



华附、省实、广雅、深中2024届高三四校联考数学命题学校:广东实验中学 定稿人:杨晋鹏 张淑华本试卷分选择题和非选择题两部分,共4页,满分150分,考试用时120分钟.注意事项:1.答卷前,考生务必用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔将自己的姓名、考号填写在答题卷上。

2.选择题每小题选出答案后,用2B 铅笔把答题卷上对应题目的答案标号涂黑;如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其它答案;不能答在试卷上。



一.单项选择题(本大题共8小题,每小题5分,共40分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的)1.已知全集U =R ,集合A ,B 满足A ⊆(A⋂B),则下列关系一定正确的是( )A. A =BB. B ⊆AC. (∁U A)∩B =⌀D. A⋂(∁U B)=⌀2.已知复数z 满足i z i −=+1)1(,则z 2024=( )A. iB. −1C. 1D. −i3.直线x +2y +3=0关于直线y =−x 对称的直线方程是( )A. x +2y −3=0B. 2x +y −3=0C. x −2y −3=0D. 2x +3y +3=04.已知向量a 在b 方向上的投影向量的模为2,向量b 在a 方向上的投影向量的模为1,且)32)b a b a −⊥+((,则向量a 与向量b 的夹角为( )A .6πB .4πC .3πD .43π 5.若椭圆Γ1:x 2a 2+y 2b2=1(a >b >0)的离心率为12,则双曲线Γ2:y 2b2−x 2a 2=1的离心率为( )A.321B.27 C. √ 3 D. √ 56. 在平直的铁轨上停着一辆高铁列车,列车与铁轨上表面接触的车轮半径为R ,且某个车轮上的点P 刚好与铁轨的上表面接触,若该列车行驶了距离S ,则此时P 到铁轨上表面的距离为( ) A .)cos 1(RS R +B .)cos 1(R S R −C .R S R sin 2D .RS R sin7.若1ln )1)1=−=−b c e c a((则a ,b ,c 的大小关系为( ) A . c ≤a <bB . c <a <bC .c <b <aD .b <a ≤c8.数列}{n a 的前n 项和n S ,且1112881−−−++=n n n n a n a a a ,),2(+∈≥N n n ,若11=a ,则 A .3252024<<S B .2522024<<S C .2232024<<S D . 2312024<<S 二.多项选择题(本题共4小题,每小题5分,共20分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,有多个选项是符合题目要求的,全部选对的得5分,选对但不全的得2分,有选错的得0分) 9.下列结论正确的是( )A. 若a >b,c >d ,则ac 2>bd 2B. 若ac 2>bc 2,则a >bC. “ab >1”是“a >1,b >1”成立的充分不必要条件D. 若a >b >1,则)1(log log 1+<+b b a a10. 已知圆C 1:122=+y x ,圆C 2:222)4()3(r y x =++−)(0>r ,P 、Q 分别是圆C 1与圆C 2上的点,则( )A .若圆C 1与圆C 2无公共点,则0<r <4B .当r =5时,两圆公共弦所在直线方程为0186=−−y xC .当r =2时,则PQ 斜率的最大值为−724D .当r =3时,过P 点作圆C 2两条切线,切点分别为A ,B ,则APB ∠不可能等于 π211.已知函数f(x)=x 3−3x 2,满足f (x )=kx +b 有三个不同的实数根x 1,x 2,x 3,则( ) A. 若k =0,则实数b 的取值范围是−4<b <0B. 过y 轴正半轴上任意一点仅有一条与函数 y =f (x )−1 相切的直线C. x 1x 2+x 2x 3+x 1x 3=kD.若 x 1,x 2,x 3成等差数列,则k +b =−212.已知正四面体O −ABC 的棱长为3,下列说法正确的是( )A. 若点P 满足OP ⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗ =x OA ⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗ +y OB ⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗ +z OC ⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗ ,且x +y +z =1,则|OP ⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗ |的最小值为6B. 在正四面体O −ABC 的内部有一个可以任意转动的正四面体,则此四面体体积可能为√ 210C. 若正四面体O −ABC 的四个顶点分别在四个互相平行的平面内,且每相邻平行平面间的距离均相等,则此距离为3√ 1010D.点Q 在△ABC 所在平面内且|QO|=2|QA|,则Q 点轨迹的长度为2√ 303π三、填空题(本大题共4小题,共20.0分)13.已知双曲线1422=−y x ,则此双曲线的渐近线方程为 .14.已知等差数列{a n }的前n 项和为S n (n ∈N ∗),a 4=4,a 7=10,则S n 的最小值为 . 15.已知函数)3(sin )(2πω−=x x f (ω>0)的最小正周期为2π,且f (x )在[0,m]上单调递减,在[2m,5π3]上单调递增,则实数m 的取值范围是 .16. 在同一平面直角坐标系中,M ,N 分别是函数34)(2−+−−=x x x f 和函数x axe ax x g −=)ln()( 图象上的动点,若对任意a >0,有|MN |≥m 恒成立,则实数m 的最大值为______________. 四、解答题(本大题共6小题,共70.0分。



