (MCP package withDDR3L SDRAM memory). By default, the U2.28 pin is pull-down to force VBUCK4 pin of PMIC tooutput 1.35V on this NuMaker-SOM-MA35D16A81 board.Note *2: No connection (NC) by default. For more detailed information about how to change the outputvoltage on VLDO4, please refer to the PMIC DA9062-3A Application Note on Nuvoton website.Table 3-2 PMIC (U2) Output VoltageU2.# Pin Name GPIO Function / Pin Nameof MA35D1U2.13 SDA PMIC_I2C0_SDA / PD6*1U2.14 SCL PMIC_I2C0_SCL / PD7*2U2.37 nIRQ PMIC_nIRQ / PA15*3U2.30 SYS_EN*4RTC_RPWR*5Note *1: This PD6 pin is dedicated as PMIC_I2C0_SDA function for controlling external PMIC bydefault.Note *2: This PD7 pin is dedicated as PMIC_I2C0_SCL function for controlling external PMIC bydefault.Note *3: This PA15 pin is dedicated as PMIC_nIRQ input function from external PMIC by default.Note *4: This SYS_EN input pin of PMIC device DA9062-3A (U2) is controlled by RTC_RPWR outputof MA35D1 by default. (The R89 resistor is mounted, but R88 resistor is NC by default)NUMAKER-HMI-MA35D1-S1 USER MANUAL M-m U Note *5: This RTC_RPWR output pin state of MA35D1 is controlled by RTC internal logic and theRTC_nRWAKE input pin state of the target chip MA35D16A887C. The RTC_nRWAKE input pin iscontrolled directly by the RTC Wake-up key (SW3) on NuMaker-BASE-MA35D1B1 board by default.(The R90 resistor is NC by default)Table 3-3 PMIC (U2) Control Pins3.1.6 eMMC NAND FlasheMMC1 NAND Flash Memory Device (U3): An on-board eMMC NAND Flash memory device (PTE7A0MI-16GI, 16 GB) for optional booting source. The booting source depends on the Power-on Setting by the status of DIP Switch (SW4) on the NuMaker-BASE-MA35D1B1 board.Function Name GPIO pin of MA35D1eMMC1_DAT4 PJ0eMMC1_DAT5 PJ1eMMC1_DAT6 PJ2eMMC1_DAT7 PJ3- PJ4*- PJ5*eMMC1_CMD PJ6eMMC1_CLK PJ7eMMC1_DAT0 PJ8eMMC1_DAT1 PJ9eMMC1_DAT2 PJ10eMMC1_DAT3 PJ11Note *: No connection (NC) by default.Table 3-4 eMMC1 NAND Flash Device (U3) Pin Function3.1.7 RGMII Gigabit PHY●RGMII0 Gigabit PHY (U4): The RGMII0 MAC of MA35D1 needs an external Gigabit PHY(RTL8211FDI) to transform signal and pass these 4-pair differential signals to the Ethernettransformer on NuMaker-BASE-MA35D1B1 board through the SOM high speed connector P1.Function Name GPIO pin of MA35D1RGMII0_MDC PE0RGMII0_MDIO PE1RGMII0_TXCTL PE2RGMII0_TXD0 PE3RGMII0_TXD1 PE4 NUMAKER-HMI-MA35D1-S1 USER MANUAL Maker Nu-mbed NUC472 User ManualRGMII0_RXCLK PE5RGMII0_RXCTL PE6RGMII0_RXD0 PE7RGMII0_RXD1 PE8RGMII0_RXD2 PE9RGMII0_RXD3 PE10RGMII0_TXCLK PE11RGMII0_TXD2 PE12RGMII0_TXD3 PE13Table 3-5 RGMII0 PHY (U4) Pin Funciton●RGMII1 Gigabit PHY (U5): The RGMII1 MAC of MA35D1 needs an external Gigabit PHY(RTL8211FDI) to transform signal and pass these 4-pair differential signals to the Ethernettransformer on NuMaker-BASE-MA35D1B1 board through the SOM high speed connector P1.Function Name GPIO pin of MA35D1RGMII1_MDC PF0RGMII1_MDIO PF1RGMII1_TXCTL PF2RGMII1_TXD0 PF3RGMII1_TXD1 PF4RGMII1_RXCLK PF5RGMII1_RXCTL PF6RGMII1_RXD0 PF7RGMII1_RXD1 PF8RGMII1_RXD2 PF9RGMII1_RXD3 PF10RGMII1_TXCLK PF11RGMII1_TXD2 PF12RGMII1_TXD3 PF13Table 3-6 RGMII1 PHY (U5) Pin Funciton3.1.8 High Speed ConnectorsSOM High Speed Connectors (P1 and P2): Two 120-pin high speed connectors (DF40C-120DP-0.4V (51)) to connect with the NuMaker-BASE-MA35D1B1 board.NUMAKER-HMI-MA35D1-S1 USER MANUAL M-m U Pin No. GPIO of MA35D1 or Function pin Pin No. GPIO of MA35D1 or Function pin1 PL42 nRESET3 PL54 RTC_nRWAKE5 PN146 VSS7 PD15 8 PN159 PN12 10 PK1511 PN13 12 PK1413 PN7 14 PK1315 PN6 16 PK1217 PN5 18 PL319 PN4 20 PL221 PN3 22 PL123 PN2 24 PL025 PN1 26 PJ1527 PN0 28 PJ1429 VSS 30 PJ1331 PN10 32 PJ1233 VSS 34 PL1535 PN11 36 PL1437 VSS 38 PL1339 PD9 40 PL1241 PD8 42 PL1143 PC4 44 PL1045 PC5 46 PD1447 PC0 48 PA1449 VSS50 PA1351 PC1 52 PA1253 VSS 54 PA1155 PC2 56 PA1057 PC3 58 PA9 NUMAKER-HMI-MA35D1-S1 USER MANUAL Maker Nu-mbed NUC472 User Manual59 PC7 60 PA861 PC6 62 PA763 VSS 64 PA665 E_MDIP0 66 PA567 E_MDIN0 68 PA469 VSS 70 PA371 E_MDIP1 72 PA273 E_MDIN1 74 PA175 VSS 76 PA077 E_MDIP2 78 PF1479 E_MDIN2 80 E_LED081 VSS 82 E_LED183 E_MDIP3 84 E_LED285 E_MDIN3 86 F_LED087 VSS 88 F_LED189 F_MDIP0 90 F_LED291 F_MDIN0 92 EADC0_CH793 VSS 94 EADC0_CH395 F_MDIP1 96 EADC0_CH697 F_MDIN1 98 EADC0_CH299 VSS 100 EADC0_CH5101 F_MDIP2 102 EADC0_CH1103 F_MDIN2 104 EADC0_CH4105 VSS 106 EADC0_CH0107 F_MDIP3 108 VSS109 F_MDIN3 110 HSUSB0_D+111 VSS 112 HSUSB0_D-113 PE15 114 VSS115 PE14 116 HSUSB1_D+117 HSUSB0_ID 118 HSUSB1_D-119 PF15 120 VSSNUMAKER-HMI-MA35D1-S1 USER MANUAL M-m U Table 3-7 SOM Connector 1 (P1) Pin FunctionPin No. GPIO of MA35D1 or Function pin Pin No. GPIO of MA35D1 or Function pin1 VDD5V2 VDD5V3 VDD5V4 VDD5V5 VDD5V6 VDD5V7 VSS 8 VSS9 PH3 10 PH411 PH2 12 PH513 PH1 14 PH615 PH0 16 PH717 PI15 18 PC1219 PI14 20 PC1321 PI13 22 PC1423 PI12 24 PC1525 PI11 26 PH1227 PI10 28 PH1329 PI9 30 PH1431 PI8 32 PH1533 PB15 34 VSS35 PB14 36 PG1037 PB13 38 VSS39 PB12 40 PG941 PB11 42 PG843 PB10 44 PK445 PB9 46 PK547 PB8 48 PK649 PK3 50 PK751 PK2 52 PM1553 PK1 54 PM1455 PK0 56 PM13 NUMAKER-HMI-MA35D1-S1 USER MANUAL Maker Nu-mbed NUC472 User Manual57 PI7 58 PM1259 PI6 60 VSS61 PI5 62 PL663 PI4 64 VSS65 PI3 66 PG1567 PI2 68 PG1469 PI1 70 PG1371 PI0 72 PG1273 PD13 74 PG1175 PD12 76 PG777 PD11 78 PG679 PD10 80 PG581 PL9 82 PG483 PL8 84 PG385 PL7 86 PG2。
Magelis GTO HMIGTO4310 产品数据手册说明书
i s c l a im e r : T h i s d o c u m e n t a t i o n i s n o t i n t e n d e d a s a s u b s t i t u t e f o r a n d i s n o t t o b e u s e d f o r d e t e r m i n i n g s u i t a b i l i t y o r r e l i a b i l i t y o f t h e s e p r o d u c t s f o r s p e c i f i c u s e r a p p l i c a t i o n sMainRange of productMagelis GTO Product or component typeAdvanced touchscreen panel Display colour65536 colours Display size7.5 inch SupplyExternal source Battery type Lithium battery for internal RAM, autonomy: 100 days, charging time = 5 d, battery life = 10 yr ComplementaryTerminal typeTouchscreen display Display typeBacklit colour TFT LCD Display resolution640 x 480 pixels VGA Touch sensitive zone1024 x 1024Touch panelResistive film, 1000000 cycles Backlight lifespan50000 hours (white) at 25 °C Brightness16 levels - control by touch panel 16 levels - control by software Character font Chinese (simplified Chinese)ASCIIKoreanJapanese (ANK, Kanji)Taiwanese (traditional Chinese)[Us] rated supply voltage 24 V DCSupply voltage limits 19.2...28.8 VInrush current <= 30 APower consumption in W <= 12 W<= 8 W (when power is not supplied to external devices)<= 5 W (when backlight is OFF)<= 5.5 W (when backlight is dimmed)Local signalling Status LED (orange) flashing software starting upStatus LED (green) steady offlineSDHC card <= 32 GBDownloadable protocols Modbus Plus Schneider Electric ModiconFIPWAY Schneider Electric ModiconModbus TCP Schneider Electric ModiconModbus Schneider Electric ModiconThird party protocols Mitsubishi MelsecThird party protocols Omron SysmacThird party protocols Rockwell Automation Allen-BradleyThird party protocols Siemens SimaticUni-TE Schneider Electric ModiconIntegrated connection type COM1 serial link SUB-D 9, interface: RS232C, transmission rate: 2400...115200 bpsCOM2 serial link RJ45, interface: RS485, transmission rate: 2400...115200 bpsCOM2 serial link RJ45, interface: RS485, transmission rate: 187.5 kbps compatible with SiemensMPIUSB 2.0 port USB type AUSB 2.0 port mini B USBEthernet RJ45, interface: 10BASE-T/100BASE-TXEthernet RJ45, interface: IEEE 802.3Product mounting Flush mountingFixing mode By 4 screw clampsFront material PPTEnclosure material PPTType of cooling Natural convectionWidth218 mmHeight173 mmDepth60 mmProduct weight 1.2 kgEnvironmentStandards UL 508EN 61131-2IEC 61000-6-2Product certifications C-TickcULusCEKCCAmbient air temperature for operation0...55 °CAmbient air temperature for storage-20...60 °CRelative humidity10...90 % without condensationOperating altitude< 2000 mIP degree of protection IP20 rear panel conforming to IEC 60529IP65 front panel conforming to IEC 60529NEMA degree of protection NEMA 4X front panel (indoor use)Shock resistance147 m/s² 3 chocks in each direction X, Y and Z conforming to EN/IEC 61131-2Vibration resistance 3.5 mm (f = 5...9 Hz) conforming to EN/IEC 61131-2 X, Y, Z directions for 10 cycles (approx. 100min)1 gn (f = 9...150 Hz) conforming to EN/IEC 61131-2 X, Y, Z directions for 10 cycles (approx. 100 min) Resistance to electrostatic discharge 6 kV contact discharge conforming to IEC 61000-4-2 level 3Product end of life instructionsAvailableEnd of life manualContractual warranty Warranty period 18 monthsExternal Dimensions1Front2Right Side3Top1Left Side 2Front3Right Side 4Top5Bottom1Left Side 2Rear3Right Side 4Top5BottomPanel Cut DimensionsInstallation Fastener DimensionsMounting AngleWhen installing the panel in a slanted position with an incline more than 30°, the ambient temperature must not exceed 40 °C (104 °F). You may need to use forced air cooling (fan,A/C) to ensure the ambient operating temperature is 40°C or less (104 °F or less).Clearance。
VIAVI T-BERD MTS-5800 一体化测试器产品说明书
Data Sheet BrochureVIAVIT-BERD/MTS-5800All-In-One Tester Promotes Power Utility ReliabilityKey Benefitsy Ability to generate summary reportsin minutes y Simplifies multi-technology testing with an all-in-one test solution y Optimized for substation use with a multitouch screen, scripted workflows, and clear results y Supports efficient best practices with repeatable methods and procedures y Speeds fiber testing, Ethernet service testing, and advanced ad-hoc tests for troubleshooting chronic problemsKey Featuresy 1/10 Gigabit Ethernet with 10 separate traffic streams measuring throughput, delay , jitter, frame loss rate, and bustability y VLAN discovery , VLAN P-Bit verification, IPv4, TOS/DSCP priority verification, service disruption measurements, Ethernet multicast transparency check and MPLS encapsulation y Automated RFC 2544 and Y .1564 testmethodologies included at no extra charge y 72 channel, multi-constellation GNSS satellite receiver with NTP and PTP test applications y SONE/SDH (OC-3 to OC-192) delay , throughput and service disruption measurements y Nx64 C37.94 and T1/T3 interfaces, andSerial Datacom (RS-232/V .24, RS-530(a), X.21, RS-449, V .35) y Compatible with VIAVI 4100-Series OTDR modules with Smart LinkMapper™, fiber microscopes, and visual fault locators y Job Manager for easy , automated testconfigurations and reporting, StrataSync softwareThe T-BERD/MTS-5800 is a portable test unit designed to make the utility technician’s life easier and the power grid more reliable. The compact tester helps technicians and contractors at power substations complete a broad range of network tests on both legacy and emerging technologies and protocols.The T-BERD/MTS-5800 enables different technicians to perform the same tests, the same way , in the same order bringing a systematic, measurable approach to substation communication installation and maintenance. The end results are improved grid reliability , satisfied regulators, and a smooth migration path to a smart grid-friendly infrastructure.The External WAN and the Substation LANTwo sub-sections of the network that requiremeticulous attention are the wide-area network (WAN) or “backbone” connecting control centers to substations, and the local-area network (LAN) connecting power system equipment within a substation to the broader network.Wide Area NetworkIt is imperative that the WAN is transmitting data and messaging at peak performance between control centers and substations. Armed with VIAVI T-BERD/MTS-5882s, technicians should test the following for network availability, performance, and delays:y Fiber tests. Inspect fiber for dirty connectors and verify the underlying fiber integrity. Ensure optical power is appropriate and confirm patch panels, connectors and splices have not introduced impairments, creating marginal communications conditions that can lead to failures.y Transport quality. Confirm that the throughput, delay, and bit error rates (SONET/SDH, Ethernet/IP/MPLS)are within the service provider/carrier SLA targets. Use industry standard ITU Y.1564 to test multi-application transport performance.y Ethernet Control Plane. Protocols that provide redundancy over Ethernet/IP networks use multicast trafficfor control. Multicast is traditionally blocked by service providers to avert broadcast storms. T est that multicast traffic is not blocked and is flowing transparently from end-to-end.y VLAN and IP Priority. For optimal application performance across the shared WAN circuit, ensure that VLAN and OP priority bits and configurations are correctly configured and passing across the WAN from end-to-end.y Layer 4 (TCP) application testing. Confirm TCP level performance using RFC 6349.y Timing. Check