国际投资学教程课后题答案 完整版

国际投资(杜奇华)课后思考题答案(精整版)国际投资课后思考题第⼀章:国际投资导论⼀、国际投资的特征有哪些?1、国际投资的领域呈现不完全竞争性2、国际投资的⽬的呈现多样性3、国际投资的主体呈现双重性4、国际投资所使⽤的货币呈现多元化5、国际投资的环境呈现差异性6、国际投资的运⾏呈现曲折性7、国际投资的过程呈现更⼤的风险性⼆、国际投资的主体和客体包括哪些?(⼀)、国际投资的主体●跨国公司●国际⾦融机构●官⽅与半官⽅机构●个⼈投资者(⼆)、国际投资的客体1.货币性资产(Monetary Assets)●现⾦●银⾏存款●应收账款●国际债券●国际股票2.实物资产(Real Assets)●⼟地●建筑物●机器设备●零部件和原材料3.⽆形资产(Intangible Assets)●⽣产诀窍●管理技术●商标●商誉●技术专利三、国际投资历经了哪⼏个发展时期?1、起步阶段(18世纪末~1914年)●英、法、德、美、荷从事国际投资●国际投资主要流向⾃然资源丰富的地区2、低迷徘徊阶段(1914年~1945年)●国际投资的总额下降●国际投资⽅式仍然以国际间接投资为主3、恢复增长阶段(1946年~1979年)●国际投资的规模迅速扩⼤●国际投资的⽅式转变为国际直接投资为主4、逐渐发展阶段(20世纪80年代)●国际直接投资的规模迅速扩⼤●国际投资的流动转向以发达国家为主。
国际投资学教程课后题答案(完整版) (2)(word文档良心出品)

国际公共(官方)投资: 是指一国政府或国际经济组织为了社会公共利益而进行的投资,一般带有国际援助的性质。
(二)投资格局,1.“大三角”国家对外投资集聚化 2.发达国家之间的相互投资不断增加 3.发展中国家在吸引外资的同时,也走上了对外投资的舞台(三)投资方式,国际投资的发展出现了直接投资与间接投资齐头并进的发展局面。

Chapter 2Foreign Exchange Parity Relations1. Because the interest rate in A is greater than the interest rate in B, α is expected to depreciate relativeto β, and should trade with a forward discount. Accordingly, the correct answer is (c).2. Because the exchange rate is given in €:$ terms, the appropriate expression for the interest rate parity relation is€+=+$11r F S r (r $ is a part of the numerator and r € is a part of the denominator).a. The one-year €:$ forward rate is given by €:==1.05$ 1.1795 1.19081.04b. The one-month €:$ forward rate is given by€:+==+1(0.04/12$ 1.1795 1.18051(0.03/12)Of course, these are central rates, and bid-ask rates could also be determined on the basis of bid-askrates for the spot exchange and interest rates.3. a. bid €:¥ = (bid $:¥) × (bid €:$) = 108.10 × 1.1865 = 128.2607.ask €:¥ = (ask $:¥) × (ask €:$) = 108.20 × 1.1870 = 128.4334.b. Because the exchange rate is in €:$ terms, the appropriate expression for the interest rate parityrelation is F /S = (1 + r $)/(1 + r €).€€€++==++=$1(ask )1(0.0525/4):$3-month ask (spot ask :$)1.18701(bid )1(0.0325/4)1.1929r rThus, the €:$3-month forward ask exchange rate is: 1.1929.c. bid $:€ = 1/ask €:$ = 1 / 1.1929 = 0.8383.Thus, the 3-month forward bid exchange rate is $:€ = 0.8383.Chapter 2 Foreign Exchange Parity Relations 7d. Because the exchange rate is in $:¥ terms, the appropriate expression for the interest rate parityrelation is F /S = (1 + r ¥ )/1 + r $.$++===+¥1(bid )1(0.0125/4)$:¥3-month bid (spot ask $:¥)108.10107.031(ask )(0.0325/4)r r $++===+¥1(ask )1(0.0150/4)$:¥3-month ask (spot ask $:¥)108.20107.261(bid )(0.0500/4)r rThus, the $:¥ 3-month forward exchange rate is: 107.03 – 107.26. Note : The interest rates one uses in all such computations are those that result in a lower forwardbid (so, bid interest rates in the numerator and ask rates in the denominator) and a higher forward ask (so, ask interest rates in the numerator and bid rates in the denominator).4. a. For six months, r SFr = 1.50% and r $ = 1.75%. Because the exchange rate is in $:SFr terms, the appropriate expression for the interest rate parity relation isSFr $SFr $1,or (1)(1)1r F F r r S r S+=+=++ The left side of this expression is$ 1.6558(1)(10.0175) 1.01331.6627F r S+=+= The right side of the expression is: 1 + r SFr = 1.0150. Because the left and right sides are not equal, IRP is not holding.b. Because IRP is not holding, there is an arbitrage possibility: Because 1.0133 < 1.0150, we cansay that the SFr interest rate quote is more than what it should be as per the quotes for the otherthree variables. Equivalently, we can also say that the $ interest rate quote is less than what itshould be as per the quotes for the other three variables. Therefore, the arbitrage strategy shouldbe based on borrowing in the $ market and lending in the SFr market. The steps would be asfollows:• Borrow $1,000,000 for six months at 3.5% per year. Need to pay back $1,000,000 ×(1 + 0.0175) = $1,017,500 six months later.• Convert $1,000,000 to SFr at the spot rate to get SFr 1,662,700.• Lend SFr 1,662,700 for six months at 3% per year. Will get back SFr 1,662,700 ×(1 + 0.0150) = SFr 1,687,641 six months later.• Sell SFr 1,687,641 six months forward. The transaction will be contracted as of the current date but delivery and settlement will only take place six months later. So, six months later,exchange SFr 1,687,641 for SFr 1,687,641/SFr 1.6558/$ = $1,019,230.The arbitrage profit six months later is 1,019,230 – 1,017,500 = $1,730.5. a. For three months, r $ = 1.30% and r ¥ = 0.30%. Because the exchange rate is in $:¥ terms, the appropriate expression for the interest rate parity relation is¥$¥$1,or (1)(1)1r F F r r S r S+=+=++8 Solnik/McLeavey • Global Investments, Sixth EditionThe left side of this expression is$107.30(1)(10.0130) 1.0064.108.00F r S+=+= The right side of this expression is: 1 + r ¥ = 1.0030. Because the left and right sides are not equal, IRP is not holding.b. Because IRP is not holding, there is an arbitrage possibility. Because 1.0064 > 1.0030, we cansay that the $ interest rate quote is more than what it should be as per the quotes for the otherthree variables. Equivalently, we can also say that the ¥ interest rate quote is less than what itshould be as per the quotes for the other three variables. Therefore, the arbitrage strategy shouldbe based on lending in the $ market and borrowing in the ¥ market. The steps would be asfollows:• Borrow the yen equivalent of $1,000,000. Because the spot rate is ¥108 per $, borrow$1,000,000 × ¥108/$ = ¥108,000,000. Need to pay back ¥108,000,000 × (1 + 0.0030) =¥108,324,000 three months later.• Exchange ¥108,000,000 for $1,000,000 at the spot exchange rate.• Lend $1,000,000 for three months at 5.20% per year. Will get back $1,000,000 ×(1 + 0.0130) = $1,013,000 three months later.• Buy ¥108,324,000 three months forward. The transaction will be contracted as of the current date, but delivery and settlement will only take place three months later. So, three monthslater, get ¥108,324,000 for ¥108,324,000 / (¥107.30 per $) = $1,009,543.The arbitrage profit three months later is 1,013,000 – 1,009,543 = $3,457.6. At the given exchange rate of 5 pesos/$, the cost in Mexico in dollar terms is $16 for shoes, $36 forwatches, and $120 for electric motors. Thus, compared with the United States, shoes and watches are cheaper in Mexico, and electric motors are more expensive in Mexico. Therefore, Mexico will import electric motors from the United States, and the United States will import shoes and watches from Mexico. Accordingly, the correct answer is (d).7. Consider two countries, A and B. Based on relative PPP,+=+1011A BS I S I where S 1 and S 0 are the expected and the current exchange rates between the currencies of A and B, and I A and I B are the inflation rates in A and B. If A and B belong to the group of countries thatintroduces the same currency, then one could think of both S 1 and S 0 being one. Then, I A and I B should both be equal for relative PPP to hold. Thus, introduction of a common currency by