2019年 语言与文化 期末考试答案
语言与文化一、单选题(题数:40,共40.0 分)1被称作“美国人类学之父”的是()。
(1.0分)A、索绪尔B、洪堡特C、康托尔D、鲍亚士正确答案:D2 “名无固宜,约之以命。
”出自哪位文学家?()(1.0分)A、荀子B、孔子C、孟子D、老子正确答案:A3 ()是西藏那曲中“曲”的藏语含义。
(1.0分)A、湖泊B、河流C、丘陵D、山峰正确答案:B4 “包氏父子”属于哪种所指关系?()(1.0分)A、无限集B、空集C、不定集D、有限集正确答案:D5 ()是英语、汉语、傣语的亲属称谓中都有区分的语义特征。
D、遗传正确答案:C10 “语言是有限规则和单位生成无限的句子”这句话出自于哪位语言学家?()(1.0分)A、索绪尔B、洪堡特C、乔姆斯基D、韩里德正确答案:C11智人走出非洲称为()。
(1.0分)A、第一次走出非洲B、第二次走出非洲C、第三次走出非洲D、第四次走出非洲正确答案:B12在语言中形成的最为高级的语言是什么?()(1.0分)A、符号B、英语C、汉语D、数学正确答案:D13 ()是指由词演变成词组的过程。
全国2021年10月高等教育白学考试诺言与文化试题课程代码:00838I . Each of the following incomplete statements is followed by four alternatives. Read each statement and the four alternatives carefully and decide which of the four alternatives best completes the statement and put the answer in the brackets. (20%)1. In educational settings "depend on others to do his/her work" is often preferred to "".A. fail to do one 's homeworkB. fail to do one 's schoolwork wellC. cheat in examsD. cheat in class2. A "file clerk " is often said euphemistically to be a(n) "".A. information directorB. research consultantC. office executiveD. assistant manager3. I wonder whether Nick isn 't better off, after all. ——they do look after him, don 't they?A. I meanB. In other wordsC. ActuallyD. Incidentally4. The next morning she was glad and proud that she had not yielded to a scare.he was most strangely and obviously better.A. ThoughB. At this pointC. ForD. So5. "2000 年7 月25 日上午10 点" can be translated into.A. At 10 o 'clock of the morning of 25 July of 2000B. At 10 o 'clock on the morning of 25 July, 2000C. At 10 o 'clock, the morning of 25 July, 2000D. At 10 o 'clock in the morning of 25 July, 20006. Which of the following names is associated with Christianity?A. EdgarB. JosephC. AlexanderD. Iris7. When you introduce Mary Smith to John Jones, you may say _____ .A. "John Jones, this is Mary Smith 〞B. " Mr. Jones, may I introduce Mrs. Smith?"C. " Mary Smith, this is John Jones "D. "Mary Smith, this is Mr. Jones"to mind one's p's and q's""to keep one's nose clearf" is inappropriate as a reply to an apology.A. It's O. K.B. It's all right.C. Not at all.D. Never mind. 9. It is suggested that Chinese people are good at holistic A. writing B. speaking C. thinking D. doing 10. The thematic model emphasizes three culture elements: A. traits, values and world views B. personal behaviours, thinking patterns and values C. norms, customs and circumstances D. time, space and dimension11. The Chinese equivalent for "high school" is A.中等学校 B.高等学校 C.技术学校 D.职业学校 12. In English culture, "old" is associated with all the following except A. useless B. traditional C. senile D. skilled 13. The phrasal verb "look into " corresponds in meaning to the single word A. expect B. investigate C. despise D. watch 14. "To be very careful and correct in one's behaviour" is synonymous to A. “Mr. Right"B. « I _____ _________ ___________ ________ ______keep one s own company15."To make a cat laugh" meansA. to be tragicB. to be comicC. to be proudD. to be serious 16. In English culture "white" connotes A. innocence B. death C. cruelty D. reaction 17. The English equivalent for "害了红眼病" is A. a white hope B. grey-headed C. pinkeye D. green-eyed18. Uranus is the Roman god of A. heavens and father of SaturnC. D.B. the sea, son of Saturn and brother of JupiterC. agriculture and father of JupiterD. the sky and the king of the gods19. American English and English are two varieties of the English language and they areof equal status.A. CanadianB. AustralianC. New Zealandic EnglishD. British20. Stamping one's foot signifies in English body language.A. angerB. strengthC. remorseD. impatiencen . Each of the following incomplete statements is followed by four alternatives. Read each statement and the four alternatives carefully and decide which of the four alternatives can complete the statement and put the answer(s) in the brackets. There might be more than one correct answer. (10%)21. "" is more offensive than "damn" or "damn it〞.A. HellB. God damn youC. Damn youD. Jesus Christ22. He was the popular candidate. _______ he will be elected.A. So thatB. As suchC. ConsequentlyD. Accordingly23. In the following statements,is true.A. English has gone through the stage of explicit grammar, while Chinese has.B. Modern European languages are grammatical simpler and demonstrate less grammatical explicitly than classical European language.C. English and Chinese are at different developmental stages.D. English and Chinese are at same developmental stages.24. When John Smith picks up the phone, he may say.A. Hello. This is John speaking.B. Hello.C. Who's calling, please?D. Good morning. John Smith here.25. When English speakers respond to thanks, they normally say.A. "Don't mention it "B. Tt's my pleasure"C. "Not at all"D. "No. It's my duty"26. The idiomatic expression "to put one's foot in one's mouth" means.A. to just make itB. to say something embarrassingC. to have an angry attitudeD. to say something wrong or unsuitable27. "A blue fit " is close in meaning to.A. annoyanceB. happinessC. satisfactionD. irritation28. In English culture,are positive in meaning.A. ambitiousB. self-made manC. do-gooderD. aggressive29. In Chinese newspapers are not reported so frequently as in English newspapers.A. political achievementsB. cultural achievementsC. crimesD. disasters30. Touching or bodily contact is more common among in English speaking countries.A. malesB. the oldC. femalesD. the youngin . Fill in each underlined space with a proper expression. (12%)31. "To fresh up" can be used by a female as an euphemism for.32. In an English letter of request there are three parts: the purpose for which the letter is written, the supporting information and a _______ .33. It is hard for to understand why "走狗" is a pejorative term in Chinese.34. Each culture develops a particular way of favoured by a particular population.35. English uses frequently inflectional morphemes to indicate the relations between linguistic elements.36. " Good-bye" is the contracted form of and therefore carries a religious connotation.37. " Good night" is usually as an expression of.38. The English proverbial expression corresponds to "对牛弹琴" in Chinese.39. The English expression corresponds to "胆小如鼠" in Chinese.40. The branch of learning that studies how we perceive, structure, reacts to, and interpret messages of time is referred to as.41. American English differs from British English mainly in pronunciation and ______ .42. The phrase in British English for "私立学校" is.IV . Answer the following questions briefly. (12%)43. What are some examples in Australian English illustrating racist language?44. How do English speakers respond to compliments?45. What is large c culture?46. How would you explain the fact that "greenhouse" and its equivalent in Chinese "温室" are formed differently?47. Which idiomatic expression in English corresponds to "捧腹大笑" in Chinese?48. What is the word for " hard liquor" in British English?V . Translation. (16%)49. 您有何高见?50. Most surprise attacks against the enemy have now become pre-emptive strikes.51. I'm sorry, Mr. Jones is occupied right now. Would you like to leave a message, please?52. Hello. This is Mary speaking. Who is calling?53. He that increases knowledge increases sorrow.54. 巧妇难为了无米之炊.55. Cookie, fat-cakes and chowder are words referring to food.56. 竹在中国文化中是谦虚、刚直不阿、顽强不屈的象征.VI. Define the following terms. (10%)57. sexist language58. individualism59. Seven Facets model60. Sexism61. illustratorW . Discuss the following topics. (20%)62. What are allusions? And how do they reflect culture?63. Please explain the five categories of gestures.。
• A、能人走出非洲• B、南猿人走出非洲• C、元谋人走出非洲• D、直立人走出非洲我的答案:D2下列哪一项是人类进化的形态之一?()• A、山顶洞人• B、智人• C、北京人• D、元谋人我的答案:B3符号活动出现于()。
• A、南猿时期• B、直立人时期• C、晚期智人• D、早期智人我的答案:C4人类起源非洲假说是指人类发源于非洲,然后移动到世界各地。
()我的答案:×人类起源非洲假说的语言学分析(二)已完成1非洲智人最早移动到哪一大洲?()• A、北美洲• B、南美洲• C、亚洲• D、澳洲我的答案:C2非洲智人什么时候开始走出非洲?()• A、20万年前• B、13万年前• C、15万年前• D、10万年前我的答案:A3下列哪一项事物的出现不能标志着智人具有了一定的符号编码能力?()• A、图画• B、雕刻• C、文字• D、瓷器我的答案:D4智人走出非洲有几条路线?()• A、1• B、2• C、3• D、4我的答案:B5直立人是语言人,智人不是语言人。
• A、正相关• B、负相关• C、没关系• D、不确定我的答案:A2方言的形成有几种方式?()• A、3• B、2• C、4• D、5我的答案:B3()对我国南方汉语方言的形成起了不可估量的作用。
• A、语言接触• B、语言融合• C、语言分化• D、母语转换我的答案:A是错的4语言演化最重要的观察角度之一是语言接触。
《语言与文化》单选题1.悖论的本质是(A )。
A、递归否定B、语言的层次不清C、语言的任意性D、连续否定2.从语义的角度区分了句子的阶层,认为语义悖论可以通过区分对象语言和元语言来解决的是( B )。
A、康德尔B、塔尔斯基C、哥德尔D、布拉里・福蒂3.德国的(A )最早发现最大序数悖论。
A、康德尔B、塞万提斯C、堂吉柯德D、布拉里・福蒂4.多少年前非洲智人开始走出非洲?(A )A、20万年前B、13万年前C、15万年前D、10万年前5.方言的形成有(B )种方式。