PTP (IEEE 1588v2) and NTP to confirm the Maximum Time Error is within IEC 61850 targets so teleprotection equipment, synchrophasers and event recorders stay within microseconds of each other. Check synchronous Ethernet and synchronization in packet networks. Substation LANMany communication devices are used to control power system equipment in the substation yard, therefore its top performance is critically important. T o maintain the reliability of the substation’s functions, the T-BERD/MTS-5882 should be used for:y Fiber tests. Glass fiber is impervious to electromagnetic interference (EMI), but must still be tested for integrity so transmissions through patch panels, connectors and splices are error free.y Tele-protection interfaces. C37.94, including one-way delay (OWD), serial datacom such as RS-232/V.24, and X.21/V.11, and Nx64 T1 interfaces that connect power system equipment to Intelligent Electronic Devices (IEDs) should be Bit Error Rate tested to confirm that EMI is not impacting communications.y Proper Ethernet installation. Confirm multicast is properly configured and is transparently passed. Ensure VLANs and IP address are properly configured, and that traffic contains the correct priority markings. Confirm Ethernet port discovery is functioning on switches.The 30-Minute Close-OutThe T-BERD/MTS-5800’s breadth of tests combined with the work-saving features of Job Manager, a freeapp designed for the T-BERD/MTS product line, not only helps power utility technicians complete a broadrange of tests systematically and consistently, but also consolidates the test results into a summary report.Just manually compiling such reports could easily take hours, but with the T-BERD/MTS-5800 a technician can complete the tests and the reporting in minutes.2 VIAVI T-BERD/MTS-5800Contact Us +1 844 GO VIAVI (+1 844 468 4284)To reach the VIAVI office nearest you, visit /contactStataSyncStrataSync is free, cloud-hosted software system that supports VIAVI instruments with integrated centralized asset, inventory , configuration, and test data management. StrataSync is designed to eliminate email dispatches, manual test procedure set-up, manual reporting, and management dash-boarding.Ordering Information© 2022 VIAVI Solutions Inc.Product specifications and descriptions in this document are subject to change without notice. Patented as described at /patents5800-powerutility-br-tfs-nse-ae 30191038 901 1122。
The Renault KIGER is your pass to new experiences. Its stunning design with a muscular SUV stance complements your free spirit. Its smart interiors bring more convenience to every trip while its sporty performance gets you in action right from the start. Go ahead, for a world of excitement beckons.excitement beyondordinary• 1.0L turbo-charged engine • LED headlamps with DRLs • multi-sense drive modes • wireless smartphone replication and charger • 20.32 cm display link floating touchscreen • cruise control • cargo space of 405 litresValue for Money Car of the YearSUV of the YearCompact SUV of the YearViewer’s Choiceof the YearSub-Compact SUV of the Yearstunning wherever you goAs you drive into the unexpected, stand out with the KIGER’s eye-catching dual tone exterior. Now also available in Metal Mustard. The KIGER’s sculpted design, LED headlamps, DRLs and signature tail lamps are built to stand out.These are enhanced by the chrome front grille, sporty rear spoiler, tailgate chrome, shark fin antenna, functional roof bars and sporty mystery black door handles, that have you looking amazing as you go from one experience to another.The KIGER’s 40.64 cm diamond cut alloys, front and rear skid plate and high ground clearance of 205 mm further add to its imposing stance.signature LED tail lamps40.64 cm diamond cut alloyssporty performanceGo where your curiosity takes you. Zip through different experiences with the newturbo-charged petrol engine. The car gives you the best of both – performance and fuel efficiency with multi-sense drive modes that work in tandem with 17.78 cm reconfigurable TFT cluster.1 7.78 cm reconfigurable TFT clusterX-TRONIC CVT transmission1.0L turbo-charged enginemulti-sense drive modessupersmart interiorsThe Renault KIGER’s smart interiors aredesigned to make every trip memorable. Now cruise on the highway with the new cruise control feature as the Android Auto/Apple CarPlay with wireless smartphone replication and 3D sound by ARKAMYS® (4 speakers + 4 tweeters) give you an exciting in-carentertainment experience. Moreover, its smart technology continues inside with the wireless smartphone charger, push start/stop smart access card, rear view camera and auto AC with a PM2.5 clean air filter.cruise controlwireless smartphone replicationwireless smartphone chargerspacious modern interiormore spacefor shared experiencesThe Renault KIGER’s high cabin storage volume has you ready for the new, when you hit the road with your group. Get space for all your belongings with the 405 litres cargo space that can be enhanced to 879 litres by folding rear seats. There’s a total cabin storage volume of 29 litres including storage space of 14.9 litres in upper and lower glove boxes and 7.5 litres in the high centre console storage compartment. The KIGER’s rear row comes with a knee room of 222 mm, a flat floor and elbow width of 1431 mm to help comfortably seat three.total cabin storage volume of 29 litrescargo space of 405 litresrear knee room of 222 mmsix colours with dual tone availabilityRADIANT REDNEWMETAL MUSTARDCASPIAN BLUEMOONLIGHT SILVERICE COOL WHITE MAHOGANY BROWNaccessoriesair purifierbreathe the cleanest of air insidechrome contour partsadd a dash of style to your car with chrome accentsrear trunk claddingadd more muscle and an elegant look to the rear styling of your carpremium speakersenhance your sound experience with Infinity (By Harman) speaker rangeEvery precaution has been taken to ensure that this publication is accurate and up to date on the date it is printed. This document has been created on the basis of pilot lots and prototypes. As part of its ongoing product improvement policy, Renault India Pvt. Ltd. reserves the right to modify the specifications, vehicles and accessories described and shown at any time. Such modifications are communicated to Renault dealers as quickly as possible. Depending on the country of sale, certain versions may differ and certain equipments may be unavailable (as standard, optional or accessory). Please contact your nearest dealer for the latest information. Due to printing limitations, the colours that appear in this document may differ slightly from the actual paint or upholstery colours. All rights are reserved. The reproduction in any format and by any means of all or part of this publication without prior written authorisation from Renault is prohibited. Kiger has scored 4-Star Safety Rating for Adult occupant and 2-star Safety Rating for child occupant in crash test conducted by Global NCAP. The same has been published by NCAP on their website. https:///safercarsforindia.RXE ENERGY: MTRXL = RXE+ ENERGY: MTRXT = RXL+ ENERGY: MT & EASY-R AMTRXT(O) = RXT+ ENERGY: MT & EASY-R AMT TURBO: MT & X-TRONIC CVTRXZ = RXT(O)+ ENERGY: MT & EASY-R AMT TURBO: MT & X-TRONIC CVTwww.renault.co.in Call:180****4444。
