【浙教新版】2022-2023学年七年级下册数学期中模拟试卷一.选择题(共10小题,满分30分,每小题3分)1.如图,∠1和∠2不是同位角的是()A.B.C.D.2.下列方程是二元一次方程的是()A.x+y﹣z=0B.x2+x=1C.2x=4y D.x++1=0 3.已知,则a+b=()A.2B.C.3D.4.已知是二元一次方程2x+my=5的一组解,则m的值是()A.B.C.D.5.如图,可以判定AD∥BC的条件是()A.∠1=∠4B.∠3=∠5C.∠1=∠6D.∠1=∠2 6.下列计算正确的是()A.a2•a3=a6B.a2•b3=ab5C.(a2)3=a6D.(a2)3=a5 7.下列说法正确的是()A.a,b,c是同一平面内直线,且a∥b,b∥c,则a∥cB.a,b,c是同一平面内直线,且a⊥b,b⊥c,则a⊥cC.a,b,c是同一平面内直线,且a∥b,b⊥c,则a∥cD.a,b,c是同一平面内直线,且a⊥b,b∥c,则a∥c8.若(x+a)(x﹣5)=x2+bx﹣10,则ab﹣a+b的值是()A.﹣11B.﹣7C.﹣6D.﹣559.如图,点E,F分别为长方形纸片ABCD的边AB,CD上的点,将长方形纸片沿EF翻折,点C,B分别落在点C',B'处.若∠DFC'=α,则∠FEA﹣∠AEB'的度数为()A.45αB.60αC.90αD.90α10.已知43x=2021,47y=2021,则[(x﹣1)(1﹣y)]2021=()A.1B.2021C.﹣1D.22021二.填空题(共6小题,满分24分,每小题4分)11.若22n+1=16,则n=.12.如图,AB∥CD,∠A=37°,∠C=60°,则∠F=.13.如图,在△ABC中,∠ABC=90°,BC=11,把△ABC向下平移至△DEF后,AD=CG=6,则图中阴影部分的面积为.14.如图,图1,图2都是由8个一样的小长方形拼成的,且图2中的阴影部分(正方形)的面积为1.则小长方形的长为.15.若x2+(2m﹣3)x+16是完全平方式,则m的值等于.16.已知关于x,y的方程组,给出下列结论:①当k=2时,是方程组的解;②当k=时,x,y的值互为相反数;③若2x•8y=2z,则z=1;④若方程组的解也是方程x+y=2﹣k的解,则k=1.其中正确的是(填写正确结论的序号).三.解答题(共7小题,满分66分)17.(6分)计算:(1)(﹣x)•(﹣x3)+(x2)2;(2);(3)(4m2+6m+9)•(2m﹣3);(4)(x+3)(x﹣2)﹣(x﹣2)(x﹣8).18.(8分)如图,在正方形网格中,已知点A的坐标为(﹣1,﹣2),点B的坐标为(4,0).(1)建立恰当的平面直角坐标系xOy,直接写出点C的坐标:C();(2)将三角形ABC进行平移得到三角形A1B1C1,已知点A的对应点A1的坐标为(﹣5,1),请画出三角形A1B1C1;(3)求三角形A1B1C1的面积.19.(8分)解方程组:.20.(10分)如图,在△ABC中,D,E,F分别是三边上的点,且DE平分∠ADF,∠ADF=2∠DFB.(1)判断DE与BC是否平行,并说明理由.(2)若EF∥AB,∠DFE=4∠CFE,求∠ADE的度数.21.(10分)“已知x a=5,x a+b=30,求x b的值.”这个问题,我们可以这样思考:逆向运用同底数幂的乘法法则,可得:x a+b=x a•x b,所以30=5x b,所以x b=6.请利用这样的思考方法解决问题:已知x a=3,x b=6,求x2a+b以及x a﹣2b的值.22.(12分)今年疫情期间某物流公司计划用两种车型运输救灾物资,已知:用2辆A型车和1辆B型车装满物资一次可运11吨;用1辆A型车和2辆B型车装满物资一次可运13吨.(1)求1辆A型车和1辆B型车都装满物资一次可分别运多少吨?(2)该物流公司现有31吨救灾物资,计划同时租用A型车a辆,B型车b辆,一次运完,且恰好每辆车都装满.请你帮该物流公司设计租车方案.23.(12分)如图,正方形ABCD的边长为a,点E在AB上,四边形EFGB是边长为b的正方形,连接AC,CE.(1)用含a,b的代数式表示:GC=,△AEC的面积=;(2)若△BCE的面积为10,两个正方形的面积之和为60,求GC的长.答案与试题解析一.选择题(共10小题,满分30分,每小题3分)1.解:A、∠1和∠2不是同位角,故此选项符合题意;B、∠1和∠2是同位角,故此选项不符合题意;C、∠1和∠2是同位角,故此选项不符合题意;D、∠1和∠2是同位角,故此选项不符合题意;故选:A.2.解:2x=4y是二元一次方程,故选:C.3.解:,①+②,得6a+6b=18,∴6(a+b)=18,a+b=3,故选:C.4.解:由题意,得2﹣2m=5,解得m=﹣.故选:B.5.解:由∠1=∠4,不能判定AD∥BC,故A不符合题意;∵∠3=∠5,∴AB∥CD,故B不符合题意;由∠1=∠6,不能判定AD∥BC,故C不符合题意;∵∠1=∠2,∴AD∥BC,故D符合题意;故选:D.6.解:A、原式=a5,故本选项计算错误,不符合题意;B、原式=a2b3,故本选项计算错误,不符合题意;C、原式=a6,故本选项计算正确,符合题意;D、原式=a6,故本选项计算错误,不符合题意;故选:C.7.解:a,b,c是同一平面内直线,且a∥b,b∥c,则a∥c,故A正确,符合题意;a,b,c是同一平面内直线,且a⊥b,b⊥c,则a∥c,故B错误,不符合题意;a,b,c是同一平面内直线,且a∥b,b⊥c,则a⊥c,故C错误,不符合题意;a,b,c是同一平面内直线,且a⊥b,b∥c,则a⊥c,故D错误,不符合题意;故选:A.8.解:∵(x+a)(x﹣5)=x2+(a﹣5)x﹣5a,又∵(x+a)(x﹣5)=x2+bx﹣10,∴x2+(a﹣5)x﹣5a=x2+bx﹣10.∴a﹣5=b,﹣5a=﹣10.∴a=2,b=﹣3.∴ab﹣a+b=2×(﹣3)﹣2﹣3=﹣11.故选:A.9.解:根据折叠的性质得到,∠CFE=∠C′FE,∠BEF=∠B′EF,∵∠DFC'=α,∠CFE=∠C′FE,∴∠CFE=∠C′FE=(180°﹣α)=90°﹣α,∵∠BEF=∠B′EF,CD∥AB,∴∠BEF=∠B′EF=∠DFE=180°﹣∠CFE=180°﹣(90°﹣α)=90°+α,∠FEA=∠CFE=90°﹣α,∴∠AEB'=∠FEB′﹣∠FEA=90°+α﹣(90°﹣α)=α,∴∠FEA﹣∠AEB'=90°﹣α﹣α=90°﹣α,故选:D.10.解:∵43xy=2021y,47xy=2021x,∴(43×47)xy=2021x+y,∵43×47=2021,∴xy=x+y,∴(x﹣1)(1﹣y)=x﹣xy﹣1+y=﹣1∴[(x﹣1)(1﹣y)]2021=(﹣1)2021=﹣1.故选:C.二.填空题(共6小题,满分24分,每小题4分)11.解:∵22n+1=16=24,∴2n+1=4,解得:n=.故.12.解:∵AB∥CD,∠C=60°,∴∠C=∠BEF=60°,∵∠BEF=∠A+∠F,∠A=37°,∴∠F=∠BEF﹣∠A=60°﹣37°=23°,故23°.13.解:∵三角形ABC 向下平移至三角形DEF ,∴AD =BE =6,EF =BC =11,S △ABC =S △DEF ,∵BG =BC ﹣CG =11﹣6=5,∴S 梯形BEFG =(5+11)×6=48,∵S 阴影部分+S △DBG =S △DBG +S 梯形BEFG ,∴S 阴影部分=S 梯形BEFG =•(11+5)•6=48.故答案为48.14.解:设小长方形的长为x ,宽为y ,依题意得:,解得:.故5.15.解:根据题意得:2m ﹣3=±8,∴m =5.5或﹣2.5.故5.5或﹣2.5.16.解:①把代入得:,解两方程得:k =2,故①结论正确;②当k =时,,解得:,故x ,y 的值互为相反数,故②结论正确;③2x •8y =2z ,则x +3y =z ,即3k ﹣2+3(﹣k +1)=z ,解得:z=1,故此③结论正确;④若方程组的解也是方程x+y=2﹣k的解,解方程组,得,故3k﹣2﹣k+1=2﹣k,解得:k=1,故④结论正确,综上所述,正确的是①②③④.故①②③④.三.解答题(共7小题,满分66分)17.解:(1)原式=x4+x4=2x4;(2)原式=(﹣)2019×(23)2019×=(﹣)2019×82019×=(﹣×8)2019×=﹣1×=﹣;(3)原式=8m3﹣12m2+12m2﹣18m+18m﹣27=8m3﹣27;(4)原式=(x﹣2)[(x+3)﹣(x﹣8)]=(x﹣2)(x+3﹣x+8)=11(x﹣2)=11x﹣22.18.解:(1)如图,平面直角坐标系如图所示,C(3,﹣3),故3,﹣3;(2)如图,三角形A1B1C1即为所求;(3)三角形A1B1C1的面积=3×5﹣×1×3﹣×1×4﹣×2×5=6.5.19.解:,②×2得:8x﹣2y=26③,①+③得:11x=33,解得x=3,把x=3代入②得:12﹣y=13,解得y=﹣1.故原方程组的解是.20.解:(1)DE∥BC,理由如下:∵DE平分∠ADF,∴∠ADF=2∠EDF,又∵∠ADF=2∠DFB,∴∠EDF=∠DFB,∴DE∥BC;(2)设∠CFE=α,则∠DFE=4∠CFE=4α,∵EF∥AB,∴∠B=∠CFE=α,又∵DE∥BC,∴∠ADE=∠B=α,∵DE平分∠ADF,DE∥BC,∴∠DFB=∠EDF=∠ADE=α,∵∠DFB+∠DFE+∠CFE=180°,∴α+4α+α=180°,∴α=30°,∴∠ADE=30°.21.解:∵x a=3,x b=6,∴x2a+b=x2a•x b=(x a)2•x b=32×6=54;x a﹣2b=x a÷x2b=x a÷(x b)2=3÷(62)=.22.解:(1)设1辆A型车装满物资一次可运x吨,1辆B型车装满物资一次可运y吨,由题意,得,解得:,答:1辆A型车装满物资一次可运3吨,1辆B型车装满物资一次可运5吨;(2)由题意,得3a+5b=31,∵a,b均为非负整数∴,,答:有两种租车方案:①租A型车2辆,B型车5辆;②租A型车7辆,B型车2辆.23.解:(1)∵四边形ABCD是正方形,四边形EFGB是正方形,∴AB=BC=a,GB=BE=b,AB⊥BC,∴GC=BC+GB=a+b,S△AEC=AE•BC=(a﹣b)a=;故a+b,;(2)∵△BCE的面积为10,∴,即ab=20.∵两个正方形的面积之和为60,∴a2+b2=60.∴(a+b)2=a2+b2+2ab=100.∴GC=a+b=10.。
Part 1 Listening (第一部分听力)I. Listening Comprehension (听力理解): (共20分)A。
Listen and choose the right picture (根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片):(共5分)A B CD E F1。
______ 2.______ 3。
______ 4。
______ 5.______B. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear (根据你听到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案): (共5分)()6. A。
In Beijing. B. In Shanghai。
In Dalian. D。
We don't know。
()7. A。
In a bookshop. B. In a restaurant.C. In a shoe shop。
D. In a school.( )8. A. 2 years old。
B. 12 years old。
C. 14 years old。
16 years old。
A. By train. B. By bike。
C. By car。
By plane.( )10。
Cloudy. B。
C. Rainy. D. Windy。
C. Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false (判断下列句子是否符合你听到的短文内容,符合的用“T”表示,不符合的用“F”表示):(共5分)( )11。
1民立中学2011学年第二学期六年级期中考试英语试卷Part I Listening (24%)I. Listen and choose the right picture: (根据你所听到的内容,选出相应的图片。
)(5%)A BCD E FⅡ. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear: (根据你所听到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案。
)(7%)6. A. 16 B. 15 C. 60 D. 617. A. By train B. By boat C. By plane D. By bus8. A. 4:20 B. 4:00 C. 4:40 D. 4:309. A. In the school canteen. B. In the library C. In a bookshop. D. On the playground 10. A. Red B. White C. Green D. Black 11. A. Seven B. Eight C. Nine D. Ten 12. A. He has toothache. B. He has just got up. C. He doesn ’t like sweet food D. He has to go to bed.Ⅲ. Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false: (判断下列句子内容是否符合你所听到的短文内容,符合的用“T ”表示,不符合的用“F ”表示。
)(6%) 13. Sandy went to visit his cousin in London with her brother. 14. They took a train and arrived at 6 o ’clock in the morning. 15. Sandy often played tennis and was very good at it. 16. Sandy ’s brother bought some new clothes in Oxford Street. 17. They had dinner in a nice restaurant on Saturday evening.18. Sandy enjoyed his trip to London very much.Ⅳ. Listen to the dialogue and fill in the blanks to complete the sentences: (根据你所听到的内容,用恰当的单词完成下面的句子,每空格限填一词。
6B期中考试试卷整合 含答案
Part 2 Pronunciation, vocabulary and grammarI. Choose the best answer. 15%26. This is a very old song, so young people know it.A. fewB. littleC. a fewD. a little27. English is useful subject for us.A. The...anB. /...aC. An...aD. /...an28. With his big round nose, he his grandpa.A. looks likeB. takes afterC. looks afterD. takes for29. What do you think work out the problem?A. you can doB. can you doC. you can do toD. can you do to30. Your clothes are out of style. you buy some new ones ?A. How aboutB. Why notC. Why don'tD. What about31. There isn't with your computer.A. some wrongB. something wrongC. anything wrongD. wrong something32. --- are you going to be in the future?--- I want to be a person Yang Liwei.A. What, likeB. How, asC. How, likeD. What, as33. Please a coat with you when you go out.A. bringB. putC. getD. take34. I must return the camera to Cindy. I it for two weeks.A. keepB. have lentC. have keptD. have borrowed35. --- Would you please this old lady?--- Sure. Have my seat, please.A. to take room forB. make room forC. give a room to D to have rooms with36. The woman hasn't heard from her son for months. It her a lot.A. worries aboutB. worryingC. worriesD. is worried about37. The boss isn't happy because of .A. Tom is lateB. Tom's lateC. Tom's being lateD. the late of Tom38. Russia is north of Shanghai and the west of China.A. to, inB. on, inC. /, onD. /, to39. Li Ming would like the school choir next term.A. join inB. to join inC. to take part inD. to join40. He said that he up smoking as soon as possible.A. will giveB. was givingC. had givenD. would giveABACC CADCB CBDDDII. Fill in the blanks with the words given in their proper forms:(用所给的单词适当形式填空)10%41. Please tell me the departure time and the time.