高一英语优质课件:Unit4 Earthquakes- Speaking and Writing(新人教版必修1) 公开课获奖课件


高一英语优质课件:Unit4 Earthquakes- listening and Speaking(新人教版必修1)

高一英语优质课件:Unit4 Earthquakes- listening and Speaking(新人教版必修1)

Listening Speaking
Listen to the tape and tell whether they are true of false.
1. Inside the earth there are a number of plates. F
2. These plates move all the time.
2nd thing I must do__M__a_k__e_s_u_r_e__I__h_id__e_u__n_d_e_r_____ _s_o_m__e_t_h_i_n_g__li_k_e__a__ta__b_le__t_o_p__r_o_t_e_c_t_m__y_s_e_l_f _f_r_o_m_ __th__in__g_s_f_a_l_li_n_g__o_n__t_o_p__o_f_m__e_._______________. 3rd thing I must do __I_m__u_s_t__h_o_l_d_o__n_t_o_t_h_e_______ _f_u_r_n_i_t_u_r_e__s_o_i_t_d_o__e_s_n_’_t _m__o_v_e__a_w_a__y_f_o_r_m_____ __m__e_d_u__r_in__g_t_h_e__e_a_r_t_h_q_u__a_k_e_._____.
pictures of family
Mobile mpheodniceine
My personal earthquake bag will contain
personal washing things
food and sweets



mobile phone
a bottle of water
Possible sample
We decide to take bottles of water and some fruit to keep alive; we will take a torchlight, a mobile phone and a radio to get in touch with the outside world, if we are buried in the ruins; we will take some clothes and a blanket to keep warm; and we will take our identity cards with us, In case we are killed. If that happens. people can at least know who we are.
2nd thing I must do__M__a_k__e_s_u_r_e__I__h_id__e_u__n_d_e_r_____ _s_o_m__e_t_h_i_n_g__li_k_e__a__ta__b_le__t_o_p__r_o_t_e_c_t_m__y_s_e_l_f _f_r_o_m_ __th__in__g_s_f_a_l_li_n_g__o_n__t_o_p__o_f_m__e_._______________. 3rd thing I must do __I_m__u_s_t__h_o_l_d_o__n_t_o_t_h_e_______ _f_u_r_n_i_t_u_r_e__s_o_i_t_d_o__e_s_n_’_t _m__o_v_e__a_w_a__y_f_o_r_m_____ __m__e_d_u__r_in__g_t_h_e__e_a_r_t_h_q_u__a_k_e_._____.

高一英语优质课件:Unit4 Earthquakes- listening and Speaking(新人教版必修1)

高一英语优质课件:Unit4 Earthquakes- listening and Speaking(新人教版必修1)

Talk with your classmates and consider what you
have learned about quakes.
important papers
food and sweets
book to read torch light
identity card
personal washing things clothes
fruit scissors map
pen and rpaadpieor
Unit 4
5th period
Translate the following into English . E. 2 (page 63) 1. She was too nervous to eat anything the evening before. 2. When the second quake was felt, people ran out their
China from the southwest to northeast.
Not building where plates meet; building on rock; building strong houses
My Earthquake Plan
1st thing I must do__I_m__u_s_t__d_r_o_p__t_o_t_h_e__f_lo__o_r_a_n__d__ _c_o__v_e_r_m__y__h_e_a_d__a_n__d_n__e_c_k__w_i_t_h_m__y__a_r_m__s__. __.
The bag will contain


对人类造成经济、社会和环境的灾害,改变 生态系统等。
板块碰撞或者板块内部突然释 放能量造成地震。
地球上的岩石一直在运动,这 些运动可以在断层或岩石结构 变化时引发地震。
人类活动如水库建设、探矿等 都可能引起地震。
里氏震级是衡量地震能量大 小的对数表示法。
地震响应管理是减轻地震后果的 关键。科学家专注于如何使响应 管理变得更快、更有效。
科学技术在地震研究和应对中扮 演重要角色。近年来,新技术如 地震预警,已经得到了越来越多 的关注。
1 联合国
联合国协调救灾工作,处理人道主义 援助。
2 红十字会
提供紧急援助,如救助受伤、提供药 物和安置流离失所者。
通过地震波到达时间的差异 和距离,算出震源的位置和 球面扩展速度,然后根据震 源释放的能量计算出震级。
每增加一级,地震的能量会 增强大约32倍。一场级别6的 地震能破坏大部分城市建筑, 造成大量人员伤亡。
3 救援队
开展地震监测,以期尽早 发现地震的迹象;建造防 护墙和机器人等通过遥远 的地洞来探索隐蔽的岩石 形态,以计算潜在的海啸。
事先制定详细的家庭应急预案, 包括紧急联系人的信息、密钥 存放的位置、粮食饮用水的储 备、急救工具等。
在地震中,要远离易破碎物品 和大树,如果室内,则躲在结 构牢固的墙壁下或桌子下。