华附、省实、广雅、深中2022级高二下学期四校联考数学注意事项:1.答卷前,考生务必用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔将自己的校名、姓名、考号、座位号等相关信息填写在答题卡指定区域内,并用2B 铅笔填涂相关信息.2.选择题每小题选出答案后,用2B 铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑;如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后.再选涂其它答案;不能答在试卷上.3.非选择题必须用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔作答,答案必须写在答题卡各题目指定区域内的相应位置上;如需改动,先划掉原来的答案,然后再写上新的答案;不准使用铅笔和涂改液.不按以上要求作答的答案无效.4.考生必须保持答题卡的整洁.一、选择题:本题共8小题,每小题5分,共40分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的本试卷共4页,19小题,满分150分.考试用时120分钟..1.若()i 11z +=(i为虚数单位),则z z −=( )A.2−B.2i− C.2D.2i【答案】D 【解析】【分析】根据复数代数形式的除法运算化简z ,即可求出其共轭复数,再由复数的减法计算可得.【详解】因为()i 11z +=,所以11i iz +==−,所以1i z =−−,则1i z =−+,所以()()1i 1i 2i z z −=−+−−−=.故选:D2.已知等比数列{}n a 中,1241,9a a a ==,则7a =( ) A.3 B.3或-3C.27D.27或-27【答案】C【解析】【分析】根据等比数列的通项公式,计算得到等比数列的等比,结合通项公式计算得出答案;【详解】设等比数列{}n a 的公比为1212134,1,9,93q a a a qa a q q ==∴=⇒= , 则6371327a a q ===, 故选:C.3. 已知圆22:2O x y +=与抛物线2:2(0)C x py p =>的准线相切,则p 的值为( )A. B.C. 4D. 2【答案】A 【解析】【分析】写出抛物线C 的准线方程,根据该准线与圆O 相切求出实数p 的值.【详解】由题意可知,圆O 的圆, 抛物线C 的准线方程为2py =−,由于抛物线C 的准线方程与圆O 相切,则2p=,解得p =. 故选:A.4. 如图所示,在正方形铁皮上剪下一个扇形和一个直径为2的圆,使之恰好围成一个圆锥,则圆锥的高为( )A. B.C.D.【答案】C 【解析】【分析】由扇形的弧长等于圆锥底面圆的周长得2π2π2R r =,求得4R =,进而由h =可求得圆锥的高.【详解】由图可知,扇形的弧长等于圆锥底面圆的周长,圆锥底面圆的半径为1r =, 设扇形半径为R ,则有π2π2R r =,解得4R =,所以圆锥的母线长为4R =,故圆锥的高h =故选:C.5. 某校高二年级下学期期中考试数学试卷满分为150分,90分以上(含90分)为及格.阅卷结果显示,全年级800名学生的数学成绩近似服从正态分布,试卷的难度系数(=平均分/150)为0.49,标准差为22,则该次数学考试及格的人数约为( )附:若()2,X N µσ ,记()()p k P k X k µσµσ=−≤≤+,则()()0.750.547,10.683p p ≈≈. A. 127人 B. 181人 C. 254人 D. 362人【答案】B 【解析】【分析】首先求出平均数,即可得到学生的数学成绩()273.5,22X N ,再根据所给条件求出()5790P X ≤≤,即可求出()90P X ≥,即可估计人数.【详解】依题意可知平均分为1500.4973.5×=,又标准差为22, 所以学生的数学成绩()273.5,22X N ,即73.5µ=,22σ=,又9073.50.7522−=, 所以()()()00.57900.75.750.54775P X P X p µσµσ≤≤=−≤≤+=≈,所以()10.547900.22652P X −≥=≈=,又8000.2265181.2×=,所以该次数学考试及格的人数约为181人. 故选:B6. 已知双曲线2213y x −=的左、右焦点分别为12,F F ,直线y x =与双曲线的右支交于点P ,则12PF PF ⋅=( )A. 1−B. 0C. 1D. 2【答案】A 【解析】【分析】首先求出焦点坐标,再联立直线与双曲线方程,求出交点P 的坐标,再由数量积的坐标表示计算可得.【详解】双曲线2213y x −=的左、右焦点分别为()12,0F −,()22,0F ,由2213y x y x −= =,解得x y= =x y = =P ,则12PF =−,22PF =− ,所以212221PF PF ⋅=−×+=− . 故选:A7. 现有一组数据0,1,2,3,4,5,若将这组数据随机删去两个数,则剩下数据的平均数小于3的概率为( ) A.23B.1115C.45D.1315【答案】B 【解析】【分析】设删去的两数之和为x ,依题意可得15362x−<−,求出x 的范围,再列出所有可能结果,最后利用古典概型的概率公式计算可得.【详解】依题意得这组数据各数之和为01234515+++++=, 设删去的两数之和为x ,若剩下数据的平均数小于3,则15362x−<−,解得3x >, 则删去的两个数可以为()0,4,()0,5,()1,3,()1,4,()1,5,()2,3,()2,4,()2,5,()3,4,()3,5,()4,5共11种情况,从0,1,2,3,4,5中任意取两个数有:()0,1,()0,2,()0,3,()0,4,()0,5,()1,2,()1,3,()1,4,()1,5,()2,3,()2,4,()2,5,()3,4,()3,5,()4,5,共15种情况,故所求概率1115P=. 故选:B8. 若函数()()21e 12xg x x b x =−+−存在单调递减区间,则实数b 的取值范围是( ) A. [0,)+∞ B. ()0,∞+C. (],0−∞D. (),0∞−【答案】D【解析】【分析】根据题意转化为导函数e 10x x b −+−<有解,参变分离e 1x b x <−++有解,设()e 1x f x x =−++,则实数max ()b f x <,求导计算可得解;【详解】函数()()21e 12xg x x b x =−+−的定义域为R , 求导得()e 1xg x x b ′=−+−,函数存在单调递减区间, 所以e 10x x b −+−<有解,即e 1x b x <−++有解, 设()e 1x f x x =−++,则实数max ()b f x <, 则()e 1x f x ′−+=,令()0f x ′=,得0x =, 当0x <时,()0,()′>f x f x 在(),0∞−上递增; 当0x >时,()0,()′<f x f x 在(),0∞−上递减; 所以函数()f x 有最大值(0)0f =, 因此0b <. 故选:D.二、多选题:本题共3小题,每小题6分,共18分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,有多项符合题目要求,全部选对的得6分,部分选对的得部分分.9. 若“2x k <−或x k >”是“23x −<<”的必要不充分条件,则实数k 的值可以是( ) A. 3B. 3−C. 5D. 5−【答案】BCD 【解析】【分析】令{|2A x x k =<−或}x k >,{}|23B x x =−<<,依题意可得B 真包含于A ,即可求出参数的取值范围.【详解】令{|2A x x k =<−或}x k >,{}|23B x x =−<<,因为“2x k <−或x k >”是“23x −<<”的必要不充分条件, 所以B 真包含于A ,所以2k ≤−或23k −≥,解得2k ≤−或5k ≥,结合选项可知符合题意的有B 、C 、D. 故选:BCD10. 下列关于成对数据统计的表述中,正确的是( ) A. 成对样本数据的经验回归直线一定经过点(),x yB. 依据小概率事件0.1α=的2χ独立性检验对零假设0H 进行检验,根据22×列联表中的数据计算发现20.10.837 2.706x χ≈<=,由()2 2.7060.1P χ≥=可推断0H 不成立,即认为X 和Y 不独立,该推断犯错误的概率不超过0.1C. 在残差图中,残差点的分布随解释变量增大呈现扩散的趋势,说明残差的方差不是一个常数,不满足一元线性回归模型对随机误差的假设D. 决定系数2R 越大,表示残差平方和越大,即模型的拟合效果越差 【答案】AC 【解析】【分析】根据经验回归方程的性质判断A ,根据独立性检验的基本思想判断B ,根据回归分析的相关知识判断C 、D.【详解】对于A :成对样本数据的经验回归直线一定经过点(),x y ,故A 正确;对于B :因为20.10.837 2.706x χ≈<=,由()22.7060.1P χ≥=可推断0H 成立,即认为X 和Y 独立,故B 错误;对于C说明残差的方差不是一个常数,不满足一元线性回归模型对随机误差的假设,故C 正确; 对于D :决定系数2R 越大,表示残差平方和越小,即模型的拟合效果越好,故D 错误. 故选:AC11. 如图,心形曲线22:()1L x y x +−=与y 轴交于,A B 两点,点P 是L 上的一个动点,则( )A. 点和()1,1−均在L 上B. 点PC. OP 的最大值与最小值之和为3D. PA PB +≤ 【答案】ABD 【解析】【分析】点代入曲线判断A ,根据曲线分段得出函数取得最大值判断B ,应用三角换元再结合三角恒等变换求最值判断C ,应用三角换元结合椭圆的方程得出恒成立判断D. 【详解】令0x =,得出1y =±,则()()1,0,1,0,A B −对于A :x =时,2112y += 得0y =或y =,=1x −时,()2111y +−=得1y =,所以和()1,1−均在L 上,A 选项正确;对于B :因为曲线关于y 轴对称,当0x ≥时,()221x y x+−=,所以y x =+()()222221112y y x x x x ==+−+≤++−=,所以x =y B 选项正确;对于C :OP =,因为曲线关于y 轴对称,当0x ≥时,设cos ,sin x y x θθ=−=, 所以()2222222cos cos sin 2cos sin 2sin cos OP x y θθθθθθθ=+=++=++()1cos23131sin2cos2sin222222θθθθθϕ+=++=++=++,因为θ可取任意角,所以OP 取最小值=,OP 取最大值=,C 选项错误;对于D :PA PB +≤等价为点P 在椭圆22132y x +=内,即满足()222cos sin 3cos 6θθθ++≤,即()()31+cos221sin 262θθ++≤,整理得4sin23cos25θθ+≤,即()sin 21θβ≤+恒成立,故D 选项正确. 故选:ABD.【点睛】方法点睛:应用三角换元,再结合三角恒等变换化简,最后应用三角函数值域求最值即可.三、填空题:本题共3小题,每小题5分,共15分.12. 6(21)x y +−的展开式中,所有项的系数和为__________. 【答案】64 【解析】【分析】令1xy ==计算可得. 【详解】令1xy ==,可得所有项的系数和为()642611+−=. 故答案为:6413. 如图,正八面体ABCDEF 的12条棱长相等,则二面角E AB F −−的余弦值为__________.【答案】13−.【解析】【分析】AB 的中点为G ,EGF ∠为二面角E AB F −−的平面角,结合正八面体的几何特征,利用余弦定理求值即可.【详解】连接,AC BD 交于点O ,连接EF ,取AB 的中点G ,连接,EG FG ,根据正八面体的几何特征,有EF 过点O ,EG AB ⊥,FG AB ⊥, 又EG ⊂平面ABE ,FG ⊂平面ABF , 平面ABE ∩平面ABF AB =,所以EGF ∠为二面角E AB F −−的平面角.正八面体中, EF ⊥平面ABCD ,AC ⊂平面ABCD , 则EF AC ⊥,所以AOE △是直角三角形,设正八面体棱长为2,则AO =,2AE =,所以OE =,得EF =在AEB △中,EGAB =,同理GF =在EGF △中, 由余弦定理,可得2221cos 23EG FG EF EGF EG FG +−∠==−⋅⋅ 故答案为:13−.14. 数列{}n a 前n 项和为n S ,且111,22n n a a a n +=−=,则满足2024n S >的最小正整数n 为__________. 【答案】9 【解析】【分析】先构造等比数列,再应用等比等差数列前n 项和公式计算,最后判断最小值n 即可.【详解】因为122n n a a n +−=,所以()124244n n a n a n +++++, 所以()()124222n n a n a n +++=++,所以{}22n a n ++是公比为2首项为1225a ++=的等比数列,所以112252,5222n n n n a n a n −−++=×=×−−.则()()()()()0112512422522246225213122n n n n n n S n n n −−++=+++−++++=−=−−−− ,因为152220,n n a n −=×−−>则n S 单调递增,又因为()8285218385255642411872024S =−−−×=×−−=<,()9295219395511812724472024S =−−−×=×−−=>.则2024n S >的最小正整数n 为9. 故答案为:9.四、解答题:本题共5小题,共77分.解答应写出文字说明、证明过程或演算步骤.15. 已知ABC 的内角,,A B C 的对边分别为,,a b c ,且sin sin sin A B Cb c a b+=+−. 的(1)求A ;(2)如图,若点D 是BC 边上一点,且,2AB AD BD CD ⊥=,求ADB ∠. 【答案】(1)2π3A =(2)π3ADB ∠= 【解析】【分析】(1)利用正弦定理将已知等式统一成边的形式,化简后利用余弦定理可求出角A ; (2)由AB AD ⊥结合2π3A =可得π6DAC ∠=,然后在ABD △和ACD 分别利用正弦定理结合已知条件可得b c =,进而可求出ADB ∠. 【小问1详解】 因sin sin sin A B Cb c a b+=+−,所以由正弦定理得a b b c bca +=+−,所以222ab bc c −=+, 所以222b c a bc +−=−所以由余弦定理得2221cos 222b c a bc A bc bc +−−===−,因为()0,πA ∈,所以2π3A =; 【小问2详解】因为AB AD ⊥,所以π2BAD ∠=,所以2πππ326DAC BAC BAD ∠=∠−∠=−=, 在ABD △中,由正弦定理得πsin sin sin 2AB BD BD BDADB BAD ===∠∠, 在ACD 中,由正弦定理得2πsin sin sin 6AC CD CD CDADC DAC===∠∠, 因为πADB ADC ∠+∠=,所以sin sin ADB ADC ∠=∠为因为2BD CD =,所以AB AC =,即b c =,所以π6BC ==, 所以πππππ263ADB BAD B ∠=−∠−=−−=. 16. 如图,四棱锥P ABCD −的侧面PCD 为正三角形,底面ABCD 为梯形,//AB CD ,平面PCD ⊥平面ABCD ,已知44CD AB ==,13PM MD =.(1)证明:AM //平面PBC ;(2)若,AC AD PA ==,求直线AM 与平面PAB 所成角的正弦值. 【答案】(1)证明见解析(2 【解析】【分析】(1)取PC 上的点N ,使14PN PC = ,可得MN AB =,则由线线平行可证线面平行;(2)取CD 中点O ,连,AO PO ,根据题意可证AO CD ⊥,PO ⊥平面ABCD ,所以以O 为坐标原点,,,OA OC OP分别为,,x y z 轴正方向,建立如图所示空间直角坐标系A xyz −,利用线面角的空间向量法求解. 【小问1详解】取PC 上的点N ,使14PN PC =,则()1144MN PN PM PC PD DC AB =−=−== ,所以四边形ABNM 为平行四边形,所以//AM BN ,又BN ⊂平面PBC ,AM ⊄平面PBC ,所以AM //平面PBC ; 【小问2详解】取CD 中点O ,连,AO PO ,因AC AD =,所以AO CD ⊥, 因为PCD为正三角形,所以,PO CD PO ⊥,又平面PCD ⊥平面ABCD ,平面PCD 平面ABCD CD =,PO ⊂平面PCD , 所以PO ⊥平面ABCD ,因为AO ⊂平面ABCD ,所以PO AO ⊥,AO ==以O 为坐标原点,,,OA OC OP分别为,,x y z 轴正方向,建立如图所示空间直角坐标系A xyz −,则A ,(0,2,0)C ,(0,2,0)D −,)B,(0,0,P ,则(0,1,0)AB =,PA =−,1142AM AP PD =+=−, 设(,,)n x y z =为平面PAB 的法向量,则0000y n AB n PA = ⋅=⇒ −=⋅=,可取)n = ,cos ,n AM n AM n AM⋅===⋅, 故直线AM 与平面PAB. 17. 一个袋子中有30个大小相同球,其中有10个红球、20个白球,从中随机有放回地逐次摸球作为样为的本,摸到红球或者第5次摸球之后停止.用X 表示停止时摸球的次数. (1)求X 的分布列和期望;(2)用样本中红球的比例估计总体中红球的比例,求误差的绝对值不超过0.1的概率. 【答案】(1)分布列见解析,()21181E X = (2)2081【解析】【分析】(1)对于有放回的摸球,()()112,33P A P A ==,且i A ()1,2,3,4,5i =相互独立的,X 的可能取值为1,2,3,4,5,依次求出概率,可得分布列,再由期望公式求解; (2)设样本中红球的比例为f ,B =“样本中有红球”,且7133030C f =≤≤ ,分B 不发生,和B 发生求概率,从而得解. 【小问1详解】设=i A “第i 次摸出红球”,1,2,3,4,5i =,对于有放回的摸球,()()1101202,303303P A P A ====,且i A ()1,2,3,4,5i =相互独立的, X 的可能取值为1,2,3,4,5,则由题意可知,()(()()11212121,23339P X P A P X P A A ======⋅=, ()()212321433327P X P A A A ===⋅= ,()()3123421843381P X P A A A A ===⋅=,()()412342165381P X P A A A A ====,期望()124816211123453927818181E X =×+×+×+×+×=. 【小问2详解】总体中的红球比例13,设样本中红球的比例为f ,设B =“样本中有红球”,且17130.133030C f f =−≤=≤≤ , 若B 不发生,则0f =,此时C =∅,所以()0P BC =, 若B 发生,则1f X =,此时711330303030137BC X X =≤≤=≤≤, 所以()()()482034278181P BC P X P X =+===+=, 所以,()()()2081P C P BC P BC =+=. 18. 已知椭圆2222:1(0)x y E a b a b+=>>的长轴长为()()1,2,0,2,02M N −.(1)求椭圆E 的方程;(2)过()4,0P 作一条斜率存在且不为0的直线l 交E 于,A B 两点. (i )证明:直线AM 和直线BM 的斜率均存在且互为相反数; (ii )若直线AM 与直线BN 交于点Q ,求Q 的轨迹方程. 【答案】(1)22186x y +(2)(i )证明见解析;(ii)()212,02x x y −=≠≠【解析】【分析】(1)根据已知条件直接计算出椭圆相关基本量即可;(2)(i )设()11,A x y ,()22,B x y ,直线l 的方程为()()40y k x k =−≠,联立方程组,利用韦达定理证明;(ii )设直线,直线()()22:22BM x y y x +=+,联立方程组得204x x =,0202y y x =,采用代入法可得Q 的轨迹方程. 【小问1详解】根据题意,2a =,因为椭圆离心率为12,所以12c ea ==,所以c =6b =,所以椭圆的方程为22186x y +; 【小问2详解】(i )设()11,A x y ,()22,B x y ,直线l 的方程为()()40y k x k =−≠,联立方程()224186y k x x y =− += ,消去y 得:()2222343264240k x k x k +−+−=, 则()2Δ96340k=−>,即k <由韦达定理得,212232=34k x x k++,2122642434k x x k −⋅=+,当k =Δ0=,122x x ==,不合题意,故122,2x x ≠≠, 所以直线AM 和直线BM 的斜率均存在,1212,22B A M M y y k k x x =−−=, 所以()()()()()()122112121242422222AM BM k x x k x x y yk k x x x x −−+−−+=+=−−−− ()()222121212122616024k x x x x x x x x ⋅−++ =⋅−++, 即直线AM 和直线BM 的斜率均存在且互为相反数; (ii )由(i )知22x ≠,且222BM AM y k k x ==−−, 可设直线()()22:22AM x y y x −=−,直线()()22:22BM x y y x +=+,设()00,Q x y ,则()()()()202020202222x y y x x y y x −=−− +=+ ,整理得20202022x y y y y x = = ①,由题意知20y ≠,由①知000,0y x ≠≠, 所以由①知,204x x =,0202y y x =②, 将②代入2222186x y +=得2022002213y x x +=,化简得0022123x y −=,又因为22x ≠,所以02x ≠,所以Q 的轨迹方程为()2212,023x y x y −=≠≠..【点睛】方法点睛:利用韦达定理法解决直线与圆锥曲线相交问题的基本步骤如下: (1)设直线方程,设交点坐标为()11,x y ,()22,x y ;(2)联立直线与圆锥曲线的方程,得到关于x (或y )的一元二次方程,必要时计算∆; (3)列出韦达定理;(4)将所求问题或题中的关系转化为1212,x x x x +的形式; (5)代入韦达定理求解.19. 拟合(Fittiong )和插值(Imorterpolation )都是利用已知的离散数据点来构造一个能够反映数据变化规律的近似函数,并以此预测或估计未知数据的方法.拟合方法在整体上寻求最好地逼近数据,适用于给定数点.适用于需要高精度模型的场景,实际应用中常用多项式函数来逼近原函数,我们称之为移项式插值.例如,为了得到1cos 2的近似值,我们对函数()πcos 2f x x=进行多项式插值.设一次函数()1L x ax b =+满足()()()()11001110L f L f == == ,可得()f x 在[]0,1上的一次插值多项式()11L x x =−+,由此可计算出1cos 2的“近似值”11111cos10.6822πππf L=≈=−≈,显然这个“近似值”与真实值的误差较大.为了减小插值估计的误差,除了要求插值函数与原函数在给定节点处的函数值相等,还可要求在部分节点处的导数值也相等,甚至要求高阶导数也相等.满足这种要求的插值多项式称为埃尔米特(Hermite )插值多项式.已知函数()πcos 2f x x = 在[]0,1上的二次埃尔米特插值多项式()2H x ax bx c ++满足()()()()()()001100H f H f H f =′=′ =(1)求()H x ,并证明当[]0,1x ∈时,()()f x H x ;(2)若当[]0,1x ∈时,()()2f x H x x λ− ,求实数λ的取值范围;(3)利用()H x 计算1cos 2的近似值,并证明其误差不超过140. (参考数据:2110.318,0.101ππ≈≈;结果精确到0.001) 【答案】(1)()21H x x =−+,证明见解析; (2)2π1,8−+∞(3)1cos 0.8992≈,证明见解析 【解析】【分析】(1)由题意列方程组求出,,a b c ,得()H x ;通过构造函数,利用导数求最值证明()()f x H x ≤;(2)令()()()()22π1cos 12G x H x f x x x x λλ=−−=−+−+,问题转化为()0G x ≤在[]0,1x ∈时恒成立,利用导数求函数单调性和最值,得条件满足时实数λ的取值范围;(3)由111cos 2ππf H =≈,代入求值即可,由误差2211π11ππ8πe f H =−≤− ,可证得结论.【小问1详解】()πcos 2f x x = ,()10f =,()01f =,()ππsin 22f x x′=−,()0 0f ′=,()2H x ax bx c ++,()2H x ax b ′=+,由()()()()()()001100H f H f H f =′=′=得100c a b c b = ++== ,解得101a b c =− = = ,因此()21H x x =−+. 设()()()2πcos 12F x f x H x x x =−=+−,[]0,1x ∈,()ππsin 222F x x x ′=−+ ,令()()1F x F x ′=,则()21ππcos 242F x x′=−+ ,因为()1F x ′在[0,1]上单调递增,且()21π0204F ′=−+<,()1120F ′=>,故存在()10,1x ∈使()110F x ′=,且()F x ′在()10,x 上单调递减,在()1,1x 上单调递增,又()00F ′=,()()100F x F ′′<=,()π120 2F ′=−+>, 所以()F x ′在()0,1上存在唯一的零点()21,1x x ∈,使得()20F x ′=, 且()F x 在()20,x 上单调递减,在()2,1x 上单调递增,又()()010F F ==,所以()0F x ≤,即()()f x H x ≤.【小问2详解】由(1)知()()2f x H x x λ−≤等价于()()2H x f x x λ−≤,且0λ≥,设()()()()22π1cos 12G x H x f x x x x λλ=−−=−+−+,[]0,1x ∈,则()0G x ≤, ()()ππ21sin 22G x x x λ′=−++, 令()()1G x G x ′=,则())21ππ21cos 42G x x λ′=−++, 令()()21G x G x ′=,则()32ππsin 082G x x′=−≤,所以1()G x ′在[]0,1上单调递减, 若2π18λ≥−,则()()()211π02104G x G λ′′≤=−++≤,所以()G x ′在[]0,1上单调递减,所以()()00G x G ′′≤=, 所以()G x 在[]0,1上单调递减,所以()(0)0G x G ≤=; 若2π018λ≤<−,则()21π(0)2104G λ′=−++>,而1(1)2(1)0G λ′=−+<,故存在()00,1x ∈,使10()0G x ′=,从而()00,x 上,1()0G x ′>,()G x ′单调递增,()()00G x G ′′>=, 在于是()G x 单调递增,()()00G x G >=不符合题意. 综上所述,λ的取值范围为2π1,8 −+∞. 【小问3详解】21111cos10.8992πππf H=≈=−+≈. 由(2)知,()()22π18f x H x x −≤−, 所以,误差22211π1111111ππ8π8π81040e f H =−≤−=−<−=. 【点睛】方法点睛:在实际解决“新定义”问题时,关键是正确提取新定义中的新概念、新公式、新性质、新模式等信息,确定新定义的名称或符号、概念、法则等,并进行信息再加工,寻求相近知识点,明确它们的共同点和不同点,探求解决方法,在此基础上进行知识转换,合理归纳,结合相关的数学技巧与方法来分析与解决. 不等式证明或不等式恒成立问题常转化为函数的单调性、极(最)值问题处理,构造一个适当的函数,利用它的单调性进行解题,是一种常用技巧.。