VWR 产品说明书
VWR® CALIBRATED LABORATORY EQUIPMENT AND INSTRUMENTATION2 VWR ® CALIBRATED LAB EQUIPMENT AND INSTRUMENTS | PLACE YOUR ORDER TODAY AT , OR CALL 1.800.932.5000VWR® Orbital & Reciprocating Shakers with NIST-Traceable CertificateNIST-Traceable Calibration CertificatesShakers include a Troemner ISO/IEC 17025 Accredited Calibration Certificate traceable to NIST. The ISO/IEC 17025 Accredited Calibration Certificate includes multiple data points within the speed range and time functionwith the associated uncertainties. Troemner is accredited by NVLAP* to perform ISO/IEC 17025 calibrations.Advanced 3500 Orbital Shaker with Certificate 230V | 2.5 amps | 75 watts 10027-144Advanced 5000 Orbital Shaker with Certificate 120V | 5 amps | 75 watts 10027-146Advanced 5000 Orbital Shaker with Certificate 230V | 2.5 amps | 75 watts 10027-148Advanced 10000-1 Orbital Shaker with Certificate 120V | 5 amps | 80 watts 10027-150Advanced 10000-1 Orbital Shaker with Certificate 230V | 2.5 amps | 80 watts 10027-152Advanced 10000-2 Orbital Shaker with Certificate 120V | 5 amps | 80 watts 10027-154Advanced 10000-2 Orbital Shaker with Certificate 230V | 2.5 amps | 80 watts 10027-156Advanced 15000-1 Orbital Shaker with Certificate 120V | 5 amps | 80 watts 10027-158Advanced 15000-1 Orbital Shaker with Certificate 230V | 2.5 amps | 80 watts 10027-160Advanced 15000-2 Orbital Shaker with Certificate 120V | 5 amps | 80 watts 10027-162Advanced 15000-2 Orbital Shaker with Certificate 230V | 2.5 amps | 80 watts 10027-164Advanced 3750 Reciprocating Shaker with Certificate 120V | 5 amps | 40 watts 10027-166Advanced 3750 Reciprocating Shaker with Certificate230V | 2.5 amps | 40 watts 10027-240Advanced Dura-Shaker for Extreme Environments with Certificate 120V | 0.5 amps | 30 watts 10159-964Advanced Dura-Shaker for Extreme Environments with Certificate230V | 0.3 amps | 30 watts10159-966* NVLAP Laboratory Code 105013-0PLACE YOUR ORDER TODAY AT , OR CALL 1.800.932.5000 | VWR ® CALIBRATED LAB EQUIPMENT AND INSTRUMENTS 3VWR® Incubating Orbital Shakers with NIST-Traceable CertificateNIST-Traceable Calibration CertificatesShakers include a Troemner ISO/IEC 17025 Accredited Calibration Certificate traceable to NIST. The ISO/IEC 17025 Accredited Calibration Certificate includes multiple data points within the temperature, speed range and time function with the associated uncertainties.Troemner is accredited by NVLAP* to perform ISO/IEC 17025 calibrations.Cooling Thermal Shake Touch with Certificate 230V | 0.9 amps | 210 watts 10027-172Thermal Shake Touch with Certificate 120V | 1.8 amps | 215 watts 10027-174Thermal Shake Touch with Certificate230V | 0.9 amps | 210 watts 10027-176Incubating 3500 Orbital Shaker with Certificate 120V | 5 amps | 450 watts 10027-242Incubating 3500 Orbital Shaker with Certificate 230V | 5 amps | 450 watts 10027-244Incubating 5000I Orbital Shaker with Certificate 120V | 8 amps | 800 watts 10027-258Incubating 5000I Orbital Shaker with Certificate230V | 8 amps | 800 watts 10027-214Incubating/Refrigerating 5000IR Orbital Shaker with Certificate 120V | 10 amps | 800 watts 10027-216Incubating/Refrigerating 5000IR Orbital Shaker with Certificate 230V | 10 amps | 800 watts 10027-218Incubating/Cooling Orbital Shaker with Certificate 120V | 2 amps | 200 watts 10027-136Incubating/Cooling Orbital Shaker with Certificate230V | 1 amps | 200 watts 10027-138Incubating/Cooling Orbital Shaker for PCR with Certificate120V | 2 amps | 200 watts 230V | 1 amps | 200 watts10027-140* NVLAP Laboratory Code 105013-04 VWR ® CALIBRATED LAB EQUIPMENT AND INSTRUMENTS | PLACE YOUR ORDER TODAY AT , OR CALL 1.800.932.5000Mini Shaker with Certificate 230V | 5 amps | 25 watts 10027-118Mini Shaker 15 with Certificate 120V | 5 amps | 25 watts 10027-202Mini Shaker 15 with Certificate230V | 5 amps | 25 watts 10027-204Incubating Mini Shaker with Certificate 120V | 5 amps | 450 watts 10027-124Incubating Mini Shaker with Certificate 230V | 5 amps | 450 watts 10027-126Microplate Shaker with Certificate 120V | 5 amps | 25 watts 10027-120Microplate Shaker with Certificate230V | 5 amps | 25 watts 10027-122Incubating Microplate Shaker with Certificate 120V | 5 amps | 450 watts 10027-128Incubating Microplate Shaker with Certificate230V | 5 amps | 450 watts 10027-130Incubating Microplate Shaker with Opaque Lid with Certificate 120V | 5 amps | 450 watts 10027-132Incubating Microplate Shaker with Opaque Lid with Certificate 230V | 5 amps | 450 watts 10027-134High-Speed Microplate Shaker 120V | 1 amps | 120 watts 10027-220High-Speed Microplate Shaker230V | 1 amps | 120 watts10027-168VWR® Mini & Microplate Shakers with NIST-Traceable CertificateNIST-Traceable Calibration CertificatesShakers include a Troemner ISO/IEC 17025 Accredited Calibration Certificate traceable to NIST. The ISO/IEC 17025 Accredited Calibration Certificate includes multiple data points within the speed range and time function with the associated uncertainties. Troemner is accredited by NVLAP* to perform ISO/IEC 17025 calibrations.