
专业英语八级考试翻译真题及参考答案I thought that it was a Sunday morning in May;that it was Easter Sunday,and as yet very early in the morning.! was standing, as it seemed to me, at the door of my own cottage.Right before me lay the very scene which could really be commanded from that situation, but exalted, as was usuaL and solemnized by the power of dreams. There were the same mountains, and the same lovely valley at their feet; but the mountains were raised to more than Alpine height, and there was interspaced far larger between them of savannahs and forest lawns;the hedges were rich with white roses;and no living creature was to be seen, excepting that in the green churchyard there were cattle tranquilly reposing upon the verdant graves, and particularly round about the grave of a child whom I had once tenderly loved , just as I had really seen them , a little before sunrise, in the same summer when that child died.我想那是五月的一个周日的早晨;那天是复活节,一个大清早上。

(一)英译汉练习1. The winds of November were like summer breezes to him, and his face glowed with the pleasant cold. His cheeks were flushed and his eyes glistened; his vitality was intense, shining out upon others with almost a material warmth.十一月的寒风,对他就像夏天吹拂的凉风一样。
(英语material warmth 字面意思是"物质的温暖",这里具体译作"一团炙手的火"言明意清,让人一看就懂。
)2. It was morning, and the new sun sparkled gold across the ripples of gentle sea. The sea was wonderfully calm and now it was rich with all the color of the setting sun. In the sky already a solitary star twinkled.清晨,初升的太阳照着平静的海面,微波荡漾,闪耀着金色的光芒。
(英语the ripples of the gentle sea 译成汉语时在结构上作了调整,这样译文念起来意思清楚,行文漂亮。
)3. To appease their thirst its readers drank deeper than before, until they were seized with a kind of delirium.为了解渴,读者比以前越饮越深,直到陷入了昏迷状态。

(一)英译汉练习1. The winds of November were like summer breezes to him, and his face glowed with the pleasant cold. His cheeks were flushed and his eyes glistened; his vitality was intense, shining out upon others with almost a material warmth.十一月的寒风,对他就像夏天吹拂的凉风一样。
(英语material warmth 字面意思是"物质的温暖",这里具体译作"一团炙手的火"言明意清,让人一看就懂。
)2. It was morning, and the new sun sparkled gold across the ripples of gentle sea. The sea was wonderfully calm and now it was rich with all the color of the setting sun. In the sky already a solitary star twinkled.清晨,初升的太阳照着平静的海面,微波荡漾,闪耀着金色的光芒。
(英语the ripples of the gentle sea 译成汉语时在结构上作了调整,这样译文念起来意思清楚,行文漂亮。
)3. To appease their thirst its readers drank deeper than before, until they were seized with a kind of delirium.为了解渴,读者比以前越饮越深,直到陷入了昏迷状态。

英语专业八级翻译练习及答案英语专业八级翻译练习及答案(通用5篇)大家在英语学习的过程当中都会接触到英语翻译,这对于一个英语专业的学生很重要,下面是店铺给大家整理的关于英语专业八级翻译练习及答案,欢迎大家阅读!英语专业八级翻译练习及答案 1近代的上海,十里洋场,自开埠以来,固然有许多辛酸的不平等的血泪史,固然有许多污泥浊水,这里被称为是"冒险家的乐园",这里有鸦片,有荡妇,有赌棍,使人纸醉金迷,乃至使人堕落。
(参考译文)In the contemporary period, Shanghai as a metropolis infested by foreign adventurers has indeed recorded, since the opening of its commercial port, a bitter, blood-and-tear history of many miseries and inequalities. Referred to as the Paradise of Adventurers, Shanghai was indeed home to "human sludge and filth" where one could find opium, dissolute women and gamblers. It was a place that made people indulge in luxury and dissipation and given to sensuous pleasures, even inducing people to become degenerate. However, there is a different and more important picture of Shanghai as a modern metropolis. It has been full of vitality and vigor, displaying its unique intelligence and wisdom, characterized by an innovative and enterprising spirit. It has the courage to assume risks and is in possession of both the awareness and the mechanism of competition. Such a metropolitan mentality or style inspires its residents, encouraging them to keep abreast with the changingepochs and to make efforts toward greater progress.英语专业八级翻译练习及答案 2(原文)wnauy徐霞客一生周游考察了16个省,足迹几乎遍及全国。

