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English: specific words Chinese: combination of characters to produce new words
公牛 bull 母牛 cow 小牛 calf 牛奶 milk
绵羊 sheep
山羊 goat
公羊 ram 母羊 ewe
奶牛 milch cow
Literal translation
Proper nouns : China (中国), Germany (德国), New York (纽约) etc.
Items in daily life : table(桌子), watch (手表),sun (太阳) etc.
Science and technology terms : retort (反应罐), alloy steel(合金钢 ), friction (摩擦 力), carrier (航空母舰) etc.
Chinese 阴、阳、三伏、惊蛰、 天干、地支、叩头、武 术、功夫、馄饨、牌坊 、秧歌、炕、亩、斤、 两
• bingo • banawa
1) use Pingyin eg.叩头(kow tow)、功夫(kongfu)、馄饨 (wonton)、秧歌 (yangko)、炕 (kang)、亩 (mu)、斤 (jin) 、两 (liang)、阴(yin)、阳(yang)、武术 (wushu, 或 martial art) 2) explain the word eg. 三伏天 (dog days)、惊蛰 (the Waking of Insects) 3) conbination eg.天干(the heavenly stems)、地支 (the earthly branches)
Understanding and Expression of
Never trouble trouble until trouble troubles you
Corresponding relations between English and Chinese Vocabulary contrast & how to choose a word
看电影 see a film
看报 read newspaper 看父母 visit parents
看医生 see a doctor
看问题 look at an issue 先看看 have a look firstຫໍສະໝຸດ 看情况 it depends
看破 see through
Why the difference exists?
4. the story of famous masterpieces
Shylock 高利贷者 鱼子酱 Caviar Caviar to General比喻 “阳春白雪”、“高雅情调” 而非“一般人的鱼子酱” (from Hamlet )
5. Historical allusion and customs ( 历史典故和风俗)
• carry: 搬、运、提、送、 • 拎、挑、担、抬、背、扛 China Talent, I 、搂、抱、断、举、夹 • • fry: 煎、炒、炸、爆炒
find it competent!
• send: 送、寄、发送、派 遣、打发
No Equivalence
Definition Some special English or Chinese words which could not translated into the existing Chinese or English one Cause History , religion , fork custom , culture , geographic environment and so on
450000 English words
The utilization(使用) of Chinese words is much more efficient than English. Watch, see, look, read, visit… → “看”
看电视 watch TV 看孩子 baby-sit/look after a child
牛人 stubborn person 牛劲 great strength
羊羔/羔羊 lamb
羊倌 shepherd 羊绒 cashmere
牛毛 ox hair
牦牛 yak
羊毛 wool
羊肠小道 byway
English: stative(静态的) Chinese: dynamic(动态的)→ more verbs English Noun, preposition, adjective, adverb, Chinese Verb
• •
The contrast of English and Chinese vocabulary And Word choices of translation
The contrast of English and Chinese vocabulary
86000 Chinese words
Mr.Zhuo took a French leave. 卓老师离开法国. take a French leave 不辞而别 In the 16th century, the Frenchman usually left the party without saying goodbye to the host. • Dutch 荷兰的 • to do the Dutch 自杀身亡
(完全对等) (部分对等) (无对等)
Full Equivalence
Definition Meanings expressed by some English words can be found the completely corresponding words in Chinese Countermeasures
• 2009年1月7日,“纪念中美建交30周年乒乓球友谊赛”在北京国家体育总局 大厅举行。中国外交部副部长王光亚与美国副国务卿内格罗蓬特一行观看比
Part Equivalence
Definition Some English words only have part correspondence with the Chinese one Countermeasures Figure out the meaning according the context
2. Greek and Roman myths and legends
• Apple of discord 不和的苹果 • Apple of discord 争端,斗争的根源 • Helen of Troy 红颜祸水,倾城尤物
3. The habits of the westerners
• • • •
In China, there is a lot of emphasis on politeness. 在中国,人们非常注重讲礼貌。