a group ofcountries would result in the convergence of the inflation rates among these countries. A similarargument could be applied to inflation among the various states of the United States.8. Based on relative PPP,+=+Switzerland 10US11I S S IChapter 2 Foreign Exchange Parity Relations 9where S 1 is the expected $:SFr exchange rate one year from now, S 0 is the current $:SFr exchange rate, and I Switzerland and I US are the expected annual inflation rates in Switzerland and the United States, respectively. So,1110.02and 1.60(1.02/1.05)SFr 1.55/$.1.6010.05S S +===+ 9. a. A Japanese consumption basket consists of two-thirds sake and one-third TV sets. The price ofsake in yen is rising at a rate of 10% per year. The price of TV sets is constant. The Japanese consumer price index inflation is therefore equal to+=21(10%)(0%) 6.67%33b. Relative PPP states thatFC 10DC1.1I S S I +=+ Because the exchange rate is given to be constant, we have S 0 = S 1, which implies S 1/S 0 = 1. As a result, in our example, PPP would hold if 1 + I FC = 1 + I DC (i.e., I FC = I DC ). Because the Japanese inflation rate is 6.67% and the American inflation rate is 0%, we do not have I FC = I DC , and PPP does not hold.10. a. i. The law of one price is that, assuming competitive markets and no transportation costs ortariffs, the same goods should have the same real prices in all countries after convertingprices to a common currency.ii. Absolute PPP, focusing on baskets of goods and services, states that the same basket ofgoods should have the same price in all countries after conversion to a common currency.Under absolute PPP, the equilibrium exchange rate between two currencies would be the ratethat equalizes the prices of a basket of goods between the two countries. This rate wouldcorrespond to the ratio of average price levels in the countries. Absolute PPP assumes noimpediments to trade and identical price indexes that do not create measurement problems.iii. Relative PPP holds that exchange rate movements reflect differences in price changes(inflation rates) between countries. A country with a relatively high inflation rate willexperience a proportionate depreciation of its currency’s value vis-à-vis that of a countrywith a lower rate of inflation. Movements in currencies provide a means for maintainingequivalent purchasing power levels among currencies in the presence of differing inflationrates.Relative PPP assumes that prices adjust quickly and price indexes properly measure inflationrates. Because relative PPP focuses on changes and not absolute levels, relative PPP is morelikely to be satisfied than the law of one price or absolute PPP.b. i. Relative PPP is not consistently useful in the short run because of the following:(1) Relationships between month-to-month movements in market exchange rates and PPPare not consistently strong, according to empirical research. Deviations between the ratescan persist for extended periods. (2) Exchange rates fluctuate minute by minute becausethey are set in the financial markets. Price levels, in contrast, are sticky and adjust slowly.(3) Many other factors can influence exchange rate movements rather than just inflation.ii. Research suggests that over the long term, a tendency exists for market and PPP rates tomove together, with market rates eventually moving toward levels implied by PPP.10 Solnik/McLeavey • Global Investments, Sixth Edition11. a. If the treasurer is worried that the franc might appreciate in the next three months, she couldhedge her foreign exchange exposure by trading this risk against the premium included in theforward exchange rate. She could buy 10 million Swiss francs on the three-month forward market at the rate of SFr 1.5320 per €. The transaction will be contracted as of the current date, butdelivery and settlement will only take place three months later.b. Three months later, the company received the 10 million Swiss francs at the forward rate ofSFr 1.5320 per € agreed on earlier. Thus, the company needed (SFr 10,000,000)/(SFr 1.5320per €), or €6,527,415. If the company had not entered into a forward contract, the companywould have received the 10 million Swiss francs at the spot rate of SFr 1.5101 per €. Thus, thecompany would have needed (SFr 10,000,000) / (SFr 1.5101 per €), or €6,622,078. Therefore,the company benefited by the treasurer’s action, because €6,622,078 – €6,527,415 = €94,663were saved.12. The nominal interest rate is approximately the sum of the real interest rate and the expected inflationrate over the term of the interest rate. Even if the international Fisher relation holds, and the realinterest rates are equal among countries, the expected inflation can be very different from one country to another. Therefore, there is no reason why nominal interest rates should be equal among countries.13. Because the Australian dollar is expected to depreciate relative to the dollar, we know from thecombination of international Fisher relation and relative PPP that the nominal interest rate inAustralia is greater than the nominal interest rate in the United States. Further, the nominal interest rate in the United States is greater than that in Switzerland. Thus, the nominal interest rate inAustralia has to be greater than the nominal interest rate in Switzerland. Therefore, we can say from the combination of international Fisher relation and relative PPP that the Australian dollar is expected to depreciate relative to the Swiss franc.14. According to the approximate version of the international Fisher relation, r Sweden − r US = I Sweden − I US . So, 8 − 7 = 6 − I US , which means that I US = 5%.According to the approximate version of relative PPP,−=−10Sweden US 0S S I I S where, S 1 and S 0 are in $:SKr terms. I Sweden − I U S = 6 − 5 = 1%, or 0.01. So, (6 − S 0)/S 0 = 0.01. Solving for S 0, we get S 0 = SKr 5.94 per $.According to the approximate version of IRP,−=−0Sweden US 0F S r r S where, F and S 0 are in $:SKr terms. r Sweden − r US = 8 − 7 = 1%, or 0.01. So, (F − 5.94)/5.94 = 0.01. Solving for F , we get F = SKr 6 per $.Because we are given the expected exchange rate, we could also have arrived at this answer by usingthe foreign exchange expectations relation.Chapter 2 Foreign Exchange Parity Relations 1115. According to the international Fisher relation,++=++Switzerland Switzerland UK UK1111r I r I So,++=++Switzerland 110.0410.1210.10r therefore, r Switzerland = 0.0589, or 5.89%.According to relative PPP,+=+Switzerland 10UK11I S S I where, S 1 and S 0 are in £:SFr terms.So,110.04.310.10S +=+ Solving for S 1 we get S 1 = SFr 2.8364 per £.According to IRP,+=+Switzerland 0UK11r F S r where, F and S 0 are in £:SFr terms.So,10.0589.310.12F +=+ Solving for F , we get F = SFr 2.8363 per £. This is the same as the expected exchange rate in oneyear, with the slight difference due to rounding.16. During the 