* NVLAP Laboratory Code 105013-0PLACE YOUR ORDER TODAY AT , OR CALL 1.800.932.5000 | VWR ® CALIBRATED LAB EQUIPMENT AND INSTRUMENTS5Rocking Platform Shaker with Certificate230V | 5 amps | 25 watts 10027-106Incubating Rocking Platform Shaker with Certificate 120V | 5 amps | 450 watts 10027-1123-D Rotator Waver with Certificate 120V | 5 amps | 25 watts 10027-1083-D Rotator Waver with Certificate230V | 5 amps | 25 watts 10027-110Incubating 3-D Rotator Waver with Certificate120V | 5 amps | 450 watts10027-114VWR® Rocking Platform Shakers, 3-D Rotator Wavers with NIST-Traceable CertificateNIST-Traceable Calibration CertificatesShakers include a Troemner ISO/IEC 17025 Accredited Calibration Certificate traceable to NIST. The ISO/IEC 17025 Accredited Calibration Certificate includes multiple data points within the speed range and time function with the associated uncertainties. Troemner is accredited by NVLAP* to perform ISO/IEC 17025 calibrations.* NVLAP Laboratory Code 105013-0Digital Vortex Mixer with Certificate 230V | 0.6 amps | 150 watts 10027-182Pulsing Vortex Mixer with Certificate 120V | 1.2 amps | 150 watts 10027-186Pulsing Vortex Mixer with Certificate230V | 0.6 amps | 150 watts 10027-188Advanced Multi-Tube Vortexer with Certificate 120V | 5 amps | 75 watts 10027-190Advanced Multi-Tube Vortexer with Certificate230V | 1 amps | 75 watts 10027-192Advanced Heavy-Duty Vortex Mixer with Certificate 120V | 0.25 amps | 30 watts 10027-194Advanced Heavy-Duty Vortex Mixer with Certificate 230V | 0.13 amps | 30 watts 10027-196Advanced Microplate Vortex Mixer with Certificate 120V | 0.25 amps | 30 watts 10027-198Advanced Microplate Vortex Mixer with Certificate230V | 0.13 amps | 30 watts10027-200VWR® Vortex Mixers with NIST-Traceable CertificateNIST-Traceable Calibration CertificatesVortex Mixers include a Troemner ISO/IEC 17025 Accredited Calibration Certificate traceable to NIST. The ISO/IEC 17025 AccreditedCalibration Certificate includes multiple data points within the speed range and time function with the associated uncertainties. Troemner is accredited by NVLAP* to perform ISO/IEC 17025 calibrations.6 VWR ® CALIBRATED LAB EQUIPMENT AND INSTRUMENTS | PLACE YOUR ORDER TODAY AT , OR CALL 1.800.932.50001 Block Dry Block Heater with Certificate 120V | 0.9 amps | 110 watts 75838-3161 Block Dry Block Heater with Certificate 230V | 0.5 amps | 110 watts 75838-2662 Block Dry Block Heater with Certificate 120V | 1.7 amps | 210 watts 75838-2842 Block Dry Block Heater with Certificate 230V | 0.9 amps | 210 watts 75838-3224 Block Dry Block Heater with Certificate 120V | 2.6 amps | 310 watts 75838-2964 Block Dry Block Heater with Certificate 230V | 1.3 amps | 310 watts 75838-2906 Block Dry Block Heater with Certificate 120V | 3.4 amps | 410 watts 75838-3086 Block Dry Block Heater with Certificate230V | 1.7 amps | 410 watts 75838-3022 Block Dry Block Heater with Lid with Certificate 120V | 3.0 amps | 400 watts 75838-2802 Block Dry Block Heater with Lid with Certificate 230V | 1.65 amps | 400 watts 75838-276Advanced MIni Block Heater with Certificate 120V | 0.645 amps | 80 watts 10153-352Advanced Mini Block Heater with Certificate 230V | 0.325 amps | 75 watts 10153-354Advanced Mini Block Heater with Heated Lid 120V | 0.645 amps | 80 watts 10153-356Advanced Mini Block Heater with Heated Lid230V | 0.325 amps | 75 watts10153-358VWR® Dry Block Heaters with NIST-Traceable CertificateNIST Traceable Calibration CertificatesDry Block Heaters include a Troemner ISO/IEC 17025 Accredited Calibration Certificate traceable to NIST. The ISO/IEC 17025 Accredited Calibration Certificate includes multiple data points within the temperature range and time function with the associated uncertainties. Troemner is accredited by NVLAP* to perform ISO/IEC 17025 calibrations.* NVLAP Laboratory Code 105013-0Advanced Digital Melting Point Apparatus with Certificate 230V | 0.35 amps | 75 watts 75840-016Basic Digital Melting Point Apparatus with Certificate 120V | 0.55 amps | 60 watts 75840-108 Basic Digital Melting Point Apparatus with Certificate230V | 0.35 amps | 75 watts75840-110Melting Point Apparatuswith NIST-Traceable CertificateNIST-Traceable Calibration CertificatesShakers include a Troemner ISO/IEC 17025 Accredited Calibration Certificate traceable to NIST. The ISO/IEC 17025 Accredited Calibration Certificate includes multiple data points within the speed range and time functionwith the associated uncertainties. Troemner is accredited by NVLAP* to perform ISO/IEC 17025 calibrations.PLACE YOUR ORDER TODAY AT , OR CALL 1.800.932.5000 | VWR ® CALIBRATED LAB EQUIPMENT AND INSTRUMENTS 77 x 7 Professional Ceramic Stirrer with Certificate 120V | 0.4 amps | 50 watts 10027-0747 x 7 Professional Ceramic Stirrer with Certificate 230V | 0.2 amps | 50 watts 10027-0827 x 7 Professional Aluminum Stirrer with Certificate 120V | 0.4 amps | 50 watts 10027-0847 x 7 Professional Aluminum Stirrer with Certificate 230V | 0.2 amps | 50 watts 10027-08610 x 10 Professional Ceramic Stirrer with Certificate 120V | 0.4 amps | 50 watts 10027-08810 x 10 Professional Ceramic Stirrer with Certificate 230V | 0.2 amps | 50 watts 10027-22210 x 10 Professional Aluminum Stirrer with Certificate 120V | 0.4 amps | 50 watts 10027-03210 x 10 Professional Aluminum Stirrer with Certificate 230V | 0.2 amps | 50 watts 10027-0347 x 7 Professional Ceramic Hotplate with Certificate 120V | 7.9 amps | 950 watts 10027-2467 x 7 Professional Ceramic Hotplate with Certificate 230V | 4.4 amps | 1000 watts 10027-0227 x 7 Professional Aluminum Hotplate with Certificate 120V | 7.9 amps | 950 watts 10027-0247 x 7 Professional Aluminum Hotplate with Certificate 230V | 4.4 amps | 1000 watts 10027-02610 x 10 Professional Ceramic Hotplate with Certificate 120V | 10.8 amps | 1300 watts 10027-02810 x 10 Professional Ceramic Hotplate with Certificate 230V | 6.7 amps | 1550 watts 10027-03010 x 10 Professional Aluminum Hotplate with Certificate 120V | 10.8 amps | 1300 watts 10027-04810 x 10 Professional Aluminum Hotplate with Certificate 230V | 6.7 amps | 1550 watts 10027-0507 x 7 Professional Ceramic Hotplate Stirrer with Certificate 120V | 8.3 amps | 1000 watts 10027-0527 x 7 Professional Ceramic Hotplate Stirrer with Certificate 230V | 4.6 amps | 1050 watts 10027-0547 x 7 Professional Aluminum Hotplate Stirrer with Certificate 120V | 8.3 amps | 1000 watts 10027-0567 x 7 Professional Aluminum Hotplate Stirrer with Certificate 230V | 4.6 amps | 1050 watts 10027-05810 x 10 Professional Ceramic Hotplate Stirrer with Certificate 120V | 11.2 amps | 1345 watts 10027-06010 x 10 Professional Ceramic Hotplate Stirrer with Certificate 230V | 7.0 amps | 1600 watts 10027-06210 x 10 Professional Aluminum Hotplate Stirrer with Certificate 120V | 11.2 amps | 1345 watts 10027-06410 x 10 Professional Aluminum Hotplate Stirrer with Certificate 230V | 7.0 amps | 1600 watts 10027-066Professional Round Top Hotplate Stirrer with Certificate 120V | 8.3 amps | 500 watts 10027-206Professional Round Top Hotplate Stirrer with Certificate230V | 4.6 amps | 500 watts10027-208VWR® Hotplate Stirrerswith NIST-Traceable CertificateNIST-Traceable Calibration CertificatesHotplate Stirrers include a Troemner ISO/IEC 17025 Accredited Calibration Certificate traceable to NIST. The ISO/IEC 17025 Accredited Calibration Certificate includes multiple data points within the temperature, speed range and time function with the associated uncertainties. Troemner is accredited by NVLAP* to perform ISO/IEC 17025 calibrations.