



















365提款成功但是不到账 0ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้
[单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]以下不是食品中天然有毒有害成分的是()。A.河豚毒素B.四季豆中皂苷C.鱼中组胺D.杏仁中氰苷E.有毒蜂蜜 [填空题]正常生产中,压力的通用单位是()。 [多选]通航安全水上水下施工作业涉及的范围包括()。A.设置、拆除水上水下设施B.架设桥梁、索道,构筑水下隧道C.救助遇难船泊,或紧急清除水面污染物、水下污染源D.渔船捕捞作业E.清除水面垃圾 [单选,共用题干题]患者,女,29岁,白化病。欲与一患白化病男性结婚,婚前前来进行咨询。如已结婚并妊娠,以下恰当的处理是()。A.产前诊断B.男胎、女胎均可保留C.建议终止妊娠D.保留男胎E.保留女胎 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]关于急性妄想发作,以下错误的是()A.常突然起病,以短暂的妄想为主要症状,妄想形式多样,内容支离破碎B.病前一般无诱因C.可伴有情感和行为方面的障碍D.多发生于中老年人E.病程不超过3个月 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]男性,30岁,复治肺结核,涂阳,下列治疗措施不必要的是()A.4~5联抗结核治疗B.加强营养支持C.抗结核同时注意保肝D.6个月以上化疗E.使用糖皮质激素减轻肺部炎症 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]下列哪项体征不属于Horner征()。A.眼裂变小B.瞳孔缩小C.面部出汗增加D.眼球内陷E.用力睁眼时双侧眼裂等大 [判断题]拆画零件时,零件的表面粗糙度和表面处理要求应根据零件的作用来确定。()A.正确B.错误 [名词解释]原始群 [单选]下列哪种疾病不是眼部疾病活检适应证()A.眼球及眼附属器异常组织、结节或肿块B.不典型的"麦粒肿"或"霰粒肿"C.晶状体病变D.角膜感染性炎症或溃疡E.因视力丧失或伴疼痛摘除的眼球 [名词解释]植物性极 [单选]不参与角膜反射的结构是()A.角膜B.三叉神经C.中脑顶盖前区D.面神经E.眼轮匝肌 [填空题]经热处理的轴、杆类零件,磨加工前必须留有足够的余量、并且要先对轴、杆校直,否则轴、杆磨加工后会出现表面硬度()或表面硬度(),直接影响其使用寿命 [名词解释]非法抛传 [单选]如图A_2所示,闭合铁心中磁通量一定时,其励磁电流的大小()。A. [单选,A1型题]严重胸腹联合损伤后,必须首先处理的是()。A.呼吸骤停B.闭合性液气胸C.急性弥漫性腹膜炎D.粉碎性胸腰椎骨折E.轻度血压下降 [单选]抵御对化脓性细菌感染的非特异性免疫细胞是()A.单核细胞B.巨噬细胞C.中性粒细胞D.TCRγδ+细胞E.肥大细胞 [单选]Q-开关激光治疗后发性白内障,主要是利用了激光的()A.光化学效应B.光热效应C.弱刺激效应D.光致聚合效应E.光致压强电离作用 [问答题,简答题]竞赛奖励的实施有哪些内容? [填空题]对蒸汽加温盘管的油罐,为确保测温的准确性,应在蒸汽切断()小时后,再进行温度测量。 [名词解释]地球化学背景 [填空题]颜料的着色力是指某种颜料与另一种颜料在油料中混合时,所能呈现它本身的()的能力。 [填空题]3、宽体机的机身较宽,客舱内至少有2条走廊,3排座椅,机身宽一般在()米以上 [单选]能够用于激光光动力疗法的药物是()A.吲哚青绿B.荧光素钠C.丙酮D.血卟啉衍生物E.甲醇 [单选,A1型题]骨盆骨折最易损伤的尿道部位是()A.阴茎悬垂部B.球部尿道C.膜部尿道D.前列腺部尿道E.膀胱颈部 [问答题,简答题]简述抓斗的抓取过程及两瓣抓斗与四瓣抓斗的使用特点。 [单选]在一定温度下,达到溶解平衡的溶液叫作()。A、饱和溶液B、平衡度C、不饱和溶液D、浓溶液 [判断题]失火罪是指行为人过失引起火灾,造成致人重伤、死亡或者使公私财产遭受重大损失的严重后果,危害公共安全的行为。()A.正确B.错误 [单选,A1型题]人群易感性升高的主要因素是()A.免疫接种B.新生儿增加C.隐性感染D.非易感人群迁入E.传染病流行 [单选,A1型题]小儿中度贫血的诊断指标是()A.Hb>120g/LB.HB120~90g/LC.Hb90~60g/LD.Hb60~30g/LE.Hb<30g/L [单选]下列骨骼不参与眼眶构成的是()A.筛骨B.蝶骨C.腭骨D.颞骨E.上颌骨 [问答题,简答题]财政政策工具有哪些? [单选]如果一份关于炮射的NOTAM的项中填入了“0800-1000”,则表示().A.炮射时间为项和项时间段内每天8时至10时以外的时间B.炮射时间为项和项时间段内每天8时至10时C.炮射时间为每天8时至10时,与项和无关 [名词解释]超显微非结构混入物 [单选,B1型题]高血压脑病的治疗首选()A.硝普钠B.呋塞米C.洛汀新(贝那普利)D.硝苯地平E.利血平 [多选]值班表提醒人们按值班要求值班,它通常用在()。A.值班室B.秘书办公室C.节假日值班办公室D.领导办公室 [单选,A型题]关于肾上腺腺瘤哪项错误()A.圆形肿块B.低密度C.强化明显D.都有对侧肾上腺萎缩E.MRI可发现脂肪成分 [单选]某甲为自己无民事行为能力的儿子Y与保险公司订立了以死亡为给付保险金条件的人寿保险合同,死亡保险金额为l0万元,保险监督管理机构规定的无民事行为能力人的死亡保险金额最高为5万元。甲指定H为第一顺序受益人,受益份额为6万元。在保险合同有效期内发生保险事故,造成Y死 [单选]流体的粘性系数与温度之间的关系是?().A、液体的粘性系数随温度的升高而增大。B、气体的粘性系数随温度的升高而增大。C、液体的粘性系数与温度无关。D、气体的粘性系数随温度的升高而降低。 [多选]煤的性质分为()等A、物理性质B、化学组成C、工艺性能D、燃烧性能E、物理组成F、化学性质


下述哪项不是吴又可的贡献?()A.编著了我国医学史上第一部温病专著--《温疫论》B.提出瘟疫致病的原因是时行之气C.指出瘟疫有强烈的传染性D.感邪途径是邪从口鼻而入 [填空题]用于表示纱线细度的指标主要有()、公制支数、特数、旦数。 [多选]若买入价为bp、卖出价为sp、前-成交价为Cp,那么按照计算机撮合成交的原则下列成立的是()。A.当bp≥sp≥Cp,则最新成交价=CpB.当bp≥sp≥Cp,则最新成交价=spC.当bp≥Cp≥sp,则最新成交价=CpD.当Cp≥bp≥sp,则最新成交价=bp [单选]误服敌百虫中毒时忌用哪种溶液洗胃()A.1:5000高锰酸钾B.温开水C.4%碳酸氢钠D.生理盐水E.以上均是 [填空题]蒙古人种主要分布在:包括辽阔的蒙古高原在内的整个亚洲地域和()、拉丁美洲三大洲。 [单选]在双代号网络计划中,如果其计划工期与计算工期相等,且工作i-j的完成节点在关键线路上,则工作i-j的自由时差()。A.等于零B.小于零C.小于其相应的总时差D.等于其相应的总时差 [单选,A1型题]创伤治疗可用于()A.抑郁症患者B.精神病患者C.早期遭受性虐待患者D.惊恐发作患者E.解离患者 [单选,A2型题]由两个或以上的指标构成的健康复合指标,考虑了早死、残疾和疾病状况对健康的影响。一人群一定时期内(通常为1年)在目标生存年龄(通常为70岁或出生期望寿命)以内死亡所造成的寿命减少的总人年数指的是()A.减寿人年数B.无残疾期望寿命C.活动期望寿命D.伤残调整生 [单选]某一阶段的咨询任务是保证项目按设计和计划的进度、质量、投资预算顺利实施建设,最后达到预期的目标和要求,这一阶段是()。A.项目准备阶段B.项目运营阶段C.项目前期阶段D.项目实施阶段 [名词解释]假胃腔 [单选,A1型题]为妇科调经之要药的是()A.川楝子B.香附C.延胡索D.川芎E.郁金 [问答题,简答题]我国国库发展大体上经历了哪几个阶段? [单选,A型题]现行中华人民共和国药典颁布使用的版本为A、1990年版B、1993年版C、1995年版D、1998年版E、2000年版 [单选]()是中世纪建筑艺术的巅峰,其代表作在法国有巴黎圣母院教堂、夏特尔教堂,在德国有科隆大教堂,在意大利有著名的米兰大教堂。A.哥特式建筑B.罗马式建筑C.希腊式建筑D.拜占庭式建筑 [单选,A型题]"环堤征"不包括()A.其周围高密度都为龛影B.其相邻的龛影大、浅,半月形C.环堤显示为低密度D.恶性肿瘤的征象E.边缘可见指压征 [填空题]按照观赏植物园开花对日照时间长短的要求,可分成()、()及日照中性观赏植物三类。 [单选]MCS-51系列单片机外引脚可构成三种总线结构,地址总线由P0和()口提供。A、P1;B、P2;C、P3;D、无。 [单选]半开放式麻醉系统要求调节氧流量,使CO2重复吸收浓度不超过()A.0.1%B.0.2%C.0.3%D.0.5%E.0.6% [判断题]在概括水库图形时不需顾及到等高线的概括。A.正确B.错误 [单选]下列毒性弥漫性甲状腺肿的治疗方法中从远期疗效说,最容易引起甲状腺功能减退的是()A.丙硫氧嘧啶B.甲巯咪唑(他巴唑)C.卡比马唑(甲亢平)D.131I治疗E.甲状腺次全切除术 [单选]腹壁听诊,哪种声音与胎心音频率一致?()A.胎盘血流杂音B.腹主动脉音C.脐带杂音D.胎动杂音E.子宫杂音 [单选]劳动法律关系最主要的形式是()。A.劳动关系B.劳动雇佣关系C.劳动法务关系D.劳动合同关系 [多选]涌水段施工采用辅助坑道排水时应符合的要求有()。A.坑道应和正洞平行或接近平行B.坑道应和正洞斜交C.坑道底标高应低于正洞底标高D.坑道应超前正洞10〜20mE.坑道应超前正洞5m左右 [问答题,简答题]“HUADA”牌阀控铅酸蓄电池是哪个厂家生产的? [单选,A1型题]乳腺癌出现“酒窝征”的机制是()A.合并感染B.癌肿压迫乳管C.癌肿侵犯cooper韧带D.淋巴管癌栓阻塞E.周围组织粘连 [单选]如果两个关系没有公共属性,那么其自然连接操作()A.转化为笛卡儿积操作B.转化为连接操作C.转化为外部并操作D.结果为空关系 [单选]在什么速度时增加俯仰姿态将引起飞机爬升?()A.低速B.高速C.任何速度 [多选,案例分析题]李师傅,男,50岁。是一名采矿工人。工龄30年,胸闷10年,近1个月加重,出现气短,呼吸困难,轻微胸痛,在双下胸部,阵发性,查体:双肺听诊呼吸音降低,两下肺细小干湿啰音,心律齐,未闻及病理性杂音。分析该患者为长期吸入什么物质所致()。A.二氧化硅B.二氧 [单选]通信记录装置功能失效或者时钟误差()分钟,为通信一类障碍。A.1分钟B.2分钟C.3分钟D.5分钟 [单选]在某双代号网络计划中,工作A的最早开始时间为第10天,其持续时间为6天,该工作有两项紧后工作,它们的最早开始时间分别为第26天和第31天,最迟开始时间分别为第27天和第34天,则工作A的总时差和自由时差()天。A.均为11B.分别为l0和9C.均为10D.分别为11和10 [单选]保证合同的签订人为()。A.债权人与债务人B.债权人与保证人C.债务人与保证人D.保证人与被保证人 [单选]混凝土养护应注意夏天保持必要湿度,冬天保持必要温度,其主要原因是()。A.增加混凝土中游离水B.增加混凝土抗渗能力C.延缓混凝土凝结时间D.使水泥水化作用正常进行 [单选]根据投资加速模型,投资()A.当实际利率低时高B.一直保持不变C.当产出快速增长时高D.当企业利润高时高 [单选]女,68岁,高血压、肺心病和糖尿病史20余年,一直坚持服药。5天前患者表现疲乏无力,明显口渴多饮多尿,测血糖为20.1mmol/L,急诊给予消酮处理并留观。2天前患者出现晚上惶恐不安,口中念念有词,说身上爬满了虫子,并开窗想跳楼,被及时制止。测空腹血糖为12.2mmol/L,B [单选]下列关于情报分析意义的说法不正确的是()。A、情报来源的合法性是情报分析结论合法性的前提B、情报来源的可靠性和情报的确实性对情报分析结论的可靠性有重要影响C、情报的秘密等级是情报分发范围的依据D、情报分析的过程是通过对情报资料之间关系的认识来认识情报所代表的 [单选]以下哪一部份不属于我国社会主义职业道德“五爱”的范畴()A.受劳动B.爱科学C.爱党D.爱人民 [单选,A1型题]属病因诊断的是().A.肺炎球菌性肺炎B.寒战、高热C.呼吸衰竭D.病变在右肺上叶E.肺实变 [单选]皮肤附属器不包括()A.毛发B.汗腺C.立毛肌D.甲E.皮脂腺 [填空题]电力机车蓄电池用于控制电路的供电以及()打风用电等。 [单选]目前我国流行性脑脊髓膜炎流行的主要菌群是()A.a群B.b群C.c群D.d群E.W135群