(arrive)42. Watermelon is one kind of fruits.(season)43. It is for man to go to the sun.(possibly)44. I like all kinds of .(act)45. The lady is too fat. She 100 kilograms now.(weigh)46. ____(stay) healthy is very important to everyone.47. His hobby is (take) photos in his free time.48. How often he (practice,read) English?49. Tom and Bob are both 12 years old. They (bear) in the same year.50. ____ you your exercise book to school (bring)? Sorry, I left it at home.Arrival seasonal impossible activities weighs Staying .taking does; practice; reading were born Did; bringIV. Change the following sentences(改变句型):12%51. He has to finish the work today.(否定句)He to finish the work today.52. I had a headache because I watched too much television.(划线提问)you a headache?53. Mary’s finished her homework.(划线提问)Mary ?54. He likes salty rice dumplings better than sweet ones with beans.(意思相同)He salty rice dumplings sweet ones with beans.55. My mother is slim and beautiful.(划线提问)your mother ?56. His favourite sport is playing football.(意思相同)He playing football .doesn’t have to Why did have what has done prefer to what’s likelikes bestⅤ. Fill in the blanks with the proper words and phrase:(选择适当的单词或词语完成短文)6%57countries to study. Many people are trying their best to apply to(申请)go abroad. There are many advantages(优势)for students to go abroad. First, students can 58 much more knowledge ofscience and technology from foreign countries. 59 ,students can learn foreign languages more quickly.However, there also some disadvantages(劣势). Most of the students are too 60 to live alone without any living experience. Also, the costs are much 61 there than those in our own country.What do you 62 going abroad? Do you want to study abroad?BCFEADPart 3 Reading and ComprehensionVI. A. Choose the right answer:(根据短文内容选择正确的应答,填入括号内)10% Renting a color television makes more sense than buying. Here's why:1. The longer you rent, the less you pay. Each year the monthly rate is reduced. You can reach a low rate of not much more than $12 a week.2. Service is fast and free. We can have your set installed (安装) in two days. If anything goes wrong, we'll have it fixed the same day or lend you another set while we're mending it. And don't forget: service and spare parts are free!3. If you don't have an aerial (天线), we'll install one for you, and that will be free, too. All you have to pay is the installation charge!4. You can choose from all kinds of models, and what's more, if after a certain period of time, and you would like a new model, you can change. How's that for service?5. No deposit (押金) is needed. You pay only the monthly rental fee. But if you play in advance, you can save money. Pay twelve months' fees when you begin to hire, and we'll give you a month's hire without charge.6. If you decide that you want to stop renting and buy the set you have on hire, this can be arranged--with a generous allowance (折扣) for the fees already paid.63. From the passage we knowA. the more you rent, the less you payB. the lowest weekly rental fee is much more than $12C. the longer you rent, the !ess you payD. if you rent a TV set for a long time, service and spare parts will be free64. What is the advantage(好处)of paying twelve months' fees when you begin to hire?A. One and a half months' hire free of charge.B. One month's hire free of charge.C. Half a month's hire free of charge.D. One-fourth of a month's hire free of charge.65. What does "pay in advance" mean?A. You pay the rent for a period of time before you actually get the television.B. You go ahead and pay the rent.C. You pay the rent in front of anyone.D. You will be the first to pay the rent.66. If you want to rent a color television, .A. leasing company(租赁公司)can have your set installed the same dayB. you can have a choice of sets to rentC. leasing company will install an aerial for you free of chargeD. you don't need to have an aerial67. This passage is a (an) .A. bookB. reportC. advertisementD. pictureCBADCB. Choose the words or expressions and complete the passage(选择最恰当的单词或词组填入空格)14%A lady once wrote a long story. She sent it to a famous editor. After 69 weeks the editor 70 the story to her. The lady was angry. She wrote back to the editor:"Dear Sir,Yesterday you sent back a story of mine. 71 do you know that the story is not good? You did not read it. 72 I sent you the story, I pasted together pages 18, 19 and 20. This was a 73 to see whether you would read the story. When the story came back yesterday, the pages were still pasted together. Is this the 74 you read all the stories that are sent to you?"The editor wrote back:"Dear Madam,At breakfast when I have an egg, I 75 eat the whole egg in order to discover that it is bad."69. A. few B. a few C. little D. a little70. A. gave B. came back C. handed D. returned71. A. How B. Why C. What D. Where72. A. After B. Until C. Before D. Since73. A. lesson B. test C. question D. thing74. A. work B. check C. road D. way75. A. must not B. have not to C. need not to D. don't have toBDBCBDDC. Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words:(在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使短文通顺,每空格限填一词,首字母已给)12%Oxford students c 76 after they won the annual Boat Race against Cambridge.The Boat Race has a very long history. It began in 1829. Every year, the two most f 77 universities in the UK--- Oxford and Cambridge --- compete with each other to win the Boat Race on the River Thames(泰晤士河).Before this y 78 race, most people thought Cambridge would win, because it had won more races than Oxford since the first Boat Race. But Oxford worked really hard this year! The athletes pushed hard from the start and won by about 14 s 79 .Around 250, 000 people lined the banks of the River Thames to watch the race, and it was a 80 broadcast live on British television and w 81 by over 7 million people.76. c 77. f 78. y 79. s 80. a 81. wcelebrated; famous; year’s; seconds; also; watchedCD. Read the following passage and answer the questions.(阅读短文回答问题)10%About the year 1900, a dart-haired boy named Charlie Chaplin was often seen waiting outside the back entrances of London theatres. He looked thin and short. He was hoping to get work in show business. He could sing and dance, and above all, he knew how to make people laugh. But he couldn't get work and therefore wandered (徘徊) about the city streets. Sometimes he was sent away to a home for children who had no parents.But twenty years later, this same Chaplin became the greatest, best-known, and best-loved comedian in the world. Any regular visitor to the cinema must have seen some of Charlie Chaplin's films. People everywhere have sat and laughed at them until the tears ran down their faces. Evenpeople who don't understand English can enjoy his films because they are mostly silent. It isn't what he says that makes us laugh. His comedy doesn't depend upon words or languages. It depends upon little actions which mean the thing to people all over the word. It's a kind of the world language.Chaplin lived most of his life in America and died in Switzerland on Christmas Day 1977, at the age of eighty-eight. There was sadness all over the world at the news of his death.82. When was Chaplin born?He was born .83. Why was Chaplin often seen waiting outside London theatre?84. What was Chaplin twenty years later?85. What in Chaplin's comedy makes us laugh?86. Chaplin didn't die in America, did he?82. in 1889. 83. Because he was hoping to get work in show business.84. He was a comedian. 85. Its little actions. 86. No, he didn’t.VII. Writing 11%Write a short passage with the topic "My Favourite Festival". The following questions are for your reference(参考). You should write at least 50 words.1. What is your favourite festival?2. What is the date of it?3. Why do you like it?4. What do you usually do during the festival?