126专八翻译练习汉译英50篇及参考译文Translate the underlined part of the text into English.1.在兽类中我最爱虎,在虎的故事中我最爱下面的一个。
3. 中国对香港的政策是“一国两制”,这个原则不仅对香港经济发展有利,而且和中国本身的利益也是一致的。

⼤学英语专⼋汉译英翻译试题附答案 骐骥⼀跃,不能⼗步;驽马⼗驾,功在不舍;锲⽽舍之,朽⽊不折;锲⽽不舍,⾦⽯可镂。
以下是店铺为⼤家搜索整理的⼤学英语专⼋汉译英翻译试题附答案,希望对⼤家有所帮助!想了解更多精彩内容请及时关注我们应届毕业⽣考试⽹! task 1 成为圣者的秘诀 从前,在⼀个国家⾥,有⼀位做了⽆数善事的善⼼者。
” 在这世上,没有天⽣的圣者,惟有能时时刻刻⾃我反省,⾃我检视的⼈,才能成为圣者。
参考译⽂: The secret of being a saint Once upon a time there lived in a country a do-gooder. The king was very appreciative of his deeds and decided to honour him as a saint by a decree. On the saint's eightieth birthday, the king was invited to his birthday celerbration. He brought with him a painter so as to do a picture of the kindly saint as a paragon for his countrymen. When the feast is over all the guests were asked to have a look at the picture. To their great surprise, when the picture was shown, what they saw was not a kind but a ruthless and cruel look. The king was very angry at seeing this and ordered his men to beat the painter. Upon hearing the noise, the saint rushed to the scene to have a look at the picture. After viewing it, the saint knelt down and said, "your majesty, the person in the picture is none other than me." Why?" said the king, dumbfounded. "This has been the very person whom I have never wanted to be." In this world, there are no naturally born saints; only those who can do self-criticism and sel-examination, can become saints. task 2 次⽇,他们的马车修好了,上⼭来接他们。

译文:Before I fell ill,I had been the bully under roofs owing to my doting parents.(PS:“横行霸道”在此并无“任意欺凌他人”之意,而是“想干什么就干什么,为所欲为”,可用get everything my all own way或be the bully表达)(2)这所全国重点大学为社会输送了大批的人才译文:The national key university has prepared batches of qualified graduates for the society(PS:“输送”在句中是一个模糊笼统的词,具体说来是指“培养出”。
“人才”也比较笼统,这里译为qualified graduates 是比较确切的。
译文:He always sits on the fence and falls on the side of the stronger.(PS: "墙头草”是个比喻,与英语中的sit on the fence 含义一样。
译文:Thus,every place,with its own legends and tales,has its traditions and customs passed on from generation to generation.(PS: 汉译英时,汉语中有些动词都可以用介词短语来表达,这样更形象。
译文:When facing a pool of green water,you forget all your worries and annoyance and enjoy a good rest,both mentally and physically.(PS: 英语代词比汉语代词种类多,用法更别多,汉译英时,注意增译出其隐含在句中的代词。

历年专八翻译真题1997年:English to ChineseOpera is expensive: that much is inevitable. But expensive things areinevitably the province(范围) of the rich unless we abdicate(退位、放弃)society’s power of choice. We c an choose to make opera and other expensive forms of culture accessible(易接近的,可达到的) to those who cannot individually pay for it. The question is: why should we? No bodydenies the imperatives(必要的)of food shelter defence health andeducation. But even in a prehistoric cave man-kind stretched out a handof not just to eat drink or fight but also to draw. The impulse(冲动)towards culture the desire to express and explore the world throughimagination and representation(表述、陈述)is fundamental. In Europe this desire has found fulfillment(完成、成就) in the masterpieces of our music art literature and theatre. These masterpieces are the touchstones(标准、试金石) for all our efforts; they are the touchstones for thepossibilities to which human thought and imagination may aspire(立志、追求目标、渴望); they carry the most profound (深厚的、深刻的)messages that can be sent from one human to another.【参考答案】 English to Chinese译文1:欣赏歌剧是一种奢侈:你必须为此支付昂贵的票价。