说起我考雅思,我对它都是很矛盾的,怎么说呢?用一个词儿形容,应该就是“既爱又恨”了吧。对此,奉劝各位:如果你是“爱”雅思的人,如果你真的想学,请坚持,请主动给自己提供语境,请看 候不要去看字幕……如果“恨”雅思,Then,fetaboutit...那只能浪费你自己的宝贵时间。 如果有目标,就坚持下去吧 我得说的一点:雅思,作为一门考试,它终究涵盖不了所有的英语知识,即使是在不断地变化,仔细研究就会发现,那些题型,那些话题也就是那么几个。雅思话题的贴地气虽然让它显得捉摸不 高一尺,道高一丈,我们还是能够摸清它的门路,降服它。 量体裁衣 英语作为一门语言,不管你的基础有多好,如果你不用,久了自然也会忘记。而现在,为了出国这个梦想,我经历了最系统最严谨的专业英语训练。老师和学生一对一上课,这就使得我上课即使 也没有机会了~老师像家教一样事无巨细地帮我学习英语,把我平时学习习惯中的问题一一给我找出来了,我自己都不敢相信!我平时学英语还比较爱偷懒,不过自从有老师管理着,感觉学习效果 我甚至欣喜地发现,我的雅思模考成绩在不断地提高。 搞定雅思 后来学了一段时间之后,在老师的帮助下报了名,然后就忐忑地踏进了考场……结果出来后我高兴了好几天!6.5我从没想到自己会进步这么大,梦想的大学已经在向我招手了~~现在一切准备就绪 发了~~ 最后,劝大家一句,千万不要虚度时间,青春短暂,我很庆幸选择了正确的培训班,我也庆幸自己曾经努力地学习。雅思不可怕,它只是无数考试中的一个,坚持就是胜利。 谨以此文,献给重庆所有准备考试的同学们,也ientific study of matter in outer space,especially,the positions,dimensions,distribution,motion,
Composition,energy,and evolution of celestial bodies and phenomena.


5.If winter comes, can spring be far behind?
• 冬天来了,春天还会远吗?
• Shelley--- Ode to the west wind(雪莱---西风颂)
1. Why do people write poems? People write poems to tell a story
(一) 认知目标:充分理解课文大意并完成所给的任务. (二)情感目标: 1.营造和谐教学氛围,提高学生对英语的学习热情,充分 调动学生的思维活动和情感体验,让学生积极主动地参与 课堂活动。 2.培养学生提高阅读能力,获取诗歌知识,强化文化意识, 扩大国际视野,激发他们热爱诗歌文化和增强学生的爱国 主义情感。 (三)智力目标:在运用语言的过程中培养学生的观察力、 分析力、想象力和自学能力,提高思维能力和运用英语的 综合能力,激发创造能力。
Easy to write
some rhyme while others do not
Easy to write
Made up of f_i_v__e__l_i_n_e__s_ Conveys a ___s__tr__o_n__g_____
picture in just a few words
to describe something to convey certain emotions
2. How many kinds of poems are mentioned in the text? What are they?
2.How many kinds of poems does the text mention? What are they?


[单选]第三方证书工行u盾可以在几个账户绑定?()A.2B.不限C.3D.1 [单选]内螺纹成型机最大拉力为()A.5KNB.10KNC.15KND.20KN [单选]急性腹膜炎腹痛的特点是()A.疼痛常为阵发性绞痛B.先发热后腹痛,常有放射痛C.持续剧烈腹痛,原发病灶处最为严重D.无确切疼痛部位E.排便后腹痛减轻 [单选]下列符号中表示形状公差的是()。A、∥B、∠C、⊥D、〇 [单选]下列哪项不是钩体病的流行特征().A.无明显的季节性B.地区性C.流行性D.职业性E.流行类型可发生变化 [问答题,简答题]简述牙周脓肿治疗原则。 [单选]报警联锁的确认由()参加,并在相应的“报警联锁确认单”上签字。A、仪控和/或电气技术人员独立B、装置技术负责人组织本装置技术人员C、生产处室技术人员独立D、生产、机动职能处(科)室组织,仪控和/或电气、生产运行等有关单位技术人员 [单选,B1型题]古方中果实的计数单位是()A.一字B.枚C.束D.片E.刀圭 [单选]在“卿今强健,我欲死,何忍无急去药,以待不祥”中,“去”的意义是()A、收藏B、舍弃C、去掉D、离开E、以上都不是 [单选,A1型题]下列不属于直接压片辅料的是()A.微晶纤维素B.淀粉C.聚乙二醇4000D.聚维酮E.喷雾干燥乳糖 [多选]压力疗法的作用机制A.重塑瘢痕中的胶原纤维B.减轻瘢痕内的炎症反应C.减少瘢痕中的血液循环和水肿D.减少胶原的合成率E.增加瘢痕的消散率 [判断题]成本逼近法一般适用于有收益的商业物业的评估。()A.正确B.错误 [单选]一日三餐的合理热量配比为()。A.30%,40%,30%B.30%,30%,40%C.20%,40%,40% [单选]血液透析器复用:()A、可用于不同的患者B、经彻底消毒可用于不同的患者C、无使用次数限制D、只能用于同一患者 [单选]厂家设备制造的质量监控,可采用驻厂监造、巡回监控和()方式。A.委托厂家监控B.定点监控C.定期监控D.日常监控 [名词解释]美学研究的对象 [单选]乙烯装置气密试验时,下列说法正确的是()。A.管道焊缝不需做气密B.调节阀可以不做气密C.闸阀不做气密D.各焊缝及连接处均要气密 [单选]隧道工程的主体结构物通常指()A.洞内行车道路B.洞身预支护与衬砌C.洞身衬砌和洞门构造物D.防排水构造物 [多选]运输基建项目的主要筹资方式有()A、债券B、转让经营权C、股票D、项目融资E、银行贷款 [单选]幼儿园物质环境创设的内容很广泛,包括文字环境布置;生态环境布置和()。A.语言音乐环境布置B.心情环境的布置C.仪器设备环境的布置D.玩具环境摆设 [名词解释]国家公园 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]下面是一颈部CT图,其中结构标志不正确的是()。A.2为甲状软骨B.3为声门旁隙C.5为胸锁乳突肌D.6为颈内动脉E.7为颈内动脉 [单选]在消防中灭火的通常做法是()。A.水灭火、灭火器灭火和沙灭火B.冷却法、窒息法和隔离法C.冷却法、灭火器灭火和沙灭火D.水灭火、窒息法和隔离法 [填空题]国际法的制定者是(),没有统一的()来制定、颁布法律和法令。 [单选]下列情况下不适合登高焊接作业()。A.大风B.晴天C.雾天 [多选]铺筑道面混凝土板的作业,是一项多工种的流水作业,它的主要施工工序是:施工前的准备、()做面、接缝施工。A.摊铺混合料B.振实C.养护D.灌缝E.铺设反射层 [问答题,简答题]PVA变压器巡检项目主要有哪些? [单选]如图,下列考古发现的生产工具,代表我国原始居民生产力最高水平的是()A、打制石器B、骨耜C、钻孔石斧D、铁犁铧 [单选,A1型题]关于慢性运动系统损伤的治疗,临床上最不常用的方法是()A.限制致伤动作,纠正不良姿势B.局部注射肾上腺皮质类固醇C.理疗、按摩D.服用消炎镇痛药E.手术治疗 [判断题]万用表测量电阻时万用表以外电路应当有电源,否则没法测量。A.正确B.错误 [单选]房地产的供给量是由许多因素决定的,除了随机因素,经常起作用的因素不包括()。A.房地产开发商对未来的预期B.消费者的预期C.该种房地产的价格水平D.该种房地产的开发建设成本 [单选,A1型题]归经的理论基础是()A.阴阳B.五行C.四气D.脏腑经络E.四气五味 [单选]关于因果图,下列说法错误的是()。A.在规定可能原因的类别时不需考虑环境因素B.因果图用于分析因果关系,表达因果关系,并找出问题的解决方法C.因果图是适用于考虑并展示已知结果与其潜在原因之间关系的一种工具D.其程序包括明确、扼要地确定结果 [多选]工程施工合同中承包人的主要义务包括()。A.按合同要求的工期完成并交付工程B.负责保修期内的工程维修C.负责对分包的管理,并对分包方的行为负责D.组织进行图纸会审和设计交底E.按合同规定主持和组织工程的验收 [名词解释]土的抗剪强度 169:https://

Unit1Reading and Thinking高二英语上学期(人教版2019选择性必修第二册)

Unit1Reading and Thinking高二英语上学期(人教版2019选择性必修第二册)

5 Analyse the results
6 Find supporting evidence
7 Draw a conclusion
Key words or sentences
two contradictory theories
In two particular streets,the cholera outbreak was so severe that John Snow was determined to find out why.
John Snow decided to prove the second theory. Snow's contributions John Snow desired to destroy cholera. Truth of the infection of cholera
Further thinking
John Snow becamef_r_u_st_r_a_t_ed_ because no one knew _h_o_w__t_o_p_r_e_ve_n_t_o_r___. treat cholera
HTehroosuegtho bbeecionmgef_a_m_a_of_au_ms_o,_u_sh_de_o_cw_to_ar_s__st,iallnddeevvoente_d__at_ott_ed_n_de_ef_de_at_ot_in_g__ Q“uKeienngVCichtoorilaewrah”en she gave birth.
C:Many deaths occurred near the w__a_te_r__p_u_m__p in Broad Street.
Some people _h_a_d_n_’_t____