1991–1996 period, the cumulative inflation rates were about 25 percent in Malaysia,61 percent in the Philippines, and 18 percent in the United States. Over this period, based on relative PPP, one would have expected the Malaysian ringgit to depreciate by about 7 percent relative to the United States dollar (the inflation differential). In reality, the Malaysian ringgit appreciated by about 8 percent. Similarly, in view of the very high inflation differential between the Philippines and the United States, one would have expected the Philippine peso to depreciate considerably relative to the dollar. But it did not. Thus, according to PPP, both currencies had become strongly overvalued.12 Solnik/McLeavey • Global Investments, Sixth Edition17. a. According to PPP, the current exchange rate should bePif Pif 1010$$10//PI PI S S PI PI == where subscript 1 refers to the value now, subscript 0 refers to the value 20 years ago, PI refers toprice index, and S is the $:pif exchange rate. Thus, the current exchange rate based on PPP should be1200/1002pif 1 per $.400/100S ⎛⎞==⎜⎟⎝⎠b. As per PPP, the pif is overvalued at the prevailing exchange rate of pif 0.9 per $.18. Exports equal 10 million pifs and imports equal $7 million (6.3 million pifs). Accordingly, the tradebalance is 10 − 6.3 = 3.7 million pifs.• Balance of services includes the $0.5 million spent by tourists (0.45 million pifs).• Net income includes $0.1 million or 0.09 million pifs received by Paf investors as dividends,minus 1 million pifs paid out by Paf as interest on Paf bonds (− 0.91 million pifs).• Unrequited transfers include $0.3 million (0.27 million pifs) received by Paf as foreign aid.• Portfolio investment includes the $3 million or 2.7 million pifs spent by Paf investors to buyforeign firms. So, portfolio investment = −2.7 million pifs.Based on the preceding,• Current account = 3.24 (= 3.70 + 0.45 − 0.91)• Capital account = 0.27• Financial account = −2.7The sum of current account, capital account, and financial account is 0.81. By definition of balance ofpayments, the sum of the current account, the capital account, the financial account, and the change in official reserves must be equal to zero. Therefore, official reserve account = −0.81.The following summarizes the effect of the transactions on the balance of payments.Current account 3.24Trade balance 3.70Balance of services 0.45Net income – 0.91Capital account 0.27Unrequited transfers 0.27Financial account – 2.70Portfolio investment – 2.70Official reserve account – 0.8119. a. A traditional flow market approach would suggest that the home currency should depreciatebecause of increased inflation. An increase in domestic consumption could also lead to increased imports and a deficit in the balance of trade. This deficit should lead to a weakening of the homecurrency in the short run.b. The asset market approach claims that this scenario is good for the home currency. Foreigncapital investment is attracted by the high returns caused by economic growth and high interestrates. This capital inflow leads to an appreciation of the home currency.Chapter 2 Foreign Exchange Parity Relations 13 20. a. i. The immediate effect of reducing the budget deficit is to reduce the demand for loanablefunds because the government needs to borrow less to bridge the gap between spending andtaxes.ii. The reduced public-sector demand for loanable funds has the direct effect of lowering nominal interest rates, because lower demand leads to lower cost of borrowing, iii. The direct effect of the budget deficit reduction is a depreciation of the domestic currency and the exchange rate. As investors sell lower yielding Country M securities to buy thesecurities of other countries, Country M’s currency will come under pressure andCountry M’s currency will depreciate.b. i. In the case of a credible, sustainable, and large reduction in the budget deficit, reducedinflationary expectations are likely because the central bank is less likely to monetize thedebt by increasing the money supply. Purchasing power parity and international Fisherrelationships suggest that a currency should strengthen against other currencies whenexpected inflation declines.ii. A reduction in government spending would tend to shift resources into private-sector investments, in which productivity is higher. The effect would be to increase the expectedreturn on domestic securities.。

国际投资学第三章国际投资环境课后习题答案(个人总结)第一篇:国际投资学第三章国际投资环境课后习题答案(个人总结) 第三章国际投资环境1.名词解释国际投资环境:影响国际投资的各种自然因素、经济因素、政治因素、社会因素和法律因素相互依赖、相互完善、相互制约所形成的的矛盾统一体。
4.案例分析分别运用等级尺度法和要素评价分类法对英国的投资环境进行计分和评价等级尺度法:1.货币稳定性(4-20分)2.近五年通货膨胀率(2-14分)3.资本外调(0-12分)4.外商股权(0-12分)5.外国企业与本地企业之间的差别待遇和控制(0-12分)6.政治稳定性(0-12分)7.当地资本供应能力(0-10分)8.给予关税保护的态度(2-8分)要素评价法:I=AE/CF(B+D+G+H)+x 投资环境激励系数(A)城市规划完善度因子(B)利税因子(C)劳动生产率因子(D)地区基础因子(E)效率因子(F)市场因子(G)管理权因子(H)5.试结合本章专栏3-1和专栏3-3,分析我国改善投资环境的重点和具体措施。

Chapter 3Foreign Exchange Determination andForecasting1. Applying expansionary macroeconomic policy, which results in higher goods prices and lower realinterest rates, will not reduce the balance of payments deficit. Higher prices will make the country’s goods less competitive internationally, and lower interest rates will discourage foreign capital. Thus, the balance of payments deficit will worsen instead of improve. On the other hand, (a), (b), and (d) will help in remedying the balance of payments deficit. Accordingly, the answer is (c).2. a. One advantage of a wider band is “emotional.” France could claim that it did not devalue itscurrency. Another advantage is flexibility. If there were no long-term fundamental reasons(inflation, balance of payments deficit, etc.) for a devaluation, the temporary pressure on thefranc could ease and the franc could later revert to its previous level. The disadvantage of a wider band is exchange rate uncertainty for all firms. A “credible” small band is preferable for firmsconducting international trade,b. A wider band makes speculation less attractive, because there is no guarantee that a central bankwill defend its currency until the wide fluctuation margin is reached.3. a. The American investor has paid a 25 percent premium over the price paid by a domestic investor.Yet, he receives the same dividends as the domestic investor. Therefore, his investment bears asmaller yield than it would for a domestic investor.b. Lifting of the exchange controls would be bad news to an existing foreign investor in Paf, sinceher asset could only be repatriated at the normal pif rate (1.00), while she had bought it at thefinancial rate (1.25).c. Lifting of the exchange controls would be good news to foreign investors planning to invest inPaf in the future, because they would no longer have to pay the 25 percent premium when buying assets in Paf.4. Remember that the Eurozone is made up of those countries in the EU that have adopted the euro ascommon currency. Statements