There are mountain ranges here with extensive forest and rich mineral resources. 这里有许多山脉,生长着大片的森林,贮藏着丰富的矿产资 源。
Bigger • uncle: 叔父、伯父、舅父 、姑父、姨夫; •
Smaller 主人: master, host, owner, housemaster, 拿: fetch, hold, seize, take 行:go, walk, travel; circulate; behavior, conduct; capable
An example
• Chinese Vice Foreign Minister Wang Guangya and U.S. Deputy Secretary of State John D. Negroponte pose for a group photo during the Friendship Ping-pong Match marking the 30th anniversary of the establishment of the China-U.S. diplomatic relations, at the State General Administration of Sport in Beijing, capital of China, Jan. 7,
Culture influence on words
Corresponding relations between English and Chinese
Corresponding relations between English and Chinese
• Full Equivalence • Part Equivalence • No Equivalence
• the eleventh hour • 第十一个小时 • According to the Bible, one day, Jesus taught his disciples “Though the person who worked for The kingdom of the vineyard(天堂葡萄园) come at the eleventh hour, he can also get the same reward. • At the last moment
They were suspicious and resentful of him. 他们不信任他,讨厌他。
She opened the window to let fresh air in. 她打开窗子让新鲜空气进来。
Culture influence on words
• the change of “cool” • In the 1920s to 1930s, the jazz music was popular for its beaten-rhythm. So people called it “hot” music. But as time went by, in 1950s,the style of jazz had changed from hot to deep. So people called jazz “cool” music.
• Cool
6.Culture difference
• fat meat • 肥肉,美差事,好东西 ?
• 腻得要命,是无价值,该扔掉的东西
Never trouble trouble until trouble troubles you
不要自找麻烦,除非麻烦缠上你。 Or 不要庸人自扰。 Or 不要杞人忧天。
Question Time
Corresponding relations between English and Chinese Vocabulary contrast & how to choose a word
Culture influence on words
公牛 bull 母牛 cow 小牛 calf 牛奶 milk
绵羊 sheep
山羊 goat
公羊 ram 母羊 ewe
奶牛 milch cow
Literal translation
Proper nouns : China (中国), Germany (德国), New York (纽约) etc.
Items in daily life : table(桌子), watch (手表),sun (太阳) etc.
Science and technology terms : retort (反应罐), alloy steel(合金钢 ), friction (摩擦 力), carrier (航空母舰) etc.
Chinese 阴、阳、三伏、惊蛰、 天干、地支、叩头、武 术、功夫、馄饨、牌坊 、秧歌、炕、亩、斤、 两
• bingo • banawa
1) use Pingyin eg.叩头(kow tow)、功夫(kongfu)、馄饨 (wonton)、秧歌 (yangko)、炕 (kang)、亩 (mu)、斤 (jin) 、两 (liang)、阴(yin)、阳(yang)、武术 (wushu, 或 martial art) 2) explain the word eg. 三伏天 (dog days)、惊蛰 (the Waking of Insects) 3) conbination eg.天干(the heavenly stems)、地支 (the earthly branches)
Understanding and Expression of
Never trouble trouble until trouble troubles you
Corresponding relations between English and Chinese Vocabulary contrast & how to choose a word
看电影 see a film
看报 read newspaper 看父母 visit parents
看医生 see a doctor
看问题 look at an issue 先看看 have a look firstຫໍສະໝຸດ 看情况 it depends
看破 see through
Why the difference exists?
4. the story of famous masterpieces
Shylock 高利贷者 鱼子酱 Caviar Caviar to General比喻 “阳春白雪”、“高雅情调” 而非“一般人的鱼子酱” (from Hamlet )
5. Historical allusion and customs ( 历史典故和风俗)
• carry: 搬、运、提、送、 • 拎、挑、担、抬、背、扛 China Talent, I 、搂、抱、断、举、夹 • • fry: 煎、炒、炸、爆炒
find it competent!