A、3B、2C、4D、56.关于人类起源非洲的假说,下列选项中正确的一项是(D )。
A、能人走出非洲B、元谋人走出非洲C、南猿人走出非洲D、直立人走出非洲7.进化程度更高的是(B )。
A、元谋人B、山顶洞人C、蓝田人D、北京人8.哪一个大洲是非洲智人最早移动到的大洲?(C )A、南美洲B、北美洲C、亚洲D、澳洲9.乔姆斯基最早在(C )中提出“语言是有限规则和单位生成的无限句子。
”A、《普通语言学教程》B、《语言论》C、《句法结构》D、《语言文化论》10.人工语言是通过(C )形成的。
A、元语言B、经验C、定义D、自然语言11.什么被索绪尔称为符号的形式?(A )A、能指B、实指C、所指D、虚指12.什么的出现能标志着智人具有了一定的符号编码能力?(D )A、图画B、雕刻C、文字D、以上都对13.什么时期开始出现符号活动?(C )A、南猿时期B、早期智人C、晚期智人D、直立人时期14.什么是观察人类语言和动物语言最重要的窗口之一?(D )A、语言的声音B、语言的层次性C、语言的线条性D、语言的任意性15.谁提出“我的语言的界限意味着我的世界的界限”这一观点?(A )A、维特根斯坦B、墨子C、索绪尔D、乔姆斯基16.提出“名无固宜,约之以命,约定俗成谓之宜,异于约则谓之不宜。
”的人是(D )。
A、道德经B、论语C、大学D、正名篇17.为《逻辑哲学论》写序言的人是(D )。
()( 1.0分)1.0分正确答案:X3悖论包括两种,分别是自言悖论和互言悖论。
()( 1.0分)0.0分正确答案:V4只有双语现象时才会有借代和干扰的发生,干扰往往是母语的影响。
()( 1.0分)1.0分正确答案:V5词汇范畴比语法范畴更深。
()( 1.0分)1.0分正确答案:V零范畴、宽式范畴和严式范畴是语言范畴化的深度至少包含的三种。
()( 1.0 分)正确答案:X1.0分正确答案:V8汉语各个方言之间有同源关系。
()( 1.0分)1.0分正确答案:V9在语言接触中,强势语言往往会繁化。
()( 1.0分)0.0分正确答案:X10语言是可以作假的。
()( 1.0分)1.0分正确答案:V12语言运用就是语言能力的运用。
()( 1.0分)1.0分人类的语言都具有任意性和还原生成能力。
()( 1.0分)1.0分正确答案:V14人类起源非洲假说为人类的基因和语言研究提供了重要依据。
()( 1.0分)1.0分正确答案:V17康德尔最早公开良序集悖论,也叫最大序数悖论。
()( 1.0分)1.0分正确答案:X 1.0 分)1.0 分)正确答案:X茶马古道除了运输茶叶,还运输其他物品。
()( 1.0 分)1.0分正确答案:V19没有语言能力很难发展自己的智慧,因此智慧与语言之间有绝对的关系。
()( 1.0分)1.0分正确答案:X20语言保护的最根本目标是记录濒危语言。
()( 1.0分)1.0分正确答案:X21丝绸之路一直以运输丝绸为主。
观点认为“每一个人,不管什么语言,洪堡特的()分)(1.01.0分、A?文化相对论、B?语言共相论、C?语言自相论、D?语言相对论正确答案:D 我的答案:D2(),茶马互市开始形成。
(1.01.0分、A?思维模式、B?思维方法、C?思维轨迹、D?思维能力正确答案:A 我的答案:A4饮茶的三个层次不包括()。
(1.0分)1.0分A、?沏茶喝茶、C?侍茶、D?品茶AA 我的答案:正确答案:51.0分)保护民族语言的前提是()。
(1.0分、A?孤立民族语言、B?废除汉语、C?汉语是全民族的通用语、D?田野调查正确答案:C 我的答案:C6分)1.0在《诗经》中,共有()个韵部。
(.1.0分、A?10、B?20、C?30、D?40正确答案:C 我的答案:C7既包括语言文化相对论,也包括生成语法是()的语言学观点。
(1.01.0分、A?汉语、B?日语、C?英语、D?数学正确答案:D 我的答案:D9“语言是一种创造性的活动”是()对语言还原生成能力的阐述。
(1.0分)1.0分A、?洪堡特B、?萨丕尔菲尔墨、D?索绪尔A我的答案:A 正确答案:101.0()最早提出语言转向一说。
()(分)1.0分、A?乔姆斯基、B?萨丕尔、C?维特根斯坦、D?索绪尔正确答案:C 我的答案:C11下列选项中,思维的层面不包括()。
(1.0分)1.0分A、?思维能力、B?思维方法、C?思维想象、D?思维模式CC 我的答案:正确答案:121.0分)文字系统的类型不包括()。
(1.0分、A?字母音节文字、B?音节文字、C?楔形文字、D?字母文字正确答案:C 我的答案:C13分)下列选项中,属于音节文字的是()。
语言与文化 期末考试答案
语言与文化一、单选题(题数:40,共 40.0 分)1被称作“美国人类学之父”的是()。
(1.0分)A、索绪尔B、洪堡特C、康托尔D、鲍亚士正确答案: D2 “名无固宜,约之以命。
”出自哪位文学家?()(1.0分)A、荀子B、孔子C、孟子D、老子正确答案: A3()是西藏那曲中“曲”的藏语含义。
(1.0分)A、湖泊B、河流C、丘陵D、山峰正确答案: B4 “包氏父子”属于哪种所指关系?()(1.0分)A、无限集B、空集C、不定集D、有限集正确答案: D5()是英语、汉语、傣语的亲属称谓中都有区分的语义特征。
(1.0分)A、血缘B、长幼C、远近D、性别正确答案: A6首先发现了最大序数悖论的数学家是()。
(1.0分)A、康托尔B、布拉里·福蒂C、华罗庚D、塞万提斯正确答案: A7语言起源的多元论指的是早期智人第几次走出非洲?()(1.0分)A、第四次B、第三次C、第二次D、第一次正确答案: C8我国哪位思想家提出过符号任意性原则?()(1.0分)A、孔子B、孟子C、老子D、荀子正确答案: D9自相论认为语言系统体现了人类什么能力?()(1.0分)A、语言能力B、后天经验能力C、语言能力和后天经验能力的交互作用。
D、遗传正确答案: C10“语言是有限规则和单位生成无限的句子”这句话出自于哪位语言学家?()(1.0分)A、索绪尔B、洪堡特C、乔姆斯基D、韩里德正确答案: C11智人走出非洲称为()。
(1.0分)A、第一次走出非洲B、第二次走出非洲C、第三次走出非洲D、第四次走出非洲正确答案: B12在语言中形成的最为高级的语言是什么?()(1.0分)A、符号B、英语C、汉语D、数学正确答案: D13()是指由词演变成词组的过程。
(1.0分)A、虚化B、语法化C、词汇化D、组合正确答案: C14下列哪类人的进化程度更高?()(1.0分)A、北京人B、元谋人C、山顶洞人D、蓝田人正确答案: C15沃尔夫的()观点认为“同一个物理证据,并不是所有的观察者都得到相同的宇宙图式,除非他们的语言背景相同或相似。
2021年自考《语言与文化》习题及答案第一部分选择题I. Each of the following incomplete statements is followed by four alternatives. Read each statement and the four alternatives carefully and decide which of the four alternatives best completes the statement.(20%)1. In its broad sense culture is. ( )A. whatever distinguishes one nation from all the other nationsB. the attributes of manC. life way of a populationD. intellectual or academic development and artist creation become secondary2. Language is_________, which means that speech is the primary medium of languageA. arbitraryB. vocalC. symbolicD. human specific3. Word______________frequently appears together with "boy", "man", "vessel" or "airliner" ( )A. beautifulB. niceC. prettyD. handsome4. Word "get" is derived from____________. ( )A. Old NorseB. LatinC. FrenchD. Germany5. _________is the name given to a young man or young woman who rejects authority, existing institution and conventional attitudes towards morality, style of dress, etc. ( )A. DukeB. CowboyC. HippieD. Knight6. In English culture, "White" connotes_____________________. ( )A. deathB. longevityC. immaturityD. innocence7. The metaphorical expression "she cast her spell over me" illustrated that ( )A. love is magicB. love is warC. love is a physical forceD. love is patient8. "Even reckoning makes long friends." is a proverb that related to ( )A. the history of EnglandB. the English writing systemC. individualismD. English literature9. "To cause one to feel fear, loathing, aversion, nervous anxiety" is synonymous to___________. ( )A. "to make a face"B. "to make one’s flesh creep"C. "to make a cat laugh"D. "to make bricks without straw"10. "A proud of flesh" is derived from Shakespeare' s______________. ( )A. Romeo and JulietB. Anthony and CleopatraC. The Merchant of VeniceD. King Lear11. "The old Adam" is an allusion from______________________. ( )A. literatureB. religionC. mythologyD. history12. "To kick off”is derived from______________. ( )A. boxingB. American footballC. soccerD. baseball13. "Friday" is named after Freya, _____________. ( )A. goddess of musicB. goddess of warC. goddess of oceanD. goddess of heaven14. A___________is an implied comparison between two or more unlike things. ( )A. similesB. metaphorsC. associationsD. tenor15. "There are too many facts here for me to digest them all." is a metaphorical expression about ideas, which are___________ ( )A. FoodB. commoditiesC. productsD. plants16. A blackleg is a person who_______________________. ( )A. accepts work in place of strikersB. is a scoundrelC. is a member of a secret organization of Italian criminals and blackmailers which operated in the U.S.D. is a traitor17.The English equivalent for "贱内" is__________. ( )A. my husbandB. my wifeC. my sonD. my daughter18. One’s oral speech is always interpreted in relation to__________that accompanies his speech. ( )A. oral languageB. written languageC. body languageD. verbal language19. The first successful British colony was founded in______________, Virginia, in 1607. ( )A. PlymouthB. JamestownC. New HampshireD. New York20. Some nonverbal messages are consistent with accompanying verbal message, which is the __________ function of nonverbal message. ( )A. complementingB. contradictingC. RegulatingD. accentingII. Each of the following incomplete statements is followed by four alternatives. Read each statement and the four alternatives carefully anddecide which alternative can complete the statement .There might be more than one correct answer (10%)21. The relationship between language, culture and thought is that ( )A. they are three parts of a wholeB. language is determined by culture while culture is determined by thoughtC. each of them can operate independentlyD. the three aspects interact, each influencing and shaping the other two22. The word (words)______________is (are) connected with history. ( )A. scalpB. lynchC. reformationD. bible23. The most common English replies to thank are_____________. ( )A. It is nothingB. It is my dutyC. Not at allD. It is my pleasure24. When English speaking people part, they usually say___________. ( )A. Good- byeB. It’s mice to meet youC. See you tomorrowD. So long25. are the proverbs, which are related to Greco - Roman civilization. ( )A. Marry in May, repent alwaysB. Bacchus hath drowned more me than NeptuneC. Homer sometimes nodsD. Better to reign in hell than serve in heaven26. "A purple passage" refers to an extremely ornate portion in______. ( )A. musicB. a literacy workC. paintingD. architecture27. The euphemisms for the expression "backward countries" are________. ( )A. underdeveloped countriesB. developed countriesC. developing countriesD. poor countries28. In each of the following stretches of English, there is a textual connective which is underlined. Words__________ indicate the adversative relation between the adjoining sentences. ( )A. You aren't leaving, are you? Because I've got something to say to youB. I’d love to join in. Only I don’t know how to playC. He showed no pleasure at hearing the news. Instead he looked even gloomierD. All the figures were correct; they’d been checked. Yet the total came out wrong29. Generally speaking, the main function of English newspaper reporting is____. ( )A. to cheat the readerB. to advise the readerC. to inform the readerD. to amuse the reader30. The basic facial management techniques are________________. ( )A. intensifyingB. deintensifyingC. neutralizingD. masking第二部分非选择题III. Fill in each underlined space with a proper expression. (12%)31. Language is the____________of cultural information.32. __________is the communicative value an expression has in addition to the purely conceptual