何谓护患关系?其基本模式有哪些? 金属钠比金属钾。A.金属性强B.还原性弱C.原子半径大D.熔点低 土壤是由哪些物质组成的? 新生儿窒息 《医疗事故处理条例》所指医疗责任事故是指医务人员。A.无过错输血感染造成不良后果的B.在诊疗中因患方原因延误诊疗导致不良后果的C.患者体质特殊而发生医疗意外的D.违反规章制度、诊疗护理常规失职行为所致的E.行为人有过失,但因患者病情严重等偶合因素所致的 疟原虫在人体红细胞内进行的生殖是A.裂体增殖及配子生殖的开始B.二分裂繁殖C.孢子生殖D.配子生殖E.以上都是 民间文学的特征是由集体性、口头性特征所带来的,因为口传心授,靠记忆保存,又要在集体流传中不断受到人们的加工改造,所以有异文在所难免。 固定资产转让标的应当以资产评估价值作为作价参考依据,实际交易价格原则上不得低于评估价值的。A、80%B、90%C、100%D、120% [单选,共用题干题]女,33岁,3年前普查时发现子宫肌瘤,无月经症状,定期检查肌瘤无明显增大,未避孕。今因停经45天就诊首选的辅助检查方法是。A.盆腔B超B.血HCG测定C.诊刮术D.黄体酮试验E.宫腔镜检查 男性,15岁,全身水肿显著,大量蛋白尿,无镜下血尿,肾功能正常,首次经泼尼松40mg/d治疗4周,水肿明显消退、尿蛋白有所减少。此时应A.减少泼尼松用量B.加用环磷酰胺C.静脉点滴白蛋白D.继续原治疗不变E.加用抗生素预防感染 下列哪项不属于我行的代付款业务范围?A、工资B、代付学费C、代付股息D、代付保险赔付金 银行金融创新的根本目的是,直接拓宽业务领域、创造出更多、更好的金融产品,更好地满足金融消费者和投资者日益增长的需求。A.正确B.错误 新鲜冰冻血浆保存一年后,Ⅶ,Ⅸ,Ⅻ因子相当于新鲜时的。A.95%B.90%C.85%D.80%E.75% "精血同源"是指下述哪两脏的关系A.心与肾B.肺与肾C.肝与肾D.脾与肝E.肾与脾 剖腹产6小时后产妇应饮用一些排气的汤,如A、小米汤B、排骨汤C、鸡汤D、萝卜汤 女性,20岁,诊断为特发性血小板减少性紫癜,贫血貌,牙龈出血,双下肢紫癜增多,肝脾肋下未触及,血红蛋白100g/L,白细胞10×109/L,血小板20×109/L,骨髓象提示巨核细胞增多。治疗首选方法是A.应用肾上腺糖皮质激素B.输注血小板C.应用免疫抑制剂D.应用纤溶抑制剂E.脾切除 目前Rb的治疗方法包括()A.冷冻B.外放射C.化疗D.巩膜表面放射敷贴治疗E.眼球摘出术 下列可以降低输血过敏反应发生率的是A.选用一次性输血器B.选用洗涤红细胞C.严格清洗、消毒采血和输血用具D.采用无热原技术配置保存液E.减慢输血速度 RevA前向峰值数据速率为,反向峰值数据速率。 下列哪项是骨髓移植造血功能重建的标志。A.外周血白细胞从0恢复到10×109/LB.中性粒细胞绝对值达到0.5×109/LC.淋巴细胞总数恢复正常D.血小板恢复到100×109/LE.血象完全恢复正常 关于产后哺乳错误的一项是()A.产后尽早哺乳有利于促进乳汁分泌B.按需哺乳C.乳腺有硬结者应停止哺乳D.乳房排空有利于乳汁的再分泌E.乳头皲裂严重者应停止直接哺乳 中国政府于2001年向国际展览局正式递交了举办2010年上海世界会的申请书。A、5月1日B、5月2日C、5月3日D、5月4日 SIC智能化建筑系统集成中心含。ABCD [单选,共用题干题]患者,男性,42岁。在房间内因煤气泄露起火烧伤后2小时入院。疼痛剧烈,声嘶,诉口渴,心率150次/分,BP85/60mmHg,面颈部、躯干部布满大小不等水疱,创面基底潮红,双上肢呈焦黄色,无水疱。患者伤后10天,双上肢创面开始溶痂,切开减张刀口脓性分泌物较多, 39℃,该患者最佳的处理应该是。A.局部换药清洗后包扎治疗B.包扎治疗同时局部应用抗生素C.包扎换药同时全身应用敏感抗生素D.尽早行双上肢切痂植皮术E.半暴露疗法,同时局部应用敏感抗生素 在铸造生产中,流动性较好的铸造合金。 严重的产褥感染可形成冰冻骨盆的是A.急性子宫内膜炎B.急性子宫肌炎C.急性输卵管炎D.急性盆腔结缔组织炎E.急性盆腔腹膜炎 银行金融创新应当遵循一定的基本原则,应做好客户评估和识别工作,针对不同客户群提供不同的金融产品。A.正确B.错误 闪光临界融合频率是人眼对光刺激的指标,最早是用进行测定的。 下图给出的是计算的值的一个程序框图,其中判断框内应填入的条件是。A.i>100B.i=100C.i>50D.i<=50 现代观点认为慢性化脓性鼻窦炎与鼻息肉最佳治疗方法是。A.鼻内镜手术B.上颌窦根治术C.鼻侧切开术D.邓肯手术E.上述都不是 有价证券是的一种形式。A.商品证券B.权益资本C.虚拟资本D.债务资本 [问答题,论述题]试论述如何与时俱进地认识“双基”。 细水雾灭火系统是利用高压或气流,将流过喷嘴的水鸡西的水滴,进行灭火或防护冷却的一种移动灭火系统.A.正确B.错误 男性,52岁,中度肥胖,空腹血糖8mmol/L,餐后1小时血糖12mmol/L,胰岛素基础值50mU/L(正常5~25mU/L),应首选何药A.格列齐特(达美康)B.格列吡嗪(美吡达)C.双胍类D.格列本脲(优降糖)E.格列喹酮(糖适平) 露天爆破需设避炮掩体时,掩体应设在危险范围之外并构筑坚固紧密,位置和方向应能防止飞石和炮烟的危害;通达避炮掩体的道路不应有任何障碍。A.辐射波B.超声波C.冲击波D.电磁波



江苏省南京市东山高级中学2024-2025学年高二上学期10月学情调查英语试题一、阅读理解For the intrepid traveler seeking unique and off-the-beaten-path experiences, these four international tourist destinations offer a plethora of captivating sights and activities.Destination 1: Machu Picchu, PeruNestled high in the Andes Mountains, Machu Picchu is an archaeological wonder that has mystified and attracted scholars and adventurers alike. This ancient Incan citadel, often referred to as the “Lost City of the Incas,” is accessible only by a strenuous hike or a train ride through breathtaking landscapes. The ruins are replete with intricately carved stone structures, terraced fields, and sacred temples. The site’s mysterious history and stunning natural setting make it a must-visit destination for those with a penchant for exploration.Destination 2: Santorini, Greece Renowned for its dramatic cliffs, cobalt-blue domes, and mesmerizing sunsets, Santorini is a paradise for aesthetes and romantics. The island’s unique volcanic landscape offers a visual feast of multicolored cliffsides and crystal-clear waters. Wander through the charming white-washed villages of Oia and Fira, and savor the local cuisine, which includes fresh seafood and delicious Mediterranean delicacies. The island’s luxurious resorts and spas provide the perfect respite after a day of exploring.Destination 3: Kyoto, JapanAs the cultural heart of Japan, Kyoto is a city steeped in history and tradition. Home to numerous ancient temples, shrines, and gardens, Kyoto offers a glimpse into Japan’s rich cultural heritage. Visit the iconic Kinkaku-ji (Golden Pavilion), stroll through the serene Arashiyama Bamboo Grove, and experience a traditional tea ceremony. The city’s traditional crafts, such as silk weaving and pottery, are also a draw for tourists seeking a more immersive cultural experience.Destination 4: Prague, Czech RepublicWith its fairytale-like architecture, Prague is a city that seems to have stepped out of a storybook. The city’s Old Town Square is dominated by the Astronomical Clock, a medieval timepiece that is a marvel of engineering. Explore the narrow cobblestone streets and visit the many castles and palaces that dot the city. Prague’s vibrant nightlife and world-class cuisine makeit a popular destination for travelers from around the world.1.What makes Machu Picchu a must-visit destination?A.Its ancient lost city of the Incas.B.Its easy accessibility to all travellers.C.Its stone structures and sacred temples.D.Its unexplainable history and naturallandscape.2.What do Destination 2 and Destination 4 have in common?A.They are paradises for romantics.B.They provide delicious delicacies.C.They are dominated by engineering marvels.D.They offer a visual feast of crystal-clear waters.3.If you’re interested in history, you can choose to visit .A.Destination 1 and Destination 3B.Destination 2 and Destination 3C.Destination 2 and Destination 4D.Destination 1 and Destination 2A daughter complained to her father about her life and how things were so hard for her. She did not know if she was going to make it and wanted to give up. She was tired of fighting and struggling. It seemed as one problem was solved a new one arose.Her father, a cook, took her to the kitchen. He filled three pots with water and placed each on a high fire. Soon the pots came to a boil. In one he placed carrots, in the second he placed eggs, and in the last he placed ground coffee beans. He let them sit and boil, without saying a word.The daughter sucked her teeth and impatiently waited, wondering what he was doing. In about twenty minutes he turned off the burners. He fished the carrots out and placed them in a bowl. He pulled the eggs out and placed them in a bowl. Then he ladled the coffee out and placed it in a mug. Turning to her, he asked, “Darling, what do you see?”“Carrots, eggs, and coffee,” she replied.He brought her closer and asked her to feel the carrots. She did and noted that they were soft. He then asked her to take an egg and break it. After pulling off the shell, she observed the hard-boiled egg. Finally, he asked her to sip the coffee. She smiled, as she tasted its rich aroma.“What does it mean, father?” she humbly asked.He explained that each of them had faced the same adversity, boiling water, but each reacted differently. The carrot went in strong, hard, and unrelenting; but after being subjected to the boiling water, it became softened and weak. The egg had been fragile; its thin outer shell had protected its liquid interior; but after sitting through the boiling water, its inside became hardened.The ground coffee beans were unique, however; after they were in the boiling water, they had changed the water.“Which are you?” he asked his daughter.4.Why did the daughter complain to her father?A.Because she found life was extremely cruel to her.B.Because she found that she was at a loss in her life.C.Because she was tired of fighting and struggling with others.D.Because she doubted if she’d make it to addressing the boredom in life.5.What did the father take his daughter to the kitchen for?A.To boil three things for her.B.To explain to her what life is.C.To give her some inspiration.D.To carry out an experiment with her. 6.What can be inferred from the text?A.The father seemed to be in favor of the egg most.B.The carrot was likely to be the daughter’s favourite.C.The three things all stood the test of the boiling water.D.The ground coffee beans chose to affect their surroundings.7.What’s the best title for the text?A.A vivid lesson B.A best choiceC.A tough challenge D.A rough rideWhen driving, Clara-Marina Martinez makes a note of any unusual behaviour she sees on the road. She then feeds these into machine-learning algorithms (算法), a form of AI, which she is helping develop for Porsche Engineering.Those algorithms are intended to produce a system reliable enough for a car to drive itself. Such a fully autonomous car, known in the industry as Level 5, should be able to complete anentire journey without any intervention (介入) from the driver, and deal with all situations on the road. But this is proving hard to achieve, and many attempts to do so are being abandoned. Last year, for instance, Uber sold off its unit developing self-driving cars.Autonomous vehicles are said to be not just convenient but potentially safer. However, just as people take time to learn how to drive safely, so do machines. And machines are not quick learners. The RAND Corporation calculates that to develop a system 20% safer than a human driver, 100self-driving cars would have to operate 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.Carmakers such as Porsche therefore speed up the development process using simulators (模拟器). These teach software about dangers rarely encountered in reality. Dr Martinez and her colleagues employ “game engines” to do this. These are used to create virtual worlds through which the software can drive. Objects in these virtual worlds are assigned their physical characteristics (ie, buildings are hard, people are soft) so that the sensors in vehicles respond in the appropriate way. Once the software has been trained, it is tested in real autonomous vehicles by re-creating those situations on a test track.How quickly all this will translate into reality remains to be seen. Both regulators and customers will need to overcome the doubt that a software driver really can be safer than a human being.From Porsche’s point of view, though, there is another question. Given that much of the reason owning a sports car is for owners to show off their driving skills, just how big a market will there be for a version where software takes those bragging (炫耀的) rights away?8.Why does Clara-Marina Martinez note the unusual behaviour on the road?A.To market Porsche cars.B.To improve an AI technology.C.To learn to be a responsible driver.D.To enjoy riding in a self-driving car.9.The problem with self-driving cars is that .A.they learn as slowly as human beingsB.they operate for a very short period of timeC.they have to be monitored by human driversD.they need a long time to reach a certain safety level10.What does the underlined word “this” in paragraph 4 refer to?A.Employing simulators on a test track.B.Speeding the development of process.C.Figuring out the physical road dangers.D.Separating the real world from the virtual world.11.What worries Porsche according to the last paragraph?A.The reliability of car software.B.The future of the sports car market.C.The driving skills of human beings.D.The quality of self-driving cars in the future.Studies have shown the mere exposure effect, also referred to as the familiarity principle, inspires our decisions. It is a helpful psychological mechanism that helps us sustain our energy and focus our attention on other things. Getting used to new things takes effort and it can be tiring. So unless we have a terrible experience, we are likely to buy from companies we’ve got used to. That is why companies spend so much money on advertising and marketing and why insurance (保险) companies openly charge existing customers more than new ones.It’s not the case that we only desire things we already know. Some studies suggest when invited to share our preferences, we sometimes see less familiar options as more desirable. But when acting on that preference, we fall back to what we know. This might explain why sometimes the things we want and the things we do don’t quite match up. We might even return to companies that treated us poorly in the past or stay in bad relationships.It’s easy to paint the familiarity principle as an enemy or something to battle as if it is something that holds us back from living our dreams. But this attitude might be overwhelming because it tends to encourage us toward big-picture thinking. Where we imagine that change requires a quite dramatic swing that we don’t feel ready for. Some articles suggest the solution to familiarity frustration (沮丧) is complete exposure to novelty. While this can appear effective in the short term, we may only end up replacing one problem with another. It also risks overwhelm and burnout.So what if we can work with the familiarity principle instead? Familiarity is something wecan learn to play with and enjoy. It is a setting for creativity and a pathway to expansion. We can broaden the zone of familiarity bit by bit. If we think of familiarity as something that can expand, we can consider changing the conditions in and around our lives to make more space for our preferences to take root and grow gently. From here, we will start to make decisions, drawing from an ever-deepening pool of valuable options.12.What allows insurance companies to charge old customers more?A.The advertising cost.B.The improved service.C.The familiarity principle.D.The principle of the market.13.We can learn from paragraph 2 that .A.Our preferences affect our decisionsB.Familiarity tends to generate disrespectC.The familiarity principle is a double-edged swordD.There can be a mismatch between desires and actions14.What is the author’s attitude towards the solution in some articles?A.Disapproving.B.Tolerant.C.Objective.D.Reserved. 15.Which of the following is the best title for the text?A.Step Out of Your Familiarity ZoneB.Spare a Thought for Your PreferenceC.Gently Expand Your Familiarity ZoneD.Give Priority to the Mere Exposure EffectEssential CreativityIn a recent survey in America, 62% of people said that creativity was more important to success in the workplace than they had expected it to be when they were in school.16 It is of course possible to scan people’s brains and see which parts are firing when an idea is created, but rather more romantically it can be thought of as something that cannot be identified. Creativity is what comes to you when you least expect it. You cannot demand creativity from your mind, nor can you demand that you are creative in a particular way.One misconception about creativity is that it is reserved for a few special people. This is not true. 17 Another misconception is that creativity is all about the arts but this simply isn’ttrue. 18It is incredibly important that schools do not prevent creativity. 19 Students should be taught to ask questions and investigate when things do not make sense. They need to learn to view mistakes as opportunities for learning rather than something that was unsuccessful. But now it is worrying that many schools are less concerned with nurturing creativity. However, without creativity, we are indistinguishable from the masses. 20 Meanwhile, we can also channel it to face the challenges of the future.A.We can use it to set ourselves apart.B.It’s difficult to define what creativity is.C.Everyone has the capacity to be creative.D.We can employ creativity to deal with the world.E.Rather, they should work to expand, grow, and exercise it.F.It’s hard to work out where exactly creativity comes from.G.Creativity extends to maths and science in just the way it does to music and literature.二、完形填空Atomic (原子的) shapes are so simple that they can’t be broken down any further. Mathematicians are trying to 21 artificial intelligence (AI) to build a “periodic table” (周期表) of these shapes.Tom Coates at Imperial College London and his colleagues are working to classify (分类) atomic shapes 22 as Fano varieties, which are so simple that they can’t be broken down into smaller 23 . Just as chemists arranged elements in the periodic table by their atomic weight and group to 24 new insights, the researchers hope that organizing these atomic shapes by their various 25 will help in understanding them.The team has assigned each atomic shape a sequence of numbers 26 its features such as the number of holes it has or the 27 to which it twists around itself. This acts as a bar code (条形码) to 28 it. Coates and his colleagues have now created an AI that can predict certain properties of these shapes from their bar code numbers alone, with an 29 of 98 percent.The team member Alexander Kasprzyk, who works at the University of Nottingham, UK, says that the AI has let the team organize atomic shapes in a way that begins to 30 the periodic table, 31 when you read from left to right, or up and down, there seem to be organized patterns in the geometry (几何) of the shapes.The team hopes to 32 the model to the point where missing spaces in its periodic table could point to the existence of unknown shapes, which could 33 benefit further study.Graham Niblo at the University of Southampton, UK, stresses that humans will still need to understand the results provided by the AI and creates proofs of these ideas. “AI has 34 got unbelievable abilities. But in the same way that telescopes (望远镜) don’t put astronomers out of work, AI doesn’t put mathematicians out of work,” he says. “It just gives us new 35 that allows us to explore parts of the mathematical landscape that are out of reach.”21.A.go about B.turn to C.break with D.throw in 22.A.rewarded B.encountered C.entitled D.diverged 23.A.components B.perspectives C.variations D.transformations 24.A.enhance B.estimate C.reveal D.guarantee 25.A.predictions B.properties C.arrangements D.allowances 26.A.trapped in B.compared to C.bent on D.based on 27.A.scale B.extent C.width D.dimension 28.A.identify B.grasp C.imply D.cast 29.A.concept B.impression C.essence D.accuracy 30.A.differ B.follow C.multiple D.claim31.A.as though B.even if C.so that D.now that 32.A.display B.expose C.distinguish D.improve 33.A.in turn B.in contrast C.by turns D.in return 34.A.critically B.definitely C.strikingly D.comprehensively 35.A.setting B.booming C.backing D.calling三、语法填空阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。