* NVLAP Laboratory Code 105013-08 VWR ® CALIBRATED LAB EQUIPMENT AND INSTRUMENTS | PLACE YOUR ORDER TODAY AT , OR CALL 1.800.932.5000Advanced 5 Position Multi-Position Stirrer with Certificate 120V | 1.3 amps | 85 watts 10027-070Advanced 5 Position Multi-Position Stirrer with Certificate 230V | 0.65 amps | 85 watts 10027-072Advanced 6 Position Multi-Position Stirrer with Certificate 120V | 1.3 amps | 85 watts 10027-076Advanced 9 Position Multi-Position Stirrer with Certificate 120V | 1.3 amps | 85 watts 10027-078Advanced 9 Position Multi-Position Stirrer with Certificate 230V | 0.65 amps | 85 watts 10027-080Advanced High-Volume Stirrer with Certificate 120V | 1.3 amps | 75 watts 10027-232Advanced High-Volume Stirrer with Certificate230V | 0.65 amps | 75 watts 10027-234Advanced Large Capacity Stirrer, 100L with Certificate 120V | 1 amps | 41 watts 10027-236Advanced Large Capacity Stirrer, 100L with Certificate 230V | 0.5 amps | 41 watts 10027-238Advanced Large Capacity Stirrer, 200L with Certificate 120V | 1 amps | 82 watts 10027-090Advanced Large Capacity Stirrer, 200L with Certificate 230V | 0.5 amps | 82 watts 10027-092Advanced Slow-Speed Stirrer, 1 Position with Certificate 120V | 0.14 amps | 7.2 watts 10027-094Advanced Slow-Speed Stirrer, 10L with Certificate 120V | 0.14 amps | 7.2 watts 10027-096Advanced Slow-Speed Stirrer, 10L with Certificate230V | 0.14 amps | 14.4 watts 10027-098Advanced 4 Position Slow-Speed Stirrer with Certificate 120V | 0.14 amps | 7.2 watts 10027-100Advanced 4 Position Slow-Speed Stirrer with Certificate230V | 0.14 amps | 14.4 watts10027-102VWR® Specialty Stirrerswith NIST-Traceable CertificateNIST-Traceable Calibration CertificatesSpecialty Stirrers include a Troemner ISO/IEC 17025 Accredited Calibration Certificate traceable to NIST. The ISO/IEC 17025 Accredited Calibration Certificate includes multiple data points within the speed range and time function with the associated uncertainties. Troemner is accredited by NVLAP* to perform ISO/IEC 17025 calibrations.* NVLAP Laboratory Code 105013-0PLACE YOUR ORDER TODAY AT , OR CALL 1.800.932.5000 | VWR ® CALIBRATED LAB EQUIPMENT AND INSTRUMENTS 9VWR® Ultra High-Performance andErgonomic High-Performance Pipettors with NIST-Traceable CertificateNIST-Traceable Calibration CertificatesStandard Pre-Calibrated Pipettors include a Troemner ISO/IEC 17025 Accredited Calibration Certificate traceable to NIST. The ISO/IEC 17025 Accredited Calibration Certificate includes 5 measurements at 3 volumes and all measurement data with the associated uncertainties. Troemner is accredited by NVLAP to perform ISO/IEC 17025 calibrations.Premium Pre-Calibrated Pipettors include a Troemner ISO/IEC 17025 Accredited Calibration Certificate traceable to NIST. The ISO/IEC 17025 Accredited Calibration Certificate includes 10 measurements at 3 volumes and all measurement data with the associated uncertainties. Troemner is accredited by NVLAP* to perform ISO/IEC 17025 calibrations.Premium Pre-CalibratedUltra High-Performance Pipettors• Includes NIST-Traceable Calibration Certificate •0.5-10μL 10769-8582-20μL 10769-8605-50μL 10769-86410-100μL 10769-85620-200μL 10769-854100-1000μL10769-852All products include NIST-traceable certificate.Standard Pre-CalibratedUltra High-Performance Pipettors• Includes NIST-Traceable Calibration Certificate•0.5-10μL 10769-8282-20μL 10769-8305-50μL 10769-83410-100μL 10769-82620-200μL 10769-824100-1000μL10769-822All products include NIST-traceable certificate.Standard Pre-CalibratedErgonomic High-Performance Pipettors• Includes NIST-Traceable Calibration Certificate •0.5-10μL 10002-7762-20μL 10002-7805-50μL 10002-78220-200μL 10002-83450-250μL 10002-836100-1000μL 10002-7781000-5000μL 10002-8301000-10,000μL10002-832All products include NIST-traceable certificate.Electronic Pre-Calibrated Ergonomic High-Performance• Includes NIST-Traceable Calibration Certificate •2-20μL 10861-71420-300μL 10861-716100-1200μL10861-718All products include NIST-traceable certificate.* NVLAP Laboratory Code 105013-0VWR® Water Baths withNIST Traceable CertificateNIST-Traceable Calibration CertificatesShakers include a Troemner ISO/IEC 17025 Accredited Calibration Certificatetraceable to NIST. The ISO/IEC 17025 Accredited Calibration Certificate includesmultiple data points within the temperature range with the associateduncertainties. Troemner is accredited by NVLAP* to perform ISO/IEC 17025calibrations.Premium Pre-Calibrated BathsIncludes NIST-Traceable Calibration Certificate for Temperature Stability Test,Temperature Uniformity Test , and Temperature Calibration @ 3 temperature points Array based on research requirements.Standard Pre-Calibrated BathsIncludes NIST-Traceable Calibration Certificate for Temperature Stability Test,Temperature Uniformity Test, and Temperature Calibration at 37°C and 70°C.7L Heated Circulating Bath with MX Controller with Certificate120V | 10 amps | 1200 watts10017-26610017-630 7L Heated Circulating Bath with AP Controller with Certificate120V | 10 amps | 1200 watts10017-26810017-632 15L Heated Circulating Bath with AD Controller with Certificate120V | 10 amps | 1200 watts10017-27010017-634 15L Heated Circulating Bath with MX Controller with Certificate120V | 10 amps | 1200 watts10017-27210017-636 15L Heated Circulating Bath with AP Controller with Certificate120V | 10 amps | 1200 watts10017-27410017-638 20L Heated Circulating Bath with AD Controller with Certificate120V | 10 amps | 1200 watts10017-27610017-640 20L Heated Circulating Bath with MX Controller with Certificate120V | 10 amps | 1200 watts10017-27810017-642 20L Heated Circulating Bath with AP Controller with Certificate120V | 10 amps | 1200 watts10017-28010017-650 