参考范文:My favourite festival is Spring Festival. It’s in January or February. People in China celebrate it, and there are many things to do. We often celebrate Spring Festival by having a big dinner, visiting relatives and friends, getting some red packets and letting off fireworks. We often have a big dinner from the first day of the Spring Festival to the last day. After dinner,we often watch the Spring Gala, a kind of TV program of CCTV. At midnight, we usually don’t go to bed but wait for the new day. We always let off fireworks. It’s very exciting and interesting. At Spring Festival, we always visit our relatives and friends too. We go shopping with them, and children are very excited to some money in it and children can use it to buy toys, books or some snacks.Spring festival is very interesting, isn’t it?Part 2 Vocabulary and GrammarII. Choose the best answer.1. Bangkok is _________ capital of Thailand.A. theB. aC. anD. /2. On _________ way home, we can see many department stores and a temple.A. myB. yourC. oursD. our3. I have some _________ things to tell you.A. otherB. anotherC. othersD. the other4. Mary is good _________ Chinese, and she always wins the first prize.A. atB. inC. forD. of5. These shoes _________ leather.A. is made ofB. are made ofC. are made fromD. is made from6. The girl looks very _________.A. beautifullyB. nicelyC. lovelyD. better7. The wind blows _________.A. gentleB. gentlyC. suddenlyD. happy8. More than _________ students went to the Century Park.A. hundreds ofB. five hundreds C five hundred of D. five hundred9. I would like to visit Japan _________ I want to go shopping there.A. soB. butC. becauseD. before10. When a typhoon comes, we _________ close the windows.A. needn'tB. shouldn'tC. mayD. should11. In the past, people _________ to other places by ship.A. travelB. travelsC. travelledD. travelling12. I have _________ my pen everywhere, but I can't find it.A. looked afterB. looked upC. looked forD. looked down13. People in Beijing love _________ dumplings.A. to eatB. eatingC. eatD. eats14. Alice is good at singing. The underlined part(划线部分)means _________.A. is good inB. does well inC. do well inD. is good for15. --Would you like something to eat?-- _________.A. Yes, I'm full.B. All rightC. No, just a little.D. No, thanksIII. Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms.1. Thousands of _________ visit the Ocean Park every day. (tour)2. She will _________ be a singer because she sings well. (possible)3. Do you think dolphins are _________ (intelligence)?4. What a nice day! You can see the _________ (leaf) blow slightly in the wind.5. My parents and I go to the cinema _________ a month. (two)6. This is a _________ chair. (wood)IV. Rewrite the following sentences as required.1. She should eat more fresh fruit.(改为否定句)She _________ _________ more fresh fruit.2. The students will visit Tokyo next month.(一般疑问句)_________ the students _________ Tokyo next month?3. It rained heavily last night.(划线句提问)_________ _________ it rain last night?4. People can save the Earth by planting more trees.(就划线部分提问)_________ _________ people save the Earth?5. In the past, all of the drivers were men. (保持原意不变)In the past, _________ _________ the drivers were women.6. Whales are larger than any other animal on the Earth.(保持原句意思不变)Whales are _________ _________ animals on the Earth.Part 3 Reading and WritingI. Reading comprehension.A. True or FalseRules of the poolBill and Ben are at the swimming pool. They are reading the pool rules.GOLDENBAY POOLRules for swimmers1. No diving.2. No pushing other people.3. All swimmers must wear swimsuits.4. All swimmers must shower before entering the pool.5. No picnic lunches.6. No shouting.7. No running around the pool.8. If you see someone in danger in the pool, tell the lifeguard immediately.1. You mustn't dive in the pool.2. The swimmers can enter the pool after they have a showen.3. People cannot have picnic but they can have lunch in the pool.4. You can swim in the pool without swimsuits.5. You can't talk loudly, but run around the pool.6. You should dive into water to save the person when you find them inB. Choose the best answer.We all need to exercise. Doctors say it is good for us. It makes your heartand body strong. It also gives you more energy(精力). Plus, you will feelbetter about yourself. It's necessary to exercise twice each week. Twentyminutes each time is enough.There are many ways to exercise. You can walk, run, play, jump, or swim.Many people go to special places to exercise. They are called "fitness centres".These places have a lot of equipment(设备). Some people buy equipment fortheir homes. But it is very expensive.Exercising can be fun. Friends can exercise together at a fitness centre. Or, they can play ball games outdoors together. How do you exercise?1. What is the main idea?A. Exercise equipment is expensive.B. There are many ways to exercise.C. Every person should exercise.D. Fitness centres are popular.2. We should exercise _________.A. every dayB. 20 minutes a weekC. twice a weekD. twice a month3. At fitness centres, _________.A. you can buy expensive equipmentB. people can do many kinds of exercisingC. it is very expensiveD. exercising is not fun4. Which of these kinds of exercising is not mentioned in the article?A. playing ball gamesB. SwimmingC. RunningD. Dancing5. Which of these sentences about exercising is true?A. Exercising is expensive.B. Exercising is good for your heart.C. Only doctors exercise.D. Friends never exercise together.6. Please choose a right title for this article.A. ExerciseB. Fitness centresC. Special placesD. Outdoor activitiesC. Choose the words or expressions and complete the passage.I'll never forget the place that I visited a year ago. It is not only one of the eight wonders 1 also the pride of our Chinese. It 2 the Great Wall.The weather was fine that day. I was very 3 . I climbed the Great Wall. When I 4the highest place, I saw beautiful scenery(景色)and lost my heart 5 it. When I put my hands on the big stones, I could even feel the ancient Chinese. How great they are! They left us not only the long history but the spirit.(精神).The Great Wall is one of 6 that is worth visiting. I'll never forget my trip to the Great Wall.1. A. and B. so C. but D. or2. A. calls B. called C. is called D. calling3. A. excited B. exciting C. excite D. excitement4. A. got B. arrived C. reached D. arrived in5. A. in B. to C. into D. with6. A. the good place B. best places C. the best place D. the best placesD. Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words.Yao Ming was b 1 in China in 1980. In his last season with the Shanghai Sharks, he scored 32.4 points per game. Now the big man from China is helping the Houston Rockets in the NBA. He is the s 2 of two great basketball players to NBA. He learned how to play basketball when he was y 3 . Now he is o 4 of the beat stars in the NBA. He is w 5 hard to make his dream come true and show the world that Chinese basketball players a 6 love this game very much!E. Answer the questions.In much of China, spring is usually very short. It usually comes in February or March. Summer lasts from May to July. It is often very hot. The hottest month is July. Autumn starts in August, and goes on to October. The weather can be quite cool in autumn. Winter lasts from November to January, and it is very cold. You need to wear lots of warm clothes. The best time to come to China is in spring or autumn. In summer it is often too hot. And in winter it is too cold.The Australian seasons are the opposite: summer is from December to February, and winter is in June, July and August. So when it's spring in China, it is autumn in Australia.Answer the questions:1. Is autumn from about August to October in China?2. Do people need to wear lots of warm clothes in summer in Australia?3. Which season is much colder in China, spring or winter?4. Which season is the best time to come to China?5. Which season is it in Australia when it is spring in China?6. Are the Australian seasons opposite or the same?II. Writing.Write at least 50 words about the topic "Let's be friends of the Earth ". (以"Let's be friends of the Earth"为题,写一篇不少于50个词的短文,标点符号不占格。