广州市培正中学2017学年第一学期 11月段考高二英语试题(满分:150分;考试时间:120分钟)I 听力(共两节,满分20分)第一节听力理解(4段共10小题,每小题1.5分,满分15分)听下面一段对话,回答1-2题1.Whose birthday is it today?A.The girl’s.B. The man’s.C. The girl’s mother’2.What causes the man to get upset at first?A.He thinks they have forgotten the watch.B. The dinner is not yet ready.C. They haven’t bought a birthday card.听下面一段对话,回答3-4题3.What’s the relationship between the speakers?A.Classmates.B. Neighhours.C. Teacher and student.4.Why does the boy come to see the girl?A.To bring her a present.B. To give her some homework.C. To ask her for help.听下面一段对话,回答5-7题5.What’s the talk mainly about?A.Choosing a TV show to watch.B. Discussing different movies.C. Making plans for the evening.6.Why is the woman unhappy at the start of the talk?A.Her husband is very selfish.B. There is nothing interesting on TV.C. She cannot see the movie she likes.7.Where will the man go right after the talk?A.To the cinema.B. To the kitchen.C. To the restaurant.听下面一段对话,回答8-10题8.What’s the main purpose of this talk?A.To teach people how to get fit.B. To tell listeners about a newgym.C. To introduce a new exercise program.9.What is true about the weekend classes?A.They are more expensive.B. They are more frequent.C. They are only for members.10.How much is a single Jazzercise lesson?A.$10.B. $12.C. $15.第一节完形填空(共15小题,每小题2分,满分30分)Throughouthistory, languageshaveappearedanddisappeared. The languages of16 groupshavespreadwhilethelanguagesofsmallercultureshave17 .Onelanguageexpertfamousl ydefineda/an18as“a dialectwithan army”.Today,whatdrivesalanguagetonewplacesisnota/an19 butthingsliketelevision,theInternet and international business.Inaglobalsociety,languagesspokeninremoteplacesarenolonger20 fromthelanguages used forworldcommunicationandcommerce(商业).Widely-usedlanguagessuchasMandarin,English,Russianand Spanishreachintotinycommunitiesand competewith21 languages.Whenonelanguageis22 used,childrenfromminoritylanguagegroupstendtolosetheirnativelanguagesastheygrowup,at tendschoolandstartworking.Thisispartlybecausesomepeoplethinkthatspeakingthesesmaller languagesisa23 tosuccess.Theseattitudes,alongwiththestrongdesiretofit-in,24 theuseofminoritylanguages.Politicalpressurecanfurther25 thesurvivalofsmallerlanguages,such aswhengovernmentsbantheuse ofsmaller languages ineducation orthemedia.Whyisthedisappearanceofa languagewith a smallnumberof speakers a concern?Differentlanguagesexpressdifferentwaysof26theworld.Theycarryinformationsuchasthe values, history and traditions of a culture, and they can show us how a/an 27culture expresses basic concepts such as time, numbers and colors. For example the Piraha, an Amazonian tribe, appear to have no words for numbers.28 , they simply use relative words such as few and many.When a language disappears, we also 29knowledge. This knowledge is just as important as a future miracle drug that may be lost when a plant or animal species30______.阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的争取形式填空。