28L Heated Circulating Bath with AD Controller with Certificate120V | 10 amps | 1200 watts10017-28210017-296 28L Heated Circulating Bath with AP Controller with Certificate120V | 10 amps | 1200 watts10017-28410017-298 7L Low Profile Refrigerated Circulating Bath with AD Controller, -20°C with Certificate120V | 12 amps | 1440 watts10017-28610017-644 7L Space Saving Refrigerated Circulating Bath with AD Controller, -20°C with Certificate120V | 12 amps | 1440 watts10017-28810017-646 7L Low Profile Refrigerated Circulating Bath with MX Controller, -20°C with Certificate120V | 12 amps | 1440 watts10017-29010017-648 7L Space Saving Refrigerated Circulating Bath with MX Controller, -20°C with Certificate120V | 12 amps | 1440 watts10017-29210017-300 7L Space Saving Refrigerated Circulating Bath with AP Controller, -20°C with Certificate120V | 12 amps | 1440 watts10017-29410017-302 45L Refrigerated Circulating Bath with AD Controller, -25°C with Certificate240V | 13 amps | 3120 watts10017-31410017-304 45L Refrigerated Circulating Bath with AP Controller, -25°C with Certificate240V | 13 amps | 3120 watts10017-31610017-306 15L Refrigerated Circulating Bath with AD Controller, -30°C with Certificate120V | 13 amps | 1560 watts10017-31810017-308 15L Refrigerated Circulating Bath with AP Controller, -30°C with Certificate120V | 13 amps | 1560 watts10017-32010017-310 20L Refrigerated Circulating Bath with AD Controller, -30°C with Certificate120V | 13 amps | 1560 watts10017-32210017-312 20L Refrigerated Circulating Bath with AP Controller, -30°C with Certificate120V | 13 amps | 1560 watts10017-32410017-652 28L Refrigerated Circulating Bath with AD Controller, -30°C with Certificate120V | 13 amps | 1560 watts10017-32610017-654 28L Refrigerated Circulating Bath with AP Controller, -30°C with Certificate120V | 13 amps | 1560 watts10017-32810017-656 7L Space Saving Refrigerated Circulating Bath with AD Controller, -40°C with Certificate120V | 12 amps | 1440 watts10017-33010017-658 7L Space Saving Refrigerated Circulating Bath with AP Controller, -40°C with Certificate120V | 12 amps | 1440 watts10017-33210017-660 15L Refrigerated Circulating Bath with AD Controller, -40°C with Certificate120V | 13 amps | 1560 watts10017-33410017-662 15L Refrigerated Circulating Bath with AP Controller, -40°C with Certificate120V | 13 amps | 1560 watts10017-33610017-664 2L Water Bath (Standard Only) with Certificate120V | 1.5 amps | 120 watts—10796-930 5L Water Bath (Standard Only) with Certificate120V | 3.5 amps | 360 watts—10796-932 10L Water Bath (Standard Only) with Certificate120V | 9.0 amps | 1000 watts—10796-934 20L Water Bath (Standard Only) with Certificate120V | 12.5 amps | 1400 watts—10796-92628L Water Bath (Standard Only) with Certificate120V | 12.5 amps | 1400 watts—10796-928* NVLAP Laboratory Code 105013-010 VWR® CALIBRATED LAB EQUIPMENT AND INSTRUMENTS | PLACE YOUR ORDER TODAY AT , OR CALL 1.800.932.5000PLACE YOUR ORDER TODAY AT , OR CALL 1.800.932.5000 | VWR ® CALIBRATED LAB EQUIPMENT AND INSTRUMENTS 11VWR® pH Meters with NIST-Traceable CertificateNIST-Traceable Calibration CertificatesProducts include a Troemner ISO/IEC 17025 Accredited Calibration Certificate traceable to NIST. The ISO/IEC 17025 Accredited Calibration Certificate includes multiple data points within the temperature, speed range, and time function with the associated uncertainties where applicable. Electrical calibration of simulated pH, conductivity and DO are included on applicable pH meters. Troemner is accredited by NVLAP* to perform ISO/IEC 17025 calibrations.B10P Benchtop pH Meter Kit with Probe75838-254B10C Benchtop Conductivity Meter Kit with Probe75838-252B20PI Benchtop pH/ISE Meter Kit with pH Probe75838-256B30PCI Benchtop pH/Conductivity/ISE Meter Kit with pH and Conductivity Probes75838-258B40PCID Benchtop pH/Conductivity/ISE/Dissolved Oxygen Meter with DO Probe75838-260B40PCID Benchtop pH/Conductivity/ISE/Dissolved Oxygen Meter with pH and DO Probes75838-264B40PCID Benchtop pH/Conductivity/ISE/Dissolved Oxygen Meter with pH, Conductivity, and DO Probes 75838-262* NVLAP Laboratory Code 105013-07308-KS-CM。
仅限阅读请勿传播当您阅读本方案时,即表示您同意不传播本方案的所有内容朗新EHR产品功能清单Ls e-HR™ Function ListSubmitted By Longshine版本目录一、机构岗位设置功能清单( ORGANIZATION & POSITION MANAGEMENT FUNCTIONS LIST ) (4)二、人员管理功能清单 ( EMPLOYEE MANAGEMENT FUNCTIONS LIST ) (5)三、合同管理功能清单( CONTRACT MANAGEMENT FUNCTIONS LIST ) (6)四、保险福利管理功能清单 ( SAFE WELFARE MANAGEMENT FUNCTIONS LIST ) (6)五、薪资管理功能清单 ( SALARY MANAGEMENT FUNCTIONS LIST ) (7)六、时间管理功能清单 ( TIME MANAGEMENT FUNCTIONS LIST ) (8)七、HR服务台功能清单( HR DESK FUNCTIONS LIST ) (9)八、自助平台功能清单 ( SELF-SERVICE PLATFORM MANAGEMENT FUNCTIONS LIST ) (9)九、系统维护功能清单 ( SYSTEM MAINTENANCE MANAGEMENT FUNCTIONS LIST ) (10)北京朗新V9 e-HR V9.X产品功能清单一、机构岗位设置功能清单( Organization & Position Management FunctionsList )二、人员管理功能清单 ( Employee Management Functions List )三、合同管理功能清单( Contract Management Functions List )四、保险福利管理功能清单 ( Safe Welfare Management Functions List )五、薪资管理功能清单 ( Salary Management Functions List )六、时间管理功能清单 ( Time Management Functions List )七、 HR服务台功能清单( HR Desk Functions List )八、自助平台功能清单 ( Self-service Platform Management Functions List )九、系统维护功能清单 ( System maintenance Management Functions List )--完整版学习资料分享---- Submitted By Longshine Software2014-9-4。
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第五部份 人事通精锐版产品卖点
“职位空缺”可查询编制和缺编情况,便于制订招聘计划 职位空缺”可查询编制和缺编情况,
工资核算—工资计算、纳税申报、 工资核算 工资计算、纳税申报、财务处理 工资计算 工资发放—工资发放条、签名表、 工资发放 工资发放条、签名表、银行代发 工资发放条 工资分析—工资分析表 工资分析 工资分析表
工资管理系统与总账系统 工资管理系统将工资计提、分摊结果自 动生成转账凭证,传递到总账系统。 工资管理支持与用友通10.1plus、10.2、 10.3总帐凭证接口 工资管理支持与用友U8、U6产品的凭证 接口。
第四部份 人事通精锐版应用优点和客户价值
用友软件股份有限公司 2008年 1 月 30 日 年
人事通精锐版的市场及目标客户定位 企业薪资管理面临的难题和关键点 总体业务场景及产品诠释 应用优点和客户价值 产品卖点
第一部份 人事通精锐版的市场及目标客户定位
NC 大型
企业年收入20 企业年收入20 亿以上 中型 企业年收入1 企业,预置建行和工行模板
工资分摊,自动生成会计凭证(用友通接口) 工资分摊,自动生成会计凭证(用友通接口)
短信工资发放, 短信工资发放,及时了解薪资到帐状况
订购:请选择“用友通标准版” 出现提示框操作执行; 订购:请选择“用友通标准版”,出现提示框操作执行;
100 元 ( 含 1000条短信 条短信) 1000条短信)
支持人事通精锐版、 普及版 普及版2.0\3.0、U6 3.1产 支持人事通精锐版、U8普及版 、 产 品安装在同一台电脑上使用; 品安装在同一台电脑上使用; 人事通精锐版支持用友通10.1PLUS2、10.2\10.3; 、 人事通精锐版支持用友通 ; U8普及版、U6产品的凭证接口。 普及版、 产品的凭证接口 产品的凭证接口。 普及版
• • • • 所有企业、事业和非营利机构的人事+薪资管理, 所有企业、事业和非营利机构的人事+薪资管理, 特别是中小型企业 刚起步有薪资管理需求的企业 “通”系列产品的老客户的升级应用 已应用基础财务核算的老客户
目标对象定位(征对薪资管理 目标对象定位 征对薪资管理) 征对薪资管理
目 标 客 户
• 如何使薪资制度更好地反映员工的贡献和个人价值? • 如何通过薪资制度更好地激励员工,为企业创造更多 的效益? • 如何满足多套工资发放的管理需求? • 如何及时准确的发放工资? • 如何实现薪资与财务管理的数据整合? • ......