在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的).1.已知集合A ={x |lgx ≤0},B ={x ||x ﹣1|≤1},则A ∩B =( ) A .AB .BC .∁R AD .∁R B2.已知向量a →=(﹣3,m ),b →=(1,﹣2),若b →∥(a →−b →),则m 的值为( ) A .﹣6B .﹣4C .0D .63.若函数f (x )={a x−3,x ≥4−ax +4,x <4(a >0,a ≠1)是定义在R 上的单调函数,则a 的取值范围为( )A .(0,1)∪(1,54]B .(1,54]C .(0,45]D .[45,1)4.若复数z 满足(1+i )z =|1+i |,则z 的虚部为( ) A .−√2iB .−√22C .√22i D .√225.数列{a n }满足a 1=2019,且对∀n ∈N *,恒有a n+3=a n +2n ,则a 7=( ) A .2021B .2023C .2035D .20376.如图,已知圆锥的顶点为S ,AB 为底面圆的直径,点M ,C 为底面圆周上的点,并将弧AB 三等分,过AC 作平面α,使SB ∥α,设α与SM 交于点N ,则SM SN的值为( )A .43B .32C .23D .347.已知函数f (x )及其导函数f ′(x )的定义域均为R ,且f (x )为偶函数,f(π6)=−2,3f (x )cos x +f '(x )sin x >0,则不等式f(x +π2)cos 3x +12>0的解集为( )A .(−π3,+∞)B .(−2π3,+∞) C .(−2π3,π3) D .(π3,+∞)8.已知函数f(x)=√3sin 2ωx 2+12sinωx −√32(ω>0),若f (x )在(π2,3π2)上无零点,则ω的取值范围是( )A .(0,29]∪[89,+∞)B .(0,29]∪[23,89]C .(0,29]∪[89,1]D .(29,89]∪[1,+∞)二、多选题(本大题共4小题,每小题5分,共20分。





2. 回答第Ⅰ卷时,选出每小题的答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑,如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。


3. 回答第Ⅱ卷时,将答案填写在答题卡上,写在试卷上无效。

4. 考试结束,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。















广东省华附省实广雅深中四校2023-2024学年高二下学期期末联考英语试题一、单项选择1.After months of hard work and preparation, the company finally saw its business ________, attracting numerous investments.A.take up B.take over C.take off D.take in2.________ in the planning process for the group project will leave team members feeling disconnected and unproductive.A.Not involving B.Not involvedC.Not having involved D.Not being involved3.It is reported that a new wildlife conservation area has been established in ________ was once known for deforestation to protect endangered species.A.what B.which C.how D.where4.________ a healthy eating habit, and you can feel more energetic and improve your well-being.A.Have B.To have C.Having D.Had5.________ unique project, ________ of a series of experiments, is designed to investigate the potential of AI in identifying medical conditions.A.An; consists B.A; consists C.An; consisting D.A; consisting 6.The thrilling moment ________ Susan cherishes most is ________ she reached the peak of the mountain and appreciated the untouched wilderness below.A.that; when B.which; why C.where; when D.what; why 7.The new Guangzhou Cultural Museum, ________ a collection of historical relics from various dynasties, ________ visitors with its rich cultural heritage.A.housing; collects B.featuring; attracts C.displayed; gathersD.contained; fascinates8.By the time she ________ next year, Sarah ________ three internships, giving her a strong foundation for her career in finance.A.graduate; will complete B.graduates; will have completedC.graduated; will be completed D.graduating; will be completing9.________ mutual understanding, cultural exchange programs ________ among the countries participating in the meeting currently.A.Strengthening; is introduced B.Strengthened; is being introducedC.Having strengthened; are introduced D.To strengthen; are being introduced10.________ the weather is like, the marathon will continue as planned, with participants________ to prepare for rain or shine.A.Whatever; advised B.However; advisedC.No matter what; being advised D.No matter how; being advised11.A recent survey ________ 60% of US respondents believed social media platforms were evolving too fast, ________ 80% urged caution in introducing new features.A.shows, since B.has shown, so C.showed, while D.had shown, as 12.________ data leaks have become more common, worries about privacy are growing, and the chance ________ a person’s private details are at risk is getting higher.A.Given that; whether B.Now that; thatC.But that; whether D.Except that; that13.The information board ________ that all drones (无人机) under 250 grams must be registered with the local flight agency before ________ in public areas.A.reads; flew B.read; being flown C.reads; flying D.read; flying14.________ governments have addressed the problem of affordable housing ________ their commitment to providing accessible living options for all citizensA.What; reflects B.That; reflects C.There; reflected D.Whether; reflected 15.Novels by authors such as Dickens and Austen are widely read, some of ________ works, however, are sometimes difficult ________.A.which, to comprehend B.whose, to comprehendC.which, to be comprehended D.whose, to be comprehended二、阅读理解There are many scientific breakthroughs made by women in the Antarctic. Here are four landmarks in Antarctica and the female pioneers they’re named after.Jones TerraceThe ice-free terrace in eastern Antarctica’s Victoria Land bears Jones’ name. In 1969, geochemist Lois M. Jones led the first all-female research team from the U. S. to work in Antarctica. Jones and her team studied chemical weathering in the McMurdo Dry Valleys, an ice-free area of Antarctica. Through chemical analyses of rocks they had collected, Jones and her team discovered many geochemical characteristics of the valley’s ice-covered lakes.Mount Fiennes8,202-foot-high Mount Fiennes, located on Antarctica’s largest island — Alexander Island — is named after Ginny Fiennes. She established and maintained 80-foot-tall radio towers in the Antarctic with her colleagues. In 1985, Fiennes became the first female invited to join the Antarctic Club, a British supper club open to individuals who have spent extended time in the Antarctic region.Francis PeakThe 3,727-foot-tall peak on Antarctica’s Adelaide Island is named after Dame Jane Francis, who is the first female director of the British Antarctic Survey, the national polar research institute of the UK. Her collection of fossils on Seymour Island helped conclude in a 2021 paper that Antarctica’s abundant plant fossils indicate the continent once had a much warmer climate than it currently does.Peden CliffsPeden Cliffs near Antarctica’s Marie Byrd Land are proof of the labor of Irene Peden. She was the first American female scientist to both live and work in the Antarctic, where she used radio waves to study ice sheets. Peden and her team determined how very low frequency radio wave spread over long polar distances by measuring pathways in the ice. They also used varying radio wave frequencies to measure the thickness of Antarctica’s ice sheets.16.What do the first two pioneers have in common?A.They analyzed different chemicals of rocks in Antarctica.B.They both worked with their own team in Antarctica.C.They conducted the research in the ice-free areas in Antarctica.D.They joined the Antarctic Club for their stay in Antarctica.17.Who proved the previous higher temperatures of the Antarctic?A.Lois M. Jones.B.Ginny Fiennes.C.Dame Jane Francis.D.Irene Peden.18.What is the scientific breakthrough of Irene Peden?A.She was the first American scientist to explore the Antarctic.B.She measured the spreading frequencies of radio waves.C.She found out the thickness of Antarctica’s ice sheets.D.She discovered a lot of ice-covered lakes in the Antarctic.Canadian author Alice Munro, a master of the contemporary short story, passed away on May 13, 2024, at 92.Munro’s texts featured depictions of everyday but decisive events, pulling vast themes out of ordinary settings. Her characters often mirrored her own rural Ontario lifestyle. In an interview after winning the Nobel Prize, she said that living in a small town gave her the freedom to write. “I don’t think I could have been so brave if I had been living in a city, competing with people on what can be called a generally higher cultural level,” she said. “As far as I knew, at least for a while, I was the only person I knew who wrote stories.”Munro’s first short story was published when she was 37, a college dropout squeezing in writing time around her children’s naps. By the time she was in her 60s, she had become one of the most celebrated short-story writers in the world. Throughout her long career, she hardly ever failed to wow readers and critics with her quietly powerful language. In reviewing her last collection, Dear Life, NPR critic Alan Cheuse wrote “A Munro story gives us so much life within the bounds of a single tale that it nourishes (滋养) us almost as much as a novel does.”In a literary culture that tends to celebrate novels over shorter fiction, Munro has been a constant advocate for the power of the short story. In the interview, Munro emphasized the significance of her win not for herself, but for her art form: “I really hope this would make people see the short story as an important art, not just something you play around with until you get a novel written.”When asked “Do you want young women to be inspired by your books and feel inspired to write?” Munro replied, “I don’t care about that. I want people to find not so much inspiration as great joy. I want them to think of my books as related to their own lives in ways.”19.Why did Munro feel free to write while living in rural areas?A.She was inspired by rural landscape and lifestyles.B.She was free from stress of a more cultured setting.C.She had more courage to compete with urban writers.D.She had access to ordinary people and decisive events.20.What did Alan Cheuse say about Munro’s stories in Dear Life?A.They promote readers’ mental well-being.B.They have broken the length limit of short stories.C.They impress readers with quietly powerful language.D.They offer richness and depth in shorter format.21.How did Munro view the short story in literary culture?A.It is more powerful than novels.B.It is a way of entertainment for young writers.C.It is as important an art form as novels.D.It is an inspiration for young writers. 22.What did Munro want readers to get by reading her books?A.Inspiration to become writers themselves.B.Enjoyment and connection to their own lives.C.Pleasure and motivation to change their lives.D.Information about art forms and literary culture.Handwriting notes in class might seem old-fashioned as digital technology affects nearly every aspect of learning. But a recent study in Frontiers in Psychology suggests that taking notes with pen and paper is still the best way to learn, especially for young children.The new research builds on a 2014 study that suggested people may type notes quickly, without thinking much about what they’re writing-but writing by hand is slower and makes them actively pay attention to and process the incoming information. This conscious action of building on existing knowledge can make it easier for students to stay engaged and grasp new concepts.To understand specific brain-activity differences during the two note-taking approaches, the authors of the new study sewed 256 electrodes (电极) into a hairnet. These sensors let the scientists record 36 students’ brain activity as they wrote or typed words displayed on a screen. When students wrote by hand, the sensors picked up widespread brain connectivity throughout visual regions that receive and process sensory information, and the motor cortex (运动皮层) that helps the brain use environmental inputs to inform a person’s next action. Typing, however, resulted in minimal activity in these brain regions.Vanderbilt University educational neuroscientist Sophia Vinci-Booher says the recent studyhighlights the clear tie between physical actions and concept understanding, “As you’re writing a word, you’re taking this continuous understanding of something and using motor system to create it.” That creation then affects the visual system, where it’s processed again-strengthening the connection between an action and the words associated with it.Vinci-Booher notes that the new findings don’t mean technology is always a disadvantage in the classroom. Digital devices can be more efficient for writing essays and offer more equal access to educational resources. However, there’s a growing trend of relying on digital devices to perform cognitive (认知的) tasks, such as taking photos instead of memorizing information. Yadurshana Sivashankar, an researcher at the University of Waterloo says, “If we’re not actively using these areas, then they are going to become worse over time, whether it’s memory or motor skills.”23.Why does the author mention the 2014 study?A.To present different research findings.B.To make the new research more convincing C.To compare two note taking approaches.D.To show the advantage of writing slowly 24.What can be learned from the experiment in Paragraph 3?A.Sensors were used to process visual information.B.Electrodes were connected to students’ hair directly.C.Writing by hand activated more brain activity than typing.D.Typing stimulated the motor cortex to inform following action.25.What would Sophia Vinci-Booher probably advise students to do?A.Make better use of motor system.B.Take advantage of digital devices.C.Adopt a new approach to taking notes.D.Memorize words by writing essays. 26.What is the main idea of the text?A.Technology is not a disadvantage in classroom.B.Writing by hand comes with learning benefits.C.Taking notes enhances students’ brain activity.D.Two note-taking approaches have clear differences.The more scientists investigate the microbes (微生物) living inside us, the more they learn about the surprising impact of the tiny organisms on how we look, act, think, and feel. Are ourhealth and well-being really driven by the bacteria, viruses and fungi that live in our intestines (肠), in our lungs, on our skin, on our eyeballs? What a weird concept — that the bugs we carry around appear to be essential to establishing the basic nature of who we are.The effects of the microbiome, the microorganisms that exist in human body, can be profound and can start incredibly early. In a study, scientists showed that something supposedly as natural as a child’s character might be related to the bacteria in an infant’s digestive system; the more Bifidobacterium (双歧杆菌) there are, the sunnier the baby is. This observation, from the University of Turku in Finland, is based on an analysis of samples from 301 babies. Those with the highest proportion of Bifidobacterium organisms at two months old were more likely to exhibit a trait the researchers called “positive emotionality” at six months old.Microbiome science is still relatively young. Most studies so far have been initial and small-scale, involving only a dozen or so mice or humans. Scientists have found associations between the microbiome and disease but can’t yet draw clear cause-and-effect conclusions about our extensive collection of microorganisms and their effects on us as hosts. Still, the collection itself is mind-boggling — it’s now thought to be around 38 trillion microbes for a typical young adult male, slightly more than the number of actual human cells. And the prospects for putting that collection to use are more than promising.In the not-too-distant future, according to the most enthusiastic researchers, it might be a routine for us to take a dose of healthy microbes in various forms. Hopefully, with the help of new medical advances, we will be able to achieve our full potential by functioning at peak levels internally and externally.27.What can we learn about microbiome?A.The development of microbiome is quite mature nowadays.B.The more Bifidobacterium an adult has, the healthier one is.C.More microbes than human cells are present in young men.D.Microbes have little influence on shaping our identity28.What does the underlined word “mind-boggling” in Paragraph 3 probably mean?A.Weakening.B.Astonishing.C.Disturbing.D.Misleading. 29.What can be inferred from the text?A.It’s necessary to remove certain fungi from our body.B.2-month-old babies are often more positive than 6-month-old ones.C.New supplements related to microbiome are likely being developedD.The relationship between microorganisms and disease remains unclear.30.Which of the following can be the best title for the text?A.How microbes benefit our health.B.How microbes shape our lives.C.What affects early childhood.D.What Turku University reveals about microbes.On a large scale, making the world a better place can seem challenging. 31 As a leader, your perspectives and ideas can directly impact your community for the better. Here are some ways to make an impact and grow your leadership through emotional intelligence.32 Being able to provide a safe space through deep listening creates trust, which lays the foundation for meaningful relationships and fruitful partnerships. As a result, people are more likely to share openly and honestly. Empathy and listening will increase the quality of your relationships and skyrocket your results.Making a positive impact can also be as simple as taking the time to acknowledge and inspire someone into action. Taking time to acknowledge someone by letting them know you see their efforts and talents. 33 An example of what this could sound like is, “Wow! I am blown away by your project. What I see possible for you is to share with the rest of the team how to do it too.”Get involved with your already existing communities and networking circles. Start by connecting with your peers and ask them about causes they’re already involved in. 34 There is almost no limit to the impact you can create contributing to a cause that matters to you and your peers. With a little time, you can make a big difference.Sharing your knowledge and strengths is another essential skill. When you share with others, you’re teaching them something special about you and your journey. Imagine what would be possible if your community was in the mode of cooperation and contribution. This approach creates new ideas and opportunities. 35A.Show your kindness and respect to others.B.This informs them that they are appreciated.C.As your conversation continues, ask what is needed.D.Support your friends and colleagues by listening actively.E.When you are in contribution to others, you make a positive impact.F.As a leader, you have your own unique set of strengths and knowledge.G.One person may not change the world, but you can make a positive impact daily.三、完形填空At one night in July 2020 in Reykjavik, Halli was wandering around the city’s main street with his wife and two kids. During their walk, his three-year-old son was 36 and wanted a drink from the corner store. But Halli soon discovered he couldn’t help with the 37 request: A 20-centimetre step 38 his access to the store.The barrier was all too 39 . Born with muscular dystrophy (肌肉萎缩), which causes progressive 40 and loss of muscle, Halli, now 46, has been using a wheelchair since he was 25.As he 41 his wife and children outside the shop, he recalls, “I thought about how very strange it is that we always 42 families in this way.”Living all over the world as a creative director and digital designer, Halli had 43 first hand how different cities consider and plan for accessibility, from ramps (坡道) and sidewalks to public transportation. He decided to start with a project to make Iceland wheelchair 44 .Ramp Up Reykjavik launched as a non-profit in 2021 with a 45 to build 100 ramps within 1 year. Unlike temporary solutions in other cities, these ramps are 46 structures that match the beauty of buildings.With the help of government funding and other sponsors, the Ramp Up team finished ahead of schedule and has 47 its scope to all of Iceland. In three short years, Hali has become a 48 in his hometown. Halli is proud that Ramp Up has 49 others to act. “Equal access to society is 50 not something that is a reality yet,” says Hali. But as he’s learned, change starts with just one person.36.A.anxious B.thirsty C.exhausted D.hungry37.A.special B.funny C.simple D.childish 38.A.replaced B.ruined C.supported D.blocked 39.A.surprising B.familiar C.unique D.complex 40.A.weakness B.depression C.strength D.trouble 41.A.waited for B.listened to C.worried about D.searched for 42.A.reject B.protect C.separate D.connect 43.A.ignored B.recorded C.questioned D.witnessed 44.A.accessible B.attractive C.effective D.practical 45.A.treatment B.limitation C.goal D.rule 46.A.convenient B.permanent C.formal D.useful 47.A.broadened B.hidden C.narrowed D.deepened 48.A.master B.legend C.success D.expert 49.A.prevented B.persuaded C.forced D.motivated 50.A.fortunately B.definitely C.eventually D.regularly四、语法填空语法填空When discussing global education systems, Finland stands out for 51 (it) high-ranking performance in international assessments and holistic (全面的) approach to education. The Finnish curriculum prioritizes essential life skills such as 52 (creative), cooperation, critical thinking, and communication. Additionally, Finnish schools 53 (emphasis) social and emotional skills like empathy and self-confidence, ensuring students are well-rounded and prepared for real-world challenges.Finland’s education system values cooperation 54 competition, fostering a cooperative learning environment 55 students learn from and support each other. Meanwhile, Finnish teachers enjoy freedom to design their course, which allows them 56 (tailor) their teaching methods to meet their students’ unique needs. This trust in teachers, combined with the cooperative learning environment, 57 (promote) innovation, continuous improvement, and collective responsibility for student success.58 , to imitate Finland’s success requires careful consideration of contextual factors and systemic differences. Finland’s model shows that comprehensive education, 59 (profession) trust, and cooperation are key to 60 (secure) long-term student success.五、书信写作61.上周六,你校组织了“走进社区”实践活动。



