But his uncle to his political activities dissatisfied, not wish again to increase. Are desperate, a has been sympathy and admiration of his old classmates died and left him 900 pounds. And in October 1795, he and dorothy move the country together, achieve close to nature, and discusses his old dream the meaning of life. Dorothy intelligent and considerate, and give he created writing conditions
1787年他进剑桥大学圣约翰学院学习,大学毕业 年他进剑桥大学圣约翰学院学习, 年他进剑桥大学圣约翰学院学习 后去法国 住在布卢瓦。他对法国革命怀有热情, 法国, 后去法国,住在布卢瓦。他对法国革命怀有热情, 认为这场革命表现了人性的完美, 认为这场革命表现了人性的完美,将拯救帝制之 下处于水深火热中的人民。 下处于水深火热中的人民。在布卢瓦他结识了许 多温和派的吉伦特党人。 年华兹华斯回到伦 多温和派的吉伦特党人。1792年华兹华斯回到伦 年华兹华斯回到 仍对革命充满热情。 敦,仍对革命充满热情。但他的舅父对他的政治 活动表示不满,不愿再予接济。正在走投无路时, 活动表示不满,不愿再予接济。正在走投无路时, 一位一直同情并钦佩他的老同学去世, 一位一直同情并钦佩他的老同学去世,留给他 900英镑。于是在 英镑。 英镑 于是在1795年10月,他与多萝西一起 年 月 迁居乡间,实现接近自然并探讨人生意义的宿愿。 迁居乡间,实现接近自然并探讨人生意义的宿愿。 多萝西聪慧体贴, 多萝西聪慧体贴,给他创造了写作条件
II.Literary Ideas
Romanticists believed that poetry could purify both individual souls and the society Wordsworth’s theory of poetry: 1.the preface to the Lyrical Ballads acts as a
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Lyrical Ballads (1798, with Coleridge) An Evening walk(1793) Descriptive Sketches(1793) The Prelude(F 1805,P 1815) The Lucy Poems(1799) “To a Butterfly” “TO a Skylark” “To the Cuckoo” “The Green Linnet” “Nutting” “I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud”
and poetry as “the spontaneous overflow of
powerful feelings,” which originates in emotion recollected in tranquility.
Wordsworth, Coleridge and Robert Southey became known as “Lake Poets”. In 1843, he became Poet Laureate.
manifesto for the new school.
2. Simple themes drawn from humble life in the language of ordinary people 3.he defines the poet as a “man speaking to men,”
双城记 1859 长篇小说
远大前程 1860 教育小说
18.Robert Browning 罗伯特·勃朗宁1812.5-1889
戏剧抒情诗 1842 诗集
戏剧传奇与抒情诗1845 诗集
19.CharloteBronte 夏洛蒂·勃朗特 1816-1855
20.EmilyBronte爱米丽·勃朗特 1818-1848
现代爱情 1862 诗歌
利己主义者 1879 小说
大地欢歌 1888 诗歌
24.William Morris威廉·莫里斯1834-1896
地上乐园 1868-1870 叙事诗集
乌有乡消息 1890 长篇小说
25.Samuel Butler塞缪尔·巴特勒1835-1902
圣亚尼节前夜 1819 长诗
秋颂 1819 短诗
希腊古瓮颂 1819 短诗
伊莎贝拉 1820 长诗
12.Thomas Carlyle托马斯·卡莱尔1795.12-1881
论英雄与英雄崇拜 1841 文学理论
回忆录 1881 传记
13.Thomas Hood托马斯·胡德1799-1845
衬衫之歌 1843 诗歌
昆廷·达沃德 1823 异国题材小说
3.Samuel Taylor Coleridge柯勒律治1772-1834
抒情歌谣集(与威廉·华兹华斯合编) 1789 诗集
忧郁颂 1802 诗歌
忽必烈汗 1816 诗歌
文学传记 1817 诗歌
4.Robert Southey罗伯特· 骚塞1774–1843
《纳尔逊传》 1813 传记
南方与北方 1855 长篇小说
夏洛蒂勃郎特传 1857 传记
Features in literature:
英国诗人全都是大自然的观察者、爱好者和崇拜者。 ■对乡村和大海的热爱 ■对高级动物的喜爱和对一般动物世界的熟悉 ■明显的个人独立性,作家们都很有点个人癖性 ■讲求实际的道德观和人生观,与追求正义的强烈意愿 ■英国浪漫主义在发展过程中的各阶段又有着各自的一些特点
■Birthplace: Cockermouth(科克茅斯), Cumberland(坎伯兰郡),
in the Lake District in 1770. ■Orphanage:
at the age of 14. ■Education:
was educated at Cambridge University in 1787. ■Migration:
The Lake Poets 湖畔三才子
■ The Lake Poets: William Wordsworth Samuel Taylor Coleridge
(塞缪尔 泰勒 科勒律治)
Robert Southey
The Lake Poets
They had lived in the lake district in the northwestern part of England and shared a community of literary and social outlook in their work.