meaning.33. "_________" interpreted as "freedom from undesirable intrusions" and regarded as a human right.34. _______________are the smallest units of meaning.35. You are a student of English. If you are complimented on your English, you may say___________.36. If the person calling is a stranger, the person who answers the phone normally asks,________________.37. The English proverbial equivalent for "对牛弹琴" is_______________.38. "Every wise man breadth his enemy" is derived from______________by Geoffrey Chaucer.39. In English blue is usually associated with___________.40. _____________are frequently used in mass media about political, socioeconomic affairs and international relations to avoid the unpleasantness of some terms or expressions.41. ____________refers to reasoning from the general to the particular or reasoning in which the conclusion about particulars follows necessarily from the general or universal promises.42. Meaning is conveyed not only by words or verbal language but also by______.IV. Answer the following questions briefly. (12%)43. Is there any contrast between the Western people and the Chinese people as far as thought is concerned?44.What conceptual difference is there between " 药店" and "drugstore"?45. What is the difference between "to make a face" and its equivalent "做个鬼脸" in Chinese?46. How would you explain the statement that the Chinese narrative and descriptive writing is often more ornate or flowery than English one?47. What are the five categories of gesture?48. Why is time so important to our lives?V. Translation. {16%}A. Translate the following into Chinese. (8 %)49. Any port in a storm.50. One fails into Scylla in seeking to avoid Charybdis.51. Man proposes, God disposes.52. The money after your own father.B. Translate the following into English. (8 %)53.衙门自古朝南开,有理无钱莫进来。
人类起源非洲假说的语言学,,分析(一)已完成成绩: 75.0 分1【单选题】进化程度更高的是()。
A、元谋人B、山顶洞人C、蓝田人D、北京人我的答案:B 得分: 25.0 分2【单选题】关于人类起源非洲的假说,下列选项中正确的一项是()。
A、能人走出非洲B、元谋人走出非洲C、南猿人走出非洲D、直立人走出非洲我的答案:D 得分: 25.0 分3【单选题】()开始出现符号活动。
A、南猿时期B、早期智人C、晚期智人D、直立人时期我的答案:C 得分: 25.0 分4【判断题】某一人群的群体演化历史越短,则说明他们的 mtDNA 变异越大。
() 我的答案:√得分: 0.0 分人类起源非洲假说的语言学分析(二)已完成成绩: 100.0 分1【单选题】()是非洲智人最早移动到的大洲。
A、南美洲B、北美洲C、亚洲D、澳洲我的答案:C 得分: 50.0 分2【判断题】直立人是语言人,智人不是语言人。
()我的答案:× 得分: 50.0 分人类起源非洲假说的语言学分析(三)已完成成绩: 75.0 分1【单选题】方言的形成有()种方式。
A、3B、2C、4D、5我的答案:B 得分: 25.0 分2【单选题】我国南方汉语方言的形成受很多因素影响,其中()起了不可估量的作用。
A、语言接触B、语言分化C、语言融合D、母语转换我的答案:D 得分: 25.0 分3【单选题】语言与脑容量的关系是()。
A、正相关B、不确定C、没关系D、负相关我的答案:D 得分: 0.0 分4【判断题】语言接触是语言演化最重要的观察角度之一。
()我的答案:√得分: 25.0 分语言文化共相论(一)已完成成绩: 100.0 分1【单选题】()提出“我的语言的界限意味着我的世界的界限”这一观点。
A、维特根斯坦B、墨子C、索绪尔D、乔姆斯基我的答案:A 得分: 33.3 分2【单选题】在所有语言中,()被认为是最为高级的语言。
A、汉语B、日语C、英语D、数学我的答案:D 得分: 33.3 分3【单选题】()最早提出语言转向一说。
语言与文化一、单选题(题数:40,共40.0 分)1被称作“美国人类学之父”的是()。
(1.0分)A、索绪尔B、洪堡特C、康托尔D、鲍亚士正确答案: D2 “名无固宜,约之以命。
”出自哪位文学家?()(1.0分)A、荀子B、孔子C、孟子D、老子正确答案: A3 ()是西藏那曲中“曲”的藏语含义。
(1.0分)A、湖泊B、河流C、丘陵D、山峰正确答案: B4 “包氏父子”属于哪种所指关系?()(1.0分)A、无限集B、空集C、不定集D、有限集正确答案: D5 ()是英语、汉语、傣语的亲属称谓中都有区分的语义特征。
(1.0分)A、血缘B、长幼C、远近D、性别正确答案: A6首先发现了最大序数悖论的数学家是()。
(1.0分)A、康托尔B、布拉里·福蒂C、华罗庚D、塞万提斯正确答案: A7语言起源的多元论指的是早期智人第几次走出非洲?()(1.0分)A、第四次B、第三次C、第二次D、第一次正确答案: C8我国哪位思想家提出过符号任意性原则?()(1.0分)A、孔子B、孟子C、老子D、荀子正确答案: D9自相论认为语言系统体现了人类什么能力?()(1.0分)A、语言能力B、后天经验能力C、语言能力和后天经验能力的交互作用。
D、遗传正确答案: C10 “语言是有限规则和单位生成无限的句子”这句话出自于哪位语言学家?()(1.0分)A、索绪尔B、洪堡特C、乔姆斯基D、韩里德正确答案: C11智人走出非洲称为()。
(1.0分)A、第一次走出非洲B、第二次走出非洲C、第三次走出非洲D、第四次走出非洲正确答案: B12在语言中形成的最为高级的语言是什么?()(1.0分)A、符号B、英语C、汉语D、数学正确答案: D13 ()是指由词演变成词组的过程。
(1.0分)A、虚化B、语法化C、词汇化D、组合正确答案: C14下列哪类人的进化程度更高?()(1.0分)A、北京人B、元谋人C、山顶洞人D、蓝田人正确答案: C15沃尔夫的()观点认为“同一个物理证据,并不是所有的观察者都得到相同的宇宙图式,除非他们的语言背景相同或相似。
全国2019年10月高等教育自学考试语言与文化试题课程代码:00838第一部分选择题(共30分)I. Each of the following incomplete statements is followed by four alternatives. Read eachstatement and the four alternatives carefully and decide which of the four alternatives best completes the statement.(20%)1.A cold dish of raw vegetables with a dressing is called _____.A. hamburgerB. sandwichC. saladD. pudding2.All languages have _____ terms and distinguish at least three characteristics in relatives.A. generationB. subtleC. complicatedD. kinship3.English speakers are direct people who tend to _____.A. locate peripheral meaning before central meaningB. locate central meaning before central meaningC. locate the modified after the modifierD. think holistically4.In English all the prefixes are _____ morphemes.A. inflectionalB. grammaticalC. derivationalD. implicit5.Which of the following statements is not true?A. English speakers have a relatively small range of possibilities to select from when naming theirnewly born babies.B. English surnames are more distinctive than given names.C. English given names are more distinctive than surnames.D. Names include given names, surnames, full names and nicknames or pet names.6.If an English speaker refuses the compliment which merely comes out of politeness, he may say _____.A.“Do you really think so?”B.“Oh, I wish it could be true.”C.“Oh, you are too polite.”D.“No, I don’t think so.”7.“To make a cat laugh”means _____.A. to be comicB. to be tragicC. to be proudD. to be serious8.The English equivalent for “前车之覆,后车之鉴”can be “_____”.A. Rats desert a sinking shipB.A small leak will sink a great shipC. He that would sail without danger must never come on the main sea1D. Let another’s shipwreck be your seamark9.“Green”connotes _____ in English culture.A. ProsperityB. immaturityC. longevityD. sincerity10.“Brown paper”corresponds to _____.A.棕色纸B.秘密文件C.揭露社会黑暗的报纸D.牛皮纸11.The English equivalent for “空袭紧急警报”is _____.A. blue alertB. white alertC. red alertD. black alert12.“Sanitary engineer”is the euphemistic expression for “_____”.A. garbage collectorB. cleanerC. plumberD. gardener13.“敬请指正”can be treated as the Chinese equivalent of “_____”in English.A. I’d like to have your comments.B. Will you please point out my errors?C. I’d like to have errors correctedD. I’ll gratefully expect your comments.14.When the speaker or writer discusses many things indirectly related to the central idea of thetext and /or to each other he or she develops the text in a(n) _____ fashion.A .linear B. spiralC. inductiveD. deductive15.The most striking phonetic difference between American and British English is thepronunciation of _____ in words.A. rB. aC. whD. er16.The first _____ made in 449 B.C. had strong impact on the laws made later in most Europeancountries.A. Roman lawB. Napoleonic CodeC. French lawD. British law17.The distance zone ranging from 4 inches to about 8 feet is referred so as the _____ zone.A. publicB. intimateC. socio-consultativeD. casual-personal18.Raising one’s open hand with palm down to one’s throat means “_____”in English culture.A. Shame on youB. I’m fullC. Kill yourselfD. You’re shorter than I19.In proxemics scholars are particularly interested in the _____ between interlocutors ininterpersonal communication.A. relative rightsB. relationshipC. distanceD. relative obligation20.The brand name _____ is neutral or positive in meaning in Chinese culture but pejorative inEnglish culture?2A.青岛啤酒B.白象牌电池C.泸洲老窖D.菊花电扇II. Each of the following incomplete statements is followed by four alternatives. Read each statement and the four alternatives carefully and decide which of the four alternatives can complete the statement. There might be more than one correct answer.(10%)21._____ are some important properties of language.A. UnsystematicB. Human specificC. VocalD. A set of symbols22.In the expression “to meet one’s Waterloo”,the word “Waterloo”alludes to _____.A. a great victoryB. an achievementC. a final defeatD. a difficult or obstacle23.The English brand names _____ are coinages.A. TraneB. PlaytexC. PierreD. Cartan24.The word “woman”can be defined conceptually as _____.A. an adult femaleB. prone to tearsC. long hair wearingD. biped25.“Purple”in English culture is often associated with _____.A. high rank or stationB. low rank or stationC. imperial or royal rankD. something best26._____ are usually taboo topics in conversations between strangers in English culutre.A. Age and incomeB. Love and marriageC. Political and religious beliefsD. Personal opinions about daily affairs27._____ is onomatopoeic words.A. SquealB. MurmurC. RushD. Click28.When you respond to the compliment “You look very nice in this dress”,you should say“_____”.A. Thank you.B. No, I don’t think so at all.C. Do you really think so? I was not sure whether it suits me.D. It’s very kind of you to say so.29._____ serve the function of substitution.A. Saying louder than usual to emphasize a verbal messageB. Pausing before saying something importantC. Waving goodbyeD. Beckoning another person to come30.A “slow”student may be euphemistically referred to as “_____”.A. a mentally retarded student3B. one who is working at his/her own levelC. one who can do better work with helpD. a problem student第二部分非选择题(共70分)III. Fill in each underlined space with a proper expression.