绝密★启用前广东省四校联考联盟(华南师大附中、广东省实验中学、广雅中学、深圳中学)2022届高三毕业班上学期开学摸底联合考试语文试题本试卷共8 页,23 小题,满分150 分。

考试用时150 分钟。


2.选择题每小题选出答案后,用2B 铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑;如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其它答案;不能答在试卷上。



一、现代文阅读(35 分)(一)现代文阅读 I(本题共 5 小题,19 分)阅读下面的文字,完成1~5 题。





中国只是在19 世纪末由于实力的差距不得不加入由西方霸权主导的世界体系,因而才被迫成为一个民族国家。

此后的 100 多年来,中国一直将自己描述为民族国家而非文明国家,尽管其首要的身份和主要特征明显如此。









下列说法错误的是A .“白玉金边素瓷胎,雕龙描凤巧安排”,瓷器是人类较早应用的人造硅酸盐材料B .“墨滴无声入水惊,如烟袅袅幻形生”中的“墨滴”含有胶体C .“九秋风露越窑开,夺得千峰翠色来”,“翠色”来自氧化亚铜D .镀金时“以汞和金涂银器上,入火则汞去,而金存”,其中“入火则汞去”指汞的挥发2.日本核污水含有大量的放射性核素,如氚、锶-90、碳-14等。


下列有关说法正确的是A .等物质的量的氚(3H)与氘(2H)的核内中子数之比为2:1B .锶-90(9038Sr )为第IIA 元素,2Sr +得电子能力比2Ca +强C .14140671C N e -→+属于化学变化D .碳-14和氮-14互为同位素3.实现中国梦,离不开化学与科技的发展,下列有关说法错误的是A .我国“天眼”的球面射电板上使用的铝合金板属于金属材料B .华为公司自主研发的“麒麟9000”芯片的主要成分是单质硅C .新能源汽车电池使用的石墨烯电极材料属于有机高分子化合物D .“神舟十四号”宇宙飞船返回舱表层材料中的玻璃纤维属于无机非金属材料4.下列实验操作设计正确且能达到实验目的的是A .演示喷泉实验B .滴定实验中用标准碱液滴定盐酸接近滴定终点的操作C .测稀硫酸的pHD .制备氨水A .AB .BC .CD .D5.下列除杂试剂选用正确且除杂过程涉及氧化还原反应的是选项物质(括号内为杂质)除杂试剂A ()2NO NO 蒸馏水、碱石灰B ()2323Al O Fe O 盐酸、NaOH 溶液、二氧化碳C()24NaCl Na SO 2BaCl 溶液、23Na CO 溶液、盐酸D酸性4KMnO 溶液A .AB .BC .CD .D6.纸电池像纸一样轻薄柔软,在制作方法和应用范围上与传统电池相比均有很大突破。







第一部分(共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)1.How come every kid today is meant to be a champion for something _____ we know every kid can’t be a star?A.in case B.as ifC.when D.unless2.It was warm and nice that evening. I stayed awake until eleven in order to have a good look at the moon by myself.A.on average B.on purposeC.on business D.on time3.It’s second time in five days that he has asked me for higherpay.A.不填;a B.a;the C.the;a D.the;the4.The boy is having a fever. Y ou’d better damp a towel and lay it ______ his forehead. A.across B.withinC.through D.beyond5.Her doctor indicated that even adding a(n) _____ amount of daily exercise would dramatically improve her health.A.modest B.equalC.considerable D.exact6.Life is a journey _____with hardships, joys and special moments.A.filled B.to fill C.filling D.having filled7.Never turn down a job because you think it’s too small. You don’t know _____ it can lead.A.how B.whereC.whether D.what8.The scientist does not study nature ________ it is useful to do so. He studies it because he takes pleasure in it.A.until B.becauseC.though D.unless9.—In the UK,some people equate life experience with the number of stamps in theirpassports.—That’s why they all agree that they ________ the “travel bug”.A.catch B.caughtC.have caught D.are to catch10.—Mum, I don’t think I am qualified enough to do this.—Honey, be confident! You should know it is _____ a man thinks of himself …really determines his fate.A.that; that B.how; that C.what; that D.that; how11.I wonder ________ the equipment will be available in ten days.A.that B.when C.whether D.where12.---Professor Li is wanted on the phone. Where is he?--- I saw him coming, but in a minute, he _____.A.will disappear B.has disappeared C.disappears D.disappeared 13.—John, do you know why the suspect was set free?—For lack of ________ evidence.A.solid B.apparentC.ambiguous D.concrete14.Children are likely to ________ some bad habits when playing the piano if they don’t have proper lessons.A.keep up B.catch upC.pick up D.give up15.When tension ________ in a relationship between two people, a frequent way of dealing with this is to send messages through a third person.A.arouses B.arises C.rises D.raises16.—Uncle Wang is in hospital.—Oh, really? I ____________. I _____________ go and visit her.A.didn’t know; am going to B.hadn’t known; wouldC.haven’t known; will D.didn’t know; will17.—Would you like me the radio a bit?—No, it’s all right. I’m used with the radio .A.to turn down; to work; on B.turning down; to working; on C.turning down; to working; off D.to turn down; to working; on18.We are living in an age________ QR codes(二维码)are becoming more and more popular in our daily life.A.why B.thatC.whose D.when19.I like such houses with beautif ul gardens in front, but I don’t have enough money to buy .A.it B.one C.that D.this20.merchant A.machine B.achieve C.stomach D.technology第二部分阅读理解(满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。