6B 期中学业检测AWriting Part(共六大题,60%)Ⅰ.选出划线部分读音与其余三个不同的单词。
(10%)(D)1.A.went B.met C.twenty D.he(C)2.A.slow B.know C.how D.low(B)3.A.classmate B.fast C.station te(C)4.A.sports B.for C.orange D.morning(A)5.A.country B.about C.blouse D.shoutⅡ.英汉互译。
(10%)1.去散步___go for a walk_____________2.twin sisters 双胞胎姐妹3.看起来一样__look the same_________4.go along this road 沿着这条路走5.twenty minutes younger 小20分钟Ⅲ.单项选择。
(10%)(C)1.The shopping centre is ________ Zhongshan Road.A.atB.inC.on(B)2.Jim is ________ than Mike.A.tallB.tallerC.talls(C)3.Who would like ________ the new words?A.readingB.readC.to read(B)4.Tom is talking ________ his friend ________the story now.A.for;onB.to;aboutC.to;of(A)5.Whose school bag is ________,yours or ________?A.heavier;mineB.heavy;minesC.heavyer;mineⅣ.选词填空。
(10%)about,at,from,in,of,off,to1.He is talking _ to____ his brother.2.I jump higher than some ___of____ the boys.3.Mr Smith comes ___from___ Australia.He is living __in____ Nanjing now.4.You can get __off____ ___at___ the third stop.5.Mike wabted to buy a book __about____ animals.Ⅴ.阅读理解。
2024年沪教版数学小学六年级上学期期中模拟试卷(答案在后面)一、选择题(本大题有6小题,每小题2分,共12分)1、在比例尺是1:2000000的地图上,量得甲、乙两地的距离是15cm,甲、乙两地的实际距离是( )km。
A.3000 B.300 C.30 D.33、在比例尺是1:2000000的地图上,量得甲、乙两城之间的距离是8cm,两城之间的实际距离是()km。
A. 16B. 160C. 16004、小明用小棒摆了5个五边形,如果用这些小棒摆正方形,可以摆多少个正方形?()A. 4B. 5C. 65、一个圆柱的侧面展开后是一个边长为8cm的正方形,这个圆柱的侧面积是( )cm2。
A.64B.32C.16D.86、把一根圆柱形木料截成3段,表面积增加了4.8dm2,这根木料的底面积是( )dm2。
A.1.2B.2.4C.0.8D.1.6二、填空题(本大题有6小题,每小题4分,共24分)1、(1)0.125的小数点向右移动两位后是______ 。
2、(1)如果三角形的一个内角是90°,那么这个三角形是 ______ 三角形。
3、如果 A × 1(1/4) = B × 1.25 = C ÷ (3/4) = D + (1/4),且 A、B、C、D 都不为 0,那么 A、B、C、D 中最大的是 _______ ,最小的是 _______.4、把一个底面直径是8厘米的圆柱形木块沿底面直径分成相同的两块,表面积增加了160平方厘米.求这个圆柱体的体积.5、一个长方形的长是12厘米,宽是长的一半,这个长方形的面积是 ____ 平方厘米。
6、一个三位数,百位和十位上的数字之和是16,个位上的数字比百位上的数字多3,这个三位数最大是 ____ 。
三、计算题(本大题有5小题,每小题4分,共20分)1、计算:( - ) =多少.2、解方程:(3/5)x - 20%x = 0.4.3、计算:1 - 0.25 + (5/8) - (7/16)4、简便计算:2011×(1/5) + 2011×(2/15) + 2011×(1/3)5、计算下列各题:(1)0.25 × 0.4 × 5 × 8 ÷ 2(2)(3.6 × 0.3) ÷ (0.2 × 0.5)(3)5.2 ÷ [0.6 × (1.5 + 0.6)](4)1.5 × (2.5 - 1.2) ÷ 1.5四、操作题(本大题有2小题,每小题7分,共14分)第一题题目:在一个边长为10厘米的正方形内画一个最大的圆,并求出这个圆的面积。
(听两遍,共5分)( ) 1. A. shout B. short C. shirt( ) 2. A. bookmark B. bookshop C. bookcase( ) 3. A. 8:15 B. 7:45 C. 8:45( ) 4. A. a tennis player B. a baseball player C.a basketball player( ) 5. A. station B. question C. quiet( ) 6. A. museum B. minus C. music( ) 7. A. holiday B. heavy C. history( ) 8. A. three meters B. three centimetres C. three kilometres( ) 9. A. strong B. stronger C. story( ) 10.A. present B. parent C. please二、听录音,按所听内容顺序给下列图片标序号。
(听两遍,共9分)( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )( ) ( ) ( ) ( )三、根据听到的对话及问题,选择正确的答案。
(听两遍,共6分)( ) 1. A. Yes, he is. B. No, he isn’t. C. No, he doesn’t.( ) 2. A. About a metre away. B. About two kilometres away.C. About a kilometre away.( ) 3. A. Yes, that’s right. B. No, I don’t think so. C. That’s true.( ) 4. A. 132 cm. B. 134 cm. C. 130 cm.( ) 5. A. In front of the school. B. Behind the school. C. In the school.( ) 6. A. Helen is. B. Mike is. C. Su Yang is.四、听短文,判断正误,对的写T ,错误的写F。
牛津小学英语6B(UNIT1-4) (期中测试)姓名__________ 得分__________听力部分(30分)一、听录音,找出句中听到的短语(播一遍)10%( ) 1. A. No. 6 B. No. 26 C. No. 16 D. No. 60( ) 2. A. Mr Green B. the boy in blue C. the boy in green D. the man in green ( ) 3. A. you can‟t B. you aren‟t C. your hat D. your aunt ( ) 4. A. long jump B. jump high C. not jump D. now jump ( ) 5. A. nice stamps B. nine stops C. nine stamps D. nice stories ( ) 6. A. turn red B. turn on the light C. turn left D. turn right ( ) 7. A. a long way B. that work C. a long walk D. the walkman ( ) 8. A. my hobby B. collecting and readingC. collect stampsD. my hobbies( ) 9. A. How many sports B. How many stopsC. How many shopsD. How many streets( ) 10. A. Who‟s old B. Who‟s olderC. Who‟s coldD. Who‟s the old woman二、听录音,选择与所听句子意思最接近的选项(播两遍)5%( ) 1. A. Bob was away from school yesterday.B. Bob rode a bike to school yesterday.C. Bob went to school on foot.( ) 2. A. W e played basketball at 5:00 yesterday afternoon.B. W e played volleyball at 4:45 yesterday afternoon.C. W e played basketball at 5:15 yesterday afternoon.( ) 3. A. The Reads want to buy some food for supper.B. The Reads need some drink for supper.C. The Reads need some meat for supper.( ) 4. A. I don‟t like meat sandwiches.B. I like egg sandwiches better.C. I like meat sandwiches best of all.( ) 5. My mother goes to bed ________ eleven every night.A. beforeB. afterC. at三、听短文,判断句子正(T)误(F)(播两遍)5%( ) 1. Mary lives near Betty‟s house.( ) 2. Mary and Betty are the same age.( ) 3. Mary‟s birthday is on the 1st of April.( ) 4. Betty‟s birthday is on the 18th of April.( ) 5. Betty‟s birthday is coming now.四、根据所听内容,完成下面短文,每空一词(播三遍)10%Last Sunday afternoon, I was in a bookshop. I ________ to buy an ________ book about animals. ________ I saw a short man behind me. He ________my purse and ________ out of the shop. I _________ him along the street, but he ran faster than me. I shouted,… Stop thief! Stop thief!‟A policeman heard me and came to help. Then a woman came and said, … I saw him. He ran ________ the street and ________ left at the first crossing.‟ The policeman________ to run. He ran faster than the thief. Soon he ________ the thief and I got my purse back.笔试部分(70分)一、词组互译。
***中心小学6B期中检测I听力部分一、听录音,选出你所听到的单词,将序号填在题前的括号内(0.5*8=4分)( ) 1. A. shout B. short C. shirt( ) 2. A. long B. along C. longer( ) 3. A. beautiful B. wonderful C. careful( ) 4. A. animal B. cinema C. small( ) 5. A. fast B. father C. faster( ) 6. A. house B. horse C. how( ) 7. A. train station B. history museum C. shopping center( ) 8. A. stop B. stops C. stopped二、根据所听问题,选择正确的答句(1*6)( ) 1. A. I’m tall. B. My father is taller than me.C. No, my father is taller than me.D. I'm taller.( ) 2. A. Yes, we do. B. Yes, I am.C. We look the same.D. No, we aren’t.( ) 3. A. Your is, I think. B. Su Hai's ruler is longer.C. It’s hers.D. Yes. It is.( ) 4. A. He swims faster than Gao Shan. B. Yes, they do.C. No, he doesn’t. He swims faster than Gao Shan.D. Yes, he is.( ) 5. A. It’s on the desk. B. It’s in front of t he Museum.C. You can’t miss it.D. No, it isn’t.( ) 6. A. It’s near the cinema. B. It’s about a kilometer away.C. It’s three.D. It’s on your left.三、听录音,判断下列句子与录音内容是否相符,用T或F表示。
人教版英语六年级下学期期中测试卷学校________ 班级________ 姓名________ 成绩________选择题Ⅰ. 找出画线部分发音不同的单词。
(每小题1分,共5分)( )1. A. lamp B. back C. than D. shadow( )2. A. both B. lost C. cold D. broken( )3. A. child B. kilogram C. fine D. like( )4. A. their B. think C. thirteen D. maths( )5. A. now B. brown C. cow D. slowⅡ. 单项选择。
(每小题1分,共10分)( )1. He often stays in the ______ when he goes to Beijing.A. parkB. hotelC. hospital( )2. ______ Mary and Lily are my good friends.A. EachB. BothC. All( )3. Zhang Peng’s bike is ______ than Wu Yifan’s.A. newerB. thinnerC. stronger( )4. Look! The bowls on the table are ______.A. breakB. brokeC. broken( )5. I ______ my room and it was very clean.A. watchedB. washedC. cleaned( )6. Mike ______ a magazine last Sunday.A. readB. readsC. is reading( )7. We are enjoying ______ English songs in class. —A. singB. sangC. singing( )8. — How ______ is your father?— He’s 60 kg.A. heavyB. longC. tall( )9. — ______ size is your coat?—It’s size 28.A. WhatB. HowC. Whose( )10. —______ was your sister?—It was very thin.A. WhatB. HowC. WhoⅢ. 完形填空。
(10 %,每小题1分)( )1. A. lesson B. little C. listen( )2. A. glow B. glue C. grow( )3. A. cool B. cold C. coat( )4. A. glass B. class C. grass( )5. A. sweep B. sleep C. speak( )6. A .8:15 B .8:50 C .8:55( )7. A.6:50 B.7:10 C. 7:50( )8. A.2nd January B.2nd June C.2nd July( )9. A. fly a kite B. write a card C. ride a bike ( )10. A .make noise B .make planes C .make kites二、根据所听的句子,选出正确的答句。
