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Unit 3 A Successful Career Teaching Focus

Teaching Plan

Leading In and Exploring the Topic

Divide the class into groups of four and allow the Ss

5 minutes to finish the exercise in Exploring the


Give the Ss 5 minutes to discuss the following two questions:

1) What do you intend to choose as a career in the

future and why?

2) How will you prepare yourself for your future


Ask some volunteers to share their answers to the above question with the class.

Section A Reading Through

Ask Ss to go through Text A quickly and then finish the exercise of Getting the Message on P44 of SB.

Check the understanding by eliciting answers from some students.

Highlight some difficult sentences and elicit explanations from students and give helps where necessary.

Allow the Ss 3 minutes to write down a sentence showing he or she has learned from the story. Give the Ss some sentence structures to help them write longer sentences.

Ask some students to share their sentences with the class.

Basic Writing Skills

Prepare a PPT with the exercise on P48 of SB.

Ask some students to tell their choices to the class and explain why they have those choices.

Analyze the keys to those choices by explaining the rules of shifts in tense listed on P47-48.

Section B Reading More

Before class, divide the class into 6 groups and ask

each group to prepare a 5-minute PPT which shows the

group’s understanding of the following 6 sentences

in the text:

1) Believe in yourself.

2) Just get it done, even if it isn’t perfect.

3) Stick to your vision despite opposing voices.

4) Loyalty breeds success.

5) Live below your means.

6) Follow your passion, not the money.

In class, give each group 5 minutes to display the PPT.

Give them help where necessary.

Make sure every member of the group do some work either

in making the PPT before class or in the presenting

of the PPT in class.

Section C Practical Writing

Guide the students to finish the two exercises on P56

to P57 of SB according to the samples given.

Ask each student to design a visa application form for


Finish all the exercises in Unit Three.

Read the passage in Reading Out on Page 43 of SB and recite it. Write a diary of your thoughts about your opinion of success and what you wish to do as a career in the future.

Contribute to teamwork of the PPT about Text B and help your group member whenever you can.

Design a visa application form for yourself.