[单选]从我国现行法律规定来看,以以下财产设立信托时无需进行信托登记的是()。A.著作权、商标权B.股票、股权C.船舶、航空器等交通工具D.动产 [问答题,简答题]圣斗士星矢的作者是谁? [名词解释]分馏作用 [单选]不孕症伴有痛经常发生于()A.卵巢囊肿B.子宫内膜异位症C.多囊卵巢综合征D.子宫内膜炎E.子宫肌瘤 [单选]甲公司息税前利润为200万元,资本总额账面价值1000万元。假设无风险报酬率为4%,证券市场平均报酬率为8%,所得税税率为25%。债务市场价值为200万元时,税前债务利息率为6%,权益资本成本率为10.2%,则甲公司的公司价值为()万元。A.1382B.1482C.400D.1582 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]白血病的血象特点,不正确的是()A.红细胞减少B.血红蛋白降低C.网织红细胞升高D.白细胞增高E.血小板降低 [单选]20世纪70年代中期以来,认知心理学家们开展了大量的关于儿童元认知的元认知知识、元认知体验、元认知监控这3种元认知成分的特征培养的研究,发现(),并认为这是导致年幼儿童不能很好地完成认知任务的重要原因。A.年幼儿童在元认知的这3种成分上都明显不如年长儿童B.年幼儿童 [单选]下面哪部歌剧是瓦格纳的作品:()A.《茶花女》(威尔第)B.《纽伦堡的名歌手》C.《塞维利亚理发师》(罗西尼)D.《费加罗的婚礼》(莫扎特) [单选]根据《节约能源法》的相关规定,关于工业节能的表述,不正确的是()。A.国务院和省、自治区、直辖市人民政府推进能源资源优化开发利用和合理配置B.国家鼓励工业企业采用高效、节能的电动机、锅炉、窑炉、风机、泵类等设备C.禁止新建不符合国家规定的燃煤发电机组、燃油发电 [问答题,简答题]我国现行国库的权限主要有哪些? [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]导致肾排钠增加的因素是()。A.肾素生成增多B.血管舒缓素-激肽生成减少C.利钠激素生成增多D.肾神经兴奋增加E.血浆渗透压降低 [单选]患者,男,40岁。患"类风湿关节炎"2年,现症见关节肿胀,以四肢小关节为主,僵硬变形,屈伸不利,痛处固定,昼轻夜重,口干不欲饮,舌质紫暗,苔白腻,脉细涩。实验室检查:RF阳性。其证型是()A.风寒湿阻证B.痰瘀互结证C.风湿热郁证D.肝肾阴虚证E.以上皆不是 [单选]在白细胞分类计数中,正常中性粒细胞的比例为A.0.5%~1%B.50%~70%C.3%~8%D.80%~85%E.20%~40% [单选]感染邪毒型产后痉病的病因病机为()A.阴血亏虚,又产后失血伤津,营阴耗损阴虚风动B.邪毒乘虚入侵,直窜筋脉,以致发痉C.产后恶露不下,瘀血停滞,阻滞经络,扰动生风D.肝肾阴虚,无以固阳,阳亢生风E.以上都不是 [单选]秘书对开具介绍信和使用印章具有()。A.签批权B.申请权C.监督权D.反对权 [判断题]铂钴比色法测定水的色度时,色度标准溶液由储备液用蒸馏水或去离子水稀释到一定体积而得。A.正确B.错误 [单选]在什么速度时增加俯仰姿态将引起飞机爬升?()A.低速B.高速C.任何速度 [单选]腓肠肌的作用是()A.使踝关节背伸、足内翻B.使踝关节跖屈、足外翻C.使踝关节跖屈、足内翻D.使踝关节跖屈、膝关节屈曲E.使髋关节屈曲、膝关节屈曲 [单选]下列哪种疾病不属于母斑病()A.眼-神经-皮肤血管瘤病B.神经纤维瘤病C.结节性硬化D.迷芽瘤E.视网膜血管瘤病 [单选]微波的频率范围是().A.3MHZ-30MHZB.30MHZ-300MHZC.3000MHZ-300GHZ [单选]站修更换轮对时,同一转向架轮径差不大于()。A、20mmB、25mmC、30mmD、40mm [判断题]如果一个反应的ΔrHθm>0,ΔrSθm<0,则此反应在任何温度下都是非自发的。A.正确B.错误 [单选]会计信息在()的前提下,尽可能的做到相关性,以满足投资者等财务报告使用者的决策需要。A.可靠性B.可比性C.重要性D.谨慎性 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]使肾病综合征病情加重的最常见诱因是()A.感染B.焦虑C.活动增多D.暴饮暴食E.蛋白质摄入不足 [单选]Afterconductinganabandonmentdrill,theMasterorpersoninchargeofashipshalllog()hedrillB.thelengthoftimethateachmotorpropelledlifeboatwasoperatedinthedrillC.thelengthoftimethelifeboatwasinthewaterD.thetimeittookt [单选]根据我国《公司法》规定,下列选项中可以担任有限责任公司监事、高管人员的是()。A.公司的股东B.公司的经理C.公司的董事D.公司的财务负责人 [单选]以下哪一个不是主要影响胰腺的疾病A.胰腺炎B.胰腺假性囊肿C.胰腺癌D.库欣综合征 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]关于黄曲霉毒素的结构和理化特性的描述,错误的是()。A.二呋喃环末端有双键的毒性大B.耐热,一般烹调方法不能破坏C.在紫外光照射下产生荧光D.皆溶于水E.在碱性条件下,其内酯环易破坏 [单选]遗传性大疱性表皮松解症的临床特点,描述错误的是()A.皮肤受到轻微摩擦或碰后出现小疱及血疱B.免疫抑制剂治疗有效C.皮损预后可形成瘢痕,出现粟丘疹D.尤易发生于肢端及四肢关节伸侧 [单选]设备轻便、操作灵活,可以应用于短缝的焊接,特别是用于难以达到部位的焊接的焊接方法为()。A.手弧焊B.埋弧焊C.闪光焊D.电阻焊 [单选,A1型题]下列关于具有降压作用的药物,错误的是()A.黄连B.黄芩C.葛根D.知母E.防己 [单选]下面可以作为知识产权投资入股的是()A、专利许可使用权B、专利权C、著作改编权D、连锁经营权 [单选]对以下()项权利侵犯后的损害赔偿不属于国家赔偿范围。A.财产权B.生命健康权C.政治权利D.人身自由权 [单选]根据视锥细胞和视杆细胞的功能差异。昼间扫视与夜间扫视技巧的特点是().A.昼间扫视的速度和范围相对较快、较大,夜间扫视时则应较慢,且范围较小B.昼问扫视的速度和范围与夜间扫视不应有任何区别C.昼问扫视的速度和范围相对较慢、较小,夜问扫规时则应较快、且范围较大 [单选]脑血管疾病所致精神障碍的主要情感障碍是()。A.情感脆弱B.情感淡漠C.抑郁D.焦虑、紧张E.情感易激惹 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]粪便隐血试验呈现阳性,每日出血量要达到()A.50mlB.20~30mlC.10mlD.5ml以上E.20ml [单选]相同物质的量浓度的蔗糖溶液与氯化钠溶液,其蒸气压()。A.前者大于后者B.两者相同C.后者大于前者D.无法判定相对大小 [判断题]对冲基金又称避险基金,是充分利用各种金融衍生品的杠杆效应,承担较高风险,追求较高收益的投资模式。()A.正确B.错误 [问答题,论述题]销售失败的常见原因分析? [单选]关于无资质承揽工程,下列表述中正确的是()。A.无资质承包主体签订的专业分包合同或劳务分包合同都是无效合同B.当作为无资质的"实际施工人"的利益受到损害时,不能向合同相对人主张权利C.当无资质的"实际施工人"以分包人为被告起诉时,法院不应受理D.无资质的"实际施



Unit 1 People of Achievement ---Reading and thinkingTU YOUYOU AWARDED NOBEL PRIZE【核心素养】1.Practise reading skills2.To learn Tu Youyou’s life and her achievements3.To learn how to describe a great woman4.Foster the right value and show respect to the true heroes【导入】To show a picture on the screen and share what you know about the person with students.You may tell us: his/her name; the date when he/she was born; the place where he/she was born; his/her achievements; people’s assessments of him/her【阅读深思】Q1. What information can you get from the title?Q2. Which sentence can best summarize the whole passage?Q3. What did Tu Youyou do in different stages of her life?Q4. What’s the main idea of each paragraph?Q5. What do you think of Tu Youyou after reading the passage?【自学反馈】Feedback 1: finish the exercises(1) Which of the following is true according to the paragraph 1?A. The 2015 Nobel Prize for physiology or Medicine was awarded to Tu Youyou alone.B. Millions of people’s life were threatened in the world by malaria each yearbefore Tu Youyou’s discovery.C. Artemisinin can save 100,000 lives a year in the world.D. Tu Youyou was awarded $600,000 for her discovery.(2) How old was Tu Youyou when she won the Nobel Prize?A. About 75B. About 80C. About 85D. About 90(3) In the process of discovering artemisinin, Tu ____________.A. began with a private projectB. succeeded during the first experimentsC. faced many different opinionsD. made extracts in a creative way(4). Which of following words can not be used to describe Tu best according to the text?A. committedB. selfishC. creativeD. modest(5). Where would you most likely find this passage?A. In a blogB. In a bookC. In a letterD. In a newspaperFeedback 2: match the main idea of each paragraph.Para. 1 A. How Tu Youyou’s team discovered artemisininPara. 2 B. How Tu Youyou responded to her winning of the Nobel Prize Para. 3 C. A brief introduction of Tu YouyouPara. 4 D. Why was Tu Youyou awarded the Nobel Prize for Physiology or MedicineFeedback 3: fill in the blanks.Part I Who- Tu YouyouWhy great – won ________ in 2015, which lead to theof artemisininThe life 1930 -in Ningboof Tu Youyou Part II Life1955 -from Peking University Medical schoolexperience1967 - formed a team to find new treatment for1969 – became the ______ of the project…1971 – finally _________ in the experiment2015 – won the ___________Part III Tu Youyou’s response to the Nobel Prize【自主探究】Q1: Would you please find or think of some other adjective words to describe Tu Youyou or a great person?Such as: committed, __________, __________ , _________, __________,_________....Q2: If you are asked to describe a person, how will you organize the text?You may tell us: how many paragraphs will you write? What will you refer to in each paragraph?Q3. In your heart, who do you think is the true hero? And why?【成果展示】Please show your presentation based on the above discussion.【点评精讲】【随堂检测】Tu Youyou __________ (award) the Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine in October 2015. She has been a __________(commit) and patient scientist. In 1967, she joined a team of scientists with the _________ (object) of discovering a new treatment for malaria. Since then, she had been devoted herself _________ it. Her team examined many ole medical texts and evaluated tens of thousands of plants. They found a medical text suggested __________ (use) the extract from sweet wormwood to treat 6. a fever. And they tested dried wormwood leaves and the liquid _________ (obtain) by boiling fresh wormwood ____________ found no effect. Finally, Tu found a substance ____________ worked by using a lower temperature to draw out the extract. They insisted ________ testing the medicine on themselves and the medicine called artemisinin soon became a standard treatment for malaria.【巩固应用】A composition(2020年高考全国卷I)你校正在组织英语作文大赛。


方法为A.单独手术B.单独放射治疗C.单独化学治疗D.手术和放射治疗E.化学治疗、放射治疗和手术 在阴阳失调中,最易导致实寒证的是A.阳偏盛B.阴偏盛C.阳盛格阴D.阳损及阴E.阳胜阴病 有人曾对日本的胃癌进行过移民流行病学调查研究,发现胃癌在日本高发,在美国低发。在美国出生的第二代日本移民胃癌的死亡率高于美国人,但低于日本国内的日本人,说明A.环境因素对胃癌的发生有较大关系B.遗传因素对胃癌的发生有较大关系C.遗传和环境交互作用D.很难判断E.以上均不 尸体处理时,头下垫枕的目的是A.防止面部变色B.使尸体包裹外观良好C.防止下颏下垂D.保持尸体位置良好E.便于家属认领 血液最为重要的缓冲系统是:A.CO2B.PaCO2C.HCO3-D.HCO3-/H2CO3E.H2CO3 DSA检查的禁忌证不包括A.严重的心、肝、肾功能不全B.高热、急性感染及穿刺部位感染C.肺炎治疗后D.女性月经期及妊娠3个月以内者E.严重的动脉血管硬化 刺激球旁细胞分泌肾素增多的因素是A.入球小动脉血流量减少B.入球小动脉血流量增多C.肾动脉压力下降D.肾动脉压力升高E.Na+浓度减低 商业银行应按季度对个人理财业务进行统计分析,并于()的第一个月内,将有关分析报告报送中国银行业监督管理委员会。A.本季度B.下一季度C.上半年D.下半年 关于慢性肾衰竭并发心脏扩大的原因,下列哪项是错误的A.尿毒症性心肌病变B.高血压C.心包积液D.严重贫血E.水钠潴留 支付结算工具是什么? 工作负责人带回工作票后,应向汇报工作情况,交回一份工作票。A.工作许可人B.工作票签发人C.值班负责人D.工作监护人 闸阀故障之一“开不起”产生原因:、、、。 世界上第一部彩色动画长片是。 下列实验室检查中,对诊断甲亢最可靠的是A.甲状腺肿大B.基础代谢率增高C.中枢神经系统兴奋性增高D.T3、T4增高E.多食、消瘦 中国古代充分体现战略管理思想的书是A.《论语》B.《管子》C.《诸子百家》D.《史记》E.《孙子兵法》 发包人应为勘察人提供哪些现场的工作条件? 腐蚀性胃炎的治疗,不正确的是A.给予蛋清或牛乳口服B.强碱所致者用酸中和C.保持呼吸道通畅D.剧痛时慎用吗啡E.静脉营养 有关血管造影的并发症中,下列哪项可除外A.穿刺部位血肿B.血管内膜剥离C.假性动脉瘤D.原发病加重E.血管破裂 在公司管线中为安全消防线;为水线;为油品线。 NTFS权限和共享权限都是的。如果一个用户从一个组继承了读权限,又从另一个组继承了写权限,那么该用户具有权限。 企业会选择适当的管理形式组织结构,使它在执行、监督和评估交易过程中发生的成本最经济化的观点来自于。A.一般系统理论B.行为角色理论C.人力资本理论D.交易成本理论 亚临床型血友病A时的FⅧ:C应为A.≤1%B.2%~5%C.6%~25%D.26%~45%E.45%~70% 分布式文件系统的设计必须平衡灵活性和可伸缩性与软件的复杂性和性能,不是其透明性。A.访问透明性B.移动透明性C.逻辑透明性D.位置透明性 关于唇裂术后护理不正确的是()A.应用小滴管和小汤匙喂食B.创口暴露C.给与抗生素预防感染D.术后12天拆除皮肤缝线E.如有感染可提前拆除感染缝线 1984年11月,在东京公开发行200亿日元债券,标志着中国正式进入国际债券市场。A.中国银行B.中国农业银行C.中国工商银行D.中国建设银行 人体试验根据道德价值和原则确定的类型中,哪条是正确的A.有得无失B.得失不明C.有失无得D.得不偿失E.以上都对 调查证实出现医院感染流行时,医院应在多少时间内报告当地卫生行政部门A.12小时B.24小时C.36小时D.48小时 双工制指通信的双方,收发信机均工作,即任一方在发话的同时,也能收听到对方的话音。 骨的化学成分A.主要含有机物和无机物两种成分B.无机物使骨具有韧性和弹性C.成人骨有机物与无机物之比为1:1D.幼儿骨无机物含量较多E.老年人骨有机物含量较多 脑断层显像所用OM线,是指()A.前额-小脑连线B.眼-枕骨连线C.眼-小脑连线D.眼-耳连线E.垂直于身体长轴的连线 常见的脑疝类型有、和3类。 凡是不造成一次设备不能投入运行的工作必须填用第种工作票。A.一B.二C.三D.四 [问答题,案例分析题]海星玩具股份有限公司(以下简称海星公司)主要生产各类毛绒玩具、礼品玩具、企业吉祥物、毛绒抱枕、抱枕被、人偶服、促销礼品毛绒玩具、卡通动漫人偶公仔、活动吉祥物、汽车和家居玩具、书包和手机挂饰。海星公司2014年财务报表委托中诚会计师事务所执行。在 两辆机动车在一条车行道上对向行驶,保证安全的最短视线距离称为会车视距,此时驾驶人员视点高度离路面。A.1.2mB.1.0mC.0.6mD.0.8m 设制隔离室的目的是A.单独设制房间以提醒医务人员离开时洗手B.便于医护人员对患者进行监护C.将感染源与传播途径分开D.将感染源与易感宿主从空间上分开E.方便家属探视 肌注阿托品治疗有机磷农药中毒引起口干称为A.毒性反应B.变态反应C.继发反应D.副作用E.治疗作用 某患者,因右肝占位引起右膈肌升高,胸片如图,查体心肺无异常症状。首先应考虑A.肺部炎症B.肺水肿C.肺转移瘤D.肺纤维化E.盘状肺不张 生产区进行的交叉作业,有何特殊要求? 当肠道感染时,新生儿大便呈的黏液便,且脓性腥臭。A、溏薄水样B、绿色水样C、溏薄黄色D、水样黑色 个人汽车贷款的借款人需要调整借款期限的前提条件不包括()。A.无拖欠利息B.贷款到期C.向银行提交期限调整申请书D.无拖欠本金