• send: 送、寄、发送、派 遣、打发
No Equivalence
Definition Some special English or Chinese words which could not translated into the existing Chinese or English one Cause History , religion , fork custom , culture , geographic environment and so on
450000 English words
The utilization(使用) of Chinese words is much more efficient than English. Watch, see, look, read, visit… → “看”
看电视 watch TV 看孩子 baby-sit/look after a child
牛人 stubborn person 牛劲 great strength
羊羔/羔羊 lamb
羊倌 shepherd 羊绒 cashmere
牛毛 ox hair
牦牛 yak
羊毛 wool
羊肠小道 byway
English: stative(静态的) Chinese: dynamic(动态的)→ more verbs English Noun, preposition, adjective, adverb, Chinese Verb
• •
The contrast of English and Chinese vocabulary And Word choices of translation
The contrast of English and Chinese vocabulary
86000 Chinese words
Mr.Zhuo took a French leave. 卓老师离开法国. take a French leave 不辞而别 In the 16th century, the Frenchman usually left the party without saying goodbye to the host. • Dutch 荷兰的 • to do the Dutch 自杀身亡
(完全对等) (部分对等) (无对等)
Full Equivalence
Definition Meanings expressed by some English words can be found the completely corresponding words in Chinese Countermeasures
• 2009年1月7日,“纪念中美建交30周年乒乓球友谊赛”在北京国家体育总局 大厅举行。中国外交部副部长王光亚与美国副国务卿内格罗蓬特一行观看比
Part Equivalence
Definition Some English words only have part correspondence with the Chinese one Countermeasures Figure out the meaning according the context
2. Greek and Roman myths and legends
• Apple of discord 不和的苹果 • Apple of discord 争端,斗争的根源 • Helen of Troy 红颜祸水,倾城尤物
3. The habits of the westerners
• • • •
In China, there is a lot of emphasis on politeness. 在中国,人们非常注重讲礼貌。
There are mountain ranges here with extensive forest and rich mineral resources. 这里有许多山脉,生长着大片的森林,贮藏着丰富的矿产资 源。
Bigger • uncle: 叔父、伯父、舅父 、姑父、姨夫; •
Smaller 主人: master, host, owner, housemaster, 拿: fetch, hold, seize, take 行:go, walk, travel; circulate; behavior, conduct; capable
An example
• Chinese Vice Foreign Minister Wang Guangya and U.S. Deputy Secretary of State John D. Negroponte pose for a group photo during the Friendship Ping-pong Match marking the 30th anniversary of the establishment of the China-U.S. diplomatic relations, at the State General Administration of Sport in Beijing, capital of China, Jan. 7,
Culture influence on words
Corresponding relations between English and Chinese
Corresponding relations between English and Chinese
• Full Equivalence • Part Equivalence • No Equivalence
• the eleventh hour • 第十一个小时 • According to the Bible, one day, Jesus taught his disciples “Though the person who worked for The kingdom of the vineyard(天堂葡萄园) come at the eleventh hour, he can also get the same reward. • At the last moment
They were suspicious and resentful of him. 他们不信任他,讨厌他。
She opened the window to let fresh air in. 她打开窗子让新鲜空气进来。
Culture influence on words
• the change of “cool” • In the 1920s to 1930s, the jazz music was popular for its beaten-rhythm. So people called it “hot” music. But as time went by, in 1950s,the style of jazz had changed from hot to deep. So people called jazz “cool” music.
• Cool
6.Culture difference
• fat meat • 肥肉,美差事,好东西 ?
• 腻得要命,是无价值,该扔掉的东西
Never trouble trouble until trouble troubles you
不要自找麻烦,除非麻烦缠上你。 Or 不要庸人自扰。 Or 不要杞人忧天。
Question Time
Corresponding relations between English and Chinese Vocabulary contrast & how to choose a word
Culture influence on words