I and III are clearly correct. Statement II is clearly not correct, because there is a possibility that more countries may join the Eurozone in future. For example, the British are debating whether to join the Eurozone.5. The statement is true. Because of riskless arbitrage, interest rate parity between two currencies wouldhold if the markets for both are free and deregulated. Developed financial markets tend to be more free and deregulated. A developing country is more likely to impose various forms of capital controls and taxes that impede arbitrage. A developing country is economically not as well integrated with the world financial markets as the developed markets are. Also, some smaller currencies can only be borrowed and lent domestically, and the domestic money markets of developing countries are more likely to be subjected to political risk.Chapter 3 Foreign Exchange Determination and Forecasting 156. a. Using the first-order approximation of PPP relationship, the variation in rupee to dollar exchangerate should equal the inflation differential between rupee and dollar. So, the rupee to dollarexchange rate should increase by 6 − 2.5 = 3.5%. That is, the rupee should depreciate by 3.5%relative to the dollar.b. The nominal dollar return for the U.S. institutional investor is approximately 12 − 5 = 7%. Thereal return for the U.S. investor is approximately 7 − 2.5 = 4.5%. The real return for the Indianinvestor is approximately 12 − 6 = 6%. Thus, the U.S. investor has a lower real return than theIndian investor. This is so because the rupee depreciated with respect to the dollar by more thanwhat the PPP relationship would indicate. Indeed, the difference between the real returns is6 − 4.5 = 1.5%, which is the same as the difference between the actual depreciation of the rupeeand the depreciation that should have occurred as per PPP (5 − 3.5 = 1.5%).7. If a country’s currency is undervalued, it means that the real prices of assets in this country are lowcompared with other countries. Also, the wages are lower in real terms than in other countries. Thus, investors from other countries would invest in this country to take advantage of low prices andwages. This action would help in the appreciation of the undervalued currency and restoration of the PPP in the long run. In terms of foreign trade, an undervalued currency implies that exports from this country would get a boost while imports would become less attractive. This would also help in the appreciation of the undervalued currency and restoration of the PPP in the long run.8. In risk-neutral efficient foreign exchange markets, the forward rate is the expected value of the futurespot rate. The forward rate can be computed using the interest rate parity relation. Because the exchange rate is given in $:SFr terms, the appropriate expression for the interest rate parity relation isSFr $11r F Sr +=+ (that is, r SFr is a part of the numerator and r $ is a part of the denominator). Accordingly, the three-month forward rate is10.00951.4723 1.460010.0180F +==+ thus, the implied market prediction for the three-month ahead exchange rate is SFr1.4600 per $.9. As per the model, one € would be worth $0.9781 six months later. Based on the forward rate, one €would be worth $0.9976 six months later. Therefore, the market participants, who believe that the model is quite good, would buy the dollar in the forward market (sell euros). Consequently, the price of the euro forward would decrease (the dollar forward would increase) and the forward rate would become equal to $0.9781 per €. The spot exchange rate and the dollar and euro interest rates would change so as to be consistent with this forward rate. A look at the interest rate parity relationship— written in the form€$11r F S r+=+ as F and S are in €:$ terms—suggests that with the decrease in forward rate from $0.9976 per € to$0.9781 per €, the spot rate and interest rate in dollars are likely to go down and interest rate in euros is likely to go up.16 Solnik/McLeavey • Global Investments, Sixth Edition10. a. The forward rate can be computed using the interest rate parity relation. Because the exchange rate is given in £:$ terms, the appropriate expression for the interest rate parity relation is$£11r F S r +=+ (that is, r $ is a part of the numerator, and r £ is a part of the denominator). Accordingly, the one-year forward rate is1.02001.5620$1.5283 per £1.0425F .== b. Based on the forward rate, one pound would be worth $1.5283 one year later. The model predictsthat one pound would be worth $1.5315 one year later. Thus, as per the model, the pound isunderpriced in the forward market. Accordingly, Dustin Green would buy pounds forward at$1.5283/£.c. If everyone were to buy pounds forward, the price of pounds forward would increase and becomeequal to $1.5315 per £. The spot exchange rate and the dollar and pound interest rates wouldchange so as to be consistent with this forward rate. A look at the interest rate parity relationship suggests that the spot rate and the interest rate in dollars are likely to go up and the interest rate in pounds is likely to go down, to be consistent with the increase in the forward rate.11. a. If the market participants are risk-neutral, the expected future spot exchange rate would be thesame as the current forward rate. The forward rate is determined based on the current spotexchange rate and the interest rate differential between the two currencies. Thus, the expectedfuture spot exchange rate would depend on the current spot exchange rate and the interest ratedifferential.b. If the market participants are risk-averse, the forward rate would differ from the expected futurespot exchange rate by the risk premium. The risk premium, based on the extent of risk aversionof the market participants, could be positive or negative. So, the expected future spot exchangerate is the forward rate less the risk premium. Since the forward rate is based on the current spot exchange rate and the interest rate differential between the two currencies, the expected futurespot exchange rate would depend on the current spot exchange rate, the interest rate differential, and the risk premium.12. There is some evidence of positive serial correlation in exchange rate movements (real and nominal).Hence, when a currency is going up, a reasonable forecast is that it will continue going up. Similarly, when a currency is going down, a reasonable forecast is that it will continue going down. However, at some point in time, the trend would reverse, and the problem is that a trend-based forecasting model cannot forecast when this turning point would occur. Although these turning points may be infrequent, they can be the occasion of a huge swing. The Mexican peso is a good example. For a few years until the end of 1994, the real value of the peso appreciated