高二英语课文翻译篇一:高二上课文翻译Unit 1 Reading我最喜欢的运动—滑雪我最喜欢的运动是滑雪,虽然在我这一生中只滑过四天雪。



' 因此,尽管价格不菲,爸爸还是做到了。

























Unit 1More Reading更快、更高、更强奥林匹克运动会历史悠久。





全国使用最广泛的九种高中英语课本教材版本及单元目录目前高中英语教材使用最广泛的有以下9种:新课标人 教版、人教版、外研版、牛津译林版、北师大版、冀教版、 重庆大学版、上海新世纪版、牛津上海版。

随朝面0f fUJOe 闾丽$ruffiWTS"9 . JEMQRE]«gM2 SWEJftS*1a NEW 部限E 值冏◎ 01M一、高中英语教材人教版单元目录人教版高一上学期Unit 1 Good friendsUnit 2 English around the worldUnit 3 Going placesUnit 4 Unforgettable experiencesUnit 5 The silver screenUnit 6 Good mannersUnit 7 Cultural relicsUnit 8 SportsUnit 9 TechnologyUnit 10 The world around usUnit 11 The sounds of the worldUnit 12 Art and literature人教版高一下学期Unit 13 Healthy eatingUnit 14 FestivalsUnit 15 The necklaceUnit 16 Scientists at workUnit 17 Great womenUnit 18 New ZealandUnit 19 Modern agricultureUnit 20 HumourUnit 21 Body languageUnit 22 A world of fun人教版高二上学期Unit 1 Making a differenceUnit 2 New mediaUnit 3 Art and architectureUnit 4 A garden of poemsUnit 5 The British IslesUnit 6 Life in the futureUnit 7 Living with diseaseUnit 8 First aidUnit 9 Saving the earthUnit 10 Frightening nature人教版高二下学期Unit 11 Scientific achievementsUnit 12 Fact and fantasyUnit 13 The water planetUnit 14 Freedom fightersUnit 15 DestinationsUnit 16 The United States of America Unit 17 DisabilitiesUnit 18 InventionsUnit 19 The Merchant ofVeniceUnit 20 Archaeology人教版高三学期Unit 1 That must be a record!Unit 2 Crossing limitsUnit 3 The land down underUnit 5 Getting the messageUnit 7 A Christmas CarolUnit 8 Learning a foreign languageUnit 9 Health careUnit 10 American literatureUnit 11 Key to successUnit 12 EducationUnit 13 The mystery of the MoonstoneUnit 14 ZoologyUnit 15 Popular youth cultureUnit 16 Finding jobs二、高中英语教材新课标人教版单元目录新课标人教版高一上模块1、2模块1 Unit 1 Friendship模块1 Unit 2 English around the world模块1 Unit 3 Travel journal模块1 Unit 4 Earthquakes模块1 Unit 5 Nelson Mandel -- a modern hero模块2 Unit 1 Cultural relics模块2 Unit 2 The Olympic Games模块2 Unit 3 Computers模块2 Unit 4 Wildlife Protection模块2 Unit 5 Music新课标人教版高一下模块3、4模块3 Unit 2 Healthy eating模块3 Unit 3 The Million Pound Bank Note模块3 Unit 4 Astronomy: the science of the stars 模块3 Unit 5 Canada - “The True North”模块4 Unit 1 Women of achievement模块4 Unit 2 Working the land模块4 Unit 3 A taste of English humour模块4 Unit 4 Body language模块4 Unit 5 Theme parks新课标人教版高二上模块5、6模块5 Unit 1 Great Scientists模块5 Unit 2 The United Kingdom模块5 Unit 3 Life in the future模块5 Unit 4 Making the news模块5 Unit 5 First Aid模块6 Unit 1 Art模块6 Unit 2 Poems模块6 Unit 3 A healthy life模块6 Unit 4 Global warming模块6 Unit 5 The power of nature新课标人教版高二下模块7、8选修模块7 Unit 1 Living well选修模块7 Unit 2 Robots选修模块7 Unit 3 Under the sea选修模块7 Unit 4 Sharing选修模块7 Unit 5 Travelling abroad选修模块8 Unit 1 A land of diversity选修模块8 Unit 2 C loning选修模块8 Unit 3 Inventors and inventions 选修模块8 Unit 4 Pygmalion选修模块8 Unit 5 Meeting your ancestors新课标人教版高三学期模块9、10选修模块9 Unit 1 Breaking records选修模块9 Unit 2 Sailing the oceans选修模块9 Unit 3 Australia选修模块9 Unit 4 Exploring planets选修模块9 Unit 5 Inside advertising选修模块10 Unit 1 Nothing ventured选修模块10 Unit 2 King Lear选修模块10 Unit 3 Fairness for all选修模块10 Unit 4 Learning effectively选修模块10 Unit 5 Enjoying novels三、高中英语教材外研版单元目录必修1Module 1 My First Day at Senior HighModule 2 My New TeachersModule 3 My First Ride on a TrainModule 4 A Social Survey -- My Neighbourhood Module 5 A Lesson in a LabModule 6 The Internet and Telecommunications必修2Module 1 Our Body and Healthy HabitsModule 2 No DrugsModule 3 MusicModule 4 Fine Arts - Western, Chinese and Pop Arts Module 5 NewspapersModule 6 Films and TV ProgrammesModule 7 Revision必修3Module 1 EuropeModule 2 Developing and Developed CountriesModule 3 The Violence of NatureModule 4 Sandstorms in AsiaModule 5 Great people and Great InventionModule 6 Old and NewModule 7 Revision必修4Module 1 Life in the futureModule 2 Traffic JamModule 3 Body Language and Non-Verbal Communication Module 4 Great ScientistsModule 5 A Trip Along the Three GorgesModule 6 Unexplained Mysteries of the Nature World Module 7 Revision必修5Module 2 A Job Worth DoingModule 3 Adventure in Literature and the Cinema Module 4 CarnivalModule 5 The Great Sports PersonalityModule 6 Animals in DangerModule 7 Revision外研版第五册综合选修6Module 1 Small TalkModule 2 Fantasy Literature - Philip Pullman Module 3 Interpersonal Relationships -- Friendship Module 4 MusicModule 5 CloningModule 6 War and PeaceModule 7 Revision选修7Module 1 BasketballModule 2 Highlights of My Senior YearModule 3 LiteratureModule 4 Music Born in AmericaModule 5 Ethnic CultureModule 6 The World’s Cultural HeritageModule 7 Revision选修8Module 1 Deep SouthModule 3 Foreign FoodModule 4 Which English?Module 5 The Conquest of the UniverseModule 6 The Tang PoemsModule 7 Revision选修9Module 1 Bernard Shaw’’s PygmalionModule 2 DNA- the Secret of LifeModule 3 The Qin Tomb and the Terracotta Warriors Module 4 Languages of the WorldModule 5 The First AmericansModule 6 Why Do We Need DictionariesModule 7 Revision选修10Module 1 Pride and PrejudiceModule 2 Australia and New ZealandModule 3 Slavery and the American Civil War Module 4 The Magic of FilmModule 5 High-tech LivingModule 6 The Maple Leaf CountryModule 7 Revision选修11Module 1 The Boston Tea PartyModule 2 The Long Walk to FreedomModule 3 Ernest HemingwayModule 4 Sherlock HolmesModule 6 The Unitde NationsModule 7 Revision四、高中英语教材牛津译林版单元标题牛津版高一上学期School life模块1 Unit1模块1 Unit 2 Growing pains模块1 Unit 3 Looking good, feeling good模块2 Unit 1 Tales of the unexplained模块2 Unit 2 Wish you were here模块2 Unit 3 Amazing people牛津版高一下学期模块3 Unit 1 The world of our senses模块3 Unit 2 Language模块3 Unit 3 Back to the past模块4 Unit 1 Advertising模块4 Unit 2 Sporting events模块4 Unit 3 Tomorrow’s world牛津版高二上学期模块5 Unit 1 Getting along with others模块5 Unit 2 The environment模块5 Unit 3 Science versus nature模块6 Unit 1 Laughter is good for you模块6 Unit 2 What is happiness to you?模块6 Unit 3 Understanding each other模块6 Unit 4 Helping people around the world牛津版高二下学期模块7 Unit 1 Living with technology模块7 Unit 2 Fit for life模块7 Unit 3 The world online模块7 Unit 4 Public transport模块8 Unit 1 The written world模块8 Unit 2 The universal language模块8 Unit 3 The world of colours and light模块8 Unit 4 Films and film events牛津版高三上学期模块9 Unit 1 Other countries, other cultures模块9 Unit 2 Witnessing time模块9 Unit 3 The meaning of colour模块9 Unit 4 Behind beliefs模块10 unit 1 building the future模块10 unit 2 people on the move模块10 unit 3 protecting ourselves模块10 unit 4 law and order模块11 unit 1 careers and skills模块11 unit 2 getting a job模块11 unit 3 the secret of success模块11 unit 4 the next step 第一轮复习牛津版高三下学期二轮复习五、高中英语教材北师大版单元标题北师大版高一上学期模块1 Unit 1 Lifestyles模块1 Unit 2 Heroes模块1 Unit 3 Celebration模块2 Unit 4 Cyberspace模块2 Unit 5 Rhythm模块2 Unit 6 Design模块1 复习模块2 复习北师大版高一下学期模块3 Unit 7 The Sea模块3 Unit 8 Adventure模块3 Unit 9 Wheels模块3 复习模块4 Unit 10 Money模块4 Unit 11 The Media模块4 Unit 12 Culture Shock 模块4 复习北师大版高二上学期模块5 Unit 13 People模块5 Unit 14 Careers模块5 Unit 15 Learning模块5 综合或复习模块6 综合或复习模块6 Unit 16 Stories模块6 Unit 17 Laughter模块6 Unit 18 Beauty北师大版高二下学期选修模块7 Unit 19 Language选修模块7 Unit 20 New Frontiers选修模块7 Unit 21 Human Biology选修模块8 Unit 22 Environmental Protection选修模块8 Unit 23 Conflict选修模块8 Unit 24 Society北师大版高三学期选修模块9 Unit 25 Going Global选修模块9 Unit 26 Emotions选修模块9 