高一英语优质课件:Unit4 Earthquakes Speaking and Writing(新人教版必修1)

高一英语优质课件:Unit4 Earthquakes Speaking and Writing(新人教版必修1)

Speaking Writing
Good afternoon, everyone. My name is Wang Wei. First of all I would like to thank Mr. Zhang Sha and the city of Tangshan for the honour of talking to you . I would also like to thank each of you for coming here today for this special occasion. I’m sure all of us are goad to see that so many people who were hurt in the quake or lost their homes and businesses are here today. We are also glad to see so many of the workers here who helped during that terrible disaster. Everyone is so proud of all of you. Did you know that some of the survivors helped others before they helped themselves? It’s true: many thousands of survivors worked hard to save others and to make them feel more comfortable.
Read the passage carefully and fill in the missing words.

高一英语优质课件:Unit4 Earthquakes- listening and Speaking

高一英语优质课件:Unit4 Earthquakes- listening and Speaking

important papers
food and sweets
book to read torch light
identity card
personal washing things clothes
fruit scissors map
pen and rpaadpieor
Talk with your classmates and consider what you
have learned about quakes.
Listening Speaking
Listen to the tape and tell whether they are true of false.
1. Inside the earth there are a number of plates. F
2. These plates move all the time.
Make sure that you only take essential things with you. They must last you five days.
Possible items for the personal earthquake bag
bottle of water
bowls and chopsticks
houses right away. 3. After that terrible disaster, 60% of homeless
children were sent to live in other safe cities. 4. They used candles al the time instead of electricity. 5. A little girl was dug out the ruins to the north of

高一英语优质:Unit4 Earthquakes- listening and Speaking(新人教版必修1)课件

高一英语优质:Unit4 Earthquakes- listening and Speaking(新人教版必修1)课件

Talk with your classmates and consider what you
have learned about quakes.
The Pacific plate pushes on
The Indian plate pushes on
Ways of reducing losses from earthquakes
Earth plates jump and produce shock waves China from the east to the west.
The bag will contain
mobile phone
a bottle of water
Possible sample
We decide to take bottles of water and some fruit to keep alive; we will take a torchlight, a mobile phone and a radio to get in touch with the outside world, if we are buried in the ruins; we will take some clothes and a blanket to keep warm; and we will take our identity cards with us, In case we are killed. If that happens. people can at least know who we are.
3. If they stop moving there is an earthquake. F

高一英语 Unit4 Earthquakes- listening and Speaking(新人教版必修1) 精品PPT课件

高一英语 Unit4 Earthquakes- listening and Speaking(新人教版必修1) 精品PPT课件
Unit 4
5th period
Translate the following into English . E. 2 (page 63) 1. She was too nervous to eat anything the evening before. 2. When the second quake was felt, people ran out their
Talk with your classmates and consider what you
have learned about quakes.
7. The Himalayan mountains were caused by the T
movement of plates.
8. Human beings have the power to stoop earthquakes.
Listen to the tape again and them complete the following table
The Pacific plate pushes on
The Indian plate pushes on
Ways of reducing losses from earthquakes
Earth plates jump and produce shock waves China from the east to the west.
pictures of family
Mobile mpheodniceine
My personal earthquake bag will contain

高中英语 Unit4 Earthquakes- Speaking and Writing优质课件 新

高中英语 Unit4 Earthquakes- Speaking and Writing优质课件 新
Several days before July 28, 1976, many ss_t_r_a_n_g_e__ things happed in Tanshan. They were signs for the ee_a_r_t_h_q_u_a_k_e. But people in the city of Tangshan didn’t think mm_u_c_h_ of these. At 3: 42 am that day, the earth began to ss_h_a_k_e_, which d_es_t_r_o_y_e_d_ the city. Many people, including workers and doctors, came to rr_e_sc_u_e_ those t_ra_p__p_e_d under the ruins. Later that afternoon, another big earthquake struck Tangshan. More people were killed or injured and more building ff_e_ll__ down. Soldiers were called in to help the rescue workers. TT_e_a_m_s__ were organized to dig out the trapped and bb_u_r_y the dead.
Remember: These thing should be avoided:
1. standing close to a building (because it may fall on you if it is weakened by the earthquake.) 2.standing under a tree (because it my fall on you)