steadily. So, forecasters using trendmodels for the real exchange rates were quite successful for many months. However, in December 1994, the peso suddenly crashed and lost around half of its value.13. Statements (a), (c), and (d) are true. Statement (b) is not true, because the objective of central bankactivity in the foreign exchange market is not to profit from trading activities, but to implementmonetary policy and exchange rate targets.Chapter 3 Foreign Exchange Determination and Forecasting 17 14. A mean-reverting time series is one that may diverge from its fundamental value in the short run butreverts to its fundamental value in the long run. Empirical evidence suggests that exchange rates are mean reverting. The real exchange rates (observed exchange rate minus inflation) do deviate from the fundamental value implied by PPP in the short run, but tend to revert to the fundamental value in the long run.15. Most econometric models are unsuitable for short-term exchange rate forecasts, as they model long-term structural economic relationships. For long-term exchange rate forecasts, the use of econometric models has some problems. First, most of them rely on predictions for certain key variables, such as money supply and interest rates. It is not easy to forecast these variables. Second, the structuralcorrelation estimated by the parameters of the equation can change over time, so that even if allcausative variables are correctly forecasted, the model can still yield poor exchange rate predictions.In periods when structural changes are rapid compared with the amount of time-series data required to estimate parameters, econometric models are of little help.16. Technical analysis is more likely to be used for short-term exchange rate movements, while theeconometric approach is more likely to be used for long-term exchange rate movements. The manager of a currency hedge fund and currency traders change their foreign exchange positions quite quickly, and are interested in short-term changes in exchange rates. On the other hand, the manager of an international stock portfolio is unlikely to change his foreign exchange positions quickly, because the transaction costs of buying and selling stocks are quite high. Therefore, the manager of aninternational stock portfolio is more interested in the long-term movements in exchange rates.Similarly, the long-term strategic planner of a corporation is interested in the long-term movements.Accordingly, the answers are:a. Technical analysisb. Econometric approachc. Technical analysisd. Econometric approach17. a. The absolute values of prediction errors are as follows: Forward rate: 1.440 − 1.308 = 0.132;Analyst A: 1.410 − 1.308 = 0.102; and Analyst B: 1.580 − 1.308 = 0.272. Thus, the forecast byAnalyst A was the most accurate.b. The forward rate and Analyst B erroneously predicted that the SFr to $ exchange rate would goup from the then-spot rate of SFr 1.420 per $; that is, the SFr would depreciate. Only Analyst Acorrectly predicted that the Swiss franc would appreciate.18. a. The absolute values of forecast errors are as follows: Forward rate: 148.148 − 144.697 = 3.451;Commerzbank: 148.148 − 142 = 6.148; and Harris Bank: 156 − 148.148 = 7.852. Thus, theforecast as per the forward rate was the most accurate, followed by Commerzbank, and then byHarris Bank.b. Although the forward rate and Commerzbank were more accurate than Harris Bank, both of themerroneously predicted that the yen would appreciate relative to the dollar. Only Harris Bankcorrectly predicted that the yen would depreciate.18 Solnik/McLeavey • Global Investments, Sixth Editionc. Commerzbank’s forecast was ¥142 per $, which was less than the forward rate. Therefore, DavidBrock bought yen forward (sold dollars) at the rate of ¥144.697 per $. Because the actual rateturned out to be ¥148.148 per $, buying yen forward did not turn out to be the right strategy. On the other hand, Harris Bank’s forecast was ¥156 per $, which was more than the forward rate.Therefore, Brian Lee sold yen forward (bought dollars) at the rate of ¥144.697 per $. Because the actual rate turned out to be ¥148.148 per $, selling yen forward turned out to be the right strategy. d. Commerzbank’s forecast had a lower forecast error than Harris Bank’s in Part (a). However, inPart (c), it was right to buy and sell based on Harris Bank’s forecast and not Commerzbank’s.The reason is that Harris Bank’s forecast turned out to be on the right side of the forward rate,while Commerzbank’s did not.19. Let the forecasts made by the Industrial Bank of Japan at the beginning of period t for the beginningof period t + 1 be E (S t + 1|φt ). Let the forward rates quoted at the beginning of period t for thebeginning of period t + 1 be F t , and the actual spot rates at the beginning of periods t and t + 1 be S t and S t +1, respectively. The percentage forecast errors (∈and e ) for each forecast made by the Industrial Bank of Japan and the forward rate are computed as εt +1 = [S t +1 − E (S t +1|φt )]/S t and e t +1 = [S t +1 − F t ]/S t , respectively. The following table details the computations.Pd. S t F t E (S t +1|φt ) S t +1 εt +1e t +1 ε2t +1 e 2t +1 1 143.164 142.511 140 144.3000.03000.01250.0009 0.0002 2 144.300 143.968 141 152.7500.08140.06090.0066 0.0037 3 152.750 153.600 151 149.400−0.0105−0.02750.0001 0.0008 4 149.400 149.400 143 129.600−0.0897−0.13250.0080 0.0176 5 129.600 129.700 130 129.500−0.0039−0.00150.0000 0.0000 6 129.500 129.800 131 139.2500.06370.07300.0041 0.0053 MSE0.0033 0.0046RMSE 0.0573 0.0678 The RMSE for the Industrial Bank of Japan is lower than that for the forward rate. Thus, as per thelimited data set in this problem, the Industrial Bank outperformed the forward rate in terms ofaccuracy of the forecasts, as measured by the RMSE. We have not tested whether the difference in forecast performances is statistically significant.。
国际投资学 国际投资理论课本精炼知识点 含课后习题答案


国际投资课后思考题第一章:国际投资导论一、国际投资的特征有哪些?1、国际投资的领域呈现不完全竞争性2、国际投资的目的呈现多样性3、国际投资的主体呈现双重性4、国际投资所使用的货币呈现多元化5、国际投资的环境呈现差异性6、国际投资的运行呈现曲折性7、国际投资的过程呈现更大的风险性二、国际投资的主体和客体包括哪些?(一)、国际投资的主体●跨国公司●国际金融机构●官方与半官方机构●个人投资者(二)、国际投资的客体1.货币性资产(Monetary Assets)●现金●银行存款●应收账款●国际债券●国际股票2.实物资产(Real Assets)●土地●建筑物●机器设备●零部件和原材料3.无形资产(Intangible Assets)●生产诀窍●管理技术●商标●商誉●技术专利三、国际投资历经了哪几个发展时期?1、起步阶段(18世纪末~1914年)●英、法、德、美、荷从事国际投资●国际投资主要流向自然资源丰富的地区2、低迷徘徊阶段(1914年~1945年)●国际投资的总额下降●国际投资方式仍然以国际间接投资为主3、恢复增长阶段(1946年~1979年)●国际投资的规模迅速扩大●国际投资的方式转变为国际直接投资为主4、逐渐发展阶段(20世纪80年代)●国际直接投资的规模迅速扩大●国际投资的流动转向以发达国家为主。

56、极端的法规,就是极端的不公。 ——西 塞罗 57、法律一旦成为人们的需要,人们 就不再 配享受 自由了 。—— 毕达哥 拉斯 58、法律规定的惩罚不是为了私人的 利益, 而是为 了公共 的利益 ;一部 分靠有 害的强 制,一 部分靠 榜样的 效力。 ——格 老秀斯 59、假如没有法律他们会更快乐的话 ,那么 法律作 为一件 无用之 物自己 就会消 灭。— —洛克
60、人民的幸福是的人,才不会再掉进坑里。——黑格尔 32、希望的灯一旦熄灭,生活刹那间变成了一片黑暗。——普列姆昌德 33、希望是人生的乳母。——科策布 34、形成天才的决定因素应该是勤奋。——郭沫若 35、学到很多东西的诀窍,就是一下子不要学很多。——洛克

国际公共(官方)投资: 是指一国政府或国际经济组织为了社会公共利益而进行的投资,一般带有国际援助的性质。