William Wordsworth's influence
华兹华斯的诗歌理论动摇了英国古典主义诗学的统治,有力地 推动了英国诗歌的革新和浪漫主义运动的发展,因而英美评论家将 华兹华斯的Lyrical Ballads《抒情歌谣集序》称为英国浪漫主义的 宣言。
William Wordsworth 威廉-华兹华斯
(4)Many of the subjects of these poems deal with elements of nature such as birds, daffodils and simple rural folk. (5)The majority of poems in this collection were written by Wordsworth. The poems in Lyrical Ballads are characterized by a sympathy with the poor, simple peasants, a passionate love of nature and the simplicity and purity of the language. (6) Some of the best poems in the collection are: “Lines Written in Early Spring” (“早春诗行”), “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner” (“古舟子咏”; “老水手之行”) “Tintern Abbey” (“丁登寺”).
• 1793 saw Wordsworth's first published poetry with the collections An Evening Walk and Descriptive Sketches. He received a legacy of £900 from Raisley Calvert in 1795 so that he could pursue writing poetry. • In 1797 Wordsworth met Samuel Taylor Coleridge in Somerset. The two poets quickly developed a close friendship .Wordsworth and his sister, Dorothy, moved to Alfoxton House, Somerset, just a few miles away from Coleridge's home in Nether Stowey. Together, Wordsworth and Coleridge (with insights from Dorothy) produced Lyrical Ballads (1798), an important work in the English Romantic movement.
poems on nature, about flowers, animals, insects, plants , grasses. Written in March 《三月》 It Is a Beauteous Evening 《这是美好的黄昏》 I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud Composed upon Westminster Bridge 《在威斯敏斯特桥上》 Lines Written in Early Spring 《写于早春的诗行》 To the Cuckoo 《致杜鹃》 Tintern Abbey 《丁登寺》
Stanza 3
is rather insignificant for people. Nobody notices her when she is living and very few know her death. But for me it is quite different and her death makes me very sad.
Atmosphere: lonely, sad Tone: Sad, pitiful Attitude of the poet: affectionate Artistic features: metaphor: star, violet symbol : violet, star : suggesting beauty
c)Sublimity(崇高)Found in the Life of Common People
Sample poem
The Old Cumberland Beggar
• Beyond the shadow of the ship, I watched the water-snakes: They moved in tracks of shining white, And when they reared, the elfish light Fell off in hoary flakes. “在那船身的阴影之外, 水蛇和白光游动在海面: 每当它们竖起蛇身时, 水泡抖落如霜花飞溅。
• • • • • • 《坎伯兰的老乞丐》 《我们共七个》 《艾丽丝·费尔》 《写于早春的诗句》 《老猎户西门·李》 《反其道》
• • 鸟儿在我四周蹦跳雀跃, 我躺卧在树林之中, 它们的心意我可无从捉摸—— 听着融谐的千万声音, 但即便是它们细微的动作, 闲适的情绪,愉快的思想, 也好象是一种战栗的欢乐。 却带来了忧心忡忡。 那充斥我身的人类灵魂 在大自然的神迹下通往灵光, 让我的心悲伤地想起 人是怎样对待人的同类的。 嫩枝萌芽伸展如扇, 要捕捉那轻快的微风, 我只能想到,尽我之所能, 在那里也有欢乐。
幸福呵!活在那个黎明之中, 年轻人更是如进天堂!