(5%,每小题1分)( ) 1.A.I’m sorry to hear that.B.I still feel ill.C.I’ve got a backache. ( ) 2. A.How do you do? B. Nice to meet you. C. How are you? ( ) 3. A. Yes, he does. B. No, he isn’t. C. Yes, he did. ( ) 4. A. On the first of January. B. May 1st.C. On the 25th of December.( ) 5. A. He is going to see a film. B. He is going to see a play.C. He is going to see a farmer.三、听录音,根据短文内容判断正误,用“T”或“F”表示(5分)( ) 1.Tom,YangLing and I go to the park on Saturday.( ) 2.We are in the same class.( ) 3.I like making model planes.( ) 4.YangLing’s hobby is growing flowers.( ) 5.The trees in the park are turning green.四、听录音,完成对话。
期中自我测评 A 卷听力部分(共 30 分)一、听辨单词 (每小题 1 分,满分 6 分)听录音,选出所听句子里含有的那个选项。
( ) 1. A. month ( ) 2. A. flower ( ) 3. A. safely( ) 4. A. letter( ) 5. A. write ( ) 6. A. tidyB. mouse B. follow B. safetyB. litterB. white B. tiredC. mouth C. floor C. safe C. little C. right C. takeD. house D. for D. save D. better D. night D. took1. The little mouse bit the net with his sharp teeth.2. Follow the rules and stay safe on the road.3. How can we cross the road safely?4. The little sign there means“No littering.”5. My brother couldn ‟t read or write two years ago.6. I ‟m so tired. I want to go to bed now. 答案: 1.B 2. B 3. A 4.C 5.A 6. B二、听句排序 (每小题 1 分;满分 6 分)听录音,用大写英文字母给下列图片排顺序。
1.( )( )4. ( )5. ( )6.( )1. I can see a few apples here.2. The man is singing badly.3. He always has his breakfast on time.4. The sign over there means …You can‟t turn left or right.‟5. Billy will play the piano at the class party.6. We mustn‟t run on the road.答案: 1. B 2. F 3. E 4 .A 5. D 6. C2. 3.( )三、听句判断 (每小题 1 分,满分 6 分)听录音,判断所听内容与图意是否相符,相符的写“T”,不相符的写“F”。
2017学年第二学期期中预英语期中试卷 B 2018.04Ⅴ. Choose the right answers.23. Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation from the others?A. astronautB. reportC. topD. sore24. ______ Tian’anmen Square and _____ Palace Museum are two famous tourist attractions inBeijing.A. The, theB. The, /C. /, /D. /, the25. We have a three days’ holiday. How about ____ to Shanghai Disneyland?A. goesB. goingC. goneD. go26. –Have you worked out the answer _____ this maths problem?–No, not yet.A. ofB. forC. toD. about27. Beijing _____ a lot since I ______ three years ago.A. changed, leftB. changed, have leftC. have changed, leftD. has changed, left28. –What are the nationalities of those students in blue school uniforms?–They’re ____.A. FranceB. GermanyC. ThaiD. Indians29. ___ of his two sons wants to work as a doctor.A. NeitherB. BothC. EveryoneD. Every30. Every year, there are more than ______ people going to New York for sightseeing.A. two millionsB. millions ofC. two millionD. two million of31. Many students ______ Stephen Hawking, so all of them were so sorry to hear his death.A. knewB. knew aboutC. heardD. listened to32. We won’t finish this project in time _______ our science teacher doesn’t help us.A. ifB. becauseC. afterD. before33. Which of the following sentence is NOT CORRECT?A. What will the world be like in ten years’ time?B. What will the world look like in ten years’ time?C. How will the world look like in ten years’ time?D. How will the world look in ten years’ time?34. –Mum, must I wear my uniform to school tomorrow?–No, honey. You ______ wear your school uniform because you will go on a spring outing. A. needn’t B. mustn’t C. can’t D. don’t haveⅤ.Complete the sentences with the proper forms of the words.35. When he was young, his dream was to be a _________(write).36. It is very comfortable to stay in an _________ room in summer.(air-conditioner)37. The man got ___________ in the forest after hours of walking.(lose)38. Many _________(travel)visit New York every year.39. Some animals are in ___________(dangerous)because of the pollution.40. He will _________(weigh)65kg next year.Ⅴ. Complete the following sentences with the given verbs.41. That famous singer ________(sing)3 popular songs for the children already.42. If the plane _________(arrive)in the midnight tomorrow, I ________(have)to take a taxito the hotel.43. The doctor says that you’d better _________(change)your diet.44. He __________(practise)running every day to keep healthy.Ⅴ. Rewrite the sentences as required.45. I was born in Australia in 2001.(就划线部分提问)________ and _________ were you born?46. He has to do a lot of housework at weekends.(改为反意疑问句)He has to do a lot of housework at weekends, ________ _________?47. I’d like to choose the trousers with the black belt.(就划线部分提问)________ ________ would you like to choose?48. It is great fun to go on a picnic.(改为感叹句)________ ________ ________ it is to go on a picnic!49. Tom would rather eat dumplings with beans than dumplings without beans.(同义句转换)Tom _________ dumplings with beans __________ dumplings without beans.50. Lucy may be a good doctor in ten years.(同义句转换)________ Lucy will be a good doctor in ten years.Ⅸ. Complete the following passage with the words or phrases in the box. Each canhearts. They are the closest people to you in the world. But nowadays many teenagers like you have ___51___ communicating(交流)with their parents. They always complain that their parents say too much instead of listening to what they’re ___52___. When they do something wrong, getting away from parents seems to be the only ___53___. In fact, what your parents do just shows love for you. They love you more than they love ___54___. Whenever you need help, they are always there, standing by you.Try to put yourself into their shoes, and you’ll understand them ___55___.Part Three Reading and WritingⅤ. Reading(A)Read the passage and choose the best answer.Do you know the NBA? It stands for the National Basketball Association. In the United States there are many basketball teams. They are members of the NBA. Those teams all want to win the National Basketball Association championships. The Chicago Bulls is one of those best teams. The famous basketball player, Michael Jordan was captain of this team.Lots of people like to go to watch basketball. Most of them are going to cheer for their teams. However, there are never enough tickets for everyone. When tickets for the NBA basketball gameare going on sale, some people come the ay before and sleep in front of the ticket office. At night, while they are waiting, some people play music, others dance and sing, and others talk about their favorite players. Sometimes they argue because they like different teams. After waiting all night to buy tickets, they will be too tired to enjoy the game!56. The NBA means _______.A. the National Basketball AssociationB. the Chicago BullsC. a famous basketball playerD. captain of this team57. _____ in the United States are members of the NBA.A. Many peopleB. Many basketball fansC. Many basketball teamsD. Many players58. Many people like to go to basketball games because ______.A. it’s easy to buy ticketsB. they like to see their favorite teams playC. they have free ticketsD. they live near the basketball court59. Why is it hard to buy tickets?A. The ticket office is far away.B. The tickets are very expensive.C. Sometimes there aren’t enough tickets.D. There are too many tickets.60. What do some people do to buy tickets?A. They go to the office right before the game.B. They ask a basketball player for help.C. They book tickets on the Internet.D. They sleep in front of the ticket office.