高一英语优质课件:Unit4 Earthquakes- Speaking and Writing(新人教版必修1) 公开课精品课件

高一英语优质课件:Unit4 Earthquakes- Speaking and Writing(新人教版必修1)  公开课精品课件
• At present, we still can not _______mthoereearthquake form happening. But cnaouwsewe know much __________about earthquakes and the __u_s_e_f_u_l __of earthquakes. With the development of science and teecahrtnhoqlougayk,esmore _______ machines will be invented, so we believe people can stop ____________one day.
Remember: These thing should be avoided:
1. standing close to a building (because it may fall on you if it is weakened by the earthquake.) 2.standing under a tree (because it my fall on you)
fruit, in case you are hungry. And also take a torch light and
mobile. These can help you keep in touch with the outside
world, ad it is easy for rescue workers to find you quickly.
Read the passage carefully and fill in the missing words.
• During ane_a_r_t_h_q_u_ak_e____, the shakings make rocks sruisded_en_l_y_____and even crack open. fHaloluses_____, pkeilolepdle are ______or hurt, and sometimes the whole villadgeesstroyr ecdities are_________. Some villcaogmepsleetveelyn disappear__________. prevent

高一英语优质课件:Unit4 Earthquakes- listening and Speaking(新人教版必修1) 公开课精品课件

高一英语优质课件:Unit4 Earthquakes- listening and Speaking(新人教版必修1)  公开课精品课件

The bag will contain
mobile phone
a bottle of water
Possible sample
We decide to take bottles of water and some fruit to keep alive; we will take a torchlight, a mobile phone and a radio to get in touch with the outside world, if we are buried in the ruins; we will take some clothes and a blanket to keep warm; and we will take our identity cards with us, In case we are killed. If that happens. people can at least know who we are.
3. If they stop moving there is an earthquake. F
4. If they jump there is an earthquake.
5. China is in an earthquake area.
6. The Pacific plate is pushing on China from the east.T
Listening Speaking
Listen to the tape and tell whether they are true of false.
1. Inside the earth there are a number of plates. F

2019精选教育高一英语优质课件:Unit4 Earthquakes- Speaking and Writing(新人教版必修1).ppt

2019精选教育高一英语优质课件:Unit4 Earthquakes- Speaking and Writing(新人教版必修1).ppt

Speaking Writing
Good afternoon, everyone. My name is Wang Wei. First of all I would like to thank Mr. Zhang Sha and the city of Tangshan for the honour of talking to you . I would also like to thank each of you for coming here today for this special occasion. I’m sure all of us are goad to see that so many people who were hurt in the quake or lost their homes and businesses are here today. We are also glad to see so many of the workers here who helped during that terrible disaster. Everyone is so proud of all of you. Did you know that some of the survivors helped others before they helped themselves? It’s true: many thousands of survivors worked hard to save others and to make them feel more comfortable.
What are you going to do if an earthquake happens?
If you are

高中英语 Unit4 Earthquakes- listening and Speaking优质课件 新人教版必修1

高中英语 Unit4 Earthquakes- listening and Speaking优质课件 新人教版必修1

3. If they stop moving there is an earthquake. F
4. If they jump there is an earthquake.
5. China is in an earthquake area.
6. The Pacific plate is pushing on China from the east.T
The bag will contain
mobile phone
a bottle of water
Possible sample
We decide to take bottles of water and some fruit to keep alive; we will take a torchlight, a mobile phone and a radio to get in touch with the outside world, if we are buried in the ruins; we will take some clothes and a blanket to keep warm; and we will take our identity cards with us, In case we are killed. If that happens. people can at least know who we are.
7. The Himalayan mountains were caused by the T
movement of plates.
8. Human beings have the power to stoop earthquakes.

高一英语优质课件:Unit4 Earthquakes- listening and Speaking(新人教版必修1)

高一英语优质课件:Unit4 Earthquakes- listening and Speaking(新人教版必修1)

Listening Speaking
Listen to the tape and tell whether they are true of false.
1. Inside the earth there are a number of plates. F
2. These plates move all the time.
the factory. 6. We were very proud of the soldiers who rescued the
boys from the rushing water. 7. We need to honour those who organized the rescue
important papers
food and sweets
book to read torch light
identity card
personal washing things clothes
fruit scissors map
pen and rpaadpieor
7. The Himalayan mountains were caused by the T
movement of plates.
8. Human beings have the power to stoop earthquakes.
Listen to the tape again and them complete the following table
Make sure that you only take essential things with you. They must last you five days.

[课件]高一英语优质课件:Unit4 Earthquakes- listening and Speaking(新人教版必修1)

[课件]高一英语优质课件:Unit4 Earthquakes- listening and Speaking(新人教版必修1)
the factory. 6. We were very proud of the soldiers who rescued the
boys from the rushing water. 7. We need to honour those who organized the rescue
houses right away. 3. After that terrible disaster, 60% of homeless
children were sent to live in other safe cities. 4. They used candles al the time instead of electricity. 5. A little girl was dug out the ruins to the north of
The Pacific plate pushes on
The Indian plate pushes on
Ways of reducing losses from earthquakes
Earth plates jump and produce shock waves China from the east to the west.
Talk with your classmates and consider what you
have learned about quakes.
The bag will contain
mobile phone
a bottle of water
Possible sample
We decide to take bottles of water and some fruit to keep alive; we will take a torchlight, a mobile phone and a radio to get in touch with the outside world, if we are buried in the ruins; we will take some clothes and a blanket to keep warm; and we will take our identity cards with us, In case we are killed. If that happens. people can at least know who we are.