Beside this picture with profusions of colors, a group of sheep are lowing their heads, eating by the river bank. Hardly none of them would spare some time to raise their eyes to have a glance at the beautiful dusk. They are, perhaps, taking use of every minute to enjoy their last chew before being driven home. This is a picture of the Yellow River bank, in which the shepherd disappears, and no one knows where he is resting himself. Only the sheep, however, as free creatures, arejoyfully appreciating the dusk. The exuberant water plants have nutrited the sheep, making them grow as fat as balls. When approaching near, you would find their lily-white teeth and a variety of innocent facial impressions.2008年英语专业八级考试翻译原题及参考答案都市寸土千金,地价炒得越来越高。

英语专八翻译试题及答案一、翻译试题(英译汉)原文:In the past few decades, the rapid development of technology has brought about significant changes to our lives. The advent of the internet and smartphones has transformed the way we communicate, work, and learn. However, this progress has also led to some unintended consequences, such as the decline in face-to-face interactions and the proliferation of misinformation.要求:1. 将上述英文原文翻译成中文。
2. 翻译应准确、流畅,符合汉语表达习惯。
3. 注意保持原文的语境和语义。
要求:1. 将上述中文原文翻译成英文。
2. 翻译应准确、自然,符合英语表达习惯。
3. 注意使用恰当的词汇和句式。
(二)汉译英参考答案:With the deepening development of globalization,multinational companies are playing an increasingly important role in the world economy. They not only promoteinternational trade and investment but also drive the exchange of technology and culture.四、评分标准1. 翻译准确性:译文应忠实原文,不得有遗漏或添加。

Beside this picture with profusions of colors,a group of sheep are lowing their heads,eating by the river bank. Hardly none of them would spare some time to raise their eyes to have a glance at the beautiful dusk. They are,perhaps,taking use of every minute to enjoy their last chew before being driven home. This is a picture of the Yellow River bank,in which the shepherd disappears,and no one knows where he is resting himself. Only the sheep,however,as free creatures,arejoyfully appreciating the dusk. The exuberant water plants have nutrited the sheep,making them grow as fat as balls. When approaching near,you would find their lily-white teeth and a variety of innocent facial impressions.英语专业八级考试翻译原题及参照答案都市寸土千金,地价炒得越来越高。

It seems as if a great deal were attainable in a world where there are so many marriages and decisive battles, and where we all, at certain hours of the day, and with great gusto and despatch, stow a portion of victuals finally and irretrievably into the bag which contains us. And it would seem also, on a hasty view, that the attainment of as much as possible was the one goal of man's contentious life. And yet, as regards the spirit, this is but a semblance.

专业英语八级考试翻译真题及参照答案1.英译汉I thought that it was a Sunday morning in May;that it was Easter Sunday,and as yet very early in the morning.I was standing,as it seemed to me,at the door of my own cottage.Right before me lay the very scene which could really be commanded from that situation,but exalted, as was usual,and solemnized by the power of dreams. There were the same mountains,and the same lovely valley at their feet; but the mountains were raised to more than Alpine height,and there was interspaced far larger between them of savannahs and forest lawns;the hedges were rich with white roses;and no living creature was to be seen, excepting that in the green churchyard there were cattle tranquilly reposing upon the verdant graves,and particularly round about the grave of a child whom I had once tenderly loved, just as I had really seen them,a little before sunrise,in the same summer when that child died.我想那是五月的一个周日的清早;那天是复生节,一个大清早上。

13参考译文:After I graduated from primary school, relatives and 14friends all suggested that I should drop out and learn a trade to help 15my mother. Although I knew that I ought to seek a livelihood to relieve 16mother of hard work and distress, I still aspired to go on with study.17So I kept learning secretly. I had no courage to tell mother about the 18idea until admitted to a normal school which provided free uniforms,19books, room and board. To enter the school, I had to pay ten Yuan as20a deposit. This was a large sum of money for my family. However, after21two weeks' tough effort, mother managed to raise the money and sent me 22off to school in tears afterwards. She would spare no pains for her son 23to win a bright future. On the day when I was appointed the schoolmaster 24after graduation, mother and I spent a sleepless night. I said to her,25"you can have a rest in the future." but she replied nothing, only with26tears streaming down her face.272013年28生活像一杯红酒,热爱生活的人会从中品出无穷的美妙。