(B)Choose the best answer and complete the passage.Smiling is the best way of making friends.When I was thirteen years old, my father found a job in the city. So my family ___61___ there.I also came to a new school near where we live. My old school was far away. At first, I did not know anyone in my class. I was very lonely___62___ I was afraid to make friends with my classmates.I couldn’t talk to anyone about my problem, and I didn't want my parents to feel ___63___ about me.Then one day, something good happened. I was sitting at my desk___64___ as usual while my classmates were talking happily with each other. At that moment,a boy came into the classroom. I didn't know who he was. He passed me and then turned back. He looked at me and, ___65___ a word, smiled. Suddenly, I felt happy, lively and warm. That smile changed my life. I started to talk with the other classmates and made friends. Day by day, I became closer to everyone in my class.Thanks to the smile, I have moved on to a new ___66___. Now, I believe that the world is what you think it is. So smile at the world and it will smile back.61. A. drove B. went C. moved D. changed62. A. because B. before C. after D. if63. A. happy B. worried C. pleased D. surprised64. A. early B. unhappily C. quickly D. wonderfully65. A. without B. with C. in D. for66. A. friend B. school C. life D. place(C)Fill in the blanks with proper words.Read books is a good hobby for all kinds of reasons.First, reading is f___67___. You can always keep yourself amused if you like reading. This is especially useful when the weather is bad. It is a relaxing hobby too. You can really become lost in a book.Next, you can read a book a___68___: in a car, in a waiting-room, on a plane, in bed—even in the bath. All you need is a book! Reading is a convenient hobby as it is easy to stop and then start a___69___.A___70___ good reason for reading books is that it is useful. If you read as a hobby you will get better and better at it. This means that you will read faster and will become better at understanding what you read. As you reading improves, you will probably find your schoolwork becomes much e___71___. Many school subjects depend on good reading and, as you read, you l___72___ more and more.(D)Do you know how to play a game called“musical chairs”? It is easy to play and most people enjoy it. All you n___73___ are some chairs, some people and some way of making music. You may use a piano or any other musical instrument, if someone can play it. You may use a tape-recorder. You can even use a r___74___.Put the chairs in a row. The chairs may be put in twos, back to back. A better way is to have the chairs in one row with e___75___ chair facing in the opposite direction to the chair next to it.The game is easy. When the music starts, the players walk round the chairs. Everyone goes in the same direction, of course, they should walk in time to the music. If the music is slow, they should walk s___76___.The person playing music cannot see the people in the game. When the music stops, the players try to sit on the chairs. If a person cannot find a chair to sit on, he drops out. Then, b___77___ the music starts again, one chair must be taken away. When the music stops again, one more player will be out.At last, there will be two players and one chair! The one who sits on the chair when the music stops is the w___78___.(E)Answer the question.Bank holidays in EnglandThere are bank holidays in England. Why do they have this name? The name Bank Holiday comes from the time when Banks closed on holidays in 1871.In England there are six bank holidays: New Year’s Day, Easter Monday, May Day, Spring and Late Summer Holidays at the end of May and August, and Boxing Day. There are holidays on Good Friday and Christmas Day, too.We have New Year’s Day, Easter, May Day and Christmas in Russia. What about Boxing Day? What kind of holiday is it? It became a holiday only in the 19th century. People celebrate BoxingDay not only in Britain but also in Australia, New Zealand, and Canada. It is a day of outdoor sports, games, horse racing and hunting.On that day people give money and presents to those in need. The holiday began in the Middle Ages. It began with the lords and ladies of England, who presented Christmas presents in boxes to their servants on December 26. In England, it is the holiday of the family.Christmas Day was always the day to spend at home with your family. Boxing Day was always the day to go to grandparents’ house. In England, no one works and all of the shops are closed on this day.Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and Boxing Day are the Christmas season for everyone in England.79. When did Boxing Day become a holiday?________________________________________________80. Which country celebrates Boxing Day?________________________________________________81. How do people celebrate Boxing Day?________________________________________________82. Where do people go on Boxing Day?________________________________________________83. Can people go shopping during bank holidays?________________________________________________84. Which festival is your favorite, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day or Boxing Day? Why?______________________________________________________________________Ⅴ. WritingYour friend, Simon has a headache and gets shortsighted these days. Write at least 60 words to Simon to give him some advice about how to be a healthy child.(你的朋友Simon近来经常头痛,眼睛也近视了,根据所给话题“Being a healthy child”写一篇不少于60个字的短文,要求内容连贯,语句通顺。
(10分)A B C D ( ) 1. older shorter smaller heavier ( ) 2. low slow show shoe ( ) 3. how here high hair ( ) 4. strong school street slower ( ) 5. far fine off for ( ) 6. run faster jump higher swim slower skate better ( ) 7. put on put off get on get off ( ) 8. turn on turn off turn left turn right ( ) 9. A. a shopping centre B. a history museumC. a primary schoolD. a train station( ) 10. A. How many stops are there? B. How far is it from here?C. How many cows can you see?D.How far can he jump?二、根据所听到的对话内容,选择正确的答案。
(10分)( ) 1. A Yes, she is. B No, she doesn’t. C No, she is. ( ) 2. A Yes, they do. B Yes, they jump C Yes, they are. ( ) 3. A It’s over there.B This way, please.C About three kilometres away.( ) 4. A Yes, you can. B You can take bus No.5. C No, I can’t. ( ) 5. A Yes, they are. B Yes, they can. C Yes, they do. ( ) 6. A. Yes, it does. B. No, it is. C. Yes, it is. ( ) 7. A. It’s the best season. B. It’s warm and sunny.C. It’s going to rain tomorrow.( ) 8. A. Yes, I do. B. I like winter best. C. Yes, I like spring.( ) 9. A. I like spring very much. B. Yes, I like spring best.C. Because it’s warm. I can go rowing.( )10. A. Winter. B. He likes winter. C. You like winter.三、根据所听到的内容,将下面的句子填写完整。
人教版2024—2025学年秋季七年级上册数学期中考试模拟试卷考生注意:本试卷共三道大题,25道小题,满分120分,时量120分钟 注意事项:1.本试卷分第I 卷(选择题)和第II 卷(非选择题)两部分。
笞卷前,考生务必 将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。
2.回答第I 卷时,选出每小题答案后,把答案填写在答题卡上对应题目的位置 ,填空题填写在答题卡相应的位置写在本试卷上无效。
3.回答第II 卷时,将答案写在第II 卷答题卡上。
第I 卷一、选择题(每题只有一个正确选项,每小题3分,满分30分) 1.﹣2024的相反数( )A .2024B .﹣2024C .20241D .202412.下列说法正确的是( )A .0既不是正数也不是负数B .最小的正数0C .绝对值等于3的数是3D .任何有理数都有倒数3.下列各组中,不是同类项的是( ) A .52与25 B .﹣ab 与baC .0.2a 2b 与﹣a 2bD .a 2b 3与﹣a 3b 24.下列式子去括号正确的是( )A .﹣(7a +3b ﹣5c )=﹣7a ﹣3b ﹣5cB .7a +2(3b ﹣3)=7a +6b ﹣3C .5a ﹣(b ﹣5)=5a ﹣b ﹣5D .﹣2(3x ﹣y +1)=﹣6x +2y ﹣2 5.一个多项式与m 2﹣2n 2的和是5m 2﹣3n 2+1,则这个多项式为( ) A .6m 2﹣5n 2+1B .﹣4m 2+n 2﹣1C .4m 2﹣n 2﹣1D .4m 2﹣n 2+16.一台电视机成本价为a 元,销售价比成本价增加了25%,因库存积压,所以就按销售价降价30%出售,那么每台实际售价为( ) A .(1+25%)(1﹣30%)a 元 B .30%(1+25%)a 元C .(1+25%)(1+30%)a 元D .(1+25%+30%)a 元7.关于x 的多项式3x 4﹣(m +5)x 3+(n ﹣1)x 2﹣5x +3不含x 3和x 2,则( ) A .m =﹣5,n =﹣1 B .m =5,n =1 C .m =﹣5,n =1 D .m =5,n =﹣18.若|a ﹣3|=3﹣a ,则a 的取值范围是( ) A .a >3B .a <3C .a ≥3D .a ≤39.若x=﹣1时,ax5+bx3+cx+1=6,则x=1时,ax5+bx3+cx+1=()A.﹣3B.12C.﹣6D.﹣410.如图,M,N,P,R分别是数轴上四个整数所对应的点,其中有一点是原点,并且MN=NP=PR=1.数a对应的点在M与N之间,数b对应的点在P与R之间,若|a|+|b|=3,则原点是()A.M或R B.N或P C.M或N D.P或R二、填空题(每小题3分,满分18分)11.如果﹣x m y与2x3y n+5是同类项,则m+n=.12.m和n互为相反数,p和q互为倒数,则3(m+n)﹣pq的值为.13.如果一个单项式的系数和次数分别为m、n,那么2mn=.14.比较大小:﹣﹣(填“>”“<”或“=”)15.若|a|=3,|b|=2,且a﹣b<0,则a+b的值等于.16.如图所示,把同样大小的黑色棋子摆放在正多边形的边上,按照这样的规律摆下去,则第n个图形需要黑色棋子的个数是.人教版2024—2025学年秋季七年级上册数学期中考试模拟试卷考生注意:本试卷共三道大题,25道小题,满分120分,时量120分钟姓名:____________ 学号:_____________准考证号:___________题号12345678910答案11、_______ 12、______13、_______ 14、______15、_______ 16、______三、解答题(17、18、19题每题6分,20、21每题8分,22、23每题9分,24、25每题10分,共计72分,解答题要有必要的文字说明)17.先化简,再求值:(3a2﹣ab+7)﹣(﹣4a2+2ab﹣6),其中a=﹣1,b=2.18.某一出租车一天下午以火车站为出发地在东西方向营运,规定向西走为正,向东走为负,行车里程(单位:km),依先后次序记录如下:+9,﹣3,﹣5,+4,﹣8,+6,﹣3,﹣6,﹣4,+11(1)出租车司机将最后一名乘客送达目的地,那么出租车离火车站出发点多远?在火车站的什么方向?(2)若每千米价格为2.2元,司机一个下午的营业额是多少?19.已知:A﹣B=7x2﹣7xy,且B=﹣4x2+6xy+7(1)求A等于多少?(2)若A中x,y满足|x+1|与(y﹣2)2互为相反数,求A的值.20.已知|x|=2,|y|=7.(1)若x>0,y>0,求x﹣y的值;(2)若xy<0,求x+y的值;(3)求x2y﹣xy2+21的值.21.小华坐公交车要投两元钱,他发现刷学生卡可以省钱,于是在公交总站办理了学生卡,充值了50元,如果小华乘车的次数用n表示,则记录他每次乘车后的余额m(元)如下表:(1)写出用乘车的次数n表示余额m的式子.(2)利用上式计算乘了20次车后,余额为多少?(3)小华最多能乘几次车?22.若用点A、B、C分别表示有理数a、b、c,如图:(1)判断下列各式的符号:a+b0;c﹣b0;c﹣a0(2)化简|a+b|﹣|c﹣b|﹣|c﹣a|次数n(次)余额m(元)150﹣0.9=49.1 250﹣1.8=48.2 350﹣2.7=47.3 450﹣3.6=46.4……23.已知多项式(x2+mx﹣y+3)﹣(3x﹣2y+1﹣nx2).(1)若多项式的值与字母x的取值无关,求m、n的值;(2)在(1)的条件下,先化简多项式3(m2﹣mn﹣n2)﹣(3m2+mn+n2),再求它的值;(3)在(1)的条件下,求(n+m2)+(2n+m2)+(3n+m2)+…(9n+ m2)24.已知(2x﹣1)5=a5x5+a4x4+a3x3+a2x2+a1x+a0,其中a5表示的是x5的系数,a4表示的是x4,以此类推.当x=2时,35=25•a5+24•a4+23•a3+22•a2+2•a1+a0.(1)取x=0,则可知a0=.(2)利用特殊值法求﹣a5+a4﹣a3+a2﹣a1+a0的值.(3)探求a4+a2的值.25.已知,A,B在数轴上对应的数分别用a,b表示,且(a+5)2+|b﹣15|=0.(1)数轴上点A表示的数是,点B表示的数是(2)若点A与点C之间的距离表示为AC,点B与点C之间的距离表示为BC,当C点在数轴上且满足AC=3BC时,求C点对应的数.(3)若一动点P从点A出发,以3个单位长度/秒速度由A向B运动,当P 运动到B点时,再立即以同样速度返回,运动到A点停止;点P从点A出发时,另一动点Q从原点O出发,以1个单位长度/秒速度向B运动,运动到B 点停止.设点Q运动时间为t秒.当t为何值时,点P与点Q之间的距离为2个单位长度.。