(二)投资格局,1.“大三角”国家对外投资集聚化 2.发达国家之间的相互投资不断增加 3.发展中国家在吸引外资的同时,也走上了对外投资的舞台(三)投资方式,国际投资的发展出现了直接投资与间接投资齐头并进的发展局面。

国际公共(官方)投资: 是指一国政府或国际经济组织为了社会公共利益而进行的投资,一般带有国际援助的性质。
(二)投资格局,1.“大三角”国家对外投资集聚化2.发达国家之间的相互投资不断增加 3.发展中国家在吸引外资的同时,也走上了对外投资的舞台(三)投资方式,国际投资的发展出现了直接投资与间接投资齐头并进的发展局面。

第一章15/16/20第二章4/6/9/15/16/19/20第三章3/5/9/16/18第四章8/13/15/16/17第五章2/7/10/15/17第六章6/8/10/12/13文本:人参淫家Fish 汉化:fish&MonkEy协力排版:MonkEy 校对:无时间:无后期:无本汉化由马骝鱼汉化组制作,本作品来源于互联网供学习爱好者使用禁止用于商业盈利行为若因私自散布造成法律纠纷汉化组概不负责第一章15.问:假设在某一时点,巴克莱银行每英镑的美元标价为英镑对美元=1.4570。
兴业银行每美元的目标价位为美元对日元=128.17,米德银行每英镑的日元的套算汇率的标价为英镑对日元=183.a.不考虑买卖价差,此处是否存在套利机会b.加入存在套利机会,你要通过哪些步骤以获得套利利润?如果你有100万美元,你可以获利多少?解:a.根据题目可以求得美元对日元的汇率:£:¥= $:¥⨯ £:$ = 128.17 ⨯ 1.4570 = 186.74。
然而,米德银行的标价为£:¥=1:183,因此存在套利机会b.在存在£:¥=186.74的同时,米德银行汇率标价为£:¥=1:183,即英镑对日元价值在米德银行被相对低估,因此,你的套利步骤应建立为使用日元从米德银行购买英镑,有100万美元情况下,具体步骤如下:a. 在兴业银行售出美元以取得日元: 售出$1,000,000 以取得$1,000,000 ⨯ ¥128.17 / $ =¥128,170,000.b. 在米德银行出售日元以购买英镑:售出l ¥128,170,000 以购买¥128,170,000/(¥183 / £) =£700,382.51.c. 在巴克莱银行将英镑兑换为美元: 卖出£700,382.51 ,得到£700,382.51 ⨯ ($1.4570 /k, £) =$1,020,457.32.因此,获利为:$1,020,457.32 - $1,000,000 = $20,457.3216.吉姆擅长与套算汇率套利,在某一个时点,他注意到如下标价:以瑞士法郎标价的美元价值= 1.5971 瑞士法郎/美元以澳大利亚元标价的美元价值=1.8215 澳大利亚/美元以澳大利亚元标价的瑞士法郎价值=1.1450 澳大利亚元/瑞士法郎不考虑交易成本,基于这些标价,吉姆有套利机会吗?他应该怎样做来获取套利利润?他用100万美元可以套利多少?解:由题可知,澳元跟瑞士法郎之间的隐形汇率为SFr:A$ = $:A$ ⨯ SFr:$ = ($:A$) ÷ ($:SFr) = 1.8215/1.5971 = 1.1405。
国际投资学教程(第四版)綦建红 答案

《国际投资学教程》(第四版)习题参考答案第一章 国际投资概述1.名词解释国际投资:是指以资本增值和生产力提高为目标的国际资本流动,是投资者将其资本投入国外进行的以盈利为目的的经济活动。
公共投资VS 私人投资:前者是指一国政府或国际经济组织为了社会公共利益而进行的投资,一般带有国际援助的性质;后者是指私人或私人企业以盈利为目的而进行的投资。
长期投资VS 短期投资:二者区分的关键点在于时间,前者一年以上,后者一年之内。

Chapter 2Foreign Exchange Parity Relations1. Because the interest rate in A is greater than the interest rate in B, α is expected to depreciate relativeto β, and should trade with a forward discount. Accordingly, the correct answer is (c).2. Because the exchange rate is given in €:$ terms, the appropriate expression for the interest rate parity relation is€+=+$11r F S r (r $ is a part of the numerator and r € is a part of the denominator).a. The one-year €:$ forward rate is given by €:==1.05$ 1.1795 1.19081.04b. The one-month €:$ forward rate is given by€:+==+1(0.04/12$ 1.1795 1.18051(0.03/12)Of course, these are central rates, and bid-ask rates could also be determined on the basis of bid-askrates for the spot exchange and interest rates.3. a. bid €:¥ = (bid $:¥) × (bid €:$) = 108.10 × 1.1865 = 128.2607.ask €:¥ = (ask $:¥) × (ask €:$) = 108.20 × 1.1870 = 128.4334.b. Because the exchange rate is in €:$ terms, the appropriate expression for the interest rate parityrelation is F /S = (1 + r $)/(1 + r €).€€€++==++=$1(ask )1(0.0525/4):$3-month ask (spot ask :$)1.18701(bid )1(0.0325/4)1.1929r rThus, the €:$3-month forward ask exchange rate is: 1.1929.c. bid $:€ = 1/ask €:$ = 1 / 1.1929 = 0.8383.Thus, the 3-month forward bid exchange rate is $:€ = 0.8383.Chapter 2 Foreign Exchange Parity Relations 7d. Because the exchange rate is in $:¥ terms, the appropriate expression for the interest rate parityrelation is F /S = (1 + r ¥ )/1 + r $.$++===+¥1(bid )1(0.0125/4)$:¥3-month bid (spot ask $:¥)108.10107.031(ask )(0.0325/4)r r $++===+¥1(ask )1(0.0150/4)$:¥3-month ask (spot ask $:¥)108.20107.261(bid )(0.0500/4)r rThus, the $:¥ 3-month forward exchange rate is: 107.03 – 107.26. Note : The interest rates one uses in all such computations are those that result in a lower forwardbid (so, bid interest rates in the numerator and ask rates in the denominator) and a higher forward ask (so, ask interest rates in the numerator and bid rates in the denominator).4. a. For six months, r SFr = 1.50% and r $ = 1.75%. Because the exchange rate is in $:SFr terms, the appropriate expression for the interest rate parity relation isSFr $SFr $1,or (1)(1)1r F F r r S r S+=+=++ The left side of this expression is$ 1.6558(1)(10.0175) 1.01331.6627F r S+=+= The right side of the expression is: 1 + r SFr = 1.0150. Because the left and right sides are not equal, IRP is not holding.b. Because IRP is not holding, there is an arbitrage possibility: Because 1.0133 < 1.0150, we cansay that the SFr interest rate quote is more than what it should be as per the quotes for the otherthree variables. Equivalently, we can also say that the $ interest rate quote is less than what itshould be as per the quotes for the other three variables. Therefore, the arbitrage strategy shouldbe based on borrowing in the $ market and lending in the SFr market. The steps would be asfollows:• Borrow $1,000,000 for six months at 3.5% per year. Need to pay back $1,000,000 ×(1 + 0.0175) = $1,017,500 six months later.• Convert $1,000,000 to SFr at the spot rate to get SFr 1,662,700.• Lend SFr 1,662,700 for six months at 3% per year. Will get back SFr 1,662,700 ×(1 + 0.0150) = SFr 1,687,641 six months later.• Sell SFr 1,687,641 six months forward. The transaction will be contracted as of the current date but delivery and settlement will only take place six months later. So, six months later,exchange SFr 1,687,641 for SFr 1,687,641/SFr 1.6558/$ = $1,019,230.The arbitrage profit six months later is 1,019,230 – 1,017,500 = $1,730.5. a. For three months, r $ = 1.30% and r ¥ = 0.30%. Because the exchange rate is in $:¥ terms, the appropriate expression for the interest rate parity relation is¥$¥$1,or (1)(1)1r F F r r S r S+=+=++8 Solnik/McLeavey • Global Investments, Sixth EditionThe left side of this expression is$107.30(1)(10.0130) 1.0064.108.00F r S+=+= The right side of this expression is: 1 + r ¥ = 1.0030. Because the left and right sides are not equal, IRP is not holding.b. Because IRP is not holding, there is an arbitrage possibility. Because 1.0064 > 1.0030, we cansay that the $ interest rate quote is more than what it should be as per the quotes for the otherthree variables. Equivalently, we can also say that the ¥ interest rate quote is less than what itshould be as per the quotes for the other three variables. Therefore, the arbitrage strategy shouldbe based on lending in the $ market and borrowing in the ¥ market. The steps would be asfollows:• Borrow the yen equivalent of $1,000,000. Because the spot rate is ¥108 per $, borrow$1,000,000 × ¥108/$ = ¥108,000,000. Need to pay back ¥108,000,000 × (1 + 0.0030) =¥108,324,000 three months later.• Exchange ¥108,000,000 for $1,000,000 at the spot exchange rate.• Lend $1,000,000 for three months at 5.20% per year. Will get back $1,000,000 ×(1 + 0.0130) = $1,013,000 three months later.