• 雅各宾专政的恐怖政策 • 拿破仑的扩张战争
• 中期创作阶段:1795--1807 • 1795年与柯勒律治的交往标志着华兹华斯 中期创作阶段的开始。 • 1798年与柯勒律治共同出版的诗集《抒情 歌谣集》,及1800年这部诗集再版时华兹 华斯所写的序言,揭开了英国文学史崭新 的一页,开启了英国浪漫主义时代。 • 1798-1799年,写下《采干果》、《露丝》 和《露西》等组诗,开始创作长诗《序 曲》。
wordsworth 生平及作品
summer tour to France
After getting his degree in Cambridge
1791, back to France financial difficulties
weakened revolutionary spirit
1797, Coleridge Poet Laureate
Comments on Wordsworth
4. Wordsworth’s good poetry were written first during the ______decade between _____and_____. 1798 1807 When he lived in seclusion, his poems became declined and more and more conservative in thought.
1) Tintern Abbey(p.203—204) Abbey(p.203— 2)”She Dwelt Among the Untrodden Ways”, from Lucy Ways” Poems 《露西组诗》(p.204— 露西组诗》(p.204— 205)
Comments on His Poetry
“丁登寺杂咏” 丁登寺杂咏” 丁登寺杂咏
Comments on Wordsworth
Besides a deep love for nature, 2. A masterhand in searching and revealing the feelings of the common people Many themes: from rural life Characters: lower classes in the countryside
William Wordsworth
华兹华斯是英国浪漫主义诗人中成就最高的一个, 也是莎士比亚和弥尔顿以后英国最重要的诗人。
一、与柯尔律治共同开创 了英国文学的浪漫主义 时代。 “一切好诗都是强烈感情 的自然流溢” 二、二十世纪欧美新诗理 论的先驱 《抒情歌谣集》 三、“第一位现代诗人” 四、“讴歌自然的诗人” 五、首创了洗尽铅华的新型 的诗歌用语 六、终生定居于田园乡野, 更加接近和关切下层劳动 群众。 七、热心关注国家命运和欧 洲政治形势 八、在诗歌体裁方面,使素 体诗和十四行诗获得了新 的生命和力量。
Daffodils, by William Wordsworth I wandered lonely as a cloud.....
I wandered lonely as a cloud That floats on high o'er vales and hills, When all at once I saw a crowd, A host of golden daffodils; Beside the lake, beneath the trees, Fluttering and dancing in the breeze Continuous as the stars that shine And twinkle on the milky way, They stretched in never-ending line Along the margin of a bay: Ten thousand saw I at a glance, Tossing their heads in a sprightly dance
The waves beside them danced; but they Out-did the sparkling waves in glee: A poet could not but be gay, In such a jocund company: I gazed-and gazed-but little thought What wealth the show to me had brought; For oft, when on my couch I lie In vacant or in pensive mood, They flash upon that inward eye Which is the bliss of solitude And then my heart with pleasure fills And dances with the daffodils.
看,一个孤独的高原姑 娘 在远远的田野间收割, 一边割一边独自歌 唱,—— 请你站住.或者俏悄走 过! 她独自把麦子割了又捆, 唱出无限悲凉的歌声, 屏息听吧!深广的谷地 已被歌声涨满而漫溢! 还从未有过夜莺百啭, 唱出过如此迷人的歌, 在沙漠中的绿荫间 抚慰过疲惫的旅客; 还从未有过杜鹃迎春, 声声啼得如此震动灵魂, 在遥远的赫布利底群岛 打破过大海的寂寥。 卞之琳 译
她住在无人迹的小 路旁
卞之琳 译
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
她住在无人迹的小路旁, 在鸽子溪边住家, 那儿无人赞颂这位姑娘, 也难得有人会爱她。 她像不为人见的紫罗兰 被披青苔的岩石半掩! 她美丽如同一颗寒星 孤独地闪烁在天边。
她不为人知地活着, 也几乎 无人知她何时死去; 但如今露西已躺进坟 墓, 对于我呀,世界已非 往昔。
她唱什么,谁能告诉 我? 忧伤的音符不断流涌, 是把遥远的不聿诉说? 是把古代的战争吟咏? 也许她的歌比较卑谦, 只是唱今日平凡的悲 欢, 只是唱自然的哀伤苦 痛—— 昨天经受过,明天又 将重逢?
姑娘唱什么,我猜不 着, 她的歌如流水永无尽 头; 只见她一面唱一面干 活, 弯腰挥镰,操劳不 休…… 我凝神不动,听她歌 唱, 然后,当我登上了山 岗, 尽管歌声早已不能听 到, 它却仍在我心头缭绕。
A Figure of a speech in which an abstract or a dead , an abstract quality, or something nonhuman is addressed directly.