() 4 =15÷20=()∶24 = ()27=()(填小数).2、从18的因数中选出四个数组成比例是()。
34时=()分 500平方分米=()平方米18千克=()克()立方分米=7升40毫升5、用35厘米的铁丝围成一个等腰三角形,已知一个腰和底的长度比是3∶1,则腰长()厘米。
每题2分,共10分)1、分数乘分数,用分子相乘的积作分子,分母不变.()2、自然数都是正数.()3、走完同一段路程,甲用10分钟,乙用11分钟,甲和乙的速度比是10∶11.()4、圆有无数条对称轴.( )5、扇形统计图能够清楚地看出数据的多少。
( )三、选择题。
(每题1分,共5分)1、甲电器的定价打八折后和乙电器的定价相等,下面说法错误的是( )。
A .乙电器的定价是甲电器的80%B .甲电器的定价比乙电器多20%C .乙电器的定价比甲电器少20%D .甲电器的定价是乙电器的542、医院要反映出一个病人一天的体温变化情况,最好用( )A .条形统计图B .折线统计图C .扇形统计图 3、25克糖溶入100克水中,糖占糖水的( ).A .20%B .25%C .12.5%D .80%4、圆柱的底面半径和高都扩大到原来的2倍,它的体积扩大到原来的( )倍。
经过一番波折,他们最终把cán bào()的fěi tú()抓捕,成功地将人质解救下来。
街上,商fàn()的小摊前摆着各色商品,让客人们流连忘返,孩子们在rán()放着烟花、biān pào(),热闹极了。
二、列每组划线字读音全部正确的一组是()A . 喷(pèn)香憎(zēng)恶徇(xún)私惴(zhuì)惴不安B . 苏打(dá)殷(yān)红肖(xiào)像锲(qiè)而不舍C . 拈(niān)花鸟瞰(gàn)拘泥(nì)战车千乘(shèng)D . 氛(fēn)围压轴(zhòu)号召(zhāo)居心叵(pǒ)测三、给没有错别字的一组打“√”,有错别字的在括号内改正。
yī shang xuán yárì kòu xǐ quèyōu yǎjǔ sàng ɡē da lǐ lùn二、给下列加点的字选择正确的读音打“√”。
蝎.子(xiēxēi)钵.子(bō běn)蜇.人(zhē zhé)华.罗庚(huá huà)不屑.(xièxuè)逆.(nìlì)时针三、辨字组词。
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6B Mid-term Test PaperClass ___________ Name _____________ Student number ___________eListening partI. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question.1. ( ) A. In a bank. B. In a school. C. In a post office. D. In a shop.2. ( ) A. By bus. B. By car. C. By bike. D. On foot.3. ( ) A. Bread. B. Rice. C. Rice dumplings. D. Mooncakes.4. ( ) A. Fifteen minutes. B. Twenty minutes.C. Ten minutes.D. Twenty-five minutes.5. ( ) A. He has a fever. B. He has a stomachache.C. He has a cold.D. He has a headache.II. Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false.1. A group of men and women are sitting beside an umbrella.2. Some boys are climbing the mountain and they feel happy.3. A young mother is carrying her daughter in the sea.4. People like seaside because of much water, sunshine and fresh air there.III. Lisen to the passage and complete the following sentences.1. Fire can help us in many ________, but it also can be harmful.2. It can make water hot and house warm, give light and ________ food.3. It can make trees, houses, animals and ________ things catch fire.4. Big fire _______ can burn forests and destroy many tall buildings.5. Nobody knows clearly when ________ began to make a fire.6. Children like to play with matches, but they can be very _________.Vocabulary and GrammarIV.Choose the best answer( )1. The Browns ______ their country America this morning. They ________ Shanghai by plane.A. left; left forB. left; leftC. left for; leftD. left for; left( )2. There is little space in the suitcase, ______ _______?A. is thereB. isn‟t thereC. is itD.isn‟t it( )3. Why don‟t you ______ her for a drink?A. inviteB. buyC. tellD. give( )4. There are many prawns in the fridge. You ________ any.A. needn‟t to buyB. needn‟tC. don‟t need to buyD. don‟t need to( )5. The president visited four cities. One was in Asia, and the _______ were in South Africa.A. the othersB. the otherC. anotherD. others( )6. About _____ people took part in the sports meeting last week.A. three hundredB. hundreds ofC. two hundredsD. two hundreds of( )7. _______ lovely weather it is! Let‟s go on a picnic in the countryside.A. WhatB. HowC. What aD. How a( )8. She bought ________ exercise books, so she spent all her money.A. a littleB. only a fewC. quite a fewD. quite few( )9. Mike enjoys ________ music very much. And he _________ the piano every day.A. listening; practiceB. listen to; practise playingC. listening to; practisesD. listen to; practises playing( )10.--- _______ does she visit her grandmother a month?--- Twice a monthA. How oftenB. How much timesC. How many timesD. How long( )11.--- ________ is it from your school to the cinema, Mike?--- About five minutes‟ drive.A. How farB. How soonC. How longD. How many times( )12. Mike wants to _________ every day to stay __________.A. does exercise; healthB. exercise; healthC. exercises; healthyD. exercise; healthy ( )13. ---Have you ever ________ to America? --- Yes, ________A. gone; twoB. been; twoC. gone; twiceD. been; twice( )14. ---Would you like _________? --- Yes, __________..A. some fish; I wouldB. any fish; pleaseC. have some fish; pleaseD. to have some fish; please( )15. My finger was cut by a knife yesterday. It is still very ________.A. acheB. soreC. hurtD. badV. Use the proper forms of words to complete the following sentences.1. We can see many ________ in this restaurant. Sometimes, we talk with them. (foreign)2. _______ enjoy eating spicy food. We can also find some temples in Bangkok. (Thailand)3. I am sure that you will have a wonderful __________ in our plane. (flew)4. I think the movie is very __________ .(interest)5. More and more people being ________ is a big problem to all of us. ( health )6. As we all know, the light travels much ________ than the sound. (fast)7. Mike lives far away from school. Peter lives even ________ than Mike. (far)8. Dean, please don‟t do your homework so _______ next time. (care)9. Mary has already sent 300 ________ to everyone because she has many friends. (invite)10. According to the _________ news, South Korea has launched(发射) its rocket into the space. (late)VI. Rewrite the sentences as required1. Finally, they got to Tokyo on time.(同义句)Finally, they __________ _________ Tokyo on time.2. Tom would like to be a pilot when he was a child. (同义句)Tom _________ _________ _________ a pilot when he was a child.3. Peter enjoyed reading books in his spare time. (划线提问)_______ ________ Peter _________ _________ in his spare time?4. I thought it was possible for Peter to be a writer when he was 12. (否定句)I ________ think it was possible for Peter to be a writer when he was 12.ReadingVII. Read and answer the questions.(A)My favorite festival is Halloween. Not because it is scary, just because I can getlots of candies in Halloween. When it is almost Halloween my mother will make a jack-o-lantern for me. Jack-o-lantern is a lantern that made of pumpkin. You can put a candle in it. And the light will come out from the face of the lantern.Lantern is ready we still need a costume. Every child needs a costume during the Halloween. There many kinds of costume. Such like zombies, witches mummies and goblins. My costume is to be a vampire. Costume is ready, now we can go trick or treat now. We knock the door and shouts: Trick or Treats! If the people in the house do not give us candies we will draw some thing on his door. After the trick or treat I can get a big packet of candies. That is why I like Halloween.1. What is a Jack-o-lantern made of ?_____________________________________________________2. There are many kinds of c ostume, aren‟t there?_____________________________________________________3. What does a child usually do if he or she doesn‟t receive some candies?_____________________________________________________4. Why does the writer like Halloween?_____________________________________________________5. What does the writer think of Halloween?_____________________________________________________VIII. Read and choose the title.(B)Betty is reading some news stories about the Dragon Boat Festival. Help her write the1.