精品最新 高一英语优质课件:Unit4 Earthquakes- listening and Speaking(新人教版必修1)

精品最新 高一英语优质课件:Unit4 Earthquakes- listening and Speaking(新人教版必修1)

Listening Speaking
Listen to the tape and tell whether they are true of false.
1. Inside the earth there are a number of plates. F
2. These plates moveห้องสมุดไป่ตู้all the time.
important papers
food and sweets
book to read torch light
identity card
personal washing things clothes
fruit scissors map
pen and rpaadpieor
The bag will contain
mobile phone
a bottle of water
Possible sample
We decide to take bottles of water and some fruit to keep alive; we will take a torchlight, a mobile phone and a radio to get in touch with the outside world, if we are buried in the ruins; we will take some clothes and a blanket to keep warm; and we will take our identity cards with us, In case we are killed. If that happens. people can at least know who we are.
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What should be avoided and why
Possible sample
Earthquakes are terrible natural disasters. Although
we cannot avoid it, we can survive by making preparations.
Don’t put fresh fruit in the bag as they will go bad quickly
and cause problems. Don’t take money, especially don’t go
back to take money when the house is shaking. You may be
the reading materials?
We learned some basic knowledge of earthquakes and how people have coped with these sudden natural disasters. And we learned the ways to describe an event in a literary way. For example, “Never before in history has a city been completely destroyed. San Francisco is gone. Nothing is left of it.” and so on.
What are you going to do if an earthquake happens?
If you are
Suggest answer If you were sleeping in your bedroom when the quake happened, you would get up quickly first, next you would wake up my family and you neighbours. Then you could run to a safe place. So that you could escape being trapped or killed.
• At present, we still can not _______mthoereearthquake form happening. But cnaouwsewe know much __________about earthquakes and the __u_s_e_f_u_l __of earthquakes. With the development of science and teecahrtnhoqlougayk,esmore _______ machines will be invented, so we believe people can stop ____________one day.
caught in the ruins.
Write a poster in class according to the three parts given above. When it is completed, display your poster in the classroom.
destroy , rescue, strange, much, earthquake, shake, bury, fall, team, trap
Soldiers worked hour after hour; day after day, almost without rest to help those who needed it. We are so thankful to them as well. Now we see around us a new city, but the spirit of its people has always been strong. How lucky I feel to live in such a place and to see this beautiful new park where families can come to enjoy nature. This park also honours the survivors of the quake and those who saved them. It honours the many thousands who rebuilt our city. We are indeed the “Brave City of China.” Thank you.
Speaking Writing
Good afternoon, everyone. My name is Wang Wei. First of all I would like to thank Mr. Zhang Sha and the city of Tangshan for the honour of talking to you . I would also like to thank each of you for coming here today for this special occasion. I’m sure all of us are goad to see that so many people who were hurt in the quake or lost their homes and businesses are here today. We are also glad to see so many of the workers here who helped during that terrible disaster. Everyone is so proud of all of you. Did you know that some of the survivors helped others before they helped themselves? It’s true: many thousands of survivors worked hard to save others and to make them feel more comfortable.
Why an outline is important? What should an outline conclude? Why a headline is important? What are the steps to finish a newspaper story? What s the feature of the newspaper story?
Read the example of a newspaper story. Find the headline, main ideas and details of each paragraph.
The title of this story is “Cyclists Ready to go on the Road for Blind Kids” There are two parts in the story. The first one is from the beginning to “to lean better.” The second part is from “the cyclists come form China” to the end. The main idea of the first part is that the cyclists plan to get money for blind kids.
Unit 4
6th period
the listening materials?
What have you
learned in
We learned the ways to talk about past experiences and also the problem of sequence, which appears in the listening part on page 30. And we all know why earthquakes happen in the listening material on page 62 .
Several days before July 28, 1976, many ss_t_r_a_n_g_e__ things happed in Tanshan. They were signs for the ee_a_r_t_h_q_u_a_k_e. But people in the city of Tangshan didn’t think mm_u_c_h_ of these. At 3: 42 am that day, the earth began to ss_h_a_k_e_, which d_es_t_r_o_y_e_d_ the city. Many people, including workers and doctors, came to rr_e_sc_u_e_ those t_ra_p__p_e_d under the ruins. Later that afternoon, another big earthquake struck Tangshan. More people were killed or injured and more building ff_e_ll__ down. Soldiers were called in to help the rescue workers. TT_e_a_m_s__ were organized to dig out the trapped and bb_u_r_y the dead.