广东省华附、省实、广雅、深中2022届高三上学期四校联考数学参考答案一、单项选择题:三、填空题:本大题共4小题,每小题5分,共20分.13.π4 14.4 15.827 16.(n 2−2n +3)⋅2n+1−6一、单选题1.设集合A ={y ∣y =√1−x},B ={−1,0,1},则A ∩B =( ) A .{1} B .{0,1} C .{−1,0} D .{−1,0,1}【答案】B2.已知复数i(,)z a b a b R =+∈,且3(1i )2i z +=+,则a b +=( ) A .12 B .32C .1D .2【答案】D3.已知命题p:∃x ,y ∈R ,sin(x +y)=sinx +siny ;命题q:∀x ,y ∈R ,sinx ⋅siny ⩽1,则下列命题中为真命题的是( ) A .p ∧q B .¬p ∧q C .p ∧(¬q) D .¬(p ∨q)【答案】A【解析】当x =0,y =π2时,sin(x +y)=sinx +siny 成立所以命题p 为真命题,则¬p 是假命题; 因为∀x ,y ∈R ,所以sinx ≤1,siny ⩽1,则sinx ⋅siny ⩽1,故命题q 为真命题,则¬q 是假命题; 所以p ∧q 是真命题,¬p ∧q 是假命题, p ∧(¬q)是假命题,¬(p ∨q)是假命题,故选:A 4.声强级L (单位:dB )与声强I 的函数关系式为:L =10lg(I 10−12),若女高音的声强级是75dB ,普通女性的声强级为45dB ,则女高音声强是普通女性声强的( ) A .10倍 B .100倍 C .1000倍 D .10000倍【答案】C【解析】设女高音声强为I 1,普通女性声强为I 2,则101g (I 110−12)=75,所以I 110−12=107.5①,10lg(I210−12)=45,所以I 210−12=104.5②,则①÷②得:I1I 2=1000,故女高音声强是普通女性声强的1000倍.故选:C5.等差数列{a n }中,a 1=1,公差为d(d ∈Z),a 3+λa 9+a 15=17,λ∈(−1,0),则公差d 的值为( ) A .1 B .0 C .−1 D .−2【答案】A【解析】a 3+λa 9+a 15=a 1+2d +λ(a 1+8d )+a 1+14d =(2+λ)a 1+(16+8λ)d =17,整理得:(8d +1)λ=15−16d ,由于d ∈Z ,所以8d +1≠0,故λ=15−16d 8d+1,则λ=15−16d 8d+1∈(−1,0),若8d +1>0,解得:1516<d <2,由于d ∈Z ,所以d =1;若8d +1<0,解得:{d >2d <1516,此时无解,综上:公差d 的值为1,故选:A6.函数())1f x x =+,定义域为R 的函数()g x 满足()()2g x g x −+=,若函数()y f x =与()y g x =图象的交点为()()()112266,,,,,,x y x y x y ,则61()i i i x y =+=∑( )A .0B .6C .12D .24【答案】B【解析】由g(−x)+g(x)=2得y =g(x)的图象关于(0,1)对称,同时函数f(x)=ln(√x 2+1−x)+1定义域也为R ,且f(−x)+f(x)=ln(√x 2+1+x)+1+ln(√x 2+1−x)+1 =ln [(√x 2+1+x)(√x 2+1−x)]+2=ln (x 2+1−x 2)+2=2 即f(−x)+f(x)=2,故也关于(0,1)对称,则函数f(x)=ln(√x 2+1−x)+1与y =g(x)图象的交点关于(0,1)对称, 则不妨设关于点(0,1)对称的坐标为(x 1,y 1),(x 6,y 6),则x 1+x 62=0,y 1+y 62=1,则x 1+x 6=0,y 1+y 6=2,同理可得:x 2+x 5=0,y 2+y 5=2,x 3+x 4=0,y 3+y 4=2, 即∑(x i +y i )6i=1=3×(0+2)=6,故选:B .7.在足球比赛中,球员在对方球门前的不同的位置起脚射门对球门的威胁是不同的,出球点对球门的张角越大,射门的命中率就越高.如图为室内5人制足球场示意图,设球场(矩形)长BC 大约为40米,宽AB 大约为20米,球门长PQ 大约为4米.在某场比赛中有一位球员欲在边线BC 上某点M 处射门(假设球贴地直线运行),为使得张角∠PMQ 最大,则BM 大约为( )(精确到1米)A .8米B .9米C .10米D .11米【答案】C【解析】由题意知,PB =8,QB =12,设∠PMB =α,∠QMB =β,BM =x ,则tanα=8x ,tanβ=12x,所以tan∠PMQ =tan (β−α)=12x −8x 1+12x ⋅8x=4x x 2+96=4x+96x≤2√x⋅x=2√6,当且仅当x =96x,即x =√96时取等号,又因为√96≈10,所以BM 大约为10米. 故选:C. 8.倾斜角为π3的直线经过双曲线C:x 2a 2−y 2b 2=1(a >0,b >0)的右焦点F ,与双曲线C 的右支交于A ,B 两点,且AF⃑⃑⃑⃑⃑ =λFB ⃑⃑⃑⃑⃑ (λ⩾5),则双曲线C 的离心率的取值范围是( ) A .[43,+∞)B .(1,43]C .(1,2)D .[43,2)【答案】D【解析】设l 为双曲线的右准线,过A 、B 作AD ,BE 垂直于l ,D ,E 为垂足, 过A 作AG ⊥EB 于G , 根据双曲线的第二定义,得|AD|=|AF |e,|BE|=|BF|e,∴|AF|=e|AD|,|BF|=e|BE|, ∵ AF⃑⃑⃑⃑⃑ =λFB ⃑⃑⃑⃑⃑ (λ⩾5), ∴|AF⃑⃑⃑⃑⃑ |=λ|FB ⃑⃑⃑⃑⃑ |, ∴|AD|=λ|BE|,∴|AB|=|AF|+|BF|=(1+λ)e|BE|, ∴|BG|=λ|AD|−|BE|=(λ−1)|BE|, ∴cos∠ABG =|BG||AB|=(λ−1)|BE|(λ+1)e|BE|,∴ecos∠ABG =λ−1λ+1,∴e =2(λ−1)λ+1=2−4λ+1,∵λ⩾5,则λ+1⩾6,可得0<4λ+1⩽23, ∴43≤2−4λ+1<2,∴ 43⩽e <2,即离心率的取值范围是[43,2). 故选:D .二、多选题9.已知α,β是两个不同的平面,l 是一条直线,则下列命题中正确的是( ) A .若α || β,l || β,则l || α B .若l ⊥α,l ⊥β,则α || β C .若l ⊥α,l ||β,则α⊥β D .若α⊥β,l || β,则l ⊥α【答案】BC【解析】对于A ,若α//β,l//β,则l//α或l ⊂α,故A 不正确;对于B ,若l ⊥α,l ⊥β,则α//β,故B 正确;对于C ,若l ⊥α,l//β,过l 的平面γ与β相交,设交线为m , ∵l//β,l ⊂γ,β∩γ=m ,则l//m ,∵l ⊥α,则m ⊥α,∵m ⊂β,故α⊥β,故C 正确; 对于D ,若α⊥β,l//β,则l 与α不一定垂直,故D 不正确; 10.设x >0,x,y ∈R ,则( ) A .“x >y ”⇒“x >|y|”B .“x <y ”⇒“x <|y|”C .“x ≥|y|”⇒“x +y ≥|x +y|”D .“x >y ”⇒“x +|y|≥|x +y|”【答案】BCD【解析】A :当x =1,y =−2时,x >|y|不成立,故错误; B :由y >x >0,则x <|y|成立,故正确;C :x >0且x ≥|y|,即x ≥y ≥−x ,则x +y ≥0,故x +y =|x +y|恒成立,故正确;D :当x >0>y 时,x +|y|>|x +y|,当x >y ≥0时,x +|y|=|x +y|,故正确;11.已知抛物线C:y 2=4x ,圆F:(x −1)2+y 2=14(F 为圆心),点P 在抛物线C 上,点Q 在圆F 上,点A(−1,0),则下列结论中正确的是( )A .|PQ|的最小值是12 B .|PF||PA|的最小值是√22C .当∠PAQ 最大时,|AQ |=√152D .当∠PAQ 最小时,|AQ |=√152【答案】ABC【解析】A. |PQ|的最小值是|PF|的最小值减去圆的半径,又|PF|的最小值是1,所以|PQ|的最小值是1-12=12,故正确;B. 设P (4t 2,4t ),则|PF |2=(4t 2−1)2+(4t )2=16t 4+8t 2+1, |PA |2=(4t 2+1)2+(4t )2=16t 4+24t 2+1, 所以|PF |2|PA|2=16t 4+8t 2+116t 4+24t 2+1=1−16t 216t 4+24t 2+1=1−1616t 2+24+1t2≥1−2√16t 2⋅1t 2+24=12, 当且仅当16t 2=1t 2,即t =±12时,等号成立,所以|PF||PA|的最小值是√22,故正确;C.如图所示:当∠PAQ 最大时,直线AQ 与圆相切,则|AQ |=√22−14=√152,故正确;D.当∠PAQ 最小时为0∘,即P ,A ,Q 共线,则|AQ |∈[32,52],故错误; 12.设函数f(x)={−x 2−2x,x ⩽0|lnx |,x >0,则下列命题中正确的是( )A .若方程f(x)=a 有四个不同的实根x 1,x 2,x 3,x 4,则x 1⋅x 2⋅x 3⋅x 4的取值范围是(0,1)B .若方程f(x)=a 有四个不同的实根x 1,x 2,x 3,x 4,则x 1+x 2+x 3+x 4的取值范围是(0,+∞)C .若方程f(x)=ax 有四个不同的实根,则a 的取值范围是(0,1e )D .方程f 2(x)−(a +1a )f(x)+1=0的不同实根的个数只能是1,2,3,6【答案】AD【解析】对于A :作出f(x)的图像如下:若方程f(x)=a 有四个不同的实根x 1,x 2,x 3,x 4,则0<a <1,不妨设x 1<x 2<x 3<x 4,则x 1,x 2是方程−x 2−2x −a =0的两个不等的实数根,x 3,x 4是方程|lnx|=a的两个不等的实数根,所以x 1x 2=a ,−lnx 3=lnx 4,所以lnx 4+lnx 3=0,所以x 3x 4=1, 所以x 1x 2x 3x 4=a ∈(0,1),故A 正确;对于B :由上可知,x 1+x 2=−2,−lnx 3=lnx 4=a ,且0<a <1, 所以x 3x 4=1,所以x 3∈(1e ,1),x 4∈(1,e ),所以x 3+x 4=1x 4+x 4∈(2,1+1e),所以x 1+x 2+x 3+x 4∈(0,1+1e),故B 错误;对于C :方程f(x)=ax 的实数根的个数,即可函数y =f(x)与y =ax 的交点个数,因为y =ax 恒过坐标原点,当a =0时,有3个交点,当a <0时最多2个交点,所以a >0, 当y =ax 与y =lnx(x >1)相切时,设切点为(x 0,lnx 0), 即y ′=1x ,所以y ′|x=x 0=1x 0=lnx 0x 0,解得x 0=e ,所以y ′|x=x 0=1e ,所以a =1e,所以当y =ax 与y =lnx(x >1)相切时, 即a =1e时,此时有4个交点, 若f(x)=ax 有4个实数根,即有4个交点,当a >1e时由图可知只有3个交点,当0<a <1e时,令g (x )=lnx −ax ,x ∈(1,+∞),则g ′(x )=1x−a =1−ax x,则当1<x <1a 时g ′(x )>0,即g (x )单调递增,当x >1a 时g ′(x )<0,即g (x )单调递减,所以当x =1a 时,函数取得极大值即最大值,g (x )max =g (1a )=−lna −1>0,又g (1)=−a <0及对数函数与一次函数的增长趋势可知,当x 无限大时g (x )<0,即g (x )在(1,1a )和(1a ,+∞)内各有一个零点,即f(x)=ax 有5个实数根,故C 错误; 对于D :f 2(x)−(a +1a )f(x)+1=0,所以[f(x)−a][f(x)−1a]=0,所以f(x)=a或f(x)=1a,由图可知,当m>1时,f(x)=m的交点个数为2,当m=1,0时,f(x)=m的交点个数为3,当0<m<1时,f(x)=m的交点个数为4,当m<0时,f(x)=m的交点个数为1,所以若a>1时,则1a∈(0,1),交点的个数为2+4=6个,若a=1时,则1a=1,交点的个数为3个,若0<a<1,则1a>1,交点有4+2=6个,若a<0且a≠−1时,则1a <0且a≠1a,交点有1+1=2个,若a=−1=1a,交点有1个,综上所述,交点可能由1,2,3,6个,即方程不同实数根1,2,3,6,故D正确;三、填空题13.已知向量a⃗,b⃑⃗满足a=(4,0),b⃑⃗=(m,1),|a|=a⃗⋅b⃑⃗,则a⃗与b⃑⃗的夹角为___________.【答案】π4【解析】由题意,向量a=(4,0),b⃑⃗=(m,1),因为|a⃗|=a⃗⋅b⃑⃗,可得4m+0×1=4,解得m=1,即b⃑⃗=(1,1),可得|b⃑⃗|=√2,所以cos⟨a ,b⃑⟩=a⃑ ⋅b⃑|a⃑ |⋅|b⃑|=4×√2=√22,又因为⟨a ,b⃑⟩∈[0,π],所以⟨a ,b⃑⟩=π4.故答案为:π4.14.曲线y=lnx−2x 在x=1处的切线的倾斜角为α,则sinα+cosαsinα−2cosα=___________.【答案】4【解析】f′(x)=1x +2x2,tanα=f′(1)=3,sinα+cosαsinα−2cosα=tanα+1tanα−2=3+13−2=4.15.沙漏是古代的一种计时装置,它由两个形状完全相同的容器和一个狭窄的连接管道组成,开始时细沙全部在上部容器中,利用细沙全部流到下部容器所需要的时间进行计时.如图,某沙漏由上、下两个圆锥组成,这两个圆锥的底面直径和高分别相等,细沙全部在上部时,其高度为圆锥高度(h)的23(细管长度忽略不计).假设细沙全部漏入下部后,恰好堆成一个盖住沙漏底部的圆锥形沙堆.这个沙堆的高与圆锥的高h 的比值为______. 【答案】827【解析】设沙漏上下两个圆锥的底面半径为r ,高为h , 左侧倒圆锥形沙堆的体积V 1=13π(2r 3)22ℎ3=881πr 2ℎ,右侧圆锥形沙堆的体积V 2=13πr 2ℎ′, 由V 1=V 2得ℎ′=827ℎ. 故答案为:827.16.已知数列{a n }满足a 1=2,n 2⋅a n+1=2(n +1)2⋅a n ,S n 为数列{a n }的前n 项和,则S n =___________. 【答案】(n 2−2n +3)⋅2n+1−6【解析】由n 2⋅a n+1=2(n +1)2⋅a n 得a n+1(n+1)2=2×a n n 2,又a 112=2,所以数列{ann 2}是等比数列,公比为2, 所以ann 2=2×2n−1=2n ,即a n =n 2⋅2n .S n =1×2+22×22+32×23+⋯+n 2×2n ,(1)(1)×2得2S n =1×22+22×23+⋯+(n −1)2×2n +n 2×2n+1,(2)(1)-(2)得:−S n =1×2+3×22+5×23+⋯+(2n −1)×2n −n 2×2n+1,(3) (3)×2得:−2S n =1×22+3×23+5×24+⋯+(2n −3)×2n +(2n −1)×2n+1−n 2×2n+2,(4) (3)-(4)得:S n =2+2×22+2×23+⋯+2×2n −(2n −1)×2n+1+n 2×2n+1 =2+8(1−2n−1)1−2−(2n −1)×2n+1+n 2×2n+1=(n 2−2n +3)×2n+1−6.故答案为:(n 2−2n +3)⋅2n+1−6.四、解答题17.已知等差数列{}n a 和正项等比数列{}n b 满足14a =,12b =,212n n n b b b ++=+,332a b =+. (1)求{}n a 和{}n b 的通项公式;(2)对于集合A 、B ,定义集合{A B x x A −=∈且}x B ∉,设数列{}n a 和{}n b 中的所有项分别构成集合A 、B ,将集合A B −的所有元素按从小到大依次排列构成一个新数列{}n c ,求数列{}n c 的前30项和30S .【答案】(1)a n =3n +1,b n =2n ;(2)S 30=1632【解析】(1)设等差数列{a n }公差为d ,等比数列{b n }的公比为q (q >0), ∵b n+2=b n+1+2b n ,∴q 2=q +2,解得q =2或q =−1<0(舍去). 又b 1=2,所以b n =2×2n−1=2n . 所以a 3=b 3+2=10,d =a 3−a 13−1=10−42=3,所以,a n =a 3+(n −3)d =10+3(n −3)=3n +1. (2)∵a 30=91,a 33=100,又b 6=64<121<b 7=128, 所以S 30中要去掉数列{b n }的项最多6项,数列{b n }的前6项分别为2、4、8、16、32、64,其中4、16、64三项是数列{a n }和数列{b n }的公共项,所以{c n }前30项由{a n }的前33项去掉{b n }的b 2=4,b 4=16,b 6=64这3项构成. S 30=(a 1+a 2+⋯+a 33)−(b 2+b 4+b 6)=33×(4+100)2−(4+16+64)=1632.18.已知四边形ABCD ,A ,B ,C ,D 四点共圆,AB =5,BC =2,cos∠ABC =−45.(1)若sin∠ACD =√55,求AD 的长;(2)求四边形ABCD 周长的最大值. 【答案】(1)5;(2)15√2+7【解析】(1)在△ABC 中,由余弦定理得 AC 2=AB 2+BC 2−2AB ⋅BC ⋅cos∠ABC=52+22−2×5×2×(−45)=45,得AC =3√5. 因为cos∠ABC =−45, 0<∠ABC <π,所以sin∠ABC =35. 因为A,B,C,D 四点共圆,所以∠ABC 与角∠ADC 互补, 所以sin∠ADC =35,cos∠ADC =45,在△ACD ,由正弦定理得:ADsin∠ACD =ACsin∠ADC , 所以AD =AC⋅sin∠ACD sin∠ADC=3√5×√5535=5.(2)因为四边形ABCD 的周长为DC +DA +BC +BA =DC +DA +7, 在△ACD 中,由余弦定理得:AC 2=DA 2+DC 2−2DA ⋅DC ⋅cos∠ADC , 即45=DA 2+DC 2−85DA ⋅DC =(DA +DC)2−185DA ⋅DC≥(DA +DC)2−185(DA+DC 2)2=110(DA +DC)2∴(DA +DC)2≤450, ∴DA +DC ≤15√2, 当且仅当DA =DC =15√22时,(DA +DC)max =15√2,所以四边形ABCD 周长的最大值为15√2+7.19.移动支付(支付宝及微信支付)已经渐渐成为人们购物消费的一种支付方式,为调查市民使用移动支付的年龄结构,随机对100位市民做问卷调查得到2×2列联表如下:(1)按年龄35岁以下(含35岁)是否使用移动支付的人群中采用分层抽样的方式抽取10人做进一步的问卷调查,从这10人随机中选出3人颁发参与奖励,设使用移动支付的人数为X ,求X 的分布列及期望.(2)用这100位市民使用移动支付的频率代替全市市民使用移动支付的概率,从全市随机中选出10人,则使用移动支付的人数最有可能为多少? 【答案】(1)分布列见解析,125;(2)6【解析】(1)根据分层抽样知使用移动支付的人数为8人,不使用移动支付的有2人,则X 的可能值为1,2,3, P(X =1)=C 81C 22C 103=115,P(X =2)=C 82C 21C 103=715,P(X =3)=C 83C 20C 103=715,分布列为E(X)=1×115+2×715+3×715=125.(2)从全市随机选出10人,设使用移动支付的人数为Y ,则Y~B(10,35),且P(Y =k)=C 10k(35)k (25)10−k (k ∈N,0≤k ≤10). 由{C 10k (35)k (25)10−k≥C 10k−1(35)k−1(25)11−kC 10k (35)k (25)10−k ≥C 10k+1(35)k+1(25)9−k , 解得285≤k ≤335,因为k ∈N ∗,所以k =6,故使用移动支付的人数最有可能为6.20.如图所示的几何体中,△ABE ,△BCE ,△DCE 都是等腰直角三角形,AB =AE =DE =DC ,且平面ABE ⊥平面BCE ,平面DCE ⊥平面BCE .(1)求证:AD ||平面BCE ; (2)求二面角B −AD −E 的余弦值. 【答案】(1)证明见解析;(2)13【解析】(1)证明:分别取EB,EC 的中点O,H ,连接AO,DH,OH ,设AB =AE =DE =DC =1,则EB =EC =√2, ∵AB =AE,BO =OE,∴AO ⊥BE ,又平面ABE ⊥平面BCE ,平面ABE ∩平面BCE =BE,AO ⊂平面ABE , ∴AO ⊥平面BCE , 同理可证DH ⊥平面BCE , ∴AO//DH ,又因为AO =DH =√22,所以四边形AOHD 是平行四边形,∴AD//OH , 又∵AD ⊄平面BCE,OH ⊂平面BCE , ∴AD//平面BCE ;(2)如图,取BC 的中点为F ,则OF ⊥BE ,以点O 为坐标原点,OB,OF,OA 所在的直线分别为x 轴,y 轴,z 轴,建立空间直角坐标系,则A (0,0,√22),B (√22,0,0),D (−√22,√22,√22),E (−√22,0,0),则BA⃑⃑⃑⃑⃑ =(−√22,0,√22),BD ⃑⃑⃑⃑⃑⃑ =(−√2,√22,√22), 设平面ABD 的一个法向量为m ⃑⃑⃗=(x,y,z ), 则{−√22x +√22z =0−√2x +√22y +√22z =0⇒{−x +z =0−2x +y +z =0,令x =1,得平面ABD 的一个法向量为m ⃑⃑⃗=(1,1,1). 则AE⃑⃑⃑⃑⃑ =(−√22,0,−√22),DE ⃑⃑⃑⃑⃑ =(0,−√22,−√22), 设平面ADE 的一个法向量为n ⃑⃗=(a,b,c ), 则{−√22a −√22c =0−√22b −√22c =0⇒{a +c =0b +c =0,令a =1,得平面ADE 的一个法向量为n⃑⃗=(1,1,−1), 设二面角B −AD −E 的大小为θ,则|cos θ|=|m ⃑⃑⃑⃗⋅n ⃑⃗||m⃑⃑⃑⃗||n ⃑⃗|=√3×√3=13,观察可知θ为锐角,所以二面角B −AD −E 的余弦值为13.21.已知椭圆C :x 2a 2+y 2b 2=1(a >b >0)的右焦点F (c,0)在直线√3x +y −2√3=0上,且离心率为12.(1)求椭圆C 的方程;(2)设A (−a,0),B (a,0),过点A 的直线与椭圆C 交于另一点P (异于点B ),与直线x =a 交于一点M ,∠PFB 的角平分线与直线x =a 交于点N ,是否存在常数λ,使得BN⃑⃑⃑⃑⃑⃑ =λBM ⃑⃑⃑⃑⃑⃑ ?若存在,求出λ的值;若不存在,请说明理由.【答案】(1)x216+y212=1;(2)存在,λ=12,理由见解析【解析】(1)因为右焦点F(c,0)在直线√3x+y−2√3=0上,所以√3c−2√3=0,∴c=2∵e=ca =2a=12,∴a=4,∴b2=16−4=12.所以椭圆C的方程为x216+y212=1.(2)存在,λ=12,理由如下:因为A(−4,0),B(4,0),F(2,0),设M(4,y1),N(4,y2),P(x0,y0). 显然y1y2>0.可设直线AP的方程为x=my−4(m≠0),因为点M在这条直线上,则my1=8,m=8y1.联立{x=my−43x2+4y2=48,得(3m2+4)y2−24my=0的两根为y0和0,∴y0=24m3m2+4,∴x0=my0−4=12m2−163m2+4.∵k PF=y0x0−2=24m3m2+412m2−163m2+4−2=4mm2−4=8y116−y12,k NF=y22.设∠BFN=θ,则∠PFB=2θ,∴tan2θ=2tanθ1−tan2θ=y21−(y22)2=4y24−y22=4mm2−4.∴8y116−y12=4y24−y22,∴(2y2−y1)(y1y2+8)=0,因为y1y2>0,所以2y2−y1=0,∴y2=12y1.故存在常数λ=12,使得BN⃑⃑⃑⃑⃑⃑ =λBM⃑⃑⃑⃑⃑⃑ .22.已知函数f(x)=2x−2(a+2)√x+alnx(a∈R).(1)讨论函数f(x)的单调性;(2)若函数g(x)=f(x2)−2(a+1)lnx的图象与x轴交于两点A(x1,0),B(x2,0),且0<x1<x2,设x0=λx1+μx2,其中常数λ、μ满足条件λ+μ=1,μ⩾λ>0,g′(x)为函数g(x)的导函数,试判断g′(x0)的正负,并说明理由.【答案】(1)答案见解析;(2)g′(x0)>0,理由见解析【解析】(1)由题意,函数f(x)=2x−2(a+2)√x+alnx(a∈R)的定义域为(0,+∞),可得f′(x)=2√x +ax=(√x−1)(2√x−a)x,(x>0),①当a≤0时,可得2√x−a>0,当x∈(0,1)时,f′(x)<0,当x∈(1,+∞)时,f′(x)>0,所以f(x)在(0,1)单调递减,在(1,+∞)单调递增;②当a=2时,可得f′(x)=2(√x−1)2x≥0在(0,+∞)上恒成立,所以函数f(x)在(0,+∞)上单调递增;③当0<a <2时,当x ∈(0,a 24)时,f ′(x )>0;当x ∈(a 24,1)时,f ′(x )<0; 当x ∈(1+∞)时,f ′(x )>0,所以f (x )在(a 24,1)递减,在(0,a 24),(1+∞)递增; ④当a >2时,当x ∈(0,1)时,f ′(x )<0;当x ∈(1,a 24)时,f ′(x )>0; 当x ∈(a 24,+∞)时,f ′(x )>0,所以f (x )在(1,a 24)递减,在(0,1),(a 24,+∞)递增. 综上,当a ≤0时,f (x )在(0,1)递减,在(1,+∞)递增;当a =2时,f (x )在(0,+∞)上单调递增:当0<a <2时,f (x )在(a 24,1)递减,在(0,a 24),(1,+∞)递增: 当a >2时,f (x )在(1,a 24)递减,在(0,1),(a 24,+∞)递增. (2)因为g (x )=f (x 2)−2(a +1)ln x =2[x 2−(a +2)x −ln x ],(x >0), 可得g ′(x )=2[2x −(a +2)−1x ],则g ′(x 0)=2[2x 0−(a +2)−1x 0], 因为函数y =g (x )的图象与x 轴交于两点A (x 1,0),B (x 2,0),且0<x 1<x 2.所以{x 12−lnx 1=(a +2)x 1x 22−lnx 2=(a +2)x 2,两式相减得(x 12−x 22)−(ln x 1−ln x 2)=(a +2)(x 1−x 2), 因为x 1−x 2≠0,所以a +2=(x 1+x 2)−lnx 1−ln x 2x1−x 2, 所以g ′(x 1+x 22)=2[(x 1+x 2)−(a +2)−2x 1+x 2]=2[ln x 1−ln x 2x 1−x 2−2x 1+x 2] =2x 1−x 2[(ln x 1−ln x 2)−2(x 1−x 2)x 1+x 2]=2x 1−x 2[ln x 1x 2−2(x 1x 1−1)x 1x 2+1],令t =x 1x 2,因为0<x 1<x 2,可得0<t <1,令u (t )=ln t −2(t−1)t+1,可得u ′(t )=1t −4(t+1)2=(t−1)2t(t+1)2, 又由0<t <1,所以u ′(t )>0,所以u (t )在(0,1)上是増函数,则u (t )<u (1)=0, 所以ln x 1x 2−2(x 1x 2−1)x 1x 2+1<0, 又因为2x 1−x 2<0,所以g ′(x 1+x 22)>0, 因为x 0=λx 1+μx 2,λ+μ=1,μ≥λ>0,所以μ≥12≥λ>0,所以x 0−x 1+x 22=(1−μ)x 1+μx 2−x 1+x 22=(μ−12)(x 2−x 1)≥0,所以x 0≥x 1+x 22, 因为g ′(x )在(0,+∞)上单调遌增,所以g ′(x 0)≥g ′(x 1+x 22)>0,所以g ′(x 0)>0.。