(12%)31.The invisible, portable space that surrounds us is referred to as _____ space.32._____ thinking interacts with English, while holistic thinking interacts with Chinese.33.“Pay one’s debt to nature”is the euphemism for _____.34.The English equivalent of “寒舍”is _____.35.In an English paragraph the sentence representing the central idea is referred to as _____ andoften located at the initial part of the paragraph.36.It is safe to say that Chinese advertising as a whole tends to be more _____ than Englishadvertising.37.Since language represents thought, it is _____ by thought.38.It is generally true that an English word may represent a _____ or associative meaning differentfrom that of its translation equivalent in Chinese.39.The English functional equivalent for “敬请光临”is _____.40.The English proverbial equivalent for “金无足赤,人无完人”is _____.41.The English expression _____ is equivalent to “秃子头上的虱子——明摆着”in China.42._____ refers to a kind of journalism with heavy emphasis on scandals, or resenting ordinarynews in a sensational manner.IV. Answer the following questions briefly:(12%)43.What is the English equivalent for “黑信”?44.What is the British equivalent for the American word “raincoat”?45.What is the major difference between English and Chinese descriptive texts in style?46.Why is it said that English is a hypotactic language and Chinese is a paratactic language?47.How hitchhiking is symbolized in English culture?48.What cross-cultural contrasts can you find between English and Chinese titles in vocatives?V. Translation:(16%)49.He breathed his last during the night.50.Those born to the purple are destined to live in the public eye.51.The greatest artist of the first half of this century has long last gone the way of all flesh.52.A rose by any other name would smell as sweet.53.为金钱而侍奉上帝的人会为更多的报酬服侍魔鬼。
全国2018年10月自学考试语言与文化试题课程代码:00838I. Each of the following incomplete statements is followed by four alternatives. Read each statement and thefour alternatives carefully and decide which of the four alternatives best completes the statement.(20%)1. “A Chauvinist pig” refers to a person who believes that women are ______.( )A. prone to tearsB. sociableC. frailD. inferior2. A hot, freshly cooked sausage sandwiched in a split roll of bread is called ______.( )A. hamburgerB. sandwichC. hot dogD. pudding3. Language is ______.( )A. the product of the human brainB. rule governedC. independent of cultureD. the result of social institutions4. Language is used for communication in that communication is the ____ function of language.( )A. primaryB. peripheralC. mediumD. personal5. Which of the following statements is NOT true?( )A. English is a language with explicit grammar and Chinese is a language with implicit grammar.B. Compared with Chinese, English has more grammatical morphemes that are used more frequently in either speech or writing.C. Chinese has no grammatical morphemes.D. Grammatical explicitness and consistency are required in English.6. English is the language which ______.( )A. demonstrates more hypotactic relations than Chinese doesB. demonstrates more paratactic relations than Chinese doesC. demonstrates only hypotactic relationsD. only relies on conjunctions for sentence construction7. ____ can be used as a title for an English woman whose marital status is unknown or is not indicated.( )A. Mrs.B. Ms.C. MissD. Madam8. “To kick the bucket” means“to _____ ” ( )A. dieB. workC. playD. study9. “Marry in May, repent always.” is related to ______.( )A. geographyB. ChristianityC. individualismD. Greco-Roman civilization10. “A Cleopatra” is an allusion from______.( )A. mythologyB. religionC. literatureD. sports11. A simile is a direct _____ between two or more unlike thing s, normally introduced by “like” or “as”.( )A. meaningB. comparisonC. linkD. way12. Terms of colours can be used either literally to refer to different colours or metaphorically to convey their ______ meanings.( )A. directB. impliedC. associativeD. comparative13. ______ are pleasant, polite or harmless sounding words or expressions used to mask harsh, rude or infamous truths.( )A. Terms of humilityB. HonourificsC. Similes and metaphorsD. Euphemisms14. Honourifics are used to show respect to one’s interlocutors and persons mentioned in conversations, while ______ are used to show the speaker’s modesty.( )A. honourificsB. complimentsC. terms of humilityD. euphemisms15. The term “text” refers to any piece of spoken or writte n language, which expresses a(n) ______ meaning.( )A. completeB. incompleteC. regularD. irregular16. A: Do you mind my smoking here ?( )B: This is non-smoking area.There is ______between the above two sentences.A. logicB. lexicalC. cohesionD. coherence17. Which of the following words is a coinage, which is often used in the advertisements or brand names?( )A. homelyB. packageC. smoothnessD. home office18. The Chinese meaning of “Mars” is ______ .( )A. 水星B. 金星C. 火星D.木星19. What does punctuality mean to Americans and Englishmen?( )A. in timeB. on time if not a little beforeC. a couple of minutes lateD. half an hour late20. ______ communication is communication without words.( )A. ActionB. GesturesC. VerbalD. NonverbalII. Each of the following incomplete statements is followed by four alternatives. Read each statement and the four alternatives carefully and decide which alternatives can complete the statement. There might be more than one correct answer. (10%)21. Affective meaning is communicated when ______ are expressed directly or indirectly in language.( )A. communicative valuesB. attitudesC. feelingsD. referential meanings22. Many English words refer to the historical aspects of English culture, such as ______.( ) A. reformation B. lynchC. cocktailD. scalp23. Which of the following statements is right?( )A. Hypotactic language is unambiguous and paratactic language is ambiguous.B. Hypotactic language like English relies on conjunctions for sentence construction.C. Paratactic language like Chinese never relies on conjunctions for sentence construction.D. Hypotactic and paratactic relations can be found in both English and Chinese.24. “ ______ ”is an appropriate reply to an expression of gratitude.( )A. Don’t mention itB. Don’t say thatC. It’s my pleasureD. It’s my duty25. ______ is an allusion from a historical event.( )A. NewcastleB. MarathonC. WaterlooD. Paris26. In English, green is usually associated with ______.( )A. jealousyB. lacking experienceC. authoritative permissionD. profit27. In English, we can use such euphemisms as ______ for “die”.( )A. “go”B. “depart”C. “go to a better world”D. “go the way of all flesh”28. The logical relationships between adjoining sentences can be classified into ______. ( )A. additiveB. adversativeC. causalD. temporal29. A news report normally consists of ______.( )A. a headlineB. a leadC. a subtitleD. a story30. Thumbing one’s nose is used to show one’s ______.( )A. defianceB. greeting othersC. arousing other’s interestD. contemptIII. Fill in each underlined space with a proper expression. (20%)31. Language is the carrier and ______ of culture.32. Each culture develops a particular way of ______ favoured by a particular population.33. The prefix “super-” and suffices “-logy”, “-ics” are all from______.34. ______ is used to talk about a person or event that attracts a lot of notice and is the subject of much talk for a short time but is soon forgotten.35. If the person calling is a stranger and does not tell who he or she is, English speakers normally ask“ ______ ”36. Which of the following words in the sentence “There are too many facts here for me to digest them all”is a metaphor?______37. In English a developing country is used to refer to a poor country. Here a developing country is a______.38. A: Are you from China?B: Yes, I am.The sentences in the above dialogue are connected by both grammatical and lexical means, so we say that they exhibit ______.39. In American English, the letters “er” in the word “clerk” are pronounced as______.40. “ ______ ”is signified by moving several times the hand whose forefinger touches one’s own cheek.IV. Answer the following questions briefly.(12%)41. Could you say something about the language features of English advertising?42. How is nonverbal communication related to culture?43. What does abstract thinking refer to?44. How would you explain the fact that “greenhouse”and its equivalent in Chinese “温室”are formed differently?V. Translation.(18%)45.趁热打铁。