可以帮助企业及时处理和准确反映部门人员工资的变动情况, 并在工资标准调整后,自动根据新的标准发放工资。 可以将人工费用自动分摊到管理成本、生产成本等各种方向 的企业成本中,并可以生成凭证传递到总账,实现薪资与财务 管理的业务协同,保证人事数据与财务数据同步管理。 强大的计件工资管理,可以灵活定义工序、工价及计件工资 项目等,满足生产型企业复杂而烦琐的核算功能。 强大而灵活多样的人事报表功能, 灵活丰富的数据查询,让你 可设计条件来生成您所需的报表。
财务主管 人力资源主管 薪资管理员
第二部份 企业薪资管理面临的难题和关键点
俗语说“家家有本难念的经” 对每个中小企业而言, 俗语说“家家有本难念的经”,对每个中小企业而言,在管理上总是会 遇到这样或那样的棘手难题,薪酬方面表现得尤为突出, 遇到这样或那样的棘手难题,薪酬方面表现得尤为突出,如何保证工资按时 发放、防止漏发多发一直是困扰人事主管的难题, 发放、防止漏发多发一直是困扰人事主管的难题,您企业在财务薪资管理方 面是否正面临这些挑战: 面是否正面临这些挑战:
工资 发放 工资 核算 工资 管理 工资 分析
扣缴个人所得税与年所得12万以上纳税申报 扣缴个人所得税与年所得 万以上纳税申报
个人所得税自行纳税申报办法(试行) 个人所得税自行纳税申报办法(试行)
计件工资:自定义计件要素、公式、产量导入、 计件工资:自定义计件要素、公式、产量导入、批量录入 功能同U870) 等(功能同U870)
可以使企业花较小的代价,轻松构建一个最基本的人事薪资 核算体系,解决企业对人事与薪资管理的需求。 可以帮助企业建立一套适合自身特点的薪资管理体系,以便 更好地激励员工,为企业创造更多的效益。 可以帮助企业快速、准确地进行薪资核算,保证工资发放的 及时性和准确性。 可以支持银行代发,减少工资发放误差与财务人员到银行提 取大额款项的麻烦与风险。 可以自动计算个人所得税,减轻相关人员的工作量,提高工 作效率
人事通同U8普及版 安装在同一台电脑上时 安装在同一台电脑上时, 人事通同 普及版\U6安装在同一台电脑上时,需要注意 普及版 安装顺序,需要先安装U8普及版 产品,然后安装人事 普及版\U6产品 产品, 安装顺序,需要先安装 普及版 产品, 补丁即可; 通10.2产品,最后打人事通 产品 最后打人事通10.2.3补丁即可; 补丁即可 如果电脑已经安装了人事通产品,在安装 普 如果电脑已经安装了人事通产品,在安装U8普\U6产品之 产品之 需要先行安装人事通10.2.3补丁,再安装 补丁, 产品。 前,需要先行安装人事通 补丁 再安装U8\U6产品。 产品 人事通和用友通产品安装不存在冲突,产品安装无先后顺 人事通和用友通产品安装不存在冲突, 序。 需要使用人事通工资分摊和凭证查询功能的人事通客户端 电脑上需要安装用友通或U8普及版 产品的客户端。 普及版\U6产品的客户端 产品的客户端。 电脑上需要安装用友通或 普及版 U8普及版 产品 用友通产品的人事档案可以通过导出到 普及版\U6产品 产品\用友通产品的人事档案可以通过导出到 普及版 EXCEL表中后导入到人事通中。 表中后导入到人事通中。 表中后导入到人事通中
薪资管理 主要进行工资标准体系建立、工资核算、工资发放、工资费用分摊、工资统计、 主要进行工资标准体系建立、工资核算、工资发放、工资费用分摊、工资统计、分析和 个人所得税核算等。与总账系统联合使用,可以将工资凭证传递到总账中; 个人所得税核算等。与总账系统联合使用,可以将工资凭证传递到总账中;同时对于工资的 档案和调整过程进行及时准确的反映。准确掌握工资的变动趋势,及时发现部门、 档案和调整过程进行及时准确的反映。准确掌握工资的变动趋势,及时发现部门、项目的工 资变化趋势。 资变化趋势。 工资管理适用于各类企业、 工资管理适用于各类企业、行政事业单位 工资管理面向的对象包括工资经理、人力资源经理、人力资源管理人员, 工资管理面向的对象包括工资经理、人力资源经理、人力资源管理人员,以及企业的高 级管理经理
组 织 的 规 模
小型企业人力资源 管理软件
人事通系列 标准版
小型( 小型(高) 企业年收入3000万 企业年收入3000万-1亿 3000
小型( 小型(低) 人事通系列 普及版 人事通系列 精锐版 小 企业年收入500万 3000万 企业年收入500万-3000万 500 入门级 企业年收入500万以下 企业年收入500万以下 500 年轻 1.创业阶段 1.创业阶段 组织的年龄 2.集体化 2.集体化 3.规范化 3.规范化 4.精细化 4.精细化 成熟 5.合作 5.合作
人事通精锐版普及版与用友通(10.1plus、10.2、10.3)普及 、 人事通精锐版普及版与用友通 、 普及 版可在一台机器上使用; 版可在一台机器上使用; 人事通精锐版标准版与用友通(10.1plus2、10.2、10.3)标准 、 人事通精锐版标准版与用友通 、 标准 版可在一台机器上使用; 版可在一台机器上使用; 人事通与用友通可以在同一机器上调用凭证接口, 人事通与用友通可以在同一机器上调用凭证接口,也可以 不在同一机器上调用凭证接口。 不在同一机器上调用凭证接口。 如果两个产品不安装在一台机器上, 如果两个产品不安装在一台机器上,则不存在序列并存问 题,人事通精锐版普及版可以调用用友通标准版的凭证接 口进行数据传递。 口进行数据传递。
丰富而全面的人事档案信息管理 强大的组织机构设置及组织分析功能 支持用友通、U6、U8产品凭证接口,实现工资分摊处理。 支持计件工资核算模式 支持多工资类别体系的工资核算 支持工资数据上报与收集;提供处理个人所得税、银行代发 功能。 支持个人所得税自动计算申报及年收入12万以上纳税申报 月末自动完成工资分摊、计提、转账业务。 明细的工资统计、分析报表业务处理。 提供强大的工资报表数据统计、分析功能。 提供短信工资发放功能。
1,500元(含端口开通费及3000 500元 含端口开通费及3000 条短信,每条0 条短信,每条0.1元)
用友 短信通
年端口使用费: 年端口使用费:自第二年起每年 200元 200元; 若年短信充值超5000 5000条 ( 若年短信充值超 5000 条 , 免当 年端口使用费) 年端口使用费)
第三部份 总体业务场景及产品诠释
人事通精锐版是人事通产品的入门级产品,重点解决小企业的人事档案和薪资管理, 人事通精锐版是人事通产品的入门级产品,重点解决小企业的人事档案和薪资管理,它 可以帮助中小企业进行薪资标准体系建立、工资核算、工资发放、工资费用分摊、工资统计、 可以帮助中小企业进行薪资标准体系建立、工资核算、工资发放、工资费用分摊、工资统计、 分析和个人所得税核算等。与用友系列财务总账系统联合使用, 分析和个人所得税核算等。与用友系列财务总账系统联合使用,可以将工资凭证传递到总账 中,自动完成人工成本的核算。 自动完成人工成本的核算。