第一部分必须用2B 铅笔作答;第二部分必须用黑色字迹的签字笔作答。


第一部分(共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)1.I am sure that the girl you are going to meet is more beautiful_______ than in her pictures.A.in nature B.in movement C.in the flesh D.in the mood2.The possibility that Frank was lying ______ through my mind.A.swallowed B.masked C.flashed3.E-shopping, when properly _____ ,can save us a lot of time and energy.A.done B.doing C.to do D.is done4.Hard work,along with dedicated revolutionary spirit is the fundamental guarantee of success,which is ________ we should learn from the pioneers participating in the Long March.A.that B.whatC.where D.how5.goes up must come down, and gasoline prices are coming down fast in some parts of America.A.WhereB.WhatC.WhichD.That6.—I got beaten in the first round in the contest. I am feeling depressed.—Cheer up! You have to ________ yourself ________ to have the last laugh. A.open; up B.pick; up C.knock; up D.do; up7.When in trouble,remember to stay calm,and everything will well.A.turn back B.turn up C.turn down D.turn out8.Thinking that her daughter was doing her homework ,the mother left the room,_________.A.quickly and gentle B.quick and gentleC.quickly and gently D.quick and gently9.— Thank you very much for giving me a hand when I was in trouble.—Don’t mention it. I only did what anyone else _______ in my place.A.must do B.could have doneC.would do D.can have done10.Could I speak to__________ is in charge of International Sales please?A.who B.whatC.whoever D.whatever11.--- Why didn’t you help the little boy?--- Oh, he had struggled to his feet ______ I could run over and offered any help. A.before B.afterC.when D.since12.In contrast with the liberal social climate of the present, traditions in the past were relatively ______.A.competitive B.comprehensiveC.creative D.conservative13.We were sad to learn that several students were by a car yesterday.A.hit out B.knocked overC.run across D.picked up14.I had hoped to take a holiday this year but I wasn’t able to ______.A.get away B.drop in C.check out D.hold on 15.He has no idea what the book is about.He have read it very carefully.A.needn’t B.shouldn’t C.can’t D.mustn’t16.—What do you think of the newly-released film Capernaum?—It touched my heart deeply. But for your recommendation I _________ it.A.had missed B.would miss C.would have missed D.must have missed 17.The part in the film Rio _______ the two birds escaped from the crashing plane made some of the audience give a cry.A.which B.who C.where D.whom18.The girl is sure to become a good actress __________ she gets the right training. A.until B.if C.although D.unless19.At the end of the historic area,Wilmington displayed its ________ as a working port city:large ware-houses and a few other dated office buildings.A.achievement B.reputationC.character D.standard20.Kimberly ______ an article, so don’t disturb her.A.would write B.writes C.wrote D.is writing第二部分阅读理解(满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。