语言与文化期末简答题1. What is the fundamental difference between all the art forms and language proper as observed by Crystal at the end of the text?Para 18: “Language allows us to talk about our experience of the world in a way that no other means of communicat ion can.”Cf: Displacement of language:Language allows us to talk about things remote in time and space, or both,from the site of the communication (cf. honeybee’s dance).2. What are the differences between sign language and body language?Sign language is a language which uses manual communication and body language to convey meaning. It develops within communities of deaf people and exhibits the same linguistic properties as spoken language. Body language is a form of human non-verbal communication. It consists of body posture, gestures, facial expressions, eye movements, etc.3. While people are talking, they’re also looking at each other, and we can see that the expressions on their faces add a great deal to what they’re saying. What does this tell us about the visual aspect (a kind of paralinguistic feature) of linguistic communication?Communication is not completed merely in the exchanges of words, especially in face-to-face talk. Communication is prototypically multi-modal. Paralinguistic features add to or even convert the literal meaning of what people say.4. Language acquisition is one of the key issues for the study of language and it is closely related to the study of almost all aspects of language. How we acquire language seems to be a most straightforward question but actually no one can provide a definite answer to it. In this article, what answers does Napoli provide to the question that she puts forward in the title “How Do We Acquire Language”?The author provides two answers. First, children acquire a language step by step (Paragraphs 2-12); second, children acquire a language following the principles of Universal Grammar (Paragraphs 13-17). Based on the two answers, the author concludes that language learning is a natural process.5.What are the differences between language learning and language acquisition? There is an important distinction made by linguists between language acquisition and language learning. Children acquire language through a subconscious process during which they are unaware of grammatical rules. This is similar to the way they acquire their first language. They get a feel for what is and what isn’t correct. In order to acquire language, the learner needs a source of natural communication. The emphasis is on the text of the communication and not on the form. Young students who are in the process of acquiring English get plenty of on the job practice. They readily acquire the language to communicate with classmates.Language learning, on the other hand, is not communicative. It is the result of direct instruction in the rules of language. And it certainly is not an age-appropriate activity for your young learners. In language learning, students have conscious knowledge of the new language and can talk about that knowledge. They can fill in the blanks on a grammar page. Research has shown, however, that knowing grammar rules does not necessarily result in good speaking or wring. A student who has memorized the rules of the language may be able to succeed on a standardized test of English language but may not be able to speak or writer correctly.6. “Display rules” is an important term for research on cross-cultural differences in emotional expression. How do you define this term? List the Japanese display rules and the American display rules as summarized by Ekman and Friesen. Definition: Display rules are a social group's informal norms about when, where, and how one should express emotions.According to the study of Ekman and Friesen, Americans show their emotions no matter whether another person is present, while Japanese display rules do not allowJapanese to reveal their true feelings in the presence of another person. (Para. 5)7. How does Matsumoto interpret the Japanese and American display rules? How is his interpretation different from Ekman and F riesen’s?Matsumoto interpreted the Japanese and American display rules with two factors: contexts and social meanings of emotions. Firstly, American emotional expression is consistent, while Japanese emotional expression is contextualized. Secondly, Japanese show more positive emotions and fewer negative emotions with in groups to create stronger bonds, and they do the opposite with outgroups to keep the social distance. (Paras. 9-12)8. How do you understand “Euro-heroism” as coined by Mazrui? What do the quotation marks around the wor d “discovered” suggest?“Euro-heroism” is to glorify European and Western achievements as much as possible. The quotation marks suggest that though the Europeans claim that they made those discoveries, Mazrui does not think it is true. For example, before the Europeans travelled to Victoria Falls, native people and other visitors had already been there. Yet when David Livingstone spread the word to the world, he took the credit of discovery.9. In English, “seven sins” usually refers the seven deadly sins in Christianity. In this article, Marui criticizes Eurocentrism by addressing its seven biases and sometimes refer to them as “sins”. Why does he use such a strongly derogatory term?In a religious context, sin is the act of violating God’s will. The seven deadly sins, also known as the capital vices or cardinal sins, is a classification of vices (part of Christian ethics) that has been used since early Christian times to educate and instruct Christians concerning fallen humanity’s tendency to sin. In the currently recognized version, the sins are usually given as pride, greed, lust, envy, gluttony, wrath and sloth.Mazrui uses such a strongly derogatory term to indicate that the Eurocentric biases areas serious as sins are. Apart from using the term explicitly in several places, seven as the number of choice also reminds readers of the seven deadly sins.10. How does the Eurocentric world history deal with the achievements and sins of other cultures?Eurocentrism denies credit to the achievement of others and apportions disproportionate blame to the sins of others.11. According to Tan, what can language ability tests measure and what can they never reveal?According to Tan, language ability tests measure the mastery of the grammatical structures such as “even though” as well as logical and semantic relationships. Yet they can never reveal the intent, passion, imagery, rhythms of speech and nature of the thoughts of the person who uses that language.12. According to Tan, language can “evoke and emotion, a visual image, a complex idea, or a simple truth. Can you give an example of each of these functions?Evoking an emotion: I love you./ I hate you.Evoking a visual image:The woods are lovely, dark, and deep,But I have promises to keep,And miles to go before I sleep,And miles to go before I sleep.(Robert Frost, Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening)Evoking a complex idea:Language is “the great conduit, whereby men c onvey their discoveries, reasoning, and knowledge to one another. (Text A, Unit 2)Evoking a simple truth:The train at Platform Five is the London-York Express.Tomorrow is Saturday.13. Why does Tan wince when she describes her mother’s English as “broken” or “fractured”?