• Buy ¥108,324,000 three months forward. The transaction will be contracted as of the current date, but delivery and settlement will only take place three months later. So, three monthslater, get ¥108,324,000 for ¥108,324,000 / (¥107.30 per $) = $1,009,543.The arbitrage profit three months later is 1,013,000 – 1,009,543 = $3,457.6. At the given exchange rate of 5 pesos/$, the cost in Mexico in dollar terms is $16 for shoes, $36 forwatches, and $120 for electric motors. Thus, compared with the United States, shoes and watches are cheaper in Mexico, and electric motors are more expensive in Mexico. Therefore, Mexico will import electric motors from the United States, and the United States will import shoes and watches from Mexico. Accordingly, the correct answer is (d).7. Consider two countries, A and B. Based on relative PPP,+=+1011A BS I S I where S 1 and S 0 are the expected and the current exchange rates between the currencies of A and B, and I A and I B are the inflation rates in A and B. If A and B belong to the group of countries thatintroduces the same currency, then one could think of both S 1 and S 0 being one. Then, I A and I B should both be equal for relative PPP to hold. Thus, introduction of a common currency by a group ofcountries would result in the convergence of the inflation rates among these countries. A similarargument could be applied to inflation among the various states of the United States.8. Based on relative PPP,+=+Switzerland 10US11I S S IChapter 2 Foreign Exchange Parity Relations 9where S 1 is the expected $:SFr exchange rate one year from now, S 0 is the current $:SFr exchange rate, and I Switzerland and I US are the expected annual inflation rates in Switzerland and the United States, respectively. So,1110.02and 1.60(1.02/1.05)SFr 1.55/$.1.6010.05S S +===+ 9. a. A Japanese consumption basket consists of two-thirds sake and one-third TV sets. The price ofsake in yen is rising at a rate of 10% per year. The price of TV sets is constant. The Japanese consumer price index inflation is therefore equal to+=21(10%)(0%) 6.67%33b. Relative PPP states thatFC 10DC1.1I S S I +=+ Because the exchange rate is given to be constant, we have S 0 = S 1, which implies S 1/S 0 = 1. As a result, in our example, PPP would hold if 1 + I FC = 1 + I DC (i.e., I FC = I DC ). Because the Japanese inflation rate is 6.67% and the American inflation rate is 0%, we do not have I FC = I DC , and PPP does not hold.10. a. i. The law of one price is that, assuming competitive markets and no transportation costs ortariffs, the same goods should have the same real prices in all countries after convertingprices to a common currency.ii. Absolute PPP, focusing on baskets of goods and services, states that the same basket ofgoods should have the same price in all countries after conversion to a common currency.Under absolute PPP, the equilibrium exchange rate between two currencies would be the ratethat equalizes the prices of a basket of goods between the two countries. This rate wouldcorrespond to the ratio of average price levels in the countries. Absolute PPP assumes noimpediments to trade and identical price indexes that do not create measurement problems.iii. Relative PPP holds that exchange rate movements reflect differences in price changes(inflation rates) between countries. A country with a relatively high inflation rate willexperience a proportionate depreciation of its currency’s value vis-à-vis that of a countrywith a lower rate of inflation. Movements in currencies provide a means for maintainingequivalent purchasing power levels among currencies in the presence of differing inflationrates.Relative PPP assumes that prices adjust quickly and price indexes properly measure inflationrates. Because relative PPP focuses on changes and not absolute levels, relative PPP is morelikely to be satisfied than the law of one price or absolute PPP.b. i. Relative PPP is not consistently useful in the short run because of the following:(1) Relationships between month-to-month movements in market exchange rates and PPPare not consistently strong, according to empirical research. Deviations between the ratescan persist for extended periods. (2) Exchange rates fluctuate minute by minute becausethey are set in the financial markets. Price levels, in contrast, are sticky and adjust slowly.(3) Many other factors can influence exchange rate movements rather than just inflation.ii. Research suggests that over the long term, a tendency exists for market and PPP rates tomove together, with market rates eventually moving toward levels implied by PPP.10 Solnik/McLeavey • Global Investments, Sixth Edition11. a. If the treasurer is worried that the franc might appreciate in the next three months, she couldhedge her foreign exchange exposure by trading this risk against the premium included in theforward exchange rate. She could buy 10 million Swiss francs on the three-month forward market at the rate of SFr 1.5320 per €. The transaction will be contracted as of the current date, butdelivery and settlement will only take place three months later.b. Three months later, the company received the 10 million Swiss francs at the forward rate ofSFr 1.5320 per € agreed on earlier. Thus, the company needed (SFr 10,000,000)/(SFr 1.5320per €), or €6,527,415. If the company had not entered into a forward contract, the companywould have received the 10 million Swiss francs at the spot rate of SFr 1.5101 per €. Thus, thecompany would have needed (SFr 10,000,000) / (SFr 1.5101 per €), or €6,622,078. Therefore,the company benefited by the treasurer’s action, because €6,622,078 – €6,527,415 = €94,663were saved.12. The nominal interest rate is approximately the sum of the real interest rate and the expected inflationrate over the term of the interest rate. Even if the international Fisher relation holds, and the realinterest rates are equal among countries, the expected inflation can be very different from one country to another. Therefore, there is no reason why nominal interest rates should be equal among countries.13. Because the Australian dollar is expected to depreciate relative to the dollar, we know from thecombination of international Fisher relation and relative PPP that the nominal interest rate inAustralia is greater than the nominal interest rate in the United States. Further, the nominal interest rate in the United States is greater than that in Switzerland. Thus, the nominal interest rate inAustralia has to be greater than the nominal interest rate in Switzerland. Therefore, we can say from the combination of international Fisher relation and relative PPP that the Australian dollar is expected to depreciate relative to the Swiss franc.14. According to the approximate version of the international Fisher relation, r Sweden − r US = I Sweden − I US . So, 8 − 7 = 6 − I US , which means that I US = 5%.According to the approximate version of relative PPP,−=−10Sweden US 0S S I I S where, S 1 and S 0 are in $:SKr terms. I Sweden − I U S = 6 − 5 = 1%, or 0.01. So, (6 − S 0)/S 0 = 0.01. Solving for S 0, we get S 0 = SKr 5.94 per $.According to the approximate version of IRP,−=−0Sweden US 0F S r r S where, F and S 0 are in $:SKr terms. r Sweden − r US = 8 − 7 = 1%, or 0.01. So, (F − 5.94)/5.94 = 0.01. Solving for F , we get F = SKr 6 per $.Because