Unit 27 Behaviour选修模块10 Unit 28 Health选修模块10 Unit 29 Education选修模块10 Unit 30 Relationships选修模块11 Unit 31 Personal Preferences选修模块11 Unit 32 Modern Living选修模块11 Unit 33 Truth and Lies六、高中英语教材冀教版单元标题必修模块1Unit 1 Being a TeenagerUnit 2 FriendshipUnit 3 Men and Women Different Roles in Society Unit 4 Movies from the East, Views from the West Unit 5 Literature:The Dream KeeperUnit 6 Learning through TravelUnit 7 To Your Good HealthUnit 8 New ideas and Inventions必修模块2Unit 1 School LifeUnit 2 FamilyUnit 3 Keeping SafeUnit 4 Let’s Talk MusicUnit 5 Experiencing LiteratureUnit 6 Planning a TripUnit 7 Culture and Cultural Diversity Unit 8 The Story of English必修模块3Unit 1 What Kind of Learner Am IUnit 2 Food for ThoughtUnit 3 The ComputerUnit 4 Attitudes towards our Elders Unit 5 Literature for IdentityUnit 6 GeographyUnit 7 New waves of TechnologyUnit 8 Protecting the Environment必修模块4Unit 1 What shapes our Identity?Unit 2 Using the InternetUnit 3 New Discoveries in Science Unit 4 The Olympic GamesUnit 5 Literature for HappinessUnit 6 Confucius and To day’s SocietyUnit 7 Teenagers, Fashion and Advertising Unit 8 Celebrities and Role Models必修5Unit 1 Exploring Learning ResourcesUnit 2 Managing Your TimeUnit 3 The Story of SuccessUnit 4 Literature for TruthUnit 5 Words and How We Use ThemUnit 6 Teenagers and TelevisionUnit 7 Studying Abroad: What You Need to Know Unit 8 Planning Your Career选修6Unit 1 Achieving Your BestUnit 2 Relieving stress in Your LifeUnit 3 Chinese ExperiencesUnit 4 What’s Being Gifted?Unit 5 Great ScientistsUnit 6 The Great WallUnit 7 Family FestivalsUnit 8 Science Fiction选修7Unit 1 Health MattersUnit 2 Global WarmingUnit 3 Qi Baishi and chinese paintingUnit 4 Self controlUnit 5 Literature for self-under-standing Unit 6 Exploring chinatownUnit 7 Sherlock HolmesUnit 8 Rules Are Rules!选修8Unit 1 Educational ExchangeUnit 2 The Changing English LanguageUnit 3 The Rise of BioengineeringUnit 4 George WashingtonUnit 5 Literature: Poems by and for the PeopleUnit 6 Manners, Customs and CulturesUnit 7 Caring for Each OtherUnit 8 Humankind and Nature选修9Unit 1 Growing UpUnit 2 Literature For LoveUnit 3 Organtic Food and FarmingUnit 4 WeatherUnit 5 MisunderstandingsUnit 6 Ludwig Van BeethovenUnit 7 The Story of TroyUnit 8 Technology and Modern Way of Life选修10Unit 1 Martin Luther King and the Civil Rights Movement Unit 2 Travelling in ChinaUnit 3 CloningUnit 4 EarthquakesUnit 5 Chinese MedicineUnit 6 Literature of DilemmaUnit 7 Fables, Legends and MythsUnit 8 What Can We Do to Protect Our Environment?七、高中英语教材重庆大学版单元标题重庆大学版高一上学期I、Unit 1 Our SchoolsUnit 2 TeachersUnit 3 SchoolmatesUnit 4 SportsUnit 5 MusicUnit 6 FilmsUnit 7 Food and HealthUnit 8 Houses and LivingUnit 9 Clothes and FashionII、Unit 1 Learning English ReadingUnit 2 DictionaryUnit 3 The Story of Helen KellerUnit 4 ConfidenceUnit 5 HonestyUnit 6 Helping PeopleUnit 7 HolidaysUnit 8 FoodUnit 9 Travel重庆大学版高一下学期m、Unit 1 Friends and FriendshipUnit 2 Between Parents and UsUnit 4 DreamsUnit 5 Wishes and AmbitionsUnit 6 PerseveranceUnit 7 ArtUnit 8 DramaUnit 9 Poetryw、Unit 1 Project HopeUnit 2 Three GorgesUnit 3 Countries and RegionsUnit 4 PlantsUnit 5 AnimalsUnit 6 Man and PetsUnit 7 NeighborhoodUnit 8 WorkplaceUnit 9 Living Today重庆大学版高二上学期V、Unit 1 History of the Olympic Games Unit 2 Famous People in the OlympicsUnit 3 Beijing 2008Unit 4 The Planet We Live onUnit 5 History and PeopleUnit 6 Antarctica and the Environment Unit 7 The Internet and Our LifeUnit 8 Magic InternetUnit 9 Computers and the Web w、Unit 1 The Coqui in HawaiiUnit 2 Troublesome TravelersUnit 3 Seeking AdviceUnit 4 A Good Heart to Lean on Unit 5 I Have a DreamUnit 6 A Day’s Wait重庆大学版高二下学期皿、Unit 1 Getting Along with Parents Unit 2 Getting Along with Others Unit 3 HistoryUnit 4 CivilizationUnit 5 Stress and MemoryUnit 6 Dreams Reading皿Unit 1 NamesUnit 2 Non-verbal Communication Unit 3 Going HomeUnit 4 Man of VirtueUnit 5 Wonders of Our BodyUnit 6 Experiencing the Wonders重庆大学版高三学期IX、Unit 1 Chicken Soup for the Soul Unit 2 Eternal LoveUnit 3 Holidays and FestivalsUnit 4 The Delights of BooksUnit 5 Traveling WorldwideUnit 6 Entertaining UsX、Unit 1 About EnglishUnit 2 Life as a PoemUnit 3 Mass MediaUnit 4 MannersUnit 5 Speaking SkillsUnit 6 Beauty of NatureXI、Unit 1 Movie and MusicUnit 2 SpaceUnit 3 World of MysteriesUnit 4 Popular CultureUnit 5 How to Do ThingsUnit 6 Job and Interview八、高中英语教材上海新世纪版单元标题高一上册Unit 1 occupationsUnit 2 Success storiesUnit 3 English mannersUnit 4 Holidays and festivalsUnit 5 Animal friendsUnit 6 Cartoons and comic stripsUnit 7 MetropolisesUnit 8 HackingUnit 9 Personal hygieneMoudle 1综合Moudle 2综合Moudle 3综合高一下册Unit 1 travelling around China Unit 2 travelling around the world Module 1综合Unit 3 English is changingUnit 4 A cushion or a kissMoudle 2综合Unit 5 Classical and popular music Unit 6 Going to the CinemaModule 3综合Unit 7 NewspapersUnit 8 MagazineModule 4综合高二上册Unit 1 Eating Around the World Unit 2 Global DrinksUnit 3 Sports HeroesUnit 4 Sports Around the World Unit 5 AnimalsUnit 6 The EnvironmentUnit 7 Shopping ExperiencesUnit 8 AdvertisingMoudle 1综合Moudle 2综合高二下册Unit 1 Words and their stories Unit 2 Using body lauguageUnit 3 On the friendshipUnit 4 Moving storiesUnit 5 Great scientistsUnit 6 Amazing achievemtnsUnit 7 Enjoying the classics (1) Unit 8 Enjoying the classics (2) Unit 9 AdventuresUnit 10 DisastersMoudle 1综合Moudle 2综合Moudle 3综合Moudle 4综合Moudle 5综合高三上册Unit 1 Our Common HomeUnit 2 Limited OceanMoudle 1综合Unit 3 Short StoriesUnit 4 DramaMoudle 2综合Unit 5 Wonders in ArchitectureUnit 6Moudle 3综合Unit 7Unit 8高三下册Unit 1 Two GenerationsUnit 2 Growing upUnit 3 Our SpaceUnit 4 Space ExplorationUnit 5 Future EducationsUnit 6 Career PreparationMoudle 1综合Moudle 2综合Moudle 3综合九、上海牛津版高中英语教材详细目录高一上Module 1 The Human BodyUnit 1 Body LanguageUnit 2 Care for HairModule 2 Colourful LifeUnit 3 A Taste of TravelUnit 4 EntertainmentModule 3 Food for ThoughtUnit 5 Think before You EatUnit 6 Fun Food高一下Module 1 Extraordinary TalesUnit 1 A Trip to the TheatreUnit 2 Great MindsModule 2 The Natural WorldUnit 3 PlantsUnit 4 Creatures Large and Small Module 3 Ideas and ViewpointsUnit 5 Problems and AdviceUnit 6 A Variety of Viewpoints 高二上Module 1 After-school ActivitiesUnit 1 Sporting EventsUnit 2 Continuous Learning Module 2 Aspects of Modern LifeUnit 3 Contemporary StyleUnit 4 Big BusinessesModule 3 The World of ScienceUnit 5 Technology all around usUnit 6 Space Exploration高二下Module 1 HappinessUnit 1 What is Beauty?Unit 2 Laughter HealsModule 2 The Power of ImagesUnit 3 ColoursUnit 4 Painting the World Module 3 Our Fragile Environment Unit 5 Living in HarmonyUnit 6 Problems and Solutions 高三上Module 1 The people around usUnit 1 Reaching OutUnit 2 Society and Change Module 2 The Things We DoUnit 3 TravelUnit 4 Family Celebrations Module 3 A Taste of LiteratureUnit 5 A Tale with a TwistUnit 6 A Wilde Play for LoveUnit 7 The Poetry of Nature高三下Module 1 Man and AnimalsUnit 1 Endangered AnimalsUnit 2 Wonderful Sea AnimalsModule 2 Caring about Your FutureUnit 3 It's Not Just a JobUnit 4 Job SearchingModule 3 A Taste of LiteratureUnit 5 The Surprising Stories of O.Henry Unit 6 Communicating with Helen Keller Unit 7 Famous Stories Retold。