1.冻雨现象最有可能出现在图中的()A.①处B.②处C.③处D.④处【答案】 A【详解答案】冻雨现象应该出现在逆温层以下气温低于0℃的地方。


【考查能力层次】 AB【题目案例取景(取材)】改编【难度系数(1)】重点班 0.9【难度系数(2)】普通班 0.72.当我国某地区出现冻雨现象时,该地区()A.处在单一气团的控制下B.上空有逆温层存在C.正值夏秋季节D.地下潜水位迅速上升【答案】 B【详解答案】上空有逆温层存在,出现冻雨现象时气温降到0℃以下。


【考查能力层次】 AB【题目案例取景(取材)】改编【难度系数(1)】重点班 0.8【难度系数(2)】普通班 0.73.本次遭受雨雪冰冻灾害最严重的植被类型是()A.热带雨林B.亚热带常绿阔叶林C.温带落叶阔叶林D.亚寒带针叶林【答案】 B【详解答案】本次遭受雨雪冰冻灾害最严重的植被类型是发生冻雨的区域所处的自然带,应该是亚热带常绿阔叶林。



2017届高三上学期期末华附、省实、深中、广雅四校联考数学(文科)本试卷分选择题和非选择题两部分,共5页,满分150分,考试用时120分钟. 注意事项:1.答卷前,考生务必用2B 铅笔在“准考证号”处填涂准考证号.用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔将自己姓名、班级、考场号、座位号、准考证号填写在答题卷指定区域内.2.选择题每小题选出答案后,用2B 铅笔把答题卷上对应题目的答案标号涂黑;如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其它答案;不能答在试卷上. 3.非选择题必须用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔作答,答案必须写在答题卷各题目指定区域内的相应位置上;如需改动,先划掉原来的答案,然后再写上新的答案;不准使用铅笔和涂改液.不按以上要求作答的答案无效. 4.考生必须保持答题卷的整洁.参考公式:球的表面积公式:24R S π=球,柱体体积公式:Sh V =第I 卷 选择题一、选择题:本大题共12小题,每小题5分,满分60分,在每小题给出的四个选项中, 只有一项是符合题目要求的.1.已知集合},023|{2≤+-=x x x A },12|{>∈=xZ x B 则=⋂B AA .)2,1(B .]2,1(C .]2,1[D .}2,1{2.复数z 满足|3|)1(i z i -=+,则=zA .i +1B .i -1C .i --1D .i +-1 3.两个女同学和一名男同学站成一排,则两个女同学相邻的概率是A .61 B .21 C .31 D .32 4.若正整数N 除以正整数m 后的余数为,n 则记为),(mod m n N ≡ 例如).7(mod 411≡如右图所示的程序框图的算法源于我国古代 闻名中外的《中国剩余定理》,执行该程序框图,则输出的=n A. 15 B. 16 C. 17 D. 19 5.已知,20”:“<≤a P :q “直线0=++a y x 与圆122=+y x相交”,则p 是q 的 A .充分不必要条件B .必要不充分条件C .充要条件D .既不充分也不必要条件6.中心在原点且关于坐标轴对称的双曲线M 的离心率为3,且它的一个焦点到一条渐近 线的距离为2,则双曲线M 的方程是A .14222=-y xB .12422=-x yC .12422=-y x 或12422=-x yD .14222=-y x 或14222=-x y7.函数)(x f 的部分图像如图所示,则)(x f 的解析式可以是 A .x x x f sin )(+= B .xxx f cos )(=C .x x x f cos )(=D .)23)(2()(ππ--=x x x x f 8.《莱因德纸草书》 (Rhind Papyrus)是世界上最古老的数学著作之一,书中有这样一题: 把120个面包分成5份,使每份的面包数成等差数列,且较多的三份之和恰好是较少 的两份之和的7倍,则最多的那份有面包 A .48个 B .46个 C .45个 D .43个 9.已知函数),(14sin cos 22)(R x x x x f ∈-⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛+=π则函数)(x f 在区间]4,4[ππ-上的最大值和最小值分别是 A .最大值为,2最小值为-l B .最大值为,2最小值为2-C .最大值为,122-最小值为122--D .最大值为1.最小值为-l10.已知实数y x ,满足⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧≤+-≤≥m y x x y y ,121如果目标函数y x z -=的最小值为-l ,则实数m 等于A . 7B .5C .4D .311.在四棱锥ABCD P -中,⊥PA 底面,ABCD 底面ABCD 为正方形,,AB PA =该四棱锥被一平面截去一部分后,剩余部分的三视图如图,则截去部分体积与剩余部分体积的比值为 A .21 B .31 C .41D .5112.关于x 的方程0|1|)1(222=+---k x x ,给出以下四个命题: ①存在实数,k 使得方程恰有3个不同的实数根; ②存在实数,k 使得方程恰有4个不同的实数根; ③存在实数,k 使得方程恰有5个不同的实数根;④存在实数,k 使得方程恰有6个不同的实数根;其中假命题的个数是 A .0 B .1C .2D .3第Ⅱ卷 非选择题本卷包括必考题和选考题两部分.第13题~第21题为必考题,每个试题考生都必须 作答.第22题~第23题为选考题,考生根据要求作答. 二、填空题:本大题共4小题,每小题5分,满分20分.13.在矩形ABCD 中,,3,5,8PD CP AD AB ===则______________=⋅BP AP 14.如下图在某点B 处测得建筑物AE 的顶端A 的仰角为,θ沿BE 方向前进m 15至点C 处测得顶端A 的仰角为,2θ再继续前进m 35至D 点,测得顶端A 的仰角为,4θ则建筑物AE 的高为15.已知EAB ∆所在的平面与矩形ABCD 所在的平面互相垂直,,2,3===AD EB EA,60 =∠AEB 则多面体ABCD E -的外接球的表面积为16.椭圆)0(12222>>=+b a by a x 第一象限上一点与中心、右焦点构成一个正三角形,其面积是.34,则_____________2=b三、解答题:本大题共5小题,满分60分.解答须写出文字说明、证明过程和演算步骤. 17.(本小题满分12分)已知等差数列}{n a 的前n 项和为.55,3*,,103==∈S a N n S n (I)求数列}{n a 的通项公式: ( II)设2sin 22πn a b n a n n⋅+=,求数列}{n b 的前n 2项和⋅n T 218.(本小题满分12分)某城市随机抽取一个月(30天)的空气质量指数API 监测数据, API [0,50] (50,100] 100,150] (150,200] (200,250] (250,300] (300,350] 空气质量 优 良 轻微污染 轻度污染 中度污染 中重度污染 重度污染天数2459433( I)根据以上数据估计该城市这30天空气质量指数的平均值;( II)若该城市某企业因空气污染每天造成的经济损失S (单位:元)与空气质量指数API(记为w )的关系式为⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧≤<≤<-≤≤=350300,2000,300100,40041000,0W W w W S 若在本月30天中随机抽取一天,试估计该天经济损失S 大于200元且不超过600元的概率。
















































这种购买热情释放出千亿赛道的市场潜力,由此也带动了“拒绝emo” “逢考必过”等虚拟产品的热销。


























AWe love food and drink.We love to celebrate the good stuff and criticize the bad. This is our take on the top three food cultures and destinations.It’s time to find out once and for all,which cuisine is king as you plan where you’ll travel next:No.3FranceYou can spend an entire two-week vacation exploring combinations of wines and cheeses around the country.YumEscargot---credit the French for turning garden-dwelling pests into a delicacy. Massive respect for making them taste amazing too.Baguette---the first and last thing that you’ll want to eat in France.The first bite is superb;the last will be full of longing.DumbFoie gras---it tastes like10,000ducks roasted in butter then reduced to a velvet pudding.No.2ChinaThe people who greet each other with“Have you eaten yet?”are arguably the most food-obsessed in the world.The Chinese almost cook and sell anything,and they also make it taste great.YumSweet and sour pork---a guilty pleasure that has taken on different forms.Dim sum---a grand tradition from Hong Kong to New York.The best to start a day as breakfast.DumbShark’s fin soup---calling for Chinese restaurants to ban the dish has been a goal of green campaigners in recent years.No.1ItalyItalian food has enslaved taste-buds around the globe for centuries,with its tomato sauces,and those clever things they do with wheat flour and desserts.YumPizza---simple yet satisfying dish.Staple diet of bachelors and college students.Coffee---cappuccino is for breakfast?Forget it.We want it all day and all night.DumbBuffalo mozzarella--those balls of water buffalo milk.The flavor’s so subtle you have to imagine it.1.Which food would you not try as an environmentalist?A.Shark’s fin soupB.Foie grasC.Sweet and sour porkD.Escargot2.Which will be the best choice for hungry students in Italy?A.PizzaB.CoffeeC.Buffalo mozzarellaD.Desserts3.Which will be the best breakfast?A.CappuccinoB.BaguetteC.CheeseD.Dim sumBThat was how the adventures began.It was the sort of house that you never seem to come to the end of,and it was full of unexpected places.The first few doors they triedled only into spare bedrooms,as everyone had expected that they would;but soon they came to a very long room full of pictures;and after that was a room all hung with green, with a harp in one corner;and then a kind of little upstairs hall and a door that led out on to a balcony.And shortly after that they looked into a room that was quite empty except for one big wardrobe,the sort that has a looking-glass in the door.“Nothing there!”Everybody rushed out but Lucy stayed because she thought it would be worthwhile trying the door of the wardrobe,even though she felt almost sure that it would be locked.To her surprise,it opened quite easily,and two mothballs dropped out.Looking into the inside,she saw several coats hanging up---mostly long fur coats. There was nothing Lucy liked so much as the smell and feel of fur.She immediately stepped into the wardrobe and got in among the coats and rubbed her face against them, leaving the door open,of course,because she knew that it is very foolish to shut oneself into any wardrobe...She took a step further in---then two or three steps,always expecting to feel woodwork against the tips of her fingers.But she could not feel it.“This must be a simply vast wardrobe!”thought Lucy,going still further in.Then she noticed that there was something crunching under her feet.“Is that more mothball?”she thought,stooping down to feel it with her hand.But instead of feeling the hard, smooth wood,she felt something soft and powdery and extremely cold.“This is very queer,”she said,and went on a step or two further....And then she saw that there was a light ahead of her;...A moment later she found that she was standing in the middle of a wood at night-time with snow under her feet and snowflakes falling through the air.4.What is the first paragraph mainly about?A.The discovery of mysterious rooms.B.The complex structures of the house.C.The unexpected search of the house.D.The adventurous exploration in a house.5.Why didn’t Lucy go out of the room?A.She wanted to explore the wardrobe.B.She found her favourite fur coats.C.She was attracted by mothballs.D.She liked the smell of the room.6.What can we infer about Lucy from the third paragraph?A.Careful and cowardly.B.Cautious and curious.C.Foolish but brave.D.Adventurous but casual.7.What does the underlined word“queer”mean?A.Terrifying.B.Empty.C.Strange.D.Impressive.CStories are shared in many ways.They are described in books and magazines.They are read around the campfire at night.They are randomly distributed from stand-alone booths.But what else?To revive literature in the era of fast news and smartphone addiction,Short Edition, a French publisher of short-form literature,has set up more than30story dispensers(分发机)in the USA in the past years to deliver fiction at the push of a button at restaurants, universities and government offices.Francis Ford Coppola,the film director and winemaker,liked the idea so much that he invested in the company and placed a dispenser at his Cafe Zoetrope in San st month,public libraries in some other cities announced they would be setting them up,too.There is one on the campus at Penn State.A few can be found in downtown West Palm Beach,Fla.And Short Edition plans to announce more,including at the Los Angeles International Airport.“Everything old is new again,”said Andrew Nurkin,director of the Free Library of Philadelphia,which is one of the libraries that set up the dispensers.“We want people to be easily exposed to literature.We want to advance literacy among children and inspire their creativity.”Here’s how a dispenser works.It has three buttons on top indicating choices for stories that can be read in one minute,three minutes or five minutes.When a button is pushed,a short story is printed.The stories are free.They are chosen from a computer category of more than100,000original submissions by writers whose works have been evaluated by Short Edition’s judges,and transmitted over a mobile network.Offerings can be tailored to specific interests,like children’s fiction or romance.Short Edition gets stories for its category by holding writing contests.Short Edition set up its first booth in2016and has150machines worldwide.“The idea is to make people happy,”said Kristan Leroy,director of Short Edition.“There istoo much unhappiness today.”8.What do we know about the stories sent by dispensers?A.They are easily read.B.They are short in form.C.They can be bought from booths.D.They can be found in magazines.9.Which paragraph shows the popularity of story dispensers in America?A.Paragraph3.B.Paragraph5.C.Paragraph6.D.Paragraph7.10.Why were the story dispensers set up according to Andrew Nurkin?A.To introduce French literature.B.To get rid of smartphone addiction.C.To make people have access to literature.D.To reduce the financial stress of libraries.11.What is the best title for the text?A.Everything Old Is NewB.Online Reading:a Virtual TourC.Short Edition Is Getting PopularD.Taste of Literature,at the Push of a ButtonDDo you think you’re smarter than your parents and grandparents?According to James Flynn,a professor at a New Zealand university,you are!Over the course of the last century,people who have taken IQ tests have gotten increasingly better scores---on average,three points better for every decade that has passed.This improvement is known as“the Flynn effect”,and scientists want to know what is behind it.IQ tests and other similar tests are designed to measure general intelligence rather than knowledge.Flynn knew that intelligence is partly inherited from our parents and partly the result of our environment and experiences,but the improvement in test scores was happening too quickly to be explained by heredity.So what was happening in the 20th century that was helping people achieve higher scores on intelligence tests?Scientists have proposed several explanations for the Flynn effect.Some suggest that the improved test scores simply reflect an increased exposure to tests in general.Because we take so many tests,we learn test-taking techniques that help us perform better on any test.Others have pointed to better nutrition since it results in babies being born larger,healthier,and with more brain development than in the past.Another possible explanation is a change in educational styles,with teachers encouraging children to learn by discovering things for themselves rather than just memorizing information.This could prepare people to do the kind of problem solving that intelligence tests require.Flynn limited the possible explanations when he looked carefully at the test data and discovered that the improvement in scores was only on certain parts of the IQ test. Test-takers didn’t do better on the arithmetic or vocabulary sections of the test;they did better on sections that required a special kind of reasoning and problem solving.For example,one part of the test shows a set of abstract shapes,and test-takers must look for patterns and connections between them and decide which shape should be added to the set.According to Flynn,this visual intelligence improves as the amount of technology in our lives increases.Every time you play a computer game or figure out how to program a new cell phone,you are exercising exactly the kind of thinking and problem solving that helps you do well on one kind of intelligence test.So are you really smarter than your parents?In one very specific way,you may be.12.The Flynn effect is_____.A.not connected to our experiencesB.unknown in some parts of the worldC.an increase in IQ test scores over timeed to measure people’s intelligence13.According to the article,newer educational techniques include_____.A.improving test scoresB.exposure to many testsC.memorizing informationD.children finding things out themselves14.Why does the author mention computer games?A.To encourage the reader to do more exercise instead of playing games.B.To explain why more and more young people have poor vocabularies.C.To give an example of technology improving our visual intelligence.D.To show the fact that young people are not getting more intelligent.15.Which statement would Professor Flynn agree with?A.People today are taking easier tests.B.People today have more visual intelligence.C.People today have fewer problems to solve.D.People today are more intelligent in every way.第二节(共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。