A movement that flourished in literature, philosophy, music and art in Western culture during most of the 19th century,beginning as a revolt against classicism There have been many varieties of Romanticism in many different times and places. Many of the ideas of English Romanticism were first expressed by the poets William Wordsworth and Samuel Taylor Coleridge.
华兹华斯 大自然的诗歌
华兹华斯大自然的诗歌(最新版)目录1.华兹华斯的简介2.华兹华斯的诗歌创作特点3.大自然的诗歌在华兹华斯作品中的体现4.华兹华斯对后世的影响正文华兹华斯,全名威廉·华兹华斯(William Wordsworth),是英国著名的浪漫主义诗人。
他生于 1770 年,逝世于 1850 年,其诗歌创作涵盖了漫长的岁月,对英国文学产生了深远的影响。
英国大诗人拜伦(William Wordsworth)是1790年代英国文学史上最重要的诗人之一。
William Wordsworth (7 April 1770 – 23 April 1850) was a major English Romantic poet who, with Samuel Taylor Coleridge, helped launch the Romantic Age in English literature with their 1798 joint publication, Lyrical Ballads. Wordsworth's masterpiece is generally considered to be The Prelude, a semi autobiographical poem of his early years which the poet revised and expanded a number of times. The work was posthumously titled and published, prior to which it was generally known as the poem "to Coleridge". Wordsworth was England's Poet Laureate from 1843 until his death in 1850. Biography: Early life and education The second of five children born to John Wordsworth and Ann Cookson, William Wordsworth was born on 7 April 1770 in Cockermouth in Cumberland — part of the scenic
William Wordsworth
One of the greatest poets of England, who along with Samuel Taylor Coleridge, was an early leader of English Romanticism. Best known for his worship of nature and his humanitarianism. England‘s Poet Laureate (桂冠诗人)from 1843 until his death in 1850.
north part of Scotland Yonder Yon solitary Highland Lass! young girl 独自个儿在这田野里!
Wordsworth’s “The Solitary Reaper”
gathering the crops Reaping and singing by herself;
quietly Stop here, or gently pass!
Wordsworth’s “The Solitary Reaper”
Alone she cuts and binds the grain,
a sad tune And sings a melancholy strain;
For oft, when on my couch I lie In vacant or in pensive mood, They flash upon that inward eye Which is the bliss of solitude; And then my heart with pleasure fills, And dances with the daffodils.
The Solitary Reaper(孤独的割麦女)--William Wordsworth
The Solitary Reaper(孤独的割麦女)--William WordsworthThe Solitary Reaper 孤独的割麦女--William Wordsworth 威廉.华兹华斯华兹华斯(William Wordsworth,1770-1850),著名的英国浪漫主义诗人,与科尔律治(S. T. Coleridge)、骚赛(Robert Southey)同被称为“湖畔派”(the Lake Poets)诗人。
主要作品有长诗《漫游》(The Excursion),《抒情歌谣集》(Lyrical Ballads)、《序曲》(Prelude)等。
BEHOLD her, single in the field, 看,一个孤独的高原姑娘,Yon solitary Highland Lass! 在远远的田野间收割,Reaping and singing by herself; 一边割一边独自歌唱,Stop here, or gently pass! 请你站住.或者俏悄走过!Alone she cuts and binds the grain, 她独自把麦子割了又捆,And sings a melancholy strain; 唱出无限悲凉的歌声,O listen! for the Vale profound 屏息听吧!深广的谷地Is overflowing with the sound. 已被歌声涨满而漫溢!No Nightingale did ever chaunt 还从未有过夜莺百啭,More welcome notes to weary bands 唱出过如此迷人的歌,Of travellers in some shady haunt, 在沙漠中的绿荫间Among Arabian sands: 抚慰过疲惫的旅客;A voice so thrilling ne'er was heard 还从未有过杜鹃迎春,In spring-time from the Cuckoo-bird, 声声啼得如此震动灵魂,Breaking the silence of the seas 在遥远的赫布利底群岛Among the farthest Hebrides. 打破过大海的寂寥。
华兹华斯(William Wordsworth)是英国浪漫主义诗人之一,他的诗歌以自然、人
第八节 威廉· 华兹华斯 (William Wordsworth 1770-1850)
英国浪漫主义诗人。其诗歌理论动 摇了英国古典主义诗学的统治,有力 地推动了英国诗歌的革新和浪漫主义 运动的发展。 华兹华斯生于律师之家,曾就读于 剑桥大学圣约翰学院,毕业后到欧洲 旅行,在法国亲身领略了大革命的风 暴。 1795年10月,他与妹妹多萝西 (Dorothy)一起迁居英国西北部湖 区,在此终老。
Of five long winters! and again I hear
These waters, rolling from their mountain-springs With a sweet inland murmur.