“Broken” and “fractured” are used to describe things that are damaged and needed to be fixed. However, as her mother uses English with ease and she can perfectly understand that type of English, there seems no need that it should be fixed. Furthermore, as a daughter, Tan is reluctant to impose such a negative word on her mother’s language.14. What does Tan’s mother think of Tan’s writing? What do you think Tan means by saying that “I had succeeded where it counted”?The comment “so easy to read” might be understood in two ways. First, as Tan’s mother reads her own life stories in the language that she is familiar with, she finds it easy to understand. Second, Tan’s mother may not want to compliment her daughter face to face. It is important to note that Tan’s mother does not object to the stories in the book, which suggests that the stories are largely true to her memory. As Tan writes about her mother, she takes her mother’s feedback more seriously than the critics’ review. Beside s, it is also a work for her mother and her own cultural roots. That’s why she says “I had succeeded where it counted”.15. As a lingua franca, English is spreading globally and in the process it is developing into “world Englishes” instead of “world English”. Can you give some examples of different Englishes in the world today? Why do you think these varieties have emerged?World Englishes is a term for emerging localized or indigenized varieties of English. The most influential model of the spread of English is Braj Kachru's model of World Englishes. In this model the diffusion of English is captured in terms of three Concentric Circles of the language: The Inner Circle, the Outer Circle, and the Expanding Circle, as illustrated in the following figure:16. Apart from their word choice, in what other ways do men and women talk differently? S ummarize three possible distinctive features of men’s and women’s talk according to your own experience.According to Lakoff (1975), the following set of basic assumptions about what marks the language of women.1) Hedges: Phrases like "sort of", "kind of", "it seems like"2) Empty adjectives: divine", "adorable", "gorgeous"3) Super-polite forms: "Would you mind..." "...if it’s not too much to ask" "Is it o.k. if...?"4) Apologize more: "I'm sorry, but I think that..."5) Speak less frequently6) Avoid coarse language or expletives7) Tag questions: "You don't mind eating this, do you?".8) Hyper-correct grammar and pronunciation: Use of prestige grammar and clear articulation9) Indirect requests: "Wow, I'm so thirsty." – really asking for a drink10) Speak in italics: Use tone to emphasis certain words, e.g., "so", "very", "quite"17.What is sociolinguistics and what are the main topics of study in this discipline?Sociolinguistics is the study of the relationship between language and society. It analyzes the many and diverse ways in which language and society entwine. Maintopics include: language dialects, pidgins and creoles, codes, bilingualism, speech communities, variation, words and culture, ethnographies, gender etc.18. How Does Napoli def ine “reliable results” in para.24? Why is language data alone not enough in sociolinguistic studies?According to Napoli, reliable results can be duplicated or confirmed in other studies. Apart from language data, sociological studies also have to control for sociological factors which are many and varied. Without crucial evidence that would distinguish between competing hypotheses, a single set of data may produce varying or even contradictory conclusions.19. Napoli raises a question in the title of the text. In your opinion, does she provide a definite answer to the question in the text? What is her attitude towards current studies on gender and language?Napoli does not provide a definite answer to the question in the text. By debunking the common misconceptions about gender and language, she stresses that sociolinguistic studies have to use impeccable methodology. According to Napoli, in some studies, data collection is not designed to test specific hypotheses and data is collected anecdotally. These studies cannot have a chance of getting reliable results and convince other researchers.20. Imagine you are in the situation described in Para. 13: “If there’s one adult male with three adult females in an office, one of the females is the boss of all the other people, and there is cursing, does the male still curse more than any of the females?”What would be your answers to the question?The fourth claim that men use more curse words than women is complicated by taking power relationship into account. The man may not be the one cursing for two reasons. First, to curse is certainly not the appropriate way to show respect to the boss. Second, as Para.14 suggests, men may be less likely to curse with women than with other men.。
语言与文化期末简答题1. What is the fundamental difference between all the art forms and language proper as observed by Crystal at the end of the text?Para 18: “Language allows us to talk about our experience of the world in a way that no other means of communicat ion can.”Cf: Displacement of language:Language allows us to talk about things remote in time and space, or both,from the site of the communication (cf. honeybee’s dance).2. What are the differences between sign language and body language?Sign language is a language which uses manual communication and body language to convey meaning. It develops within communities of deaf people and exhibits the same linguistic properties as spoken language. Body language is a form of human non-verbal communication. It consists of body posture, gestures, facial expressions, eye movements, etc.3. While people are talking, they’re also looking at each other, and we can see that the expressions on their faces add a great deal to what they’re saying. What does this tell us about the visual aspect (a kind of paralinguistic feature) of linguistic communication?Communication is not completed merely in the exchanges of words, especially in face-to-face talk. Communication is prototypically multi-modal. Paralinguistic features add to or even convert the literal meaning of what people say.4. Language acquisition is one of the key issues for the study of language and it is closely related to the study of almost all aspects of language. How we acquire language seems to be a most straightforward question but actually no one can provide a definite answer to it. In this article, what answers does Napoli provide to the question that she puts forward in the title “How Do We Acquire Language”?The author provides two answers. First, children acquire a language step by step (Paragraphs 2-12); second, children acquire a language following the principles of Universal Grammar (Paragraphs 13-17). Based on the two answers, the author concludes that language learning is a natural process.5.What are the differences between language learning and language acquisition? There is an important distinction made by linguists between language acquisition and language learning. Children acquire language through a subconscious process during which they are unaware of grammatical rules. This is similar to the way they acquire their first language. They get a feel for what is and what isn’t correct. In order to acquire language, the learner needs a source of natural communication. The emphasis is on the text of the communication and not on the form. Young students who are in the process of acquiring English get plenty of on the job practice. They readily acquire the language to communicate with classmates.Language learning, on the other hand, is not communicative. It is the result of direct instruction in the rules of language. And it certainly is not an age-appropriate activity for your young learners. In language learning, students have conscious knowledge of the new language and can talk about that knowledge. They can fill in the blanks on a grammar page. Research has shown, however, that knowing grammar rules does not necessarily result in good speaking or wring. A student who has memorized the rules of the language may be able to succeed on a standardized test of English language but may not be able to speak or writer correctly.6. “Display rules” is an important term for research on cross-cultural differences in emotional expression. How do you define this term? List the Japanese display rules and the American display rules as summarized by Ekman and Friesen. Definition: Display rules are a social group's informal norms about when, where, and how one should express emotions.According to the study of Ekman and Friesen, Americans show their emotions no matter whether another person is present, while Japanese display rules do not allowJapanese to reveal their true feelings in the presence of another person. (Para. 5)7. How does Matsumoto interpret the Japanese and American display rules? How is his interpretation different from Ekman and F riesen’s?Matsumoto interpreted the Japanese and American display rules with two factors: contexts and social meanings of emotions. Firstly, American emotional expression is consistent, while Japanese emotional expression is contextualized. Secondly, Japanese show more positive emotions and fewer negative emotions with in groups to create stronger bonds, and they do the opposite with outgroups to keep the social distance. (Paras. 