__________________________________Hundreds of people went to the dragon boat race at South Town yesterday. They enjoyed watching the race but they were a little sad because the fishermen didn‟t join the race this year. Mrs. Greenwall has lived in Garden City for twenty years. She said, ‟I come here every year because the fishermen always make a lot of noise with their drums. This year, it was very quiet without them.‟2. __________________________________Fewer people eat rice dumplings these days. Mr Chen is a hawker and he sells cooked food at the King‟s Village Market. He said, …Ten years ago, everyone liked rice dumplings and I sold a lot of them before the festival. Nowadays, only old people buy them from me.‟ Gina Tang, a Grade Seven student said, …My grandmother makes rice dumplings every year , but my brother and I really don‟t like them. We‟d rather have hamburgers.‟3. __________________________________Students from North Point Primary School visited the North Point Home for Old People yesterday. They gave some rice dumplings to the old people there. Miss Chen, a teacher, said…Every year, students in our school make dumplings for the old people in North Point. We make sweet rice dumplings with beans and salty ones with meat. We visit…‟4. ___________________________________It was a warm and sunny day for the International Dragon Boat races at East End yesterday. This year, ten countries joined the men‟s races and eight countries were in the women‟s races. After an exciting morning, USA was first and Japan was second in the men‟s race. For the women, USA was also first and New Zealand was second. Other countries…5.____________________________________Thousands of people visit Garden City every year. Many of them come here for the famous dragon boat races. Steve Can from England was one of them this year. He said,‟ This is my first visit to Garden City. I love the boat races. They‟re wonderful. Yesterday, I saw…‟IX. Cloze(C)In Shanghai, we can see traffic police assistants anywhere at any time. They try their best to make the traffic ____(1)___.“However, some people, even in the busies ____(2)___, don‟t wait for the green man, but cross the street between cars,” said Li, an assistant. Just at this moment---“Hey, you!” Li shouted to a man who running against the traffic into the street, “The traffic light will change ___(3)___, try to wait, OK?”Sometimes, there is ___(4)___ harder than getting people to obey the traffic rules. “Every day I get home with very sore legs,” Li said, “In summer I stand in the sun, and in winter the__(5)__. I just hope everyone will obey the traffic rules.”( )1. A. crowded B. safe C. busy D. dangerous( )2. A. parks B. stations C. shops D. streets( )3. A. in a minute B. for ten minutes C. in no time D. for a long time( )4. A. something B. anything C. nothing D. everything( )5. A. typhoon comes B. cloud moves C. leaves fall D. wind blowsX. Fill in the blanks with the proper words.(D)Welcome to Los Angeles Zoo! There are many a____(1)___ in the zoo.Let‟s see the koalas first. Where do they come from? Australia. They are very cute. Many people like them very much. They are i_____(2)__, b_(3)______ they are not friendly.The giraffes come from Africa. They have longest necks. They eat l__(4)____ for food. The lions also come from Africa. They are kind of scary. So many people don‟t l__(5)_____ them. XI. WritingWrite a passage of at least 50 words about the topic “My bad habits”1.Do you have any bad habits?2.What are your bad habits?3.What are you going to do to get them over (克服)?6B Mid-term Test Paper (Answer sheet)Class ___________ Name _____________ Student number ___________eListening partI. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question.1. ____________2. ___________3. ____________4. __________5. __________II. Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false.1._________2. ___________3. ___________4. ____________III. Lisen to the passage and complete the following sentences.1. __________2. ___________3. ____________4. ___________5. __________6. __________Vocabulary and GrammarIV.Choose the best answer1.________2. __________3. __________4. ___________5. ___________6. ___________7._________8. ___________9. __________ 10. __________ 11. __________ 12. _________ 13. ________ 14. __________ 15. _________V. Use the proper forms of words to complete the following sentences.1.___________2. ___________3. ____________4. __________5. ___________6. ___________7. ___________8. ____________9. ___________ 10. __________VI. Rewrite the sentences as required1.__________ ___________2. __________ __________ ___________3.__________ ___________ ___________ _____________4. ___________ReadingVII. Read and answer the questions.(A)1. _________________________________________________________2. __________________________________________________________3. ___________________________________________________________4. ___________________________________________________________5. ___________________________________________________________VIII. Read and choose the title.(B)1. ___________2. ___________3. _____________4. _____________5. ____________(C)1. ____________2. ___________3. _____________4. _____________5. _____________ X. Fill in the blanks with the proper words.(D)1. ____________2. ___________3. _____________4. _____________5. _____________ XI. WritingWrite a passage of at least 50 words about the topic “My bad habits”4.Do you have any bad habits?5.What is your bad habit?6.What are you going to do to get over (克服) it?_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________iI.1.W: Can I help you, sir?M: I want to post this parcel to my friend. How much should I pay?W: Oh… We will weigh it first … Seventeen yuan.Q: Where are the two speakers? (C)2.M: How do you go to school, Jane?W: I go to school by bus, then on foot. It takes me about 15 minutes. How about you?M: I go to school by bike.Q: How does the boy go to school?(C)3.M: I‟m hungry, Mum. I want something to eat.W: There‟s some bread and mooncakes on the table.M:But, Mum, I want some rice dumplings.W: They are in the fridge. Heat them by yourself.Q: What would the boy like to have?(C)4.W: Excuse me, how can I get the Space Museu;m?M: You can take a bus, then on foot.W: How long does it take?M: It takes 15 minutes to get there by bus. Then it‟s 5 minutes‟ walk to the Space Museum.Q: How long does it take the woman to get to the Space Museum?(B)5.W: What‟s the matter, young man?M: I am not felling well.W: What idi you have this morning?M: I had two rice dumplings, three spicy sausages, and some cold milk.W: OK. I see. It‟s nothing serious. Take some medicine and have a good rest.Q: What‟s wrong with the young man?(B)II.It is Sunday and it is a nice day. People don‟t stay at home in such fine weather. They go to parks and beaches or drive into the country. Now we are at the seaside. There are a lot of people on the beach. Some are swimming. Some are lying on the sand and bathing in the sun. Over there a group of men and women are sitting under an umbrella. They are talking and laughing. Not far from them, a few boys are building mountains and rivers with sand. They look happy and proud. A mother is carrying her baby in the sea. The baby is playing with water. She is not afraid at all. People like the seaside. There is a lot of water, sunshine and fresh air there. (F F T T)III.Fire can help us in many ways. But it can also be very harmful. Fire can make water hot and house warm, give light and cook food. But fire can burn things,too. It can make trees, houses, animals and other things catch fire. If some people can‟t run away from fire, it can kill them, This happens in every country. Big fire sometimes can burn forests and destroy many tall buildings. Nobody knows clearly when people began to make a fire. Today people know how to make a fire with matches. Children sometimes like to play with them. But matches can be very dangerous. So you must be careful with them.1. ways2. cook3. other4. sometimes5. people6. dangerous。