[单选]市场调查工作中,()阶段是现场实施阶段。A、搜集资料阶段B、研究阶段C、总结阶段 [单选]“市场永远是对的”是()的观点。A.基本分析流派B.技术分析流派C.心理分析流派D.学术分析流派 [多选]卫生保健公平的组成部分包括()A.卫生筹资的公平B.卫生服务供给的公平C.卫生服务需要的公平D.卫生服务需求的公平E.健康产品的公平 [单选]使用灭火器时人应站在()位置。A.下风口B.上风口C.火中D.高处 [单选]低取代羟丙基纤维素(L-HPC)发挥崩解作用的机制是()A.遇水后形成溶蚀性孔洞B.压片时形成的固体桥溶解C.遇水产生气体D.吸水膨胀E.遇水降解 [单选]如果卷烟入库量大于合同签订量,应进一步核实是否存在()购进卷烟。A、无合同或超合同B、无计划或超计划C、虚假合同D、超营销策略 [填空题]果实开始转色期,应适当()棚内管理的温度,对果实的转色有利,加快成熟,提早上市。 [单选]通过国际货币基金组织和世界银行完成的国际经济技术合作属于()。A.水平型国际经济技术合作B.垂直型国际经济技术合作C.双边国际经济技术合作D.多边国际经济技术合作 [填空题]处理故障必须做到“三清”:时间清、地点清、()。 [单选]下列不属于刮痧的诊断依据的是()。A、痧的颜色、形态变化B、阳性反应物的形态大小及软硬C、敏感区疼痛的程度D、保健团公司控制下的两家子公司。20×8年2月26日,甲公司以账面价值为4000万元、公允价值为3800万元的生产线作为对价,自集团公司处取得乙公司60%的股权,相关手续已办理;当日乙公司相对最终控制方而言 净资产总额为5000万元(其中股本2000万元、资本公积1000万元、盈余公积200万元、未分配利润1800万元),公允价值为6000万元。20×8年3月5日,乙公司宣告发放20×7年度现金股利1000万元。假定不考虑其他因素影响。则合并日甲公 制的合并抵消分录为()。A、借:股本2000B.资本公积1000C.盈余公积200D.未分配利润1800E.贷:长期股权投资3000F.少数股东权益2000G.B、借:股本2000H.资本公积1000I.盈余公积200J.未分配利润1800K.贷:长期股权投资3600L.少 权益1400M.C、借:股本2400N.资本公积1200O.盈余公积240P.未分配利润2160R.贷:长期股权投资3600S.少数股东权益2400T.D、借:股本2400U.资本公积1200V.盈余公积240W.未分配利润2160X.贷:长期股权投资3000Y.少数股东权 [填空题]在网孔分析法中,若在非公共支路有已知电流源,可作为已知()。 [单选]如果新生儿的体温超过39度,我们可能用温毛巾擦()部位,以促使皮肤散热。A、前额、前胸、后背B、前额、颈部、手心脚心C、前额、手背、前胸D、前额、颈部、腋下、四肢及大腿根部 [单选]下列关于楼梯结构施工图基本规定的说法中,错误的是()。A.楼梯结构平面图应直接绘制出休息平台板的配筋B.楼梯结构施工图包括楼梯结构平面图、楼梯结构剖面图和构件详图C.钢筋混凝土楼梯的可见轮廓线用细实线表示,不可 线用细虚线表示D.当楼梯结构剖面图比例较大时,也可直接在楼梯结构剖面图上表示梯段板的配筋 [多选]老舍的小说在现代作家中独具——格,主要是因为他的作品()。A.表现出受英国文化影响的幽默风B.具有浓郁的"北京味儿"C.大量使用以北京话为基础的俗白、凝炼、纯净的语言D.具有二三十年代典型的"新文艺腔" [问答题,简答题]煤矿企业必须建立、健全各级领导哪些责任制? [单选]严禁委托烟叶复烤加工企业擅自加工暂无调拨流向的烟叶,确需现行加工的,报()审核批准。A、当地专卖局、省级局B、地市局、省级局C、省级局、国家局D、省级工业公司、省级局 [单选]苏联教育家鲁宾斯坦曾经说过:"思维通常总是开始于疑问或者问题,开始于惊奇或者质疑,开始于矛盾。"基于这一观点,教学应遵循()。A.启发性原则B.教育性原则C.目标性原则D.直观性原则 [单选,A1型题]评价女性性发育水平的重要指标是()A.乳房的增大B.月经初潮C.外阴色素沉着D.脂肪体重增加E.男女朦胧的爱慕心理出现 [单选]既能润肠通便,又能利水消肿的药物是().A.知母B.杏仁C.决明子D.郁李仁E.火麻仁










3、由and连接的并列单数主语之前如果分别由each, every, no修饰时,其谓语动词要⽤单数形式。

4、主语是单数时,尽管后⾯跟有 but ,except, besides, with ,as well as ,together with ,along with,like 等引导的介词短语时,谓语动词与前⾯的主语⼀致。


5、⼀些只有复数形式的名词,如people, police, cattle, clothes等作主语时,谓语动词要⽤复数。

6、集体名词family, class, team, group 等看作整体时,谓语动词⽤单数;看作每⼀个成员时,谓语动词⽤复数。


The New York Times is reading all over the United States . 《纽约时报》8、 news ,maths,physics ,politics等词貌似复数,实为单数,其谓语动词⽤单数.9、“the +形容词”(如the poor ,the rich ,the young, the old , the dead ,the sick,the brave 等)作主语,谓语动词往往⽤复数10、表时间、距离、价格、度量衡等的名词作主语时,谓语动词通常⽤单数。

  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
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It is one thing to do… another to do…. …是一回事…又是另一回事 ①It is one thing for you to stay here, another for me to ask you to stay here. ②It is one thing to learn by TV, another to learn by experience.
On returning from the USA, he set out to start a company. = ①The moment he returned from the USA… ②Hardly had he returned from the USA when he set out… ③ No sooner had he returned from the USA than he set out… ④ Immediately /As soon as he returned from the USA…
Word web for Volcano: mountain, cloud,Vesuvius, ash, foot, flame, earthquakes, burning rocks, sulphur. Word web for Seeing: see from close at hand, attention, watch, observed, impression, looked, sight, saw.
(close/near)at hand “在手边,在 跟前,即将到来”
①I always keep a dictionary (ready) at hand. ③警察面试时我希望你在身边.
②The autumn harvest is at hand.
I want you to be at hand during my interview with the police.
on/upon+ 名词/doing sth “一…就…,在…时” ①On his arrival in Paris,he began to see the sight of it. =As soon as he arrived in Paris… =On arriving in Paris… ②一听到有人喊救命,他就冲出 了办公室。 On hearing someone crying for help, he rushed out of his office.
③一听到声音,小偷匆忙逃离. On hearing the sound, the thief fled quickly.
…darker and more, the closer they went.“越…越…” 译:站得越高,你看得越远。 The higher you stand, the farther you see.
way out 摆脱困境的办法,出路
Eg:He was trying to think of a way out, but it was impossible to find one.
call for①需要,要求②去接某人
①The work calls for skills and patience.(=requires /demands) ②I’ll call for you tomorrow morning.
For a long time the weight of the mountain stops the hot material from coming out, but sometimes it can no longer be stopped and then it comes up and pushes through(挤过), or the mountain explodes(爆发).
③They came into the restaurant and called for some beer. (=asked for)
flee(fled,fled) vi /vt 害怕而逃 a run away 不辞而别 a fly 仓促紧急逃跑 a escape 强调逃跑的结果
①flee the scene of an accident ②fled (from) the house into the night
①Some drugs can affect your sight. 视力 ② we laughed at the sight of the strange clothes. 一看见… ③The house was out of sight behind a wall. 在视野之外 ④Follow that man and keep him in sight all the time. 看住他 ⑤The flowers are a lovely sight in sprinruption of Mount Vesuvius First: Pliny’s mother drew their attention to a strange cloud rising from a mountain. Next: Pliny’s uncle sailed to rescue his friend’s wife. Then: Pliny’s uncle went to help his friend Pompy. Finally: His uncle died in the disaster
Reading:Under the Volcano
ashes smoke hot fire mud Spring back to life & erupt activefascinating dead natural of phenomena kill thousands people.
漫画可以把各种绘画的形式、技法拿来为己所用。在绘画工具和物质材料的使用上没有专一的选择,在造型手段上也没有什么限制。使用毛笔、钢笔,借用木刻、油画、剪纸、拼 贴、中国画等手段来绘制都可以,这主要取决于作者自己的特长以及内容、用途的需要。漫画中的人物造型大都夸张变形,可繁可简,背景视内容需要,可有可无。如果一幅画面 表达不了,还可以画成多幅的;要是情节较多,还可以画成连续的。 大主宰漫画 大主宰漫画 1925年上海《文学周报》连载了丰子恺的画,该刊主编郑振铎把丰子恺这种独特风格的画定名为“漫画”,从此“漫画”一词开始在中国流行。不过,日本的漫画家片寄贡写了一 本《日本近代漫画史》,提出漫画二字是从《漫画随笔》这本书上来的,书中说有一种鸟叫漫画鸟,终日求索不停,“漫画”二字由此而来。但这个有关漫画鸟的寓言又出自我国 宋代洪迈的《容斋随笔》,可见日本的《漫画随笔》引用了宋代洪迈的这篇寓言,后来又借用了漫画鸟这一名字命名了漫画。 梦都别会想到 他会轻捏上她の脸颊 在潜意识里 他壹直拿她当仙女在供奉着 对于芙蓉仙子 “只可远观而别可亵玩蔫” 直到今天 直到现在 他才晓得 原来仙女也有食人间烟火の 时候 第壹卷 第880章 朝服晓得他又在看她の笑话 水清只得赌气般地忙起手中の差事 省得壹会儿又要被他看热闹 现在朝服已经整齐地穿到咯他の身上 剩下の就是壹堆の零七八 碎の物件 朝珠、腰带、荷包啥啊の 将那些零碎儿各就各位 她就万事大吉咯 话是那么说 但是那各各就各位 简直要咯她の命 更是要咯他の命 先是腰带 水清拿来之后 左看右看 别晓得那玉扣是从左侧还是从右侧穿过来 晓得他在看笑话 而且又别想被他看扁咯 所以水清才别会去求助他 于是就把目光求救似地转向咯秦顺儿 秦顺儿刚刚是被水清那壹声抗议 引来の目光 现在见到侧福晋求救目光 当然明白她遇到の困难 于是悄悄动咯动左手 水清立即会意 将玉扣从左后侧 腰带尾端从右后侧绕到前面 然后 别是左边长咯 就是右边长咯 倒腾咯半天 好别容易两边壹样长咯 可是腰带毕竟是布料の 被她壹折腾 完全就是皱巴巴の 根本别平整 无奈 她只好又解下来 重新弄平整咯 再穿玉扣 再调整 因为是穿腰带 他 の胳膊就得举起来 那壹举 至少壹柱香の时间咯 其实 他早就料到是那各结果 从那天晚上她解扣子和昨天早晨连穿啥啊衣裳都别晓得の水平 他就料到咯 所以 昨天晚上特意嘱咐 秦顺儿 今天务必要提早壹各时辰叫醒 开始还被主仆两人手脚麻利、井井有条の服侍唬住咯 惊诧别已の同时以为自己错误地估计咯形势 白白拖累水清那么早起来 现在他又万分庆 幸 幸亏早起咯半各时辰 否则他昨天只是穿咯壹件破咯口子の中衣 今天非得误咯早朝别可 终于 在他の胳膊已经酸痛别已の时候 水清总算是完成咯系腰带の任务 然后是朝珠 那 朝珠有三各装饰串珠 别对称 壹边两串 壹边壹串 那可就难为死水清咯 到底哪壹侧是两串 哪壹侧是壹串呢?她再壹次将目光投向咯秦顺儿 那回秦顺儿用左手伸出两根指头 水清 立即会意 要将两串の那部分留在左侧 只是 他比她高咯壹头还多 他可是爷 总别能让他在她面前低下高贵の头颅来吧 可水清就算是踮起脚来都够别着 她又壹次开始犯咯愁 看着 她手拿朝珠 半举在空中 手足无措の样子 那壹次他别再存心看她の笑话 而是真真の别忍心她如此地困窘 于是他伸出双手 握住咯她の壹双手 同时也握住咯朝珠 带领着她 当她の 手伸到极限の位置之后 他别得别松开她の手 但是却没什么松开朝珠 于是朝珠の上半部在他の手中 被他戴到脖颈 朝珠の下半部在她の手中 被她整理妥当 两各人壹起 共同将朝 珠戴好 然后 他の手又顺着朝珠滑落下来 落在咯她还没什么来得及离开他胸膛の那双纤纤玉手之上 再也别想松开 那壹刻の感觉是那么の美好 他是多么地想要那最美好、最温馨 の时光永远地停驻 第壹卷 第881章 回应那壹次 水清の双手第壹次破天荒地没什么往回退缩 而是任由他紧紧地握在掌心 最根本の原因是由于前车之鉴 她别想又像刚才那样 由 于她の抗议 她の挣扎 将秦顺儿和月影の目光再度吸引到她那里来 实际上虽然秦顺儿和月影两各人还在屋子里 但是因为他背对着房门壹侧 而她又是那么娇小 早就像壹堵高山似 地完全切断咯两各奴才の目光 而站在房门口处の那两各人也早早就感觉出来咯气氛の别对劲儿 于是都自觉地背过身去 面朝门窗の方向 壹各见惯别怪地将头望向咯窗外 另壹各则 是脸色微微发红地低头盯着自己の脚尖 水清那壹次又开始扮起咯鸵鸟 虽然是被逼无奈地扮鸵鸟 但是因为有他の身体当作掩体 有效地遮挡咯闲杂人等の视线 那也是她没什么对他 の亲密行为做出强烈の反抗の另壹各重要原因 尽管她の脸颊又壹次变得通红 面对那各第壹次没什么退缩の水清 虽然他也晓得她是在扮鸵鸟 她是担心因为挣扎、惊呼而又将两各 奴才の目光吸引过来 但是他还是更