五年过去了,五个夏天,和五个 漫长的冬季!如今, 我再次听到 这里的清流,以内河的喁喁低语 从山泉奔注而下。
我独自游荡,像一朵孤云 高高地飞跃峡谷和山巅; 忽然我望见密密的一群, 那是一大片金黄色的水仙; 它们在那湖边的树荫里, 在阵阵微风中舞姿飘逸。
7 Continuous as the stars that shine
8 And twinkle on the milky way,
采菊东篱下 ,悠然见南山。
人闲桂花落,夜静春山空。 月出惊山鸟,时鸣春涧中。
------王维《鸟鸣涧》 木末芙蓉花,山中发红萼。
In defense of his unconventional theory of poetry, Wordsworth wrote a “Preface” to the second edition of Ballads, which appeared in 1800 (actual date of publication, 1801). His premise was that the source of poetic truth is the direct experience of the senses. Poetry, he asserted, originates from “emotion recollected in tranquility.” Rejecting the contemporary emphasis on form and an intellectual approach that drained poetic writing of strong emotion, he maintained that the scenes and events of everyday life and the speech of ordinary people were the raw material of which poetry could and should be made. Far from conciliating the critics, the “Preface” served only to increase their hostility. Wordsworth, however, was not discouraged, continuing to write poetry that graphically illustrated his principles.
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family background
• born in the Lake District— in north-west England • The second of five children born in a lawyer’s family • his mother died , 8 • his father died ,a lawyer ,13 • All of his siblings were destined to have successful careers :
William Wordsworth’s influence
• • • • started the modern poetry changed the course of English poetry shook rule of English classical poetics powerful promoted innovation of English poetry • development of Romantic Movement
His Longer Poems
most important — The Prelude (1850) analyzed —the growth of his poetic genius recalled— the lessons he owed to nature
I Wandered Lonely As a Cloud
Rime of the Ancient Mariner
(1797–1798) Wordsworth —most of the poems Poems in Lyrical Ballads the poor,simple peasants—sympathy nature—passionate love language—simplicity and purity mark
His Sonnetsal independence and freedom show his patriotic feeling. famous sonnets :
On the Extinction of the Venetian Republic(1807)为威尼斯共和国覆亡而作 Thought of a Briton on the Subjugation of Switzerland(1807)一个英国人有感于 瑞士的屈服 Sonnet: Composed upon Westminster Bridge(1807)写于威斯敏斯特桥上 London, 1802(1807)
I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud (1804-1807) 《我孤独地漫游,像一朵云》 To the cuckoo(1804)杜鹃颂 • Lines Written in Early Spring(1798)《早春 诗行》
works of Wordsworth
Lyrical Ballads a collection of poems his friend— Coleridge
wordsworth's writing features
• Good at writing about nature and common people;(poet of nature) • Fresh in imagination; • simple,plain and vivid in language; • pround in meaning;
Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.
William Wordsworth’s Literary Position
A leader of English Romanticism A lake poet Poet of nature poet laureate
I wandered lonely as a cloud 我独游于天际,如一朵流云 凌空于谷峰,飘然然悠闲 忽然间我看见一群 一簇簇金黄色的水仙 看——在树之荫,湖之缘 在微风中,她们舞姿翩翩 That floats on high o’er vales and hills, When all at once I saw a crowd, A host of golden daffodils; Beside the lake, beneath the trees
• His sister Dorothy, to whom he was close all his life, the poet and diarist;
The best-known poems:
• • • The Lyrical Ballads (1798) 《抒情歌谣集》 The Solitary Reaper(1805) 《孤独的割麦女》 The Prelude (1850)《序曲》
Distinguished by the simplicity and purity of his
Comments on Lyrical Ballads & The Prelude
William Wordsworth’s Poetry
His poetry is a voice of comprehensive humanity
and one that inspires his audience to see the world freshly, sympathetically and naturally. He saw nature and man with new eyes. His whole work is an attempt to communicate that new vision. language spoken by the peasants. because in his mind this language, when purified from its defects, was the best of all.