The first generation museums of sciences are those devoted to natural history, which show through fossils and specimens the evolutionary changes of the earth and organisms. Those of the second generation are museums of industrial technology exhibiting achievements made in various periods of the industrial age. These two types of museums, while functioning as disseminators of scientific knowledge, treat their visitors as mere viewers.Science museums of the third generation are entirely different from their predecessors. They stress visitor participation, encouraging those interested to make detailed study of the exhibits on their own by trying their hands on them. The experience so gained will enable them to understand advanced technologies better and help them in their quest for what is still unknown in science(陶文好李孚声,《2000年英语专业八级汉译英词汇误译心理认知分析》,《上海科技翻译》,2001年第1期第36-41页)2.2001年试题乔羽的歌大家都熟悉。

113 专八翻译历年真题与答案(2002-2014)2014专八翻译真题及答案1.汉译英当我小学毕业的时候,亲友一致地愿意我去学手艺,好帮助母亲。
After I graduated from primary school, relatives and friends all suggested that I should drop out and learn a trade to help my mother. Although I knew that I ought to seek a livelihood to relieve mother of hard work and distress, I still aspired to go on with study. So I kept learning secretly. I had no courage to tell mother about the idea until admitted to a normal school which provided free uniforms, books, room and board. To enter the school, I had to pay ten Yuan as a deposit. This was a large sum of money for my family. However, after two weeks’ tough effort, mother managed to raise the money and sent me off to school in tears afterwards. She would spare no pains for her son to win a bright future. On the day when I was appointed the schoolmaster after graduation, mother and I spent a sleepless night. I said to her, "you can have a rest in the future." but she replied nothing, only with tears streaming down her face.2.英译汉The physical distance between speakers can indicate a number of things and can alsobe used to consciously send messages about intent. Closeness, for example, indicates intimacy or threat to many speakers whilst distance may denote formality or a lack of interest. Proximity is also both a matter of personal style and is often culture-bound so that what may seem normal to a speaker from one culture may appear unnecessarily close or distant to a speaker from another. And, standing close to someone may be quite appropriate in some situations such as informal party, but completely out of place in others, such as meeting with a superior. Posture can convey meaning too. Hunched shoulders and a hanging head give a powerful indication of mood. A lowered head when speaking to a superior (with or without eye contact) can convey the appropriate relationship in some cultures.演说者与听众之间的实际距离通常来是用来传送演说内容的最佳途径但是同时可以表明很多问题。

Key to (2): E-C 【1996】-1
这应该不是件难事。这都是些跟着里根多年、久经沙 场的老将,他们跟共和党则有更深厚的渊源,是这个 国家里最熟悉总统政治的人。竞选的背景也很有利, 也很多好消息可供炒作。例如,美国上下一片和平, 美国经济这一竞选要素也在经过一段时间的衰退之后 开始强劲反弹。此外,这次竞选本身得到了慷慨资助, 因此有充裕的资用于组织一流的竞选班子、支付巡回 演讲和电视广告的费用。而最重要的一点是,他们的 候选人是罗纳德· 里根,他可是位极具个人魅力和沟通 技巧的总统。自约翰· F· 肯尼迪总统以来,里根是最成 功地勾勒出美国蓝图的总统:一个军事力量复兴、富 有个人进取心、联邦政府得以精简的国家。
Key to (2): E-C 【1996】-2
在离选举日还有四个月的时间,有五个人聚集在里根-布什总部的一个 小型会议室里,翻着看一张硕大无比的日历,日历上清晰地标识出了 1984年总统竞选剩下的日子。这是六月份的最后一个星期六的上午10时, 整幢办公楼的其他部分几近人去楼空。即便如此,这几个人仍将大门紧 闭,小心翼翼地拉下窗帘。三个主要人物及其二个副手从美国的不同地 方汇聚在一起,召开一个殊为重要的会议。他们的目标是构思出一种策 略,来确保里根能再次当选,在第二任期内再度入主白宫。 要谋求再次当选理应轻而易举。这是一些久经沙场的退伍老兵,与里根 有着千丝万缕的漫长联系,与共和党的联系甚至更为久远。这些人深谙 总统政治,一如他们熟知这个国家中的所有政治事务那样。竞选的背景 十分宜人,可供大做文章的经济在步出萧条期之后正强 劲反弹。此外,竞选本身所筹得的款项更是不计其数。用于支付一流水 平的竞争班子工作人员工资、进行巡回造势、以及制作播放电视广告的 钱款绰绰有余。最为重要的是,他们所推介的总统候选人是罗纳尔德·里 根(Ronald Reagan),一位风度翩翩,魅力无穷,又极具迷人沟通技巧 的执政总统。与约翰· F· 肯尼迪(John F. Kennedy)以来的任何一位历届 总统相比,里根更成功地勾勒出了一幅广阔的关于美国未来的前景--美 国将成了一个重振军事雄风、民众富于个人进取心、联邦政府更加精简 高效的国家。