第一部分必须用2B 铅笔作答;第二部分必须用黑色字迹的签字笔作答。




1.已知,都是偶函数,且在上单调递增,设函数,若,则( )A .且B .且C .且D .且2.函数ln ||()xx x f x e=的大致图象为( ) A . B .C .D .3.设集合{|0}A x x =>,{}2|log (31)2B x x =-<,则( ). A .50,3AB ⎛⎫= ⎪⎝⎭ B .10,3AB ⎛⎤= ⎥⎝⎦C .1,3A B ⎛⎫⋃=+∞ ⎪⎝⎭D .(0,)A B =+∞4.若函数()f x 的图象如图所示,则()f x 的解析式可能是( )A .()x e xf x x+=B .()21x f x x -=C .()x e xf x x-=D .()21x f x x +=5.设复数z 满足i(i i2i z z -=-为虚数单位),则z =( ) A .13i 22- B .13i 22+ C .13i 22--D .13i 22-+ 6.某学校调查了200名学生每周的自习时间(单位:小时),制成了如图所示的频率分布直方图,其中自习时间的范围是17.5,30],样本数据分组为17.5,20),20,22.5),22.5,25),25,27.5),27.5,30).根据直方图,这200名学生中每周的自习时间不少于22.5小时的人数是( )A .56B .60C .140D .1207.复数5i12i+的虚部是 ( ) A .iB .i -C .1D .1-8.若函数32()2()f x x mx x m R =-+∈在1x =处有极值,则()f x 在区间[0,2]上的最大值为( )A .1427B .2C .1D .39.已知双曲线()222210,0x y a b a b-=>>的焦距是虚轴长的2倍,则双曲线的渐近线方程为( )A .33y x =±B .3y x =C .12y x =±D .2y x =±10.已知集合{}1,0,1,2A =-,()(){}120B x x x =+-<,则集合A B 的真子集的个数是( )A .8B .7C .4D .311.复数2iz i=-(i 是虚数单位)在复平面内对应的点在( ) A .第一象限B .第二象限C .第三象限D .第四象限12.若21i iz =-+,则z 的虚部是A .3B .3-C .3iD .3i -二、填空题:本题共4小题,每小题5分,共20分。



华南师范大学附属中学2024届高三下期末联考数学试题请考生注意:1.请用2B 铅笔将选择题答案涂填在答题纸相应位置上,请用0.5毫米及以上黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔将主观题的答案写在答题纸相应的答题区内。





1.命题“20,(1)(1)∀>+>-x x x x ”的否定为( )A .20,(1)(1)∀>+>-x x x xB .20,(1)(1)∀+>-x x x xC .20,(1)(1)∃>+-x x x xD .20,(1)(1)∃+>-x x x x2.已知向量(,1)a m =,(1,2)b =-,若(2)a b b -⊥,则a 与b 夹角的余弦值为( ) A .21313-B .21313C .61365-D .613653.某学校为了调查学生在课外读物方面的支出情况,抽取了一个容量为n 的样本,其频率分布直方图如图所示,其中支出在[20,40)(单位:元)的同学有34人,则n 的值为( )A .100B .1000C .90D .904.定义在R 上的偶函数()f x 满足()()11f x f x +=-()()0≠f x ,且在区间()20172018,上单调递减,已知,αβ是锐角三角形的两个内角,则()()sin cos f f βα,的大小关系是( ) A .()()sin cos βα<f f B .()()sin cos βα>f f C .()()sin =cos βαf fD .以上情况均有可能5.为比较甲、乙两名高中学生的数学素养,对课程标准中规定的数学六大素养进行指标测验(指标值满分为100分,分值高者为优),根据测验情况绘制了如图所示的六大素养指标雷达图,则下面叙述不正确的是( )A .甲的数据分析素养优于乙B .乙的数据分析素养优于数学建模素养C .甲的六大素养整体水平优于乙D .甲的六大素养中数学运算最强6.如图,网格纸上小正方形的边长为1,粗线画出的是某几何体的三视图,则该几何体的表面积( )A .623+B .622+C .442+D .443+7.《九章算术》有如下问题:“今有金箠,长五尺,斩本一尺,重四斤;斩末一尺,重二斤,问次一尺各重几何?”意思是:“现在有一根金箠, 长五尺在粗的一端截下一尺,重4斤;在细的一端截下一尺,重2斤,问各尺依次重多少?”按这一问题的颗设,假设金箠由粗到细各尺重量依次成等差数列,则从粗端开始的第二尺的重量是( ) A .73斤 B .72斤 C .52斤 D .3斤8.若复数z 满足(23i)13i z +=,则z =( ) A .32i -+ B .32i +C .32i --D .32i -9.函数||1()e sin 28x f x x =的部分图象大致是( )A .B .C .D .10.已知角α的终边与单位圆221x y +=交于点01,3P y ⎛⎫ ⎪⎝⎭,则cos2α等于( )A .19B .79-C .23-D .1311.《易·系辞上》有“河出图,洛出书”之说,河图、洛书是中华文化,阴阳术数之源,其中河图的排列结构是一、六在后,二、七在前,三、八在左,四、九在右,五、十背中,如图,白圈为阳数,黑点为阴数,若从阴数和阳数中各取一数,则其差的绝对值为5的概率为A .15B .625C .825D .2512.对某两名高三学生在连续9次数学测试中的成绩(单位:分)进行统计得到折线图,下面是关于这两位同学的数学成绩分析.①甲同学的成绩折线图具有较好的对称性,故平均成绩为130分; ②根据甲同学成绩折线图提供的数据进行统计,估计该同学平均成绩在区间内;③乙同学的数学成绩与测试次号具有比较明显的线性相关性,且为正相关; ④乙同学连续九次测验成绩每一次均有明显进步. 其中正确的个数为( ) A .B .C .D .二、填空题:本题共4小题,每小题5分,共20分。



[标签:标题]篇一:广州重点初中排名08年的24所提前批院校08公费线08择校线1 华师附中728 718(该数据已调整)2 实验中学720(该数据已调整)701(该数据已调整)3 执信中学726(该数据已调整)7204 广雅中学712 709(该数据已调整)5 第二中学702 6966 第六中学697 690(该数据已调整)7 第七中学690 6828 第十六中682(该数据已调整)676 9 广铁一中675 671 10 广大附中678 67011 培正中学668(该数据已调整)661 12 培英中学641 638 13 第五中学648 642 14 协和中学645 640 15 八十六中641 640 16 育才中学647 64317 第三中学658 648(该数据已调整)18 第一中学645 640 19 真光中学641 635 20 六十五中641 63021 四十七中653 685(07年该校择校热已调整)22 天河中学644 648 23 南武中学642 630 24 玉岩中学641 6472008年高分保护线预计:690分(该数据已调整)提前批设档线预计:650分(该数据已调整)择校、自筹经费班630 (新增)由于许多同学一摸或二摸考的一般,不敢报考前六所名校,因此认为全市只有前7000多名就有机会,其实这是不对的。


2007年广州中考总平均分前十强学校分别为:1. 华南师范大学附属中学2. 广雅实验学校3. 育才实验学校4. 广州市第二中学应元学校5. 广州市第四十七中学6. 广州第四中学聚贤中学7.中山大学附属中学8. 广东实验学校9. 华侨外国语学校10. 真光实验学校广州各初中09年中考成绩平均分1 华附731 2 广雅实验720.88 3 应元712.8 4育才实验709.2 5 中大附中702.5 6 玉岩中学701.17 7 西外698 8 六中珠江677.20 9 16中665.5 10 侨外665.3 11 广附663.3 12 花都邝中660 13 省实658.314 7中656.9 15 铁一655.5 16 华附番禺655.17 17 2中650.5序号学校2009中考平均分700分以上占比信息来源1华师附中(公办)731 --------网络2广雅实验720.88 80.66% 学校网站3二中应元712.8 4育才实验709.2 5中大附中702.5 6玉岩中学(公办)701.17 747中本部(公办) 700.8 8西关外国语学校(公办)697.97 27 47中汇景(公办) 680 9四中聚贤678.3 10 六中珠江677.20 11 天河中学(公办)675 12 华附新世界668.7 13 16中(公办)665.5 14 华侨外国语学校(公办)665.3 15 广大附中(公办)663.3 16 花都邝煜维纪念中学660 17 省实(公办)658.3 18 7中(公办)656.9 19 广外附设外语学校656.8 20 铁一(公办)655.5 21华附番禺655.17 22 培英实验中学652.86 23 省实天河652.1 24 二中(公办)650.5 25 八一(公办)632 26 3中(公办)631.6 28 培正(公办)626.5---------------- 69% -------- 56.6% 38%--------40.4%-------- 34%--------------------------------49% -------- 35.35% 44.8% 36.54%-------- 24.18% --------------------------------网络网络网络学校网站学校网站天河教育在线网络学校网站网络学校网站网络网络网络网络学校网站网络学校网站学校网站学校网站网络学校网站网络网络网络网络63.95% 网络广州市中学一览表编号名称地址电话篇二:广州市中学排名这个数据可以供你参考下:1.华南师范大学附属中学这么多年来,华附稳坐广州重点中学第一把交椅。

  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
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的射影是该三角形的外心.其中正确 命题的个数为

1 2 5 10 17 26 ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓
4 ← 3 6 11 18 ↓ ↓ ↓
9 ← 8 ← 7 12 19 ↓ ↓
16 ← 15 ← 14 ← 13 20 ↓
25 ← 24 ← 23 ← 22 ← 21
(Ⅰ)求200在表中的位置(在第几行第几列); (Ⅱ)试求自上至下的的第m行,自左至右的第n列上的数; (Ⅲ)求主对角线上的数列:1、3、7、13、21、……的通项公式和前n 项和的求和公式。
20.(本小题满分14分) 如图所示,A、B为函数图象上两点,且AB∥轴,点M(1,m)
(m>3)是△ABC边AC的中点。 (1)设点B的横坐标为t,△ABC的面积为S,求S关于t的函数关系式 S=; (2)求函数S=的最大值,并求出相应的点C的坐标。 y A B M -1 1 x C O

8 4 4 侧视图



3.数列{a n}的前n项和为S n,且,则数列{a n}的首项为( )
A.1或一2 B.土1 C.土2 D.2或-1
4.若,则下列不等式:①a+b<ab ;②|a|>|b| ; ③a<b ;④中,正确的
1. 选择题:本大题共10小题,每小题5分,共50分,在每小题给出
A.p真q假 B.p假q真
C.p与q均真 D.p与q均假
18.(本小题满分14分) 如图,平面四边形ABCD中,AB=13,AC=10,AD=5,
cos∠DAC=,=120. (1) 求cos∠BAD;
19.(本小题满分14分) 已知直线与抛物线交于、两点,过、两点的圆与抛物线在(其中点
在轴的右侧)处有共同的切线。 (1) 求圆的方程; (2) 若圆与直线交于、两点,为坐标原点,求证:为定值。
号涂黑;如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其它答案;不能答在 试卷上。 3.非选择题必须用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔作答,答案必须写在答题 卷各题目指定区域内的相应位置上;如需改动,先划掉原来的答 案,然后再写上新的答案;不准使用铅笔和涂改液,不按以上要求 作答的答案无效。 4.考生必须保持答题卡的整洁,考试结束后,将答题卷和答题卡一 并收回。 参考公式:

三、解答题:本大题共6小题,共80分。解答应给出文字说明、证明过程 或演算步骤。
如图,正三棱柱的所有棱长都为,为中点. A B D C (Ⅰ)求证:平面; (Ⅱ)求点到平面的距离。
17.(本小题满分12分) 甲、乙两同学下棋,胜一盘得2分,和一盘各得一分,负一盘得0
, ……8 分
1 当时,令得,
在区间(0,)上,, S=递增;在区间(,1 ]上,, S=递减;
……11 分
2 当m>9时, >0, S=是(0,1]增函数,
∴当t=1时, 函数S=取最大值,此时点C的坐标为.……14 分
峰(图象的最高点),则正整数t的最小值是 ( )

A. B. C. D.
8.若函数在(0,1)内有极小值,则实数b的取值范围是( )
A.(0,1) B.(-∞,1) C.(0,) D.(0,)
10.已知实系数一元二次方程的两根分别为,且,,则的取值范围是 () A. B. C. D.
和 负 胜 和 负 胜 和 负 胜 和 负
4分有3种情况,共10种情况。 ……10分
华南师范大学附属中学、广东省实验中学、广雅中学、深圳中 学四校联考
本试卷分选择题和非选择题两部分,满分150分,考试用时120分 钟。 注意事项: 1.答卷前,考生务必用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔将自己的校名、姓
名、考号填写在答题卡的密封线内。 2.选择题每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标


(方法二:利用等腰三角形证明的相应给分,H为AB1与A1B的交点) 在正方形中,,
……10 分
……12 分
……14 分

又圆心在的中垂线上,即, ②
……6 分
……8 分
(2)由,得 ……10分
……11 分
……3 分
……5 分(不写定义域的扣1分)
(3) 设,因为M是△ABC边AC的中点,
……5 分
解: (1)由,得.
……2 分
由切线性质得 ,
……8 分
由(1) 平面,且
∴到面的距离为, 设点B到面的距离为h,

, 求得h=.∴点B到面的距离为.……12分
胜 胜 和 负 胜 和 负 胜 和 负 胜 和 负 和 胜 和 负 胜 和 负 胜 和 负 胜 和 负 负 胜