9-12)8. How do you understand “Euro-heroism” as coined by Mazrui? What do the quotation marks around the wor d “discovered” suggest?“Euro-heroism” is to glorify European and Western achievements as much as possible. The quotation marks suggest that though the Europeans claim that they made those discoveries, Mazrui does not think it is true. For example, before the Europeans travelled to Victoria Falls, native people and other visitors had already been there. Yet when David Livingstone spread the word to the world, he took the credit of discovery.9. In English, “seven sins” usually refers the seven deadly sins in Christianity. In this article, Marui criticizes Eurocentrism by addressing its seven biases and sometimes refer to them as “sins”. Why does he use such a strongly derogatory term?In a religious context, sin is the act of violating God’s will. The seven deadly sins, also known as the capital vices or cardinal sins, is a classification of vices (part of Christian ethics) that has been used since early Christian times to educate and instruct Christians concerning fallen humanity’s tendency to sin. In the currently recognized version, the sins are usually given as pride, greed, lust, envy, gluttony, wrath and sloth.Mazrui uses such a strongly derogatory term to indicate that the Eurocentric biases areas serious as sins are. Apart from using the term explicitly in several places, seven as the number of choice also reminds readers of the seven deadly sins.10. How does the Eurocentric world history deal with the achievements and sins of other cultures?Eurocentrism denies credit to the achievement of others and apportions disproportionate blame to the sins of others.11. According to Tan, what can language ability tests measure and what can they never reveal?According to Tan, language ability tests measure the mastery of the grammatical structures such as “even though” as well as logical and semantic relationships. Yet they can never reveal the intent, passion, imagery, rhythms of speech and nature of the thoughts of the person who uses that language.12. According to Tan, language can “evoke and emotion, a visual image, a complex idea, or a simple truth. Can you give an example of each of these functions?Evoking an emotion: I love you./ I hate you.Evoking a visual image:The woods are lovely, dark, and deep,But I have promises to keep,And miles to go before I sleep,And miles to go before I sleep.(Robert Frost, Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening)Evoking a complex idea:Language is “the great conduit, whereby men c onvey their discoveries, reasoning, and knowledge to one another. (Text A, Unit 2)Evoking a simple truth:The train at Platform Five is the London-York Express.Tomorrow is Saturday.13. Why does Tan wince when she describes her mother’s English as “broken” or “fractured”?“Broken” and “fractured” are used to describe things that are damaged and needed to be fixed. However, as her mother uses English with ease and she can perfectly understand that type of English, there seems no need that it should be fixed. Furthermore, as a daughter, Tan is reluctant to impose such a negative word on her mother’s language.14. What does Tan’s mother think of Tan’s writing? What do you think Tan means by saying that “I had succeeded where it counted”?The comment “so easy to read” might be understood in two ways. First, as Tan’s mother reads her own life stories in the language that she is familiar with, she finds it easy to understand. Second, Tan’s mother may not want to compliment her daughter face to face. It is important to note that Tan’s mother does not object to the stories in the book, which suggests that the stories are largely true to her memory. As Tan writes about her mother, she takes her mother’s feedback more seriously than the critics’ review. Beside s, it is also a work for her mother and her own cultural roots. That’s why she says “I had succeeded where it counted”.15. As a lingua franca, English is spreading globally and in the process it is developing into “world Englishes” instead of “world English”. Can you give some examples of different Englishes in the world today? Why do you think these varieties have emerged?World Englishes is a term for emerging localized or indigenized varieties of English. The most influential model of the spread of English is Braj Kachru's model of World Englishes. In this model the diffusion of English is captured in terms of three Concentric Circles of the language: The Inner Circle, the Outer Circle, and the Expanding Circle, as illustrated in the following figure:16. Apart from their word choice, in what other ways do men and women talk differently? S ummarize three possible distinctive features of men’s and women’s talk according to your own experience.According to Lakoff (1975), the following set of basic assumptions about what marks the language of women.1) Hedges: Phrases like "sort of", "kind of", "it seems like"2) Empty adjectives: divine", "adorable", "gorgeous"3) Super-polite forms: "Would you mind..." "...if it’s not too much to ask" "Is it o.k. if...?"4) Apologize more: "I'm sorry, but I think that..."5) Speak less frequently6) Avoid coarse language or expletives7) Tag questions: "You don't mind eating this, do you?".8) Hyper-correct grammar and pronunciation: Use of prestige grammar and clear articulation9) Indirect requests: "Wow, I'm so thirsty." – really asking for a drink10) Speak in italics: Use tone to emphasis certain words, e.g., "so", "very", "quite"17.What is sociolinguistics and what are the main topics of study in this discipline?Sociolinguistics is the study of the relationship between language and society. It analyzes the many and diverse ways in which language and society entwine. Maintopics include: language dialects, pidgins and creoles, codes, bilingualism, speech communities, variation, words and culture, ethnographies, gender etc.18. How Does Napoli def ine “reliable results” in para.24? Why is language data alone not enough in sociolinguistic studies?According to Napoli, reliable results can be duplicated or confirmed in other studies. Apart from language data, sociological studies also have to control for sociological factors which are many and varied. Without crucial evidence that would distinguish between competing hypotheses, a single set of data may produce varying or even contradictory conclusions.19. Napoli raises a question in the title of the text. In your opinion, does she provide a definite answer to the question in the text? What is her attitude towards current studies on gender and language?Napoli does not provide a definite answer to the question in the text. By debunking the common misconceptions about gender and language, she stresses that sociolinguistic studies have to use impeccable methodology. According to Napoli, in some studies, data collection is not designed to test specific hypotheses and data is collected anecdotally. These studies cannot have a chance of getting reliable results and convince other researchers.20. Imagine you are in the situation described in Para. 13: “If there’s one adult male with three adult females in an office, one of the females is the boss of all the other people, and there is cursing, does the male still curse more than any of the females?”What would be your answers to the question?The fourth claim that men use more curse words than women is complicated by taking power relationship into account. The man may not be the one cursing for two reasons. First, to curse is certainly not the appropriate way to show respect to the boss. Second, as Para.14 suggests, men may be less likely to curse with women than with other men.。