Key to (2): E-C 【1996】-1
? 这应该不是件难事。这都是些跟着里根多年、久经沙 场的老将,他们跟共和党则有更深厚的渊源,是这个 国家里最熟悉总统政治的人。竞选的背景也很有利, 也很多好消息可供炒作。例如,美国上下一片和平, 美国经济这一竞选要素也在经过一段时间的衰退之后 开始强劲反弹。此外,这次竞选本身得到了慷慨资助, 因此有充裕的资用于组织一流的竞选班子、支付巡回 演讲和电视广告的费用。而最重要的一点是,他们的 候选人是罗纳德·里根,他可是位极具个人魅力和沟通 技巧的总统。自约翰·F·肯尼迪总统以来,里根是最成 功地勾勒出美国蓝图的总统:一个军事力量复兴、富 有个人进取心、联邦政府得以精简的国家。
? 法国人的名片讲究朴素大方,印制精美,但很少有镶金边儿的, 闪光多色的或带香味儿的,名片上的字体纤细秀丽,本人的名字 也不过分突出,整张纸片上空白很大,毫无拥挤不堪的感觉。
Key to (1): C-E 【1996】
? In reading recent newspapers, I have come to find that people in China have become more and more interested in discussing about name cards and invitation letters. This has triggered my reminiscences of the name cards and invitation letters of the French people that I saw when I was residing in Paris. In writing down those random reminiscences, I believe that they might provide some useful information for us to learn from.

Beside this picture with profusions of colors,a group of sheep are lowing their heads,eating by the river bank. Hardly none of them would spare some time to raise their eyes to have a glance at the beautiful dusk. They are,perhaps,taking use of every minute to enjoy their last chew before being driven home. This is a picture of the Yellow River bank,in which the shepherd disappears,and no one knows where he is resting himself. Only the sheep,however,as free creatures,arejoyfully appreciating the dusk. The exuberant water plants have nutrited the sheep,making them grow as fat as balls. When approaching near,you would find their lily-white teeth and a variety of innocent facial impressions.英语专业八级考试翻译原题及参照答案都市寸土千金,地价炒得越来越高。