we are given the expected exchange rate, we could also have arrived at this answer by usingthe foreign exchange expectations relation.Chapter 2 Foreign Exchange Parity Relations 1115. According to the international Fisher relation,++=++Switzerland Switzerland UK UK1111r I r I So,++=++Switzerland 110.0410.1210.10r therefore, r Switzerland = 0.0589, or 5.89%.According to relative PPP,+=+Switzerland 10UK11I S S I where, S 1 and S 0 are in £:SFr terms.So,110.04.310.10S +=+ Solving for S 1 we get S 1 = SFr 2.8364 per £.According to IRP,+=+Switzerland 0UK11r F S r where, F and S 0 are in £:SFr terms.So,10.0589.310.12F +=+ Solving for F , we get F = SFr 2.8363 per £. This is the same as the expected exchange rate in oneyear, with the slight difference due to rounding.16. During the 1991–1996 period, the cumulative inflation rates were about 25 percent in Malaysia,61 percent in the Philippines, and 18 percent in the United States. Over this period, based on relative PPP, one would have expected the Malaysian ringgit to depreciate by about 7 percent relative to the United States dollar (the inflation differential). In reality, the Malaysian ringgit appreciated by about 8 percent. Similarly, in view of the very high inflation differential between the Philippines and the United States, one would have expected the Philippine peso to depreciate considerably relative to the dollar. But it did not. Thus, according to PPP, both currencies had become strongly overvalued.12 Solnik/McLeavey • Global Investments, Sixth Edition17. a. According to PPP, the current exchange rate should bePif Pif 1010$$10//PI PI S S PI PI == where subscript 1 refers to the value now, subscript 0 refers to the value 20 years ago, PI refers toprice index, and S is the $:pif exchange rate. Thus, the current exchange rate based on PPP should be1200/1002pif 1 per $.400/100S ⎛⎞==⎜⎟⎝⎠b. As per PPP, the pif is overvalued at the prevailing exchange rate of pif 0.9 per $.18. Exports equal 10 million pifs and imports equal $7 million (6.3 million pifs). Accordingly, the tradebalance is 10 − 6.3 = 3.7 million pifs.• Balance of services includes the $0.5 million spent by tourists (0.45 million pifs).• Net income includes $0.1 million or 0.09 million pifs received by Paf investors as dividends,minus 1 million pifs paid out by Paf as interest on Paf bonds (− 0.91 million pifs).• Unrequited transfers include $0.3 million (0.27 million pifs) received by Paf as foreign aid.• Portfolio investment includes the $3 million or 2.7 million pifs spent by Paf investors to buyforeign firms. So, portfolio investment = −2.7 million pifs.Based on the preceding,• Current account = 3.24 (= 3.70 + 0.45 − 0.91)• Capital account = 0.27• Financial account = −2.7The sum of current account, capital account, and financial account is 0.81. By definition of balance ofpayments, the sum of the current account, the capital account, the financial account, and the change in official reserves must be equal to zero. Therefore, official reserve account = −0.81.The following summarizes the effect of the transactions on the balance of payments.Current account 3.24Trade balance 3.70Balance of services 0.45Net income – 0.91Capital account 0.27Unrequited transfers 0.27Financial account – 2.70Portfolio investment – 2.70Official reserve account – 0.8119. a. A traditional flow market approach would suggest that the home currency should depreciatebecause of increased inflation. An increase in domestic consumption could also lead to increased imports and a deficit in the balance of trade. This deficit should lead to a weakening of the homecurrency in the short run.b. The asset market approach claims that this scenario is good for the home currency. Foreigncapital investment is attracted by the high returns caused by economic growth and high interestrates. This capital inflow leads to an appreciation of the home currency.Chapter 2 Foreign Exchange Parity Relations 13 20. a. i. The immediate effect of reducing the budget deficit is to reduce the demand for loanablefunds because the government needs to borrow less to bridge the gap between spending andtaxes.ii. The reduced public-sector demand for loanable funds has the direct effect of lowering nominal interest rates, because lower demand leads to lower cost of borrowing, iii. The direct effect of the budget deficit reduction is a depreciation of the domestic currency and the exchange rate. As investors sell lower yielding Country M securities to buy thesecurities of other countries, Country M’s currency will come under pressure andCountry M’s currency will depreciate.b. i. In the case of a credible, sustainable, and large reduction in the budget deficit, reducedinflationary expectations are likely because the central bank is less likely to monetize thedebt by increasing the money supply. Purchasing power parity and international Fisherrelationships suggest that a currency should strengthen against other currencies whenexpected inflation declines.ii. A reduction in government spending would tend to shift resources into private-sector investments, in which productivity is higher. The effect would be to increase the expectedreturn on domestic securities.。

第一章 15/16/20第二章 4/6/9/15/16/19/20第三章 3/5/9/16/18第四章 8/13/15/16/17第五章 2/7/10/15/17第六章 6/8/10/12/13第五章2、一家在巴黎交易所上市的法国公司法国液化空气集团(Air Liquide) 的中央限价委托单集合如下所示:宾出権令买入指令限价眼份SOO1511455002 000150W 2 0001 (JDO149142 1 00050014?141 2 000500146140I 000A.文森特•雅克(Vincent Jacquet )先生希望买入1500股,浴室他输入了一个买入指令。
那么他会以什么价格买到这些股票?B.假定雅克先生原本想卖出投资组合中的 1000股该公司股票,那么他会以什么价格卖出这些股票?解:a、 Vice nt将会以146的价钱买入 500股,147的价格买入 500股,149买入500股。
因为美国银行可以持有公司股票,所以美国股市的市值超过美国GDP10、大众汽车(Volkswagen)的股票在法兰克福股票交易所交易.一个美国投资者以每股56.91欧元的价格买入 1000股,此时汇率为0.9790~0.9795欧元/美元.三个月之后,这个投资者得到每股0.50欧元的股利,他决定以当期每股 61.10欧元的价格卖出股票•此时汇率是 0.9810~0.9815欧元/美元.德国的预扣股利所得税率是15%,而且美国和德国签署了一个关于避免双重征税的税收协定•A.投资者收到的税后股利是多少(以美元计价)?B投资者在大众汽车的整个交易中的资本利得是多少?C在美国税收制度下,投资者应该公布多少股利收入•获得多少税收抵免?解:a、税后股利=0.5 X 1000 X( 1-15%) =425?425 X 0.9810=$416.93b、 56.91 X 1000 X 0.9795=$55743.3561.10 X 1000 X 0.9810=$59939.1资本利得=59939.1-55743.35=4395.75C因为有税收协定所以税收抵扣 =? 0.5 X 1000 X 0.9810=$490.5015、一个美国机构投资者想购买美国聚乙烯工业公司(British Polythene Industries )的10000股股票。

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国际公共(官方)投资: 是指一国政府或国际经济组织为了社会公共利益而进行的投资,一般带有国际援助的性质。
(二)投资格局,1.“大三角”国家对外投资集聚化 2.发达国家之间的相互投资不断增加 3.发展中国家在吸引外资的同时,也走上了对外投资的舞台(三)投资方式,国际投资的发展出现了直接投资与间接投资齐头并进的发展局面。
3.试总结各种国际投资环境评估方法的基本思路和共性 P81基本思路和共性是将总投资环境分解为若干具体指标,然后再综合评判。
4. 案例分析分别运用等级尺度法和要素评价分类法对英国的投资环境进行计分和评价P84等级尺度法:1.货币稳定性(4-20分)2.近五年通货膨胀率(2-14分)3.资本外调(0-12分)4.外商股权(0-12分)5.外国企业与本地企业之间的差别待遇和控制(0-12分)6.政治稳定性(0-12分)7.当地资本供应能力(0-10分)8.给予关税保护的态度(2-8分)要素评价法:I=AE/CF(B+D+G+H)+x 投资环境激励系数(A)城市规划完善度因子(B)利税因子(C)劳动生产率因子(D)地区基础因子(E)效率因子(F)市场因子(G)管理权因子(H)5. 试结合本章专栏3-1和专栏3-3,分析我国改善投资环境的重点和具体措施。
第四章.1名词解释:(International Direct Investment)是指一国的自然人、法人或单独或共同出资,在其他国家的境内创立新企业,或增加扩展原有企业,或收购现有企业,并且拥有有效管理控制权的投资行。