二、多项选择题1.The relationship between language, culture and thought is that ____________________________________________________________ .A.they are three parts of a wholeB.language is determined by culture while culture is determined by thoughtC.each of them can operate independentlyD.the three aspects interact, each influencing and shaping the other two 正确答案为:AD2.The most common English replies to thank are .A.It is nothing B.It is my duty C.Not at all D.It is my pleasure 正确答案为:CD3.When English speaking people part, they usually say .A.Good-bye B.It's nice to meet you C.See you tomorrow D.So long 正确答案为:AD4.Which of the following questions would offend speakers of English?A.Do you go to church? B.Are you married or single? C.Who will you vote for? D.May I know your age? 正确答案为:ABCD 5.The properties of culture are .A.Culture is human specific B.culture is general and abstract C.Culture is a national phenomenon D.Culture is a historical phenomenon 正确答案为:ABCD1.English speaking people often use .A.green with envy B.green-eyed C.green-eyed monsters D.red-eyed 正确答案为:ABC2.The basic categories of human territory are .A.Primary territory B.Secondary territoryC.Third territory D.Publicterritory正确答案为:ABD3.When responding to compliment “ you look very nice in this dress ”, you should say __ .A.Thank you, but it is just so so B.No, it is quite ordinary C.Thank you, I'm glad that you like it D.Do you really think so? I was notsure whether it suits me 正确答案为:CD4.The Chinese equivalen t for ___________________ “a whitelie ” is .A •十足的撒谎B •白色的谎言C •无伤大雅的谎言D •无关紧要的谎话正确答案为:CD5.When responding to a praise, Chinese people would say “ 您过奖了”,which corresponds to “___ ”in English.A.You praise me too much. B.No, no. That's too much for me.C .It's very kind of you to say so D.Thank you正确答案为:CD1.“黄色书刊” can be translated into .A.a yellow publication B.a filthy publicationC.a pornographic publication D.a sexual publication正确答案为:BCD2.“ ____ ”are positive words in En glish.A.Sexy B.Peasant C .CapitalistD .Individualism 正确答案为:ACD3.In Chinese culture, are honorifics.A •令尊B •请赐教C •献丑D •寒舍正确答案为:AB4.Paratactic relations refer to construction which are linked through ____ .A .juxtaposition B.punctuation C.conjunctionD .intonation正确答案为:ABD5.Which of the following questions would offend speakers of English?A.Do you go to church? B.Are you married or single?C.Who will you vote for? D.May I know your age?正确答案为:ABCD1.Nonverbal communication can serve to the verbal ones.A .complementB .contradict C.substitute D .emphasize 正确答案为:ABCD2.“ Green” in English culture may be associated with .A .envyB .fruit and vegetables or gardening C.lacking experience ,training or knowledge D .prosperity 正确答案为:ABC3.In English “ a white elephant ” is often used to refer to something ___ .A .useless B.seldom usedC.too costly to be worth maintaining D.associated with blood sucking正确答案为:ABC4.When English speakers accept an invitation, they may say . A.“ That's very kind of you. Thank you. B.”“ That would be very nice. Thankyou. ”C.“ Thank you very much. I'll try to come. D.“I”'ll go if I am free. ”正确答案为:AB5.“不敢当” as response to a praise can be translated into . A.It's very kind of you to say so .B .I'm not worthy of the praise.C.Thank you D.I do not deserve the praise.正确答案为:AC。
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《语言与文化》复习资料答案I.1—10 DDDBA DCBCC 11—20 BBBBA BDCAC 21—25 AAAACII.1. CD2. AD3. CD4. ABD5. ABCDIII.1—10 FTFTF FTTFT 11—20 FTTFF TFTTF 21—25 TFTTTIV1. accenting2. Hypotactic3. After you4. contact5. Ex cuse me6. hypotactic7. It’s my pleasure8. environmentalism9. Paratactic 10. Chronemics 11. softening words 12. nuclearV.1.culture:文化.Culture is the unique style and custom, which a nation forms in the history of its own development.munication:交际.Communication may be defined as that which happens whenever someone responds to the behavior or the residue of the behavior of another person.3.one-way communication:单向交际.Communication without feedback is called one-way communication.4. communicative competence 交际能力The ability to behave appropriately and effectively by verbal and / or nonverbal means to achieve intended results at a given time, in a give place, in a given communication event, and towards a given person or persons.5. tips: 小费The word “tips” is the abbreviation of the phrase “ to insure prompt service”6. vocalics: 副语言V ocalics is also called paralanguage, it is the study of the nonverbal elements of the voice.7. ethnocentrism:民族中心主义.Ethnocentrism is a kind of psychological trend, that is to interpret or to judge all other groups, their environments and their communication according to the categories and values of our own culture.8. privacy: 免受不受欢迎的侵扰的自由,私事权freedom from undesirable intrusions9. church sale: Sale of things donated by followers of a religion in the church. 在教堂里廉价出售教徒捐赠的东西。
10. small talk: When two strangers are introduced to each other in the U.S. or U.K. , they usually start what is called small talk so as to make the communication can go on smoothly, that is to keep the ball rolling. 闲聊,小谈11. cultural communication information 交际文化Cultural communication information refers to the knowledge that is necessary for successful intercultural communication.12.non-contact culture非接触文化Some peoples such as native speakers feel more comfortable when communicating with others at a greater distance, such a culture is called non-contact culture.VI.1.What are the differences between Chinese and English compliments?.In English people exchange compliments each other: father to son, husband to wife,friend to friend, etc. But there are cultural differences between English and Chinese.Firstly cultural differences exist in who can be complimented. In English speakingcountries one can praise members of one’s own family. A woman can talk about howhard her husband works and how well he has done in his career, and she might do thesame about how well her children do at school. But Chinese people do not praisemembers of their own families. They consider it bad taste. Secondly, culturaldifferences exist in what can be complimented. It is quite common for a male Englishspeaker to compliment females on their good looks, while it is almost a taboo inChinese culture.2. What is the rule of introduction in the United States?In English culture the general rule is to introduce a young person to an older one, aman to a woman, an inferior to a superior, the guest to the host, an individual to agroup. And be sure to mention first the name of the person we wish to honor. When introducing a man and a woman, mention the woman’s name first unless the man ismuch older than the woman or very famous. When introducing two males or twofemales, put the older person’s name first.When people are introduced, people normally shake hands in formal or business situations. In this occasion, men usually take off their gloves before shaking hands,but women do not have to. When a man and a woman are to shake hands, it is thewoman who extends her hand first.3. Compare Chinese and English "thanks".Differences lie in what to thank for. English speakers thank others for many reasonsand on many occasions such as borrowing a pencil, asking for directions , requesting someoneto pass on a message, receiving mails for others, calling a person to the phone and so on and so forth, and this seems to be unnecessary and sometimes even hypocritical to many Chinese people. On the other hand, the Chinese people tend to thank the one who has done them a major favor several times,this may seem excessive, empty or insincere to English speakers and therefore make them uncomfortable.Differences also lie in whom to thank. In English culture a male thanks his wife, a female thank her husband, a father thanks his son and close friends thank each other for having done anything. That is because people are treated as individuals and the kindness they have shown in whatever may should be appreciated explicitly. But in China, most of the polite expressions are reserved for stranger and casual friends. Family members and close friends never thank each other, for the Chinese attitude is that the appreciation is understood and need not be expressed among close friends and family members. However, this attitude may be taken for rudeness or lack of consideration by English speakers.4. What are the cross-cultural differences between English culture and Chinese cultureyou find in laughing and smiling?For an English speaker, laughing when others have troubles are very impolite and offensive.But this may not be the case in Chinese culture; Native speakers of English, especially, Americans, tend to smile even to strangers to show friendliness. Even a girl may smile to a male strangerfor no reason other than showing friendliness. In contrast, Chinese speaking persons would not smileto strangers without a reason for doing so. If females do so without any reason they might be viewedas frivolous; in English culture one is expected to treat criticisms seriously and this should notsmile when criticized. But in China, when criticized, one might smile to show politeness or that she,as a Chinese expression goes ,“闻过则喜”。