参考译文:However, subject matter is indeed not the decisive factor by which we judge a novel of its depth as well as (of ) its artistic appeal and ideological content (or: as to whether a novel digs deep or not or whether it excels in artistic appeal and ideological content). Some people compare Austen’s works to olives: the more you chew them, the more tasty (the tastier) they become. This comparison is based not only on (This is not only because of ) her expressive language and her creative contribution to the development of novel writing as an art, but also on (because of ) the fact that what hides behind her light and lively narrative is something implicit and opaque (not so explicit and transparent). Mrs. Smith once observed, women writers often sought (made attempts) to rectify the existing value concepts (orders) by changing people’s opinions on what is “important” and what is not.E-C原文I, by comparison, living in my overpriced city apartment, walking to work past putrid sacks of street garbage, paying usurious taxes to local and state governments I generally abhor, I am rated middle class. This causes me to wonder, do the measurement make sense? Are we measuring only that which is easily measured--- the numbers on the money chart --- and ignoring values more central to the good life?For my sons there is of course the rural bounty of fresh-grown vegetables, line-caught fish and the shared riches of neighbours’ orchards andgardens. There is the unpaid baby-sitter for whose children my daughter-in-law baby-sits in return, and neighbours who barter their skills and labour. But more than that, how do you measure serenity? Sense if self?I don’t want to idealize life in small places. There are times when the outside world intrudes brutally, as when the cost of gasoline goes up or developers cast their eyes on untouched farmland. There are cruelties, there is intolerance, there are all the many vices and meannesses in small places that exist in large cities. Furthermore, it is harder to ignore them when they cannot be banished psychologically to another part of town or excused as the whims of alien groups --- when they have to be acknowledged as “part of us.”Nor do I want to belittle the opportunities for small decencies in cities --- the eruptions of one-stranger-to-another caring that always surprise and delight. But these are,sadly,more exceptions than rules and are often overwhelmed by the awful corruptions and dangers that surround us.参考译文:对我的几个儿子来说,乡村当然有充足的新鲜蔬菜,垂钓来的鱼,邻里菜园和果园里可供分享的丰盛瓜果。
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参考译文:After I graduated from primary school,relatives and friends all suggested that I should drop out and learn a trade to help my mother. Although I knew that I ought to seek a livelihood to relieve mother of hard work and distress,I still aspired to go on with study. So I kept learning secretly. I had no courage to tell mother about the idea until admitted to a normal school which provided free uniforms,books,room and board. To enter the school,I had to pay ten Yuan as a deposit. This was a large sum of money for my family. However,after two weeks' tough effort,mother managed to raise the money and sent me off to school in tears afterwards. She would spare no pains for her son to win a bright future. On the day when I was appointed the schoolmaster after graduation,mother and I spent a sleepless night. I said to her,"you can have a rest in the future." but she replied nothing,only with tears streaming down her face.2013年生活像一杯红酒,热爱生活的人会从中品出无穷的美妙。
Life is like a cup of wine; people who love it discover inexhaustible wonders from it. Hold in the hand and gaze at it, the dark red color is reminiscent of the blood, which is the impress of life.Take a sip of it and appreciate the taste, the bittersweet flavor is exactly the same with life, which is complicated and blurred.Once the sip is swallowed, the lingering fragrance pleases the heart and refreshes the mind, leaving a person lifelong benefit.There was a remarkable resemblance between life and wine: the taste becomes more delicious as the wine mellows, just as life gets better as it becomes more abundant.When life comes to twilight years, it looks calm and tastes full of wisdom and generosity, just like a bottle of wine to be savored.2012年原文赏析:台湾作家蔡素芬〈< 烛光盛宴》泊珍看他第一眼,彷似一声雷劈头而来,令她曼头涨脑,这一岁的孩子脸型长相如此熟悉,她心里的第一道声音是,不能带回去痛苦纠聚心中,眉心发烫发热,胸口郁闷难展,胃里一股气冲喉而上。
1. Tortured by the pains gathering in her heart, she felt something was burning between her eyebrows. Her chest was brimmed with depression which was likely to run out of her throat at any moment. She could not think clearly any longer when the headmaster told her that the child suffered from developmental retardation. She strode up and down in the room where her child stayed with other pals. There was only one window in the room, out of which some shady trees were whispering. “Just leave it here”, she told herself, “This is t he best choice by far, for there are kind priests and nuns in this place which may also be renovated into a Medicare center”. The child was her secret which would be kept in the buildings behind the woods.2. Her heart full of pain, between eyebrows burning, chest stifled, a stream of gas surged from her stomach out of her throat. The dean remarked that the child grew laggardly, which made her even more worried and lost. She walked up and down in the house, which had only one window. Beyond the window, the shadows of trees confused. There were also other children in the house. Just leave the child here. It had benevolent priests and sisters and would develop into a nursing center with medical function. This was the best place for this child, who was her secret and she would stash this secret into the building among thick forests.(2011)现代社会无论价值观的持有还是生活方式的选择都充满了矛盾。
年专八真题参考答案:汉译英部分Being hasty and at leisure are two quite distinct lifestyles. But in the real world, people have to frequently shuttle between these two lifestyles, sometimes not sure whether they are “at ease” or “in a rush”.For example, we are enjoying our holidays in the resort while suenly we receive phone calls from the boss who tells us there are some troubles with our customers and work----so at this moment the modern, convenient and advanced device shows its vicious and gloomy features---and we lose all our interest. The subsequent leisure is the mere showy for we are in a restless and anxious state of mind.(2010年)朋友之间,情趣相投、脾气对味则合、则交,反之,则离、则绝。